Ashland Community Resource Center Opens!
Ashland Community Resource Center Opens!
HELPING PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES SPRING 2014 Ashland Community Resource Center Opens! O n February 11, 2014, the new Ashland Community Resource Center opened its doors. A major focus of the help center is to connect those in need with organizations and agencies that offer services. A few of those resources include case management, help with resumes, resource referrals, use of a mailing address, bus passes, restrooms and hygiene supplies, cellphone charging and Internet access. There is also a mobile trailer that features showers and laundry facilities that will be located throughout Ashland. The new center offers services in a clean, safe environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Through a $100,000 grant from the Ashland City Council, ACCESS and the grassroots group, Options for Homeless Residents of Ashland (OHRA), are leasing space in the Ashland Masonic Center. The center is located at 570 Clover Lane near Exit 14 and the Ashland Emergency Food Bank. The center operates Tuesday through Saturday, 9am to 1pm. “Our aim is to have a one-stop location where anyone can come and connect with a variety of community resources,” says ACCESS Support Services Director David Mulig. “Once these folks are no longer worried about the day-to-day struggle of life on the streets, homeless people can stabilize their lives and start working on the issues that make it difficult to find employment or housing.” Leigh Madsen, who is the center’s part-time manager also stated, “We’re going to be a great resource!” “It’s wonderful. It’s a dream come true,” said Councilor Carol Voisin. Volunteers are needed to work at the center and to help with the mobile showering and laundry unit. Those who would like to volunteer at the new Ashland Community Resource Center, can contact Regina Ayars at 541-482-5019 or email her at Also see for more information and to get volunteer application and release forms. Mail completed volunteer application forms to Ashland Community Resource Center, 570B Clover Lane, Ashland, OR 97520. Property owners or managers who would like more information on renting to at-risk or homeless people can call David Mulig at 541-774-4313. To contact the center in general, call 541-631-2235 or email More information is available at – Click on the ACRC button on the home page. in this issue: • Ashland Community Resource Center Opens Doors To keep the center operating into the future, organizers • Message from our Executive Director will have to raise additional money to supplement the $100,000 city grant. ACCESS and OHRA will be • ACCESS welcomes new Finance Director fundraising to bring in additional money as well as donations of supplies. The center will be staffed almost • Two New Board Members entirely by volunteers, except for its part-time manager appointed to ACCESS board and representatives from social services organizations • Community gardens prepare for growing season who will visit the center. • ACCESS helps Cover Oregon • Annual Hometown Heroes Honored • New cooking skills program recruits volunteers • Dream$avers helps shoe maker expand opportunities • Calendar Upcoming events STAFF Message from the Executive Director Executive Director Jackie Schad: 541-774-4338 Finance Director Greg Koziara Development Director Pam Slater: 541-690-3974 Housing Director Cindy Dyer: 541-774-4319 Nutrition Programs Director Philip Yates: 541-774-4320 Human Resources Director Carlea Campagna: 541-618-4010 Support Services Director David Mulig: 541-774-4313 Development Manager Logan Bell: 541-774-4312 BOARD of DIRECTORS Tim Alford John Bond Julie Brown, Vice Chair Cathie Davis , Chair Elect Eric Foster Pat Huycke, Secretary/Treasurer Tim Johnson Ed Miller Dennis Richardson Grady Singletary Bob Strosser John Watt, Chair J.R. Wheeler Hank Williams SPECIAL ADVISORY BOARD Kathy Beckett Les Cracraft Sam Davis David Dotterrer Lyn Hennion Craig Morris Sherm Olsrud Wanda Olsrud Mary Smart Rep. Greg Walden Senator Ron Wyden 2 I have been making frequent trips up and down Interstate 5 in conjunction with my ACCESS responsibilities, attending meetings in Roseburg, Salem and Portland. As I drive, I enjoy watching the landscape change with the seasons. During the most recent trip, I noticed the mountain meadows turning green again with winter rains, trees sprouting leaf buds and streams running full. It reminds me that communities and organizations also thrive through changing seasons and conditions. In the past few months, our federal landscape has changed as Congress passed a budget for the first time in years. For the people ACCESS helps, there were some pluses and minuses to that. Our programs to help residents heat and weatherize their homes received a little more support. People who must rely on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to feed their families through tough times are going to get less help. Our food pantry network cannot completely fill the gap left by a family losing enough money to feed an adult one meal for a month. Preparation is beginning for our Food Share Gardens, located throughout Jackson County, with generous help from volunteers and donors. Donations are coming in from seed companies, composting sites and tool manufacturers, among others. These donations help us equip the volunteer gardeners with everything they need to grow fresh food for their neighbors. We take pride in our client successes as we watch people who are struggling achieve their dreams through hard work and perseverance – purchase a home, start a business, enroll in higher education. For ACCESS, these are the equivalent of green meadows and all of the volunteers and donors who take part in ACCESS have a share in this success. ACCESS Executive Director Dutch Love Story D utch Bros. held their annual “Dutch Luv” food drive this past Valentine’s Day. Food was collected at their Josephine and Jackson County locations. All food donated in Jackson County went to feed the hungry through the ACCESS Pantry Network of 25 pantries. All totalled, the Jackson County Dutch Bros. stores collected a record breaking number of 24,762 pounds of food to ACCESS! On behalf of everyone here at ACCESS and all of our food pantries, we’d like to thank you for your wonderful community support. Hannah’s story 1,464 Likes & counting! Join the conversation on Facebook for the latest news & events: ACCESS Welcomes New Finance Director A CCESS is pleased to announce that Greg Koziara has been appointed as the new Finance Director. After graduation from high school, Greg joined the United States Air Force, earned a number of degrees and served as a Financial Specialist for 23 years. He was stationed throughout the world in places like Spain, Turkey, Italy, Greenland, Cyprus and Germany. “Mr. Koziara’s long experience in complex fiscal environments will be a great asset as our programs grow in size and complexity,” says T ACCESS Executive Director Jackie Schad. “I’ve spent most of the last 30 years serving my country as either a member of the armed forces, a contractor or a civil servant. During that period, no matter where I was throughout the world, I frequently volunteered in the local community. I feel that working for ACCESS, with its exceptional reputation, is another way for me to serve the community. In addition, during the interview process, it became evident to me that my values matched those of ACCESS, leading me to believe I would fit well into the organization,” said Greg. “I already see that I am fortunate enough to have enthusiastic, knowledgeable and dedicated colleagues to ease my transition.” Greg says he is passionate about golfing, fishing, traveling, fitness activities and his family. He and his wife Rita and their Golden Retriever, Ruby, moved up to the Rogue Valley recently and have settled in Grants Pass. “We have found Oregon to be a special place,” he says. “The beauty of the green forests, the welcoming people, the climate, and most of all our friends, have made this a wonderful transition for our family. We look forward to exploring the Rogue, the many wineries, music at the Britt, hiking the Oregon trails and being part of the Oregon community.” All of us here at ACCESS welcome Greg! Tim Johnson - ACCESS Board Member imothy Johnson grew up in South Central Los Angeles and graduated from USC and UCLA. His background is a reflection of his curiosity and impatience. In his (former) life in California, he was a city council member, served on the California Regional Water Quality Control Boards, served on the executive committee of the Southern California Council of Governments, has been manager of an irrigation company, was a field representative for a state and a county elected official, dabbled in corporate public relations, worked as a newspaper columnist and, for 15 years, an orange grower. Currently, in Oregon, he is on the board of Rogue Community College, a volunteer firefighter/EMT, a member of his Rotary Foundation board, and recently concluded eight years as a volunteer chaplain at Rogue Regional Medical Center. In December, Tim became a member of the ACCESS Board of Directors, too. “I gladly accepted a position as an ACCESS board member after watching the great work of local volunteers in the Applegate and learning from my fellow Rotarians about the other areas that ACCESS is involved in such as housing,” says Tim. Tim loves to travel with his wife Mary. After having done some field work in Jordan, Scotland and Spain in the past three years, he considers himself an amateur archaeologist, too. O ne bit of trivia about Tim: If you try to reach him during the summer fire season he may be difficult to reach. He is also a Public Information Officer on an Incident Management Team that manages big fires throughout the west! Whew! ACCESS welcomes Tim! 3 Profile: J.R. Wheeler “ When I was growing up my family farmed potatoes in the Klamath Basin,” says J.R. Wheeler. “I’ve driven tractors, cut hay, baled hay, etc. Soon after I finished my degree at Sacramento State my grandfather sold the farm and all of its assets. That led me to search for work outside of my comfort zone. My work history consists of being a Sports Marketing Assistant at the University of Oregon, Sport Manager at Special Olympics of Northern California and numerous positions within Wells Fargo Bank where I currently work as a Commercial Banker focusing on middle market companies and agriculture companies that have depository and lending needs.” In February, J.R. Wheeler became a new member of the ACCESS Board of Directors. He explains, “I have been active with ACCESS for the past 5 years working on the Mayors United committee. I have since taken over as the Co-Chair of the committee and look forward to growing this event.” J.R. is also active with Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Habitat for Humanity and is currently the Chairperson at the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce. J.R. is also an avid outdoors person. His favorite things to do are fishing and hunting (big game and waterfowl). Outside of those sports he enjoys spending time with his wife of ten years and his two children Boston and Lainie. Oh….and a one year old yellow lab named Gus. The whole family is very active and enjoys many types of sports including football, basketball, gymnastics and softball/baseball. J.R. himself waterskied competitively beginning at the age of eight and was the captain of his water ski team in college. ACCESS welcomes J.R. ! 4 Community Gardens feeds Nutrition T o paraphrase the old saying, “Give a man some food and he eats for a day. Teach a man to grow food and he eats for a lifetime.” The Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center (SOREC) teaches people how to grow food. In partnership with ACCESS, SOREC hosts a Food Share Garden on the grounds of the research and extension center on Hanley Road. Many Master Gardener volunteers assist with that garden, which last year delivered 4,340 pounds of fresh food to ACCESS. Master Gardeners, one of the more than a half-dozen programs at Extension, provide volunteer help at many of the ACCESS Food Share community gardens and provide assistance to people who wish to grow their own food in backyard gardens. Much of that extra produce grown is donated to ACCESS through the nationally recognized Plant A Row for the Hungry program. Community members also have an opportunity to learn safe food preservation through the Master Food Preservers program at Extension. Services offered through the OSU Extension program assist landowners in Jackson County with all kinds of research and education, providing an opportunity for surplus crops to increase ACCESS food shares. More than the actual produce that comes from community gardens, however, is the sense of community and responsibility that comes from working with others to grow your own food. Digging into the dirt with friends and neighbors, watching and helping things grow, and sharing in the harvest brings people together in a wonderful way. The Extension’s program in 4-H fosters this sense of community in our youth and grows not just gardens, but future leaders. As we move into spring weather and the growing season begins, contact Nan King, Food Share Garden Coordinator at ACCESS, 541-779-6691 ext. 309,, to help in one of our Food Share Gardens. To learn more about the Master Gardener program and growing plants in our climate zone, call OSU Extension (541-776-7371). We hope you’ll be inspired to get into the garden and help grow the food that feeds our community. This article prepared by Friends of Research and Extension. Learn more at Moving to Oregon Brings New Challenges C aroline is a native of Utah, and a 40-year old mother of three children. After working for years as a LPN nurse in her hometown, Caroline and her family packed up their apartment and moved to Oregon. Her husband got a new job in the area driving an 18-wheeler. She had heard about lots of opportunity in healthcare jobs in Oregon. In his first week on the new job, Caroline’s husband was badly injured in an accident. Not only would he be unable to go back to work quickly, but it was obvious that he may be permanently disabled. After some difficulties in getting her LPN certification transferred and active to work in Oregon, Caroline was able to find a low-paying job at a local care facility. It took months to get her husband’s disability assistance started. To save money, her family moved into a single-wide mobile home with a struggling single mother they had met, who also had three children. Three adults (one disabled), and six children, living in a mobile home. was a real relief to know that my kids would have food to eat. I’m really not sure where we’d be without the food bank.” Needless to say, it was not the life any of them had been hoping for. One major silver lining for the family was the ability to visit one of ACCESS’s pantries in Medford and get some of the basic food necessities they needed to remain healthy. Meats, vegetables, fruits, rice, cereal, juice, and even a few treats for the kids were part of their allotment. “The ACCESS food bank was a godsend,” says Caroline. “It If you need food assistance please call ACCESS at 541-779-6691. Caroline’s story is not at all unusual. Families from all over the nation come to our community seeking a better life, and are often handed circumstances they did not count on. ACCESS Helps Young Family During Tough Times K risten and Jay had been living a pretty good life for more than six years. They were young, educated and both worked at jobs they liked. They rented a large apartment in Medford in an area where they wanted to live. They had one child in daycare and one older child in school. When Kristen found out that her company was down-sizing their situation changed quickly. They had to start cutting back in any way they could think of and sacrificed a lot of things we all take for granted. Kristen began looking for a new job right away, but was not successful. Then a month later, Jay learned that his job too was going to disappear. The family was facing a real catastrophe. Jay had to take on any odd job he could find. But, he was unable to keep up with rent, food, gas and all the other expenses of a household. Eventually, the couple sold Kristen’s wedding ring to be able to cover the rent. Jay says, “At a certain point I realized we needed help with getting some food. It was a humbling experience, but we had no choice.” They were able to get through some of their toughest times by getting help from an ACCESS pantry at the First Christian Church in Medford. They could also get diapers and other items they needed. “On Thanksgiving, we did not have a turkey, so I sort of formed one out of four cans of tuna,” says Kristen. “Jay and I pretended it was the greatest thing and the kids loved it.” Both Jay and Kristen are working again and back on their feet financially. They made it through their ordeal with the help of the caring people in the Rogue Valley. “We will never forget the generosity we received at the pantry,” says Kristen. “I was scared to death, but everyone there made me feel so comfortable and accepted.” ACCESS distributed 3.14 million pounds of food in FY-2013. We help families like Jay and Kristen every day. Call ACCESS at 541-779-6691. 5 ACCESS Honors Local Heroes for Their Relief Efforts PacificCorp, Lifetime Achievement Award. They have been a partner with ACCESS for over a decade. They have sponsored many of ACCESS’ major events. But, even more important to the agency’s mission, they have helped over the years to provide energy assistance and weatherization to thousands of low-income household, seniors and people with disabilities. S teve Olsrud, Individual Award. Steve is deeply committed in continuing his family’s long tradition of serving the community. As a partner and co-sponsor of the ACCESS Holiday Grocery Bag food drive each year, the drive has provided over 3.3 million pounds of food for hungry residents in Jackson County. This year marks a 30-year partnership with ACCESS. Dutch Bros., Local Business Award. Dutch Bros. has supported ACCESS since 2008. This company has an incredible heart for the community. Their Valentine’s Day food drive has grown into the second largest food drive in our county. This year they gathered a record 24,762 pounds of food… in that one day! They always focus on people and have a desire to transform lives rather than simply conduct business. Walmart, Large National Business Award. Walmart became a Fresh Alliance partner to ACCESS when their Eagle Point store opened. In the past five years they have donated over 902,000 pounds of nutritious, high-protein food to ACCESS. Last December, ACCESS received a very generous grant from the Walmart State Giving Foundation to help expand the Fresh Alliance Program. Rogue Retreat, Organizational Award. Rogue Retreat is an ACCESS partner who helps make a positive impact to our local homeless population. They assist with affordable housing and provide life coaching and support for each individual to be successful meeting their goals. Their motto is “Restoring Lives.” God bless you ACCESS for all you do to make this a better “world to live in. Thank you for helping me with my electric bill and also for the shoebox gift that I receive each year. I thank the people who deliver it each year too! So much fun and love in that shoebox! - Phyllis G. ” ACCESS Can Help with Cover Oregon CCESS has teamed up with Cover A Oregon to share information and resources about insurance opportunities available to Jackson County residents. Through a Cover Oregon Grant, ACCESS now has a trained team that helps people better understand if Cover Oregon made sense for them. “We were excited about this unique opportunity to help people understand whether new health insurance options are right for 6 them,” says ACCESS Executive Director Jackie Schad, “With so many changes coming to the health care marketplace, we wanted to make sure that residents across the county had access to this information.” through Cover Oregon, our team was well trained to answer questions and to quickly connect them with local resources if they chose to enroll,” said ACCESS Support Services Director David Mulig, “we were honored to be chosen to The ACCESS outreach staff helped reach out to most of the more rural people in two ways. They held Town communities in Jackson County.” Hall Meetings in 14 rural towns (mostly at the County Libraries) and Visit were available to answer questions by phone. “Although we did not actually sign people up for insurance ACCESS Weatherizes Homes M any people are surprised to find out that ACCESS provides low-income clients, (especially seniors), people with disabilities, and families with children, with nocost energy efficiency upgrades to their homes through the installation of insulation, duct repairs, air infiltration, mechanical ventilation, and various other energy efficiency measures. The program is funded primarily by federal, state, and utility-based dollars. • Invested $1,040,000 into the local economy with the purchase of materials and services. Almost a third of the ACCESS budget goes towards weatherization and energy assistance. Employees at ACCESS assist applicants in finding ways to block heat-stealing drafts, and to install improved insulation that lowers their heating costs. This way clients utility bills can actually decrease. For more information on qualifying and regarding what benefits we offer, please check our website at or call us at 541-779-6691. Over the past year, the ACCESS Weatherization program has: • Performed weatherization services on 168 homes. • Saved clients an average of $335 which provided extra income for medicine and other essential needs. Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program You Can Help ACCESS by Shopping! Spring is Senior Fair Time H ave you ever attended the annual ACCESS Senior Fair? If you haven’t… you’ve been missing out. Now, with over 80 vendors representing everything from eye care to financial planning to pet care, it’s become a venue for everyone. Logan Bell, the ACCESS organizer of the event says, “We’ve been putting on the senior fair since 1992. It has grown into a very well-organized and professional community event that now benefits just about every demographic age group! “ The Annual ACCESS Senior Fair will be held Tuesday, March 18, 2014, at the Medford Armory, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Medical Eye Center is our Title Sponsor and our media sponsor is KDRV Southern Oregon Media Group. Thousands of people will flock to the armory to see the displays and gather information in an atmosphere of fun. Admission is one dollar or a donation of a can of food. Net proceeds will benefit ACCESS programs for seniors. We invite everyone to come join in the festivities and enjoy the free celebrity bingo, random prize drawings and booths providing samples, giveaways, • Customers can now enroll online at rewards and link their Rewards Card to an organization of their choice. and information. Come to this great event and see why people (The ACCESS organization number is 84033.) • Linked Rewards Cards will begin to earn donations for nonprofits. come back year after year. See Customers will continue to receive Rewards Points Rebates and Fuel Points. you there! • At the end of each quarter, Fred Meyer will make a donation to participating nonprofits based on the accumulated spending of the Rewards customers linked to each nonprofit. • Fred Meyer will donate $2.5 million to nonprofits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington in 2014 through this new program. I t’s the latest addition to the Fred Meyer Rewards Program where customers can earn donations for their favorite nonprofits by shopping with their Rewards Card. Here’s how it works: So, we ask that you link your card to ACCESS. We sure would appreciate your support! 7 BRINGING COOKING SKILLS Greystone Says THANK YOU! TO THE I Community I n Jackson County we are lucky to have a wonderful array of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole, local foods. However, not everyone is experienced in how to prepare and cook such foods. Everyone, regardless of their income level, can benefit from knowing how to prepare whole local foods. ACCESS, in partnership with OSU Extension, THRIVE and Ashland Food CoOp, have created a program that addresses the need for food skills education in the community and is focused on well trained and valued volunteers. ACCESS is looking to offer cooking demonstrations at a variety of sites around the community from food pantries and apartment complexes to health centers and places of business. Anywhere there is a captive audience, we want to be there demonstrating how to cook up simple and very tasty recipes from whole, fresh foods with the emphasis on vegetables, fruits and grains. A corps of volunteers is being trained to give cooking demonstrations throughout Jackson County to pursue the goal of inspiring everyone to eat more local, whole foods. Volunteers receive free training, taught by ACCESS Food Skills Educator, Michele Pryse, in exchange for their time and commitment to helping bring cooking skills out to the community. If you have a passion to cook and would like to volunteer OR if you have a site in the community f you went to the Greystone Court Food Drive on any of the five nights before Christmas, we at ACCESS thank you for your generous participation and help in continuing this wonderful holiday tradition. Altogether you, the community, donated 8,793 pounds of food to help feed local families and $18,503.89 in cash donations. ACCESS would also like to say a huge thank you to all of the Greystone Court residents for their incredible holiday gift called the Greystone Court Food Drive and much appreciation for spending long hours on the cold winter nights leading up to Christmas collecting food and money. We hope to see you next year! where we can hold cooking demonstrations, we would like to hear from you! To learn more or to get involved with this program please contact Jill Kennedy, Food Education Program Coordinator, at 541.690.3989 or email Agency Spotlight : Helping Folks with Medical Equipment They Need G len welcomes and assists the Jackson County residents who come to ACCESS in need of a wheelchair, crutches, and lots of other types of medical equipment. “I enjoy helping people by filling their equipment needs. I find it very gratifying when the client says thank you; it makes me proud to be a part of an organization like ACCESS that helps people in this way,” he says. ACCESS collects new or gently used medical equipment and loans it to those who need it for 8 free. Wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, crutches, hospital beds, gait belts portable toilets and more are at the ready. All people have to do is fill out a form and they can borrow the equipment for as long as they need without paying anything. People often think the set up is too good to be true, that that’s exactly how it works. Glen. “I issue out available equipment and instruct folks on the proper use of each item. I also take in donations, clean and adjust the items. “There is a real need for what ACCESS does and I’m glad that I’m able to be a part of that,” says Glen. ACCESS accepts monetary donations for the program as “I was in the medical equipment well as gently used medical business for 28 years, so when the equipment. The program is open position here at ACCESS came open at ACCESS, Monday thru Thursday, I thought it would be a good fit for from 1-4p.m. You can also call at me as well as ACCESS,” explained 541-779-6691 ext. 305. A Special Holiday for ACCESS Employees O n Christmas Eve the Olsrud Nutrition Center at ACCESS was full of holiday cheer. What was supposed to be our simple employee holiday party turned into a gift we at ACCESS couldn’t be more grateful for. Sunrise Cafe donated a full Christmas lunch for the staff at ACCESS. Ed Chun, the co-owner of the restaurant, organized the event. He reached out to other businesses and was able to come up with two-thousand dollars worth of gift- bag stuffers to give to our employees. John Watt, the board chairman at ACCESS said he was very grateful for the support. “When you see what these folks do and the challenges we go through each and every day to help people in our community, it means more than I can put into words,” he said. Ed also donated $500 to ACCESS which would have been the equivalent of his catering fee! The staff at ACCESS thanks Ed for his kindness and thoughtfulness. THANK YOU Making Every Dollar Count I t’s obvious that food donations are important to ACCESS, but did you ever wonder why ACCESS needs cash donations or what we do with them? ACCESS uses your cash donations to make sure we can fight hunger throughout the year by purchasing food during times when food donations are lower than anticipated. We are also able to round out our pantries by purchasing fresh chicken, ground beef/turkey and other items at prices only available to food banks, much cheaper than prices for the general public. Our purchasing power means your cash donation stretches that much further. Donating online is increasingly popular among our donors and in addition to being incredibly convenient and secure it helps keep our administrative costs down. Due to the automation of processing online donations, staff time is decreased. Of course, all contributions, in whatever form they come—food, volunteering, in-kind services, and even cash—are a critical part of our success. We can’t do it without you. You are the main ingredient in fulfilling our mission of providing food, shelter and warmth to low income residents. Visit us online at Down Payment Help for First Time Homebuyers O n January 6, 2014, ACCESS accepted a $17,000 check from the Oregon Association of Realtors/ Rogue Valley Association of Realtors HOME Foundation. The money came from a competitive grant application to the RVAR/OAR HOME Foundation. The funds will provide down payment/ closing costs for first time homebuyers in Jackson and Josephine Counties, assisting 17 first-time homebuyers with $1,000 each. This funding began in 2012, and so far, ACCESS has assisted 27 homebuyers in Jackson and Josephine Counties. Some eligibility conditions do apply. Contact the ACCESS Home Ownership Center at 541-774-4305. The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot was a BIG Success This Year J ustin Rosas, President of Southern Oregon Runners Club, and Chuck Whitely, Turkey Trot Race Director, presented Jackie Schad, Executive Director of ACCESS with a check for $6,893.84. ACCESS Food Share has received over $30,000.00 and over 3,000 pounds of food since the inception of the Turkey Trot food drive. ACCESS would like to thank the Southern Oregon Runners Club for holding this event each year in support of ACCESS. And a thank you to all who participated and donated. 9 Pacific Power and Oregon HEAT Use Recycled Oil Proceeds to Help Neighbors Stay Warm P acific Power is teaming up with organizations across Oregon, turning thousands of gallons of used motor oil into cash to help their neighbors in need throughout the state. The partner that makes this all work is Oregon HEAT, which has been recycling oil into assistance since 2009. Companies or local government agencies with fleets of vehicles, or local garages and dealerships, donate the old motor oil leftover from oil changes. The oil is then cleaned and resold with the proceeds used to help Oregon families who need financial assistance to keep warm. “Oregon HEAT’s oil recycling program is a tremendous example of how recycling pays many dividends,” said Monte Mendenhall Pacific Power’s regional community manager. “Our company alone has nearly 800 vehicles of all shapes and sizes in Oregon, busy every day serving customers. It’s great that the oil that keeps them running smoothly can have a second life funding help that’s so important to individuals and families in our communities.” The funds from Pacific Power motor oil donation, like all those in the program, will go toward families in the communities where the vehicles operate. Pacific Power operates service centers in eight communities in Oregon, including Roseburg, Klamath Falls, Albany, Bend, Medford, Astoria, Portland and Grants Pass – where theOregon Heat program operates. In southern Oregon, other participants include the City of Grants Pass and Stanley Steamer Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix. But you can help as individuals and businesses. Contact Oregon HEAT to find out more. “We are so excited to have Pacific Power, one of our longest standing energy partners, join our oil recycling program,” said Joan Towers, Oregon HEAT executive director. “We are honored by the commitment Pacific Power has made to our mission. With their help and other businesses like theirs thousands of Oregonians may retain warmth and lighting.” For more information or to participate in the oil recycling program, visit: The oil recycling program is just part of a long-standing partnership between Oregon HEAT and Pacific Power dedicated to helping Oregon families stay warm. In 2013, customers donated $56,784 and the company has matched that amount 2-for-1 for an additional $113,568,for a total of $170,352 helping Oregon families. Customers who need bill assistance themselves can call Pacific Power and a representative can help develop payment plans that work for them, or direct them to agencies that may be able to help. Pacific Power’s toll free customer service number is 1-888-221-7070. From Renter to New Owner “ I’ve been a renter my whole adult life,” says Kelly. “I wanted to get out of the rent trap and very much wanted to live in an energy efficient dwelling.” Kelly became interested in a “green” affordable housing development in Ashland that a friend told her about. After some research she found out that part of the application process required her to attend a first time homeowner’s education class. Through an internet search she found ACCESS. Donna Lea at ACCESS signed her up for a class at ACCESS and she attended. “The workshop contained a wealth of information and resources 10 for potential first time home buyers like me,” she explained. Afterwards, Donna Lea helped Kelly find the resources that she was eligible to apply for and helped her with the applications and keeping the ball moving ahead. “The process became a real nail biter at some points,” explained Donna Lea. But, Kelly did a great job. You really need to have tenacity to survive this type of loan financing!” “Buying the home ranks as one of my life’s biggest challenges and I could not have done it without help, said Kelly. I would not be where I am today, in this warm and comfortable home, were it not for the support and hard work of many individuals that helped me along my path to home ownership. ACCESS and Donna Lea played an essential role in this endeavor. Donna Lea was there every step of the way, encouraging and supporting my goal. She made herself 100% available to me to answer my questions, help with paperwork, coordinate efforts between agencies and facilitated my application and approval for the closing costs assistance program from Home $tart. I owe a wealth of gratitude to ACCESS and in particular to Donna Lea. M Volunteer and Live Longer! ost people think of volunteering • When you focus on helping simply as helping others. But others, you are less likely to new findings suggest there are some focus on your own troubles. unexpected benefits for volunteers And if your volunteer work as well. People who volunteer live happens to be with people longer than those who don’t and it who are ill, disabled or improves their quality of life at the underprivileged, it can put same time. challenges in your own life in perspective. It also appears that the earlier you • You can build a great support start the better. Research tells us system through volunteering. that individuals who volunteer at an Studies have shown that earlier point in their lives experience staying socially connected is greater functional ability and better related to good physical and health outcomes later on in life. emotional health, especially for Some reasons for this improved senior citizens. health and longevity are: • Volunteer activities can even • Volunteering can give you a provide respite by getting you sense of purpose. It can give out of the house and helping structure to your day/week and to break a monotonous or a reason to get out of bed in the uninspired routine. morning. The bottom line is that there is a relationship between volunteering and health benefits. So, if you have been thinking about volunteering, don’t wait a minute more. Find out about volunteer opportunities at ACCESS by calling Nicki at 541-618-4003. You can also visit us online at and click on the Volunteer button on our home page. Dream$avers Program Helps Jumpstart Local Business D ave Summers is a kind man, hard worker, an attentive father and….a shoemaker! He has been a member of the Lithia Artisans Market for many seasons. The name of his selfcreated enterprise is Elf Mountain Leather. Elf Mountain specializes in hand made, one-of-akind shoes, purses, messenger bags, backpacks, and the list goes on. “I have always loved leather goods, even as a kid. I love the smell when they are new and the worn look down the road,” he says. Dave learned about the Dream$avers Program at ACCESS from a fellow artist at the Lithia Artisans Market in Ashland. “I also spoke to another friend, a clothier, who had completed the program and she told me how her business projects, and appealing to different markets. Now I feel that I can actually compete with other successful The Dream$avers leather companies. The business Program allows eligible plan I wrote with Dream$avers is participants to save up leading me to start my business to $2,000 over the course mission anew.” of 1 to 3 years and have it matched 3:1. That’s like Dave says people should know all receiving 300% interest! the things that ACCESS has to offer Participants receive for the good of our community. financial education and “ACCESS provides a boost that can additional training and make all the difference in a person’s support specific to their savings goal. beliefs about the possibility of The money can be used to buy a first success. I’ve been telling my friends home, starting or expanding a small about how ACCESS has inspired me. I business or for education. hope many others find the nurturing benefits ACCESS has to offer.” Dave was able to purchase a Cobra class 4 leather sewing machine, Dave also says that Elisha, at ACCESS, a Tillman 7-ton clicker die press, was very clear and thorough about $2,700 in custom dies, a 13” Mac what to expect. “The best part is that Book, and an iPad. He says, “The everything she said came true!” machinery I obtained through the If you are interested in the program is changing the way I do and think about leather work. Slowly, Dream$avers Program here at ACCESS, call Elisha at 541-774-4305. but surely, I am shifting from hand stitching the leather to machine stitching. I am able to take on bigger had grown as a result,” says Dave. 11 Gifts that keep giving...The Power of Community W We invite you to join our monthly giving club and become a “Sustaining Partner” ith your monthly donation of any amount, you will help ensure steady and trusted income to feed and provide warm shelter to people every month! In order to live, people need basic food and shelter. But for a healthy lifestyle, individuals need to eat three nutritious meals a day and have a safe, warm place to live. By making a monthly contribution to ACCESS, you are helping people all year round. Sustaining Partners make our vision of providing shelter and ending hunger a reality. We hope you will join this special group of donors today. The following monthly donation amounts change lives year round: will provide 900 lbs. of food to • $15 a struggling family during the year. will provide meals for 1,500 • $25 children for a year. turns into 3,000 meals for one • $50 senior for the year. becomes 6,000 meals (6,000 • $100 pounds of food) for a hungry family. provides healthy after-school • $150 snacks for 8 children for a full year. • • $250 provides warmth and heating assistance for 12 seniors for a full year. $500 weatherizes 1 family’s home, saving them 20% on energy needs. Please join today—it is so easy! We offer three different ways to donate on a monthly basis: 1) Enroll online--You can donate automatically by using your credit card each month. Click Login - Recurring Gift and select amount. 2) Your donation can be automatically transferred from your checking account each month. 3) You may choose to mail in a check monthly. We are happy to send you monthly reminders and envelopes. For more information call 541-774-4312. YES, I want to be a “Sustaining Partner!” Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________ City______________________________ State_________Zip__________________Phone (541)_________________________________ Here’s my check for $50 $100 $500 Other $_________ OR Bill me $_____________each month for 12 months Signature____________________________________________________________________ Account#____________________________________________Exp. Date_________________ 12 DONORS Partners who make help possible Businesses AA Economy Self Storage ACCESS Food Share Gardens Albertsons Allied Health All-Ways Trucking Inc American Linen (ALSCO) American Sewing Guild American Tractor Co. Ameri-Title Amy’s Kitchen Applegate Valley Garden Club Archive-CD, LLC Ascension Lutheran Church Women Ashland Daily Tidings Ashland Elks Lodge #944 Ashland Food Co-Op Asia Market Bahais of Jackson County Barnes Plumbing Bartletts Tree Service Be Well Massage Bend House Boise Cascade Corporation Boy Scouts of America Budget Truck Stop, Inc. Butte Creek Baptist Church C.W. Concrete CAD of Medford California State Retirees Calvary Chapel of Rogue River Carol A. Page Insurance Cascade Bingo Cascade Storage Cash & Carry Castle Cottage CDS Centennial Golf Club Central Point Garden Club Chamber of Medford Charles Point Apartments Church of the Good Shepherd Circus of Screams City of Medford Cobb-Sanford Family Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Medford Community Health Center Cooper Chiroptractic Care, PC Costco Country Meadows Study Group Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Tribe Crater Lake Ford Lincoln Mercury CSL Plasma Cummins Northwest Cutsforth Real Estate, LP CVISO Management Co., LLC Dagoba Organic Chocolate David Chamberland, MD, Inc. Dolls of the Attic of So. Oregon Doors Plus, Inc. Double D Electric Dutch Bros. Coffee Eagle Point Food Project Eagle Point High School Interact Club Eagle Point Middle School Eagle Rock Elementary School Eaton Hydraulics Ema’s Salon Erickson Air Crane Co. Express Employment Professionals Faith Lutheran Church Farmer’s Insurance Farmhouse Treasures Farming Fish Fire Mountain Gems First Choice Staffing Service Fort Courage Consulting Co. Foster Denman, LLP Four Oaks Salon & Day Spa Fred Meyer FTD Call Center Galen S Astle, Interior Design Garrison’s Home Furnishings Gastroenterology Consultants Girl Scout Troop #30035 Goes Landscape and Design Grange Co-op Greenleaf Industries, Grants Pass Greystone Court Residents Grover Electric & Plumbing Supply Co. Harry & David Havurah Shir HadashJewish Community Havurah of Southern Oregon Hillcrest Family Dental Holland Capital Management LLC Home Federal Bank Home Quest Realty House to Home Gallery Hughes Lumber Company Human Bean Imortgage Jackson County New Car Dealers Association Jackson Elementary School Jacksonville Insurance,Inc. Job Council John L Scott Real Estate Kaleidoscope Pizzeria & Pub Kay-Loy Enterprises, Inc. Ken Gerlitz Vending, Co. Key Bank L. John Pierce InvestmentsAuto Wash Supply Laureate Alpha Upsilon Light Touch Excavation Lindvig Automotive Enterprises Lithia Motors Lithologic Resources, LLC Little Caesar’s Little Red Barn Montessori School Lois Meyers Bible Study Group Lone Pine Elementary Madara Design, Inc. Main Street Market, LLC Market of Choice McLellan Creative Meadowbrook Ranch Medford Church of Latter Day Saints Medford Food Project Medford Garden Club Medford Police Association Medford Radiological Group Medford Rogue Rotary Medford Soroptomists Mission Foods Mitco Motorcycle Superstore Mt. Pitt Rebekah Lodge #167 Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage New Beginnings Christian Center New Well North Medford High Honor Society North Medford High School Northern Lights Electrical Contractor, Inc. Northwest Community Credit Union Not Just the Norm, LLC Nspired Foods Orchard Hill Elementary School Oregon Department of Revenue Oregon Food Bank Oregon Shakespeare Festival Oregon University System Orley Pacific Distributors Inc. OSU Extension-Small Farms Owen Christiansen Construction Pacific Crest Transformers Pacific Door & Sash Pacific Mobile Home Supply, Inc. Pacific Residential Mortgage Pacific Tool and Gauge, Inc. PacifiCorp Papa Murphy’s Pepperidge Farm Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Pomegranate Splash Precision Electric Contractors, LLC Preferred Results Private Properties, LLC Professional Credit Services Professional Transportation Services Pro-Tect Plastic & Supply, Inc. Providence Medford Medical Center Quite A Find Radio Medford Ram Offset Lithographers Raymond James Financial Services Ray’s Food Place Red Robin Refashion Consignment Shop Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield REI Rheumatology Clinic Rick Stevens Painting Company Robert Burstein Construction Robertson’s Current Analysis Rogue Book Exchange Rogue Regency Suite Treats Rogue Snowmobilers Association Rogue Valley Association of Realtors Rogue Valley Bathroom Solutions Rogue Valley Christian Church Rogue Valley Corvette Club Rogue Valley Mall Royal Oak Retirement Center Ruch Country Store RVMC Resource Management Safeway Saikevych Sara Lee Scenic Middle School Scott Vasak Construction Scrub Hub Seven Oaks Farm Shady Cove Select Market Shear Antics Sherm’s Food 4 Less Sherm’s Thunderbird Market Shop Smart Siskiyou Veterinary Hospital Slopes & Trails, Inc. Social Benefit Dance Club Sodexo-Medford School District Sonrise Christian Fellowship Soroptimist International of Ashland Soundpeace South Hill Designs Southern Oregon Cardiology, LLC Southern Oregon Concrete Pumping Southern Oregon Equities Southern Oregon Good Sam Club Southern Oregon Hospitalists, PC Southern Oregon Media Group Southern Oregon Orthopedics Southern Oregon Physical Therapy Southern Oregon Runners Southern Oregon Wine & Spirits Spring Street Apartments/ Maintenance State of Oregon Payroll System Steakhouse Elite SterlingBank Stewart Avenue Hair Design Stop N’Go Strategic Financial, Inc. Stuart Watson & Associates, CPA PC Stunning Sunhats, Inc. Sunrise Cafe & Catering Surgery Center of So Oregon, LLC Table Rock Mobile Estates Talent Food Project Target Tattoo Custom Body Art Temple Emek Shalom The Gap TL Mawhirter, LLC TLM Training Center, Inc. Trader Joe’s Trail Christian Fellowship Truist U Turn 4 Christ, Inc. Umpqua Dairy Products Uptown Events Valley Investments Vitamin Cottage Natural Foods Markets, Inc. Walmart Wells Fargo Bank Western Carriage Estates White Mountain Middle School Whitten Plumbing Whittle Construction Women’s Health, Inc. Workman-Weeden Prod Inc. Xi Beta Kappa of Beta Sigma Phi XP Games Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. 13 *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. DONOR LIST, continued Individuals/Trusts Sherry Abbott Abler Living Trust John & Mary Ackles Kurt & Sue Acuff Alvin & Virginia Adams Frances Adams Adams Loving Trust Denise Adrian Lou & Jeanie Aguirre Kyle & Roiann Ahrberg Mark & Teresa Aldrich Bernard Alexander Don & Linda Alexander Vera Alexander Tim & Carol Alford Stuart & Karen Allan Michael Allen Allen Family Revocable Trust Allen Family Trust Joan Allgood John & Alma Almaguer Doug McKenzie & Susan Alston Robert & Mary Alvarez Timothy & Patricia Alvarez James Amberg Valerie Amembal Marion Amesbury Mark & Amy Amrhein Ann Andavall Glen & Yvonne Anderson Greer & Lee Anderson Janet Anderson Jerry & Sara Anderson John & Renee Anderson Keith Anderson Roy & Lynn Anderson Sharon Anderson Teresa Anderson Terry Anderson Patricia Anderson Rachel Anderson Daryl & Kathy Anderst David & Karla Angal Laura Angel Luz Angel Curt Ankerberg Annette Buchanan Trust Robert & Nancy Anno Anne Bellegia & Terry Ansnes David Argetsinger Desmond Armstrong Timothy Armstrong Claude & Linda Arnold Julianne Ashmead John & Shirley Ashmore William & MelodyAshworth Elena Assali David Athanas Ronald & Juanita Atkins Mrs. E. V. Attebury Jeanette Aucoin Thomas & Susan Austin Paul & Eva Avery Richard & Joan Avery Emily Ayala Regina Ayars Elizabeth Baghott Alfred & Roberta Baham Michael & Susan Bahr J. Roy Jones & Sue Bailey Scott Bailey Larry & Marilyn Baines David & Rose Baird Marella Baird David Baker Sharon Baker Terry Baker Dawn Bakerink Donald Baldrica Jeffrey & Kristine Bales Joan Ballenger Lynn Anderson & Brian Ballou Larry Balzer Richard & Marilyn Bamford Mack & Loren Bandler Barbara E. Droscher Trust Bardes Family Trust Elizabeth Bardossi Blaine & Katherine Barham Eric & Lisa Barker David & Marcia Barlow Stephan & Roxanne Barott F.J. & Carolyn Barrett Joseph Barrett Mike & Marlene Barrett Judie Bartell Sandra Bartell Jill & Joyce Bartky David & Barbara Basden Lucy Bashaw Karen Basin Lois Bateham Alan & Laurie Bates Ted & Janice Bauer Michael & Hilde Baughman Vickey Bauman Rick & Margy Bayouth Kevin Beard David Beaudoin Kenneth & Kathleen Becker Kathleen Beckett Keith & Loraine Beckman Mary Beebe Andy & Sherri Belden R. Jane Bell Sally Bell Logan & Nadine Bell Sharon Bellamy Roger & Wen Beltz Ben Ben-Baruch Mark & Carla Bender Rick Bender William & Roxy Bentley James & Sandra Benton Michael & Patricia Benton James & LaJuana Berdanier Michael Berge Michelle McKenna & Kenneth Bergeson Jo & Clint Berkey Richard & Patricia M. Berlet Alan Berman Edward & Lois Bernard T H A N K YO U ! Roger & Lavonne Bernard Robert & Elizabeth Bestor Betsy Beyer Charles Biechler Ronald Bieraugel Robert & Peggy Bierer Charles & Lila Billings Scott & Lori Billings Susan & Alan Binette Michael & Elizabeth Bingham Myrna Biondi Patty Birdsong Mary Bishop Steven & Margaret Bismarck Daniel & Suzanne Bissey Harlan & Rebecca Bittner Black Loving Trust Janice Blacketor Frederick Blackwell Michael & Donna Bladek Gary & Ruth Ann Blanks Richard & Carol Blaser Margaret Garrington & Arnold Bleicher William & Jacqueline Boehm Colette Boehmer Davey & Marilyn Boesch Flo & Don Bohnert Josephine Bos Leslie & Bonnie Botham Cleon & Marie Botsford Rob Bottano Craig & Shirley Botts David Boulton Joette Bowden Rae Bowers Stephen & Mary Boyarsky Daniel & Kim Boyd Maria Braam Charmaine Brackett Brad D. Inman Living Trust Marilyn Brady Steve & Cara Brammer Jerry Bramwell Sharstin & Jesse Brannock Garrett & Elizabeth Brauer Bert & Maryann Bray Ann Brewer Bruce & Liana Brewer Glenna Brewold Mike & Suzanne Brian Beatrice Bridges Jalene Brierley James & Julie Brimble Gordon Bristlin Joani Bristol Pat Broadway William & Carol Brock William & Linda Brodie Joseph & Lola Brokowski Samuel & Marjorie Broom Charles Brown David & Anita Brown Debby Brown Kelly & Judy Brown Paul Brown Sara Brown Toby Brown Wendy Brown-Lindsay Michele Brown-Riding Bradley & Kathryn Broyles Peter Bruland Rebecca Brunot Darlene Brush Kelly Bryant Bruce & Vicki Bryden Katherine Bryon Ann Buchanan Alfred Buck Jacqueline Buck Risa Buck Michael & Jeani Buhl Shelley N. & KevinBuhrman Rachel Buklad Daniel Bulkley Joanne Burg Bruce & Barbara Burnett Thomas & Nancy Burnham Glenda Burns John Burns Ralph & Cathy Burrelle R. Alan & Lucille R. Burt Wallace & Therese Burton Floreine L. Burwash Larry & Shannon Buscho Patti & Rodger Busse Linda Butcher David & Linda Bylund Carmen Cabler Jeanette Cake Bryant & Baiba Calhoun Jim & Lynn Calhoun Joan Calhoun Barbara Callaway Myra Cam Michael Camarata Esther Campbell John & Mary Campbell Perry & Jean Card Tom Carli Mary Carlon Charles & Edith Carlson George & Kathe Carlson Randy & Karla Carlson Carolyn Kay Wedberg Trust Emily Carpenter Mostue Michael Carrabba Carrico Family Foundation John & Shary Carter Kenneth & Marjorie Carter Marjorie Carter Richard & Mary Carter Jamie Carter Carter Family Trust Bruce & Pam Cartmel Ellen & Neill Carvalho Keith Casebolt Terry Caster Timothy & Susan Cate Cathy G. Theen Trust Duane Cattanach Horace & Alice Ann Caudle Mary Jane Cedarface Robert & Sherry Cessnun Food Assistance ACCESS would like to recognize the following organizations for their ongoing support with volunteers, contributions and facilities to feed people in need in Jackson County. Partners in the Pantry Network Ashland Seventh-Day Adventist Church Butte Falls Community School Partnership Calvary Outreach Church of the Good ShepherdProspect City of Medford/Parks & Recreation City Of Talent Eagle Point Church of the Nazarene Eagle Point Community Bible Church First Christian Church Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Gold Hill Christian Center Medford Seventh-Day Adventist Church Mountain View Christian Church Plum Creek Foundation Prospect Assembly of God Prospect Baptist Church Prospect Church of the Nazarene Red Rock Cowboy Church Rogue Family Center Rogue River Community Center Rogue River Seventh-Day Adventist Church Rogue Valley Christian Church Ruch Elementary School St. John Lutheran Church St. Vincent De Paul Society The Salvation Army Set Free Christian Fellowship Shepherd of the Valley Talent United Methodist Church Trail Christian Fellowship Upper Rogue Community Center CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. 14 DONOR LIST, continued Individuals/ Trusts Brian & Sonya Chamberlain Lisa Meeker & Bettina Champlain Frances Chaney Chapma Family Trust Wesley & Karen Chapman David & Susan Chapman Tommy Chapple Hugh & Kathy Charley Cecil & Karen Chase Helen Chase Byron & Patricia Chatfield James & Anita Chester Jon Van Valkenburg & Edith Chezik Victor & Eileen Chieco Willard & Donna Chinn Thierry & Jeanne Chouard Brad & Cherie Christ Brian Christoffersen Maria Ciamaichelo Pam Clark Robert & Joy Clark Robert & Lois Clark Roy & Doris Clark Mildred A. Clarke Nancy Clay Diane & Robert Claypool Kathleen Clayton Robert & Jacquelyn Clement Thomas & Betsy Clow Tom Clunie Mary Cochran Ronald & Carol Cochran Robert & Simone Coffan Stephen Coffin Larry & Laura Cogdell Richard & Nancy Cogswell Sylvia Cole Phyllis Coleman Coleman Family Fund of the OCF* Gary & Christine Colgrove William & Marion Collins Dennis & Dorothy Compton Alice & Clarence Comstock Linda & Billy Conn Marilyn J. Conner Susan Connery Brian Conover Forrest & Carole Cook George & Lorraine Cook Thomas Cook Dennis Cooper Judith Cope Ruth & Walter Coppock Lois A. Cordier Nicholas Jackson & Lavonne Corfield Gloria Cornwell Les & Linda Couch Michelle Coull Jeanette Coursey Dave & Nancy Courtney Robert Cox Sue Crader Barbara Craig Robert & Carolyn Craig Jan Craigie Ellen Craine David Christian & Marilyn Crane Larry & Lonnie Cranford Kathleen Crawford Norton & Linda Croft Roberta Cronquist Michael & Moon Kyong Crowley Nancy Crowley Robert & Winnie Crowley Robert & Saundra Crum David & Rena Cruse Amy Cuddy Donna Outler & Lorrin Culver Shirley L. Culver Christopher Cummings Robert, Wendy & Laurel Cushnie Clark & Carol Custodio Cynthia D. Lord Trust D & G Littman Trust Patricia Dahl Richard Dalmaso Mary Ann Daniel Lawrence & Cecilia Daniello Regina McDonald & Katherine Danner David & Ernette Dargitz Don & Betty Jane Darling Dennis Kendig & Margaret Daugherty Ken & Joan Davenport Judy M. Davidson Robert Davidson David & Patricia Davies Alta R. Davis Cathie Davis Daniel & Tana Domecq Davis Gary Davis Lewis & Sandra Davis Richard Davis Shalom Davis Ronald & Kathleen De Korte Wilfreda De Mille James Dean Robert DeArmond Jeff & Laura DeBoer Sid & Karen DeBoer Milton Decker DeFranco Trust Peter DeGroot Mary Jane Dellenback Jeanne Denning Donald & Dara Denson Robert Denton Denyse J. Horsburgh Trust Jennifer Lewis & Marvin Dertien Mike & Diana Desmond Gerald & Linda Deubert T H A N K YO U ! Kenneth & Llyssa Deveney Jim & Nancy Devos Johan & Geertje DeVos Robert & Jeanna Dewey Kathleen Dewitt Cathy DeWolfe Donna Dial Charles & Sandra Dibb Steven Dieffenbacher Randal Lawton & Ines Diez Deborah Dill Richard W. Dill Sharon Dillingham Catherine & Lucien Dimino Al & Sheri Dinardi Jerry & Tamara Disharoon Andrew & Mary Dixon Lucy Dobson Susan Dodd Catherine A. Dombie J. Kevin Donahue Nona Donahue Donald P. Woolsey Trust Donna J Mortensen Trust David & Rosi Donnelly Kathy & Ken Donnelly Robert & Karen Doolen Robert & Bonny Dorey Donald & Adrienne Dorr Dorris Kerby Revocable Trust Carol N. Doty Larry Douglas Georgia Dover Joan Dow Judith Drais Margaret Drake Shirley Draper Robin & Daniel Dressler Staci Drewien Charles & Ruby Drobkiewicz Dan Atwood & Toni Drummond Deborah Dryden John Duke John & Glennis Dungey Winona Dungey Janet Dunlap Marvin & CathrynDunn John & Mary Saxton- Dunn Edward & MarilynDunne Arlene Dunston Christopher Durham Andrew Durst Eric Dusenbury Joseph & Rebecca Dworkin George & Betty Dwyer B.W. & Delores Dysart E.C. Brittsan Trust Eagle Point Lions Club Benevolence Fund Garrett & Donna Earle Robert & DeAnna Eastman Charles Eckels Jack & Barbara Eckhardt Myra Edmisson Mary & Albert Edwards IV James Egan Lillian & Dean Egeline Mary Ehlers Carol Eibner Shirley Eidswick Linda Eikleberry Amy Eisert Kevin & Janice Elbert Audrey Eldridge Gary & Deborah Elkinton Elkjer Family Trust Garth & Fern Ellard Pegi Ellerman James C. Ellis Joan Ellis David Ellis Ed & Adeline Ellson Sydney & Charlton Embry Grace Emori John & Diane Engelhardt Ronald & Nancy Enger Douglas & Nicole Engle Mary Lou Engle Paulette Engstrand Gordon Enns Alberto & Sara Enriquez Richard & Dorothy Entorf Michael Erceg Birgitta Ericsson David & Virginia Erion John & Elizabeth Escher William & Maureen Esser Kathy Esslinger Robin Estremado Janice Evans Michael & Carolyn Evans Dave & Sally Everett Clara L. Fader Dennis & Beverly Fadling Tom Fallon Pamela Farquhar Lark & Brian Farrer Craig Faulkner Allan Feighner Joanne & Jeffrey Feinberg Ellis & Patricia Feinstein Margaret Felder Dan Fennell Kathleen Fennell Stephen Fenwick John & Jacqueline J.Ferch Peter Schroeder & Carol Ferguson Mary Ferrari Echo Fields Sheila Fifer Michael V. & Lillie Finley Michele Martin & Daniel Fischer Peter & Jan Fish Richard Fisher Charles & Carol Flagg John Flaherty Phyllis Flammang George Fletcher Louis & Billie Fletcher Richard & Frances Flodstrom Maynard Flohaug Jack & Lorraine Florey Tania Fogarty Mary Jo & John Follett Robert & Judith Foltz Douglas & Paula Fong Julie Ford John & Lynne Forsyth Marian Forsythe Henry Lee & Cynthia Fortier Marjorie Fortson Rita Fossen Cheryl Foster Ruth Foster James Foucault Robert & Elizabeth Fowler William & Kathy Fowler George & Sharon Fox Jeffrey W. & Meredith L. Foxx Mary Francis Genevieve Franklin Joanne Frazier James & Nancy Freeman Margo Freer Edward French Richard & Wendy Frey George & Connie Fribance Larry & Carolyn Friend L.R. & Yvonne Frisbie Catherine Fuchs Daisy Fugate Larry & Marianne Fuller Ronald & Patricia Fumasi Laurie Gadbois Gary & Linda Gamble Anitah Gambos Ronald & Paula Gardner Terry & Beth Gardner Dale & Virginia Garner William Garner Howard & Shirley Garthwait Dianne Gee Lee & Margaret Gelatt Juanita & Donald George Phillip & Linda George George Stanley Compton Revocable Living Trust Ruth & Thomas Gerety Timothy & Cathy Gerking Julie Ghavam Frederic & Tilly Gibbs Steven & Kari Gies Philip Gilbert David & Diane Giles Clayton & ConnieGillette Raymond & Patricia Gillette Thomas & Diana Gilley Jerry & Maxine Gilmer David Gilmour John Gipple Josephy & Ruth Giroux Barbara & Roy Glassberg Hayden & Mary Glatte Gloria A DeMeyer Trust CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. 15 P. Christopher & Carol Glud Mark & Kay Goeres Thomas Goff Lenny & Diana Goldberg Jeffrey Golden Robert & Frieda Golding Dorothy Goldsmith Dennis Goldstein Adrian & Elizabeth Golledge Kristi Gomez Robert Gomoluh Dale & Claudia Gooding Patricia Gordon Phil & Deanna Gossner Amelia Govea Carol Graeber Donnie Graham Barbara J. Gramento Frank & Deborah Grant David Grant E. G. & Beverly Gray Gerald & Grace Green Karen Green Marcy Greene GreenSprings Fund of the OCF* John Greenwell John Greksouk Warren, Shirley & Jobie Grether Marion Gribben John & Nancy Griffin Richard M. Griffin Connie Schwab & Phyllis Griffith Jim & Lynn Griffith Kristine Groskopp-Lynd Annette Lenners & Deb Groskreutz Heidi Grossman Su & Craig Grossman David & Janet Grout Alexander Grover Sheila Gruver Maie Grynick Kathleen & Philip Guilfoil Richard & Phyllis Gustafson Karen Polsgrove & Gary Guthmueller Michael Gutman Francis & Mary Gwin H.F.Yates M. Carole Yates Living Trust Gary Haas William & Bette Haberlach Richard & Kathleen Hackstock Joanne & John Hafner Barbara Hagen Eleanor Hagen Sally Metcalf & William Hailey David & Lauren Hall Edward Hall James Hall John & Betty Hall Leslie Hall Pamela Parks Hall *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. DONOR LIST, continued Individuals/Trusts Randy & Leslie Hall Elenora Halliday James Hallmark Jay & Geraldine Halverson Harriet F. Haly Clark & Charles Hamilton Jack & Sue Hamilton Nadine Hamilton Nancy Hamlet Carol Hamlin Marion Hammer Wayne Hanlon Lynda A. Hansen Richard & Elizabeth Hansen Susan Hansen Jean & Clark Hanson Robert & Peggy Hanson Linda Harger Karl Hargrave Harleman McNeill Family Trust William & PamelaHarmon Arlena Harmony James Harper Robert & Janice Harrie Bradley Harris Jim & Carolyn Harris Karen Harris Linda Harris Marilyn Harris Patricia Harris Roger & Judith Harris Shona Harris Vicki Harris Lois Harrison William & Betty Harrison Darlene, Alan & Paul Hart Eugene & Ava Hart Robert Hart Herman B. Hartman Keith & Debra Harvey Harvey Family Trust Judy Harza John & Ethel Hassen Guy & Linda Hatch James & Starla Hawes Travis & Bethany Hawes LaMont Hawkins LaVern & Donna Hay Richard L. Hay Dwight & Sherry Hayden Catherine Vilas Hayes Tricia Hayes Karen P. Haynes Robert & Sherril Hays John & Carol Hazeltine Mary Head Marilyn Heape Dan & Mary Heath Sarah Heath Darlene Heckenlaible Daniel & Meridel Hedges Barbara Hedman Robert Heffernan Edward Gomez & Heidi Heidig T H A N K YO U ! Barbara Helfand Gloria Heller Jesse Heller Patrick & Lori Henriksen Allan & Charlotte Henry Anthony & Wendy Henthorn Carol Henthorne Herbel Family Trust Maryen Herrett Evelyn Hervey Thomas & Mary Lou Heumann Mike & Jane Heverly Starlyn Hicks Robert Higgins Allen & Hilda Hill Terry & Carolyn Hinesly Robert & Carol A. Hirt Cheryle Hite Andrea Hixson Scott & Jana Hjelmervik John & M. Christine Hjelt Michelle Hobbs Thad & Sonia Hodgdon Byron & Barbara Hodgson Richard Hoffman Leon Hofford Seth & Kathleen Hofstetter Loanne Hogan Renate Hogan Meghan Hogan Raymond & Judith Hogue Judy Hoke Dick & GenevieveHolcom Beatrice I. & James E. Holeman Deborah Hollens George Hollingsworth Diane Holm Michael & SandraHolstein Lee Holt Lyle & Carol Hood Rose Hopkins Joseph & Alice Hoppe Wolfgang & Kristin Hoppe Steve & Evelyn Hornbuckle Joan & Wayne Horton Lawrence Horton Donald W. & Kathleen C. Hoskin Melvin & Mary Howard Richard Howard Roberta Howard Kenneth & Kristine Hower Lori Hoyal Jeffrey Hubbell Steven & Judy Hubler Richard Huebner Harvey & Marie Hukkanen Mary Hulbert Brandan Hull Roger & Jean Hull Frank Hungate Richard & Lynda Hunsley George Hunt Robert & Katherine Hunter Stephen & Judy Hurd Neal & Sandra Hurley Roger & Faye Hutchings James & Carla Hutchins Louise Hutchinson Ken Crocker & Rebecca Hutchison Lori Hutson Jon David Ingelman Gary & Nancy Ingram Cheryl & Frank Inn Barbara Irvin Ed & Ann Istel Jon A. Iverson Steven & Sandra Iverson Judy Barbour & Michele Izay Jean Jackson Kathleen Donham & John Jackson Paul Jacob Robert & Barbara Jacobsen Carl & Joan Jacobson D.J. Jacobson Robert & Rochelle Jaffe Peggy & Glen Jahnke Shayne Jakins Charles & Lenna James Stephen & Janet Jamieson Debbie & StewartJanes Jean C. Rose Trust James & Mary Lue Jeffrey Susan Haines & Frederick Jenkins Mary Jenny-Saltmarsh Brett & Denise Jensen Virginia Jensen Pamela Johnsen Barry & Donna Johnson Bryce Johnson Craig & Cathy Johnson Donald & Donna Johnson Eric & Patricia Johnson Glenda Johnson James Grist & Nina Johnson Jean Johnson Jerry Johnson Jim Johnson Judith Johnson Leigh & Nancy Johnson Mary V. Johnson Michelle Johnson Mike & Clarice Johnson Sara Johnson Stanley & Lynda Johnson Timothy & Mary Johnson George Johnston Art & Terri Johnstone Alan & Deborah Jones David & Michele Jones Donald Jones Helen Jones Jack & Carolee Jones Mary Ann Jones Richard & Jill Jones Thomas & Kevin Jones Judith Jordan Travis Jordan Gloria Juhnke Benjamin & Carol Julian Jacqueline Jump Louis & Josefina Junghans H William & Lana Kaelin Paul Mace & Kathleen Kahle Charlie & Carrie Kahle Duane & Ruth Kain Arthur & Jacqueline Kakalow Jean Strong & Mary Kalakay Karl & Charlotte Kalinna Phyllis Kappeler Ian Kapros Theron & Vicki Karrick Timothy & Jodi Karrick David & Cathleen Katz Myron & Angelina Katzenbach Dan Kaufman Donald Keberle Joan Keeney Carole Kehrig David & Mary Keiser Kingsley & Diana Kelley Daniel S. & Lynn Kellogg Ogden Kellogg, Sr. Bob & Jeanne Kellum Juanita Kelsch Bud & Florence Kemp Allan Kempe Ann & Robert Kennedy Esther Kennedy Rich & Susan Kennedy James & Judith Kennedy Franklin & Julia Ann Kenney Marva Kentner Pat Kerr Donna Kessler Dennis & MarjorieKeys Ernest & Estelle Kiefer Susan Kiefer Patricia Acklin & Kenneth Kigel James & Mary Lou Killeen Roy & Sheila Kimball Steven & Stephanie Kimball Carole Anne King Nan King Samantha King Carolyn & Bob Kingsnorth Joan Kirkpatrick Mark & Lynn Kirms Lindea & Richard Kirschner William Kiskadden Robert & Mary Kitchen Leroy & Emily Lewis- Knight Richard Knights Pat Knoble Michael Knotz II Deadra Knox Thomas Knox Vonja Knox George & Naomi Kobayashi Carl & Myra Koell Phyllis Koenig Michael Koester John & Jana Kolsbun Elaine Konopasek Paul & Mary Korbulic J. Camille Korsmo Christine Kott-Soper Greg Koziara Carl & Barbara Krack Gloria Kramer Fred & Beverly Krasner Mamie Kreisman Robert Kretschmann Kay Kroman Michael & Kay Krug Dee Kruger Richard & Charlette Krumm Kuchler Loving Trust Richard & Roberta Kuegler Eugene Kulesza Courtney Kuntz Wie-peng Kuo Georgia Kurz Jim & Melissa Kusnerik Kyle Family Trust Ronald & RobertaLaber Jim & Linda Lacivita Dennis & Kay Lair Bernice Lakin Ronald & Beverley Lamb Brian & Kelly Lambert Alice LaMoree Thomas & Marcy Landis Elizabeth Landreth Landreth Family Trust Nancy Miles & Calvin Lanfear Daniel Baty & Lois Langlois Kathy Langston Lani Holgate Separate Property Trust Olive Lansburgh Richard & DebbieLaPorte Charles & Carol Lapp Del Lappin Robert & Joan Larson Carol LaRue Thomas & Vicki Lavagnino Stephen & Susan Lawrence Don & Sharon Laws Dorothea Lawson Kristine Layman Sandy Layman Winnifred Laymance Paul Le Blanc Daniel & Cindy Leary Haydn & Cora Lee Peter Lee Leeroy J. Speice Trust William & Nancy Leever Omar Lefevre Lacy Leffel Patricia Legg Thomas Legg Norbert & Beverly Leiberg Nigel & Patricia Lemaire Nancy Noyce & Dawn Lemanne Robert Lemmens John & Jeryl Lemon Sue Lenhart Nancy Leovy Heath Lerew Joy & Alice Lester Richard & Ellen Levine Wayne & Mary Lynn Lewallen CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. 16 DONOR LIST, continued Individuals/Trusts Charmaine Lewis Harold & Gloria Lewis Thomas Libby Bob & Helen Lichlyter Lieberman/Subia Trust Bill & Janet Ligon Jon Lilligren Jess Lincoln Linda M. Messal Living Trust Debra Lindley Max & Lucille Lindley Jonathan Gasik & Sally Lindsay Lowell & Shirley Lindstrom Robert & Suzanne Lindstrom Linda Lipkind Mike & Laura Jane Littrell Barbara Hill & Ancelmo Lopes Laura & Kurt Lotspeich James Marron & Annalee Love John & Marilyn Love Gail Lowell Sally C. Lowell Irving Lubliner Virginia Lucas Andrea Lucas Henrietta Lundberg Jay & Carol Lunt Thomas & Nancy Lycett Carol Lynch Georgianna Lynn Jeffrey & Constance Lynn Russell & Margaret Lyon Stanley & Judith Lyons Raven Maartense Arlene Macadam Malcolm MacNair Charles & Sandra Madary William & Karen Maentz Leo & Patsy Majesky Terry Malcom Katrina Mallams Alice & Darryl Mallory Robert & Ann Manes T. Jeffrey Mangin Patrick Manion Margaret Mann James & Kelly Mannenbach Mark & Nancy Mansfield Michael & Kathleen Manus James & Rebecca Lynn Martin Jeanette Martin Roy & Kathy Marvin Dolores Marx Mary A. Delsman 1991 Living Trust Mary Jane Morrison Rev. Living Trust Arne & Barbara Mason William & Dorothy Mason Barbara Massey Richard & Mary Mastain Tom & Barbara Mathieson Lyle & Jime Matoush Mark Matson Marilyn Mattheison William Matthews Lorraine Mattos EdMattox Stacy Maxwell JoAnn May Grace Mayer Teri Mayer Selma McAlaster Donna McCall Stanley & PatriciaMcCambridge Susan Kiefer & Ann McCaughan Sharon McChrystal Michael & Kandee McClain Jeffrey & Kathleen McCollum James & Sue McConville Mike & Margaret McCormack McCormick Living Trust John & Bylle McCulley Doug McDonald McEachron Family Trust Olan & Sharron McFarland Jacklyn McGehee Daniel McGoldrick James McIntyre Robert & HeatherMcIntyre David & Cynthia McKee James & Donna McKee Kathleen McKee Russell & Nancy McKinley Richard & Betty McLaughlin Angela & Brian McLemore Valerie McMeekin Vinton McMichael JillMcMorran Robert C. Devoe & Carol McNair Dennis McNamara Hugh McNeely Kathleen McNeill Yvonne McNicholas Brian & Christie McQuade Stuart & Margaret McQueen Richard & Judy McReynolds Thomas P. McVey Thomas Mehl Kurt & Deena H. Meier Susan Meierhenry Michael & Anne Meiring Rose Meisburger Barbara Meltzer James R. & Sue A. Mencum Nancy M. Mendenhall Robert & Stephanie Mengis Melissa Menzie Barbara Mercer Cheryl Mercer Jack & Eleanor Merkle Rebecca Merron Alan Mersch Ronald & Erdyne Mete Penny Metropulos Iris Metz Laura Meyer Gene & Linda Meyerding D. Joy Meyers Robert & Betty Meyers Marc & Kasie Michel Terry Middleton Mara & Nikos Mikalis T H A N K YO U ! Judith Milburn David Doi & Susan Miler Robert & Susan Millbank Bruce & Cathy Millbank Carl Miller Delma Miller Gary & Candy Miller Michael & Barbara Miller Miller Loving Trust John Milne Robert & Donna Milts Michael & Debra Minder Norman Misek Betty Mitchell Eldon & Francine Mitchell Karen Mitchell Michael Mitchell Samuel & Suzanne Mitchell Earl & Gloria Moe Sean Moeschl Gregory & Susan Moffitt Janis Mohr-Tipton Deborah & Douglas Mokma Jim Mollett Edith Montgomery Edward & Ann Montgomery Blair & Carol Moody Donald & Traute Moore Edgar & Jane Moore Harlan, Donna & David Moore Jane Moore Larry Moore Robert & Susan Moore Rocky & Ingrid Moore Ruth Moore Kathleen & James Moore James & Linda Moreland Matthew & Carla Morey Dennis & Victoria Morgan Fran Morgan Henry & Genevieve Morgan Rick Bleiweiss & Deborah Morgan Edward Morgan, Jr. Brett & Diane Morris Margaret Morrish Celia Moss Christine Mott Richard & Mary Mould Elizabeth Moyer David Mulig Barbara Ann Mumblo Kathleen Kudo & Robert Mumby Richard & Vella Munn Daniel & Miriam Munoz Richard Murdoch Murdoch Profit Sharing PL & TR Linda Murphy Mike & Janet Murphy Oscar & Roberta Murphy Ross & Elaine Murphy Nannien Murray Tom & Kathryn Mustard Gary & Sharon Myers Nona Myers William & Marie Myers Charles Mylroie Suzanna Nadler Gary & Blyth Naef Andrew & AngelaNairne Robert Narron Michael & PatriciaNarus Denise Negles Joe & Carol Neil Agnes Jean Nelson Bryan Nelson Donald & Phyllis Nelson Keith & Keltie Nelson Margaret McGoldrick & Scott Nelson Mary Nelson Rose Nelson Nelson Family Trust Sherry Neuman William & Anita Nevison David & Michele Newby George Conand & David Newcomb Newell Family Trust Gary & Diana Newland Beverly Newton Patricia Newton Phyllis Newton Robert & Mary Niccolls Richard & Cris Nickerson Dennis Niebuhr Kristin Sivesind & Paul Niedermeyer Renee Nieto Shirley Niikura-George Grace Abbott & Nils Nilsson Elizabeth Nixon Kevin & Charlotte Norman Robert & Wendy Norris Shirley Northrup Carol Nosko Raymond & Elaine Note Dr. James & Caroline Nudelman Lelia Nyberg Peter Nystrom Gary O’Brion Of the Light Path Trust Richard & Ann Offenbacher Troy & Heidi Olivadoti Clyde & Sharon Olson Jeff & Linda Olson Jerilyn Olson Neal & Kim Olson Peggy & James Olson Jeffrey & Traci Olson Sherm & Wanda Olsrud Steven Olsrud Sasha RichardsonO’Neal O’Neal Living Trust Jack Opgenorth Geraldine Orchard Gerry Osterland Philip D. & Donna M. Ostlund Sharon Ostrander William M. Ostrander Mary Ellen O’Toole Anna Cassilly & Dakota Otto Arthur & Donna Outler Ingrid Overlock Ronald & Lynda Overstake Sandra Overstreet Debra Oxford Diane Pace Art & Carol Padilla Caryn Tierney & Natalie Padno Jerry Hood & Christal Paetz Carol Page Jerry & Olarene Page Virginia Paine Don Palese Jeff & Kim Palmer Carole Palmerston Irvin & Patricia Parent John & Robyn Parent Linda Parker Jim Shames & Heidi Parker Jacqueline L. Parrish Alison Partridge Arlie & Diane Passmore Yogina Patel Thomas Paterson James L. & Gay Patterson Maurice & Mary Patterson Willard & Marilyn Patterson Craig & Ellen Patton Lange Paul Sarah Paul Paul Templeton Trust Rosemarie Gerstner & Martin Paule Joyce Paxson Nicholas & Lori Paxton Loretta Payton Alison & Paul Pazourek Keith Pearson Linda VanDorp & Selma Peck Barry Peckham Peggy Peffley Gary & Christine Pellett Craig Pena Ted & Ruth Pepple Fred & Laura Perloff Dorothy Perry James Perry Mary Ann Perry Terry Pesenti Mae Petersen Douglas & Phyllis Peterson Joan Peterson Rolf & Lee Ann Peterson Judy Peterson Virginia Petitt William & Rita Petrocine Sherry A. Pfaff Laurie Stephens & 7 Thomas & Maureen Phillips Phillips Living Trust Panos Photinos David & Dodie Picanso Douglas & Ruth Pickell Les & Cynthia Pickering Robert & Judy Pierce Charles & Seline Pierson Edward & Marie Pitcairn Jim Duncan & Elaine Plaisance Margaret M. Crowley & Helen Plant CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. 17 *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. DONOR LIST, continued Individuals/Trusts Diane Plotts Gail Plowman Samuel & Jerelyn Plumer Mary & Janet Plummer John & Marcia Polacek Ron & Janett Polach Kenneth & Linda Pons Rodney & Jan Pope Jerry Poppe David & Erin Posch Susan & Jack Potap Peter & Sharon Potemkin Claude & Carol Potts Charlotte Poulos Brenda Poulton Brent & Annette Poulton Sharon Powell Powell Living Trust Bertha M. Prewitt John Pribyl William & Dorothy Prideaux LeClaire Prince Marion A. Prine Thomas & Pamela Prislac Mary O. Pritchard Robert & Diane Probert Cheryl Meier & Kerry Provancha Marie & Gilbert Provencio Dorothy Pruitt June Pucci Donovan Puffer Frank & Barbara Pulver Margaret Purves Jerry Putts Ron & Lucy Pylkki Shannon Queen Michael & Diana Quirk James & Jessie Randall David Randles Dean & Barbara Raniele Charles & KathrynRansdell Sandra & ChesterRapp Stephen & Babette Rapp Cliff & Louann Rasmussen Kenneth & Marie Ratcliff Irene Rausch Ramona A. Rausch Cecelia Rayburn Sharon Bolles & Nando Raynolds Ermalee Reeder Donald & Veronica Reep William Reeves Rego Family Trust William Reilly Michael Remick Melvin & Nancy Rennick Mark Reppert Michael C. Rey Don & Mary Ellen Rhoades Shannon Rhoades Howard & Velma Rhodes Val Rhodes Arlene Rians James Rich Jerry & June Rich T H A N K YO U ! Frank Richard Jack Richard Richard & Doris Mayfield Trust Richard & Joyce Davidson Trust Ray & Estelle Richards Randall & VirginiaRichardson Douglas & Laura Richmond James & Lois Richmond Alexander & Marilynn Ridland Nicholas Rigirozzi James Riker John & Bonnie Rinaldi Judith Rinkin Laurence Risher Charlotte Rising Gregg Ritchie Annabelle Roberts Gary Roberts Kathy & Otis Roberts Sharon Roberts Susan Roberts Marsha L. Robertson Fred & Doris Robinson Susan Morrow & Dennis Roby Rocke Revocable Living Trust C. Daniel & Linda Rodriguez Eric Rodriguez Pete & Susan Roeck Scott Rogers Susan & Wayne Rolle Paul & Margaret Rollosson Guy Romano John Ronnander Betty Root Gordon & Judith Rose Donald Matthews & Judith Rosen Milton & MarleneRosen Deborah Rosenberg Juanita Rosene Katherine Davidson & Pearl Ross Linda Ross Stephen & Barbara Ross Gino & Elizabeth Rossi John & Joanne Rotar James W. Ross or Joan L. Roth Bonnie & Dean Rott Julia & Bradley Roupp Paul & Kathleen Rowland Richard & Geraldine Rudisile Judy Rudy Rugg Living Trust Doug & Barbara Rush Helen Russ Charles F. & Bonnie Jean Russell Susan Rust Ruth Gayle Morris Revocable Living Trust Eleonora Rutter Lee & Cassie Ryker Larry & Linda Sabala Neal & Donna Rae Sabin IlaSachs John L. Sager Paul & Caroline Sagunsky Jesus Salgado Sally Salsig Marilyn Salter Irene Sanders Jerry & Judy Sands Richard & Julie Santillie Katherine Saunders Rochelle Savitt Sandra Sawyer Denise Scarborough Joan Scarborough Robert & Donna Scebold Bryan Frink & Diane Schaffer Jacob & Jimmye Schauffler James & Marguerite Schellentrager Carolyn Schenler Cynthia Scherr Ruth Schifferle Mark & Gwen Schiveley Larry & Barbara Schmaltz Herman & Sylvia Ann Schmeling Carl & Betty Jean Schmeusser Doug & Sandra Schmor Henry & Agnes Schnelle Joseph & Jerilyn Schoenhals Arthur & Janet Schreiber Paul Schroeder Ted & Maureen Schroeder Steve & Cindy Schubert Carl Schwab Gary Schwab Carl Caplan & Ruth Ann Schwada Gary & Kimberly Sciocchetti Janet Scott Norman Scott Robert & Joanne Scott Vanessa Scott Stan & Mary Scovell Ted & Coralee Seale Victor & Daniel Seeberger Robin Seeley Joyce Seely Daniel & Steffi Seffinger Diane Seitz Beverly Sele George & Brian Sendelbach Florence Seto Shirley A. Setzler Marci Seville Donald & Sandra Shaffer Jack & Carole Shaffer Gary & Annette Shaffer Steven Shapiro Sharon Hayes Living Trust Rodney & MargidSharp Louise Shaw Richard Shaw Scott & Ronda Sheffield Belle & Jeffrey Shepherd Shirley South Living Trust John Shonerd Thomas & Kathleen Shope Billy K. & Marjorie A. Showalter Susan Epstein & Spencer Shropshire Helen Shroy Sandra Shugart Douglas & Ann Sierka Donald & Margaret Silverman Brian or Rachael Simonsen James & Joan Simonson Donald Snyder & Vicki Simpson Robert Simpson James Sims Charles & Mary Sinclair Grady & Laura Singletary Craig & Karen Singleton Herbert & Mary Jean Singleton William & Kathryn Sipfle Margaret Sjogren Lynn & Doris Sjolund Chris & Barbara Skrepetos Skundrick Trust Robert & Donna Slayton Harriet Sloan Eileen Slowikowski John & Kathryn Slyt Smart Family Foundation, Inc. Norman & Helen Smedes Nancy Smesrud Albert Smith Barnard & Betty Lou Smith Dennis & Dorothy Smith Elva Smith Frederick & Nancy Smith Glenn & Kathleen Smith Gregory Smith Hans & Susan Smith John Smith Keith Smith Ken & Lola Smith Michael & Marlene Smith Nina Smith Norma Smith Norton L. Smith Patricia Smith Paula Jane Smith Robert & Catherine Smith Thomas Smith Thomas & Geraldine Smith Kirk & Connie Smith Valerie Smullen Patsy Smullin Suzanna Snider Paul & Rita Sollie Norman & Patricia Somes Alline Sontag David & Lori Sours Susan Connery and Barbara & James Southerland Charles & Olive Sowell Denise McGhee & Arlene Sowell Michael & Janet Sowell David & Roxane Spear Joan Spear Cary & Fran Spiker Gary & Louise Sprague Bob & Sharon Springer Carol & Jim Stack Martha Stadelman Andrew & JeanneStallman Gordon & Debra Stanford Mary Stansell Douglas & Donnetta Staples Richard & Roxie Ann Staples Ernest & Lillian Stedman Stedman 1991 Trust Michael & Misty Steen Laurence & ElaineStein Steve Steinbeck Kevin & Teresa Steinkamp Lonelle Stephens Craig & Mary Stevenson Karen Stevenson Douglas Stewart Jonathan & CathyStewart Richard & Linda Stickle Alicia Stinnette Hamilton Ecker & Patricia Stoddard Donald & DoloresStone Gerry Stone Robert & Kathleen Stoner Stonier Living Trust Linda Storey Story Survivor’s Trust Helen M. Strahl Billy & Rachel Strawn Bill & Jane Street John & Linda Strenk Janet Stringer Stanley Stromberg John & Margaret Strong Strong Family Trust Hans & Mary Lou Stroo Nancy Struble Carol Stuart David Sugar James & Gwynn Sullivan Kandy Sullivan Terry Sullivan Sullivan Family Marital Trust Mark & Jamie Sunderland Steve & Kay Swader Eric & Joan Swanson Kathleen Swanton April Sweeney Don & Marilyn Sweet Earle & Geraldine Swift Iola Swingle Dale Sylva Virgil & Marlene Syverson Barbara Szabo Kevin & Barbara Talbert Tall Loving Trust Ollie Talley F. Thomas & Ursula Tangeman Clyde Tankersley Christopher & Carla Tappero Dominic & LorainTate Jeanette Tate Wilda Taucher Ardell Taylor Elizabeth Taylor George & Brenda Taylor Gerd Taylor Margaret Taylor Thomas & Carol Taylor Barbara Taylor Alison Teeman Keith & Betty Templeman Ann Leslie Tennyson CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. 18 DONOR LIST, continued Individuals/Trusts Ray & Marlyn Teplitz Creed & Michele Terry Dennis Thacker Paul & Marcella Theeman Molly Thibedeau Mark Thibedeau Gill & Monica Thiel Buzz & Shari Thielemann Thielges Living Trust Gordon & Alice Thomas Rita Thomas Robert & Connie Thomas Wayne Thomas William Thomas Beverly Thompson Brent Thompson Nancy Thompson Robert A.& Patricia T. Thompson Thomas & Stephanie Thomson William & VirginiaThomson Gary & Janet Thorley Walter & Cecilia Thorp Nancy Peterson & Helen Tiffany Donald & GeorgiaTodd Jerry & Marilyn Todd Peggy Proctor Tomlins Gordon & Doreen Topham Mary Tormey Ronald & Pamela Torrey David & Wendy Tracy Frances Trask Dale & Shirley Trautman Constance Travesi John & Barbara Traynor Dwight & Donna Tribelhorn Peter & Cathy Tronquet Thomas & Kathy Troy Joe Turley John & Susan Turner Pamela Turnipseed Leigh & Debbie Twa Richard, Lynn & Amy Twiest Cleveland Twitchell Tom Tynan David Uhreen Ruell Walton & Jamie Unger Ronald & Nancy Unis Michael & Rhonda Updike Amy & Anne Upton Tom & Kathryn Anne Upton Larry & Barbara Van Ausdall Peter Van Dyke Robert & Darcy Van Vuren Dirk Van Zaanen Pam VanArsdale Shirley Vance Joyce Vanderbeek Roger Vanderbeek Wanda Vandergriff Margie VanderVeen Patricia Vanevera Kathy & Larry Vann Ronald & Bernice Vardy Jack & Susie Varner Geraldine Orchard & Scott Vasek Bob & Jayne Vaughn Bonnie Vaughn Charles & Rebecca Versteeg Rudolf & Emilie Vest Dale Vidmar Vinton C. McMichael Trust Linda Vollrath Paul Volz Ronald & Betty Von Der Hellen Stephanie Von Loewenfeldt Michael & Rebecca Vose William & Diane Voss Joseph & Georgia Vukovich Eleonore Wagner John & Jacqueline Wagner Kelli Waite Ellen Wakefield Greg & Mylene Walden Carol Walker Daniel & Phyllis Walker Lois Walker Ron & Judith Wallace John & Sandra Walper Sandra Walper William & BarbaraWalsh Jim Walstrom Harry & Terry Walters Marlene Warneke Douglas & Arlene Warner Marjie Warner Charles & Marianne Warren Janet, Randy & Clifford Warrick James Wassom Alexander & Sharon Waterhouse Susan Waterman Susan Watkins Alicia Watson & Patricia Watson Elizabeth Watson Ronald & Mary Wavrin Ronald & Therese Wavrin Todd & Deborah Way Sharon Weagel Kenneth & Martina Wearstler Alice T. Weaver Eva Weaver Joyce N. Weaver Joseph & Louanne Weber, Jr. Elaine Wefel Darrell & Marlys Weinman Roseanne Weir Faye Weisler Alan & Courtney Welburn Dana & Jodi Wells Gladys Wells Greeley Wells Karl & Kelly Wells Edward & Robin Wenrick Jenelyn Wessler Paul & Anne Westerman Peter & Betty LaDuke Westigard Milicent Wewerka T H A N K YO U ! Rodger & Susan Whipple Frank & Joan White Grace White Neil & Ardyth White Sally White Wallace & Cheryl Whitson Cecil & Ardele Whitten Gordon Wickstrom Jeraldine Schiller & Tony Wiggins John Holmes & Thelda Wiggins Arn & Karen Wihtol Bonnie Wilber Judith Wilbur Delo Wild Debbie Williams Jack & Cindy Williams Mark Williams Sharon Williams Shirley Williams Wyman & Janice Williams Diane & Charles Williams Katherine Williams/Linville Robin & Joan Williamson Vicki Willis Betty Wilson Dwight & Nancy Wilson Larry & Elaine Wilson Michelle Wilson Janice Wilt Bill Wimer Paul & Nina Winans Genevieve Windsor Winifred Hood Rev Living Trust Viva Winkelman Colleen Winner Chris Winney Kenneth & Linda Wion Dennis Wise Jim & Vickie Wise Joseph & Judy Wismann Mark Wisnovsky Joyce Witham Witham Trust Stan & Sharon Wittmers Gideon & Esther Wizansky Brian & Kathryn Wolf Gene & Carol Wolf Joann Wolf Linda Wolf David & Elke Wolfe Frann Wolfe Stephen Wolfe Elaine Wolfe-Blank Judy Wolgamot Estelle L. Womack Ella Wong Jonathan & Verona Wood Douglas & Marie Wood Mary Wooding Harvey Woods Bruce & GretchenWoolf Michael & Nannette Wrede Allan & Colette Wright Robert & Donna Wright Walter & Mary Wright Sherise Wright Wright Family Trust Bryan Wu David & Taube Wurst Ron Wyden Betty Wynn Glenda & Doug Yaryan Delphine Yates Peter Yeager Gary Young Mabel Young Diane Yu John & Virginia Yungen Wayne Zallen Raymond & Nancy Zaremba Laurie Zelesnikar John & Patrici a Zenz Lee Ann & Robert Zeulner Helen & Maurice Ziegler Harriet Zollman Gordon & Ruth Zook Peter Zukis Foundations American Endowment Foundation Avista Foundation Clif Bar Family Foundation Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation Hughs-Combs Charitable Fund Joe & Frances Naumes Family Foundation, Inc. Kimmel Family Foundation Kris Ellie Charitable Fund Lang Family Foundation Leightman Maxey Foundation Oregon Assoc of Realtors Home Foundation Plum Creek Foundation Walmart Foundation Please Join Our Circle of Hope and Help ACCESS Help Others for Generations to Come. T he ACCESS Endowment Fund is currently managed by the Oregon Community Foundation. The fund will continue to support our programs for many years to come. With your help, the principal fund continues to grow and lives on in perpetuity—only the interest can be used as needed. This makes it a good investment. Gifts can be made to the Endowment Fund in any amount and can be restricted or unrestricted. Donors of $2,500 or more to the Endowment Fund will be recognized on our Circle of Hope plaque. If you make your gift through your estate you will also become a member of our Legacy Society. For more information call Pam Slater at (541) 690-3974. CASH AND IN-KIND DONATIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 - JANUARY 15, 2014. 19 *Oregon Community Foundation administered. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID MEDFORD, OREGON PERMIT NO. 226 Helping People Help Themselves 3630 Aviation Way, P. O. Box 4666 Medford, OR 97501 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! We would love to hear from you! Your comments or stories about how ACCESS helped you would be appreciated. Please email us at or write to: Christine A., ACCESS, PO Box 4666, Medford, OR 97504 Ongoing ACCESS Volunteer Opportunities We always have a need for your volunteer help. For more information about volunteering opportunities, call Nicki at 541-618-4003. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ACCESS UPCOMING EVENTS calendar MARCH 18 ACCESS Senior Fair Tuesday, March 18, 9am-4pm at the Medford Armory. Don’t miss this one stop shop for health and information resources. Suggested donations of $1 or one can of food. MARCH 24 New Food Pantry Now Open-at Joy Christian Fellowship There is a new pantry location here in Medford. Joy Christian Fellowship at 2715 Table Rock Road began operation in February and is now open Thursdays, from 2-4pm. You can contact them at 541-779-7029. MAY 10 The 22nd Annual “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive ACCESS Mail Carriers The nation’s largest single-day food drive, the NALC effort is held annually in all 50 states. From major metropolitan areas to small rural towns, residents put out non-perishable food donations on that day, which letter carriers collect as they deliver mail along their postal routes. MAY 17 “Realizing the American Dream” Home Pre-Purchase Class-Medford Do you want to purchase your first home? Gain knowledge and confidence you need to successfully achieve and maintain homeownership. Class will be held in Medford at Rogue Community College/HEC Room 121 from 9am-5pm. $40/co-Student is Free. To register call the ACCESS Homeownership Center at 541-774-4305. JUNE 30 ACCESS Annual Golf Tournament The tournament will be held at the Rogue Valley Country Club. You can also benefit ACCESS by purchasing a raffle ticket for a chance to win a trip to Hawaii, New York, Paris or London! See our website for details. For more information call Logan Bell at 541-774-4312. FIGHTING POVERTY AND HUNGER IN JACKSON COUNTY SINCE 1976
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