June 2015 Rev. Mike McKnight - Fairhope United Methodist Church
The Link A Monthly Publication of Fairhope United Methodist Church - A Stephen Ministry Congregation A reception will be held in appreciation and honor of Rev. Mike McKnight on the occasion of his retirement June 28, 2015 Christian Life Center, Fellowship Hall Immediately following the 11:00 services Please join us as we convey our good wishes As he and René embark on this new adventure. Love offerings can be designated through regular Sunday offerings or dropped by the church office. There will be a donation basket for those wishing to make a “love offering” or who wish to leave a retirement card at the reception. June 2015 Celebrations New Members From the Pastor Christian Travel From the Associate Pastor Missions Evangelism Thank You Children’s Ministries Student Ministries Caring Ministries Recreation Ministries Music & Worship Prayer Concerns/Memorials Financials Sunday Servant Schedule Birthdays Thank You page 1 page 1 page 2 page 2 page 3 page 3 page 4 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 10 page 11 page 11 page 12 CLC/Church Calendars ~ Insert ***************** Let’s welcome our new pastor and his wife, Dr. Ed and Alecia Glaize, TO OUR FAIRHOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FAMILY! Join us for a special Luncheon in their honor. WHEN: Sunday, July 12 TIME: Immediately following the combined 11:00 service WHERE: Christian Life Center, Fellowship Hall WHAT TO BRING: Dessert to share (Lunch will be catered) Welcome New Members Bill Oeding 508 Bartlett Avenue Fairhope, AL 36532 Phone: 850-585-7751 Rebecca and Mark Roberts William, Amelia 11 Sandy Shoal Loop Fairhope, AL 36532 Phone: 251-622-6812 Patti and Ed Shealy 154 Athene Street Fairhope, AL 36532 Phone: 864-380-2792 FROM THE SENIOR PASTOR Rev. Mike McKnight mike.mcknight@fairhopeumc.org FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE The psalmist records his thoughts while in the wilderness of Judah: O God, thou art my God, my soul thirsts for thee. My flesh faints for thee in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have looked upon you in the beauty of the sanctuary and behold your power and glory. Because your love is better than life, I will praise you as long as I live… Psalm 63: 1-4 This is the last time I will write to you in the Link as your pastor. In the July edition, Dr. Ed Glaize will address you as he begins his ministry as your pastor. René and I have enjoyed these six years with you and look forward to the new role as a retired pastor. I’m not quite sure what all that will mean other than I won’t be preaching every Sunday morning from one of the great pulpits of our conference. I have been blessed for the past forty years to share the gospel message from some of the beautiful sanctuaries within our denomination. I feel somewhat like the psalmist in saying, “I have looked upon thee in the beauty of the sanctuary.” I love preaching and working with people and the Lord has been gracious in allowing me to do that in wonderful places and with wonderful people just like you. We will be away from you for a while as we catch up on visiting with family and seeing some sights as we will now have more time to do such things. But then, we will be taking our seat in the sanctuary and worshipping with you in the beauty of those surroundings, giving praise to God for the blessings of life. Know that you will remain in our thoughts and prayers. My thanks to a wonderful staff, a great congregation, and this community that we enjoy. Someone asked me recently, “Do you think you are going to enjoy retirement?” I answered, “I don’t know, I’ve never been retired before. But I’m sure going to try!” God is good all the time…all the time, God is good. I’ll see you on Sunday! In Christ, Mike CHRISTIAN TRAVEL Joe & Marilyn Bullington and Rev. Laura Parker invite you to a Holy Land Information Meeting Wednesday, June 17 ~ 7:00 P.M. Fellowship Hall of Christian Life Center Learn about a Holy Land Pilgrimage Departing March 28, 2016 No obligation ~ Just information www.fairhopeumc.org page 2 FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Laura Parker laura.parker@fairhopeumc.org Summer Reading By the time you read this, school will be out and we will be in the transition time that comes each year. Vacations are planned and maybe your schedule will be a little lighter. Is it possible you have time for a little summer reading? I love to read. It is one of the ways I relax and can be a great escape. Books can challenge us, expand our thinking and take us to places we’ve never been before. There have been a couple of books I’ve read this year that I’d like to share with any willing readers in the congregation. Then the new book by Harper Lee is being released later this summer and I think many of us will want to explore it together. So I’ve planned a summer reading “café.” We will meet three times this summer for discussion centered on these books: June 16th (RSVP by June 9th): Ordinary Grace, by William Kent Krueger Frank Drum, the thirteen-year-old son of a Methodist minister, deals with death, murder and faith in 1961 Minnesota. July 14th (RSVP by July 7th): Jabbok, by Kee Sloan An unexpected friendship between eight-year-old Buddy Hinton and a mysterious stranger in rural Mississippi shapes the faith of the man Buddy will become. August 11th (RSVP by August 4th): Go Set A Watchman, by Harper Lee Be among the first to read this companion novel to To Kill a Mockingbird, set to be released July 14th. We will meet from 11:00-1:00 on the above three Tuesdays. Bring a “brown bag” lunch that you make or buy to swap with another person in the group. Our room assignment will depend upon the number of RSVPs we receive for each book. You need not attend all three. Just pick and choose the weeks that suit your schedule or taste in reading. Books can be bought or ordered through Page and Palette and are / will be available through Amazon in both print and eBook options. Contact Rev. Parker, laura.parker@fairhopeumc.org, to reserve your place or if you would like more information. I hope you will join me this summer! MISSIONS MINISTRIES Missions Coordinator ~ missions@fairhopeumc.org Jennifer Myrick Save the Date! Our next host Week is July 12th-18th! Contact Lany or Jennifer for more info! Stop Hunger Now Update: The 30,000 + meals that we packaged on April 26th have been shipped to the people in Nicaragua! Thank you again for your donations and hard work putting the meals together! THANK YOU for your continued PRAYERS and SUPPORT of the Costa Rica Mission Trip! We look forward to sharing with you stories from the trip on Missions Sunday in August! Join us this summer for Ransom Café We need volunteers on Fridays! 10:00am-2:00 pm. Come and serve or bring a dessert! www.fairhopeumc.org page 3 EVANGELISM Chairperson Rob Rodriguez Romans1.16@att.net ~ 630 630--636 636--0185 Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” Greetings Fairhope UMC, The Evangelism Team along with the Fairhope UMC Lay speakers are excited to present this fantastic opportunity to serve in fellowship. Homestead Village Serenity Chapel Traditional Vesper Service Sundays @ 4:00 p.m. 924 Plantation Boulevard Fairhope, AL 36532 A Join Us! All are Welcome! We have coordinated 12 different Lay-Speakers and 8 Guest Pianists that will be partnering to rotate schedules to offer this traditional worship offering each week. Thank you to everyone who participated in making the National Day of Prayer 24-Hour Vigil a Success!! All of the Hour Prayer Time-Slots were filled as we shared in the power of prayer as a church family and community of faith. I appreciate the support and your participation. 14 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land. Follow us on Facebook @ FAIRHOPE UMC EVANGELISM TEAM Congratulations to Matthew P. Lawrence for receiving his Eagle Scout Badge. He graduated from High School with a welding certificate and he plans to go on to get a two-year bachelor degree. www.fairhopeumc.org page 4 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Director of Children’s Ministries Michelle Graham michelle.graham@fairhopeumc.org We’re Jammin’ in June! As I’m writing this article, we are putting the finishing touches on the most active month in Children’s Ministries. School is out — excitement is in the air — VBS and Blue Lake Summer Camp are around the corner! Everest VBS Monday, June 1 - Friday, June 5 8:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m. What we’ll be learning … God has the power to provide, to comfort, to heal, to forgive and to love us forever! With 330 children (nursery age - 6th grade) and 170 youth and adult volunteers registered, this is our largest VBS ever! What excitement! Thanks to everyone who will be on-site sharing God’s message of love & hope and those who have helped by donating items and creating our Everest atmosphere! The decorations are spectacular! It is truly going to be an amazing week and I give God all the glory in advance for the wonderful things He will do through us and in us! My prayer is that hearts will be touched and lives changed forever! I’d like to extend a special thank you to the VBS Leadership Team for their time and dedication. They have been working hard since February to make this a memorable VBS program! Thank you Claire Kimbrough, Megan Smith and Elizabeth Scheeter! Attention Rising 5th & 6th Graders Be on the lookout for information on our SWIFT Summer Fun Events. You will receive a mailing in mid-June! You won’t want to miss the fun! www.fairhopeumc.org Blue Lake Elementary Summer Camp Monday, June 8 — Saturday, June 13 The week immediately following VBS, 40 children who have just completed 3rd, 4th and 5th grade will board a chartered bus and make their way to Blue Lake United Methodist Camp in Andalusia for a week of outdoor fun and spiritual growth! Thanks to Amy Duke, Ashleigh McKenzie, Robert Brown and Greg Tapscott who will serve as adult volunteers at camp. page 5 STUDENT MINISTRIES Director of Student Ministries Rachael Waldhour rachael.waldhour@fairhopeumc.org www.fairhopeumc.org page 6 CARING MINISTRIES Director of Caring Ministries Dr. Ann Pearson ann.pearson@fairhopeumc.org A Stephen Ministry congregation Fairhope United Methodist Church Blood Drive Sunday, June 14, 2015 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Location: Bloodmobile Keep On Walking... www.fairhopeumc.org Join the walking group on Monday through Wednesday. Meet at the CLC Parlor at 4:00 pm. Summer is here, come on and join us for great exercise and fellowship. page 7 www.fairhopeumc.org page 8 MUSIC AND WORSHIP Director of Music Ministries Lisa Simon lisa.simon@fairhopeumc.org Music Ministries Celebration! Music Ministries’ Annual Covered-Dish Dinner with Entertainment. Wednesday evening, July 1, 6:00 pm CLC Fellowship Hall. All who have participated in any way, in the Music Ministry here at FUMC this past year, including your families, are invited and encouraged to attend. Meat and drinks will be provided by the Music Ministry. Every music group will provide dishes. Chancel Choir - Casseroles and side dishes Worship Choir - Salads Chancel Bells - Ice Cream Youth and Children’s Choirs - Desserts Joy Choir - Anything Chocolate Jubilee Choir - Anything Sweet Youth Choir - Anything Salty The Church Ladies will be providing the after dinner entertainment. They are an a capella comedy routine. Performing together for 12 years in Florida and Alabama for Emmaus Walks, Church Suppers, Women’s Conferences and Teas. You won’t want to miss this entertaining and funny trio. Please call or email Lisa Simon, Director of Music Ministries lisa.simon@fairhopeumc.org; (850)240-1166 for more information. An Aco-what?? All students grades 3-12 are invited to be part of the Acolyte Ministry at FUMC this fall. Older youth will be asked to serve as a Crucifer. Parents are asked to talk and pray with your child(ren) or youth about this opportunity to serve in the Sanctuary and the Gathering worship services. Then register them online at www.fairhopeumc.org. Fall Acolyte Training After the 11 am worship services Sunday, August 23 and August 30th, 2015 A parent will be asked to attend one but not both of these training sessions. Mark your calendar now if you plan to participate. For QUESTIONS or to VOLUNTEER to assist in this training, call our Worship Chair, Helen Ingram, 601-966-0808. www.fairhopeumc.org Join the Summer Choir! Now until August 9 Choir Rehearsals finish June 17. But those who want to still help lead our Sunday worship are welcome to come at 8:00 am and 10:30 am to sit in the choir loft. No anthem, but special music will be presented weekly. If you would love to provide special music sometime during July and August, call Lisa Simon, Director of Music Ministries. Join the Patriotic Choir! A Choir is being formed to sing on Sunday, July 5, at the 8:30 and 11:00 am Sanctuary services. Rehearsals start June 3, in the Choir room (B203) from 6:30–7:00 pm. Let’s honor our great country with a great celebration of praise to our Lord for His blessings on us. Are you creative? Have Design skills? Help is needed in the Music Ministry Office and Music Library Cleaning, organizing, painting, and redecorating are the jobs on the list for this summer. Bookcases are being built, because we have run out of space for storing music. And the floors are scheduled to be cleaned, stripped and waxed. Starting July 20th at 9:00 am, 5 - 10 people are needed to help move music boxes off the bookshelves to the choir room; then packing up Music Office bookshelves so the room and the bookshelves may be painted. If you are willing to donate your time and some easy labor, please call Lisa Simon, (850)240-1166. Worship Committee is seeking two volunteers to schedule scripture readers for the sanctuary Worship Services beginning in July. If you would like to read scripture or to coordinate readers, please contact Helen Ingram, Worship Chair, (601) 966-0808. page 9 PRAYER CONCERNS At Home: Mildred Engstrom Fred Crook Ed McKnight, Jr. Dene Mershon Bob Oberg Vicki Culver Mary Moles Lillian Terranova Jodie Fidler MEMORIALS The following memorials have been received by the church in memory of: Paul Parker by Jeanne Cummings (Imagine Campaign) Nan Denson Alice Holmes Church Staff Foundation Sunday School Class Marguerite Mize by Frank Sanders Family Donald and Carolyn Ballard (Caring Ministries) Brenda Blackmon Lambert by Steve and Melissa Odom (Shepherd’s Place) Thomas Hadaway by Donna Gilbert (Shepherd’s Place) Pamela Gilbert (Shepherd’s Place) Dot Floyd by Deidre and Mike Dodd (Food Pantry) Andy Johnson by Trip and Mary Kay Thompson (Stephen Ministry) An honorarium has been received by the church in honor of: Linda Smith and Sid Vogel by the DISCIPLE IV Class (Costa Rica Missions) Sarah Pacey Eugenia Murchison Peggy & Harry Bennitt Hop Allen Irma & Philip Richmond Nancy Carr Frances Grace Hirs Janet Waite Pat Sagan Wilkins Marjorie Thames Debbie McGlothren Charles McGlothren Eddie & Rebecca Copeland Clara Nugent Mary Walker Frank McGinnis Grace Webb Barbara Svenby Eastern Shore Rehabilitation & Health Center: Zurlean Allegri (Susan McClure’s mother) Fairhope Health & Rehab: Marjorie Garrick Robertsdale Healthcare: Rick Lawton Huntingdon at Homestead Village: Betty Grayson (Betty Miller’s mother), Alice Griffin (Ruth Sully’s sister), Lindy Marsh Country Place Senior Living: Joyce Smith, Kitty Stanford Homestead Village: Jeanette Gunter, John Rouse, Mercia & John Coulter, Ruth Conley, Opal Dougherty, Bobby & Mary Lucie Brock (Davis Brock’s parents), Daisy Gilbert Somerby: Emily Goff, Cecil Harvell Brennity of Fairhope: Elinor Simmons (Gail Simmons’ mother), Ollie Delchamps, Rev. Arthur Carlton, Mary Montgomery, Mavis Love, Betty Wahl Brennity of Daphne: Mrs. Kittrell (Lynn Pittman’s mother), Marion Peters (Cecilia Lammers’ sister), Helen Truitt (Brenda Parnell’s mother) The Blake: Mac Graham (Cindy Chastain’s mother), M/M Harold Bowren (Lucy Bingham’s parents), Bryan Johnson Westminster Village: Aileen Andrews, Lily Abrams (Pam Lieb’s mother), Louise Estes, Norman Jobe, Markie Prior, Bernice Snowden (Cookie Ogden’s mother), Langdon & Billie Garrison The Gardens: Pat Duke (Patrick Dukes’ father) SYMPATHIES Caroline and Derek Boulware in the loss of her father, Clarence Simmons, Jr. Lisa and Michael Simon in the loss of their sister-in-law, Laverne Simon. Family and friends of Marguerite Mize. Iris and Terry Buck in the loss of her father, Tom Hadaway. Susie and Tony Caminiti in the loss of her sister-in-law, Charlene Jenkins. Jill and Mitch Johnston in the loss of her grandfather, James “Mac” McClusky. Charlie and Lenell Jordan in the loss of his nephew, David Williams. (Kim Gibson, Elaine Littleton, Nell Hamrick, Kay Hicks, Shirley Ryals) Steve Connick by Robert A. Gibson (Imagine Campaign) Mary Finger by Palmer Finger OUR TROOPS Brad Gravat, Jeremy Parish, Preston Norton, Cody Floyd, Johnny Rapier, Britton Rapier, Eric Watton, Harris Wooldridge, Mitchell Lee Clayton, Stephanie McDonald, Mitchell Brown, Josh Parish, Tyler Oubre, Deron Frailie, Neil Quinn, Bryan Quinn, Daniel Anderson, Charlie Bingham, John P. Lammers, Geoffrey L. Shraga, David Fickle, Chase Carlton, Alex Wade, Mallory Sain, Timothy Diegmann, Peyton Smith, Todd Gibson, Chris Berg FINANCIALS Income and Expenses through the end of April Giving $502,180 Expenses $690,497 Deficit - $188,317 Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and continued support for the church ministries. Imagine Campaign Update Pledged: $1,770,871 Given To Date: $1,236,229 CELEBRATIONS McLean and Kyle Henderson on the birth of a daughter, Jordan Lee, born April 27. Her big sister is Mary Stella. Mary Kate and Gavin O’Connell on the birth of a son, William Patrick, born May 8. His big brother is Coleman and proud grandfather is Bob Coleman. www.fairhopeumc.org ATTENDANCE 4/19 4/26 5/3 5/10 5/17 8:30 143 140 151 142 190 9:45 (SS) 316 250 294 259 310 11:00 (S) 184 153 164 178 217 11:00 (TG) 150 150 148 208 208 page 10 SUNDAY SERVANT SCHEDULE Sanctuary Communion Servers June 7 8:30 Brenda & Ron Robinson, Patricia & Ken Cooper 11:00 Judy & George Roberds, Pat & Bealle Dawson June Ushers June Scripture Readers 8:30 (S) Norman Dodd, Mike Lockwood, Philip Speir, Mike Thompson 11:00 (S) Bruce Graham, Al Johnson, Bill Knight, Perry Outlaw The Gathering 11:00 (CLC) Chuck Huguley, Darryl Tripp, Jeffrey Williams If you are unable to serve, please contact George Kirchoff, 990-3912 7th 8:30 Lynn Brunner 11:00 Robin Coleman 14th 8:30 Ken Cooper 11:00 Bob Gibson 21st 8:30 Steve McClure 11:00 Karen Haywood 28th 8:30 Kim Pickens 11:00 Mary Beth Gibson LOOK WHO’S HAVING A BIRTHDAY IN JUNE 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 Diane Wharton Linda Bishop, Len Strickland, Emmett Cox, Dee Washington Judy Luce Meredith Davies, Robert Odom, Cassie Bishop, P C Cotter, Clara Nugent Floyd Enfinger, Jr., Hannah Singleton, Matt Stinebaugh Iris Buck, Greer Robinson, Brooks Newsome, Coleman Kennedy Jaime Rux, Evans Wilcoxon, Claire Kappel Erin Jones, Callie Giddings, Faith McKenzie Lewis Bishop, Adam Lucassen, Mary Ann Ross, Nicholas Dees, Colin Moore, Julia Bower Bellamie Price, Maggie Puckett, Norman Dodson, Krysti Robinson, Annalyn Duke, Melanie Ikerman Jana Boothe, Damaris Anderson, Kaitlyn Hunter, Emma Walker Mark Baggerly, Will Bingham, Laura McLeod, Warren Wegener, Jack Myrick, Brenda Parnell, Jasmine Hodges 6/13 Terrie Branch, June Enfinger, Ann Pearson, Russell Banks, David Fulford, Carol Sailor, Mary Hodgkins, Jack Rigsby 6/14 Darcy Puckett, Alli Thompson, Amelia Koser, Robert Sully, Sadie Fidler, Scott Minto, Andrew Mitchell 6/15 Kiser Olds, Karl Pellinat, Emily Sparks, Isaac Landa 6/16 Yvonne Brister, Chad Dolan, Chris Lieb, Andrea Grimes, Allen Hirs, Jim Rosene 6/17 Steven McRae, Bobbye Smith, Len Turner, Wayne Walker, Amanda Winstead, Steadman Jones 6/18 Joel Calhoun, Mary Katherine Shoemaker, Keith Hofmann, Aubrey Legendre 6/19 Freda Rambo, Vicki Studstill, Opal Doughtery 6/20 Clay Lovelady, Kelly Bullington, Stephanie Morrison, Anna Sparks 6/21 Wills Norton, Owen Brasher, Parker Grace Farrow, Lila Jane Cook, Barron Robinson 6/22 Jessica McCarthey, Dee Chapman, Caroline Stallings, Mary Elizabeth Brock 6/23 Pete Jones, Gerry Rambo, Nell Hamrick, Collins Terry, Megan Kappel, Ruth Conley, Dempsey Bicker 6/24 Clarence Bishop, Ann Chambliss, Sarah Chambliss, John Sealy, Derek Boulware, Caroline Littlepage 6/25 Alan Bishop, Michael Sealy 6/26 Clay Adams, Marilyn Cotten, Addison Cox, Tara Parish, Colin Davis, Vern Gwin, Nancy May, Vic Dubose, Waverley Fulford 6/27 Jennifer Kingry, Scott Koser, Don Willis, Heather Middleton 6/28 Sarah Eskridge, Jean Smith, Charlie Pate, Mary Mac Rux, Carol Willis 6/29 Eugenia Murchison, Debbie Hall, Nicole Will, Nathan Gillespie, Brune Stewart, Sabrina Veale 6/30 Sandy Allen, Mavis Love, Mary Amelia Cunningham, Jill Pitman, Jill Cabaniss, Tricia Merchant www.fairhopeumc.org page 11 155 South Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 (251)928-1148 www.fairhopeumc.org office@fairhopeumc.org Non-Profit U.S. POSTAGE PAID Fairhope, AL Permit #36 REACH ~ EQUIP ~ SERVE Sunday Morning Schedule Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED (Christian Life Center) The Gathering 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church 11:00 Services (except for the 1st Sunday of the month) Sunday School for all ages 9:45 a.m. Nursery available during Worship Services Our Mission Statement is “to REACH people with the love and saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, to EQUIP them spiritually and with practical skills for ministry, and to set them loose to SERVE in ministry to the church, the community and the world in His name.” THANK YOU ... I would like to personally thank the congregation of Fairhope UMC for supporting me in so many ways over the past 21 years of my life. From helping me grow in Christ through Awana, VBS, Confirmation, Mission trips and now through attending school at Birmingham Southern College. Fairhope UMC has been a support system for me, I am extremely thankful for the financial and spiritual help I have received through the church. In Christ, Claire Jones Dear Fairhope United Methodist Church, ************ We are so very grateful for your generous gift to Water282. Words cannot express how much we appreciated your love and support. In the last year we have reached roughly 17,000 people with both clean drinking water and the living water. We are honored to serve those in need in Zambia, Africa. Please know that your gift were help us bring clean water to even more people in 2015. Sincerely, Libby and Jacob Eubanks *********** Ecumenical Ministries never wants you to forget that your generosity is a very valuable gift to this ministry. Without your financial support, we would never be able to make a difference in the lives of people we serve in Baldwin county. From Emergency Aid and Repair Baldwin to Meals on Wheels, Christmas Sharing and Community Development, our staff, board of directors and volunteers are dedicated to providing individuals and families with the help they need. None of that would be possible without YOU. With Sincere Appreciation, Bruce Stone, EMI Board of Directors-President, Sally Deane, Executive Director, Pam Meredith, South Baldwin Director PUBLICATION INFORMATION FOR THE LINK The LINK is a monthly newsletter published by Fairhope United Methodist Church of Fairhope, AL. If you have information to be included in an upcoming edition, or if you have questions or comments regarding THE LINK please email: julia.gavin@fairhopeumc.org
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