Messenger - Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Messenger - Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Messenger May 2010 Pastor, Martin Schultheis Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School 929 Ingleside Ave. Catonsville, MD 21228 410-744-0016 Education, Delbert Riemer Pastor’s Point MINISTRY STAFF Music, Richard Durham SUNDAY SERVICES May is a great month as our attention transitions from the risen Jesus to the rising of the world for which He died. 8:15 AND 11:00 A.M. Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Inside this issue: Page 1 Pastor’s Point Page 2 Memorials Financial Update Page 3 Worship - Looking Back Page 4 Fellowship of Believers Page 6 Witnessing Page 8 School News Page 9 Radio Sponsors www.emmanuelbaltimore. After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus ascended into heaven (Ascension Sunday, May 16) and then sent the gift of His living Spirit (Pentecost, May 23) in order that the new life He won might now be shared with all of creation. and who will come after us. share the fullness of life which His love brings. The benefits of this salvation are worthless except as they are shared with the people whom our Lord came to save. Join us this month as we grow in this love! And what joy and life come through the sharing!!! As we grow deeper in our love for Jesus, who first loved us, we will consistently find ourIt was not for His sake selves growing deeper in that He died and rose, our love for the people but for ours—and for all of the world around us those who came before and in our desire to Pastor Martin ( May Birthdays 2 Harry Ryan David Dranbauer 3 Trevor Durham 4 Diane Riemer Yvonne Lovelace 5 Patricia Crisp 6 Susan Stahle Marx Laura Keay 7 NaNa Corey 8 9 Jacqueline Bair Matthew Brown 10 Susan Weber Messenger Page 2 Memorials and Honors for May Radio Fund - In memory of Dottie Niemeyer By: Bill and Maryellen Niemeyer Dittmar Fund - In memory of Ms Florence Hoelz By: Del and Diane Riemer Dittmar Fund - In memory of Dr. Alfred Amah By: Del and Diane Riemer Radio Fund - In memory of Gordon T. Allen, Sr. By: Robert D. Haney Ms. Mary Bancewicz Alex McDowell 12 Carol Hastings Lisa Hartmann Lauren Carr 13 Doris Doyle Harry Jones FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR 14 17 Catherine Rauchhaus Rebecca Pelland Here is the March financial report. In summary, not a lot has 19 Joann Dreyer 21 Elaine Ketterman David Post 22 Connor Hastings 25 Ermin Doyle Jonathan Doyle 26 Debra Volta Patrick Donnelly 27 31 Briana Riemer Nathaniel Croll changed. Below are items of note: 1. Offering collections are running about 7% above last year 2. Projected tuition receipts are $195,000 below the budgeted amount due to less than anticipated enrollment 3. Expenses are trending about $35,000 under budget. 4. In the budget, we projected $73,000 from Other Sources and Adopt-A-Mortgage. Through the first nine months we have received less than $30,000. 5. Based on the above, we are looking at a projected year-end deficit between $150,000 & $175,000. Should this happen, we may need an infusion of cash. 6. To fund any year-end deficit, restricted funds will need to be drawn down. Let me know if you have any questions. Glenn Gaynor, Comptroller Page 3 1 Deuteronomy 32:1-52 WORSHIP Looking back: “Very moving.” “It brought tears to my eyes.” “Very powerful.” Such were some of the comments expressed regarding the worship services at Emmanuel during Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. While many are often extremely moved by these worship services, in reality it is the power of the acts and love of the ONE who is communicated to us through these services that moves us the most— during worship as well as throughout our lives. Special thanks to all who contributed to our worship services during this holy season. And all glory be to our Lord, Jesus! Looking ahead: May is an exciting month in worship. During this month we will transition our focus from Easter to Pentecost—from the resurrection and new life of Jesus to how, by the gift of His Spirit, He brings resurrection and new life to the world. A common theme will be how His resurrected life brings resurrection to us and through us to those around us. We rejoice in the lifegiving gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, May 23. We reflect upon the mystery of the fullness of God on Holy Trinity Sunday, May 30, while also remember, during this Memorial Day weekend, those who have given their lives in service for our nation. Specifically: BIBLE VERSES FOR –MAY May 2010 2 NONE 3 Deuteronomy 33:1-29 4 Deuteronomy 34:1-12 5 Joshua 1:1-18 6 Joshua 2:1-3:17 7 Joshua 4:1-5:12 8 Joshua 5:13-7:26 9 None 10 Joshua 8:1-9:27 11 Joshua 10:1-43 12 Joshua 11:1-12:24 13 Joshua 13:1-15:63 14 Joshua 16:1-17:18 15 Joshua 18:1-19:51 16 NONE 17 Joshua 20:1-45 We celebrate the Ascension of Jesus on Mother’s Day, May 16. 18 Joshua 22:1-34 19 Joshua 23:1-16 20 Joshua 24:1-33 We also welcome special guest, Jocelyn Post, daughter of member Dave Post, to Bible Study on May 16 to share with us her mission experience. 21 Judges 1:1-36 22 Judges 2:1-23 23 NONE 24 Judges 3:1-31 25 Judges 4:1-5:31 26 Judges 6:1-8:34 27 Judges 9:1-10:18 28 Judges 11:1-12:15 Monthly Worship Highlight: Acolytes and Crucifers Do you notice our young worship assistants each week? Young people from middle school and high school assist the pastor each week by filling two important roles in worship—that of acolyte and crucifer. The acolyte bears the fire and lights the candles to remind us of the presence of the Light of Christ in our midst and assists with offering and communion. The crucifer bears the Cross and leads forth the procession at the beginning of worship, drawing our attention to focus on the crucified and risen One whom we so joyously worship. This month we offer up a special thanks to all of our young people who serve in this way as well as to Nicki Dreyer who trains our young people for this service. May God continue to use you to draw our attention to Him. 29 Judges 13:1-16:31 30 NONE 31 Judges 17:1-18:31 May 2010 FELLOWSHIP of BELIEVERS Update on Fellowship Groups Would you like to join a small group that meets once or twice a month to study God’s word, pray, grow in faith, and serve together??? tional date, place, and time information so that you can visit or join one of our groups. Page 4 Jacob Campitelli for filling in at the last minute, playing the part of Simon the Pharisee. We also collected an offering of $130 which is used Current Meeting Days (all to support our foster child are evening meetings exSilver in Ugnada and missioncept as noted): aries Matt and Kim Myers Tuesdays – Tricia Martens – and their childen in China, as This Lent we had over 80 410-707-3508 well as supply our children people participate in our Wednesdays at NOON – at with materials. Thank you for fellowship groups and the Emmanuel – Betty Dorn – giving generoulsy! OVERWHELMING response 410-653-0225 was that participants grew Wednesdays – at EmThank you to everyone who in their relationships with manuel – Andy Croll – 410- donated to our Comfort Food the Lord and one another 719-0124 Collection in Lent. We coland that they would recWednesdays – at Emlected 46 boxes of mac and ommend these groups to manuel – Marilyn Liebegott cheese, one package of crackothers. – 443-386-8844 ers, 17 cans of tuna, one jar Wednesdays - Ric Durham - of grape jelly, two cans of During Lent each group 410-747-9291 yams, two jars of peaches, started with a meal and Thursdays – at Emmanuel – five cans of spagetti and then spent one hour using at 6:30pm – Martin Schulmeatballs, and 49 cans of a “Discussion Guide”. In theis – 410-719-8728 soup! Hooray! April, May, and June, Thursdays – Del Riemer – groups are given the option 410-788-4522 Even though the weather to continue using preoutside is tempting and the written “Discussion Guides” Questions? Feel free to spring sports season has or to purchase and use a reply to this email with any started, don't forget that Bible study on the book of questions. Sunday School, Middle Acts or to purchase and School, and High School discuss the book, Real-time classes continue through May Connections: Linking Your Sunday School News from 30. Job with God’s Global April Work. (Both the Bible 38 children attended our We are planning an EmStudy and book are availannual Easter Egg Hunt on manuel Night at Camden able to view in our Library/ Saturday, April 3. The chil- Yards for later in the Conference Room across dren enjoyed the special spring. Please watch for from the church office.) crafts, the Easter story, and more information. the hunt itself. A good Groups are also preparing time was had by all! And it's not too late to mark for a servant event in June your calendar for VBS the (see Witnessing Page in 113 children and adults week of July 12-16. newsletter). attended the Sunday School Easter Program on Christ is risen! He is risen, Now is a great time to join April 4, 2010. Thank you to indeed! Alleluia one of these groups. all of the children who particpated and the teachers If interested, contact the who helped. A special person below to get addishout-out to 7th grader Page 5 May 2010 BLS SPRING MUSICAL The Baltimore Lutheran Theater Department proudly presents its spring musical, the classic WEST SIDE STORY, a sensational show that depicts rival gangs in the 1950's, set on the streets of New York City. Beloved songs from the musical include "America", "Officer Krupke", "Maria," and "Tonight", just to name a few. Due to a cast and band of close to fifty students, as well as the needs for a larger performance area, this production will be performed in the gym, for ONE WEEKEND ONLY: April 30th and May 1st at 7:30 pm and May 2nd at 3:00 pm. Tickets are now available by calling 410-825-2323 (ext. 309) or by sending an email to director Joy Johnson at Reserved Seating Only -- no bleachers. Adults $10.00 and Students/Senior Citizens $7.00. Book Club - The Book Club has chosen the recently updated book We Are Our Mothers' Daughters by Cokie Roberts for our next discussion. The book highlights issues facing women today and explores the diverse roles women have played in American history as well as connections and distinctions among different generations. The date is Sunday, May 23 at 2 PM in the Augsburg library if you'd like to join us. “Third Fridays - Along the Way”: High School Every third Friday of the month high school youth are invited to join Pastor Martin in the Gathering Room from 7:45pm-9:25pm. Please use the ramp entrance (across from the b-ball hoop). Friends are always welcome. Questions? Contact Pr. Martin at Our next date is May 21. Doves - Deadline for scholarship applications for the final Doves distribution is June 1, 2010. Three $500 scholarships are available for any woman of Emmanuel (up to the age of 25) currently enrolled in college. Contact Carol Harmon, Lois Brettschneider or Cor-Rae Petri for an application. Thrivent News - Lee Ann Morin will be serving as Congregational Advocate for Thrivent. We are grateful for Lee Ann's commitment to Thrivent and for all of her hard work. Please see Lee Ann for matching funds through Thrivent if you are planning any fund raising events this year Pictures from Emmanuel’s Easter Egg Hunt Messenger Page 6 WITNESSING From running a high quality K -8th grade school for over 50 years to washing the feet of the homeless once a month, Emmanuel is involved in numerous activities which bear witness to our faith in Jesus. Consider joining in! Fellowship Groups Prepare for SERVANT SATURDAY Several of our Fellowship Groups are in the process of planning for a service project that they will complete on Saturday, June 12 as a way to bear witness to the love of Christ for all people. If you would like to participate in one of the various service projects get in touch with one of the fellowship group contact persons as listed on the Fellowship of Believers page in this newsletter. Emmanuel Lutheran School Consider enrolling now for the 2010-11 school year. Emmanuel Lutheran School offers a high quality, strong academic, safe, Christcentered education for grades kindergarten through 8. Call to schedule an appointment, visit at our next open house or find out more information at See also the school news page of the newsletter. LINC-Baltimore 3rd Saturdays Representatives from Lutheran congregations throughout the Baltimore area meet together each month on the 3rd Saturday from 10-11:30am to further the mission of LINCBaltimore. What is the mission of LINC? To grow the kingdom of God in the Baltimore area through new church starts and revitalization of present congregations. Would you be interested in representing Emmanuel at a LINC Saturday meeting? Contact Pastor Martin to volunteer or with further questions. From the District: Tending the Flame Conference in Richmond, VA—July 30-Aug 1 Join Pastor Martin and his family at Living Letters, this summer’s Tending the Flame Conference. This familyfriendly conference is about being the letters of Christ in a world seeking hope and good news. Christ has written with the Spirit of the Living God on our hearts that we would be His letters of recommendation. As a living letter, what do people read when they see you? Do they see Christ in you? Are you in the midst of the mission field, meeting people where they are, and serving with compassion? Reggie McNeal, our speaker for this year, encourages us to roll up our sleeves and get dirty in the missional task, to be the people of God serving in the midst of the world that God so loves that he sent his son. It promises to be an exciting Conference for adults, youth, and children alike. For more information, and to register, visit Need Food?—If you or someone you now needs a little extra food (non-perishable), stop by the office during the week or speak with Pastor Martin. Radio Ministry – Can’t join us for worship in person? Listen to the worship service live each Sunday at 11am on WBAL 1090AM. Past services/sermons can be found on our website at www.emmanuelbaltimore.or g. Spread the word! And consider becoming a radio sponsor. Narcotic Anonymous Meets every Monday at 7:30 P.M... Meets every Saturday at 8:30 P.M...Alcoholic Anonymous - Meets every Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. Footwashing - Thank you again to all of our faithful foot washers and to everyone who is donating socks for this ministry. We are currently in need of both diabetic socks and ankle socks for the men. If you'd like to give foot washing a try, contact Kathy Schultheis at 410-719-8728, and plan to join us. Our next foot washing date is Wed., May 5th. Page 7 Reaching out to Muslims – May 2 Anyone interested in learning more about Islam and how to bring the good news of Jesus to Muslims is invited to attend a special presentation at Faith Lutheran Church in Eldersburg, MD on Sunday, May 2 in the evening. Sam Shamoun will be the guest presenter. You can view Sam Shamoun on the Lutheran Hour Ministries website: Service to the Homeless Opportunities – Lazarus Caucus Please consider feeding the homeless as part of your Lenten journey this year. How can you HELP? Can you join the army providing a nourishing meal to 90 hungry men?....Desserts and/or Fresh Fruit are needed on third Thursdays. Casseroles and Desserts and/or Fresh Fruit are needed on fourth Saturday’s….Volunteers are also needed to deliver the food to the Westside Homeless Shelter for Men on the grounds of Spring Grove Hospital. Sign up sheets are located at the visitors’ table in the back of the church….Not a master chef? Financial donations are also needed to pay for the pizza and salad for third Thursdays. Please use the small brown envelopes in the pews or the quarterly white envelopes in your box (they are in March, June, September, and December)….Is shopping your “thing”? Emmanuel has recently taken over the management of the clothing closet for the shelter. We are in desperate need of NEW men’s underwear in sizes Medium, Large, X Large, and XX Large as follows: Briefs, Crew neck t-shirts, Clothing donations can be left in the basket in the gathering place or the large bin under the stairs near the church office. Please see Becky Pelland, Clara Croll, or Pat Krenzke with any questions. Emmanuel’s Annual Summer Golf Outing will be Held at Waverly Woods Golf Course on Tuesday June 29th cost will be $70.00 per person for golf and banquet (hamburgers, Hot dogs and salads). Spread the word, get your group together early. Respond by June 1st or earlier, contact: Mel Trimble, Jr. or Bruce Petri. LETTER FROM MATT AND KYM MYERS Dear Friends, Happy Easter! He is Risen! In our last newsletter, we asked you to pray for us as our mission board considered deploying us based on our current level of support, and we are happy to say that our prayers were answered with a unanimous "yes." We are so thankful to all of you who have been praying and supporting us, and it is because of your response to God's call that we are able to go. We want you to know how thankful we are for you, and that we pray for you regularly. Please send us your updates and prayer requests so that we can stay connected with you. Please view our newsletter on page 10. May God Bless you as you have blessed us! Matt Myers 813-760-6937 Messenger EMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL’S NEWS Page 8 About our School…. We continue to make plans for the 2010-2011 school year while some exciting events remain as part of our current year. School Calendar MAY 1 5 6 10 12 19 20 21 31 Looking ahead...Spring (Fling) Festival on Saturday, May 1, from 9am—2pm. Join us for the fun, food, and fellowship. The Silent Auction will have a variety of quality items that will peak your interest. School Musical…..Thursday, May 20th at 10:30am (dress rehearsal) and 7:30 pm. “Once Upon a Parable” Tells the story of Christ and His use of stories to reach the people with God’s Word. Spring Fling 9am-2pm Open House 10:00 am Mid quarter report Final SMART payment due. Open House 10:00 am Open House 7:00 p.m PTL Program 7:30 p.m School Closed Memorial Day—School Closed About our Graduates...Two former students recently received their Eagle Scout Award after completing the necessary requirements. Christian Grusch, (ELS 2005) received the award as part of Troop 764-Halethorpe. Hamza Hussain (ELS 2006) received his award as part of Troop 456-St. Mark—Catonsville. As a note of interest, Hamza’s project was the completion of the raised beds and the new shrubs that beautify our playground. Our sincere congratulations to both of these young men and their accomplishements. Fifth Grade Students write Poems Title: Spring Is Near by Taylor Clemons Title: Put a Smile on Your Face by Imani Rideaux Spring is near, prancing and running around In the flowers, neatly gardening. Put a smile on your face no matter what. Whether you lose a game or get a cut. In Line shopping for pretty flowers There is no need to cry, if you’re blue. Talk to someone who can make you feel new. Coming on the morning intercom, Nicely, giving praise to God. Keep your head up and walk a fast pace. When you feel blue put a smile on your face. Messenger Page 9 Radio Broadcast Sponsors for May 2010 Our 11 a.m. worship service is broadcast live each Sunday on WBAL, 1090 AM. Sponsors for the May broadcasts are: May 2 - Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Diane and Norman Dubner in memory of their parents... And by Linda and Jim Wallace in memory of Miggy and Irene… And by Ethel and Elizabeth Hardingham in memory of their loved ones… And by Patrick and Patty Donnelly in thanksgiving to God for their many blessings. May 9 - Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Herb McCullen in loving memory of his wife Ruth… And by Dotty Trimble in loving memory of her mother, Jean Huggins… And by Lillian and William Crampton in loving memory of their mothers and fathers... And by Margaret Klein in loving memory of her mother, Dorothy Franck… And by Drue and Ed Foss in honor of Marion Foss, Ed's mother, and in loving memory of Madeline and Frank Frazier, Drue's parents. May 16 - Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Ed Lohmeyer in loving memory of his wife Doris on their 67th wedding anniversary…And by Marie Gillan in loving memory of her grandson, Zachary, on his birthday. May 23 - Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Judy Mackinson in loving memory of her husband Bob and their loved ones...And by Pastor Martin and Kathy Schultheis in thanks to God for their 16 blessed years of marriage…And by Louise and Shelton Bosley in memory of Sgt. Joseph Ireland and Alfred Tolzman… May 30- Today's broadcast is sponsored by Gloria and Bruce Cameron thanking God for their many blessings…And by Dotty Trimble in memory of Vernon Schultheis and his many years of faithfulness to Emmanuel’s radio ministry…And by Virginia and Martin Krenzke, radio listeners... Contribute to the Building Fund The renovations were completed several years ago, and we continue to enjoy the benefits of these renovations without thinking too much about them today. Nonetheless, the cost of these renovations is still being paid on a monthly basis. How about considering a special contribution to our building fund to help pay off the just over $475,000 mortgage balance that is left from these renovations? Mail in your contribution or place it in the offering plate, marked “Building Fund”. And thank you for helping pay for that which we have been enjoying for several years now. May 2010 Page 10 May 2010 Page 11 Church/School Staff Martin Schultheis, Pastor..…………………………………………....410-744-0016 - 410-499-1268 (cell) Del Riemer, Principal/Minister of Education……………………………………………...410-744-0015 Ric Durham, Organist/Choir/Minister of Education……………………………………...410-744-0016 Judy Jones Church Secretary….……………………………………………………………...410-744-0016 Yvonne Lovelace, School Secretary…………….…………………………………………..410-744-0015 (for teachers and recruiters, call the school office at 410-744-0015) Kindergarten …………………………..….………. Liz Rickel, Jo Bacon 1st Grade ……...……………………….…...Kathy Lentsch, Edna Dorsey 2nd Grade …………………………..……………………...Linda Wallace 3rd Grade ………………………………………………... Laura Donnelly 4th Grade …………………………………...…………………..Bob Keck 5th Grade ….……………………………………….….……...Susan Miller Middle School ………………………………………..……... Lori Melillo Middle School …………………………………..…….…..... Ric Durham Middle School …………………………………...…….……..Del Riemer Computer ……………………………………………….….Trish Nyland Reading Specialist ……………….………………..……... Bernie White School Recruiters ……………….……Brenda Bennett and Debbie Izzi Before and After School Care………....…......Diane Marner, Director Cleaning Company, J&W Cleaning………..………………….……………………….410-744-0016 Church Council President, Andy Croll ……………………………………………………………….…...410-719-0124 Vice President, Bernie White………………………………………………………...…...410-788-5347 Secretary, Cor-Rae Petri … ……………………………………………………….……...410-750-0757 Treasurer, Barbara Bradley……………..………………………………………….……..410-744-6837 Comptroller, Glenn Gaynor………………………………………….…………….……..443-535-8440 Finance, Pat Krenzke ……………………………………………..…………….….……...410-298-0193 Stewardship, Becky Pelland ……………………………………………………..…..…...410-298-1644 Evangelism, Michael Jones……………………………………………………..………….410-719-6713 Elders, Tom Spiegel …………………………………………………………..…………...410-719-8959 Maintenance, Bart Duerr ……………………………………..………………………… 410-465-2426 Family Youth and Parrish, Kate Jenkins…………………………………………………410-788-8610 Bringing JESUS to people and people to JESUS throughout Baltimore...and beyond. EMMANUEL’S MESSENGER ‘2010 Church Phone 410-744-0016 School Phone: 410-744-0015 Fax: 410-744-1199 E-mail: EMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL 929 INGLESIDE AVE BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21228 OUR VISION IS: Alive through the grace of God in Christ and on Fire with the Holy spirit Emmanuel will be a multicultural community of faith spreading the love, joy, and hope of Jesus through: vigorous study of His Word, fervent prayer, inspiring worship, active ministry to and through children and individuals of all ages, and meaningful service to the world. NON-PROFIT U..S.. POSTAGE PAID BALTIMORE, MD PERMIT NO. 1803 May 2010 RETURN ADDRESS REQUESTED **** DATED MATERIAL