In The Wind -


In The Wind -
In The Wind
BMW Motorcycle Club of Colorado
February 2014
MOA #66
AMA #2772
RA #327
Red Rocks Grill
Morrison, CO
Every Saturday at
8:30 a.m. (rain, shine,
or snow), members
meet for breakfast at
Red Rocks Grill in
Morrison. If weather
permits, we ride
Monthly Meeting
Wednesday February 12th
Monthly meetings are held
on the second Wednesday at
Red & Jerry’s located at 1840
W Oxford Avenue, Sheridan,
CO 80110. Come join us for
dinner, socializing and to hear
our monthly speakers.
5:00 Dinner & Socializing
6:30 Meetinag
7:00 Speaker
Monthly Meeting Presenters
Randy Bishop, Dennis O’Neal, Shu Shushan and Karst Postma
Topic: Perpetual PassBagger Quest
Most rides are
spontaneous, with
determined that
morning. Come with
ride suggestions!
Membership in the BMW Motorcycle Club of
Colorado expires annually on December 31st. For
those of you who have already renewed, thank you!
If not, please do so by visiting the club’s Website at Select “Membership” then
follow the convenient process to renew. For questions
about your membership please email membership@
Read more about Member Bendfits on Page 9
In the Wind
Presid e n t ’ s L e t t e r
But what do we do in the winter?
Good question. Every year is different but the truth is we have it good here. It’s nothing new really.
The history of Niinéniiniicíihéhe’ will tell you that. Never heard that name? It’s the Arapahoe name
for what we now know as Denver and Denver owes its existence its mild winters. You can easily miss
it in the Wikipedia description but it says,
“(Denver started) . . . across the South Platte River from the site of seasonal encampments of the
Cheyenne and Arapaho. The site of these first towns is now the site of Confluence Park in downtown
The Indian tribes of the time, not possessing polar fleece or Gore-Tex, banked their winter survival on making camp where the mildest
weather could be found. That was Denver. The white man only came here later and originally, only to trade with them. The town grew
from there.
Here we are, 200 years later and we still enjoy mild winters. Sure, we have cold snaps, but it’s all relative. We can’t ride every day year
round, but it’s a rare month where we can’t ride at least several times. Have I mentioned rider’s paradise lately?
Yes, I know we still think of this as our off-season. It isn’t really. It’s just a different part of a cycle and there really are benefits to be
had from it. I view it as a beneficial break, a time to reflect, a renewal. It’s a time to re-energize and because of where we live, it works
especially well.
I like being able to take my bike apart over several winter days and not feel like I lost that time when I should have been riding. I like
having the time to read up on places I haven’t been to yet. I especially like something our Club does throughout this time, that being
our tradition of meeting for breakfast every Saturday morning. It’s no surprise to me that the core group of the most active members can
frequently be found there. It is strictly informal but it lets us maintain and strengthen our connections with other members. You can
make of it what you will but what I see on Saturday mornings is a lot of laughter and real camaraderie in a light-hearted exchange of lies
about our riding skills, our knowledge of the machines we ride, and all the fun we’ve had on rides past. It is our version of “bench racing”.
If you are one of our less active members, you should make a point to go. If you don’t you are missing out on a real benefit of membership.
On the practical side, winter is our time to do our tune ups, oil changes and repairs and to shop for new riding gear too. Winter gives us
time to study maps and seek advice from people who have been to Alaska before and who can warn you about the pitfalls to avoid on the
trip you are finally getting around to taking. This is not down time. This is prep time.
The Denver weather offers one more valuable benefit to road riders which you may not have thought about. I’m not sure I would have
noticed had I not started out riding dirt trails. Trail riders don’t ride in the winter. Single-track trails are covered with snow and until it all
melts off, we aren’t riding. What I came to understand about dirt riding was that in spite of being bounced around seemingly at random
through the rocks and ruts, dirt riding has a rhythm to it. And what did you lose during six months of not riding? You lost the rhythm.
That first ride of the season was the hardest ride of the year.
I submit to you that road riding also has a rhythm. Don’t
believe it? Be honest. We can all remember days when we
rode especially well, but also days when we just didn’t “have
it.” Riding at least monthly minimizes that loss of rhythm.
Just one more advantage to where we live, as if we didn’t
have enough advantages already!
So, winter is like rainy days. Without them we wouldn’t
appreciate the sunny days as much.
Ride safe,
In the Wind
Mardi Gra s & B i k e We e k
Let’s Go Riding!
This particular year the Mardi Gras and Daytona Bike Week fall in the same week - very rare! Basically, I’m planning on leaving Saturday
March 1st staying in Amarillo the first night and Shreveport the next, arriving in N’Awlins afternoonish on Monday. Stay there till mid-day
Wednesday then camp out in the Fla panhandle that night. Thur, Fri, Sat in Daytona
Beach heading back north on Saturday afternoon. Head back home for real starting
on Sunday morning; Little Rock, Amarillo (again), Denver. Back not later than
Tuesday evening (Mar 11th). The motorcycling miles are:
3/1 – 425 to Amarillo
3/2 – 550 to Shreveport
3/3 – 327 to New Orleans
3/4 – 3/7 Local/no travel days
3/5 – 305 to Falling Waters State Park (hiking at Ponce
de Leon Springs State Park or Fountain of Youth)
3/6 – 351 to Daytona Beach
3/8 – 220 to Valdosta, GA
3/9 – 684 to Little Rock
3/10 – 596 to Amarillo
3/11 – 413 to Centennial
For a total of 3,871 miles not including local travel in NO and
Daytona Beach. Most motel nights already reserved (Amarillo,
Shreveport and Valdosta) ran about $40/night. New Orleans
during Mardi Gras was $265/night (ouch!), but it is right on the
river and close to the parade routes. Camping averaged $20/night.
My bike will hit the 100,000 mile mark by Shreveport!
Contact Kerry M. Miller
In the Wind
2014 BMW M C C O f f i c er s
Jeff Burns, President |
I was raised on Long Island but moved to Colorado in 1969 at the age of 28. It was the best move I ever
made with the possible exception of buying my first motorcycle a year later. Not to overstate this but I
often wonder what my life would have been like, had I not started to ride. Seriously, my adult social life
outside of work and family has been all about riding. When it began, I had no idea how many friends
would come from it or how rewarding this new adventure would turn out to be. For the first 15 years, I
rode dirt bikes all over Colorado, Utah, and even raced Barstow-to-Vegas once. We rode every weekend
there wasn’t snow on the ground. When I acquired my first street bike, those same guys would just arrive
at my house, unannounced. “Let’s take a ride,” and off we went. How fortunate we are to live here. It is
rider’s paradise. As a million-mile Volvo guy once said on Good Morning America when asked what his
favorite road was, he replied, “Any road west of Denver.” Correct!
Jeff Kelley, Secretary |
Jeff, a Colorado native and attorney, became an active member in the BMWMCC when he was
appointed Trustee in 2012, elected Secretary in 2013 and re-elected Secretary in 2014. He has been
an avid motorcyclist over the years enjoying both dirt and street riding Colorado. Jeff participates in
the many Club rides and enjoys the camaraderie the Club has to offer, including the Saturday morning
breakfasts in Morrison. He believes the Club’s passion for riding and creating well known and nationally
attended events is an important reason to participate and serve on the Board. Jeff has given legal
presentations at Club meetings and rides a K1300GT.
Greg DeWit, Membership Chair |
Keren Kilgore, Webmaster |
Keren is an editor, graphic and web designer. She is the owner of Lightning Tree Creative Media and has
designed a number of our rally and club logos. She rides a copper R1100RT.
Cathy Catrell, Newsletter & Ride Book Editor |
Cathy is owner of POP! Promotions, a local promotional marketing agency. She rides an F650GS and is
working on her PassBagger 100! She is welcomes any articles about rides you’ve been on, favorite places and
pictures for the monthly In The Wind newsletter and annual ride book.
In the Wind
...And Board Members
Mike Szabo, Vice President |
Mike’s first motorcycle was a Benelli Buzzer mini bike that he and his brother purchased from JC Pennys and
has been hooked ever since. Mike enjoys all types of riding and has completed several Iron Butt Rides, the
longest was the Bun Burner Gold; which is 1,500 miles in less than 24 hours.
Frank Ricci, Treasurer |
Having moved from the Boston area to Colorado to pursue my dreams, I’m blessed with the opportunity to
combine my love of the outdoors and climbing 14ers with my passion for two wheels and great twisty roads,
all in one beautiful state. I also have a passion for sports cars and race tracks, having raced and instructed
at many historic road courses in the Northeast. My first bike was an ‘85 Honda Interceptor (which I still
have) and most recently, an ‘06 version of the Interceptor, though I’d love to add a GS to the mix so I can
experience Colorado’s many unpaved and scenic treasures not readily accessible on a street bike. I’m thankful
to have found such a wonderful group of riders who share a common passion for two-wheel motoring and am
grateful for the opportunity to serve you as reasurer for the past three years. I look forward to making your
Club experience even more enjoyable.
David Adair, TOR Chair |
My first motorcycle was a 1957 Allstate 175cc from Sears and Roebuck. I used it to deliver newspapers
after school. Lots of motorcycles between then and my present ride, a 2003 BMW K1200LT. I moved to
Boulder, Colorado 20 years ago, after spending part of my professional career as a project manager in New
York City. I have the privilege of being the rally master for the 2014 Top O’ the Rockies rally; hopefully,
I’ll get better at it the more I do it. My current passion is several multi-week motorcycle camping trips and
visiting other rallies, both MOA and RA.
Karst Postma, Advertising |
Karst grew up in Holland where he learned to ride motorcycles. He has been in the US since 1980. He has an
1150GS in Colorado which is used for passbagging and trips to Mexico. He also has a F650 Dakar which he
leaves in Holland for his overseas trips in Europe and Central Asia.
Brandi Newman, Social Director |
Brandi is a Colorado native. She grew up enjoying the outdoors, snowmobiling, boating and playing hockey.
Her first motorcycle experience was in 2004 on a TTR225 that is still in one piece today. The bike she rides the
most is her 2009 F650GS that she has logged 30,000+ miles on (way more than she ever imagined!).
In the Wind
Mileage Contest
2013 Mileage Contest Winners
Carl Thomte
Karst Postma
Dennis O’Neil
Suzanne Weston
Stephen Weston
Brandi Newman
Chris Wilder
Sylke Mears
Siggi Pflumm
Cathy Catrell
Randy Bishop
12987 11559
Gray Buckley
2012 Winners
Karst Postma
Deb Lower
Carl Thomte
Dennis O’Neil
Stephen Weston
James Smith
Cathy Catrell
Suzanne Weston
Siggi Pflumm
Harvey Schmidt
Troy Corrigan
Sylke Mears
Randy Bishop
In the Wind
Twin Tunnel Project
IDAHO SPRINGS - For the first time in nearly 50 years, the
interstate into the mountains has been expanded. The eastbound
Twin Tunnel just east of Idaho Springs now has three lanes and
may be the key to further expansion into the future on Interstate
The $106 million dollar project not only expanded the tunnel from
two lanes to three lanes. The eastbound two miles after the tunnel
have also been expanded to get more cars moving through.
With the completion of the eastbound Twin Tunnel, the state is
looking at expanding the westbound Twin Tunnel to three lanes, as
well. State leaders say there are still some hurdles left to clear before
that project can be officially started.
The major project involves widening the eastbound shoulder from
the U.S. 40 exit, which goes to Winter Park, to the Twin Tunnels.
That would allow CDOT to open a third lane onto the shoulder
during peak travel times.
In the Wind
BMW Motorcycle Recalls - A new or used motorcycle may be recalled by BMW and officially announced by the NHTSA or other
government agencies due to defective products or materials, safety alerts, or other dangers to consumers. Visit Motor Cyclist online recall page
at Choose a model to view a complete list of BMW motorcycle recalls, the
danger and consequence and the solution offered by the manufacturer.
Get personalized savings up to $1500 on select new BMW motorcycles through February 28, 2014. *Cannot be combined with any Special
Sales Programs (Military, Emergency Services, Ride Smart Reward, MSF RiderCoach, etc.).
Offer is restricted to new, unregistered 2013 BMW motorcycles (demo and auction units do not qualify). Savings may be used for, but are
not limited to original BMW gear and accessories, down payment, trade assist, cash discount, etc. Ask your salesperson for details (dealer
participation required). Resolve to Ride New Promotion can be combined with standard Retail, 3asy Ride and Sign & Ride products from
BMW Financial Services. Savings cannot be used towards tax, title, licensing and/or destination charges.
HP4 is not eligible for any special sales programs. BMW Motorrad USA reserves the right to cancel the program as it deems necessary.
Visit to find eligble models and savings.
In the Wind
Membe r B e n e f i t s
he upcoming riding season will be here sooner than
we think and promises to have almost unlimited
opportunities for riding throughout our beautiful state
and beyond. We encourage you to participate in the club and
enjoy some of the benefits of your membership.
• Top of the Rockies Rally. This annual gathering of several
hundred riders from all across the US and beyond has achieved
almost legendary status for the great riding, fine musical
entertainment and the warm hospitality of the small town of
Panoia, Colorado.
Some of the most popular events, activities and benefits of
BMWMCC membership include:
• 100,000 Foot Ride. This annual event is limited to the first
300 people who sign up, and participants often attend from
many distant states.
• Monthly In the Wind e-newsletter. This monthly publication
will keep you updated on current and planned club activities
and contains contact information if you need to contact us for
any reason.
• Email Communications. Nearly all of our communication
with members occur via email.
• The BMWMCC’s Ride Book is distributed to members early
each spring. The book describes nearly all of the organized
activities of the club and is a great resource.
• Weekly Saturday morning breakfast followed by impromptu
rides. Meet year ‘round at the Red Rocks Grille in Morrison
(8:00 am in summer; 8:30 am in winter) for breakfast. Meet
other club members and choose to ride with them or head out
on your own. Come with a full tank of gas!
• Monthly membership meetings. Second Wednesdays, 5:30
dinner & socializing; 6:30 meeting and program. Red &
Jerry’s, 1840 West Oxford Ave. Sheridan, CO.
• Lots of Dirt! If you lean towards riding on dirt, there are
organized rides on many of the unpaved back roads with other
members throughout the year.
• 10% Discount at BMW Dealers. The local BMW dealers
have kindly supported our club through by offering a 10%
discount on parts and some other merchandise to BMWMCC
members. Keep your membership card in your wallet, it might
come in handy!
These are only a few of the activities and benefits of your
membership in BMWMCC. Visit our website at www. for many more details.
Be sure you keep your email address up to date and that
we aren’t on your “spam” list. For questions about your
membership, send your email to:
and we will respond as soon as possible.
In the Wind
Board Position
Ride Coordinator
Board position
Not required to
lead rides.
Acts as point-of-contact
for ride leaders.
Assures that ride
leaders know about and
follow Club guidelines.
Stays current on
up-coming rides and
schedule changes, if
In the Wind
2 0 1 4 Officers & Board Memb e r s
Board Meeting
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2013
Time: 6:30 P.M.
Location: Red Rocks Grill, Morrison, CO
President: Jeff Burns -
Vice President: Mike Szabo -
Treasurer: Frank Ricci -
Secretary: Jeff Kelley -
Membership: Greg DeWit -
Webmaster: Keren Kilgore -
ITW Editor: Cathy Catrell -
Ride Book Editor: Cathy Catrell -
Club Store -
Advertising: Karst Postma -
TOR Rally Chair: David Adair -
100K Foot Ride Chair: Carl Thomte -
CO Classic 1000 Chair: Eric Levy -
Social Director: Brandi Newman -
Board Trustee: Siggi Pflumm
Board Trustee: Carl Thomte
Board Trustee: Michael Kilgore
In the Wind

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