Dr. Ed Glaize - Fairhope United Methodist Church


Dr. Ed Glaize - Fairhope United Methodist Church
The Link
A Monthly Publication of Fairhope United Methodist Church - A Stephen Ministry Congregation
Patriotic Service
Sunday, July 5th
8:30 & 11:00 am Services
We will have a Patriotic Service on Sunday,
July 5, at the 8:30 and 11:00 am Sanctuary
Rev. June Jernigan, our new
District Superintendent, will be preaching.
We are excited and privileged to have
Rev. Jernigan here on her first Sunday as the
new District Superintendent of the Baypines
District. Most recently, Rev. Jernigan has
served as the Director of Ministerial Services
for the Alabama West Florida Conference and
Assistant to the Resident Bishop.
Wear Red, White, and Blue!
Dr. Ed Glaize
Sunday, July 12th
8:30 Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
Combined 11:00 Worship Service (CLC)
Dr. Ed Glaize will be preaching at both services
Special Churchwide Lunch
See page 2 for more details about the day
Dr. Ed Glaize
One of the things I like to do is to play card and board games. Growing up, my family loved
to play hearts. As a teenager, I played Risk, Stratego, Battleship and I enjoyed many a game
of Spades in the dorm rooms of Huntingdon College. Later on, I delved into Trivial Pursuit,
Balderdash, and Pictionary (don’t ask me to be the one to draw things – I am a terrible
artist). Many of the games I like involve making connections. Connect Four is a favorite, as
is a game I discovered in recent years on a mission trip called Sequence.
Games can connect us to the people with whom we are playing. We can find that around the
card table we carry on conversations with each other, joke with each other and laugh a lot. It
is a great way to fellowship with friends old and new.
I hope to connect with you and you with me over the next several months. For my first four Sundays, you will
hear sermons based on some of my favorite scripture texts. Please share with me some of your favorite passages
of scripture as a way for us to connect and for consideration for future sermon series. The best way to contact me
right now is through my email which is ed.glaize@fairhopeumc.org, or by messaging me on Facebook.
Eventually I hope to connect to you by knocking on the door of every church member in the congregation. If I
am fortunate enough to greet you at your door, I don’t want to come in at that time, but hope you will share with
me briefly what I can do to best serve you as your pastor. I undertake this task to be able to see where you live,
to get connected to this community, and to be able to pray for you on those occasions when I am driving or
running (yes I do that crazy activity) through your neighborhood.
Sometime in the fall, I hope to help continue to get connected with you through a series of home meetings, where
I will listen to your answers to these three questions – “What do you enjoy about being a part of Fairhope UMC?
What would you like to see more of? What are 2-3 things you would like us to try?” You will hear more about
these meetings in the future.
The church staff is truly outstanding and we have started the process of connecting with each other. I know they
are doing wonderful work in the name of the Lord and this congregation. I am excited about the chance to work
with them, and I am excited about being the pastor of this great church.
I look forward to getting connected with you.
Yours in the name of the One who connects us together in Him,
Let’s welcome our new pastor and his wife,
Dr. Ed and Alecia Glaize,
Join us for a special Luncheon in their honor.
WHEN: Sunday, July 12
TIME: Immediately after the combined 11:00 service
WHERE: Christian Life Center, Fellowship Hall
WHAT TO BRING: Dessert to share
(Lunch will be catered)
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Rev. Laura Parker
There is still time to be a part of these summer reading opportunities:
Summer Reading Café
We have two more opportunities for summer reading and discussion centered on these
July 14th (RSVP by July 7th): Jabbok, by Kee Sloan
An unexpected friendship between eight-year-old Buddy Hinton and a mysterious stranger
in rural Mississippi shapes the faith of the man Buddy will become.
August 11th (RSVP by August 4th): Go Set A Watchman, by Harper Lee
Be among the first to read this companion novel to To Kill a Mockingbird, set to be released July 14th.
We will meet from 11:00-1:00 on the above Tuesdays. Bring a “brown bag” lunch either to KEEP or swap with
another person if you want to in the group. Contact Rev. Parker, laura.parker@fairhopeumc.org, if you would
like more information.
These offerings are tentatively planned for fall:
Experiencing God, facilitated by Tony Caminiti, Tuesday evenings.
Disciple I, facilitated by Barbara Stewart, Wednesday evenings.
Disciple II, facilitated by Barbara & Dick Davis, Thursday evenings.
Disciple III, facilitated by Nan Denson, Thursday mornings.
Covenant Bible Study, facilitated by Rev. Laura Parker, Wednesday evenings.
Invitation to the Old Testament (short-term Disciple study), facilitated by Rev. Laura Parker,
Tuesday mornings.
Pastor’s Study, facilitated by Dr. Ed Glaize, Wednesday evenings.
Life Groups, “The God We Can Know,” various facilitators; days to be determined.
Beth Moore Simulcast; Saturday, September 12th, co-sponsored with MOPS
We will begin sign-ups on Sunday, July 19th.
Walk to Emmaus
Walk #33 for men is scheduled for Oct. 22-25, 2015. Let me know if you are interested in attending or
sponsoring someone for this Walk.
Join Rev. Joe and Marilyn Bullington
and Rev. Laura Parker
on the Holy Land Pilgrimage 2016
March 28 - April 6, 2016
Brochures are available in the literature racks outside the
church office, in the Christian Life Center and on the church
website. You can contact the Joe Bullington at 928-5881 if
you have questions.
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Rob Rodriguez
Romans1.16@att.net ~ 630
Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”
As the Evangelism Team moves into the 3rd quarter of 2015, it has set a focus
on Couples Ministry with a DVD study to be provided to both the BASICS and
FOUNDATIONS classes led by Evangelism Chair, Rob Rodriguez. A copy of
THE SONG - Couples Study has been made available in the Small Group Area
for any of the other classes would like to use this study in the future.
The Song will help all couples - from the just-engaged to lifelong partners - by providing ministry resources built
from The Song of Solomon out of the pages of Scripture. The Song's message will help you delve into topics like:
intimacy, conflict, restoration and commitment. The study will assist to deliver couples from the baggage of the
past and help them transform their relationships and awaken true love.
Join Us! All are Welcome!
Homestead Village Serenity Chapel
A Traditional Vesper Service
Sundays @ 4:00 P.M.
924 Plantation Boulevard
Fairhope, AL 36532
The Evangelism Team with FUMC Lay-Speakers continues to host and offer a traditional worship offering
each week @ Homestead Village. This is an open service for all to attend.
Missions Coordinator ~ missions@fairhopeumc.org
Jennifer Myrick
Join us for lunch and fellowship
EVERY Friday!
Where? CLC Time? 11-2
Adopt-A-Student Uniform Drive
Save the Date August 3rd-5th!
Missions will be sponsoring a
Uniform Drive for families in our community!
Stay tuned for more details….
We will be collecting:
 New or VERY GENTLY used
Navy and White shirts
 New or VERY GENTLY used
Navy or Khaki pants, shorts, skirts, etc.
Ransom Café is a division of Ransom Ministries, Inc. that operates like a
restaurant. What makes it different is that there are no set menus or set
prices. They operate strictly on donations. If God has blessed you, then
maybe you can donate a few extra dollars to help cover what someone else
can not afford.
What is the Menu? Southern Bar B Que with choices of Pulled Pork,
Pulled Chicken or Sausage and choice of 2 sides from Baked Beans, Slaw,
Potato Salad and a seasonal side.
Volunteers are needed to SERVE the meal each Friday!
Contact Jennifer Myrick if you would like to help!
Each child will receive one set of new and one set
of gently used uniforms! Last year, we served over
200 Baldwin County Students!
Want to serve on the Costa Rica Methodist Children's
Home Mission Team?
Volunteers will be needed to help sort donations!
Dates: November 1st-November 7th
If you are interested in helping with this project,
please contact Jennifer Myrick
Contact Jennifer Myrick or Lany Simmons
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Director of Children’s Ministries
Michelle Graham
On June 8-13, thirty-six elementary age children and four adult
volunteers from Fairhope UMC gathered with other churches in
the Alabama-West Florida Conference at Blue Lake Camp for a
week of outdoor fun and spiritual growth! Here are a few of the
things we enjoyed: swimming in the lake, crafts, bonfire and silly
skits (complete with s’mores of course!), archery, challenge course,
standing paddle boards, canoes and lip-sync performances. We
also enjoyed playing capture the flag, ships & sailors, dragon’s
tail, gaga ball and 9-square in-the-air! Each morning we came
together at Vesper Point overlooking the lake for a special time of
devotion. During our color groups in the afternoon, we studied
stories from the Old Testament and reflected on Deuteronomy 6:5
”You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might”. We
considered what it means to live in this world as people chosen by God. Every evening, we had a special time of
worship and bedtime devotions in our cabins. Thanks to Ashleigh McKenzie, Robert Brown and Greg Tapscott
for being awesome adult volunteers!!
MOPS will be kicking off its 2015-2016 year very soon.
This ministry (Mothers of
Preschoolers) is an incredible outreach in our community and is growing by leaps and
bounds! With close to 50 moms and almost the same number of children, we are in need
of help with childcare during MOPS meetings! Our goal is to hire 4 additional nursery
staff to help on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month beginning August 24, 2015 May 23, 2016 (with some Mondays off due to holidays and school schedules). Hours will
be 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. with pay of $10 per hour. Childcare is offered during MOPS
meetings for children 6 months - 4 years (note: reservations for childcare are required
through MOPS).
Have questions? Interested? Contact Tina Wettermark, Director of Nursery Ministries, at
928-1148 or tina.wettermark@fairhopeumc.org.
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Director of Student Ministries
Rachael Waldhour
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A Stephen Ministry congregation
Director of Caring Ministries
Dr. Ann Pearson
Why I love this church
There used to be a large pecan tree on the front lawn of Fairhope United Methodist Church. The first Sunday we visited, my son
toddled over and picked up a pecan and brought it to me in his chubby little fist. I absentmindedly dropped it down in my
pocketbook while we talked to folks who had stopped to introduce themselves.
Later that week, as I reached for my wallet, keys, or sunglasses, my fingers would brush against the pecan and I would think about
FUMC. Over and over, the Methodist Pecan, sparked conversations between me and my husband about what we were searching
for in a church.
The pastor at that time, Joe Bullington, came to visit us and instead of general chit-chat, we grilled the poor man on the hard-core
beliefs of Methodists. Every hot-topic, politically correct and incorrect issue was discussed from a Christian and denominational
viewpoint. I’m sure Rev. Bullington thought we must have been the most intense couple he’d ever visited, as he burned rubber out
of our driveway (not really but I’m sure he wanted to).
Bob and I liked what we heard and later learned that Joe didn’t shy away from difficult topics, and the people of the church loved to
discuss all kinds of issues, but kept the word of God at the center of their beliefs. The members were friendly, the children’s
programs were energetic, missions were of great importance, and that pecan . . . it kept popping into my hand, urging us to make a
We became members of FUMC over fifteen years ago and gained a new family, who much like a real family has loved us, inspired
us, cried with us, cared for us and rejoiced with us.
Looking back, the little pecan that kept prodding us to make a decision to join FUMC was an appropriate symbol for what was yet
to come (let’s ignore the fact that several years later the tree was struck by lightning and had to be removed. That spoils the story).
Like a real family tree, we all branch out in different directions, but are held together by our strong roots. We can also be a little
nutty at times, but from small beginnings, big things have grown.
That’s why I love this church.
Leslie Anne Tarabella
*Why I love this church is a new series written by members of FUMC that will be published once a month in The Link. If you want to
share why you love this church, send your submission to Ann Pearson at: ann.pearson@fairhopeumc.org
Thank you to
Caring Ministries…
Tough Dogs Cancer Support Group
meets July 14, 1:15 pm in Wesley Hall
For more information: 928-1148
The card ministry at Fairhope UMC is
greatly appreciated. It lifts my spirit.
It is like they know just what I needed
that day.
Vickie Culver
Cancer doesn’t take
a summer vacation
Donations for Chemo Bags are always welcome!
Medical Equipment Loan Closet fills needs! Items always needed!
Due to the high demand of equipment needs the swinging door of the storage unit has been very active these last few months. It is
so exciting when I realize all the people who have been served since the closet’s inception. We have been able to answer almost
100% of the requests, however, the inventory is dwindling. We are in need of wheelchairs, rollator walkers (those with a seat),
and shower chairs/benches. Would it surprise you to learn we have loaned or given out – 82 wheelchairs, 59 commodes, 86
shower chair/benches, 73 regular walkers, and 52 rollator walkers? We have adult diapers, dressings, orthopedic equipment,
diabetic supplies, blood pressure equipment, crutches, canes, and other misc. items. It seems like anything that has been donated,
finds a “home” through the many resources that know about us. So, if you have anything that you no longer need bring it to the
church office. If requested, a tax deduction form will be mailed to you. If you know of someone who could benefit from this
service, contact Julie Johnson – 929-3860 or the Church office.
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Director of Music Ministries
Lisa Simon
Music Ministries Celebration!
Music Ministries’ Annual Covered-Dish Dinner
with Entertainment.
Wednesday evening, July 1, 6:00 pm
CLC Fellowship Hall.
Meat and drinks will be provided by the Music
Ministry. Every music group will provide dishes.
Chancel Choir - Casseroles and side dishes
Worship Choir - Salads
Chancel Bells - Ice Cream
Youth and Children’s Choirs - Desserts
Joy Choir - Anything Chocolate
Jubilee Choir - Anything Sweet
Youth Choir - Anything Salty
Praise Band - Anything you want!
Patriotic Service
Rev. June Jernigan, new D.S.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
8:30 and 11:00 am
Wear Red, White and Blue!
The Church Ladies will be providing the after dinner
entertainment. They are an acapella comedy routine.
Performing together for 12 years in Florida and Alabama
for Emmaus Walks, Church Suppers, Women’s
Conferences and Teas. You won’t want to miss this
entertaining and funny trio.
RSVP to the church office
928-1148 or to lisa.simon@fairhope umc.org
Are you
Have design
Help is needed
in the
Music Ministry
Office and Music
Starting July 20th at 9:00 am, 5-10 people are
needed to help move music boxes off the
bookshelves in the music office to the choir room;
help is needed packing up Music Office bookshelves
so the room and the bookshelves may be painted. If
you are willing to donate your time and some easy
labor, please call Lisa Simon, 850-240-1166.
To the Summer Choir!
July 12 - August 9
Come help us lead our Sunday worship!
All are welcome to come
at 8:15 am and 10:45 am to sit in the choir loft.
No anthem and no choir robes!
Wear white, blue, black and any accent color!
Special music will be presented weekly.
An Aco-what??
Fall Acolyte Training
After the 11 am worship services
Sunday, August 23 and August 30th, 2015
A parent will be asked to attend one but not both of these
training sessions. Mark your calendar now if you plan to
participate. Register your child(ren) on line.
call Helen Ingram, Worship Chair, (601) 966-0808.
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At Home:
The following memorials have been received
by the church in memory of:
Paul Parker by
Dan and Carrie French
Chuck and Michelle Huguley
Pat Judd by
Chuck and Michelle Huguley
Tom Hadaway by
Iris Buck’s “Bridge Group” (Shepherd’s Place)
Marsha Franklin (Shepherd’s Place)
Corinne Laurendine by
Ed and Belle Laurendine
Marjorie Thames by
Georganne Crumption
Sherry Rogers
Friends at Fort Loudoun Yacht Club
BarberMcMurry Architects LLC
Marguerite Mize by
Joyce H. Kennedy (Caring Ministries)
The following honorariums have been received
By the church in honor of:
Shepherd’s Place by
Steven Thames (Shepherd’s Place)
Claire Elise Dickinson (granddaughter) by
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Crook
Tommy and Wanda Harris by
Daisy Gilbert
Sarah Pacey
Eugenia Murchison
Peggy & Harry Bennitt
Hop Allen
Irma & Philip Richmond
Nancy Carr
Frances Grace Hirs
Janet Waite
Pat Sagan Wilkins
Debbie McGlothren
Charles McGlothren
Clara Nugent
Eddie & Rebecca Copeland Frank McGinnis
Grace Webb
Barbara Svenby
Sharon Hile
Michael Mixon
Patricia Taylor
Eastern Shore Rehabilitation & Health Center: Zurlean Allegri
(Susan McClure’s mother), Phil Phillips
Fairhope Health & Rehab: Marjorie Garrick
Robertsdale Healthcare: Rick Lawton
Huntingdon at Homestead Village: Betty Grayson (Betty Miller’s
mother), Alice Griffin (Ruth Sully’s sister), Lindy Marsh
Country Place Senior Living: Joyce Smith, Kitty Stanford
Homestead Village: Jeanette Gunter, John Rouse, Mercia & John
Coulter, Ruth Conley, Opal Dougherty, Bobby & Mary Lucie
Brock (Davis Brock’s parents), Daisy Gilbert
Somerby: Emily Goff, Cecil Harvell
Brennity of Fairhope: Elinor Simmons (Gail Simmons’ mother),
Ollie Delchamps, Rev. Arthur Carlton, Mary Montgomery, Mavis
Love, Betty Wahl
Brennity of Daphne: Mrs. Kittrell (Lynn Pittman’s mother),
Marion Peters (Cecilia Lammers’ sister), Helen Truitt (Brenda
Parnell’s mother)
The Blake: Mac Graham (Cindy Chastain’s mother), Marilyn
Bowren (Lucy Bingham’s father), Bryan Johnson
Westminster Village: Aileen Andrews, Lily Abrams (Pam Lieb’s
mother), Louise Estes, Norman Jobe, Markie Prior, Bernice
Snowden (Cookie Ogden’s mother), Langdon & Billie Garrison
Mildred Engstrom
Fred Crook
Ed McKnight, Jr.
Dene Mershon
Bob Oberg
Vicki Culver
Mary Moles
Lillian Terranova
Income and Expenses through the end of May
Giving $620,489
Expenses $872,210
Deficit - $251,721
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving
and continued support for the church ministries.
Steven Thames in the loss of his wife, Marjorie.
Family and friends of Shirley Clark.
Ed and Belle Laurendine in the loss of their daughter, Corrine.
Kelly and Chris Bayley in the loss of her father, Benny Dodd.
Andrew and Shannon Hesse in the loss of his father, Ed Hesse.
Carol and Roy Cowan in the loss of her brother.
Lucy and Bill Bingham in the loss of her father, Harold Bowren.
Brad Gravat, Jeremy Parish, Preston Norton, Cody Floyd, Johnny
Rapier, Britton Rapier, Eric Watton, Harris Wooldridge, Mitchell
Lee Clayton, Stephanie McDonald, Mitchell Brown, Josh Parish,
Tyler Oubre, Deron Frailie, Neil Quinn, Bryan Quinn, Daniel
Anderson, Charlie Bingham, John P. Lammers, Geoffrey L. Shraga,
David Fickle, Chase Carlton, Alex Wade, Mallory Sain, Timothy
Diegmann, Peyton Smith, Todd Gibson, Chris Berg
Claire Elise born to Elizabeth (Crook) and Bill Dickinson.
Grandparents are Karen and Fred Crook.
Viviene “Vivi” Mary Lammers, born June 4th to David and Erin
Lammers of Tampa, FL.
William “Will” Peter Shraga, born June 15, to Geoff and Emily
(Lammers) Shraga of Lacey, WA.
Grandparents are Gene and Cecilia Lammers and great
grandmother is Geraldine Lammers.
Madysen Ari Sanders, born June 8, to Darry and Alexis (Simon)
Sanders, Jr. of Mobile, AL. She joins brothers Darry, III and
Alexander. Grandparents are Lisa and Michael Simon.
Imagine Campaign Update
Pledged: $1,770,871
Given To Date: $1,247,780
9:45 (SS)
11:00 (S)
11:00 (G)
Geraldine Lammers
35 Cottage Drive, Fairhope, AL 36532
Jessica Baldwin and Christian
207 S. Mobile Street Apt 108, Fairhope, AL 36532
Keith Svendby
454 Boone Lane, Fairhope, AL 36532
Ashley and Jason Marass, Vera and Bostic
410 Myrtle Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36532
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There will be no Communion served
in the sanctuary for the month of July.
Communion will be served at the
combined 11:00 service
on Sunday July 12th
at the Christian Life Center.
July Ushers
Scripture Readers
8:30 (S)
Clarence Bishop, Ross Bishop,
Jerry Davis, Gary Fought
11:00 (S)
Joe Adcock, Patt Branyon, Leon
Chambers, George Kirchoff
The Gathering 11:00 (CLC)
Joel Calhoun, Tommy Harris,
Lany Simmons
If you are unable to serve, please
contact George Kirchoff, 990-3912
8:30 Marsha Foster
11:00 Cecil Christenberry
12th 8:30 Rick Chastain
11:00 Davis Brock
19st 8:30 Susie Caminiti
11:00 Amy Thompson
26th 8:30 Kimberly McKeough
11:00 Ashley Jones
Teresa Boyett, Arthur Edgar, Ashley Hamby, Mary Virginia Williams, Michelle Harding, Ginny Heard,
Regan Smart, Charles Cornwall, Shelby Glover
Faye Dulaney, Ashley Howard, Jeff Phillips, Sarah Grace Cook, Marsha Jones
Carl Pederson, Russell Autrey, Joe Harris
Walter Blackwell, Lawrence Lynam, David Jones
Elizabeth Byars, Suzanne Carden, Charles Garrick, Joseph Tarabella, Wesley Pate, Chris Clark,
Chris Bayley, Ken Phillips
Mary Kathryn Bishop, Mallory Rush, Sam Miller, Ashley Dyer, Bay Bousson, Braxton Galloway
Ray Hartwell, Claire Chapman, Markham Jay Lieb, George Nelson
Anna Marie Dowden, Cheyenna Motley, Bennie Ingram
Eric McCathran, Alexa Fucich, Nancy Grogan
7/10 Cathy Coley, Mollie Robinson, Jamie Hurley, Jacob Seitz, Amelia Shane, Gregory Luce, Kellie Agerton,
Silas Peters, Augusta Pearce
7/11 Bill Bingham, Philip Hodgson, Charles Sixbury, Kenny Douglass, JD Lovingood
7/12 Paul Newman, Gracie Grimes, Thomas Yow, Joe Smith, Lanier Hagood, Laine Broadhead
7/13 Jennie Breslin, Lynne Pearson, Erica Kercher, Alex Robinson, Joy Davis, Cullen Thomas, Dee Fuhrman,
Woodie Collins, Amelia Bobo
7/14 Caroline Nobles, Mike McKnight, Griffin Brooks
7/15 Sharon Sixbury, Adler Rux, Philip Cusa, Jake Oldshue
7/16 Marjorie Garrick, Lyons Bousson Jr., Mary Michael Bousson, Luke Manasco, Haley Tripp,
Sarah Kimbrough
7/17 Mildred Engstrom, Denise Lores, Harriet Outlaw, Jeremy Knight, Anna Cotter, Addison Tripp,
Richard Gethers, Baxter Fargason, Stacy Everson, Lang Floyd
7/18 Leigh Lovelady, John Pierce, Seth Matthews, Joseph Barber, Morgan McNeel, Jared Fuhrman,
Jordan Fuhrman, Karys Mayfield, Kylee Mayfield
7/19 Voncil Faust, Susan Stein, Reanna Watson, Elisa Rambo, Brandon Stewart, Langdon Garrison
7/20 Grace Nelson, Margaret Adams, Sage McCormick, Dan French
7/21 Thomas Fugard, Christy Gregg, Jim West, Zane Drummond, Lilli Colburn, Jackson Strunk, Bill Calhoun,
Geoffrey Stinebaugh, Abigail Bullington, Kristin Phillips, Aven Brasher, Mary Ella Dorgan
7/22 Sue Sumner, Alan Moore, Margaret Branyon, Pamela Maloney, Elizabeth Hammock, Todd Terreson
7/23 Mike Skinner, Mary Lucas, Joe McNeel, Matthew Coleman, Jeanene Cockrell
7/24 Janet Skinner, Jimmy Baker, Frank Hollon, Gayle Simmons, Griffin Newman
7/25 Wyatt Hurley, Cecily Hill, Tillery French, Laura Parker, Jared Scheeter
7/26 Margaret Pace, Charles Senior
7/27 Michele Emley, Katherine Luce, Knox Perry, Jill Johnston, Elsa Engeriser
7/28 Dan Dealy, Dan Matthews, Cheryl Cortinas, Kate Nobles, Hux Robinson
7/29 Audrey Barr, Betty Council, Linda King, Lily Scott
7/30 Chris Carey, Dwight Graham, Martha Scott, Katie Drummond
7/31 Mary Frances Roberts, Cecil Chapman, Jessica Schaus,
Alyson Newsome, JD Odom
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155 South Section Street
Fairhope, AL 36532
Fairhope, AL
Permit #36
Sunday Morning Schedule
Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
(Christian Life Center)
The Gathering 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Church 11:00 Services
(except for the 1st Sunday of the month)
Sunday School for all ages
9:45 a.m.
Nursery available during
Worship Services
Our Mission Statement is “to REACH people with the love and saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, to EQUIP them
spiritually and with practical skills for ministry, and to set them loose to SERVE in ministry to the church, the community
and the world in His name.”
To my friends at Fairhope UMC:
By the time you read this I will be in Phoenix, Arizona, home for the
next chapter of my life. I left Fairhope reluctantly but realize the
importance of living near family. I’m within easy driving distance of my
daughter and sister.
I have many happy memories of Fairhope and the Methodist church. Pat
and I moved to Fairhope in July 1997 and joined the church that
September. We regularly attended and made many friends. Pat helped
organize and categorize the books in the church library. She even helped
at Vacation Bible School once and soon discovered supervising young
people is for the young. When the CLC opened in 2008, I found my
niche and have spent many happy days there.
When Pat’s health declined we were both impressed with the sincere and
constant help and prayers received. When she suffered her final stroke
someone from the church family was always at our side until she died.
Furthermore, Pat’s celebration of her life service was memorable.
July 2015
From the Senior Pastor
Welcome Lunch
From the Associate Pastor
Christian Travel
Children’s Ministries
Student Ministries
Caring Ministries
Recreation Ministries
Music & Worship
Prayer Concerns/Memorials
Welcome New Members
Sunday Servant Schedule
Thank You
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I’ll conclude by saying be glad you live on Alabama’s Eastern Shore and
attend such a caring church.
Thomas E. Judd
CLC/Church Calendars ~ Insert
The LINK is a monthly newsletter published by Fairhope United Methodist Church of Fairhope, AL. If you have information to be included in
an upcoming edition, or if you have questions or comments regarding THE LINK please email: julia.gavin@fairhopeumc.org

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