July newsletter - Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship
July newsletter - Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship
July 2016 Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship www/Fairhopeuu.org A Member of the Unitarian Universalist Association July 3 MICHAEL PATRICK & THE BACK PORCH FOLK SINGERS: Labor Songs, Work Songs, Union Songs--the Music of Work in Early 20th-Century USA Music has always been central to the cultural growth of the United States. Collaborating with the Back Porch Singers, Michael Patrick will discuss a selection of songs used in presidential campaigns from John Adams to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Michael is a retired professor from the University of Missouri and long-time FUF member. Introduction by: Michael Patrick July 10 SERENA NIMITYONGSKUL: Buddha’s Four Divine Qualities of the Heart A core teaching of the Buddhist religion is the Four Brahma Viharas, four divine qualities of the heart as described by the Lord Buddha: loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. Dr.Serena Nimityongskul will explain these and, after a brief introduction of the practice of meditation, will lead a short guided meditation with loving kindness at the end. As a University of South Alabama psychiatry resident and certified Middle Way Meditation coach, Nena Nimit, as she is also known, dedicates her time to improving the mental well-being of others. Wishing to share the knowledge of dharma and inner peace with everyone, she volunteers at the Meditation Center of Alabama and helps coordinate the USA Meditation Club. Introduction by: Ray Ables July 17 GRAHAM TIMBES: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Viet Nam War: An Artist Remembers Actor, director, playwright, poet and Viet Nam War veteran Graham Timbes will commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Viet Nam War by reading from his newly published poetry collection, Scribblings of a Godless Anarchist: Part One. Graham wrote the sixty-odd poems that comprise the collection while serving with the US Army in Viet Nam. After military service, he began a lifelong career as a film and stage actor and director. As playwright and director, he founded the American Company, a professional children’s theater company that performed Graham’s original plays for elementary and secondary schools throughout the Southeastern US. July 24 CHRISTIAN WAGLEY: The Great Transition: Taking Action on Climate Change One of the most environmentally-beneficial things we can do is to build healthy places for people is a working premise for Christian Wagley, principal of the Pensacola consulting firm, Sustainable Town Concepts. Mr. Wagley will outline the basics of climate change, how it is affecting the Gulf coast, and the transition that must take place to maintain a living planet. The executive director of 350 Pensacola, he is also a certifying agent for the Florida Green Building Coalition, and writer and host of EarthAction—a five-part environmental series that debuted on WSRE Public Television in 2013. Introduction by: Ray Ables July 31 DR. M. LAL GOEL: Radical Islam While the radical ISIS is but a small minority of Islam who often impact history beyond their small numbers, it would be wrong to say that it has nothing to do with Islam. The second largest religion in the world (and growing), Islam has many forms. Dr. Goel will focus on Radical Islam, including examining the role of Saudis in promoting Wahabism, a puritanical form of Islam. If time permits, he will discuss America’s ineffective policy and approach. Dr. Goel is Professor Emeritus of International Studies, University of West Florida, where he teaches Political Science and International Studies. Introduction by: Ray Ables SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. MUSIC PRELUDE BEGINS 10:45 AM All visitors are warmly invited to participate as our guests. Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship welcomes and embraces people of any age, race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, language, or cultural background. TED discussion group 9:45 a.m. Current Events discussion group 10:15 am. Children & Teen Fellowship 11:00 – noon July 31: Last Sunday of the Month Potluck: Bring a dish and join us for fellowship and conversation. 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL 36532. Tel. 251-929-3207 www/ Fairhope uu.org FairhopeUnitarianFellowship@gmail.com MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP BUSINESS July Board Meeting Agenda Friday, July 8, 2016, 10 a.m. Summary – June 10 Board Meeting The Art Committee will be asking artists for a 20% commission from the sale of each item from FUF art exhibits. Also, purchased items shall remain in the show until the show is taken down. Keith Ward has joined FUF. Phil Striniste has completed a threemonth trial as person responsible for building maintenance. He has agreed to continue as the permanent maintenance person. Yay! Pam Perkins will be in charge of the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners this year. Submitted by Lynne Switzky, Recording Secretary 1. Approve June 2016 Board meeting minutes 2. Treasurer's Report 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Program Committee Report B. Membership Committee Report C. Publicity and Events Committee Report D. Room Reservations for the summer To add agenda items, please promptly notify Rodney Hoffman or Diana Gardiner. Board meetings are open to all friends and members. Submitted by Diana Gardiner, Chair Summer Building Scheduling Change Effective immediately, Vivian Gooding will replace Elin Shallcross for scheduling events in our building. To schedule an event please call Vivian at 251-232-2841 or email her at goodingvivian5@gmail.com. If you pencil an event into the red reservation book, please alert Vivian. THANKS!!! Submitted by Elin Shallcross Financial Summary May, 2016 May Actual YTD Budgeted YTD Surplus/ (Deficit) Support and Revenue Contributions Other Revenue Total Support and Revenue 3,277 1,021 4,298 17,527 3,071 20,598 18,750 3,750 22,500 (1,223) (679) (1,902) Expenses Building Committees Donations Total Expenses 1,165 1,692 0 2,857 13,622 6,597 450 20,668 15,104 6,021 1,375 22,500 1,483 (576) 925 1,832 Net Operating Increase/(Decrease) 1,441 (71) Actual 0 Budgeted (71) Surplus/ ART COMMITTEE NEWS “QUILTING AS AN ART FORM” EXHIBIT OPENING RECEPTION August 6th, 3 -5pm Art quilts by the Azalea City Art Quilters will be on exhibit in the Fellowship Hall during August, September, and October. Art quilters use fabric, stitching, paint, and other embellishments as a means of creative expression to produce quilts as art, as opposed to producing a functional quilt. Art quilting expands the traditional boundaries of what defines a quilt and employs a variety of techniques including piecing, applique, painting, hand and machine stitching, fusing, and embellishing. This exhibit includes both individual and group projects in a variety of artistic styles. Members participating include Susan Ames, Barbara Bayer, Melinda Bounds, Nina Clotfelter, Carolyn Courson, Denise Daniels, Tish Fisackerly, Anne Godwin, Nancy Goodman, Barbara Groseclose, Patricia Hagler, Nancy Lancaster, MaryAnn Logdson, Janet McCurley, Susan Mogan, Annette Oliver, Ann Singleton, Patsy Starkey, Shawn Sumrall, Gail Terrell, Wilma Toney, Elaine Williams, and Mary Gale Woolford. COLORED PENCIL MINI WORKSHOP WITH SUSIE GARRETT Saturday July 30, 9:30 – Noon Minimum of 5 students for workshop to be offered, 10 students is the maximum; $40 per student Whether advanced or a beginner, students will learn various colored pencil application techniques emphasizing color, color theory, and using value to create depth in their drawings. Ms. Garrett will discuss different grades of pencils, sharpening and care of colored pencils, and types of paper that are best suited for colored pencils. Class members will create color chips utilizing the layering technique and then begin implementing the techniques learned in the first hour into their drawings. WHAT TO BRING? 1.Artist grade 24 colored pencil set (like Prismacolor Premier, Verithin Caron d’Ache Luminance, or Derwent colored pencils) 2. #2 pencil 3. Kneaded eraser 4. Several inexpensive hand held pencil sharpeners 5. White vinyl eraser 6. 9x12 sketch pad for notes These supplies can be purchased through Dick Blick , www.dickblick.com Contact Melinda Hicks if you wish to participate in the workshop, 251-623-4072 or e-mail, m2d3@hotmail.com. SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE NEWS IDEAS NEEDED TO FUND NURSING SCHOLARSHIP The Fellowship via the Social Action Committee (SAC) recently sent $1,000 to Faulkner State Community College for two scholarships for the Nursing Program summer semester. These scholarships have been a project of FUF for more than ten years. Part of the task of participating in the SAC is raising money for the Nursing Scholarships. While many fundraising events have been tried in the past, we would like your help in finding some new ways to raise at least $1,500 a year. If you have an idea for fundraising, please contact one of our members: Harvey Switzky(Chair), Kathleen Fendelman, Vivian Gooding, Serena Low, Mary Matthews, Eloise Rogers, Freya Sonenstein, Sharon Spielmann, Lynne Switzky. If you would like to make a direct contribution to the Nursing Scholarship Fund, be sure to note on your check that the donation is for the “Nursing Scholarship.” PET FOOD & SUPPLIES NEEDED SAC will continue to collect dog and cat food and supplies in July. Submitted by Lynne Switzky MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE NEWS WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBER, KEITH WARD! Keith is new to the area, joining us from Charlotte, N.C. He has a daughter in Fairhope and is busy getting to know the area. He already has joined the Back Porch Folk Singers and plans to add his voice to the choir this fall. He is lending his many years of experience as an Educational Psychologist to the Membership Committee by working with Irene on the new Friendly Greeters Program. NEW FRIENDLY GREETERS PROGRAM Thanks to an email from a visitor who was not spoken to even once when he visited our Fellowship, we are now recruiting YOU to join 10-15 other friendly folks for this Friendly Greeters Program. It's really just simple acknowledgement and greeting of visitors in a systematic way. Interested? Please tell Irene or Keith that you would like to have that special star designation on your name tag, attend a one session training and be a part of the program! We will begin in the fall but are recruiting NOW! Also, please note that there are blue, yellow and red coffee mugs at coffee hour for our visitors. We hope this will let you know that they are visiting and you can welcome them more easily. This idea was also given to us by the gentleman who was not greeted by any of us on the Sunday he visited. We know we can do better than that! “Souper Sunday” Success! Welcoming Congregation “Souper Sunday” drew twentysix interested members and friends to a discussion of the work Rhonda Thomason is doing with the Welcoming School program. We are heartened to have heard from school leaders who are interested in learning about this program. Stay tuned for additional ways we can provide LGBTQ acceptance in our communities. Submitted by Irene Wegner TEEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT ORLANDO STRONG Our Teen Fellowship members had the wonderful idea of publicly displaying a Rainbow Banner at the street outside the Fellowship Building to show support for the Orlando victims and in support of our efforts to become a Welcoming Congregation. The idea was approved enthusiastically by the Welcoming Committee and supported by the Board. Their leader, Kate Mercer, connected fifty sections of fabric in rainbow colors, creating a long, impressive ribbon that, with the help of approximately thirty volunteers, stretched from one end of the FUF property on the Fairhope Avenue side to the other. The Teens wisely chose Friday afternoon(June 24) from about 4 to 4:30 to display the ribbon when there would be the most traffic, including those leaving the Satellite Courthouse. In addition to FUF Members and Friends who participated, the Teens invited other friends to join in. The response from passing cars was usually a wave or a honk, indicating at least their attention and hopefully their agreement. After the outside display, the banner was hung around the fellowship hall by Gwen & Philip Striniste. Thanks to everyone who participated, especially the Teen Fellowship and Kate Mercer (who also took pictures, which can be seen on the UU Website and Facebook Page). A slideshow of the event can be viewed at Fairhopeunitarianteens.com. PAST PROGRAM NOTE When Zach Sierke, the potter, did his presentation a few months ago, the video that he wanted to show didn't work. It's wonderful and I'm sure that quite a few of the members would like to see it. The link: https://vimeo.com/160318929 Submitted by Ben Gall FUF GROUP DETAILS FRIDAY NIGHT PICNICS Every Friday night around five o’clock, weather permitting, a group from FUF gathers at the far north end of North Beach Park to enjoy the sunset with food and fellowship. Everyone brings a dish to share and own beverage, eating utensils, and chair. In case of rain, we meet under the pavilion. All are welcome— the more the merrier! WEDNESDAY MORNING COFFEE PLUS Every Wednesday morning, people gather at 10:00 and enjoy coffee and conversation until 11:30. Some bring craft projects and others just come for the pleasure of getting together. There's no need to sign up...just show up. Everyone is welcome! MARK YOUR CALENDAR Regularly Scheduled Events Sundays: 9:45 – 10:45 TED Discussion Group (Please be on time) 10:15 Current Events Discussion Group 10:45 Pre-program Music 11:00 Sunday Program Children & Teen Fellowship Third Sunday: Social Action Committee, 12:20 Last Sunday of every month: Pot Luck Lunch, noon. Wednesdays 10-11:30 UU Coffee Plus 3:00- 4:30 Back Porch Folk Singers 5:00 Weekly Bulletin Deadline Fridays 5:00 Potluck Picnic at the Beach Other Events Thu., July 7: Nonfiction Book Group, 9:30 am Fri., July 8: FUF Board meets, 10:00 am Sat., July 9: Game night, 6:30 pm Thu., July 21: Nonfiction Book Group, 9:30 am Tues., July 24 Aug Newsletter deadline, 5:00 pm Sat., July 23: Game Night, 6:30 pm GENTLE YOGA UPDATE TUESDAY CHOIR PRACTICE SUSPENDED There will be no Gentle Yoga classes during June and July. The August starting date will be posted in the Weekly Bulletin the previous Sunday (and possibly in the August Newsletter and on the FUF website and Facebook page). There will be no Tuesday choir practice during July, August, and September (until Heather is back in October). Helen Garrett will send out her usual email to the choir members letting them know when to come to practice. Newsletter Submit calendar events or articles specific to the Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship by the date noted in the newsletter calendar section. For events, please include all pertinent information. Members and Friends are invited to submit poems, quotations or other brief words of wisdom to be published as space allows. Provide written copy or email to editor at: Janef09@gmail.com EDITOR/PUBLISHER: JANE FINGER DISTRIBUTION : Helen Garrett & Ruth Geraci Submitted by Helen Garrett SUNDAY BULLETIN INFO DEADLINE Wednesday at 5:00 pm is the deadline for information to be included in this weekly bulletin. Submitted by Mary Matthews
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June newsletter - Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship
For events, please include all pertinent information.
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