Spring 2015


Spring 2015
In the Face of Adversity—A Dream is Born
perfect, until the recession hit and
the stock market crashed, leaving
Christine virtually broke.
It had taken her years to prepare
for a career in natural health medicine
and animal science. The prospect of
being an entrepreneur now seemed
doubtful. However, Christine was
adamant that she would pursue her
life’s passion and dream.
Christine Kleiman was pursuing
a career in natural health and animal
science while living solely off stock
investment dividends. Life seemed
Then she came up with the idea
for a nutritional supplement for pets.
“I was researching dog and cat food
ingredients and learned that most pet
foods lack the proper nutrients for a
well-balanced diet. That’s when I
“Bridge to Home”
Compassion Learned Through Life’s Trials
Laura, an east coast native, spent
more than a decade traveling the world
working as a fine arts dealer, an
interior designer and a nutritional
consultant. After spending ten years in
Asia she moved to Ashland, restored
the interior of a turn-of-the-century
home and put down roots.
She began taking classes at Southern
Oregon University to complete her
Masters degree in Nutrition. It was
during that time she met, fell in love
and became engaged to Mark. Life
was beautiful, just as she had always
dreamt. Then, Mark was called away
to a job in Montana where a sudden,
random act of violence took his life.
Upon learning the news of his death,
Laura became physically distraught
and over the following year her health
seriously declined.
Laura continued to work part-time
jobs whenever she could. Finally, she
sought medical advice and learned that
she had contracted Lyme Disease and
Fibromyalgia. Her body was agonized
with chronic widespread pain
and tenderness.
“Every day I would wake up
thinking this was just a phase and my
health was going to turn around, but
Continued on Page 4
decided to use my knowledge of
holistic medicines and develop a
supplement to meet pets’ individual
needs,” stated Christine.
With no money to start a
business she went in search of
funding. While attending a Southern
Oregon Regional Economic
Development (SOREDI) program
Christine learned about “Dream
Savers,” an individual development
account (IDA) program provided by
Continued on Page 3
• New Board Members
• Notes from the Executive Director
• Happy Retirement
Lonelle Stephens!
• Senior Fair is Coming
• Food Share Garden Outlook
for 2015
• Southern Oregon Outreach
Coalition for Veterans
• Annual Shoebox Drive Breaks
• Thank You Donors
Executive Director
Jackie Schad
Finance Director
Greg Koziara
Development Director
Pam Slater: 541-690-3974
Housing Director
Cindy Dyer: 541-774-4319
Nutrition Programs Director
Philip Yates: 541-774-4320
Human Resources Director
Carlea Campagna: 541-618-4010
Support Services Director
David Mulig: 541-774-4313
Development Manager
Logan Bell: 541-774-4312
Cathie Davis , Chair
Julie Brown, Chair Elect
Tim Alford, Vice Chair
John Watt, Past Chair
Pat Huycke, Secretary/Treasurer
Jonathan Bilden
John Bond
Daniel Bunn
Eric Foster
Tim Johnson
Ed Miller
Dennis Richardson
Grady Singletary
J.R. Wheeler
Hank Williams
Kathy Beckett
Les Cracraft
Sam Davis
David Dotterrer
Lyn Hennion
Craig Morris
Sherm Olsrud
Wanda Olsrud
Mary Smart
Rep. Greg Walden
Senator Ron Wyden
Notes from the
Executive Director
As we embark upon a new year at
ACCESS, we count ourselves grateful
for the caring community with which
we work in partnership. As you will see
in this issue, ACCESS benefits from
the generosity and spirit of so many in
our community. The businesses that
offer food and funding to help, the
individuals who reach out to volunteer
and offer financial support, the elected
officials who make time in their
schedules to join with us – all are part
of this county-wide effort.
I would like also to recognize the
contributions of our extraordinary
staff. ACCESS has a team of about
55 dedicated individuals who juggle
a myriad of responsibilities, from
caring for our properties to handling a
complicated financial system to driving
trucks all day to gather food supplies.
In addition to those of us many of you
see, either in our client service offices
or resource gathering or attending
meetings, there are many supporting
our operations behind the scenes. See
the story about one of them, Lonelle
Stephens, who retired after 32 years
with ACCESS.
ACCESS Board. Jonathan Bilden and
Daniel Bunn have graciously agreed to
serve. In December, we said farewell to
Bob Strosser, Medford City Councilman
who served with ACCESS for 13 years.
We are very grateful to Bob for his
many contributions.
We are beginning a new session of
our Oregon State Legislature in Salem
and a new Congress is commencing
in Washington, DC. There is much
discussion this year of the critical needs
of America’s citizens who remain
trapped in conditions of poverty. The
policy solutions will be debated and
new approaches tried. The volunteer
Board members and staff of ACCESS
will be here to implement and adapt the
best of these to our community’s needs.
ACCESS Executive Director
This month we also welcome two
new elected representatives to the
Thanks to Bob Strosser, Outgoing
Board Member
Bob Strosser, a realtor and principal broker at
Coldwell Banker Pro West for 23 years, has served
as a board member at ACCESS since 2002. During
his tenure, Bob was an active member of the Board
of Directors serving on the ACCESS Housing
Committee. Until December, Strosser was a
Medford City Council member for 16 years. He held
one of the elected official positions on our board.
ACCESS wishes to thank Bob for his dedication and many years and
hours of service to our community in his multiple roles.
ACCESS Welcomes
New Board Members
ACCESS would like to welcome our two newest board
members, Daniel Bunn and Jonathan Bilden. We are excited
they are joining us and appreciate the talents and experience
they bring with them.
Daniel Bunn
Daniel has lived in Jackson County since 2000
and is a current member of the Medford City
Council representing Ward 4. He is presently
serving as Council President and on several
committees. He is involved in the community
serving on the Randall Theatre Company board
of directors and is an active member of
Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland. Daniel is a
graduate of Pepperdine University with a B.A. in Economics and Political Science and is currently pursuing a MBA. He is a Vice-President of
a real-estate holding company where he is chiefly responsible for finance
and government relations.
Jonathan Bilden
Jonathan has been a resident of Jackson County
for 19 years. He has served as a board member
for the League of Oregon Cities and Oregon
School Boards Association. Jonathan’s service to the community includes serving on the
Eagle Point City Council, Eagle Point School
Board, Governor’s Regional Solutions Council,
SOREDI Board and the Rotary Club of the Upper Rogue. He is active in helping community events supporting youth,
homeless outreach, community cleanup efforts and more. “I am interested in supporting ACCESS from watching the great work they do year
in and year out,” stated Bilden.
“I am a single mom and new recipient
at an ACCESS food pantry. THANK YOU! You
have helped ease my anxieties about putting
healthier food on the table for my 3 kids who
have health issues and allergies. Sometimes I
still find myself having to choose between bills,
food and medicines. ACCESS and its staff
have been so helpful. Please thank those that
help you, help me.”
M. P.
Continued from cover
ACCESS. The program encourages
participants to build assets and focuses
on education, savings and purchase or
preservation of an asset. The Dream
Savers program allows eligible
participants to save up to $2,000 over
one to three years and will match
their savings 3:1. “It seemed too good
to be real,” stated Christine. She
immediately contacted ACCESS and
applied for the program.
Once accepted, she wrote a
business plan and completed all the
required online courses. “It was not
easy, but if you are focused,
determined to succeed and do
everything required you can get the
help you need.” Christine was able to
save $2,000 for her business. “It was
hard, I had no idea I could save that
much money. I thank ACCESS for
making it possible.”
Since completing the program,
Christine has started her pet
supplement business (Super
Essentials), built a new
website www.motherearthpet.com
and currently sells her pet
supplements at Shop N’ Kart,
Ashland Food Co-Op, Medford Food
Co-Op, Jacksonville Veterinary Clinic
and has recently expanded sales to
stores in California.
“I would recommend ACCESS
wholeheartedly to others that need
help. It’s not a loan, it is real support.
Where else can you get that kind of
help? Thank you ACCESS for helping me to start up my own business,”
Christine Kleiman said.
Adopt-A-Family Brings Smiles to Many local residents
Thirty-two families and individuals
were adopted by local businesses and
individuals and had their Christmas
wishes delivered. Groups participating
this year included: Ascentron, Ashland
Orthopedics, Mercy Flights, Moose
Lodge, Cropper Medical/Bio-Skin,
BOISE, Home Quest Realty, So.
Oregon Drifting Lions, Rogue Valley
Sunrise Soroptimist and the Phillips
family from Ashland.
Nicolle from Bio-Skin told us, “It
was a true success and we were able to
purchase almost every item on the families’ wish lists along
with a turkey for each family. We are looking forward to
helping again next year.”
Drake DeYoung from Southern Oregon Drifting Lions
commented, “The visit to the family to deliver the presents
went awesome—they have two teen boys. The team met at
my house. We signed a framed plaque that allows the boys
VIP entrance and Pit pass to any
Drifting event the Southern Oregon
Drifting Lions hosts in 2015. Then
we headed over with wrapped
gifts. They were all so surprised.
Afterwards, the group took the boys
for a drive to Touvelle Park down
through Eagle Point and then back
to town via Foothills Rd. We look
forward to staying in touch with the
Kroeker boys and family and seeing
them at our events.”
Ascentron adopted a family
and went above and beyond. Amy from Ascentron told
us, “Besides providing almost everything on the wish list
for Carrie and her kids, we plan to go and paint one of the
bedrooms. Christmas dinner will be delivered pre-cooked, we
bought bikes for each child (3), a wagon, clothes, electronics,
jackets and toys. Mom received generous gift cards to Tinsel
Town and Applebee’s.”
Continued from cover
it didn’t and I knew that I would
have to learn to live with who I
had become physically.” Laura’s
condition stabilized for several
years, then spiraled downward
again, preventing her from
working at all. With no hope of
recovery, she applied for Social
Security Disability (SSD).
The disability benefits
provided Laura with $700 per
month for living expenses. Her
rent alone cost $500. Unable
to meet all her living expenses,
medical bills and medicine,
Laura turned to local churches
asking for help. With a limited
income, she was continually 2 to
3 months behind on her rent. In
2010, Laura contacted ACCESS for assistance. She told
us, “The help ACCESS provided allowed me to have real
financial relief. They assisted me with utilities and rent and
gave me additional resource connections.” In 2014 Laura
was accepted into “Bridge to Home”, a federally-funded
program offering disabled tenants
long-term financial assistance.
“The financial assistance has
brought stability back into my
life. For those who have found
themselves in dire situations, like
mine, I would suggest contacting
ACCESS, your local churches, St.
Vincent DePaul or the Salvation
Army. These organizations have a
wealth of information and services.”
“I had lived my life self-sufficient,
with very little compassion for
those who had misfortune. It was
only through my own trials and
tribulations that I learned to feel
compassion for others. If you know
someone in trouble who needs a
helping hand contact ACCESS, if
they can’t help, they have resources that can. Thank You
ACCESS.” Laura
ACCESS Wishes Happy Retirement
to our dear friend and long-time
employee, Lonelle Stephens!
It is with pride and a bit of sadness
that we wish our longtime friend
and employee, Lonelle Stephens a
happy retirement.
Lonelle served ACCESS for 32
years, working in the Food Program
Department, Senior Outreach
Services and assisting with Veterans,
Finance and Housing Services.
“On January 5, ACCESS hosted a retirement reception for Lonelle. Those
present included a wide variety of
colleagues who she worked with at
ACCESS over her many years of
service. We enjoyed watching her
reminisce and share stories with her
friends,” said David Mulig ACCESS
Support Services Director.
Lonelle is a University of
Oregon graduate where she received
her Bachelor of Science in elementary
education. After graduating, she taught
elementary school for 10 years and
then, after school cut-backs, found
herself looking for work.
Wanting to use her teaching and
organizational skills, Lonelle became
Senior Meals Coordinator with
Loaves and Fishes (an earlier
ACCESS program) that fed the
elderly, disabled and shut-ins in
Southern Oregon. Lonelle loved her
new job. She planned meals, organized
meal deliveries and coordinated and
supervised volunteers.
Lonelle remembers many happy
occasions, but has one special
remembrance, “Throughout the many
years of delivering meals I always
come back to this story. An elderly
gentleman was living in a motel room,
and he had almost no money and no
way to cook. For every meal he got
from ACCESS he would give a dime,
a nickel and five pennies, because
that was all he could afford, but he
You may
be able to
your gifts to
Will Your Employer Match Your
Charitable Donations?
stretched it out to make it look like it
was more. That contribution meant
more to him than any larger sum might
have meant to another person
under the same circumstance. It was
important for him to give back, his
pride was saved by that and I felt
honored that we were able to help him
meet his physical needs.”
In 2002, Lonelle transferred to
the Senior and Disabled Services
Department (Support Services) where
she became Program Assistant and
continued to work there until her
retirement. She assisted with housing,
finance and support services. She also
enjoyed working at the annual Senior
Fair ACCESS booth and greeting
the attendees.
Lonelle’s outlook on life is
giving a hand up not a hand out.
“That’s why I’m glad to have been
a part of ACCESS and to have been
there to help others. We may be the
only connection a client has with the
outside world. I also believe that when
a person volunteers they expand their
Many companies will match
(all or in part) your charitable
donations to qualified
Please contact your Human
Resources Department for
information on forms and for
their guidelines/restrictions for
completing your matching gift
Some companies provide an
easy online application process
(active and retirees), so be sure
to check with them. You can
also send your form in with
your donation to ACCESS.
We’d like to thank Lonelle for
being such a big part of ACCESS and
for helping to make a difference in so
many people’s lives.
The Senior Fair is Coming!
Spring is upon us and so is the very popular Annual ACCESS
Senior Fair. Come out and join the festivities and learn about the
many helpful resources available throughout Jackson County.
We would like to thank our title sponsor Medical Eye Center
and our media sponsors KDRV and Southern Oregon Media
Group for making this event possible.
There will be over 80 vendors present providing something for
everyone. In the past there have been tasty treats, free samples
and valuable information on subjects like retirement, continued
education programs, home health providers, transportation
options, home repair, housing and rental assistance and much
more. There will be free bingo with local celebrities and random
prize drawings.
We invite you to come join the fun, meet the vendors and learn
how we can be of help to you! Don’t forget to mark your calendar
and be sure to join us Tuesday, March 17th, at the Medford
Armory 9am-4pm.
Admission is only $1 or a can of food!
Senior Outreach Program Thanks
A special thanks to Cropper Medical/Bio Skin for donating
$9,000.00 to our Senior Outreach Program. Our donors
make it possible for us to help this vulnerable population
by keeping them in their homes in a safe and healthy
environment. They can also receive supplemental food,
medical equipment, low-income housing, assistance in
paying their energy bills, along with resources for other
challenges they may face.
Food Share Garden
Outlook for 2015
What will the 2015 growing season bring this year? We
hope lots of volunteer garden helpers, lots of beautiful melons
and vegetables, and lots of good weather—under 90˚F, please!
Our 2014 growing season was
hampered by high temperatures. So
much so, we weren’t expecting great
year-end production figures. When
daytime temperatures exceed 85˚F
for an extended period, blossom set is
affected on many vegetables, causing
them to drop flowers and not set “fruit.”
The many 90˚F – 106˚F days of July and
August took their toll. But, in the end
we got a nice surprise.
With just five gardens in production,
our 2014 final harvest total was our best
ever at 62,456 pounds! Over 31 tons
of fresh, organically grown produce
was made available to ACCESS clients
through our emergency food pantries and additional food
distribution sites.
Thank you to each and every ACCESS volunteer who
assisted at the Food Share Gardens in Central Point, Gold
Hill, Medford, Rogue River and the VA-SORCC for all your
help in the gardens.
As we head into the coming growing season, we’ll be
prepping the ground in March at many gardens for onion
starts, peas and other spring greens. Each garden’s start-up
requires lots of hours to ready the site. So keep us in mind for
service group activities or as your outdoor fitness gym.
We promise a good workout and a satisfying glow from
your efforts.
We also have a few garden
improvement projects for high school
seniors, Eagle Scouts or volunteers with
carpentry skills. We’d love to have some
vegetable washing stands. Currently, we
must either pack vegetables without
washing them or we wind up bending over
water-filled, 5-gallon buckets to scrub root
veggies free of dirt. We could make it so
much easier by having waist-high wash
stands on which to spread and hose down
the vegetables.
Our Central Point, Gold Hill,
Medford and Rogue River sites also
have compost operations to handle
garden refuse. We could benefit by having dedicated volunteer composters to take charge of the piles and turn them into
black gold.
So share the word! If you helped at one of our gardens
during the past year and have email, you’ll be notified when
your garden’s activities resume this spring. If you’re new to
the gardens and would like to get involved, please contact our
Food Share Garden Coordinator Nan King at
freshaccess@accesshelps.org or call 541-779-6691 ext. 309.
Southern Oregon Outreach
Coalition for Veterans
Homeless veterans are
some of the most elusive
members of our society.
Many camp together in
groups in obscure areas of
the Valley. It is predicted
that within the next few
years there will be over
900 homeless veterans
and veteran families living in Jackson County.
ACCESS Veterans Outreach Specialist, Jeff Nichols,
has organized the Southern Oregon Outreach Coalition
(SOOC). A group of outreach specialists from ACCESS,
Maslow Project, Veterans Administration, La Clinica and
the Oregon Employment Department meet monthly to
help provide homeless veterans and families in Jackson
County with the necessary resources to rebuild their lives
and obtain housing.
While trying to reach out and assist homeless veterans
with housing assistance, Jeff realized their needs were
more complex. “I found that many homeless veterans
were not ready for housing assistance, they mostly need
help with basics such as food, haircuts, hygiene, health
care and finding jobs. So I formed a core group
of outreach specialists that would be able to give
immediate help.”
Jeff continues, “These
veterans simply need to start
the process of assimilating
into society. Our goal is to
provide a comprehensive list
of resources for homeless
veterans and their families
helping them become self-sustaining, productive
members of our community with secured housing.”
The Southern Oregon Outreach Coalition has started
a resource event called “Second Tuesday,” which meets
the second Tuesday of each month and offers a variety of
services to veterans, including Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
sign-ups, haircuts, Department for Human Services
(DHS) Social Security sign-ups for benefits, food from
local restaurants and much more. “Second Tuesday” is
held at the Rogue Valley Veterans Community Outreach
(RVVCO) building on 601 N. Grape Street in Medford.
To learn more about the Southern Oregon
Outreach Coalition call 541-324-6464 or look for them
on Facebook.
Jeff Nichols (picture above left), current Veteran
Specialist, is responsible for creating, planning,
preparing and implementing the Support Services for
Veteran Families (SSVF) program providing information
and education to veterans and their families.
Santa and
Helpers collect food
at Greystone Court
ACCESS would like
to thank Greystone
Court for hosting their
annual Food Drive to
help feed
the hungry in
Jackson County.
This vast winter
wonderland of
twinkling lights and ornate decorations is a treasured
holiday experience. Thousands of carloads of people
drove through to see Santa hand out candy canes and
to see the light display. The Human Bean provided hot
chocolate one night, there were carolers and the residents
of Greystone Court greeted and thanked visitors as they
dropped off donations. We even had a marriage proposal
on Monday night during the live radio remote. Radio
stations - Now97 and Light102.
“This really helps us fill the pantries around Jackson
County after our holiday programs put a large dent in
our supplies,” quoted Philip Yates, ACCESS Nutrition
Programs Director. Thanks to our community for your
generous donations, totaling almost $14,000 and 8,389
pounds of food. We would also like to thank Big R Store
and Express Employment Professionals for matching gifts
made on Monday and Tuesday that helped exceed our
$13,500 donation goal.
“Food for Hope” Grocery
Bag Drive
Many of our clients depend
on emergency food boxes and
supplemental boxes just to get by
each month. The Food for Hope
Grocery Bag Drive is ACCESS’s
largest annual community food and fund drive that
enables us to stock up on food for residents through the
holidays and start to restock the shelves for January.
ACCESS distributes 67,000 pounds of food each week to
our 25 pantries and partner agencies.
Lessons Learned - Leadership, Community
Support and Compassion
These are the traits exhibited by four local elementary
schools and their students while hosting a Food Drive for
ACCESS for the holidays. We wish to thank the student
councils from each school for facilitating the food drives,
all the students, parents and staff for their community
support. These students have learned and demonstrated
these very important skills that will make them strong,
future leaders in our community. THANK YOU!
Pounds raised by each school:
• Abraham Lincoln Elementary 1,497 lbs
• Jackson Elementary 764 lbs
• Lone Pine Elementary 1,865 lbs
• Orchard Hill Elementary 1,666 lbs
We would like to thank our community for filling the
bags for ACCESS. Through your donations we received
over 27,500 pounds of food and over $40,440 this year.
Special thanks to the sponsors of our 29th annual Food
for Hope Drive: Sherm’s Thunderbird and Southern
Oregon Media Group.
“Through the Food for Hope-Grocery Bag
Drive, our community has donated the equivalent of
over 3.5 million pounds of food since the drive’s
inception in 1984, ” said Philip Yates, ACCESS
Nutrition Director.
Cash & Carry Holds
Annual Drive
Cash & Carry hosted its 3rd
Annual Food Drive for ACCESS
to help our local food banks feed
the hungry. Many thanks to
Cash & Carry and our community for raising $2,692
Christmas Tree Give-Away
Thanks to Russell Juncal, from Hilt California, for
donating 68 Christmas Trees to ACCESS. With the help
from the Principals of Roosevelt and Jackson Elementary
Schools, 30 plus families from each school received
a tree for Christmas. For some it was their very first
Christmas Tree!
Keith Consolidated Industries - Making an Impact
Thank you KCI Industries employees and owners, Bill &
Christa Keith, for your special gift of $10,000 for the
ACCESS Nutrition Department. Your donation makes
it possible for ACCESS to supply thousands of local
residents with nutritious meals. Each dollar provides five
pounds of food that will provide children, seniors and
families with nutritious meals.
KCI specializes in building ground support equipment
such as carts, wheelchair lifts, jet bridges, boarding ramps
and stairs of all shapes and sizes all over the world. We
are proud to have them in our community and supporting
“The Undertones” Sing for ACCESS
Thanks to the Craterian Theater for collecting over
1,189 pounds of food for ACCESS, through the benefit
performance of “The Undertones” held December 14,
2014. Thanks to all who attended in support of ACCESS.
It was an afternoon of delightful a cappella music.
Harry & David Holiday
Fruit Donation
A very special thank
you goes out to Harry &
David for donating over
75,500 pounds of citrus
fruit to ACCESS over
the holidays. Donations
were distributed to our local agencies and pantries, as well
as the Oregon Food Bank, Klamath Falls Food Bank and
other surrounding agencies.
Tail-Wagging Success
Petsmart donated well over a thousand stuffed animals sold in their store
to ACCESS to be shared with local
families with children and our partner
organizations this holiday season. A
portion of the sale also benefitted the
local Southern Oregon Humane
Society. Way to go Petsmart employees, we really appreciate your efforts in
supporting ACCESS.
Safeway Helps
Bag Hunger
We want to express our
gratitude to Safeway for their
support this year in fighting
hunger. For years they have
held an annual campaign to
fill grocery bags for local
food banks.
“This year the Safeway
Food Drive had an amazing
partnership with Safeway,
KOBI-5, AARP & ACCESS that helped to give focus and
support that resulted in the collection of 9,400 pounds of
food,” stated Philip Yates, ACCESS Nutrition Director.
Thank you to the community and Safeway for
helping us Bag Hunger!
Panda Express Grand Opening Benefits ACCESS
ACCESS would like to thank the new South Medford
Panda Express for making us a part of their Grand
Opening Ceremony on December 6th and for donating
25% of the proceeds ($2,015). They held a raffle for those
donating food for ACCESS with some great prizes. The
Medford Chamber Ambassadors showed up for the ribbon
cutting and Panda Express served cake and apple cider
during the day. Their Panda Mascot, Tom Tom, was a real
hit with young and old.
Annual Turkey Trot
and Fun Run
ACCESS would like to thank the
Southern Oregon Runners Club
and the families who participated
in the Thanksgiving Day ‘Turkey
Trot’ Fun Run. You helped raise
over $4,660 and 455 pounds of
food for ACCESS Nutrition Programs.
SHERM’s Food4Less Donates
Truckload to ACCESS
Sherm and Steve Olsrud played
Santa when they backed in a
semi-truck delivering 24,984
pounds of food to ACCESS
on December 19th. “The
Olsrud family has been our
most generous supporters,”
commented Philip Yates,
Nutrition Director. Sherm told the media, “ACCESS
does so much for the community, it's the least we can do
to give back.”
A BIG Thank you to the Olsrud's and Food 4 Less/
Sherm's Thunderbird for the donation and providing
thousands of meals to those facing hunger-- what a
tremendous contribution this is. We can't thank
you enough.
Walmart Helps Expand
Nutrition Program
Walmart’s recent
grant of $32,500.00 has
enabled ACCESS to hire
additional staff and to
make warehouse
improvements specifically dedicated to food rotation,
distribution, temperature control, and food preservation
that will result in fresher, higher quality fruits and
vegetables delivered to hungry families and individuals
across Jackson County. We appreciate our strong
partnership with our local Walmart management teams and
their support throughout the year with various projects,
including our Fresh Alliance Food Recovery Program.
Holiday Toys bring
cheer to local children
ACCESS would like to
thank Rob Harvey and his
patrons at Harvey’s Place
and Beasy’s on the Creek
for donating toys for our
families. Dave Dotterer
(ACCESS Advisory Board Member and Jackson County
U.S. Marine Corps League representative)
contacted Rob and lead the campaign. Dave delivered
hundreds of wonderful toys to ACCESS on Friday,
December 5. THANK YOU!
Annual Shoebox Drive Hits an
all-time record…
A special Thank You to the many volunteers, donors
and local businesses that helped this year. A total of
1,215 filled shoeboxes were delivered to seniors in
Jackson County—that’s a record!
• Twenty-five volunteers helped fill and wrap
shoeboxes in early December.
• Local groups and businesses from Regence,
Journey Church, Southern Oregon Cardiology, Rogue
Snowmobile Club, and Beta Sigma Fi, along with over
30 individuals helped deliver shoeboxes.
• Groups that provided 100+ shoeboxes were:
Regence, Boise Cascade and American Sewing Guild.
We enjoyed a thank you note from an
individual that sums up the many notes
we received from recipients this year:
Wells Fargo provides support for local food system work!
On November 19th ACCESS was presented with a grant for
$50,000 from Wells Fargo that is committed to supporting rural
economic development. These funds will support the collaborative
partnership of ACCESS, THRIVE and Rogue Farm Corps to build
the customer base for Rogue Valley Grown foods. The purpose is
to make Rogue Valley Grown foods more accessible in our grocery
stores, to grow local food businesses, and train the next generation of
farmers to continue supplying our valley with truly nourishing food.
Thank you Wells Fargo for your generous support!
Thanks to our 102 participating members and the
Fred Meyer Corporation, ACCESS received $2,251 in
contributions during the 2014 program. You can help us
earn even more in 2015!
Register your card today…To enroll you can go online
to www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards and link your
Rewards Card to an organization of your choice.
(The ACCESS organization number is 84033.)
Your linked rewards card will begin to immediately earn
donations for your nonprofit. Customers will continue to
receive all their Rewards Points Rebates and Fuel Points.
Quarterly, Fred Meyer will send a donation to the
participating nonprofits. This year, Fred Meyer has
increased its donation to $2.6 million.
Thank You!
It’s Easy and Adds Up
Sustaining Partners… An Easy Way to Make
a Stretch Gift and Help More Neighbors
y becoming a Sustaining Partner your monthly donation
of any amount ($10, 25, $50 or more) will be multiplied
and will help stretch our resources to ensure steady, trusted
income to feed and provide warm shelter and other resources
to people in need every month!
By making a monthly donation to ACCESS, you are
helping people all year. We hope you will join this special
group of donors today. The following monthly donation
amounts change lives year round:
Please join today
—it is so easy!
We offer three different ways to donate
on a monthly basis:
1) Enroll online--You can donate
automatically by using your credit
card each month.
Click Login - Recurring Gift and
select amount.
2) Your donation can be automatically
transferred from your checking
account each month.
3) You may choose to mail in a check
monthly. We are happy to send you
monthly reminders and envelopes.
For more information call
$25 will feed 1,500 children meals for a year.
$50 turns into $3,000 worth of groceries for one senior for the year.
$100 helps purchase needed batteries and maintenance for electric wheelchairs for the medical equipment program.
$150 provides healthy after-school snacks for children for
a full year.
$250 provides warmth and heating assistance for 12 seniors
for a full year.
YES, I want to be a “Sustaining Partner!”
Address____________________________________ City______________________________
State_________Zip__________________Phone (541)_________________________________
Here’s my check for $50
Other $_________
Bill me $_____________each month for 12 months
Account#____________________________________________Exp. Date_________________
Return to ACCESS, PO Box 4666, Medford, OR 97501
Athena Advanced Networks, Inc.
Bartlett Tree Service, LLC
Basil N’Berries
Bend House
Big R Stores
Black Oak Pharmacy
Blacketor & Associates
Boise Cascade Corporation
Bud & Marie Rigel
Burrill Resources, Inc.
Butte Creek Baptist Church
CAD of Medford
Cascade Self Storage
Cash & Carry
Central Point Garden Club
Central Point Grange No. 698
Chamber of Medford
Jackson County
Charles Point, LLC
Circus of Screams
City of Ashland
City of Medford
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Medford
Colony Club
Community Action Team, Inc.
Community of Christ Church
Cooper Chiropractic Care
Corona Tools
Corporate Executive Board
Cotton Broker
Country Meadows Study Group
Crater Lake Ford Lincoln Mercury
Craterian Theater at
the Collier Center
Cropper Medical Inc.
Cut and Stack Construction
Cutsforth Real Estate, LP
CVISO Management Co., LLC
Dagoba Organic Chocolate
Dolls in the Attic of So. Oregon
Doors Plus, Inc.
Doubleday Ranch
Dworkin-NSN LLC
Eagle Point Food Project
Eaton Hydraulics
End Time Fellowship, Inc.
Erickson Air Crane, Co.
Everist Adult Care
Eweneek Sheep 4H Group
Express Employment Professionals
Facial Solutions
Farming Fish
Fort Courage Consulting, Co.
Foster Denman, LLP
Frantz Bakery
Fred Meyer
Fred Meyer Rewards Program
Friendship Circle Quilting
Fry Family Farm
Garrison’s Home Furnishings
Gastroenterology Consultants
Gil Allen Construction, Inc.
Gleaning Network Food Pantry
Grange Co-Op
Ground Spring Associates, LLC
Grover Electric &
Plumbing Supply, Co.
Hammond Artisan Beverages, Inc.
Harry & David Corporation
Hewitt Services, LLC
Historic Jacksonville, Inc.
HM, Inc.
Holiday Inn Express
Holland Capital Management, LLC
Home Builders Assoc
of Jackson County
Horizon Air - Alaska
J & J Auto
Jackson County New Car
Dealers Association
Jackson County Oregon
Jackson Elementary School
Jim Nickels Collision Repair, Inc.
J-M Northwest, Inc
John R. Hanson, PC
Kay-Loy Enterprises, Inc.
Keith Consolidated Industries
Lake Creek Historical Society
Laureate Alpha Upsilon
Light Touch Excavation
Lithia Motors
Little Caesar’s
Little Red Barn Montessori School
Lone Pine Elementary
Loving Care Foster Home
Madara Design, Inc.
Main Event Sports Bar & Eatery
McLellan Creative
Medford 2nd Ward LDS
Medford BMW
Medford Food Project
Medford Police Association
Medford Tools and Supply, Inc.
Miran Investment, Co.
Mission Foods
Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage
North West Beauty College
Orchard Hill Elementary School
Oregon Affordable Housing
Assistance Corp.
Oregon Food Bank
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Oregon University System (OUS)
Pacific Crest Transformers
Pack Living Trust
Panda Express
Patrick Lumber, Co.
Pearadise Orchards
Pepperidge Farm
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Phil’s Fast Tow & Auto Recycling
Preceptor Eta Chapter of Sigma Phi
Precision Electric Contractors, LLC
Private Properties, LLC
Quiet Mountain Insight
Meditation Sangha
Rainey’s Corner Market
Rayburn & Rayburn, CPA’s
Raymond James Financial Services
Ray’s Food Place
Red Robin Restaurant
Reesers Fine Foods
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Rink Southern Oregon Ice Arena
Rising Sun Farms
Rogue Meats
Rogue Snowmobilers Association
Rogue Valley Corvette Club
Rotary First Harvest
Ruch Country Store
Rural Community
Assistance Corporation
Sara Lee
Scrub Hub
Seven Oaks Farm
Shady Cove Select Market
Sherm’s Food 4 Less
Sherm’s Thunderbird Market
Shop Smart
Siskiyou Sports Car Club, Inc.
Slopes & Trails, Inc.
Social Benefit Dance Club
Sons of Norway
Soroptimist International
North Valley
Soul Shine Yoga & Massage
Southern Oregon
Audiology Center, Inc.
Southern Oregon Cardiology, LLC
Southern Oregon Corvette
Southern Oregon
Drifting Lions Club
Southern Oregon Good Sam Club
Southern Oregon Hospitalists, PC
Southern Oregon Media Group
Southern Oregon Orthopedics, Inc.
Southern Oregon Runners Club
St. Mary’s School
Stan Harris Construction, Inc.
State of Oregon Payroll System
Stebbins Planning Services
Stewart Avenue Hair Design
Stop N’Go
Straus Ranches, LLC
Suncrest Place Assisted Living
Talent Food Project
Tattoo Custom Body Art
Temple Emek Shalom
The Journey Church
Three Rivers Vending
& Food Service
TLM Training Center, Inc.
TNT Cheer All Stars
Todd Grether Construction
Trader Joe’s
Trail Christian Fellowship
Twirlers of Medford
Umpqua Dairy
Valley Investments
Vinny’s Italian Kitchen
Vitamin Cottage Natural
Foods Markets, Inc.
Wall Auctioneers
Wandering Fields Farm
Whitten Plumbing
William Koenigsberg & Assoc.
WinCo Foods
Women’s Health, Inc.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Louise Abel
Kurt & Gesine Abraham
John & Mary Ackles
Rosemary & Paul Adalian
Frances Adams
Eve Adams
Adams Loving Trust
Adrian & Elizabeth Golledge Trust
Lynda Adsitt
James Petersen & Erica Agesen
Faustino Aguilar
Kyle & Roiann Ahrberg
John & Carmen Aitken
Alan F. Erwin Rev. Living Trust
Eva Albert
Mark & Teresa Aldrich
Colleen Aldrich
David & Jennifer Alexander
Tim & Carol Alford
Stuart & Karen Allan
Jean Allard
Jon Allard
Judith Allen
Glen & Elizabeth Allison
Shirley Allison
Doug McKenzie & Susan Alston
James Amberg
Valerie Amembal
Karen Ames
Carol Rae Anapolsky
Ann Andavall
Janet Anderson
Tom & Caryn Anderson
Keith Anderson
Patricia Anderson
Jerry & Sara Anderson
John & Renee Anderson
Richard & Millicent Anderson
Brian Ballou & Lynn Anderson
Timothy & Katrina Anderson
Larry & G.M. Anderson
Neal Anderson
Daryl & Kathy Anderst
Andrea Waitt Carlton
Family Foundation
John & Carolyn Anhorn
Anne Bellegia & Terry Ansnes
Tina Anthony
David Argetsinger
Michael & Tracie Armitage
Desmond Armstrong
Claude & Linda Arnold
Julianne Ashmead
Chris Ashmun
William & Melody Ashworth
Elena Assali
Ronald & Juanita Atkins
Chris & Michelle Atkinson
Mrs. E. V. Attebury
Jeanette Aucoin
Paul & Eva Avery
Richard & Joan Avery
Alan & Betty Axtell
Emily Ayala
Denise Backes
Alfred & Roberta Baham
Michael & Susan Bahr
Janice & Spencer Bailey
Roy Jones & Sue Bailey
Colista Bailey
Bradford & Claudia Bailey
David & Rose Baird
Dawn Bakerink
Donald Baldrica
Jeffrey & Kristine Bales
Kathy Balint
Teresa Ball
Joan Ballenger
Elizabeth Ballentyne
Lynn Anderson & Brian Ballou
Mack & Loren Bandler
Barbara E. Droscher Trust
Bardes Family Trust
Patricia Bargen
Angela & Norman Barker
F.J. & Carolyn Barrett
Joseph Barrett
Thomas & Becky Barry
Judie Bartell
Brittney & Kyle Bartell
Jill & Joyce Bartky
David & Barbara Basden
Karen Basin
Lois Bateham
Dr. Alan & Laurie Bates
Ted & Janice Bauer
Michael & Hilde Baughman
Vickey Bauman
Rick & Margy Bayouth
Karen Beaman
Kevin Beard
David Beaudoin
Mary Becker
Kathleen & Robert Beckett
Frank & Rose Marie Bedogne
Mary Beebe
Robert Behren
Janet Bell
Sharon Bellamy
Ben Ben-Baruch
Rick Bender
Louis & Evelyn Benjamin
Joan & Eldon Bennett
Rick Bennett
*Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records.
DONOR LIST, continued David Benson
Michael & Patricia Benton
James & LaJuana Berdanier
Richard & Patricia Berlet
Alan Berman
Vincente Bernal
Roger & Lavonne Bernard
Edward & Lois Bernard
Beatrice Berry
Beverly J. Beck Trust
A. Kumar & Roberta Bhasin
Charles Biechler
Ronald Bieraugel
Robert & Peggy Bierer
Donald & Felising Bietz
Charles & Lila Billings
Susan & Alan Binette
Michael & Elizabeth Bingham
Myrna Biondi
Nancy & Sam Birdsong
Lance & Fayegail Bisaccia
David & Carolyn Bishop
Steven & Margaret Bismarck
Daniel & Suzanne Bissey
Harlan & Rebecca Bittner
Sandra Bjerke
Michael & DonnaBladek
Gary & Ruth Ann Blanks
Larry Blazer
Margaret Garrington &
Arnold Bleicher
Linda Blew
Gary & April Bloeman
Davey & Marilyn Boesch
Carol Bogedain
Flo & Don Bohnert
Constance Borntraeger
Josephine Bos
Bostwick Joint Trust
Cleon & Marie Botsford
Nancy Botti
Craig & Shirley Botts
David Boulton
Ann Bouse
Joette Bowden
Stella Bowden
Rae Bowers
Stephen & Mary Boyarsky
Daniel & Kim Boyd
Sharon Boyea
Joe & Teresa Boyles
Maria Braam
Brad D. Inman Living Trust
Marilyn Brady
Jerry Bramwell
Brice & Frances Brandt
Sharstin & Jesse Brannock
Bert & Maryann Bray
Glenna Brewold
Beatrice Bridges
Ronald & Sandy Briery
Juanita Bright
Aiko Briles
Joani Bristol
Pat Broadway
William & Carol Brock
Joseph & Lola Brokowski
John Bromstead
Nadine Brood
Steven Brooks
Samuel & Marjorie Broom
Kenneth & Kay Brown
Kelly & Judy Brown
Jack & Esther Brown
Barbara Brown
Paul Brown
Toby Brown
Kitty Brown
Linda Brown
Bradley & Kathryn Broyles
Eugene & Margaret Bruce
Robert & Barbara Brugger
Tina Bruner
Kelly Bryant
Bruce & Vicki Bryden
Katherine Bryon
Annette Buchanan
Alfred Buck
Risa Buck
Roy Marvin & Kathy Buffington
Shelley & Kevin Buhrman
Daniel Bulkley
Penny Bullock
Joanne Burg
Brian Burgess
Joy Burne
Bruce & Barbara Burnett
Thomas & Nancy Burnham
Sheila Burns
Janice Burr
Wallace & Therese Burton
Larry & Shannon Buscho
Joseph Butler
James & Joyce Button
Steven & Barbara Buxton
David & Linda Bylund
Dennis & Barbara Byram
Nancy Cagle
Amanda Cain
Jeanette Cake
Johanne Calhoun
Lynn Calhoun
Bryant & Baiba Calhoun
Le Roy & Alice Calkins
Ellen Calkins
Doris Caloz
John & Mary Campbell
John & Eileen Campbell
Iris Campbell
James Campbell
John & Larea Caneer
Mary Louise Cannon
Marilyn Caracciolo
Tom Carli
George & Kathe Carlson
Charles & Edith Carlson
Emily Carpenter Mostue
Michael Carrabba
Gordon & Donna Carrigan
Kenneth & Marjorie Carter
Richard & Mary Carter
Carter Family Trust
Allan & Donna Carver
David & Lynn Casey
Terry Caster
Joyce Castleberry
Timothy & Susan Cate
Cathy G. Theen Trust
Ann Cavender
Mary Jane Cedarface
Holly Center
Robert & Sherry Cessnun
Mary Chamber
William & Doris Chambers
Kaushawna Champney
Frances Chaney
Wesley & Karen Chapman
Janis & Kenneth Chapman
David & Susan Chapman
Cecil & Karen Chase
Helen Chase
Suzanne Chase
Tamara Chastain
Byron & Patricia Chatfield
James & Anita Chester
Ray & Fay Chezik
Victor & Eileen Chieco
William Childress
Jeanne & Thierry Chouard
Brad & Cherie Christ
Cam Christensen
Owen Christiansen
Sherry & Lillian Christofferson
Maria Ciamaichelo
Clara & David Cirillo
Donald & Anita Clark
Roy & Doris Clark
Robert & Lois Clark
Jonathan Clark
Mildred Clarke
Anne Clarke
William Clary
Terri Clary
Nancy Clay
Arthur & Sandra Clemons
Barbara & Gregory Clevenger
Thomas Click
Lynell & Christopher Cline
Donald & Patricia Cline
Thomas & Betsy Clow
Ronald & Carol Cochran
Patricia Somers & Stephen Coffin
Sharon Coffman
Richard & Nancy Cogswell
Elizabeth Colbert
Sylvia Cole
Phyllis Coleman
James & Verdell Coleman
Bev Collins
Joe & Sally Collonge
Brian Comnes
Alice & Clarence Comstock
Linda & Billy Conn
Marilyn Conner
Brian Conover
George & Lorraine Cook
James & Christina Cook
Arthur Coolidge
John & Eleanor Cooney
Dennis Cooper
Judith Cope
Val Corbridge
Michael & Cynthia Corcoran
Lois Cordier
Wesley Corey
Jeanette Coursey
Dave & Nancy Courtney
Frank Cox
Barbara Craig
Robert & Carolyn Craig
Robert Craig
Jan Craigie
Ellen Craine
Larry & Lonnie Cranford
Kathleen Crawford
Michael Crennen
Charles Crisel
Norton & Linda Croft
Roberta Cronquist
Douglas Croskell
Robert & Saundra Crum
John & JoAnn Cruz
Shirley Culver
Donna Outler & Lorrin Culver
Christopher Cummings
Dave & Zia Curry
Freda Curry
Ellen Curtis
Thomas & Alice Cushman
Robert Cwiklinski
George Danek
Mary Ann Daniel
Sabrina Daniel
Lawrence & Cecilia Daniello
Gregory & Sue Daniels
Hannah Danielsen
Darcy Danielson
Regina McDonald &
Katherine Danner
Donald Daoust
Don & Betty Jane Darling
Richard & Carolyn Daugherty
Ken & Joan Davenport
Judy Davidson
Robert Davidson
David & Patricia Davies
Cathie Davis
Ross & Kathleen Davis
Gary Davis
Daniel & Tana Domecq Davis
Scott & Gerri Davis
Dennis & Teena Davis
Shalom & Darrin Davis
Lewis & Sandra Davis
Frank De Marco
James Dean
Donald Dean
Sonja Deardorff
Nancy Deel
DeFranco Trust
Bill & Elba Defries
Peter DeGroot
Ronald DeKorte
Wayne Delp
Gary & Ann DelRosso
Wilfreda DeMille
Jackson Dempsey
Heather Dennison
Denyse J. Horsburgh Trust
Sheila Depew
Jennifer Lewis & Marvin Dertien
Gerald & Linda Deubert
Kenneth & Llyssa Deveney
Johan & Geertje DeVos
Linda Duffy & Tom Dew
Robert & Jeanna Dewey
Margaret Dials
Marlene Diaz
Charles & Sandra Dibb
Joyce Dickinson
Steven Dieffenbacher
Richard Dill
Sharon Dillingham
Catherine & Lucien Dimino
Al & Sheri Dinardi
Jerry & Tamara Disharoon
Susan Dodd
Nona Donahue
Donald F. Keberle Rev. Living Trust
Donna J. Mortensen Trust
Donna M. Flom Trust
David & Rosie Donnelly
Robert & Karen Doolen
Dorris Kerby Revocable Trust
Jennifer Dorsey
Fred Dotson
Carol Doty
James Douglas
Joan Dow
Shirley & Jack Dow
Judith Drais
Margaret Drake
Larry & Holly Drake
Shirley Draper
Charles & Ruby Drobkiewicz
Dan Atwood & Toni Drummond
Deborah Dryden
Dr. David Dryland
John Duke
Matthew Dunbar
John & Glennis Dungey
Dunne Family Trust
Douglas Dusenberry
George & Betty Dwyer
Robert & Anita Dygert-Gearheart
E.C. Brittsan Trust
Garrett & Donna Earle
Robert & DeAnna Eastman
Eugene & Christine Miller
Kathryn Eberhardt
Charles Eckels
Jack & Barbara Eckhardt
Myra Edmisson
Lawrence Edwards
Mary Ehlers
Carol Eibner
Linda Eikleberry
Kathryn Ekberg
Kevin Elbert
Bruce & Jeanette Eliason
Gary & Deborah Elkinton
Garth & Fern Ellard
David Ellis
Ellis Revocable Living Trust
Ed & Adeline Ellson
Taye Grace Emori
Barbara Empol
Bruce & Ruth Engle
Scott & Coni Engle
Gordon Enns
Alberto & Sara Enriquez
Michael Erceg
Birgitta Ericsson
John & Elizabeth Escher
Dennis & Anne Eubanks
Jerry & Linda Evans
Janice Evans
Marvin & Joyce Evans
Beth & Thomas Evans
Dave & Sally Everett
Claudia Everett
Conny Fachet
Clara Fader
Dennis & Beverly Fadling
Elizabeth Fairchild
Richard Faltersack
Audrey Fancher
Lark & Brian Farrer
Robert & Kimberly Faucher
Stacey Faught
Craig Faulkner
Carol Fazio
Glennie Feinsmith
Ellis & Patricia Feinstein
George & Jeanine Felker
*Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records.
DONOR LIST, continued Dan Fennell
John & Jacqueline Ferch
Peter Schroeder & Carol Ferguson
Michael & Lynda Fetrow
Richard Fiebelkorn
Echo Fields
Russell Fields
Carl & Patricia Finch
Jane Finley
Michael & Lillie Finley
Paul & Sheila Firnstein
Michele Martin & Daniel Fischer
Richard Fisher
Phil & Marilyn Fishwick
Chester & Irene Fitch
Adrienne Fitzgerald
Louis & Billie Fletcher
Maynard Flohaug
Jack & Lorraine Florey
Tania Fogarty
Mary Jo & John Follett
Douglas & Paula Fong
Julie Ford
John & Lynne Forsyth
Henry Lee & Cynthia Fortier
Gladys Fortmiller
Rita Fossen
Ruth Foster
Richard Foster
Eric Foster
James Foucault
Robert & Elizabeth Fowler
William & Kathy Fowler
Ronald Fox
Chick & Jean Francis
Winifred Frankland
Douglas Fraser
Joanne Frazier
Barbara Fredrick
James & Nancy Freeman
Anna Freeman
Ronald Fremming
Cheryl French
Richard & Wendy Frey
George & Connie Fribance
Gerry Fried
Debbie Frierson
L.R. & Yvonne Frisbie
Catherine & Thomas Frutchey
Catherine Fuchs
Melinda Fuhrer
Larry & Marianne Fuller
Ronald & Patricia Fumasi
Sheryl Boland & Laurie Gadbois
Robert & Joyce Galvin
Gary & Linda Gamble
Ronald & Paula Gardner
Terry & Beth Gardner
William Garner
John Garrard
Blaine Garrett
Howard & Shirley Garthwait
Dianne Gee
Susan Geear
Lori Genelly
Phillip & Linda George
Glenn George
Ruth & Thomas Gerety
Timothy & Cathy Gerking
Kenneth, Cathy & Luke Gerlitz
Gary & Catherine Ghidinelli
Frederic & Tilly Gibbs
Jeff & Colleen Giese
Clayton & Connie Gillette
Jerry & Maxine Gilmer
David Gilmour
Bret Ginter
John Gipple
Ruth Giroux
Barbara & Roy Glassberg
P. Christopher & Carol Glud
Mark & Kay Goeres
Dale Goes
Thomas Goff
Jeffrey Golden
Edward & Jean Goldhamer
Edward & Cheryl Goldman
Dennis Goldstein
Edward Gomez
Dale & Claudia Gooding
Patricia Gordon
Stan & Michelle Gordon
Richard & Rhonda Gordon
Amelia Govea
Carol Graeber
David Grant
Robert & Joy Grant
Pat Gray
Karen Carnival & Dana Greaves
Gerald & Grace Green
Ken & Jeannie Green
Linda Green
Green Living Trust
Marcy Greene
John Greenwell
Marlene & Paul Greeny
John Greksouk
Warren & Shirley Grether
Herbert Grey
Gribben Trust
Richard Griffin
John & Nancy Griffin
Jan Griffin
Jim & Lynn Griffith
Kristine Groskopp-Lynd
Heidi Grossman
Stanley & Marlene Grout
David & Janet Grout
Sheila Gruver
Anna Grzeszkiewicz
Kathleen & Philip Guilfoil
Richard & Phyllis Gustafson
Marvin & Jacky Guthrie
Deanna & Dale Haack
Richard & Kathleen Hackstock
Joanne & John Hafner
Lloyd Matthew Haines
Pete Hale
Randall Hale
James Hall
David & Lauren Hall
Randy & Leslie Hall
Pamela Parks Hall
Leslie Hall
Dan Hall
Elenora Halliday
James Hallmark
Jay & Geraldine Halverson
Gary & Joanne Hamblin
Jack & Sue Hamilton
Mary Hamilton
Marion Hammer
Dennis Hammond
Scott & Coreen Hampson
Wayne Hanlon
Doris Hanna
Lynda Hansen
Richard & Elizabeth Hansen
Robert & Peggy Hanson
David Hanson
Lisa Hanson
Jon & Joan Harbaugh
Helen Hardman
Dale & James Hardt
Jim & Kathleen Harleman
William & Pamela Harmon
Arlena Harmony
Robert Harper
Jim & Carolyn Harris
Linda Harris
Karen Harris
Roger & Judith Harris
Shona & Garry Harris
Bradley & Shirley Harris
Jo Anne Harrison
H. Bernard & Makiko Hartman
Laurie Hartsook
Keith & Debra Harvey
Jacqueline Harvey
Judy Harza
John & Ethel Hassen
Guy & Linda Hatch
Robert & Kathleen Hathaway
James & Starla Hawes
Travis & Bethany Hawes
LaVern & Donna Hay
Catherine Vilas Hayes
Dorance & Sharon Hayes
Mary Head
David & Nell Hearn
Lorraine Hearn
Sarah Heath
Darlene Heckenlaible
Daniel & Meridel Hedges
Robert Heffernan
Catherine Heilman
Jesse Heller
Colleen Heltzel
Evelyn Henderson
Lyn Hennion
Patrick & Lori Henriksen
Allan & Charlotte Henry
Dick Henselman
Carol Henthorne
Herbel Family Trust
Maryen Herrett
Evelyn Hervey
Lane & William Heslington
Richard & Joan Hess
Robert Higgins
Linda Hildreth
Karin Hilger
J.T. Gillett & Susan Hindawi
Terry & Carolyn Hinesly
Darrel Hinnewinkel
Cheryle Hite
Andrea Hixson
Scott & Jana Hjelmervik
Thad & Sonia Hodgdon
Polly Hodges
Eric & Laura Hodnett
Maxine Hoehner
Wade Bird & Karen Hoewing
Arlene & Barry Hoffman
Richard Hoffman
Barbara Hoffmann
Seth & Kathleen Hofstetter
Orville & Irvine Hoglen
Colleen Holbert
Beatrice & James Holeman
Denise Holland
Cheri Holley
David & Sandra Hollingsworth
Annette Holman
Thelma & John Holmes
Charles Holmgren
Lee Holt
Joan Holzhausen
John Honeycutt
Lyle & Carol Hood
Rose Hopkins
Wolfgang & Kristin Hoppe
Kathleen Horner
Lawrence Horton
Donald & Julia Hoskins
Matthew & Mary Hough
Melvin & Mary Howard
Roberta Howard
Kenneth & Kristine Hower
Lori Hoyal
Jeresa & Ronald Hren
Gloria Ann Hubbard
William & Nancy Hubbert
Todd & Debbie Huddleston
Richard Huebner
Marion Hughes
Michael Hughes
Harvey & Marie Hukkanen
Brandan Hull
Anne Hulse
Frank Hungate
Richard & Lynda Hunsley
George Hunt
Robert & Katherine Hunter
Gary & Sara Hunter-Bailey
Stephen & Judy Hurd
Betsy Hurd
Neal & Sandra Hurley
Roger & Faye Hutchings
James & Carla Hutchins
Louise Hutchinson
Patrick & Shirley Huycke
Jon Igelman
Margaret Ingman
Gary & Nancy Ingram
Samuel & Phyllis Inkley
Brad Inman
Irwin & Ione Kohn
Rev. Living Trust
Judy Barbour & Michele Izay
Robert Izor
Kathleen Donham & John Jackson
Robert & Barbara Jacobsen
Carl & Joan Jacobson
Jacqueline Jump Estate
Richard & Susan Jacquot
Irving & Brooke Jaffe
Robert & Rochelle Jaffe
Peggy & Glen Jahnke
Shayne Jakins
Charles & Lenna James
Terry James
Stephen & Janet Jamieson
Debbie & Stewart Janes
Barbara Jarvis
Jean C. Rose Trust
James & Mary Lue Jeffrey
Susan Haines & Frederick Jenkins
Mary Jenny-Saltmarsh
Virginia Jensen
Rick & Barb Jensen
Joan S. Zheutlin Intervivos Trust
Frederic Johannsen
Pamela Johnsen
Bryce Johnson
Sara Johnson
Donald & Donna Johnson
Stanley & Lynda Johnson
Craig & Cathy Johnson
Glenda Johnson
Michael Johnson
Lori & Scott Johnson
Danny & Susan Johnston
David & Michele Jones
Helen Jones
Jack & Carolee Jones
Alan & Deborah Jones
Mary Ann Jones
Richard & Jill Jones
Thomas & Kevin Jones
Maureen & Don Jones
Donald Jones
Jack Jones
Travis Jordan
Gloria Juhnke
Russell Juncal
H William & Lana Kaelin
Paul Mace & Kathleen Kahle
Duane & Ruth Kain
Arthur & Jacqueline Kakalow
Karl & Charlotte Kalinna
Alfred Kamps
Phyllis Kappeler
Ian Kapros
Warren & Dorothy Kathary
Chris & Nola Katopothis
Myron & Angelina Katzenbach
Marilyn Edstrom & Dan Kaufman
Joan Keeney
Carole Kehrig
David & Mary Keiser
Joseph Kellerman
James & Marilyn Kelley
Daniel & Lynn Kellogg
Bob & Jeanne Kellum
Bud & Florence Kemp
Ann & Robert Kennedy
James & Judith Kennedy
Russell Kennedy
Franklin & Julia Ann Kenney
Ronald & Shirley Kern
Pat Kerr
Dennis & Marjorie Keys
Susan Kiefer
Ernest & Estelle Kiefer
Patricia Acklin & Kenneth Kigel
Ronald Kilby
James & Mary Lou Killeen
Roy & Sheila Kimball
Steven & Stephanie Kimball
Carole Anne King
Nan King
Lawrence King
Niloufer Ichaporia King
Carolyn & Bob Kingsnorth
Jeffrey Kinsella
Mark & Lynn Kirms
Nina Kiskadden
Barbara & Arthur Klemm
John & Kristina Kliegl
Curtis & Susan Kline
William & Cynthia Klosterman
Gary & Carol Klouda
Jim Knerl
Richard Knights
*Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records.
DONOR LIST, continued Pat Knoble
Michael Knotz II
Claudia Knowles
Thomas Knox
Vonja Knox
Diana Knox
George & Naomi Kobayashi
Wendy Koble
Michael Koester
John & Jana Kolsbun
Elaine Konopasek
Jane Korn
Ronald Korte
Philip & Carol Koszyk
Carl & Barbara Krack
Fred & Beverly Krasner
Mamie Kreisman
Jeri Krenek
Sue & Roland Kretschmann
Richard & Charlette Krumm
Anne Pollack & Robert Kuenzel
Eugene Kulesza
Courtney Kuntz
Dr. Wie-peng Kuo
Georgia Kurz
Robert & Mary Kush
Jim & Melissa Kusnerik
Denise Kyker
Jerry La Fountain
Margaret La Nier
Ronald & Roberta Laber
Dennis & Kay Lair
Alice LaMoree
Thomas & Marcy Landis
Elizabeth Landreth
Landreth Family Trust
David Landry
Donna Lane
Nancy Miles & Calvin Lanfear
Lang Family Foundation
Lois Langlois
Tarcisio Lanuevo
Joyce Lapan
Charles & Carol Lapp
Barbara Larson
Carol LaRue
Thomas & Vicki Lavagnino
Winnifred Laymance
Carolyn Layton
Jeffery Le Beau
Paul Le Blanc
Janet Leake
Daniel & Cindy Leary
Alan Ledford
Haydn & Cora Lee
Clifford Lee
Susan & Darrell Leek
Kristina Lefever
Lacy Leffel
Patricia Legg
Thomas Legg
Norbert & Beverly Leiberg
Gerrie Leinfelder
Robert Lemmens
John & Jeryl Lemon
Deb Groskreutz & Annette Lenners
Jane Leonardo
Nancy Leovy
Paul Leppert
George & Joanne Lescher
Lesley Orr Family Trust
Joy & Alice Lester
Marilyn Levin
Levy Loving Trust
Donald & Beverly Lewis
Bob & Helen Lichlyter
Bill & Janet Ligon
Jon Lilligren
Edward & Bethany Lindbloom
Mike Linder
Max & Lucille Lindley
Debra Lindley
Walter & Conny Lindley
Jonathan Gasik & Sally Lindsay
Robert & Suzanne Lindstrom
Dale & Judy Lininger
Mike & Laura Jane Littrell
Robert & Lorraine Lofgren
Porter & Corinne Lombard
Winston & Cynthia Lora
Laura & Kurt Lotspeich
John & Marilyn Love
Phil & Judie-Richardson Loveless
Robert & Susan Lowe
Herbert & Mary Lowe
Sally Lowell
Gail Lowell
Irving Lubliner
Dr. William & Mary Louise Lucas
Andrea Lucas
William Lucas
Wayne Luckinbill
Susan Lulladee
Jay & Carol Lunt
Stanley & Judith Lyon
Russell & Margaret Lyon
Raven Maartense
Bill & Teri Mac Dougall
Arlene Macadam
Ann Macrory
Macy Family Trust
Charles & Sandra Madary
Jan Madsen
Susan Maesen
Michael & Mary Mahar
Daniel & Carlie Mahar
James Maize
Joan Majeski
Leo & Patsy Majesky
Katrina Mallams
Kim Manbeck
T. Jeffrey Mangin
Patrick Manion
James & Kelly Mannenbach
Maria-Cristina Page Trust
Donna & Greer Markle
James & Rebecca Lynn Martin
Randie Martz
Dolores Marx
William & Dorothy Mason
Arne & Barbara Mason
Mary & Daniel Mason
Richard & Mary Mastain
Bruce & Alice Matheny
Mathews Living Trust
Marilyn Mattheison
David Matthews
Peter Mattson
Joseph & Celia Matulich
Dennis and Michele Matzen
Toni Mawhirter
Donna Maybee
Grace Mayer
Robert Mayer
Sandra Mayfield
Dudley & Marian McBeath
Kathy McCall
Stanley & Patricia McCambridge
Susan Kiefer & Ann McCaughan
Sharon McChrystal
Michael & Kandee McClain
Wanda McClelland
Lyn McConnell
Wendell & Rachel McCormick
John & Bylle McCulley
McEachron Family Trust
Olan & Sharron McFarland
Shirley McFarland
Robert & Heather McIntyre
David & Cynthia McKee
Kathleen McKee
Jane McLaughlin
Valerie McMeekin
Robert Devoe & Carol McNair
Dennis McNamara
Shirley McNamee
Hugh McNeely
Samantha McQuiston
Richard & Judy McReynolds
Thomas McVey
JoAnne Mead
Anne & Chet Meck
Thomas Mehl
Patricia Meier
Susan Meierhenry
Michael & Anne Meiring
Rose Meisburger
Meredith Loving Trust
Gerald Merfeld
Jack & Eleanor Merkle
Randy Merrill
Rebecca Merron
Iris Metz
Fred & Katharine Meyer
Betty Meyers
Mara & Nikos Mikalis
David Doi & Susan Miler
Robert & Susan Millbank
John & Nancy Miller
Gary & Candy Miller
Judy Miller
Tod & Connie Miller
Delma Miller
Michael & Barbara Miller
Henrietta L Miller
Nadine Miller
Mark Miller
John Milne
Alister Milroy
Robert & Donna Milts
Norman Misek
Michael Mitchell
Samuel & Suzanne Mitchell
Charlene Moak
Earl & Gloria Moe
Sean Moeschl
Gregory & Susan Moffitt
Janis Mohr-Tipton
Edith Montgomery
Montgomery Loving Trust
Steven & Janette Moon
Donald & Traute Moore
Harlan, Donna & David Moore
Kathleen & James Moore
Ruth Moore
Kevin & Cindy Moore
Johnita Moore
Linda Moore
James & Linda Moreland
Matthew & Carla Morey
Tiffany Morey
Bonnie Morgan
Don & Diane Morgan
Dennis & Victoria Morgan
Henry & Genevieve Morgan
Stephen & Leslie Morgan
Edward Morgan, Jr.
Robert Morris
Brett & Diane Morris
Mary Jane Morrison
Michael Morrison
Mike Morrison
Marlan Morse
Celia Moss
David & Deborah Moss
Christine Mott
Elizabeth Moyer
Laura Mullen
Mullholand Estate
Donald & Gayle Mullin
Georgia Anne Muniz
Lee & Diana Murdoch
Mike & Janet Murphy
Linda Murphy
Dwayne Murray
Nannien Murray
William & Marie Myers
Gary & Sharon Myers
Gary & Blyth Naef
Andrew & Angela Nairne
Denise Negles
Audrey Nelson
Carol & William Nelson
Mary Nelson
Michele Newby
George Conand & David Newcomb
Gary & Diana Newland
Tom Newlon
Thomas & Debra Newman
Emily Newman
Beverly Newton
Patricia Newton
Robert & Mary Niccolls
Richard & Cris Nickerson
Helen Ide Nicoll
Dennis Niebuhr
Richard & Claire Niedermeyer
Shirley Niikura-George
Elizabeth Nixon
Kevin & Charlotte Norman
Robert & Wendy Norris
Raymond & Elaine Note
Jennifer Nottingham
Anne McGranahan Novina
Linda Strouse & Walter Nowak
Grace Nuckolls
Dr. James & Caroline Nudelman
Lelia Nyberg
Nancy Ockunzzi
Odell Living Trust
Richard & Ann Offenbacher
Pamela Offner
Marjorie & Laurie O’Harra
David Oliver
Neal & Kim Olson
Jenny Olson
Jeff & Linda Olson
Sherm & Wanda Olsrud
Steven Olsrud
Patrick O’Neil
Jack Opgenorth
Geraldine Orchard
Clotilde Orcutt
David & Rebecca Orf
Judy Osborne
Gerry Osterland
Glen & Nicola O’Sullivan
Randy Otis
Anna Cassilly & Dakota Otto
John Ousterhout
Arthur & Donna Outler
Marjorie Overland
Ronald & Lynda Overstake
Sandra Overstreet
George & Marcella Owens
Beverly Ownby
Diane Pace
Jerry Hood & Christal Paetz
Jerry & Olarene Page
Virginia Paine
Don Palese
Jeff & Kim Palmer
Marshall & Susan Palmer
Carole Palmerston
Ross Panger
Irvin & Patricia Parent
Bradley Parmenter
Arlie & Diane Passmore
Thomas Paterson
Willard & Marilyn Patterson
Andrea Patterson
Sarah Paul
Rosemarie Gerstner & Martin Paule
Joyce Paxson
Linda VanDorp & Selma Peck
Barry Peckham
Tage & Pauline Pedersen
George Pelch
Gary & Christine Pellett
Theresa Peplinski
Ted & Ruth Pepple
Wanda Perdue
Morton Perle
Fred & Laura Perloff
Dorothy Perry
Antione & Sarah Perry
Dennis & Michelle Perry
Terry Pesenti
Mae Petersen
Douglas & Phyllis Peterson
Doris Peterson
Rolf & Lee Ann Peterson
Judy Peterson
Erik & Kristin Peterson
Virginia Petitt
William & Rita Petrocine
Dianne Erickson & Lois Pettinger
Sherry Pfaff
Philip & Jean-Ann
Newman Living Trust
Doug Philips
Laurie Stephens & Thomas Phillips
Virginia Stapp & Douglas Phillips
Panos Photinos
Douglas & Ruth Pickell
Les & Cynthia Pickering
Charles & Seline Pierson
Pamela Pingle
James & Sharon Piper
Pamela Piper
Diane Plotts
Gail Plowman
Samuel & Jerelyn Plumer
John & Marcia Polacek
Deborah & Peter Pollard
*Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records.
DONOR LIST, continued Kenneth & Linda Pons
Rodney & Jan Pope
Jerry & Tangi Poppe
Jack Potap
Brent & Annette Poulton
Sharon Powell
Powell Living Trust
Mary Pat Power
Elizabeth Powers
Judith Pray & Rodney Pray, MD
Bertha Prewitt
John Pribyl
William & Dorothy Prideaux
Perry Prince
Marion Prine
Mary Pritchard
Kent English & Sue Privitera
Robert & Diane Probert
Cheryl Prosise
Cheryl Meier & Kerry Provancha
Marie & Gilbert Provencio
Dorothy Pruitt
Tina Pruitt
June Pucci
Donovan Puffer
Frank & Barbara Pulver
Kenneth Purkapile
Margaret Purves
Pyle Deforest Charitable Foundation
Ron & Lucy Pylkki
Michael & Diana Quirk
Jane Ramage
John & Carolyn Ramsey
David Randles
Charles & Kathryn Ransdell
Lynn Ransford
Stephen & Babette Rapp
Kenneth & Marie Ratcliff
Sharon Bolles & Nando Raynolds
Robert Rector
William Reeves
Rego Family Trust
William Reilly
Douglas & Debbie Rein
Stanley & Kelli Reiter
Don & Phyllis Reynolds
Don & Mary Ellen Rhoades
Velma Rhodes
Arlene Rians
Douglas & Karen Rice
William & Etta’Anne Rice
Jerry & June Rich
Jack Richard
Ray & Estelle Richards
Suellen Richards
Lena & William Richardson
Douglas & Laura Richmond
Susan & Charles Rider
Carolynn Riechers
Nicholas Rigirozzi
James Riker
John & Bonnie Rinaldi
Lorenzo Rios
Laurence Risher
Charlotte Rising
Maria Rivera
Rose Robb
Robert & Frieda Golding Rev Trust
Gary Roberts
Shirley Roberts
Sharon Roberts
Annabelle Roberts
Billy & Gloria Roberts
Roberts Family A Trust
Marsha Robertson
John Robinson
Fred & Doris Robinson
Ruth Robinson
Gerardo Rodriguez
Pete & Susan Roeck
Roger Mueller & Arlene
Mueller Trust
Barbara McLeod & John Rogers
Scott Rogers
Charles & Eileen Rogers
Chellis Rogers
Paul & Margaret Rollosson
John Ronnander
Betty Root
Dianne Root
Roselyn & David Ropel
Gordon & Judith Rose
David Rose
Donald Matthews & Judith Rosen
Milton & Marlene Rosen
Juanita Rosene
Kathy Rosengren
John & Elizabeth Ross
Ross Family Trust
Gino & Elizabeth Rossi
Joanne Rotar
James Ross & Joan Roth
Julia & Bradley Roupp
Deborah Rowland
Richard & Geraldine Rudisile
Rugg Living Trust
Grant & Patti Ruiz
Doug & Barbara Rush
Helen Russ
Charles & Bonnie Russell
Susan Rust
James Ruston
Ruth Gayle Morris
Revocable Living Trust
Lee & Cassie Ryker
Larry & Linda Sabala
Neal & Donna Rae Sabin
John L Sager
Irene Saikevych
Merrill & Alice Salmon
Marilyn Salter
Carol & Ed Sanchas
Deborah & Frank Sanchez
Barry Sander
Howard & Elaine Sands
Jerry & Judy Sands
Richard & Julie Santillie
Brian & Jenefer Savage
Sandra Sawyer
Denise Scarborough
Robert & Donna Scebold
Gary Shaff & Barbara Schack
Jacqueline Schad
Bryan Frink & Diane Schaffer
Jacob & Jimmye Schauffler
James & Marguerite Schellentrager
Mark & Gwen Schiveley
Herman & Sylvia Ann Schmeling
Richard & Lynn Schmidt
Doug & Sandra Schmor
Valeri Schneider
Henry & Agnes Schnelle
Gail Schoeneberg
Joseph Schoenhals
Catherine Scholz
Hugh & Susan Schoonover
Ted & Maureen Schroeder
Paul Schroeder
Suzanne Schroeder
Terry Schultz
Gary Schwab
Carl Schwab
Orval Schwartz
Norman Scott
George Scott
Scott Family Living Trust
Stan & Mary Scovell
Ted & Coralee Seale
Lee Seater
Victor & Daniel Seeberger
Robin Seeley
Daniel & Stefani Seffinger
Diane Seitz
Steven & Darcey Self
Ray Sembric
Katherine Kralik &
Daniel Sengenberger
Edward & Velva Seto
Steven & Sandie Shade
Jack & Carole Shaffer
Steven & Andrea Shapiro
Sharon Hayes Living Trust
Nancy Rosslooney & Betty Shave
Neil & Linda Shaw
Scott & Ronda Sheffield
Robert & Gloria Shepard
Belle & Jeffrey Shepherd
Jan Shipley
Shirley South Living Trust
Thomas & Kathleen Shope
Richard & Catherine Shorkey
Billy & Marjorie Showalter
George Shreeve
Sandra Shugart
Stribley & Sharon Shussman
Ludwell & Marilyn Sibley
Roger & Lea Siders
Mary & Dirk Siedlecki
Jeanette Sieg
Jennifer Sieg
Douglas & Ann Sierka
Brian or Rachael Simonsen
James & Joan Simonson
Robert Simpson
James Sims
Tharyn Sims
Charles & Mary Sinclair
Grady & Laura Singletary
Singleton Loving Trust
Paul Niedermeyer &
Kristin Sivesind
Christine Maqueira & Craig Six
Herbert & Susan Six
Lynn & Doris Sjolund
Chris & Barbara Skrepetos
Janice Slater
Robert & Donna Slayton
Eileen Slowikowski
John & Kathryn Slyt
Smart Family Foundation, Inc.
Norman & Helen Smedes
Nancy Smesrud
Patricia Smith
Ruth Smith
Patricia Smith
Barnard & Betty Lou Smith
Frederick & Nancy Smith
Patricia Smith
Dorothy Destache &
Jane Shean Smith
John Smith
Gregory Smith
Albert & Elizabeth Smith
Keith Smith
Elva Smith
Norton Smith
Ken & Lola Smith
Allen Smith
Don & Ardith Smith
Michelle Smith
Charles Smith
Robin Smith
Eileen Smith
Steve Smith
Charles & Kathryn Rush Smoot
Valerie Smullen
Patsy Smullin
Tammy Snider
Suzanna Snider
Wanda Snow
Paul & Rita Sollie
Norman & Patricia Somes
Julia Sommer
David & Lori Sours
Charles & Olive Sowell
Darcie Spar
Charles Sparkes
Jeff & Heidi Spear
Joan Spear
Gary & Louise Sprague
Joe Spurgeon
Carol & Jim Stack
Martha Stadelman
Constance Stallings
Andrew & Jeanne Stallman
Richard & Elaine Stamper
Gordon & Debra Stanford
Adrian Stansfield
Douglas & Donnetta Staples
William & Mary Stark
Ronald & Wanda Stelle
Michael and Teri Stember
Anna Stevens
Karen Stevenson
Marc Stewart
Gerry Stone
Robert & Kathleen Stoner
Helen Strahl
Sherry & David Straus
Billy & Rachel Strawn
Ramje & Richard Streng
Morris & Maxine Stringer
Janet Stringer
Stanley Stromberg
John & Margaret Strong
Lyn Strong
Wayne & Nancy Struble
Scott Kaiser & Catherine Stump
James & Gwynn Sullivan
Terry & Mary Sullivan
Harvey Gilmore & Carolyn Sullivan
Kathleen Sullivan
Shawn & Delores Sullivan
Mark & Jamie Sunderland
Steve & Kay Swader
Terry & Julie Swain
Curtis & Anne Swanson
Michele Swee
Don & Marilyn Sweet
Iola Swingle
Virgil & Marlene Syverson
Kevin & Barbara Talbert
Ollie Talley
Edward & Julie Taucher
Marion Tavalero
George & Brenda Taylor
Barbara Taylor
Lorraine Taylor
Ardell Taylor
Margaret Taylor
Betty Templeman
Ann Leslie Tennyson
Doreen Terry
The Vance & Jane
Crockett Family Trust
Molly Thibedeau
Gill & Monica Thiel
Lynn & Sandra Thirtyacre
Rita Thomas
Gordon & Alice Thomas
Wayne Thomas
Robert & Linda Thomas
Fred & Charlotte Thomas
Chant & Susanna Bahaar Thomas
Maggie & Jeffrey Thompson
Beverly Thompson
Thomas & Stephanie Thomson
Walter & Cecilia Thorp
Maria Thorpe
Dorothy Throne
Jim & Teri Tipton
Todd Trust
Timothy Tolman
Peggy Proctor Tomlins
Mary Tormey
Ronald & Pamela Torrey
Linda Tourville
David & Wendy Tracy
Joyce Trask
Rama Trautman
Constance Travesi
John & Barbara Traynor
Dwight & Donna Tribelhorn
Lori Trilling
Peter & Cathy Tronquet
Janet Troy
Paula Trudeau
Erwin Trumbly
Kernan & Mina Turner
John & Susan Turner
Ruth Tuttle
Tom Tynan
Judith Uherbelau
David Uhreen
Ronald & Nancy Unis
Tom & Kathryn Anne Upton
Robin Radha Utter
Josephine Vallo
Larry & Barbara Van Ausdall
Sharon Van Etten
Shirley Vance
Betty Vandarwarka
Ladonna Vanderbeek
Roger Vanderbeek
Margie VanderVeen
Kathy & Larry Vann
Edie Chezik & Jon VanValkenburg
James & Jill Vargas
Maria Vaughan
Bob & Jayne Vaughn
Donald Vermeer
Charles & Rebecca Versteeg
Rudolf & Emilie Vest
Dale Vidmar
Estelle Voeller
*Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records.
DONOR LIST, continued Carol Voisin
Ronald & Betty Von Der Hellen
Kathryn Voorhees
Denise Vore
Karen Barton & Diana Wadsworth
John & Jacqueline Wagner
Dr. Howard & Rena Wagner
Ellen Wakefield
Greg & Mylene Walden
Carol & John Walker
Lois Walker
Isaac Walker
Daniel & Phyllis Walker
Melinda Wallace
John & Sandra Walper
Jim Walstrom
Harry & Terry Walters
Kathy McCullough & Lyle Walther
William & Nancy Walz
Pamela Ward
Douglas & Arlene Warner
Charles & Marianne Warren
Richard Warren
Ted and Mary Warrick
Karen Wasser
Robyn Wassom
Alexander & Sharon Waterhouse
Barbara Watson
Kathleen Watson
Todd Watson
Ronald & Mary Wavrin
Todd & Deborah Way
Joyce Weaver
Francis Webber
Joseph & Louanne Weber, Jr.
Elaine Wefel
Richard & Janell Weide
Ronald & Lynda Weinhold
Darrell & Marlys Weinman
Faye Weisler
George & Lu Weiss
Sandra & Jennifer Welburn
Judy Welch
Gladys Wells
Karl & Kelly Wells
Donald & June Wells
Dana & Jodi Wells
Jack & Arlene Wengert
Paul & Anne Westerman
Roland Westgate
Peter & Betty LaDuke Westigard
John Weston
Milicent Wewerka
Cheryl French & Charles Whitaker
Sandy Whitcomb
Frank & Joan White
Colin & Elizabeth White
Sally White
Donald & Janice White
Lori Whitley
Rick Whitlock
Linda Whitlow
Alisa Whitney
Bonnie Wilber
Marilyn Wilbur
Delo Wild
Paul Wilke
Bernard Wilkey
Shirley Williams
Mark Williams
Jack & Cindy Williams
Muriel Williams
Linda Williams
Robin & Joan Williamson
Vicki Willis
Gordon & Maxine Wilson
Ellis & Mildred Wilson
Nancy Wilson
Larry & Elaine Wilson
Dale Wilson
Audie Wilson
Bryan & Carol Steele Wilson
Polly Beach Wilson
Janice Wilt
Paul & Nina Winans
Winifred Hood Rev Living Trust
Viva Winkelman
Chris Winney
Kenneth & Linda Wion
Dennis Wise
Joyce Witham
Witham Trust
Fred & Evelyn Wittlake
Gideon & Esther Wizansky
Gene & Carol Wolf
Linda Wolf
Frann Wolfe
Douglas & Marie Wood
Mary Wooding
Harvey & Janet Woods
Joyce Woods
Bruce & Gretchen Woolf
Mary Woolstenhulme
Larry & Ann Wright
Allan & Colette Wright
Walter & Mary Wright
Robert & Donna Wright
Dr. Bryan Wu
Ron Wyden
Delphine Yates
Bonnie & Chuck Yates
Bob & Lynnette Yoshida
Elva Younkin
John & Virginia Yungen
Moriaki Zaitsu
Wayne Zallen
Ladd & Suzanne Zastoupil
Laurie Zelesnikar
John & Patricia Zenz
Helen & Maurice Ziegler
Peggy Ziessau
Robert & Judith Zoll
Harriet Zollman
Gordon & Ruth Zook
Andrea Waitt Carlton
Family Foundation
Avista Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Hughs-Combs Charitable Fund
Joe & Frances Naumes
Family Foundation, Inc.
Lang Family Foundation
Oregon Assoc of Realtors
Home Foundation
Plum Creek Foundation
Pyle Deforest Charitable Foundation
R. A. Bloch Cancer Foundation
Robert & Frances Chaney
Family Foundation
Smart Family Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Alvin & Virginia Adams
In Honor of Earl H. Adams
Bernard Alexander
In Honor of Carolyn L. Alexander
Roger & Wen Beltz
In Honor of Susan Ehlich & Family
Ernest & Denise Cheek
In Honor of Pam and Dennis Cheek
William & Marion Collins
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs.
Gary Collins
William & Marion Collins
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs.
Miles Musser
John & Mary Saxton-Dunn
In Honor of Teresa Segobiano
James Ellis
In Honor of The William
Ellis Family,
Dick Siemon & Margrit
The Ron Siemon Family
The Matt Mayfield Family
The Forwood/Wolff Family
The Taylor Siemon Family
The Armstrong/Whitmer Family
The James Gang, Jon and Kate Ladd
Josh Milner and Lauren Tilson
The Jonathan Leduc Family
The Aaron Leduc Family
Juanita & Donald George
In Honor of Nick Nicholas
Hendrickson Family Trust
In Honor of Richard H. Hendrickson
Donald & Kathleen Hoskins
In Honor of William M. Chesney
Richard Howard
In Honor of Jean Howard
Noreen Hughs
In Honor of Shannon
Blacklidge Brahmer
Rich & Susan Kennedy
In Honor of Doug Schmor
Leroy & Emily Lewis-Knight
In Honor of Alberta A. Fry, Jeff &
Debbie Rink and the
McCauley/Fry Family
Rose & Bradley Lee
In Honor of William Holcomb
Lithologic Resources, LLC
In Honor of Obie & Sarah Strickler
James Marron & Annalee Love
In Honor of Vierra Family
Terry & Carol Malcom
In Honor of Philip Yates
Richard & Mary Mould
In Honor of Wife and Children
Charles Mylroie
In Honor of Amy Jo Mylroie
Naymik Living Trust
In Honor of John Naymik
Margaret McGoldrick
& Scott Nelson
In Honor of Jean Nelson
David & Mary Newell
In Honor of Jim and Sue Newell
Edna Reich
In Honor of David Schneider
Steve & Sherry Schroeder
In Honor of Mildred Mast
Thomas Smith
In Honor of George &
Corina Freeman,
Anthony Smith, Trisha Bailkey and
Derek & Kendall Freeman
Gwen Snook In Honor
of Stanley Snook
Southern Oregon Equities
In Honor of Marjorie Krueger
Christopher & Carla Tappero
In Honor of Eva & Paul Avery
Kenneth & Mary Sue Bailey
In Memory of Pearl Walker
Dorine Brickey
In Memory of Shirley Lindstrom
G.V. & Sue Colombo
In Memory of Shirley Lindstrom
Mary Crawford
In Memory of Hobie Houck
William & Sandra Fierke
In Memory of Shirley Lindstrom
Darlene, Alan & Paul Hart
In Memory of Don G. Hart
Elizabeth Hayes
In Memory of Bud Hayes
Cecil & Laura Hoover
In Memory of Ashley Jean Long
Irving Shuman Trust
In Memory of Irv Shuman
Linda M. Messal Living Trust
In Memory of Gladys F. Cox
Lowell Lindstrom In Memory of
Shirley Lindstrom
Lindvig Automotive Enterprises
In Memory of Raymond Grice
Brian & Christie McQuade
In Memory of Ed McQuade
Penny Metropulos
In Memory of Gus &
Marge Metropulos
Bruce & Cathy Millbank
In Memory of Janet Millbank
Neva Nuich
In Memory of Shirley Lindstrom
Barbara Burcham-Ramsay
In Memory of Barbara Bieg
Pamela Schepis
In Memory of Shirley Lindstrom
Eric State of Jefferson Monuments
In Memory of Jim and
Catherine Brorby
Keith Stewart
In Memory of Darlene Stewart
Gordon Wickstrom
In Memory of Patricia
K. Wickstrom
Lorrine Winger
In Memory of Fred E. Winger
Food Assistance
ACCESS would like to
recognize the following
organizations for their
ongoing support with
volunteers, contributions and
facilities to feed people in
need in Jackson County.
Partners in the Pantry
Ashland Seventh-Day
Adventist Church
Butte Falls Community
School Partnership
Calvary Outreach
Church of the Good
Shepherd- Prospect
City of Medford/Parks &
City Of Talent
Eagle Point Church of the
Eagle Point Community
Bible Church
First Christian Church
Gloria Dei Lutheran
Gold Hill Christian Center
Joy Christian Fellowship
Medford Seventh-Day
Adventist Church
Mountain View Christian
Plum Creek Foundation
Prospect Assembly of God
Prospect Baptist Church
Prospect Church of the
Red Rock Cowboy Church
Rogue Family Center
Rogue River Community
Rogue River Seventh-Day
Adventist Church
Rogue Valley Christian
Ruch Elementary School
St. John Lutheran Church
St. Vincent De Paul
The Salvation Army
Set Free Christian
Shepherd of the Valley
Talent United Methodist
Trail Christian Fellowship
Upper Rogue Community
*Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records.
Helping People Help Themselves
3630 Aviation Way, P. O. Box 4666
Medford, OR 97501
We would love to hear from you!
Your comments or stories about
how ACCESS helped you would
be appreciated. Please email us at
or write to:
Ongoing ACCESS Volunteer Opportunities
We always have a need for your volunteer help.
For more information about volunteering
opportunities, call 541-618-4003.
Kathy, ACCESS, PO Box 4666,
Medford, OR 97504
March 17
Senior Fair
Tuesday, March 17, 9am-4pm at the Medford Armory. Don’t miss this one stop place for
health and information resources. Suggested donation of $1 or one can of food.
April 11
ACCESS Mobile Pantry joins in the Pear Blossom Parade
The 62nd annual Pear Blossom Festival/Parade will be held April 11th in Downtown Medford.
ACCESS Mobile Pantry Unit and Employees will be again marching in the parade.
May 9
The 23rd Annual “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive
The nation’s largest single-day food drive, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)
effort is held annually in all 50 states. From major metropolitan areas to small rural towns,
residents put out non-perishable food donations on that day, which letter carriers collect as they
deliver mail along their postal routes.
May 16
Realizing the American Dream
Do you want to purchase your first home? Gain knowledge and confidence you need to
successfully achieve and maintain homeownership. Class will be held at the Medford RCC
campus, HEC Building, Rm 121 from 9am-5pm. $40/co-Student is Free. To register call the
ACCESS Homeownership Center at 541-774-4305.
June 29
ACCESS Golf Tournament
Monday, June 29th, at the Rogue Valley Country Club. For more information,
please call Logan Bell at 541-774 4312, or visit www.accesshelps.org.