Bremerton Kitsap Brochure 68124.cdr - Bremerton
Bremerton Kitsap Brochure 68124.cdr - Bremerton
AIRPORT SERVICE SEA-TAC DEPARTURE LOCATION The boarding area is located at DOOR #00 in the Main Terminal Building on the Baggage Level, near Baggage Carousel #1. It is not necessary to leave the terminal building once you have claimed your baggage. Once you have claimed your baggage, face the windows and turn right (south). Simply proceed South, in the direction of the International Flights Baggage Carousel #1 to the far south end of the Baggage Level. There you will find our Airporter Customer Service Counter near Door #00 and Baggage Carousel #1, where our Customer Service agent is available to assist you during the late morning, afternoon and early evening hours. (10:15 am-9:10 pm) The customer waiting area is indoors near Door #00. Please check-in with our agent at the service counter near Door #00 before boarding bus for a boarding pass if necessary. During busy times, our Customer Service agent may sell tickets and otherwise assist the driver to expedite airport departures and our driver is generally at the boarding area approximately fifteen minutes prior to departure time. Our full and current schedule brochure may be obtained from your driver or at our Customer Service Counter. Lower Level - Baggage Claim #1 #16 In order to maintain on-time service, our drivers must leave each service location and SEA-TAC at the scheduled departure time. Please be waiting ten minutes prior to the scheduled departure time (boarding time) at the pickup points and SEA-TAC. If our driver is more than five minutes late for your pick-up please call our office - 24/7. Drivers may depart service location before scheduled departure times if all passengers holding reservations are boarded. COURTESY TELEPHONE CALLS Our drivers can place telephone calls to any city served on our route as a courtesy to our customers. You are encouraged to ask the driver to call your party or a taxi for pick up at your destination while the vehicle is not in motion. We are not responsible for local taxi operations. CHARGE CARDS GENERAL INFORMATION TELEPHONE AND OFFICE HOURS Please call our office, at 360-876-1737, for reservations and information. If you are familiar with our operations, have your flight information available and wish to avoid the voice message; simply press "0" to speak to our operator. Our office is open 24 hours every day to serve your transportation needs. PICK-UP AND DEPARTURE POINTS Airporter Hourly Departures RESERVATIONS Reservations are required ONLY for the trip TO the airport. Reservations are NOT taken FROM the airport. Prepaid reservations are required to guarantee a reserved seat for all reservations to Sea-Tac. This is to preclude overloading the bus or van. If the vehicle is in no danger of being overloaded, the passenger without a prepaid reservation will be carried to Sea-Tac and payment will be made by cash or charge card to the driver. Reservations from Sea-Tac are not taken. All passengers from Sea-Tac are boarded first come-first served after check-in with our agent at door 00 if available. All vehicles are radio dispatched and reservations may be taken as late as 1-2 hours before your scheduled pickup time in most cases. For proper schedule and load planning however, reservations are preferred 1 to 10 days in advance over the web and 1 to 30 days in advance by phone. Please ask for your reservation number (date and trip number), as this is your assurance that your reservation was recorded. Reservations may be made by telephone or web ( Also, please advise if you are carrying in excess of two pieces of luggage for each traveler. Excess or heavy baggage or boxes may not be carried. Our busses stop only at pickup locations where we hold reservations. To cancel or change your reservation, please call our office at least 12 hours before your departure time to avoid any charges. 24 HOUR RESERVATIONS TELE: (360) 876-1737 BAGGAGE LIABILITY: As provided by Washington State Law (RCW 81.29.050) unless a higher valuation is declared prior to transportation, the following property damage liability will apply: Adult Fare $250.00 Child Fare $100.00 Additional valuation will be charged at $1.00 per $100.00 or fraction thereof. Bremerton-Kitsap Charge cards are the preferred method of payment as this enables the driver to board the passengers quickly. Prepaid reservations by credit or debit card via telephone or web are required to guarantee a seat on the vehicles proceeding to Sea-Tac. Reservations are taken for all other passengers who elect to pay cash to the driver, however, they are not guaranteed a seat and are boarded on a space available basis. Call office for ticketing arrangements. CHARTER BUSSES Eleven passenger vans or 21, 24 and 29 passenger mini-busses are available for charter. Rates are nominal, and depend on size of vehicle, hours of usage or mileage. Please call our office for arrangements 3-7 days in advance. Minimum charge $230.00 AIRPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE Passengers departing the airport must contact the Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter Customer Service personnel at our service counter in the terminal building at the South end of the baggage level, near Door 00. Our BKA Airport personnel may sell tickets, issue boarding passes if necessary and otherwise assist the driver to expedite airport departures, and are available afternoons and early evenings. Please check-in with airport agent before boarding bus. (10:15 am-9:10 pm) When not available, check-in directly with the driver. Most pick-up locations with the exception of the Park and Ride lots and certain hotels shown below are courtesy stops ie. the owners of the business establishments allow us to stop for loading and unloading passengers only. Leaving your personal cars at their place of business, where there is limited parking, is an inconvenience to their customers and is not permitted. Most of our customers are dropped off at our pick-up locations either by taxi or a family member. Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter, Inc. “The Sound Connection” Member Founded 1979 NAVY BASE KITSAP – BANGOR EBQ, BOQ, Evergreen Lodge, Pass & ID, TPU POULSBO AM/PM, Viking Way & Hwy 308, (Keyport Junction) SILVERDALE Silverdale Beach Hotel (Best Western) BREMERTON Baymont Inn & Suites; Burwell 76, Burwell & Montgomery St; Hotels/Motels on Kitsap Way if guests of Hotel/Motel PORT ORCHARD Sedgwick 76 Service Center – Hwy 16 and Sedgwick Road PURDY Park & Ride, 144th & Purdy Drive, NW GIG HARBOR The Inn at Gig Harbor, 3211 – 56th Street NW N.W. TACOMA Denny's, 6th Avenue & Pearl Street RESERVATIONS REQUIRED TO SEA-TAC CALL 360-876-1737 • OFFICE HOURS Open 24 hours every day. • FAX (360) 876-5521 WEB reservations: If you have ADA requirements please call at least 48 hours in advance to ensure a wheelchair accessible bus for your trip. PARKING AT PICK-UP LOCATIONS Limited customer parking is available for a nominal daily charge at the Silverdale Beach Hotel, Baymont Inn - Bremerton, and the Inn at Gig Harbor. Prior arrangements with the hotel management are required. FREE 7 day parking is offered at select hotels for a one night stay. Serving the Kitsap Peninsula for 37 years! CANCELLATIONS & CONFIRMATIONS As a Company policy, we do not overbook; therefore as a courtesy to other passengers, please cancel reservations you do not plan to use at least 12 hours in advance. Cancelled Reservations may be charged a $5.00 processing fee. Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter Inc. Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter, Inc. 5748 Bethel Road • PO Box 1255 • Port Orchard, WA 98366 Bremerton-Kitsap HOURLY ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES Airporter TO SEA-TAC Approximate travel times from SEA-TAC; Port Orchard - 60 min.; Bremerton - 70 min.; Silverdale - 90 min.; Navy Base Kitsap-Banger - 100 min. DAILY SCHEDULE BOARDING TIMES ARE TEN MINUTES PRIOR TO ALL DEPARTURE TIMES SHOWN BELOW: DEPARTURE TIMES * RESERVATIONS REQUIRED TO SEATAC PICK UPS/DROP OFFS Navy Base Kitsap - Bangor EBEQ BOQ, Evergreen Lodge, Pass & ID, TPU AM/PM Market - HWY 308 Keyport Junction, Poulsbo. Silverdale Beach Hotel (Best Western) Silverdale Baymont Inn & Suites Bremerton Burwell 76, Burwell & Montgomery, Bremerton Sedgwick 76, Sedgwick & Hwy. 16, Port Orchard Park & Ride-144th & Purdy Dr. Purdy The Inn at Gig Harbor, Gig Harbor Denny's, 6th and Pearl St. Tacoma #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am 5:00am 6:00am 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 2:10am 3:10am 4:10am 5:10am 6:10am 7:10am 8:10am 9:10am 10:10am 11:10am 12:10pm 1:10pm 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:10pm 6:10pm 7:10pm 8:10pm 9:10pm 10:10pm 2:20am 3:20am 4:20am 5:20am 6:20am 7:20am 8:20am 9:20am 10:20am 11:20am 12:20pm 1:20pm 2:20pm 3:20pm 4:20pm 5:20pm 6:20pm 7:20pm 8:20pm 9:20pm 10:20pm 2:30am 3:30am 4:30am 5:30am 6:30am 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:30pm 2:40am 3:40am 4:40am 5:40am 6:40am 7:40am 8:40am 9:40am 10:40am 11:40am 12:40pm 1:40pm 2:40pm 3:40pm 4:40pm 5:40pm 6:40pm 7:40pm 8:40pm 9:40pm 10:40pm 3:00am 4:00am 5:00am 6:00am 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 3:10am 4:10am 5:10am 6:10am 7:10am 8:10am 9:10am 10:10am 11:10am 12:10pm 1:10pm 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:10pm 6:10pm 7:10pm 8:10pm 9:10pm 10:10pm 11:10pm #9 #10 #11 #12 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 5:20am 6:20am 7:20am 8:20am 9:20am 10:20am 11:20am 12:20pm 1:20pm 2:20pm 3:20pm 4:20pm 5:20pm 6:20pm 7:20pm 8:20pm 9:20pm 10:20pm 11:20pm 3:30am 4:30am 5:30am 6:30am 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:30pm 11:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am *Connections available to JBLM at no extra charge. 4:00am 5:00am 6:00am 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm (Noon) (Midnight) DEPARTURE TIMES * RESERVATIONS NOT TAKEN FROM SEA-TAC #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 *4:20am 5:20am 6:20am 7:20am 8:20am #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 9:20am 10:20am 11:20am 12:20pm 1:20pm #10 2:20pm #11 #12 3:20pm 4:20pm #13 5:20pm #14 #15 #16 6:20pm 7:20pm #17 #18 #19 #20 8:20pm 9:20pm 10:20pm 11:20pm 12:20am P L E A S E C H E C K - I N W I T H O U R A G E N T A T T H E S E R V I C E C O U N T E R N E A R D O O R # 0 0 B E F O R E B O A R D I N G B U S (10:15AM to 9:10PM) *Driver availability limited occasionally, please call 360-876-1737 AIRPORT SERVICE New Passenger Rates Effective 05/01/2016 ALL ABOVE TIMES ARE DEPARTURE TIMES, BOARDING TIME IS TEN MINUTES PRIOR TO ABOVE TIMES. SPECIAL PASSENGER RATES •CHILDREN UNDER 2: No fare if held on lap of parent or guardian. Children 2-11 fare applies. •ROUND TRIP: 90% twice the one-way adult regular fare to end in even dollars. No other discounts apply. Expires one year from date of issue. BANGOR POULSBO SILVERDALE BREMERTON PT. ORCHARD PURDY GIG HARBOR TACOMA #14 4:20am INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Pick-up/Drop-off Location #13 3:20am DEPART SEA-TAC SOUTH GROUND TRANSPORTATION LOT DOOR #00 #8 (Noon) ARRIVE SEA-TAC INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Ticketing Level #7 Adult Regular Ages 2-11 One Way Round Trip One Way Round Trip $27.00 $27.00 $26.00 $25.00 $22.00 $19.00 $18.00 $16.00 $49.00 $49.00 $47.00 $45.00 $40.00 $34.00 $33.00 $29.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $12.00 $11.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.00 $20.00 $17.00 $17.00 $15.00 For various administrative reasons, discounts for Military and Senior fares have been authorized for discontinue effective on May 1, 2016. Fares do not include driver gratuity •COMMUTERS: Ten-ride adult commuter fare books for 90% of the applicable regular adult fare. •BAGGAGE: Hand baggage not exceeding two (2) pieces (under 50 pounds each and measuring less than 70” (L+W+H) and not exceeding one (1) piece on each child’s fare will be carried free. An additional charge of $5.00 per piece will be made for baggage exceeding two (2) pieces per adult. Passengers are responsible for the correct identification and retrieval of their luggage. All pieces must be properly tagged. Additional Charges: Trunks/Boxes (limit one box) $5.00; Skis $5.00; Bicycles $10.00; Kennels $5.00 (21x16x15 or less) Oversized baggage, Golf Clubs & Strollers $5.00 each. Leaking or odoriferous items will not be carried. Skis, snowboards, golf clubs and gun cases will be accepted as one of the two standard free pieces regardless of size. We do not check luggage. All items are considered carry on. •SPECIAL SERVICE: Your airporter is a multiple stop service. In order to achieve and maintain low fares, we must pick up and drop off multiple parties. If this type of service is not satisfactory to you, private van service is available. (Minimum charge $230.00) •REFUNDS: Lost round trip tickets and “no shows” are not refundable. Cancelled reservations will be charged a $5.00 processing fee. Please mail the unused portion of round trip ticket (Blue Copy) to our office for a refund. CHARTER SERVICES Special airport trips or charters for small groups of up to twenty-nine passengers can be arranged for trips to SEA TAC airport or elsewhere within the Puget Sound area. Door to door pickup by van (or bus) at a time and place you select can be arranged. For further information call (360) 876-1737. Minimum charge $230.00. HOME PICKUPS AND DELIVERIES Please contact local area taxis for home pickups and deliveries to and from our service locations. Upon your return from Sea-Tac ask your driver to call the appropriate taxi company. We are not responsible for local taxi operations. SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE/LIABILITY Airporter will not be liable for delays caused by accidents, breakdowns, poor road conditions, snow storm and other conditions beyond its control and does not guarantee to arrive at or depart from any point at any specific time due to conditions beyond airporter control. LIMITED SERVICE ON THANKSGIVING & 05/15/16 CHRISTMAS DAY
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arranged for trips to SEA TAC airport or elsewhere within the Puget Sound area. Door to door
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