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WEEKENDER Sports Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 WEEKENDER Page 1b Banquet celebrates successful ski season at Village TEMISKAMING SHORES (Staff ) - The TriTown Ski and Snowboard Village will stage their end-of-season banquet, auction, dinner and party on Saturday, April 30, at the New Liskeard Community Hall. Cocktails and auction at 6 o’clock, dinner 7:30 and live band and dance at 9 p.m. Supporters are urged to attend and celebrate the Village’s successful season and help to raise funds for upcoming projects. Tickets are available at Howey Bros. in downtown New Liskeard. YOUTH BASKETBALL TOURNEY The TDSS Youth Basketball League’s mid-season tournament takes place Thursday, April 28. The league’s 3-on-3 tournament is slated for Thursday, May 12. The end-of-season tournament will go Thursday, May 26. All tournaments begin at 6 p.m. at the school. YOUTH SLO-PITCH Registration for the Rural Youth Mixed Slo-Pitch League is on now and continues through to May 11 on the City of Temiskaming Shores’ website. Age groups are T-Ball aged 5 to 7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14-17. All ages are as of January 1, 2016. Anyone interested in coaching or umpiring can contact Alex Regele at 705-648-5132 or email SLO-PITCH COACHES/CONVENORS The Rural Youth Mixed Slo-Pitch League will have a meeting Monday, May 2, for returning and prospective coaches and convenors. It takes place at 6:30 p.m. at the Pool and Fitness Centre. Contact Alex Regele at for more information. ZUBYCK RELAY TDSS will host the annual Gord Zubyck Memorial Relay Track and Field Meet Wednesday, May 4, at the Mary Vandervliet Graydon Track. The 2016 year-end banquet for the Tri-Town Ski and Snowboard Village is April 30. The club had a successful season that saw the re-introduction of the rescue and safety team. Seen here at the end of one practice session on the slopes were, from the left, Algonquin Zone director of first aid Natalie Everitt, patrollers Jamie Abraham and Jody Currie, Zone vice president of operations Lisa Lemay, lead patroller Cheryl Sheffield and, in the toboggan, Christopher Lemay. (Staff photo by Steven Larocque) MEN’S BASKETBALL ton Marsh (as chosen by the The New Liskeard Men’s Basketball League has the following games scheduled for participant), 10 per cent will go Thursday, May 5: Active 1 Source for Sports versus The Cooperators at 7:45 p.m.; Miller to the school challenge, and 10 per cent to the community vs. Kirkland Lake at 8:45. All games at Timiskaming District Secondary School (TDSS). challenge. WALKATHON NLSC BANQUET The 47th annual Walkathon fundraiser for Community Living Temiskaming South The New Liskeard Skating (CLTS) is scheduled for Saturday, May 7. Registration begins at 8 a.m. at English Catholic Club’s (NLSC) year-end banCentral School. Participants can choose a five-kilometre (km) route from the school and quet and awards night is Tuesday, May 17, at 5:30 p.m. at Rivback or make the traditional 17km hike to the Cobalt Golden Age Club. Participants erside Place in New Liskeard. will also be eligible for prizes. For more information call Andrea Steis at 705-672-2000 SNEOAA TRACK The TDSS Mary Vandervliet extension 27. Graydon Track will be the site GET ACTIVE The Get Active in Temiskaming series of road races and walks of the South North Eastern has its next event Saturday, May 14. The Mother’s Day pink- Ontario Athletic Association themed event takes place at the Dymond Ball Park. Also on the (NEOAA) Track and Field meet Wednesday, May 18. schedule this year: Sat. June 18 at Pete’s Dam Park (family barbeTNSC AGM cue for dads); Sunday. October 1 at the Temiskaming Nordic Ski The Temiskaming Nordic Ski Club (colour-themed); Sun. November 13 at the New Liskeard Club’s annual general meeting Pool and Fitness Center (holiday/chilly themed). All events con- is scheduled for Wednesday, sist of running or walking 100-metres (for kids under five) and May 18, at 7 p.m. at the chalet. distances of one-, two-, five- and 10-kilometres (km) for all ages. Discussions about club operaPreregistration can be completed online or at The Running Link tions and business are on the and at each event between 8:30-9:15 a.m. Start times: kids 100m agenda. Anyone interested in at 9:30; 1km/2km 9:40; 5km/10km walk 10 a.m. and the 5km and being part of the TNSC execuOur body shop can quickly give your insurance 10km run at 10:30 a.m. The next two events are free for ages 12 tive next year is asked to call adjuster an accurate estimate of the cost to repair and under thanks to the Healthy Kids Community Challenge. TNSC president Barrie Story at your vehicle. And once we get approval, we’ll This year’s entry fees will be directed to the Temiskaming Nordic 705-563-2914 or email him at proceed as fast as possible to make your car like new There again...using genuine GM parts. Ski Club, Tri-Town Ski and Snowboard Village and the Hilliardare several positions available. NEOAA TRACK The NEOAA track championships will be held Tuesday, May The Collision Centre 24, at TDSS. 238 Armstrong Centre, P.O. Box 100, New Liskeard ON P0J 1P0 NLSC AGM Telephone: 1-705-647-2031 • Fax 1-705-647-9817 The NLSC’s annual general Email: meeting is Thursday, May 26, at 6 p.m. at the Don ShepherdLimestone Quarry Motor Vehicle Inspection son Memorial Arena. For more nd Starters Brakes information, contact Andrea AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE Alternators Steis. Will be open on May 2 nd nd Suspension TRI-TOWN LACROSSE Electronic Diagnostic The Tri-Town Lacrosse Assond Rustproofing ciation’s new season is up and nd O R K E AV E ., H AI LE Y B U R Y Hours: 7am-5pm Monday-Friday running at the Haileybury AreFuel Injection Service 70 5 - 6 72- 29 29 na and Recreation Centre. Pee Exhaust Tune Ups Authorized For after hours or weekendloads loads, please call ahead. After hours or weekend please call ahead. Wees are on the court at 6:15 Oil Change & Lube & Certified deAler p.m., Bantams at 7:15 on Mon705-563-2430 or Edmond at 705-648-1619 days and Wednesdays. E R A C CAR Y R O T C DIRE FAST, M R I F ESTIMATES 24 R OPENING! OPENING! OPENING! OPENING! Limestone Quarry OPENING! Limestone Quarry Will be open on May 2 Limestone Quarry Limestone Quarry Will be open on May 2 Will be open on May 2 Will be open Monday-Friday on May 2 Hours: 7am-5pm Hours: 7am-5pmloads Monday-Friday After hours or weekend please call ahead. Hours: 7am-5pm Monday-Friday 705-563-2430 or Edmond 705-648-1619 After hours or7am-5pm weekend loadsatplease call ahead. Hours: Monday-Friday After hours or weekend loads please call ahead. 705-563-2430 or Edmond at 705-648-1619 Page 2b WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH: Les Filles d’ Isabelle in collaboration with Les Festival Franco Folie will be having their ANNUAL GARAGE SALE on Saturday April 30th at the Shepherdson Arena in New Liskeard from 07:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We will be accepting donated items that are clean and in good working- condition (no books, no clothing). These items can be brought at the back door of the arena on Friday the 29th from 2:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. We wish to thank you in advance for your participation and generous donations for this event. For more info call Josette at 705-647-8475 & leave a message SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH Milberta Community Women’s Yard Sale at the Kerns Hall on Milberta Road. 8am to 12pm. Doors close at 12pm sharp. MONDAY, MAY 2ND: Reminder! Ghost of the Hardy Boys’ Short Story Writing Contest The deadline for submission is Monday, May 2, 2016 at 5:00 P.M. The Museum will stay open an extra hour that day to provide an opportunity for drop-off. There is still time to finish your story and get it in. Good Luck! TUESDAY, MAY 3RD: TUESDAY CARD PARTY at 7:30pm at Hilliard Community Centre on Highway 569. Other dates: May 17, May 31. See Hilliard Recreation Committee facebook page for details of events. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4TH: TEMISKAMING ANGLER & HUNTER ASSOCIATION (TAHA) REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING at TDSS - Room 105 - 7 p.m. THURSDAY, MAY 5TH: (North End) Everyone is invited to our 12th annual lunch hour walk on May 5th at noon. Rendezvous at École catholique Jean-Vanier in Kirkland Lake, at your local Centre de santé communitaire du Témiskaming in Larder Lake and at the McGarry Recreation Centre in Virginiatown. Come and walk for the health of it! (South End) Everyone is invited to our 12th annual lunch hour walk on May 5th at noon. Rendezvous at the Golden Age Club in Earlton and at the Centre de santé communitaire du Témiskaming in New Liskeard. Come and walk for the health of it! FRIDAY, MAY 13TH TO SUNDAY, MAY 15TH: CRAFTERS WEEKEND GALA SOCIAL: Location - Horne Granite curling club lounge. Date: Friday, May 13th/16 to Sunday May 16th/16. Assorted craft workshops, Saturday Tea Party, Calming Waters Foot Spa & bring your projects in sewing, crocheting/knitting, scrapbooking, tatting/needlepoint or anything else! For more information call 705-647-3154. Must pre-book! SATURDAY, MAY 7TH There will be a Mother’s Day Dance on Saturday, May 7th. Doors open at 7:30, music starts at 8:30 pm at the Kenabeek Community Hall. Music by Cliff Polson & friends. Coffee, lunch and popcorn available. SATURDAY, MAY 14TH: FRIENDS OF THE ENGLEHART LIBRARY will hold their Annual Spring Yard & Bake Sale at the Englehart Library on Saturday, May 14th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please come out and support your local library. SATURDAY, MAY 7TH HILLVIEW UNITED CHURCH SPRING TEA AND BAKE SALE </strong>”All aboard for spring” will be held on Saturday, May 7th from 1:30-3:30pm. There will also be a White Elephant table. All are welcome to attend. Hillview United Church is located 5km from New Liskeard on Highway 65 West. Contact Bev Foley 705-647-5949. SATURDAY, MAY 28TH: COMMUNITY YARD & CRAFT SALE (rain day May 29) at the Hilliard Hall on Hwy 569. Bring your Yard Sale and Craft Items to where they will get noticed!! TUESDAY, MAY 10TH Card Party May 10th, 2016, Blanche River Golden Age Club at Hilliardton Hall at 7:30 pm. Everyone welcome. For more information call Sadie at 705-563-2572. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1ST: TEMISKAMING ANGLER & HUNTER ASSOCIATION (TAHA) REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING at TDSS - Room 105 - 7 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 2ND: Hilliard Schools Reunion 1 pm to 7 pm at Hilliardton Community Hall, 705563-2729. MAY 9TH - JUNE 27TH: Good Shepherd Church 45 MIN WORKOUT. May 9th to June 27th, every Tues. & Fri. from 11:15am - 12pm. 139 2nd Ave., Englehart. Call Yvonne @ 705-544-8339 SATURDAY, JULY 9TH: Fish Derby at the Blanche River. See Hilliard Recreation Committee facebook page for details of events. SATURDAY, MAY 14TH Blanche River Golden Age Club Meeting & Social at Hilliardton Hall for members & card players. Meeting 5:00 pm. Potluck and social 6:00 pm. For more information please call Sadie at 705-563-2572. A CALL FOR PERFORMING MUSICIANS AND MUSICAL GROUPS. The Temiskaming Art Gallery in partnership with the City of Temiskaming Shores is presenting once again, Art in the Park, every Wednesday evening during the summer at Haileybury har- bour front. It is two hours of free music and an opportunity to see the work of local visual artists and craftspeople. The atmosphere is relaxed, fun and in a beautiful setting. Thanks to an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant, the gallery is able to offer a fee for musicians. We are asking any musician or group interested, to contact the gallery at and copy, sending a short c.v. and recording/video of their work (telephone Penny at 613-534-2202). Haileybury is in northeastern Ontario, about 155 km. north of North Bay. Deadline for submissions is April 19. We will notify people by the end of April. TEMISKAMING HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GIFT SHOP – check out our selection of jewellery, scarves, purses, baby gifts, variety of giftware. all proceeds from sales go toward purchasing equipment, patient comfort items, etc. in hospital. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS MEETINGS The “Just for today”group holds N.A. meetings on Sundays and thursdays at 7 pm, in New Liskeard on 70 Wellington street at St Paul’s United church.We welcome new comers.Very simply an addict is a man or woman who’s life is controlled by drugs.This is a place where addicts come to share their experience with other fellow addicts.As long as you have the desire to stop using or drinking you are in the right place and are always welcome at these meetings. ONE DAY LONGER,ONE DAY STRONGER THE TEMISKAMING HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Temiskaming Hospital Auxiliary is recruiting volunteers to work in the hospital gift/tuck shop. If you have 2 hours of time to spare as a volunteer, either morning, afternoon or evening, please contact the Auxiliary President Diane Vachon at 705-647-8066 or Penny Graydon at 705-647-5870. This is a rewarding way of giving back to the community. BAND FOR HIRE The Two Rivers Band Temiskaming Community Choir At Community Hall 7-9pm. Temiskaming Area Roller Girls, practices 7-9pm. 705-676-6163. M.S. Self Help Group meeting @ New Liskeard Arena lobby from 1-3 pm Keeping LIVE music alive. D en n is M es s en g er 70 5 - 6 47- 23 3 3 THE CHARLTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Regular monthly meetings are the 2nd Monday of every month Info @ 705-544-2818 or 705-544-2980 The Temiskaming Palette & Brush Club Painting sessions are from 1:00 - 4:00 every TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Club room is in the Haileybury Arena at 400 Ferguson Street. Jeannine at 705-672-1028 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets on WEDNESDAY MORNING St. Paul’s United Church, New Liskeard. Weigh in begins at 5:30 PM. For more information contact Bonnie @ 705-647-1609. ENGLEHART AND DISTRICT PIONEER CLUB - 11:45am. 705544-2435. PIPE BAND BR 54 LEGION, 7pm. 705-672-5669. TEMISKAMING AREA ROLLER GIRLS, PRACTICES 7-9pm. 705676-6163 JAM SESSION at the Le Grand Boulevard in Earlton 7 pm. A 4-piece show band with a repertoire that spans decades. Available for all the special events in your life. TEMISKAMING LIONESS LIONS CLUB. New members are always welcome. Come join this group of ladies at the Lions Den (below the Community Hall in NL) the 3rd Monday of every month at 7 pm. For more info contact any Lioness or 1-705-647-4921 or 1-705-647-6046. Cooking Products Director for Pampered Chef, Canada - Cathy Morrow HUDSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Temiskaming Hospital Auxiliary REGULAR MEETING 4TH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH at 2 pm in the boardroom at the hospital. Everyone Welcome! Fibromyalgia support group meet every second Tuesday of each month at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church from 1pm-3pm. Contact Christine at 705-628-2019 for more info Saturday, April 30th Hudson Twp. Arena 8 am to 12 pm Golden Age Club: General membership meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month @ the Golden Age Hall, 22 Argentite St. Cobalt. 1 – 2 pm. Annual membership is available at a cost of $15. For further information, call 705-679-5525 & leave a message. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets on THURSDAY MORNING New Liskeard Legion Hall, New Liskeard. 10am. For more information contact Hudson Young at Heart Seniors meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 12:30pm for potluck and activities. Located at the Hudson Hall. Everyone welcome! Christine @ 705-628-2019. P lease no earlybirds. D oors close at 12 pm sharp. A ccepting yardsale donations. C all J onny 7 0 5-6 2 2 0 9 4 7 or C layton 7 0 5-6 4 7 -7 3 2 5. P ickup available. fundraising event? It is a simple as deciding what activity you will do, using our fundraising tools to start raising Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 W Page 3b money and then celebrating your success. For more information contact Susan Plamondon at 705-472-9072 ext. 3733 or visit EEKENDER s local d lifeer ans will April is Canadian Cancer Society’s April is Canadian Daffodil Month Cancer Society’s Month April isaCanadian Cancer Society’s Buy daffodil pinDaffodil to support Buy awith daffodil pin to support Canadians living cancer Daffodil Month Canadians living with cancer Buy a daffodil pin to support Daffodil Month, held every April, is a national April is Canadian Cancer Society’s Canadians living with fundraising campaign of the Canadian Cancer Daffodil Month, held everycancer April, is a national Daffodil Month Society. During the month, volunteers involved fundraising campaign of theare Canadian Cancer Buy a daffodil pin to support in numerous activities toevery raise funds the are involved Society. During the vital month, Canadians living with cancer Daffodil Month, held April, isvolunteers a for national fight against cancer. in numerous activities to raise vital funds for the fundraising campaign of the Canadian Cancer Daffodil Month, held every April, is a national fight against cancer.volunteers are involved fundraising campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. During the month, In 2015, the combined efforts of dedicated CCS Society. During the month, volunteers are involved in numerous activities tomore raisethan vital$4.8 funds for the in numerous activities to raise vital funds for the volunteers and staff raised million. In 2015, the combined efforts of dedicated CCS fight against cancer. fight against cancer. During Daffodil Month,and youstaff can raised support Canadians volunteers more than $4.8 million. living with cancer many ways: DuringinDaffodil Month, you can support Canadians In 2015, the combined efforts of dedicated CCS volunteers and staff raised more than $4.8 million. living with cancer in many ways: In 2015, the combined efforts of dedicated CCS During Daffodil Month, you can support Canadians Buy and wear a daffodil pin throughout April volunteers and staff raised more than $4.8 million. living with cancer in many ways: Donate when a volunteer knocks on Buy and wear acanvasser daffodil pin throughout April During Daffodil Month, you can support Canadians your door Donate when a volunteer canvasser knocks onBuy and wear a daffodil pin throughout April withonline cancer many ways: Donate when a volunteer canvasser knocks on living Donate atin your door pportunity for you to make a positive impact in your community, be part of a team, share elop lasting friendships. Volunteers are critical to our accomplishments and we wouldn’t those touched by cancer without you. For volunteer opportunities in your area please ext. 3737 or email y community-based organization dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives and ugh research funding, services and advocacy. We are Canada's largest charity fighting all your door ancer statistics and information. To learn more, call 1 888-939-3333 or visit Donate online at Donate online at Daffodil will be sold in Temiskaming Shores April Buypins and wear a daffodil pin throughout from Thursday, March 31 to Friday, April 1, 2016. pins will be sold in Temiskaming Shores Each year, thousands of Canadians become Cancer Donate whenpins a volunteer knocks on Daffodil Daffodil will be soldcanvasser in Temiskaming Shores from Thursday, March 31 to Friday, April 1, 2016. year, thousands Fighters. Did you know that you can Each hold your ownof Canadians become Cancer For more information, please call Sue Dukovac at from Thursday, March 31 to Friday, April 1, 2016. Fighters. Did you know that you can hold your own For more information, please call Sue DukovacEach at your door year, thousands of Canadians become Cancer fundraising event? It is a simple as deciding what activity (705) 647-7147. fundraising event? It is a simple as deciding what activity (705) 647-7147. Did you know tools that you can hold your own Foronline more information, Donate at cancer.caplease call Sue Dukovac at you will do,Fighters. using our fundraising to do, start you will usingraising our fundraising tools to start raising fundraising event? It is a simple deciding what activity (705) 647-7147. money andas then celebrating your success. For more money For more Money raised during Daffodil Month helpsand localthen celebrating your success. Money raised during Daffodil Month helps local information contact Susan Plamondon at 705-472-9072 you will do, using our fundraising tools to start raising information patients and their families. Donations fund life- contact Susan Plamondon at 705-472-9072 patients their Donations fund life-Shores ext. 3733 visit Daffodiland pins willfamilies. be sold in Temiskaming and then celebrating yourorsuccess. For more saving research, support servicesext. and 3733 other ormoney visit Money raised during Daffodil Month helps local We Need You saving research, support services and other important work that means fewer Canadians will information contact Susan Plamondon at 705-472-9072 from Thursday, Marchtheir 31 to Friday, April 1, fund 2016.lifeEach year, thousands of Canadians become Cancer patients families. Donations Volunteering with the Society isext. a great for you to make a positive impact in your be touched by the disease. important work thatand means fewer Canadians will 3733opportunity or visit Did you know that hold your own lasting For more information, please call Sue Dukovac at saving community, be part of a team,Fighters. share your experience, learnyou newcan skills and develop be touched by the research, disease. support services and other fundraising event? It is a simple as deciding what Wefriendships. Need You Volunteers are critical to our accomplishments and we wouldn’t be able to activity important work that means fewer Canadians will (705) 647-7147. support, Volunteering with empower the Society is those a great opportunity for you to make a positive impactFor in your community, part ofraising a team, inform and touched by cancer without volunteer in share your you will do, using ouryou. fundraising tools opportunities tobestart be touched by the disease. We Need You your experience, learn new skillsDebbie and develop lasting friendships. Volunteers are critical to our and we wouldn’t area please contact Marson atand 705-472-9072 ext. 3737 oraccomplishments email mmarson@ontario. money then celebrating your success. be able to support, inform and impact empower those touched by cancer without you. Forof volunteer opportunities inFor yourmore area please Money raised during Daffodil helps localfor you Volunteering with the Society is a Month great opportunity to make a positive in your community, be part a team, share contact Debbie Marson at 705-472-9072 ext. 3737 or email information contact Susan Plamondon at 705-472-9072 Wetheir Need Youskills your experience, learn new and develop lasting patients and families. Donations fund life-friendships. Volunteers are critical to our accomplishments and we wouldn’t ext. 3733 or visit Volunteering with the Society is a great opportunity for to make positive impact in your community, part of a team, share About the you Canadian Cancer Society About the Canadian Society be able to support, support inform and empower touched by cancer without you.aCancer For volunteer opportunities in yourbe area please saving research, services andthose other The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization dedicated to preventing saving lives and cancer, The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization dedicated to preventing yourMarson experience, learn new skills develop lasting friendships. Volunteers are critical to our accomplishments andcancer, we wouldn’t contact Debbie at 705-472-9072 ext.and 3737 or email supporting people living supporting with cancer through research funding, services and advocacy. We are Canada'sservices largest charity all important be work that means fewer Canadians will saving lives and people living with cancer through research funding, and fighting advocacy. able to support, inform and empower thosetypes touched byandcancer withoutonyou. For volunteer opportunities your area please of are cancer leading authority cancer statistics and information. Toand learn more,incall 1 888-939-3333 or visit We Canada’s largest charity fighting all types of cancer leading authority on cancer statistics About thecontact Canadian Cancer be touched by theDebbie disease. MarsonSociety at 705-472-9072 ext. 3737 or email information. To learn more, call 1 888-939-3333 or visit The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives and Aboutliving the with Canadian supporting people cancer Cancer through Society research funding, services and advocacy. We are Canada's largest charity fighting all We Need You The and Canadian Cancer Society a national community-based organization dedicated preventing cancer, saving lives and Sullivan LLP types of cancer leading authority on is cancer statistics and information. To learn more, call 1to888-939-3333 orBragagnolo visit Evans, Sign Up for aimpact Weeklyin your Volunteering with the Society a great opportunity for you to make a positive community, be part fighting of a team, supporting people livingiswith cancer through research funding, services and advocacy. We are Canada's largest charity all share Basket of Farm Fresh, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS types of learn cancernew and leading authority on cancer and information. Toare learn more,to call 1 888-939-3333 or visit and your experience, skills and develop lastingstatistics friendships. Volunteers critical our accomplishments we wouldn’t Local Produce FINDLAY’S FINDLAY’S DRUG STORE DRUG STORE & Theodore R. Byck, B.A. LL.B., Counsel • Receive a basket of freshly picked, localwithout produce for 15you. consecutive weeks be able to support, inform empower those touched by cancer For volunteer opportunities in your area please Awareness is your bestand partner! • Eat healthy, naturally grown produce from organically fertilized soils Awareness is your best partner! Leanna Farr, B.A. (Hons), M.E.S., J.D. • Receive your share mid-week leaving your weekends free contact Debbie Marson at 705-472-9072 ext. 3737 or email 247247 Whitewood Ave., Whitewood Ave., N.L.N.L. • Receive weekly recipes and learn about new produce varieties Lisa A. Neil, B.A. LL.B., Counsel 705-647-8186 About the Canadian Cancer Society Support our true Northern harvest and local farmers 705-647-8186 Your share supports the 488 Ferguson Ave., 1-800-461-0974 The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives andTel: 705-672-3338 1-800-461-0974 TEMISKAMING GOOD FOOD BOX – for those in need Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Fax: 705-672-2451 call Shelly 705 961 0379 or email northernharvest. .com supporting people living with cancer through research funding, services andinfo@gmail advocacy. WeTeam areShan Canada's largest charity fighting all Poster Ad:Temiskaming Speaker 2013 9/13/13 or types of cancer and leading authority on cancer statistics and information. To learn more, call 1 888-939-3333 or visit PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Peter R. Ramsay • Bill Ramsay Michelle Lavigne Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public | 705-647-4010 Recycling Garbage Service Service Recycling & Garbage Recycling &&Garbage Service Small Small & Large&Containers Large Containers SmallSeptic & Large Containers Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Cleaning Portable Toilet Rentals Toilet Rentals PortablePortable Toilet Rentals 705-647-6217 705-647-6217 705-647-6217 Support Cancer Awareness Support Cancer Awareness Support Cancer Awareness Shanna (Shan) Larsen was only 24 when she lost her life to breast cancer @TeamShan Your local Dealer may charge additional fees of up to $989. Charges may vary by Dealer.Ω Limited time lease offer available from Toyota Financial Services on approved credit. ‡0.99% lease APR for 60 months on a new 2016 Corolla CE Manual (Model BURCEMA) with an all-in price of $17,624 equals a bi-weekly payment of $69 for 130 payments with a $1,000 down payment or trade equivalent, when you apply the $1,500 Customer Incentive. First bi-weekly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $9,945. All-in lease includes freight and fees (PDE, EHF, OMVIC fee and air condition tax, where applicable). HST, licensing, registration and insurance are extra. Dealer may lease for less. Based on a maximum of 100,000KM. Additional KM charge of $0.07 for excess kilometres, if applicable. ♦$1,500 Customer Incentive available on a 2016 Corolla CE is valid to retail customers (excluding fleet sales) when leased, financed or purchased from an Ontario Toyota dealership. Customer Incentive will take place at time of delivery, include tax and will apply after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. Vehicles receiving Customer Incentives must be leased, registered and delivered between April 1, 2016 and May 2, 2016. ΩDealer Fees may be added and may be comprised of administration/documentation fees, VIN Etching, anti-theft products, cold weather packages or other fees. Fees may vary by Dealer. Offer is valid between April 1, 2016 and May 2, 2016, and is subject to change without notice. All rights are reserved. Dealer may lease for less. Please see your participating Ontario Toyota Dealer for full details. 2:5 WEEKENDER Page 4b WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 AUTOMOTIVE USED VEHICLES FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 3 FORD F150 PICK UPS FOR SALE All 4 x 4s. ALSO lots of extra parts, new and used. Call 705-672-2002. 2006 CHRYSLER 300 optional Boston Stereo, AWD, loaded, 118,000 kms will certify. $9,000. Call 705-544-2807. LAWN MOWING, yard clean-up, flower bed work. Free removal of tree debris. Call 705-650-2623 or 705-648-1495. 2005 JEEP LIBERTY FOR SALE 165,000kms, sun roof, leather heated seats, chrome wheels and much more. Call 705-672-3840. LOST 2004 CHEV.SILVERADO 4 x 4 Extendicab. 8ft Long box. New brakes., rotors, ball joints, alternator, battery etc. Good running condition. $2800. Call 705-5632536. LOST MENS BLACK LEATHER COAT taken by mistake at the Volunteer Appreciation dinner Saturday November 14th Earlton Townships of Harley, Casey, Hudson & Kerns. Please call 705-563-2881 or drop off at Harley Township Office. 1990 DODGE 2500 TRUCK Diesel around 300,000 kms. Motor and transmission in very good condition. Best Offer. Call 705-563-2893 or 705-648-4254. ASSORTMENT OF TIRES & RIMS.Ford transmissions from 80’s and 90’s and other Ford parts. Call 705-672-2002 for more information. 2008 HONDA ACCORD V6 2 sets of tires, winter studded and summers. Auto start - Block Heater. Call for more info. 705-948-0398. STORAGE JVS STORAGE Heated storage for best prices in town. Security system, open 7days/wk. Avoid frost damage to your belongings. Call 705-648-5050 or email: WANTED TO BUY WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE CARS & TRUCKS used auto parts for sale. $100$2,000. Call 705-544-1969 ask for Darren. LOOKING TO BUY SCRAP VEHICLES - Will pick up and pay cash! Also will buy Catalytic Converters. Call 705-622-0610. NOTICES ATTENTION BRIAN VAN SCHIE: Please contact JPL Storage in Haileybury, ON at 705-672-2488. We will dispose of your possessions within our container if you do not respond immediately. FIREWOOD, Birch, cut and split, dried 1 year, stored inside. Can deliver. Call 705650-2623 or 705-648-1495. WANTED FREE PICK UP OF SCRAP APPLIANCES. BBQ’S vehicles, aluminum, batteries. Call 705-672-2002. After 5 p.m. 1997 TO 2003 F150S FOR PARTSCall 705-679-3395. LOOKING FOR OLD SNOWMOBILES RUNNING OR NOT FOR PARTS & old camper trailers. Please call 705-6793395. WANTED - OLD PROPANE TANKS full or empty. Free for recycling. Call 705679-3395. APPLIANCES, SCRAP METAL and batteries. Free pick up. Call 705-622-1514 or 705-622-3222. UNWANTED GUNS - Looking for guns of any kind. Rifles, shotguns, handguns, gun parts, used brass also. Have all licenses. Call 705-647-4665. LARGE, PORTABLE STEREO’S/ BOOM BOXES/GHETTO BLASTERS from the late 70’s or 80’s. No CD palyers or detachable speakers please. Call 705-648-5392. Box 580 18 Wellington Street, South New Liskeard YARD SALES ESTATE YARD SALE Antiques, collectibles, household, tools etc. Saturday May 7th, 8am to 2pm. Indoors. HUDSON FIRE DEPT 16TH ANNUAL YARD SALE Saturday April 30th at Hudson Twp. Arena. 8am to 12pm. Please no early birds. Doors close at 12pm sharp. Accepting yardsale donations. Call Jonny 705-622-0947 or Clayton 705-647-7325. Pick up available. HUGE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Household, bedding, tools and much more! 231 Catherine St. New Liskeard. Friday 29th 1pm-7pm and Saturday 30th April 6am all day. Call 705-647-7910. MOVING SALE Saturday April 30th, 2016 at 9am-4pm. 49 Ninth Avenue, Englehart. 705544-2195. YARD SALE SATURDAY APRIL 30TH8am-1pm. Rain or shine. 865316 Uno Park Road (corner of Milberta & Uno Park Road) 3 miles from Hudson Hall. Something for everyone. FUNDRAISING GARAGE SALE FOR STUDENT GOING TO EUROPE NEXT SPRING Friday April 29 6pm-9pm. Saturday April 30th 7am-3pm. 998405 Hwy 11 next to scale New Liskeard. Fireplace, tools, generators & much more. Call 705-647-2470. THE LITERACY COUNCIL OF SOUTH TEMISKAMING IS HOLDING THEIR ANNUAL FUNDRAISING YARD SALE on May 14th from 8am to 12pm at their Resource Centre located at 40 Paget St. North. Gratefully accepting donations the week of May 9-13. Please, no clothes or books as we have limited space. Call 705-647-4040. YARD SALE 498 Agnes Avenue, New Liskeard. Friday 29th April 3pm7pm. Saturday 30th April 8am-noon. 705-647-6791 Fax 705-647-9669 C la s s ifie d s Jamie Lindsay Sales Rep. ext. 227 Email: Dawn Paille Sales Rep. ext. 228 SELLING THE FARM Corner of 65 West & 562 North near Kenabeek. Friday April 29th 4-7pm. Saturday April 30th 8am-7pm. Sunday May 1st 11am-3pm. Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 SALES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Miller Paving Northern A Division of Miller Paving Limited Serving the North with: crushed gravel, ready mix concrete, sand, stone, asphalt, excavating, ditching Solid Concrete Basements, We also jack up houses. FREE ESTIMATES Mailing Address: GERMAIN CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS Hwy 11B North, Box 248 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: (705) 647-4331 Fax: (705) 647-3611 TOBLERS CONSTRUCTION Roofing FOUNDATIONS Home Reno’s CALL TODAY: 7 0 5-6 2 2 -0 6 10 toblernicko@ hotmail. com (705) 672-3656 Mario’s Small Excavator -WE DIG- Mario Maillé 985201 Country Bridge Rd RR#1 Thornloe, ON P0J 1S0 *free estimates* 705-676-6431 • LIVESTOCK & FARM PRODUCTS SEED GRAIN Oats, peas, barley, wheat, buckwheat, forage pea/oat mixtures. Harold Gerber & Sons 705-563-2180. FRESH PUREBRED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS ie. 64” Braxton from 7 gen ex dam Ex95 23,000 kg, 2nd dam Ex95 21,000 kg, 3rd Ex 96 18,000 kg (all NOM all American) Master breeder herd sold. Heifers available at calving. Call 819-726-2042. FORAGE SEEDCertified Alfalfas, Timothy, Trefoil, Clovers, Brome, Orchard and a full line of other grasses. Hay/Pasture mixes for cattle, sheep and horses. Harold Gerber & Sons 705-563-2180. NUTRA-GLO FEED SUPPLEMENTS improve feed conversion, vitality, reproduction and overall health and appearance. Product for all ruminants, horses, dogs, and poultry...and for humans! Call Paul Strubhar 705-648-1481. ATTENTION FARMERS! The machinery sale at Temiskaming Livestock Exchange on Saturday April 30, 2016 11am will be featuring the following farm equipment from one consignor: Valtra T-121 1300hrs, Valtra T-130 w/loader 4200hrs, Valtra T-191 1700hrs, Kubota 5100 240 hrs, 42’lagoon pup, 30’J.D. cultivator, 5 Furrow Variable width Kvernland plows, Krauss 15’ no till drill also added consignment MX 135 w/loader 8800hrs and much more. Call 705-647-5415 or 705-544-3508. SHEEP & GOAT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Feeders, gates, turn table & creep feeder. Also John Deere Model 2555 245 Self leveling loader. Very nice. Call 705-563-2893 or 705-648-4254. ATTENTION FARMERS!! Special spring sales at Temiskaming Livestock Exchange. Sat April 30, 2016 Machinery sale at 11am. Sat. May 7th, 2016 Horse and Tack sale at 11am. For more info or to consign call 705-647-5415 or 705-544-3508. BULLS PURE BRED Black Angus & Herefords 705-647-4848. NEW SERVICE: GRANT FARMS CUSTOM SPRAYINGGrant Farms is pleased to announce a new service for area farmers: custom spraying. In a demanding growing season, the overhead costs and required precision of spraying can be a headache that busy farmers could do without. Take the guess work out of application this year by getting the most out iof the Grant Farms advantage with fast and accurate custom spray applications. For more info contact a Grant Farms Representative at 705-647-3129 863169 Uno Park Road New Liskeard. INTERNATIONAL 43D SMALL SQ BALER.Also Ford 5 bar hay rack, both baler and hay rack stored inside. Call 705-647-1977. FREEBEE ALL BLACK KITTEN 6 weeks old. Free to a good home. Call 705-676-7242. ARTICLES FOR SALE NORMS FIREWOOD Birch, maple, Jackpine. Delivered. Call 705-647-5936. ESTATE SALE - Dressers with mirrors, china cabinet, microwave, 2 area rugs, 2 TVs, 2 Bell satellite converters, 1 single bed frame & 1 ladies drovers coa. Call 705-6476670. BIRCH & ASH FIREWOOD FOR SALE - Call 705-563-8532 FIREWOOD, Birch, cut and split, dried 1 year, stored inside. Can deliver. Call 705-6502623 or 705-648-1495. ANDYS FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Birch & Jackpine - cut & split, 16 inch. Call for more info at 705-647-8839. PALLETS FOR SALE, $3.00 each, stop by the Temiskaming Printing office at 18 Wellington St. S., or call 705-647-6791. FIREWOOD FOR SALE - Call 705-676-5846 or 1-819-723-2529. WEEKENDER Page 5b SERVICES FOR RENT MOBILE WELDER FOR HIRE RENAISSANCE PLACE HAILEYBURY New building with a bachelor 1 bdrm and a 2 bdrm apt. Starting at $650/month including heat, hydro, cable, internet and all appliances. Call 705-648-3887. WELDING-FITTING-FABRICATION Free Estimates. Over 15 years experience. Call 705-676-7161. DRYWALL, PLASTER, framing, decks, flooring, tiling etc. for both residential and commercial buildings. Over 16 years experience. Free estimates. Call 705-6484884. Please leave a message. TRIPS TO DUMP - Tree cutting, hedge trimming, house maintenance, roof repairs, new roofing, yard cleanup, eavestrough cleaning. Dismantle small buildings. Ask for Art Ward. No HST for Seniors 705-672-2273. 1 BDRM APARTMENT MAIN LEVEL #90 Dymond. $1000 per month includes heat/ hydro/ fridge/ stove/ washer/ dryer. Call 705-647-7357. MCKELVIE VILLA APARTMENTS. 3bedroom town house, 2 baths, pet free building. $960 per month plus utilities. First and last required. Call 705-563-2812. Available April 15th. BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC BUILDING IN THE HEART OF HAILEYBURY -1 bedroom apts. Featuring, secured building. Elevator, laundry on site. Walking distance to all amenities and spectacular lake views. $650 plus utilities. Additional storage and electric parking also available. Call today! 705-672-2240. NEW LISKEARD APT- Centrally located in N.L. 2 bedroom, main floor apartment, heat included, $775 month plus hydro. Call 705-648-8290. Available now. GILBY’S LAWN CUTTING SERVICE Located in Haileybury. Now open in Temiskaming Shores for the 2016 season. Residential and commercial lawn cut available. Call 705-650-2564. 420B LITTLE STREET HAILEYBURY - 3 bedroom apartment, washer & dryer hook ups, private entrance, parking space, clothes line, non-smoking/pet free building. References required. Available immediately. Also, 419B Buffam Dr. renovated 2 bedroom apartment with washer, dryer & stove. Utilities included. Call 705-672-3134 or 705648-3404 after 6pm. TEMISKAMING LODGE IN HAILEYBURY IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO PROVIDE THE RESIDENTS WITH A NEW FOCUS. Could you give some of your free time to help a senior citizen? We are looking for entertainers, someone to do nail care, reading groups, or one on one visits. Please contact Lindsay Bourassa at 705-672-2123. If you are interested in volunterring at the Lodge. CLEAN, BRIGHT 1 BDRM APT. 439 lakeview ave. in N. Cobalt laundry hookup fridge, stove. On main floor with easy access, ideal for a senior. Call 705-563-2391. PAINTING AND PLASTERING at reasonable rates. Professional quality. Please call 705-672-5216 or 705-6766867. 2 BDRM APARTMENT Available May 1st. No smoking, no pets due to allergies. Includes heat, hydro and air conditioning. Call 705-672-2156 or 705-622 1014. DUMP TRAILER & CAR HAULER FOR RENT - Call 705-563-8532. INTERIOR PAINTING and drywall repairs, free estimates. call Jack 705-6795363. ART HEALS - Ignite your creative spark free acrylic painting lesson. Mix media art healing & wellness with art lessons. Creating art can be a gateway into healing and personal growth. Art, Heart & Healing one step at a time. Please call for available times 705-648-0315. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETINGS: To be held at various dates, times & locations. For more information, please call 705-647-7611. IMMUNIZATION CLINICS - Timiskaming Health Unit for adults and babies by appointment. For more info please visit PREGNANT AND NEED HELP?Email: PRENATAL CLASSES - Offered by the Timiskaming Health Unit. Call 705-6474305 as soon as you confirm your pregnancy. For more info. visit EXPECTING? A VOLUNTEER, ONCALL DOULA CAN HELP with a childbirth plan and prenatal, post-partum and breast feeding education and support. Call Annette Cloutier at 705-507-2725. SMALL 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, 216 Whitewood Ave., fridge, stove, heat and hydro included. $620 per month. Call 705-498-3504. ONE BDRM NEWLY RENOVATED APT.Great Location near down-town New Liskeard. Available April 1st. $800/month plus utilities. Call: 705-622-2117. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN CENTRAL NEW LISKEARD - Quiet. Well maintained. Smoke/pet free building with mature tenants. Main floor. $795/month + hydro. Leave a message at 705-647-8249 CLEAN, BRIGHT, SPACIOUS 2 BDRM UPSTAIRS APT. -439 Lakeview ave. North Cobalt. Laundry room, private entrance & balcony. Available now. Call 705-563-2391, can leave a message. 2 BDRM APT IN QUIET NEIGHBOURHOOD IN NEW LISKEARD -$880 includes heat & hydro and one parking spot. First and last required. Available Now. Call 705676-6545. SPACIOUS 2 BDRM APARTMENT, Newer kitchen. Lots of windows. Parking. Station Street in North Cobalt. Available June 1st. $650 per month plus utilities. Call 705-6223094. LARGE 2 BDRM APARTMENT - #505 Main Street, Haileybury. $1200 per month, includes heat, hydro & appliances. Call 705-647-7357 1 BDRM UPSTAIRS APT at Econo Lodge. Very spacious, has 24-hour security, laundry facilities and air conditioning. $1000 per month includes heat, hydro & appliances. First & last is required. 1 year lease agreement. Call 705-647-7357. 54 COBALT STREET second floor large 2 bedroom apartment. Washer & dryer hookups, Heat, hydro & parking included. First, last & references required. $745/month. Serious inquiries only. Call 819-629-9650. 2 BEDROOM COTTAGES on Lake Temiskaming. Beautiful 5 bedroom chalet also available. Contractors welcome. Call Sunnydale Cottages 705-647-5470. 1 BDRM UPSTAIRS APT - #90 Dymond. $850/mth. Includes heat, hydro, fridge & stove. Available Feb 1st. Call (705) 647-7357. ONE BEDROOM APT DOWNTOWN NL, just renovated. Quiet individual preferably out during the day as it is over a business. Upstairs, no parking (public lot). $750 plus heat and hydro. Call Kathy 705-647-8800 days. TAOIST TAI CHI CLASSES - Explore the benefits of gentle excercise. Beginners are welcome to join at anytime. Information at: E-mail: or phone: 705-647-3119. 1 BDRM UPSTAIRS APARTMENT 91 Lakeshore Road. $850 per month includes fridge, stove & hydro. Call 705-647-7357. TEMISKAMING HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GIFT SHOP - Check out our selection of jewelry, scarves, purses, baby gifts, variety of giftware. All proceeds from sales go toward purchasing equipment, patients comfort items, etc. in Hospital. MAIDEN BAY CAMP - 2 to 4 bdrm hk cottages on lake. $550-$900/wk. Call 705-6483714. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE COZY 1 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN APARTMENT, $825 per month includes cable, utilities, fireplace, parking & laundry access & a room to rent for $400/mth. Both available Now. Call 705-648-4262. 1 ACRE X 0.5 ACRE IN COLEMAN TWP Hwy 11 across from Marsh Bay Road entrance. Land is level, sandy with trees. 2 wells (sand points). Open to offers. Some financing available. 705-647-4267 or 705647-0504. 2 STOREY HOUSE featuring 2 bdrms and 4 pc bath on main floor. 2 bdrms and 3 pc bath on 2nd floor. Close to all amenities. $200,000. Call 705-676-6709 for additional details or to book an appt. HOUSE FOR SALE - 67 10th Ave., North, Earlton. White brick bungalow, double car garage, 3+1 bedrooms, finished basement. Asking $267,500 motivated sellers. Serious inquiries only. Please call 705648-1581 or 705-363-6977. ROOMS FOR RENT, Haileybury, $475 all inclusive. Cleaning service included. Call 705-672-2118. ROOMS FOR RENT IN HAILEYBURY. $450 all included. Call 705-672-2172. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Haileybury. Newly renovated, $1,250/month all included. Available May 1. Supplied washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge and stove. Call 705672-5587 or Cell: 705-647-2495. 2 BDRM SMOKE FREE APT IN NEW LISKEARDHeat, fridge, stove included. Hydro extra. Close to down town. $650/month. No pets or children. Call 705-647-5146. 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME$735 plus heat and hydro. Available May 31st. Call 705-629-2044. 1-ONE BEDRM APT $605/MONTH AVAILABLE NOWLocated in low income housing complex in New Liskeard. Utilities included. Must fill out application by call Lisa at 705647-5823 to see if you qualify. 1st & last reqd. SPACIOUS 2 BDRM APARTMENT, Newer kitchen. Lots of windows. Parking. Station Street in North Cobalt. Available June 1st. $650 per month plus utilities. Call 705-6223094. MCKELVIE VILLA APARTMENTS, 2 bedroom apartment, upper level, smoke & pet free building. Seeking mature tenant. $800 per month plus utilities. First and last required. Fridge, stove & included. Available April 1st. Call 705-563-2812. Page 6b WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 An indispensable seed bank In 2008, the largest seed bank in the world was opened in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, 1,110 km from the North Pole. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a truly international granary that stores millions of plant samples in optimal storage conditions (-18°C). Countries from around the world have already sent more than 100 million seeds that can be used for replanting if disaster strikes — wars, epidemics, insect infestations, threatened natural environments — and thus help preserve global biodiversity. The idea is simple. Svalbard functions as an archive of the world’s seeds where our planet’s crop diversity can be carefully collected and preserved. As an example, when a January 2012 fire in the Philippines des troyed some unique varieties of bananas, sweet potatoes and other fruits, scientists were able to duplicate them in the laboratory before they were replanted at the site of the fire. Another example: among the seeds found in this veritable Noah’s ark are some from the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, including specimens of rare wheat that only grows at high altitudes. was dug directly into the permafrost (permanently frozen ground). At 120 metres below the surface, this fail-safe seed storage facility can store an estimated 4.5 million varieties of crop seeds. At the time of its inauguration, 676 boxes of seeds were received, weighing a total of 10 tonnes. In 2009, 430,000 unique cultivars had already been sent to Svalbard. This endeavour is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Gates Foundation as well as several national governments and private organizations. "Helping Farmers Grow" We will look after all your farming needs BRANDON TUINEMA DENNIS MESSENGER DANIEL GOSSELIN Elevator Manager 705-679-3111 The Svalbard vault, built to withstand all types of natural and man-made disasters, Grain Merchant Sales Representative 705-647-2333 705-648-1891 KEVIN RUNNALLS Sales Representative RON GRAVEL Sales Representative BRUCE LEIS Sales Representative 705-622-1870 705-648-3747 863169 Uno Park Rd. 705-676-7175 (705) 647-3129 Your Local Building & Farming Supply Centre BATHROOM NEED AN UPDATE? Come see us for your plumbing needs... 74 Scott Street, New Liskeard Tel.: 705-647-4412 Fax.: 705-647-4485 JOHN BREAULT Our Solutions. Our Solutions. Your Success. OurSuccess. Solutions. Your Your Success. EARLTON EARLTON EARLTON(705) 563-2134 (705) 563-2134 (705) 563-2134 E B E R T W E L D I N G LT D. 883275 HWY 65 East, New Liskeard | 705-647-6896 OR Toll Free: 1-866-476-6899 DAL Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 WEEKENDER Page 7b It’s “Win-Win” when we SHOP LOCAL! SHOP LOCAL! You might win a $20 gift certificate ON THE SPOT! It’s Spring! Queso Fresco We’ll help you drive through it safely. Similar to Halloumi, this Mexican Mozzarella is ready to GRILL We’ve got some great gift ideas for Mom! 100 Craven Crescent, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Phone 705•647•5500 Fax 705•647•4100 705-647-6333 Downtown New Liskeard 999697 Hwy 11 North, Thornloe, ON P0J 1S0 Pride of the North (705) 647-7441 Mark your calendars... Spring in for a great family meal! A B E N E FIT S A L E H S I M SATURDAY, JUNE 11 ‘16 with proceeds to Amish medical bills Licensed under LLBO Hwy 11 N., New Liskeard 705-647-1919 • HOME BAKING • • LUNCH BOOTH • More info: contact Dan Stutzman, Henry Shelter, William Miller or McCormick’s Auctions:519-359-0202 Will be held at Dan Stutzman’s across from Charlton Fall Fair Grounds YOU ARE IN A PAROLINK SERVICE AREA. CALL & GET CONNECTED! High Speed Internet NO DATA LIMITATIONS, NO SURPRISE BILLS. email for your appointment today. Contact us at 705-647-3832 or Diagnostic & General Repair • FURNITURE • MACHINERY • Consignments & Donations Welcomed AND FAMILY RESTAURANT Rene’s Autopro • QUILTS • GARDEN SHEDS • Fresh ingredients for your active life. Austin’s 66 4th Ave. 705-544-2201 René St-Onge, Owner 56 Armstrong St. S. New Liskeard 705.647.8242 THE ONE AND ONLY Big Crunch Combo! KIRKLAND LAKE,57 GOVERNMENT RD. W. NEW LISKEARD, 233 ARMSTRONG ST. 705-567-5010 705-647-7272 SHOP LOCAL! You might win a $20 gift certificate ON THE SPOT! Page 8b WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 Did you get The Speaker this week? EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES PIDABAN CHILD CARE CENTRE 10 Algonquin Avenue NOTRE-DAME DU NORD, Qc. J0Z 3B0 Tel: (819) 723-2319 Fax: (819) 723-4002 Pidaban Child Care Centre is looking for qualified supply Early Childhood Educators. Please bring in your resume with your Criminal Background Check and CPR certificate. Bilingualism is an asset. For more information call 819-723-2319. Stepping Stones ECE Daycare Here are some of the stories in Dionne Concrete Dionne Concrete Products Products is currentlyis currently seeking a is currently seeking a AZ Truck our Dionne Concrete ProductsClass Class AZDriver Truck(DZ)/Labourer Driver (DZ)/Labourer Class AZ(DZ)/Labourer Truck Driver (DZ)/Labourer Class AZ Truck Driver April 27, Boom Truck experience and the ability to communicate in French Boom Truck experience and the ability to communicate in French Boom Truck experience and the ability communicate French vs. factory work scheand English wouldtobe an asset. Theintrucking and English would be an asset. The trucking vs. factory work sche2016 and English would be an asset. Thevary trucking vs. factory work schedule would throughout the season. Health/Dental benefits. dulethe would vary throughout the season. Health/Dental benefits. dule would vary throughout season. Health/Dental benefits. Please forward your resume to: edition… Mail: to:332407 Hwy 11, P.O. Box 69, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0 Please forward your resume Dionne Concrete Products is currently seeking a Class AZ Truck Driver (DZ)/Labourer Dionne Concrete Products is currently seeking a Boom Truck experience and the ability to communicate in French and English would be an asset. The trucking vs. factory work scheduleexperience would vary throughout the season. Health/Dental in benefits. Boom Truck and the ability to communicate French Position Requirements • Valid Certification • Up to date First Aid and CPR • WHMIS training • Criminal record check • Experience working with children from a variety of age groups • Bilingualism an asset Please forward resume to: New Liskeard Stepping Stones Day Care Centre seeking a Attn: Wendy Fedechko-Conroy Box 159, 141 Dymond Street, New Liskeard, Ontario P0J 1P0 Or Fax to (705) 647-1383 CLOSING DATE: May 4th, 2016 We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. and English would be an asset. The Please forward your resume to:trucking vs. factory work scheMail: 332407 Hwy 11,the P.O.season. Box 69, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0 benefits. dule would vary throughout Health/Dental E-mail: (705) 563-2680 Tel: (705) resume 563-2291 to:Fax: Please forward your Mail: 332407 Hwy 11, P.O. Box 69, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0 E-mail: Please forward your resume to: • Questions about Hwy the 11, E-mail: Mail: 332407 P.O. Box(705) 69,563-2291 Earlton, ON Tel: Fax:P0J 1E0 563-2680 Mail: 332407 Hwy 11,(705) P.O. Box 69, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0 process of forming an Tel: (705) 563-2291 Fax: (705) 563-2680 E-mail: AG AGENT, AG E NTAGE ,NTAG , AG E ,NTAGE E NTE DE D NT E E PROMOTION D PE E R D O P E R M P O O R M T O I O O M T N E AGENTE NT OI O T N IO N airport Tel: authority(705) dominated 563-2291 E-mail: Fax: (705) 563-2680 TEMISKAMING D U DU D V U I D VILLAGE LLAG V U I LLAG E NONOËL E NO Ë E LNO ËT L E Ë M T LE I S T M K E I AM S M K I S AM I NG V I LLAG K AMI NG I NG the meeting of the Earlton- Tel: 563-2680 M (705) & M 563-2291 H o s pFax: i t a l i t (705) y Poste pour une période d’un anan 16 1 mmai 2016 au0 6 119 mai 2017 Poste Poste pour pour une une période période d’un d’un an 1 6 an 6 ai au 1 6 9 au 1 m 9 ai Poste pour une période d’un 1 m 6 2 ai m 0 1 2ai6 0 21 au 1 m 9 2 ai m 0 1 2ai7 0 21 0 7 1 7 Timiskaming Regional Airport Employeur : Le Centre culturel ARTEM E m E ployeur m E ployeur : L e: L C : eentre culturel culturel AR AR T E ARM T E T M E M Municipal Services Board m ployeur L C eentre C entre culturel Maintenance L e ou L e L la ou la aura aura com com m com ecomme m responsabilité em responsabilité s principales s principales de :de :: : (MSB) Thursday, April 21. e stag ou laiaire stag iaire aura e responsabilité sprincipales principales Le stag ou laiaire stagiaire aura responsabilités dede Applications are invited for the above position, which is a Permanent Part Time position. promouvoir Village • When spring arrives in April prom•prom ouvoir le V le leillag V leillag eV Nillag eoëNoël Ne l oëT N Témiskaming; é loëm T isk é l mT am am am; ing ing ; ; promouvoir ouvoir é iskm ing isk solliciter desdes des comdes com m com anditaires m anditaires etetdes et partenaires; solliciter solliciter m anditaires etpartenaires; des partenaires; • commanditaires desdes partenaires; This unique position offers part time work on Saturday & Sundays for approximately in Temiskaming Shores, you m obiliser obiliser la com com unauté m unauté autour autour duduV du N du TV ; N V T N ; T ; m obiliser lam com m unauté autour •m mobiliser lalacommunauté autour VNT; 1 hour in the mornings. The position would be for 2 weekends a month for light may want to tap your feet, promprom ouvoir les les T ourné T ourné com es es com m com unautaires m unautaires interactives interactives ( T iC ( T s)iC( ; T s)iC ; s) ; promouvoir ouvoir les T es ourné m unautaires interactives maintenance duties. The applicant must also be available during those scheduled • promouvoir les Tournées communautaires interactives (TiCs); travailler à é tablir à é à tablir réunseau ré seau avec diverses diverses org org anisations anisations et divers et divers clubs clubs sociaux sociaux travailler travailler é un tablir un ré avec seau avec diverses org anisations et divers clubs sociaux weekends for on call maintenance calls. square dance, eat delicious • travailler à établir un réseau avec diverses organisations et divers clubs sociaux S ont S ont adm adm issibles les les diplô diplô m diplô é sm é universitaires ou ou colléou collé g iaux g iaux ui q ont uiq ui obtenu obtenu leurleur diplô diplô m diplô e m au em au cours cours desdes trois trois S ont admissibles issibles les m s é universitaires s universitaires collé g q iaux ont obtenu leur e au cours des t This position is ideal for someone looking for a little extra pocket money. food and celebrate all things Sont admissibles les diplômés universitaires ou collégiaux qui ontont obtenu leur diplôme audoivent cours des dernières dernières années années auprès auprès d’und’un collège collège agréé agréé ou d’une ou ou d’une université université ag réagé rée. es personnes doivent ê treê diplô tre diplô m diplô é es m é me dernières années auprès d’un collège agréé d’une université ag é C ré é C e.personnes C es personnes doivent ê tre trois dernières années auprès d’un collège agréé ou d’une université agréée. Ces personnes doivent de de programmes d’études d’études postsecondaires. postsecondaires. programmes d’études postsecondaires. French Canadian. ualified appli ants are en ura ed t su it their resu es nly th se andidates de programmes êtredonnera diplômées de programmes d’premier études postsecondaires. selected for an interview will be contacted. C e C poste eC poste donnera au stagiaire au au stagiaire un premier un un emploi emploi dans dans son son domaine domaine d’étude. d’étude. e poste donnera stagiaire premier emploi dans son domaine d’étude. • A Haileybury man was • Ce poste donnera au stagiaire un premier emploi dans son domaine L a ou L a le ou candidat le candidat est est adm adm issible issible à participer à participer une une seule seule foisfois aufois prog au au prog ramprog ram m d’éeramtude. m de em stag de stag es. L a ou le candidat est adm issible à participer une seule e de stag Please apply to: charged with trespass•aLa candidat est àautorisé participer une foisC auau L aou L a L le ou candidat leou candidat doitdoit ê tre ê tre lé admissible alem lé g léalem autorisé à travailler à travailler au anada. C programme anada. ou lelecandidat doit ê g tre g ent alement ent autorisé à seule travailler au C anada. de stages. H uman Resource Manager related offences at the •proposé La ou le candidat doit autorisé L e salaire L e L salaire proposé est est deest 3 de 5 de 0 3 0 5 être 0 3 0 , 5 0 0 0 légalement , 0 $ 0 0 / 0 anné e. e. à travailler au Canada. e salaire proposé , 0 $ 0 / anné $ e. / anné c/ o H oliday Inn E xpress & Suites Le salaire proposé est de 35 000,00 $/année. skatepark in New Liskeard L e candidat L e L candidat ou la oucandidate la candidate doitdoit : doit : : e candidat ou la candidate 998029 H ighway #1 1 Le candidat ou la candidate doit : on the weekend. e is eard P0J 1P0 avoir avoir une une ex cellente ex cellente connaissance connaissance avoir ex cellente connaissance • avoir uneune excellente connaissance :: : : o odes deux deux lang ues ues officielles, officielles, parléparlé et é et crit;é etcrit; • Suds and sales are helping odes des deuxlang lang ues officielles, parlé é crit; deux langues parlé écrit; o odes m des é odias m des é m dias sociaux et des etofficielles, des iciels log log iciels W iciels ord, W etord, x cel, E x cel, P ower oint; P oint; odes é sociaux dias sociaux etlogdes W E ord, E P x ower cel, P P ower P oint; families of seriously ill children o des sociaux et des logiciels Word, Excel, Power o oduotourism du du tourism e, médias du e, m du m eting ark eting et de et la de g de la estion g laestion de proj de proj ets;proj ets;ets;Point; tourism e, arkdu m ark eting et g estion de o odeola decom la com unauté m unauté etdu de etmarketing ses de ses attraits attraits touristiq ues;ues; de lam tourisme, com m unauté et de ses touristiq who must stay in Toronto and o du etattraits de latouristiq gestion deues; projets; ê tre en m enesure m esure de travailler de de travailler avec avec les les artistes artistes de la deréde lag réion etg ion divers et divers com com ité com s;ité s;ité s; ê tre ê tre en m esure travailler avec les artistes lag réion et divers o de la communauté et de ses attraits touristiques; Ottawa for medical care. ê tre en m enesure m esure de travailler de de travailler avec avec divers divers intervenants intervenants desdes trois trois cultures; cultures; ê tre ê tre en m esure travailler avec divers intervenants des trois cultures; •faire être en mesure travailler artistes région divers comités; faire preuve preuve de leadership dede leadership et avec d’habileté et d’habileté à travailler à de travailler de façon deetde façon autonome; autonome; faire preuve de leadership etles d’habileté à la travailler façon autonome; • Robins, ants, track meets. entenir mesure de avec divers intervenants cultures; dé •tenir déêtre tenir perm un un perm isperm de istravailler conduire de conduire et avoir et avoir accè saccè à sun à svéun hicule vé trois hicule serait serait un atout. un un atout. dé un is de conduire et accè avoir à des un vé hicule serait atout. Ebert Welding Ltd is looking for: Sure signs that spring has • faire preuve de leadership et d’habileté à travailler de façon autonome; returned and, for student •individus détenir unintéressé permis conduire et avoir accès àleur unleur véhicule serait unles atout. L esL individus esL es individus inté inté ressé sressé sont s de sont prié s de s soum de soum ettre ettre leur candidature, candidature, dans dans les deux deux lang ues ues officielles, officielles, avant avant 1 6 h, 1 6 1h sprié sont prié s de soum ettre candidature, dans les deuxlang lang ues officielles, avant • TWO Mechanics le vendredi le vendredi m 6 aim 26 ai 0 m 1 2 ai 6 0 intéressés , 1 2 par 6 0 , 1 par courriel à priés info@ à info@ centreartem centreartem .org .org à .org l’attention à l’attention de Réjeanne de Réjeanne Bélisle-M Bélisle-M assie, assie, pré pré sidente. sidente le vendredi 6 courriel , par courriel à deinfo@ centreartem à l’attention Réjeanne Bélisle-M assie, pré side Les6 individus sont soumettre leur candidature, dans lesde deux langues officielles, athletes, the most important • ONE Salesperson avant 16 h,P leour vendredi 6plus mai par courriel ànem P our de plus de de amplus ples am2016, renseig renseig nem nem ents, ents, s.v.p. s.v.p. com com posez leà 7 l’attention le 0 5 7 le -60 548 8 -04348 Réjeanne 8 -043 8 43 P our amples ples renseig ents, s.v.p. composez posez 7 -60 -05 48-6de of the three is undoubtedly Bélisle-Massie, présidente. track and field season. Positions are full time, extensive brand specific training Pour de plus amples renseignements, s.v.p. composez le 705-648-0843 • The Great North Midget will be provided. Applicants must have a valid driver’s League (GNML) is coming license. Bilingual preferred. DEVELOPMENT OFFICER FOR VILLAGE NOËL TEMISKAMING Agricultural experience is desirable. off a 2015-16 campaign that One-year contract: May 16th, 2016 to May 19th, 2017 saw some big adjustments Employer: Le Centre culturel ARTEM Please apply with attention to Ian Auger: from the previous season. Email: The principal responsibilities of the intern are: • Our C-front this week - to promote Village Noël Temiskaming; Fax: (705)647-5121 features a story and photos - to solicit potential partners and sponsors; Mail: PO Box 1386, New Liskeard ON P0J-1P0 on the 9th annual Spring - to mobilize the VNT community; - to promote the Temiskaming Interactive Circuits (TiCs); Pulse Poetry Festival. Mechanic & Salesperson Join the majority and read Temiskaming’s Paper of Record, the national and provincial award-winning Temiskaming Speaker. A paper produced in Temiskaming by Temiskaming residents for Temiskaming residents. Call 705-647-6791 ext. 228 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRETHOUR The Township of Brethour is currently accepting applications for the part-time position of Clerk-Treasurer. The Township is seeking an individual who demonstrates multi-tasking abilities. The position of Clerk-Treasurer acts a procedural and governance advisor to Council, prepares and distributes minutes/by-laws as directed by Council and as well communicates with various organizations, and agencies on behalf of the Township. Additional responsibilities include but are not limited to; Financial management, Tax billing and collection functions, policy development, budget preparation, presentation and monthly reporting, reporting to Council on financial matters, Year-end audit, grant submissions, livestock claims, vital statistics, lottery licensing, fence viewers, Municipal Elections and provide Commissioner for taking Oaths and Affidavits services. The ideal candidate will have experience in accounting, finance or a related field, be familiar with Simply Accounting computer program. Applicants are invited to submit a resume, closing date May 31, 2016, to: The Corporation of the Township of Brethour P. O. Box 537 Belle Valleé, ON P0J 1A0 - to work towards creating a network with diverse organizations and various social clubs. The intern must hold, at minimum, a 3-year diploma or degree from a recognized Canadian post-secondary institution (college; university). The diploma or degree must have been awarded within the last three years. This position will give the intern their first employment experience in their field of study. The candidate is only allowed to participate once in the internship program. The candidate must be legally authorized to work in Canada. The proposed salary for this position is $35,000 per year. The candidate must: - have excellent knowledge of: - both official languages, spoken and written; - social media and software applications such as Word, Excel, Power Point; - the tourism industry; marketing and project management; - the South Temiskaming community and its touristic assets. - be prepared to work with artists in the region and with various committees; - be prepared to work with various stakeholders of the region’s three cultures; - leadership skills and skills related to independent work. A valid driver’s license and access to a reliable vehicle would be an asset. Interested individuals are advised to submit their résumé and cover letter, in both official languages, before 4:00 PM on Friday May 6th, 2016 by e-mail, addressed to Réjeanne Bélisle-Massie, President at For more information, please call (705) 648-0843. WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 Page 9b EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES JOIN OUR TEAM Town of Elk Lake Haileybury Town of Earlton North Cobalt Rural Earlton Town of Cobalt SPEAKER Printing, Publishing and Promotions w w w . 5 w t i. c om We currently have Weekender routes available in the following locations: H e a v y Eq uip m e nt I nst ruc t or and Me c h a nic ’ s Assist a nt I nst ruc t or We are currently looking for instructors who are interested in using their knowledge and experience to help clients become entry level equipment operators and servicers at our New Liskeard campus. Q U AL I F I CAT I ONS Heavy Equipment Operator experience (if you are applying for HE instructor) Equipment Servicing experience (if you are applying for MA instructor) Excellent interpersonal skills Employer will provide training/mentoring to become an Instructor REMU NERAT I ON Competitive hourly rate ~ Quarterly Performance Pay Company benefit plan ~ Clothing and PPE allowance Has a full time position for a Automotive Clean-up & Detailing Person Duties include cleaning, detailing, preparing used and customer vehicles for delivery, shop clean up. Must have a valid drivers license, able to work independently, must be courteous and able to pay attention to detail. F orw a rd y our ré sum é t o: At P h F a Em Please send resume to: t e nt ion: Ginette Vézina one : 1-888-647-7202 ext 188 x : 1-705-647-5115 a il : Wilson Chevrolet Buick GMC Attention: Sylvie Bélanger Box 100 - 100 Wilson Avenue New Liskeard ON P0J 1P0 or by fax: 705-647-3062 Onl y suc c e ssful a p p l ic a nt s w il l b e c ont a c t e d for a n int e rv ie w . Throughout the year we are often looking to hire instructors in the field of: Heavy Equipment, Truck Driver and Shop Mechanic. If you would like send us your resume, we will be pleased to keep it on file for 1 yr. We thank you for your interest in Wilson Chevrolet Buick GMC; however only applicants under consideration will be contacted. Call the Temiskaming Speaker for more info 705-647-6791 ext. 227 Speaker and Weekender, New Liskeard, ON Inside and Outside Sales Person Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative INTERN Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative District of Temiskaming Temiskaming Office Pro values each and every one of its customers. In order to continue our growth we need an enthusiastic, well-trained and team-oriented person. District of Temiskaming There are lots of reasons why you will want to join Temiskaming Office Pro’s winning team; Position located in Haileybury. INTERN Youth Entrepreneurship Job Description Position located inInitiative Haileybury. Assist withJob the Description delivery of youth entrepreneurship initiatives throughout the region. INTERN of Temiskaming Assist withDistrict the delivery of youth entrepreneurship initiatives Qualifications Position located in Haileybury. throughout the region. Experience in facilitation (providing training through presentations and workshops), Experience in Business or Marketing considered an asset. Excellent communication skills in both official languages. Assist with the delivery of youth entrepreneurship Experience in facilitation (providing training throughinitiatives presentations and Possess a valid driver’s license. Job Description Qualifications throughoutworkshops), the region. Experience in Business or Marketing considered an asset. Excellent communication skills in both official languages. Qualifications University or college graduate who has graduated within the last three years from an accredited colPossess valid(providing driver’s license Experience in facilitation through presentationsdegree and or diploma program. lege or university. Thea candidate must betraining a graduate of a post-secondary University or college graduate whoinhas the last three workshops), Experience in Business or Marketing considered an of asset. The position will be a first full-time employment the graduated candidate’s fiwithin eld study. years from an accredited college or university. Excellent communication skills in both official languages.The candidate must be a graduate of a post-secondary degree or diploma program. The Possess a position valid driver’s license will be The a first full-time field of complete Job employment Description caninbethe seencandidate’s at: University study. or college graduate who has graduated within the last three years from an accredited or university. The candidate must Thecollege complete Job Description can be seen at:be a graduate of a post-secondary degree or diploma program. The Application 2, 2016 position will Deadline: be a first May full-time employment in the candidate’s field of Application Deadline: 2, 2016 study. Please forward applications to:May Attention: Executive Director South Temiskaming CFDC, P.O. Box Please forward applications to: be Attention: Executive Director complete Job1K0 Description can seen 339, The Haileybury, ON P0J Fax: 705-672-5959 Email:at: South Temiskaming CFDC, P.O. Box 339, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Fax: 705-672-5959 Email: Application Deadline: May 2, 2016 Please forward applications to: Attention: Executive Director THIS OPPORTUNITY South Temiskaming CFDC, P.O.ISBox 339, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Fax: 705-672-5959 Email: PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY: THIS OPPORTUNITY IS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY: Programme Jeunes entrepreneurs JEUNES STAGIAIRES Programme Jeunes entrepreneurs Le district de Témiskaming JEUNES STAGIAIRES Poste situé à Haileybury Le district de Témiskaming Description de poste Poste situé à Haileybury Youth Entrepreneurship Travailler avec le Programme Entrepreneuriat JeunesseInitiative pour favoriser les objectifs de cette initiative Description de poste dans les régions desservie par le SADC South Temiskaming. Aider à l’élaboration d’un plan de mise en INTERN Travailler avec le Programme Entrepreneuriat Jeunesse pour favoriser les oeuvre d’activités et de deDistrict programmes pourdans jeunes l’ensemble de la région. objectifs cette initiative lessur régions desservie par le SADC South of Temiskaming Temiskaming. Aider à l’élaboration d’un plan de mise en œuvre d’activités Position located in Haileybury. Qualifications minimales exigées et de programmes pour jeunes sur l’ensemble de la région. Job Description Expérience dans les aff aires ou le marketing sera un atout. Qualifications minimales exigées Excellentes aptitudes à communiquer oralement et par écrit dans lesatout. deux langues officielles. Assist with the delivery youth Expérience dans les of affaires ou leentrepreneurship marketing sera un initiatives throughout ExpérienceExcellentes àthe offrirregion. de laaptitudes formationàpar des présentations et des ateliers. Posséder communiquer oralement et par écrit dansun lespermis deux de langues officielles. conduire valide. Qualifications Expérience à offrir de la formation par des présentations et des ateliers. • We are the fastest growing Office Supplies and Furniture Company in Northern Ontario • We believe in a “Promote from within” strategy • Competitive Wages • The products we represent are best in Class Our staff works within a team environment and deliver a positive, professional, and courteous service to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction! Please email your resume for a confidential interview at TRAINING CAREERS in DEMAND Heavy Equipment Operator Mechanic’s Assistant Truck Driver - AZ and DZ FUNDING available for SKILLS TRAINING Join us for DEMO DAY! Check for upcoming dates! Call 1-877-746-0547 or chat@ 1-877-746-0547 Tri Toyota Toyota is seeking a Service Manager / Fixed Operation Manager • The Service Manager is responsible for managing the service department by effectively scheduling technicians and service appointments. • Meet budgeted objectives in the areas of sales, units and profitability within company policies and guidelines. • Assist technicians in daily work routines. • Maintain a safe and clean store environment with first class facilities and state of the art equipment at minimal capital outlay. • Maintain customer relations to ensure long term growth in sales and profits. • Maintain customer and associate satisfaction. • Deliver quality work on time every time to customers. • Train and develop service department associates in both parts and service. • The Service Manager must complete additional projects as assigned by the General Manager. • Driving guest vehicles is an essential function of the job. • Ability to lift an object weighing up to 60 pounds. • Valid driver’s license is required • Bilingual would be an asset Crossword Speaker & Weekender, New Liskeard Please contact Christine at 705-647-7202 5th Wheel Training Institute Please forward all resumes in confidence attention Marc Fortier, General Manager/Partner, 998239 Hwy. 11 North, New Liskeard P0J 1P0, e-mail , or contact me personally at 705-648-3790. êtres diplômées de programmes d’étude postsecondaire. Le poste doit donner au stagiaire un premier programmes d’étude postsecondaire. Le poste doit donner au stagiaire un University premier or college graduate whoplein has dans graduated within the last three emploi à temps son domaine d’étude. years from anPour accredited college or university. The candidate must be Pour une description complète du poste, poste, veuillez lelesitesite : : une description complète du veuillezconsulter consulter a graduate of a post-secondary degree or diploma program. The position will be a first full-time employment in the candidate’s field of Date limite de réception des demandes le 2 mai, 2016 . study. EMPLOI EST PARRAINÉE FIÈREMENT PAR LA : THIS OPPORTUNITY IS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY: .com Missed Us at the Office? Book your Ad Online Go To Answers from 7a 2014 Careers & Demo Day Ad ou d’une université agréée. Ces personnes doivent êtres diplômées de Possess valid driver’s emploi à atemps plein danslicense son domaine d’étude. Application T é Deadline: lé copieur May : 7 0 5 2,6 7 2016 2 5 9 5 9 C ourriel: j ohn@ southtem isk am ing .com Please forward applications to: Attention: Executive Director South Temiskaming CFDC, P.O.DBox CETTE PERSPECTIVE ’ 339, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Fax: 705-672-5959 Email: Student Residence M aking the right career choice is important. Experience in facilitation (providing training through qui presentations anddiplôme au cours des Posséder un permis de conduire Sont admissibles les diplômés universitaires ouvalide. collégiaux ont obtenu leur workshops), Experience in Business oragréé Marketing considered an asset. Sont admissibles les diplômés universitaires ou collégiaux qui obtenu doivent trois dernières années auprès d’un collège ou d’une université agréée. Cesont personnes Excellent communication skillsdes in both languages. leur diplôme au cours trois official dernières années auprès d’un collège agréé Date limite de réception des demandes le 2 mai, 2016. Description can be seen at: : D SADC F a The ir la e complete parvenir demande à l’adresse suivante irecteur g é né ral, Sud, C. P. Faire parvenir demande la àJob l’adresse suivante : Directeur général, Témiskaming AD P0J C T 1K0 é m isk am ing S :ud, . P 5959 . 3 3 9 Courriel: , H aileybury, O N P 0 J 1 K 0 339, Haileybury,S ON Télécopieur 705C 672 N O C H A RG E Franchise Ownership Opportunity in New Liskeard For information: 1-800-461-0171 Page 10b WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 Timiskaming First Nation CHURCH SERVICES / ANNOUNCEMENTS 24, Algonquin Avenue (Timiskaming First Nation) Notre Dame du Nord. QC JOZ 3B0 Tel: 819 723-2335 Fax: 819723-2353 ST. JAMES, COBALT - corner of Nickel and Prospect St. Sunday 10am. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL & ST. JOHN, HAILEYBURY - corner of Rorke and Browning St. Sunday 10am. CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY Kiwetin School (JK to Grade 8) CHRIST CHURCH, ENGLEHART - 70 5th ave. Sunday 10:30am. Cobalt and Haileybury worship together on the 1st Sunday of the Kiwetin School (JK to Grade 8) F is an e ual opportunity employer where members with e ual ualifications will PLEASE CALL OUR NEW PRIEST. The Rev. Sherry De Jonge. 705-672-2586. be givenJunior-Intermediate priority. TITLE: level teacher (grade 7/8) for the 2016-17school year with TFN is an equal opportunity employer where members with equal qualifications will be givenmonth priority. in Haileybury. Cobalt and Haileybury worship together on the 3rd Sunday of the month in Cobalt. FOR MORE INFORMATION T IT L E : possibility of an extension Junior-Intermediate level teacher (grade 7/8) for the IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: year with possibilityKiwetin of an ex School tensionPrincipal school ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH 70 Wellington Street, New Liskeard - Sunday morning worship at 9:30am, with Rev Dr. Judith Visser. Sunday school activities available. Visit our facebook page at St. Pauls United Church New Liskeard. SUNDAY SERVICES- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, New Liskeard welcomes all to Sunday morning worship at 11am. Sunday school SUMMARY: and nursery provided. Bible study Wednesday morning at 10:30am. Rev. Bob McCarty officiating. For more information please call I M M E D I A T E S U PE RV I S O R: iwetin School Principal Under the direction of the Kiwetin School Principal, the teacher will be responsible for705-647-5026. all aspects U M M A RY preparation, : of S planning, instruction, communication, record keeping for students in their class. Under the direction of the iwetin School Principal the teacher will be responsible THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTSservices begin at 11am focusing on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus for all aspects planning DUTIES (but notoflimited to):preparation instruction communication record keeping Christ. The Chapel is located on Beautiful Lake Temiskaming at the junction of Hwy 11-B, Lakeshore and 980 Edward Street, North of Haileybury. All are welcome. for students in their class. ◊ Teaching all subjects except physical education D U T I E S ( b ut not l imited to) : EVERY SUNDAY - HAILEYBURY PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY - At 10:30am for morning service. Children and teenagers are ◊ Supervision of students of all levels eaching all sub ects except physical education welcome to join us every Wednesday night at 6pm for our Kidz Rock and 7pm Youth programs. ◊ Communicating with parents Supervision of students of all levels Communicating with parents REQUIREMENTS: HILLVIEW PIONEER MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCHlocated at 884402 Highway 65 W invites everyone to join with Dr. Rev. Judith Visser for Sunday Worship at 11am. Most Sundays, fellowship and lunch follows worship. RE Q U I RE M E N T S : of Education Education –unior junior/ intermediate level ◊ Bachelor Bachelor of intermediate level TOMSTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Worship Service begins at 9:30am and Sunday School at 9:45am. Everyone ◊ Thorough backgroundcheck check, vulnerable sector, be handed in before contract is signed horough background vulnerable sector mustmust be handed in before welcome to attend. Call 705-544-7795. ◊ 3contract references required upon application is signed ◊ Knowledge culture will be an asset SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH invites all to come & worship Saturday morning at 453 Marcella St in Haileybury. Study references inreAnishinabek uired upon application ◊ Preference will be given to a member TFN community living in the area time is 10am and divine service at 11am. Prayer meeting Tuesdays from 5-6pm. Pastor Philip Lee officating. Everyone is Welcome. nowledge in Anishinabek culture will be of anthe asset ◊ As this position include the teaching subjects future of French and Preference will bemay given to a member of the ofF academic community living ininthethe area WEEKLY English languages, knowledge and skills in the delivery of Bilingual education would be an WORSHIP SERVICES are held at Emmanuel United Church each Sunday at 10am with Rev. Ross Bruleigh. Everyone As this position may include the teaching of academic sub ects in the future of Welcome. asset French and English languages knowledge and skills in the delivery of Bilingual ◊ Knowledge of Smart Board and usage of technological programs education would be an asset GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH in Englehart is celebrating their 25th anniversary. Come out for BBQ and games on Sunday, June nowledge of Smart Board and usage of technological programs 12th from 10:30am - 3pm. DESIRED QUALITIES: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ D E S I RE D Q U A L I T I E S : Knowledge the Ontario Curriculum nowledge ofofthe ntario Curriculum Knowledge and/or experience with intermediate classes nowledge and or experience with intermediate classes Effective classroommanagement management skills Effective classroom skills Excellent communication skills with students, parents Excellent communication skills with students staffstaff and and parents Ability to tobe beaateam teamplayer player Ability D E A D L IN E : DEADLINE: Applications May 11th, noon Applicationswill willbe beaccepted accepted up up to May th 2016atatnoon Starting detailswill willbebegiven given interview process) Startingdate: dateAugust August29, 2016 (more more details at at thethe interview process SUNDAY FAMILY WORSHIP AT ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 51 Wellington St. North New Liskeard, 10:30am, Pastor George Paraskevopoulos officiating. For more information, call 705-647-8401 or visit our website GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH OF ENGLEHART will be meeting every Sunday morning at 10:30am. We invite you to our worship services or our weekly bible studies and prayer meetings. We offer ministries for children, Jr. and Sr. High groups and monthly fellowships. Please contact Pastor Steve Crosby at 705-544-8339 or visit CELEBRATING MOM’S PROGRAM SaturdayMay 7, 2016 at 3pm. Refreshments and fellowship. From: Women’s Ministries, Seventh-day Adventist Church. Anyoneinterested interestedininthe the above above position their Resume along Anyone positionare areinvited invitedtotosubmit submit their Resume along withBETHEL a cover GOSPEL CHAPEL, located at the corner of McCamus Ave & Shepherdson Rd, welcomes you to these weekly services: with all a cover letterdocumentation, all pertinent documentation and alist reference list to Sunday at 11a.m. Family Bible Hour (Sunday School & nursery provided for children). Friday 7pm Youth Group (Grades 7-12). For letter, pertinent and a reference to: further information, please contact Ron Scriven at 705-563-2911. TIMISKAMING FIRST NATION TIMISKAMING FIRST NATION A ttn ’ : ancy McBride ST.SIMONS ANGLICAN CHURCH, Parkwood Lane, Temagami. Every Sunday 10:00am Gathering Service for Morning Prayer or Attn’: NancyFMcBride Algon uin Avenue Holy Communion. Contact Rev.Beth Hewson at or call 705-476-8681 for more info. You are invited to come 24 Algonquin Avenue (TFN) otre Notre-Dame ame du ord du CNord, QC B J0Z 3B0 and see. nancy.mcbride TEMISKAMING PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, West Road. Family nights each Wednesday at 6pm. Call 705-672-2020. N ote: T h e T i mi sk ami n g F i rst N ati on reserv es th e ri g h t to a p re- selec ti on of i n terested c an di Note: First to ap lan pre-selection candidates. dates.The O n Timiskaming ly th ose retai n ed wi llNation b e c on reserves tac ted for the an i n right terv i ew n ed for mi d- M ofayinterested 2 0 1 6 TEMISKAMING PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, West Road. Family night event each Wednesday at 6pm. For the month of May there Only those retained will be contacted for an interview planned for mid-May 2016 is a speaker on emotional and mental health. Hot meal followed by fun activities for the whole family. Call 705-672-2020. WEEKENDER Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 WEEKLY OMPH E-BULLETIN If you would like to receive the weekly e-bulletin from Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish please e-mail omphoffice@ Stay in touch with all the latest news and events on a weekly basis. THE SALVATION ARMY INVITES YOU TO JOIN EVERY SUNDAY MORNING at11am to gather and encourage one another to worship the Lord. All are welcome. 260 Whitewood Av. Call 705-647-4115. CHRIST CHURCH ANGLICAN 5th Ave. Englehart, Thrift shop is open Tuesdays & Thursdays only from 1-3pm until further notice. Donations welcome, please bring during open hours. Ensure all clothing & small items are clean and in good conditions. Due to limited space we are unable to accept large items. PARISH WEBSITE: Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish has updated its parish website. It contains information about the Parish, the weekly bulletin and a host of other useful information and links. Check out the website at HAILEYBURY & DISTRICT BAPTIST CHURCH - Sunday Service 11am, Wednesday 9am prayer, Wednesday Holy Spirit Service at 7pm. 495 Rorke Ave., Haileybury. Rev. M. Karl Fulson officiating. Call 705-6725855. GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH 139 2nd Av. Englehart. 40mins workout. Starting May 9th June 27th every Tuesday & Friday from 11:15am-12pm. Call Yvonne 705-544-8339. Community Living Intégration Temiskaming Communautaire South Témiskaming Sud 2 0 Page 11b 1 6 ELS” E H W R O F K AL W – Y E N R U O “JOIN THE J , MAY 7th SATURDAY W alkathon 201 6 will be held on Saturday, May 7th and our K ick-O ff B reakfast, May 6 th, courtesy of Miller P aving N orthern and T ri-T own T oyota from 7: 00 a.m. to 1 0: 00 a.m. at T he R iverside P lace. “ That all persons live in a state of dignity, share in all elements of living in the community, and have the opportunity to participate effectively” May is “ C ommunity L iving “ month, please j oin us. A ll monies raised will go towards the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van for the people we support. W e are calling on the whole of T imiskaming to participate by collecting pledges, walking, sponsoring a walker or making a financial contribution by calling A ndrea Steis at 705-6 72-2000 ext. 27 O ur C orporate Sponsors are again showing their support: Miller P aving N orthern, T ri-T own T oyota, O ntario N orthland, Desj ardins - C aisse populaire du T é miskaming ontarien L imité e, R iverfront C hiropractic B ig boost again this year comes from SC O T I A B A N K , H aileybury. T he bank will be matching dollar for dollar pledges raised by its employees up to $ 5,000.00 So be sure to sponsor a Scotiabank employee. E veryone who raises $ 25 gets a priz e. T he priz e value increases with dollars raised. $ 25 O ne Free G iveaway, $ 50 T wo Free G iveaways $ 1 00 T hree Free G iveaways A lso, I ncentive Draws for those who get their pledges in by May 1 2 and May 1 9. C hances to win a bicycle, certificates and more. FO R MO R E I N FO R MA T I O N C A L L A N DR E A ST E I S at 705-6 72-2000 ext. 27 Harvey’s & Swiss Chalet supports local communities. B ring this coupon with you for the $5.49 meal deal ENJOY A BURGER COMBO ( i n c ludes a reg ular si de & 2 0 oz soft dri n k ) 113 ON 11, NEW LISKEARD 705-647-4789 Pro Nails ST. PAULS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ENGLEHART. Services every Sunday 10:30am. Sunday School and nursery provided. Rev. Hansel Chen officiating. TEMISKAMING PENTECOSTAL CHURCH West Road. Sunday morning Celebration Service at 10:30am. Call 705672-2020. EUCHRE AND DESSERT PARTY: Our Mother of Perpetual Help will be hosting a euchre and dessert party on Sat. April 30th at 7:30pm. There is no admission charge but participants are asked to bring a plate of their favourite dessert to share. Everyone is invited to join us for an evening of cards and fun! Call: 705-647-5035. Thank you to all participants 705-672-2000 FINDLAY’S DRUG STORE HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH in Englehart invites everyone to Sunday Mass at 9am. OMPH IS NOW ON FACEBOOK Check out our new facebook page at facebook. com/OMPH.NL and stay up to date on the latest happenings in the OMPH.NLParish. LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME PROGRAM: Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish offers a childrens program (for children from JK until grade 3) each Sunday during our 11am Mass. The children are dismissed downstairs just after Mass begins and return at the time of the offertory procession. During their time together they hear the gospel read at their level and work on an activity or craft based on the theme of the gospel. For more info call 705647-5035. 247 Whitewood Ave., N.L. 705-647-8186 | 1-800-461-0974 Free Delivery in the Tri-Towns G O L D E N AG E CL U B Heating • Plumbing • Electrical Wholesale • Retail 74 Scott Street, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 COBALT Tel: 705-647-4412 | Fax: 705-647-4485 WEEKENDER Page 12b Friday, A pril 29, 201 6 s u o m a Tent Sale E v e n t Charity f doors open at 9am Thurdsay, April 28th b b q 60% in the tent! OFF OFF OFF 30% 25% 30% OFF mattress sets* 55%off DID YOU KNOW... major 15% 25%off off the original price on UP TO Saturday, April 30 11am - 2:30pm All proceeds to assist the tdss band! Clearance items UP TO UP TO in-stock Dundalk Leisure UP TO UP TO Sectionals & Recliners* * E xcl udes discounted, clearance, “ H ot B uy” deals, special buys and B uyer’ s B est item s. dining packages & bedroom packages including individual items * E xcl udes discounted, clearance, “ H ot B uy” deals, special buys and B uyer’ s B est item s. * E xcl udes discounted, clearance, “ H ot B uy” deals, special buys and B uyer’ s B est item s. UP TO UP TO * E xcl udes discounted, clearance, “ H ot B uy” deals, special buys and B uyer’ s B est item s. appliances* Get expert advice when you shop. Bell representatives are experts in the rapidly changing world of technology and are specially trained to know our products and services inside and out. If you have questions, big or small, count on a Bell representative to help. 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