Holy Week - Fairhope United Methodist Church
The Link A Monthly Publication of Fairhope United Methodist Church - A Stephen Ministry Congregation April 2014 Holy Week April 13 - Palm Sunday April 14-17 - Holy Week Devotional Luncheons 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Monday: Rev. John Richardson Tuesday: Rev. Steve Spining, Pastor ~ Robertsdale UMC Wednesday: Dr. Jim Moore, Pastor ~ Marlow UMC Thursday: Rev. Brennan Peacock, Pastor ~ Providence UMC If you would like to help with the luncheons, please call Kay Hicks at 610-3300. April 17 - Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 p.m. (Sanctuary) Commemoration of the Last Supper April 18 - Good Friday Service 7:00 p.m. (Sanctuary) The Seven Last Words of Christ presented by the Chancel Choir, chamber orchestra and soloists April 19 - Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 am (Sanctuary) 2nd grade and younger April 20 - Easter Sunday Services Traditional 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) Contemporary The Gathering 11:00 a.m. (The Rock - CLC) Holy Week New Members From the Pastor From the Trustees From the Associate Pastor Scholarships Awarded Wednesday Night Supper MOPS/Reservation Nursery Children’s and Family Student Ministries Caring Ministries Recreation Ministries Music and Worship Missions Prayer Concerns/Memorials Financials/In Appreciation Sunday Servant Schedule April Birthdays Summer Youth Intern Position page 1 page 1 page 2 page 2 page 3 page 3 page 4 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 9 page 10 page 10 page 11 page 11 page 12 CLC/Church Calendars ~ Insert Stop the Hunger ~ Insert NEW MEMBERS Vic and Ruth DuBose 1306 Captain O’Neal, Daphne Phone: 586-8735 Andrew Johnson 860 Sea Cliff Drive, Fairhope Phone: 929-1737 John and Natalie Frey Caroline, Elizabeth 7056 Trout Brook Avenue, Fairhope Phone: 680-7437 John David and Mallory Gardner Josie Jill, Luke 258 Blue Island Avenue, Fairhope Mitch and Jill Johnston Campbell, Ann Caryl 759 Estella Street, Fairhope Faith McKenzie 307-B Gayfer Court, Fairhope FROM THE SENIOR PASTOR Rev. Mike McKnight mike.mcknight@fairhopeumc.org APRIL SHOWERS I know that you are familiar with the old saying “April showers bring May flowers.” Finally, we are moving into spring and warmer weather and new growth. I love this time of year as it seems the earth awakens from a winter’s nap. There’s an old hymn that we sing that states: “There shall be showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need: Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead.” We certainly have the opportunity to experience those showers of blessings in April. As you look through the partial list of activities on the front cover, plan to attend and be blessed and renewed. On April 27th, we will be packing meals to feed 50,000 people. Yes I said 50,000! Stop Hunger Now! This is a wonderful time to experience how much can be accomplished when people work together in a passionate cause. Read the information on the Stop Hunger Now Insert in the Link. As of March 16th, we have welcomed 23 new adult members into the life of our fellowship. On Sunday night, April 6 at 6:00 pm, we will receive 37 confirmands in a special worship service in the sanctuary. Plan to attend and give support to these young people and their families. We have had the blessing of seeing babies baptized and people being prayed over as they left for mission work. God continues to pour His blessings upon this church family. Why? So we might be a blessing to others. This is a wonderful time to give thanks for your blessings and commit to be a blessing to others. God has equipped you…God will use you. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we worship together. In Christ, Mike TRUSTEE ACTIONS AND PLANS Here is a list of the activities and plans of the trustees: Executed a maintenance agreement for the AC and Heating to maintain the 34 AC units on campus Replace the AC in the office area estimated $4000 plus a crane (rooftop unit) Accept the bid obtained by Bealle Dawson to wash the CLC for $530.00 and request the work be done after the pollen has subsided Authorized replacement of the sewer line connecting the education building to the street estimated cost: $3900.00 Accept the bid from our current lawn service for refurbishing the pine straw estimated $1087.50 Removal of the stage in Wesley Hall (parts of old stage donated to Jubilee Shores UMC) Processing the data of the just completed annual handicap accessibility audit required by the discipline: - the handicap parking adjacent to the sanctuary to be reworked - exploring a ramp in the breezeway - working with Shepherd's Place on feasibility of handicap restrooms in the Wesley Hall area Obtaining bids on LED lights for the CLC gym Installing a Jobs Mission Board in the hall next to the office outlining jobs our members may adopt to handle Installed the BBQ vent fan which had been donated We approved of Shepherd's Place buying furniture for the courtyard Repaired the sanctuary roof and cleaned the Wesley Hall drains caused by the crepe myrtles Crepe myrtles cut back for spring growth. Installed blinds in the CLC parlor, donated by Gail Phillips in honor of her husband, Phil Obtained a dumpster for the CLC to help in sanitation of the facility Dale Melton, Chairman of Trustees www.fairhopeumc.org page 2 FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Laura Parker laura.parker@fairhopeumc.org “Christ is risen!”...“He is risen indeed!” For thousands of years the tradition of the Christian church has been to use this phrase as a customary greeting of joy at Easter and throughout the Easter season. Instead of “hello” or “good morning,” a person greets another with “Christ is risen!” and the appropriate response is “He is risen indeed!” We speak this greeting because we want others to know that the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest and first thought in our hearts and on our minds as believers in him. This greeting of joy is known as the “Paschal greeting” (Named after the “Paschal Lamb,” and “Lamb of God,” Jesus Christ). What if we let our Lenten observance and Easter celebration make this our first thought--every day? How would each day be different? I pray that we will relinquish more territory in our hearts in days ahead to the Almighty. I think I can allow that to happen…if I give up those places where I am self-centered, ill-tempered, impatient, unkind, critical, stubborn…oh, yes, I can make a lot more room for the risen Lord! If I greet you with the phrase, “Christ is risen! …will your response be, “He is risen indeed!” ? Christ is risen! Laura Spotlight on April: We continue our Lenten series in the Gathering called, “Journey to Jerusalem.” This journey will take us with Jesus as he enters Jerusalem in a triumphal procession where he is celebrated as our King, with joy giving way to sorrow as Jesus is nailed to a cross. And then on Easter Sunday, we will have a bright and colorful celebration that befits the true joy of life in Christ. A special time is set aside in each service for our children as we send them home with some of the symbols of the season that will help them remember and learn to tell the story themselves. The services in the Gathering are designed with the whole family in mind—bringing the best of contemporary Christian music to our time of worship while affirming our rich heritage as Methodists. A new Sunday school class has been formed for young couples (twenties to mid thirties). Mentors from the Foundations class are supporting this new class as it gets off the ground. Craig and Amy Dowden continue to lead a series called, Fireproof, a study designed to help couples build and strengthen their marriage using biblical principles. The class meets in room B209 from 9:45-10:40. Nursery and Sunday school for children runs concurrently with this class. This is an exciting opportunity for young couples to become a part of our faith community, make great new friends and find support and encouragement on their Christian journey. A Spiritual Gifts Class will be taught on three Wednesday nights in April: the 9th, 23rd and 30th. We will meet in Room B210 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. This class is perfect for new members, people new to Christian faith or individuals who just want to explore the best fit for their service to Jesus Christ. Please call the church office or email laura.parker@fairhopeumc.org to sign up for this class. Fairhope UMC Scholarship Committee Announces 2014 2014--15 Scholars Blayne Newsome will be attending Southern Mississippi and has received the United Methodist Women’s Scholarship. Campbell Olds will be attending Auburn University and has received two scholarships. The first is the Missions scholarship in honor of Roy and Elsie Butgereit. The second is the Frances C. and Margaret Grove Wilson scholarship. Luke Dolan will be attending University of Alabama and has been awarded the Frances C and Margaret Grove Wilson scholarship. Harrison Tarabella will be attending Samford University and has been awarded the Frances C. and Margaret Grove Wilson scholarship. Trent Baggerly will be attending Southern Methodist and has been awarded the Frances C. and Margaret Grove Wilson scholarship. Catherine Knight will be attending Auburn University and has been awarded the Duchene scholarship. We are so proud of all of our students and wish we had the funds to help all who applied. If you see these students around campus be sure and congratulate them on their scholarship award and wish them God’s blessings as they pursue their college education. www.fairhopeumc.org page 3 Do you have a graduating High School Senior? Please contact the church at office@fairhopeumc.org or 928-1148. We are making plans now for special recognition on May 11th. You don’t want to miss out! Has your phone number changed? Do you no longer have a landline? Please help us update our records by letting the church office know: 928-1148 or office@fairhopeumc.org Wednesday Night Fellowship Supper Cost: 5-6 pm Fellowship Hall $5 for adults/youth, $4 for children under 12 years; family max $20 To reserve your plate(s), you must email martha.monckton@fairhopeumc.org call the church office 928-1148 or no later than noon on Monday. PLEASE LET US KNOW YOU ARE COMING. In the same regard, if you’ve made a reservation and find you can’t come, notify us. To ensure everyone is served, please arrive before 5:50 p.m. April 2 ~ Baked Potato and Salad Bar, Dessert, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade April 9 ~ Lasagna, Salad Bar, French Bread, Dessert, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade April 16 ~ No Wednesday Night Supper or Activities April 23 ~ Rigatoni, Salad, Bread, Dessert, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade April 30~ Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Dessert, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade (Menus subject to change) RESERVATION NURSERY Mother’s Morning Out Program If you are the mother of a child - newborn through kindergarten - please join us at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, April 28th in the Christian Life Center (upstairs in the Loft) for our meeting. We will not meet on April 14th due to Spring Break week. Childcare reservations required for meetings. For more information about MOPS, contact Elizabeth Scheeter at fairhopemops@yahoo.com For childcare reservations, contact Tracy Peters at tpeters@hotmail.com www.fairhopeumc.org Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fee: $20 per child You may reserve up to two Fridays each month by contacting Tina at 928-1148 or tina.wettermark@fairhopeumc.org. Reservation Nursery will not be meeting Friday, April 18 page 4 CHILDREN’S AND FAMILY MINISTRIES Director of Children’s and Family Ministries Michelle Graham Online registration open April 6-May 18 www.fairhopeumc.org Register during these dates and receive a free VBS t-shirt! Vacation Bible School Monday, June 2 - Friday, June 6, 2014 8:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Three programs to choose from ... Elementary: for those entering 1st - 6th grade Preschool: for those entering kindergarten and 3 & 4 year olds of on-site volunteers Nursery: 2 years and younger of on-site volunteers Space is limited so register early! www.fairhopeumc.org Wondering how YOU can serve during VBS? Go to our website and check out the opportunities! Look over all the areas of service, choose the one that best fits your gifts and talents and complete the online registration form. Have questions?? Call Michelle Graham at 928-1148 or Kristin Capstraw at 928-6834. On Palm Sunday, April 13, the children will participate in all worship services by reminding us that as Jesus entered Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, the people waved palm branches and cheered, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!”. Children attending the Sanctuary services (8:30 & 11:00) will meet outside 15 minutes before the service starts in front of the sanctuary to receive their palm branches and instructions. Children attending the Gathering service (11:00), will meet 15 minutes before outside the gym. Hop on over for a morning of family fun and celebrate Easter with us! Annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19 at 10:00 a.m. ~ Meet in the Sanctuary For Children 2nd grade and younger Remember to bring your baskets! 3rd & 4th graders who would like to help hide eggs, contact Mrs. Michelle at 928-1148. ELEMENTARY SUMMER CAMP AT BLUE LAKE June 9-14 for those who have completed grades 3 – 5 Camp is a special time that is intentionally set apart to seek to know God more, make new friends and enjoy summer fun. Camp is different for a reason. Our hope is that this camp will help you to refocus on God and life in God's kingdom. Time is marked differently at camp just as it is marked differently for Christians. Through the week, we will explore the stories of Jesus through the seasons of the Christian year. As we think about what it means to live in Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, it is our hope to prepare you to live in God's holy time in all seasons of your life. REGISTER TODAY! Bus transportation provided at $40 per camper Adult Leader Meeting: Thursday, May 8 at 6:00 p.m. (Wesley Hall) Camp Info Meeting: Thursday, May 15 at 5:30 p.m. (Wesley Hall) for all who registered (children & their parents) Austin Baker Camp Scholarship applications available at www.fairhopeumc.org. Deadline to submit is April 14. www.fairhopeumc.org For camp rates, info and online registration go to www.bluelakecamp.com Adult leaders needed. Call Michelle for more information at 928-1148! page 5 STUDENT MINISTRIES Director of Student Ministries Rachael Waldhour rachael.waldhour@fairhopeumc.org April 11, 2014 www.fairhopeumc.org page 6 CARING MINISTRIES Director of Caring Ministries Dr. Ann Pearson ann.pearson@fairhopeumc.org A Stephen Ministry congregation MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOAN CLOSET JULIE’S VISION TURNED REALITY What started as my vision of a community need, as well as a way to recycle some equipment I had only used for a couple of weeks, has turned into a marvelous mission. All through “word of mouth” during these last three years, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, commodes, shower chairs, supplies, etc. in great numbers, have been donated and found new homes where needed. Relationships with several home health agencies, Hope Clinic, physicians, and local charitable organizations have allowed people to become aware of us and have been generous with donations, along with their requests to fill their individual medical needs. This year was made even more exciting, as we sent equipment, particularly orthopedic, to Honduras on a cargo ship to a remote hospital that has been operating for over twenty years as part of an International Christian Medical Mission with American medical personnel volunteering their time and skills. This is always based on current inventory as things move quickly in and out, but please think about how thrilled someone is to receive what they need whether it is for a long term or simply for the day to be able to go in a wheelchair to the recent Arts and Crafts. There is never any charge for usage and I wish to thank the Caring Ministries of Fairhope UMC that pays the rent for the storage unit. I am blessed to have Hazel Odom, who gives her time to help me, and all those who have generously donated equipment. Believe me, it is most rewarding and some real “God events” have happened. Just when I think I have given away the last of equipment, I will get a call with a donation to fill the need. What could be better? Please spread the word and if you have any questions, call the church office, 928-1148 or Julie Johnson, 929-3860. Monday Devotional Time With Ann Come and be a part of this weekly drop-in devotional time. The study book is A Pilgrimage Through the Psalms In the Secret Place. Each week a new devotional topic is offered and discussed. Many people from the community come as well as our church family. The study meets in the Library from 1:00-2:00 pm. Come and share as Ann facilitates this group. Stephen Ministry Commissioning Sunday, April 27 8:30 a.m. Service Stephen Ministry commissioning is set for April 27 in the 8:30 am service. New Stephen Ministers Betsy Adams, Ed Colvin, Alice Holmes, Andrew Johnson, Jean Kelley, Dale and Judy Melton and Lynn White will be presented also at the 11:00 am Sanctuary and the Gathering services that morning. Support Groups Young at Heart is taking a field trip! April’s monthly fellowship luncheon is going to be at the new assisted living facility in Fairhope-Country Place Senior Living on Gayfer Extension. Cecile Godfrey, Director, has invited our Young at Heart group to dine at their facility. We would like to have a head count so please let the church office know if you will be going to lunch. RSVP at 928-1148. We will meet at 11:45 am at Country Place. Ann will be at the CLC at 11:30 am so you can follow her to Country Place if needed. She will leave the CLC at 11:45 am. Hope to see all of you there and even some new friends as we partner with area living facilities. www.fairhopeumc.org (Available for church family and community) Monday: Children of Divorce 3:30 pm Divorce Recovery for adults 4:30 pm Survivors of Suicide 6:30 pm (meets the 2nd and 4th Monday) Wednesday: Teenagers of Loss 4:30 pm Tough Dogs Cancer Support 10:00 (meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday) Call the church office anytime to find out more information or schedule an appointment with Dr. Ann Pearson, Director of Caring Ministries. page 7 www.fairhopeumc.org page 8 MUSIC AND WORSHIP Director of Music Ministries Mary Katherine Kilgore marykatherine.kilgore@fairhopeumc.org The Seven Last Words of Christ By Théodore Dubois Good Friday, April 18 7:00pm Eastern Shore Choral Society Mary Katherine Kilgore, Artistic Director Grand and Glorious Timeless Composers and Great Opera Choruses Fairhope United Methodist Church - Sanctuary Sunday, April 27 3:00pm Eastern Shore Baptist Church 6847 Park Drive ~ Daphne, Alabama presented by the Chancel Choir with chamber orchestra and soloists featuring the Spanish Fort Middle School Chorus under the direction of Jennifer Fyock Thank you to everyone who purchased a ham from the Youth Choir. Hams may be picked up on Friday, April 11 or Sunday, April 13 from 10:00 am–12:00 pm in the Wesley Hall kitchen! Tickets $15 Students are free. Available from chorus members, Fairhope United Methodist Church, online or at the door. www.escs.org MISSIONS Family Promise Host Week ~ April 20th-April 26th Contact Lany Simmons at owen_simmons@ml.com or Jennifer Myrick at jcmyrick@hotmail.com if you are interested in serving! We will have a training on April 7 at 6 p.m. A special "Thanks" to everyone who came out for the Costa Rica Shrimp Boil! We were able to sell 380 plates! Thank you for your continued support for Costa Rica Missions!! Missions is excited about now working with the Hispanic Methodist Church "San Pedro UMC" in Summerdale! If you would like to get involved, please contact Jennifer Myrick jcmyrick@hotmail.com or 510.1628 www.fairhopeumc.org page 9 PRAYER CONCERNS At Home: Mildred Engstrom Fred Crook Ed McKnight, Jr. Dene Mershon Vesta Gethers Jen Galloway Bob Oberg Hank Mullins Clara Nugent Amy Jackson Rebecca Kramer Jean Haney Gloria Doss MEMORIALS Sarah Pacey Carmen Headley Eugenia Murchison Peggy & Harry Bennitt Hop Allen Chuck Spaulding Helene Gereke & family Irma Richmond Treasure Hervey Annie Coleman Laura Cotter Alex Robinson Nancy Carr Lindy Marsh Ruth Wagner Frances Grace Hirs Philip Ross Paul Wilson Janet Waite Pat Wilkins Marjorie Thames Debbie McGlothren Jim West Charles McGlothren Faith McKenzie Randy Murchison Long Term Care Eastern Shore Rehab & Health: Zurlean Allegri (Susan McClure’s mother) Fairhope Health & Rehab: Claire Klumpp, Beverly Williams, Louise McDonald (Blanche McKinney’s sister), Sarah Mason, Marjorie Garrick, Mary Unterspan (Patricia Cooper’s mother), Maxine Burton, Dorothy Clark Robertsdale Healthcare: Rick Lawton Huntingdon at Homestead Village: Betty Grayson (Betty Miller’s mother), DeLois Wood (Kay Jackson’s mother) Homestead Village: Jeanette Gunter, John Rouse, Mac Graham (Cindy Chastain’s mother), Elinor Whiddon, Mercia & John Coulter, Ruth Conley, Opal Dougherty, Bobby and Mary Lucie Brock (Davis Brock’s parents) Somerby: Mary Ann Simpson, Emily Goff Brennity of Fairhope: Elinor Simmons, Ollie Delchamps, Rev. Arthur Carlton, Bryan Johnson, Betty Wahl, Mary Montgomery Brennity of Daphne: Mrs. Kittrell (Lynn Pittman’s mother), Marion Peters (Cecilia Lammers’ sister) Westminster Village: Aileen Andrews, Lily Abrams (Pam Lieb’s mother), Louise Estes, Norman Jobe, Markie Prior, Bernice Snowden (Cookie Ogden’s mother) William F. Green VA Hospital: Bill Roberts The following memorials have been received by the church: In memory of Joyce Ernest (Children’s Ministry) by SMW Engineering Group, Inc. Alison and Robert Akridge Frankie Hyde Crown Castle USA Inc. Samuel and Lynn Andrews Dodd and Joanne Ozment Marilyn and Sam Fisher St. Luke’s Episcopal School In memory of Elizabeth Carr (Youth Ministry) by Ron and Peggy Melton In memory of Joe Lee (Africa Trip) by Don and Marie McKinzey In memory of Hal Parsons by Eldred C. Reber The following honorariums have been received by the church: In honor of Mary Hodgkins (Tough Dogs Cancer Chemo Bags) by Ann Pearson In honor of Susan Stein (Shepherd’s Place) by Charles and Jeanne Cornwall In honor of the 2014 Costa Rica Mission Team (Costa Rica Trip) by Tom Odom IN APPRECIATION Dear Church Members, We want to thank you for your prayers, visits, meal and other kindnesses during the recent weeks. The family of John D. Lammers Geraldine, Eugene, Glenda, Paul and families OUR TROOPS ********** Brad Gravat, Jeremy Parish, Preston Norton, Cody Floyd, Johnny Rapier, Britton Rapier, Eric Watton, Harris Wooldridge, Mitchell Lee Clayton, Brandt Tyler Hudson, Stephanie McDonald, Mitchell Brown, Bryant Simmons, Josh Parish, Tyler Oubre, Neil Quinn, Bryan Quinn, Daniel Anderson, Charlie Bingham, John P Lammers, Geoffrey L. Shraga, David Fickle, Chase Carlton, Alex Wade, Mallory Sain, Timothy Diegmann SYMPATHY Gene and Cecilia Lammers in the death of his father, John. Evie and Jeff Davies in the death of his mother, Marian Davies. Dot Parish in the death of her cousin, Tommy Jordan. Lizanne Harbuck in the death of her husband, Joe Harbuck Kyle and McLean Henderson in the death of his grandmother, Stella Jordan 2/23 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 What a great article in March 18th Courier, you all deserve a pat on the back. What a great ministry! My husband, Hal, was a recipient of one of your great blue bags, the first chemo treatment at the Fairhope Mitchell Center he was given a bag which was such an uplifting gesture on a dreary day. Please don’t ever doubt that you make a difference. Although our family’s journey through lung cancer treatment did not have the outcome we had hoped and prayed for, we met some great and inspiring folks along the way. You are some of them. Mary E. Parsons and family of Hal Parsons FINANCIALS ATTENDANCE 8:30 129 154 146 149 162 Dearest “Tough Dogs,” 9:45 (SS) 280 313 329 255 269 www.fairhopeumc.org 11:00 (S) 160 186 194 199 224 11:00 (TG) 151 143 181 102 198 Year to Date –As of March 23 Average Amount Needed $512,651 Amount Received $394,344 -$118,307 page 10 SUNDAY SERVANT SCHEDULE April 6 Communion Servers in the Sanctuary 8:30 Bellamie and Troy Price, Kim and John Estes 11:00 Erin Jones, Emma Pennington, Deborah and Barry Pennington April Ushers April Scripture Readers Sanctuary 8:30 *Doug Kennedy, Norman Dodson, J.D. Odom, Scott Coleman 11:00 *George Roberds, Al Johnson, Tres Manasco, Joe Adcock The Gathering 11:00 *Jeff Barnes, Tom Judd, Rob Rodriguez *Denotes Head Usher ~ If you are unable to serve, please contact George Kirchoff, 990-3912 6th 8:30 11:00 13th 8:30 11:00 20th 8:30 11:00 27th 8:30 11:00 Kimberly McKeough Linda Smith Patty Borah Cecil Christenberry Susie Caminiti Davis Brock Lynn Brunner Donna Wilson LOOK WHO’S HAVING A BIRTHDAY IN APRIL 4/01 4/02 4/03 4/04 4/05 4/06 4/07 4/08 4/09 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/14 4/15 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 Mary Walker, Brandon Potter, Susie Caminiti, Becca Huffman, Jeff Ezell, Lynn White April Kahlbau, Marsha Foster, Compton Latture, Amy Terry, John Frey Donna Hill, Shelah Irwin, Cindy McBrearty, Parker Roe, Reagan White, Taylor Strunk Mike McBrearty, Ella Hayes, Luke Warner, Chris St. Pierre Anne Kennedy, Leanne Pearson, Kathy Yow, John Hutchison, Bob Dewey Robi Jones, Ben Cooksey, Ernie Stanford, James Nelson, Barbara Colvin, Chase Patterson, Hadleigh Patterson Pat Wilkins, Ray Kennedy, Allison Mickler, William Davis, Mary Cooper Smith Tina Baker, Natalie Melton, Andrew Chambless Justin Taylor, April Davison, Ella Tapscott, Stephen Baker, Mollie Fucich Juanita Kendrick, Elle Yerkes, Wendy Gosnell, Hamp Oldshue, Mary Kathryn Jacobs Margaret McKee, Jim Smith, Jennifer Vines, Marilyn Taylor, Carrie French, Elizabeth Collins Butch Hughes, Russell Stallings, John Rouse, Fred Marchman, Angela Lackey Karen Haywood, Jeff Skinner, Jeanne Watton, Michael Shelton Reid Brown, Sawyer Connick, Annie Pearson, Caroline Boulware Greg Banks, Harper Morrison, Winston Chapman, Leah Gwin Jason Harris, Ken Heard, Mark Mitchell, Chad Lagrone John French, Courtney French Harrison Tarabella, Eubie Stacey, Scott Statham, Parker French, Scarlett Pearce, Hays Bishop Paul Hannon, Reagan Norton, Jill McRaney Brad Calhoun, Don Dolan, Paul Garrick, Sydney Cabaniss Emma Pennington, Susie Stinebaugh, Jackson DeLaney, Roger Tart Kyle Jernigan, Braxton Smith, Dennis Gaddy, Randolph McKee, Bill Morrison, John French, Ansley Caroline Boulware Jeff Barnes, Eugene Heacock Bonnie Jernigan, Aymie Warner, Craig Reynolds, Greta Deese, Patrick Duke Bob Banks, Addison Wilson, Sadie Sparks, John Kimbrough Pam McRae, Katie Pierce, Dick Smith, Rusty Coker, Ann Auxford McKenzie Earl Jackson, Grant Walker, Kate McNeel, Camille McCool William Morrison, Amye Brasher If your birthday does not appear or we have the wrong date on our list, please call the Church office to help us update our records (928-1148). www.fairhopeumc.org page 11 155 South Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 (251)928-1148 www.fairhopeumc.org office@fairhopeumc.org Non-Profit U.S. POSTAGE PAID Fairhope, AL Permit #36 REACH ~ EQUIP ~ SERVE Sunday Morning Schedule Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Contemporary Worship (Christian Life Center) The Gathering 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church 11:00 Services (except for the 1st Sunday of the month) Sunday School for all ages 9:45 a.m. Nursery available during Worship Services Our Mission Statement is “to REACH people with the love and saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, to EQUIP them spiritually and with practical skills for ministry, and to set them loose to SERVE in ministry to the church, the community and the world in His name.” Summer Youth Intern Dates of Internship - May 15-August 3, 2014 Fairhope United Methodist is excited about the opportunity to host an intern this summer in our student ministry department. FUMC will pay a $1,500 stipend to a selected intern who will serve for an eleven week stint filled with servant leadership experiences. The intern will be presented with outlets to utilize their leadership skills, participate in Bible study, and discuss their interest in ministry with clergy. The intern will be immersed in an active ministry setting where he/she will gain hands on knowledge about running a youth ministry in a large church setting. This is the perfect opportunity for a college student to explore and learn more about serving in the local church. Our primary purpose is to teach and provide the intern access to practical ministry experiences. We will select an intern for Student Ministries. Some of the amazing things you will be doing this summer include: mission trips to Houston, Albany, GA, and outreach events all over Baldwin County; planning and teaching weekly Bible studies and worship services; and much more. Applications available on the church website. Deadline to turn in applications is April 13. PUBLICATION INFORMATION FOR THE LINK The LINK is a monthly newsletter published by Fairhope United Methodist Church of Fairhope, AL. If you have information to be included in an upcoming edition, or if you have questions or comments regarding THE LINK please email: julia.gavin@fairhopeumc.org Please note: All information to be included in THE LINK is subject to approval and must be submitted by the appropriate deadlines.
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