RACHEL’S REFLECTIONS... CBF General Assembly Report “We believe God did bring us here to do a new thing in us,” were words spoken by hundreds of believers in worship. On June 22-25, I attend the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) General Assembly in Greensboro, NC. This annual gathering connects individuals from churches, seminaries, and advocacy organizations. Personally, words of encouragement, support, fresh ideas and holy frustrations uplifted me. The words, “Yeah, me too!” assured that we’re not alone in our holy work. Throughout my time with fellow CBF folk, I conversed with numerous McAfee School of Theology friends. I exchanged business cards with Children’s Minsters, with hopes of sharing ideas on spiritually nourishing families within our churches. I spoke with other millennials about how we stay patient and hold on tight with the Church as it shifts into a new era. I kept my mouth shut and heart open as I heard the sorrow and pain of individuals who’ve experienced fertility grief and infant loss. I listened to stories of how ministers have engaged in difficult conversations with their congregations. I learned to look at a church as an ecosystem and how understanding the inter-connected relationships can create a new approach to ministry. I took a selfie with my youth minister from 6th grade. I had a one-minute elevator chat with a friend I originally met in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) camp my sophomore year of high school and later befriended in the Campbellsville University School of Theology. On the closing worship evening, I sang with my CBF family, “Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling, “Come, follow Me!” And we see where Thy footprints falling, lead us to Thee. Footprints of Jesus, that make the pathway glow; we will follow the steps of Jesus where’er they go.” I pray that we, as a congregation and with fellow believers, embrace the journey of following Jesus, wherever God leads us to go and whatever that may look like. Take courage and believe that “God did bring us here to do a new thing in us.” PRIMETIME YOUTH Singin’ @ Morning Pointe Sunday School Promotion Monday, August 8 Sunday, August 7 10:00 a.m. Youth move up to their new classes. Primetime Council Meeting Monday, August 8 11:30 a.m. Lunch & Meeting Hoskins Movie & Popcorn Monday, August 15 10:00 a.m. Visual Bible Book - Matthew 104 A, Room past the Parlor Movie & Popcorn Monday, September 19 10:00 a.m. The Blind Side Movie 104 A, Room past the Parlor Primetime Fall Kick-off Event Monday, September 12 6:00 p.m. Family Life Center Entertainment: Elvis Soda Shop Menu: Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Baked Beans, Chips, & Build-Your-Own Sundae. Everyone is welcome to attend. Tickets will be on sale soon. Watch for more information. Come join us for all the Primetime Activities. For more information call Betty Kay Pierce at 603-4825. Second Harvest Food Truck Thank you to all our Second Harvest Food Truck volunteers that helped distribute food on July 9. Bible Presentation Sunday, August 7 Bibles will be presented to our upcoming 7th Graders. Corners of Your Field is a Knox Area Rescue Ministries Program. If members donate to KARM and indicate it is on behalf of FBClinton, KARM will send us gift cards that can be used by the CSC when items are needed that we do not have available. KID’S KORNER Youth Event Wednesday, August 10 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. On the FBC Front Lawn Bring 1 tube of canned biscuits! Slozfest is a fun youth event involving food fights and messy relays. Don’t worry, the Clinton Fire Department will be here to hose you down at the end! Your clothes will be ruined for life so wear what can be thrown away! Please bring a towel! Youth Refuge (grades 7 - 12) 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. There will be no Youth Refuge August 3. The next Refuge will be August 10 as we kick off our new fall schedule with Slozfest! Wednesday Night Fall Schedule 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Refuge FLC Youth Room MISSIONS Back to School Backpack Drive We are finishing up the school drive! If you would like to donate money or items to the cause, please drop them off in the church office. Sunday School Promotion Sunday, August 7 Kids move up to their new classes. Bible Presentation Sunday, August 7 Bibles will be presented to our upcoming 1st Graders. The Shepherd’s Table Saturday, August 27 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Free Community Meal every 4th Saturday of the month in the FLC! Menu: Chicken Tenders, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Dessert Christian Service Center The CSC needs plastic grocery store bags. If you would like to donate bags, please drop them off in the CSC. Splash Pad Fun! June 29 New Fall Family Ministry Wednesday Nights Beginning August 10 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Children (K - 6th) & their families Learn the Word. Live the Word. Share the Word. For more info. contact Rachel at 457-9353 or FBC INFORMATION New Member ANNA CHILDERS FBC EVENTS Memorial Flowers The flowers on the altar, Sunday, August 7, are in loving memory of Terry Carpenter and in memory of Toni Carpenter’s birthday, August 10, given by Carol Carpenter and Connie and Dave Kirk. The flowers in the Family Life Center, Sunday, August 14, are in loving memory of W.A. Bowling, Jr., whose birthday was August 15, given by Billie Sue Hammer; Will, Whitney and Morgan Hammer; Clay and Ashley Hammer and Carolyn Wilson. The flowers on the altar Sunday, August 21, are given in loving memory of James and Ernestine Gann by their children - Larry Gann, Barbara Sanders, Elaine McCall, and Lisa Hackworth. Parking Announcement Please note that the alley between FBC and Regions has been restriped. Those of you who park on the FBC side need to pull in to the car stops that have been installed. The concrete area alongside the building is not a sidewalk, but just a filled-in old ground water drain. That drain was removed with the 1990 renovation. Christian Sympathy Sympathy is extended Mike Cook, whose father, Charles E. Cook, passed away (6/28) and to John Stair, whose stepfather, Al Lomeli, passed away (6/26). Fellowship Dinners Wednesday Nights Resumes on August 10 5:30 p.m. We are starting fall dinners off with a NEW RESERVATION LIST, please call the church office for your standing or weekly reservation. August 10 - Spaghetti, Lasagna, Pasta Salad, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar, Brownies August 17 - Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Cake August 24 - BBQ, Hot Dogs, Corn, Potato Salad, Cornbread Muffins, Salad Bar, Cobbler August 31 - Chicken Potpie, Fruit Salad, Biscuits, Salad Bar, Cookies Combined Worship Service Sunday, August 14 10:40 a.m. Family Life Center Photography Class Monday, August 15 6:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: Photographer, Harold Jerrell If you would like to see some of Harold Jerrell’s work you can visit his website at: http:// Teacher Training Friday, September 30 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. & Saturday, October 1 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. If you have ever wanted to teach a or if you are currently teaching a class of any grade, please join us for Teacher Training. We will have guest speakers at this event. Dinner will be provided on September 30 and breakfast will be provided on October 1. RSVP for childcare. FRIENDLY FIGURES Sunday School Attendance July Averages (as of July 24) Sunday School Enrollment 653 Adults 136 Youth 13 Children 20 Preschool 10 Total 179 Windwood 20 2016 Weekly Budget Req. $ 16,514 Budget Receipts $ 65,034 Budget Receipts/Wkly Avg. $ 14,899 Budget Expense $ 72,646 June Deficit/Income ($ 7,612) 2016 Deficit/Income ($ 22,490) TOTAL June 30 ($ 30,102) Complete reports are presented at Business Meeting on the third Wednesday of each month. August 2016 BUSINESS MEETING REPORT JULY 20: The June Minutes were approved. The Christian Service Center will begin a trial run using USDA Food from Second Harvest Food Bank which will help with the rising cost of food distributed through the CSC. Committee on Committees recommended names for committees and all names were approved. The Church Clerk added Anna Childers by baptism. CALLED BUSINESS MEETING REPORT JULY 24: First Baptist Church approved the revised Constitution and By-Laws with a vote of 156 for and 3 against. CHURCH DIRECTORY We have church directories available in the church office. If you did not have your picture made for the church directory and would like to purchase, one they are $10.00. Also, if you have any changes to your information listed in the church directory, please call or email Katrina in the church office with your change at 457-9353 or and we will put the change in the September newsletter. FYI Wednesday Nights Beginning August 10: New Family Ministry: EQUIP For Children and their Families 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Youth Kick-Off Event SLOZFEST 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. FELLOWSHIP DINNERS 5:30 p.m. The Trustees Committee will be conducting a Fire Drill on Sunday, August 21. More details coming soon. JOIN US FOR SERVICES: Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 a.m. (FLC) 10:40 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. (Business Meeting 3rd Wednesday/monthly) Monday, September 12: PRIMETIME FALL KICK-OFF 6:00 p.m.