2012_11_BMWMCC In The Wind


2012_11_BMWMCC In The Wind
In The Wind
Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, November 14th
Monthly meetings are held at Red & Jerry’s, located at 1840 W Oxford
Avenue, Sheridan, CO 80110. Dinner and socializing at 5:00 p.m.,
meeting 6:30 p.m. and speaker at 7:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting Speakers
Every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. (rain, shine, or snow), members
meet for breakfast at Red Rocks Grill in Morrison.
If weather permits, we ride afterwards.
Most rides are spontaneous, with destinations
determined that morning. Come with ride suggestions!
November 14th:
December 12th:
January 9th: Official Travel Partner of BMW Motorrad
2013 Officers
Monthly Scheduled
November 4th
November 6th
November 11th
November 14th
November 22nd
December 15th
Michael and Keren Kilgore
No Monthly Meeting
Introductions on Page 3 & 4
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Election Day
Veterans Day
Monthly Meeting
Thanksgiving Day
Holiday Party & Gift Exchange
2013 BMWMCC Officers
President: Vice President:
Secretary: Treasurer: Carl Thomte
Mike Szabo
Jeff Kelley
Frank Ricci
New Club
Page 6 for more details.
In the Wind
President’s Letter
Another Year
A year has passed since I started my first official elected year as the President of the BMWMCC.
Much has happened in that period. We started 2012 having to change our favored and long used
club logo. This was not a change that was welcomed by many of our veteran members and I heard
plenty of complaints. However, this change was dictated by the corporate entity and I handled it
in the way I thought would be the most democratic. We used club members for ideas and design
as it is my policy to use club personnel whenever possible. We narrowed the choices and put them
up for vote and the result is our present design. This process enabled the entire membership to
participate and eliminated any possibility of favoritism. At the same time all this was occurring,
the ride book was in production and the mileage contest results had to be processed, this left all
of us in quite a scramble for a month or so. This was exacerbated by my inexperience in my new
position, but we prevailed.
This sort of franticness almost makes one happy for the downtime that winter provides, almost.
With my team we have started the mileage contest; we thought this necessary compared to the MOA contest because of the unique weather
we have in Colorado. We also expanded the levels and parameters of the PassBagger Quest, because we want our members to always have
good excuses to go riding, right? We have also launched a new Website and e-mail system that should prove to be easier and more efficient
to use and will put a fresh face on our organization.
I’m back for
These and other evolutions in the works, we hope will add to your
year as
riding and social experience and continue to provide current and
future members a reason to join our fine organization.
For those of
you who have
I would like to take this time to thank the departing Board Members,
without them none of this would have seen fruition.
not met me yet, I grew up in S.E. Denver, specifically the area
around Yale and I-25.I now reside near the Littleton foothills.
Roy Cherry, Vice President David Adair, TOR Rally Master
Motorcycling came to me at the age of eleven in the form of a
Larry Eckstrom, Secretary Mark Konopka Safety Director
Bonanza mini bike and I’ve been riding ever since. During that
Greg Cocks, Membership Bob Odenweller, Forum Administrator
period I have ridden in all 50 states, nine Canadian Provinces,
Ken Off, Webmaster
Baja Mexico, and owned 30 motorcycles starting with a 53
Triumph Thunderbird, and have totaled close to 550,000 mi.
For any of you that haven’t met these folks, they rock! Volunteers are
I have been a club member since 2004, coming over from the
the pillars that support the structure of our club.
Concourse Owners Group where I was a member for 12 years.
I’m looking forward to serving the BMWMCC for another year
All right, I’m out of space for this month. Here we go, another year!
of riding and camaraderie. It’s going to be fun, and you won’t
Carl Thomte
want to miss it!
BMWMCC President
Carl Thomte
Mike Szabo
Vice President
Mike Szabo is a Colorado native; born in
one of the best states to ride motorcycles
both off road and on. He has lived his
whole life in Colorado except for 4 years
where he served in the US Air Force. His
first motorcycle was a Benelli Buzzer mini
bike that he and his brother purchased
together one summer from the JC Pennys
Auto Center. Ever since then he has been
hooked on motorcycles and has almost
always had at least one.
Continued on Page 3
In the Wind
2013 Officers
When he was a kid his dad had BMW motorcycles. That is where he got his introduction
to BMW’s. His first BMW was a 2002 R1150R that his wife got him for his birthday. He
was instantly hooked on BMW’s - now owns four.
He enjoys all types of riding all year around, from off road (two of his bikes are GS’s), to
short trips, long trips and long distance challenges. He has completed several Iron Butt
Rides. The longest is the Bun Burner Gold, which is 1,500 miles or more in less than 24
hours. Mike has been a member of the BMWMCC since 2004. He has enjoyed all types of
riding with the club. It has introduced him to riding with many different personalities and
to different places. Because he enjoys the BMWMCC so much and its members, Mike
wanted to give back and is therefore honored that you have elected him as the Club’s new
Vice President. Frank Ricci
My dog, Sunny, and I
have been in Colorado
for nearly two years now
and live in the mountain
community of Evergreen. A Bostonian up until this
move, I decided to turn
the elimination of my job
into an opportunity to
pursue a dream of living out here. In one beautiful state I
can combine my love of the outdoors and mountains (I’ve
climbed 21 14ers so far) with my passion for two wheels and
great twisty roads, for Colorado is certainly amply blessed
with both. I also have a passion for sports cars and being
at and on race tracks, having done some amateur racing and
instructing at many historic race tracks in the Northeast. My
current rides are a vintage ‘85 Honda Interceptor and most
recently, an updated ‘06 version of the Interceptor. I aspire
to own a GS so I can experience Colorado’s many unpaved
roads and scenic treasures not readily accessible on a street
bike. I’m thankful to have found such a wonderful group of
riders who share a common passion for two-wheel motoring
and am grateful for the opportunity to be of service as your
Treasurer and Board Member.
Jeff Kelley
I am a Colorado native and true “gear
head,” with having been involved in
many motorized activities over the
years. I have usually had a street bike
sitting in the corner of the garage,
but my passion has been to trail ride
the mountains of Colorado in the
summer, and hit the trails
in the winter on a snow
mobile. I still have an old
250 YZ gathering dust,
but now I can’t think of a
better way, than to spend a
Saturday riding the paved
roads of Colorado with
fellow club members. I
really appreciate the time
and energy the many members of this
Club put into the great rides and events
scheduled throughout the year and
how this Club is highly regarded for its premier events and dedication
to riding. Although my main bike has morphed into a K1300 GT, I
still have the 1150 GS ready for a dual sport ride on a moment’s notice. I have enjoyed being a club member and am honored to serve as Club
In the Wind
Holiday Party & Gift Exchange
the Holidays...
Saturday, December 15th - 5:00 pm til whenever...
Where: Mike and Sharon Via’s Home, 22376 Quail Run Drive, Parker 80138
Guests are asked to RSVP Sharon Via | 303-882-3271 | srvia@yahoo.com
Please contribute either an appetizer, vegetable or fruit tray or dessert and bring along your favorite
beverage. Provided food includes: meats, tossed green salad, dinner rolls and coffee.
Holiday Gift
Don’t forget to bring a
present and enter the
“Santa” gift exchange! Gift
value is approximately
$25.00; no gag gifts please.
What is the “Santa” gift
exchange? This is when
everyone draws a number
to determine the order
of the gift exchange. The
person who draws the
number “1” opens the
first gift of their choice
from the gift pile. Before
the second person opens
his or her gift choice, they
can choose a gift from
the gift pile, or snatch
the previously opened
And, so on...
A gift can only be regifted three times. This way, most people have a good
chance of ending up with something they actually like and it is much more
entertaining than just watching everyone open up one present.
In the Wind
2013 Ride Book
BMWMCC Mileage Contest
Ends December 31st!
This contest is open to all brands of motorcycles. Top
Female and Male riders will be awarded in recognition of
their accomplishment as well as the knowledge of having
out-ridden everyone else in the Club.
The development of the
2013 Ride Book is underway.
We have many open Rides, Chairs, and Points of Contact positions
open and are looking for new rides and events to include in the 2013
Ride Book.
Thank you to ALL those who have volunteered in past years! Have
a “new” ride idea you would like to have considered, but don’t
necessarily what to lead? Submit your idea and we will solicit for a
ride leader.
As for the rest
of us, we will be
publishing the
results of the
competition in
In The Wind
newsletter, so
you will still
have something
to brag about,
and a way to
all that great
We are also in need of photos. If you participated in any rides this year
and have high-quality photos you would like to have considered for
the 2013 book, please email to InTheWind@BMWMCC.org.
Ride Leader: Responsible for conducting the safety briefing, selecting
a sweep, guiding the riders, making sure everyone stays together and
returns safely.
Point of Contact: Monitors the event, updates club calendar as
necessary, helps to organize (not lead) informal rides if there is interest.
Chair & Organizer: Uses existing data from club records to pull
an event together. Works with past Chairs to organize the necessary
volunteers and implement the event.
In the Wind
BMWMCC Website
Visit our NEW Club Website at
Our Club was organized in 1973 and has grown to
over 400 members who enjoy the many rides and
activities that the club sponsors throughout the
year. Our objective is to maximize the enjoyment
of your motorcycling experience. Now you can stay
connected and informed 24/7!
Email your comments and
BMWMCC Facebook Page
Visit our club’s Facebook Page. If you haven’t joinedcome on over! This is a great way to connect with
other riders and club members, as well as finding
news and posts about events. Upload your ride
pictures with captions so everyone can enjoy them.
BMWMCC Sponsors Page
Stay connected to all of our supportive
sponsors by clicking on their
advertisement link located on our
new Sponsors Page.
Ad space on this page is
included when you advertise
in the club’s Ride Book or ITW
Club Calendar Page: Rides & Events
Visit the club’s Calendar Page to check
for upcoming Rides and Events!
To have your event or ride added to
the club’s calendar, contact either
Webmaster @BMWMCC.org or
InTheWind@ BMWMCC.org
In the Wind
Club Membership
Renew Your Membership Online!
December 31st - Club Memberships Expire!
Renew online at www.BMWMCC.org.
Select “membership” from the home page. A hard copy application is
available to print and mail or you can register by PayPal.
Some of the privileges of membership include:
Club Membership Card
Monthly emailed In The Wind Newsletter
Annual Club Ride Book
Subsidized Club Events
Merchant Discounts
In the Wind
PassBagger 200
Pass Bagging 200 Passes...3 Club Members Succeed!
By Karst Postma
I am ready to admit it: pass bagging has become an addiction. The first 50 passes were okay; I’ll get to it when I can.” I went over, I do not
know how many passes, not bothering to take a picture of me and/or my bike. This is no longer so. The more passes you get, the stronger
the need grows to get just a few more. When I counted up my
passes two months ago, I came up short of the 200 I tried to get
this year - well short. Then I heard Carl got to 200 and Shu was
getting really close. Clearly an unacceptable situation!!
Plan of attack was first the annual 3-day PassBagging club ride
in September. With six of us, we managed to get quite a few
passes under our belts around Alamosa. We had a great ride
thru some of the most beautiful fall color country Colorado
has to offer. How can you go wrong by visiting a place called
Stunner Pass? That ride got Shu to 199 passes. That of course
could not stand. Shu and I decided to attack the Western slope
and finally get those passes completed. It is a long ride to get
there, so when pass bagging, it is important to get them all out
of the way in that particular area. Unfortunately, the week we
picked was the first week with rain in Colorado. As a result, we
ran into quite a few passes that were impassable due to mud
or snow. We’ll have to go back for these late in the summer of
2013. At the end of five days riding, Shu made it to 213 passes.
His 200th pass trophy picture is at Gill Creek Divide. Anybody
know where that one is? I still came up short by 8, so one more
2-day trip got me to 202 passes. Good enough for this year.
What is left? I show 345 passes in Colorado, so there is still room left for a few more adventures and seeing parts of the state I would not have
thought of visiting otherwise. Most of the remaining 143 passes are out of reach for me, mostly due to lack of skills, but I also would need a
much smaller bike than the 1150GS. Still, 250 should be achievable. The planning for 2013 started as soon as I came home from the last trip.
To get an idea of what the
different passes look like,
go to www.passbagger.
org, Randy Bishop’s most
excellent website. So to
all of you, give it a try.
50 passes is easy and can
be done on pavement. I
believe you can get to 104
on pavement. Then it is
off to dirt, but 150 can
be achieved on easy hard
packed roads, many also
accessible on regular street
bikes. The rewards are
huge. You get to see out of
the way amazing places in
Colorado, many with lots
of interesting histories.
In the process you get to
improve your riding skills,
with increasingly more
challenging roads. See
page 9 of this newsletter
for more details about
PassBagging 50 | 100 |150
| 200.
In the Wind
The Quest
Perpetual PassBagger Quest
The PassBagger Quest is sponsored by BMW Motorcycle Club
of Colorado and serves as a perpetual self-paced cumulative
ride contest. It is perpetual in that the requirements can be
completed over several years.
The PassBagger Quest requires official registration and payment
of $15.00 per person for each level. The registrant must then
ride to the top of at least 50/100/150/200 individual Colorado
mountain passes of their own choosing at their own pace
and schedule, then document the accomplishment with a
photograph of themselves, their bike and the sign or equivalent
located at the top of each pass.
200th Pass Photo - Congratulations!!
Page 8 Photo - Karst Postma
Page 9 Top Photo - Paul “Shu” Shushan
Page 9 Bottom - Carl Thomte
Upon completion, the ride must be documented indicating the
name of the pass, the date completed, with a photograph. The
booklet is then given to the PassBagger Coordinator, who will
authenticate the pass completions and certify eligibility for the
Riders may choose any passes within Colorado as long as the
pass appears on a published map or book. Documentation and
proof of accomplishment: a photograph of themselves, their
bike, and the sign or equivalent pass marker located at the top
of each pass is required.
In the Wind
Bike Sale & e B a y A u c t i o n
1998 BMW K1200 RS
1993 BMW K-Series
- Yellow and black checkerboard
- 27,000 miles
- Hard side luggage
- Heated grips
- PIAA lighting kit
- RAM accessory mount on dash
- Permanent trickle charger connector
- Tires are okay
OK BMW fans - rhis is the one you have been waiting for. Some
claim this is the finest motorcycle ever built by BMW. It is a
1993 K75S with ABS in Silk Blue. The motorcycle is a one owner
machine with just over 55,571 miles on it. Maybe a few more by
the time the auction is over, but the condition will be the same as
what is listed here.
Runs well, just had annual done. Slight scrape on right fairing
from being dropped. Saddle has cracks. It’s a nice bike with a
pretty color scheme and a low seat. I’m 5’9” and my feet easily
reach flat onto the ground.
Price: $5,250
Contact: Leonard Sitongia (North Boulder)
lsitongia@gmail.com | 303-497-2454
Below is a link to the first eBay auction for a bike donated to the
BMW MOA Foundation to
raise funds for Motorcycle
Training efforts.
The bike is located in
Colorado Springs and is a
1993 K75SA with 55,751
miles. There is a lengthy
description about the bike on
EBay and link below.
In the Wind
2012 Officers & Board Members
President: Carl Thomte - 303.753.6652 - President@coloradobeemers.org
Vice President: Roy Cherry - 720.273.6772 - Vicepresident@coloradobeemers.org
Treasurer: Frank Ricci - 720.536.5841 - Treasurer@coloradobeemers.org
Secretary: Larry Eckstrom - 303.666.9084 - Secretary@coloradobeemers.org
Membership: Matt Baroody - 303-564-0453 - Membership@coloradobeemers.org
Webmaster: Ken Off - 303.933.4225 - Webmaster@coloradobeemers.org
Club Store: Paul “Shu” Shushan - 303.697.8904 - pshushan@gmail.com
Safety Director: Mark Konopka - 303.345.1672 - Safety@coloradobeemers.org
Ride Chair: Dennis O’Neil - 303.810.4912 - dboneil@me.com
Social Director: Siggi Pflumm - 303.671.1425 - siggip@msn.com
ITW Editor: Cathy Catrell - 720.981.8985 - InTheWind@coloradobeemers.org
Ride Book Chair: Cathy Catrell - 720.981.8985 - InTheWind@coloradobeemers.org
TOR Rally Chair: David Adair - 303.565.0679 - RT109_4@msn.com
100K Foot Ride Chair: Ken Off - 303.933.4225 - 100Kftride@coloradobeemers.org
Canyon Mixer Chair: Ken Off - 303.933.4225 - CanyonMixer@coloradobeemers.org
Board Trustee: Ken Slough - 303.550-4619 - K7UGT@comcast.net
Board Trustee: Siggi Pflumm - 303.674.1425 - siggip@msn.com
Board Trustee: Jeff Kelley - 303.710.7500 - jeffkelley@comcast.net
Join the
Facebook page.
All are welcome to
become “friends”
and post
news, photos, or
whatever else you
think would be
interesting to
other riders.
In the Wind
Club Membership
Colorado Beemers––the premier motorcycle club of North America! Join like-minded motorcycle fans for club rides, breakfast meetings,
social get-togethers, and safety meetings. Enjoy the great roads of Colorado and beyond with other adventurous motorcycle riders with weekly
rides, weekend overnights and rides to rallies. Whether dual sport or touring, you are sure to find someone to ride with and enjoy our beautiful
state. Colorado Beemers offers a monthly newsletter and an interactive website with an excellent knowledge base just for members. The club
sponsors the internationally known “Top of the Rockies Rally,” and the “100,000 Foot Ride,” plus more than two dozen other rides and
events. You will enjoy your motorcycle even more by joining this family-oriented, friendly group.
o Application for Membership o Renewal o Change of Address o MOA # _______ o RA # _______ o AMA # ______
Member & Spouse Name:
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Bike Model(s):
Annual Membership Fees
$25 Single / $250 Lifetime
$35 Couple / $350 Lifetime
Make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 742
Morrison, CO 80465-5742
Sign up online at www.BMWMCC.org
P.O. Box 742 | Morrison, CO 80465-5742
By signing I/we understand that the BMW Motorcycle Club of
Colorado cannot assume responsibility for any aspect of my/our
safety and that if I/we participate in any sanctioned event, I/we do
so voluntarily on my/our own assessment of ability, the course, and
all facilities and conditions, assuming all risks. I/we release and hold
BMWMCC harmless for any and all injuries or loss to my/our person
or property which may result therefrom.
Spouse Signature
Volunteers Welcome!
We would like to volunteer to:
o Lead a Ride o Help with Club Event o Help with Club Activity
o Other ____________
o Help with Club Activity ___________________