25 MAY 8 JUNE 2011
25 MAY 8 JUNE 2011
25 MAY 8 JUNE 2011 BERGEN INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 1 dnbnor.no CONTENTS 4 From the Festival Director/Opening ceremony MUSIC iN Grieghallen 5 Oedipus rex 6 Farinelli - Les Talens Lyriques 7 The Swedish Chamber Orchestra phantasm 36 THE NORWEGIAN trio mediæval soloists’ CHOIR with Tine Thing Helseth kissin PLAYS liszt 9 jaga jazzist and FRIENDS CHAMBER MUSIC giuseppe verdi: THEATRE/DANCE 2 andreas scholl 35 8 messa da requiem DnB NOR is committed to working together with Norwegian cultural, sporting and voluntary organisations, both locally and nationally. 34 37 10 Proud sponsor of good causes EARLY MUSIC 11 +- 0 12 SOMEONE IS GOING TO COME 12 DOLLs IN THE HOUSE 13 GERPLA 14 MANTA 15 sharon eyal 2011 16 THE WORD 16 BEFORE SUNRISE 18 THE THEATRE OF THE EAR 20 cirkus cirkör 38 beethoven’s cello sonatAS 39 khatia buniatishvili 40 kopatchinskaja & say 41 ihle hadland PLAYS bach 42 THE NORWEGIAN SOLOIST PRIZE 44 NORWEGIAN LANDINGS: logen/lysøen 45 NORWEGIAN LANDINGS: siljustøl/VALESTRAND 46 OTHER EVENTS AT TROLDHAUGEN The Flame of Ole Bull PERFORMANCE/ EXHIBITION 21 ABOUT the flame of ole bull 47 BE CAPTIVATED! 22 kremerata baltica 47 FESTIVAL EXHIBITION 23 GALA CONCERT 23 FAMILY CONCERT 24 poltéra AND FRIENDS 25 mozart/brahms 28 brahms/schOEnberg 29 nordiC SUMMER NIGHT 30 MUSIC AS gps/mASTER CLASSES 31 troldhaugen 32 LYSØEN 33 valestrand/siljustøl TICKETS 48 BUY TICKETS 49 DISCOUNTS 50 Thank you! 3 T H E 5 9 th B E R G E N I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E S T I V A L 2 0 1 1 His majesty king Harald V is the patron of the bergen international festival. TRADITION AND RENEWAL OEDIPUS REX Bergen International Festival and DEN NYE OPERA PRESENT Tradition and renewal are not contradictory concepts – they are mutually interdependent. Without tradition we lose our collective memory and are left at a standstill. Without renewal we lose direction and run around in circles. A lack of historical awareness can be as great an obstacle to the arts as a lack of will to change. Performances related to tradition are central features of this year’s festival programme. The Swiss director Christoph Marthaler went to Greenland to experience Inuit traditions. The broad range of Ole Bull’s work and his great importance to his contemporaries and to history have inspired us to create a new festival in the festival, which we have called The Flame of Ole Bull. There has been a noticeable tendency in recent years for the theatre to look to music – and vice versa. Musicians and composers are to a growing extent attracted to the theatre. Igor Stravinsky found in the story of King Oedipus a framework to enhance the strength and clarity of his music. In the concert series The Theatre of the Ear Henrik Hellstenius examines how stage elements can support and extend the message of the music. We have intentionally given high priority to new productions. We want the Bergen International Festival to make its mark and to be an active contributor to the international festival landscape. I hope our programme will awaken both recognition and curiosity, so that you will want to join us in a journey of discovery into the past, the present and the future. ILLUSTRATION: GUNNLAUG MOEN GRIEGHALLEN | WEDNESDAY 25 MAY | 19.30 | Duration approx. 1 hour Tickets 500 / 450 / 400 / 200 (cat. 1–4) | Students 150 | Children 120 FRIDAY 27 MAY | 19.30 | Duration approx. 1 hour Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | Students 150 | Children 120 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. p e r b oy e h a n s e n F ES T IVAL DIRE C T O R OPENING CEREMONY Torgallmenningen – the city square | WEDNESDAY 25 MAY | 12.30 Duration approx. 1 hour | FREE ENTRANCE The 59th Bergen International Festival opens with a large scale event in the city square. Come and enjoy performances from Festival artists, speeches and surprises. The Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra is also on stage. Welcome to all! 4 The story of Oedipus, who unaware kills his own father and marries his mother, is the tragedy above all tragedies – a classical drama that has cast light and shadow on over two thousand years of European cultural history. Igor Stravinsky’s monumental, clean-cut opera from 1927 is a powerful portrayal of the classical tragedy, and has remained a musical icon of the twentieth century. Eirik Stubø, former theatre director of Rogaland Theatre and the National Theatre (Oslo), makes his debut as an operatic director with this Bergen International Festival performance. Jon Fosse has translated parts of Jean Cocteau’s original libretto. IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882–1971) Oedipus Rex BALDUR BRÖNNIMANN conductor EIRIK STUBØ DIRECTOR KARI GRAVKLEV SET AND COSTUME DESIGN ELLEN RUGE LIGHTING DESIGN HÅKON MATTI SKREDE CHOIRMASTER ANDREAS CONRAD Oedipus TUIJA KNIHTILÄ JOCASTA MARCUS JUPITHER Creon CARSTEN STABELL Tiresias HELGE RØNNING SHEPHERD THORBJØRN GULBRANDSØY MESSENGER BERGEN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA KORVEST WITH GUESTS 5 MUSIKK MUSIC INI GRIEGHALLEN FARINELLI LES TALENS LYRIQUES THE SWEDISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA with tine thing helseth PHOTO: Cinéart Agence Artistique GRIEGHALLEN PHOTO: SIMAX | THURSDAY 26 MAY | 19.30 GRIEGHALLEN Duration approx. 2 hours (with interval) | SATURDAY 28 MAY | 19.30 Duration approx. 1 h 45 min (with interval) Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. CHRISTOPHE ROUSSET conductor, cembalo | LES TALENS LYRIQUES | ANN HALLENBERG mezzo-sopranO ANDREW MANZE conductor | THE SWEDISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA | TINE THING HELSETH trUmpet WORKS BY Riccardo BROSCHI (1698–1756) � Johann Christian Bach (1735–1782) � Nicola PORPORA (1686–1768) � Geminiano GIACOMELLI (ca. 1692–1740) � Leonardo LEO (1694–1744) CARL PHILIPP EMANUEL BACH (1714–1788) SymPHonY no 3 iN f MAJOR, Wq. 1883/3 � ARVO PÄRT (B. 1935) Concerto piccolo über b-a-c-h for solo trumpet, strings and one keyboard player � IGOR STRAVINSKIJ (1882–1971) Concerto iN E FLAT MAJOR, «Dumbarton Oaks» � JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685–1750) Ricercar BWV 1079:3 SonatA ROM THE MUSICAL OFFERING BWV 1079, BRANDENBURG CONCERTO NO 2 IN F MAJOR, BWV 1047 THE FILM FARINELLI about the famous castrato singer of the same name, caught the imagination of wide audiences in the mid 1990s, and the core repertoire of the castrati blossomed anew. Just how castrato singers sounded is something we know little about, but when the Bergen International Festival is visited by the ensemble behind the film soundtrack, the principal part is played by the Swedish mezzo soprano Ann Hallenberg. She has received superb reviews for her consummate technique and dynamic stage presence. 6 The baroque ensemble Les Talens Lyriques, currently celebrating its twentieth anniversary, is renowned for its technical skill combined with historical performance practice, under the leadership of Christophe Rousset, one of Europe’s foremost experts on eighteenth century music. BOTH THE conductor Andrew Manze and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra are recognized for finding new perspectives on music. Along with Tine Thing Helseth, who makes her Carnegie Hall debut this season, they come to the Bergen International Festival with a programme centred on Johann Sebastian Bach. The master himself is represented with The Musical Offering. King Fredrik II of Prussia, himself a musician, gave Bach the theme of the work, intentionally making it a difficult theme to improvise upon. Bach impressed all present with a three-part fugue, returning later with a complete score. We also hear one of the orchestral symphonies of his second son, CPE Bach. In Concerto Piccolo über B-A-C-H it is the contemporary composer Arvo Pärt who takes his inspiration from the renowned family, while Stravinsky was inspired by Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos to write Dumbarton Oaks. And the entire concert is rounded off with one of Bach’s own Brandenburg Concertos. 7 MUSIKK MUSIC INI GRIEGHALLEN KISSIN PHOTO: SHEILA ROCK GRIEGHALLEN | TUESDAY 31 MAY Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | PLAYS Liszt | 19.30 | Duration approx. 2 h (with interval) Students/Children 150 JAGA JAZZIST AND FRIENDS PHOTO: ROBIN OTTERSEN GRIEGHALLEN | THURSDAY 2 JUNE Tickets 410 / 360 / 310 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | | 19.30 | Duration approx. 1 h 30 mins Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. EVGENY KISSIN piano MATHIAS EICK TRUMPET, DOUBLE BASS, KEYBOARD, VIBRAPHONE MARCUS FORSGREN GUITAR, EFFECTS EVEN ORMESTAD bass, keyboard ANDREAS MJØS VIBRAPHONE, GUITAR, DRUMS, ELECTRONICS LINE HORNTVETH tuba, PERCUSSION MARTIN HORNTVETH DRUMS, DRUM MACHINES LARS HORNTVETH TENOR SAX, BASS CLARINET, GUITAR, KEYBOARD ØYSTEIN MOEN keyboard ERIK JOHANNESSEN trombone, PERCUSSION FRANZ LISZT (1811–1886) Ricordanza IN A FLAT MAJOR «Études d’exécution transcendante» S. 139:9 � SonatA IN B MINOR S. 178 � Funerailles, «POETIC AND RELIGIOUS HARMONIES» S. 154:7 � OBERMANN’S VALLEY «Years of Pilgrimage, First Year: Switzerland» S. 160:6 � Venice and Naples, «Years of Pilgrimage, Supplement to Second Year: Italy» S. 162 the russian pianist evgeny kissin has already at an early age achieved a reputation which draws capacity crowds at his solo recitals worldwide. Born in 1971, he made his debut at the age of twelve. From a child prodigy he has developed technical prowess and a personal depth of expression that has made him into a controversial but highly respected performer. On his one previous appearance in Norway, a national newspaper described his performance as 8 displaying ’great beauty, at times white hot with intensity’. His programme in Bergen is designed to showcase the distinctive personal style of Liszt, the great virtuoso pianist of the nineteenth century. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the composer’s birth in 2011, Kissin’s recital programme is amongst the most coveted at major venues in Europe, Asia and the USA. Jaga Jazzist CONSISTS of musicians who have made a considerable impression on Norwegian and international musical circles over the last decade, both in ensemble and as contributors to numerous other projects in jazz, pop, rock and electronica. Jaga is to be found in all of these genres. The musical versatility of the band was driven home last year when the album One-armed Bandit was released. The sources of inspiration for the recording ranged from Fela Kuti through Zappa to Wagner. Presented in collaboration with Nattjazz Jaga Jazzist has a constantly expanding international following. A new world tour awaits in 2011. The Bergen International Festival is their first port of call in the Nordic countries, and they bring with them several international artists and musicians. The guest list will be published in the course of the spring. This is the first time since the 1990s that the band has included guest musicians in one of its concerts. 9 MUSIC IN GRIEGHALLEN THEATRE/DANCE GIUSEPPE VERDI MESSA DA REQUIEM PHOTO: Steve J Sherman GRIEGHALLEN | TUESDAY 7 JUNE WEDNESDAY 8 JUNE | 18.00 | | 19.30 | Duration approx. 1 h 30 min Duration approx. 1 h 30 min Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. ANDREW LITTON CONDUCTOR | VIRGINIA TOLA soprano | ANITA RACHVELISHVILI mezzo-soprano PAVEL CERNOCH tenor | GEORG ZEPPENFELD bass | BERGEN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA HÅKON MATTI SKREDE choirmaster | BERGEN PHILHARMONIC CHOIR | ÅLESUND CHAMBER CHOIR COLLEGIÛM MÛSICÛM’s CHOIR GIUSEPPE VERDI (1813–1901) Messa da Requiem The final performance of the 2011 Bergen International Festival is Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem, composed in 1874. This musical icon is a monumental work depicting heaven and hell, darkness and light, yet at the same time it portrays an intimate encounter with the complex emotions which arise at the loss of a loved one. The entire gamut of human emotion – anger, grief, the search for meaning, the all-important and the fragile – is presented by a team of first-rate soloists and two of the city’s best choirs. 10 Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra has roots going back to 1765, making it one of the oldest orchestras in the world. The American conductor Andrew Litton has been the orchestra’s music director since 2003. In recent seasons, in addition to regular concerts at home, the orchestra has toured major European concert venues and received critical acclaim internationally for its recordings. +- 0 DEN NATIONALE SCENE STORE SCENE | SATURDAY 4 JUNE–TUESDAY 7 JUNE | 19.00 Duration approx. 3 hours (with interval) | Norwegian and English surtitles Tickets 440 / 390 / 180 (cat. 1–3) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. CHRISTOPH MARTHALER DIRECTOR | ANNA VIEBROCK scenography and costumes ROSEMARY HARDY MUSICAL DIRECTOR | BENDIX DETHLEFFSEN MUSICAL PRODUCTION MALTE UBENAUF/STEFANIE CARP dramaturgy | GERHARD ALT assistant director PHOENIX (ANDREAS HOFER) lighting | FRITZ RICKENBACHER sound VOLKSBÜHNE AM ROZA-LUXEMBURG-PLATZ workshops +- 0 – plus minus zero – is the point where solid and liquid meet, where solid ground becomes thin ice. Few places have more experience of this grey area than Greenland, where extreme natural conditions and social isolation dominate everyday life, and the difference between plus and minus can be the difference between life and death. But how do you adapt when your foundations start to melt? How do you find a point of reference when both the political and the physical landscape are changing? In spring 2011, director Christoph Marthaler will head for Greenland to find out what the +- 0 condition actually feels like. Far from Europe’s centres of culture, Marthaler’s expedition will come into contact with the forgotten stories, the forgotten people and forgotten music. With Greenland’s mythical world and traditions as a backdrop, this musical production will be a new arena in which different experiences and perspectives on the future meet and merge. A co-production between Bergen International Festival, Wiener Festwochen, Det Kongelige Teater in Copenhagen, Volksbühne am-Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Stockholms Stadsteater, Napoli Festival Teàtro Italia, Théàtre de la Ville in Paris and others. Sponsored by Nordic Culture Point, Nordic Culture Fund and Freedom of Expression Foundation. 11 THEATRE/DANCE Bergen International Festival and Shanghai Theatre Academy present SOMEONE IS GOING TO COME STUDIO BERGEN | FRI 27 MAY | 21.30 | SAT 28 MAY–SUN 29 MAY | 20.00 Duration approx. 1 h 20 min | Performed in Mandarin, with Norwegian and English surtitles Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. DIALOGUE: Fosse iN CHINA � Studio Bergen � SATURDAY 28 MAY � 18.00 Last autumn Chinese audiences were able to experience a play by Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse for the first time when Someone Is Going to Come was performed in Shanghai. The performance was very well received and was accompanied by several workshops. Someone Is Going to Come examines paranoia and sexual jealousy between a man and woman who move to an out-of-the-way ramshackle house in order to spend time alone together. However, right from the outset they are nervous that ‘someone is going to come’. The play, first performed in 1996, was Jon Fosse’s definitive breakthrough as a playwright, and is still considered one of his best works. 12 SUPPORTED BY ibsen international By JON FOSSE (B. 1959) SHENG HAN artistic director LULU ZOU translation and dramaturgy YAN HE director � JUN ZHANG producer WEILIE TONG set design � With NINGFANG SUN, XIAOFENG MA, SHENGNAN XU DOLLS IN THE HOUSE STUDIO BERGEN SAT 28 MAY | Sun 29 MAY | 16.00 Inspired by Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, students and lecturers from the Northwest University in Xi’an, China have created a new performance set in contemporary China. The play analyses the conflicting roles of the individual and society, family traditions and modernity and generational differences. GERPLA –THE HAPPY WARRIORS DEN NATIONALE SCENE STORE SCENE | THURSDAY 26 MAY–SATURDAY 28 MAY | 19.30 Duration approx. 2 h 20 min (with interval) | Performed in Icelandic, with Norwegian and English surtitles Tickets 440 / 390 / 180 (cat. 1–3) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. The harsh satirical tale of the blood brothers Thorgeir Hávarsson and Thormódur Kolbrúnarskáld has been a huge success on the Reykjavik stage. Now the National Theatre of Iceland visits Bergen with this magnificent though slightly skewed saga from Viking times, presenting some of Iceland’s most highly profiled actors. The sagas have significantly affected the way Icelandic people see themselves, as they have Norwegians. Halldór Laxness, the Nobel Literature laureate, took a new look at the idealised image of Norse culture in his 1952 novel Gerpla (The Happy Warriors). The book, an incisive satire on heroworship and Viking violence, caused a major stir when it was published. It has recently been dramatised for the stage, and the result is a powerful and humorous performance. The director, Baltasar Kormákur, known from several stage plays and films (including 101 Reykjavik), has gone to town with visual and theatrical effects. Gerpla is also a crass comment on warfare, hero-worship and arrogance in our own time. THE NATIONAL THEATRE OF ICELAND DRAMATISED BY Baltasar Kormákur AND Olafur Egill Egilsson BASED ON A NOVEL BY Haldór Laxness BALTASAR KORMÁKUR DIRECTOR GRETAR REYNISSON SET DESIGN HELGA I. STEFÁNSDÓTTIR COSTUMES LÁRUS BJÖRNSSON LIGHTING DESIGN Gisli Galdur ThorgeirssoN SOUND DESIGN 13 THEATRE/DANCE MANTA CARTE BLANCHE What happens when a dancer covers up – when the body is concealed? SHARON EYAL PHOTO: SHARON EYAL PHOTO: Laurent Philippe DEN NATIONALE SCENE STORE SCENE | MONDAY 30 MAY AND TUESDAY 31 MAY | 19.30 GRIEGHALLEN Duration approx. 1 h 10 min Duration approx. 1 h 10 min Tickets 290 / 240 / 180 (cat. 1–3) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. HÉLA FATTOUMI/ERIC LAMOUREUX CHOREOGRAPHY | HÉLA FATTOUMI PERFORMER ERIC LAMOUREUX MUSIC/VIDEO | MARILYN ELAFAY costumes/veils | STÉPHANE PAUVRET SET DESIGN | XAVIER LAZARINI LIGHTING | JACKIE BAUX TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION PAULINE LE BOULBA ASSISTANT with the white veil Tunisian women use, just as little girls pretend to be grown-up by putting on their mother’s shoes,’ says Héla Fattoumi. Though she comes from a Muslim family, the Tunisian-French dancer has never worn a hijab herself. As time went on Fattoumi started asking questions about the many taboos she experienced growing up. ‘Now, as an adult woman, I consider myself fortunate to have distanced myself from parts of this tradition that limits, dictates and removes oppor‘As a little girl I loved playing 14 tunities. I did so by becoming an artist, making my own conditions and constantly moving,’ she says. Although Fattoumi has never felt pressured into covering herself up, the fierce discussion around the practice has made her both fascinated and appalled by veiled women. One day her curiosity got the better of her, and she wore a hijab to find out what makes so many women cover up their faces and bodies from the world. It was a hot day, and all sounds were muffled. She risked a movement, a step, a dance, and realised that it was as an artist – with her dancer’s body – she would have to examine the garment. | FRIDAY 3 JUNE | 19.30 Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. created by SHARON EYAL & GAI BACHAR | CARTE BLANCHE the Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance | TORKEL SKJÆRVEN lighting design | ORI LICHTIK MUSIC Sharon Eyal is the resident choreographer of the famous Israeli Batsheva Dance Company, but has also created performances for Carte Blanche, the Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance. Many will remember Killer Pig, her audience favourite from 2009, or Love from 2005. Eyal has a strong signature. She focuses on the erotic, the androgynous, and sometimes the grotesque in her choreography. This new production with Carte Blanche centres on feelings and forms, with several references to Killer Pig, according to the choreographer. She feels affinity with the Norwegian dance company: ‘I love Carte Blanche. The more I get to know the different people, the more I fall in love. It is a good place to create new things.’ Sharon Eyal has collaborated for several years with Ori Lichtik, the Israeli musician and DJ. His sound complements her powerful stage language. 15 THEATRE/DANCE Den Nationale Scene PRESENTS THE WORD | WEDNESDAY 25 MAY– FRIDAY 10 JUNE 19.00 | SATURDAYS 18.00 | No performance on Sundays | Duration approx. 1 h 50 mins Tickets 285 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. DEN NATIONALE SCENE LILLE SCENE Performed in Norwegian without surtitles. IN THE WORD the core themes are belief and doubt, while the play also treats the subjects of sudden death and the helplessness most people experience when it affects them. It is set in and around the Borgen family on the Borgensgård estate. Kaj Munk’s play describes the various religious states in the family, from the eldest son Mikkel, who has ‘lost faith in himself’ to the next eldest son Johannes, who thinks he is Jesus and is declared insane. The film of The Word, made by Carl Dreyer in 1954, won the 1955 Golden Lion in Venice, and went on to receive the American Golden Globe award for Best Foreign Film the following year. Kaj Munk (1898–1944) was a Danish clergyman and playwright who was an active contributor to the public debate on the philosophy of life. He wrote several plays, of which the best known is The Word (1925), recognised with a place in the Danish cultural canon. After the German invasion Munk became one of the central figures of the resistance movement in Denmark, resulting in his execution by the occupying forces in 1944. BEFORE SUNRISE DEN NATIONALE SCENE SMÅSCENEN | FRIDAY 27 MAY–SATURDAY 18 JUNE SATURDAYs 18.00 | No performance on Sundays | | Students/Children 150 | Kraft&Kultur is a company for people who are passionate about the environment and culture. For the past ten years we have been offering our customers energy obtained solely from renewable sources, while also building up an extensive business around culture and organic produce. | 19.00 Duration approx. 2 hours Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Performed in Norwegian without surtitles. What happens when a community becomes nouveau riche overnight? What does it do to the people, and how do they steward their wealth? What choices and political opportunities do they actually have? A growing part of our lives is explained as being determined by hereditary biological and chemical processes. These are among the questions asked by Tore Vagn Lid as he takes the naturalistic masterpiece written by the German playwright Gerhart Hauptmann in 1889 and turns it into relevant music theatre for today. Tore Vagn Lid has made his mark with his ambition to extend the scope of the theatre into a critical space for experience, and has 16 pRoud inteRnational MaRKeting paRtneR. Meet us in beRgen May 25 - june 8, 2011. Renewable eneRgy the Bergen International Festival and Den Nationale Scene PRESENT Tickets 285 KRaFt & KultuR – a sustainable liFestyle CoMpany directed several prize-winning performances. Gerhard Hauptmann (1862–1946) published several dramas, winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. Although his first play Before Dawn is regarded as one of the most significant dramas in the German repertoire, it has never before been performed in Norway. CultuRe and oRganiC pRoduCts We are now one of the largest energy companies in Sweden, and also publish books and magazines on culture and travel, as well as running the biggest online store for organic goods in the Nordic market. We are currently extending our business to Norway after successfully establishing a base in Finland last year. Meet us at beRgen inteRnational Festival Kraft&Kultur aims to use its business expertise to help spread good culture to as wide an audience as possible – and our partnership with Bergen International Festival gives us an opportunity to do just that. For more information about the company, please come and meet us at the festival. Kraft&Kultur – A Sustainable Lifestyle Company | www.kraftkultur.no | kunde@kraftkultur.no | 953 04 599 THEATRE/DANCE THE THEATRE OF THE EAR I-IV The Bergen International Festival has invited the composer Henrik Hellstenius to be in charge of four concert performances. We have called the series The Theatre of the Ear. What happens when music is performed in a new environment? In a grass-covered hall? Between the backdrop and the film screen? Sitting at the meal table with the musicians? Hellstenius’s work ranges from chamber and orchestral works via electro-acoustic works to music for the theatre, film and ballet. In these four concert performances he has placed his own music and that of others in various thematic settings, all of which involve an encounter between the music and the stage elements in the form of video, text, lighting or movement. THURSDAY 26 MAY � 20.00 SATURDAY 28 MAY � 20.00 I 24 H/GRASS II FOUR WAYS TO DIE WORKS BY Salvatore Sciarrino, Dans Les Arbres, Henrik Hellstenius, Carola Bauckholt, Luc Ferrari, david monacchi AND kjell samkopf WORKS BY Claude Vivier, Dmitri Shostakovich, Henrik Hellstenius AND Gérard Grisey Duration approx. 2 hours With ENSEMBLE ERNST thomas rimul conductor dANS LES ARBrES PETER HERRESTHAL VIOLIN DAN STYFFE DOUBLE BASS HANS KRISTIAN KJOS SØRENSEN PERCUSSION Ignas Krunglevicius video Nia Damerell set and lighting design 18 With Ensemble Allegria Siri Torjesen VOCALS Hans Kristian Kjos Sørensen VOCALS Tora Augestad VOCALS BIT20 ensemble MICHAEL BARTOSCH conductor Ignas Krunglevicius video Nia Damerell set and lighting design Note! The bar is open during the performance WEDNESDAY 1 JUNE � 20.00 FRIDAY 3 JUNE � 20.00 III GROUP THERAPY IV THE STORYTELLERS WORKS BY Henrik Hellstenius, klaus Lang and Ignas Krunglevicius WORKS BY john cage, franz schubert, thierry de may, geörgy kurtag, henrik hellstenius, erik dæhlin, arne nordheim, andy smith AND luigi nono With With Cikada christian eggen conductor Ning Ignas Krunglevicius video Nia Damerell set and lighting design jonas corell-petersen DIRECTOR Silje Aker Johnsen VOCALS Ning Unni Løvlid VOCALS ultron concept: Christian Immler VOCALS Florian Donderer Violin Gro Løvdahl VIOLA Tanja Tetzlaff cello Hans-Kristian Kjos Sørensen PERCUSSION Ignas Krunglevicius video Nia Damerell set and lighting design Duration approx. 1 h 30 min LOGEN TEATER 20.00 THUR 26 MAY SAT 28 MAY WED 1 JUNE FRI 3 JUNE TICKETS 290 Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Duration approx. 2 h 10 min (with interval) Duration approx. 1 h 40 min 19 CIRKUS ¨ CIRkOR W ear it like a crown THE FLAME of OLE BULL The new Bergen International Festival long-term project PHOTO: MATTIAS EDWALL GRIEGHALLEN | SUNDAY 29 MAY 18.00 AND MONDAY 30 MAY 19.30 Duration approx. 2 h 25 mins (with interval) Recommend age: 8 years and up Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Over the coming years the last few days of the Bergen International Festival will be dedicated to a grand celebration in the spirit of the Norwegian violinist and composer Ole Bull. This year’s project comprises over twenty concerts, master classes and dialogues. Ole Bull (1810–1880) had a gift for talent development, international impulses and mind-blowing violin playing, and all of these aspects of Ole Bull TILDE BJÖRFORS concept and direction REBEKKA KARIJORD music and lyrics ENSEMBLE and ARTISTIC TEAM set design ANNA BONNEVIER costume design HELENA ANDERSSON masks ULF ENGLUND lighting design TOMAS HELSING props and set decorations JOHAN BÅÅTH film and projections CAMILLA DAMKJAER dramaturgy MOLLY SAUDEK/CILLA ROOS choreography VIKTOR SVÄLAS sound design PATRIC MARTINSSON props JOEL JEDSTRÖM sound technician LISEN BOALT producer will be reflected in the project. Attending this festival within a festival is a dream team of string players ranging from bright new talent to the iconic virtuoso Ida Haendel (82). We bring together about 200 young people from all over Norway to create a massed orchestra. On the Ole Bull stage we establish a meeting place for popular music rooted in folk music from all over the world. We will be visited by the fantastic El Sistema programme from Venezuela, which provides music Wear it like a crown after its inspiration, Norwegian-Swedish Rebekka Karijord’s song of the same name. In an absurd tragicomic show the circus director, Tilde Björfors, examines chaos and order, and how risk can easily be transformed into opportunity. On a revolving stage the artists move through a world of illusion, shadow puppetry, knife throwing, acrobatics, juggling and drama. The six characters, all lonely, try to make contact in their own way – using table tennis balls, suction cups and chain saws. This year’s performance is named 20 It is all about choosing to accept our faults, fears and defects and to wear them like a crown. And to polish the crown with pride. Cirkus Cirkör is the largest Nordic contemporary circus company. The name comes from the French ‘cirquecoeur’ – circus heart. The company is renowned for combining circus stunts with good stories, catchy music and clever humour. education to over 250 000 children, nurturing several world class musicians in recent years. At the same time we look critically at the situation of talent development in Norway. You can also follow in the footsteps of Ole Bull in the city centre – please visit www.fib.no for further details. On the following pages you can read about all events under the auspices of The Flame of Ole Bull. Cast LOUISE BJURHOLM, DAVID ERIKSSON, FOUZIA (FOFO) RAKEZ, JESPER NIKOLAJEFF, ANNA LAGERKVIST, HENRIK AGGER For other events for children and families, please visit www.fib.no. 21 THE FLAME OF OLE BULL THE FLAME OF OLE BULL KREMERATA BALTICA GALA CONCERT Grieghallen SUNDAY 5 JUNE Grieghallen MONDAY 6 JUNE 19.30 � Duration approx. 2 hours (with interval) Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (Cat. 1–4) Students/Children 150 20.00 � Duration approx. 2 hours (with interval) Tickets 460 / 410 / 360 / 180 (cat. 1–4) Students/Children 150 GIDON KREMER conductor, VIOLIN KREMERATA BALTICA BJARTE ENGESET conductor � ARVE TELLEFSEN violin � VILDE FRANG violin � IDA HAENDEL violin � GURO KLEVEN HAGEN violin LARS ANDERS TOMTER viola � TRULS MØRK cello � DALASINFONIETTAN � OSLO CAMERATA Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. ARVO PÄRT (born 1935) Passacaglia for VIOLIN SOLO AND STRINGS DMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH (1906–1975) VIOLIN SONATA (ORCHESTRATED) op 134 BACH/U.A. «The Art of Instrumentation» ANTONIO VIVALDI (1678-1741) Concerto for Four VIolins in B flat major, opus 3 (L’Estro Armonico) No 10 JOSEPH HAYDN (1732–1809) Cello Concerto in C major, Hob.VIIb/1 ARNE NORDHEIM (1931–2010) Nachruf OLE BULL (1810–1880) Visit to a Summer Farm WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756–1791) Sinfonia Concertante in E flat major for Violin, Viola and Orchestra, K.364 Gidon Kremer, violinist, conductor and author, founded Kremerata Baltica as a 50th birthday present to himself. Since then the chamber orchestra, consisting of 27 young musicians from the Baltic countries, has won a Grammy prize and commissioned works from several composers, including Arvo Pärt. At this concert Kremer and Kremerata Baltica also perform their orchestrated version of Shostakovich’s Violin Sonata. Their recording of the work has been critically acclaimed. In The Art of Instrumentation, Kremer has commissioned ten contemporary composers, including Giya Kancheli, to arrange Bach pieces from Glenn Gould’s repertoire for chamber ensemble. The result displays great variation in sound, form and instrumentation. ‘This is a contribution to the epoch in which we live, and a glance into the future … the score extends into the kingdom of Johann Sebastian Bach, but at the same time pays homage to Glenn Gould, one of the greatest personalities in modern interpretation’, writes Gidon Kremer in his comments on the work. 22 The legendary Ida Haendel meets several generations of Norwegian musicians in this gala concert. We’ll hear musical highlights ranging from Vivaldi’s breakthrough work, L’estro armonico – harmonic inspiration – through Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C major to Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante. Antonio Vivaldi’s concerto for four violins, written in 1711, inspired many composers of the time. Haydn’s Cello Concerto often appears in the repertoire of cello soloists thanks to its gruelling demands on technique and style. Sinfonia Concertante, composed for violin, viola and orchestra is often considered to be one of Mozart’s finest works. The spirit of Ole Bull runs through the concert, and Arve Tellefsen will perform the violin virtuoso’s familiar composition Visit to a Summer Farm with DalaSinfoniettan. The title of Arne Nordheim’s work Nachruf for string orchestra means posthumous reputation. The work is like a long, shimmering echo of something long ago. PHOTO: CHRISTIAN LUT FAMILY CONCERT Grieghallen SATURDAY 4 JUNE 17.00 � Duration approx. 1 h 15 min Tickets 410 / 360 / 310 / 180 (Cat. 1–4) Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. HILDE LOUISE ASBJØRNSEN compère NORSK BARNESYMFONIORKESTER The Bergen International Festival invites the whole family to join us on a journey, with composer and violinist Ole Bull as our guide. supported by the GRIEG FOUNDATION 23 THE FLAME OF OLE BULL THE FLAME OF OLE BULL POLTÉRA AND FRIENDS MOZART/ BRAHMS HÅKONSHALLEN SATURDAY 4 JUNE HÅKONSHALLEN SUNDAY 5 JUNE 19.00 � Duration approx. 1 h 45 mins (with interval) Tickets 320 � Students/Children 150 16.00 � Duration approx. 1 hour Tickets 320 � Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. 18.00 TALK WITH Christian Poltéra (IN ENGLISH) BJARTE ENGESET conductor IDA HAENDEL VIOLIN HENNING KRAGGERUD VIOLIN OLEG KOGAN cello DALASINFONIETTAN OSLO CAMERATA HENNING KRAGGERUD VIOLIN � ALEXANDER SITKOVETSKY VIOLIN � LARS ANDERS TOMTER VIOLA � CHRISTIAN POLTÉRA cello � CHRISTIAN IHLE HADLAND piano ARNE NORDHEIM (1931–2010) Clamavi FELIX MENDELSSOHN (1809–1847) SonatA for cello AND piano no. 1 iN B flat MAJOR, op. 45 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810–1856) 3 Fantasiestücke JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833–1897) PIANO QUINTET IN f MINOR, op. 34 WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756–1791) VIOLIN CONCERTO no 4 i D MAJOR, K. 218 JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833–1897) Concerto for Violin and Cello IN a mINOR, op. 102 Not many people can boast of more than seventy years on the international concert scene, but Ida Haendel has never stopped performing. The Polish-born violinist has impressed critics and audiences alike ever since the 1930s, and even in her teens Ida Haendel had grown into a mature artist with an international reputation. During the Bergen International Festival this Grande Dame of the Violin plays Brahms, whom she has referred to as ‘a landmark in my life as an musician’. ‘Brahms seemed to me to be the most essential of all composers, with a wealth of heart-rending themes and original harmonies. When he was lyrical, Brahms moved my soul like none other, and his structural constructions sped up my pulse and made me dizzy with their overwhelming greatness’, writes Haendel in her autobiography. She is accompanied by Oleg Kogan from the Razumovsky Academy in London, the Swedish chamber orchestra DalaSinfoniettan, and Oslo Camerata. During the first part of the concert Henning Kraggerud plays Mozart’s Violin Concerto No 4 with Oslo Camerata. CHRISTIAN POLTÉRA , compared by the Swiss newspaper Der Bund to such renowned cellists as Mischa Maisky and Yo-Yo Ma, has appeared with orchestras throughout Europe. An avid chamber musician, he has selected some of his Norwegian colleagues to join him for this concert, which starts with Arne Nordheim’s Clamavi. The work has been said to hold the key to the Norwegian composer’s nerve. Accompanied by Christian Ihle Hadland he will perform Mendelssohn’s first Cello Sonata, in which the melody sings with great romantic pathos. The same atmosphere continues into Schumann’s fantasy pieces. Further Norwegian celebrities are involved in the final work of the concert, Brahms’s Piano Quintet. The composer draws on a depth of sonority and a thematic wealth that approaches the diversity of a symphony. These musicians have collaborated on several former occasions, demonstrating their superb sensitivity in ensemble. 24 PHOTO: TOM HENNING BRATLIE PHOTO: Razumovsky Academy 25 Foto: Helge Skodvin expect more Culture and good food Radisson Blu Hotel Norge is the official Bergen International Festival hotel. We are situated in the heart of Bergen, within walking distance to most of the concert scenes. Visit our Restaurant Ole Bull and taste our special composed Festival menues. You can choose from a wide range of dishes. Light meal from NOK 95,3 course Festival dinner from NOK 495,Please visit us in Radisson Blu Hotel Norge, 1st Floor. Welcome to Ole Bull Restaurant 26 Radisson Blu Hotel Norge sales.norge.bergen@radissonblu.com Den Nationale Scene Logen Radisson Blu Hotel Norge Grieghallen Ph: +47 55 57 30 00 Radissonblu.com/hotelnorge-bergen 27 THE FLAME OF OLE BULL THE FLAME OF OLE BULL brahms / schOENberg NORDIC SUMMER NIGHt JOHANNESKIRKEN ST JOHN’S CHURCH SATURDAY 4 JUNE HÅKONSHALLEN TUESDAY 7 JUNE 19.00 � Duration approx. 1 h 40 mins (with interval) Tickets 390 � Students/Children 150 22.00 � Duration approx. 1 h 50 mins (with interval) Tickets 320 � Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. KNUT HAMRE HARDANGER FIDDLE � ELISE BÅTNES VIOLIN � PAULS EZERGAILIS VIOLIN � ARVE TELLEFSEN VIOLIN � VILDE FRANG BJÆRKE VIOLIN � LARS ANDERS TOMTER VIOLA � IDA BRYHN VIOLA � TRULS MØRK cello � OLEG KOGAN Cello � BJØRN SOLUM cello � LEIF ARNE PEDERSEN CLARINET BJARTE ENGESET conductor DALASINFONIETTAN MATHIAS ZACHARIASSEN tenor HENNING KRAGGERUD violin Works by CARL LEOPOLD SJÖBERG (1861–1900) FOLK TUNES JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833–1897) CLARINET QUINTET i B mINOR Op. 115 ARNOLD Schoenberg (1874–1951) Transfigured Night Op. 4 LARS-ERIK LARSSON (1908–1986) � HARALD SÆVERUD (1897–1992) � AGATHE BACKER GRØNDAHL (1847–1907) EDVARD GRIEG (1843–1907) � WILHELM STENHAMMAR (1871–1927) � WILHELM PETERSON-BERGER (1867–1942) PEHR HENRIK NORDGREN (1944–2008) � JEAN SIBELIUS (1865–1957) � and folk music opens the evening’s concert with selected folk tunes, followed by Johannes Brahms’s melodious but melancholic Clarinet Quintet. Brahms had actually stopped composing in spring 1891 when he heard the brilliant clarinettist Richard Mühlfeld. He was so impressed that he started composing again, dedicating several works to the performer. Brahms was referred to by Arnold Schoenberg himself as a predecessor, and the latter part of the concert is devoted to Transfigured Night. This work is solidly rooted in the romantic style, but heralds the way into a new era. When it was first performed it challenged not only the musical language of the day but also prevalent moral attitudes. The poem by Richard Dehmel on which the work is based was considered highly controversial in its time, and Schoenberg’s work is filled with musical metaphor. On a romantic moonlight walk a woman admits to being pregnant by another man whom she does not love. After a dramatic contretemps her current lover agrees to accept the child as his own. THE HARDANGER FIDDLE 28 the musical traditions of the nordic countries have many features in common, but there are distinctive differences too in the gamut from sprightly Norwegian dances and poignant Swedish songs to dark Finnish melancholy. Since 2007 Bjarte Engeset from Norway has been the principal conductor of DalaSinfoniettan, the ensemble of musicians working for the Falun region in Dalarna, Sweden. By way of warming up for the release in autumn 2011 of their recording with the violinist Henning Kraggerud, DalaSinfoniettan visit Bergen with Nordic romantic music ranging from the carefree to the melancholic. They open with a seductive homage to music, Tonerna, a song irrevocably associated with the legendary Swedish tenor Jussi Björling. They then dance and yearn their way through warm orchestral tones by Lars-Erik Larsson and Wilhelm Stenhammar, Swedish folk tunes and the Norwegian miniatures of Grieg and Sæverud, before ending their journey in a Finnish national romantic landscape with humour and reverie in four works by Jean Sibelius. PHOTO: BERGEN REISELIVSLAG/ODDLEIV APNESETH PHOTO: sverre chr. jarild 29 THE FLAME OF OLE BULL THE FLAME OF OLE BULL MUSIC AS GPS TROLDHAUGEN THE HOME OF EDVARD GRIEG The 2011 Bergen International Festival presents a series of concerts inspired by Ole Bull, cosmopolitan, globetrotter and seafarer – and by every other seafarer from Bergen. With music as a navigational aid we make for waters far and near. grieg’s VILLA | Tickets 540 / 490 (Cat. 1–2) TROLDSALEN | Tickets 280 Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. TROLDSALEN Sunday 5 JUNE � 11.30 Duration approx. 1 h 15 min TRANSPORT Free bus from Småstrandgaten to Troldhaugen JIAFENG CHen VIOLIN | BRENDA BLEWETT PIANO Bus journey approx. 30 minutes Works by Mozart, beethoven, Debussy, dvorák AND PONCE OLE BULL SCENE � 22.00 Tickets 250 � STUDENTS/CHILDREN 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. THURSDAY 26 MAY Unni Løvlid & Eva Quartet (NO/BU) FRIDAY 27 MAY � Kamel El Harrachi (ag) SATURDAY 28 MAY � Attwenger (AU) THURSDAY 2 JUNE � Gabriel Fliflet, Richard Burgess & Hordaland 80 (UK/NO) FRIDAY 3 JUNE � Yoruba Andabo (CU) Presented in cooperation with Bergen International Music CONCERT 11.30 Departure 10.45, return 13.30 or 14.30 CONCERT 22.30 Departure 21.45, return 00.00 THORSEN/GIMSE GRIEG’S VILLA FRIDAY 3 JUNE � SATURDAY 4 JUNE � 22.30 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins MARIANNE THORSEN VIOLIN | HÅVARD GIMSE PIANO Works by GRIEG, HALVORSEN AND FAURÉ Festival. PLEASE VISIT www.fib.no for more information. MASTER CLASSES Logen teater 12.00–15.00 CONCERTS START AT 14.15 Tickets 90 (all) SATURDAY 4 JUNE arve tellefsen Sunday 5 JUNE MARIANNE THORSEN Monday 6 JUNE stephan barratt-due TUESDAY 7 JUNE PHOTO: SILJE GRIPSRUD 30 Marianne Thorsen is a member of the Nash Ensemble and is an established soloist in Europe. She was nominated for a Grammy award last year together with the Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, and also appeared as a soloist on the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra’s Halvorsen recording. LEONG/BRAATEN TROLDSALEN SATURDAY 4 JUNE � 11.30 Duration approx. 1 h 15 min kersong leong Violin | LINA BRAATEN PIANO Works by Tommaso, Beethoven, Gluck, Kreisler, Bull AND Gershwin Kerson Leong (b. 1997) won the Junior 1st Prize in last year’s Menuhin Competition, and has also received the Canadian Music Competition five years in a row. j. CHEN/BLEWETT Jiafeng Chen (b. 1987) from Shanghai won the second prize in the Sibelius competition in 2005, and has appeared at international festivals in Switzerland, China, the USA and at the BBC Proms. HA-YOUNG JUNG TROLDSALEN Monday 6 JUNE � 11.30 Duration approx. 1 h 15 min Ha-Young Jung DOUBLE BASS Olga Sitkovetsky piano Alexander Sitkovetsky Violin Guro Kleven Hagen Violin | Oleg Kogan cello Works by Rossini, Bottesini, hindemith AND tabakov Ha-Young Jung (b. 1990) from Korea calls her double bass her “life partner” and has won a number of prizes and stipends. She is currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London. prize winners from barratt due TROLDSALEN TUESDAY 7 JUNE � 11.30 Duration approx. 1 h 15 min Guro Kleven Hagen violin | Sonoko Miriam Shimano Welde violin | Eivind Ringstad Holtsmark viola | Sandra Lied Haga viola | Ole Eirik Ree cello Works by Schubert Students from the Barratt Due Institute of Music have made their presence felt in national and international competitions. IDA HAENDEL/oleg kogan For more concerts at Troldhaugen, Lysøen, Valestrand and Siljustøl, please see pages 32–33 and 42–46. 31 THE FLAME OF OLE BULL VALESTRAND SILJUSTØL Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Tickets 350 | Students/Children 150 TRANSPORT Free bus from Småstrandgaten to Valestrand. CONCERT 13.00 Departure from Småstrandgaten 12.00, return 15.00 Tickets 350 | Students/Children 150 TRANSPORT Free bus from Småstrandgaten to Siljustøl. Departure from Småstrandgaten 14.00, return 16.30 Bus journey approx. 25 minutes. CONCERT 15.00 Departure from Småstrandgaten 14.00, retur 17.00 Bus journey approx. 45 minutes. R. HEMSING/süssmann SATURDAY 4 JUNE � 13.00 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins RAGNHILD HEMSING VIOLIN gunilla süssmann piano PHOTO: MAGNUS SKREDE LYSØEN Tickets 590 | Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. TRANSPORT Free boat from Dreggekaien to Lysøen CONCERT 11.30 Departure from Dreggekaien 10.00, return 14.00 CONCERT 14.30 Departure from Dreggekaien 13.00, return 16.15 Boat journey approx. 50 minutes HAENDEL/SITKOVETSKY SATURDAY 4 JUNE � 11.30 AND 14.30 Duration approx. 1 hour IDA HAENDEL VIOLIN | OLGA SITKOVETSKY PIANO Works by SAINT-SAËNS, ENESCU, SARASATE AND Händel Ida Haendel (b. 1928) has a career spanning generations. At this concert, she will play works by Saint-Saëns, Sarasate, Händel and Enescu. Georges Enescu was one of her teachers, and Haendel has referred to him as ‘enthralling – one of the world’s greatest geniuses’. 32 R. HEMSING/süssmann Sunday 5 JUNE � 11.30 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins FOLK MUSIC and works by BRUSTAD, SVENDSEN, GRIEG AND BULL SATURDAY 4 JUNE � 15.00 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins Works by HALVORSEN, SUK, BEETHOVEN AND BULL ELDBJØRG HEMSING VIOLIN gunilla süssmann piano E. HEMSING/süssmann Sunday 5 JUNE � 14.30 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins ELDBJØRG HEMSING VIOLIN gunilla süssmann piano Works by BEETHOVEN, YSAŸE, PROKOFiEV AND BULL Eldbjørg Hemsing (b. 1990) has appeared at Wigmore Hall and at major festivals in Norway and abroad. She has won many words of praise and awards for her interpretations of the great masters. Duration approx. 1 hour CAMILLA KJØLL Violin Gunnar FLAGSTAD PIANO Works by Chausson, Bartók AND Janáček Camilla Kjøll studied in Switzerland, the USA and at the Barratt Due Institute of Music in Norway. She has appeared with Arve Tellefsen in India and Henning Kraggerud in Brazil, and plays in the Charmina quartet. E. HEMSING/süssmann RAGNHILD HEMSING VIOLIN gunilla süssmann piano Ragnhild Hemsing (b. 1988) made her debut at 13 with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, and has appeared with all the great orchestras in Norway, and orchestras in Denmark, Russia, the USA and Italy. KJØLL/flagstad SATURDAY 4 JUNE � 15.00 Works by Tchaikovsky, YSAŸE, MOZART AND BULL SITKOVETSKY/ SITKOVETSKY Sunday 5 JUNE � 15.00 Duration approx. 1 hour Alexander Sitkovetsky Violin Olga Sitkovetsky piano KLEVEN HAGEN/FLAGSTAD Sunday 5 JUNE � 13.00 og 15.00 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins GURO KLEVEN HAGEN Violin Gunnar FLAGSTAD PIANO Works by MOZART, YSAŸE and ShOSTAKOVIch Works by Tartini, Brahms AND Grieg Mother and son Sitkovetsky have both been affiliated with the Razumovsky Academy and the International Menuhin Music Academy for a number of years. They have also made several recordings, both separately and together. Guro Kleven Hagen (b. 1994) is the prize winner of numerous international competitions, including the 2nd prize in the European Broadcasting Union’s competition “Young Musicians 2010”, and EMCY’s prize for Music in the Menuhin Competition 2010. 33 EARLY MUSIC ANDREAS SCHOLL PHANTASM PHOTO: JAMES MCMILLAN PHOTO: MARCO BORGREVE HÅKONSHALLEN | MONDAY 30 MAY | 19.00 Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. ANDREAS SCHOLL TENOR � TAMAR HALPERIN cembalo, piano works by HENRY PURCELL (1659–1695) � JOHN DOWLAND (1563–1626) � GEORG FRIEDRICH HÄNDEL (1685–1759) THOMAS CAMPION (1567–1620) � FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN (1732–1809) � AND FOLK TUNES on the edge of their seats when he sang Handel arias in the BBC Proms some years ago. The German counter-tenor has released several critically acclaimed recordings. His repertoire spans from opera and baroque music to folk tunes. In the autumn of 2010 he released his first album of music by Henry Purcell, O Solitude. A critic in a Bergen newspaper gave the CD top marks, commenting that ‘Scholl sings it all with his expressive high voice, sounding so different from everything with which we are familiar – ethereal, supernatuAndreas Scholl had six thousand people 34 DOMKIRKEN - BERGEN CATHEDRAL | THURSDAY 2 JUNE | 21.00 Duration approx. 1 h 35 mins Duration approx. 1 h 40 mins (with interval) ral, at times eerily exotic. And the unusual voice makes all the old songs radiate and sparkle.’ The Bergen International Festival concert opens with Purcell’s Music for a While (from Dryden and Lee’s Oedipus), which Scholl considers to be one of the greatest songs ever written. He is accompanied by the Israeli soloist and chamber musician Tamar Halperin. Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. LAURENCE DREYFUS conductor og TREBLE VIOL � WENDY GILLESPIE TREBLE VIOL JONATHAN MANSION TENOR VIOL � MARKKU LUOLAJAN-MIKKOLA BASS VIOL MIKKO PERKOLA tenor AND bass VIOLS � EMILIA BENJAMIN TENOR VIOL WORKS BY WILLIAM BYRD (ca. 1540–1623) WILLIAM LAWES (1602–1645) JOHN WARD (ca. 1589–1638) ORLANDO GIBBONS (1583–1625) The early music ensemble Phantasm made its first major breakthrough when its first CD received the Gramophone Award for best instrumental Baroque recording in 1997. Since then the ensemble has recorded a further 12 CDs, won several awards and been named Consort in Residence at Oxford University, where they teach, perform, and collaborate with student viol players and organists. Phantasm like to take chances in their quest to bring early music to life. Laurence Dreyfus, the founder, taught at Yale and Stanford before coming to Oxford. The ensemble has received critical acclaim worldwide for its concerts, where they focus particularly on the intricate fantasias of Byrd and Gibbons and works by Lawes and Purcell. ‘Phantasm is truly in a class of its own’, wrote Gramophone on Consorts in Six Parts with music by William Lawes. 35 EARLY MUSIC THE NORWEGIAN SOLOISTS’ CHOIR TRIO MEDIæVaL PHOTO: ANNIKEN C MOHR HÅKONSHALLEN | TUESDAY 31 MAY | 19.00 Duration approx. 2 hours Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 DOMKIRKEN - BERGEN CATHEDRAL | WEDNESDAY 1 JUNE | 21.00 Duration approx. 1 h 10 mins | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. GRETE PEDERSEN conductor � DET NORSKE SOLISTKOR � BJØRNAR HABBESTAD FLUTE ROLF BORCH CONTRABASS CLARINET � ALVISE VIDOLIN LIVE ELECTRONICS � ALTA PUNTA giovanni gabrieli (1555–1612) Symfoniae Sacrae � LUIGI NONO (1924–1990) Io, Frammento de Prometeo The Norwegian Soloists’ Choir has a long tradition of appearing at the Festival, and there is always a special atmosphere at their concerts. This year’s programme spans many centuries. Towards the end of his career the composer Luigi Nono wrote a series of works connected to the myth of Prometheus. In typically gentle tones Nono takes a close look at space as a living instrument. It is also about space within the music itself – how voices, instruments, electronics and acoustics affect one another – and about the philosophical space between thought, language and an 36 PHOTO: Åsa Maria Mikkelsen outer world. Io, Frammento de Prometeo (1981) is written for three soloists, a small choir, bass flute, contrabass clarinet and live electronics. The work is built on textual fragments by Aeschylus, Euripides, Herodotus, Hölderlin, Pindarus and Sappho. Nono’s work meets music by Giovanni Gabrieli, who experimented with music and space almost 300 years earlier in Luigi Nono’s native city, Venice. As the organist of St Mark’s Cathedral, Gabrieli was concerned about the exact positioning of the groups of instrumentalists and singers in the church. Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. TRIO MEDIÆVAL a worcester ladymass - anon 13th century, england Salve sancta parens | Kyrie | Gloria | Munda Maria | O Maria, virgo pia | Benedicta / Virgo dei genitrix | Felix namque | Salve, rosa florum | Grata iuvencula | De Supernis sedibus | Dulciflua tua memoria | Sanctus | Agnus dei | Beata viscera | Alma dei genitrix | Benedicamus DOMINO | Ave Regina gloriosa Music was a central feature of everyday life and celebrations alike for nuns and monks in early mediaeval England. Most of the church music of the time has passed into oblivion, but in Worcester Cathedral over a hundred anonymous compositions from the era were discovered, having been used as padding in the process of bookbinding. From this unique material Trio Mediæval have compiled ‘A Worcester Ladymass’ – a mass to the Virgin Mary, supplemented by contributions by Gavin Bryars. ‘The three voices blended with a supernatural clarity and beauty that might cause even a confirmed agnostic to contemplate a spark of divinity in these centuries-old manuscripts’, wrote the New York Times. Trio Mediæval, who were Musicians in Residence at the 2007 Bergen International Festival, have for several years spellbound audiences worldwide with their beautiful voices and polyphonic music. Their repertoire spans from mediaeval English and French music and traditional Norwegian ballads to contemporary music written specially for the ensemble. 37 CHAMBER MUSIC BEETHOVEN’S CELLO SONATAS Khatia Buniatishvili PHOTO: MORTEN KROGVOLD PHOTO: JULIA WESELY HÅKONSHALLEN | THURSDAY 26 MAY and FRIDAY 27 MAY | 19.00 THURSDAY Duration approx. 1 h 40 mins (with interval) and FRIDAY Duration approx. 2 hours (with interval) Tickets 390 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. TRULS MØRK cello THURSDAY 26 MAY: LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) sonatA nO 1 iN f MAJOR, op 5 nO 1 � SonatA nO 4 iN C MAJOR, op 102, nO 1 � 12 VARIATIONS ON «See the Conquering Hero comes» FROM Händel’s Judas Maccabeus SonatA nO 3 IN A MAJOR, op 69 FRIDAY 27 MAY: SonatA nO 2 IN g MINOR, op 5 nO 2 � 12 VARIATIONS ON «Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen» frOM MOZART’S THE MAGIC FLUTE � 7 VARIATIONS ON «Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen» frOM MOZART’S THE MAGIC FLUTE � SonatA no 5 iN d MAJOR, op 102 NO 2 38 | THURSDAY 2 JUNE | 19.00 Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. KHATIA BUNIATISHVILI Piano � HÅVARD GIMSE piano Beethoven’s five sonatas for cello and piano describe in many ways a journey through the composer’s life. They represent three stages: the first two were written when the young composer was making his name as a concert pianist. The Cello Sonata in A major was written at a time when his deafness was already acute, while he composed numbers four and five in 1815, the year that marked the start of his last creative period. HÅKONSHALLEN Duration approx. 1 h 15 min The concert programme is exactly the same as that of Jacqueline du Pré and Daniel Barenboim in the 1970 Bergen International Festival. Truls Mørk, cello, is known for his raw intensity, a reputation he has built up through performances worldwide. He plays here with Håvard Gimse, who has made over 30 recordings and won the Grieg Prize, the Steinway Prize and the Sibelius Prize. FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN (1810–1849) 3 ScherzI – SonatA nO 2 FRANZ LISZT (1811–1886) Mefisto WalTZ nO 1 IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882–1971) 3 MOVEMENTS frOM PetrusHka ‘The piano is a complete instrument. It needs no other instruments, and can exist entirely alone,’ claims Khatia Buniatishvili. Many musicians and journalists regard the prize-winning pianist as one of the great musicians of the future. She is a BBT 2010 Award Winner and a member of BBC Radio 3’s New Generation Artists Scheme. Khatia Buniatishvili grew up in a musical family in Georgia. She feels that Georgian folk music has had a strong influence on her musicality: ‘When you are surrounded by music all the time as a child, it gets into your head and makes you play more freely, without being so systematic and dogmatic.’ Critics have described her style as melancholic and withdrawn, but Buniatishvili does not consider this to be negative. For her freedom is closely related to solitude. ‘The piano is the darkest instrument – a symbol of musical loneliness that even pianists have to get used to. Perhaps it is lonely, perhaps it is just a little sad and a little too gloomy, but I think it is beautiful’, she says. 39 CHAMBER MUSIC Kopatchinskaja & SAY IHLE HADLAND PLAYS BACH PHOTO: MARCO BORGERVE HÅKONSHALLEN | FRIDAY 3 JUNE | 19.00 Duration approx. 1 h 30 mins (with interval) Tickets 320 | Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. PHOTO: ANDERS BERGERSEN JOHANNESKIRKEN – ST JOHN’S CHURCH | FRIDAY 3 JUNE Duration approx. 1 h 30 mins (with interval) | Tickets 320 | | 21.00 Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. PATRICIA KOPATCHINSKAJA Violin � FAZIL SAY Piano CHRISTIAN IHLE HADLAND Piano LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) VIOLIN SONATA iN A MAJOR nO 9 op. 47, THE Kreutzer sonatA MAURICE RAVEL (1875–1937) VIOLIN SONATA BÉLA BARTÓK (1881–1945) Romanian Folk Dances FAZIL SAY (b. 1970) VIOLIN SONATA J.S. Bach (1685–1750) PARTITA NO 1 IN B FLAT MAJOR BWV 825. FANTASIA AND FUGUE IN A MINOR BWV 904, ENGLISH SUITE NO 2 IN A MINOR BWV 807 C.P.E. Bach: (1714–1788) SONATA NO 2 IN B FLAT MAJOR FROM 6 PRUSSIAN SONATAS (WQ48/H25), SONATA NO 1 IN A MINOR FROM 6 WÜRTTEMBERG SONATAS (WQ49/H30) like this; you don’t hear but rather feel the music with your whole body, with your eyes, all your senses’, says Patricia Kopatchinskaja. The Moldovan violinist, known for her bold, expressive interpretations and untraditional stage performances, feels that her musical encounter with the Turkish pianistcomposer Fazil Say changed her life. ‘We are on the same musical wavelength’, says Say. In Håkonshallen their performance will include Beethoven’s famous A major Violin Sonata, Except for a few obvious similarities, such as shared DNA, there is very little that Johann Sebastian and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach had in common, according to Christian Ihle Hadland, who has performed in the Bergen International Festival on several occasions before. ‘Whereas Johann Sebastian Bach’s music may sometimes give a feeling of being so formally perfect that its very perfection overshadows the personal expression of the performer, the music of his second eldest son is a very different matter. Alt- ‘I have dreamt of making music 40 which they have also recorded together. ‘This is far from being just another recording of the Kreutzer Sonata. Patricia Kopatchinskaja and Fazil Say share a radical approach, performing each musical gesture in the most vivid way … It’s undeniably exciting’, wrote The Gramophone of their CD, which also contains the repertoire of this Festival concert. hough the Baroque period was far from over, we already note the rumblings of Sturm und Drang in the distance,’ says Christian Ihle Hadland, adding that sonata form, developing at this time, was an important prerequisite for the coming Viennese Classical period. Mozart and Haydn admired CPE Bach enormously. Mozart said, ‘He is the father, we are the children.’ 41 THE NORWEGIAN SOLOIST PRIZE During the Bergen International Festival the Norwegian Soloist Prize will be awarded to an especially talented young instrumentalist. This year the competition has been extended to all of the Nordic countries, and each of the five largest Nordic orchestras has selected a candidate. Each musician will give a concert in Troldsalen before coming together in Håkonshallen, where the winner will be announced. The prize, donated by Bernt Fossum, is 100 000 Norwegian kroner. TROLDSALEN | Tickets 280 FINALE IN HÅKONSHALLEN | Students/Children 150 | Tickets 290 Students/Children 150 | Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Free bus from Småstrandgaten to Troldhaugen CONCERT 11.30: Departure 10.45, return 13.30 or 14.30 CONCERT kl 14.00: Departure 13.15 return 16.30 Bus journey approx. 30 min VISA SIPPOLA THURSDAY 26 MAY � 11.30 TROLDSALEN Duration approx. 1 h 15 min FRIDAY 27 MAY � 11.30 TROLDSALEN Duration approx 1 h 15 min The Swedish cellist Jakob Koranyi (born 1983) attracted attention when he won the 2nd Grand Prize at the Rostropovich Competition in Paris in 2009. He has been described as ‘absolutely rock’em-sock-’em, mesmerizingly perfect’. The Finnish pianist Visa Sippola (born 1993) has performed as a soloist and chamber musician in Finland, Estonia, Germany, the UK and the USA, in addition to conducting the Helsinki Youth Symphony Orchestra. Among the prizes he has received is the Young Talent Prize of the Finnish national broadcasting corporation, YLE. JAkOB KORANYI cello peter friis johansson piano JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685–1750) Prelude, Sarabande and Gigue in D Major, BWV 1012 No. 6, ‘Suite for solo cello No. 6’ CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862–1918) Sonata for cello in D Minor, L 135 No. 1 GYÖRGY LIGETI (1923–2006) Solo sonata for cello JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833–1897) Cello Sonata in E Minor, Op. 38 SUPPORTED BY THE NORDIC CULTURE FUND. 42 Elfa Rún Kristinsdóttir VISA SIPPOLA piano Sergey Prokofiev (1891–1953) Visions fugitives op. 22 nr. 1–14 MUZIO CLEMENTI (1752–1832) Sonata in B Flat Major, Op. 24 No. 2 FRANZ LISZT (1811–1886) Sonata in B Minor, S. 178 ANDERS KJELLBERG NILSSON SATURDAY 28 MAY � 11.30 TROLDSALEN Duration approx. 1 h 15 min SUNDAY 29 MAY � 11.30 TROLDSALEN Duration approx. 1 h 15 min The Icelandic violinist Elfa Rún Kristinsdóttir (born 1985) has given solo performances with the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra, the Tokyo Royal Chamber Orchestra and the Freiburg Academic Orchestra, and has collaborated with several German chamber ensembles. The Norwegian violinist Anders Kjellberg Nilsson (born 1983) made his first Bergen International Festival appearance in 2007. He is one of few young musicians to have had a concerto written for him. An uncommonly versatile musician, he plays both violin and viola, and has received acclaim as a soloist, chamber musician, instructor, orchestral violinist and musical director. ELFA RÚN KRISTINSDÓTTIR violin FRANÇOIS LAMBRET piano JAKOB KORANYI PHOTO: Kunstmuseene i Bergen GEORG PHILIPP TELEMANN (1681–1767) Fantasia for solo violin in E flat Major No. 7 SALVATORE SCIARRINO (B. 1947) Caprices for Solo Violin ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810–1856) Sonata for violin and piano Op. 121 Andreas Brantelid SATURDAY 28 MAY � 14.00 TROLDSALEN Duration approx. 1 h 15 min The Danish cellist Andreas Brantelid (born 1987) won the Eurovision Young Musicians Competition in 2006. He is a member of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in New York, and his debut performances this season include a concert in the Concertgebouw with the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra. ANDREAS BRANTELID cello christian ihle hadland piano ANDERS kjellberg NILSSON VIOLIN/VIOLA TOR ESPEN ASPAAS piano Krzysztof Penderecki (B. 1933) Cadenza for Solo Viola Claude Debussy (1862–1918) Sonata for Violin in G Minor, L. 140 Arnold Schoenberg (1874–1951) Fantasy, Op. 47 Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) Violin Sonata in G Major, Op. 78 No. 1 FINALE THE NORWEGIAN SOLOIST PRICE SUNDAY 29 MAY � 19.00 HÅKONSHALLEN Duration approx. 1 h 40 min All five candidates will perform at the finale concert before the Norwegian Soloist Prize is awarded. ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810–1856) 5 Pieces in Folk Style, Op. 102 LEOŠ JANáčEK (1854–1928) Pohádka, JW 7/5, ‘The Story of Tsar Berendyey’ SERGEJ RACHMANINOV (1873–1943) Sonata for cello and piano in G Minor, Op. 19 43 NORWEGIAN LANDINGS SILJUSTØL VALESTRAND GET A WEEKEND CRASH-COURSE IN NORWEGIAN MUSIC! The composers’ homes and Logen are the venues of a concert series presenting familiar Norwegian works. Presiding over the series is the violinist Peter Herresthal, professor at the Norwegian National Academy of Music and at The Royal College London. At the heart of the series is the music of Arne Nordheim and Harald Sæverud, who were diametrical opposites in the 1960s, when a new generation of composers started a revolution against the national romantic style in search of a new musical language. | Student/Barn 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. THE CITY SQUARE - TORGALLMENNINGEN Duration approx. 1 hour Saturday 28 MAY � 13.00 � FREE OF CHARGE � Duration approx. 1 hour NORWEGIAN LANDINGS OPENING THE NORWEGIAN ARMED FORCES BAND, WESTERN NORWAY PETER SZILVAY CONDUCTOR SVERRE RIISE trombone PETER KATES � TROND MADSEN PERCUSSION HARALD SÆVERUD (1897–1992) The Devil’s Five-Hop, op. 28 no. 1 ROLF Wallin (B. 1957) FrOM Stonewave OLAV ANTON Thommessen (B. 1946) Stabsarabesk Arne Nordheim (1931–2010) Hunting of the snark for solotrombone KNUT Vaage (B. 1961) Forward March SVEIN HENRIK Giske (B. 1973) Nystemten LOGEN TEATER LYSØEN Sunday 29 MAY � 16.00 Tickets 280 | Student/Barn 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. NORWEGIAN MASTERPIECES Duration approx. 1 hour Excerpts from Sæverud and Nordheim’s caustic verbal exchanges and some of the best known music in the country. ENSEMBLE ALLEGRIA PETER HERRESTHAL Violin JAKOB KULLBERG Cello STAFFAN SCHEJA piano HARALD SÆVERUD (1897–1992) Kjempeviseslåtten ARNE NORDHEIM (1931–2010) Superduplex for violin/cello AND strINGS ODD GRÜNER-HEGGE (1899–1973) ELEGY for strINGS ChristiaN SINDING (1856–1941) Frühlingsrauchen EDVARD GRIEG (1843–1907) FROM HOLBERG’S TIME, OP. 40 44 Saturday 28 MAY & Sunday 29 MAY 11.30 & 14.30 Tickets 590 | Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. TELLEFSEN/GIMSE Duration approx. 1 h 15 mins ARVE TELLEFSEN violin HÅVARD GIMSE piano Works by Grieg, Halvorsen, SVENDSEN AND NORDHEIM TRANSPORT TO LYSØEN FREE boat from Dreggekaien CONCERT 11.30 Departure 10.00, return 14.00 CONCERT 14.30 Departure 13.00, return 16.15 The boat journey takes approx. 50 min Saturday 28 MAY � 15.00 Tickets 350 ENSEMBLE ERNST ENSEMBLE ERNST JAKOB KULLBERG cello ROLF WALLIN (B. 1957) Scratch JON ØYVIND NESS (B. 1968) New Work for Trombone and Wind Quintet ØRJAN MATRE (B. 1979) CHANT ARNE NORDHEIM (1931–2010) From Solo Suite for Cello HARALD SÆVERUD (1897–1992) Wind Quintet Sunday 29 MAY � 15.00 | Student/Barn 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Tickets 350 NORWEGIAN CONTRASTS Duration approx. 1 hour STINE AARØNES violin INGVILD HABBESTAD violin ELLEN NISBETH viola AUDUN SANDVIK cello HARDANGER FIDDLE TUNES HARALD SÆVERUD (1897–1992) From Duets for Two Violins, Op. 32 String Quartet, Op. 49 No. 1 ARNE NORDHEIM (1931–2010) Brudd for viola EDVARD GRIEG (1843–1907) String Quartet in G Minor, Op. 27 No. 1 TRANSPORT TO SILJUSTØL Free bus from Småstrandgaten Departure 14.00, return 16.30 The bus journey takes approx. 25 minutes. Saturday 28 MAY � 13.00 and 15.00 � Student/Barn 150 TICKETS 350 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. ÖVINGE/BJELLAND Duration approx. 1 h 15 mins SARA ÖVINGE violin (intro-musician) ELLEN NISBETH viola SVEINUNG BJELLAND piano ARNE NORDHEIM (1931–2010) Dance you Monster FROM ‘Partita’ OLE BULL (1810-1880) Concerto fantastico, 1st and 2nd movement GISLE KVERNDOKK (B. 1967) Through the looking-glass, ‘Kverndokk’ Händel/Halvorsen (1864–1935) Passacaglia Sunday 29 MAY � 13.00 and 15.00 | Student/Barn 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Tickets 350 C. Chen/ Bjelland Duration approx. 1 h 30 mins CATHARINA CHEN violin (intro-musician) SVEINUNG BJELLAND piano OLE BULL (1810–1880): la verbena de san juan cantabile doloroso e rondo giocoso CHRISTIAN SINDING (1856–1941): Cantus Doloris, OP. 78 ØISTEIN SOMMERFELDT (1919–1994): Sonata for Solo Violin HARALD SÆVERUD (1897–1992): Romance TRANSPORT TO VALESTRAND Free bus from Småstrandgaten CONCERT 13.00 Departure 12.00, return 15.00 CONCERT 15.00 Departure 14.00, return 17.00 The bus journey takes approx 45 minutes. 45 PHOTO: HELGE SKODVIN AT TROLDHAUGEN PHOTO: HELGE HANSEN Antti Siirala FRI 27 MAY � 22.30 � SAT 28 maY � 20.30 & 22.30 GRIEG’S VILLA � Duration approx. 1 h 10 min Tickets 540 / 490 (cat. 1–2) | Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Antti Siirala is a well-established pianist on the European concert stage, and wowed the Festival audience with her performance of Grieg’s Concerto in A minor in 2005. ANTTI SIIRALA piano Works by GRIEG, CHOPIN and BEETHOVEN KIELLAND SINGS HAUGTUSSA THURSDAY 2 JUNE � 11.30 TROLDSALEN � Duration approx. 1 h 15 min Tickets 280 | Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Marianne Beate Kielland’s beautiful, expressive voice has made her a popular concert singer, and she has participated in over twenty recordings. On this occasion we will also hear song cycles by Weber and Schoenberg, as a contrast to Grieg. DE LANGE/ The Norwegian Soloists’ Choir NEXT TO THE CITY HALL TROLDSALEN Duration approx. 1 h 15 min SATURDAY 28 MAY–sunday 29 MAY FRIDAY 3 JUNE � 11.30 Tickets 280 | Students/Children 150 Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. Live de Lange has already established herself as a talented conductor, and this Festival performance is her examination concert. Together with the Norwegain Soloists’ Choir she presents four of Monteverdi’s madrigals. LIVE DE LANGE CONDUCTOR THE NORWEGIAN SOLOISTS’ CHOIR Works by CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI TRANSPORT TO TROLDHAUGEN Free bus from Småstrandgaten CONCERT 11.30 Departure 10.45, return 13.30 or 14.30 CONCERT 20.30 Departure 19.45, return 13.30 or 22.15 CONCERT 22.30 Departure 21.45, return 00.00 Bus journey approx. 30 minutes MARIANNE BEATE KIELLAND mezzo sopranO NILS MORTENSEN piano Works by GRIEG, Schoenberg and WEBERN 46 BE CAPTIVATED! For more concerts at Troldhaugen, Lysøen, Valestrand and Siljustøl, please see pages 31–33 and 42–45. FORMER BERGEN COUNTY JAIL FRIDAY 27 MAY–SATURDAY 28 MAY FRIDAY 3 JUNE–SATURDAY 4 JUNE SATURDAY 4 JUNE–sunday 5 JUNE CHECK IN 21.00–21.30 CHECK OUT 08.00–09.00 SINGLE CELL 900 PER PERSON IN DOUBLE CELL 500 PER PERSON IN 4-PERSON CELL 400 student 150 (LIMITED AVAILABILITY) Buy the Festival Card and get a 30 % discount. During your stay supper and breakfast will be served, and the beds in the cells are made. Bergen International Festival Exhibition 2011 Hanne Borchgrevink PHOTO: BERGENS TIDENDE SPEND THE NIGHT in the former Bergen County Jail, and join a tour into the universe of the artist Kurt Johannessen. His poetic, minimalistic and often humorous form will make its mark on the prison, and in the course of their twelve hour stay overnight guests will have a unique series of experiences. Artists and musicians have been invited to make this night a special one. Bergen County Jail opened in 1867 and was in normal use until 1991. Now a listed building, it has since remained unused except for a couple of art projects. Now after thorough spring cleaning for this Bergen International Festival project, the prison nevertheless shows evidence of its former life. Knut Johannessen specialises in performance, books and installations. Since the early 1980s he has produced some 200 performance pieces in Europe, Asia and America. In collaboration with the City of Bergen and the Bergen National Academy of the Arts Hanne Borchgrevinck (born 1951) is the 2011 Festival Exhibitor in Bergen Kunsthall. The Festival Exhibition has existed for 57 years and is well established as one of Norway’s major solo exhibitions. Hanne Borchgrevinck was one of the central characters in the renaissance of figurative painting in Norway. She is a master of formal, colouristic and perspectivist effects. The 2011 Festival Exhibition, the largest celebration of her artistic production to date, will consist exclusively of new works. 47 BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE DISCOUNTS TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FROM OUR WEBSITE www.fib.no OR DIRECTLY FROM www.BILLETTSERVICE.no - a Ticketmaster company. FESTIVAL CARD 2011 Use TicketFast and receive your tickets by e-mail in PDF format ready to print at home, or collect your tickets from Billettservice sales points. Grieghallen TICKET OFFICE Revy og Teaterservice: Over-the-counter ticket sales, additional programme information. OPENING HOURS MONDAY–FRIDAY 10.00–17.00 THURSDAY 10.00–19.30 SATURDAY 11.00–14.00 DURING THE FESTIVAL DAILY 10.00–20.00 TEL: +47 55 21 61 50 E-mail: billettkontoret@grieghallen.no Den Nationale Scene (DNS) TICKET OFFICE OPENING HOURS MONDAY–FRIDAY 09.00–20.00 SATURDAY 11.00–18.00 and one hour before performances start TEL: +47 55 60 70 80 E-mail: dns@dns.no THE FESTIVAL TICKET BOOTH Over-the-counter ticket sales, additional programme information. OPENING HOURS MONDAY–SUNDAY 09.00–19.30 Every day during the festival period Logen TICKET OFFICE OPENING HOURS one hour before performances start E-mail: post@logen-teater.no billettservice OPENING HOURS MONDAY–FRIDAY 09.00–17.00 SATURDAY 10.00–14.00 TEL: +47 815 33 133 Tickets can also be bought at other Billettservice sales points. For a complete listing see www.billettservice.no. You can buy the Festival Card and the Artist Card at Grieghallen, Den Nationale Scene and the Festival Ticket Booth. TICKETS AT THE DOOR Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door or ticket booth at the venue one hour before performances start. For sold-out performances, reserved tickets not collected are sold 15 minutes prior to performance start. The opening hours of the sales points are subject to change on holidays. Standard prices are quoted in the programme for each performance. Booking fees are included in all quoted prices, and apply to all tickets. Any discounts do not apply to the booking fee, which is always paid in full. The fee is calculated from the discounted ticket price. Discounts only apply to tickets costing more than 100 NOK. 390 NOK (including booking fee) By purchasing our Festival Card you get these advantages and more: - 30 per cent discount on tickets. - 10 per cent discount on Hurtigruten voyages and free cabin upgrades. This offer is valid from 14 February to 20 June 2011. - 15 per cent discount on food at the Festival restaurants. - Free concert/performance programme at our venues where available. - The best seats in Grieghallen and the DNS Theatre for early bookers (subject to availability). Tickets must be bought from the Grieghallen ticket office. ARTIST CARD 2011 50 NOK (including booking fee) For members of registered artists’ organisations. With the Artist Card, you can buy up to two tickets per event for 170 NOK only. CHILDREN, YOUTHS, STUDENTS Children up to 16 years of age, young people between 16-20 years with the Hordaland County Culture Card and students with a valid student card pay maximum 150 NOK for a ticket. GROUP BOOKINGS Tel: +47 55 21 61 70. E-mail: post@revyogteater.no / ramona@fib.no Groups of more than ten persons get a 10 per cent discount. - Satisfaction guarantee. CONCESSIONARY CARD Senior citizens and other card holders get a 20 per cent discount on tickets upon presentation of a valid concessionary card (“honnørkort”). COMPANION DISCOUNT Persons with disabilities can bring a companion free of charge to events upon presentation of a valid companion card (“ledsagerbevis”) by contacting our ticket of fices at Grieghallen, Den Nationale Scene or the Festival Ticket Booth. If the companion ticket is bought at another sales point a booking fee will apply. THE BERGEN CARD With the Bergen Card you get a 20 per cent discount on Festival tickets. The card is available at the Tourist Information Office. Please visit http://www.visitbergen.com/en/BERGEN-CARD/ for more information. BT-CARD 20 per cent discount on several events with the BT-card (given out to subscribers to the newspaper Bergens Tidende). Read more about offers, buying tickets and conditions at www.fib.no/en/tickets. Subject to change. 49 THANK YOU! The Bergen International Festival extends its thanks to partners and contributors who through their active support ensure that the Festival continues to be a vital institution at the forefront of cultural activity. FESTIVAL AMBASSADORS Yvonne & Bjarne Rieber Grieg Foundation MAIN PARTNERS DnB NOR Statoil Bergens Tidende Radisson Blu Hotel Norge DAGENS NÆRINGSLIV INTERNATIONAL MARKETING PARTNER KRAFT&KULTUR FESTIVAL PARTNERS Telenor Norwegian Hull Club MARKETING PARTNERS 07000 Bergen Taxi Vi over 60 id capital Galleriet Avinor PROJECT PARTNERS Dextra Musica – Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR THE KAVLI TRUST Visjon Vest – sparebanken vest TV 2 PUBLIC SUPPORT MINISTRY OF CULTURE CITY OF BERGEN HORDALAND COUNTY COUNCIL MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROJECT SUPPORT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION FOUNDATION NORDIC CULTURE FUND NORDIC CULTURE POINT IBSEN INTERNATIONAL SWEDEN’S EMBASSY IN NORWAY OTHER PARTNERS AND CONTRIBUTORS NORDEA FRIELE HURTIGRUTEN J.W. EIDES STIFTELSE FESTIVAL RESTAURANTS 2011 We support the Heroes of Tomorrow The success of Statoil is down to individuals with the ability and desire to think outside the box. Individuals who strive to make the impossible possible. Individuals with the skills and determination to achieve excellence. In order to succeed in the future we need more such people, and so does the society that we live in and depend upon. We find them among our youth. We call them the Heroes of Tomorrow. Dextr a Musica is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Savings Bank Foundation DnB NOR. The company invests in string instruments and lends them to talented Norwegian musicians. This year, Dextra Musica is supporting Bergen International Festival’s focus on the legacy of Ole Bull, under the title The Flame of Ole Bull. Through its focus on children and young people, Sparebanken Vest has helped to develop a number of projects aimed at ensuring that Western Norway is a good place for children to grow up. Working in this field is a way of investing in the future, as our region is completely dependent on the creativity and expertise of coming generations. That is why Sparebanken Vest sponsors Bergen International Festival’s activities aimed at children and young people. www.statoil.com 50 51 Tickets +47 55 21 61 50 www.billettservice.no BERGEN INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL PHONE +47 55 21 06 30 FAX +47 55 21 06 40 PB. 183 Sentrum 5804 Bergen E-MAIL info@fib.no www.fib.no WE WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK! Send us a text with code word [FIB mening] followed by your opinion to 2077. The SMS will be charged at standard international rates for your subscription. (No cost for Norwegian subscribers.) 52 PHOTO Helge Hansen DESIGN www.maneuver.no PRINTED BY Scanner Grafisk PUBLISHED BY BERGEN INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL