June/July 2006 - Edgewood Presbyterian Church
June/July 2006 - Edgewood Presbyterian Church
PR ESBY URCH Epistle RIAN C H The Edgewo od TE ( U S A) The monthly newsletter of Edgewood Presbyterian Church June/July 2006 ‘So great a cloud of witnesses’ 217th General Assembly will draw thousands to decide issues facing the Presbyterian Church. Edgewood Presbyterian Church 850 Oxmoor Road Homewood 871-4302 www.edgewoodpc.org Sunday worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 10:45 a.m. Wednesday supper 5:45 p.m. Staff Rev. Sid Burgess Pastor 942-5907 sidburg@aol.com Janice Philpot Secretary Christian nurture 322-6258 jpatchurch@aol.com Editor Rick Frennea 942-7150 rfrennea@yahoo.com S ome 5,000 Presbyterians will gather in Birmingham June 15–22 for the 217th General Assembly. It will be the firstever concurrent meeting of the Presbyterian Church USA and Cumberland Presbyterian churches. The General Assembly is an open meeting of the PCUSA, where visitors are welcome. For the safety and security of all participants and visitors, access to the business sessions of the GA in the plenary hall at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex is limited to registered participants, and an official badge is required for entrance to the sessions. Visitors who are not volunteering may register on-site and pay a $10 fee. Those who volunteer through the Committee on Local Arrangements receive an official COLA volunteer badge, which must be worn at all times while volunteering; it will also admit volunteers to the plenary hall. On Sunday, June 18, the General Assembly will gather for a public worship service at 6 p.m. in the BJCC Arena. Led by the General Assembly moderator, this worship service will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Among the issues GA will face are: peace, unity and purity of the church; justice and peace in the Middle East; economic justice; constitutional revision; women in ministry; and confirmation of a new executive director of the General Assembly Council. In addition to the business meetings, there will be many optional events (tours, speakers, planned meals, etc.). Tickets for these events may be purchased at the BJCC while the General Assembly is in session. INSIDE ◗ Pastor’s Peace, Page 2 ◗ Guide to GA, Pages 4–5 ◗ Volunteer opportunities, Pages 4 The Session The Pastor’s Peace Clerk of Session Lynn Bailey 979-9115 The Rev. Sid Burgess Worship Debra McLafferty 945-0545 Don’t quit your day job, but … Christian Nurture Alice Morgan 871-6805 Clair McLafferty youth elder 945-0545 ur ancestors in faith saw clouds as manifestations of divine presence. By a “pillar of cloud” God led our ancestors through the Wilderness (Ex. 13.21). The prophet Isaiah sees “the Lord riding on a swift cloud” (19.1). In the Gospels a voice speaks from a cloud, saying, “This is my Son, the Beloved” (Matt. 17.5, Mark 9.7, Luke 9.34). Ministry of Discipleship Tom Coan 823-4652 Pat Wittig 422-5817 Ministry to One Another John Philpot 322-6258 Jessica Hatch 326-2401 Ministry to Community Bill Woodruff 942-3993 Roberta Emerick 290-2197 Foundation of Ministry Fred Halstead 425-2340 O Now, in our own time, we are about to be “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses,” just as Hebrew 12 describes. And if we look carefully, listen closely, pray earnestly, we, too, may experience God’s presence. Mind you, this is not an everyday occurrence. The claims of popular religion notwithstanding, the experience of the sacred is rare indeed. These epiphanies happen only a couple of dozen times in the 1,200 years covered by the biblical record. So, what’s a person, what’s church to do when given ample warning of the impending arrival of “so great a cloud?” Hebrews 12 says, for heavens sake, stop what you are doing! “Lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely!” Stop what you are doing, and “run with perseverance the race that is set before us.” For us, for now, the “race” is the 217th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the USA – some 5,000 fellow Presbyterians coming to Birmingham from all over the world, beginning Thursday, June 15. See God’s people at worship and work as you have never before witnessed! See the youth and vitality of the PCUSA, feel the spiritual depth, hear the biblical and theological insights, join the happy chorus in song! This is the race, the extraordinary opportunity set before us. Don’t miss it! The house cleaning, the yard work, the shopping will wait, and your favorite TV shows are already in reruns. Work? Well, don’t quit your day job, but for once, stick to the 40 hours and take the time to witness something remarkable, perhaps even sacred! Shalom! Miles Jackson treasurer 945-1769 Youth Ministry Sharon Terry 879-6205 The Epistle ‹ 2 › June / July 2006 Worship Highlights for June-early July Communion at Edgewood The Lord’s Supper is observed each Sunday and at special services upon approval of Session. We take communion by “intinction.” That is, we tear a piece of bread from a common loaf and dip it in either the cup of wine or the cup of grape juice. Lay leaders Communion servers ◗ June 4: Pat Wittig. ◗ June 11: Pat Wittig. ◗ June 18: Pat Wittig. ◗ June 25: Pat Wittig. ◗ July 2: Roberta Emerick, John Philpot, Amy Duckworth. ◗ July 9: Roberta Emerick, David Silvie, Joanne Fendley. ◗ July 16: Roberta Emerick, Jeff Terry, Ellen Gillespie. Reader ◗ June: Julie Cottingham and Stephen Steward ◗ July: Melissa Tate Children’s message ◗ June 4: John Philpot ◗ June 11: Rick Allred ◗ June 18: Kathy Silvie ◗ June 25: Fran Woodruff ◗ July 2: Alice Morgan ◗ July 9: Sharon Terry ◗ July 16: John Philpot ‹ June 4 › Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1-21: The story of the birth of the church. Psalm 104:24-34, 35b: “Yonder is the sea, great and wide.” Romans 8:22-27: “We hope for what we do not see.” John 15:2627, 16:4b-15: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” ‹ June 11 › Trinity Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.” Psalm 29: May the Lord bless his people with peace! Romans 8:12-17: “You have received a spirit of adoption.” John 3:117: “For God so loved the world …” ‹ June 18 › General Assembly Sunday / Fathers’ Day Frances Taylor Gench, guest preacher and forum leader Gench is a professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, VA, where she was a classmate of friend of Edgewood, Joe Slane. She served as a member of the PCUSA General Assembly’s Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church, which will be one of the hotly-debated issues of this GA. Recent publications include Back to the Well: Women’s Encounters with Jesus in the Gospels. ‹ June 25 › Seminary intern Debbie Feagin, preaching 1 Samuel 17: 1a,4-11, 19-23, 32-49: David vs. Goliath. Psalm 9:9-20: “The Lord is the stronghold of the oppressed.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-13: “Open wide your hearts also.” Mark 4:35-41: Jesus quiets the storm. ‹ July 2 › 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27: David mourns the deaths of Saul and Jonathon. Psalm 130: “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.” 2 Corinthians 8:7-15: “It is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need.” Mark 5 :21-43: Jesus restores a girl to life and a woman to health. ‹ July 9 › 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10: David installed as king. Psalm 48: “God will be our guide forever.” 2 Corinthians 12:2-10: Paul concedes a “thorn in the flesh.” Mark 6:1-13: Jesus is rejected in his own home town. ‹ July 16 › 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19: David restores the Ark of Covenant to Jerusalem. Psalm 24: “Lift up your heads, O gates!” Ephesians 1:3-14: “In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance.” Mark 6:14-29: John the Baptist is beheaded. The Epistle ‹ 3 › June / July 2006 URCH PR ESBY RIAN C H TE GA2006 ( U S A) Volunteer update So far, 86 percent of volunteer positions for General Assembly have been filled of the 1,000 to 1,500 volunteers needed for the week of June 15–22. Volunteers are needed to pray for GA, assemble packets, set up the exhibit hall, give information, greet at the airport and hotels, staff the volunteer check-in desk, show hospitality, usher at worship and open doors. You can volunteer for different days, or just a single shift. How to register ◗ Online: Go to www. presbycola.org, click on the Volunteer button and follow the instructions. Online registration ends Sunday, June 4, at 7 p.m.. ◗ At church: Fill out the volunteer registration form. ◗ Questions? Ask local church contact Rick Frennea. Guide to the PCUSA 217th General Assembly Here are selected highlights of the 217th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA, meeting June 15–22 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. Some 5,000 Presbyterians, in the first-ever concurrent meeting of the PCUSA and the Cumberland Presbyterian churches, will gather in Birmingham from all over the country. In addition, there will be ecumenical representation from the Vatican, Orthodox churches, and a host of other Christian communions. All of the events listed are free and open to the public, though some require a convention name tag, which is free to volunteers, but a one-time $10 fee otherwise. ‹ Thursday, June 15 › 1 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 217th General Assembly convenes (Convention Center) ◗ Opening business meeting, commissioning service, Stated Clerk’s orientation, report from the Moderator, and presentation by the host, Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley. (Multi-media presentation prepared by work group which included Sid Burgess and Brian Hagan, Janine and Don’s son.) Requires name badge. 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Business meeting (Convention Center) ◗ Election of the moderator of the 217th General Assembly. Requires name badge. ‹ Friday, June 16 › 6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Evening worship (Concert Hall) ◗ Preacher: Rick Ufford-Chase, moderator of the 216th General Assembly. Commission- ing of mission co-workers. Open meeting. ‹ Saturday, June 17 › 9 a.m. – noon; 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Assembly committee meetings (Convention Center). See GA commissioners at work on the big issues. Open admission. The Epistle ‹ 4 › June / July 2006 GA2006 ‹ Sunday, June 18 › 9:30 a.m. General Assembly Sunday at Edgewood, with Frances Taylor Gench, guest preacher and forum leader. 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Worship celebration and Holy Communion (BJCC Arena) ◗ Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi, General Secretary of the World Alliance of Re- Edgewood Volunteers, participants in GA (As of May 31) Sid Burgess Robert Emerick Lynn English Rick Frennea Janine Hagan Fred Halstead Mary Hopkins Marilyn Jackson Inez Jesse Charles McLafferty Clair McLafferty Debra McLafferty Robin Oliver Kevin Patton Janet Perkins Mike Perotta Sharon Terry Nancy Turpen Victor E. Warren Fran Woodruff formed Churches, member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. This service is planned jointly by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Open admission. ‹ Monday, June 19 › 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. Evening worship (Concert Hall) ◗ Worship service planned by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and held jointly with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America. ◗ The Celebration of the Ordination of Women, featuring Edgewood members Julie Cot- tingham, Marilyn Jackson and Sid Burgess in a “readers’ theater” presentation directed by Stephen Stewart. That event follows immediately upon conclusion of the worship service. Plan to come to worship and stay for the celebration. Both events will be in the BJCC Concert Hall. ‹ Wednesday, June 21 › 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Business meeting (Concert Hall) ◗ Joint session with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, celebrating Presbyterian history and the ministries of all three denominations. ‹ Thursday, June 22 › 9:30 a.m. – noon Business meeting (Convention Center) ◗ Reports from assembly committees. Requires name badge to enter plenary hall. The Epistle ‹ 5 › June / July 2006 News & Notes Seminary intern to work with Christian Nurture Operating fund 2006 thru April Annual budget $237,884 Pledges Budget YTD Actual YTD Difference ▼ $69,791 $64,684 $5,107▼ Budget YTD Actual YTD Difference ▼ $79,294 $71,640 $7,654 ▼ Budget YTD Actual YTD Difference $79,294 $70,082 $9,212 ▼ Total income Total expenses Income vs. expenses Income YTD $71,640 Expenses YTD $70,082 Difference $1,558 ▲ Seminary intern Debbie Feagin begins her summer of work at Edgewood on June 11, and will conclude on Aug. 20. She will be working in each of the adult classes and with Christian Nurture on a parenting workshop. ◗ Mayme McCorison is off to seminary. She has been awarded a three-year, full-tuition scholarship to the Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., affiliated with the General Baptist Conference. Mayme will be working toward a Master of Divinity degree with an emphasis in children and family studies. Mayme, in Birmingham for the past year working with a youth mission program, is from Coon Rapids, Minn., where she is a member of the Presbyterian Church of the Master. Session news At its Sunday, May 7, meeting the Session: ◗ Set the Pentecost offering for Sunday, June 4, and participation in the “Can-Paign” drive to collect canned food from May 15-June 26. ◗ Received the resignation of Nancy Cope from Session. ◗ Accepted Janice Philpot’s recommendation to purchase an updated telephone system for $359.85 plus tax. ◗ Received a letter from Ellen Potts, campaign chairman for the Presbytery Living River Camp project, acknowledging Edgewood’s $10,000 pledge over a three-year period. ◗ The next Session meeting is Sunday, June 11, at 4 p.m. Deacon news: Tannehill restaurant trip The deacons are planning an outing for our older members with limited mobility. The deacons plan to provide door-to-door service to assemble a group of the Edgewood faithful on Saturday, June 3, for lunch at the recently re-opened restaurant at Tannehill State Park. July/August newsletter Deadline for the July/ August edition of The Epistle is Sunday, July 9. You can leave material in the newsletter mailbox. Or you can contact Rick Frennea at 942-7150, or send items by e-mail to rfrennea@yahoo.com. Summer Sunday School to focus on New Testament The EPC children’s Summer Sunday School program will look at “Beloved Bible Stories Everyone Should Know, Part 2 – The New Testament.” All children kindergarten through 5th grade will meet together for stories and activities. Dates and stories are as follows: June 4: The Pentecost June 11: The Trinity June 18: Special Sunday – General Assemply June 25: Paul meets Jesus July 2: God Bless America July 9: Mary & Joseph Can’t find Jesus! The Epistle ‹ 6 › June / July 2006 July 16: Parable of the Good Samaritan July 23: Fishes & Loaves, Jesus feeds 5000 July 30: Parable of the Lost Sheep Aug. 6: Parable of the Runaway Son Aug. 13: Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Aug. 27: Jesus Turns Water into Wine Church Life PW to tour Southern Progress, dine at Lloyd’s Elder of the month Pat Wittig 422-5817 Deacon of the month Herman Hatch 326-2401 The board of deacons Sam Bell 945-8461 Lynn Frennea 942-7150 Herman Hatch 326-2401 Marilyn Jackson 945-1769 Robin Oliver 612-0551 Rain Ruggerio 664-1915 2 Cents a Meal This offering is collected the last Sunday of each month (June 25) to support hunger relief efforts. The idea is to put aside 2 cents per meal for each day of the month. That comes to about $1.80 per person. EPC’s Presbyterian Women will tour the environmentally conscious and architecturally creative Southern Progress headquarters building on Thursday, July 13, then head down busy U.S. 280 for lunch at Lloyd’s Restaurant, accompanied by seminary intern Debbie Feagin. Southern Progress’ three-building complex on Lakeshore Drive embodies the company’s dedication to preservation of the environment. Southern Progress has a rich heritage in the publishing industry, beginning with The Progressive Farmer in 1886 and continuing with Southern Living, Cooking Light, Health, Coastal Living, Southern Accents, Cottage Living and Sunset magazines. Lloyd’s is a “family restaurant” famous for fried fare and sweat tea, but it offers a delicious and healthy smoked turkey sandwich. People › News about members & friends ◗ Jeff Terry recently won the national master’s division championship of the United States Amateur Triathlon Association (USAT). That event consists of a 10K run, a 40K bicycle ride, followed by a 5K run. Jeff will go on to international “short course” competition in Newfoundland, Canada, in July. Then our local variation on the Lance Armstrong theme is off to the world “long course” championships in Denmark, where the events are a 15K run, a 90K bike ride, followed by a 7.5K run. (FYI: a kilometer equals 5/8 of a mile.) ◗ Marissa Rouque and Suzanne Wallace have made their college choices. Marrissa is headed to Swarthmore College in Philadelphia. Suzanne is going to New York University (NYU), in the heart of the Big Apple, where she plans to study music. ◗ Stan Dodd, Phil and Pam’s son, Nell Barron’s grandson, has a new job with Comer Automotive on the Southside, selling second-hand Mercedes, BMW’s, and “higher-end” SUVs. ◗ Melissa Tate recently received the Donald G. Hileman Award as the Outstanding Advertising Educator for 2006. It was awarded by the 7th (Deep South) District of the American Advertising Federation. Melissa is an assistant professor in the Journalism/ Mass Communication Department at Samford. ◗ Rachel Wood, a rising fifth grader at Deer Valley Elementary, just finished a busy spring. In March, she participated in a weekend long dance workshop and competition in Florence. Rachel is a member of her studio’s Junior Jazz Company, which received a Gold award at the competition for their jazz dance, “Rich Girl.” In April, the company competed again at the Applause Talent Competition, held at the Alabama Theatre, where they received another Gold award. Also in April, Rachel traveled with the Birmingham Children’s Choir to Atlanta to compete in the Southern Star Festival. The choir was the only elementary-age choir to receive all Gold awards from the judges. This summer, Rachel will be attending camps at McWane Center and Aldridge Gardens, as well as dance workshops and rehearsals for next year’s production number, based on “The Lion King.” Also scheduled for July is a performance by the Children’s Choir on NBC 13’s morning show. ◗ Rehema Mwangi has graduated from Maryville College in Tennessee and is working this summer as coordinator of counselors for the Presbytery’s summer camp program. She writes to the congregation, “Thank you for all of the support that you have provided for my family and me, financially and, most of all, spiritually.” The Epistle ‹ 7 › June / July 2006 RIAN C URCH 217th General Assembly will draw thousands to Birmingham to decide issues facing the Presbyterian Church USA. TE H ‘So great a cloud of witnesses’ PR ESBY Inside this issue ( U S A) Also inside 2 3 4 6 7 Pastor’s Peace Worship GA2006 News & Notes Church Life Insert Calendar TE RIAN C H URCH PR ESBY On the cover ( U S A) Edgewood Presbyterian Church 850 Oxmoor Road Birmingham, AL 35209 Phone: (205) 871-4302 Address service requested “Open hearted, open minded” On the Web: www.edgewoodpc.org Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 1859 Birmingham, AL