Volume 48, Number 6 - First Presbyterian Church of Palestine, Illinois


Volume 48, Number 6 - First Presbyterian Church of Palestine, Illinois
Volume 48, Number 6
June 2010
“Our mission is to give glory to God
and show His love throughout the world.”
Rev. Paul K. Phillips
Our Congregations
Inside this issue:
1st Presby News
Stats and Reports
Presby People News
Focus on Missions
Youth Group / Graduate List
Pastor’s Page
Prayer Concerns
Pleasant View News
11 Page 2
First Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 132 - Corner of Market & Pike
Palestine, Illinois 62451
Opening Adult & Youth Sunday School - 9:30 AM
Worship - 10:30 AM
Volume 48, Number 6
Clerk of Session
Sandy Bryans
(618) 928-2536
Trustees Chairman
Kent Boyd
(618) 586-2722
Treasurer & Secretary
Sandra Ellis
(618) 586-2329
Newsletter Editor
Jim Ellis
(618) 586-2329
Pastor Paul’s sermons this month have included:
A New Commandment
A Peaceful Spirit
Body of Evidence
From Confusion to Understanding
Mere Mortals
Audio tapes of each Sunday’s worship service
are on file in the church library. Two tape
players are now available to listen to recordings
of our worship service. They may be checked
out from the library with the tapes.
The Class provided ushers this past month.
Pastor Paul presented the Children’s Time in
Austin Calico, Janice Fuller, Sandy Bryans, Karren
Greene, Cindy & Kent Boyd, Mary Bush, and
Carolyn Ripley served as greeters in May.
The Tweens & Teens Sunday School Class
hosted the fellowship breakfast on Mothers’ Day.
The Inter-Church Graduates Luncheon was held
in the fellowship hall of First Presbyterian Church
following worship on May 13.
Mission Role is Changing
General Assembly Mission Council, May 14
"The role of the mission agency is changing from
doing mission on the church's behalf to inspiring,
equipping, and connecting the church for mission
and ministry," Valentine told the council as she
outlined the reorganization plan. "Even as we make
this shift, we know that God continues to provide
all that is necessary for the church's mission."
She noted that "congregations and groups are
engaging more directly in mission of all sorts” and
“we as a church are re-committing ourselves to
expanding partnership in God’s mission and in the
process expanding our witness to Christ in this
country and around the world in ever more
profound and impactful ways."
Statistics show that Presbyterians are giving more
overall to mission than ever before.
An adult Bible Study Class continues to meet
Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm at First Presbyterian
Church. The group is led by Pastor Paul and all
are welcome!
Read the full article at:
Our Home Church
Page 3
May 19, 2010
† Approved for Treasurer, Sandy Ellis, to change
accounts to incur the least amount of monthly fees.
† Approved to have Robert Lathrop administer a grub
worm application when suitable.
† Approved bid from Artisan Glass to clean the stained
glass windows.
† Approved to remove the probation status of the
† Pastor Paul to contact Otie’s Electric for air
conditioner inspection and maintenance.
† Approved to run a quarter page advertisement in the
2010 Bull Bash on the Wabash program book.
† Approved to accept the insurance policy from
Insurance Board.
† Noted Mike Magill’s books will be donated to the
Palestine Public Library - (this was verified with Greg
† Approved to accept the bid from John Crampton for
window restoration – remove Plexiglas, scrape, wash,
paint, putty, and replace Plexiglas.
† Approved bid from Gregg Cox to repair front
banister, repair east window (bad frame) and move
stained glass windows.
† Approved bid from Schlomer Restoration to repair
bulging bricks on the outer north side of the church.
† Approved to renew Wick’s Organ maintenance
contract for 2010.
† Next meeting will be Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at
7:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
Attendance Register
Sunday School
Church May 02 68 80 May 09 62 102 May 16 55 75 May 23 55 83 May 30 57 69 Avg. 59 82 Avg. 1 Yr Ago 45 75
- April 2010 Total Operating Receipts
$ 6,949.65
Total Operating Disbursements
($ 7,712.43)
- Year to Date -
YTD Operating Disbursements
$ 36,536.08
Percent of Annual Budget
29.40 %
Surplus / Deficit
($ 2,525.28)
- Benevolence Fund -
$ 75.12
$ 2, 944.37
- Palestine Food Bank -
$ 50.00
$ 30.00
- One Great Hour of Sharing Receipts
$ 339.30
$ 414.30
May 19, 2010
† Served communion to 67 on May 2, 2010.
† Approved to support the Summer Success Program
with a donation to be determined before the end of
† Approved to hold a Special Session meeting on
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 to discuss Mission
† Approved to cover the Fellowship Breakfasts for July
11, 2010 and November 14, 2010.
† Approved to receive the Pentecost Offering on
Sunday, May 23, 2010.
† Approved to accept Pastor Paul’s request for
vacation from June 26, 2010 through July 10, 2010.
† Approved to accept Pastor Paul’s request for Study
Leave from August 23 – 27, 2010.
† Approved to send Oblong Children’s Christian
Home the May contribution of $250.00.
† Approved to have the remaining Red Hymnals
rebound using money from the Memorial Fund to
cover the expenses.
† Approved to have a Volunteer Recognition CookOut on Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
† The next regular Session meeting will be held on
Wednesday, June 16, 2010, at 6:00 p.m.
Page 4
Volume 48, Number 6
The red rocks of Arrowhead Golf Club in Littleton, Colorado were the background for the wedding
of Derek and Mackenzie Nickum on May 15, 2010. Family members and friends worried all day if the
outdoor wedding would encounter rain, but the sun appeared when the six o'clock ceremony began.
Carolyn Ripley and Derek's grandparents, Diane and Charlie Nickum, attended and partied with the
newlyweds. Sorry, as of yet, we have no suitable picture of the newly married couple to show. Derek
and Mackenzie will live in Arvada, Colorado. Mackenzie teaches math in Westminster and Derek is an
engineer in Denver.
To fully appreciate the beauty of this setting, check out the online version of this month’s “Our Home Church.”
Sunday, June 13th, 5:00 p.m.
Volunteer Appreciation / Summer Cookout. All food, drinks,
and table service will be provided by the Session. We are in
need of a few grills and bar-be-quers!
The Palestine Food Pantry
is in need of egg cartons.
If you have any, please
bring to our kitchen. Also,
keep the plastic bags
coming in.
the Palestine Food Pantry
June 14th - 18th
Country VBS at Grace.
Sunday, June 20th, 2:30 p.m.
Worship service at Cotillion Ridge. Help with hymn singing is
always appreciated.
June 21st - 25th
Union VBS at First Christian. Volunteers to help with VBS are
needed. Please contact Dawn Biggs at 586-5542, the sooner
the better! Please collect 2 liter bottles and water bottles.
They need to be rinsed out and with the lids, please.
Our Home Church
Page 5
Focus on Missions
Millions of the extreme poor in Africa now have a sustainable source of safe drinking water because of
Marion Medical Mission. The need is great. UNICEF estimates that 4,500 children die every day, 1 every
15 seconds, from preventable water-borne diseases. 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe
drinking water. The gift of a shallow well literally saves lives. A locally based ministry, Marion Medical
Mission, is leading the way in this global struggle. Their goal for 2010, their 25th Anniversary year, is to put
in 2,500 shallow wells providing 500,000 of the extreme poor (300,000 children) in Africa with a
sustainable source of safe drinking water.
On July 17 Marion Medical Mission will celebrate their 25th Anniversary with a day of activities and worship
at the Christian Life Center in Herrin, IL. There will be a Silent Auction of African art and wood carvings; a
sharing of mission stories and native African speakers from Malawi & Tanzania. The day will conclude with a
banquet and a celebratory worship service.
Last year 35 volunteers (8 from Southeastern Illinois Presbytery) installed 2071 pumps providing an
estimated 414,000 of the extreme poor (240,000 children) with safe drinking water.
Marion Medical Mission began in 1985 with local doctors from Marion going to the other side of the globe
to help with medical needs in Zaire, Africa. In 1990 MMM began the ministry that has come to be their
passion and the centerpiece of their mission: The Shallow Well Program. That year they installed 13
shallow wells in Malawi. Since that humble beginning, they have installed 10,921 shallow wells and expanded
from Malawi into Tanzania and Zambia. At an average of 200 people per well, that translates to 2,184,200
people with clean, safe water; truly a global impact for this locally based ministry. At the extremely low
cost of $350 per well, MMM is able to provide clean, safe, drinking water at an average of $1.75/person.
“What is even more amazing than our low cost per well; is the fact that we also provide a maintenance
program that keeps that well working in the village as long as it is needed.” says co-founder and president,
Tom Logan of Marion. The African village agrees to pay a nominal yearly fee of approximately $10 for the
Maintenance Program. Logan goes on to say: “Our maintenance program is what separates Marion Medical
Mission from other water programs and what makes us possibly the world’s largest non-governmental
provider of safe water.” MMM provides what the African people cannot afford: a simple hand pump, pipe,
parts and cement. The African people provide what they can: they make the bricks, dig the well and gather
sand & rock for building the well. MMM works at the grass roots level, hand in hand with the African
people and goes into some of the most remote areas.“100% of all donations go directly to their designated
purposes and 100% of all undesignated donations go to the mission field in Africa; there are no
administrative costs deducted.” Logan is eager to point out. For more information on Marion Medical
Mission go to http://marionmedical.org
3:00 - 4:00 pm ~ Volunteers Reunion & Silent Auction Preview
4:00 - 5:30 pm ~ Mission Fair
Volunteers Share Mission Stories ~ Videos/Power Points ~ Silent Auction of African Wood ~ Carvings,
Art & Jewelry ~ Informational Displays ~ Demonstrations
5:30 - 6:30 pm ~ Banquet (Silent Auction ends at 6:00 pm)
6:30 - 8:00 pm ~ Program & Worship
25th Anniversary Video and Speakers
African Shallow Well Coordinators from Malawi & Tanzania
African Themed Worship with Special Music & Choir
Dinner RSVP by July 11: 618-997-5365 or admin@marionmedical.org
Come to one of the events or come to all of them – but come and
celebrate how God has worked through us to do the impossible.
11 4 Larry Biggs Kelly Duvall Jeremy Wollam Justin Wollam 25 Tom & Diane Sherman 18 Fellowship Sunday Doug & Michelle Goodwine Communion Karren Greene Karen Sue Hemrich Jason Richardville Marie Davis Independence Day Sunday Monday 12 5 Noralee Buntin 26 Tommy Woodward 19 6 13 Cara Greene Inboden 27 John Gerrity Rick Alumbaugh Charlotte Miller 20 Charles Walker Tuesday 14 7 Jim Biggs 28 Trustees Meeting 7:30 PM Session Meeting 6:30 PM Kirk Adams 21 Lynn & Mary Ellen York Bruce Fulling Judy Winger Wednesday 8 1 Melissa Adams 29 Mary Lee Shaw Riley Erton 22 15 Dick & Lee Vehling Thursday 9 2 30 Bob & Sandy Bryans 23 Charlee Walker 16 Sandy Bryans Cheryl Mefford Friday July 2010 Karen Klein Gress Amanda Dunlap Our Home Church 3 Dan Sullivan
31 Bob Walker Bill & Jane Kiracofe 24 17 Deanna Holmes Jessica Spinner Vivian Fuller 10 Dana Locke Tammi Wesner Cindy York Steve & Becky Ramsey Saturday PCUSA UCC 6 Tuesday Hannah Shaner Becky McNary 8 15 Alma Hughes Bill Kiracofe Katherine Knoblett 1 Wednesday Cindy Fuller Trustees Meeting 7:30 PM Session Meeting 6:30 PM 16 Betty Woodward Paul & Terryl Postlewaite TJ & Ashley Tingley 9 2 Thursday 17 Floyd & Vivian Fuller 10 Angie Keeler Larry & Sharon Biggs Chester & Karren Greene Scott & Kristi Zane 3 Friday Wes Keeler 11 18 Jim & Judy Kincaid Donald Magill 4 June 2010 Monday 7 21 Marilyn Garrard John & Shirley Burner Dick & Johanna McCarty 28 22 Lugene Bond Bob & Tracy Fulling Glenn & Jan Judge 29 23 Sarah Kimberlin Jan Judge Marilyn Fulling Scott Goodwine
30 24 Shannon Knoblett Doyne Reinbold 25 Steve Ramsey Jim & Cindy Fuller Max & Joan Fulling Charles & Darra Walker Union Vacation Bible School at 1st Christian Church … contact Dawn Biggs at 586-5542 to volunteer!
Lisa Beabout Country Vacation Bible School at Grace United Methodist Church … contact Pastor Paul for details!
Jay Fulling Abbie Sherman Raymond & Carolyn Biggs 14 Rev. Gordon & Margaret Page Todd & Mei Cui Judge Our Home Church Sunday Allison Dunlap Greg Magill 13 20 Sarah Parkhurst Crane Father's Day Fellowship Sunday 27 Richard & Jane Hudson PCUSA UCC Saturday Sharon Miller Elizabeth Smith 5 12 Travis & Carrie Crumrin 19 26 Taylor Guyer Mark & Linda Catt Chet & Beth Greene Page 8
Volume 48, Number 6
Presbyterian and Pleasant View
Youth News
On May 16th, we met in union with the First Christian
Church at their church. We listened to music and
watched video clips from Hero Headquarters – our
summer VBS theme. Dawn gave a brief overview of
the curriculum and the characters we will meet during
VBS week. Following that, we adjourned to the
basement for snacks, left-over graduation cake, and an
energetic game of Scattergories. A fun time was had
by all!
On May 23 , the youth went on a field trip. After
church, we met in the parking lot. Finally, all of us
were there and ready to go. Three car loads went to
the new Monical’s in Terre Haute for lunch. Following
that, we went to X-treme Laser Tag. After being
briefed and split into teams, the battle began. Two
back-to-back games is more work than you
realize! Everyone is ready to head back for another
round of games. Those attending were: Michael
Johnson, Lauren Wagoner, Jack Murphy, Jackie Caton,
Tabitha Frizzi, Foster Biggs, Cody Redman, Cole
Wesner, Lance Wesner, & Kendra Biggs. Chaperones
were Pastor Paul, Michele Wagoner, & Larry & Dawn
Biggs. A great time was had by all!
There will be no youth meeting on June
20th in observation of Fathers’s Day.
——— Youth Group Meeting Schedule ———
Listen for updates at church on Sunday or call Pastor
Paul or Dawn Biggs for more information. Friends,
fun, and food are guaranteed! Watch the church
bulletin and online calendar for updates on times and
plans/outings for Youth Group.
No Youth Group on the first Sundays
First Presbyterian and Pleasant View will be meeting
on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Students in grades sixth through high school are
encouraged to attend and bring their friends from 6:30
till 8:00 pm in the
church basement.
On the third Sunday of
each month, we'll be
joining with the youth
of First Christian
Church for Union
Youth Group.
Eighth Grade Graduates
Jackie Caton
High School Graduates
Michael Johnson
Shannon Knoblett
Jenna McKee
Jessica Spinner
Delaney Woodward
College Graduates
Laci Jean Bex
Mercy School of Nursing
Diploma in Nursing
John Kent Gerrity
University of Dayton
School of Law
Juris Doctor
James Curtis Goodwine
Southern Illinois University
College of Applied Sciences and Arts
Bachelor of Science Degree
Mortuary Science and Funeral Service
Lindsay Ann McKee
Indiana State University
Bachelor of Science Degree
Minor in Forensic Accounting
Susan Ellen O’Donnell
University of Iowa
PhD in Biochemistry
Leigh Andrea Pifer
University of Illinois
College of Educational Organization and Leadership
Masters in Higher Education Administration
Hannah Lynn Shaner
Indiana State University
Summa Cum Laude
Bachelor of Science Degree
Public Relations
Minors in Marketing and Creative Writing
Our Home Church
Page 9
Pastor Paul’s Page
I want to share with you the May 14, 2010 address I gave at the Fortieth
Annual Commencement for Lincoln Trail College. I also want to thank Gayle
Zaring who recommended me for this privilege to speak to the graduates.
Fingerprints and other Indelible Marks
“Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life,”
according to Proverbs 10:17. Tonight we celebrate our
graduates who have learned to heed instruction, who have
invested their time and energies in their path to life.
Congratulations! You’ve passed the sitting still and listening
test, learning the three R’s, “Reading, wRiting, and
aRithmetic—forget the spelling. You learned to use No. 2
pencils, compose your own thoughts and ideas. You
opened book after book and your knowledge has grown.
And everywhere that you learned you left something of
yourself behind; your fingerprints and other indelible
Every page you read and turned; each pencil or pen held;
all the papers written and re-written; each desk sat in; every keyboard used; every ball caught, thrown, dunked or
spiked; each instrument played, or Bunsen burner lit has your mark, your fingerprint, on them. You have also LEFT
an indelible mark, something special and unique about you, gifted by your creator, with your teachers, your fellow
students and families.
In learning about the world we acquire a variety of skills; some social that help us get along with others, some
marketable skills that enhance our ability to make a living, some creative skills, that help us make music, write poetry,
paint or draw, perform on stage. The learning of the world is good when infused with love, compassion and care for
others; when the business where we’re employed puts customers first; when the hospital we work at puts patients
first; when the school that hires us to be a teacher, a coach or an administrator puts the students first; when the
band we play in, the team we play on, or the choir we sing in, puts teamwork first, puts a passion for others first;
that type of learning, serving others through compassion, sets us on the path to life.
The Bible also says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). A life of faith is not a
replacement for worldly knowledge; it is a different kind of knowledge. Faith is the ground we stand on, the soil we
grow from, it is believing in things unseen. Faith is acquired throughout our life. It is a spiritual journey, a pilgrimage
that we take. God’s word fills the empty spaces that happen in life, in which the worldly knowledge doesn’t have
answers. Our faith is a source of comfort when mysteries abound, when the path of life we’re on becomes hard to
understand. And sometimes, all we can do during life’s treacherous times is sit still and listen; listen to God’s word and
what it means for you.
What you have learned here doesn’t stay here. You will add to your knowledge and it will allow you to enjoy the
beauty and wonder of God’s creation. Knowledge will help you to teach and train others, to love and care for others.
You will leave, not just your fingerprints, but an indelible mark wherever you go, because God leaves an indelible
mark upon you. In the book of Isaiah, God says, “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:16).
You are not alone. God has claimed you. God has marked you for good things. Use your God-given gifts and your
newly acquired skills and knowledge in whatever path you take.
Mother Teresa once said with great humility, “I am a pencil in the hand of God, writing love letters to the world.”
All of you are tools in the hand of God, “engraved on the palms of God’s hands.” As you go out, be unafraid, because
you are not alone in this world. God is with you. And take your books. Get more books. Create within yourself a
passion for knowledge and understanding. Share your passion. Share your gifts. Share your faith. Sharing with this
world will give you the greatest satisfaction. Sharing is learning the way of a servant’s life. When you share yourself
with others you will leave an indelible mark in this world. God bless you and your journeys.
The peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Paul
Volume 48, Number 6
Page 10
Our Continuing Care Concerns
Prayer List
Our Friends In
Nursing Homes & Retirement Living
Vickie Akers
Wilma Alumbaugh
Phil Bailey
Sara Benton
Cheryl Brashears
Barbara Buchanan
Doug Campbell
Kay Clark
Kathy Clayton
Riley Cox
Heather Earle
Millard Elder
Beau Davis
Lucille Dunlap
Carolyn Ellis
Sharon Evans
Frances Felkamp
Joan Goodwin
Delbert Green
Jack Grimes
Paul Gullett
Edna Hall
Terri Herning
Herb Hess
Dorothy Edgington ..... Cotillion Ridge Nursing Home
Gerald Illyes..............................................................Bridgepoint
Mary Leggitt ................................................Methodist Village
Carol Sue Maddox ............................... CMH Skilled Care
Anna Mills ........................ Cotillion Ridge Nursing Home
Marlene Russell ............ Cotillion Ridge Nursing Home
Esther York .................................. Ridgeview Care Center
To activate the telephone Prayer Chain
please call:
Pastor Paul - 586-2039 or 554-1295 (cell);
Sandy Bryans - 928-2536; or
Sharon Biggs - 586-5131
To activate the online Prayer Chain
please email: prayers@1stpresby-palestine.org
Makenna Hill
Patty Neff
Pam Hill
Sybil Newlin
Alma Hughes
Doyle Nidey
David Hunter
Mitchell Nye
Randy Hunter
Jeanette Oliver
Donald Illyes
Cody Parker
Cliff Inboden
Diane Pierson
Jan Kincaid
Mike Price
Austin Lang
Gene Purcell
Whitney Lewsader & baby Wendell Reinbold
Denny Maddox
John Repp
Ruth Maddox
Logan Seaney
Jack Martin
James Starkey
Bob Mason
Bonnie Stephens
Phyllis McCammon (CA)
Carl Tingley
George McCarter
Dr. John Trimble
Judi McCarter
Red Waggoner
Mary Margaret McCarter
Robert Weaver
Harley Marie McCord
Ann Wesley
Heather McCormick
Butch White
Rev. Carol McDonald
Rev. Fred White
John McQuay
Missy Williams
Michelle Mendenhall
Lee Wise
Ben Miller
Jack Woodward
Ron & Esther Pfeifer & Family
The Church offers its sympathy to
and shares its faith with the
family and friends of …
Carl Robinson
Matthew Akers
Elias Ashley
Judie Beauchamp *
Nathan Devonshire
Rob Eller
Jeff Evans
Jim Ferguson
Bradley Fulling
Clayton Green
Jason Green *
Joshua Green
Allen Hodge
Ed Hodge
their families
Michael Kennedy II
Andrew Kincaide
Kristen Klein
Patrick Lindley
Darren Mikeworth
Ryon Mullins
Brent Nehls
Chelsea Otte
Dustin Pankonien *
Nick Pate
Amy Phillips
Justin Potter
Jeff Price
Michael Ramsey
Levi Richardson
Shane Robinson
Ryan Rumler *
Dan Salee
Travis Selby *
Anthony Shanes
Robert Simms
Daylon Siverly
Emma Stanfield
Andy Stephens
David Stone
Alex Szigethy
Tim Tanner
Mike Timms
Travis Titsworth
Kalley Vahl *
Lance Vennard *
Josh Watkins *
Andy Weaver *
Nathan Wesley
Tyler Williamson
Zeb York
* out of country
Our Home Church
Mary Lee Shaw
Brett Burkett Judy Spinner
Clifford Adams Tom Woodward
John Coulter
Page 11
Pleasant View United Church of Christ
Worship Service - 9 A.M. Sunday School - 10 A.M.
P.O. Box 132 - Located South of Palestine
Vickie Perkins
Clifford Adams
Sue Smith
Newsletter Contacts
Kim Alumbaugh
Sue Smith
Pleasant View Women’s Fellowship
The Women's Fellowship of Pleasant View Church
met at the home of Linda Adams on Wednesday,
May 26, with six members and one guest, Rev. Paul
Phillips, answering roll call. Linda Russell opened
the meeting by reading a selection on "Why We
Should Be Thankful for Trees" with scripture from
Jeremiah 17: 7,8 followed by prayer.
Business included:
†Thank you cards for the Easter baskets.
†A request from 14th and Chestnut in Terre
Haute for help with their summer programs and
†Crisis Pregnancy Center in Robinson had an
updated newsletter and Mary Lee reported they
are in need of funding and prayers at this time.
†Labor Day Bake Sale was discussed and decided
the group will hold a "bake-less" bake sale again
this year.
†Alma Hughes had given the fellowship 19
beautiful hand crocheted sweater sets for the
†Cards were to be sent to those mentioned with
joys, cares, or concerns.
Paula Burkett was the program leader this
month. She centered on "What Makes Us Tick"
and mentioned several men of the Bible who had
found themselves at odds with God. She explained
why each of these men found themselves in such a
position. She then shared three stories/incidents
with the group which were entitled "Ton of
Bricks", "Never Quit", and the "Deck of
Cards". She closed the meeting with a prayer for
our troops in keeping with Memorial Day.
The hostess served refreshments to Rev. Paul
Phillips, Noralee Buntin, Paula Burkett, Linda
Russell, Mary Lee Shaw and Sue Smith.
Our next meeting will be with Linda Russell on
June 23 at 1:30 P.M. The project for the month
will be items for SWAN in Olney.
Thought for the month...
In God's garden of love,
you are His forget-me-nots.
Our Home Church
First Presbyterian Church
Pleasant View Church
PO Box 132
Palestine, Illinois 62451
June 2010