November 2010 - First Presbyterian Church


November 2010 - First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, North Carolina
November 2010
Dr. William P. Wood and First Presbyterian Church
III: Milestones from 2000-2010
“We are Preparing
for the Future”
By Susan Shimp
In a period when many Presbyterian churches have
suffered a decline in membership, First Presbyterian in
Charlotte has seen enormous growth. Membership has
nearly doubled during Dr. Wood’s tenure at the church,
from 1200 members in 1983 to 2200 in 2010. In the
1990s alone, there was an 82% increase in the number
of children. In January 1999, the session adopted an
expanded long range plan that affirmed the church’s
identity within the Reformed Tradition, renewed its
commitment to accomplishing the Great Ends of the
Church, and also addressed this remarkable growth in
membership. The plan outlined a vision for additional
worship opportunities, energized Christian education,
strengthened congregational life programs, a continued
dedication to service activities, a greater reach of
ministries to a larger community, a vibrant and inclusive
congregation, and the resources to realize this vision.
By April of that year, the “First Things First” campaign
was begun with a goal of $8 million dollars - a goal
ultimately exceeded through the generosity of the
congregation. Construction began that fall on a new
60,000-square-foot addition that included space for
the Child Development Center, music rooms and
offices, the new Fellowship Hall and kitchen, new adult
classrooms, an expanded Loaves and Fishes pantry, and
classrooms and activity areas for youth. The campaign
also included in its commitment benevolences for both
local and global missions.
Continued on page 5
Stewardship 2011
PW Advent Communion Service
Thanksgiving Honorariums
From The Senior Minister
A monthly publication of
First Presbyterian Church
200 West Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-1623
Thanksgiving is a season in which we are
called to remember those things for which we
are grateful and to express to God our gratitude
for the goodness and grace that fill our lives
in so many ways. For me, this Thanksgiving
has a special poignancy in that on Sunday,
November 21st, I will preach my last sermon as the Minister of First
Presbyterian Church. This is a time of both sadness and joy - sadness
at stepping aside from a position and a people I have loved but also
joy at knowing the opportunities that exist for our church and for me
as new opportunities and horizons open. Any person who has served
as a minister in our church understands the uniqueness and special
qualities that constitute the First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
For almost 200 years, our church has engaged in a remarkable ministry
in the center city of Charlotte. Through its worship, its television
ministry, its numerous outreach programs and the unique leadership of
the congregation, our church has helped to make the city of Charlotte
a better city for all its residents. In addition, our church has enjoyed
a special sense of community. Though we come from many different
neighborhoods, there is a remarkable unity, fellowship and caring that
is rarely found in any church.
The First Presbyterian Church has a lot for which to be grateful. We
have experienced remarkable growth as a congregation in a time in
which the mainline Protestant denominations have suffered from an
extraordinary decline of membership and influence. Over the past
two and a half decades, our church has welcomed hundreds of young
families, baptized almost 1,000 infants, and maintained a vitality and
consistent witness of the power of Jesus Christ for the transformation
of human lives and the greater community.
In Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus, he summarizes the gospel of
Jesus Christ in this fashion: “For by grace you have been saved by faith,
and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God - not the result of
works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:9)
And so in this season of Thanksgiving, it is appropriate that I
acknowledge my gratitude to God and to the congregation of our
church for the gift of allowing me the unique privilege of serving as
your minister for these twenty-seven years.
Thanks be to God!
William P. Wood
Volume 26, Number 10, November 2010
Second Class Postage Paid, Charlotte, NC, USPS #751730
CHURCH TELEPHONE: 704.332.5123; FAX: 704.334.4135
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 9 am and 11 am
OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am to 5 p.m.
William P. Wood
Kathleen A. Crowe
Associate Minister for PASTORAL CARE
Katherine W. Cooke
Wesley B. Barry
J. Kirk Hall, IV
Dan Woodall
Director of Music Ministries:
D. Edwin Huss, Jr.
ASSISTANT Director of Music Ministries:
Becky Puster
Director of Children’s Ministries:
Lou Johnson
Josh Herrin
director of middle school ministries:
Jen Evans
administrative assistant for youth ministry:
Jamille White
Sarah Price
Lisa Dillard
Jessica Patchett
Janis Rikard
Interim Director, CDC
Debbie Shirkey
Financial Manager:
Jan Gaddis
Dowling McConnell
Communications Manager:
Dartinia Hull
Roger Blackwelder
Chris Bodmer
Regina Backlund
Judy Ploch
Assistant to Senior Minister & Tv Ministry:
Caren Loftin
Diane Baker
Ben Treece
George Hamilton
Bill Fairchild
Ron Williams
Donna Dendy
Doris Mataragas
Jan Atwater
T V M inistr y
Thanksgiving Honorariums
ext May will mark the 50th anniversary of the first
live broadcast of First Presbyterian’s 11 a.m. Sunday
morning worship service on Channel 9 WSOC-TV.
The mission of the TV Ministry has been to bring a traditional
Presbyterian Worship Service into the homes of people who
cannot attend church. Indeed, the TV Ministry has grown into
a significant outreach ministry of our church where each week
more than 39,000 households, not including viewers in hospitals,
nursing homes and retirement homes, tune in for the service. The
TV Ministry has heard from literally thousands of viewers over the
years of the importance of the broadcast to their lives. The TV
Ministry’s $400,000 annual budget is largely funded by income from
endowments and bequests from both members and non-members as
well as weekly contributions from the TV audience.
Thanksgiving is an important time of the year where we reflect
on many of God’s gifts. On November 28, the Sunday following
the Thanksgiving Day holiday, the TV Ministry is initiating a
Thanksgiving honorarium program. For a contribution to the
TV Ministry, you and your family can honor or remember a loved
one by becoming one of the sponsors of the broadcast. Similar
to how the Christmas Holiday Wreath/ Poinsettias and Easter
Lilly honorariums are listed in the order of worship each year, the
Thanksgiving honorariums will scroll down the screen during an
appropriate part of the November 28 broadcast. If you wish to
purchase an honorarium, please send a check for $250, payable to
First Presbyterian TV Ministry, to Caren Loftin, 200 West Trade
Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. Checks are due Friday, November 17.
Please include the name of your loved one(s) and indicate if
it is a memorial or honorarium. Please let the church office know
if you have any questions.
Dr. Wood’s retirement will also begin a transition period for our TV
Ministry as well. Rest assured, high on the Transition Committee’s
list is the interim pastor’s ability to connect with the TV audience
and to continue to lead this ministry until we find a new pastor.
The TV Ministry relies on the support of church members and
TV viewers alike. It is not funded through the church’s annual
operating budget or stewardship. The economic slowdown has
had a negative impact on weekly contributions and as a result,
the TV ministry has run operating deficits for the past several
years. This honorarium opportunity is a meaningful way to
recognize loved ones and support this important ministry at
First Presbyterian Church. Thank you for your support.
Every Wednesday
thru November 24th
The Fall 2010 Wednesday Connect
series offers new opportunities for
fellowship, compelling programs,
wonderful music for your children
and a scrumptious dinner. This is
an educational, fun and enriching
experience for the whole family.
Wednesday Connect
concludes the
Fall Series with a
Memorable Evening on
Thanksgiving Eve,
November 24th
Enjoy a Holiday Feast
and a Special Worship
Service with Music by
the Children’s Choirs!
For registration, payment and more
information, please go to the church
website at
from whom all
b l e s s i n g s f l o w. . .
Stewardship 2011
As you read this, we are nearing completion of the
2011 Stewardship Campaign, themed “From Whom All
Blessings Flow.” This comes as we approach the time
to celebrate Dr. Wood’s service at First Presbyterian
Church. The juxtaposition of these events, and the related
emotions, are more similar than they may first seem. The
celebrations of 27 years of service, leadership, and ministry
are a conclusion in one way, but also the beginning of the
next phase of the work of First Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Wood noted in his letter to the congregation that
“this is the occasion for new leadership, a new vision, and
renewed ministry in our witness for Jesus Christ in the
heart of the city of Charlotte.”
The stewardship campaign is also a beginning, in this
case to the missions and ministries we will provide in
2011. Each and every one of us is responsible for ensuring
that we provide the leadership and vision noted above
as the church moves forward with our ministries. That
requires not only our time and our talents, but also our
financial commitments. Dr. Wood has challenged us with
a campaign goal of $3.1 million, the same as last year. Our
entire church family was generous in your support of that
campaign, providing both traditional annual fund gifts as
well as “extraordinary times” commitments. We are not
seeking the additional gift for 2011; rather we are looking
for participation from all church members. Only with
this full participation will we be successful in our effort to
maintain our commitment to the church’s programming
and critical mission work.
If you have not yet pledged this year, please prayerfully
consider doing so, either online or by returning a pledge
card to the church. Each and every pledge, regardless of
amount, is helpful and necessary.
It is not too late – to make the financial commitment,
to honor Dr. Wood, and to remind ourselves about how
First Presbyterian Church has served as a refuge of hope
and comfort for our congregation and our community for
almost 200 years.
Musical Notes
A Gift of Music
in Celebration of
Dr. Wood’s Service
During the
Special Worship Service
on November 21st
Through the gift of music, we will worship
God and celebrate Dr. Wood’s many years
of ministry at First Presbyterian Church on
Sunday, November 21. The Sanctuary
Choir along with the Carolina Brass
will offer special music during our
morning worship services.
Our Opening Voluntary will be presented by
the Carolina Brass as we gather for worship.
During the service, the Choir will sing anthems
by Felix Mendelssohn, J. S. Bach, and John
Ness Beck. The congregational hymns will
be accompanied by the Carolina Brass,
organ and timpani.
Ivey Handbell Ringers to Perform
with The Charlotte Symphony
The Ivey Handbell Ringers are proud to
announce that they will be one of the featured
performance groups in the 2010 Magic of
Christmas concerts presented by the Charlotte
Symphony. The high school ringers will play a
solo piece, a setting by Kevin McChesney of the
famous Leontovych “Carol of the Bells”, and will
also join the symphony players on the final two
selections of the concert. This year the members
of the Ivey Handbell Ringers are: Wilson Sink,
Alex Jenkins, Lee Landess, Mary Elizabeth
Schultze, Ann Eubank, Alex Hoover, Dana
Neidinger, Julia Hoover, Meriwether Lyman, and
Meredith Dann. The Magic of Christmas concerts
are December 3-5 at Belk Theater. Plan now to
attend and cheer on the Ivey Handbell Ringers!
Dr. William P. Wood and First Presbyterian Church
Continued from page 1
“We are Preparing
for the Future”
In his remarks at the dedication of the new Poplar
Street Building on May 20, 2001, Dr. Wood said of
this milestone for our church,
“We are not simply remembering
the past, nor giving thanks for
the present. We are preparing for
the future. This church is a living
witness to the power of God’s grace
in Jesus Christ to nurture, inspire,
and encourage the people of God in
this place.”
By the end of 2001, Ben Long’s fresco depicting the
Parable of the Good Samaritan would be completed in
the Poplar Street Building lobby.
Over the past decade, in addition to the facility
expansion completed in 2001, FPC also met the needs
of its growing membership through expanded staff,
adding associate ministerial positions for Evangelism,
Pastoral Care and Christian Education. In 2005, the
Child and Family Outreach Coordinator position was
created. Opportunities for worship were also extended
with the Children and Worship program during the
Sunday morning services, and with a contemporary
service on Sunday afternoons from 2005-2008.
Wednesday Worship continues to provide a mid-day
service and lunch for both members and for visitors
in Uptown.
The past decade has also been a time for significant
technical improvements to the Television Ministry.
Reaching as many as 39,000 households, in addition
to hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes
each week, this outreach has paralleled the changes
in broadcasting itself, starting in black and white in
1961, color in
1974, adding new
cameras in 2001,
high definition
cameras in 2008,
and an additional
camera installed
in that year to
allow events
in the Fellowship Hall to be recorded. But as in its
inception, the TV ministry simply shows a traditional
Presbyterian Worship service, live and unedited, with
church volunteers continuing to work the soundboard
every Sunday. When asked of his goals for the
television ministry, Dr. Wood said in a 1983 interview
with the Charlotte Observer, “We don’t do anything
special. We want to show the baptisms, the people
walking around when we serve communion and take up
the offering, the announcements . . . aspects of day-today church life. We’re trying to extend the ministry of
a real church with real people.” As Moderator of the Presbytery of Charlotte, and as
President of the Board of Trustees for the Foundation
for Reformed Theology, Dr. Wood’s service to the
Presbyterian Church at-large reflects a commitment
to its traditions and to its future. And as we celebrate
nearly three decades of his service to our church, let us
continue to ask how First Presbyterian in Charlotte can
be a “living witness to the power of God’s grace in Jesus
Christ to nurture, inspire, and encourage the people of
God in this place.”
2 0 1 0
Evening Advent
Worship Services
After last year’s strong interest in the
Evening Advent Worship services,
First Presbyterian Church is building up
to offer another series of meaningful
worship services. Starting the first week
of Advent, these worship services will be
held in the Chapel from 6:00-6:45 p.m.,
with a fellowship gathering to follow.
Childcare is provided, but we also
encourage families to attend together.
Each service will explore the theme
“Emmanuel: God is with us.”
On the first week of October, First Presbyterian held its
annual Fall Festival. The gathering on the front lawn was an
incredible event that brought together our church members,
and demonstrated to our neighbors the vibrant community
of faith at First Presbyterian.
Across the front lawn, the
laughter of children and adults
and the musical skills of Beth
Williams could be heard.
Beneath the changing color
of autumn leaves, two giant
inflatables entertained the
children, while different
activities and games
occurred. The youth organized and
held relay races for some of the kids, while the Reverend
Katie Crowe and Kathleen Shields painted faces. Rich
Neidinger impressed the crowd with his balloon animal
skills, and David Dillard was our Bingo caller. However,
one particular activity captivated the crowd the most...the
Dunking Booth. The Reverend Wes Barry, Jen Evans, Josh
Herrin and the Reverend Kirk Hall all braved the crisp cold
air of October as the children lined up in order to dunk the
ministers and staff.
This gathering was a huge success as it brought together a
wide range of church members and visitors. Thanks to the
Children’s Ministry council, the youth, and the Evangelism
Committee for hosting such an incredible event.
November 28th:
Wholeness and Healing
December 5th:
December 12th:
December 19th:
Celtic Communion
Please contact Regina Backlund
if you would like to help in any of
these worship services.
Fall Festival 2010
Bring Hope to Haiti
February 4-9 Mission Trip
When you travel to Haiti you do not just bring
yourself, you bring hope. That is what our partners
in Haiti consistently reflect to our mission teams
when they travel. You are invited to bring hope to
Haiti with your presence on our 2011 mission trip to
Bayonnais. On Friday, February 4, the team will depart
in the early hours of the morning and travel to Port au
Prince, Haiti, where we will meet our friends at OFCB
Ministries and drive to Bayonnais. For four days, we
will worship with the community, meet and interact
with the students of OFCB, help them practice their
English and bear witness to their world. We will return
to Charlotte on February 9. The cost of the trip will
be approximately $1100, with additional costs for
immunizations and passports as needed. Scholarship
support is available upon request. Space is limited,
so please contact Katie Crowe with your interest by
December 1 at or at
704-927-0253. Come and bring hope to Haiti, and we
promise that you will be filled with hope in return.
Returning to Russia
On June 17-27, 2011, a mission team from First
Presbyterian will return to Ryazan, Russia, to visit
our friends at Hope Baptist Church. For ten years
our congregation has partnered with Hope Baptist,
traveling to visit them every other year, while Pastor
Pavel and elders from his congregation have traveled
to Charlotte to experience our life and ministries
every other year. Despite severe persecution from the
Orthodox community, Hope Baptist continues to bear
witness to the gospel, remains committed to Christian
education and ministers to women in the nearby
women’s prison. What began as a small community
gathered in a single rented room has grown with the
support of First Presbyterian Church, into a multi-staff
ministry that is living into its name and spreading
the hope of Jesus Christ. The team will support Hope
Baptist in its life and ministries, meet with church
members, and participate in the worshipping life of
the congregation. To learn more about being part of
the mission team, please contact Katie Crowe at or at 704-927-0253.
It’s that time again...
Room In The Inn needs your Involvement
Room in the Inn (RITI) needs your involvement this winter as we will again host 12 homeless guests every Monday
and Tuesday night at First Presbyterian Church from December through March. Please consider preparing and
serving part of an evening meal, staying over night, or purchasing and delivering breakfast food or bag lunches for
guests to take with them when they leave our church in the morning. This ministry requires 350 individuals to step
forward in service.
Since 1996, First Presbyterian has joined with other congregations and colleges across Charlotte-Mecklenburg as
part of the community wide program sponsored by the Charlotte Urban Ministry Center. Room in the Inn provides
hospitality, shelter and food for the homeless in our community during the winter months.
The RITI program is a unique way for people of faith to come alongside our homeless neighbors and share Christ’s
love. It’s also an opportunity to sit and listen to their stories around the dinner table and share your own. Bring
a friend and serve together. The simple goal of the ministry is to provide dignity and safe space on cold winter
evenings. But the greater goal is to provide a compassionate presence and supportive relationship to the homeless for
a night. RITI brings the Biblical admonition to love thy neighbor to life, revealing that everyone in our community
is our neighbor. Sign up to help a neighbor in need today.
Contact Lisa Dillard, First Presbyterian Volunteer Coordinator, at 704-927-0242 or
to serve as an overnight host or to provide a meal. Your presence makes a difference!
Meet the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte
(formerly known as the Emergency Winter Shelter)
In 2010, the Emergency Winter Shelter (EWS) changed its name to the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte. The name
change occurred when the 30-year-old EWS, a seasonal facility, and the year-round Uptown Men’s Shelter merged
administrative responsibilities in order to provide more comprehensive services to the homeless men in our
community and to save on costs for both organizations. The combined year-round shelter is now known as the Men’s
Shelter of Charlotte and operates on campuses on North Tryon Street (formerly the Uptown Shelter) and Statesville
Avenue (formerly the EWS). Both locations provide nourishment and shelter for homeless men living on our streets,
men who are not eligible for the Urban Ministry Center’s Room in the Inn program and works with them to create
a plan for getting and staying off of the streets. It attempts to prevent people with the very least in our community
from being without shelter. The Men’s Shelter of Charlotte is a collaborative effort among volunteers; CMC provides
free medical screening, the Charlotte Rescue Mission prepares hot meals, and Dove’s Nest washes the linens. The
combined locations sleep 500 men each evening.
First Presbyterian Church will once again provide volunteers to register guests, serve dinner, and distribute blankets
at the Statesville Avenue site in the winter months. Seven volunteers are needed on the nights of Tuesday,
November 30, Wednesday, January 26, and Monday, February 28, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Serving at the men’s
shelter is the perfect hands-on opportunity for individuals or groups who want to volunteer but whose busy schedules
do not allow for a large commitment of time. If you would like to serve the homeless in our community through this
very important ministry this winter, contact Lisa Ku at 704-525-0430 or
Thursday, December 2nd, 11:30 a.m., Sanctuary
Join us for our Advent Communion Service
and Lunch on Thursday December 2, at
11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Come and
prepare your hearts and minds for this season
of Advent and Christmas as we are led in
worship by Dr. Luke Powery, Assistant Professor
of Homiletics at Princeton Theological
Seminary. Dr. Powery’s combined experiences
in preaching, African American religious
culture, and theology will nourish us during this
season of hope and anticipation. This service is
a tradition of our Presbyterian Women and is
open to all members of our church, all churches
through out the city, our downtown community,
our friends and neighbors and anyone seeking
spiritual nourishment.
The Advent Communion Service will be
followed by a boxed lunch in the Fellowship
Hall at 12:15 p.m. Lunches will also be
available for carryout. Reservations may be
made by sending a check for $6 payable to
Presbyterian Women and marked Advent
Communion Lunch, mailed to 200 W.Trade
Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. Please send your
check by Monday, November 29. You may
also make reservations by calling the church
at 704-332-5123 or at sign-up tables on
Sunday mornings at church or pay online
at Click
Congregational Life, then Presbyterian Women.
To make a reservation for childcare please
contact Carmalita Monroe at 704-367-4934.
For transportation to the event, contact Anne
Wilson at 704-364-5059.
During the service, a Christmas Joy Offering
will be accepted. Fifty percent of this gift is sent
to the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian
Church (USA) for assistance programs for
church workers and the other half is directed
to racially ethnic schools and colleges of the
PCUSA to help deserving students pursue
their education.
As we approach this season of preparation
and waiting, we hope you and your friends will
join us as we take time to worship and reflect
on the season.
Presbyterian Women Series
on the Heroines of First presbyterian church
Lemma Shepherd Howerton
Last spring, the Presbyterian
Women celebrated their annual
Birthday Dinner by honoring
some of the historical female
pillars of our church.
Lemma Shepherd was born in
Alabama in 1905. When she was 10,
she moved to Charlotte, where her
father operated John C. Shepherd
Lumber Corp. with his brothers. The history of First Baptist
Church chronicles that her father and her uncles gave chimes for
the sanctuary of First Baptist Church on Tryon Street (now the
Spirit Square auditorium). Lemma found her way to the reformed
tradition about the time she married Philip Howerton in 1926
and began an active membership in First Presbyterian Church.
From the historical accounts we have, it seems that Lemma
Howerton, who was thirty years younger than Pattie Cole, was
Pattie’s chief of staff. Both were influenced by evangelist Billy
Sunday’s January 1924 crusade in Charlotte and believed in the
need for Bible study for women. Lemma and Pattie teamed up on
the Young Matrons Class, with Lemma taking the truly young and
Pattie focusing more on the formerly young. Lemma’s life was cut
short by cancer at the age of 42. After her diagnosis she invited
friends to her home to try on her clothes and sent them off with
dresses that she thought were most becoming to them.
Husband Philip Howerton, perhaps with the benefit of Lemma’s
Bible lessons, became the moderator of the Southern Presbyterian
Church from 1958-1959. Lemma’s husband and son, also named
Phil, gave in honor of her service to our church the beautiful silver
flower urns that grace both sides of our sanctuary pulpit. Like her
mentor, Pattie Cole, we have a Sunday School classroom named
in honor of Lemma Howerton.
Presbyterian Women began their
new year at the Annual Fall
Gathering on September 14.
Following a wonderful lunch in
the Fellowship Hall, Katherine
Cooke introduced our Circle
Studies for the year and
Dr. Thomas Moore offered a
beautiful program of music. Many new things
are being celebrated and we hope you will join us throughout
the year for monthly Circle Bible Studies and special events.
Created by God Workshop Well-Received
by Youth and Parents By Suzy Nurkin
On Friday evening, October 1, and Sunday morning, October 3, thirteen
5th grade youth and their parents convened at church for the biannual
Created by God Faith and Sexuality Retreat. The retreat was organized by
Jen Evans, Director of Middle School Ministries and Lou Johnson, Director
of Children’s Ministries, and run by a special guest speaker, The Reverend
Dr. Becky Davis, Professor of Christian Education at Presbyterian College in Clinton, S.C.
While the children began their workshop, parents met with Becky to get a better understanding of the focus of
the 2-part workshop: the concept that we are all created by God, in his image, and applying that truth to how we
feel about and treat ourselves and others. After the introduction, parents dispersed for date nights and fellowship
while their children immersed themselves in learning and relationship building. The kids, while building trust and
comfort, completed drawings of themselves noting what they did and didn’t like about their bodies. They also split
up by gender to search out the “ideal” male and female from magazines. While details of what went on are not well
known by parents due to the confidential nature of the workshop, it was clear at the end of the evening that the kids
had a great time together.
The weekend workshop concluded on Sunday morning during Sunday school with all youth and parents meeting
together. Becky asked the families a series of questions that encouraged openness and honesty. The questions were
intended to show the youth that everyone has things they do and don’t like about themselves, and that nobody (and
no body) is perfect. Parents were encouraged to let their children answer first and to practice in active listening
and thoughtful response. All were sent home with a final question for discussion and the challenge to always keep
dialogue open and flowing.
In the end, both the parents and the kids felt the experience was rewarding and beneficial and were asking Jen and
Lou to schedule another session soon.
Congratulations to our 55 3rd Graders
who received their Bibles this year
(The largest class to receive Bibles during Dr. Wood’s 27 years of service)
Upcoming Special Events - Save the Dates!
December 4th
Breakfast with Mary & Joseph
December 11th
Children’s Christmas Pageant Practice
December 5th
Advent Workshop for Elementary Grades
December 12th
Children’s Christmas Pageant
Staff Spotlight
Jamille White
Introducing Jamille White, one of our
newest staff members. We thought the best
way for you all to get to know Jamille was
to have a little Q & A session.
What’s a brief description of your job and
how long have you worked at First Presbyterian? I’ve been here almost
two months and I help Jen and Josh with administrative assistance in
Youth Ministry.
What is your favorite aspect of working at First Presbyterian?
The people, the warm welcome I felt like I fit right in my first day here.
What is your favorite location in the church? My desk. I love
the space and hearing the WDS and CDC kids coming to the gym
and playing.
If you had one place to travel where would it be? I think it would have
to be Hawaii. I’ve never been, but heard it is really nice.
What’s your favorite TV Show? I don’t have one… I am more into
music. My favorite type of music is neo-soul.
What are you reading right now, if anything? Required school reading,
I’m working on a bachelor’s degree in business management. Reading for
pleasure has had to take a back seat until I finish my degree.
Do you have a favorite hobby? (Laughs) See previous question…
Studying takes up a lot of my time so my priorities are 1) time with my
Boys 2) yoga 3) jogging 4) dinner out at Cantina 1511
Do you live in Charlotte? Family? I live in Rock Hill with my twin
boys, Jamal and Javaris
Thanks Jamille for all that you do and also for having an
awesome “do!”
Senior Adults Tour
Save Your Shoeboxes
Operation Christmas Child is a project
of Samaritan’s Purse, an international
Christian relief agency. This unique project
sends a message of hope to children in
crisis areas of the world through gift-filled
shoeboxes. Members of our church will be
preparing boxes filled with gift items such
as toys, school supplies, flashlights, hygiene
items, watches, balls and other articles of
interest to children. All church members
are invited to participate in this very
special project, presenting the church with
a special opportunity to touch children’s
lives throughout the world. Brochures will
be available on the credenza located on
the right side of the Sanctuary, near the
Lemma Howerton Room, and on bulletin
boards throughout the church. In addition
to gift boxes, monetary donations are also
welcomed. Checks should be made payable
to “Samaritan’s Purse,” marked “Operation
Christmas Child” on the memo line and
sent to the church office. Dedication
Sunday will be November 21 during the
9 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services.
For information regarding the boxes,
please contact church member Ann
Burton at 704-334-3909 or by email
First Presbyterian will also be sorting
boxes at the Samaritan’s Purse Collection
Center in Charlotte on Tuesday evening,
November 30, from 6 - 9 p.m. If you are
interested in participating in this event,
please contact church member
Elise Barksdale, 704-375-1870 or, to register.
Everyone 60 and over is invited to join the Senior adults for
a morning of fun. We will meet at the church on November 9 at
9:45 a.m. and tour the Mint Museum uptown for approximately
1 1/2 hours. Lunch will follow at Johnson and Wales University.
Individuals are responsible for the cost of museum admission and lunch.
Transportation: church van or personal automobile.
For questions or to make reservations, please call Judy Ploch at 704-927-0234.
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Published monthly by
First Presbyterian Church
200 West Trade Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-1623
USPS #751730
Postmaster, please send address changes to:
Tradewinds, First Presbyterian Church
200 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202-1623
Decorate Your Home
and Help the CDC
The holidays are quickly approaching!
First Presbyterian Church and Child
Development Center is having our annual
wreath sale and we would love to make it
our best yet! We need your support. This
is our major fundraiser for the year. Please
remember your co-workers, friends, and family
with an early holiday surprise.
We are selling the items listed below. These items
will be ready for pick-up on Thursday, December 2 and Friday,
December 3 at the CDC between the hours of 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. and
3:30 - 5:30 p.m. If extra wreaths are available at that time, we will sell
them on a first come, first serve basis. The greenery will be coming
from Hawk Mountain Tree Farm in Boone, NC.
Please visit our website to place your order. We must have your
PRE-PAID ORDER by Friday, November 19.
20” Fraser Fir Wreath $15 • 24” Fraser Fir Wreath $19
30” Fraser Fir Wreath $23 • 25’ White Pine Roping $10
2 ½’ - 3’ Table Top Tree $15 (with stand and bowl)
3’- 4’ Mini Tree $20
Child and Family Outreach
Ministries now has its own
newsletter named Engage!
You are invited to subscribe
by emailing Jessica Patchett at