Let`s Keep on Trucking! - First Farragut United Methodist Church
Let`s Keep on Trucking! - First Farragut United Methodist Church
Care & Prayer Concerns John & Kris Barnes (friends of the O’Briens) Beverly & Chuck Landguth (Beverly has tumor behind lung, chemo starts soon; friend of Joe Nancy Barrett (friends of the O’Briens) Bradford) Richard Bartosik Sandy Noble (extreme pain in shoulder and Karen Blazer neck) David Bradford (grandson of Joe & Brenda Gary Phillips Bradford) Bill & Sherry Purdy (friends of Alvin Jenkins) Betty & Cecil Byers Annette Reeves (home) Kristin Cabage (Anita Oberdecker’s daughter) Jolanda Rice (cancer, mother of Jeanette Krupski) Annie Davis (death of husband Spencer) Judith Russell (former FFUMC member) Clyde & Rosemary Floyd Frances Wilkins (home) Susan Good (stage three Non-Hodgkins Carol Yonkey (breathing difficulty, Brenda lymphoma, Spanish translator for Mobile Pantries) Jenny Gregory (friend of Diane O’Brien) Jan & Bob Hall (Jan diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She has been a FISH delivery volunteer, and is member of Cokesbury UMC) Drema Harden (death of brother Chuck) Steve Krupski (vision problems) Bradford’s sister) Military Personnel & Families: Jake Bowling, Harrison Foy, Meghan O’Brien Jackson, Simon Jackson, and Derek Reeves Intermediate and long-term concerns are held in prayer daily through our prayer chain and prayer groups. If you have a prayer concern, please contact the church office at 966-8430 or admin@ffumc.org. JOY (Just Older Youth) We are a fun-loving group of adults, ages 50 and older, who are active and involved. JOY’s goal is to make a difference in the lives of our peers and our community by providing avenues of interaction, mission outreach, nurture, and declaring God’s power and love to succeeding generations. We invite you to join the fun and friendships! For more information, contact Anita Oberdecker at 675-1415 or anitaoberd@aol.com. July 28: See below. Sunday, August 14:Mamma Mia! at the Cumberland Playhouse at 2:30 p.m. Let’s Keep on Trucking! “Let’s Keep on Trucking,” is the Joy Group’s July 28th event hosted by Martha Auxier, Necia Carter, Jeanne Huie and Cookie Spillers. Dinner begins at the Iron Skillet restaurant on Watt Road at 6:00 p.m. and will include a speaker from the Tennessee Department of Safety. At least one lucky attendee will roll away with a brand new truck. Email, contact one of the hosts, or sign up at the Joy bulletin board on Main Street to RSVP by July 26th. See you there Good Buddy, 10-4. Martha Auxier gmauxier@tds.net Necia Carter ncarter247@hotmail.com Jeanne Huie jtjhhuie@bellsouth.net Cookie Spillers cookiejd@aol.com The Hunger Table will feature fresh items, i.e., dill and parsley this week. As well as kale, onions and sweet and hot peppers. Please stop by and pick up any produce you can use! All donations support our hunger ministries at FFUMC. Children Want to be “in the loop” on all Children’s Wing activities? Be sure to join our Facebook Group (FFUMC Children’s Ministry) and “The City” Parents’ group! No Godly Play in July. Godly Play will return August 14, 2016. Children’s Ministry Survey: Stop by the children’s ministry survey table on Main Street and enter for a chance to win a restaurant gift card! We appreciate your feedback! ATTENTION PARENTS OF 2ND GRADERS: Please contact Paige Morgan at pmorgan@ffumc.org before July 15th to indicate the name your child wants engraved on their 3rd grade Bibles. The Bibles will be presented during worship on August 7th. Youth & Young Adults United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) Sign up for volunteer opportunities on our bulletin board on Main Street! Thursday, July 7—Putt Putt Golf & Games/Lunch Sunday, July 10 @ 5:30 p.m. — UMYF Summer Game Night/Pizza Party Wednesday, July 13 — Smokies Game (12:00 p.m.) Sunday, July 31 @ 5:30 p.m. — UMYF Upcoming Events The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Afternoon Music Concert Series Next Sunday, July 10 at 3:00 p.m. when FFUMC presents our second concert in the afternoon music series. Our own Ned Rayson and his Tennessee Bluegrass band, The Jar Tippers, will perform and they will be joined by special guest ‘Barney Fife,’ impersonated by Sammy Sawyer. The afternoon will be lighthearted and in the spirit of Mayberry. Bring your family and friends for an afternoon of fun. Admission is free. Your Stewardship Team is planning to off er Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University this fall and would like to know if you are interested in attending. Our plan is to also invite the community to participate and we would appreciate learning of any interest your friends and neighbors may have in the program. Financial Peace University teaches God’s way of handling money. The cost of the program is $93 per person/couple. If you are interested email Jen Braun at finance@ffumc.org or go to www.daveramsey.com/fpu/ to learn more. July 3, 2016 First Farragut United Methodist Church Staff: Don Thomas, Lead Pastor Chuck Powell, Director of Youth Ministries Paige Morgan, Director of Children & Family Ministries Jennifer Braun, Financial Administrator Randee Schoenike, Administrative Assistant Teresa Belles, Hostess & Kitchen Coordinator Jayme Lyttle, Contemporary Worship Leader Renni Morris, Director of Spiritual Formation John Morris, Director of Choirs David Morgan, Accompanist God desires First Farragut United Methodist Church (FFUMC) to be an intentional, vibrant, growing faith community transformed through prayer, scripture, worship, and study. God wants us to make a real difference in the lives of our neighbors and each other as we invite, accept, connect, serve, and share the love of Christ. www.ffumc.org 12733 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934 865.966.8430 Gathering Let Freedom Ring Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship The Battle Hymn of the Republic David Morgan Renni Morris Ron Collins, Barb Collins, Renni Morris & Phil Scheuneman Ivy Enyenihi, Acolyte Bringing in the Light of Christ Responsive Prayer *Hymn America the Beautiful Morning Prayer & The Lords’ Prayer Scripture Reading 1 Peter 2:2-10 Offertory Eternal Father, Strong to Save UMH 696 Rev. Don Thomas Rev. Don Thomas David Morgan Please record your attendance on the register and pass it to your neighbor. EVERYONE is invited to complete the section for address and telephone, and all worshippers are encouraged to check any box applying to them. *Doxology Sermon “Chosen and Precious” Sacrament of Holy Communion *Hymn This Is My Song *Benediction Rev. Don Thomas UMH 437 Rev. Don Thomas At points marked with an asterisk, those who are able may stand. 11:00 AM Worship CALL TO WORSHIP WORSHIP & PRAISE BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS RESPONSIVE PRAYER WORSHIP & PRAISE MORNING PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER SCRIPTURE READING 1 Peter 2:2-10 OFFERING Brother SERMON “Chosen and Precious” SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION WORSHIP & PRAISE *BENEDICTION Calendar of Events The Truck is Coming! 9:00 AM Worship Jayme Lyttle More than Conquerors Josie Braun, Acolyte Paige Morgan Boldly I Approach Rev. Don Thomas Rev. Don Thomas Praise Band Rev. Don Thomas Praise Band Rev. Don Thomas At points marked with an asterisk, those who are able may stand. WELCOME TO WORSHIP TODAY! We are so glad you are here! Please let our greeters and ushers know if they can help you in any way. (Hearing devices are available for your use at the Usher’s Table outside the Worship Center.) If you are a visitor, please stop by the Friendship Table at the back of the Worship Center to receive information about First Farragut United Methodist Church and connection possibilities. A Nursery is provided on the lower level for infants through Pre-K. Children’s bulletins and worship activity bags are available outside the Worship Center. A “cozy room” is available for those little worship attendees who may need a little extra wiggle room or privacy to snuggle up. A word about Holy Communion: First Farragut celebrates an “open” table. All who wish to receive the sacrament are invited to do so, regardless of denominational affiliation or church membership. The bread used is Gluten-free. We also welcome children to participate. First Farragut UMC’s Footprints Ministry serves as a bridge to connect church and home Whether your household has 2.5 kids and a dog, or just yourself, this ministry is about YOU. Life happens outside of Sunday mornings, and we want to make sure we’re helping other members of our church family in those everyday life moments! Mobile Pantry Food Giveaway with Central UMC Saturday, July 30 July 3, 2016 — July 10, 2016 FFUMC and Central UMC will distribute a Second Harvest truckload of food on Saturday, July 30 at Central UMC, 301 Hickory Creek Rd., Lenoir City. We will also distribute school supplies and children’s clothing from Wesley’s Attic. Last August we served 252 families in Loudon, Knox and surrounding counties. During July we will be collecting gently used coats and school supplies. You may bring coats to the coat box by the Missions table. You may pick up school supply kits on Sunday, July 10. These kits will need to be returned by July 24. We need congregational servers on both Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30, but especially on Friday afternoon when we move clothing totes to Central, and Saturday morning to distribute clothing. Please sign up on The City or stop by the missions table to sign up for a shift. Mobile Pantry is a family-friendly ministry. We celebrate our partnership with Central; you will meet new friends in Christ, support our neighbors in need, and receive a blessing! OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE! Do you love puppies? Would you like to help our wounded Veterans? If so, please consider becoming a Puppy Raiser for Smoky Mountain Service Dogs (SMSD). Our mission is to enhance quality of life for Veterans with disabilities by providing customtrained mobility assistance service dogs at no cost to the Veteran. Our Puppy Raisers provide a loving, patient environment for approximately 12 months, during which time our young puppies can learn and grow. Puppy raisers are responsible for teaching basic house manners and obedience skills under the guidance and direction of our trainers. Puppy and Raiser will participate in regularly scheduled, individualized lessons at our kennel. The Puppy Raiser also accompanies the puppy to scheduled vet visits, takes the puppy out into public several times each week, and is available the majority of the day to provide consistency while the puppy learns. SMSD provides food, medications, vet care expenses, training classes and more. You provide your time and your love! To find out more, visit www.smokymountainservicedogs.org. To get started, contact a Volunteer Coordinator by clicking the “Volunteer” link on our website, or by sending an email to smsdvolunteer@yahoo.com. The flowers on the altar are given to the GLORY OF GOD and IN HONOR OF THE WEDDING OF KELLI REESE & CALVIN KEATS by Ken and Ondie Reese. Today 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Traditional Worship Sunday School for All Ages Contemporary Worship VMC Meal Preparation — Kitchen VMC Food Pick Up Monday, July 4 Office Closed Tuesday, July 5 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a m. 6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting — Room 208 “Anchor Management” Bible Study — Various Homes Stewardship Team Meeting — Conference Room 209 Wednesday, July 6 5:30 p.m. Prayer Team Meeting — Conference Room 209 6:45 p.m. Adult Choir Practice — Music Room 210 Thursday, July 7 7:30 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal — Worship Center Friday, July 8 5:00 p.m. Overnight Youth Group from Dallas, Texas Sunday, July 10 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Traditional Worship Sunday School for All Ages Contemporary Worship Set up for Concert in Worship Center Inviting Team Concert Series featuring The Jar Tippers United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) — Youth Central For more details, please visit our website at www.ffumc.org. Be sure to like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/FirstFarragutUMC Follow us on Twitter: @1stfarragutumc & Follow us on Instagram: Firstfarragutumc FFUMC Guest Wi-Fi: ffumc001not getting our weekly newsletter in your email? sign up online at www.ffumc.org. How to Contact Pastor (865) 966-8430 office (865) 256-0120 mobile dthomas@ffumc.org Attendance From 6/26/2016: Total Worship Attendance 9:00AM Worship 11:00AM Worship Total Sunday School Attendance 208 110 98 101 If you become aware of a health or prayer concern, please contact one of the following: Rev. Don Thomas, Lead Pastor, at dthomas@ffumc.org or 865-256-0120 Doug Hulme, Lay Leader, at doughulme18@gmail.com or 865-335-2314 Jason Yarbrough, Lay Leader, at jason.yarbrough@petnetsolutions.com or 865-386-6360 For the day-to-day activities or operations of the church, please contact: Randee Schoenike, Administrative Assistant, at admin@ffumc.org or 865-966-8430 Want to give to First Farragut? Order with Amazon Smile! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support First Farragut when you shop at no cost to you. Go to smile.amazon.com and select First Farragut as you charitable organization and Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to our church.
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