Security Update Nr. 33, 1/2006 - English
Security Update Nr. 33, 1/2006 - English
security no. 33 – Edition 1/2006 Truly great accomplishments can only originate from a joint effort Up to the summit A classic in new splendor – the Berlin Olympic Stadium Contents FORUM Forum from page 4 4 6 Truly great accomplishments can only originate from a joint effort Kaba strengthens its market presence in Europe CUSTOM Custom from page 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Up to the summit Waste is not garbage Security in a new dimension First-class appearance in London Customized products for Japan Campus of knowledge In logistics, nothing beats flexibility A win/win model An integrated solution for all plants Three waves for Berne Security for a metropolis The joy of traveling… and of service A classic in new splendor – the Berlin Olympic Stadium Kaba opens the doors to the Stade de Suisse Brussels – Europe’s meeting point Automated border crossing TRENDS Trends from page 24 24 Electronic ticketing in the Zurich Hallenstadion TECHNO Techno from page 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 A new dimension in access control Questor – the interactive safe lock More security in entrance areas Introducing time and attendance recording PC reader identifies users Biometric immigration control Safe escape and rescue routes High power for high requirements 30 30 31 31 Kaba in Dubai Five-million-man-hour safety record achieved East meets West Trade shows FLASH Flash from page 30 Cover photo | The Berlin Olympic Stadium is the venue of the 2006 Football World Cup final. Kaba is present with 112 tripod barriers. Portada | El estadio Olímpico de Berlín es escenario de la final de los Mundiales 2006. Kaba participa con 112 torniquetes. EDITORIAL Football fever “A day without football is a wasted day.” This quote by Austrian football legend Ernst Happel (1925–1992) is a proverbial motto for the year 2006. No other sports event has the world as spellbound as the Football World Cup in Germany. On June 9, millions of spectators will witness the Jean-Luc Ferrazzini, Chief Communication Officer kickoff, either live in the stadium or on television. The 2006 Football World Cup stirs up emotions not only on the field; it has already made waves and generated football-fever in Fiebre futbolística | “Un día sin fútbol es un día perdido”. Esta frase del jugador austríaco Ernst Happel (1925–1992) encaja a la perfeccion en el año 2006. Ningún otro acontecimiento deportivo mundial tendrá el poder de atracción de los Mundiales de Fútbol en Alemania. El 9 de junio, millones de espectadores presenciarán en vivo o en las pantallas el silbido que marca la apertura de los juegos. Pero en los Mundiales 2006 la emoción llega más allá de los campos de juego. Ya la fase de preparación sirvió para impulsar importantes proyectos. Se han construido auténticos templos de fútbol, estadios que causan sensación por su audaz arquitectura y que cumplen con los más exigentes requisitos de seguridad. Kaba vivirá el evento de cerca. El próximo 9 de julio 74.220 aficionados acudirán al Estadio Olímpico de Berlín para presenciar la final del campeonato. Al entrar pasarán por los torniquetes Kaba instalados recientemente. Sobre este tema puede usted leer el artículo de la página 20. Pero no sólo en Alemania está Kaba en primera línea de la actividad deportiva. Desde su renovación el pasado otoño, el Hallenstadion de Zurich está equipado con un sistema de gestión electrónica de entradas que es novedad a nivel mundial (página 24/25). La posición puntera que tiene hoy Kaba en el sector de la tecnología de seguridad se la debe fundamentalmente a su directiva y a sus empleados. Una persona que en los últimos años ha marcado de forma decisiva el desarrollo de la empresa es Ulrich Graf. En el reportaje de la página 4/5, este empresario pura sangre pasa revista a 30 años de gestión exitosa. the run-up. Modern football temples have arisen, edifices that impress beholders with their architectural boldness while satisfying the highest safety requirements. Kaba is on hand. On July 9, 74,220 fans will flock through Kaba tripod barriers into the Berlin Olympic Stadium to attend the final. To learn more, read the article on page 20. Apart from Germany, Kaba is involved in the control of sports events elsewhere. Since the fall of 2005, a world debut in electronic ticketing has been in operation at the renovated Zurich Hallenstadion. Read more about this solution on page 24/25. If Kaba today is a leading player worldwide in the security technology sector, the company owes it first and foremost to its management and its employees. Ulrich Graf has been instrumental in shaping our development over the past years. In the profile on page 4/5, this energetic entrepreneur looks back on 30 years of successful management. I wish you enjoyable reading. Jean-Luc Ferrazzini Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 3 FORUM Truly great accomplishments can only originate from a joint effort Awareness of responsibility and openness as key components of the corporate culture – Ulrich Graf, consummate entrepreneur and CEO of the Kaba Group, looks back on 30 years of successful management. boss at the time at least organized a desk for me. So I sat down and started working. We were in the midst of the second oil crisis at the time, and things were difficult. Bauer Rümlang and Kaba Wetzikon were generating sales in the order of 40 million francs. My boss asked me to forecast earnings for that financial year (1975/76) and I calculated a loss of about 3 million francs. The projection turned out to be true. That was the last time Kaba was in the red. SU If you compare the Kaba Group with the company you knew 30 years ago, what are the key differences apart from size? Security Update (SU) Ulrich Graf, you have been with Kaba for three decades now. Do you remember your first day on the job? Ulrich Graf (UG) Oh yes, I can recall it well. It was a day in May 1976. When I came to work in the morning, I didn’t have an office. My 4 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 UG Some time ago, I compiled a few notes on Kaba’s development with all the highs and lows: it’s an interesting chronicle. Within the Kaba Group, great emphasis is placed on the notion of “responsibility”. I interpret the term in the original sense, as the ability to respond to problems by finding solutions… rather than responsibility in the sense of liability. This culture of responsibility is alive in our company and that’s what makes it unique in my view. Moreover, we have a very open-minded corporate culture today, allowing – even encouraging – all employees to voice their opinions. This is the only way to create viable solutions. FORUM SU Which factors are pivotal in your leadership style? UG I have always trusted my staff members implicitly. This has been the foundation of my greatest successes – but also of my greatest failures, in those instances when my trust was seriously misused. Truly great accomplishments can only originate from a joint effort. A manager must be able to delegate responsibility. If I hadn’t had that ability, Kaba would still be the modest player of the 1980s. SU The concept of “intelligent buildings” is one of the common denominators of your career. UG Looking back, I realize that everything in my life has actually involved buildings that became more and more intelligent in the course of time. Both within the scope of my CEO Ulrich Graf, 30 successful years with Kaba. corporate governance mandates and in my position as Kaba’s CEO, I have always been involved in innovative solutions for intelligent buildings. This field has fascinated me most for as long as I can remember. SU You are stepping down as the Group’s CEO this summer. Are we correct in assuming that you are not the kind of person who gets bored after retirement? UG Needless to say, I have made sure that I shall have other responsibilities after handing over. As a board member of various companies that are fully or at least partially specialized in building technology, I can systematically deploy my know-how and contribute to the optimization of their business strategies. And as the chairman of the Kaba Group, I will also retain the privilege of serving Kaba with my knowledge. Lo verdaderamente grande e importante sólo puede surgir del trabajo en equipo | Ulrich Graf, empresario pura sangre y CEO del Grupo Kaba, está dedicado a la empresa Kaba desde hace 30 años. La empresa se caracteriza hoy en día por su espíritu abierto y por su filosofía de responsabilidad – responsabilidad en el sentido original de la palabra, es decir, “asumir la responsabilidad de un problema” para encontrar la solución. Son estos valores los que hacen a la empresa excepcional. “Siempre he confiado plenamente en mis empleados”, afirma Ulrich Graf. De esta manera ha logrado sus mayores éxitos. Si no hubiera sido capaz de delegar responsabilidades, Kaba seguiría siendo la pequeña empresa de los años ochenta. Desde siempre la técnica de edificios fue su interés principal. Tanto en su papel de consejero administrativo como en la función de director del consorcio Kaba, Ulrich Graf siempre se dedicó a buscar soluciones innovativas para edificios inteligentes. “Este tema siempre ha sido el que más me ha fascinado”, añade Graf. El próximo verano Ulrich Graf dejará la dirección operativa del consorcio para pasar a ser presidente del consejo administrativo del Grupo Kaba. De esta forma continuará poniendo sus conocimientos a disposición de Kaba. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 5 FORUM Kaba strengthens its market presence in Europe Kaba is refining its organization in Europe to better respond to rapidly changing market requirements, using a systematic and process-based approach. The Regional Sales Organizations, previously structured along product lines, are being merged in each country. The production and product innovation activities will be concentrated in Competence Centers linking technologies and master product groups. Everything from a single source, tailored to specific needs – with its new Competence Center structures, Kaba is accelerating innovation cycles, focusing on individual segment requirements and making an all-out effort to enhance customer satisfaction. On the one hand, the new organization offers customers and business partners attractive synergy effects within a harmonized Kaba Total Access product portfolio. This creates an optimum scenario for a stronger market presence and even more successful partnerships. The existing products and solutions that customers have sourced from individual Kaba companies will be distributed by one single sales organization for each market, through the unchanged direct and indirect sales channels. Thus, Kaba can increasingly offer integrated solutions containing access control, data collection and door-related products and systems – all from one source and through one point of contact. Main markets are corporate and public access, residential, building construction and lodging. Within these markets, Kaba places greater 6 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 emphasis on a segmented market approach. With the knowledge of the specific customer needs, tailor-made solutions can be offered and multiplied with similar requests from a customer segment. On the other hand, Kaba is also regrouping production and product innovation processes into Competence Centers to accelerate innovation, to harmonize product development, to concentrate production and procurement, and to strengthen internal support. This will help the company to play a leading role in innovation cycles, to optimize technological synergies, and to make use of economies of scale in manufacturing. The increased innovative thrust will translate into shorter time-to-market and faster adoption of new technologies. Furthermore, customer requirements can be addressed more responsively. The expected final impact of the optimized organization is manifold. The integration will enable Kaba’s European companies to better coordinate their activities, streamline the partly overlapping product range and services, enhance delivery-topromise, and enable the organization to systematically take measures on the basis of customer requirements. “By optimizing its sales organization, Kaba can market a truly customer-oriented portfolio of products and services. The changes are a decisive step toward even greater efficiency in customer relationships. The new approach makes it easy for us to remain loyal to Kaba.” Oskar Sockelberger, Chief Security Officer, E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Germany FORUM The new market approach eliminates the need for different business contacts with partners and customers. Due to the harmonized product portfolio and market approach, key accounts and globally positioned customers can be served locally, based on one contract that is negotiated and signed in the country of the customer’s headquarters. To embrace this approach, Kaba’s managers and process owners have to be familiar in some depth with the entire Total Access product line. An evaluation of the access control and data collection market and its relevant industries shows that many of the industry’s competencies are related and in some cases overlap with each other. Electronic access control solutions – one of Kaba’s main competencies – play a pivotal role among them. With the implementation of the new structure in Europe, Kaba will continue with its tradition of pioneering new solutions and technologies as well as new market development. This is expected to result in an enhanced market position for the company and its partners, as well as significant functional benefits and savings on total cost of ownership for customers. Total Access Key systems Access control and time management Door systems It has become a necessity to view, design, and execute mechanical locking systems, electronic access control, and doors as elements of a complete system. Key systems Access control and time management Door systems The Drivers Kaba’s Challenge Customer Benefits Increased market demand for Total Access solutions Undisputed specialist in data & access solutions High-quality products, latest technologies Local presence of one-stop shops Complete system integration incl. hardware and software Fast reaction times and best delivery Need for higher sales process efficiency “Best of Breed” offering encompassing the complete portfolio Efficient, high-quality sales service, clear communication Faster innovation cycles & converging technologies Customers perceive themselves as integral part of Kaba strategy Convenient one-face-tothe-customer business relationship Advanced production methods One single point of contact for customers and partners Global support services, incl. highest quality upgrade advice Kaba refuerza su presencia de mercado en Europa | Kaba reestructura su organización en Europa para responder mejor a las necesidades siempre cambiantes del mercado. Las redes nacionales de distribución, organizadas hasta ahora por familias de productos, van a reagruparse en cada país. Los procesos de producción e innovación se reestructurarán en centros de competencia por tecnologías y grupos principales de productos. La nueva estructura de organización ofrece a los clientes y socios comerciales las ventajas de la sinergía, así como una gama armonizada de productos en el marco de la estrategia Total Access. De esta forma, Kaba amplia progresivamente su oferta de soluciones integradas que comprenden control de acceso, gestión de datos y sistemas de puertas – todo ello con las ventajas de tener un solo proveedor e interlocutor. Technical possibilities and the need among our customers for greater security and convenience have made these three segments converging. This calls for the interoperability of the respective components. We call the resulting overall market Total Access. Access control and time management Integrated systems Key systems Door systems The overlap also creates a new market: customers want Total Access solutions from a single source. This is why Kaba not only offers the components but also the engineering services needed to create functional solutions. This is called integrated systems. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 7 CUSTOM Up to the summit On busy days, as many as 4,000 tourists ride the aerial cableway to the Klein Matterhorn, the sibling of Switzerland’s most frequently photographed mountain. Platform sliding doors developed by Kaba provide access to the cabins that take passengers to an awesome elevation of 3,883 meters (12,736 feet) above sea level. Convenient and safe access to the awesome panoramic landscape of the Matterhorn thanks to efficient boarding and deboarding. When the highest aerial cableway of Europe was inaugurated in December 1979 in Zermatt, it marked a world record in engineering. The challenging construction work set new standards in cableway technology: approximately 2,000 cubic meters of concrete were required to build the summit station. The material was transported to the peak with helicopters. To prevent the concrete from freezing during the five-minute flight, it had to be conditioned with hot water and antifreeze agent and packed into specially insulated containers. Every single track, haul, and counter rope had to be pulled up from Zermatt – a total length of 35.8 kilometers with an aggregate weight of about 300 metric tons! In the course of the last 25 years, the cabins with a capacity of 100 passengers have carried many thousands of visitors from all over the world to the attractive winter sports area, which is also Europe’s highest panoramic platform. The breathtaking all-round view of 38 giants of the Swiss, French, and Italian Alpine range never fails to overwhelm every visitor. On the Rumbo a la cumbre | Todos conocen el Klein Matterhorn, hermano menor de la figura emblemática más fotografiada de Suiza. Desde 1979 el teleférico Klein-Matterhorn sube cada año a miles de visitantes hasta la plataforma panorámica más alta de Europa. A una altura de 3883 m sobre el nivel del mar los visitantes tienen ante sí un panorama único con 38 cumbres de los Alpes. Desde el año 2005 los portones automáticos Kaba para cerramiento de andenes velan por la seguridad de los visitantes mientras éstos esperan al teleférico en las estaciones. 8 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Klein Matterhorn cableway in the fall of 2005, the cabins to the “Matterhorn Glacier Paradise” were replaced by larger and more convenient ones. Since then, automatic platform screen doors designed by Kaba have been providing added safety for waiting passengers. With split-second timing, the wings automatically slide back to provide access to the cabin for passengers eager to smoothly glide to the lofty heights. CUSTOM Waste is not garbage The waste incineration plant in Thun is also a modern district heat generating station that produces environmentally sound electrical power for 17,000 households. Automated slide-and-fold doors by Kaba Gilgen clear the way for unloading vehicles. The waste incineration plant in Thun is not only a conventional waste incineration unit but also a modern district heating power plant. This high-throughput waste facility processes combustible waste from approx. 315,000 inhabitants in 149 communities in the canton of Berne. The structure, designed by Berne-based architect Andrea Roost, combines sleek design with functionality. Behind its attractive façade resides state-of-the-art technology that meets the strictest requirements with regard to safety, cost-effectiveness, and environmental protection. The energy contained in waste is utilized thermally via a sophisticated process. Recyclable materials such as heavy metals are extracted, and the combustion air is thoroughly scrubbed. Thus, the Thun waste incineration plant supplies environmentally sound power to 17,000 households and satisfies up to one third of the power requirements of the medium-sized Swiss city. Modern technology also makes it possible to supply Thun’s military and private enterprises with hot water. Interested visitors can participate in a guided tour of the waste incineration plant. Automated slideand-fold doors by Kaba Gilgen clear the way for incoming vehicles loaded with waste. After the trucks have been registered, the doors are opened by the gatekeeper with pushbutton convenience. The transport vehicles then have unhindered access to the waste pit. La basura se puede aprovechar | La incineradora de basuras de Thun es una moderna central térmica que, respetando el medio ambiente, produce energía para 17.000 hogares. El edificio, una creación del arquitecto de Berna Andrea Roost, unifica diseño y moderna tecnología. En este centro de alto rendimiento se aprovecha mediante un complejo sistema térmico la basura de unos 315.000 habitantes repartidos en 149 municipios del cantón de Berna. La vía de entrada al punto donde descargan los camiones está equipada con portones corredizos plegables Kaba. How one plus one adds up to more than two is illustrated by the state-ofthe-art waste incineration plant in Thun, an environmentally friendly power and hot-water production facility. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 9 CUSTOM Security in a new dimension In one out of two Swiss households, a V-Zug appliance assists in cooking, baking, dishwashing, laundering, or drying. Its position as a market leader obliges V-Zug AG to continuously create leading-edge products. The company’s quality-mindedness also pervades the construction of its new headquarters in Zug. Kaba supplied a comprehensive security concept for the facility. The open spirit that rules here is visibly reflected by the bright and contemporary yet understated design of the buildings. Similarly unobtrusive but ubiquitous is the new security system chosen by V-Zug AG with a masterkey system and comprehensive access control. Openness and security are not mutually exclusive – it is all just a question of system flexibility. This insight vividly comes to the fore at the company’s headquarters in Zug. As a leading manufacturer and supplier of household appliances for the kitchen and the laundry room, V-Zug AG is thoroughly familiar with innovative technologies. But the new security concept was a challenge even for this high-tech enterprise. Deputy CEO Kurt Iten, Head of Staff and TQM, comments: “Today’s security technology is sophisticated and requires that all options be carefully scrutinized. For us, this has paid off. Today, we can experience the security concept in a new dimension.” Omnipresent security, unobtrusively integrated into an overall concept that reflects the openness of the corporate culture. 10 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 A number of ambitious goals had to be attained simultaneously: security at sensitive locations, consistent safekeeping of all keys within the premises, flexible access control, and cash-free payment. The project was implemented with the Kaba exos 9300 online access control system on the one hand and with a ground-breaking key dispenser as well as Kaba elolegic and Kaba star cylinders on the other hand – everything from a single source. Una nueva dimensión en seguridad | La empresa V-Zug AG es líder del mercado en la fabricación de aparatos electrodomésticos para cocina y tareas de lavado. Sus exigencias en materia de calidad se manifiestan también en la construcción de la nueva sede central de la empresa en Zug, para la cual Kaba suministró un sistema completo de seguridad. El sistema de control de acceso en línea Kaba exos 9300 en combinación con innovativos distribuidores automáticos de llaves, así como los cilindros Kaba elolegic y Kaba star garantizan la seguridad requerida, con la ventaja adicional de que todos los productos son del mismo suministrador. CUSTOM First-class appearance in London The prestigious Riverbank Park Plaza Hotel was opened in fall 2005. Kaba was responsible for the automatic door configurations at the main and ballroom entrances of the five-star hotel. The hotel’s front façade is almost completely made of glass, offering spectacular views of the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye. Kaba installed four sets of automatic door configurations at the main and ballroom entrances. “The Riverbank Park Plaza is a contemporary five-star facility in a prime location, so it was critical that all the entrances reflected the overall design and appearance of the hotel”, says Dave Bell, chief engineer for Gear Construction who led the project. “We are really pleased with the finished result. The doors are working extremely well and provide the ideal welcome for our guests.” The grand front entrance was specially manufactured in Switzerland and shipped over to London. It creates a stunning focal point to welcome arriving guests. Two smaller sets of automatic sliding doors were installed within the main foyer to provide easy access to the hotel’s reception and lobby. A fourth set of automatic doors was also fitted to the main entrance of the hotel’s conference and event facility – the ballroom – to complement the impressive overall appearance of the hotel. The automatic door configuration offers guests an impressive, upscale entrance to the Riverbank Park Plaza Hotel. Una instalación de cinco estrellas en Londres | En otoño de 2005 se inauguró el hotel Riverbank Park Plaza, un establecimiento de cinco estrellas con vistas espectaculares al edificio del Parlamento, al Big Ben y al London Eye. Kaba se encargó de configurar las puertas automáticas en este prestigioso edificio. El objetivo era armonizar la entrada principal y la entrada al salón de baile con el diseño general del edificio – una tarea que se consiguió resolver a la perfección. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 11 CUSTOM Customized products for Japan Nihon Kaba recently launched new Japan-specific products matched to local customers’ needs. Examples include the high-security cylinder with replaceable key and the new combination lock cylinder for the back doors of private homes. The cylinder based on K21 technology was already highly popular in Japan due to its high degree of safety and functionality. In response to a request received from OEM customer Miwa Lock Japan, Nihon Kaba developed a new 26-pin cylinder. Miwa Lock had requested this solution to improve its competitiveness in the market against a rival product, a safety cylinder with a replaceable key. The advantage of the new solution is that the key can be modified in case of loss or tenant succession without having to replace a single cylinder. Due to special Japanese market circumstances, there was also a significant demand for greater convenience and security with regard to back doors of private homes. To meet this need, Nihon Kaba developed the dial lock cylinder. This solution makes it possible for the user to leave the house through the back door without taking along a key. To re-enter the house, the user dials four digits on the cylinder’s rotary head. This digit combination is programmed into the lock at installation and can be reprogrammed at any time. These two new products boost the Kaba brand’s market penetration in Japan and further contribute to the company’s success. Productos a la medida para Japón | Nihon Kaba, atendiendo a las necesidades de sus clientes, ha lanzado recientemente productos específicamente pensados para el mercado japonés. De acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente Miwa Lock, Kaba desarrolló un cilindro de alta seguridad con llave intercambiable. Otro ejemplo de desarrollo innovativo de productos es el cilindro con selección numérica para casas particulares. Gracias a este sistema, las puertas traseras de los edificios de viviendas equipadas con cilindro de selección numérica se pueden abrir sin utilizar llaves. 12 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Kaba responded to the particular needs of the Japanese market with two customized innovations. CUSTOM Campus of knowledge On the former St. Johann premises in Basle, initially used for industrial and later for administrative and research purposes, Novartis is implementing an ambitious campus project to be completed in 2008. Kaba was commissioned to supply two customized revolving doors. Novartis emerged in 1996 from one of the largest mergers in Swiss history: the joining of forces of Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy, the two giants of the Swiss chemical industry. With its two divisions Pharma and Consumer, the company today ranks among the fastest-growing players in the pharmaceutical sector. The Novartis campus in Basle is intended to become not only a center of knowledge but also a place of beauty and attraction for employees and visitors alike. Architecture and overall design were therefore high-priority considerations. Kaba has contributed to the project with a stylish entrance solution – two all-glass Geryon security revolving doors. They are located in a railway underpass that connects the visitor parking lot on French territory with the campus on the Swiss side of the border. Salient design features include the passage’s impressive 10-foot height and the superstructure of the revolving doors. The superstructure is integrated into the concrete ceiling that shifts each time under the load of passing trains by a few millimeters downward and sideways. Since all-glass doors at a border crossing must provide maximum security, a grid of electrical conductors embedded in the safety glass triggers an alarm in case of breakage. In addition, a scale in the revolving door prevents the passage of more than one person at a time. Revolving security doors in all-glass design satisfy the highest requirements with regard to design, functionality, and tectonics. Un campus del saber | El gigante de la industria farmacéutica suiza Novartis está construyendo en el antiguo terreno de St. Johann en Basel un ambicioso proyecto. Con finalización prevista para el 2008, se transformará el recinto en un campus que destaca por su audaz arquitectura. Kaba colabora en el proyecto con una atractiva solución para una de las entradas. Se trata de dos puertas de seguridad Geryon de tres metros de altura equipadas con diversos componentes adicionales de seguridad, ya que están instaladas justo en la frontera entre Francia y Suiza. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 13 CUSTOM In logistics, nothing beats flexibility Manufacturers require flexible logistics solutions. For the outgoing transport of its products, the chemical company BASF in Ludwigshafen has built a container terminal for combined road-rail traffic. Kaba Benzing provided Bedanet terminals for flexible employee time and attendance recording. The globally active chemical company BASF has built a container terminal for combined road-rail traffic in Ludwigshafen to facilitate the outgoing transport of its products. The logistics facility is operated by KTL Kombi-Terminal Ludwigshafen GmbH, a 40 % BASF subsidiary. This logistics provider handles the transfer of containers from road to rail and vice versa. Four modern gantry cranes are available for efficient loading of the containers. Destinations of the container trains include hubs in Italy, Poland, Scandinavia, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, and Austria. “We are certainly not the largest, but definitely one of the most modern terminals in Europe”, explains Esther Comprehensive time management at Europe’s most modern logistics terminal thanks to tisoware.ZEIT and Kaba Benzing. 14 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Klein, responsible for human resources and purchasing at KTL. About 100 KTL employees, mostly yard managers, crane operators, and truck drivers, work in seven overlapping shifts around the clock from Sunday 9 p.m. to Saturday 2 p.m. Attendance is recorded via Bedanet terminals by Kaba Benzing using Legic key fobs. “The Legic fobs are very convenient and have been well accepted by the staff”, says Esther Klein. The data is processed on tisoware.ZEIT software by tisoware, a specialized firm headquartered in Reutlingen. “We are very satisfied with the overall system”, Klein adds. “Our payroll components are now calculated automatically, which saves us a lot of time. Moreover, we are very happy with the excellent support provided by Kaba Benzing and tisoware.” En cuestiones de logística la flexibilidad es fundamental | Disponer de soluciones logísticas flexibles es esencial para toda empresa productora. Para transportar sus mercancías, el consorcio químico BASF ha construido en Ludwigshafen una estación de contenedores apta para el tráfico por carretera y ferrocarril. La gestión de este centro logístico esta en manos de la empresa Kombi-TerminalLudwigshafen GmbH, o abreviadamente KTL. Desde el año pasado las teminales de Kaba Benzing, en combinación con llaveros Legic, registran el horario flexible de trabajo de los aproximadamente 100 empleados de KTL Ludwigshafen. CUSTOM A win/win model Getrag Ford Transmissions GmbH is a joint venture of transmission specialist Getrag and automaker Ford. 3,900 employees at six locations with two joint venture partners produce 1.8 million transmissions per year. Kaba was responsible for the smooth integration of access control in the new administration building. Design and integration. Kaba bundled individual elements, from invisible card readers via infrared light barriers to cash-free payment, into a comprehensive solution. Due to the corporate merger of Getrag and Ford, a new administration building was constructed in the immediate vicinity of the Ford plants of Cologne Niehl and Merkenich. One of the requirements for the new building was the smooth integration of access control into the architectural structure. An objective well suited for the broad product range of Kaba, particularly with regard to customized solutions. One of the tasks was to integrate the access readers completely hidden from sight in specially designed, visually and architecturally appealing columns. In addition, an individual solution was required for the embedding of the standard light switch systems and the intercom systems. Another challenge was pre- sented by the infrared light barrier solution at the reception, which ensures monitoring of the personnel and visitor flows by signaling all uncontrolled entries. Under the umbrella of the Kaba exos 9300 online system, approximately 160 access readers as well as 30 Kaba exos locks are currently installed in the new administration building that accommodates Getrag Ford Transmissions GmbH. These locks, self-latching electronic antipanic devices with Legic technology integrated in the security hardware, are installed in the doors of executive offices. The “office function” makes it possible, among other modes, to program the doors for “open” status during the daytime. In addition, the comprehensive Kaba solution enables cash-free payment by employees in the cafeteria as well as an efficient visitor management system. Thanks to the specially developed badge issuing system, Getrag Ford can now produce all badges in-house. Exito compartido | La compañía Getrag Ford Transmissions GmbH, una empresa conjunta del especialista en cajas de cambios Getrag y del grupo automovilístico Ford, tiene una plantilla de unos 3900 empleados repartida en seis emplazamientos y una producción anual de 1,8 millones de cajas de cambio. Al construir el nuevo edificio administrativo, Kaba recibió el encargo de integrar el sistema de control de acceso respetando la arquitectura del edificio. Actualmente en la nueva sede administrativa de Colonia hay instalados, entre otros, 160 lectores de acceso, así como 30 Kaba exos lock. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 15 CUSTOM An integrated solution for all plants Kunzgroup is an international consortium focused on the production and distribution of particleboard and fiberboard products. Kunz Informatik GmbH, the group’s IT subsidiary, installed a Kaba Benzing time and attendance system at 12 plants worldwide. Kunz Informatik GmbH is an IT systems provider with considerable experience accrued from daily IT operations within the internationally active Kunzgroup. The consortium with its 1,900 employees produces and distributes particleboards, fiberboards, foils, films, panels, and laminates. Acting as an independent limited liability company, the IT subsidiary is primarily responsible for providing the group with information and communications technologies in Europe and North America. In the outsour- cing domain, 12 of the 20 plants are currently equipped with SAP software. As a service provider, the IT systems company also operates a central time and attendance system for the group’s plants. The system is B-COMM ERP for mySAP ERP by Kaba Benzing, which functions as a subsystem that transmits data directly to SAP HR. At the local plants, Bedanet 93 80 time and attendance terminals with CI-compatible touchscreens based on Linux were installed and interconnected via a network. “We opted for this system because we already had very positive previous experience with Kaba Benzing. The company offers dependable products, is innovative in the SAP environment, a reliable market partner, globally present, and has an extensive service network – all of these aspects were important to us”, explains CEO Ulrich Kistner. “We wanted time and attendance recording integrated in SAP, and the proposed solution has best met our requirements.” With its services, Kunz Informatik GmbH ensures that the worldwide particleboard and foil production of the manufacturing group can be continuously optimized. Solución integrada para todas las fábricas | El consorcio Kunzgroup, un grupo internacional de empresas con unos 1.900 empleados, fabrica y comercializa entre otros productos tablas de madera aglomerada y de fibras. La empresa asociada Kunz Informatik GmbH es la encargada de suministrar al consorcio tecnología de información y comunicación, ocupándose además del mantenimiento del sistema de gestión horaria en Europa y América del Norte. Doce fábricas de Kunzgroup han sido equipadas con el sistema de Kaba Benzing B-COMM ERP para mySAP ERP. 16 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 CUSTOM Three waves for Berne On the eastern fringe of the city of Berne, three wave-shaped hills arise from the meadows: the Paul Klee Center. Kaba opens the doors for museum visitors entering the realm of the famous Swiss artist. The Paul Klee Center in Berne was opened on June 20, 2005. The elegant steel structure houses the world’s largest collection of works by the famous Swiss artist. Through Kaba Gilgen doors, visitors step into a fascinating world of art. The new cultural institution focuses on the person, life, and work of Paul Klee (1878–1940) who was also a musician, pedagogue, and poet and who ranks among the most important artists of the 20th century. With the Paul Klee Center, Berne has a monument of international significance. Interested visitors can view about 4,000 paintings, watercolors, and drawings as well as archive items and biographic materials. The cultural center was financed by the Klee family and an orthopedic surgeon, Maurice E. Müller, as well as additional sponsors. The renowned and award-winning Italian architect Renzo Piano, whose previous work includes the Centre Pompidou in Paris, was commissioned to design the facility. His latest building in Switzerland is already making waves far beyond the city of Berne. The three hills of the center will house not only exhibitions but also international conferences. The sophisticated equipment of the rooms makes them suitable for all kinds of music, theater, and dance events. In the children’s museum, kids from age four can express their creative abilities – and who knows whether among them another Klee is already in the making… Tres olas para Berna | En junio de 2005 se inauguró en Berna el Centro Paul Klee. El edificio, una elegante construcción de acero en forma de ola, es un diseño del galardonado arquitecto italiano Renzo Piano. El museo alberga la mayor colección del mundo del notable artista suizo Paul Klee (1878–1940). Kaba abre las puertas a los visitantes y los invita a pasar a un fascinante mundo del arte. In Berne, star architect Renzo Piano has created a worthy tribute to Paul Klee. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 17 CUSTOM Security for a metropolis The new Hong Kong Police headquarters was inaugurated in mid-2005. Within the scope of its redesign, Kaba was invited to cooperate in the development of the new Display Center of the Crime Prevention Bureau. The new Hong Kong Police headquarters was inaugurated in mid-2005 and features the most advanced facilities and systems. A primary function of the police force is to prevent crime. In the metropolis of Hong Kong, this task is assigned to the Crime Prevention Bureau, a unit of police officers specially trained in crime prevention and security. The particular aim of the Crime Prevention Bureau is to educate and train the public and the business community in the latest techniques and technologies of crime prevention. For this purpose, it operates a very extensively appointed Display Center featuring a wide range of security-related equipment. During the planning stage of the new Hong Kong Police headquarters, Kaba was invited as a leading provider of security products and solutions to participate in the development of the new Display Center of the Crime Prevention Bureau. The new Hong Kong Police Crime Prevention Bureau Display Center was officially inaugurated Commissioner of Police Ming-Kwai Lee (left) presents Napoleon Chung of Kaba Hong Kong with a certificate of appreciation for the company’s contribution to the new Display Center of the Crime Prevention Bureau. 18 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 by the Commissioner of Police, Ming-Kwai Lee, on August 5, 2005. During the grand opening ceremony, the Commissioner presented Kaba Hong Kong with a “Certificate of Appreciation” and a souvenir plaque in recognition of its contribution to the design and establishment of the Display Center. Kaba received high praise for supporting the Crime Prevention Bureau with the Total Access strategy and for its continuous commitment to public security and crime prevention in Hong Kong. Seguridad para una metrópolis | La nueva Jefatura Superior de Policía de Hongkong comenzó su actividad a mediados de 2005. Un departamento especial, el Crime Prevention Bureau, se ocupa de informar y formar al público sobre prevención de crímenes. Para el proyecto de remodelación de la Jefatura Superior, Kaba, en su calidad de empresa líder en productos de seguridad, fue invitada a participar en el equipamiento del nuevo centro de exposiciones. Como reconocimiento a su contribución en el nuevo centro, el comisario de policía Ming-Kwai Lee hizo una mención honorífica de Kaba Hongkong en el transcurso de la ceremonia de inauguración. CUSTOM The joy of traveling… and of service Compagnie des Wagons-Lits is a major service provider on the European railway network. Its 5,000 employees annually serve up 24 million meals on board numerous trains. Recently, Kaba Benzing terminals were introduced to record employee attendance. Automated processes for resource planning based on a partnership solution by HR Access Fidelity and Kaba Benzing. Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, a member of the Accor group, is a major service provider on the European railway network. The company, active in six countries – Austria, Spain, France, Italy, the UK, and Portugal – provides a wide range of services on board trains, from snacks to business lunches, and overnight accommodation to minibars. The 5,000 employees serve about 24 million meals per year, corresponding to about one meal every second. “To align our employees’ time schedules with the railway timetables is a daily challenge”, says project manager Anne Lebarbenchon. Recognizing the problem, the French sleeping car company after in-depth evaluation decided to convert from manual time and attendance recording to Kaba Benzing terminals throughout the entire network. Centralization of data and decentralization of administration – the partnership with Kaba Benzing and HR Access Fidelity made it possible to attain this objective. HR Access Fidelity is responsible for payroll and time management, Kaba Benzing for data collection and communications management. The entire system is interconnected via an interface certified by the issuer. Aligning attendance schedules with railway timetables is now no longer a problem. All activities, as well as any irregularities, can be easily identified and analyzed. The system also makes it possible to optimize the deployment of resources. “If we had to start this project all over again, we would pick the same partners”, Anne Lebarbenchon emphasizes. El placer de viajar… y de un buen servicio | La compañía Wagons-Lits, una empresa del grupo Accor, es uno de los principales proveedores de servicios de la red europea de ferrocarriles. La empresa, presente en seis países, ofrece a través de sus 5.000 empleados unos 24 millones de servicios de comidas al año a bordo de los trenes, es decir, más o menos una comida por segundo. Actualmente el horario de trabajo de los empleados se gestiona mediante terminales de Kaba Benzing. El proyecto conjunto de Kaba y HR Access Fidelity ha permitido descentralizar los datos y la administración. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 19 CUSTOM A classic in new splendor – the Berlin Olympic Stadium On July 9, 2006, 74,220 fans will pass the 112 Kaba tripod barriers into the largest German football stadium to see the final of the 2006 Football World Cup. World championship arenas such as the Berlin Olympic Stadium depend on safe access control systems. In the midst of a spacious area at the edge of the Grunewald emerges the mighty oval of the Olympic Stadium. The venue with a capacity of 100,000 spectators was originally built for the 1936 summer Olympics on plans by architect Werner March. Formally, the stadium reflects the clear geometric shapes of the sports stadiums of classical antiquity. From 2000 to 2004, the landmark Olympic Stadium was fundamentally restructured and modernized for the 2006 Football World Cup based on plans by architects Gerkan, Marg und Partner. At first sight, nothing much has changed. But in reality, the classical torso with its colonnades and arches hides one of Europe’s most sophisticated multifunctional arenas. The most conspicuous novelty is the stadium’s roofing. The new, seemingly floating roof structure with its translucent outer skin rests on sleek steel pillars and protects almost all of the 74,220 seats against sun and rain. Strict terms imposed by the historical monument protection authorities made renovation work challenging. It was not allowed, for instance, to change the narrow access passages where tripod barriers were planned. To accommodate the dimensions in the Olympic Stadium, a double tripod barrier with only one floor stand was developed especially for this project. In addition to 32 standard tripod barriers, 40 units of this custom solution by Kaba are now in use in the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Handling the huge visitor streams into the World Cup stadiums represents a technical and logistical challenge. Besides Berlin, other World Cup venues also rely on safe Kaba access systems such as the Veltins arena in Gelsenkirchen (formerly Arena auf Schalke), the Frankfurter Commerzbank arena, and the AWD arena in Hannover. Un clásico brilla de nuevo – el Estadio Olímpico de Berlín | El próximo 9 de julio 74.220 aficionados acudirán al Estadio Olímpico de Berlín para presenciar la final del Campeonato Mundial de Fútbol 2006. Para entrar cruzarán uno de los 112 torniquetes Kaba instalados recientemente. El Estadio Olímpico de Berlín, declarado monumento histórico, fue enteramente remodelado y modernizado con vistas a los Mundiales de Fútbol 2006. Uno de los desafíos del proyecto fue el control físico de acceso. Kaba diseñó un torniquete especial doble con un sólo pie y un ancho adaptado a la medida de las entradas del Estadio Olímpico. Hay 40 de estos equipos especiales instalados en diversas entradas. As a venue of the 2006 Football World Cup final, the Berlin Olympic Stadium will receive the highest honors in the world of sports. Kaba provides security in the midst of the excitement. 20 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 CUSTOM Kaba opens the doors to the Stade de Suisse While footballers fight for the ball on the field of the Stade de Suisse Wankdorf in the evening, the shopping center in the lower section of the stadium has already calmed down after a busy day. The newly opened football arena in Berne relies on safe Kaba access systems. For those who still remember the old Wankdorf stadium, internationally famous for the legendary World Cup final between Hungary and Germany in 1954, the stage of the erstwhile “miracle of Berne” will soon be a mere memory. It has given way to a unique new football arena with 32,000 covered seats. In 2008, the Stade de Suisse will be one of the venues of the UEFA European Football Championships. Multiple utilization, one single partner: Kaba turnstiles provide controlled access to the Stade de Suisse while sliding doors assure barrier-free passage inside the building complex. In late July 2005, the Stade de Suisse Wankdorf was opened as the largest Swiss sports stadium. The multifunctional structure offers a wide-ranging usage concept for all kinds of sports and mass-spectator events. The lower section of the stadium accommodates over 30 specialty shops as well as offices and schools. After the approval of the new Wankdorf in a referendum, Marazzi Generalunternehmung AG was commissioned with the project planning work. The responsibility for construction was entrusted to the architectural teams Luscher Architectes SA, Lausanne, Schwaar und Partner AG, Berne, and Rebmann, Zurich. After four years of construction, the Stade de Suisse was festively inaugurated. While players on the field spare no effort to prevent access to their goals, the turnstiles developed by Kaba let the football fans swiftly enter the stadium. Sliding doors merge gracefully with the glass façade and provide barrier-free passage in all parts of the building complex. Sport connects people – Kaba provides spectators with access to their passion, football. Kaba abre las puertas al Stade de Suisse | El estadio Wankdorf, conocido internacionalmente gracias a la legendaria final del Mundial de Fútbol entre Hungría y Alemania en el año 1954, se ha convertido, tras cuatro años de reconstrucción, en el mayor estadio deportivo de Suiza. El Stade de Suisse Wankdorf ofrece múltiples posibilidades de uso para grandes acontecimientos deportivos o de otro tipo (32.000 asientos cubiertos). En los locales de alquiler se han instalado más de 30 tiendas, además de oficinas y escuelas. Las puertas corredizas de Kaba garantizan el paso sin obstáculos, mientras que los torniquetes permiten un acceso rápido de los aficionados al interior del estadio. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 21 CUSTOM Brussels – Europe’s meeting point It stands behind the Gare Leopold in Brussels: the architectural complex of the European Parliament with its two main buildings “Altiero Spinelli” and “Paul Henri Spaak”. A new access control solution was developed within the scope of the renovation of the entrance areas. Today, up to 15,000 visitors enter the European Parliament every day through Kaba systems. The European Parliament, the joint parliamentary body of the European Union, has three venues: The week-long plenary meetings are held at monthly intervals in Strasbourg, the General Secretariat is located in Luxembourg, and the parliamentary committees meet in Brussels where additional plenary meetings also take place. The complex of the European Parliament in Brussels comprises the “Altiero Spinelli Building”, named after the former Italian chairman of the Institutional Commission. In 1984, Spinelli had formulated the parliament’s draft treaty for the foundation of the European Union. A bridge connects this facility with the “Paul Henri Spaak Building”, which carries the name of the former Belgian Chairman of the European Deliberative Assembly. In 1953, Spaak together with Jean Monnet inspired the treaty of the European Constituent Assembly for establishing a charter for the European Union. 22 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Every day, up to 15,000 visitors pass through 21 Kaba access control points into the buildings of the European Parliament in Brussels. In both buildings, the entrance areas were recently redesigned. The solution for access control was developed by Kaba Belgium. Every day up to 15,000 visitors pass the new Charon HSB sensor barriers or enter the impressive buildings through HSD swing doors. In total, 21 access units were installed; they are all op- erated from a central control desk. With the expansion of the European Union to 25 countries, plans are in place to enlarge the building complex by 2007. A futuristic footbridge system – as a symbol of unity – will connect the existing structures with two new buildings. Bruselas, el punto de encuentro de Europa | El Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas, punto de encuentro de Europa, es sede de las comisiones parlamentarias, así como de las sesiones plenarias de la Comunidad Europea. La zona de entrada de los dos edificios principales “Altiero Spinelli” y “Paul-Henri Spaak” fue remodelada el año pasado y está ahora equipada con sistemas de control de acceso Kaba. A diario entran hasta 15.000 personas en estos edificios, cruzando para ello los pasillos automáticos Charon HSB o las puertas pivotantes HSD. La instalación comprende un total de 21 equipos. CUSTOM Automated border crossing At the Barrier Gate Checkpoint, the busy border crossing point between Macao and the Chinese mainland, an automatic clearance system has been operating in trial mode since October 2005. When the test phase is successfully completed, some 20,000 people a day will conveniently pass through the checkpoint with their ID smartcards. Every day, 200,000 to 250,000 people pass through the Barrier Gate Checkpoint between Macao and mainland China. In a pilot project designed to streamline traffic, the Automated Passenger Clearance System (APCS) was put into operation on October 5, 2005. Residents of Macao now have the possibility to cross over the border with their ID cards: because their fingerprints are stored in their ID smartcards, they can pass the checkpoint without any further formalities. On the launch day, some 1,300 residents tested the system. Most of them expressed great interest and said the new solution was a positive step forward. The system will become fully operational if the pilot project is successful. With a total of 15 channels – 8 for arrivals and 7 for departures – some 20,000 commuters can benefit from the APCS. This corresponds to one tenth of the daily passenger flow. Unlike other fingerprint recognition methods, the APCS’ proximity sensor technology requires no direct contact of the skin on the sensor. Accordingly, no latent fingerprints can remain on the sensor surface. Additionally, to maximize hygiene, a special patented surface cleaning mechanism has been integrated in the sensor device. The Hong Kong Immigration Department is installing a similar application with more than 1,000 drives. This project is scheduled for completion by mid-2006. When fully implemented, the very user-friendly fingerprint verification system in Macao will handle the passage of up to 20,000 people per day. Control automático del cruce de frontera | Desde octubre de 2005 está operando como proyecto piloto un sistema automático de control fronterizo en el Barrier Gate Checkpoint, una frontera de gran densidad de tráfico entre Macao y China continental. En el futuro está previsto que unas 20.000 personas crucen la frontera diariamente con ayuda de una tarjeta ID smartcard. La reacción de los usuarios ante el Automated Passenger Clearance System, o abreviadamente APCS, está siendo positiva. A diferencia de los métodos de identificación de huella dactilar habituales, el APCS no precisa contacto directo del dedo con la superficie del sensor. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 23 TRENDS Electronic ticketing in the Zurich Hallenstadion When the ZSC Lions hockey club moved into the renovated Zurich Hallenstadion in the fall of 2005, the era of electronic ticketing was inaugurated. The so-called U-Tics are more convenient for spectators, shorten waiting times, and reduce handling overhead. The new U-Tic solution is seamlessly integrated into the existing Kaba access system. Thanks to U-Tic, spectators are guaranteed easy and fast access to the Hallenstadion. Franz Kälin, Head of Marketing-Services ZLE Betriebs AG, finds the new ticketing system fully convincing. Friday evening, just before the match begins: At the ticket windows in Zurich-Oerlikon spectators are pushing to get hold of a ticket for the ZSC Lions game. This scenario will soon be a distant memory. Since the introduction of the U-Tic system at the Hallenstadion, fans can book their tickets via Internet from their homes. This not only saves them a lot of waiting time at the box office but also some money due to lower handling fees. A survey revealed that 87 % of 24 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Hallenstadion visitors regard the new ticketing system as positive and convenient. “The match spectators particularly like the option of booking a seat via the Internet and the low handling fee”, explains Franz Kälin, Head of Marketing-Services of ZLE Betriebs AG. “Initially, many visitors were skeptical, and some promotional activity was needed to communicate the advantages. But today, after a few months of experience, I can say that the system has passed the test.” TRENDS U-Tic is creating a paradigm shift The renovated Zurich Hallenstadion ranks among Europe’s most modern indoor halls for mass spectator events. Gérard Jenni, director of AG Hallenstadion, comments on the newly launched ticketing solution. U-Tic – short for “your ticket” – is an electronic ticket in the form of a credit card; it is based on Legic technology. The data medium is a chip card that ensures forgery-proof identification. With the Kaba exos 9300 access control system, access to the stadium is contact-free: The U-Tic is pointed at the electronic reader which automatically unlocks the turnstile and thus prevents congestion in the passenger flow. The forgery protection of the ticket complies with the highest standards. The control system makes it impossible for two people to obtain access with the same ticket. After the event, the U-Tic is taken home and can be “refilled” electronically via the Internet. The test run of the U-Tic system took place in 2003/2004 on the occasion of the WTA “Swisscom Challenge” tournaments in Kloten. The successful launch convinced AG Hallenstadion, and the solution was permanently installed at the Hallenstadion within the scope of its complete renovation in the fall of 2005. Since then, all home matches of the ZSC Lions as well as the Zurich Open and “Energy Stars for free” have been successfully handled with this system. Together with its partner VisionOne, Kaba plans to expand electronic ticketing to other events and venues. Since 2003, over 40,000 U-Tics have been brought into circulation. Gestión electrónica de entradas en el Hallenstadion de Zurich | Coincidiendo con la entrada del club de hockey sobre hielo ZSC Lions en el Hallenstadion de Zurich tras su renovación, se inició la era de la gestión electrónica de tickets. Desde ese momento, los aficionados pueden reservar las entradas para los partidos desde casa a través de internet. De esta forma no tienen que hacer cola en las taquillas antes del partido, beneficiándose además de unos gastos de gestión más bajos. U-Tic, la abreviatura de “your ticket”, tiene forma de tarjeta de crédito y está basado en la teconología Legic. El chip integrado en la tarjeta facilita una identificación a prueba de falsificaciones, mientras que el acceso al estadio es sin contacto, gracias al sistema de control Kaba exos 9300. Después del partido, el U-Tic se lleva a casa y se puede utilizar para reservar con posterioridad el siguiente partido a través del ordenador. Kaba tiene previsto, junto con la empresa VisionOne, ampliar la gestión electrónica de entradas a otros eventos y recintos. Gérard Jenni, what prompted you to opt for electronic ticketing? Ticketing solutions are part of every organizer’s marketing concept. Two organizers – the Zurich Open and the ZSC Lions team – wanted to combine a ticketing system with an attractive access concept. In a joint venture, Kaba and VisionOne and our company developed a solution for the Hallenstadion: The new system is being marketed under the U-Tic brand. As a stadium operator, what benefits do you expect from the new solution? The solution is open for additional applications. The readers supplied by Kaba are multifunctional, they can read RFID chips as well as bar codes. Moreover, Kaba will provide software that makes it possible to embed other ticketing systems via black-and-white lists or even online. How do you rate the potential of the new ticketing system? I am convinced that the solution will establish itself. Increasingly, other organizers will also make use of the automated access control option. In addition, it gives organizers an opportunity to collect marketing data and reuse them for later events. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 25 Techno A new dimension in access control Kaba exos 9300 is venturing into a new dimension of access control. With release 2.1, it offers the possibility to manage not only online passageways but also stand-alone components, i.e. non-wired doors. As a new feature, existing Kaba elolegic and Kaba elostar components can be configured from a central location. In addition, authorizations can be managed and issued in a shared access profile. This way, supervisors always have a complete overview of all electronic authorizations. The full potential of the system comes to the fore when it is used with the new digital Kaba elolegic components. In this case, authorizations are transmitted via the online readers individually to the user’s Legic ID. The stand-alone components then recognize from the ID where and at what time the person has authorized access. Authorization changes are thus automated and transmitted in real time to the non-wired doors. This eliminates the previously required local programming procedure. Questor – the interactive safe lock Questor is the ideal safe lock for applications where issuing permanent opening authorizations involves undue risk. Questor works with an opening code that is valid only once (OTC, One Time Combination) and is generated by a code administration center. This code is revealed to an authorized person only when present in the safe room or in advance for one-time access to the safe. The “Interactive Code System” (ICS, patent pending) enables wireless information exchange between the lock and the code administration center. The center can monitor, for example, whether the lock and the safe door have been opened or whether the operator is being threatened. Currently, Questor is already protecting several 100 million euro in automated teller machines and armored vehicles. Nueva dimensión en control de acceso | A partir de la versión 2.1., Kaba exos 9300 ofrece la posibilidad de gestionar también componentes independientes. Gracias a esta nueva solución se pueden configurar de forma centralizada componentes de Kaba elolegic y Kaba elostar. El sistema permite además gestionar las autorizaciones en un perfil común. Para beneficiarse de todas las posibilidades del sistema, deberá utilizarse con los nuevos componentes digitales de Kaba elolegic. 26 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Questor – la cerradura interactiva para cajas fuertes | Questor es la cerradura ideal para cajas fuertes en aplicaciones en las que conceder una autorización permanente de apertura conlleve riesgos. La cerradura Questor funciona en base a un código de apertura válido para una sola vez (OTC); este código se genera en la central de administración de códigos y se otorga de acuerdo con la situación. El “Interactive Code System” (ICS), del que ya se ha solicitado la patente, permite además el intercambio inalámbrico de información entre la cerradura y la central de administración de códigos – de esta forma se pueden identificar al instante situaciones de peligro o amenaza. Techno More security in entrance areas Introducing time and attendance recording On the occasion of CeBIT 2006, Kaba Benzing is showcasing the new time and attendance terminal B-Net 93 20, an entry-level terminal for attendance management applications that offers the user a variety of choices. Visually appealing, small, and compact, it is especially suited for small and medium-sized time and attendance solutions. The terminal can store 200 master records and 4,000 events. More master records are possible as with available add-on memory. Due to its IP 54 protection rating and with an optional heater, the B-Net 93 20 can also be operated outdoors. The terminal is equipped with an Ethernet interface and can be upgraded with two relays, thus allowing it to serve as a door opener in access control systems. Visually, the elegant, transparent door appears to be a conventional sliding door. However, burglary-resistant components added to the standard version provide a greatly enhanced level of deterrence. The automatic locking mechanism invisibly integrated into the sliding wing, the reinforced wing system with safety glass, and the continuous bottom guide assembly make forcible entry much more difficult. The Kaba automated sliding door with certified burglary resistance can handle static and dynamic loads of resistance class WK2. Más seguridad gracias a la puerta corrediza antirrobo | Esta puerta, elegante y transparente no se diferencia a primera vista de una puerta corrediza convencional. Sin embargo sus componentes antirrobo la convierten en una puerta de mayor resistencia. Está equipada con cierre automático, vidrio de seguridad y rail-guía continuo en el suelo. Una vez superadas las pruebas antirrobo, la puerta ha sido clasificada en la categoría de resistencia WK2. Inicio en la gestión horaria | La nueva terminal de gestión horaria B-Net 93 20 será presentada por primera vez en la próxima CeBIT. Esta terminal de atractivo diseño, pequeña y compacta es particularmente adecuada para soluciones pequeñas y medianas, ya que tiene capacidad para 200 registros y 4.000 movimientos. También se puede instalar en el exterior del edificio. Además, como opción, se puede equipar con dos relés, lo que permite utilizarla como abrepuertas. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 27 Techno PC reader identifies users The new USB reader B-Net 91 07 by Kaba Benzing is designed for data collection from Legic media (badges or key fobs, etc.) via a PC workstation. The desktop unit is placed next to the workstation and connected to the computer’s USB interface. The PC reader can be embedded into any desired application. Within the application, it is used for issuing user authorizations and for user identification. For example, in an inventory withdrawal procedure, it can record who has signed out the item. Another possible application would be the documentation of formulation components in a pharmaceutical plant. Biometric immigration control The new Charon HSB is an innovative solution for automatic immigration control in airports. The stylish sensor barrier with biometric identification consists of a half-height transparent interlock equipped with two double swing doors serving as barriers. A valid passport or ID card opens the door to the interlock. Inside, a second check is carried out based on the passenger’s biometric identification. Because the biometric data is stored in the system’s memory, enrolled frequent-flyer passengers benefit from swifter clearance at the airport. The sensor barrier offers a high level of security while also being fast, convenient, and easy to operate. Lector de ordenador para identificar al usuario | El nuevo lector B-Net 91 07 para USB está pensado para registrar información de soportes Legic de almacenamiento de datos en un lugar de trabajo con ordenador. Este lector se conecta a la interfaz USB del ordenador y puede integrarse en cualquier aplicación deseada. Dentro de la aplicación, se utiliza para adjudicar derechos a los usuarios, así como para identificarlos. 28 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Biometría en el control fronterizo | El nuevo equipo Charon HSB es una innovativa solución para automatizar el control de paso fronterizo en aeropuertos. El equipo HSB es un elegante pasillo controlado por sensores y dotado de identificación biométrica. Consiste en una unidad a la altura de la cintura que presenta gran transparencia y dispone de dos pares de puertas pivotantes con función de esclusa. La primera puerta se abre al presentar un pasaporte válido. En el interior del pasillo tiene lugar el segundo control del pasajero, aplicando identificación biométrica. El sistema ofrece un alto nivel de seguridad, siendo su uso a la vez cómodo y sencillo. Techno Safe escape and rescue routes High power for high requirements The powerful B-Net 95 80 terminal developed by Kaba Benzing sets new standards in enterprise data collection (EDC). The PC terminal has a high-intensity graphic 12.1 inch TFT display that presents the user with a wide range of information. Developed primarily for sophisticated and technically complex EDC solutions, it stands out for its speed, the fanless passive cooling concept, and protection class IP 65. Apart from EDC, the high-end device can be used as a platform for web-based information kiosk applications. For example, it can serve as an info station displaying personal data or educational content for employees and customers. In everyday situations, it is a convenient and barrierfree passageway. In case of a fire, it offers a safe escape and rescue route – the SLX Break-Out sliding door system (approved by the German technical inspection authority TÜV) with its elegant, transparent design is multifunctional and versatile. In case of an emergency, the system can be easily opened manually and is therefore capable of handling even a panic-type mass rush. The SLX Break-Out door also features hinged sliding wings. Additionally, the side panels can be opened along their entire width, which is convenient on hot summer days and makes life easier for people carrying bulky parcels or users with vehicles. For night-time operation, the door can be optionally upgraded with a multipoint locking mechanism. Vía segura de emergencia y evacuación | El sistema de puertas corredizas SLX Break-Out está aprobado por la asociación de inspección técnica TÜV y ofrece aplicaciones multifuncionales. Para el uso diario, la puerta permite un paso cómodo y sin obstáculos; en caso de incendio, el sistema funciona como una segura vía de emergencia y evacuación. Las hojas corredizas y las piezas laterales son pivotantes y se pueden abrir, dejando el paso libre en la anchura total de la puerta. Gran potencia para las más altas exigencias | La terminal B-Net 95 80 establece nuevas marcas para las terminales basadas en ordenador y utilizadas en la gestión de datos empresariales. Esta terminal de ordenador dispone de una pantalla gráfica TFT de 12.1 pulgadas y gran luminosidad. Concebida especialmente para soluciones BDE exigentes y complejas, destaca por su rapidez, su sistema de enfriamiento pasivo y su nivel de protección eléctrica IP 65. Además se puede utilizar como plataforma para aplicaciones de información basadas en la red. Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 | Kaba | 29 Flash Kaba in Dubai About a year ago, Kaba established an office in Dubai Internet City. To build a solid reputation in the Middle East, it takes continuity, perseverance, and good contacts forged with a spirit of partnership. The participation in the Big 5 Fair of November 16 to 20, 2005, was one of the past year’s highlights. Attracting about 34,000 visitors, the Big 5 ranks among the largest exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates. Two thousand companies from 50 countries exhibited their Five-million-man-hour safety record achieved products at Dubai’s World Trade Center facilities. A solid record of implemented projects is the best reference, even in extremely dynamic markets like Dubai – and “Made in Switzerland” is still appreciated as a seal of quality. Kaba presented itself as a cosmopolitan Swiss enterprise with a comprehensive product range. The large number of inspiring discussions with the stand visitors suggests a promising future. The 600 employees of Kaba Ilco Corp. in Rocky Mount have safety clearly in their sights and are committed to a “Zero Accident Culture”. As the world’s largest manufacturer of key blanks and key cutting machines, this high-capacity manufacturing operation uses sophisticated equipment and a highly skilled workforce to produce millions of key blanks every day. The Rocky Mount plant celebrated a milestone on January 21, 2006, with four years, or 5,470,666 man-hours, without a lost workday injury. The State of North Carolina’s Department of Labor presented the Kaba Ilco plant with a plaque “For Outstanding Work in Accident Prevention”. Kaba en Dubai | Hace aproximadamente un año se inaguró la nueva oficina de Kaba en Dubai Internet City. Uno de los puntos culminantes del año pasado fue la participación del 16 al 20 de noviembre en la feria Big 5, una de las mayores ferias de los Emiratos Arabes Unidos, con unos 2.000 expositores procedentes de 50 países. Kaba se presentó al público como una empresa suiza abierta que ofrece una amplia gama de productos. El equipo de Kaba tuvo muchos encuentros interesantes con visitantes de la feria, lo que augura buenas perspectivas de futuro. 30 | Kaba | Security Update no. 33 – 1/2006 Todo un record: cinco millones de horas sin accidentes | El 21 de enero de 2006, los 600 empleados de Kaba Ilco Corp. en Rocky Mount (EEUU), el mayor fabricante mundial de llaves en blanco y fresadoras para llaves, celebraron un aniversario muy especial: cuatro años de trabajo, es decir 5.470.666 horas, sin un sólo día perdido por accidente de trabajo. El Ministerio de Trabajo del estado de Carolina del Norte entregó a Kaba Ilco, como empresa de alto rendimiento, una placa “Por sus excelentes resultados en la preveción de accidentes”. East meets West In early 2006, Kaba Lodging Systems started building locks specifically for the Asian market directly within China. The new factory in Suzhou includes an assembly site for the 760K hotel lock, combining components from suppliers in China with mortise locks and circuit boards made in North America. The resulting product brings the best of both worlds together in an economical, locally produced and serviced package. Trade shows Ferias profesionales Practical World, Köln/DE 5.3.– 8.3.06 CeBIT, Hannover/DE 9.3.–15.3.06 Saie Due, Bologna/IT 14.3.–18.3.06 Sicurezza, Milano/IT 15.3.–18.3.06 Imprint Passenger Terminal Expo, Paris/FR 21.3.–23.3.06 Security Update is published in spring and fall in English (9,000 copies) and multilingual edition (21,000 copies). 17th year Securex, Poznan/PL 28.3.–31.3.06 Publisher ISC West (Industrial Security West), Las Vegas/USA 5.4.–7.4.06 Hannover Messe, Hannover/DE 24.4.–28.4.06 SHDA (Security Hardware Distributors Association), Fort Lauderdale/USA 25.4.–28.4.06 IFSEC, Birmingham/UK 8.5.–11.5.06 Stadia & Arena, London/UK 21.6.–22.6.06 Encuentro este-oeste | A principios de 2006 Kaba Lodging Systems inició la fabricación de cerraduras para el mercado asiático en China. En la nueva fábrica de Suzhou se producen las cerraduras para hotel 760K, combinando componentes de suministradores chinos con cerraduras empotrables y placas de circuitos impresos de América del Norte. El producto final unifica lo mejor de ambos mundos, resultando un conjunto de coste económico y de producción y mantenimiento locales. ALOA (Associated Locksmiths of America), Las Vegas/US 9.7.–16.7.06 Zukunft Personal, Köln/DE 13.9.–14.9.06 Malbex 2006, Kuala Lumpur/MY 13.9.–16.9.06 Security, Essen/DE 10.10.–13.10.06 Kaba Management + Consulting AG CH-8153 Rümlang, Switzerland Editors Jean-Luc Ferrazzini Chief Communication Officer Volker Bachmann Gwenda Boschetti Simone Fischer Werner Kühnlein Carole Leubler Jürg Nyffenegger Joachim Schmidt Reader Service Corporate Communications Phone +41 44 818 92 01 Fax +41 44 818 91 94 E-mail: Design and Realisation DACHCOM CH-8404 Winterthur Photography © JJd’Angelo (page 19) Reproduction is subject to permission from Kaba. Kaba®, Bedanet®, Bedas®, Com-ID®, Ilco®, LEGIC®, Paxos®, Silca®, Simplex® etc. are registered trademarks, IntelliboltTM, PowersaverTM etc. trademarks of the Kaba Group. Due to country-specific constraints or marketing considerations, some of the Kaba Group products and systems may not be available in every market.