10-23-2012 - Bluff Park United Methodist Church
10-23-2012 - Bluff Park United Methodist Church
Bluff Park United Methodist Church 733 Valley Street, Hoover, AL 35226 205.822.0910 www.bpumc.org Newsletter, October 23, 2012 HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Wednesday, October 24 6:00-8:00 (Supper begins at 5:00) ili, h C , s og hos D c t Ho Na Ca ke W a lk Haunted House Games for Children Come in Costume Everyone Welcome!!! (No Midweek Ministries on October 31) Living our Legacy Prayer Calendars and Bookmarks are available at the Welcome Center in the narthex. Pick them up and pray for the daily emphases shown on the calendar. PRAYER VIGIL: Thank you to all who signed up for a 15_minute slot to pray during our Prayer Vigil Sunday, November 4. The sign-up boards will be up through next Sunday, October 28, so if you haven't had a chance to sign up yet, plan to do so on the 28th. Prayer Request Cards will again be included in the Sunday bulletin on the 28th, so if you have a special need, be sure to fill a card out and drop it in the offering plate. HAM MOUNTAIN Bring a one pound canned ham and add it to the mountain in the narthex. The hams will be given to patrons of our Food Pantry. We’re halfway there; we need 200 more hams. FESTIVAL OF THREE KINGS (December 1 at the Fairgrounds) Our goal is to provide Christmas for 125 children. $100 per child Signup sheets in Narthex and Sunday School classrooms Call Debi Whitcomb at 979-7626 for more information. Congratulations to Grant and Kaleigh Stokes on the birth of a 7 lb. daughter, Locklyn Caroline Louise, on October 15. Bennie and Amanda Vinson are the maternal grandparents. Congratulations to Nathan and Karol (Melero) Campbell, who were married on October 19 in Washington D. C. We wish for them many years of happiness together. Sympathy of the congregation is extended to Ceil Heath in the death of her father, Donald Morris of Hartselle, Alabama, on October 16….also to Becky Whitcomb in the death of her grandmother, Louise Hamaker of Bessemer, on October 20….. Our prayers are with these families in their time of sorrow. Breakfast: There will be an Appreciation Breakfast for Church Volunteers on Tuesday, November 13, with serving beginning at 8:30. Among those invited to attend are the Maintenance Group, Office Volunteers, Grounds Crew, Communion Stewards, Plant Attendants, Midweek Servers and Cashiers, Food Pantry Workers, VIM Team, Church Treasurer, and Sound Committee. Many thanks for your service. Membership: There will be a Membership Class for anyone interested in joining the church on Sunday, November 11, in the Fellowship Hall. We will present information about the church and discuss opportunities for growth and service and ways to get involved at BPUMC. We welcome newcomers. The Firehouse Shelter Holds 5 Alarm Gala: The Fifth Annual 5 Alarm Gala, to benefit The Firehouse Shelter, is set for Thursday, November 8 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at B&A Warehouse. Individual tickets are $50. Corporate sponsorships also are available, and all donations are tax deductible. The event includes live auction, silent action and much more. To order tickets, contact Kyle Puchta at (205) 481-3790 or athcup@bellsouth.net Chile Mission Support - JOIN US for an EVENT WHERE GIVING WON'T JUST FEEL GOOD, IT'LL TASTE GOOD. BPUMC is having a fundraiser at the California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) location on Galleria Circle in Hoover to support our missionaries to Chile. Simply obtain a flyer from locations around the church and present it to your CPK server on November 8. 20% of your check will be donated to our Chile mission fund. It’s that simple! Plan to bring your family and your friends. Make plans now to bring your entire Sunday School Class for a great class outing. Counseling: Sometimes life is hard and we could benefit from talking things over with a trained, experienced, professional counselor. One is available right here at the church. Steve Sweatt works with United Counseling, an agency of the North Alabama Conference. He is an ordained minister, licensed counselor, and licensed marriage and family therapist who comes to the satellite counseling office located beneath the chapel. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Call 824-8320 for an appointment. It’s confidential, convenient and affordable. Midweek: We will not have Midweek Ministries on Wednesday, October 31. A lot of people want to take their children trick or treating, and a lot of others want to be at home to greet the little ghosts and goblins. So we’re taking the night off. We’ll resume on November 7 and 14 before the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year’s break until January 9, 2013. Charity Sale Saturday, November 3rd 6 – 10 AM The United Methodist Women are again selling $5.00 discount %ckets to this semi-annual sale. All proceeds will go to our Local Mission Fund. Tickets can be obtained from any UMW member. BLUFF PARK COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Sunday, November 18, 6:00 p.m. BPUMC Sanctuary Fellowship and Refreshments following the service. Sponsored by our neighborhood churches. VETERANS DAY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 5:00 Supper in the Fellowship Hall 6:00 Dr. Tennant McWilliams Professor of History Emeritus, UAB Member of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church will speak on his book “The Chaplain’s Conflict” An account of World War II through the eyes of a Presbyterian minister from rural Alabama who served as a military chaplain. Former New York Times editor Howell Raines writes, “By tracing Renwick Kennedy’s journey from a sleepy Alabama town to the Battle of the Bulge, Tennant McWilliams provides a gripping, surprising new chapter to the story of the Good War.” DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS NOVEMBER 4 Fall back one hour. VALET PARKING Every Sunday morning! Drive to the covered entrance near the nursery and fellowship hall. BPUMC FOOD PANTRY 1st Wednesday each month We are serving 100+ families a month. We appreciate all donations! In the Gym 6:30-7:30 Men’s Freeplay Basketball SONRISE MEN’S PRAYER In the Gym BREAKFAST Mondays, 6:30-7:00 am Sunday & Thursday: Wednesday: 7:00pm 7:00pm Arby’s on Montgomery Highway (church members) (community) Men of all ages welcome CHILDREN’S NEWS THE CANDY SALE will finish on Wednesday Oct. 24. The final tally will be announced next week. Thank you, Church, for supporting Children's ministry by purchasing candy. 4th 5th FELLOWSHIP will take a fun trip to TRUSSVILLE PLAYSTATION on Nov. 4, 2-5p.m. Cost is $16.00. We will play laser tag, take a go-cart ride and roller skate. Please make sure your child has an updated travel/medical form. NEXT ELEMENTARY FIELD TRIP is to the American village on Nov.12. Cost is $30.00 a child. We open the doors to the church at 7:30a.m. and ask that you pick your child up by 5:30. We are back from our "outing" by 4:30p.m. We must have a notarized travel/medical form for your child to go. Please call or e-mail me at 822.0910, ext. 107, or ldelashaw@bpumc.org . NEXT CHILDREN'S COUNCIL MEETING is November 11 at 4p.m. THANK YOU to all of the Sunday School classes and individuals that helped make the Halloween Carnival successful. Much fun was had by all. It is because we pull together as an entire church that this event is so successful. Thank you for all that is done in the name of the Children! SENIOR ADULT MINISTRIES SHEPHERD CENTER—MYSTERY GUEST GULF SHORES, ORANGE BEACH, FAIRHOPE and GERMAN SAUSAGE FESTIVAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 29: HYUNDAI PLANT TOUR—meet at the bus at 9:00. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1: SHEPHERD CENTER—Alabama Historical Radio Society THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22: THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall—bring a covered dish—church furnishes turkey, ham and drink. If you will be home alone, please join us. Call Betty Special Moment with Jesus! See, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, nor his ear to dull to hear. Isaiah 59: 1 CHRISTMAS-IN-NEW ORLEANS December 15-18 Balance due by November 15. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26-28: Student Ministries Our Fall Retreat is Friday-Sunday, November 16-18 at Camp Sumatanga. We will be joining with students (grades 612) from five other churches as we re-center ourselves on Christ. There will be lots of time to hike, play and simply relax with friends. Due to the high numbers of students signed up, we cannot accept any more female participants until we add one more female adult chaperone, so contact our office at youth@bpumc.org to help! Cost is $115 and includes transportation, lodging, meals and a t-shirt. What’s Happening in Student Ministries Wednesday, Oct 24: Halloween Carnival (No Holy Ground Worship) Sunday, Oct 28, 10:00am: Sunday School in the Youth Wing Sunday, Oct 28: 4:30pm: HS Students leave for Atrox in Leeds (bring $18 for admission + $ for food/snacks) Sunday, Oct 28: 5:30pm: MS Student Party in the Youth Wing (wear your costume!) Wednesday, Oct 31: NO HOLY GROUND WORSHIP (Have a fun and safe Halloween!) Living Our Legacy Stewardship Campaign Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others. Because I have been given much, I too, must give; Because of Thy great bounty Lord, each day I live, I shall divide my gifts from Thee with every brother that I see. Commitment Sunday November 11, 2012 RED MOUNTAIN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA FALL CONCERT Sunday, November 4, 5:00 p.m. BPUMC Sanctuary In Memory of Dr. Robert Wright Conducted by Lee Wright Everyone Welcome Free Admission X X Bluff Park United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID AUTO BIRMINGHAM, AL PERMIT NO. 1816 733 Valley Street Hoover, AL 35226 Address Service Requested Pastors Reid A. Crotty, rcrotty@bpumc.org, ext. 104 Peter von Herrmann, pvonherrmann@bpumc.org, ext. 105 Tom Duley, tduley@bpumc.org, ext. 112 Tom Roberts Dir. of Seniors, ext. 103 Betty Hottenstein, bhottenstein@bpumc.org Director of Student Ministries, ext 118 Bart Styes, barts@bpumc.org Dir. of Children, ext. 107 Leigh Delashaw, ldelashaw@bpumc.org Director of Finance and Administration, ext. 117 Ben Sheets, bsheets@bpumc.org Assistant Director of Finance, ext. 101 Elizabeth Sheetz, esheetz@bpumc.org Secretary, ext. 111 Cindy Myers, cmyers@bpumc.org Director of Chancel Choir and Special Programs, Lonnie Parsons Organist, Jamie Davis Preschool Director Tracy Estes, imaginations@bpumc.org The Week of October 28-November 3 Sunday, October 28 8:45a.m. Morning Worship 9:45a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Nominations Committee 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Monday, October 29 Tuesday, October 30 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday, October 31 NO MIDWEEK October 28, 2012 8:45 and 11:00 Morning Worship “But If Not…..” (Daniel 3:13-23) Reid Crotty 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship “Planted in the House of the Lord” (Psalm 92:12-15) Tom Roberts Meetings: Sunday Tuesday Thursday October 28 November 27 November 29 4:30 6:30 6:30 Last Week’s Record Wednesday, October 31 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice Thursday, November 1 9:30 a.m. Shepherd Center 6:00 p.m. Canterbury Class Friday, November 2 October 21, 2012 Sunday School 360 Morning Worship 512 Weekly Operating Needs $26,955.83 Operating Receipts $31,702.65 2012 Operating Budget $1,428,659.00 Needed to Date $1,158,144.00 Received to Date $1,089,883.12 Building Fund Receipts $5,832.00 Building Fund in 2012 $287,903.95 New Members in 2012 51 Ushers 8:45: White 11:00: Davis Cross 8:45: Sarah Martin 11:00: Lauren Holmes Acolytes 8:45: Rachel Martin 11:00: Brittany Causey Children’s Church 8:45: Pearson 11:00: Pomeroy Meals on Wheels October 24: Leigh Ann Agent Greeters: October 28: Faith Food Pantry: November 7 — Becky McCrary BE A PIECE OF THE PUZZLE January 1, 2010—December 31, 2012 Amount Pledged $1,491,048.00 Received Last Week $5,460.00 Received to Date $1,132,384.15 Committee on Nominations Pastor-Parish Relations Committee Finance Committee BLUFF PARK UNITED METHODIST COLUMBARIUM Information Sheets in Narthex and Church Office