JAN UA RY 2014 In This Issue - Fairhope United Methodist Church


JAN UA RY 2014 In This Issue - Fairhope United Methodist Church
The Link
JANUARY 2014 ~ In This Issue
A Monthly Publication of Fairhope United Methodist Church - A Stephen Ministry Congregation
Women’s Day Apart
From the Pastor
Travel Opportunities
From the Associate Pastor
Wednesday Night/Children
Children’s and Family
Student Ministries
Caring Ministries
Recreation Ministries
Music and Worship
Library Book Reviews
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page 9
Prayer Concerns/New Members page 10
page 10
Sunday Servant Schedule page 11
page 11
Installation of 2014 Officers page 12
Wednesday Nights
page 12
CLC/Church Calendars
Committee on Nominations Insert
Clothe Yourself in Love: February 15, 2014
We are excited to be reviving an old tradition dressed in new clothes here at Fairhope UMC. We are calling this a Women’s
Day Apart but it has its roots in the former Women’s Retreat. Our committee is planning a special day for women of all
ages to come together here on our campus and celebrate being in community with each other. You will be treated to a
lunch planned specially for you that day.
We have invited The Rev. Robin Wilson to be our speaker for this event. This dynamic young pastor is the Co-Senior Pastor
at Dauphin Way UMC, where she shares her responsibilities with her husband, The Rev. Dr. Jeff Wilson. The two met
during their studies at Duke University where they both earned Master of Divinity degrees. The Wilsons have three children:
Rebecca, 12; Eleanor, 10; and Nolen, 8. “My life work is making disciples for Jesus Christ through the spiritual
transformation of the world,” she says. “There is nothing more wonderful than empowering people to discover and respond
to God’s call.” For our time together on February 15th, Wilson will guide us through two teaching sessions as we
contemplate what it means to “Clothe Ourselves in Love.” Our music that day will be led by our very own talented Director
of Music, Mary Katherine Kilgore.
Tickets are available in the church office and are $15 through December and $18 after the first of the year. The deadline to
purchase tickets is February 1st. We encourage you to invite your friends from the community and other churches. A limited
number of spots are available by reservation for childcare.
We are looking for volunteers to help us - people who will help publicize the event, women who will host and decorate
tables for lunch, lots of folks who will help with set-up and clean-up and a few good men who will help prepare and serve
lunch. Please contact Laura Parker if you would like to help volunteer.
Rev. Mike McKnight
We have all heard and read the story of the wise men who made their way to Bethlehem in
search of the newborn king. They came to Jerusalem and spoke with Herod who plotted to
have them bring the king to him that he might worship him. We follow the travels of the
wise men through the long journey and the rough terrain until they come to the place where
Jesus was with Mary and Joseph. The wise men were warned by an angel to take a different
road home for Herod sought to kill Jesus and, perhaps the wise men as well, for they had
seen the true King of Kings and heard the angels proclamation of His birth. All of this posed a threat to the
psychotic King Herod. “So they left for their own country by a different road.” Matthew 2: 12.
Dr. Ellsworth Kalas, in his sermon Going Home Another Way, brings an interesting thought to the wise men
and how they were made different by this encounter with the babe of Bethlehem. He refers to T.S. Eliot’s,
Journey of the Magi, and how he thought the wise men died at Bethlehem. They came into the presence of
Christ, as those seekers looking for a child, but left as new persons who had discovered the Promised Messiah.
“They went home a different way” refers to more than a direction but to the change that had taken place in their
lives. Dr. Kalas comments, “Christmas doesn’t mean much unless it causes you to go home a different way.” I
know that this is true for me and I believe for you as well. No one comes into the presence of Christ, seeking to
find Him, and leaves the same person.
It is my hope that we enter this new year from a new direction, one that leads us closer to the heart of God. The
discovery of God’s will for our life, as well as the life of the church, is the purpose of our journey. We travel
together and just like the wise men, the journey can be trying and filled with many obstacles. However, we
must remember, that it is the road that leads us home. I am excited about our journey and know that God is
with us all the way. May all our lives be changed as we grow in the knowledge of God who has called us and
claims us as His own. I’ll see you in church on Sunday as we make this journey together.
In Christ,
Bishop Paul Leeland
All Methodists to Join Him
for a 9-Day Journey to
John Wesley’s England
Departing on July 23, 2014, you will journey into our Methodist Heritage, visiting sites important in the 18 th
Century spiritual awakening led by John and Charles Wesley. You may also choose an optional 4-day
London-On-Your-Own Pre Tour and a 5-day Ireland Post Tour. Visit ww.awfumc.org to learn more about the
trip. Brochures are available in the literature racks outside the church office, in the church library, and across
from the Christian Life Center desk. Join our Bishop and other Methodists from Alabama and West Florida for
this spiritual pilgrimage.
page 2
Rev. Laura Parker
The New Year always seems to be a time when we are of two minds. We can’t help but
look back and reflect on the year we are leaving behind. I believe that is fruitful work in
God’s kingdom! Looking back allows us to see where God has been present, to identify
places where we heeded His call and perhaps reflect on those moments when we missed the
God-incidences right under our nose. We probably NEED to look back before we look
forward. What can we learn from the year past? Where is God calling us to do a NEW
thing in 2014?
One thing we can affirm for sure is that God most certainly wants us to grow in this New
Year. We can grow in many different ways, but our BEST growth is to bend ourselves
toward God, just as plants and trees send out their new shoots toward the sun. We need the light offered by
Christ as surely as they reach for the light of the sun.
Planning helps us achieve our goals. Make a plan for growth in 2014. Find a Sunday school class or a small
group or a Bible Study. Sunday school options are listed online or can be found in brochures around campus.
Check out these other opportunities as well:
Adult Discipleship Opportunities:
The Wesleyan Way - We are so blessed to offer an 8 week study led by our District Superintendent, Cory
Smith. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, this 8-session study helps participants focus on
how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world.
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm beginning January 15th. Books $11.00.
Women at the Well - share your spiritual journey with other women who want to dig deeper!
Led by Rev. Laura Parker on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm beginning January 21st.
Childcare may be available by request.
Life Groups begin - the week of January 12th. Spaces available Sunday evenings, 6 pm; Tuesday mornings,
9 am, Tuesday evenings 6 pm, Wednesday evenings 6 pm. Childcare may be available by request.
Registration information for all these opportunities is available online or through the church office.
Location of classes will be determined by group size.
Rev. Laura Parker
Fairhope UMC is privileged to administer five scholarships to help prepare leaders for the church, community
and world. These scholarships are awarded to applicants whose character and accomplishments make them
worthy representatives of Fairhope United Methodist Church and the individuals for whom these grants honor.
Highest priority is given to an applicant who is actively involved in the church and is preparing for ordained
ministry, attending a Methodist institution, or pursuing a church related vocation. Numbers and amounts of each
scholarship will depend on annual availability of funds. This is the time to apply for these scholarships for the
2014-15 academic year. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2014. The scholarships are awarded in
February in order to be eligible for matching funds offered through the Methodist conference and by many
colleges. For detailed information, go to our website.
The Robert Bruce and Mary Adams Gibson Memorial Scholarship
The Robert Bryan Carr Memorial Scholarship
The David Duchene Memorial Scholarship
The United Methodist Women Scholarship
The Francis C. and Margaret Grove Wilson Memorial Scholarship
page 3
Rotary Youth Reading Book Club!
Making Disciples that Make a Difference!
4 years (by 9/1/13)
- 2nd grade
Ed. Building
3rd & 4th graders
Ed. Building
5th & 6th graders
The Loft (CLC)
The Pier, Pier34 and SWIFT will resume their regular schedules on Wednesday, January 15 (along
with our Wednesday Night Suppers). Registration for these programs is ongoing throughout the school
year. Not registered? We encourage you and your son/daughter to join us and experience what we’re
learning and doing! Registration forms and Emergency Release forms can be found in the church
office, by the CLC desk or downloaded from www.fairhopeumc.org under the Children’s Ministry tab.
page 4
Director of Children’s and Family Ministries
Michelle Graham
If you are the mother of a
child, newborn - kindergarten,
please join us at 9:30 a.m. in
the Christian Life Center
(CLC) on January 13th
(playdate in the gym since
public schools are out) and January 27th (regular
meeting upstairs in The Loft). Childcare reservation
required for meeting.
For more information about MOPS, contact Elizabeth
Scheeter at fairhopemops@yahoo.com.
For childcare reservations, contact Tracy Peters at
FUMC Weekday Preschool
Ages 2 (turn 2 during school year) - Pre-K
Preschool Families
January 21
Church Families
January 27
Open Registration
January 31
For more information, call Terry Lowell,
Preschool Director, 928-1280.
CREATED BY GOD: January 9-11
A Christian Sexuality Seminar for 5th & 6th Graders and Their Parents
Registration forms must be turned in at the church office
by 1:30 p.m. on January 3!
$40 per student ~ Class size is limited!
Go to www.fairhopeumc.org for registration form and schedule.
Attendance is mandatory at ALL sessions!
Questions? Call Michelle Graham at 928-1148.
Come experience a Blue Lake winter weekend with all your
favorite camp fun and friends! Together with worship leader
and “musicianary” Alan Root, we will learn to hear God when
He says, “Follow Me”! Enjoy campfires, hayrides, crafts, the
challenge course, worship and many more activities. The
retreat begins with check-in on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and ends
on Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Alan Root is a talented, award winning “musicianary” and
writer who travels the country telling kids about the love of
Jesus with Rock & Roll, Biblical teachings, and laughter. His
program is fun and interactive with a great message.
Registration fee is $115/person.
Call 334.222.5407 or register online
at www.bluelakecamp.com.
Registration deadline is January 24.
The Winter Retreat weekend is a wonderful way to
introduce Blue Lake to children who plan to attend
a full week at summer camp!
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Director of Student Ministries
Rachael Waldhour
page 6
Director of Caring Ministries
A Stephen Ministry congregation
Stephen Ministry Class of 2014
begins 50 hours of training on
Sunday, January 19th.
The candidates for this year’s class
are Betsy Adams, Ed Colvin,
Alice Holmes, Andrew Johnson,
Jean Kelley, Dale and Judy
Melton and Lynn White. Please
keep them in your prayers as they
embark on this new journey.
Dr. Ann Pearson
Swift and Pier for the handmade Christmas cards for
Rock of Ages.
As December came to a close Caring Ministries was blessed in enormous
ways by selfless loving individuals. Through the generosity of others many
utility bills have been paid; food has been distributed to families in need;
families have been adopted for Christmas and children’s eyes have been
opened with joy and excitement; gift cards have been given out and
families in transition have been supported. Paying it forward displays
humbleness as to what God has already done for each one of us. You are
such a giving church family. May God continue to bless each of you give of
Iron Bowl Lord’s Pantry
Food Drive Results
Auburn 235 (items) Alabama 194 (items)
Thanks to all who participated in restocking the Lord’s Pantry.
Save the Date
0 a.m.
April 4, 2014 ~ 8:3
Shepherd’s Place Foundation
Four Person Scramble
Golf Tournament & Silent Auction
Lakewood Golf Club in Point Clear
Proceeds Benefit Shepherd’s Place
Shepherd’s Place Executive Board is pleased to host the Third Annual Shepherd’s
Place Golf Tournament on Friday, April 4, 2014 at Lakewood Golf Club in Point Clear.
If you are interested in in a sponsorship or serving on a Golf Tournament
committee, please contact Susie Caminiti (928-8585) or Bob Coleman (928-1148).
Because of the past support and generosity of the first two golf tournaments along with
a grant from The Mapp Family Foundation, we have been privileged to plan, build and
dedicate an outdoor courtyard for Shepherd’s Place participants and church family.
Mark your calendar for this special event.
Shepherd’s Place Needs YOU ~ We are looking for volunteers who have a caring
heart and a desire to help our participants enjoy their days at Shepherd’s Place. God
has blessed you with many talents and skills. We are asking you to prayerfully
consider sharing some of your time and talents with the participants at Shepherd’s
Place. Training classes are held the first Tuesday of each month at 1:15 p.m. in
Wesley Hall. If you are interested or need additional info, please contact Leisa
Richardson or Ann Pearson at 928-1148.
Candy Cane Walk held in November was an
exciting time for over 200 walkers who came
out to show their support for Shepherd’s Place.
Walkers were able to walk in honor or memory
of loved ones with Alzheimer’s, Dementia,
Parkinson’s, Stroke and Traumatic Brain
Injury. Santa Claus led the walk which ended
at Fairhope United Methodist Church with a
post walk snack provided by The Blake, gift
bags by Synergy Home Care and special
entertainment from Center Stage Performers.
We look forward to this event next year.
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Director of Music Ministries
Mary Katherine Kilgore
Music Schedule for January
Chancel Choir resumes Sunday, January 5 at 10:30 am
and Wednesday, January 8 ~ 6:30 pm in Choir Room (B203)
Worship Choir resumes Sunday, January 5 at 8:00 am (B203)
Children’s Choirs resume Sunday, January 12
Joy Choir ages 4 - 5 ~ 4:00 pm (B217)
Jubilee Choir grades 1 - 3 ~ 4:45 pm (B217)
Alleluia Choir grades 4 - 6 ~ 6:00 pm Choir Room (B203)
Youth Choir (grades 7 - 12) resumes January 19 at 5:00 pm (B203)
Chancel Bells resume February 4 at 6:30 pm
Have you ever discussed books, movies, or music with a friend, and found yourself saying, “Well, if
you liked that, then you would probably like (fill in the title)”? There are several great reads in our
library now that, although are not brand new, deserve a second look, as they fit in the
aforementioned category. It is easy to find duplicating themes in fiction, because a writer can make
up anything, and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But true stories that not only have
similar themes, but are uncannily parallel are more than mere coincidence.
Take Debbie Morris’ harrowing account of her kidnapping in rural Louisiana (Forgiving the Dead
Man Walking). She was raped and witnessed unspeakable abuse to her boyfriend, but managed to
convince her kidnapper to return her to safety. Ashley Smith was in the parking lot of her apartment
building in Atlanta when an escaped convict took her hostage after committing murder (Unlikely
Angel). She was able to convince him to let her leave, unharmed. Both of these young women
describe themselves as ordinary, even flawed, people who were thrust into extraordinary
circumstances. Through their faith, they not only survived, but were able to aid in the arrest of their
kidnappers and see justice prevail.
Quarterback Drew Brees (Coming Back Stronger), and former coach Tony
Dungy (Quiet Strength) are both household names in the larger than life world
of the NFL, but their climb to the top is strikingly similar, although they are
from different parts of the country, nearly a generation apart, and worked for
different teams. Did you know that each man lost a loved one to suicide during
his victorious year? And both men were “dismissed” (read: fired) before they
overcame that defeat to reach the pinnacle of their careers. Each of them
credits an unwavering belief in God that saw them through their darkest hours,
and both are unabashed to share that belief with their peers.
page 9
At Home:
Mildred Engstrom
Fred Crook
Mildred Beck
Ed McKnight, Jr.
Dene Mershon
Vesta Gethers
Joyce Ernest
Jen Galloway
Phyl Weaver
Mike McGlothren
Sarah Pacey
Carmen Headley
Eugenia Murchison
Maxine Burton
Peggy & Harry Bennitt
Locke Brown
Hop Allen
Martha Roberts
Chuck Spaulding
Helene Gereke & family
Irma Richmond
Treasure Hervey
Lindy Marsh
Ruth Wagner
Frances Grace Hirs
Philip Ross
Paul Wilson
Edna Moses
Janet Waite
Pat Wilkins
Marjorie Thames
Debbie McGlothren
Jim West
Long Term Care
Eastern Shore Rehab & Health: Zurlean Allegri (Susan
McClure’s mother), Barbara Jordan
Fairhope Health & Rehab: Claire Klumpp, Beverly Williams,
Louise McDonald (Blanche McKinney’s sister), Sarah Mason,
Marjorie Garrick, Rick Lawton, Mary Unterspan (Patricia Cooper’s
Huntingdon at Homestead Village: Betty Grayson (Betty Miller’s
mother), DeLois Wood (Kay Jackson’s mother), Mary Montgomery
Homestead Village: Jeanette Gunter, John Rouse, Mac Graham
(Cindy Chastain’s mother), Elinor Whiddon, Mercia & John
Coulter, Ruth Conley, Opal Dougherty, Bobby and Mary Lucie
Brock (Davis Brock’s parents)
Somerby: Mary Ann Simpson, Emily Goff
Brennity of Fairhope: Elinor Simmons, Ollie Delchamps, Rev.
Arthur Carlton, Pritchard Partridge, Bryan Johnson, Betty Wahl
Brennity of Daphne: Mrs. Kittrell (Lynn Pittman’s mother),
Marion Peters (Cecilia Lammers’ sister)
Westminster Village: Aileen Andrews, Lily Abrams (Pam Lieb’s
mother), Louise Estes, Norman Jobe, Markie Prior
William F. Green VA Hospital: Bill Roberts
The Blake: Dr. Tom Davis
Brad Gravat, Jeremy Parish, Preston Norton, Cody Floyd, Johnny
Rapier, Britton Rapier, Eric Watton, Harris Wooldridge, Mitchell
Lee Clayton, Brandt Tyler Hudson, Stephanie McDonald, Mitchell
Brown, Bryant Simmons, Josh Parish, Tyler Oubre, Neil Quinn,
Bryan Quinn, Daniel Anderson, Charlie Bingham, John P Lammers,
Geoffrey L. Shraga, David Fickle, Chase Carlton, Alex Wade,
Mallory Sain
Our deepest sympathy is extended to:
Sharon and Lewey Stephens in the death of her mother and Britton
Rivenbark in the death of her grandmother, Helen Bryan.
Joan Hayes and family in the death of her sister-in-law, Elvie.
Rick and Mitzi Childs in the death of his aunt, Gladys Daughtry.
9:45 (SS)
11:00 (S)
11:00 (TG)
—As of December 15
Average Amount Needed
Average Amount Received
+ $ 23,337
The following memorials have been received
by the church:
In memory of Betty Jobe by
Dr. and Mrs. A. Wayne May
Lyman and Gail Phillips (Stephen Ministries)
George and Jean Gordon
John and Ruby Cade
Beth and Chuck Boehrer
Walt and Mary Kate Densmore
Mary Beth and Carlton Wood
Welcome Newcomers of the Eastern Shore
Linda Florence and Gil Fickle
Dorothy and John Owens
David and Mary Lucas
Kathy J. Hays
Arthur and Betty Edgar
In memory of Weaver Wilson by Arthur & Betty Edgar
Louise and Peter Meredith (Shepherd’s Place)
In memory of Helen Bryan by
Susan and John Rivenbark (Shepherd’s Place)
In memory of Christine Hanson by
Sarah and Doug Kennedy
In memory of Henry Harris on his birthday by
Bobbie Harris
In memory of our son, Marcus Scott Knight by
Betty and Bill Knight (Local Missions)
In memory of Eloise Rowe by
Jeanne Cummings (Shepherd’s Place)
In memory of Juanita Lee and Harry Glenn by
Melanie McKinzey & McKinzey Dean (Africa Mission Trip)
Mr. & Mrs. Don McKinzey (Africa Mission Trip)
An honorarium has been received by the church:
In honor of Peggy and Harry Bennitt by
Richard and Mary Jane Huff
In honor of Mary Finger by Esther Peek
20 mosquito nets given to Imagine No Malaria Campaign
by Mike and Rene’ McKnight in honor of the church staff.
Jeanne and Terry Howe
8541 Lake View Drive, Fairhope, AL 36532
Mary and Mike Smith
25158 Fairfax Road, Fairhope, AL 36532
Richard Jones
459 Dover Street, Fairhope, AL 36532
Karen and Mark Glover ~ Shelby, Trey, Cole
P.O. Box 2233, Fairhope, AL 36532
Amy Jackson, Jackson Bellin
10180 Canal Circle, Fairhope, AL 36532
page 10
January 5
in the
8:30 Jane & John Turrentine
Susie & Tony Caminiti
11:00 Kay & Earl Jackson
George & Judy Roberds
January Ushers
8:30 *Jane and John Turrentine,
John Estes, Vernon Smith
Scripture Readers
11:00 *Rusty Winfree, Gerald Ogden,
8:30 Bruce Hedrick
11:00 Amy Thompson
The Gathering
11:00 *George Kirchoff, Sid Vogel,
8:30 Susie Caminiti
11:00 Sally Oeding
8:30 Johnny Northcutt
11:00 Cecil Christenberry
Scott Koser
Chuck Huguley, Don Dolan
*Denotes Head Usher ~
If you are unable to serve, please
contact George Kirchoff, 990-3912
25th 8:30 Steve McClure
11:00 Donna Wilson
Regan Branch
Marilyn Bullington, Tim Hudnall, William Warner, Katie Bonner, Edward Terry
Matthew Alexander, Bardee Davidson, Coleman White, Spencer Davis, Camille Baker, Kennedy Carnley
Patt Hawthorne, Kirby Latture, Emery Capstraw, Cullen Graham
Wanda Harris, Kenneth Roberts, Lance Cabaniss, Mary Moles
Eddie Boyett, Mack DeLaney, Ashley Bonner, Brooks Goldman
Murray McDuff, Betty Williams, Sam Christensen, Katie Beaman, John Grady Galloway
Barbara Ramsey, Chuck Huguley, Bobby Stewart, Mary Douglass Foreman, Vaughn McLeod,
Linda Chapman, Lee Timberlake, Michael Holland, Sarah Smith
Jackie Golson, Jimmy Mills, Ken Morrison, Mark Foster
Caroline Baggerly, Wilson Bullington, Phillip Ross, Sims Peters
Lauren Cusa, Hailey Garrick, Paige Gregorius
Linda Enfinger, Will Ruzic, Rev. Marcus Smith, Virginia Trego, Shelly West, Michael Patrick,
Ann Merritt Taylor, Ashley McCormick
Logan Laird, Greg Tapscott, Wells Hammock
Donna Hughes, Markie Prior, Claire Kimbrough, Ellie Giddings
Katie Perry, Josh Bass, Martha Boothe, Kelly Hayes, Michael Stinebaugh, Lauren Shaw, Katherine Word,
Jack Burrell, David Washington, Mercia Coulter
Robin Coleman, Thomas Ellison
Terry Emley, Collin Cortinas, Stephanie Mize, Claire Spencer
Rachel Breslin, Kevin Grimes, Terry Hicks, Leigh Arkle
Kristen Baker, Leon Hill, Adam Miller, James Shelton
Barbara Hill, Trish Sutley, Gi Gi Wesley, Mike Thompson, Wendy Shelton
Carrie Ambrose, Cindy Lowe, Brad Adams, Walter Ann Brand
Betty Edgar, Grant Enfinger, Tripp Taylor, Tim Gregorius
Harry Bennitt, Jon Lieb, Tiffany Rush, Madeline Myrick, Shea White
George Allen, Tony Caminiti, Julianna Alexander, Will Small, Deanna Cook, Harrison Cook,
Graham Baker, Jerry Davis, Jill McCathran
Earl Irwin, George Roberds, Elizabeth McGriff, Miranda Schrubbe, Daniel Dyer, Martha Northcutt,
Betty Sue McGilberry, Mary Catherine Crocker
Mills Frick, Brenda Neill, Kenneth Sumner, Allison Bishop, Yvonne Walker, Eric Kercher, Jeremy Cox,
Kate Jones
Sandra Bishop, Janay Harris, Ryan Parson, Lindy Marsh, Bruce Graham, Sr, Hollon Brock
Karl Self, Beverly Williams, Conner Dealy, Laura Smith, Dan Keel, Sue Loper, Regan Fargason
Bill Williams, Brandon White, Celia Waters, Clarice Gustin
Sandy Hodgson, Bruce Gentry, Spencer Potter
Mark Callahan, Caren Reid, Bo Lackey
If your birthday does not appear or we have the wrong date on our list,
please call the Church office to help us update our records (928-1148).
page 11
155 South Section Street
Fairhope, AL 36532
Fairhope, AL
Permit #36
Sunday Morning Schedule
Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
(Christian Life Center)
The Gathering 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Church 11:00 Services
(except for the 1st Sunday of the month)
Sunday School for all ages
9:45 a.m.
Nursery available during
Worship Services
Our Mission Statement is “to REACH people with the love and saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, to EQUIP them
spiritually and with practical skills for ministry, and to set them loose to SERVE in ministry to the church, the community
and the world in His name.”
We will celebrate the
installation of
2013-14 Church Leadership
on Sunday, January 12th,
in all services.
Please be present
to support those who
will be installed.
Wednesday Night
Fellowship Supper
5-6 pm Fellowship Hall
Cost: $5 for adults/youth, $4 for children
under 12 years; family max of $20 per
household. Please note the change to our family max price.
This becomes effective January 15, 2014.
To reserve your plate(s), you must call the church office 928-1148 or
email martha.monckton@fairhopeumc.org no later than noon on
regard, if you’ve made a reservation and find you can’t come, notify us.
To ensure everyone is served, please arrive before 5:50 p.m.
Look for the insert in this
issue with the 2014
Committee on
Nominations Report
listing the officers
of the church.
January 15
Taco Salad and all the Fixins’,
Dessert, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade
January 22
Bar-B-Q Chicken, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls,
Dessert, Tea, Coffee, Lemonade
January 29
Breakfast Supper: Pancakes, Bacon, Fruit Salad,
Tea, Coffee, Lemonade
The LINK is a monthly newsletter published by Fairhope United Methodist Church of Fairhope, AL. If you have information to be included in
an upcoming edition, or if you have questions or comments regarding THE LINK please email: julia.gavin@fairhopeumc.org
Please note: All information to be included in THE LINK is subject to approval and must be submitted by the appropriate deadlines.

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