August 22, 2007 - Covenant Presbyterian Church


August 22, 2007 - Covenant Presbyterian Church
August 22, 2007
Volume 49, Issue 17
The Covenant Key
Inside this issue:
Session Highlights
Mission & Action
Upcoming Events
Special points of
• September Calendar
• PNC Update Pg. 4
• Covenant Sunday Pg. 7
Dave Schneider, Interim Pastor
Margaret Milroy, Office Manager
Julianne Lawrence, Director of
Music Ministries
Toni Murillo, Custodian
just south of Interstate 80 to live. However, our
retired Clerk of Session whose son had gone
to graduate school in Des Moines, and was
himself an alumni of Creighton, told me I
should at least visit West Des Moines. It is one
I would like to share a little of what I
of the most livable cities in America, he inknow about one of the church members
here at Covenant Church. This person is sisted; very modern, and the people are
friendly. You may fall in love with it. So I came
one of the three main reasons I am here
upon the insistence of Greg Franck, and the
today. Early the morning after your Interim Search Committee held a telephone rest is history. Reason #3: the friendliness
and warmth of Judy Telford, the Interim Search
interview with me, one of the committee
members called back to the First Presby- Committee chair, Scott and Sophie Telford.
Since I have been here I have known Greg
terian Church in Conroe, Texas. He was
and Jan Franck as two of the hardest-working
excited and pro-active about how the interview had gone and about his church in disciples in our church. As I said Sunday in my
sermon, baptism is not a thing which lets you
West Des Moines. He insisted that I
take it easy and guarantees an easy, comfortcome up to West Des Moines that same
able trip into heaven; baptism is something
week. On a Sunday evening after I had
been invited to become your interim pas- which gives you permission to roll up your
tor, he and his wife Jan hosted a picnic at sleeves and get your hands dirty. Greg has
not only served on the Interim Search Committheir home. This person was Greg
tee and the Session. He has served on the
Personnel Committee since I have arrived. He
Reason #2: The great computer at the
Presbyterian Vatican on the Ohio River in has been the chair of the Involvement and Outthe Department known as Church Leader- reach Committee, and this committee has
ship Connection had matched my dossier been busy these last few months making big
plans for a welcoming ministry for visitors and
(aka “PIF” and “Personal Information
related matters. I know Greg worked tirelessly
Form”) with one Covenant Presbyterian
Church in the Presbytery of Des Moines. during the turmoil experienced during the last
When I was advised of that, I did not think pastor’s tenure, and the six months when the
it was a match made in heaven. In fact I church staff was without a leader. Greg has
met with me several times for an early breakdid not think much of going someplace
(Continued on Page 6)
Page 2
The Covenant Key
Lois Anderson - Wesley Acres
Jane James
Paula Hart Pearson
The family of Ellie Collins
“To be a Caregiver is to be the Hands of God”
Aug 26th - Barb Storjohann
Sept. 2nd - Jean Caster
We need to make choices daily on how we are goSept. 9th - Russ Marshall
ing to use our words. Words can be destructive
weapons, or they can be the agents of peace.
Sept. 16th - John Beckwith
Words can kill or can heal. Once words are out
Sept. 23rd - Mary Kay Barker
there we can’t take them back. Use positive words
Sept. 30th - John Sprole
to the people we know and love.
I just wanted to take time to say thank you for all
your kind, lovely, and supportive words over this
past year.
Aug. 26th -
Weldon & Marie Michael,
Rick & Barb Storjohann
Sept. 9th -
Warren Pitcher, Clarice Sapp,
Dodie Jabour, Julie Severt
Sept. 16th -
Norma McLaughlin, Teri Springer,
Ben & Renae Woodworth
Sept. 23rd -
Karen Brooks, Ruth Henderson,
Mary Kay Barker, Kevin Littleton
Sept. 30th -
John Sprole, Karyl Jones,
Bob & Joan Anthony
Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Bev Countryman, Shepherd Elder
Page 3
Golf Outing
Ellie Collins
Elloise R. Collins, passed
away at the age of 89 at
Kavanagh House in Des
Moines, Iowa on August 12,
2007. A memorial service
will be held at 4:30 P.M. on
Saturday, August 25, 2007 at
Covenant Presbyterian Church.
A devoted mother, grandmother and community volunteer, Ellie returned to Iowa, the state of her birth,
in 1974 to manage the family farms with husband
Edward after living and raising a family in Wilmette,
Illinois for eighteen years.
The many organizations to which Ellie devoted her
energy throughout her life included the Order of
Rainbow for Girls, Delta Gamma Sorority, Zeta Phi
Eta Professional Sorority, Mortar Board at Drake
University, Order of Eastern Star, and P.E.O. Ellie
served as an active member of Grace Methodist
Church is Des Moines, Wilmette First Presbyterian
and Covenant Presbyterian in West Des Moines.
Born Julia Elloise Reasoner on May 26, 1918 in
Thornburg, Iowa, she was the only child of Chester
and Nina Reasoner. Ellie graduated from Roosevelt
High School in Des Moines and received her B.A.
degree from Drake University in 1940.
Ellie was predeceased by her husband of sixty-two
years, Edward R. Collins. She is survived by her son
Craig (Marilynn) Collins, daughter Sandra (Kevin)
Littleton and grandchildren Keith Collins, Meredith
(Tim) Palmer, Lauren (Josh) Platt, Eric Poggemann,
Kiersten Poggemann and Drew Poggemann.
We extend our sympathy a prayers to Kevin &
Sandy Littleton and the rest of the family on the
passing of Ellie. Ellie was an “extra special” kind
of person - she will be missed by all.
The annual Covenant golf outing was held on
Sunday, August 5th. 33 diehard golfers toughed out
the heat to compete for fabulous prizes! The winning score of 63 (8 under par) was shot by Kaela
Phillips, Jill Phillips and Rick and Barb Storjohann.
Each won a $10.00 gift certificate from Lees’ BP
Station. Contrary to popular belief, there was no
bribe money involved in the pairings this year!
We had pin events on various holes and the winners were:
Closest to the pin: Judy Cox and Duane Heaberlin
Longest putt: Jerry Caster
We had 7 non golfers join us for a meal of burgers, potato salad, baked beans and homemade desserts, Everyone had the chance to win door prizes
that were purchased with money collected from the
golfers and other gifts donated by the Storjohann’s,
Marlene Huettl and Warren Pitcher.
If you missed out this year be sure to watch for
the date next summer and get it on your calendar,
it’s a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
Barb and Rick Storjohann
Bob and Marlene Huettl
Beginning in September, Session has voted to celebrate
communion the first Sunday of
each month rather than the third Sunday. In addition, there will be a letter sent to all present and past
elders scheduling their date to serve. This schedule
will cover the months of September 2007 through
March 2008 with preparing/serving date and instructions. Thanks in advance for your help.
Worship & Music
Dodie Jabour and Julie Severt
Page 4
The Covenant Key
Interviews for the Christian
Ed position are scheduled the
week of 8/12/07. The youth group
will be attending the Switchfoot
(Christian Rock group) concert at
the fair.
Communion will be the first Sunday of the
month beginning in September. A revised schedule
and preparation of communion is being done. Letters
will be sent to past and present elders explaining the
The school supply drives for CROSS and
WDM Human Services were a success. The blood
drive is August 20th. Karen and Deb are going to get
more people involved in Mission and Action.
Bob Huettl reported that the dates for the 2008
stewardship campaign will be October 7 to November
Any concerns with church facilities, set ups,
and staff should go through Pastor Dave.
The process for new roof is proceeding. Bids
on parking lot repairs and carpet cleaning are being
taken. Motion carried to renew the Head Start contract with no changes.
Motion carried to call a special corporate
meeting to elect new officers on Sunday, August 25th.
Deb Hayes will be installed on August 19th as
new Mission and Action elder.
Karen Anderson reported that PNC has
posted the position for new pastor on the Presbytery
webpage and the hardcopy of Presbyterian Outlook
Small Group Ministries committee will meet
with Richard Meyer at 6:00 on September 4th.
Motion carried to accept Greg Franck’s resignation from Session with regret.
Barb Storjohann, Clerk
Update from Your PNC
The PNC has been busy this summer. Our ad has
been on the web and in the Presbyterian Outlook
magazine. We’re reviewing Personal Information
Forms (PIF) as we receive them. We are beginning
the process of requesting and reviewing additional
materials from candidates, such as sermons, as appropriate. The next steps will be background checks
and then phone interviews.
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our
We are proud to announce the birth of our
first granddaughter
Sarah Jean, born August
12th to David & Cindy
Anthony in Austin, TX. She joins her two brothers,
Ian, 4 years old and James, 22 months.
~ Bob & Joan Anthony
Are you missing a cake pan or cookie
sheets? Did you provide food for the
Presbytery Meeting May 15th?
Your cake pan or cookie sheets could
be in the kitchen. Please take a moment to look in the kitchen and see if
the cake pan/cookie sheets are yours.
Thank you.
Page 5
2007 CROSS Ministries Back to School
Thank you Covenant for your bags and bags
and bags of school supplies and money donations.
This year CROSS Ministries was able to serve 737
children from low or no-income families with a new
backpack, hygiene items, and the grade appropriate
school supplies! Additionally, we set-up “Free” tables filled with hundreds and hundreds of hats,
scarves, mittens, storybooks, baby items, and other
miscellaneous goods from which families could
While the CROSS Back to School Giveaway
is one of our most labor intensive endeavors of the
year, with more than 60 volunteers assisting, it is
also one of the most rewarding! Not only are the
excited faces of the children a pure delight but
equally gratifying are the relieved expressions of the
parents who know that their children will have the
items he or she needs to begin their school year. In
the words of one grateful mother, said to a CROSS
volunteer, “God led me here. My children were so
upset that we couldn’t afford backpacks and supplies. They kept begging, and now God has provided!”
I, personally have worked at the giveaway
for years and this year we all felt that those who received the supplies were exceptionally grateful. The
need is so very GREAT! Your donations and support of CROSS are very much appreciated.
~Mary Kay Barker
DMARC Food Pantry Needs Your Help!
The DMARC Food Pantry is running short
of food and money. Food contributions in June
were down 35% from a year ago and monetary
contributions were down 31%! August is a high
demand month since kids go back to school and
families have to pay school fees, buy clothing and
school supplies. Many turn to the Food Pantry to
make ends meet. Please make a special effort to
double your food and monetary contributions to
the Food Pantry this month.
Karen Anderson
Mission & Action Elder
This is a wonderful opportunity for adults
and teenagers to learn about the difficulties of
Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) will lead a
poverty simulation on Thursday, Sept. 20, from
6:30 – 9:30 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church in
Des Moines. The poverty simulation is designed to
raise awareness of what life might be like for a
typical low-income family.
Through four 15-minute “weeks”, participants will experience the virtual realities of poverty as they role-play the lives of low-income family members. Participants will have the challenge
of providing for their basic necessities on a limited
budget while interacting with LSI employees and
volunteers who will play the roles of human service agencies, pawnbrokers, bill collectors, police
officers, employers, and other community resources.
As participants try to survive on limited
resources, obstacles such as attitudes and misinformation prevent communities from responding in a
helpful way. Through the role-play experience,
participants will understand the financial pressures
faced by low-income families; the difficult choices
these families make when stretching a limited income; the barriers families face when trying to improve their situations and become self-sufficient;
the emotional stress and frustration created by
poverty; the impact of the social service system on
people with limited resources; and what participants can do in their everyday lives to make a difference.
Pre-registration for the September 20 event
is required. Pre-registration deadline is September
12. Contact Joyce Williams with LSI at or 866-584-5293 to
attend. There is no cost to attend the event.
Page 6
The Covenant Key
(Pastor’s Corner Continued from Page 1)
fast to share issues of concern to the church and the transitional leadership.
Jan Franck just completed her year as the Covenant
Presbyterian Women’s moderator, and as such has been
a leader in the mission work of our congregation. She has
taught in the Contemporary Issues Sunday School class
and took the lead in our recent Lenten book study on “The
Last Week” by Marcus Borg and John Crossan. I want to
thank Jan for reminding me I need to be more careful with
my inclusive language during worship.
My appreciation and thanks to both Greg and Jan for
their service and their witness. Greg leaves a very empty
chair in his retirement from the Session this month.
Check It Out
Need help caring for
your mind, body and
Spirit? Are you looking
for some inspiration?
Are you needing some
advice on prayer and how
to start? Or are you just
a little stressed out?
Check out our new
CareNotes pamphlets.
These are simple, easy to
read inspirational pamphlets, there are even
some for kids.
There are 2 racks, one
by the old sanctuary entrance and one by the east
(kitchen) entrance.
Morning and
Evening Circle
All ladies of the church are invited to the
kickoff for Covenant Presbyterian Women
(CPW). The first meeting of the year will
be Tuesday, September 11th and both circles will meet together and have a potluck
meal starting at 6:30 followed by our lesson.
If you are interested in joining us please
let one of the circle leaders know. We
welcome new faces!
Barb Storjohann 225-2765
Judy Cox 225-0675
Glenna Evans 326-4941
Gene Froyd 224-1818
P.S. The circle books are available for $7
from Gene Froyd.
Page 7
Covenant Book Club
Men’s Breakfast
Monday, September 10th
Thursday, September 6th
7PM at the church
September’s book :
“A Splendid Solution”
Come early at 9 AM for
a pancake breakfast..
After breakfast stay for an informal and
relaxed worship experience. There will
be water games for the kids. Dress casual and wear you covenant T-shirt. Bring
a friend or neighbor.
Wednesday Morning
Saturday, Oct. 6th
Progressive Dinner
10:00 AM
Great Fellowship!!!
CPW meeting September 4th
7PM at the church.
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Phone: 515-225-2254
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God Be With You & Yours.
Address Service Requested
Due: Wednesday, August 29th by noon
Key will be mailed: September 5th
This will cover: Sept. 9th - 22nd