August Kiva 2015


August Kiva 2015
August 2015
Pastor Melde’s Page
For 19 years this August, you have given me the opportunity
to serve as Pastor of CPC. Over the last 7 years I have had the
honor of serving with Steve Brownson, both of us in a pastoral
role. I am so grateful for the congregation’s willingness to release Steve on a Sabbatical. And I am
even more grateful that he came back.
We’re in this together…..
all of us!
It takes a village to raise a village. We Christians always have
the opportunity to work together to worship, study, fellowship,
and serve the Lord. And that “together” is far more powerful
than each of us on our own.
As I reflect on the past 19 years, I am in awe of
what we have done together to help each other come
closer to God through Jesus our Christ, of what we
have done for the community of Tucson and
throughout the world to help all people learn to love
God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength,
and to love others, even while learning to love ourselves. I think of the monies we have spent on our
own CPC campus and the monies we have shared
with other congregations so they have church campuses. I think of the monies we have spent giving
school supplies to teachers and students, clothing
and housing, food and necessities to those in need. I
think of the monies we have spent on creating study
classes and fellowship opportunities to create a
sense of learning and community. I think of all the
monies we gave away as well as the monies we
spent on our own congregation.
And as I think, I am truly grateful to be a
part of the community of believers known as Christ
Presbyterian Church, Tucson, Arizona.
And I wonder what God has in store for us
next…… I look forward to finding out, together!
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde
Our Sunday Morning Worship experiences will help you grow in
your relationship with God through our faith in Jesus Christ. Our prayers,
songs, meditations are all a part of what helps us in our faith journeys. Join
us as often as you are able. And we challenge you to invite someone to join
you in worship on a Sunday… bring a neighbor or a co-worker, perhaps even
a family member or long-time friend. Introduce them to the others who sit in
your pew, and introduce them to our Pastors Steve. The Good News of the
Gospel is too good to keep to ourselves, let’s share it by inviting others to
8:30 a.m. Worship in the Fellowship Hall
Music is led by our contemporary band, worshipers sit at tables.
This experience is more casual in atmosphere. Worshipers are welcome to
have coffee or juice at their tables with them during worship. You might even
find yourselves swaying to the beat of the music or clapping in rhythm. Children are welcome in worship.
9:30 a.m. Sunday Funday for all Ages
10:45 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary
Music is led by our choirs and organist/pianist. Our comfy
pews encircle the central communion table, giving worshipers the understanding that we are all welcome at Christ’s table. The blend of tradition and contemporary allows worshipers the opportunity to honor all types of worship
experiences. Children are welcome in Worship.
The First Sunday of each month always features the Sacrament of
Communion. We use grape juice and bread that is gluten/dairy/soy/nut free
with the hope that all will be able to participate. We invite children to partake
of communion, too.
Aug 2:
At the Table.... The Table of communion is where we place all our
joys/sorrows, failures/successes, our broken relationships and our
ongoing ones, it's there that we know Romans 8:38-39 (nothing separates us from God's Love). Here, Jesus was face to face with the betrayer, the denier, the doubter, the fearful, and he loved them and welcomed them. We come with all of that... and are welcome into the
presence of God's grace-filled love.
August 9:
What is the church? Pastor Melde will be talking about the church's
reputation: good and bad....
August 16:
Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through hell, keep going" most of us get stuck in the hell of our lives... We'll be looking at
ways to get out of that hell.
August 23:
We will be giving out 1st and 6th grade Bibles in worship.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up children in the right way, and when old, they
will not stray.....but they do. What they need more than education,
are others, older, on the journey to be examples.
August 30:
A Day of Thanks
Meister Eckhart once said, "if the only prayer you ever say in your
life is Thank You, it will be enough."
Making a Difference…. CPC Now and in the F uture
After nearly a year of prayer and study, and after doing a feasibility study within the congregation,
our Session Leadership Team has agreed to lead us into
a Building Fund campaign to address not only some of
the ongoing, large issues of caring for our campus, but
also to lead us into the future with some modern modifications to our campus. We will be Making a Difference Together with a special Building Fund Campaign that will happen at the same time we do our annual financial campaign in the month of November.
We have secured the help of John Hewett Consulting who conducted the feasibility study with us this
last Spring. John will be here with us on Sunday, August 9th, and so we invite the congregation to a special
meeting at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall to hear about
how we do a campaign like this. John will be talking to
us about the process of doing special building fund
campaign and how we can all be involved to get us to
our goal of matching God’s vision for CPC. (This
meeting will not focus on the projects, those are being
identified and will be made public a bit later in September).
Please join us on Sunday,
August 9th, 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
to hear about the process being planned
for an all congregation Building Fund Campaign.
Together, we will be
Making a Difference.
Plans are well underway for the capital stewardship campaign to
raise needed funds for our renovation and expansion projects. Mark
22, the day we'll be invited to make our pledges to the 2016 ministry
budget and the capital projects.
Our consultant, the Rev. Dr. John Hewett of Hewett Consulting, the
firm conducting our recent feasibility study, is guiding our efforts. He will lead a church-wide orientation meeting SUNDAY,
AUGUST 9 at 9:30 a.m. and spend much of that week enlisting the
campaign Leadership Team of approximately 30-35 people.
The "heart" of the campaign is the month-long Challenge Phase in
November. Through a series of small- and large-group gatherings, the entire CPC family will have opportunity to learn about the
proposed projects and find their unique role in helping to fund
them. The campaign will be a focal point for worship during November. Prayer events and Bible studies will be held during this
time, along with special emphases for children and youth We'll be
asked to consider making three-year pledges over and above our
current giving. Giving to the capital campaign will formally begin
on First Fruits Sunday, December 6.
Dr. Hewett has challenged us to let this campaign become a spiritual
journey guided by three questions:
Have I prayed about my commitment? (Am I letting God guide me
in what to do?)
Have I left room for faith? (Am I releasing my own limits so the
Lord can make room within my finances to do something mighty?)
Does my gift represent a sacrifice? (Is this an act of holy worship
made as unto the Lord?)
Thank you for your ongoing, generous support of the ministry and
mission of CPC.
In July, we admitted that our copier in the office was breaking down so often, and that because of its age parts were now becoming difficult to find, that we needed to purchase a new one. Copiers
are not a cheap investment. After a great deal of research, study, and
prayer, our leadership teams were able to secure a great deal on a new
copier. How is a copier a part of the ministry and mission of CPC?
Well, though we do all we can to use less paper and make fewer copies, each Sunday we print bulletins for people to help guide them
through our worship experience and notify them of ways they can be
involved at CPC to help their faith grow. Though many read our
monthly newsletter, THE KIVA, online, many of our folks need them
in print to have in their homes and keep with them throughout the
month. We print postcards to send to our youth about activities.
There are times when we need to print activity pages for our children’s programs. And, as you might guess, there are many other ways
our office needs a good, working copier.
Because of your ongoing generosity we were able to purchase
the new copier without having to ask for more monies or take out a
loan. Having the new copier is enabling us to put the Word of God in
print. And we see that as a vital part of the ongoing ministry and mission of CPC. So, it may seem somewhat mundane to have to buy a
copier, but the copier is still a part of sharing the Gospel of Christ
through CPC.
Thank you, CPC, for your generosity. Together, we are
Making a Difference.
We are grateful for a wonderful team of paid staff at CPC. We
also want you to be aware of their general work times and days off. We
always encourage you to call through the church office to get ahold of any
of our staff, but we can get through to our pastors on their cell phones for
Pastor Steve Melde: Usually takes Mondays as a day off. He’s available, on-call, all the time as needed.
Pastor Steve Brownson: Steve is paid for about 25 hour s/week. He’s
working on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Robin Gilbert: (Dir ector of Education) Robin is paid about 15 hour s/
week. She’s with us on Sundays and throughout the week doing planning
and prepping.
Our CPC office is open Monday-Friday (closed Noon – 1p.m. for lunch)
Debby Anderson: (Office Manager ) Debby is paid for 24 hour s/week.
She is in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.) and
Thursdays (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.), in addition during the week, she telecommutes
4 hours/week.
Shirley McClain: (Administr ative Assistant) Shir ley wor ks 10 hour s/
week. She is in the office on Mondays (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.) and on Fridays (9
a.m. – Noon) The Church Office is Closed on Friday Afternoons.
Lon Bothwell: (Facility Manager ) Lon is on campus Sundays – Thursdays. He generally is off on Fridays and Saturdays.
Cathy Grossman: (Bookkeeper ) Cathy is in the office on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays (10 a.m. – 1 p.m.) (Her schedule varies as needed)
Richard Hintze: (Dir ector of Music) Richar d leads us in the 10:45
a.m. service so is with us on Sundays, as well as for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings, and during the week for planning and prepping.
Kathryn Snodgrass: (Or ganist/Accompanist) Kathr yn leads us in the
10:45 a.m. service so is with us on Sundays, as well as for rehearsals on
Wednesday evenings, and during the week for planning and prepping.
Saturday, August 15, our Presbytery de Cristo will join with the
Grand Canyon Presbytery for a training day meeting at Mission del
Sol church in Tempe. This all-day gathering will feature special
training classes on subject such as How Media in worship is shaping
people’s faith, The use of a Labyrinth for spiritual development, The
12 Step Program can help one’s faith deepen, How to develop members as leaders, How to serve Communion to people at home, Handling conflict, and many more.
CPC will be sending several folks to take as full
advantage of the day as
possible. If you would
like to attend, please
call Pastor Melde in
the church office for
registration and carpooling information.
We are spearheading a sock drive for Frontera de Cristo. Socks will be
collected and dedicated at the Presbytery meeting in Tempe. Many will
remember the preaching of Rev. Mark Adams, mission co-worker for our
denomination on the border of Arizona and Mexico. Socks are a special
need in this ministry. If you could purchase new socks, you could bring
them to CPC, and we will get to them the Presbytery meeting .
Love & Care Ministries
Leadership Team
Prayer Ministries
Doing God’s
Adult Education
Frontera de
Cristo Sock
CPC has challenged
all churches in our
Presbytery to participate in the sock drive
to help support the
Border Ministry.
Please bring new or
slightly used adult
size socks by
Aug.13, to help
Frontera de Cristo
provide much needed “foot comfort” to
those who are in
need of our help.
Casa Maria
Soup Kitchen
On the fourth Tuesday of every month
we gather at 8:30
am to prepare and
deliver 100 sack
lunches for Casa
Maria Soup Kitchen.
The congregation
graciously provides
sandwiches (kept in
the freezer in the
kitchen). If you are
able to make sandwiches: using a loaf
of bread, please
prepare a lunch meat
sandwich with
cheese, no mayo,
place the sandwich
in a lunch baggie
and then put all of
the sandwiches back
in the bread wrapper
and put in the freezer at church.
Last year our Mission Team introduced us to
Kellond Elementary School Haven
Totes For Kids
program and we are
continuing again
this year. CPC fills
tote bags with food
for the weekend for
students who are
home alone on the
weekend and in
need of nutritional
The Packing and
Delivery Schedule
for August is:
Aug 7 — no Totes
Aug. 14 — Rada
& Lana
Aug 21 — Doug
Aug 28 — Marian,
Mary Ellen
& Ann
If you would like to
help, contact Rada
Rich, 326-4307
Greetings, friends!
Thanks for some great music with the Summer Choir during June!
During the month July, we will take the entire month OFF as a
In August, we will begin again with Sunday mornings at 9:30 am
only, and then on September 9, we will resume Wednesday night 7
pm rehearsals again.
Have a great Summer!
If you are interested in joining the Choir or Bell Choir, we are
always looking for mew singers and ringers. Please contact
Richard Hintz, our Director of Music.
We recently have had donations of yarn and of completed
shawls and greatly appreciate both. It would be very helpful
if you would please attach a note with your
name and phone number so that we know who
was so generous. We would like to be able to thank
you and only hope that you will read this and know that
your beautiful work is appreciated. If you are willing to create
shawls, it would be nice for you to have some guidelines as to the
size we need. They need to be a minimum of 60 inches long and
approximately 10-22 inches wide, We are continuing to donate
shawls to UAMC and the Organ Donor Network, so the more
people we have making shawls, the more we are able to share
with them. If you are unable to attend our monthly meeting,
you can certainly can work at home when you have time and
just stay in touch with us.
The mini shawls are now available and can be found in baskets
in the narthex or in Fellowship Hall.
Prayer shawl request forms are available in the office in the
Prayer Shawl Ministry mailbox. After completing the information
requested, please return the form to the box on top of all folders and
contact LuAnn Cobb to let her know that a request has
been made. We have cards that accompany the shawls which
include a prayer, history of the prayer shawl ministry and
where the shawl originates (CPC).
For more information or questions, please contact LuAnn Cobb at
Adult Bible Study
Each Sunday, in Room A/B of the North Education wing, grown-up children of God are welcome to
gather together for some good, deep, Bible Study.
The group is studying the New Testament letter to the
No prior Biblical experience or knowledge
is required to attend. Just come and be with us,
on any Sunday morning, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
This series is being led by Professor Ken Friskey.
Grades 6-12,
Middle and High
Funday School
Sunday, August 16th,
9:30 a.m. Join us for an
open house registration day to celebrate a new season of Sunday
Funday school. Parents/Youth can stop in and meet the teachers,
fill out the registration forms, and get a schedule for the fall series. We’ll be using our fabulous new video based curriculum to
help guide our youth in their faith journey.
Middle School Faith Trek Class will continue to meet in Room
D of the North Education wing and will be led by Jennifer Marshall and
Nancy Schlegel.
High School Class will continue to meet in Room C of
the North Education wing and will be led by Kenna Koch and
Pastor Melde.
2-4 Youth Fellowship Sunday, August 23rd, 6-7:30 p.m.
Our annual Kick Off Celebration Night will feature a pizza dinner
and the Annual Parent/Youth Challenge! All parents and youth
are encouraged to attend to hear about the fall program and for
parents to sign up to help.
2015/16 at CPC will be awesome,
because you will be there!
Please join us
Come all!
It’s time to start a new
year of Sunday Funday classes. Registration day will be
Aug. 16th from 9:30-10:30.
Please stop by the children’s classrooms to register your child/ren, look
around the classrooms and
get an introduction on David, who is the focus of our
first rotation. Classes
It’s also time to give our newest readers, those children going in to 1st
grade and our newest middle school 6th
graders to get Bibles to help them on
their faith journeys. If you have a
child or grandchild going into 1st or 6th grade please
let the office know which service they will be at so
that we don’t miss anyone. Presentations of the
Bibles will be on Sunday, August 23rd at both services.
Aug 18, 11:30
Gusto Osteria,
7153 E Tanque Verde
Lunch Together and other Fellowship Opportunities will
resume in September. Watch for the Sept. issue of the Kiva
for the new Fall schedule!
Join Us Every Wednesday
Morning 9am– 12noon
Wednesday morning Crafts meets each week unless otherwise
stated. New members and new project ideas are always welcome. If you would like to check us out and see if you'd like to
join us, just stop by. No special skills required! We work on
various projects ranging easy to more technical - something for
everyone, we think. There are even people who would like to
join us, but cannot make the Wednesday a.m. meetings, so they
sew, crochet, do art projects from home and turn them over to
the Craft Group to sell for P.W. Mission monies.
We consider ourselves a Fellowship group, more than even, a
Craft group. We laugh and share stories and would love to have
you join us!
We meet in classrooms A/B, each Wednesday morning from
9 am to 12 pm. Those are "loosey-goosey" hours. If you can
only stop by for an hour or two...please do.
Questions? Call Pam Cullop - 520-271-6678 or email:
Monies raised from the sale of our Craft Items are
given to special mission ministries of CPC.
We will discuss these three books:
The 19th Wife A Novel by David Ebershoff
All the Light We cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius
We will meet again at 1 p.m. on Sept. 8, in the CPC Library
Happy Summer Reading!
The 19th Wife: A Novel The 19th Wife: It is 1875, and Ann
Eliza Young has recently separated from her powerful husband, Brigham Young, prophet and leader of the Mormon
Church. Soon after Ann Eliza’s story begins, a second exquisite narrative unfolds–a tale of murder involving a polygamist
family in present-day Utah. And as Ann Eliza’s narrative intertwines with that, readers are pulled deeper into the mysteries of
love, family, and faith.
All The Light We Can Not See—NATIONAL BOOK
AWARD FINALIST from the highly acclaimed, multiple
award-winning Anthony Doerr, the beautiful, stunningly ambitious instant New York Times bestseller about a blind French
girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France
as both try to survive the devastation of World War II.MarieLaure lives with her father in Paris near the Museum of Natural
History, where he works as the master of its thousands of
Ghost Boy They all thought he was gone. But he was alive
and trapped inside his own body for ten years. In January 1988
Martin Pistorius, age twelve, fell inexplicably sick. Ghost Boy
is the heart-wrenching story of one boy's return to life through
the power of love and faith. Martin's emergence from his own
darkness invites us to celebrate our own lives and fight for a
better life for others.
Men’s Breakfast, Wednesday, Aug. 19th at 7:30am.
Join us for Bible Roulette. We’ll open the Scripture, and
wherever our eyes go is what we’ll read and discuss. Men
of ALL AGES are invited to join us each Third Wednesday
of the month at Biscuits (7026 E. Broadway). We meet in
the private dining area and each has a separate check.
Bring a friend or two.
Women’s Breakfast,
Thursday,August 20th
at 8:30 a.m
Each Third Thursday of the month
ALL WOMEN are invited to breakfast at 8:30 am at Biscuits
(7026 E. Broadway). Join us for good food, fabulous fellowship, and excellent conversation. No reservations needed.
Bring a friend! Bring a smile! Bring your laughs! And even
bring your tears! Together we eat and separate we pay.
Dominoes Every
Thursday @ 1pm
Mexican Train Dominoes meet in room A/B.
NO experience is necessary. We’ll teach you the game.
Take a break from the summer heat and come enjoy the fun in the
cool rooms at CPC, all are welcome!
All women of the CPC congregation are members of Presbyterian
Women and are invited to participate in Bible study and learn about
local, national and international mission service projects.
First Friday of the Month
Bible Study 1—2 pm in
Rm A/B followed by
Fellowship Circle 2 –3 pm
The PW Bible Study Group will resume meeting on
Friday, September 4 at 1 PM with Pastor Melde.
Have a wonderful, restful summer.
The 2015 – 2016 Horizons Bible Study will be:
Come to the Waters
By Judith Record Fletcher
The books have been ordered and will be available as soon as
they are received.
Have a wonderful summer and please keep our PW Mission Projects in mind as they do NOT take a vacation! We look forward to
seeing you in September at the Bible Study Group and the Fellowship Circle.
For information about PW of CPC please call
Marilyn McConnell (579-8438) or Julia Potter (298-4415)
The Horizon Bible Study books have been ordered and will be
given out as soon as possible after they are received!
Thank you for your continued support
of prayer and donations for these
mission projects supported by the
Presbyterian Women!
towels, wash cloths, personal hygiene items and men's clothing.
MENAUL SCHOOL, Albuquerque, NM has need of educational
labels and Point Labels with Bar Codes attached.
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE requests disinfectant wipes, bleach
and Chemo Caps. Don't forget the metal tabs!
There will be more information next month about the Fall Gathering
of Presbyterian Women of Presbytery de Cristo at Tortolita Presbyterian Church to be held onSaturday, October 24, 2015. Contact Julia
Potter if interested!
Women’s Bridge Group:
Every Third Thursday at 12:00p.m
We invite you to come out and join this
friendly group of women for fellowship
and great games of bridge. Bring a light
lunch at Noon for fellowship and enjoy
the light snacks and drinks that are
Please call Mary Clark at 290-2276 if you are able to attend
our game. Game time starts at 12:30 p.m.
Flea Market 2016 Event
March 17, 18, & 19 2016
If you have questions or would like to sign up to volunteer,
please contact
Donna Kuehn PH: 520-245-3761
Pam Cullop PH: 520-271-6678
Second Hand Weekends Schedules
Items may be delivered to the church on the Second Sunday of each month. We will be pricing and sorting on those
Sundays from 9:30 am—2 pm
Pricing and sorting will also take place on the Saturday
morning prior to Second Hand Sunday from 9 am—2 pm.
Bring a sack lunch and wear comfortable cloths. Invite a
friend to come along, too!
heart felt
Dear Christ Presbyterian Church:
Thank you so much for your genuine hearts, wonderful
partnership and generous support to our fellowship.
This gives us a great push to sustain in our ministry and
continue to serve with our Risen Lord and new comers
of His people to the states.
Steering Committee,
George Bitar, Pastor
Dear CPC:
On behalf of Campus Ministry (PCM) and
the students we serve, we thank you for
your generous donation of $400.00 on
May 27, 2015.
Your gift to Presbyterian Campus Ministry
makes a difference! Donations are faithfully utilized to serve our college students,
and the impact is felt on and off campus.
All contributions received support the students, staff , and programs of PCM.
We praise God for how He is continuing to
bless us as a mission of the Presbytery de
Cristo. For the latest PCM events and activities please see our website at
A BIG Thank
You from ICS
for our ministry
partnership, and
financial support!
Thank you for supporting this vital ministry, and please continue to keep us in your
In Christ’s Service,
Susan Naegle, Moderator
Shirley Nicholas passed from this life to life everlasting on
June 21, 2015.
There will be a celebration of Shirley’s life on Sunday,
Aug. 2, at 2:30 pm at CPC.
Mary Lou Wolfe, beloved wife of Bill Wolfe,
went to heaven on July 9, 2015. The family is
planning a memorial service for later in the Fall.
We will keep you informed when a date is set.
Our prayers for God’s loving presence,
comfort and peace go out to the families
of these dear saints.
Eleanor Anderson
Lou Potter
Rebecca Martin
Dale Hurst
Ken Ryan
Joan Van Loozenoord
Virginia Pigman
JoAn Clink
Eve Thorburn
Shirley Keck
Larry Raines
Ann Byrum
Teresa Palmer
Mike Letson
Tom Oliver
Rebecca Standifer
Rodney Donehoo
Savanna Colbert
Eric Gardiner
Peggy Wynkoop
Annie Bathen
Connor Wik
Velva Oliver
Craig Courville
Donald Fletcher
Kallie Parkey
Barbara Dore
Virginia Crane
Jim Holcomb
Nina Yadobi
Lois Koch
Sharon Holcomb
Debi Ryan
Marian Rogerson
Barbara Bastin
Roni Reeves-Voeltner
Bart Kimball
Jackson Hamlet
6565 E. Broadway
Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) & Presbytery de Cristo
The Rev. Steven P. Melde, Pastor
Steve Brownson, CRE, Pastoral Assistant
Robin Gilbert, Director of Children’s Christian Ed
Richard Hintze, Director of Music
Dr. Kathryn Snodgrass, Organist
Cathy Grossman, Bookkeeper
Lon Bothwell, Facility Manager
Debby Anderson, Office Manager
Shirley McClain, Administrative Assistant
Church Office Hours
9 a.m.—4 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12 —1 p.m.)
Friday 9 a.m.—12 noon
KIVA September Issue –
Wednesday, August 15th
Weekly Bulletins - Noon the
previous Wednesday
Thursday Blast - Noon the
Phone: 520-886-5535
previous Wednesday
Fax: 520-886-5686
Christ Presbyterian Tucson
Twitter: @CPCTucsonAZ