10-14-15 newsletter
10-14-15 newsletter
Loyd Lighthouse The Newsletter of Loyd Presbyterian Church October 14, 2015 FALL YOUTH CLUB STARTS TONIGHT! Supper at 5:30 Program from 6:007:00 October 14 – God’s promises never fail. October 21 – God promises to supply all our needs. October 28 – God promises to protect us and deliver us from fear. November 4 – God promises forgiveness. November 11 – God promises eternal life. November 18 – God promises an end to any suffering or pain. Youth Club continues on October 21, 28, & November 4, 11, & 18 October 25, 2015 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. BAKER PAVILION Help us celebrate fall with games, hayrides, food & fellowship for the entire family! Please bring a covered dish picnic item to share. We will honor our new members who have joined the Loyd Church family since last fall: Evan Hart, Bob & Cindy Wiggins, the Kirby family, Connie Bradley, Kyla Bailey, Alyssa Barton, Mary Beth Callaway, Matt Callaway, Carter Crites, Chase Davis, Maddie Kirkwood, Jackson Knox, Annie Pauley, Kinley Riley, Keirsten Robinson, Todd Sandiford, Baker Skinner. From Your Pastor I believe Anne Hall made the perfect statement about Loyd Presbyterian this past Sunday: we are a family who looks after one another, who cares for each other, and who supports and loves each other through good times and bad. Our church family is present with us, they pray for us, they lift us when we are down, and they celebrate with us in times of joy. Thank you all for being who you are! This Sunday marks the day when we will have the opportunity to fill out and turn in pledge cards for our 2016 budget. The ushers will pass them out before worship, and during the offering, we invite you to come forward and place your pledge card in the basket on the table in the front of the sanctuary. Please prayerfully consider what you can give next year, and thank you again for all you do to support the life and mission of this church. Grace and Peace, Rix COMING SOON: FALL BAZAAR, SOUP LUNCH, & SILENT AUCTION HOSTED BY THE PRESYBTERIAN WOMEN! MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, AFTER WORSHIP. If you have anything you can donate for the auction, or if you know someone who could donate goods or services, please speak with Bernice Griffeth. LOYD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, November 1 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Please eat well and drink plenty of fluids before donating! SANTA CLAUS EXPRESS: In your mailbox you can find a brochure offering suggestions for gifts to be sent to residents of the health service centers at Presbyterian Home, Quitman; Presbyterian Village, Austell; and Presbyterian Apartments, Swainsboro. The unwrapped presents will be collected in a box in the narthex until November 30th, and then dispatched by Santa Claus Express. CHRISTMAS ANGELS FOR PRESBYTERIAN HOMES: Persons or groups making a monetary contribution to the Caring Hands fund of the Presbyterian Homes of Georgia will receive a white paper angel which can be signed and mailed and placed on a Christmas tree at Presbyterian Home, Presbyterian Village, Calvin Court, or Philips Tower. The funds are used to pay for the care of residents who have outlived their financial resources. Please see Gina Bradfield to make a donation and receive an angel. (Checks should be made payable to Loyd Presbyterian Women.) 2 Please continue to remember in your prayers October 11th Prayer Requests the following people: Cork & Anne Avera Myrtle Rowe Frances Hollis Helen Loyd Sherri & Andy Cavender Bettie Hart Hal Davidson Lyman Davidson Sarah Burek Ellen Wright Jeff & Jessica Nelson Wayne McNair Gerald Davis Andy Cavender Mary Kathryn Hardigree Gerald Davis Patty Dowell Sherri Cavender Neva Bone Deborah Dunn (Pat Darden’s aunt) The Hearn family Penny Hill J.C. Dodgen Pat Hunnicutt Amanda Craft, Omar Chan & family Richard Hudson Ray McCard (Please let us know if anyone needs to be added to or removed from the long-term prayer list.) Kim Hearn Owen Norris Our troops & families PW FREEZER FUNDRAISER INVENTORY: World peace 2 small Chicken and Wil Rice Casseroles 1 large Lasagna, 2 small Lasagnas 1 small Chicken and Cornbread Casserole 2 bags Shredded Zucchini (for bread) 1 bag “Mama Jo’s” yeast rolls FINANCIAL REPORT Attendance on 10/11 Sunday School — Operating Fund: Worship — 111 Building Fund: Received 10/011 $5,636.00 Budget per Sunday $4,363.13 Received Month to Date $13,938.11 Budget per month $18,906.00 Building Repair Fund Balance $16,365.30 3 CHILDREN’S CHURCH October 18, 2015 Moses Sends Spies Into the Promised Land (Numbers 13:1-14:23) October 25, 2015 Balaam’s Donkey Talks (Numbers 22:1-38) Scenes from Children’s Church: Shown are pictures from last Sunday when the kids were constructing their tabernacles! Left: We are fortunate to have some awesome help from a middle school youth or two! Thanks, Annie Pauley! 4 CURRENT CALENDAR OF EVENTS Every Sunday 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM Coffee & pastries in Darden Hall Sunday School Worship Every Wednesday 7:00 PM Choir Practice Wednesday, October 14 5:30 PM Fall Youth Club begins Thursday, October 15 7:00 PM Mollie Darden Circle Sunday, October 18 12:15 PM 2-4 PM Session Meeting Scouts (Community Building) Wednesday, October 21 12:00 PM 5:30 PM Noon Circle Youth Club 4-6:30 PM Fall Festival Sunday, October 25 Wednesday, October 28 5:30 PM Youth Club Sunday, November 1 9:00 AM First Sunday Breakfast Life South Blood Drive Scouts (Community Building) 2-4 PM Wednesday, November 4 5:30 PM Youth Club 12:15 PM Fall Bazaar Wednesday, November 11 5:30 PM Youth Club Thursday, November 12 6:30 PM Men of the Church Meeting Sunday, November 8 Sunday, November 15 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, November 19 2-4 PM 12:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Scouts (Community Building) Noon Circle Youth Club Mollie Darden Circle Beginning this week, the church office will be closed most Fridays. Official office hours will be MondayThursday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Deadline to submit information for the weekly newsletter (which will continue to be published on Wednesdays) will be 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday. Deadline for information that needs to go in the Sunday bulletin will be 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Thanks! 5 SUNDAY WORSHIP LEADERS FOR OCTOBER 18th Liturgist: John Darden Elders on Duty: John Darden and Bobby Goldston Ushers: Mickey Norris, Mike Pauley, Jeff Skinner, Vaughn Yarbrough Greeters: Bobby and Suzi Goldston Acolytes: Abbie Kirby and Charlie Kirby Nursery Assistant: LaRhonda Bailey Loyd Presbyterian Church 550 Glass Bridge Rd. LaGrange, GA 30240 Phone - 706.882.5087 PC USA Fax -706.882.7300 E-mail—loyd@loydpres.org Web—www.loydpres.org Pastor Rix: 678-314-0845 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A Partner in Education with Long Cane Elementary School Have you remembered the church in your will? LOYD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Session Members PROGRAM TEAM John Darden (2015) Tim Henke (2015) Dr. Rix Threadgill Pastor Jayne Pauley (2015) Cathy Hunt Office Manager Koren Stapp (2015) Shelley Skinner Financial Secretary Michael Carrne (2016) Mike Pauley Youth Director Peggy Darden (2016) Marty Davis Music Director Jo Loyd Organist Pam Darden God’s Promised Land Koren Stapp Nursery Coordinator Thomas Moat Children’s Church Amy Crites Children’s Choir Director Janice Westbrook Nursery Worker Bobby Goldston (2016) Sandi Robinson (2016) Maggie Brown (2017) Amy Crites (2017) Mickey Norris (2017) Cy Wood (2017) 6