May 2015 8 Page - First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood


May 2015 8 Page - First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood
Kirkwood Pres
The Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood - May 2015
Lecture Series at 9:00 a.m. in Room 009
(lower level under sanctuary)
May 3: Sheldon Enger will speak about the Dead Sea
Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls are religious writings that
were accidentally discovered by a Bedouin boy in the
Judean Desert in 1947. Their content focuses on history
beginning with the Second Temple period (520 BCE - 70
CE) showing the development of monotheistic religions.
Mr. Enger has been a member of the faculty of the St.
Louis Central Agency for Jewish Education, Adult
Learning Division, a guest lecturer of Judaic studies at
several universities, and a frequent facilitator at
Washington University’s Lifelong Learning Institute.
May 10 and 17: J. Clint McCann joins us to lead a series
on the Psalms. Clint is an ordained Presbyterian minister
and the Evangelical Professor of Biblical Interpretation at
Eden Seminary and has done extensive studies of the
Fireplace Room Series
at 10:00 a.m. in Room 030
May 3: (Rescheduled from March 29) We welcome
Molly Rockamann of EarthDance Farm. Molly is a St.
Louis native who has worked with mushroom producers
in Ghana, organic rice farmers in Thailand, and sugar
cane farmers in Fiji, until she returned to St. Louis and
began EarthDance Farms. In 2009 EarthDance
inaugurated the part-time training program for beginning
farmers and expanded the program with 31 apprentices
and more acreage to grow more local, organic food and
farmers for the St. Louis region.
This concludes the adult education classes at 10:00
a.m. until the fall. Please enjoy Mother’s Day and the
Jerusalem Marketplace on May 17.
Discussing Faith in Today’s World
This class meets in Room 029 each Sunday. This year the
series will focus on marriage enrichment. Contact with questions.
Walking in Newness of Life
Therefore we have been buried with
him by baptism into death,
so that, just as Christ was raised from
the dead by the glory of the Father,
so we too might walk in newness of life.
~Romans 6:4
Yesterday morning I sat with my coffee staring out the
window and a tree branch caught my attention. It was
swaying gently in the morning breeze, fresh leaves starting
to fill it out, and an overwhelming sense of the beauty of
'new life' and 'possibilities' filled my soul. It seemed the
universe was giving a profound invitation to 'walk in
newness of life'.
As Easter-people, the invitation to walk in newness of life is
ours! It is an invitation to embed the promises of the
resurrection of Jesus Christ deep in the soil of our souls and
to let those promises grow within. In his first encounter
with the disciples after his resurrection, Jesus offered them
(and us) 'peace' three times: “Peace be with you!” One of
the promises of Easter is that peace is with us. So our
invitation is to embed God's peace deep within our souls
and allow it to grow and guide us.
While it is not always easy to be 'peace-full' when things go
wrong or we get into an argument, the peace Jesus has
given us does not leave us. It is there, deep in our souls, and
our work as Easter-people is to trust its presence, cultivate
its growth, and share its fruit with others.
Spiritual Formation: Reflection, Sharing and Prayer.
Listening for the Word. On Sunday, May 17, you are invited
to join our Spiritual Director, Rev. Dr. Paul Reiter as he leads
us in a lectionary reflection on the text for the morning sermon
using poetry, art, music and Lectio Divina to grow in our
spiritual practices. Come and join us at 9:30 a.m. in Room
028. No RSVP is needed.
Page Two - May 2015
May 3, 2015: Fifth Sunday of Easter
Readings from Scripture: 1 John 4:7-12 and John 15:1-8
Sermon: “Abiding in the Love of God” - Dr. Holyan preaching
One of the theological characteristics of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is ‘mutual indwelling’. In the passages from
John, we are reminded yet again that what abides in us through faith is love--God’s love. The love of God nurtures and
sustains us as individuals and as a growing community of faith. God’s love feeds our faith and empowers our service to
others. Our tending to the needs of the poor and hurting, our offering forgiveness to those who have hurt us, our caring for
creation--all these faith-acts are the ways God’s love continues to be experienced in the world.
May 10, 2015: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Readings from Scripture: 1 John 5:1-6 and John 15:9-17
Sermon: “Go and Bear Fruit” - Dr. Holyan preaching
The gospel tells us about abiding love--the presence of God’s love residing within us as a community of faith. The love of
God nourishes and nurtures us in the midst of life. People across the globe, and in our own community, hunger for the love
we embody. Our invitation is to offer the love of God to all people through words of kindness and acts of mercy.
May 17, 2015: Seventh Sunday of Easter
Readings from Scripture: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 and John 17:6-19
Sermon: “A Prayer of Protection” - Dr. Holyan preaching
The word “sanctify” resounds through the gospel lesson. We are to be sanctified--set apart for the purposes of God. The
classic understanding of sanctify has something to do with “be perfect”. The gospel message is quite different, rather than
be perfect, we are to be “for God” and to go forth knowing that God is protecting us and loving us. We are to carry on the
ministry and mission of Jesus Christ.
May 24, 2015: Day of Pentecost
Readings from Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 and Romans 8:22-27
Sermon: “Becoming One in the Spirit” - Dr. Blanchard preaching
I am stunned sometimes when I read the news about all of the tensions between tribes in the Middle East. I find it hard to
fathom. And yet if I am honest, I realize that there is much that causes tensions between various peoples and factions of
people here as well. The Acts passage is a powerful reminder that if we are willing to listen, to focus on what we have in
common, we may come to new understandings and a sense of connection. The movement of the people of faith on
Pentecost speaks to us of a unifying Spirit that brings a sense of unity and connection.
May 31, 2015: Trinity Sunday
Readings from Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8 and John 3:1-17
Sermon: “We Are Born Again” - Dr. Holyan preaching
John 3:16 is probably the most recognized Scripture passage. The mission of Jesus was salvation, wholeness and the
restoration of right relationships. We are ‘born into’ the mission of Jesus by the work of the Spirit. Our invitation is to
participate fully in the mission of Jesus: bringing peace and wholeness into the world through what we do and say. We are
to live John 3:16, not just put it on a sign at a basketball game.
From the Director of Music Ministries
The dawning of Spring is my favorite time of year. In spite of seasonal allergies, I cannot get outside
enough to enjoy the flowering trees, new colors, and all the fresh green. Watching the earth come to life
is an amazing event, perhaps even more powerful because it coincides with Easter and new life.
I am grateful to all the Choir members, instrumentalists, soloists, members of the Arise Praise Team,
and our Children's Choirs who brought incredible beauty and excitement to our Holy Week and Easter
worship services. Many hours of work go into making all of our worship experiences the best they can
possibly be, and our music ministry is a vital part of that. Thank you and God bless you for sharing your wonderful
talents! We will celebrate you on April 26, Music Appreciation Sunday.
The Con Spirito Concert Series will conclude its wonderful “Year of the Organ” with a gala concert on Monday,
May 4, the one-year anniversary of our new organ's dedication. Ray and Beth Chenault, duo-organists from Atlanta,
will perform works for 4 hands and 4 feet on our magnificent Casavant pipe organ. This is a concert not to be missed!
They are virtuoso musicians and great fun to watch and hear. Join us at 7:30 p.m. May 4 for this grand performance. We
thank the St. Louis Chapter of the American Guild of Organists for co-sponsoring this concert.
We will join together as one congregation at 10:00 a.m. May 24 as we celebrate Pentecost and the gifts of the Holy
Happy Easter and Happy Spring!
Page Three - May 2015
Sunday School
Important News Items
Sundays in May - Please look for the Spring Mission display created by our Sunday School
students. Beach balls will be bouncing by the pools with items listed to be shared with the children
served by Joint Neighborhood Ministry. Sidewalk chalk, swim suits, balls of all kinds - these are just a
few of the items we can provide to children that need some fun. Please plan to bring the items back by
Sunday, May 17.
May 10 - Last day of regular classes. We will celebrate with parties!
May 17 - Jerusalem Marketplace. The congregation is invited to join the children as we enjoy
this together. Children please go to your classrooms at 10:00 a.m. (no Chapel Time that day) and then the groups will
explore. The Sixth and Seventh Grade class has been hard at work creating this experience which will include crafts and
food and all kinds of animals! Join us, please!
LOGOS has concluded the year with a great round of appreciation for our leaders and families and all of our
kids. We look forward to next year with great joy! If you are interested in this mid-week ministry with children and
youth, please contact Rob ( to find out more.
Wondering about the Church Getaway? Save these dates (October 2,3,4) and look for more information at our
registration table May 3. Our theme: “Who Is My Neighbor?” is compelling and exciting. We hope you will ask
questions and let us know soon that you are interested.
Looking ahead...Registration for VBC continues. Registration for Camp Kirkapresqua begins May 10. Camp is from
August 3 through 7 and the theme is Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall--Camp Kirkapresqua is the BEST OF ALL!
SPECIAL EVENT--Mark your calendars
Sunday, June 7 -- Old Fashioned Church Picnic in the Park! Appreciation Day for Children, Youth and Family Ministries
One Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. Please plan to bring a flower or two to help us build a bouquet of
appreciation for all of the volunteers that so generously give their time to the ministries of Children,
Youth and Families. There will be vases in the front of the chancel. Please add your flowers to the
display. Immediately following worship (11:00-ish) join us at Kirkwood Park, Sugar Creek Pavilion for
the Old Fashioned (Potluck) Picnic in the Park! Plan to bring games (think washers, horseshoes, etc.)
and sign up for your potluck offering. The picnic is free! Please sign up at the table near the Welcome
Center beginning May 3.
Contact Beth at or Gayle at with questions.
Our theme this year is G-Force Adventure Park: God’s Love in Action! Children will discover that they can
use God’s power in their lives to help them Move! Act! Care! Follow! and Share! The leadership team is
planning an adventurous week of fun and learning. Registration forms now are available. Questions - contact
Gayle Taylor at
by the Rev. Dr. Paul T. Reiter, Spiritual Director in Residence
As we journey into May, we are mindful of the gift of Pentecost to the church. In Colossians 3 we read “You
are the people of God; he loved you and chose you for his own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Be tolerant with one another and forgive one
another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the
Lord has forgiven you. And to all these qualities add love, which binds all things together in perfect unity.”
Teresa of Avila once said: “I do not think we can have perfect love of our neighbor unless it has its roots in
our love of God. Since this is all important we must try to know ourselves better even in very small matters.”
Think of the grandiose plans that crowd into our minds during prayer – how we will do this or that or the other for the good
of our neighbor, if it be only in the hope of saving a single soul. If later, however, our actions are not in keeping with these
plans, we have no grounds for supposing we would ever put them into practice. I think Teresa would say to whatever virtues
we are seeking, if it is grounded in love we have the best opportunity to bind things together in perfect harmony. May your
month of May be filled with those moments of loving where you might embrace the fullness of the Spirit given by God. I
look forward to having a cup of coffee at Kaldi’s if you would like to talk this over. Grace and peace, Paul
Page Four - May 2015
Con Spirito Financial Update
Our financial goal for the 2014-2015 season is $24,000. As
of April 20, we have raised $22,490. We are grateful for
your support and hope that more of you will consider a
donation today and help us reach our goal!
The Con Spirito Concert Series
concludes its 15th Season
The Year of the Organ
with a gala performance by
The Chenaults
performing on the Casavant Frères Pipe Organ
Monday, May 4, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
100 E. Adams Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122
No admission charge. A free-will offering will be collected.
This concert is co-sponsored by the St. Louis Chapter,
American Guild of Organists.
Resilience @ Aberdeen Heights
Drs. Holyan and Blanchard joined with new Aberdeen
Heights chaplain, Rev. John Rawlings, to conduct a series of
classes/discussions on staying resilient during constant loss.
From a theological standpoint, we will consider what it
means to bear witness to the hope we have in Jesus Christ as
our friends and loved ones experience significant changes to
their health and living situations and pass on. These classes
will be held on the first Wednesday of the month, April –
June, at 1:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. If you live at
Aberdeen Heights or are experiencing an increasing number
of losses in your life, please plan to attend. For more
information, contact Dr. Blanchard at 314-965-0326.
Fourth Wednesday Book Group
The next book for the Wednesday
afternoon book study is
The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by
Gabrielle Zevin. This book has
been called “a love letter to the
joys of reading”, a perfect book for
concluding this year’s series of
book discussions with those who
love to read. We will meet on May 27 at 1:30 p.m. in
room 029 on the lower level.
Tuesday Morning Series
This group meets each Tuesday morning and is
discussing the book Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No
to the Culture of Now, by Walter Brueggemann. We
meet from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in the Fireplace Room
Contact Karen for more information at 314-965-0326
Periodically we put out a survey inviting you to consider
sharing your gifts in new ways within the life of this
congregation and beyond.
Opportunities range from
being a liturgist or an usher in worship to serving our
guests at Room at the Inn or selling Bridge Bread on
Sunday mornings. If you have not yet filled out a form,
copies of the survey (orange/salmon colored forms) can
be found at the Welcome Center.
Or if you are
homebound and want to serve by making telephone calls
to shut ins or sending cards, we welcome that ministry as
well. We invite you to share your time, energy and gifts
through new opportunities or by continuing to serve in the
ways that are meaningful to you.
We are offering a support group on the third Saturday
of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Room 028
for caregivers of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s
disease. Angela Gracey and Alice Bowen are facilitating
the group. The group is confidential and open to both our
members and the larger community.
**This group is not meeting in May**
If you are interested in participating, please contact
Karen Blanchard at or
- February
- May 2015
by Lisa Ward
Clerk of Session
Would you or a loved one need special assistance in a
disaster due to functional or mobility needs?
At the last meeting of the Deacon Board, Elyse Murrell
from the Department of Human Services, informed the
Deacons about a new St. Louis County “Access and
Functional Needs Registry”.
This voluntary and
confidential registry provides critical information to
emergency responders to better locate and assist
potentially vulnerable residents in a disaster. For more
information about this free emergency preparedness
program, call 314-615-4516. Registration can be done by
phone (314-615-4426), mail or online at In addition, brochures are
available on a table in the hallway next to the Welcome
A recent Session meeting was
preceded by a pot-luck supper
attended by elders and members who
joined First Pres during the previous year. The event
was planned by the New Member Committee in an
effort to provide a fellowship opportunity where new
members could have conversation with currently
serving elders and learn about the various committees of
Session. The dinner was declared a success by all.
The Finance & Operations Committee gave an
overview of the 2015 budget. The budget will balance
with no money drawn from Restricted Revenue.
Discussion followed and the 2015 budget was approved
by Session.
Worship, Music & the Arts informed Session that
a new cross for the sanctuary has been approved. The
Cross Committee members are: Bill Berry, Vicky
Gobberdiel, David Holyan, Hugh McGaughy and Judy
Roberts. I hope everyone has seen the new cross; it is a
great addition to the sanctuary.
Marriage Equality in the PCUSA
In June, the Directory of Worship (W-4.9000) in the Book of Order will be changed to read: Marriage is a gift God has
given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two
people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that
unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community.
In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the
Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly
witnesses and acknowledges. If they meet the requirements of the civil jurisdiction in which they intend to marry, a couple
may request that a service of Christian marriage be conducted by a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
who is authorized, though not required, to act as an agent of the civil jurisdiction in recording the marriage contract. A
couple requesting a service of Christian marriage shall receive instruction from the teaching elder, who may agree to the
couple’s request only if, in the judgment of the teaching elder, the couple demonstrate sufficient understanding of the nature
of the marriage covenant and commitment to living their lives together according to its values. In making this decision, the
teaching elder may seek the counsel of the session, which has authority to permit or deny the use of church property for a
marriage service.
The change in the Book of Order creates the possibility for same-gendered couples to be married within the PCUSA
where it is legal to do so. Currently, in Missouri, it is not legal for same-gendered couples to be married (although the state
does recognize same-gendered marriages of couples who live in the state and were married elsewhere.) It is highly
anticipated that in June, 2015, the United States Supreme Court will rule on marriage equality and make same-gendered
marriage legal throughout the United States.
In anticipation of the changes to the Book of Order and the possibility of same-gendered marriages becoming legal in
Missouri, the Session will look at updating our policies regarding marriages at their April and May meetings. The Session
has the authority “ authorize the use of church property for a marriage service...”. Pastors retain the authority to
perform a marriage service in accordance with their conscience and the Book of Order. While the new language in the Book
of Order is careful to note that “(n)othing herein shall compel a teaching elder to perform nor compel a session to
authorize...” any marriage service, it clearly creates the opportunity for churches to offer the grace of the covenant of
Christian marriage to same-gendered couples.
Page Six - May 2015
Greetings from the Youth Ministry Corner
@First Pres of Kirkwood!
The school year is winding down, but things are continuing
at full speed in our Youth and Young Adult ministries! While
LOGOS and Quest have wrapped up for the current school
year, things are ramping up for our students to help with
VBC and Camp K, as well as having three mission trips
scheduled over the next few months.
Our Work Camp Auction was a fun night, and we appreciate
the support that everyone continues to give to our Youth
Ministry program. We raised over $13,000 toward our trip,
too! We have turned our attention to all of the detail work
that goes into our trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as
going on a quick, mission oriented retreat to Mound Ridge
on May 1-2!
Something new this year is that we have reached out to
recent high school graduates in the church with an invitation
to a College Aged Mission Trip - a first for First Pres! We
will be going to Stronghold Center, a Presbyterian Camp and
Conference Center in Oregon, Illinois, for a long weekend,
May 29-June 1. Our hopes for this weekend are great, and if
you have a student who graduated from 2008-2012
who might have interest, have them contact Rob in the
Planning has already begun in earnest toward Middle School
and Quest for the next school year, as well. Our goal is
always to continue to make our good programs into great
ones, and our great ones into things that our students and
families rave about to others and get them involved!
If you have any questions about anything going on in the
Youth Ministry of FPC, please be in touch with me!
Rob Monroe
Director of Youth Ministries
“What does the Lord require of you, but to do
justice, love kindness and to
walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
The Mission Committee is sponsoring another “Hands
on Mission” for Little Dresses for Africa. The dresses
are made from new or gently used pillow cases. Please
call or email Nancy Magnuson if you are interested in
sewing. Looking forward to hearing from all sewers.
Phone 314-842-2933 or
The Bridge at Centenary Methodist Church has
many other needs if you are unable to volunteer.
Besides used clothing, they are requesting travel size
shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, razors, lotion,
men’s tube socks and large T-shirts. Formula and size 3
diapers are also regularly requested items. They have
told us there is a big need for diapers.
The kitchen needs hot cereals, cooking oil, white
sugar, brown sugar, butter and cooking spices. If you
can provide any of the above, bring it to the church and
we will take them to The Bridge.
Our Bridge Bread table is in need of volunteers, so if
you are able, or want more information, contact Linda
Jarrett at 636-394-4642 or
We would like to share your stories!
The Mission
Committee knows that many of our members are involved
in many Hands-On Mission activities. We would like to
highlight your story for others to hear. Email Paul
Quindry at, Chair of the Mission
Committee, to share your story about where you volunteer
and why!
The Grief Support group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the
month from 7:00-8:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for those
who are dealing with the loss of a loved one to gather and
share in confidential conversation, sharing information and
giving and receiving support. For more information please
contact Ellen Hitschler at or Mary
Ann Shaw at Our next meeting
will be in room 028 on April 28.
Thank you to members of the congregation and
community for the support you provided for the blood
drive. We collected 30 units of blood! Remember
your donation helps not just one person, but up to three
individuals with each pint collected enabling us to
potentially reach nearly 100 people with your gifts of
life. In addition, we appreciate the other volunteers
who worked the canteen, brought baked goods and
helped in other ways. Thanks to each one of you--the
outcome would not have been the same without your
help and support.
Peggy Collins, blood drive coordinator
and the Board of Deacons
Page Seven - May 2015
Treet or Spam, Flavored Noodles
Canned Peas, Canned Fruit
Optional: Cereal, Toothbrushes
Contributions are always welcome for Sunday flowers ($90
per Sunday) and Telephone Ministry (about $75). Send your
contributions to the church
office in care of Jane
Meppiel or put them in the
offering plate on Sunday,
indicating in the memo line
of your check “for flowers”
or “for telephone ministry”.
For quite some time you have been able to register and
have money sent to First Pres by shopping at Schnucks.
Last month alone we received over $275 in earnings. We
have recently learned that by registering at eScrip on line
you also can earn money for our church on sites such as (earn 1.2%) and (earn 4.8%)
or the Body Shop, Macy's and just to name a
few. Go to and install ForgetMeNot. It's free
and easy to install and when you do you will be reminded
what you can earn when you're shopping online, quickly
access your favorite shops and learn about instant offers
and coupons while helping to direct money to our general
budget. It is an easy and helpful way to support your
The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the
family and friends of:
Ruth S. Menary
December 28, 1926 ~ April 15, 2015
Sympathy is also extended to Mike and Julie Holley
on the death of Julie’s mother, Doris Worl, on March
23, 2015; and to Tom Edelstein and Debbie Weiser on
the death of Tom’s mother, Florence Edelstein, on
March 31, 2015.
The deadline for submission of articles for the June
Kirkwood Pres is Monday, May 18. Please email your
news to or call the church
office at 314-965-0326. Thank you!
If you shop at Schnucks, obtain an Escrip card. This
card attaches to your key ring. When you shop have the
checker scan your card at checkout and the money will be
transmitted to the church. Pick up a card at Schnucks and
call the 800 number on the card to
register, giving the name of First
Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood
as a recipient. (We have learned
that if you are challenged by dual
loyalties--i.e. your child’s school
is also receiving monies, your
donation can be divided between two organizations!)
Thanks for your support.
We will meet on Thursday, May 7, in the Fireplace Room (030) at 8:00 a.m. Our speaker will be George
Durnell, long-time member of our Chancel Choir, who will regale us with stories about the choir from a
member’s viewpoint! Join us and bring a friend to the last breakfast of the season, still the best $2 to be
The Prime Timers will visit the Alton, Illinois, National Great Rivers Museum and adjacent Mississippi Locks and Dam
on Friday, May 22. We will arrive at the Corps of Engineers museum at 10:00 a.m. and tour the museum on our own. At
11:00 a.m. a guide will meet us in the museum and conduct our group on a private one-hour tour of the locks and dam. When
the group tour is finished at noon, we will continue our museum visit. About 12:30 we will drive to Fast Eddie’s Bon Air
Grill for lunch. Fast Eddie’s does not accept reservations, so seating is on a first come/first served basis. After lunch,
individuals will have the option to continue their visit at the Great Rivers Museum, visit the Lewis and Clark Museum in
Wood River on their way home or return directly to Kirkwood. There is no charge for museum admissions or the dam tour.
For those wishing to car pool from the church to Alton, we will leave the church parking lot at 8:45 a.m. The driving
distance is 40 miles and requires about one hour. Please sign up at the desk near the Welcome Center or call Dean or Jinny
Danzer at 842-0623. All are welcome!
**SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 27. Gateway City Big Band at Kirkwood Park.**
If you would like to be added to our email list, please email Joanna at
100 East Adams Avenue
Kirkwood, Missouri 63122-4093
Return Service Requested
Place label here
David A. Holyan, Pastor
Karen Blanchard, Associate Pastor
Paul T. Reiter, Spiritual Director in Residence
Jerry Douglas, Parish Associate
Jim Magnuson, Parish Associate
Bill Stein, Director of Music Ministries
Gayle Taylor, Director of Children and Family Ministries
Beth Dillender, Director of Operations,
Hospitality and Senior Activities
Deb Pascal, Director, First Presbyterian Children’s Center
Rob Monroe, Director of Youth Ministries and Missions
Jona Knickman, Secretary/Receptionist
Fran Madson, Secretary
Jane Meppiel, Financial Coordinator
Donell “Dee” Robinson, Head Custodian
Duo organists Ray and Beth Chenault
Monday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. (see page 4)
Jerusalem Marketplace May 17 (see page 3)
First Presbyterian Church
100 East Adams Avenue, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Telephone 314-965-0326, FAX 314-965-3861
Editor: Fran Madson
Send Address Change to:
The Kirkwood Pres, 100 East Adams Avenue,
St. Louis, MO 63122-4093