May 2016web


May 2016web
Believing, Belonging, Becoming and Branching Out
May 2016
"This and That!” From Pastor Rob Gee, it's hard to believe a month has nearly passed, but I wanted to thank all of you for welcoming me as
your temporary pastor during this sabbatical time. And not only welcoming me, but "putting up" with
me!! You are a very gracious congregation in every way. Of course, I knew this from months of worshiping
with you and occasionally helping Bill in providing pastoral care. I'm truly blessed to be a part of CPC, so
thank you for everything!
As I have taken on somewhat of a different role for a short period, I look around and observe many good
things: You worship well, you listen well; you love and care for one another! And as a congregation, you
have a marvelous sense of humor, which I think is so important. In my ministry, I have noticed that when
congregations are uptight and anxious, and when there is very little lightheartedness, this is a not a good
signal. To me, a sign of spiritual health is our ability to take ourselves less seriously. The wisdom of G. K.
Chesterton comes to mind, "The angels fly because they take themselves lightly!" Or, as a mentor of mine
says "Take God seriously, but ourselves - not so much!"
I want to thank you also for keeping in touch with the Church Office and communicating things that need to
be shared. It is especially important that you do this over the next two months. I want to be available to you,
especially in times of need and crisis, so when you know of someone with a serious need, or if you have one
yourself, please do not hesitate to call on me. Every Elder has my cell phone number; you can reach me
during the day through the Church Office; and our home phone number is listed in the Church Directory. And as a reminder, I am generally in the Church Office for biggest parts of the day on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, and Thursdays of each week.
Lastly, let us keep the faith together, as the ministry of the church is never totally dependent upon the leadership of the clergy. God gives us each gifts to share in Christ's name for the common good of all. So, let us
keep praying for one another, and for Bill and Felicia. Let us be faithful in worship and in study and in fellowship. Let us laugh together, cry together, and journey together as we follow Jesus Christ the Risen Lord!
See you at church and in and around Clemmons!
Grace & Peace!
The need is constant. The gratification is instant.
The time to give is now.
Sign up by contacting Sam Boger at
or 336-998-4940.
Christian Education– Summer Sunday School June 5th
Page 2
Summer Sunday School opportunities
Sunday School for all ages continues through the summer with a change of pace---and great studies!
Preschool (room 212)—Carolyn Brown will lead our youngest ones in seeing video-based Bible stories
from the Jesus Story-book Bible. The children love these!
Elementary class (room 101)--Children who have completed K-5 join together to “Grow in Grace and
Gratitude”. Using a multi-age version of the materials they have used in the school year, they will learn
and experience some of the great Bible stories from Acts and Timothy. A team of volunteers will lead
Youth (Gooth Room)—Our teenagers will join together for “the Gospel according to Harry Potter”. Led
by Margaret Hubbard and others, the group will explore Bible themes in these books they grew up reading.
Adult Bible Study (room 206)—The Adult Bible class continues year round with summer lessons on the
theme “Toward a New Creation”, exploring Genesis, Psalms and Romans
Combined Adult Bible Class (Room 301)—All other adult classes, and others, will combine for the Mayberry Days Bible Study. Viewing clips from the old TV series, we will explore biblical themes and lessons, with a team of leaders.
Register by going to the church website:
Thank you Notes:
Dearest CPC Family, Thank you all so much for your love and care for me, Meredith, and Erin during the recent loss of my mother. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful church family. Your many acts of
kindness, your words of comfort, and prayers provided healing for us during a difficult time. ~ Penny Welty
Dear CPC, I would like to thank my CPC church family for their outpouring of love upon me as my mother
transitioned out of this world into eternity. The prayers, cards, e-mails, text messages, calls, and attendance
of her home going services- I am eternally grateful! ~ Diane Hightower Page 3
Thank You
Nursery-room 210
Carolyn Brown and Jenny McCoy
Cup of Grace---Rob Evans, Barbara Hurdle
Faith and Families—
POGs-Felicia Stewart Hoyle
Preschool 2—room 212
PIPs—Elizabeth and Pete Morris (Sept-Dec.)
Kirkie Blackwood, Vickie Howie, and Peggy Norris
Grades K, 1, 2—room 101
Amanda Klinger and Christy Sherman
Jenny and Matt McPherson
Grades 3, 4, 5—room 104
Amy and Mark Archambault
Bridget Holloman and Faye Tedder
Adult Bible Study—Mike Lyons
Special Studies—George Evans, (Norm Gleason-Dec)
Worship Education---Faye Tedder, Christy Sherman,
and Jean Moore
Wednesday Night Bible Studies—Burl Shore and Bill Hoyle
Middle School—room 105
Cathy and Bill Teller
Connecting Women
Thursday a.m.—Felicia Stewart Hoyle then
Debbie Hagan
High School—Gooth Room
Penny Welty
Travis and Jackie Milam
Mother’s Book Group---Amy Archambault,
Christy Sherman and Amanda Klinger
Godly Play—
Beth Maclin
Patti Chidester
Peggy Norris
Jenny McPherson
Sasha Sullivan
Klara Bost
Laura Cain
Kaitlyn Spach
Men’s Bible Study---Scott Sheldon
Covenant Bible Study—Ken Lynde
Christian Education Moderators– Travis Milam and
Stephen Klinger
Thank You
Youth Advisors
Penny Welty
Jonathan Cain
Katie Morris
Mac Ingraham
Lisa Humphrey
Randy McElwee
Erin Sheldon
Jennifer Ring
Reva Oakley
Page 4
Building Use Committee
The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) device which was located in the Building 200 hallway
near the restrooms has been relocated to the Building 300 hallway on the wall adjacent to the office
window. This will make it more accessible to a part of the campus with greater people traffic in case
the fire doors between 200 and 300 should happen to be locked. A second AED remains mounted
on the wall between the narthex bathrooms in the Sanctuary.
Another Building 300 improvement has been the installation of two rods in the smallest closet in
Room 301 for the hanging up of the more than 40 table cloths used in that building. This releases
some closet space in the 200 Building and puts these cloths closer to their usage area.
More closet enhancements are planned for two other storage areas in Room 301 in the near future.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 18;
6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
5:30pm Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
Those involved in our music ministry have worked extremely hard to bring you beautiful music to both
your Sunday morning worship services and your Wednesday night experiences. All the way from the 4
year old Joyful Noise singer to the adults in the Sanctuary Choir and Handbell Choir, they have rehearsed many hours, but have reaped the benefits of glorifying God through their
music making.
Make sure you mark May 18th on your calendar to join us for our Ring and Sing,
held in the sanctuary at 6:30 pm. Each music ensemble will be performing some
of their favorite pieces that they have done throughout the year.
We thank you in advance for coming out and supporting our music ministry!
Associate Pastor Nominating Committee ( APNC ) Update:
The members of the APNC have been meeting weekly since the first of the year reviewing over 120 Personal Information Forms (PIF) and conducting phone interviews via SKYPE or FaceTime. We have chosen our
top four candidates and have invited them to CPC for face-to-face interviews. Since the process is all confidential, we will not introduce these candidates to you at this time. However, by the beginning of Summer,
we hope we can make our recommendation to you in a Congregational Meeting. We are still hopeful that
we will have the Associate Pastor in place in July.
Page 5
Samaritan Inn 2016 Dates
May 6th-7th
November 4th-5th
August 5th-6th
The Samaritan Inn men's shelter in downtown WinstonSalem depends on volunteer help. Samaritan Inn opened a beautiful, clean new facility in
2015. The dining room increased from 47 to 96 seats, and the shelter beds increased from 69
to 80!
Clemmons Presbyterian Church is committed to providing 6 volunteers to the Samaritan Inn
one Friday night each quarter.
Volunteers will:
♦ Arrive on a Friday at 6:00 PM to serve them dinner
♦ Attend a short time of devotion led by Samaritan Leader
♦ Operate in 2-person shifts throughout the night to watch security monitors
♦ Serve breakfast Saturday morning
♦ Depart no later than 7:30 AM Saturday
This is such a meaningful service to our homeless and a great opportunity to fellowship with
others from CPC!
Contact Russ Vroom at 336-813-1898 or if you have questions or
wish to sign up for this rewarding experience.
Jerry Long YMCA Anti-Bullying
A check in the amount of $ 137.50, our 25% of the Peacemaking
Offering in October, 2015, was sent to Jerry Long YMCA here in
Clemmons to sponsor an Anti-Bullying Class for the after school
students at the Y. Working with Scott Spillman, Associate Executive
Director, a class was scheduled for January, 2016, but delayed due to
weather. It was held on the afternoon of February 1st.
Scott has advised they scheduled Antonio Stevenson, author of
the book, "Lessons Learned" and founder of the non-profit, to be the speaker. The Y also
purchased copies of the book for their staff and at the meeting there
were 47 kids in attendance along with 6 of the Y staff.
The talk focused on treating people the way that you want to be
treated, not judging people by what they wear or who they are,
respecting others, and holding each other accountable to be the best person they can be. Something
we all need to practice.
Thanks to all who supported the Peacemaking Offering and know that our portion was put to good use
in our local area. And thanks to the Y for their promotion of this agenda in their facility.
GOOTH Happenings
GOOTH is short for ”Group of Youth.”
Group of Youth—Grades 6 –12
GOOTH is a community of faith for young people that worships,
learns, grows, serves, and plays together.
Thank you GOOTH Stockholders
travel to conferences and mission trips. GOOTH
Stocks for 2016 can now be purchased for $20 a
share. The sale of this year’s stock will support our
Summer Trips 2016: Massanetta Middle School Conference, Harrisonburg, VA, June 21—24; At Home Mission (AHM), Clemmons, NC, June 19-24; Presbyterian
Youth Triennium, West Lafayette, IN, July 18-23; Montreat Youth Conference, Montreat, NC ,July 24-30.
For more than ten years GOOTH has been selling
GOOTH Stock to help fund the GOOTH Summer
Trips. Over the years stocks have been sold to
grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and of
course folks at CPC. Thank you for this continued
support. Not only your dollars but your prayers
have provided opportunities for many youth to
Sunday Morning with GOOTH
Every Sunday morning as you look around, you are likely to see GOOTH everywhere. You might be
greeted by one of the youth as you enter the doors at CPC, and most likely there might be a member of GOOTH handing you your bulletin or helping you find a seat. These are only two spots you
might find one of the Middle or High School youth at CPC on any given Sunday morning. In addition, members of GOOTH share their talents in Youth Choir, Youth Bell choir, Adult Choir and Adult
Bellchoir. Each Sunday a youth is paired with an adult providing leadership as our young children
participate in Godly Play. During Lent, the Confirmation Class served as lectors. Weekly, one of
the youth sound techs lends their expertise on the sound board. We say thank you to each of these
Upper Left: Confirmand, Isabella Rinehart leading Call to Worship ; Lower Left: Youth Choir:
(back row) Chris Sheehan, Jakob Iles, Tyler Iles,
Samantha Ingraham, Alexis Ingraham (front row)
Mary Cain, Arden Evans, Laura Cain, Kaitlyn
Upcoming GOOTH Events
Question/Concerns about GOOTH,
please contact :
Penny Welty, Youth Elder
May 1
Church Picnic at Tanglewood
May 29
No GOOTH, Memorial Day
May 8
Interfaith Jeopardy and Wrap Up
June 5
Grad Lunch— Honoring Class of 2016
May 15
Putt Putt
May 22
Summer Trip Meetings
Year End Party
Ministry Highlights
Empty Nesters
The Empty Nesters will meet at Olive Garden, 170 Hanes Mall Circle near Dick's Sporting
Goods, on Thursday, May 12 at 6 PM. Please let Beth Maclin know
at or 794-5399 by Wednesday, May 11 if you plan to attend. Come
and bring a friend.
The Ruth Circle has bought three shares of stock, for the purposes of washing, bathing, drinking and irrigation, to donate to a third world country. This was in celebration
of the year long Bible study, Come to the Waters. If you would like to join this group in
August for the 2016-17 year, please call Frankie Muse at 766-9950.
The Ruth Circle will meet with Jan Sparrow, a charter member of CPC and of the Ruth
Circle, on May 17, at 10 o'clock in the private dining room at Trinity Elms. This will be
the regular circle meeting. Lesson 9 will be discussed. The hostesses are Glenda
Jacobs and Jane Melton. If you would like to carpool, meet in the front parking lot and
ready to leave at 9:45.
Calling all Men!!! The Men's Breakfast meets at 8 AM on Saturday, May 14h, at
Clemmons Kitchen. Join in on the food, fellowship, and growing together in
Christ. Those planning to come or who would like more information please email
Bob at or phone 336 794-5399.
Come join the Lunch Bunch Ministry on Thursday, May 5 at Hakkachow
(Hanes Mall Blvd– next to Causal Furniture) New members always welcome! For more information contact Nancy Terry: or
Flowers Enhance The Beauty of God’s Sanctuary
Consider flowers commemorating a birthday or an anniversary. Call the Church office
by Wednesday and order one or two arrangements ($35 each and mark your check for
flowers). Page 8
May Birthdays
Reed Bain
Shannon Spencer
3 Pat Boger
Sam Bennett
Jacob Humphrey
4 Chip Vaughn
6 Kevin Sherwood
7 Chris Campbell
Eric Ringer
Barry Holmes
Scott Sheldon
8 Vickie Yokeley
Roger Smith
9 Jill Caputi
11 Kathy Harold
13 Patty Chidester
Sandie Schilly
15 Tom Allred
Kathy Hedrick
Logan Chidester
Dana Hind
Lindsay Jones
Bruce Wold
Kathryn Badorrek
Donnie Andersen
Margaret Moore
Donald Baker
Kim Ridings
Virginia Slaughter
Stacia Cormwell
Max Jacobs
Tom Orrell
Bonnie Nicol
Peggy Hinshaw
Gail Luther
Johnny Roche
Bill Nichols
Collen Brown
David Rhyne
Michael Rhyne
Reva Oakley
30 Norm Gleason
John Cosgrove
31 Ted Boyer
Personnel Committee
Please join the Personnel Committee in extending our thanks to Inessa Sarkisov as she begins
another year as the Bookkeeper at CPC. We greatly appreciate and value your hard work and
success! Thank you for all that you do. Happy Anniversary!
Join us in wishing Shannon Spencer, Children’s Music Director, a Happy Birthday!
Each are a blessing to CPC and we hope they enjoy their special day.
Our Pastor’s and Parish Associate’s FAQ– Update
How will we get “reacquainted” when Bill and Felicia return?
Felicia’s return will be recognized by Christian Education during worship on May 22nd. Both
Bill and Felicia will be welcomed back by a reception on July 3rd. On the following Sunday
they will bring back a report of their attendance at the General Assembly in Portland.
Page 9
May Events
Memorial Day Weekend Potluck - May 29th at 9:30am
Page 10
Let's gather together on Sunday, May 29 for a potluck
breakfast. There will be no Sunday School and the
breakfast will start at 9:30. Bring your egg casserole, your
muffins, and ham biscuits to break bread with one another
this special Sunday of remembrance.
Stewardship Committee
At Clemmons Presbyterian when you give to the
church you are also giving to a variety of organizations that the Presbyterian Church supports. These
agencies could not function without your financial
support. We are all part of the same body, one part
cannot work without the other.
I want to make the experience real for you.
In 1990 there was a seven year old boy waiting for adoption. But there was no place for him in the
county foster care program. However there was a place for him - at Grandfather Home for Children.
A ministry supported by the Presbyterian Church. A ministry supported by us. I told him about this
wonderful place with other children and showed him photos that I had created in a photo album for
him. We went up to visit Grandfather Home. The truth is I did not know how long he would be there
as seven year olds do not often get placed for adoption.
We found a family for him. When I would go visit him we would go to Boone and eat at a fast food
place. One day I had the family in the restaurant just to observe. On another day I dropped a napkin
and they picked it up for me and we chatted. On yet another day we ate together and they invited him
to come to Winston Salem and visit. He said Ok and I picked him up and we visited. Eventually he
visited on weekends and then went to live with them.
Without your contributions we would not have had Grandfather Home as a bridge from his old life to
his new one. Our funds reach real people; with real needs. Imagine a smiling face and a thankful
hand saying thank you, just to you, every Sunday. Thank you my friends at Clemmons Presbyterian.
Page 11
Clemmons Presbyterian Prayer Page
CPC Members to Remember in Your Prayers
Jeannine and Bill Caldwell, Martha Artz, Jane Keyser, Jan
Sparrow, Janet Gerlinger, Ben Barkley, Charlie and Starr
Braswell, Meghan Blackwood, Evelyn Church, Ann Courtenay, Carla Harker, Byron Hill, Hutch Hutchens, Martha
Jones, Lee Kecseti, Arlene Louis, Sydney Ridings, Jan
Royer, Roger Squier, Mim Andrews, Missy Foster, Coen
Thompson, and John Sees
Relatives & Friends:
Adam Figel (Judy and Steve's son)
Karol Glick (Kim Weber's sister)
Mike Easter (friend of Chapmans)
Greg Easter (Chapman)
Cindy Collins (friend Mark and Leigh Ann Smith)
Lee Maness (Leigh Ann Smith's parents)
Scott Merritt (Friend of the Boger's)
Gray Logan (son of Tommye Logan)
Pam Padgett (Friend of Geyer's)
Lori Duckworth (Tom King friend)
Blake Johnson (Fred Baker)
Harold Shelton (Leslie King's father)
Kent Wold (Bruce Wold's father)
Martha Cooper (Allen Cooper's mother)
Tim Knight (Brother of Judy Tedder (Mike and Ben))
Eddie Hightower (Diane Hightower)
Walter and Lois Hash (Cooper and Norris neighbor)
Nancy Harvel (Kausch)
Bradley Smith (Charlie Kausch)
Virginia Watson (Charlie Kausch)
Don Hall (Kausch's neighbor)
Lisa Hutcheson (Christy Sherman's sister)
Katie Ross (daughter of Scott Sheldon's former co-worker)
Johnathan Packs (Tracey Martin's co-workers child)
Lori Calgaro (Jim and Bobbie Calgaro--sister-in-law)
Cameron Overman (Bessie Belcher's great grandson)
Kay Shaver (Bessie Belcher's niece)
Travis Milam's Aunt
Travis Milam's Grandmother
Jean Hollingsworth (Kathy Hedrick's mother)
Christel Ingle (Nanita Heasley godchild)
Ellen Binkley (Edith Sciortino)
Howard Hughes (Engle Family)
Kaye Hixson (Engle Family)
Sue Thames (neighbor of Tedders)
Michael Moore (Gail Sharpe's son-in-law)
Judy Hockaday (Kloha Family)
Dr. Peter Downs (Hartsfield's brother-in-law)
Romaine Krakowski (Shelby Clark's aunt)
Betty Raleigh (Shelby Clark's aunt's friend)
Rev. Tim Orrell (Tom Orrell’s son)
Linda Banks (Cherie Hardy)
Special Prayer Concerns:
Peace, All Military Service People & their families, STSSA
David Anderson (Deployed), Salem Presbytery Hispanic
Mission, CPC members seeking jobs, Associate Pastor
Nominating Committee, Rev. John McCall (News from Rev.
John McCall, the PCUSA Mission Worker CPC helps support in Taiwan, is on our website).
2016 Financial Report
Opera ng Fund
March YTD 2016 Actual
March YTD 2016 Budget
March YTD 2015
Net (Loss)
Building Fund
Please remember to clearly designate what your check is for on your offering envelope or check memo line,
so your contribution can be properly recorded. If you have any questions,
please contact Mike Lyons – Moderator or any member of the Finance Committee
Like Clemmons Presbyterian on Facebook
Clemmons Presbyterian Church
3930 Clemmons Road
Clemmons, NC 27012
Return Service Requested
Get Ready for the 2016 BBQ Spring Picnic!!! Join us in food, fellowship, and games for all ages.
(Bring your putter for the putting competition)
BBQ and Drinks will be provided for everyone.
We are asking families that attend the picnic to bring either a side dish or a dessert.
If your last name begins with A-H please bring a dessert.
If your last name begins with I-Z please bring a side dish.
Entry fee of $2.00 per car
The shelter can be located by turning right at the train and the shelter comes up shortly on the right.