Zonta International District 17


Zonta International District 17
Biennium 2012-2014
ZONTA NewsLetter-COVER-AW2.indd 2-3
e co
International, District 17
We ca
Governor’s Newsletter
Issue 1–November 2012
REINVENT THE ZONTA DIFFERENCE We care • We contribute • We mentor
2012/11/16 10:44:52 AM
Governor’s Newsletter
Issue 1 – November 2012
We ca
e co
Governor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02
Meet the Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
District Biennium Goals 2012-2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
Officers and Board of Directors 2012-2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
District 17 Committee Chairs 2012-2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
61st Zonta International Convention in Torino, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Introducing our International Board Liaison Officer
Anita Schnetzer-Spranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Official Visits by District Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Training for Incoming Board of District 17 in May 2012 . . . . . . . . . . 15
Training for Club Officers, Area 1-6, District 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
A Club is Born . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
In Search of Good News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
UNITE : Stop Domestic Violence NOW ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
A Better World for Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
ZI District 17 and United Nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
List of District 17 Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Area Reports
Area 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Area 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Area 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Area 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Area 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Area 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Invitation to the 17th District Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Photo Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
The Zonta Governor’s Newsletter is the official publication of Zonta
International District 17. It contains articles on the programs and activities of
the District 17, the area, and the clubs comprising the district. The Newsletter
has also been uploaded on the District 17 website www.zontad17.org
Editor : Margaret Chan & District 17 Editorial Team
DG Winnie with her immediate family
Standing (R to L): Son Rodney with wife Stephanie. Eldest son Dr. Anthony Teoh.
Son Dr. Jeremy with fiance Dr. Nikki Far
Seated (R to L): Dr. Timothy S. C. Teoh with DG Winnie. Grandson Shawn with
daughter-in-law Yvonne
For this biennium,
the District 17
Biennial Goals is
“Reinvent the Zonta
Difference: We Care •
We Contribute •
We Mentor”.
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Governor’s Message
To be the District Governor for District 17 is both an honour & privilege,
and with that comes the responsibility & commitment. I look forward to the
challenges ahead and the opportunity of working with all of you to further the
vision of both Zonta International as well as District 17.
For this biennium, the District 17 Biennial Goals is “Reinvent the Zonta
Difference: We Care • We Contribute • We Mentor”. The Biennial Goals
embrace our desire to care for women empowerment, contribute to the
community by gaining mileage in credibility & visibility, and mentor new clubs
& creating a fulfilling Zonta way of life for both new and existing members.
Zonta is all about giving our time, talents, and resources for the betterment
of others, especially to women. We provide for those in need, expecting
nothing in return. However, deep in our heart, the thought of self gratification,
the thought that we have led a truly meaningful life, is something beyond
The organization of quality advocacy & service projects is part of our
integrated approach of creating the ZONTA DIFFERENCE. Throughout my
30 years in Zonta, I have seen many selfless Zontians who are passionate
in achieving the Zonta Difference. There are Zontians who simply forget their
own time schedule when they raise funds to support a project, endure heat
& discomfort when distributing relief goods to disaster victims, rub shoulders
with women inmates to ensure they learn new skills whilst in prison, or shed
tears of sympathy amidst counseling sessions for victims of domestic violence.
Indeed, Zontians are unique caring individuals of the community. My dear
fellow Zontians, you earn my highest salute because you are the everyday
heroines of our society!
As part of this important objective of organizing quality advocacy project,
District 17 is organizing one of the first ever Advocacy Forum in Manila on 24
November, focusing on ‘UNITE: Stop Domestic Violence NOW!’ The date is
chosen to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence
Against Women & to start off the 16
Days of Activism Against Gender
Violence. Four quality speakers
have been invited from Hong Kong,
Philippines, & Thailand. We are
anticipating over 200 participants
and I look forward to meeting you
personally on that day!
The achievement of credibility &
visibility is also part of our integrated
approach in creating the ZONTA
DIFFERENCE. In the span of the
few months after I have assumed
office, we have already launched
the ambitious Club Page project.
As much as 79% of the 72 Clubs
within District 17 do not maintain
a website. To help Zonta Clubs to
achieve visibility, our IT Development
team has created Club Template
that includes headings that each
individual Club can complete. After
completion, D17 can help you to
upload this information, as part of the
D17 Website, on a complimentary
basis. For the Zonta Clubs that have
a website already, we will provide
a linkage for your website to be
connected to the D17 Website. We
hope that through this project, all
Zonta Clubs will join us in achieving
a good visibility on the internet.
The Zonta story can then be told
24/7 and without any limitation on
geographical boundaries. With new
communication media developing all
around us, we just have to go forward
and embrace new technology.
The integrated approach also
places emphasis on recruitment
& retention of members, as well
as SOMING of new clubs. Every
Zontian is important to us in creating
vibrant club dynamics. We must
give members the opportunities to
showcase their talents, enhance
their capabilities in project works, and
develop the bonding and fellowship
so that there is a good allegiance
to the ZONTA spirit. SOMING of
new clubs is an important strategy
in achieving good membership
numbers. With Asia as a growing
economy; there are still good
opportunities for SOMING of clubs
in new territories.
Last but not least, please join us
in implementing good governance
for your Club. We must maintain our
momentum in submitting nominations
for the YWPA, Jane Klausman and
Emma Colon Awards. In addition,
the ZIF pins for this biennium are
very attractive. The production will
be completed in December. But of
course, you can make a pledge for
it anytime. Please try your utmost to
maintain the 100% Club donation to
the Zonta International Foundation.
It is a great symbol of our unity of
During the Zonta International
Convention, I was presented with
a Zonta clock. Indeed, the clock
Each biennium, the group of DGs would
select a name that best represent
themselves. For biennium 20122014, the DGs have chosen GEMsGovernors for Women Empowerment.
DG Winnie has helped to design a GEM
pin for the group and is presenting this
pin to IP Lynn Mckenzie.
is ticking. We need to utilize the
duration of this biennium to work
enthusiastically for Zonta. As
our International President Lynn
McKenzie says,” The more we can
give, the more we can help women:
our sisters, mothers, and daughters
who are less fortunate than us….
Regarding the journey ahead, take
heart. We are all in the same waka
-the same boat- paddling towards an
exciting future. If we paddle as one,
we will arrive in Orlando in 2014 as
a 21st century organization looking
fearlessly to the 22nd century.”
In Zonta We Serve,
Winnie Teoh
District Governor 2012-2014
District 17, Zonta International
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
In all her Zonta
positions, Winnie
has executed her
duties diligently
& effectively. I
found Winnie to
be an excellent
speaker with good
skills. She is also
a good organizer
with creative
leadership abilities.
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Winnie is not
Meet the Governor
Winnie Teoh
By The Hon Miriam Kin Yee LAU, GBS, OBE, JP
Past President, Zonta Club of Kowloon
Past Area 2 Director, District 17, Zonta International
As a founding member & Past President of Zonta Club of Kowloon for
1980-1981, I have known Winnie since she became our member in 1982. She
was then a bustling young senior executive, anxious to contribute to society,
and looking for a meaningful cause to follow.
On knowing about her, I learnt that she was born and raised in Hong
Kong, and graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1972. I remembered
asking her what motivated her to be a Zontian. Her reply was, “Having
travelled extensively, I have witnessed many inequalities. I would like to use
my experience to contribute to the less fortunate in our society, especially the
girls and women who encounter problems when growing up and battling for a
good job! ” Indeed, with this goal in mind, Winnie had worked tirelessly for the
past 30 years. Her extensive portfolio of achievements had enabled her to be
elected as our District Governor for this biennium.
It is common knowledge that Winnie has grown from the ranks of being
the President of the Zonta Club of Kowloon in 1990-1991, Area Director in
2006-2008, Lieutenant Governor in 2010-2012, and now District Governor
in 2012-2014. I am particularly impressed by Winnie’s commitment to Zonta
and all the causes that Zonta stands for. I recall that I once met Winnie in the
Hong Kong Legislative Council. The Zonta Clubs in Hong Kong had submitted
their views on the Domestic Violence Bill 2007, and Winnie specially attended
before the relevant Bills Committee of the Legislative Council to present and
elaborate on those views. Indeed, Winnie’s performance on that occasion
content with routine
performance. She
always tries to
organize projects
with a new
perspective and
perform creatively.
was exemplary. In all her Zonta positions, Winnie has executed her duties
diligently & effectively. I found Winnie to be an excellent speaker with good
communication skills. She is also a good organizer with creative leadership
abilities. Winnie was instrumental to the chartering of the Zonta Club of Kuala
Lumpur in July, 2011.
In her career, Winnie has worked for many years at the Hong Kong Tourist
Association (now renamed Hong Kong Tourism Board). I remember her as
an extremely busy person – Monday in Germany and Friday in the USA,
but she managed her schedules perfectly. In her job as Senior Marketing
Manager, she had to travel to the 19 overseas offices and organized many
travel missions, mega marketing projects across national boundaries and
other trade & consumer promotions.
Winnie is married to Dr. Timothy S.C. Teoh, an urologist surgeon by
profession. Dr. Teoh supports Zonta tremendously and is absolutely devoted
to Winnie. I meet him as often as I meet Winnie. In fact, I think Winnie must be
somewhat inspired by her civic minded husband. Dr. Teoh previously held many
positions: President of the British Medical Association (HK Branch), District
Governor of the Lions clubs International District 303, Chairman of Stewards
(HK) Ltd which is a Christian charitable organization, and Chairperson of
the 34th OSEAL (Orient & South East Asian Lions Forum) . Dr. Teoh is also
instrumental in establishing the largest charitable haemodialysis centre in
Hong Kong in his capacity as founding Chairman of Lions Educational Centre
& Research Foundation.
Winnie and Dr. Teoh have three sons. There was a period when Winnie
had to commute between Hong Kong & Sydney as some of the children
were receiving university education in Australia. Winnie took on an overseas
secondment with the Hong Kong Tourism Board. This enabled her to continue
working whilst keeping an eye on the children. In this regard, Winnie said, “It
is important that I keep the balance between my career and my family life. I
would like to be a good mother, a good wife, and to have a rewarding career at
the same time.” Her efforts paid off. Her sons have all become professionals,
being either solicitor or surgeons. Dr. & Mrs. Teoh have a one and a half years
old grandson.
As a person, Winnie is not content with routine performance. She always
tries to organize projects with a new perspective and perform creatively. It
is no wonder that already in the few months, she has conducted the first
District Governor visit to the Zonta Club of Phitsanulok in northern Thailand,
organizing one of the first ever District Advocacy Forum, and launched the
ambitious Club Page project for District 17. With her creativity, I have no doubt
that she will continue to lead with inspiration, benefitting the many Zonta Clubs
and Zontians in the District.
My whole hearted support to Winnie and my best wishes to her for all the
successful achievements during this Biennium,
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
We Care ▪ We Contribute ▪ We Mentor
By Winnie Teoh │ District Governor 2012-2014, District 17, Zonta International
We ca
Reinvent the Zonta Difference
Officers and Board of
Directors 2012-2014
e co
Biennial Goals for 2012-2014
Winnie Teoh
Lalivan Karnchanachari
Primitiva Perez-Sison
Olivia A. Ferry
Margaret Chan
Teresa Lin
Daisy P. Arce
Ophelia Flores
Linda Wang
Ana Isabel V. Johnston
Dr. Anita Y. Sanchez
Dr. Palarp Sinhaseni
We need to ‘Reinvent the
Zonta Difference’ by completing
more service & advocacy projects of
a high quality. In addition, we need
to bring these to the recognition
in our communities. By focusing
we can expect more women to be
aware of the ZONTA difference, be
encouraged to join our membership
and STAY in our membership.
By the end of the biennium, we
hope to establish ZONTA as the
more volunteers in our territories.
We Care for Women
We must organize Women
Empowerment projects for as
many segments of underprivileged
women as possible. The objective
is to empower these women with
skills, and improve their health and
wellness so that they can lead a
better quality of life.
Through advocacy projects,
we must focus on issues that can
advance women’s legal, political,
economic, educational, health and
professional status. We must also
support the activities of ZISVAW &
CEDAW projects.
We contribute to our
Community( Creditability &
We must also bring our
contribution to the notice of our
stakeholders, using existing and
new communication media.
For this biennium, it is suggested
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
all Zonta Clubs under District 17
develop their own websites or Club
web pages, if they have not done
so already. These websites/club
web pages would include certain
essential ingredients: objectives
of ZONTA, a history of the club, a
summary of the charitable projects
that the club has organized over
the years and an invitation for our
peers to join us. This will enable the
Zonta story to be told to as wide an
audience as possible. For Clubs that
have their Websites already, they
can be encouraged to expand on
the components of their websites
and new features and linkages can
be included.
Coverage on Club activities in
traditional media is also valuable.
Share your success stories in local
media: newspapers, magazines,
radio or TV will help to enhance the
visibility of ZONTA.
We Mentor New and Existing
Clubs /Members
The vigorous effort to recruit
additional members and SOM
new clubs will be continued. It is
hoped that each Area can SOM
at least one new club during the
next biennium.The targeted %
for membership growth for 20122014 will be established at 8%.
Each Zontian is important to us.
We must generate the loyalty,
the fellowship, and the fulfillment
for Zonta identity.The existing
Loyalty Pin system will be
revived. Each Area is suggested
to hold a Loyalty Pin presentation
at least once in the biennium.
The cultural exchange between
Golden Z and Z Clubs within the
different geographical areas of
District 17 will be encouraged.
Training seminars, joint activities,
twinning between clubs can be
looked at. There also exists the
possibility of establishing new
Golden Z or Z Clubs during the
next biennium.
Governance (We contribute)
• An effective governance of the
Board, with good accountability
and sound stewardship of the
organization’s resources, is to be
established at the District, Area
and Club level.
• We must maintain our momentum
in submitting nominations for
both the Young Women in Public
Affairs Award, Jane M. Klausman
Women in Business Scholarship
and Emma L. Colon Awards.
• Zonta International Foundation:
Similar to past years, ZIF pins
will be produced for different
categories of donations. The target
for the Foundation Ambassadors
for this biennium would be a 10%
increase over the actual amount
in the last biennium. District 17
MUST continue to maintain the
100% club contribution for this
Area 1 Director
Area 2 Director
The District Board
Area 3 Director
Lieutenant Governor
Area 4 Director
Area 5 Director
Area 6 Director
Seated from left: Teresa Lin,
Secretary; Primitiva PerezSison, Treasurer; Olivia A. Ferry,
Parliamentarian; Winnie Teoh,
Governor; Lalivan Karnchanachari, Lt.
Governor; Margaret Chan, Secretary.
Vice Area Directors
Ma. Theresa Dumrique-Abuel
Atty. Mila Catabay-Lauigan
Standing from left : Dr. Palarp
Sinhaseni, Area 6 Director; Ana Isabel
V. Johnston, Area 5 Director; Ophelia
Flores, Area 4 Director; Dr. Anita
Y. Sanchez, Area 3 Director; Linda
Wang, Area 2 Director; Daisy P. Arce,
Area 1 Director.
Winnie Wong
Claudette Mendiola-Cruz
Dr. Esperanza N. Dacudao
Vichittra Aramwattananont
Area 1 Vice Director
Area 2 Vice Director
Area 3 Vice Director
Area 4 Vice Director
Area 5 Vice Director
Area 6 Vice Director
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
District 17 Committee Chairs
Bylaws & Resolutions
Presiding Officer
Conference Chair
Conference Treasurer
Lalivan Karnchanachari
Lolita Sy
Anna Kwong
Stella Bernabe
Lily Passion
Cynthia Reyes
Monvibha Prachankhadee
ZC Bangkok I,A6
Zc Greater Rizal II,A1
ZC Kowloon, A2
ZC Cebu I, A3
ZC Ilocos Norte,A4
ZC Makati Ayala,A5
ZC Bangkok I, A6
Angelina Lopez
Carmencita Roman
Wee Wan Joo
Marilou Canizares
Edith Medina
Estelita Bunge
Chantana Chanbanchong
ZC Makati & Environs, A5
ZC De Valle Verde,A1
ZC Singapore,A2
ZC Cebu II ,A3
ZC Ilocos Norte,A4
ZC Alabang, A5
ZC Phitsanulok,A6
Marilyn Alentajan
Marie Rose Ancheta
Thelma Tong
Mafelou Agriam
Mary Jane Ortega
Josefa Mariza Belmonte
Sirikanang Chaiyasuta
ZC Valle Verde, A1
ZC Mandaluyong San Juan II,A1
ZC Hong Kong, A2
ZC Iloilo City II,A3
ZC La Union-San Fernando, A4
ZC Naga & Camarines Sur,A5
ZC Bangkok VI, A6
Mitzi Piad
Mercedes Ong
Tina Kwan
Aida Ramos
Sonia Tiong-Aquino
ZC Lucena & Environs,A5
ZC Marikina, A1
ZC New Territories, A2
ZC Aparri, A4
ZC Fort Bonifacio,A5
Vice Chair Area 1
Vice Chair Area 2
Vice Chair Area 3
Vice Chair Area 4
Vice Chair Area 5
Vice Chair Area 6
Vice Chair Area 1
Vice Chair Area 2
Vice Chair Area 3
Vice Chair Area 4
Vice Chair Area 5
Vice Chair Area 6
United Nations
Public Relations and Communications
Marily Orosa
Margaret Chan
Carmela Alviar
Theresa D. Klepp
ZC Makati Ayala,A5
ZC New Territories,A2
ZC Edsa & Its Environs,A1
ZC Cebu II,A3
Lia Bautista
Vicky Coralejo
Vivian Sun
Ofelia Servando
Norma Arellano
Rainelda Andrews
Vanida Tulalamba
ZC Greater Rizal 1,A1
ZC Greater Rizal I ,A1
ZC Hong Kong East, A2
ZC Bacolod City, A3
ZC Aparri, A4
ZC Makati Ayala, A5
ZC Bangkok II, A6
Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs
Vice Chair Area 1
Vice Chair Area 2
Vice Chair Area 3
Vice Chair Area 4
Vice Chair Area 5
Vice Chair Area 6
Young Women in Public Affairs Awards (YWPA)
Vice Chair
Diana Wong
Divina Lupe Mendoza Lazaro
Ratanaporn Vatanasapt
ZC Hong Kong East, A2
ZC Greater Rizal II, A1
ZC Khonkaen,A6
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships
Vice Chairman
Naphaphen Vejjajiva
Paula Ho
Adela Sy
ZC Bangkok V,A6
ZC Victoria,A2
ZC Manila II,A1
Amelia Earhart
Vice Chairman
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
ZC Mandaluyong San Juan, A1
ZC Manila I,A1
ZC Makati & Environs,A5
Winnie Teoh
Margaret Leung
Lucy Wong
ZC Kowloon, A2
ZC Hong Kong East, A2
ZC Hong Kong East, A2
Flerida Jimenez
Frances Monje
Primitiva Perez Sison
Winnie Teoh
ZC Metropolitan Pasig, A5
ZC Pasig Foundation, A5
ZC Manila, A1
ZC Kowloon, A2
Lourdes Almeda Sese
Patricia Lagunda
Emme Li
Petite Garcia
Raquel Arnedo
Claudette Cruz
Tharinee Tavijaroen
ZC Laguna A5
ZC Baliuag,A1
ZC Kowloon,A2
ZC Cebu II,A3
ZC Central Tuguegarao, A4
ZC Laguna,A5
ZC Bangkok II,A6
Regina Padilla Geraldez
Elena Chiongbian-Young
Kulchalee Sermatavisubya
ZC Manila I, A1
ZC Cebu II,A3
ZC Bangkok VIII,A6
District Conference 2013
Vice Chair Area 1
Vice Chair Area 2
Vice Chair Area 3
Vice Chair Area 4
Vice Chair Area 5
Vice Chair Area 6
Susan Jacinto
Diana Franco
Olivia Ferry
IT Development
Vice Chair Area 1
Vice Chair Area 2
Vice Chair Area 3
Vice Chair Area 4
Vice Chair Area 5
Vice Chair Area 6
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Area 6
ZC Quezon City,A1
ZC Ilocos Norte,A4
ZC Bangkok V,A6
ZC Makati & Environs,A5
ZC Greater Rizal I ,A1
ZC Hong Kong East,A2
ZC Cebu II,A3
ZC Baguio,A4
ZC Fort Bonifacio,A5
ZC Bangkok III,A6
Virma Vergel de Dios
Imedla Gomez
Kathleen Yip
Narudee Kiengsiri
ZC Mandaluyong-San Juan,A1
ZC Greater Rizal I ,A1
ZC Hongkong ,A2
ZC Bangkok II,A6
Olivia Ferry
ZC Makati & Environs,A5
Kathleeen Yip
ZC Hong Kong,A2
Teresa Lin
Lourdes Almeda Sese
ZC New Territories,A2
ZC Laguna, A5
Club Pages
Margaret Chan
ZC New Territories,A2
Linda Pandillo
ZC Makati & Environs,A5
Rosario Ventura
Mary Ang
Rattana Wonglertwit
Georgitta Pimentel-Puyat
Aleli Sevilla
Mildred Law
Florencia T. Miel
Angelita G. Meneses
Patria Patty Chiong
Panida Pathumarak
Updated 20/10/12
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
61st Zonta International
Convention in Torino, Italy
By Teresa Lin │ District Secretary
The Zonta International 61st
Convention was held from 7th to
12th July 2012. This time it was
held in Torino, Italy. Torino is a city
of history and culture dated back to
Highlanders and Roman times. It
was the capital of Italy in 1861-1865
before moving the capital to Florence
and Torino is also the home to FIAT
Zontians from Area 2 District
17 arrived on 5 and 6 July at Hotel
NH Lingotto. We had a tour of the
city, visited the well-known Egypt
Museum and the Palaces, Palazzo
Reale, Palazzo Madame and the
Reggia di Venaria, a walk through
history, beauty and royal delights.
Last but not least were happy
shopping trips and the experiences
in the café, gelato, the restaurants
and tasted dishes of the Piedmont
On 7 July, we joined the
District 17 meeting when the then
Incoming International President
Lynn McKenzie and Outgoing
International President Dianne K.
Curtis both came and talked to us.
Installation of Biennium 2012 -2014
District 17 Governor Mrs. Winnie
Teoh and the new District Board took
place amid the clapping of hands
and congratulatory messages. As
delegates and Alternates, we were
fully briefed procedures and protocols
in the Delegates and Alternates
Training. The Open Forum chaired
by International President Dianne
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
was a success. Questions were
mostly about the developments,
organization, work and directions
of Zonta International. The Q&A
sessions enabled members, both
old and first-timers to have a better
understanding of our organization.
In the afternoon of 8 July 2012,
we held the Opening Ceremony
and reception. It was an amazing
sight to see all the country flags on
the stage and member’s colorful
national costumes at the auditorium.
We enjoyed the food and the
The next few days were
Business Sessions. Members
were updated with the Anniversary
reports, Finance Reports, our UN
programs, the Executive Directors’
Report and Nominating Committee
Report. Members paid full attention
at all the Candidates’ speeches,
clapping of hands in support and
met with them individually, asked the
right questions and acted with due
diligence to vote the best candidates
for the posts.
Amendments in By-laws were
thoroughly discussed and voted. We
need to update our By-laws to cater
for modern day situations. One of
which is the passing of resolution in
the formation of e-clubs. All the Zonta
election results and convention
material can be found in the Zonta
International website.
We were so excited on the 11th to meet the winners
of the past Amelia Earhart Fellowship, YWPA award
and JMK Scholarship. To hear how our contributions to
Zonta International changed the lives of these winners
and to see that they, being influenced by Zonta spirit are
impacting the lives of many more in the society. This is
the point where we felt that we should give more for such
worthwhile courses.
On the last day 12 July, our new International
President Lynn, the new board and committee members
presented the plans and recommended actions 20122014 Biennium. They were fully supported by delegates
and members on the floor.
The Closing Banquet and Installation Ceremony
were held in the evening in Lingotto Fiere. The dinner
was fantastic, and the wine was perfect. We took lots
of beautiful pictures of the installation and handover
ceremony of International Presidents Dianne/Lynn, the
International President-Elect, the officers of the Board
and the thirty-two pairs of District Governors as they catwalked along the run-way in their colorful costumes.
The Convention ended with a very happy note. We
reinforced friendships and made new friends. We opened
our eyes to the work of the United Nations and grateful
with the work progressed through our sponsorships. We
are thankful of the contributions of the past officers and
impressed with the sacrifices which created value and
impact to the under-privileged women around the world.
We also look forward to the new biennium where Zontians
around the globe will continue to contribute, if not more,
to the women in need.
Special thanks from members of District 17 to
Simone Ovart, Chairman of 2012 Convention Committee
and her Committee Members for their dedication and
hard work to make the 61st Convention a memorable
and successful event. We also look forward to the 62nd
Zonta International Orlando Convention (27 June – 1July
2014) to be hosted by District 11.
Introducing our International Board Liaison Officer
Anita Schnetzer-Spranger
Anita Schnetzer-Spranger is a member of the Zonta Club of Mainz in Germany.
Inspired by the internationality of Zonta, Anita joined at the age of 29. In the years
since, she has served as club president, area director and most recently as Governor
of District 28.
Born and raised in Baden-Baden, Germany, Anita received a Master’s degree in
economics with a specialty in marketing from the University of Freiburg. After working
for an international advertising agency in London and Düsseldorf for several years,
Anita became Marketing Manager for an international cosmetics company in Mainz.
She is currently a self-employed marketing consultant.
As International Director for the 2012-2014 Biennium, Anita’s goal is to strengthen
the visibility, recognition and impact of Zonta and to support Zonta members to identify
with Zonta.
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Official Visits by District Governor
By Winnie Teoh | District Governor
Since the inauguration of my duties after the ZIC
Turin, I have already covered about 15 official visits to
various installations/service or advocacy projects in
Manila, Bangkok, Phitsanulok, and Hong Kong. I hope
to cover more in the future, so that I can introduce the
many projects in my district to Zontians that I am meeting
around the world.
Area 1
On 2nd September, 2012, I visited the Correctional
Institution for Women of which the livelihood
programme is being continually supported by Zonta
Club of Mandaluyong San Juan II. The support included
conducting 3-day seminar to 150 inmates for spiritual
healing and reinforcement of love. Club members also
help to sell the products made by women inmates. Gross
sales of revenues coming from club members referrals
amounted to over PHP 1 million already or USD 25,000. These kinds of support help the inmates to achieve
labour income and restore their dignity whilst serving
prison term. A prominent marker at the entrance affirmed
the contribution by Zonta Club of Mandaluyong San Juan
II. The club is surely achieving creditability and visibility in
their community!
I was equally impressed when I visited the Zonta Club of
Manila I Livelihood Centre in Tondo, Manila. For the past
12 years, the club has organized Nutrition & Health Kiddie
Classes & other pre-schooling subjects for 4-6 years old
children. On the upper floor, the Raja Soliman Z Club has
organised a Poster Painting Contest titled ‘Retrieve or
Grieve Over Mother Earth’ for Z members. This activity will
launch the Z Club’s campaign to encourage protection of
the environment in neighbouring schools & communities.
I also presided over the Installation Ceremony of ZC of
Manila who is the first Zonta Club in Asia & is celebrating
its 60th Anniversary this year.
Area 2 (Hong Kong)
On 21st September 2012, we visited the HKSKH
Lok Man Alice Kwok Integrated Service Centre. The
Zonta Club of Hong Kong is supporting Sheng Kung Hui
Welfare Kowloon City Elderly Services to run an “Easy
Care” community support project for Caregivers from l
March 2012- 28 February 2014. The programme seeks
to train female caregivers to take care of the elderly, by
providing in-home relaxation packages, crisis intervention,
emotional support, & support resources. It is certainly a
meaningful project!
Another worthwhile project is being organised by the
Zonta Club of New Territories in co-operation with the
St. James Settlement in Hong Kong. The Club donated
funds for the costs of electrical appliances for installation
at homes of elderly persons, and costs relating to minor
home improvement work when required. A significant
proportion of the beneficiaries are elderly women.
Area 5
Certainly one of the largest centre is the Zonta Club
of Makati & Environs Women Development Centre that
occupies a site of 1,000 sq meter in the Centennial village
in Taguig City. The location provides the Club with a venue
to conduct numerous projects to advance the status of
women & to assist other underprivileged groups. Some
of the main service projects include 2 full time doctors
& one part time dentist to provide subsidized health
care, medicine, & dental services. It is also the training
ground for the Zonta KABABAIHAN project that nurtures
women to be confident community leaders. New training
modules for women who may be unskilled or could not
continue their education due to financial constraints are
also scheduled. Other empowerment projects & training
seminars are also taking place in the centre. The visit is
truly an enlightening experience!
On September 3, 2012, I visited SAGIP Crisis Centre,
a joint project organised by the Zonta Club of Muntinlupa
& Environs and The City of Muntinlupa. The Centre is a
one-stop crisis centre established to address domestic
violence. The centre includes hotlines that receive reports
of cases of domestic violence, counseling services for
victims, legal & medical assistance for the victims, as
well as a shelter with accommodation & daily facilities for
mothers & children suffering from domestic violence. So
far SAGIP has served 6,367 women & children suffering
from abuse & violence. Over 20,000 participants have
attended seminars to combat violence against women
or children. The project is completely in alliance with our
I was equally impressed when I visited the Zonta Club
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
objective of advancing the status of women worldwide,
There were quite a number of meaningful projects
organized by the ZC of Laguna. Together with other
Board members, we visited the temporary housing for
monsoon rain victims at the Pedro Escueta Elementary
School and were on hand to distribute emergency
disaster preparedness kits. We also visited the Women
Center at the Binan Doctors Hospital where women
are benefitting from free pap smear examination. The
Zonta Club of Laguna’s women beneficiaries under its
Continuing Literacy & Livelihood Education Programme &
Community Based Enterprise Development Programme
displayed their products at St. Michael’s College & we
are just too delighted to patronize. During the visit DG
performed the ceremonial click of the Saint Michael’s
College of Laguna Z & Golden Z Clubs’ e-Magazine. This
Z Club has continued to win the Emma Colon Award for
the ninth year & is truly a good model for the others. I am
also very honoured to have presided over the Installation
Ceremony for the Zonta Club of Laguna.
Training for Incoming Board of
District 17 in May 2012
Area 6
By Margaret Chan | District Secretary
We enjoyed the fund raising concert organized by the
Zonta Club of Bangkok III and appreciated the efforts of
our Zontians in raising funds to organize service/advocacy
projects. I am also the first District Governor in history
to pay an Official Visit to the Zonta Club of Phitsanulok
to the northern part of Thailand. During the visit, I met
many Zontians of this Club who are equally committed
to the objective of helping women. We also visited their
Z Club that has a service project in helping impoverished
communities in producing banana snacks.
A two-day training session for
the incoming board of District 17 was
held on 19 and 20 May 2012 in Hong
Kong, to prepare the Board Members
for their forthcoming important roles.
On the first day, Winnie Teoh,
District 17 Governor, started the
session with a welcome speech,
followed by a “Bonding Session” led
by Zontian Paula Ho. The evening
was a dinner gathering organized by
Hong Kong Zontians to welcome the
Board Members.
The next day included a rigorous
training programme from 10 a.m.
Zontian Paula Ho
to 4:30 p.m. at the Regal Kowloon
The Hon Miriam Lau,
Legislative Council Member, was
invited to give a keynote speech on
“Women Leadership in a Changing
World”. DG Winnie Teoh spoke on
leading and managing the District,
and proposed the District Biennial
Goals for the 2012-2014 biennium to
“Reinvent the Zonta Difference: We
care · We contribute · We mentor”.
DG Winnie also set a target of 8%
membership growth for the biennium,
suggested each Area to SOM a new
Zonta Club, and initiated discussion
of achieving more visibility on the
Happy “Bonding”
Internet through Club websites and
Club web pages. Talks on this day
included topics on Membership,
Leading and Managing Area, IT
Development, Z and Golden Z
Clubs, Service, and Advocacy.
The Board Members gave a
sharing of thoughts and participated
in informal discussions to conclude
the two-day training session.
was a successful event, and all
attendees expressed gratitude for
the arrangements and the benefits
that ensued.
DG Winnie (left) and The Hon Miriam Lau
DG Winnie (Front row 4th from left) & all attending Board Members & Speakers at the Training Session
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Training for Club Officers, Area 1-6, District 17
A Club is Born
By Winnie Teoh | District Governor
By Daisy P. Arce | Area 1 Director
4 sessions of Training have been
conducted for A1 combined with
Area 3, Area 2, Area 4 comibined
with Area 5, and Area 6. During
the training, the approved Zonta
International and District 17 Biennial
Goals, as well as information on
pertinent aspects of being a Club
Officer have been presented. The
topics included Leading & Managing
the district, area or a club, Governing
Documents, Membership, Financial
Matters, Advocacy, Service, IT
Development, Golden Z & Z Clubs,
Protocol & Zonta 100th Anniversary,
Scholarships & Awards & Zonta
various presentations seek to
equip the incoming officers with
information that will help them to
achieve creditability, visibility and
good governance, and implement
effectively the District 17 Biennial
Goals of We Care, We Contribute,
We Mentor. The training was held
in 3 cities of Manila, Bangkok, and
Hong Kong and was attended
by 380 representatives from the 6
Areas. Overall response has been
most encouraging. The Zontians
have found such sessions most
educational and helpful for their
respective positions in their Club.
The organisation of the Trainings
have been laboriously handled by
the Area Directors Daisy Arce, Linda
Wang, Anita Sanchez, Ophelia
Flores, Anabel Johnston and Palarp
Sinhaseni. Let us give them a big
hand full of thanks !
The presentation to the 2012
District 17 YWPA Winner,Jessica
Evangeline Tan Kabigting nominted
by Zonta Club of Quezon City,
was conducted during the Training
Session on l September, 2012.
For 21 remarkable women, June 1, 2012 is a day to remember. On that
day, the Charter Certificate of the Zonta Club of Pampanga and Environs was
approved. The club is the 14th club in Area 1, District 17, and the first club
chartered in Biennium 2012-2014.
The Charter Presentation, Induction of Charter members and Installation
of the Charter President, the officers and directors followed on June 30, 2012.
Led by Charter President Elvira Gozun-Sumadchat, the club officers pledged
to uphold and practice the ideals of Zonta.
It was a long process. But for the tenacity of the proponents in the Zonta
Club of Greater Rizal II, the chartering would not have happened. It took
almost 6 years for the chartering of Zonta Club of Pampanga and Environs to
come to fruition. Giving birth is hard but what a sense of accomplishment
when done! So it is when a child is born. So it is when a club is born. So it
was when the Zonta Club of Pampanga and Environs was born.
We all welcome the Zonta Club of Pampanga and Environs to the Zonta
Charter President Elvira GozunSumadchat
Plaque of Appreciation given to Angeles
City Vice Mayor Vicky Vega Cabigting
for delivering an inspiring message to
the club
Chartering, Induction and Installation of
Officers & Members on 30 June 2012
In Search of Good News
By Marily Y. Orosa | District 17 Public Relations and Communications Committee Chair
There are a thousand and one reasons why Zontians
should read good news and success stories about each
other. One universal reason is that it is healthy to have
happy thoughts which trigger a sense of indescribable
well being. The foremost reason however is that Zonta
is a fellowship of women achievers who each have a
noteworthy story to share.
Our Zonta District 17 website was created for such
a reason. Tales of achievements from our roster of clubs
have to be shared if only to encourage each one of us that
indeed, there is goodness in this world – and it is brought
about by the empowered women of Zonta. Imagine how
many pages of newsletters, websites, magazines and
books our individual and collective stories can fill.
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Do you have a wonderful story to tell of a special club
project that has made a difference in the life of a group of
stakeholders or a community or even a nation? Do send
a clear and concise write-up of about 600-800 words and
two photos to my email address marilyo@yahoo.com. It
is important though that the story be touching, inspiring
and must showcase the united effort of members of a
Zonta Club to bring the project’s specific goals into
fruition. Camaraderie, excellence and staying true to the
ideals of Zonta must stand out in each story.
Let us Zontians enjoy each other’s good news – and
in the process stay healthy, beautiful and empowered.
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
UNITE : Stop Domestic Violence NOW !
A Better World for Women –
By Marilyn C. Alentajan, MD | Dist 17 Advocacy Committee Chair
By Chona M. Lopez | District Chair, Service Committee
Awareness …Education...Solutions ...Legislation
For this biennium, Zonta
International through its Districts and
its Clubs have aligned our goals with
those of the UN Women - focusing
on the elimination of violence against
women and the girl-child.
In District 17, our Advocacy
activities are organized as we
MENTOR. Clubs are enjoined to
integrate Advocacy with their Service
The first step taken to promote
advocacy activities in the District is
to set the Advocacy organization
down to the club level. I proposed
the appointments of Vice Chairs
for each Area of the District, as
recommended by the respective
Area Directors, namely:
Area 1 - Maros Ancheta
Area 2 - Thelma Tong
Area 3 - Mafelou Agliam
Area 4 - Mary Jane Ortega
Area 5 - Jo Mariza Belmonte
reminded to elect their respective
Advocacy Committee Chairs.
On 24 November 2012, the eve
of the UN declared International Day
to End Violence against Women and
the start of the 16 Days of Activism
to End All Forms of Violence Against
Women & Girls, we will have the
Advocacy Forum and Website
Launch at the historic Kalayaan Hall
of Club Pilipino, Greenhills, Metro
In this forum, women leaders,
advocates, and legislators from
the Philippines, Hongkong, and
Thailand have been invited to
present perspectives on Awareness,
Education, Solutions, & Legislation
to Stop Domestic Violence. However, at the start of the
biennium 2012-2014, my club, the
Zonta Club de Valle Verde (ZCVV),
spearheaded the advocacy activities
with a Forum on Violence Against
Women & Children (VAWC), among
the women leaders and officials of
a community in Quezon City, the
Barangay Culiat, last July 6, 2012.
More than 100 women, together with
the local government officials, and
members of our ZCVV, learned so
much from this forum: information
and methods of implementation of
this law. This strong partnership between
ZCVV and the local government
units was successfully forged by our
present Club President, Glenda C.
Venzuela. The ZCVV has replicated
this VAWC Forum in other local
communities of Quezon City, as
monthly livelihood projects are
conducted. This strategy taken by
the Club is aligned with the Zonta
International policy to incorporate
Advocacy with Service projects.
In September 2012, the Zonta
Clubs in Hong Kong were given a
donation of HK$ 99,545.00 by the
Women’s Commission in Hong Kong
for the support of their Joint Service
Project “Embracing Your Life: Enjoy
a Beautiful Life – Body, Mind and
Spiritual Wellness”. The project is
run by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung
Committee’s thrusts are aligned
with the ZI & Dist 17 goals for 20122014: CREDIBILITY & VISIBILITY
ZC Valle Verde of Area 1 advocacy
project “STOP Domestic Violence!” Women leaders and local government
officials in a community of Quezon
City with Ateneo Human Rights Center
Atty Ray Paolo Santiago (seated 4th
from left) educating everyone on the
provisions and implementing rules of law
on Violence Against Women & Children
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
“We Care, We Contribute, We Mentor”
The first quarter of this biennium was marked by preparations for the area
training of officers and members of District 17. The successful area trainings
were held last September in Makati for Areas 1, 3, 4 and 5, in Bangkok for Area 6
and in Hong Kong for Area 2. The clubs conducted their own respective strategic
planning on how to best achieve the goals of Zonta International and the District.
During the training sessions, the presidents and officers were briefed to align
their club’s service projects with Zonta International (ZI) and the District’s biennial
goals. They were also apprised of the respective responsibilities of the District
Service Committee Chair and the Area Service Committee Vice Chairs with
regards to projects and programs to be undertaken by clubs.
The ZI Service Committee goals for biennium 2012-2014 are as follows:
To promote international service and ZISVAW projects through contributions
to the Zonta International Foundation.
• To encourage and support local service projects.
• To ensure that projects are focused on Zonta’s mission of empowering
• To increase internal and external visibility of these projects to promote the
credibility of the organization.
• To emphasize on the importance of supporting both international and local
projects by combining service with advocacy for greater impact.
District Service Committee Chair Chona Lopez encouraged the clubs
to examine the different international service projects of ZI as these give us
an idea on what kind of service projects matters most to Zonta International.
The International Service projects for this biennium focus on maternal health,
education, economic empowerment of women, and the elimination of violence
against women by changing attitudes and behavior of society. With the high
maternal and child mortality rates in the Philippines, there is much we can do
by focusing on service projects that can save mothers’ lives. At the same time,
we can educate pregnant women on the importance of pre and post-natal care,
and of giving birth in hospitals or lying-in centers with trained health staff. On
education, some clubs have been offering scholarship programs for young
women and girls, while others promote literacy programs. Each club should also
strive to have projects or advocate for the elimination of violence against women
as this goal is close to Zonta’s heart. ZI will have an annual contest for the best
service project.
In planning our service projects, we should also keep in mind the district’s
theme for this biennium which is “Reinvent the Zonta Difference: We Care • We
Contribute • We Mentor.” With this theme in mind -- We Care for our women
beneficiaries through our service projects and advocacy; We Contribute our
services to our community with greater visibility and credibility; and We Mentor our
women beneficiaries by combining service and advocacy. Yes, let us continue
creating a better world for women.
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
ZI District 17 and United Nations
By Mildred “Mitzi” Flores Piad Ph.D | UN District Committee Chairman
List of District 17 Presidents
Full Name
The United Nations is a flame that should keep
burning in the hearts of every Zontian.
Zonta International service has been closely linked
with the United Nations in partnering and providing
consultative status to United Nations agencies, aiming
to reach a broader audience in advancing the status of
women worldwide through service and advocacy. We
bring women’s concerns to the UN, suggests solutions
and draw public attention to the United Nations’ 8
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) focusing on
its MDG 3 which is promoting gender equality and
empowering women and MDG 5 on improving matenal
Advocacy dates are observed by the Zontians and
last year, the United Nations declared that October 11th
will be International Day of the Girl Child. And so October
was a busy UN Month for the Club Presidents of our 6
areas in District 17. Reported advocacy actions from
some clubs came from:
Area 6 Zonta Clubs Bangkok 1,II,III, lV,V,VI,VII,Vlll,IX
Khonkaen, Chiangmai, Chiangrai l,Phitsanulok and
Ratchaburi who joined efforts and organized a 3 day
Seminar Cum Exhibition; Area 1 had ZC Greater Rizal 1
launch an Essay Writing Contest with the theme “Fulfilling
my Ambition through Education”. ZC Greater Rizal 2 held
a lecture on UN Awareness and donated 100 sacks of
rice to Tuloy Foundation, home of 700 streetchildren. ZC
Marikina came up with a Peace Poster Making Contest.
ZC Quezon City celebrated UN Day of the Girl Child
with abandoned and neglected children of the Children
Joy Foundation Inc. donating sacks of rice, school, food
supplies and laundry needs while ZC Mandaluyong San
Juan 2 conducted a Seminar and Open Forum for 200
HS students on Early Teenage Pregnancy, Premarital
Sex and ZISVAW. ZC Manila 1 initiated “Gabay Ineng”
in their Z Club promoting mental and emotional health
of teenage girls and had preschoolers in Tondo Day
Care Center portray prominent empowered women
during their UN Day celebration. ZC Antipolo celebrated
UN with a Fashion Show of International Costumes and
invited Local Government Officials and United Women’s
Group to speak on Local Millennium Development
Area 4 had ZC Laoag hanging streamers announcing
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
First UN Celebration of Girl Child Day and linked up
with fast food etablishments to give 10% discount
to the girl child. Likewise ZC Baguio celebrated Girl
Child Day treating 100 girls and delivering lectures on
personal hygiene. In Area 5, ZC Makati & Environs
Foundation Inc. held a UN Forum with Spouses of
the Heads of Mission (SHOM) sharing information on
the status of women in their countries inviting me as
Dist. Com Chair to relay the Message of UN Secretary
General BAN-KI MOON. ZC of Makati Ayala with their
continuing activity on “Storytelling Time with Mothers
and their Daughters” focussed on simple true-to-life
stories on UNICEFs Campaign Against Illiteracy, Against
Child Marriage, Against Conscription of Girl-Children
as Soldiers and their Forcible Employment as Sex
Slaves afterwhich leaving the women and daughters
empowered discovering they have rights under the
UN mandate and under the Philippine government’s
laws. ZC Pasay conducted a UN Day Parade with the
participation of the whole barangay and the students in
UN costumes. The club awarded ‘Best in Float’ required
recycled materials to focus on saving the environment
and ‘Best in International Costume’ seeing to it that all
countries are represented. ZC Makati Paseo de Roxas
marked UN day distributing intermediate wheelchairs to
23 children afflicted with rare “orphan diseases” while
ZC Muntinlupa invited Red Cross Speakers, their club
scholars, community officials and beneficiaries of the
club’s flagship projects, SAGIP (Saklolo at Gabay ng
Ina at Pamilya) women and children vctims of Abuse and
public school teachers of GABAY BATA .
On December 10, we bid all areas to celebrate
International Human Rights Day and join us in a cultural
presentation at Manila Hotel entitled, “Zonta International,
District 17 Presents Echoes”. We are producing a tableau
of Women Defenders and Advocates of International
Human Rights portraying a fraction of their Personalities.
Part one of the program will be the launching of the Zonta
Legacy Coffee Table Book.
May Zontians forever be the beacons that would
illuminate our paths towards a stronger United Nations
providing a better and safer place for our women and
Full Name
Felicidad D. Umandap
Irma C. Pangilinan
Lourdes Marasigan
Marsha Leoncia M. Aoigan
Dolores De Quiros-Castillo
Josefina Dirige Oblego
Cynthia S. Samia
Florentina B. Ancheta
Cheryl V. Delarmente
Marylin Santos
Carmencita C. Mauricio
Levi Sy Ang
Glenda C. Venzuela
Corazon J. Tan
Maria Cynthia I. Paz
Solita Tan-gatue
Marilyn G. Joaquin
Gloria Dominguez Garcia
Manuela Go
Maria Rosa N. ‘Bing’ Carrion-Buck
Josephina “Pining” G. Gatlabayan
Merlene Alon
Chona C. Belmonte
Loretta B. Cabrera
Elvira Gozun Sumadchat
Elizabeth Encarnacion
Sonia Y. De Leon
Joan Leung Lye
Elizabeth Florentino
Cecilia Pang
Narcisa Montano
Helen Po Jen Kwan
Dr. Mildred F. Piad
Lilian Vrijmoed
Loretta H. Caudal
Patricia Yeung
Enriqueta V. Doble
Lydia Siu Ying Yip
Praxedes Tan
Dr. Pushpa
Anselma Emma Uy Rivera
Hong Kong II
Michelle Ip
Kathleen Lior-Liechtenstein
Husna Sulaiman
Rosario Calixto Chavez
Gloria M. Kaw
Lucille Colina
Dolly Lim
Sunetr Kunanantakul
Merle Lizares
Mrs. Chavali Osathanugrah
Yolanda S. Galvez
Poonsri Jongsaenthong
Ma. Theresa Fernandez
Aruwan Hancharoensak
Pilar T. Torres
Preeyatip Sittikornkul
Myrna C. Tan
Sariya Siwayu
Ms. Ma. Teresa Debuque
Dr. Thanawadee Boonlue
Rosalinda Young
Raya Luelai (Madeline)
Eloisa Gabor Pedrajas
Yaawalak Srisaichuea
Noemi Zelent
Samorn Deesomlert
Kanungnit Pupatwibul
Weena Srisanpang
Cholticha Mahakitsiri
Romanee Thienprasiddhi
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Area 1 Report
By Daisy P. Arce | Area 1 Director
In Philippine history, the First
Quarter Storm was, according to
Wikipedia, a period of leftist unrest
composed of a series of heavy
marches against the government
from January to March 1970, or the
first quarter of 1970. It was one of the
factors which led to the declaration
of martial law in 1972.
For Zontians in Area 1, the
first quarter of the biennium
is a story waiting to be told. A
few weeks out from the Torino
Convention, technically, the first
quarter of Biennium 2012-2014, the
Philippines experienced a series of
typhoons. First there was typhoon
Gener followed by a typhoon with
no name which TV networks, for
lack of a better appellation, dubbed
as Habagat (meaning the “westerly
Newspaper columnists
reported that in the path of Habagat,
“entire communities were rendered
homeless, congregating, wet and
shivering in makeshift evacuation
shelters”. While in the past, the
Philippines had been subjected
to typhoons and other sorts of
weather disturbances, it had never
experienced flooding of such an
extent and duration. Zontians were
not spared form this catastrophe.
There was intense raining and
thunderstorms in the National Capital
Region for 8 days, from August 1
through August 8, causing damage
estimated to be at least P604.63
million pesos.
In Metro Manila many streets
were submerged in floodwaters.
Even as Habagat lashed through the
area on August 8, several members
of the Zonta Club of Greater Rizal
1 were at the Padre Pio Feeding
Station in Mandaluyong City, at the
Sto. Tomas de Villanueva Parish in
Santolan, Pasig City and in three
other barangays, with rice, dinner
packs, sandwiches, bread, biscuits
and bottled water to give to flood
evacuees displaced from their
houses by the rising floodwaters.
At about the same time, on August
9, the Zonta Club of Mandaluyong
San Juan II, brought relief goods for
flood evacuees who were temporarily
being housed at the San Juan City
Gymnasium with the help of city
mayor Guia Gomez.
Zonta Club of Manila III organized
relief activities at Barangay St. Joseph
in the same city. Spearheaded by
its president, Marilyn G. Joaquin,
the club put together 300 food bags
and clothes which were distributed to
flood evacuees in what is called the
poorest barangay in San Juan City.
Zonta Club of Antipolo led by
its president Josephina Gatlabayan
organized the distribution of relief
goods to 75 families in Sitio Majayjay,
Barangay Muntingdilaw, Antipolo
Zonta Club of Quezon City
provided fresh milk donated by
the Philippine National Red Cross,
freshly baked rolls and bottled water
to more than 100 evacuees at the
Cassanova Maternal and Child
Development Center in Barangay
Culiat, Quezon City.
The Zonta Club of Greater Rizal
II first conducted a feeding program
and distributed medicines to 2,000
people in four barangays of Sto.
Nino on August 10. The very next
day they distributed bags of grocery
items and school supplies to 200
families in Ternate, Cavite. Two
days later, in what seemed like a
gargantuan military operation, the
club distributed 2,000 bags of grocery
items in Pampano, Kalookan City.
Club president Levi Ang described
the scene as an “organized melee”.
It is not easy to distribute relief goods
to 2,000 hungry recipients jostling for
their place in the rain.
Not to be outdone, the Zonta
Club of Pampanga and Environs, the
newest club on the block, sommed by
the Zonta Club of Greater Rizal II, and
chartered only on June 1, organized
what would be a most dramatic relief
operation yet. In what seemed to
be a scene straight out of a disaster
movie, members of the club, some
of whom were themselves victims of
Habagat, underwent a 2 and a half
hour drive through flooded streets on
6 x 6 trucks provided by the 703rd
Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army,
transporting relief goods consisting
of rice, canned goods, quick cook
noodles, biscuits, soap and shampoo,
used but usable clothing and filtered
water donated by Star Fish Barangay
Water packed in 5 liter containers
with the unmistakable Zonta logo
prominently displayed. The goods
were transferred to bancas (local
canoe-like boats) and club members,
doing a balancing act, went for
the 25-minute ride to Barangay
Dalayap, in Macabebe, Pampanga,
a 4th class coastal municipality in
an islet with 705 families, 485 of
which are classified as “indigent” by
the Department of Social Welfare
and Development. President Elvie
Gozon-Sumadchat reported that 4
days of unrelenting rain was made
worse by the overflowing of five
dams inundating areas with as much
as ten feet of water.
And when everyone, including
the weather bureau, thought Habagat
was on the wane, the Zonta Club de
Valle Verde went to the ABS-CBN
Foundation Sagip Kapamilya with
a donation of P30,000 to be pooled
with the rest of the donations coming
in from other sources, to help more
flood victims. But the rains did not
Without any consultation among
themselves, the clubs responded and
in the true Zonta spirit brought aid and
food to those affected. The primary
purpose of the relief operations of the
various clubs was to help, but in the
process the activities were brought
to the notice of the community
through local newspapers, thereby
generating greater visibility for Zonta
in the locality.
We have known what our
geography and weather conditions
are like but we have chosen to
ignore them.
We have closed
our eyes to the denudation of our
forests and watersheds. We have
contributed to the blockage of our
natural flood passageways by
Relief operations of ZC Mandaluyong
San Residents of Barangay Dalayap
lining up to wait their turn to receive
relief goods
building structures over them or
indiscriminately throwing mounds
of garbage. Zonta Club of Manila I
sponsored a poster painting contest
open to the members of its Z Club
in Raja Soliman Institute of Science
and Technology last September 2.
With the theme “Retrieve or Grieve
Over Mother Earth”, it commenced
the project of the Z Club to organize
a campaign within the school
and the neighbouring community
to encourage awareness of the
environment and the measures to
protect it.
So, in the future, when one
speaks of the First Quarter Storms,
the Area 1 Zontian will remember
sister Zontians who, in heartrending
situations stood proud, stepped up
to the plate, showed they cared and
contributed their best efforts to help
victims of circumstances.
We are Zontians – We Care,
We Contribute, We Mentor.
Relief operations of ZC of Greater Rizal
Relief operations of ZC of Greater Rizal
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Zontian Analiza Agbanglo and Lea Rivera
Bais distributing the relief goods
Filtered water donated by Starfish
Barangay Water
Filtered water donated by Starfish After
Relief operations of ZC Mandaluyong San
a successful relief operation, pose of joy
Juan II.
and smile on the lips of Zontian Analiza
Agbanglo, Lea Rivera Bais, Gilda Padua,
Ligaya Foster and Mabel Sison with friends
and members of 703rd IB, 7th ID Philippine
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Area 2 Report
By Linda Wang | Area 2 Director
Six Presidents of Area 2
Zonta Clubs with many officers
and members attended the Zonta
International 61st Convention in
Torino in July 2012. We came home
energized and enthused with what
Zonta can do to make a difference
in the lives of women and girls
The Hong Kong clubs jumped
straight in with a Joint Service Project
called “Embracing Your Life: Enjoy
a Beautiful Life - Body, Mind and
Spiritual Wellness”. Total funding
for this project is HK$ 99,545. The
project, partly supported by the
Women’s Commission in HK and
run by the HK Sheng Kung Hui
Tung Chung Integrated Services
will take place from September
2012- February 2013. It will reach
out to women in one of the new
towns of Hong Kong where women
find themselves isolated, lonely and
Other Service Projects ongoing
and in the pipeline are:
ZC of HK East “Shining Stars” –
a most successful project helping the
mentally challenged and disabled to
build up life-long interest and skills
through playing musical instruments
and through the performing arts,
raising their self-esteem and
ZC of Singapore “Project
Pari” – an ongoing project working
with schools to identify girls from
disadvantaged families, extending
financial assistance and providing
life skills training.
ZC of Kowloon “Teenage Mother
Project” – assisting teenage mothers
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
improve their literacy skills through
English tutorial classes; financial
subsidy to help them continue
their study or take up occupational
training; organize career talks and
carry out home visits to build up a
supportive network.
ZC of Hong Kong “Educating
Teenage Girls Against Compensated
Dating” – a comprehensive project
targeting about 50 girls age 12-18
with therapeutic and self-reflective
help, experiential learning activities,
workshop and self development
On Membership – Area 2 Clubs
in Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala
Lumpur have been inducting new
members and are confident to meet
the 8% increase in membership
Golden Z and Z Clubs – We are
proud to note that Area 2 with a total
of 21 Z and GZ clubs has the highest
number of Z and GZ Clubs in District
17. Our 6 GZ Clubs are preparing for
a Mock Debate inside Hong Kong’s
Legislative Council. They will have
a training session on Oct 27 followed
by the mock debate on the marriage
bill on Nov.17. These once in a
lifetime experience will give them the
opportunity of learning how a bill is
passed and made into law.
Area 2 Training of Officers Sept
22nd 2012 – A great turnout of about
50 Zontians from 7 out of our 9 Area
2 Clubs came to a most informative
and intense 4 hour training session
followed by a Chinese banquet
dinner. DGWinnie with 6 overseas
and 2 Hong Kong speakers
explained Zonta International and
District goals and vision; committee
we needed to know in their short
allotted time. We learnt and had fun
networking with one another. During
the dinner, DGWinnie presented the
2nd place award of the Emma L.
Conlon Service Award to the HKU
Golden Z Club. Past President Elina
then gave us a short speech on what
projects they did to win the prize. All
Presidents of the HK Clubs and our
VIP guest Mrs. Stella Lau (Chairlady
of the Women’s Commission) then
presented a cheque for HK$99,545
to the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
Welfare Council for our Joint Service
Visitations to 2 Service Projects
took place in the morning with
DGWinnie and our overseas Board
members/speakers much impressed
with the community work being done.
The first visit was to HK Sheng Kung
Hui’s center in To Kwa Wan where
ZC of HK has just completed a
project helping carers of the sick and
old called “Easy Caring and Love Me
More Project.
The second visit was to St. James
Settlement’s center in Wanchai
where ZC of the New Territories has
an ongoing project providing home
repair to the elderly.
Presentation of cheque to SKH by
Ms. Stella Lau (Chair of the Women’s
Commission) and the Presidents of the
Zonta Clubs in Hong Kong.
Shining Stars Finale Dance
Area 3 Report
By Dr. Anita Y. Sanchez | Area 3 Director
In June and July, 2012, the
eleven (11) Zonta Clubs in Area 3
were busy in the induction into office
of their respective incoming leaders
who assumed office to serve during
the 2012-14 biennium. Realizing
the numerous needs for socio-civic
actions for the different beneficiaries,
the Zontians, with much enthusiasm
and genuine eagerness, are
encouraged to continue the on-going
projects and meaningful activities in
their respective communities.
After disseminating the ZI
biennium goals as approved during
the 61st ZI Convention in Turin, Italy
last July, 2012, and the District 17
goals as well, as espoused by D17G
both gave the required directions to
the different Zonta Clubs to be more
proactive and make their respective
presence felt in the localities where
they are situated.
Presently, the different Clubs
are already actively working on the
recruitment of more qualified, civicspirited new members in order to
meet the expected 8% membership
increase envisioned by ZI and District
17. In the same trend, the formation
of Zonta Z and Golden Z Clubs are
included among the priorities of each
Club in Area 3.
Ably assisting the Area 3 office is
Vice Area 3 Director Esper Dacudao
who is the Past President of Zonta
Club of Cagayan de Oro II. She
is in direct contact and actively
coordinating with the Zonta Clubs in
Mindanao, Philippines.
For proper office coordination and
management, Area 3 has appointed
Zontian Tina Ebrada as the 2012-14
Secretary. She is the Past President
of Zonta Club of Cebu I. Teamwork
and networking among the ZClubs in
Area 3 will be enhanced and achieved
with Zontian Tina in that position.
It is noteworthy to mention that
ZC of Iloilo City I, received the 3rd
prize award for Club Achievement
during the 2010-2012 biennium,
per certificate issued in July, 2012
by ZI President Dianne Curtis. For
community visibility, the same club
also has maintained a Zonta Center
Island near the provincial capitol
in Iloilo City, with a very prominent
Zonta logo thereat, which achieves
ZI goal on VISIBILITY. Additionally,
to serve the victims of trafficking and
violence against battered women
and children, it has maintained a 24/7
well-manned help desk at the Iloilo
City police department for prompt
assistance to those unfortunate
affected parties.
Zonta Club of Cebu II, organized
in 1982, celebrated its 30th PEARL
Anniversary on August 24, 2012,
with the presence of some Zonta
dignitaries from Manila and Cebu I.
It was a very fitting occasion wherein
the Past Presidents of Cebu II were
recognized and acknowledged for
their valuable achievements during
their term of office. ZI PP Livie Ferry
was the honored guest speaker
in that auspicious occasion, who
delivered a very inspiring message.
Lately, the club donated medical
equipment to a hospital in Mandaue
City, Cebu, Philippines. Jointly with
Zonta Club of Cebu I, the battered
women and children are assisted
by the PINK CENTER in Cebu
City. Such partnership with Cebu I,
financially supported the operation
of that center for a number of years
Zonta Club of Iloilo II has a
Golden Z Club with more than 80
active members at St. Theresa – MTC
Colleges in Iloilo City. The school is
owned by Zontian past prexy, DR.
TERRY SARABIA. Kudos to you!
Periodic Zonta Clubs’ reports
as well as club visitations enabled
us to see the profound club projects
undertaken by the Zontians in Area
3. The continuing projects include
feeding programs, medical and
dental missions; programs for the
elderly assistance and care; support
for pre-school day care centers,
participation in environmental and
climate change concerns, and many
more. We unceasingly help others
because that is what makes Zontians
In Native Attire
Zebu Ii Zone Cluab Ladies With Zi
President Lyn Mckenzie (Center)
Attended Zi 61st Convention In Turn,
July, 2012 Immediate Past A 3d File Mile
At Extreme Lefta
CEP U II Contains Donated Medical
Equipment to Mandate City Hospital
President Myrna Cruz Tan (4th From
Left) With Her Members
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Area 4 Report
Area 5 Report
By Ophelia Flores | Area 4 Director By Claudette Mendiola– Cruz | Area 5 Vice Director
“At the end of the day,it does not matter how many cars you
drove,how many houses you owned,how many jewelries you collected.
What matters is that someone's life improved because you have lived."
Guided by this principle,area 4 of Zonta International District 17 embarked
on their various projects to achieve the goals of District 17. It is with pride
that the 6 clubs of area 4 present their activities within the first quarter of the
All 6 clubs installed their officers for 2012-2014 and inducted new
1) Zonta club of Aparri chartered a golden Z club with 25 college students
from Cagayan State University. Sponsored a regular course in baking
of bread and pastries with 11 housewives and unemployed young
women.Conducted seminars on Aids/Hiv & STI on Sept 22 to college
students.Inducted 6 new members
The first quarter of the biennium for
the Zonta members of Area 5 District
17 was bustling with turn-over of
duties and responsibilities to the new
officers, installation of new officers and,
induction of new members. Among
the important organizational activities
that the clubs went into, aside from
the abovementioned activities, were
Strategic Planning at the club level
and the Area Club Officers Training
last September 1, 2012.
While all these social and turn over
events were ongoing, the Zontians of
Area 5 did not forget to continue their
ongoing service projects, most even
responded to the recent calamity
that befell a lot of municipalities
in the Philippines – flooding that
were more than 4 feet high, leaving
thousands homeless. The different
clubs’ responses might be varied, but
they all speak of Zonta’s commitment
to serve and to act collectively during
times of crisis.
WE CARE........We care about
the marginalized and deprived sector
of our society particularly the women
and children.
ZC of Makati Environs: Livelihood
Programs to uplift the economic status
of women-training on cosmetology,
cooking and reflexology; Continuing
Healthcare Program for women; Preschool program at the ZC of Makati
Environs Community Center.
2) Zonta club of Baguio conducted an extensive english enhancement
workshop for undergraduates and unemployed college graduates. It
is a joint project with TESDA and CTEIS. Beneficiaries can easily be
employed as call center agents or ESL tutors in english or if employed
have salary upgrades. Graduated 85 participants.Continued supporting
the Puguis La Trinidad Orphanage through their feeding program.
Inducted 3 new members
3) Zonta Club of La UnionSan Fernando City.Continuing project for
the Elderly club of La Union through social activities . Launched the
the St Wiliams Parish Church in cooperation with the Social Service Ministry. Conducted a ballroom night as fund raising project with 200
ballroom dancers. Inducted 5 new members
4) Zonta club of Central Tuguegarao inducted 11 new members
5) Zonta Club of Ilocos Norte Laoag inducted 6 new members.3 continuing
projects-5 women scholars @ Marcos State University,adoption of
the children's ward of the Ilocos Norte Provincial Hospital providing
medical & linen supplies as need arises,monthly financial support to
San Lorenzo Charity Clinic.
Information campaign on 1st observance of UN International Day of
the GIRL CHILD by hanging streamers all over the province.
Joined Laoag city social welfare and special Education Div. of DEP ED
in celebration of Disability week
6) Zonta Club of Tuguegarao Foundation inducted 6 new members
Zonta Club of Ilocos Norte: Women of
Grace and Action
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
ZC of Muntinlupa and Environs:
SAGIP “Saklolo at Gabay ng Ina at
Pamilya” center – ongoing project
promoting women’s rights and shelter
for abused women and girls; Gabay
Bata Council School Year Planning
ZC of Makati-Ayala: Newly
launched program which started last
June 2012: Hopenet Cyber-Educationfor public school girls ages 10- 15
years old in partnership Hopenet and
Department of Education.
ZC of Laguna: Distribution of Disaster
Preparedness Kits to 130 families;
Lecture on Disaster Preparedness to
the recipients of the kits; Continuing
service program : “Pangdagdag
Kabuhayan para sa Nanay na
nasa Bahay”; Comunity Outreach
DayCare Program for 25 kids.
ZC of Metro Rizal: Dental and
Medical Mission with 250 beneficiaries;
Continuing Livelihood Program.
ZC of Metro Pasig: Relief program
with 500 families beneficiaries;
Continuing Adult and Health Literacy
program – 55 beneficiaries.
ZC of Las Pinas: Continuing
service program: “Dagdag Kabuhayan
para sa mga Kababaihan”; Relief
Operations for Habagat victims; the
club sponsored a Feeding and Health
Awareness Seminar.
ZC of Metro Ortigas: Breast
Health and Breast Cancer Awareness
Program – on going service project;
Adopt a Shelter by providing skills
training and values and health
education to Trafficking Survivors at
Antipolo City; Adopt a Daycare Center
– regular feeding to malnourished
daycare children.
ZC of Makati-Paseo de Roxas:
“Wheels for Humanity”– assessed 15
children with exceptional diseases.
ZC of Fort Bonifacio: Continuing
program for women: KKK Livelihood
Project – “ang Kagandahan at
Kalusugan ay Kabuhayan pa”; Relief
Operations during the Habagat – 780
beneficiaries, and Medical Mission to
200 flood victims in Taguig.
ZC of Alabang: Relief OperationOplan Habagat, the club distributed
1,000 relief goods , it benefitted 967
ZC of Pasay Environs: Relief
Operation- “Oplan Habagat”, the
club distributed relief goods to 1000
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Area 6 Report
By Dr. Palarp Sinhaseni | Area 6 Director
contribute to nation building through
alternative systems to bridge gaps
to service delivery systems in the
ZC of Makati Environs: Skills
Training was launched to empower
and Computer Literacy program
Scholarship program in partnership
with Polytechnic University of the
Phils, Unilever and Woman Today; On
September 25, 2012 during the ZCME
General Membership Meeting all
members wore orange as their way of
WOMEN”, and it was agreed every
25th of the month until Nov﹣ Orange
Day; September 21 - Celebration of
International Day of Peace, Ringing of
the Bell; September 2012, Renaming
of ZCME Community Center to Zonta
Club of Makati Environs Center for
Women Empowerment.
ZC of Pasig Foundation:
Scholarship Program for 3 university
women at the University of the
Philippines College of Business
ZC of Muntinlupa:Tulong Dunong
Scholarship Program to indigent High
School girls at Muninlupa National
High School; Livelihood Training
for the 22 members of Watchgroup
- they were trained on making
hamburgers, siomai, dishwashing
liquids in partnership with the office
of Cong. Biazon; Construction of
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
ZC of Makati Ayala: Continuing
Program: Women’s Correctional
Support System. The club provides
spiritual, emotional and physical
comfort for the 500 women in the
National Correctional Institute for
ZC of Laguna: Hatid Dunong
para sa mga Kababaihan - Alternative
Learning System in coordination with
Canossa School Alumni Association
with 20 adult scholars receiving basic
education instruction 3 times a week;
Assessment of children with learning
difficulties and coming up with
recommendations to the teachers
and parents; Unite-Orange Day;
elimination of violence against women
and celebration of International Day
of Peace- Ring a Bell with the Z and
Golden Z Clubs of Saint Michael’s
College of Laguna.
ZC of Naga Camarines Sur:
Continuing projects: Scholarship
program- support six (6) high school
girls at Naga Science High School;
Supporting 2 Day Care Centers in the
community; “Adopt a Community”Hablong Dawanim a shelter for
abused women and girls; We Care,
another center for abused women
who needs legal and psychological
ZC of Pateros-Taguig: H.E.A.L.
program – Healthy Eating and
Living – promotion of eating health
and nutritious food accompanied
with a cookbook distributed to the
ZC of Metro Pasig: Pabahay
Housing Rehabilitation – beneficiaries
8 families; Partnership with Meralco
Foundation on Scholarship Program
for 50 High School Girls.
ZC of Las Pinas: Scholarship
program for high school indigent
ZC of Metro Ortigas: Adopt
a Barangay – skills training on
entrepreneurship, training on values
and health education.
ZC of Fort Bonifacio: Values
Formation Day and Sharing of
Personal Hygiene Items to 100
women in jail; Breast Feeding Corner
at Barangay Rembo Health Center.
ZC of Alabang: Donated a
mammogram machine to Ospital
ng Muntinlupa for the indigent
women residents of the city. These
women are privileged to have a free
mammography in the said hospital.
We mentor
our members and future women
leaders for a better life and a better
The goals are achieved through
Formation seminars to Z and Golden
Z Clubs, conducting Strategic
Planning meetings to orient Zontians
on the biennium’s plans and holding
continued education to Zontians such
as speech academy, lifesytle forum,
and leadership training including
succession planning.
Area 6 Strategic Plan for
Biennium 2012 – 2014
Thailand ( Area 6 ) embraces
development. We would like to see
a happy society with fairness and
resilience. Towards our Zonta goals
, we would like to build credibility
and visibility of Zonta through
strengthening Zonta network integrity
as well as through collaborative
demonstration projects. Therefore
, the plans are built according to
the principles of Friends of great
worth ( Kalayanumit by Dr. Sem
Prungpuangkeo , 2006 ) Zontians
are friends to each other and to
1.)Zontians create a place for other
Zontians in their hearts. Living
heart to heart. ( Saraniyakorn )
3.) Rose day awards to recognize
individual zontians as role
model in various fields.
Cooperations with district
1) United Nations celebrations
( October 16 – 18 , 2012 )at
Chamchuri Square, Bangkok,
held an exhibition to
educate zontians and public
at large on various techniques
to detect , assess and manage
violence against women “
Towards the U.N. goals MDG3
and MDG5 ”
Representative from the UN.
Gender Equality and Women’s
Empowerment Section of the
Social Development Division
, United Nations ESCAP, Ms.
Rairat Rangsitphol spoke on
MDGs background , its purpose
and an overview of the MDG
progress in Thailand. There are
not only UN booth displaying
related to the UN , MDGs
but also booths on women’ s
empowerment activities from
14 Zonta clubs of Thailand.
2.)Well – loved ( Piyakorn )
3.)Good friends to each other
( Kurukorn )
examples : teacher and
students , parent and child
4.)Full of worth to each other ;
creating benefit for each the
other ( Kunakorn )
5.)Standing together
(Ekiyakorn )
Demonstration Projects
in the park emphasizing
adolescent education model for
several communities through
Zonta clubsaround Thailand.
with the Ministry of Women
Development and Human
Security which have local
offices in all the provinces.
In the afternoon of each of
the three days of exhibition,
Chulalongkorn University pop
band playing for the crowds.
Some days the zontians sing
with the band.On the last day,
Hobby House art and craft was
demonstrated after the whole
day of research methodology
such as qualitative research
techniques as well as case
studies were demonstrated by
well known speakers.
Since partnerships between
agencies in local communities
are an important part to
ensure that local needs and
perspectives are accounted
for , we invited the association
of women lawyers (Zontian
Prakairat, is presently the
president of the association)
to join in a panel discussion
The event was well attended
and widely publicized in various
2) Communication with
board member
Area 6
Towards the Zonta goals and
district strategies,the following
activities are accomplished
according to the area strategic
1. For Zontians to "always
standing as one" area 6 carried
out activities that ensure
connection between district 17
and clubs to Zonta goals
1.1Area 6 board meetings were
held ,one for the preparation
of the officer training workshop
to be carried out by the district
17 team at Sasa Nives ,
15-16 September. The other
one for the preparation of the
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
U.N. celebration cum exhibition to be held during October16-18 at the
Chamchuri square, grass elevator hall. During the U.N. events, exhibition
of the 14 clubs, UN booth, The Institute of Social Research,Chulalongkorn
University and the Paveena hot-line for women and children were invited
to be present. Area 6 booth covered awards and scholarships given by
Zonta international. History on how Zonta Bangkok 1 was formed from
the representative from Zonta international starting with 30 ladies and
their vision and deliberations. We also covered Z clubs (Zonta Bangkok 6
and Zonta Phitsanulok sponsored)as well as golden Z clubs (sponsored
by Zonta Bangkok 2 and Zonta Phitsanulok)in a separate booth .
1.2Club visits ( Zonta Bangkok 5 Zonta Bangkok 8 Zonta Bangkok
9 and Zonta Rajburi )In the beginning,most of the assistance clubs
requested are the Turin Convention experience and Area 6 vision
programmes of work . During the 3 months period 6 clubs have
carried out their activities that area 6 officers attended including
the Chiangmai club installation, totaling 8 visits around Thailand.
Planned for October 31st at khunying Jindas ( Khum Tum)
restaurant, Chairmen of the biennium projects such as the
Planetarium in the park (Zontian Kanchana),Centenial archiving
(Zontian Vichitra) etc. will meet to elaborate on their plans. Details
from concept of demonstration project “ it’s your choice ” introduced
by Auntie Boon will be elaborated as well as announcement for the
District 17 advocacy to be held in Manila during November 24 ,
Hong Kong is a destination that you can come back again and again.
Apart from the excitement and vibrancy, Hong Kong offers a diversity of
gourmet experiences, never ending shopping, and delightful sightseeing.
COME and JOIN us at the Zonta International 17th District 17 Conference
at The Mira Hotel in Hong Kong on September 13-15, 2013. The hotel is
situated in the heart of Tsimshatsui in Kowloon.
During the 17th District Conference, we shall:
- Review our accomplishments of this biennium, and conduct business
of the District
- Elect the District Officers for 2014-2016
- Meet our International Liaison Officer and receive her message on ZI
- articipate in the presentation of the District Governor’s awards
- Expand on our Zonta knowledge and understanding of major women’s
- Share your club activities at the Club Page in our Souvenir Program
and participate in a photo competition
- Make new friends and rejuvenate old relationships.
The District Conference in Hong Kong promises to be a memorable
experience. Plan your trip early to experience the local cuisines and shopping,
as well as excursion tours in the neighboring cities. Early-bird registration
benefits will be announced early in 2013.
Can’t wait to see you all at the Conference in Hong Kong!
District 17 Governor 2012-2014
Zonta International
Margaret Leung
Chairman, Zonta International
17th District 17 Conference
Opening UN Day celebration
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Bi e n n i u m 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 4
Photo Gallery
Top Left: DGWinnie making a passionate
Z O N TA G o v e r n or ’s Ne ws le t t e r
Top Middle: At the ZI Convention in Torino
From left: Daisy P. Arce, Lourdes Almeda
Sese, DG Winnie Teoh, Primitiva PerezSison
Center: ZC Makati held a UN Folkrum
with sponses of the Heads of Mission
(SHOM); From left: Linda Panlilio, ZCME
UN Chair Olga Severino Martel, ZCME
President Cora Tan, Mme. Gracita Sieber
(Switzerland), District 17 UN Chair Mitzi
Piad, Chona Lopez & Jenny Levistev
Top Right: Setting off to see HK’s Geopark
in Saikung.
Center Right: Visit to the Blue House, HK
– a heritage building run by SJS
Middle Left: ZC Quezon City celebrated
UN Day of the Girl Child with abandoned
and neglected children of the children Joy
Foundation Inc. donating sacks of rice,
school, food supplies and laundry needs.
Bottom Right: Zontians try to follow the
Carer conductor at the HK SKH service
Bottom Left: Noah’s Ark. Instead of two by
two, 9 Zontians came our of the Ark!