June 26, 2016 Announcements - Peace Lutheran Church


June 26, 2016 Announcements - Peace Lutheran Church
Love’s Many Forms
Joy is love exalted; peace is love in repose; long-suffering is love enduring;
gentleness is love in society; goodness is love in action; faith is love on the battlefield;
meekness is love in school; and temperance is love in training.
— D.L. Moody
Peace Lutheran Church: Friendly People — Growing in Christ
Called to: Praise and Proclaim, Learn and Love, Care and Celebrate
Peace Lutheran Church
Announcements– June 25-26, 2016
Children of all ages are invited to worship with us. However, if you have the need an usher can
direct you to the CRY ROOM located off the Narthex or to the NURSERY located in the
Fellowship Hall. HEARING IMPAIRED? Special devices are available that will allow you to hear
from any location in the sanctuary, please see an usher if you would like to use one. LARGE
PRINT BULLETINS and HYMNALS are also available. WEBSITE — www.plcms.org
FAMILY PROMISE — Drivers are needed through July 3rd. Please call Susan Fisher at 517238-5302 to reserve your time to help with this mission.
THANK YOU — for your continuing support of Wee Creations through this
program. We have a wide variety of Edge Cards for restaurants, gas, Meijer and
Walmart cards available for immediate purchase in the Fellowship Hall. Orders are
submitted every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.
HOSTING A YFU EXCHANGE STUDENT — is an enriching experience for the entire family.
Students from 60+ countries around the globe are eager to become a member of an American
family and our congregation for the 2016-2017 school year. Explore this global adventure at
home and apply online at yfuusa.org or contact your local Field Director at (574) 722-1615. See
the Fellowship Hall Bulletin Board for more details.
WE WILL BE HAVING — a special Door Offering following all three services on the weekend of
July 2-3 for the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Convention. Please consider participating in
this special offering that goes to support the work of our Synod and church-at-large.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR — "Freedom in Action" (Galatians 6:1-18) In Christ, you are free
from being ruled by your burdens, free to serve others for the glory of God. Listen next week.
WOWO (1190 AM) 11 AM; WFCV (1090 AM) 3:30 PM; WLAB (88.3 FM) 5:30 AM. Also on the Web
at http://www.lutheranhour.org/.
PRAYER CHAIN — If you would like to
be a part of this ministry or have a special
prayer request, for email contact Sharon
Aldrich, 260-316-2535 (cell), or email
brissysmom13@gmail.com. Blessings!
VBS — THIS WEEK! June 28-30, 9-11:00 AM.
Volunteers still needed! Sign up
in the main Narthex if you can
help. Registration forms for your
children are also available at the
table. Come join in the FUN! See
Amber with any questions.
BERKESCH RETIREMENT — In honor and thanks to God for Pastor &
MaryAnn’s ministry, please “Save the Date” for Sunday, August 7th.
Following the 10 AM service, we will have a farewell luncheon.
Suggested donation is $5/family. A Sign-Up Sheet is now at the
Information Desk! Please see Donna Lagemann with any questions.
CAMP LUTHERHAVEN — There’s so much to do at Camp Lutherhaven. Register online at
www.lutherhaven.org or call 260-636-7101 for more information. You’re sure to have a BLAST
this summer!
WINGS OUTREACH — for Concordia Seminary-Fort Wayne during June: pasta, pasta sauce
and condiments. Please place in the basket under the mailboxes.
Serving In God’s House This Weekend
5:00 PM
LECTORS: Dick Lehman
John Bruick
8:00 AM
Judy Scharpenberg
Bryan Baas
Dan Thiele
*Rick Panning
10:00 AM
Judy Scharpenberg
Dyer Ball
Ellen Luepke
*Dave Phillips
Dick Bruick
Natileigh Mann
NURSERY: (available, but unstaffed)
ALTAR GUILD: Kelly Foust, Carol Gepfert
ALTAR FLOWERS: given honor of their 33rd anniversary by Rod and Lori Olson.
This week at Peace — June 26-July 3
Patriotic Celebration
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
9:00 AM
9-11:00 AM
9-11:00 AM
9:30 AM
9-11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
WCM Chapel
VBS - Deep Sea Discovery
VBS - Deep Sea Discovery
VBS - Deep Sea Discovery
STEWARDSHIP OF THE GOSPEL — June 19, 2016 Attendance: 280 NEEDED FOR BUDGET- $9827.00
Receipts for General Fund =$7920.33 (-$1906.67) Building Fund =$105.00 WCM =$255.00 Youth =$10.00
Vacation Bible School =$50.