3Q07 - Positivo Informática
3Q07 - Positivo Informática
3Q07 Results November 08, 2007 1 Computer Market 2 Household PC penetration is still low... ...especially when compared to other emerging countries Household PC Penetration (%) PC Penetration in Brazil by Income Group1 82.8% 30.0% 25.0% 20.5% 62.2% 19.6% 4.0% 1.8% Russia Argentina Mexico India Brazil Sources: (export.gov) / PNAD IBGE Survey / E-commerce 2005 – Argentinean government Mexican Institute of Geography, Statistics and IT 2006 PC Penetration in Brazil by Income Group1 Household (mm) A 86.0% B C D/E 63.2% 70% 30% 2.8% 27.0 2.8% 0.1% B Group C Group D/E Group Desktops Notebooks 0.6% Total 65% 51% 5.3 18.0 0.3% PCs Penetration: Developed Countries 2.7 18.8% 1 Source: CGI, ago/ set 2006 A Group 19.3% 18.6% 15.6% Sweden 51% 48% 34% 24% Denmark Source: Eurobarometer,2006 17% UK France Desktop Notebook 16% Germany 41% 19% Italy 3 Important Events 4 Positivo Informática expands its operations in the Brazilian market Positivo Informática da Amazônia Ltda. Manaus/AM • Set Top Boxes • Desktops • Notebooks • 6,500 points of sale Manaus Ilhéus/ BA Ilhéus • 404 technical assistance outlets, serving all Brazilian municipalities • LCD Monitors • Desktops • Notebooks Positivo Informática S.A. Curitiba/ PR - Sede Curitiba • • • • Desktops Notebooks Servers Motherboards Source: Positivo Informática 5 The set top box device coincides with the launch of Digital TV in Brazil... ...and millions of households with poor quality transmission Breakdown of Households per Income Group 47.2 million households only have access Number of Households (million) 3.3 to the open networks, often with poorquality transmission Pay TV Penetration (%) A A 64% users have 20” TVs or smaller and 50.6 47% use indoor antennas A/B 6.6 19.7 25.1 B B Only 4.6 million households have access to 32.3 C C C Pay TV 3.7 D/E D/E IBOPE: 26% of households with TV would 0.4 acquire pay TV service just to watch the open networks with a better-quality picture. Total Households = 54.6 million Installed Base = 90 million TVs Source: Anatel/ IBGE – PNAD 2007/ IPSOS/ Cetelem/ IBOPE Digital TV = Open-network TV with high transmission quality 6 Positivo Informática will launch 2 set top boxes targeting the middle- and low-income groups Digital TV will be launched in São Paulo on December 2nd and Positivo’s products will be on the shelves of the region’s largest retail chains. Positivo’s Models: How it works: The antenna receives the digital signal through the air... 1) DigiTV Positivo: For conventional TV sets ...and transmits the digital signal to the set top box ...which transmits the signal with DVD quality to analog TVs of any size The set top box decodes the 16:9 digital signal and converts it into 4:3 analog 7 Positivo Informática will launch 2 set top boxes targeting the middle- and low-income groups Digital TV will be launched in São Paulo on December 2nd and Positivo’s products will be on the shelves of the region’s largest retail chains. Positivo’s Models: How it works: 2) DigiTV HD Positivo: For high-definition LCD or plasma sets, via HDMI The antenna receives the digital signal through the air... ...and transmits the digital signal to the set top box ...which transmits the highdefinition 16:9 digital signal via HDMI to widescreen TVs The set top box decodes the digital signal, adjusts it to the definition of the LCD or Plasma TV connected via HDMI (480, 720 or 1080 lines) 8 In line with its vertical integration strategy, Positivo Informática begins producing its own monitors Positivo LCD Monitors: ¾ Plant in Ilhéus/ BA Reduced risk of component ¾ Production Capacity: 20K/ month ¾ Sudene Region: 75% reduction in Income Tax shortfalls in times of exceptionally high demand Higher flexibility of products Positivo: LCD x CRT Sales 20.1% 79.9% 3Q06 Reduced cost of important 21.1% 78.9% 4Q06 34.4% 39.4% 65.6% 60.6% 1Q07 CRT LCD 2Q07 51.3% components in PC’s final cost ¾ Reduction of 7% in our monitor 48.7% acquisition cost, which accounts for 30% of the cost of an average PC 3Q07 9 ... and also begins producing its own motherboards Positivo Motherboards: ¾Plant in Curitiba/ PR, next to the computer plant ¾Production Capacity: 44K/ month ¾Creation of 134 direct jobs ¾Reduction of 25% in assembly costs, which account for around 1.5% of the total cost of an average PC Positivo Motherboard 10 Positivo Informática has expanded its operations in the North and Northeast regions... ...which have the lowest PC penetration in the country Household PC Penetration (%) Midwest Largest Clients in the North and Northeast Regions Penetration in the main North retail chains = nearly 80% 20.4 South Y Yamada 33 outlets 27.9 Southeast 29.2 Northeast 9.7 North 9.8 Lojas Bemol 14 outlets Lojas Facilar 38 outlets Gazin 44 outlets Casa Amarela 52 outlets Leolar 32 outlets Magazine Liliane 35 outlets Americanas 45 outlets Ricardo Eletro 55 outlets Rede Wal Mart G. Barbosa 116 outlets 46 outlets Lojas Maia 110 outlets Insinuante Penetration in the main chains of the Northeast = nearly 80% Source: IBGE - PNAD 2007 (2006 database) Rabelo 40 outlets 250 outlets Source: Companies’ website/ Positivo Informática 11 ...and has a unique relationship with the country’s most important retail chains country... ...In the 2Q07, Positivo Informática achieved a substantial market share of 38.7%¹ in this market Competitive Advantages Trade Marketing: Outright leadership of retail PC sales ¾Campaigns and promotions in outlets ¾Shelf space advantage: product exposure 6,500 points of sale ¾Training of retail sales representatives ¾ Sales promoters in stores Products present in around 6,500 retail points of sale North and Northeast: now present in 80% of the leading retail chains 1 Source: IDC 12 Positivo PC quality confirmed by the leading specialist megazines Mobile W (white notebooks): ¾Accounted for 14% of notebook sales in the 3Q07 ¾Quality confirmed by specialist magazines: • W98 elected as best in the Econômico de Luxo category (i.e. having the best cost/benefit ratio), by Info magazine • PC World magazine gave it 9.7 points out of a possible 10. “With Mobile W98, the Best Cost/Benefit choice by INFO, Positivo achieved the challenge of offering an attractively-designed, high-powered laptop at a competitive price." – Info Magazine – October 2007 ¾Top of Mind - Folha de São Paulo: Positivo was the country’s most recognized computer brand, 150% in front of the second-placed PC company. Info Magazine Article 13 Positivo Informática is always launching new products based on the results of field research PC da Família Line (Family PC): ¾Retail launch in Nov/07 ¾Free access to the PC da Família Portal • Variety of leisure and entertainment options • Access to home-management tools and information How many people, apart from yourself, use the computer in your home on a regular basis? (in %) 33.9 27.9 ¾The survey showed that in 16.9 13.6 4.7 Only me One Source: Data Popular Two Three Four 3 83.1%, the household computer is shared with more than one person + than Four 14 Factory expansion in order to meet retail demand in the 4Q07 Expanded Area Operational start-up in Oct/07 Increase of 60% in built-up area, currently standing at 31,200 m2. Growth of 73.1% in production capacity, currently 225 thousand units per month. Factory View Job creation • Currently 1,759 factory-floor workers Expanded Production Line 15 The Educational Technology segment revolutionizes the teaching concept Escola do Século XXI (21st Century School ) Concept Sale of educational technology solution package Target Private schools Products and Services Educational Portals Classmate PC Desktops Notebooks Learning Tables Smartboards Max Camera Projector New project sales of R$3 million since the end of September. Teacher training 16 Positivo is currently piloting the Classmate PC in schools Private Schools Public Schools Colégio Porto Seguro – São Paulo CIEP - Piraí/ RJ 50 Classmates, 38 for students and 12 for teachers 400 Classmates donated by Intel and MEC, involving 398 students Instituto Gay Lussac – Rio de Janeiro Colégio Estadual D. Alano du Noday – Palmas/ TO 50 Classmates 919 students in the project Fundação Bradesco - Campinas Each teacher received 46 PCs to use as they fit By the end of 2007, 600 students will have their own Classmate PC Positivo Classmate PC Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro students Positivo is Intel’s leading partner in terms of pilot projects, such as the sale of Classmates in Brazil Fundação Bradesco students 17 Positivo establishes new promotion and sales channels for retail educational software sales Newspaper Sales: ¾Promotions in partnership with O Estado de S. Paulo, Zero Hora and Rede Gazeta Store Events: ¾Launch of the Cocoricó software ¾ FNAC, Saraiva, Extra Partnership with Racco – the country’s 3rd largest door-to-door sales firm: O Estado de S. Paulo Promotion ¾Already established for Christmas ¾350,000 sales reps in Brazil ¾Appeal to children’s education Lojas Saraiva Zero Hora Newspaper Promotion 18 3Q07 Highlights 19 3Q07 and 9M07 Highlights Sales (thousand units) Desktops Sales (thousand units) 940.8 1,000 76.6% 800 58.1% 1,000 807.6 800 600 532.7 80.4% 400 600 309.1 400 171.4 200 200 0 3Q06 3Q07 9M06 9M07 0 Notebook Sales (thousand units) 150 133.1 120 90 505.0% 30 0 3Q06 256.4 3Q07 1,600 68.9% 57.0% 3Q07 9M07 1,443.2 854.3 800 400 22.0 12.4 9M06 1,200 52.7 3Q06 159.0 510.7 Gross Revenue (R$ million) 324.9% 60 61.3% 9M06 9M07 0 285.3 3Q06 448.1 3Q07 9M06 9M07 20 9M07 x 2006 Comparison Sales (thousand units) 1,050 940.8 900 + 12.7% 834.7 750 600 450 300 150 0 9M07 2006 21 Gross Revenue grew by 57.0% in the 3Q07 Breakdown of Hardware Gross Revenue per Segment Gross Revenue Breakdown Hardware 97.1% Hardware 96.3% E.T. 3.7% Retail 84.8% Gov. 13.3% E.T. 2.9% -2.5 p.p. -0.8 p.p. 3Q07 3Q06 3Q06 E.T.: Educational Technology NB 11.6% Others 1.0% Desktops 75.2% Others 0.1% NB.: Notebook Others: Printers + Services 3Q07 NB 23.9% Positivo’s Average Price Trends R$ PCs Desktops Notebooks +13.1 p.p. 3Q06 Gov. 9.1% Corp. 1.9% Gov.: Government Corp.: Corporate Hardware Gross Revenue by Product Type Desktops 88.3% Corp. 3.6% Retail 87.3% R$ 3Q07 PCs Desktops Notebooks 3Q06 1,610 1,519 2,578 9M06 1,546 1,490 2,621 3Q07 1,395 1,276 1,974 9M07 1,475 1,383 2,031 % Chg. -13.3 -16.0 -23.4 % Chg. -4.6 -7.2 -22.5 22 Positivo passed on the US dollar devaluation to its prices... ...as well as the gains from increased scale and direct purchases from suppliers Positivo: Price (R$) Desktops Notebooks 18.9% 37.3% 38.3% 99.9% 81.1% 62.7% 61,7% Average notebook prices were 54.7% higher than those of desktops in the 3Q07 0.1% 3Q06 3Q07 below R$ 1,500 3Q06 above R$ 1,500 3Q07 below R$ 2,000 above R$ 2,000 Positivo: Sales Mix Growth Positivo Lowest Installment: in Retail (R$) 15% 8% 9% 3% 2% 39.90 7% 92% 98% 1Q06 97% 2Q06 69.90 17% 85% 91% 83% 25 24 3Q07 2006 9M07 93% 3Q06 4Q06 Desktop 1Q07 Notebook 2Q07 Lowest installment Max. no. of installments 23 PCs sales volume increased by 80.4%1 in the 3Q07 Retail: 276.3 thousand PCs (+80.3%1) • Positivo’s prices - Desktops begin at R$ 799.00 - Notebooks begin at R$ 1,499.00 • Market share of 38.7% in the 2Q07² • 89.4% of retail sales, considering seasonality Corporate: 9.1 thousand PCs (+204.7%1) • Launching of the “Smart Desktop” in association with Stefanini • “ Com Computador Positivo Todo Mundo Entende e Todo Mundo Ganha” Program (With a Positivo Computer, Everyone Understands and Benefits) Government: 23.7 thousand PCs (+56.6%1) 1 Compared to the 3Q06 2 Source: IDC 24 Financial Performance 25 3Q07 and 9M07 Financial Highlights Net Revenue¹ (R$ million) 1,400 66.5% 1,200 EBITDA¹ (R$ million) 1,221.6 600 400 250.2 160 733.8 54.4% 3Q06 3Q07 9M06 9M07 200 85.3% 160 92.5% 80 ¹ Adjusted 3Q06 3Q07 9M06 9M07 EBITDA and Net Income Margin Trends (%) 181.3 0 0 ¹ Adjusted Net Income¹ (R$ million) 40 32.1 40 ¹ Adjusted 120 111.5 62.7 80 200 0 95.1% 120 386.3 203.7 82.8% 200 1,000 800 240 20% 15% 97.9 10% 58.7 30.5 3Q06 25% 15.3% 15.7% 17.7% 16.2% 12.8% 12.2% 12.7% 3Q06 4Q06 13.8% 15.3% 15.2% 2Q07 3Q07 , 5% 3Q07 9M06 9M07 0% EBITDA 1Q07 Net Income 26 The gross margin was favored by US dollar devaluation, scale gains and direct purchases from suppliers COGS (R$ million) Gross Margin Trends1 900 53.1% 840.2 750 600 188.9 26.0% 265.1 2Q07 3Q07 24.5% 24.0% , 22.0% 0 3Q06 3Q07 9M06 9M07 COGS and Input Growth 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 • US Dollar devaluation 71.5% 70.0% 68.8% 66.0% 69.0% 68.7% 65.1% 65.7% 1Q07 2Q07 68.6% 64.4% 62.0% 3Q06 20.0% Gross Margin Gains 75.5% 74.0% 72.4% 4Q06 COGS ¹ Adjusted 31.4% 28.0% 150 78.0% 31.3% 28.5% 30.0% 548.8 40.3% 450 300 31.0% 32.0% Inputs 3Q07 • Scale gains and negotiations with suppliers • Direct purchases from suppliers since 2007 • Price reduction of some components in the international market 27 Selling expenses were responsible for the increase in operating expenses Operating Expenses (R$ million) 200 122.4% 88.2% 80 40 0 G&A 10.5% Financial -1.6% 82.4 Other 0.1% 60.4 32.1 3Q06 3Q07 9M06 9M07 G&A1 and Selling1 Expenses Operating Margin Trends1 19.0% 17.0% 15.0% 13.0% 11.0% 9.0% 7.0% 5.0% Sales 91.1% 183.2 160 120 3Q07 Operating Expenses Breakdown 17.6% 11.7% 13.0% 18.0% 15.7% 14.7% 15.0% 12.0% 10.9% 12.3% 12.8% 14.2% 9.0% 6.0% 3.0% 3Q06 14.1% 4Q06 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 1.3% 1.2% 3Q06 4Q06 2.1% 1.5% 1.6% 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 0.0% Selling ¹ Compared to Adjusted Net Revenue G&A 28 Positivo Informática has been investing heavily in consolidating its brand Marketing Expenses1 Selling Expenses Breakdown Technical Assistance 16.0% 8.0% Commissions 22.9% Marketing 46.5% 6.0% 6.6% 4.,4% 5.1% 5.3% 4.8% 4.0% Freight 4.6% 3Q07 Other 9.9% 2.0% 0.0% 3Q06 Handled Calls2 Response Time Abandonment rate Answered e-mails2 Response Time - Retail Response Time - Govt. 76% by 2’ 15% 55% by 48h 56% by l2h 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 5,7% Upgrade of Call Center Before 4Q06 Marketing Expenses Breakdown After 90% by 40’’ 3% 99% by 48h 94% by 2h Personnel: 18.5% • Corporate marketing team • 250 promoters, support to retailers VPC (Joint Advertising Budget ): 41.6% • Promotion expenses shared with retail chains • E.g. TV commercials, magazine ads, fliers, etc Marketing: 39.9% ¹ Compared to Adjusted Net Revenue 2 quarter’s average • Ads in newspapers and magazines • TV commercials. 29 Cash Flow – Free Cash Flow (R$ million) 3Q07 2.9 58.7 (17.1) Inflows: 61.6 million (1.7) Free Cash Flow Outflows: (64.4) Free Cash: (2.8) (31.3) Initial Balance: 22.2 Final Balance: 19.5 (14.3) Net Income 1 9M07 Depreciation and Other Assets and Working Capital Amortization Liablities 7.9 181.4 Dividends Capex and Repurchase (2.8) 7.3 Inflows: 196.6 million Free Cash Flow Outflows: (239.4) Free Cash: (42.8) Initial Balance: 62.2 (173.6) Final Balance: 19.5 Net Income1 Depreciation and Other Assets and Working Capital Amortization Liablities (31.9) Dividends Capex and Repurchase (33.9) (42.8) Option Plan: repurchase of 193,800 shares for R$ 8.0 million Dividend payment: R$ 31.3 million CAPEX of R$ 6.4 milhões 1 Adjusted 30 Working Capital and Cash and Cash Equivalents Financial Working Capital: +25 days compared to the 3Q07 Cash Cycle3 Working Capital 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 Average (days) • Accounts Receivable¹ 63 54 60 Inventories² 34 Suppliers² 31 31 38 Cash Conversion Cycle 66 47 82 65 62 36 67 36 28 68 48 46 36 86 76 101 75 ¹ In days of net revenue ² In days of COGS ³ Excl. materials in transit Accounts Receivable (+15 days) ¾ Deterioration due to deliveries to the Ministry of Education ¾ Excluding this, the line recorded 65 days, in line with the average for previous periods • Inventories (+32 days) ¾ Orders slower than originally indicated by the Ministry of Education relative to the addition of 21,000 PCs to the original contract ¾ End-of-year sales • Suppliers (+20 days) ¾ Extended payment terms with major international suppliers 31 Capex Investments (R$ million) 35.5 17.7 17.3 3.0 4.1 2.6 6.4 1.8 0.8 3.8 14.8 10.6 3Q07R 9M07R R&D ERP Project 2007E Other Main Investments: • R&D projects in the Educational Technology segment • ERP project • Factory expansion 32 Capital Market Share Performance X Indexes since the IPO up to sep/07 Institutional x Retail Allocation 70.2% 31.8% 40.1% 40.7% Institutional 97% 41.6% Institutional 92% Retail 8% Retail 3% Itag IGC Ibov IBX-100 Jun/30 POSI3 Daily Traded Volume (R$ million and % Float)1 29.5% 18.1 Institutional: Geographical Allocation 4,00% USA 32% 3,50% 14.0 39.0% 3,00% 2,50% 10,1 1.56% 1.63% Europe 17% 1,00% 0,00% 1Q07 USA 25% Europe 13% 2,00% 0,50% 1 Local 54% Local 52% 1,50% 1.49% Sep/30 2Q07 Jun/30 Others 3% Sep/30 Others 5% 3Q07 excluding stabilization period 33 Forward-looking statements The forward-looking statements contained herein are based on our management’s current assumptions and projections, which may result in material differences regarding future results, performance and events. Actual results, performance and events may differ substantially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including the overall and economic situation in Brazil and other countries, interest and exchange rate levels, legal and regulatory changes and general competitive factors (global, regional or national). Positivo Informática S.A. Lucas Guimarães CFO and Investor Relations Officer Silvia Emanoele de Paula Sewaybricker Investor Relations Manager Phone: (55 41) 3316 7887/7824/7833 Fax: (55 41) 3316 7810 E-mail: ir@positivo.com.br http://www.positivoinformatica.com.br/ir 34