the Beacon - Shalimar UMC


the Beacon - Shalimar UMC
the Beacon
May 6, 2012
Youth Confirmation Sunday - April 22, 2012
Left to right: Evan Nathaniel Rice, Lauren Renee Sinclair, Patrick Taylor Turner,
Hailey Elizabeth Turner, Youth Director Wayne Walker, Dr. Larry Bryars, Rev. Jonathan Hart
Upcoming Events & Reminders
Pastor-Member Orientation (PMO)
Wednesday, May 16 at 5:30 pm | FLC Room 106
Pastor-Member Orientation is an informal gathering for those who want to see who we are, what we
believe and where we are going as a church, whether you’re new to Shalimar UMC or you’ve been
attending for a while. It’s also a great way to find out how to take those “next steps” to serving and
small groups. This is required for anyone who is interested in joining Shalimar UMC.
Enjoy fellowship and lunch as the leadership team shares our mission and vision.
Learn about discipleship, small groups, volunteering and how to engage in mission.
Connect with your pastors and discover how you can get plugged in.
We become what we are committed to. By the end of the class, you will understand what next steps
you can take to be more committed to Christ and SUMC. Childcare is available (please let us know in
advance, if possible). Call the church office (651-0721) to register for Pastor-Member Orientation. We
look forward to seeing you there!
“A Christian Love Story”
Please join Terry Brown for a three week study of the Zola Levitt book “A Christian Love
Story”. The class starts May 6th at 9:30 am in the Searchers Sunday School, Room 106. This
study will bring you to a new understanding of what it means to be the “Bride of Christ”.
Don’t miss this delightful study of our Jewish heritage.
For questions regarding this study, please call Terry Brown (240-5290).
Wednesday Fellowship Dinner
May 9th | Roasted Pork Loin, Cheese Grits & Green Beans
Adults $6.50 / Children 3 - 10 $3
Max $25 per household
Please make a reservation by noon on Tuesday through the church office and plan to join
us between 5:00-6:15 pm on Wednesday.
Friendship Club
All interested seniors are invited to attend the next luncheon meeting of the Friendship
Club scheduled for Tuesday, May 8th, at 11:30 am in the Family Life Center. Our guest
speaker will be our own Pastor Larry who will share with us the happenings at General
Conference, which is taking place right now in Tampa. Pastor Larry is the leading delegate
for the Alabama West Florida Conference.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for this time of good food and fellowship.
Cost is $6 and reservations are needed. To make a reservation, please call the church
office by noon on the Monday before.
United Methodist Men’s Breakfast
Sunday, May 20 | 7:00 am
FLC Room 106
Join us for breakfast, with
Tony Mallini, Church Administrator,
as our guest speaker.
Ladies are invited as well!
Children in Crisis Workday
CIC Workday coming up May 19th from 8:00 am-noon.
Mark your calendars now to come help out with the Children’s Neighborhood grounds!
Contact: Bob Bell
Divorce Care Class
Meets on Monday nights in FLC Room 210 at 6:30 pm.
The focus of this group is to help you face the challenges of
divorce as well as to help move you toward rebuilding your life.
For questions or additional information contact Tammy Morgan (301-1931).
Opportunity to Support Dr. Larry Bryars,
Episcopal Nominee
We, the Lay Leadership, have established a designated account for those of you who would
like to assist Dr. Bryars with the personal expenses associated with being an Episcopal
Nominee. If you would like to contribute, please identify your contribution with Account
Number 61117.
Mark Stogsdill, Church Council Chair
Steve Jay, Treasurer
Jeff McInnis, SPR Chair
Hal Crowson, Lay Leader
Remember to bring your food items to donate to Sharing & Caring on
Sunday, May 6th. Collection boxes are located in the Narthex and FLC.
What is General Conference?
As the top policy-making body of the international United Methodist Church, General
Conference is the only body that officially speaks for the denomination. It meets on a
"quadrennial basis," or every four years.
During the session, delegates (half clergy, half laity) elected by their annual conferences and
specialized bodies, will revise the Book of Discipline. Delegates also revise the Book of
Resolutions, a volume declaring the church’s stance on a wide variety of social justice
issues. The book contains more than 300 resolutions that are considered instructive and
persuasive, but are not binding on members.
General Conference 2012 will be located in Tampa, FL April 24-May 4, 2012.
*Published on
And He has given us this command:
Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
- 1 John 4:21
Beacon Notice
Do you have a group meeting or event that you’d like featured in the Beacon? Please email time,
place and details to or call the church office. Deadline to submit
information for the newsletter is Monday at noon!
Children’s Choir Spring Concert
Sunday, May 6th at 6:00 pm
Family Life Center Gym
Helping Hands
Can you use a helping hand...or two? You may be aware of one of the ministries at SUMC
called Helping Hands. We are excited to share with you that we are expanding! In the past, we
assisted with simple, small projects like changing light bulbs or changing smoke detector
batteries when these were out of safe reach for home occupants. On occasion we have even
helped by fixing doors or repairing cabinets. Typically, the limitations of the job scope were
fairly simple. With our expanding ministry scope, we are now willing to consider larger tasks.
We recognize there are probably a few things around your house that need care, but if you are
elderly, limited in mobility, or a single parent, fixing those things may not be possible. We are
not contractors or handymen, but we are Christians who want
to help. Before you call a professional, give us a call and tell us
what you need. We may need to visit you and assess the
problem first, but we will tell you if we can supply that help.
We also have a few ladies who can help with sewing or
household assistance. If you don’t have a need right now,
please keep us in mind for when you do have a need in the
future. We’ll be there when you need us.
Contact via email ( or by
calling Don Brown (609-6093), Mark Wilson (217-9260) or Ed
Lippincott (651-8998).
Thank You
Dear SUMC Family,
Thank you so much for the expressions of
sympathy and comfort you have extended to
us as we have mourned the passing of my
mother, Joan R. Butler.
Your phone calls, cards and words of kindness
have been most appreciated.
In Christ’s Love,
Laura Hodges
My deepest appreciation to my church family
for being supportive during my recent surgery
and recovery. What a comfort to know and
feel the love of friends. A special thanks to
Jeff, who knows how to “spread a little
sunshine”, and to Marge for being there.
Mary Morgan
Children’s Corner
(4 years old-5th grade)
Rehearsal date for God’s Kids and Sonshine is May 5 from noon–3pm. Eat before you come and we‘ll
have a big snack after! God’s Kids and Sonshine costumes will be western clothes: jeans, overalls,
etc. We will furnish cowboy hats and bandanas! Wee Ones will rehearse at 9am on May 5.
Dates: July 22–July 26-Cost: $325. Forms can be found in Miss Susan’s office or the FLC foyer. Forms
are due to Miss Susan by June 1st! Money is due to Miss Susan no later than June 24th! Please
make checks payable to SUMC and indicate on the memo line: Christian Camps.
END OF YEAR CHOIR/FISH FACTORY PARTY: May 20th from 3:00-5:00 pm in the Courtyard. Wear
your bathing suit for some awesome water slides, sno cones & more!
VBS TRANSFORMED: Make a Change with Jesus, June 18th-22nd, 9am–noon. For kids 4 years-5th
grade. VBS workdays will begin on Monday, May 7 from 10am–noon in the Computer Lab located in
the Courtyard area! Nursery is available. If needed, please call & let me know by the Friday before.
All are welcome to help us get organized, cut out items, put bags together, make badges, etc.
Children’s Church: (every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month) for children 4 years – 5th
grade at 8am and 11am (pick-up in the Computer Lab after church) and 11:07am service (pick-up is
in FLC Rooms 103, 104, 105).
Wednesday Night Bible Classes: 6:00–7:45 pm in the Courtyard. For kidz kinder–5th grade only.
Sunday School- 9:30-10:30 am every Sunday in the Courtyard. Please bring one pair of shoes for
our Mission project: Soles for Souls-look for our box and footprints - each footprint represents that a
pair of shoes has been received! Our goal: 200 pairs of shoes for children and youth for the Back to
School Bash in August. We will be donating the shoes along with backpacks and school supplies.
Fish Factory (a Sunday evening Bible program) for kids 4 years–5th grade. Meet us at 5:45 pm for
snack supper ($2), a Bible story, crafts and games! Theme: D.O.G. Depend On God for all things!
There will be no Fish Factory on May 6th, 13th or 20th.
ACOLYTES NEEDED: Acolytes are needed for the 8am and 11am services. If your child is in 3rd grade
– 7th grade and would like to acolyte please call Holly Ruiz (651-6662) for more information. At the
end of the year Acolytes are treated to a party at Big Kahuna’s! The Big Kahuna’s Acolyte Party will
be May 26th. The cost is $10 for food/snacks! Please email Miss Holly with your choice of lunch: 2
slices of pizza (with small drink), hot dog, hamburger, or chicken fingers (with your choice of chips
or fries and small drink).
Thank you so much for all your support in Children’s Ministry! If you have any questions or concerns,
please email or call me! Grace & peace, Miss Susan, cell: 598-6683
Weekly Schedule
May 6-12, 2012
Sunday, May 6th
Worship Times
Traditional Services ....................8 & 11 am
Contemporary Service ................... 9:30 am
Freedom Service ........................11:07 am
Sunday School for all ages ................. 9:30 am
College MERGE (ages 18 to 25) ......... 10:00 am
Life After Loss ............................... 4:00 pm
Youth Choir Rehearsal ...................... 5:30 pm
Youth Workers Meeting .................... 5:30 pm
Children’s Musical ........................... 6:00 pm
Youth FUSION ................................ 7:00 pm
Monday, May 7th
VBS Preparation ........................... 10:00 am
Covenant Hospice Support Group ...... 10:30 am
Praise Team Rehearsal ..................... 5:30 pm
Lighthouse Rehearsal ....................... 6:00 pm
Divorce Recovery ............................ 6:30 pm
Community Orchestra ...................... 7:00 pm
One+One Singles ............................. 7:00 pm
Tuesday, May 8th
Men’s Basketball ............................ 6:00 am
Strength Training ............................ 8:00 am
Friendship Club Luncheon ............... 11:30 am
Men’s Disciple Workshop ................... 6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 9th
Splash of Joy Bible Study .................. 9:30 am
Fellowship Dinner ........................... 5:00 pm
Orchestra Rehearsal ........................ 5:30 pm
Transformed Youth ........................ 5:30 pm
Kidz JAM (Kinder-1st grade) ............... 6:00 pm
Kidz PB&J (2nd-3rd grade) ................ 6:00 pm
Kidz BLT (4th-5th grade)................... 6:00 pm
Rejoice Rehearsal ........................... 6:00 pm
Gloryland Rehearsal ........................ 6:00 pm
Disciple 1 (McBroom) ....................... 6:00 pm
Disciple 4-Under the Tree of Life ........ 6:00 pm
Disciple 1 (Hoppenjan) ..................... 6:00 pm
Depression Support Group ................. 6:15 pm
Youth Worship ............................... 6:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal .............................. 7:00 pm
Alanon ......................................... 8:00 pm
Thursday, May 10th
Strength Training............................ 8:00 am
MOPS Group .................................. 9:15 am
Stephen Ministry Supervision.............. 6:30 pm
Friday, May 11th
Playgroup/Marler ..........................10:00 am
Saturday, May 12th
Prayer Group ................................. 8:00 am
Singles Outing ...............................10:00 am
Keeman/Williams Wedding ................ 1:00 pm
Youth Happenings
where God & teenagers connect
Sunday, May 6th
9:30-10:30 am- “InsideOut” Sunday School! We want you
to be transformed from the inside out through the Sunday
morning classes we offer. We meet together in the Youth
Rooms at 9:30 for announcements and then separate into the
different classes being offered.
5:30-Youth Choir Rehearsal
Snacks provided at Fusion.
6:30-8:00 pm FUSION – Our Fusion program this evening is
to attend the Children’s Musical in the FLC. There will be
cookies and snacks provided.
Wednesday, May 9th
5:30-6:30 pm: Hang time in the Youth Rooms. This is a time
for homework, pin ball, video games, or just hanging out with
your friends.
6:30-8:00 pm: Transformed Small Group Bible Study-Our
small groups are open for new members to join at any time.
Our small groups are divided up by grade level and gender. A
great time to form close knit relationships with other youth
on the same page in life, together growing closer to God
through prayer, Bible study, accountability and love. Come out
as we finish up our last session on the study of King David.
Upcoming Events
May 20th- Senior Recognition Sunday-Parents are asked to
contact the church office and provide the name and mailing
address of your graduating high school senior, if you would
like for them to participate in the Senior Recognition Service
and Luncheon. The Recognition Service will be held during the
11:07 worship service with the luncheon immediately following.
Information can also be emailed to
We will then provide you a letter with additional information
about what we have planned.
New Members
5/1 - Lyle & Irene Moore,
Ruthie Moore
4/30 - Charles Williams
(son of Adam & Katy,
grandson of Ron &
Sandy Williams)
4/24 - Al Manley (grandfather of
Rev. Jonathan Hart)
5/2 - Arthur “Al” Jordan
Worship Attendance
April 29
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:07 am
Altar Flowers
Flower bouquets and single roses are available on the following Sundays
to recognize loved ones or events: May 6th (bouquet only),
May 13th (roses only) & May 20th.
Bouquets: $35.00 each | Roses: $2.50 each
Please contact the church office to place your order.
Shalimar United Methodist Church
1 Old Ferry Road / P.O. Box 795
Shalimar, FL 32579
(850) 651-0721
Return Service Requested
Serving Sunday, May 6th
Acolytes .............................. 8:00 Molly McLain
....................................... 11:00 Bryce Bethea
Altar Preparer ............................... Jill Dickey
Communion Preparer .......... 8:00 Kathie Sheperd
......................................11:00 Susan Daugard
Communion Server ............ 8:00 Don Schambeau
................................................ Jane Crosby
............................. 11:00 Jim & Amanda Harris
Counters ...............8:00 Nick Chubb, Jeanne Rief
............................ 9:30 Jeff McInnis, Mike Kiser
.................. 11:00 Roger Spencer, Jordan Hodges
......................... 11:07 Steve Jay, Mark Stogsdill
Flower Delivery ..................... Don & Pat Brown
Greeters ........... 8:00 Patricia Payne, Nancy Kahrs
............................... 9:30 Billy & Lynn Mayfield
............ 11:00 Joyce Loughrige, Elaine Richardson
Pew Care ................................ Shelby McCurdy
Sanctuary Sound System ......... 8:00 Bill McBroom
................. 9:30 Glenn Klein, 11:00 Bill McBroom
Ushers ............. 8:00 Jill Armbruster, Ned Calvert
..................................... Mack Gay, Jim Perrin
......................... 9:30 Phil Richter, Bob LaPierre
........................ 11:00 Ted Benson, David James
.......................... Jane Benson, Jonathan James
Westwood Driver ................... John Leuenberger
After Hours Emergency
Pastoral Assistance:
Dr. Larry Bryars
Rev. David Hoppenjan
Rev. Jonathan Hart
We are called to serve you. By the nature of
our calling, we often are not in the office, but
are at a hospital, convalescent facility or
visiting someone confined in their home, etc. If
you wish to see us at the church office you may
best accomplish that by calling the church
office at 651-0721 so that we can set a time to
be there for you.
Church Office Hours:
8 am - 4 pm Mon – Thurs / 8 am - Noon Friday
To add someone to the prayer chain please contact
the church office at 651-0721 or After hours, you may call Betty McLain at
862-4497. A written copy of our church family’s
prayer concerns is available each Sunday in the
Narthex, or you may request to receive it via e-mail.
Shalimar UMC • P.O. Box 795 • Shalimar, Florida 32579 • (850) 651-0721 • Fax: (850) 651-2494
Email: • Web Site: • Facebook: ShalimarUMC
Lead Pastor: Dr. Larry Bryars ● Executive Pastor: Rev. David Hoppenjan
Pastor of Discipleship: Rev. Jonathan Hart ● Music Minister: Rev. Jeff Keeman