Kiva - Christ Presbyterian Church


Kiva - Christ Presbyterian Church
November 2014
Pastor Melde’s Page
Ah, November. Thanksgiving. We have so much for which to
be grateful at CPC. We still have four of our Charter Members who
are participating in the life of CPC, people who made a commitment
back on May 13, 1956, to grow a congregation where people could
come to live out their faith in God through Jesus Christ. We still have
some of their families active here. And we still have folks who joined
in those few months right after that Chartering who are active in the
life of CPC. How amazing! Now at about 400 members, we continue
that tradition.
I pray that we continue the tradition of being a congregation
where people can come to and go from to live out their faith in God
through Christ. I am thankful this month of November for all who support CPC through their financial resources as well as with their time,
talents, and prayers. It’s a congregation in which I serve not only as
pastor, but I grow myself as a person of faith, a congregation in which I
raised my own children to know how to trust God through Christ. I am
deeply thankful.
I pray that we continue to be a congregation that does this for
many generations.
Peace in all our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde
Growing In Christ Through
Sunday mornings are great opportunities to be in conversation with God. Join us each week for worship services
that will guide you in your faith and help you connect
with God through Jesus Christ.
8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall with our Band
10:45 a.m. in the Round Sanctuary with our choirs/
Be sure to join us on the first Sunday of each month
as we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. At
CPC we use grape juice (to include any who might be
challenges with alcohol addictions), and we use bread
that is Gluten/Soy/Nut/Dairy free to include those who
have these four major food allergies. We believe that all
are welcome at the Table.
Making a Difference: Stewardship 2015
CPC is Making a Difference in the name of God
through Jesus Christ in our congregation, in Tucson, in
the U.S.A., and throughout the world. YOU are Making a Difference through your participation in this
congregation by giving financially to the budget which
supports our ministries and missions, through your
prayers for CPC, and through your participation in all
of our ministries and missions.
Thank you! Thank you for your sacrificial generosity. Here at CPC we are able to offer Christian education and faith development for people of all ages through
our fantastic Sunday Funday School program. Did you
know that we have about 20 middle and high school
youth right now who are active? Didn’t they do a faithful
job leading worship last month? Did you know that our
youngest children are really learning the Bible Stories,
and our two Adult Sunday classes are providing in depth
enrichment in faith?
continued on next page
We believe our worship services offer the congregation an
opportunity to not only praise God but also the opportunity to ponder the deeper questions of faith and keep our
trust in God through Christ at the center of our lives.
Reaching out beyond the congregation by supporting other
Presbyterian mission congregations, coming alongside our
public schools and the children and educators, helping to
feed the hungry of the Casa Maria Soup Kitchen, and so
many more outreach programs is all allowing us to live
out the call to faithfulness.
Your financial giving to CPC makes this all possible.
We dedicate our Estimate of Giving Pledges for 2015 on
Sunday, November 2nd in worship. Please bring your
pledge cards with you or mail them in to the church office.
If you miss that date, please send them in to the church
office in November. Our Session Leadership Team is in
the final stages of setting our budget and mission/ministry
directions for the coming year and will rely on these
pledges to set priorities.
Together, CPC is Making a Difference. Thank you for
being a part of CPC.
Darrell Dunafon, Chairperson of Stewardship for CPC
Congregational Meeting
Our Session Leadership Team has called an All
Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 23rd,
at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. We will receive the
report from our Nominating Team and elect Elders
and Deacons to serve in leadership in the coming
years. We will also review and approve the Pastor’s
Compensation Package for 2015.
All members are invited and encouraged to attend.
....More Announcements......................
Help Wanted!
Sunday Fellowship
Have you ever stayed after
a Sunday service to visit with
friends, meet new members and
visitors, discuss the sermon, or
even (gasp……………) grab a little snack? Have you ever
thought about how The Table is prepared every Sunday?
Webster’s defines “fellowship” in part as “communion,
companionship.” Hmmmmm, sound familiar? Jesus himself said that “where two or three are gathered in my name,
there I am in the midst of them.” (see where you can find
this in the Bible).
Be a part of the fellowship at CPC in a new and fun way volunteer to help on Sundays to set The Table for all to enjoy! Stop by The Table on Sunday November 2nd to visit,
grab a little bite to eat, and sign up - help us all to carry on
the true meaning of Fellowship!
Yoga at CPC!
Next yoga class is November 5th. Classes also on November
12th and 19th.
After Nov. 19th, yoga classes will not be held again until
Wednesday, January 14th, due to an 8 week holiday break.
Contact Mary if you want to take yoga classes outside of CPC
within her private practice. People who attend CPC can take
any class Mary teaches for just $5.00 per class with purchase
of a stamp card.
4th Annual Craft Fair Set for November 14-15
Annual Craft Fair Returns to St John on the Desert
Presbyterian Church
St John on the
Desert Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.) announces the return of its annual
Craft Fair in
2014. The 4thannual fair will
be held
on Friday, November 14, 2014
from 10 AM until 4 PM and continues on Saturday, November 15, 2014 from
9 AM to 3 PM. Dozens of the area's finest crafts people will
be displaying and selling their wares. St John on the Desert is
located at 2695 N. Houghton Road in Tucson, Arizona, onequarter mile north of Tanque Verde Road. For more information call the church office at 520-749-3615 or visit the
church web site
The St John 4th Annual Craft Fair presents artisans and crafters using wood, wool, fabric, metal and minerals to create
hand made crafts, jewelry, garden art, sculpture, fine art,
kitchen goods and every other type of craft imaginable. According to Susan Patton, 2014 Fair Chairperson,
“Every year brings a surprisingly high-quality of crafters and
items to the fair. We never know exactly what we’ll find, but
it is always beautifully done and well priced. And just in time
for Christmas shopping!”
The Campanos de Cristo (Handbell Choir) is
looking for at least two good musicians who are
interested in filling spots in the handbell choir.
New singers and
ringers are always
welcome to join us.
Please see our
Music Director,
Richard Hintze for more information.
Let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Zambian Children’s Fund
Kathe Padilla wishes to thank the congregation for her warm
welcome and the generous outpouring of support to the
Zambian Children's Fund. She prays for God to bless our
church for our kindness to her and the children. CPC is supporting three Zambian Children this year. Our youth has
agreed to support one of
those three! Way to go kids!
Food for Kids:
Another new mission at
program to feed some low
income students who attend
Kellond Elementary School.
In October we began signing up volunteers to donate selected food items, shop, pack and deliver food totes. We ask that
you pray about how you can be of service to God by helping
these less fortunate children. Our mission with Totes for
Kids will begin in January 2015 starting off the New Year
with another exciting opportunity to reach out to others in the
name of Jesus!
Are you willing to be part of the new HAVEN TOTES mission that will be starting in January? You can purchase selected food items, donate money, help pack the totes or deliver
them to Kellond Elementary once a week. See Lana or Rada
Rich to sign up!
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry Team meets the first Tuesday of
each month in room E/F to make shawls for those in our congregation and others who need some special TLC. They have
made shawls for babies, new mothers, those who have lost
loved ones or suffered some other type of loss. For special
occasions, for our children who are in first grade and just
beginning to learn about the Bible and Jesus’ love.
They also make mini prayer shawls for our military people to
carry in their pockets, helmets, shirts or jackets. Each one has
a special military prayer sent with it to let them know we are
praying for them.
Prayer shawl request forms are available in the office in the
Prayer Shawl Ministry mailbox. After completing the information requested, please return the form to the box on top of all
folders. We have cards that accompany the shawls which include a prayer, history of the prayer shawl ministry and where
the shawl originates (CPC). For more information or questions,
please contact LuAnn Cobb at 721-7338. And think about joining our Ministry Team .
We could use a hand
or two! Join us each
Wednesday from 9
a.m. to 2 pm or every
Wednesday evening
from 6 - 8 pm...or both (exceptions occasionally apply) as
we prepare for our Christmas Sale. Exciting new craft
projects and continuing standards to choose from.
We are making items to sell at the Christmas Brunch/Craft
Sale on December 6 -7.
Monies raised from the sale of our Craft Items are given
to special mission ministries o CPC.
Bring a friend, your teen or 'tween to participate in
creativity and good old fashioned fellowship!
Our next meeting would fall on Tuesday, Nov. 11 at
1 PM in the Library at CPC. The book we will be
discussing is Willa Cather's classic fiction, My Antonia.
First published in 1918, and set in
Nebraska in the late 19th century, this tale
of the spirited daughter of a Bohemian
immigrant family planning to farm on the
untamed land comes to us through the
romantic eyes of Jim Burden. He is, at the
time of their meeting, newly orphaned
and arriving at his grandparents' neighboring farm on the same night her family
strikes out to make good in their new
Ántonia, who, even as a grown woman somewhat downtrodden by circumstance and hard work, lies at the
center of almost every human condition that Cather's
novel effortlessly untangles. She represents immigrant
struggles with a foreign land and tongue, the restraints
on women of the time, the more general desires for love,
family, and companionship, and the great capacity for
forbearance that marked the earliest settlers on the frontier. As if all this humanity weren't enough, Cather
paints her descriptions of the vastness of nature with
strokes so vivid as to make us feel in our bones that
we've just come in from a walk on that very terrain ourselves.
Lunch Together
Friday, November 14th, Noon – 1:30 p.m. Everyone is invited
to have Lunch Together at CPC (prepaid reservations can be
made through the church office or on the patio, $10/person).
We will have a variety of table games to play so that we can
have a chance to have some fun and get to know each other a
little bit better. You will get a chance to play a game for 10
minutes, and then, move to a new table, and play a new game,
picking up where others have left off!
Out to Lunch
Join us for CPC Out to Lunch at 11:30am on:
November 18, at Macaroni Grill, 5100 E Broadway, Call the
church office to make reservations, so we can sit together!
We will order from the menu and each will pay our own tab.
Men’s Breakfast, Wednesday,
November 19th at 7:30am.
Join us for Bible Roulette. We’ll open
the Scripture, and wherever our eyes go
is what we’ll read and discuss. Men of
ALL AGES are invited to join us each
Third Wednesday of the month at Biscuits (7026 E. Broadway). We
meet in the private dining area and each has a separate check. See
you there and bring a friend or two.
Women’s Breakfast,
Thursday, November 20th
at 8:30a.m
Each Third Thursday of the month ALL WOMEN are
invited to breakfast at 8:30 am at Biscuits (7026 E.
Broadway). Join us for good food, fabulous fellowship,
and excellent conversation. No reservations needed.
Bring a friend! Bring a smile! Bring your laughs! And
even bring your tears! Together we eat and separate
we pay.
Dominoes Every
Thursday @ 1pm
Mexican Train Dominoes
meet in room A/B. NO
experience is necessary.
We’ll teach you the game.
Come enjoy the fun, all
are welcome!
Caregiver’s Support Group
Providing caregivers a chance to not
only talk about their day-to-day
experiences and challenges but to
also find emotional and spiritual
support. We usually meet on the First
Tuesday of the month, at 3 p.m.
There will NOT be a meeting in
November! Join us December 2nd.
9:30 a.m. each Sunday Morning features our Sunday
Funday School Classes for youth, too.
Middle School (Faith Trek) meets in Room D of the
North Education Wing
High School/Young Adult meets in Room C of the
North Education Wing
2-4 Youth Fellowship meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, 6-7:30 p.m. at CPC
November 9: Game Night
November 23: Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration…
Youth bring their favorite Side Dish
Have you been out
to look at our
Memorial Garden
Lately? It is
The Memorial Garden
is available to church
members, past members, active attendees, former clergy and
immediate families of all above.
Members may be honored in one of three ways:
 The ashes may be stored in urns that will be sealed in niches
and faced with engraved granite plaques.
The ashes may be buried in the garden area with the deceased
honored by an engraved granite plaque on the memorial wall
of the church.
The third choice is to honor your loved one who has been
buried elsewhere with an engraved granite plaque mounted
on the exterior memorial wall of the church.
The CPC Memorial Garden will be a place especially for those
who love this church and have a sense of closeness to it. It will
be a place sacred to the memory of those who have departed. It
will be maintained as a place of eternal peace, serenity and
If you are interested in securing a niche or would like more information and prices, please contact Marian Rogerson,
All women of the CPC congregation are members of Presbyterian
Women and are invited to participate in Bible study and learn about
local, national and international mission service projects.
First Friday of the Month
Bible Study 1—2 pm in Rm E/F followed by
Fellowship Circle 2 –3 pm (Sept.—June)
No Meeting in December
November 2014 Calendar—
Bible Study with Pastor Steve Melde @ 1 PM in Room A/B
(Lesson 3)
Friday, November 7, 2014, 1 PM in Room A/B
Lesson , “Covenants and God’s Enduring Faithfulness”
In the Horizon Bible Study
By Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
2 – 3PM in Room A/B
For information about PW of CPC please call either
Marilyn McConnell (579-8438)
or Julia Potter (298-4415).
always has need of large bars of soap,
Towels, washcloths, men's clothing
and UNOPENED personal hygiene
earned the highest ratings from charity
evaluation groups such as Guide Star
and Charity Navigator. Our contribution
stays in Tucson to help over 450 families per year NO family
is turned away! Women of Christ Presbyterian Church with
the help of all members are still collecting tabs, bleach, disinfectant wipes and chemo caps.
MENAUL SCHOOL, ALBUQUERQUE, NM: needs education labels and Point Labels WITH the BAR CODE attached.
Bridge - Every Third Thursday at 12:00 p.m
We invite you to come out and join this
friendly group of women for fellowship and
great games of bridge. Bring a light lunch at
Noon for fellowship and enjoy the light
snacks and drinks that are provided.
Please call Pauline Standifer at 733-3152 or Mary Clark at 2902276 if you are able to attend our game.. Game time starts at
Thanksgiving Prayer
Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day
We bow our hearts to You and pray.
We give You thanks for all You've done
Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.
For beauty in nature, Your glory we see
For joy and health, friends and family,
For daily provision, Your mercy and care
These are the blessings You graciously share.
So today we offer this response of praise
With a promise to follow You all of our days.
--Mary Fairchild
Please join the CPC family on the prayer chain. as we
pray for those in need of prayer.
Email, and ask to be
added to the mailings and/or request prayer.
2015 CPC Flea
Market News!
Can you lend us a hand?
Second Saturdays at
9:30 am until done We will
price and box.
Second Sundays We
will put boxes into the pods.
Pricing and boxing will continue from 9:30 am until 1 pm.
Donation delivery:
Please bring your donations to church on pricing
and boxing days or any Sunday when you come to church.
Donation pick Up We are
very limited in the ability to
pick up donations. Please call
to make arrangements.
(contact Donna Kuehn or Pam
Cullop for details)
11/01 Meghan Koch
Leslie Courville
11/03 Sherrie Colbert
Bruce Frederick
Kathy Kimball
Eva Letson
Olivia Smith
11/05 Carole Pyter
11/06 James Lenhart
Adam Wik
11/07 Cal Pigman
Joyce Coon
Jan Marshall
11/08 Marilyn McConnell
Madelyn Doubrava
11/10 Stephanie Davis
11/12 Bill Lincoln
11/13 Dorothy Graham
Our November
11/20 Phil Mendoza
11/22 Chris Courville
Jonathan Alberding
11/23 Lee Barker
Tom Bradley
Jack Dimond
Bob Sundt
Murry Short
11/24 Ava Gardiner
Cole Gardiner
Nathan Parkey
11/25 Mary Brown
11/26 Jennifer Hudgens
11/28 John Couzens
11/29 Susan Foxx
Marie Jacobus
Nancy Waite
Katie Gilbert
11/30 Cassie Hoke
Did we miss your birthday? We are sorry. Please let us know in
the church office so we can get you on our list!
Happy Birthday to all who have birthdays in November!
Dear CPC Congregation:
You have been a very valuable friend to
the Community Food Bank! We are so
grateful for your support and kindness, and so are the
many hungry in our community your generosity has helped.
Families throughout our community are facing some tough
economic times right now. People who have never needed
assistance before are now looking to us for help.
Your gifts help us secure and distribute food to our member
agencies and into the hands of the people that need it the
most: hungry children, seniors and families in Southern Arizona.
~Michael McDonald
Please hold our grieving CPC families in
prayer ...... Jack Standifer family, Lorraine
Stough Family and David Hardy Family
Memorial services:
Lorraine Stough—Saturday, November 8th at
11:00 am at CPC
David Hardy—Saturday, November
15th 1:00 pm at Trinity Presbyterian
400 E University Blvd. Tucson
6565 E. Broadway
Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) & Presbytery de Cristo
The Rev. Steven P. Melde, Pastor
Steve Brownson, CRE, Pastoral Assistant
Robin Gilbert, Director of Children’s Christian Ed
Richard Hintze, Director of Music
Dr. Kathryn Snodgrass, Organist
Cathy Grossman, Bookkeeper
Lon Bothwell, Facility Manager
Debby Anderson, Office Manager
Shirley McClain, Administrative Assistant
Church Office Hours
9 a.m.—4 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12 —1 p.m.)
Friday 9 a.m.—12 noon
KIVA December Issue–
Wednesday, November15th
Weekly Bulletins - Noon the
previous Wednesday
Thursday Blast - Noon the
Phone: 520-886-5535
previous Wednesday
Fax: 520-886-5686
Christ Presbyterian Tucson
Twitter: @CPCTucsonAZ