District Governor`s Newsletter - Saint Michael`s College of Laguna


District Governor`s Newsletter - Saint Michael`s College of Laguna
Together, Let’s make Waves!
Together, Let’s Make Waves!
Together, Let’s Make Waves!
Issue Three - 2002-2004 - January - September
Zontian Presence in Congress
and Malacañang Palace
Message from the Governor
On behalf of the Organizing Comittee of our
12 th Dis trict 17 Conference, Welcome! It is most
gratifying to see you here, especially our sister
Zontians who have traveled far and wide to be with
us! With the theme, “ TOGETHER, LET’S MAKE
WAVES!” our District Conference is envisioned
to bring together the of ficers and members of the
Zonta family from Hongkong, Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand and the Philippines. Around 500 delegates
are registered, an all-time high. It is our opportunity
to strength en linkages across the District, to
address common concerns, and to “make waves” in
enhancing the quality of life of women and children.
This year’s Conference serves as a venue for
information exchange and experience - sharing of
programs, projects and plans that are focused on the
issues and needs of women and children in the member
In the next three days, let us learn from each other, bond
with each other, and continue making waves together.
District 17 Zontians at Malacañang Palace witness the signing of the
Anti-Trafficking bill into law by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Senate majority floor leader Senator Loren Legarda with Miriam College
Dean, DG Dandy Gomez and club presidents and officers in the Senate
special gallery.
Success crowned the Zontian lobby for the Anti-Trafficking
Bill, which became a law last May 26, and now better protects
the rights of women and children. Governor Dandy Gomez,
Legislative Awareness Chair Mita Rufino and ZC of Makati
president Menchu Esteban spearheaded the Zontian efforts. Their
presence in the Senate gallery reserved for special guests could be
expected whenever the bill was being heard, and clubs were advised
so that Zontians could flock to the Senate hall whenever the bill was
scheduled for hearing. For their efforts, the Zontians were invited
to witness the bill’s signing into law by President Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo at Malacañang Palace. More on the Zontians lobbying for the Anti-Trafficking bill... Zontians lobbying in the Senate for the Trafficking bill.
Zontian leaders DG Dandy Gomez, Menchu Esteban
and Mita Rufino with Senate President Franklin Drilon
after the Senate approval of the Anti-Trafficking Bill.
The Zontians with Senator Tessie Oreta in the Senate special gallery
Setting a Valuable Example...
Zonta International Update:
Resolution 1325
DG Dandy with former
President Cory Aquino enroute
to Cotabato.
Trekking on the mountain to
Inug-ug, a declared peace
zone in Mindanao.
With Muslims in Inug-ug, a peace
zone expected to be respected by
both the military and MILF.
With President Gloria Arroyo
in Cotabato.
Projecting Zonta in
today’s world is being
very capably discharged
by Governor Dandy.
Last May 8, she flew to
Mindanao to participate
with women leaders in
“Mothers for Peace.”
Wanting to help give
peace a chance in Mindanao, they visited evacuation centers in Cotabato
and Maguindanao. The
visit included a trek up
the mountain to InugUg, a peace zone which
both the military and
the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
are expected to respect.
Dialogues were held
with the muslims there.
On 31 October, 2000, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1325, the first Resolution to give political legitimacy to
women’s struggle for seats at peace negotiating tables around
the world. The resolution acknowledges that war affects women
differently than men. Women are unprotected in post-war conflict and their contributions to peace building are largely marginalized. Resolution 1325 provides a political framework that
includes women’s perspectives in implementing peace processes.
The solution calls on all actors involved in negotiating
and implementing peace agreements to adopt a gender
perspective that would take into account the special needs
of women and girls during repatriation and resettlement,
rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction.
The adoption of this historic resolution was a major step
toward recognizing women’s role in conflict management,
peace-keeping and post-conflict peace building.
The Resolution calls upon the Council, the UN
Secretary General,member states, and all other parties
(i.e., non-state actors, militias, humanitarian agencies,
civil society) to take action in four inter-related areas:
1) Participation of women in decision making and peace
2) Gender Perspectives and Training in Peacekeeping;
3) The Protection of Women;
4) Gender mainstreaming in United Nations reporting systems
and programmatic implementation mechanisms.
Meetings guided the workings of the District.
Above right, Lt. Gov. Subhaporn Peters, center, flew to
the Philippines to attend the District Board meeting and
was met at the airport by District Conference Chair Nonie
Basilio and Gov. Dandy Gomez.
Above left, The 2nd District Board meeting held March 6,
2003. Seated l-r, AD Mary Ang, Lt. Gov. Subhaporn Peters,
Gov. Dandy Gomez, AD Lynn Sunico, AD Virma Vergel de
Dios. Standing, l-r, VAD Ma. Theresa Klepp, AD Marinela
Velez, Treasurer Nellie Ilas, Parliamentarian Brenda Tanjutco,
VAD Baby Perez and Secretary Anne Baradi.
Left, Meeting of the District Committee Chairs. Seated, l-r,
Nelia Sancho, Gov. Dandy, Nonie Basilio, Tess Castro, Anne
Baradi. Standing, l-r, Nellie Ilas, Mita Rufino, Baby Sison, Leni
Reyes, Brenda Tanjutco, Mitzi Piad and Chedeng Arroyo.
The rapport and cohesiveness of Zontians in
the District was reflected
in the successful Zonta
Foundation Fund Drive
led by Zonta Foundation
Ambassador Baby Perez
Sison and District Governor Dandy. They started
it off by inviting Zontians
and friends to a triple
birthday party — theirs
and District Conference
Chair Nonie Basilio’s.
In lieu of gifts, the guests
were encouraged to bring
contributions to the Zonta
Foundation. Heartened
by the tidy sum they
reaped, Governor Dandy
and Ambassador Baby
officially launched the
Fund campaign in Area
3, followed by a visit to
Area 4. Elena Young was
the first donor, and this
must have brought good
feng shui because after the
March 6 Zonta Rose Day
joint celebration of Areas
1 and 5, the District goal
was practically reached!
The three Birthday celebrants happily greeting their guests.
Area 4 Zontian Big waves affirming their support to the Zonta
Gov. Dandy pins PP Elena Young, the 1st donor of the year.
The YWPA Search and Awards Program
Encouraged by DG Dandy and YWPA District Chair
Mitzi Piad, 19 clubs from Areas 1 to 5 submitted a total
of 63 nominees for the District Candidate to the International YWPA finals. From these nominees, 20 top candidates were selected and presented to a Board of Judges
composed of leaders from different sectors such as the
academe, media, NGO and youth organizations. After a
long deliberation, their choice for District 17 Candidate
was Robelle Baranda, the nominee of the Zonta Club of
Quezon City.
To recognize their abilities and encourage more future participation in the YWPA, a program was held at the Manila Polo
Club to honor not only Robelle but also the 19 other top nominees. The other nineteen nominees and their endorsing club
are; Area 1 — Maritoni Bautista by ZC EDSA & its Environs
— Sara Amargo by ZC Antipolo; Jenica Cruz by ZC Greater
Rizal 1. Area 2 — Michelle Rocha by ZC Hong Kong, Miu
Yi Chung and Oi Ting Yu by ZC New Territories; Beatrice
Liu by ZC Hong Kong East. Area 3 — Sharmila Parmano
by ZC Zamboanga; Anne Mendez by ZC Cebu II; and Emma
Marie Guidoniagao by ZC Iloilo City. Area 4 — Ma. Carmela Sales by ZC Central Tuguegarao. Area 5 — Unaiza
Garnica by ZC Pasig Foundation, Inc.; Madeleine Dumaguit
and Pauline Baniqued by ZC Makati-Ayala; Rose Ronario by
ZC Laguna; Ma. Lourdes Arevalo by ZC Naga & Camarines
Sur; Ma. Luisa Rosales and Jemelyn Baldsima by ZC Makati &
Environs; and Maricar Lee by ZC Lucena City and Environs.
The YWPA Board of Judges with District officers. Seated, l-r, Mrs. Asuncion L.
Flores, past Soroptimist Int’l Governor representing NGO’s; publisher and panel
chairman Louie Locsin representing media, and school administrator/owner
Vicky Coralejo representing academe. Behind, l-r, YWPA Search Chair Mitzi Piad,
Governor Dandy Gomez, ZI YWPA Committee member Nora Vinluan.
ZC of Makati invited DG Dandy, YWPA Chair Mitzi
Piad and other District officers and Club presidents
to the merienda honoring its nominees for the YWPA.
Two nominees were later selected by the D-17 Board
of Judges as among the top 20 finalists for District
District 17 Awarded Two of Four ZISVAW Grants for 2003
Zonta Club of Muntinlupa & Environs and Zonta Club of Davao City
The two ZISVAW grants awarded to District 17 are for the
Gabay Bata project of Zonta Club of Muntinlupa & Environs,
and the “Community Response to Violence Against Women
and Children Project” of the Zonta Club of Davao City.
at home - an environment that will make it easier for children to
discuss abuse with their parents. ZC of Muntinlupa
will work with local officials and agencies to expand
the project to additional schools in the area.
The partnering organizations of ZC of Muntinlupa for their
project are the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of
Child Sexual Abuse (CPTCSA), the City of Muntinlupa and
the City of Muntinlupa Division of City Schools. The Gabay
Bata project - Guidance and in Support of the Child, aims to
train 130 teachers and guidance counselors in the CPTCSA’s
Personal Safety Curriculum in an intensive 3-day training
session. These teachers will then teach the curriculum to their
students. Quarterly parent enrichment seminars will also be held
to teach parents how to create a supportive, open environment
Davao's “Community Response to Violence Against Women
and Children Project” will reinforce the capabilities of organizations working with victims of violence, creating and
implementing an anti-violence action plan, and strengthening
advocacy and referral systems for victims of violence. A
Community Support Group will be for med to identify
community needs and the best way to address issues
related to
violence against women and children.
The support group will undergo gender sensitivity training to
make it better equipped to carry out their role in the project.
The Big News from Area 1
A New Club is Born: The Zonta Club of Baliuag. Somed by the ZC of Manila III, led by President Lydia Gregorio
and past President Tess Castro, the Zonta Club of Baliuag
held the induction of its charter officers and members on July
2, 2003. Evelyn C. Salvador, who is the wife of the Baliuag
mayor, is the president of the spanking-new 25-member club.
VAD Baby Perez Sison inducted the charter members, and
AD Virma Vergel de Dios inducted the charter officers. Governor Dandy Gomez was the keynote speaker. District and
Area officers, Club presidents and officers and other Zontians
trekked to Baliuag, Bulacan to attend the induction ceremonies.
The charter members of the Zonta Club of Baliuag being inducted by VAD Baby Perez Sison.
Zontians joined the Department of Health Fun Run and
Aerobics at the Luneta in support of Undersecretary
Milagros Fernandez of ZC of Zamboanga. Seen with her
are, l-r, Greater Rizal I Zontians Julie Choy and Alma Larsen,
Governor Dandy Gomez, and AD1 Virma Vergel de Dios.
Also held by Area I was a visit to the
Dumagats. As one of her loves is being with
the deprived, Governor Dandy happily greets
leaders and members of the minority tribe.
Visiting Area 2’s Zonta Clubs of Kuantan and Singapore
At her visit to the Zonta Club of Singapore, DG Dandy pinned the
Zonta Foundation pin on immediate past President Susan Chong.
Seen l-r are Lt. Gov. Subhaporn Peters, DG Dandy, PP Susan Chong
and President Quay Ken Wah.
Wishing to touch base with all clubs of the District, which involves five
different countries, Governor Dandy Gomez visited the Zonta Club of
Kuantan in Malaysia where she encouraged members to attend the
District Conference in the Philippines on October 10-12, 2003.
Vitality and Vim in Area 3…
Performers from the Zonta
Clubs of (l-r) Davao 1,
Davao 2, Cagayan de
Oro 2 represented by AD
Marinela Velez, Bacolod,
Iloilo 2, Cebu 2, Iloilo City,
Zamboanga and Cebu 1.
colod, the educational thrusts of ZCs of Davao 1 and 2, and
the health concerns of ZCs of Cagayan de Oro 1 and 2. All
these activities merited relaxation and camaraderie at the Area
Meeting in Cagayan de Oro which culminated in a superbly coordinated “Zontawood” fellowship. The fun and enjoyment are
obvious in the collage picturing the different club presentations.
The Area 3 clubs have exemplary activites benefiting their respective communities. To name a few, there were the “Zonta
for Life” program of ZC of Iloilo 1; the Women and Children’s
Protection Desk with Izuzu van of ZC of Iloilo 2. the Women
and Children Protection Center of ZCs of Cebu 1 and 2, the
Ayudahan Center of Zamboanga, the day care center of Ba-
Happenings in Area 4
The seven Clubs of Area 4 are thriving with Zontian activities as
well as membership upliftment. Area Director Mary Ang led the
Area 4 Zontians on a tour of the historic sites of
the North. Their Area 4 meeting included a workshop with international consultant Arlu Gomez as facilitator, and recognition of Zontians in public office.
Area 4 Zontians led by AD Mary Ang on a bus
tour of the North.
AD Mary Ang dancing with
Zontian verve.
DG Dandy turns over her personal donation of food for
Cagayan Valley indigents to be distributed by the ZCs
of Tuguegarao and Central Tuguegarao.
Governor Dandy Gomez presenting a plaque of
recognition to Zontian Shalimar Tumaru, Mayor
of Aparri.
Excellence in Area 5
Area 5 club presidents are closely knit and club activities can
become occasions for joint participation. There is the Golden Z
Club induction of Makati-Ayala held at the La Mesa Watershed
where all invited participated in planting 1,000 trees. The Area
Workshop on the theme “Working Together for the Protection
and Development of Women” included an update on trends
and challenges in the trafficking of women and children in the
Philippines, besides the Anti-Trafficking Act of 2003. Senate
President Franklin Drilon was conferred the title of Honorary
Zontian by the Zonta Club of Makati & Environs Foundation,
Inc., for expediting passage of the Anti-Trafficking Act. ZC
of Muntinlupa won a ZISVAW one-year grant for its Gabay
Bata project. And there is the inauguration of the 1,000-square
meter Community Center of the ZC of Makati & Environs
Foundation, Inc., which will more than double its capacity
to serve the underprivileged. Fun activities are not wanting,
and a sojourn organized by ZC of Makati-Ayala president
Maridel Villavicencio to her luxurious vacation spa in San
Vicente, Sta. Ana, Cagayan Valley, refreshed and invigorated
the District officers and Area 5 presidents who enplaned there.
Area 5 presidents and
District officers with
DG Dandy Gomez
and Senate President Franklin Drilon.
At the San Vicente deluxe
spa in the Cagayan Valley.
In the picture are Lynn
Sunico, Nellie Ilas, Baby
Sison, Governor Dandy,
Virma Vergel de Dios, Nonie
Basilio, Baby Doble, Lydia
Tansinsin and Cora Oliver.
Tree Planting at La Mesa Watershed
Community Concerns in Area 6
The Zonta Clubs of Thailand are very involved in community concerns, and their projects are extensive and
greatly beneficial to the needy. Livelihood training centers,
a program to help the children of HIV/AIDS patients,
educational facilities for the young, concern for the elderly
and environmental programs are among their activities.
Left, Pornpan Jiranansuroj, DT Nellie Ilas, Gov. Dandy Gomez
and Lt. Gov. Subhaporn Peters with thalasimic children in
Governor Dandy Gomez visited building sites of Old People Home Zonta 7.
The Zonta Youth Summit for Peace
Joint Areas 1 and 5 Activity
In collaboration with UNICEF Philippines and Saint Michael’s
College of Laguna - Center for Social Action and Makabayan
Department, a highly educational and entertaining activity for
Z and Golden Z Clubbers of Areas 1 and 5 was held in Biñan
Laguna at the St. Theodore Hall of Saint Michael’s College
on August 30. The almost whole-day affair was very successful and highly attended. The articulate, knowledgeable and
relevant speakers were Hon. Paulo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV,
chairperson of the National Youth Commission, Romina Urra
Gonzalez, editor-in-chief of Chalk Magazine; and Roselle Ambubuyog, blind summa cum laude class 2001 graduate of Ateneo
de Manila University. An Advocacy Plan for Peace was read,
presented and signed to cap the program which was lightened
with presentations by the students of Saint Michael’s College.
District 17 Scores High!
50% of New Z/Golden Z Clubs in Biennium are in District 17!
Z and Golden Z Clubbers starting the
parade of school banners.
D-17 Z/Golden Z Clubs Sub-Com. Co-Chair Dr. Lourdes
Almeda Sese reports that Zonta now has 165 Z/Golden Z
Clubs worldwide, 18 of which are new. Of these 18 new clubs,
9 were chartered in District 17: 4 in Area 1, 2 in Area 2, and
3 in Area 5. Officially, there are 43 active and paid Z/Golden
Z Clubs in District 17. Eight more Z/Golden Z Clubs have
been organized and are awaiting finalization and approval
of their charter authorization. Such club performance!!!
DG Dandy Gomez reads
the Advocacy Plan for
Governor Dandy cuts the giant “Z” pizza as District officers, club
presidents and Z and Golden Z Clubbers pose with her.
Speakers Roselle Ambubuyog and Romina Gonzales with I-r, Youth
Summit Chair Lourdes Almeda Sese, Governor Dandy Gomez, Status of
Women Chair Leni Reyes, and Ambassador Baby Perez Sison.
Seated, l-r, District Governor Dandy
Gomez and Conference Chair Nonie
Basilio. Behind, l-r, Operations Co-Chair
Baby Perez Sison, Conference Treasurer
Tess Castro and Administrative Co-Chair
Virma Vergel de Dios.
The core leaders of the 12th District
17 Conference:
The ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 17 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER is published semi-annually under the editorship of District 17 Governor Ma. Imelda Gomez and Newsletter Committee Chair Nita Honorio with Co-Chairs Cora Oliver (Philippines), Tin Chun Wong (Hong Kong), Joyce Ma (Malaysia), Runcha Boribalburibhand or Margaret Bhadungzong (Thailand). Please send your news items, articles and photos to postal address 41 Molave St., Valle Verde 3, Pasig City 1604, Philippines. Or email to paulnit@skyinet.net. Or fax to (632) 631-0304. You can also send to any of the Newsletter Committee Co-Chairs.