worship ministry
worship ministry
WORSHIP MINISTRY WORSHIP & MUSIC Music Ministry Report ELC Music Fund ALTAR 2011 Altar Guild Calendar SECTION ONE Staff & Leadership Directory Worship Schedule & Regular Meetings 2011 Committees & Auxiliaries Usher Schedule Usher Guidelines Tellers – Schedule / Guidelines Greeters Schedule Nursery Guidelines Nursery Schedule for 2011 Altar Flower Schedule Bereavement Comm. & Assignments Report of the Pastor Report of the Pastor for Visitation Report of the Church Registrar Report of the Congregation Council 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 LEARNING MINISTRY EDUCATION MINISTRY Vacation Bible School YOUTH MINISTRY SCOUTS Cub Scouts Boy Scouts Girl Scouts AUXILIARIES The ESP Group L.C.Y. Li’l Lutherans WELCA Report Treasurer’s Report Circle Meeting Information Lutheran Men in Mission Report LMM Treasurer’s Report LMM Calendar SECTION TWO – COMMITTEE REPORTS BUDGET & FINANCE Budget & Finance /Treasurer Report Report of the Treasurer (Offerings & Other Receipts) Budget Report Designated Funds Summary 2011 Missional Spending Plan SUPPORT & SERVICE MINISTRIES PROPERTY CEMETERY CONGREGATIONAL HOSPITALITY STEWARDSHIP RECREATION EVANGELISM SOCIAL MINISTRY Meals on Wheels 20 21 22 24 25 33 34 38 39 41 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 53 53 54 54 55 SECTION THREE – HELPFUL INFORMATION Who is a Member How Does One Become a Member The Church’s Ministry at Time of Death Wedding Guidelines Policies for Use of Church Facilities Fees for Use of Church Facilities Policies for Children’s & Youth Ministries Policy against Sexual Harassment Stock Policy 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 57 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 SECTION FOUR – DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS Members Nursing Home Residents & Shut-Ins 1 69 90 2011 CHURCH DIRECTORY The Rev. Russell D. Peek – Pastor THE STAFF Home: 465-1371 The Rev. Elford Roof – Pastor for Visitation Church: 755-9857 Home: 356-9398 Suzanne Ervolina – Parish Administrator Mobile: 556-1096 Mary and Don Whiteley – Organist and Choir Director Home: 791-3933 Angela Cockrell – Youth Choir Accompanist Home: 755-9651 Jamey Edwards – Youth Choir Director Home: 996-6462 Ken Ellis – Groundskeeper Home: 409-8059 Mike Reese – Sexton Home: 622-1572 Jim Ciuca CONGREGATIONAL OFFICERS Congregational President Home: 957-4344 Danny Smoake Congregational Vice President Home: 957-5134 Mary Roof Secretary to Council Home: 356-9398 Regina Shealy Treasurer Home: 957-9760 Susan Matthews Financial Secretary Home: 796-7824 CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS – meets second Sunday 6:00 p.m. Elaine Donaldson 320 Conifer Circle, Lexington, SC 29073 Home: 206-1838 Curtis Hooks 2928 Hookdale Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 794-3476 Becky Parker 1006 Sightler Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 606-3907 Lois Sills 3961 Caesars Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 359-5669 Wade Browder 4491 Platt Spring Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 755-2340 Barry Gwyn 4025 Florentine Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 996-0149 Judy Gordon 721 Ermine Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 796-1609 Mike Roberts 45 Steele Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 957-5938 Phillip Shull 142 Memorial Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 755-0749 Jim Ciuca 121 Peaceful Lane, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 957-4344 Mary Roof 624 Old Barnwell Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 356-9398 Vic Scott 1027 Lindler Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 356-1618 Danny Smoake 284 Winchester Court, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 957-5134 Bud Shealy 70 Steele Road, West Columbia, SC 29170 Home: 957-9760 DELEGATES TO SYNOD ASSEMBLY: (Not yet elected) 2 OTHER LEADERS/MEETINGS 2011 Sunday Church School ..................................................................................................... .............................. 9:45 a.m. Superintendent – Pat Browder, 755-0736 Worship ......................................................................................................................................................... 11:00 a.m. Children & Youth Choir ……………………………………………………………………...Wednesday – 6:00 p.m. Leader – Jamey Edwards, 996-6462 Adult Choir……………………………………………………………………………………….Thursday – 7:00 p.m. Leader – Don Whiteley, 791-3933 Li'l Lutherans Chairperson – Tiffany Ciuca DuPree, 356-0647 Lutheran Men in Mission................................................................................Wednesday after 1st Sunday – 7:00 p.m. President – Danny Smoake, 996-3579 Women of ELCA President – Sara Busbee, 794-4550 Circles Dorcas ……….. Wednesday after 2nd Sunday…………7:30 p.m. Lydia…………. Third Tuesday ..................................... 7:30 p.m. Priscilla……….. First Tuesday .................................... 10:30 a.m. Rebekah………. First Tuesday ...................................... 7:00 p.m. Scout Troop 343……………………………………………………………………………………Monday - 7:30 p.m. Scoutmaster – Luther Lown, 957-2503 Cub Scout Pack 343 ................................................................................................... Alternating Tuesdays – 7:00 p.m. Cubmaster – William Freeman, 996-0659 Girl Scout Group…………………………………………………………….............Alternating Tuesdays – 6:00 p.m. Leader – Jennifer Nuovo, 808-3421 3 2011 COMMITTEES & AUXILIARIES LEARNING MINISTRY EDUCATIONAL MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY CHR: Don Lowe CR: Becky Parker Sec: Phil & Diana Gold Pat Browder, Diana Gold, Phil Gold, Judy Gordon, Don Lowe, Pastor Russell, LaVonne Roof Meets 6:00 First Sunday of the Month CHR: Melanie Jackson CR: Elaine Donaldson Sec: Lori Collins Dawn Blaum, Rick Collins, Tommy Donaldson, Don Eargle, Mary Ann Eargle, Frankie Jackson, Melanie Jackson, Bud Shealy SERVICE MINISTRY SOCIAL MINISTRY CHR: CR: Barry Gwyn Sec: Harvey Amick, Jamey Edwards, Don Lowe, Mona Lowe, Sandra Monts, Susie Phillips, Mary Roof Meets Quarterly SCOUTING CHR: Tim Johnson CR: Danny Smoake Sec: Randy DuPree, Don Eargle, Mary Ann Eargle, Larry Sinnott SUPPORT AREA BUDGET & FINANCE CHR: Regina Shealy CR: Vic Scott Sec: Mary Ann Eargle, Susan Matthews, Pastor Russell, Wyman Sox CEMETERY COMMITTEE CHR: Randy Corley CR: Curtis Hooks Sec: Deborah Hooks JB Beckett, Bobbie Fuller, Mike Roberts, Leah Sinnott, Paul Sinnott, Geneva Shull, Luther Shumpert HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE CHR: Joyce Browder CR: Wade Browder Sec: Bill Bohan, Carolyn Brown, Joann Corley, Randy Corley, Betty Scott, Dixie Shumpert, Luther Shumpert, Patti Smith CONGREGATIONAL RECREATION CHR: Frankie Jackson CR: Wade Browder Sec: Brandon Donaldson, Elaine Donaldson, Frankie Jackson, Dixie Shumpert NURSERY COMMITTEE CHR: Dixie Shumpert CR: Bud Shealy Sarah Barrs, Elaine Donaldson PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHR/CR: Mike Roberts Sec: Suzanne Ervolina Harvey Amick, Rick Browder, Wade Browder, Frankie Castine, Don Eargle, Mike Senterfeit, Bud Shealy, Luther Shumpert, Larry Sinnott, Wyman Sox Meets 6:00 Last Tuesday of the Month STEWARDSHIP CHR: Rick Kingry CR: Lois Sills Sec: Carolyn Brown, Pastor Russell Peek, Pastor Elford Roof, Regina Shealy, Leah Sinnott, Danny Smoake TELLERS/USHERS CHR: CR: Philip Shull Sec: Luther Shumpert, Paul Sinnott, Philip Shull 4 Sec: WITNESS AREA EVANGELISM CHR: Sara Busbee CR: Danny Smoake Sec: Joyce Fingerlin, Pastor Russell Peek, Pastor Elford Roof, Lois Sills Meets: Last Sunday at 5:00 pm WORSHIP AREA WORSHIP & MUSIC CHR: Diana Gold CR: Judy Gordon Sec: Mary Whiteley Louise Amick, Angela Cockrell, Jamey Edwards, Phil Gold, Barry Gwyn, Pastor Russell Peek, Mary Roof, Bud Shealy, Lois Sills, Don Whiteley Meets 4x a year as needed AUXILIARIES LCY Officers to be elected LIL LUTHERANS CHR: Tiffany Ciuca DuPree WELCA Pres: Sara Busbee Sec: Jolene Gillis VP: Lori Collins TR: Carolyn Brown LMM Pres: Danny Smoake Sec: Billy Parker VP: Fred Browder Tr: Wade Browder 5 2011 CHURCH USHERS CHR: CR: Philip Shull FEBRUARY – MARCH – APRIL Philip Shull - Head Usher AUGUST – SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER Luther Shumpert – Head Usher February Fred Browder Rick Kingry Bud Shealy August Austin Phillips Luther Shumpert Noah Shumpert March Jordan Lewis Philip Shull September Curtis Hooks Luther Shumpert Noah Shumpert Lee Thelen April Curtis Hooks Dakotah Hooks October Matt Fecas Adam Fuller Austin Phillips . MAY – JUNE – JULY Larry Sinnott – Head Usher NOVEMBER – DECEMBER – JANUARY Paul Sinnott – Head Usher May Rick Kingry Larry Sinnott November Brandon Donaldson Frankie Jackson Mike Roberts Matthew Roberts June Larry Sinnott Danny Smoake December Rick Browder Noah Shumpert July Luther Shumpert Noah Shumpert Larry Sinnott January 12 Bill Bohan Hank Meetze Clifton Simmons, Jr. Clifton Simmons, Sr. 6 Duties and Guides for Ushers You are responsible for all services during your month including funeral, Lenten, and Midweek, etc. Greet everyone who enters with ―Good Morning‖ or appropriate greeting – be kind, pleasant and courteous. As the church begins to fill, help individuals find a seat. Accompany visitors with children under three to the nursery and accompany them back to the church. Close the doors 5 minutes before service begins and request late-comers to wait until after the Prayer for the Day to be seated – they should be ushered to their seats. To receive the offering, approach the altar in rows of two. The first two Ushers step apart to allow space for the two ushers walking behind. Ushers should stand together with two back ushers between the two front ushers. When returning the offering plates, the two outside ushers pass their plates to inside ushers and the Acolyte receives the plates. One Usher is requested to collect the offering plate from the room next to the choir before returning up front with other offerings. COMMUNION Two ushers stand at the front and help keep the line running smoothly and keep the table filled. Front two ushers receive the communion cards. Collect and place in office for recording. Two ushers stand at the back of the communion rail and assist those who may have trouble standing and to let the front ushers know if space is available. Instructions for Communion: 1. The right side of the altar will be filled with choir members first beginning at the front and moving towards the back, then continue filling with the right side of the congregation. 2. The left side of the altar will be filled with the left side of the congregation and begin at the back and fill towards the front. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES The first rear pew on right is reserved for ushers. When serving, be at the front entrance before 10:45 a.m. and secure your lapel badge. Head usher should notify all ushers prior to the first Sunday of a new month. Insure that all ushers understand the procedures of ushering. Posting of hymn numbers, making and recording attendance count, appropriate lighting, that the air control and sound system is functioning, being available to the pastor prior to and after worship to perform needed chores, picking up bulletins and hymnals left on the pews after worship and placing them back in the racks, adjusting air system and lights after worship. Locking up building and going through closing checklist & listing attendance on checklist are also duties of the ushers. Youth Participants At the October 10, 2004 council meeting, the following motion was made, seconded and approved: Anyone 10 years or older can usher but only within the guidelines of ushering. It is strongly recommended that a youth serve with a parent or grandparent. Exception to the above, are those Sundays designated for Scouts. 7 2011 TELLERS CHR: CR: Philip Shull February Fred Browder Wade Browder Rick Kingry June Larry Sinnott Danny Smoake Margie Smoake October Jim Ciuca Tiffany Ciuca DuPree Marion Smith Patti Smith March Carolyn Brown Betty Scott Vic Scott July Becky Parker Billy Parker Larry Sinnott November Betty Scott Vic Scott April Phyllis Amick August Patti Smith December Marion Smith Patti Smith May Tiffany Ciuca DuPree Rick Kingry September Randy Corley Christine Thelen Lee Thelen January 11 Bill Bohan Hank Meetze Clifton Simmons, Jr. Cliff Simmons, Sr. DUTIES, ETC.: The tellers’ duty is to count and deposit all church offerings after worship each Sunday. They are also called on for special services during Lent, etc. TELLERS are asked to mark their personal calendars on the month they are assigned. We understand that it is necessary to be absent at times. As a Christian who has accepted the call of the church to serve in this way, you are asked to please get another teller to exchange with you if you cannot be present. If you are unable to do this, please call Philip Shull, Council Representative. MEMBERS OF EMMANUEL can help the tellers by using offering envelopes and clearly marking the amount or amounts on the front of offering envelopes. This insures that the church office records each member’s contribution correctly. 8 January 2 January 9 January 16 January 23 January 30 February 6 February 13 February 20 February 27 March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 June 5 June 12 June 19 Jun e 26 Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 August 7 August 14 2 0 1 1 August 21 August 28 September 4 September 11 G R E E T E R S September 18 September 25 October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30 November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27 December 4 December 11 December 18 December 25 9 Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn Frankie & Melanie Jackson Pam Lewis & Sara Busbee Bud & Regina Shealy Bill Bohan & Wyman Sox Paula Branham & Patti Smith Rick & Pat Browder Gene & Carolyn Brown Janet Coker & Muriel Schumpert Lori Collins & Elaine Donaldson Joann Corley & Nell Gainey Don & Mary Ann Eargle Joyce Fingerlin & Betty Gwyn NURSERY COMMITTEE NURSERY GUIDELINES Approved by Nursery Committee on 12/16/07 - Approved by Church Council on 01/13/08 Emmanuel Lutheran Church provides a nursery for children birth to age four for members as well as visitors during Sunday school and worship. At the nursery every parent is handing us the most precious gift, their child/children. As well as providing that child with security, we must also provide the parents with the security of knowing that their child is well cared for in the nursery. Your help in the nursery is very important and we ask you to be the best. The nursery committee and volunteers desire to make every effort to ensure that the nursery strengthens the overall ministry of Emmanuel and brings glory to God. A great deal of Christian love can be given through the care and attention you provide to these young children. Nursery Committee Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ensure proper staffing of the nursery for all worship services. Publish the schedule of nursery volunteers as well as mail reminders to each volunteer. Determine what supplies are needed and keep those items stocked regularly. Regularly clean any blankets, sheets, etc used in the nursery. (See procedures for more details) Regularly sanitize toys in the nursery (See procedures for details) Maintain a safe environment in the nursery at all times Nursery Committee Procedures Two times a year, the entire nursery committee will conduct a safety audit of the nursery. This audit includes checking to see if safety locks need replacing, if any toys are broken, and to see if there any safety hazards are present in the room. Each month a nursery committee member will be assigned to oversee the nursery. This involves: 1. Calling volunteers as a reminder that they are signed up for the nursery for the upcoming Sunday. 2. Check the log sheet each week to see if any supplies need restocking. The nursery committee chair will be responsible for purchasing those items or arranging for the items to be purchased. 3. Check the dirty toy and laundry containers. Sanitize any dirty toys and wash any dirty linens and return those items to the nursery before the next Sunday. Volunteer Guidelines 1. Any adult member or youth member 16 years old or older may volunteer in the nursery. There must be two adults as well in the nursery at all times. 2. If you are unable to make your assigned Sunday, please find a substitute. If you are unable to find a substitute, please notify the nursery Chair or the committee member assigned to oversee the nursery during your month. 3. If you are volunteering to keep the nursery during the Sunday worship service, arrive no later than 10:45. Please remain in the nursery throughout the service even if no children are present. You never know when a parent may bring their child to the nursery. 4. Please make sure every child is properly signed in upon arrival and make sure the parents have provided you with the necessary information to take care of the child. Have parents indicate if there are any allergies and if their child can have any drinks or snacks. 5. Check each child frequently for wet or soiled diapers. No child should leave the nursery with a dirty diaper. 6. Disposable gloves must be worn when changing diapers. Wash hands or sanitize after each diaper change. 7. DO NOT ADMINISTER ANY MEDICATION TO CHILDREN! If a child is taking medication for anything, instruct the parents that they should return to the nursery to administer the medication. 8. If an accident occurs, a first aid kit is available in the closet along with a list of members who are CPR certified. Please let parents know of any accidents that occur, no matter how small. 9. Do not leave the nursery unattended when children are present. 10. Before leaving, make sure room is tidy. Place any dirty linens in the containers provided in the bathroom. Put any toys that need to be sanitized in the dirty toy bin in the restroom. Parent Guidelines 1. Sign your child in on the log sheet. Indicate if your child has any special needs and/or allergies and if they can have drinks and snacks while in the nursery. 2. Label diaper bag or sippy cup with child’s name. 3. If your child is in diapers, make sure you have extras on hand. 4. If child is potty trained, please take them to the bathroom upon arrival. 5. Please do not bring a sick child to the nursery. 6. Please do not ask a nursery volunteer to administer medicine. If your child needs medicine you will be asked to come back to the nursery to administer. NOTE: In the event that a child shows repeated aggressive behavior toward another child in the nursery, thereby compromising their safety while under the care of the nursery volunteers, you will be required to stay in the nursery until the problem is resolved. 10 NURSERY COMMITTEE “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 The nursery is provided for children from birth to four years of age. Sitters are provided for parents who would like to leave their children with caring church members during the worship hour. The sitters are rotated each Sunday. We strive to have two adult sitters to sit each Sunday. NURSERY SITTERS 2011 Elaine Donaldson - 206-1838; Pam Lewis - 359-6841; Dixie Shumpert - 755-9200 Thanks to each person willing to keep the nursery during worship. (If you are unable to sit on the assigned Sunday, please make arrangements for someone to sit for you.) MARCH 06 ‒ Elaine Donaldson 13 ‒ Melanie Jackson, (Y) Katie Jackson 20 ‒ Dixie Shumpert, (Y) Brandon Donaldson 27 ‒ Jolene Gillis SEPTEMBER 04 ‒ Caroline Peek, (Y) Jordan Lewis 11 ‒ Sarah Barrs & Dixie Shumpert 18 ‒ Elaine Donaldson 25 ‒ Georgeann Vanputten APRIL 03 ‒ Janet Coker, (Y) Brandon Donaldson 10 ‒ Susie Phillips 17 ‒ Jolene Gillis. (Y) Jordan Lewis 24 ‒ Caroline Peek, (Y) Ashley Collins OCTOBER 02 ‒ Jordan Lewis 09 ‒ Brandon Donaldson 16 ‒ Jennifer Nuovo 23 ‒ Catherine Senterfeit 30 ‒ Susan Kingry MAY 01 ‒ Sandi Hamilton, (Y) Jordan Lewis 08 ‒ Elaine Donaldson 15 ‒ Melanie Jackson 22 ‒ Catherine Senterfei,t (Y) Katie Jackson 29 ‒ Jennifer Nuovo NOVEMBER 06 ‒ Amanda Shealy, (Y) Brandon Donaldson 13 ‒ Ashley Beamer & Becky Parker 20 ‒ Pam Lewis 27 ‒ Susan Kingry JUNE 05 ‒ Ashley Beamer & Becky Parker 12 ‒ Georgeann VanPutten 19 ‒ Jolene Gillis 26 ‒ Elaine Donaldson DECEMBER 04 ‒ Janet Coker 11 ‒ Elaine Donaldson 18 ‒ Sarah Barrs & Dixie Shumpert 25 ‒ JULY 03 ‒ Amanda Shealy & Dixie Shumpert 10 ‒ Janet Coker 17 ‒ Caroline Peek, (Y) Brandon Donaldson 24 ‒ Sandi Hamilton 31 ‒ Susan Kingry JANUARY (2012) 01 ‒ Jennifer Nuovo 08 ‒ Pam Lewis. (Y) Jordan Lewis 15 ‒ Susie Phillips 22 ‒ Sandi Hamilton 29 ‒ Caroline Peek AUGUST 07 ‒ Susie Phillips 14 ‒ Melanie Jackson 21 ‒ Pam Lewis 28 ‒ Catherine Senterfeit FEBRUARY (2012) 05 ‒ Jordan Lewis 12 ‒ Melanie Jackson 19 ‒ Georgeann VanPutten 26 ‒ Elaine Donaldson 11 2011 ALTAR FLOWERS JANUARY JULY 02 09 16 23 30 03 10 17 24 31 LaVonne Roof Mike Roberts Ed & Janet Elbrecht Charles & Betty Roberts Ella Shumpert Harvey & Patsy Amick Barry & Betty Gwyn, Judy Gordon Don & Mary Whiteley Marion & Patti Smith FEBRUARY AUGUST 06 13 20 27 07 14 21 28 Hank & Joyce Meetze Leah Sinnott Bud & Regina Shealy Randy & Tiffany DuPree Stanley & Joyce Roof Mike Roberts Bill & Judy Bohan Louise Sox MARCH SEPTEMBER 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 Rick, Carol & Susan Kingry Jim & Geniene Ciuca Randy & Joann Corley, Ginger Hawley Charles & Betty Roberts David & Louise Amick Sara Busbee Donaldson Family Jennifer Nuovo APRIL OCTOBER 03 10 17 24 02 09 16 23 30 Vic & Betty Scott Earl & Lois Sills Gene & Carolyn Brown Randy & Tiffany DuPree Philip & Carole Shull Mark Fuller Nell Gainey Rick & Carol Kingry Mary Steele MAY 01 08 15 22 29 NOVEMBER Fuller Family Mitch & Janice Poston Lee & Chris Thelen Elford & Mary Roof Danny & Margie Smoake 06 13 20 27 Don & Mary Ann Eargle Fred & Llewellyn and Rick & Pat Browder Mike Roberts O’Neal & Carol Smith JUNE DECEMBER 05 12 19 26 04 11 18 25 Nan Krugel Russell & Caroline Peek Jennifer Nuovo Fuller Family 12 Roberts Family Frankie & Melanie Jackson, Pam Lewis Godfrey & Jane Burnett Sara Busbee BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE Meal Preparation In Time Of Church Members’ Death As a part of its Christian action, the congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church feels responsible for preparing a meal for the family of church members in time of death. The church secretary will call the COORDINATORS (WELCA Secretary and Treasurer) and then the COORDINATORS will contact the leaders of groups responsible for preparing and serving the meal. The COORDINATORS will secure the meat for the meal. If need arises for additional help, the Group leader should call on the Coordinators, who along with the other executive committee members, will assist. A rotating schedule will be used for serving of food in time of death of church members. Guideline for Bereavement Meals (for approximately 25 people) Fried Chicken and/or Ham Vegetables (2) Casserole (2) Dessert (2) Pickles (1 pint jar) Rolls (approx 25) Tea (3 gallons) Paper ware is supplied by church for meal of a member. Suggestions: share with your group to bring disposable dishes if they are not staying to serve. Slice cakes according to # of people coming. Have ham already sliced. If family is larger than 25 increase food items, if smaller decrease food items. Group List Amy Amick Jane & Godfrey Burnett Linda Caudle Joann Corley Ginger Hawley Melanie Jackson Mona Lowe Louise Amick Elaine Donaldson Bobby Fuller Nell Gainey Betty Gwyn Sandra Monts Joyce Roof Group #1 Chairperson: Susie Phillips 755-6645 Co-Chairperson: Ella Shumpert 917-2453 808-2704 Donna Seigler 356-2165 Catherine Senterfeit 955-9564 Amanda Shumpert Shealy 359-9875 Beth Sinnott 955-3189 Margie Smoake 356-4097 Doris Steele 926-1767 Sabra Warren Group #2 Chairperson: Lois Sills 359-5669 Co-Chairperson: Tammy Simmons 755-9930 794-1618 Melba Shull 206-1838 Dixie Shumpert 794-3666 Liz Simmons 755-9064 Leah Sinnott 996-0149 Patti Smoake 451-8247 Louise Sox 794-3042 13 356-1737 755-0657 576-0327 767-2081 957-5134 755-9754 794-8939 359-4032 755-9200 796-0624 794-1752 996-0129 755-9705 Paula Branham Gena Brown Ruth Browder Geniene Ciuca Kristy Dean Tiffany DuPree Mary Ann Eargle Group #3 Chairperson: Patsy Amick 359-7324 Co-Chairperson: Anne Tidwell 951-3591 957-4471 Joyce Fingerlin 808-7108 Susan Matthews 755-1771 LaVonne Roof 957-4344 Melinda Satterfield 356-6232 Patti Sinnott-Smith 356-4607 Deborah Sox 781-9810 Anne Tidwell Sarah Shumpert Barrs Angela Cockrell Viki Fecas Diana Gold Ruby Keisler Carol Kingry Joyce Meetze Kathy Padgett Group #4 Chairperson: Mary Steele 755-2076 Co-Chairperson: Carolyn Brown 356-3876 955-4902 Becky Parker 755-9651 Barbara Ringer 796-6316 Mary Roof 951-3979 Geneva Shull 755-2572 Fae Sox 755-1300 Chris Thelen 794-3105 Eva Williams 356-2388 Phyllis Amick Joyce Browder Pat Browder Amy Cleckler Janet Coker Linda DeLeonardis Jolene Gillis Group #5 Chairperson: Sara Busbee 794-4550 Co-Chairperson: Betty Scott 356-1618 892-2291 Judy Gordon 755-2340 Angie Kodek 755-0736 Pam Lewis 779-0191 Caroline Peek 240-2865 Muriel Schumpert 520-5411 Regina Shealy 755-7779 Marjorie Valladares 14 755-0017 796-7824 794-2888 755-3373 238-3524 (cell) 260-3868 951-3591 606-3907 (cell) 740-9433 (cell) 356-9398 755-9392 794-3868 957-6683 794-2520 796-1609 936-0289 359-6841 755-1187 957-9760 755-9554 PASTOR’S REPORT Dear Emmanuel Family, “Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds. He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word” -Hebrews 1:1-3 As we end our 157th year of ministry in this place, I find myself filled with gratitude for all that God has done in this place over this last year. I am deeply encouraged by the amount of encouragement and support I have felt over the last year and hopeful for the future God has in store for us. We began 2010 by saying goodbye to Lisa Heathcote. She left us at the end of January to go to Houston where her husband, Tim, is now working. And while I was sad to say goodbye to Lisa, I was delighted to welcome Suzanne Ervolina to our staff. She has been a tremendous blessing, handling much of the day-to-day operations of Emmanuel Lutheran Church. I am blessed to work with a tremendously gifted staff. In addition to folks like Suzanne and Lisa, over the last year I have been blessed to be in partnership with Elford Roof, Don Whiteley, Mary Whiteley, Jamey Edwards, Angela Cockrell, Mike Reese, and William Cunningham. Please join me in giving thanks to God for their faithful service to our church. Without a doubt, we face many significant and difficult challenges at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. I recently read a significant study from The Barna Group, an internationally known research firm that looks at trends in the Christian church. The researchers reported that the number of people who have no religious affiliation has doubled in the last 20 years. This number is especially concentrated in young adults from ages 20-39. Put simply, we can no longer assume that our young adults will go away from church for a season and then come back at a later date (usually when a family begins to have children). We must do everything we can to engage young adults in meaningful ministry. A second major challenge has been a decline in our children’s Sunday school. This has had an impact on other areas in our congregation. When I arrived here in June 2008, I was aware that the children’s Sunday school ministry had been going through a long-term decline. Unfortunately, this decline has continued. While we have a committed group of teachers who love our children and want to teach them the Bible, we haven’t had the numbers of children we have hoped for. As a result, we have lost some families with young children. This deeply saddens me. We must do all we can to turn the corner in this ministry and pray for the Spirit’s power to revitalize this ministry. I am excited about the renewed energy around children’s and youth ministry that is present here at Emmanuel. I sense people want to make the changes necessary to make this is a vibrant congregation where children will be formed in the love of Jesus. Church council has identified children’s and youth ministry as a major priority for Emmanuel in 2011. We will be doing many things to strengthen current ministries for children and youth as well as making necessary changes in this area of our ministry. Your help will be needed in this endeavor. A third major challenge continues to be the economy. We have lived with this for the last several years. The Great Recession, as it is sometimes known, still has an impact upon on our society. Let us continue to pray for those who are unemployed or underemployed and for those of us who struggle with finding their daily bread. And yet, I am hopeful because our ministries to the wider community have grown. For the past two years our church has participated in Operation Inasmuch, a one-day service blitz to the wider community. I am proud of the people who participated in this ministry and used their hands to do God’s Work. It made a tremendous impact in the wider community. 15 In addition, we have begun a ministry called Change for Change, where we take spare change on the fifth Sunday of each month to benefit organizations that work with the poor and needy. I can assure you from the letters I have received from places like Sister Care and God’s Helping Hands that they appreciate every penny we send to them to help them during these difficult economic times. I rejoice that we continue to fully fund our benevolence ministries to the South Carolina Synod, God’s Helping Hands, Meals on Wheels, and Lutheran Family Services. This has not been the case in many congregations. If we are to be church, we must look beyond ourselves and seek to care for God’s hurting and hungry children. For 2011, church council has adopted a theme, biblical focus, mission priorities, and key questions for 2011. Our common theme for 2011 is Sustaining Emmanuel. The environmental movement uses the word sustainability all the time, especially with buildings. The idea is that we build with the long-term in mind by both meeting today’s needs while doing our best to keep in mind that future generations will have needs as well. The church has something to learn from this sort of mindset. We must do all we can to discern what is needed to sustain Emmanuel for another 157 years of faithful ministry. We cannot only look back to the so-called ―good old days,‖ we must also look ahead to God’s call for us today and tomorrow. Our key Bible passage for 2011 is Hebrews 1:1-3. I invite you to become familiar with this passage and consider memorizing it. ―Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds. He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.‖ Note that it is God’s Word that sustains all things. During this year, I invite you to continue to be rooted in the Word of God by reading the Bible on a daily basis and being in worship on a weekly basis. Church council has identified three priorities for 2011. They are: children and youth ministries, constitutional reworking, and outreach into our community. Each of these is an important part of our shared ministry at Emmanuel. I am developing specific goals and priorities for each of these areas. I invite you to pray for these areas of our congregation. Finally, the key questions we are asking for 2011 are the following: -What is God calling this church to be and to do in the future? -What do we need to do or not do in order to faithfully accomplish God’s call at Emmanuel? It is my prayer that in 2011 we use the gifts and talents entrusted into our care for God’s glory to sustain Emmanuel Lutheran Church. I give God thanks that our past, our present, and our future are in the hands of a God who loves and sustains us in many and various ways. Yours in Christ, Pastor Russell Peek 16 REPORT: PASTOR FOR VISITATION GRACE AND PEACE TO YOU FROM GOD OUR FATHER AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thanks be to God for the opportunity I have to continue my ministry at Emmanuel. My life has been so blessed as I have the privilege of sharing in the lives of my fellow members. It continues to amaze me that you welcome me so graciously. I say this because I believe it is a ―bit‖ unusual for one who has grown up in the midst of those who have observed someone as you have me and know of my many ―warts.‖ For me, this is very humbling. While making visits, you have shared with me your concerns about the present state of Emmanuel. Yes, there are things we should be doing. On the other hand, we need to be mindful of the positive ways of ministry we do. There is more ―right‖ with us, than it is ―wrong.‖ Pastor Russell keeps reminding us that our congregation is in a time of ―transition.‖ This means we will have challenges to deal with that will move us to reach out more than we have in the past. One challenge each of us can share is to do all we can to promote harmony and good will even when we disagree. To do so will be pleasing to God. A brief summary of my activities follows. Visits made or attempted 365. I administered communion for shut-ins. During the year I conducted three worship services when Pastor was away, and was Assisting Minister three times. I assisted in five funerals and provided the meditations for four. Additionally, I attended Evangelism committee meetings and Bible study as well as Lenten services and ―special‖ joint services. Other than the above, I was involved in the ―general‖ life of Emmanuel. When visiting, I am there not only for myself, but I represent each member of the body of Christ at Emmanuel. Your fellow-worker in Christ, Pastor Elford 17 REPORT OF THE CHURCH REGISTRAR - DECEMBER 31, 2010 Membership – January 1, 2010 Children 78 Confirmed 443 TOTAL 521 Membership – December 31, 2010 Children 81 Confirmed 433 TOTAL 514 Active Confirmed Youth Communing Active Confirmed Youth Communing 290 23 276 22 ACTIVE CONFIRMED COUNTS ONLY THOSE MEMBERS WHO COMMUNE ONCE AND CONTRIBUTE OF RECORD ONCE BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED MEMBERS RECEIVED MEMBERS REMOVED FROM ROLL BY TRANSFER OR AFFIRMATION ADULTS: Patty Leopard BY TRANSFER ADULTS: Scott Corley Loyd Hendrix Carol Roan Wes Roan BY ADULT BAPTISM: None BY TRANSFER CHILDREN: None CHILDREN RECEIVED WITH FAMILY: None BY BAPTISM: Cooper Barrs McKenzie Beamer James Gordon Rachel Hendrix BY OTHER – ADULTS None January 10 June 20 September 12 BY OTHER – CHILDREN None YOUTH CONFIRMED: Blake Donaldson Marshall Jackson BY DEATH Ellis Corley John Johnson, Jr. Jennifer Roberts Stella Shuler Horace Taylor Herman Warren FIRST COMMUNION: None Marie Lown Betty Shull FUNERALS BY PASTOR Stella Roof Shuler .......................................................................................................... January 16, 2010 Horace Melton Taylor .......................................................................................................... July 18, 2010 Ellis S. Corley ..............................................................................................................September 5, 2010 Herman R. Warren .......................................................................................................September 8, 2010 Betty K. Shull.............................................................................................................September 18, 2010 Marie S. Lown ...........................................................................................................September 23, 2010 Jennifer Lynne Roberts .............................................................................................. December 11, 2010 John A. Johnson, Jr. ................................................................................................... December 19, 2010 WEDDINGS BY PASTOR Courtney Olivia Humphries and Casey Alan Coker ............................................................. May 1, 2010 Patricia Ann Lowe and Adam Webster Smith .................................................................... May 22, 2010 Eden Amick and Cody Miller ........................................................................................ October 16, 2010 18 REPORT OF THE CONGREGATION COUNCIL The year began with some changes to church council: Meetings were moved from the conference room to the Roof Room, committee reports were sent in advance of meetings, and executive leadership communicated primarily via email. All of these changes streamlined the monthly meetings, bringing most to between 60-90 minutes. • Lisa Heathcote, Parish Administrator, resigned at the end of January to join her husband in Houston Texas. We hired Suzanne Ervolina, a highly recommended parish worker, to succeed her. • We began the year with a full slate of church council members; during the year, however, we lost one to increased work load and two to their desire to move their membership. Council appointed church members to fulfill the terms of these members until their next election cycle. There is a vacancy for the youth member going into 2011. • Council vowed to be supportive of the needs of our Pastor for professional development and vacation; to assist members, Pastor posted the hours he most likely to be in the office. • A review of the church constitution revealed that we were not attending to such important things as: Short- and Long-range planning goals, performance review of both called and lay staff, and appointment of an audit committee. Reviews of Called Staff were conducted; Reviews of Lay Staff will continue in 2011. An audit committee has been appointed and will meet in 2011. • Results from Cottage Meetings conducted in the Fall of 2009 were synthesized and distributed during the stewardship emphasis. From these, three issues were brought before council and approved at the Nov. meeting as goals for 2011: Focus on youth, service to the community, and constitution reorganization. • We were blessed to have two seminary students this year: Dave Parr returned as our second year seminarian, focusing on educational programs, and Richard Goeres is our first-year seminary student focusing on worship and visitation. • Pastor spearheaded the formation of a child protection policy; there was ample time for review and input by all church units which focus primarily on youth. Background checks have begun. • Nearly every month, our Treasurer had to report a discrepancy between needed funds and funds received. We had to dip into savings to cover expenses for several months. We were able, however, to make one additional mortgage payment to reduce the life of the loan. • We had a solid year of the Wagon Ministry and implemented the 5th Sunday ‘Change for Change’ campaign to help those in need in our communities. • We began a church-wide inventory project which will be helpful for insurance purposes. It also enabled us to determine where things should be stored and clean up and dispose of items no longer needed. • We appointed a Property Study Committee to reconcile the various policies that we are now operating under. This committee will make recommendations to church council in 2011. • In order to save money, we moved from the front-color bulletin to a black/white version provided by the ELCA. • Though we had a tight budget year, we wanted staff to know how much they were appreciated. We voted to give our staff a cost-of-living adjustment of 1% and a Christmas Bonus of 1% (the first time in three years this was done). • We changed our use of the term ‘budget’ to ‘missional spending plan’ to reflect that we are not a business with an absolute bottom line; rather our commitment of resources reflect items that we value. 19 SECTION TWO – COMMITTEE REPORTS BUDGET & FINANCE 2010 Budget & Finance Committee Report INCOME Received YTD Budgeted YTD Received Less Budgeted Designated Funds 26,153.76 0.00 26,153.76 Useable Income 346,316.78 386,122.00 -39,805.22 There were only 3 months in 2010 when contributions met the monthly average necessary to cover expenses without tapping into savings. The remaining nine months were short by $2,000 to $16,000.00 each month. After reviewing our financial statistics, the Budget and Finance Committee submitted several projected missional spending plans to council which offered alternative spending plans. Council elected to consider the various plans for a month and then adopted a budget which was slightly less than the 2010 Budget but still provided 1% pay increases for the staff. Pastor Russell elected not to accept the designated increase over his concern for the financial health of the congregation. We can celebrate that as of December 31, 2010 the principal owed on our mortgage is $498,986.23 and should be paid off on October 1, 2020. 20 REPORT OF TREASURER OFFERINGS AND OTHER RECEIPTS YEARLY BUDGET 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL Unified Budget 309,470.78 306,291.30 Loose 1,423.69 13,180.81 Sunday School 2,186.00 2,224.47 Building Use Fees 1,370.00 980.00 VBS 595.61 VBS Meals 616.00 859.00 Seasonal Flowers 1,343.50 1,063.00 Mortgage Payment 36,846.00 40,460.00 Total Useable Funds Rec'd 353,851.58 346,316.78 ADOPTED BUDGET FOR YEAR 383,068.00 386,122.00 DESIGNATED OTHER - NOT USABLE 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL Miscellaneous Reimbursements 20,367.18 0.00 Hymnals/Bibles 2,080.00 0.00 - LMM 0.00 720.00 World Hunger 0.00 382.00 God's Helping Hands 0.00 1,580.86 All Memorials 4,560.00 11,841.00 Cemetery 0.00 800.00 Children/Youth 0.00 1,045.00 Endowment 0.00 950.00 Shull/Shumpert Special 0.00 8,864.00 Bus Maintenance 0.00 1,060.00 Music 0.00 440.00 Inasmuch 0.00 832.30 Total Designated - Not Useable 27,007.18 28,515.16 Total Contributions 380,858.76 374,831.94 21 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Treasurer's Report as of December 2010 Account Name Total Income EXPENSES BENEVOLENCE God's Helping Hands Ministry LFS/MOW SC Synod Total BENEVOLENCE OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Adult Choir Supplies Altar Supplies Bulletins Instrument Maintenance Youth Choir Supplies Total OPERATIONAL EXPENSES WITNESS Evangelism/Publicity New Member Instruction Total WITNESS LEARNING Children/Youth Ministry Confirmation/1st Communion Devotional Material Library/Audio-Visual Music Camp-Organist/Choir Dtr. Resource Ministry SC Lutheran Sunday School Material The Lutheran Vacation Bible School Meals Vacation Bible School Supplies Total LEARNING SERVICE Bereavement Meal Support Ministry Sick/Shut-in Pastor's Discretionary Assistance Funds Total SERVICE SUPPORT Offering Envelopes Stewardship Activities Total SERVICE MINISTRY WITH PERSONS Congregational Recreation Hospitality Total MINISTRY WITH PERSONS MINISTERIAL STAFF Guest Pastor Pastor for Visitation Monthly Budget Annual Budget YTD Balance Over/Under YTD +(-) $353,454.63 200.00 84.00 3,240.00 35.24 $3,524.00 2,400.00 1,000.00 38,875.00 42,275.00 $42,275.00 2,453.72 0.00 39,040.00 41,493.72 $41,493.72 53.72 (1,000.00) 165.00 (781.28) $781.28 163.00 84.00 63.00 166.00 41.00 517.00 $517.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 2,000.00 500.00 6,300.00 $6,300.00 663.61 1,617.99 837.67 950.00 0.00 4,069.27 $4,069.27 (1,336.39) 617.99 37.67 (1,050.00) (500.00) (2,230.73) $2,230.73 87.00 9.00 96.00 $96.00 1,000.00 100.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 (1,000.00) (100.00) (1,100.00) -$1,100.00 334.00 209.00 66.00 34.00 109.00 59.00 71.00 166.00 137.00 84.00 209.00 1,478.00 $1,478.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 800.00 400.00 1,300.00 700.00 850.00 2,000.00 1,650.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 17,700.00 $17,700.00 50.00 1,024.88 567.56 0.00 0.00 282.05 0.00 1,881.36 1,015.58 1,043.83 1,062.45 6,927.71 $6,927.71 (3,950.00) (1,475.12) (232.44) (400.00) (1,300.00) (417.95) (850.00) (118.64) (634.42) 43.83 (1,437.55) (10,772.29) ($10,772.29) 21.00 41.00 84.00 146.00 $146.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,750.00 $1,750.00 52.00 6.77 704.99 763.76 $763.76 (198.00) (493.23) (295.01) (986.24) ($986.24) 46.00 25.00 71.00 $71.00 550.00 300.00 850.00 $850.00 1,020.17 439.31 1,459.48 $1,459.48 470.17 139.31 609.48 $609.48 100.00 150.00 250.00 $250.00 1,200.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 $3,000.00 1,200.00 825.75 2,025.75 $2,025.75 0.00 (974.25) (974.25) ($974.25) 25.00 1,000.0022 300.00 12,000.00 0.00 11,500.00 (300.00) (500.00) Seminary Field-Worker Expenses Senior Pastor's FICa Allowance Senior Pastor's Housing Allowance Senior Pastor's Pension/Health Senior Pastor's Professional Development Senior Pastor's Salary Senior Pastor's Travel Expense Visitation Pastor Travel Expense Total MINISTERIAL STAFF EMPLOYED STAFF Adult Choir Director Organist Parish Administrator Youth Choir Accompanist Youth Choir Director Total EMPLOYED STAFF CONTRACT STAFF Groundskeeper Sexton Substitute Organist Total CONTRACT STAFF 100.00 1,200.00 0.00 923.00 11,082.00 10,620.25 (1,200.00) (461.75) 1,650.00 1,483.00 125.00 2,998.00 403.00 250.00 8,957.00 $8,957.00 19,800.00 17,788.00 1,500.00 35,990.00 4,850.00 3,000.00 107,510.00 $107,510.00 18,150.00 17,680.25 2,122.20 35,314.42 1,861.84 1,444.50 98,693.46 $98,693.46 (1,650.00) (107.75) 622.20 (675.58) (2,988.16) (1,555.50) (8,816.54) ($8,816.54) 663.00 776.00 2,500.00 110.00 200.00 4,249.00 $4,249.00 7,961.00 9,326.00 30,000.00 1,326.00 2,400.00 51,013.00 $51,013.00 7,520.63 8,612.62 28,189.62 1,249.39 2,222.89 47,795.15 $47,795.15 (440.37) (713.38) (1,810.38) (76.61) (177.11) (3,217.85) ($3,217.85) 550.00 850.00 66.00 1,466.00 $1,466.00 6,600.00 10,200.00 800.00 17,600.00 $17,600.00 4,500.00 9,998.00 400.00 14,898.00 $14,898.00 (2,100.00) (202.00) (400.00) (2,702.00) ($2,702.00) 41.00 250.00 375.00 666.00 $666.00 500.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 8,000.00 $8,000.00 129.00 1,539.47 3,870.63 5,539.10 $5,539.10 (371.00) (1,460.53) (629.37) (2,460.90) ($2,460.90) 916.00 916.00 $916.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 $11,000.00 12,523.68 12,523.68 $12,523.68 1,523.68 1,523.68 $1,523.68 50.00 166.00 1,413.00 138.00 913.00 416.00 5,952.00 34.00 416.00 213.00 109.00 9,820.00 $9,820.00 600.00 2,000.00 17,000.00 1,700.00 11,000.00 5,000.00 71,424.00 400.00 5,000.00 2,600.00 1,300.00 118,024.00 $118,024.00 24.00 556.25 15,979.16 1,933.48 11,073.36 892.75 83,328.00 6,234.50 4,547.86 3,498.77 1,007.93 129,076.06 $129,076.06 (576.00) (1,443.75) (1,020.84) 233.48 73.36 (4,107.25) 11,904.00 5,834.50 (452.14) 898.77 (292.07) 11,052.06 $11,052.06 $32,156.00 Difference ($32,156.00) *=Income/Expense exceeds amount budgeted to date 23 $386,122.00 ($386,122.00) $365,265.14 ($11,810.51) ($20,856.86) ASSOCIATED MINISTRY EXPENSES Assembly Delegate Expense Christmas Remembrances Employer's FICA Liability Total ASSOCIATED MINISTRY EXPENSES MINISTRY THROUGH INFORMATION Office Supplies/Postage Total MINISTRY THROUGH INFORMATION MINISTRY THROUGH PROPERTY Bus Maintenance Capital Improvement Electricity/Gas Garbage Service Insurance-Property/Bus/Workers Comp Maintenance Supplies Mortgage Pest Control/Terminix Replacement/Repair Telephones/Internet Water/Fire Total MINISTRY THROUGH PROPERTY Total Expenses DESIGNATED FUNDS SUMMARY Emmanuel Lutheran Church Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2010 (Designated Funds Summary) Account Name Beginning Period Activity YTD Balance Balance Assets BB&T Stock Brokerage 3,135.86 (329.39) 2,806.47 Cemetery Account 16,348.18 2,956.72 19,304.90 ELCA Mission Investment 7,594.76 69.93 7,664.69 Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Checking) 39,254.58 (36,810.96) 2,443.62 Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Savings) 127,175.93 (20,025.47) 107,150.46 Emmanuel Payroll Account - First Citizens 33,369.70 (19,767.31) 13,602.39 Endowment Account 23,948.72 3,757.32 27,706.04 Parsonage Account 90,858.41 (376.98) 90,481.43 Sox Trust 72,995.41 0.00 72,995.41 $414,681.55 ($70,526.14) $344,155.41 Total Assets Fund Balances Emmanuel Savings-First Citizens Balance Landscaping Balance Love Offering - Shull/Shumpert Balance Member/Non-member Memorials Balance Ministry with Special Needs Balance Nursery/Playground Balance Organ Maintenance Balance Pastor's Discretionary Balance Pastor's Professional Development Balance Preschool Balance Replacement/Repair Balance Scout Complex Balance Special Event - Operation Inasmuch Balance Undesignated Balance Youth Choir Robes Balance Total Emmanuel Savings-First Citizens Balance 717.40 0.00 3,950.00 715.00 1,406.80 377.67 565.00 3,000.00 18,383.97 22,719.56 12,458.77 0.00 62,716.41 165.00 $127,175.58 0.00 0.00 5,602.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 (565.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (7,061.00) (550.00) 0.00 (7,698.70) 1,990.00 ($11,282.20) 717.40 0.00 9,552.50 715.00 1,406.80 377.67 0.00 0.00 18,383.97 15,658.56 11,908.77 0.00 55,017.71 2,155.00 $115,893.38 8,775.14 (5,610.51) 3,164.63 3,135.86 7,594.76 72,995.41 $83,726.03 (329.39) 69.93 0.00 ($259.46) 2,806.47 7,664.69 72,995.41 $83,466.57 33,369.70 (19,623.82) 13,745.88 16,348.18 23,948.72 90,858.76 $131,155.66 2,956.72 3,957.32 (376.98) $6,537.06 19,304.90 27,906.04 90,481.78 $137,692.72 $384,202.11 ($30,238.93) $353,963.18 $384,202.11 ($30,238.93) $353,963.18 General Operating Fund Balance Investment Funds Balance BB&T Stock Brokerage Balance ELCA Mission Investment Fund Balance Sox Trust Balance Total Investment Funds Balance Payroll Account Balance Thrivent Accounts Balance Thrivent-Cemetery Fund Balance Thrivent-Endowment Fund Balance Thrivent-Parsonage Fund Balance Total Thrivent Accounts Balance Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances 24 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Missional Spending Plan Sunday, August 01, 2010 Account # EXPENSES 5.10.000 5.10.101 5.10.102 5.10.103 Account Name Yr Beg 01/2010 2011 2011 Monthly 1% Pay Increases Needed BENEVOLENCE God's Helping Hands Ministry SC Synod Meals on Wheels Total BENEVOLENCE 2,400.00 38,875.00 1,000.00 42,275.00 2,400.00 37,575.00 500.00 40,475.00 200.00 3,131.00 42.00 3,373.00 5.20.000 5.20.111 5.20.112 5.20.113 5.20.114 5.20.115 OPERATIONAL EXPENSES Adult Choir Supplies Altar Supplies Instrument Maintenance Youth Choir Supplies Bulletins Total OPERATIONAL EXPENSES 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 800.00 6,300.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 0.00 4,500.00 125.00 83.00 83.00 42.00 0.00 333.00 5.30.000 5.30.116 5.30.117 WITNESS Evangelism/Publicity New Member Instruction Total WITNESS 1,000.00 100.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 83.00 0.00 83.00 5.40.000 5.40.121 5.40.122 5.40.123 5.40.124 5.40.125 5.40.126 5.40.127 5.40.128 5.40.129 5.40.130 5.40.131 LEARNING Children/Youth Ministry Confirmation/1st Communion Devotional Material Library/Audio-Visual Music Camp-Organist/Choir Dtr Resource Ministry SC Lutheran Sunday School Material The Lutheran Vacation Bible School Meals Vacation Bible School Supplies Total LEARNING 4,000.00 2,500.00 800.00 400.00 1,300.00 700.00 850.00 2,000.00 1,650.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 17,700.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 600.00 200.00 1,300.00 500.00 600.00 2,000.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 14,000.00 208.00 125.00 50.00 17.00 108.00 42.00 50.00 167.00 108.00 83.00 208.00 1,166.00 5.50.000 5.50.136 5.50.137 5.50.145 SERVICE Bereavement Meal Support Ministry Sick/Shut-in Pastor's Discretionary Total SERVICE 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,750.00 250.00 250.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 21.00 21.00 83.00 125.00 5.60.000 5.60.141 5.60.142 SUPPORT Offering Envelopes Stewardship Activities Total SUPPORT 550.00 300.00 850.00 550.00 300.00 850.00 46.00 25.00 71.00 MINISTRY WITH PERSONS Congregational Recreation Hospitality Total MINISTRY WITH PERSONS 1,200.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 100.00 150.00 250.00 5.70.000 5.70.146 5.70.147 25 5.80.000 5.80.159 5.80.160 5.80.162 5.80.163 5.80.173 5.80.174 5.80.175 5.80.182 5.80.183 5.80.184 MINISTERIAL STAFF Senior Pastor's Salary Senior Pastor's Housing Guest Pastor Pastor for Visitation Senior Pastor's FICA Allowance Senior Pastor's Pension/Health Senior Pastor's Professional Senior Pastor's Travel Expense Seminary Field-Worker Visitation Pastor Travel Total MINISTERIAL STAFF 35,990.00 19,800.00 300.00 12,000.00 11,082.00 17,788.00 1,500.00 4,850.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 107,510.00 36,547.90 19,800.00 300.00 12,120.00 9,241.71 18,438.96 1,500.00 4,850.00 1,200.00 3,030.00 107,028.57 3,045.17 1,650.00 25.00 1,010.00 770.14 1,536.58 125.00 404.00 100.00 253.00 8,918.89 5.82.000 5.82.151 5.82.154 5.82.156 5.82.164 5.82.166 EMPLOYED STAFF Adult Choir Director Organist Parish Administrator Youth Choir Accompanist Youth Choir Director Total EMPLOYED STAFF 7,961.00 9,326.00 30,000.00 1,326.00 2,400.00 51,013.00 8,040.61 9,419.26 30,300.00 1,339.26 2,424.00 51,523.13 670.00 785.00 2,525.00 112.00 202.00 4,294.00 5.84.000 5.84.153 5.84.160 5.84.161 CONTRACT STAFF Groundskeeper Sexton Substitute Organist Total CONTRACT STAFF 6,600.00 10,200.00 800.00 17,600.00 5,500.00 10,200.00 800.00 16,500.00 458.00 850.00 67.00 1,375.00 5.86.000 ASSOCIATED MINISTRY EXPENSES 5.86.171 Christmas Remembrances 5.86.172 Employer's FICA Liability 5.86.181 Assembly Delegate Expense Total ASSOCIATED MINISTRY EXPENSES 3,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 750.00 8,250.00 250.00 375.00 63.00 688.00 5.90.000 MINISTRY THROUGH INFORMATION 5.90.189 Office Supplies/Postage Total MINISTRY THROUGH INFORMATION 11,000.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 MINISTRY THROUGH PROPERTY Bus Maintenance Replacement/Repair Electricity/Gas Garbage Service InsuranceMaintenance Supplies Mortgage Pest Control/Terminix Capital Improvement Telephones/Internet Water/Fire Total MINISTRY THROUGH PROPERTY 600.00 5,000.00 17,000.00 1,700.00 11,000.00 5,000.00 71,424.00 400.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 1,300.00 118,024.00 600.00 5,000.00 18,000.00 1,875.00 12,250.00 2,500.00 71,424.00 750.00 2,000.00 3,600.00 1,000.00 118,999.00 50.00 417.00 1,500.00 156.00 1,021.00 208.00 5,952.00 63.00 167.00 300.00 83.00 9,917.00 Total Expenses 386,122.00 379,625.70 -6,496.30 5.92.000 5.92.191 5.92.192 5.92.193 5.92.194 5.92.195 5.92.196 5.92.197 5.92.198 5.92.199 5.92.200 5.92.201 26 SUPPORT & SERVICE MINISTRIES 2010 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT Thank you to all the people who worked so hard with the repairs done at the church this year. I would also like to thank those who made donations as we would not have been able to do the work without your help. We had workdays once a month and many individuals made it possible to accomplish our many tasks. Some of the things done in 2010 were: Replaced all light bulbs in sanctuary and CDC Repaired crack in ceiling of sanctuary Repaired leak in Narthex Painted handrail at church office entrance Tinted windows in hallway entrance doors to help energy costs Enclosed wall in nursery where previous AC units were removed Painted handicapped spaces in parking lot Plugged holes in pencil holders in pews Installed door stops on all doors Replaced rug at front entrance of sanctuary Carillon Bell unit repaired Replaced door seals on exterior doors Many days were spent on grounds maintenance and upkeep not included in the regular lawn maintenance agreement. We will continue to work on the many maintenance needs of the church and we appreciate all the support of our church family. To God be the glory! Respectfully submitted, Rick Browder Chairperson/Council Representative 27 2010 CEMETERY COMMITTEE REPORT Elected Officials: Randy Corley, Chairperson, and Deborah Hooks Secretary. We had a work day where we replaced six graveyard markers with new ones. There should be many thanks to the faithful and hard work of the members of this committee. Other events of record this past year: The discussion of getting families to take care of their grave sites so they are more presentable. The question was brought up concerning old members no longer at Emmanuel and if they are still in need of their grave sites. There was no decision made concerning this at this time. The discussion of a new cemetery plot hard copy was brought up and Viki and Curtis said this could be done. The project is being looked into. Viki brought up that she thought we needed to revise the bylaws. This is being considered. The discussion of new burial plots was made and approved. Future plans include: We discussed getting a Columbarium for those who wish to use one. Respectfully submitted, Viki Sox Fecas CEMETERY COMMITTEE 28 2010 CONGREGATIONAL HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE REPORT The Hospitality Committee assisted in coordinating and hosting receptions and dinners throughout the year. Some of these events included: a covered dish luncheon honoring Lisa Heathcote; a reception honoring our confirmands; a covered dish luncheon honoring our graduates; a covered dish luncheon on Rally Day; a BBQ chicken luncheon on Stewardship Sunday; and a reception following the community Reformation Service. Thank you to all who helped set up tables and chairs and cleaned up afterwards. Also, thanks to everyone who cleaned and cooked chickens, furnished tea or desserts, and laundered linens. We sincerely appreciate all of your services. Carolyn S. Brown, Chairperson 2010 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT The stewardship theme this year was ―Make It Simple‖ which concentrated on four themes, following Jesus, facing the truth, acting together, and sharing enough. We had a person from the congregation each talk about one of the themes and what it meant to them. We would like to thank Phil Gold, Suzie Phillips, and Mary Roof for their assistance. The Stewardship dinner was a BBQ chicken dinner with the trimmings. We would like to give a special thanks to Lavonne Roof for letting us use her pit, Bobby for his expertise in cooking the chickens, and everyone who helped make the dinner a success. Several members from the committee participated in the Ventures program throughout the year. It consisted of four meetings in which different ideas for stewardship were discussed. Respectfully Submitted Rick Kingry 29 2010 RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT We are blessed with an active Recreation Ministry at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Here are some highlights of this past year: Game Night A group of people gathers together the second Monday of each month in the CDC for a variety of games. Everyone who attends has a great opportunity for fun, food, and fellowship. Scrapbooking A group of people started gathering in 2009 to scrapbook. All levels and experiences are welcome. This is the perfect opportunity for those who are just starting out to get some ideas from experienced people. Our 11th straight year of Softball Emmanuel is blessed to have Men’s and Coed Softball teams. Over 30 people play softball at the Pine Ridge Athletic Complex. We are also blessed to have a faithful group of cheerleaders who come out to support our team. You are welcome to attend any of our recreation and fellowship events! 2010 EVANGELISM COMMITTEE REPORT The Evangelism committee meets the second Sunday of each month for about an hour. The primary focus of our meetings is to focus on inactive members, and members of our congregation who need to be visited because of illness or extended absence. One of Emmanuel’s priorities for 2011 is centered on outreach. We have begun to think about ways in which we can be more intentional in reaching out to our community. In addition, we are starting to think about ways in which we can better follow up with our first time visitors. You are welcome to serve on this committee. 30 2010 SOCIAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE REPORT "GOD'S WORK - OUR HANDS" "Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God." Hebrews 13:16 The Wagon Ministry for 2010 has been a blessing and fun. Blessing refers to the people who received the items put into the wagon to share and fun denotes watching our little ones bring these offerings to the altar for blessing. We used the Wagon Ministry to collect school supplies for Pine Ridge and Congaree Elementary Schools in January since supplies give out by this time of the year and there is no money to replace them. Next, we gathered blankets for Salvation Army. Early in spring the committee helped coordinate our participation in OPERATION INASMUCH, a Synod-wide event. People helped feed the hungry, repaired a house, built a ramp, and gave money at a Laundromat. A special Social Ministry Committee/youth collaboration provided liquid laundry detergent (divided into smaller containers such as water and coke bottles‒recycling) for clients at God's Helping Hands. Another month, we collected juice boxes and snacks for at-risk children. The committee, coordinating with staff for this year’s VBS project, helped a family from the community whose home burned completely down. We brought in toiletries for Sister Care. During our canned goods drive in September, many pounds of food were collected and distributed to Harvest Hope. Again in November, we gathered canned goods which went to God's Helping Hands. Each time our gifts were received with joy by the directors since they had to fill many boxes for many families. We did not do our annual Thanksgiving Breakfast. The committee decided to use the money instead to give to God's Helping Hands. In the breakfast’s place, we had an intergenerational Sunday School lesson, complete with good music, slides of beauty and fun, and God's word and fellowship In addition this year, we began collecting coins for different ministries. ("Change for Change" is a good way to clean out your pockets and get it off your dressers or wherever you lay it...so look for the Sundays we collect in 2011.) The first month, the money we collected went to Sister Care. The second month we collected, it went to God's Helping Hands to help with clients electric bills. Our generous members also hosted two Red Cross Blood Drives...saving lives wherever we can. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Outreach Projects. You are a blessing to many who hunger for blessings. "And the King replied, I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it for me!" Matthew 25:40 In His Service, Patsy Amick for the Committee 31 2010 Meals on Wheels Annual Report TO SERVE IS TO KNOW THE HAND OF GOD "And I say to the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good." (2 Thessalonians 3:13) "You have been called to live in freedom, freedom to serve one another in love." (Galatians 5:13) Delivering four or five meals may not seem like much of a ministry to some who listen to us tell about our clients. But, be assured it is a big deal. Whether you are just delivering a hot meal or hot meal and a frozen one or two, you are needed and appreciated. Our route is scattered, but scenic. Each person we deliver to greets us with a smile and a thank you. They know they can depend on us. Emmanuel has been doing this ministry for many years. And, thanks be to God, we will continue. Below is the list of people who deliver each month: Harvey & Patsy Amick Betty Enlow Bill Bohan Judy Gordon Fred Browder Bobbie Fuller Carolyn Brown Ginger Hawley Jane & Godfrey Burnett John Matthews James & Angela Cockrell Susie Phillips Rick Collins Elford & Mary Roof Carolyn Shealy Bud & Regina Shealy Dixie Shumpert Don Stockman Thanks to Suzanne Ervolina for all her support to this ministry at Emmanuel. She does the monthly calendar for us, and calls the Senior Center to determine the holidays/days the staff is away from the center (in which case, we would have to deliver a hot meal and a frozen one as well). If you have a couple of hours once or twice a month and can help deliver meals, please call the church office. We will be happy to put you in the rotation. If for some reason you cannot deliver the day assigned, just call someone to switch to a day you can deliver. We are very accommodating. Pray about it and then call. Submitted by a Servant in Christ. Patsy Amick 32 WORSHIP MINISTRY 2010 WORSHIP & MUSIC COMMITTEE 2010 Membership: Lois Sills (Council Representative), Diana Gold (Committee Chair), Mary Whiteley (Secretary), Louise Amick, Phyllis Amick, Angela Cockrell, Jamey Edwards, Phil Gold, Judy Gordon, Barry Gwyn, Pastor Russell Peek, Mary Roof Greetings from the Worship & Music Committee! A verse from Psalm 95:2. “Let us come into His presence with Thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!” Our committee meets quarterly to review concerns and comments about Worship Service. We have devotions and ask God’s guidance in prayer. Some of the main issues and concerns addressed during the year of 2010 were: New Musical Setting – Some service music included ELW Setting 10 and setting using hymns from the ELW service music section. We thank the congregation for their patience and cooperation while learning this new music. “New” Hymns and “Old” Hymns Balance – We strive to find a balance so that the needs and opinions of all our church family are met during the course of the church year. (Example: ―I’ll Fly Away‖) The music is/should be such a vital and meaningful part of worship. Bulletin Covers – In trying to be good stewards, we have tackled several issues during the year including changing the bulletin covers to black and white artwork, instead of the expensive covers used before. Ways to Involve Children and Young People in the Various Aspects of Worship ‒ Some ways included baking bread for communion, using children’s artwork for bulletin covers, ―Taking Faith Home‖ sheets that are now included in Sunday morning bulletins, using the children’s choir to enhance the worship, and young people playing instruments. All these ways for worship can be truly claimed by our youngest to our oldest members. Growing God’s Mission Nursing Home Visits ‒ We have continued to do this. Joint and Combined Worship Services ‒ We have continued to join in worship with the community in several worship opportunities. One such opportunity is adding the week-long West Columbia/Cayce area week of prayer for Christian Unity Worship Services, available in January through different area congregations. May we continue to raise our voices to God and give Him all the praise as all we have comes from Him. In Christian Love, Diana Gold 33 2010 Music Ministry Report Respectfully submitted by Don & Mary Whiteley Forward: This past year, 2010, was a year that presented us with many challenges, opportunities and blessings. The adult choir presented more than 68 anthems during our regular weekly worship services. This number was in addition to special arrangements of hymns, service music and psalms. Other events for which our choir provided music was our nursing home visits and the community Reformation Service which Emmanuel hosts each year. In 2010, our choir continued with our project for ―Growing God’s Mission,‖ which began in 2008 to sing and present a special worship service at each of the nursing homes where our church has a member. This year, 2010, our choir, with Pastor Russell, presented a small worship service/program at the Brian Center for Herman Warren on February 21, 2010, Heartland Extended Care for Amalee Roof on June 6, 2010 and at Agape in Lexington for Marcia Brannon on September 12, 2010. For those who may not be familiar with how anthems are selected, much planning and great care is taken to ensure that each week the choir will present an anthem which is firmly rooted in the appropriate message of the day. Our goal is to always present quality anthems that help to reinforce the appointed scripture lessons and to compliment the sermon. We consider the adult choir to be an essential part of the worship service each Sunday – a supplement to and/or a reinforcement of the sermon. This is but one of the many reasons why what we do is called a music ministry. As part of this music ministry, we try to vary the musical style of the anthems throughout the year. Some of the musical styles we have used in the past year included Traditional, Contemporary, Classical, Folk, Ethnic and Gospel. One of the many challenges of this year was to provide a good mix of ―repeat‖ vs ―new‖ anthems. Normally we strive to reach a 70/30 split. New anthems at 70% vs repeated anthems at 30%. With the average cost of each anthem being between $70 and $80 dollars (for 25 to 30 copies) and voluntary efforts by us to curb the use of budgeted monies during these difficult times, we set out to achieve and maintain what we consider an important ratio. Thanks to the continued support of the Music Memorial/Honorarium program and using some new anthems bought in previous years but not yet presented as well as anthems already in the current files that have not been used in many years, we were able to reach this goal. We thank you for your many kind words of praise that you have shared with us. Many of you go out of your way each Sunday to express your appreciation for our efforts. Your kind words are a source of inspiration and encouragement to us. We are truly blessed with your friendship, support and love. Emmanuel is fortunate to have such a wonderful and talented choir. It is a privilege and an honor for us to work with and be the leader of these talented, committed, loving individuals. Please take a few moments and let these dedicated individuals know how much you appreciate their efforts each week and also, how much the choir means to you personally. Your words of praise and encouragement will mean so much to them and will go a long way to lift them up each week. As we find ways to expand and improve upon our music ministry over the next year, please prayerfully consider participating in one or more of the following music programs. Adult Choir: The adult choir is open to any confirmed member of the congregation. The adult choir presents an anthem at each Sunday morning service as well as for all other services. Having a great voice, while wonderful, is not a requirement. 34 The choir currently rehearses on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8:15pm. If you are unsure about joining the choir, just show up one night and experience for yourself the joy of fellowship and song. However, I must warn you, attending choir practice may become addictive and you might be highly motivated to sing along! Our choir is always in need of a few more voices. We are sensitive to and realize that family concerns, work and school schedules take their toll on choir members. If you enjoy singing and are willing to serve God in this way, then we want you! Even if you cannot commit to being with us each week, we still encourage you to join. You are welcome to participate as little or as much as you are willing, able and available. Our desire has always been to involve as many people as possible and to ―fill-up‖ the choir area. There are 40 seats available in the choir area (and we can always add some chairs for more if needed). There are ample copies of music and choir robes. Please help us increase our numbers by joining the choir and/or by persuading others you know to join! In 2010 we lost a few members and we gained a few members. The following individuals are the 23 extra special people who currently make up the adult choir. We give thanks to God for all those individuals (and their families) who gave of themselves, their time, and their talents to serve His church in this way. Director: Don Whiteley Organist: Mary Whiteley Soprano (10) Current Members: Louise Amick, Phyllis Amick, Angela Cockrell, Genie Edwards, Deborah Hooks, Mary Roof, Leah Sinnott, Fae Sox New Members for 2010: Margie Smoake, Kelly Moore Alto (6) Current Members: Viki Fecas, Diana Gold, Judy Gordon, Carol Kingry, Mona Lowe, Lois Sills Tenor (4) Current Members: Wade Browder, Barry Gwyn, Marion Smith New Member for 2010: Danny Smoake Bass (3) Current Members: Randy Corley, Jamey Edwards, Phil Gold Adult Handbell / Handchime Choir: The bell choir is open to any confirmed of the congregation. The bell choir usually plays on a few selected Sundays of the year, such as Easter, Pentecost and Christmas Eve. We still struggle to maintain enough members for a full group. We need a minimum of 11 very dedicated individuals who can make each rehearsal. Rehearsals are on selected Thursdays (usually beginning six weeks prior to the Sunday the bell choir will play), from 8:15pm to 9pm. The following individuals participated in the bell choir during 2010: Director: Don Whiteley Barry Gwyn, Danny Smoake, Jamey Edwards, Amy Amick, Genie Edwards, Mary Whiteley, Judy Gordon, Margie Smoake, Angela Cockrell, Louise Amick, Dixie Shumpert, Pastor Russell and Caroline Peek 35 Instrumentalists: Any member of the congregation (school age or adult) who plays an instrument and wants to play for God is encouraged to do so. Those who volunteer are used throughout the year to embellish our anthems, hymns and other service music. If you play an instrument and are willing to share your talents, please contact the choir director or organist. The following individuals supplemented our music program during 2010: Angie Ciuca (Flute) and Austin Phillips (Euphonium) Anthem Memorials / Honorariums: Anthems are available to be given in memory of or in honor of a loved one. What a wonderful way to remember a loved one, or to honor a loved one on a special occasion. If you would like to give an anthem for a loved one on a particular Sunday during the year, please contact the choir director or organist for more information. Our music program has honored / remembered the following people during 2010: 01-31-2010 02-28-2010 05-16-2010 08-15-2010 08-29-2010 09-12-2010 10-24-2010 11-21-2010 His Eye Is On the Sparrow – Charles Gabriel / arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram Memorial for Warren Clemmons Given by Marcia Brannon Thy Holy Wings / I’ll Fly Away – Berg/Brumley & arr by Don & Mary Whiteley Memorial for Patricia S. Purvis Given by Felicia Payne & Donna Dority Here I Am to Worship – Tim Hughes / arranged by Cindy Berry Memorial for Dolores Wise Given by Donna Dority & Felicia Payne God Will Make A Way – Don Moen / arranged by Mark Hayes Memorial for Anna Soza Given by Nan & Tom Krugel A Prayer for Humility – Mark Paterson Honorarium for Kathleen Langford, Jennifer Nuovo, Jeremy Langford, Michelle Nuovo Given by Ella Shumpert Lord, Be Glorified – Bob Kilpatrick / arranged by Benjamin Harlan Honorarium for James Davis Gordon Given by Judy, Kate and Nolan Gordon In Beulah Land – Mark Caruth and Squire Parsons Memorial for Jessie Bell Mitchum Given by Donna Dority & Felicia Payne Lamb of God – Twila Paris / arranged by Lloyd Larson Memorial for Anna Soza Given by Nan & Tom Krugel ELC Music Fund This fund was established in August of 2004 as a way to keep track of donations made to the music fund and to ensure that these funds are used to embellish the music program. All monies from the anthem memorials/honorariums and all other contributions made to the music fund go into this account. The ELC music fund is used to purchase items for the music program that are not covered by the church budget and/or for additional items after the budgeted amount has been spent. 36 One of the major expenses the ELC music fund provides each year is the cost of hiring a professional brass quartet and timpani for our Reformation Service. For 2010, we were only able to hire the group for the afternoon Reformation Community Service. The cost was $750. Thanks to your generous donations to this fund, we were able, once again, to enjoy this group and be blessed by their beautiful sounds. If you would like to contribute to the ELC music fund, please make your check payable to ―ELC Music Fund‖ and give your check or cash to Judy Gordon or to Don and Mary Whiteley. A receipt of your donation will be forwarded to you along with our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks. Many thanks to the following people who contributed additional funds (apart from the Anthem Memorial/Honorarium program) to the ELC Music Fund during 2010: Henry & Ruth Browder In Honor of the Adult Choir Donna Dority In Memory of Randy Almond In Memory of Stella Shuler In Memory of Evelyn Shull In Memory of Herbert Trotter Williams Nan & Tom Krugel Felicia Payne In Memory of Randy Almond In Memory of Stella Shuler In Memory of Evelyn Shull Elsie Sarine In Honor of Ramona Marcum Martha Sauls In Honor of Donna Dority In Honor of Felicia Payne In Memory of Patricia Purvis Russell & June Seay In Memory of Scott Snelgrove ―Bo‖ Shuler In Memory of Stella Shuler ―Bo‖ Shuler & Family In Memory of Stella Shuler Wyman & Fae Sox In Memory of Jimmy Roof Gifts: In 2010, the music program received the following gifts: Window Dressings and a Chair Rail for the choir room, given by Wyman & Fae Sox. We give thanks and praise to God for all the many blessings and gifts He provides. Records: The following records are available for inspection upon request. All records are located in the choir room. Please see the organist if you wish to view any of the records. 1. 2010’s list of all anthems and hymns sung for Series C which began November 2009. 2. List of Anthems and Hymns sung for past years a. Series B (November 2008 – November 2009) b. Series A (November 2007 – November 2008) c. Series C (November 2006 – November 2008) d. Series B (November 2005 – November 2006) e. Series A (November 2004 – November 2005) f. Series C (November 2003 – November 2004) g. Series B (May 2003 – November 2003) 3. Records of All Anthem Memorials / Honorariums 4. ELC Music Fund: With the recommendation of the Worship & Music Committee and approval of church council, all records for the ELC Music Fund are maintained by Judy Gordon and are audited by the church each year. Please contact Judy Gordon if you have any questions concerning this fund. 37 2010 ELC Music Fund Balance brought forward: $4165.65 CREDITS: Dues/CDs $225.00 Church envelopes $205.00 Anthem memorials or honorariums $1,000.00 ________ $1,430.00 TOTAL CREDITS DEBITS: CD Supplies $68.96 Gifts $88.85 Make Music (Finale upgrade) ― $109.95 7.69 ― Anthem bills from J.W. Pepper $403.20 Computer for choir room $532.86 Reformation Brass $750.00 Ionian Arts $56.95 ________ $2018.46 TOTAL DEBITS Balance as of 11/30/2010 $3577.19 The funds reflected in this report as credits and debits are not indicated or reflected in any line item of the approved annual budget for Emmanuel. This fund was created to relieve some of the expenses that arise above normal budget appropriations for the Adult Music Department. Should there be any questions, you may contact members of the Music and Worship Committee. 38 2010 ALTAR COMMITTEE General Chairperson – Bobbie Fuller Purpose: To prepare the Altar weekly coordinating the colors and seasons of the church year and preparing the communion meal when scheduled. The Altar Committee Guide, which gives the color of the paraments as well as the symbol for each worship service is prepared by the Chair of the altar committee for the first quarter and placed in the room where Communion is prepared. This committee is open to all members of the congregation, both men and women. Responsibilities of General Chairperson Altar Committee: 1. Select quarterly chairperson for the year and act as guide. 2. Update list as needed. 3. See that all paraments and the pall are cleaned when needed. 4. Purchase general supplies (communion needs, candles, etc.). Responsibilities of Quarterly Chairpersons & Committee: 1. Change paraments on altar in church and the chapel (seasons, special occasions) and place corresponding usher badges in Narthex. 2. Prepare communion - clean up after service. Wipe Altar rail with a damp cloth. 3. Place ample supply of communion cards in pew racks. 4. First Quarter chairperson prepares the altar committee guide. First Quarter (January–March) Dorcas Lydia Patti Smith, Chairperson Priscilla Rebekah Sandi Hamilton Fae Sox Carolyn Brown Jennifer Nuovp Second Quarter (April-June) Dorcas Lydia Pam Lewis Melanie Jackson Lori Collins Elaine Donaldson Diana Gold Angela Cockrell Sara Busbee, Chairperson Priscilla Rebekah Louise Amick Third Quarter (July-September) Dorcas Lydia Doris Steele Elsie Sarine Muriel Schumpert Nell Gainey, Chairperson Priscilla Rebekah Dixie Shumpert Ruth Browder Nell Gainey Betty Gwyn Fourth Quarter (October-December) Dorcas Lydia Joann Corley, Chairperson Priscilla Rebekah Ginger Hawley Becky Parker Leah Sinnott Paula Stroud Geneva Shull Regina Shealy Anne Tidwell 39 LaVonne Roof GOAL: To keep the worship area attractive and in good order, both to glorify God and to provide a setting which enables the congregation to worship in a meaningful way. In order to achieve this aim we have accepted the responsibility (and privilege) for the care and placement of furnishings, appointments and ornaments used in worship. DUTIES OF EACH QUARTERLY COMMITTEE Keep linens, paraments and vestments clean, pressed and changed according to the proper seasons. Keep the sacramental vessels clean and in readiness. Secure and properly store Baptismal napkins, candles, wafers and wine. Prepare the altar for Holy Communion. Check to see if communion cards are in pew racks before each communion. FUNERALS Work with the pastor and secretary to assist in seeing that the pall is pressed and in readiness and help drape the pall on the casket. FLOWERS ALTAR FLOWERS. Volunteers (who sign the flower chart for a particular Sunday) provide arrangements for the worship service as an expression of praise and thanksgiving. A RED BUD in honor of each new born child and a WHITE BUD in memory of each deceased member (also for a close family member of a member) are placed on the altar on the Sunday following the birth or death. (The Pastor or secretary contact volunteers for this.) On Easter Sunday, LILIES, which are paid for by individual members, are placed in the sanctuary in honor or memory of loved ones. On Christmas Eve, POINSETTIAS are paid for by individual members and are placed in the sanctuary in honor or memory of loved ones. LENT/EASTER Additional opportunities for enhancing the worship area are provided during these seasons. Stripping the Altar on Maundy Thursday, Draping in black, helping place the lilies and changing banners are some. CHRISTMAS SEASON During the Christmas season, members assist in construction of the advent wreath, putting together the artificial pre-lighted tree, placing and decorating the tree, and decorating the windows with greenery and candles. Praise and Thanksgiving to all who have given of time or talent during the year to enhance our worship. ANY MEMBER IS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO GET INVOLVED IN THIS AREA. If you wish to serve on one of the quarterly committees, call the church office or check this area on your Stewardship Commitment form! 40 2011 Altar Guild Calendar January May Sun Jan 2 White - Manger Communion Sun May 1 White - Lily Communion Sun Jan 9 White - Manger Communion Sun May 8 White - Lily Communion Sun Jan 16 Green - Manger Sun May 15 White - Lily Communion Sun Jan 23 Green - Manger Sun May 22 White - Lily Communion Sun Jan 30 Green - Manger Sun May 29 White - Lily Communion Sun Jun 5 White - Lily Communion February June Sun Feb 6 Green - Manger Communion Sun Feb 13 Green - Manger Sun Jun 12 Red - Dove Communion Wed Feb 20 Green - Manger Sun Jun 19 White - Lily Communion Sun Feb 27 Green - Manger Sun Jun 26 Green - Ship March July Sun Mar 6 White - Cross Communion Sun Jul 3 Green - Ship Wed Mar 9 Purple - Lamb Communion Sun Jul 10 Green - Ship Sun Mar 13 Purple - Lamb Sun Jul 17 Green - Ship Sun Mar 20 Purple - Lamb Sun Jul 24 Green - Ship Sun Mar 27 Purple - Lamb Sun Jul 31 Green - Ship April Communion August Sun Apr 3 Purple - Lamb Sun Apr 10 Purple - Lamb Sun Apr 17 Purple - Cross Thurs Apr 21 Purple - Cross Fri Apr 22 None Sun Apr 24 Gold - Lily Communion Sun Aug 7 Green - Ship Sun Aug 14 Green - Ship Communion Sun Aug 21 Green - Ship Communion Sun Aug 28 Green - Ship Communion 41 Communion September December Sun Sep 5 Green - Ship Sun Sep 12 Communion Sun Dec 4 Blue - Lamps Communion Green - Ship Sun Dec 11 Blue - Lamps Communion Sun Sep 19 Green - Ship Sun Dec 18 Blue - Lamps Sun Sep 26 Green - Ship Fri Dec 24 White - Manger Communion Communion (Both Services) Sun Dec 25 White - Manger Communion Sun Jan 1 White - Manger Communion Communion October January 2012 Sun Oct 2 Green - Ship Communion Sun Oct 9 Green - Ship Sun Jan 8 White - Manger Sun Oct 16 Green - Ship Sun Jan 15 Green - Manger Sun Oct 23 Green - Ship Sun Jan 22 Green - Manger Sun Jan 29 Green - Manger Red - Lamb Communion (AM and PM) Sun Nov 6 White - Lily Communion Sun Nov 13 Green - Ship Sun Nov 20 White - Lily Sun Nov 27 Blue - Lamps Sun Oct 30 November Communion 42 LEARNING MINISTRY 2010 Education Ministry Committee Thanks to all the members of this committee who worked hard and served so faithfully. This was another busy year for the education committee. It started off with the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and the committee fried bacon, grilled sausage, and made many pancakes. We were joined by others in the kitchen and we appreciated their help. The next event was a community Easter egg hunt in which several members of the committee manned a table where the children made bookmarks. There were many games available, a bouncing booth, duck float, balloons, among others. The children in attendance enjoyed the events. Confirmation Sunday and graduation Sunday followed in which those involved were honored during the Sunday worship service. We were once again led in an awesome VBS by Tiffany Dupree and Angie Smith; it was well attended and very successful. We celebrated Rally Day as the summer ended and the new school year began. This was headed by Don Lowe who did a great job focusing on a more Bible-centered Rally Day with games and good food. The next event of the year was Advent family night with a visit from St. Nicholas and the receiving of gloves and knit caps for needy children. Patsy Amick headed this up. Continuing throughout the year was Sunday School with Pat Browder, superintendent, and Elaine Donaldson assisting. We appreciate their hard work and are endeavoring through a meeting with parents in January to ascertain what would motivate parents to come to SS and bring their children. It is an area where much work needs to be done, and we would appreciate any input and help. God’s Peace, Judy Gordon 43 2010 VBS Beach Party: Surfin' Through the Scriptures WOW! What a great week we had at Beach Party: Surfin’ Through the Scriptures. The weather fit right in and it felt like we were in the beach all week. There was an average of 140-150 people each evening. The kitchen crew did a fabulous job fixing all those wonderful meals. The Sound Waves was directed by Jamie Edwards and accompanied by Angela Cockrell. They did a wonderful job! We also enjoyed some delicious snacks from the Snackin’ Shack like the beach party snack cups, cups of kindness, forgiven cookie grams, and boldness bars. The Beachcomber Crafts made sand candles, beach frames, and suncatchers. This year we also collected items for the McKinnon Family, whose house burned down on May 29th. A HUGE thanks goes out to the wonderful ―lifeguards‖ and volunteers who helped to make VBS a success. Without them, VBS could not have happened. There were also many great compliments heard throughout the entire week. We thank you! Remember your Beach Beattitudes: Be Obedient, Be Kind, Be Forgiving, Be Kind, and Believe. Tiffany Dupree & Angie Smith 2010 Youth Ministry Committee Youth Ministry underwent some challenges this year. We have a faithful group of people who commit themselves to the youth of this church. Lil Lutherans were led by Tiffany DuPree and Angie Smith. We thank them for their faithful service as they planned out events for our youngest disciples at Emmanuel. We also have a Lutheran Church Youth group here at Emmanuel. In addition to service projects like the Souper Bowl of Caring, they also have fun fellowship events like bowling and gathering for the Carolina/Clemson game. Thanks to all who helped put on fun events for our youth. Youth ministry is a vital part of our life together here at Emmanuel. You are invited to consider helping with the ministry of forming faithful children and youth. 44 2010 Scouting CUB SCOUTS – PACK 343 We would like to say a very special thank you to Emmanuel Lutheran Church for supporting the Scouting program. Thanks to Pastor Russell Peek for being our Scout Executive and Danny Smoake for being our council representative. We have grown the Pack from approximately 8 to 25 active scouts and 10 active leaders. Our leaders are dedicated to the program, and are willing to step up at any time to make sure the boys earn their ranks and have fun. We have done a couple of campouts this year‒one at the Scout hut and they also participated in Haunted Forest at Camp Barstow. There are several more campouts planned in the next few months. Some of the activities that the boys have participated in are BB gun shooting, archery, basketball, kickball, marbles and setting up and breaking down camp. We have participated in pinewood derby races, popcorn sales and camp card sales. The boys did a fantastic job selling popcorn and camp cards in order to raise money for our Pack. Pack 343 is a Pack that continues to grow because of the support of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, and the dedicated members of the Pack. We look forward to watching the boys learn new things and grow into future leaders. Committee chair: Jeanne Ricard Treasurer: Sonya Freeman Cubmaster: Billy Freeman Assistant Cubmasters: Jamey Ricard and Thomas Hundley Thanks for your continued support of Pack 343! 45 BSA TROOP 343 The Troop began this past year by attending the Forty-First Annual SC Lutheran Scout Retreat held at Camp Kinard, Leesville, SC, on January 15-17. The retreat annually provides all troops with the opportunity to enjoy a winter campout as well as providing a weekend of Christian fellowship and fun with other Lutheran Scouts. Activities held this past year included: The Wheel, The Trolley, Fire by Friction, Overboard, Emergency Preparedness, Front End Alignment, Ratapult, Raise the Flag, Ring Toss BSA Style and Team Pulley Drop. The weather was cold. February 14 was Scout Sunday at Emmanuel. After the service a Court of Honor was held in the CDC. The Troop received three New Scouts on February 20 all from Pack 343 at their Crossover Ceremony. Our activities for the first quarter included a New Scout Orientation held on March 5-7 at the Scout Hut, a Troop Campout on April 9-11 at Ridgell Farms located just south of Batesburg, and a hike to the top of Pinnacle Mountain, elevation 3425’, with the Troop camping out on top of the mountain, May 21-23. June was busy with a service project held here on the Church grounds. June 20-26 saw eight Scouts attend summer camp at Camp Barstow on Lake Murray. This year the Troop had two Assistant Scout Masters attend along with the Scouts, Tim Johnson and David Ouellette. Other Troop camping trips included a rafting trip with USA Rafting on the French Broad River, July 911. The North Carolina Lutheran Scout Retreat was held on August 20-22, and again on this trip we had Cub Scouts from Pack 518 attend in hopes of having several of their Scouts join our Troop. The month of September involved weekend after weekend of Scout Popcorn Sales. This year in conjunction with the Popcorn Sales the Troop participated in the Pine Ridge Neighborhood Festival on September 10. Thanks to Tim Johnson and Robert Sturkie, the Troop again exceeded the previous sales record. November 12-14 saw the Troop attend the Indian Waters Council Camporee held at Richland Creek Farms, Saluda County. November 29 saw the Troop tour NOAA located at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. Troop 343 was again privileged to participate in the Candle Light Service held at Woodridge Cemetery located at US Hwy 378 and Corley Mill Road on December 4. The day was spent preparing 3000 candle bags, placing the bags around the cemetery and then lighting them for the formal service. The Troop had three Scouts attend the Klondike Winter Camp held at Camp Barstow this year, December 27 through 30. December 13 was the Troop Christmas Party held at D’s Wings located in Parkland Shopping Center, followed by a bowling tournament at Parklane Lanes. Although the Scouts put up a fierce fight, they lost out to the experience and skill of the older Scout Masters. Our next Troop meeting will be January 10, 2011. If you would like to have a boy join us, he must have completed the 5th grade and be 11 years old. We meet every Monday night from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Submitted by Luther Lown, Scout Master 46 GIRL SCOUTS Wow, the saying is so true, how time flies when you are having fun because we have gone through another year, 2010. On behalf of Girl Scouts Group 983 we would like to say to Emmanuel Lutheran Church for sponsoring our girls for 2009-2010. We have ages K5 - 12th grade this year, and have grown to be very successful. Highlights: we took part in Cookie Sales, Thinking Day, Fall Product Sale, and Girl Scout Sunday. Then for service projects, we adopted the Nancy Perry Shelter for Christmas and collected items to go inside shoeboxes to give the children so they would have a Christmas. As the leader we invite you as church members to come out to any of our events or meetings to see what the girls are up to and what they are learning. You can keep up with us by the calendar in The Manger, as well as our bulletin board in the CDC hall, or feel free to contact me. We would love to have you come and join us. Again, ―Thank You‖ for the support we receive from you as church members. Your support means everything in having a successful year. Believe in a Girl, Support Girl Scouts, Jennifer Nuovo Group Leader 47 AUXILIARIES The ESP Group Once again the ESP group (Emmanuel’s Special People) visited around the state each month. Some of our activities were: The Grand Affair Toured the Lutheran Southern Seminary A trip to an antique museum in Leesville The Carter and Holmes Orchard (orchids) St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church The Hollywild Safari in Union Apple picking in Hendersonville, NC Lunch with Pastor Kay and Glenda Overcash in China Grove, NC Guests of Platt Springs United Methodist Church and enjoyed the Saluda River Fine Arts presentation there Visited our shut-ins and took them ―goody‖ baskets Played Bingo and had covered dishes Went to the Saluda Shoals Christmas Lights display, as well as other displays in the neighborhood. We had fun, and the bus was about full most months‒but there is always room for more. All seniors and retirees are welcome. If you know of any neat places for us to see, please let us know. Many thanks go to our capable drivers, Bill Bohan and Harvey Amick. They keep the bus clean and checked for us. Sincerely, Leah Sinnott, coordinator L.C.Y. (Lutheran Church Youth) 2010 Lutheran Church Youth continues to do God’s Work through the hands of our youth at Emmanuel. Highlights included a youth Sunday this year, the Souper Bowl of Caring at Lexington Interfaith Community Services, and other fellowship events throughout the year. We look forward to an exciting 2011! 48 Li’l Lutherans The Emmanuel Li’l Lutherans celebrated another fun-filled year in 2010. They fellowshipped through many social activities such as roller skating, bowling, a family cook-out and swimming at Lake Murray, an afternoon at Frankie’s Fun Park, swimming parties, an afternoon at Monkey Joe’s and Boo at the Zoo. The Li’l Lutherans also planned two social activities with the Youth Group – we had our second campfire cook-out (complete with campfire songs) behind the scout hut at the church and a family picnic at Saluda Shoals park. The Li’l Lutherans again hosted our annual Grandparents’ Day luncheon for all of the grandparents in the congregation. We had a nice turn-out and enjoyed good food and good company to celebrate this special day. The Li’l Lutherans also participated in the monthly ―wagon ministry‖ sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee. They were always so excited on the last Sunday of each month to bring forward the wagon filled with items donated by the congregation. The Li’l Lutherans ended the calendar year with the annual Christmas party; we were very excited to welcome a few new faces at the party. At the Christmas party, the Li’l Lutherans learned about communion and ―made‖ their final service project for the year – baking homemade communion bread. Each child donned an apron and really enjoyed adding the ingredients to their individual bowl and mixing the dough. Several parents helped by rolling out the dough and then the children cut the loaves of bread into circles and marked each loaf with a cross. The children presented the homemade communion bread as part of their offering during the worship service on December 12th. They made enough bread for several worship services! We are looking forward to another exciting year in 2011 and invite all children, aged birth through fifth grade, to ―come join the fun!‖ Respectfully submitted, Tiffany Ciuca DuPree and Angie Smith Li’l Lutheran Coordinators 49 W.E.L.C.A. WOMEN OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ 2010-2011 Executive Officers Sara Busbee President Lori Collins Vice President Jolene Gillis Secretary Carolyn Brown Treasurer PRESIDENT’S REPORT FOR 2010 Emmanuel Women of the ELCA continued our support to our Lord through the work of Emmanuel Lutheran Church Congregation, Saxe Gotha WELCA Conference, South Carolina Women of the ELCA, Women of the ELCA, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Yes, our little group of women is active and involved in all of these organizations and whoever they support. The following is a report on our activities during the year 2010. Our organization provided subscriptions to The Ripple (SCWELCA newsletter) and to Interchange (WELCA national newsletter) to our circle leaders, who presented information from these publications at monthly circle meetings. This year, we renewed our efforts to make visits to those who are or have been hospitalized. Each circle was assigned a quarter of the year to be responsible for a visit from a member of Emmanuel WELCA. Visits were made to those who were hospitalized overnight either while in the hospital or afterwards at home. Other activities have offered opportunities for us to grow in our understanding. We are thankful for the many times we can come together in Christian love and fellowship. Those opportunities were continued in 2010 in monthly circle meetings, the semi-annual joint meetings, World Day of Prayer Service, Saxe-Gotha District Meetings, WELCA Sunday, Mother/Daughter/Friend Supper, SCWELCA Convention, Annual Retreat at Isle of Palms, and the Christmas Banquet. The Emmanuel WELCA Executive Committee met four times during the year to discuss and plan events, take care of any problems or issues that arose, organize committees, provide information for individual circle meetings, and look at the total picture of the service of our organization. Two Joint Meetings of all the circles were held this year—one in March and one in September. At the meeting held March 9th, we had a class on laughter and its benefits taught by Nancy Jones, the Laughter Lady. At the meeting held September 14th, Debbie Kelly spoke to us about geriatric care management. Officers were elected for the 2011-2012 term: Sara Busbee, President; Lori Collins, Vice-President; Jolene Gillis, Secretary; and Carolyn Brown, Treasurer. Members of Emmanuel WELCA attended the Saxe Gotha Spring Conference held March 21st at Transfiguration Lutheran Church and the Saxe Gotha Fall Conference held September 19th at Bethany Lutheran Church. We were also represented at World Day of Prayer Service held March 5th at Transfiguration Lutheran Church. WELCA SUNDAY at Emmanuel was held March 14th. Jessica Gibson, student at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, brought a very inspiring message. Jessica is the granddaughter of Bo and Stella Shuler. Mary Roof served as the worship leader; Carolyn Brown gave a Temple Talk on Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Auxiliary; Jolene Gillis gave the children’s sermon; Carolyn Brown and Amy Corley read the first and second lessons; Angie Smith was the cantor and sang a solo entitled My Lord and My God, Catherine Senterfeit served as Crucifer; Ashley Collins served as the Acolyte; Paula Branham, Pat Browder, Jennifer Nuovo, and Amanda Shealy served as ushers; Elaine Donaldson, Lori Collins, Nell Gainey, and Susie Phillips served as greeters. All WELCA members came forward to sing the anthem, I Love to Tell the Story. 50 The Saxe Gotha Spring Conference Meeting was held on Sunday, March 21st, at Transfiguration Lutheran Church. There were 40 ladies and clergy attending. Peggy Kashmer, Lois Sills, and Mary Roof represented Emmanuel. A program was presented by Carol Yarbrough from the Dickinson Center for Children. Martha Koeller, Conference Leader, reminded us that our conference is to be hostess for the SCWELCA Convention this year. All the circles participated in preparing soup and sandwiches for our Lenten Services this past year. Since we now have only four circles, the two larger circles—Dorcas and Lydia—served twice each in order to cover the six Lenten Services. Scott and Jennifer Nuovo and family prepared and delivered the PALM Meal for Lutheran Campus Ministries on April 5th. Each circle donated money to finance the cost of the food. Also, Gene and Carolyn Brown; Elford and Mary Roof; and Earl and Lois Sills provided desserts for the meal. Our Mother/Daughter/Friend Salad Supper was held May 3rd. Our theme was Seeds of Kindness. The CDC was decorated in a garden theme with a special entry trellis donated by Betty and Vic Scott. An area was set up to take family or group pictures, which were taken by Pat Browder and later given to those attending. For the program, Sara Busbee spoke about what sowing seeds of kindness meant to her as a grandmother, Geniene Ciuca spoke as a mother, Catherine Senterfeit spoke as a daughter, and Pat Browder spoke as a child of God. Others shared examples of people who had made an impression in their life with an act of kindness. Recognition and a prize were given to Ethel Weaver for oldest mother present, Sarah Barrs for newest mother present, Dixie Shumpert for newest grandmother present, and Kate Senterfeit for youngest daughter present. Lois Sills and Ella Shumpert represented us as elected delegates to the SCWELCA Convention held at Newberry College June 25-26. The Convention theme was Bold Women Crossing the Waters. Emmanuel WELCA circles contributed to the Convention Projects. A total of 544 prenatal kits for PASOS and 200 gift cards totaling more than $6,235.00 were collected from our congregations across the state. Final tally of the offerings collected was $12,989.96 for Thankoffering, plus $5,148.82 for the Convention. The total was $18,138.78. At the Saxe-Gotha WELCA Conference Meeting held on September 19th Bethany Lutheran Church, the following were elected to two-year terms: Bunny Gable (Transfiguration) Conference Leader; Karen Freeman (Sandy Run) Conference Secretary, and Lois Sills (Emmanuel) Financial Secretary. Attending from Emmanuel were Joyce Fingerlin, Ginger Hawley, Jennifer Nuovo, Ella Shumpert, and Lois Sills. A program was presented on Harvest Hope Food Bank. The Annual Retreat to the Isle of Palms was October 8-10. The basis for the program time came from A Woman’s Walk with God. Tabitha Amick and Jennifer Nuovo conducted the program time during which we heard their personal testimonies, played an informative group game using women of the Bible, had a scavenger hunt, sang, worshipped, prayed, and enjoyed each other’s company. Free time was spent walking on the beach, shopping, watching the football games, and watching a special movie. The Chrismon Committee decorated the Chrismon tree and windows in the sanctuary for the Advent/Christmas seasons. Thanks to Danny Smoake, Margie Smoake, and Jamie Edwards for erecting the Chrismon tree and to Betty Scott, Paula Branham, Becky Parker, Leah Sinnott, Sara Busbee, Betty Jane Enlow, Patti Smith and Mary Roof for decorating the tree. The Christmas Banquet was held on December 11th. The meal was catered by Rusty’s Catering. Entertainment was by The Snelgrove Family (Allison, Casey, Amanda, Lauren, Megan, Chelsey, and Sara) along with their director, Gary Ashe. Wade Browder and Danny Smoake on behalf of Lutheran Men in Mission presented life memberships in memory of Jimmy Roof, Ellis Corley, Herman Warren, and Horace Taylor; and in honor of Don Lowe. Joyce and Wade Browder and Jolene Gillis handled the drawings for prizes. Donations of toilet tissue for God’s Helping Hands and gifts to the children of The Nancy K. Perry Children’s Shelter were on display. Each circle donated refreshments for the Christmas Carolers on December 19th. The refreshments were served at the home of Pastor Russell and Caroline Peek. 51 Thankofferings to be sent to our national organization, Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, were collected in May and November. Our projects this year were our continued ones for children’s worship bags, the stamp ministry, and our special Christmas project for God’s Helping Hands and The Nancy K. Perry Children’s Shelter. Our thanks go to all who donated in any way to make these projects successful. A special thanks to those who served on or helped with the Bereavement Committees, Altar Committee, and Chrismon Committee. We realize that there are those who are not ―listed‖ as committee members who give of their time, talents, or monies to these endeavors. To you, we say, ―Thank you.‖ Our total active membership at the beginning of 2010 was 68. We were down 4 from 2009. Our total at the beginning of 2011 is 62. We are down a total of six from last year. We lost two due to death, one due to moving, and five asked for their names to be removed. We gained two members in Priscilla Circle—Phyllis Amick and Ella Shumpert (transferred from Eve Circle). Our praise and thanks to God for all the faithful ones who continue to carry on with love and faithfulness the work of our Lord as Women of the ELCA. Serving our Lord is what we are all about. I have enjoyed serving my Lord as president of Emmanuel Women of the ELCA for the last four years. It has been challenging at times, but somehow everything seemed to work out. I made mistakes and did not always follow through with the duties assigned to our organization. For those failures, I ask your forgiveness. Some of those blunders were due to ignorance of what should be done. Some were areas that needed change due to current circumstances. Some of those policies were changed or corrected. However, I always had the desire to do whatever I could to keep this organization alive and well. It is something I really believe in and want to see it continue as a part of our congregation. At this time, I am very concerned about its future. It is my hope that all of the women in this congregation will realize the importance of this organization. It is about missions. It is about helping others. It is about upholding and uplifting our Lord though the work of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, South Carolina Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. I ask all who already are a part of it to consider your commitment and ask others to join us. Yours in Christ, Mary “MJ” Roof 52 Emmanuel’s WOMEN OF ELCA TREASURER’S REPORT FOR 2010 Beginning Balance – January 1, 2010 756.49 Receipts Regular Offerings 1,386.53 Thankofferings 465.18 Love Offering (Laughing Lady) 150.00 Christmas Banquet Tickets (30.+1344.) 1,374.00 Palm Center Meal 60.00 Love Offering (Snelgrove Family) 254.00 Coastal Retreat 2,160.00 Miscellaneous 80.00 Total Receipts Disbursements SCWELCA Quarterly Dues 1,100.00 Thankoffering 465.18 Saxe Gotha Conference Expense 20.00 Laughing Lady 150.00 Jessica Gibson 163.00 The Ripple 20.00 Augsburg Fortress (Interchange) 32.00 SCWELCA Convention Delegates156.00 SCWELCA Convention Offering 100.00 Coastal Retreat Center 2,291.00 Tabitha Amick (Retreat Supplies) 37.92 Jennifer Nuovo (Retreat Supplies) 30.73 Miscellaneous 80.00 Rusty’s Catering 1,344.00 Snelgrove Family 254.00 Service Charge 9.00 Palm Center Meal (Jennifer Nuovo)57.27 5,929.71 Definitions: SC WELCA: Quarterly dues sent to statewide WELCA providing assistance in carrying out the stated goals and mission adopted at the annual convention. SC WELCA Convention: Registration and Lodging for 2 delegates to the annual statewide WELCA convention. Conference 8 – Saxe Gotha: $10.00 per year to support the fall gathering and to send young women to convention. Total Disbursements 6,310.10 Ending Balance – December 31, 2010 376.10 Respectfully Submitted, Direction: Circle Treasurers place money in designated lock box located in the library by the following Sunday of their meeting or give directly to treasurer by the Sunday following your meeting Carolyn S. Brown, Secretary CIRCLE MEETING TIME / PLACE LEADER DORCAS – Acts 9:36-42; Romans 12:4-8 James1:27 (A woman who loved God) Wednesday after 2nd Sunday 7:30 p.m. – Members’ Homes Pam Lewis LYDIA – Acts 16:11-15, 40 (A businesswoman who gave God first place) 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Members’ Homes Tiffany DuPree 356-4607 PRISCILLA - Acts 18:26 (A valued co-worker in preaching the Gospel) lst Tuesday – 10:30 a.m. at the church Mary Steele 755-2076 REBEKAH- Genesis 22:23; 25:1-28 (Strong-willed in love for family) lst Tuesday – 7:00 p.m. Members’ Homes LaVonne Roof 794-2888 53 359-6841 LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION 2010 REPORT 2010 officers 2011 officers Pres.: Jimmy Smith Vice Pres.: David Amick, Jr. Sec.: Fred Browder Treas.: Wade Browder Pres.: Danny Smoake Vice Pres.: Fred Browder Sec.: Fred Browder Treas.: Wade Browder Lutheran Men began the year in January with Jim Cuica talking about Nuclear Energy and Fuel. The Valentine’s banquet was held in February with Harvey Amick in charge. The State LMM Convention was in Greenville on February 20th. Lots of knowledge was gained about Lutheran Men in Mission churches followed by a banquet that evening. There was a fishing tournament held at Lake Murray in April. Our own David Amick, Jr. took first place. The money raised from the tournament was given to the mission church that meets at St. David’s in West Columbia. In the fall, some of our men helped cook and serve a meal for the Airport Football team. On August 21st, there was a BBQ fundraiser held at Emmanuel to raise money for the Saxe Gotha LMM Conference. LMM Sunday was also a huge success this year. Lots of men participated in the choir, and WOW what a wonderful job they did in singing a familiar hymn for an anthem. Heber Rast was our guest speaker for the service that day as well. He is the Executive Director for South Carolina LMM. The Saxe Gotha Conference Ladies Night in October at St. Stevens gave John Matthews the award for Lutheran Man of the Year for the Saxe Gotha Conference. Men in Action had a ―One Life to Live‖ retreat in May that three Emmanuel Men attended and another one in November that one man from Emmanuel attended. It was a life changing event for these men. They recommend this retreat to other Emmanuel men the next time it is offered. The Conference Christmas party was held at Zion Lutheran on December 12th from 3-5. Other events that Lutheran Men participated in this year was Saturday work days, and setting up the Christmas tree in the church sanctuary. Finally, one Honorary Life Membership was awarded at the holiday banquet to Don Lowe. Amen for Lutheran Men! Jimmy Smith, President LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION TREASURER’S REPORT Beginning Balance January 1, 2010 $103.46 Receipts: Disbursements: LMM Promotional Funds LMM Loan Fund LMM Gift Fund National LMM SCLMM Memorials & Honorary Life Door Prize money Russell Peek-Discret.Fund Offerings 998.54 Fathers Day Gifts 720.00 Jimmy Roof Memorial Gift __500.00 Total Received $2,322.00 Total Funds Disbursed Ending Balance December 31, 2010 54 521.50 226.48 497.66 128.14 100.00 225.00 250.00 $-1,948.78 $373.22 CALENDAR OF SCHEDULED EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Date Supper Committee Devotions Program January 5, 2011 Fred Browder Wade Browder Danny Smoake Harvey Amick Fred Browder Mike Senterfeit N/A Wade Browder Fred Browder Mike Senterfeit Elford Roof N/A N/A Elford Roof Bud Shealy Bo Shuler Fred Browder Henry Browder Mark Browder Wade Browder Billy Parker Larry Sinnott Paul Sinnott Marion Smith Rick Browder Phil Shull Luther Shumpert Phil Gold Danny Smoake Greg Smoake Steve Williams Barry Gwyn Don Lowe Frankie Jackson Rick Kingry John Matthews Hank Meetze Bill Bohan Randy Corley Ham Fuller Stan Roof Christmas Banquet Danny Smoake Phil Shull Fred Browder Fred Browder Billy Parker Billy Parker Danny Smoake Wade Browder Larry Sinnott Don Lowe Rick Kingry Randy Corley Randy Corley John Matthews Phil Gold Pastor Peek N/A N/A February 9, 2011 March 9, 2011 Ash Wednesday April 3, 2011 Sunday Breakfast May 4, 2011 June 8, 2011 July 6, 2011 August 10, 2011 September 7, 2011 October 5, 2011 November 9, 2011 December 2011(TBA) Meetings are the first Wednesday after the first Sunday of the month. 55 56 SECTION THREE – HELPFUL INFORMATION WHO IS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH? An ACTIVE MEMBER is a baptized person who communes at least one time per year and makes a financial contribution to Emmanuel Lutheran Church. An INACTIVE MEMBER is someone who is a member at Emmanuel Lutheran Church but has not communed and made a financial contribution to Emmanuel Lutheran Church. BAPTIZED MEMBERS are children and adults who have been received into membership of this congregation by Holy Baptism, Affirmation of Baptism, or Reaffirmation of Faith CONFIRMED MEMBERS are youth or adults who have affirmed their faith, reaffirmed their faith, or have joined Emmanuel Lutheran Church by transfer. To be counted as active a member must commune once and contribute of record once a year. HOW DOES ONE BECOME A MEMBER? BY BAPTISM as a child or adult. BY AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (CONFIRMATION) as an adult who has been baptized by another Christian Church after a period of instruction now desires to become a member of our church family. Baptized children of a parent who becomes a confirmed member are also received as a baptized member. BY RE-AFFIRMATION OF FAITH of persons whose membership in a Lutheran Church has lapsed and now desires to join the life and work of our church family. BY TRANSFER from another Lutheran Church into the ministry of this congregation. Children become members with their transferring parents. Reception of new members into our church family occurs at various times during the year, and is a special celebration for us. Interested persons should make their desires to join known to the pastor. 57 THE CHURCH'S MINISTRY AT TIME OF DEATH St. Paul writes, ―Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's" (Romans 14:8). We treasure God's gift of life; we also prepare ourselves for a time when we may let go of our lives, entrusting our future to the crucified and risen Christ who is "Lord of both the dead and the living" (Rom 14:9). Your pastor desires to know of the death of a member of our church as soon as possible. In addition to providing care and comfort to the family during this time, he will work with family members and the funeral home to plan a worship service that proclaims God’s promise of eternal life. As you plan a funeral, the following things are helpful to remember: You are encouraged to pre-plan your funeral by discussing your wishes for your funeral with your family and Pastor Russell. Planning one’s funeral can greatly help the family at the time of death. The church has a helpful planning guide to begin this process, available from Pastor Russell. This church strongly encourages you to have a will to direct how your assets should be distributed. Without a will, your estate will be intestate, which often means that beneficiaries of your estate will receive much less than they could have received if there was a will in place. Please consult an attorney for help in drafting a will. In addition, you are invited to remember the church in your will. There are several options for faithful care of the body. This church encourages organ donation as a sign of Christian love. Christians can also choose to donate their bodies for research. Autopsies can be done in certain situations to reveal health concerns for future generations. Burial or cremation are accepted practices within this church. It is common to suggest monetary memorials to be made to organizations or ministries in lieu of flowers. You are invited to ask for memorials for Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Check with our church constitution to see the current memorial policy. This church uses Evangelical Lutheran Worship as its worship book. The funeral rite is on pages 279-285. Please note that this church uses a pall for all funeral services. The pall is a symbol to remind us of baptism. It remains on the casket during the entire worship service. In addition, the casket should not be opened in the sanctuary. Music and Scripture readings should be planned with Pastor Russell. Music should acknowledge God as Savior and Helper during difficult times. It should be sacred in nature, focusing on God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. While hymns not in Evangelical Lutheran Worship may be suggested, most sung hymns should be picked from our hymnal. We use live music at all worship services of this church. Massive floral arrangements are strongly discouraged by the church. Good financial stewardship is encouraged during the funeral planning process. It is not wise to spend excessive amounts of money on funeral preparations when it could be used more advantageously to meet the needs of the living. 58 Emmanuel Lutheran Church 2491 Emanuel Church Road West Columbia, SC 29170 (803) 755-9857 –Office mail@elcwc.com - Administrative Assistant russellpeek@aol.com - Russell D. Peek, Pastor Church office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Wedding Guidelines – Member We give God thanks for your upcoming marriage! You are entering into a lifelong faithful partnership with another person that will be richly blessed by Jesus Christ. Our church teaches that: ―Marriage is a gift of God, intended for the joy and mutual strength of those who enter it and for the wellbeing of the whole human family. God created us male and female and blessed humankind with the gifts of companionship, the capacity to love, and the care and nurture of children. Jesus affirmed the covenant of marriage and revealed God’s own self-giving love on the cross. The Holy Spirit helps those who are united in marriage to be living signs of God’s grace, love, and faithfulness.‖ (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, pg. 286) In coming to the church on this most special day, you are affirming that you wish to have a Christian worship service. Since this is a worship service of the church, everything that is said and done on this day is done with that in mind. Our Pastor and Worship and Music committee have prepared this handbook for you as you prepare for this very important day in your life and in the life of Emmanuel Lutheran Church. May God bless you as you prepare for this joyous day and your life together as husband and wife. Please note: This is only a summary of our wedding policy. A complete copy of these wedding guidelines can be downloaded on our church’s website, www.emmanuelwelcomesyou.org. To find the document, go under the ―About‖ tab, click ―Helpful Documents.‖ You will find the complete wedding guidelines there. The staff of Emmanuel is here to help you as you plan your wedding. Please feel free to ask us any questions and know that we will do our best to help make this a blessed day. Sincerely yours in Christ, Pastor Russell Peek 59 Who Can Marry at Emmanuel Lutheran Church? At least one person of the couple must be an active, communing, contributing member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church for at least six months. Children or grandchildren of active church members are also eligible to marry at Emmanuel. The Pastor, at his sole discretion, can vary from this policy on a case-by-case basis using the above stipulations as guidance. In such cases, all applicable fees shall apply at the time the wedding request is approved. Pre-Marriage Preparation 4-6 months ahead of the wedding date, you should contact the Parish Administrator, to see if the church is available on that date. We accept reservations from members up to 12 months in advance. In addition to checking for building availability, she will also need to check with several people to make sure they are available for that day. While we will attempt to respond as quickly as possible, please know that there will be times where it could take as long as a week to respond to your request. As you schedule your date, please note that no weddings will be scheduled any on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Ash Wednesday, between the Saturday before Palm Sunday and the Monday after Easter, or between the fourth Sunday of Advent and the Sunday after Christmas Day. In addition, weddings are strongly discouraged during the Lenten season because of the penitential nature of Lent. Counseling Our church requires that all people who wish to be married at Emmanuel to go through pre-marital counseling. In most cases this is 3-4 sessions with Pastor Russell. However, in situations deemed appropriate, Pastor Russell has the right to refer people to a professional counselor. If a couple is referred to a professional counselor, it is the couple’s responsibility to pay for that counseling. Couples should check with their health insurance provider to see what coverage they have for counseling. In addition, after proper counseling, we have the right to refuse to perform a wedding. There is a $35 cost for a helpful inventory called Prepare-Enrich that helps to explore the couple’s strength and growth areas. A check, made out to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, should be brought to the first counseling session with Pastor Russell. This fee is not optional. The Worship Service A wedding service is a worship service of the church. In all aspects of worship, the church centers its praise in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Because worship is centered in God’s never ending love in Jesus Christ, it is not appropriate at weddings to include secular or pop songs in worship. In addition, other classical music, like the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, also known as ―Here Comes the Bride,‖ offers a significant problem at Christian weddings. The pastor and music director must approve all music in the worship service, without exception. If a couple is desirous of a particular song that cannot be done in worship, we respectfully suggest that it be played at the reception. Our church organist, Mary Whiteley, is the musician at all weddings. It is the responsibility of the wedding party to contact Mrs. Whiteley to schedule a wedding. If she cannot play at the wedding, any organist must be approved by her. This church uses Evangelical Lutheran Worship as its worship book. The wedding rite is found on pages 286291. It is also attached as an appendix to this document. There are several options for Bible readings in worship. The normal Lutheran pattern is to have one reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, the New Testament epistles, and the Gospel. At least one Bible reading is included in the worship service. If Holy Communion is to be celebrated, then a reading from the Gospel is included. Suggested Bible readings are attached to this document. 60 Note that the wedding rite has the option for celebrating Holy Communion. Since Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana (see John 2:1-11), it most appropriate to celebrate Holy Communion at a wedding. If the Eucharist is to be celebrated at a wedding, it will be open to all baptized Christians, regardless of denomination. Under no circumstances will a private communion be celebrated with the wedding party. In addition: The Pastor of this church shall be responsible and present for all weddings. He shall preside at the wedding. If a guest pastor is requested, it will come only through the invitation of the Pastor of this church. The color of the paraments will be the proper color of the liturgical season. It is imperative that all meetings, rehearsals, and wedding ceremony start and end on time. Through experience we have learned that it is not advisable to have wedding party members under the age of four. All facilities of Emmanuel Lutheran Church are smoke free. Decorations and Flowers Flowers shall not be excessive to the point of distracting from the worship service or obstructing the altar. Only fresh cut flowers shall be used. Nails, screws, staples thumbtacks, or sticking tape may not be used in any part of the sanctuary, nor can any carpentry work or temporary construction be erected in the sanctuary. No ribbons or other decorations will be attached to flower vases, candle stands, or other furnishings. Bows or flowers for family pews may be used, but attached with ribbon only. No runners will be used in the Sanctuary. Rice or confetti is discouraged. Birdseed or bubbles can be used outside. Lighted candles are permitted on the aisle candelabra and on the windowsills if enclosed in glass globes. Photography and Video Taping Flash photography can be taken of the bride in the narthex just before she comes down the aisle at the beginning of the service and one flash photograph may be taken of the couple as they go down the aisle after the service. If pictures of the wedding party are desired, they must happen either before or after the wedding service. Photography can be taken during the wedding ceremony from the balcony provided the camera is completely silent and no flash goes off. No pictures will be taken by the congregation during the ceremony. There are no exceptions to this policy. Please inform guests and family members of this policy to avoid undue embarrassment from the Pastor. Video Cameras may be allowed in the following locations: An unattended stationary camera in the balcony. An unattended stationary camera behind one of the hymn boards Cameras must be set up no later than 45 minutes before the worship service. Use of the Christian Development Center Members of Emmanuel may use the Christian Development Center for rehearsal and wedding receptions. Reservations for the CDC must be cleared with the Parish Administrator. Wedding receptions can only be held in the CDC if the wedding happens in the Sanctuary or Chapel of Emmanuel Lutheran Church. No alcoholic beverages may be served at any reception at Emmanuel. All boxes and other items pertaining to the wedding party shall be removed following the service and/or reception. 61 POLICIES FOR USE OF EMMANUEL CHURCH’S FACILITIES These policies are established in order that the Congregational Council might impartially administer the utilization of and are responsible stewards for the management and maintenance of the church’s facilities and resources. All of Emmanuel’s constitutional ministry groups may schedule and use the church’s facilities for their supportive activities. These groups must schedule by January 30th of each year. The Congregational Council, through its Property Committee and/or parish administrator, must grant usage approval each year for all other individuals and groups. All persons requesting the use of church facilities for non-constitutional ministry activities, including but not limited to weddings, funerals, family reunions, family and friend celebrations, bridal showers, etc., must be granted usage approval, have date of the event recorded on the church calendar and pre-pay the scheduled fees. Church facilities are not to be used for personal gain or profit. Two payment checks, one for the FEES FOR USAGE OF FACILITIES and the second for a Maintenance Fees/Deposit, are due when scheduling facilities when the date of the event is recorded on the church calendar. These checks are to be made payable to Emmanuel Lutheran Church or ELC. Responsible person from Property Committee, -chairperson or designated appointee- shall inspect facilities within 24 hours before refund of Maintenance Deposit. Any damage noted will be given in writing to the User and they shall be responsible for any related expenses for all damages. The responsible individual representing the group that has been granted permission to use the church’s facilities must schedule the usage with the office administrator and be responsible for the event being recorded on the church’s current Calendar of Events. There will be no event or activity scheduled that conflict with Sunday Church School or Worship Service. No alcoholic beverages are to be served or consumed in the church facilities or on church grounds; with the exception of Sacramental wine and no smoking is permitted in any part of Emmanuel’s buildings. No rice, bird seed or confetti may be thrown in the sanctuary or anywhere in the church building. Bubbles or birdseed may be used outside of the building. Emmanuel assumes no responsibility for clothing, jewelry, money or any other items left at the church at any time. All attempts are made to avoid conflicts between building reservations. It is inevitable though that on rare occasions there will be conflicts. Your grace and understanding is expected if the need arises for minor location and time changes. All building reservations must be accompanied by a signed request/agreement/release form. Custodial services for special events are not included in the normal duties of Emmanuel’s sexton. Therefore, renters are responsible for clean up or will lose their maintenance deposit. It is expected that the building be left as clean as it was found. However for weddings and funerals custodial fees are included in rental charge. All heating/air and lights will be turned off at finish of event and doors will be locked. (If user entrusted with key, otherwise responsibility of property committee host.) Users are responsible for their own set-up and take down of tables & chairs. All furniture will be returned to its place of origin unless arrangements have been made for next user. All damages, injuries, and unusual incidents occurring during the use will be reported in writing by the user to the church office within 24 hours. Users agree to release all responsible authorities of these facilities from any and all liability arising out of use of facilities or equipment. Users of the building should restrict members of their group to the areas of the building noted on the application. Persons under 21 years of age should not be in the building unless a responsible adult is physically present. 62 FEES FOR USAGE OF FACILITIES WEDDINGS Sanctuary Chapel CDC (Reception) Roof Room (Reception) Pianist for Reception Pastor Organist (wedding & rehearsal) Organist (Soloist, etc.) Organist Fees (Miscellaneous)*(1) Bulletin /preparation (per 100) *(2) Sexton/Maintenance Fee*(3) Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Reception FUNERALS Sanctuary Chapel CDC Roof Room Pastor Organist Bulletins & Preparation (per 100) Sexton NON-MEMBER $450.00 $200.00 $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 $200.00 $150.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.00 incl. above incl. above incl. above NON-MEMBER*(4) $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 60.00 * $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 MEMBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $50.00 Gratuity Accepted $100.00 $25.00 $0.00 $10.00 Sanctuary (seats 375) Chapel (seats 60) CDC (seats 420 max per Fire Marshall) Roof Room (??) $100.00* $100.00* $100.00* MEMBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 * $0.00 $0.00 *Gratuity accepted up to $50.00 REUNIONS/FAMILY & FRIENDS CELEBRATIONS, BRIDAL SHOWERS & BABY SHOWERS, ETC. NON-MEMBER MEMBER Functions lasting CDC (limited use of kitchen & ice machine included) $100.00 $50.00 longer than 5 hours Roof Room (limited use of kitchen & ice machine included) $70.00 $35.00 (including set-up & Use of kitchen equipment (cooking) $100.00 $50.00 clean-up) are subject Maintenance Deposit*(5) $100.00 $0.00 to additional charges of $25.00 per hour. FUNDRAISERS – All non-constitutional ministry or community must be approved by church council through its property committee. Fees will be determined on a case by case basis. OTHER FEES: Sound Technician*(6) $100.00 *(1) Organist Fees (Miscellaneous) - Includes any extra rehearsals not included above, i.e., additional soloist, and rehearsals with any instrumentalists, additional planning meetings, etc. $15.00 consultation fee for outside organist/music. *(2) Bulletins – This price is if bulletin covers are provided by the couple. If bulletin covers are not provided the purchase price of the bulletins will be added or bulletins will be designed on plain paper. *(3) Maintenance Fees – Maintenance fees may be waived for members if member is responsible for leaving building as found. Non-Members with no living relatives affiliated with this church. *(4) Non-members – with no living relatives affiliated with this church. *(5) Maintenance Deposit – Responsible person from Property Committee shall inspect facilities within 24 hours before refund of Maintenance Deposit. *(6) Sound Technician – The sound system is only available with the use of an ELC approved sound tech. Adopted by Emmanuel Congregational Council May, 2009 – Became effective January 1, 2010 63 OPERATING POLICIES FOR ALL CHILDREN’S AND YOUTH MINISTRIES AT EMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH INTRODUCTION: The mission of Emmanuel Lutheran Church is to provide and establish an environment in Christian love to assure that our church is continually working toward providing an environment safe from physical, sexual abuse, and neglect for those participating in, receiving and providing its ministries. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of the congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church for establishing the Child Abuse Policy and accompanying procedures is to demonstrate our absolute and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of all of our children and youth. (Matthew 19: 14) STATEMENT OF COVENANT: Therefore, as a Christian community of faith and an ELCA congregation, we pledge to conduct the ministry of the gospel in ways that assure the safety and spiritual growth of all of our children and youth as well as all of the workers with children and youth. We will follow reasonable safety measures in the selection and recruitment of workers; we will implement prudent operational procedures in all programs and events; we will educate all of our workers with children and youth regarding the use of all appropriate policies and methods (including first aid and methods of discipline); we will have a clearly defined procedure for reporting a suspected incident of abuse that conforms to the requirements of state law; and we will be prepared to respond to media inquiries if an incident occurs. Basic Tenets of the Sexual and Physical Misconduct Policy Program: All volunteers will be active participants in the life of the church before volunteering to work with children or teens and have read the policies and understand the importance of following them. A background check will be required for hired or paid employees involved with the youth of our church; such as a youth ministry advisor. Mandated Reporting of Offenses: The law of the State of South Carolina requires that certain categories of persons are to report to civil authorities if they know or have reason to believe or reasonable cause to believe that a minor or vulnerable adult is being abused. South Carolina Act #94 requires clergy to report if abuse is suspected. Act #94 was ratified in the 2003 legislative session. Mandated reporters are required to report to law enforcement if they have reason to believe that a child is being abused or neglected by someone other than their parent, guardian, or other person responsible the child's welfare. A person who is required to report and fails to do so is guilty of a misdemeanor (S20-7-510). Upon conviction, he/she must be fined up to $500 or imprisoned up to 6 months, or both. Persons required to report may take color photographs of the areas of trauma visible on a child who is the subject of the report (S20-7-530). Copies of all photographs, negatives, and medical reports must be sent to DSS at the time of the report or as soon as possible (S20-7-530). PRIVILEGE ABROGATED (S20-7-550) – The statute expressly abrogates (voids) privileged communication between husband/wife and professional/patient or client for purposes of reporting child maltreatment. The only exception is privileged communication between attorney/client and priest/penitent. Steps to Take in Reporting Suspected Abuse: Staff should report incident to the Senior Pastor or Associate Pastor or the Chairperson of a committee of four, consisting of President, Vice President, Sunday School Superintendent and the Pastor. If necessary, this Committee will appoint someone from the opposite gender. The committee shall take action to determine if further action is necessary with the proper authorities. This committee shall have a designated chairperson, other 64 than the Pastor. (Also see page 16, Steps to Take in Reporting, of Synod Guidelines. This policy rule to be added with an asterisk (*) at paragraph seven (7), page two of Synod Guidelines SCDSS. SCDSS can be reached at 803833-0100. Volunteers should report incident to the designated staff person or chairperson. The designated staff or chairperson will assist the volunteer in reporting to the proper authorities. The designated staff person will report all incidents to the Senior Pastor or Associate Pastor, who will report the incident to the church's legal counsel. Child and youth safety takes priority: The greatest priority of Emmanuel Lutheran Church’s children’s and youth programs is to present the Gospel and ministry of Jesus Christ to our children and to continue to disciple and train them. It is obvious that any sexual exploitation, abuse, or endangerment directly contradicts this priority and the values of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and is a violation of the law. POLICY STANDARDS and GENERAL CHRISTIAN MORAL STANDARDS: Workers in children’s and youth ministry are expected to observe these policies and guidelines as well the other Christian standards of moral behavior. Adequate Supervision of Youth Workers: Church staff and volunteers who supervise youth and youth workers are charged with the enforcement of these policies. Violation of these policies is grounds for immediate dismissal, disciplinary action, or re-assignment from youth work for both volunteers and staff at the discretion of the Pastor. Two Adult Rule: When practical, there should be no fewer than two unrelated adults present at all times during any church sponsored activity/event involving children or youth. This reduces the risk of child abuse occurring during that activity/event. When it is a mixed gender group, include at least one male and one female adult. Five Years Older Rule: All workers, including volunteers, should be at least five years older than the children with whom they are working. And, workers under age 18, if utilized at all should be required to work with and report to an unrelated adult. Background Checks: As per Synod requirements, each staff member and/or volunteer must be subject to a background check at the minimum of state level. Information obtained through a state identification bureau is used to determine if there is a matching subject among criminal records. Policy Against Sexual Harassment In The Workplace: Emmanuel Lutheran Church is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment that respects the rights of all employees and volunteers, that is free of harassing, hostile, or offensive behavior, and that is safe and healthy. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are considered to be sexual harassment. Employees who believe they are being harassed should request that the conduct cease immediately. They should take any complaint to their supervisor or appropriate member of the committee for handling the reporting of sexual misconduct. Managers, supervisors and pastors are responsible for maintaining an environment free of sexual harassment. That responsibility includes reporting incidents of sexual harassment to the appropriate authorities. 65 APPRECIATED SECURITIES MAKE A GREAT GIFT TO YOUR CHURCH Many of our members have found that giving appreciated stock, bonds, or other securities to the church makes very good sense. Please ask your financial advisor if this is a viable option for you and consult your tax advisor or legal advisor for more information on possible tax benefits. We need your help when you give securities to the church. First and foremost, please notify Suzanne Ervolina, parish administrator, personally (by phone, letter, or email) before you plan to transfer stock to the church. Do not rely on your broker to do so. Failure to notify the church office could mean that stocks are not sold in a timely manner, or that proceeds were not credited to the correct donor. Emmanuel Lutheran Church’s Finance Committee policy is that all gifted securities will be sold immediately and the proceeds promptly deposited into the church bank account. Also note that Emmanuel Lutheran Church, at the discretion of the Pastor and/or President of the Congregation, reserves the right to refuse donations of assets that are of questionable moral criteria or are too difficult to immediately liquidate. To give stock to Emmanuel Lutheran Church: 1. Call the church office and notify Suzanne Ervolina that the gift is coming, the number of shares of stock and the company, the date the transfer will be made to the church, and to what specific pledge(s) or purpose(s) you want the gift credited. 2. Notify your broker to transfer X number of shares of stock to Emmanuel Lutheran Church’s account at BB&T Investments. Emmanuel Lutheran Church uses BB&T Investments as our brokerage firm for gifts to the church. Contact for BB and T Investments: 200 S. College Street Charlotte, NC 28202 1-800-453-7348 Account # 4V9-433341 ETC # 0443 Date: August 2008 66