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Inside: Wing and a prayer 3a Englehart hosts Sudbury artist 6a UK outdoorsman in Temagami 7a NL Cubs awards 6-7b FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2016 The Speaker’s week en d edItion Vol. 15 – No. 34 Visit us on Postal orders MP collects feedback on Canada Post future Diane Johnston Speaker Reporter TEMISKAMING SHORES – What could Canada Post look like in the future? Local mail sorting, postal banking, and electric vehicle charging stations Nipissing-Timiskaming were among the MP Anthony Rota ideas that emerged from a meeting in Temiskaming Shores earlier this week. The goal of a national review of Canada Post is to ensure that Canadians receive “the quality service that they require,” said Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota. The Liberal MP hosted the town hall meeting that drew about 15 people to Temiskaming Shores city hall July 19. The Canada Post network encompasses 6,200 retail offices, 21 processing plants, and almost 64,000 employees, he said. “What we’re trying to do is maximize use of the superstructure that we have,” he said. He said the feedback from the local session and a meeting the next night in North Bay would be forwarded to the task force conducting the review. It’s important that Northern Ontario views be reflected in the discussions, MP Rota said. BUSINESS IMPACT The review comes as Canada Post faces declining letter mail volumes and a surge in parcel delivery. Speedier service and improved reliability are needed, said George Othmer. The Cobalt man said he typically sends up to 30 pieces of letter mail each month. He also objected to the loss several years ago of local mail sorting. All mail in the area – whether destined for local recipients or out of town – is transported to Toronto, where it’s sorted and then returned. See “MP collects feedback” on 5a FAMILY LINE Walleye was always the favourite when brothers Victor, at back, and Emile Héroux went fishing. In Haileybury last week, they were hoping for a big catch when Emile, who lives in New Liskeard, joined Victor, who now lives at Extendicare Tri-Town, on an angling outing. About 20 Extendicare residents were accompanied by family, friends and staff for a little fishing and a barbecue. (Staff photo by Diane Johnston) The heavy lifting Cobalt discusses cost of Hoist Room Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter COBALT -- Questions were raised at Cobalt council at its recent meeting regarding the costs of keeping the Hoist Room open. Councillor Sue Nielsen defended the maintenance of the Hoist Room saying, “(it’s) a service provided to Cobalters to enhance health and wellness.” She was speaking at the regular meeting of council Wednesday, July 13. She argued that whether the Hoist Room is open or not, the arena would still include a cost for electricity. “The cost for the arena is still a cost.” Mayor Tina Sartoretto also expressed the opinion that the town “still would have to have electricity fed to the building,” even if the Hoist Room were not operating. Councillor Gary Bigelow suggested that if the Hoist Room were closed down, the electricity cost for the building would be reduced. “The delivery charge would be minimal,” he said. He questioned what the projected deficit is for the arena. Mayor Sartoretto questioned Councillor Bigelow’s suggestion the delivery charge would be reduced if the Hoist Room were closed. “The delivery charge is the flat charge for the building,” she stated, but then qualified that the town could look at it to ensure that is the case. See “Cobalt discusses” on 5a 2011 Can-Am 800 We’ll get you safely to all your summer destinations! 100 Craven Crescent, New Liskeard, ON Phone 705•647•5500 Fax 705•647•4100 with Assante Capital Management Ltd. power steering $7499.99 2011 Can-Am 800 with power steering $7499.99 HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 9 to 3 60 Scott St., Box 1648, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 Robert A. Nicholls, CPA, CA, CFP Ivan Dewar Erik Nicholls, CFP, B.Sc. (Fin) Financial Peace of Mind Starts at Assante 11 Armstrong St., New Liskeard 705-647-6838 • 1-877-850-6838 60 Scott St., Box 1648, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 9 to 3 WEEKENDER Page 2a Friday, July 22, 2016 City Bulletin Temiskaming Shores Public Library The Library will be closed for the Civic Holiday on Monday, August 1 and Tuesday, August 2. Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt for Children aged 5-12 at both Branches of the Library Pick up your map at your branch library and complete the reading challenges. For every book you read from the map you get a raffle ticket to enter the draw. Prizes to be won in both branches of the library—get a map and start reading today! For more information call your library at 705-647-4215 or 705-6723707. TD Summer Reading Club Storytime at Both Branches of the Library The Temiskaming Shores Public Library is pleased to offer a T.D. Summer Reading Club STORY TIME for the first time. This STORY TIME is for children of preschool age right through to 7 year olds accompanied by an adult. Older siblings may want to read on their own or use a public access computer while their younger siblings enjoy STORY TIME. This program will run on Wednesdays from 11:15 a.m. until noon Haileybury Branch: July 20th, August 3rd, 17th New Liskeard Branch: July 27th, August 10th, 24th Drop in to join in the fun or contact us for more information. Call 705-6474215 or email us at Notice of the Passing of an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment Under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Official Plan Amendment File #: OPA-2016-01 Zoning By-law Amendment File #: ZBA-2016-01(NL) Owner: Manuel DaSilva Agent: Tunnock Consulting Ltd Property: 100 Lakeshore Road North (former École Sacré Coeur) Take notice that, on July 5, 2016, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Temiskaming Shores, passed By-law 2016-116 adopting Amendment No. 1 to the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan, and By-law No. 2016-117 approving a Zoning By-law Amendment as outlined below.Notice of the Passing of an File #: B-2016-03(NL) Owner: Mary Desjardins Agent: Robert Gavin Property: 143 Pine Street West Application for Consent Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Committee of Adjustment A public meeting will be held to consider application: Under the SectionConsent 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Date: The City ofWednesday, 27, 2016 Temiskaming ShoresJuly has received the following Consent application: B-2016-03(NL) Time: File #: 1:30 p.m. Owner: Mary Desjardins Place: Agent: Haileybury Robert Gavin Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury Property: 143 Pine Street West The agent ismeeting proposing sever a 3.6m x 42.6m (12’ x 139.92’) strip from the A public will be held toto consider the Consent application: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 to be added to the adjacent property at 135 Pine propertyDate: at 143 Pine Street West Time: 1:30 p.m. Street West. construction isatproposed asDrive, a result of this application. Place: No Haileybury Boardroom City Hall, 325 Farr Haileybury The agent is proposing to sever a 3.6m x 42.6m (12’ x 139.92’) strip from the property at 143 Pine Street The subject is designated Residential Neighbourhood the West to beproperty added to the adjacent property at 135 Pine Street West. No construction is proposed as ain result of City of this application. Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is zoned Medium Density Residential The subject property is designated Residential Neighbourhood in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan (R3) inand the Town of New Liskeard Zoning By-law 2233. is zoned Medium Density Residential (R3) in the Town of New Liskeard Zoning By-law 2233. six of the required parking spaces shall be dedicated as accessible spaces as defined in the City’s Traffic and Parking By-law, and to remove the requirements related to the provision of play facilities. Public input received through the public notification process was taken into Public input received the public notification was taken into be consideration and itthrough is noted that consideration andthrough it is noted that certainprocess comments can addressed the certain comments can be addressed through the site plan control process. Other comments were acknowledged. site plan control process. Other comments were acknowledged. Additional Information – For more information about this matter, contact the undersigned. Additional information about the proposed minor variance is also available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at City Hall or by contacting the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Jennifer Pye Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment City of Temiskaming Shores 325 Farr Drive, PO Box 2050, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 | Fax: 705-672-2911 Place: Haileybury Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, HaileyburyZoning By-law Subject Provision 85-27 The owners are requesting relief from the provisions of the Town of Haileybury Zoning By-law 85-27 to Property Schedule “D,” Row 8, Column – Minimum permit the construction of a 2 6.1m x 7.3m (20’ x Exterior 24’) detached garage that will be closer to the exterior side lot 5m (16’) 3m (10’) line than is permitted. The following relief is requested: Side Yard Provision Zoning By-law 85-27 Subject Property The property is designated Neighbourhood City Schedule “D,” Row 8, Column Residential 2 – Minimum Exterior Side Yard 5m (16’) in the 3m (10’) of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is zoned Residential (R) in the Town of Haileybury Zoning The property is designated Residential Neighbourhood in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is zoned Residential (R) in the Town of Haileybury Zoning By-law 85-27. By-law 85-27. 82 300 75 76 300 74 71 70 366 370 380 300 350 362 Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Dr. Lakeview Lakeview Dr. 300 300 361 345 341 337 333 329 325 317 299 66 379 58 55 54 51 50 47 62 299 56 50 46 46 44 GGro ro om om DDr. 38 45 44 37 38 33 36 Public Hearing – You are entitled to attend this public hearing in person to express your views about this application. If you are aware of any person who may be affected by this application, who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of the application. Written comments on this application may be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the hearing. Failure to Attend Hearing – If you do not attend the hearing it may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings unless you provide written comments regarding the application. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. The last date for filing a notice of appeal is August 2, 2016. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the City of Temiskaming Shores, must set out the reasons for the appeal, must note the specific part of the proposed Official Plan Amendment to which the appeal applies, and must be accompanied by the fee required by the Ontario Municipal Board. The proposed Official Plan Amendment is exempt from approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The decision of the Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a notice of appeal. Only individuals, corporations and/or public bodies may appeal a decision or bylaw of the municipality or planning board to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the plan was adopted or the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. Jennifer Pye, Planner City of Temiskaming Shores PO Box 2050, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 | Fax: 705-672-2911 Email: Notice of Decision – Requests for copies of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment or notice of adjournment of hearings, if any, must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer at the address below. A-2016-06(H) Additional Information – For more information about this matter, contact the undersigned. Additional information about the proposed minor variance is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at City Hall or by contacting the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Failure to Attend Hearing – If you do not attend the hearing it may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings unless you provide written comments regarding the application. File #: Owner: Albert and Kathleen Blanchard The owners are requesting relief from the provisions of the Town of Haileybury Agent: Abby Smythe Zoning By-law 85-27333to permit the of a 6.1m x 7.3m (20’ x 24’) detached Property: Lakeview Avenue, Northconstruction Cobalt garage that Awill be closer to the exterior sideapplication: lot line than is permitted. The following public meeting will be held to consider the Minor Variance Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 relief is requested: Time: 1:30 p.m. Notice of Decision – Requests for copies of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment or notice of adjournment of hearings, if any, must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer at the address below. A copy of Amendment No. 1 to the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and By-law No. 2016-117 are available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at City Hall. For further information contact the undersigned. Public Hearing – You are entitled to attend this public hearing in person to express your views about this application. If you are aware of any person who may be affected by this application, who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of the application. Written comments on this application may be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the hearing. Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 Committee of Adjustment Time: 1:30 p.m. Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Place: Haileybury Boardroom at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following Minor Variance application: St Poplar Poplar St Zoning By-law Amendment File #: ZBA-2016-01(NL) The purposeManuel of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the property from Owner: DaSilva Agent: Tunnock Consulting Ltd Institutional (S1) to Apartment Residential 6 (R4-E6) to allow the Property: 100 Lakeshore Road North (former École SacréException Coeur) conversion of the existing building on the property into a 40-unit residential Take notice that, on July 5, 2016, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Temiskaming Shores, passed By-law 2016-116 adoptingand Amendment No. 1 tosite-specific the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan, and No. apartment building establish provisions to permit a By-law minimum 2016-117 approving a Zoning By-law Amendment as outlined below. front building setback of 4.5m for an accessory gazebo; a minimum building The purpose the south Official Plan to add a site-specific policy toapartment the Official Plan to permit the setback on ofthe sideAmendment of 2.9mis(existing); a minimum dwelling unit conversion of the former institutional building on the property to a standalone residential use. area of 37m2 (398 square feet); a minimum landscaping area of 30%; to recognize The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the property from Institutional (S1) to Apartment that six of Exception the required parking shallof be asonaccessible spaces Residential 6 (R4-E6) to allow spaces the conversion the dedicated existing building the property into a 40-unitas residentialinapartment building and establish site-specificBy-law, provisionsand to permit a minimum the front requirements building setback defined the City’s Traffic and Parking to remove of 4.5m for an accessory gazebo; a minimum building setback on the south side of 2.9m (existing); a minimum 2 (398facilities. square feet); a minimum landscaping area of 30%; to recognize that apartment unit area of of 37mplay related todwelling the provision Application for Consent Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Committee of Adjustment Under Section 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Application for a Minor Variance A public meeting will be held to consider the Minor Variance application: Official Plan Amendment The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment add aBy-law site-specific policy to the andisa to Zoning Amendment Official Plan to permit the conversion ofUnder the former institutional building on the property Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 toOfficial a standalone residential use. Plan Amendment File #: OPA-2016-01 To register or for more information about any of the Library’s programs, call 705-647-4215 or 705-672-3707, see our facebook page, email NewLiskeard@ or, visit our website at www., or visit your Library Branch! The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following Consent application: The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following Minor Variance application: File #: A-2016-06(H) Owner: Albert and Kathleen Blanchard Agent: Abby Smythe Property: 333 Lakeview Avenue, North Cobalt South St. South Maple St. Maple TD Summer Reading Program Craft Sessions at Both Branches of the Library Join us for the Wild About Reading craft sessions for the TD Summer Reading Program. Children aged 5-10 years old are invited to come to the story and craft sessions in July and August in both branches. Sessions run from 1:00-2:30 on the following dates: Haileybury Branch: Saturday, August 13 New Liskeard Branch: Saturday, July 30 and Saturday, August 27 Get Wild about Reading! For more information, contact us at the library: Haileybury Branch 705-672-3707, New Liskeard Branch 705-647-4215 City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 South St. South Maple St. Maple Livres SURPRISE durant l’été pour les adultes Livres SURPRISE durant l’été à la succursale de New Liskeard. Juillet et août 2016 Choisissez votre livre SURPRISE des paniers de la section française au premier étage et lisez! Écrivez vos commentaires si vous désirez! (Ils se trouvent dans le livre). Rapportez vos livres SURPRISE et nous partagerons vos opinions sans hésiter! REGULAR COUNCIL Tuesday, August 2, 2016 – 6:00 P.M. South St. South Birch Birch St. Concours de lecture estivale Concours de lecture à la bibliothèque publique de Temiskaming Shores pour les jeunes de 5 à 18 ans! Pour chaque 10 livres français lus de la bibliothèque vous recevrez un prix! À partir du 1er juillet au 31 août 2016. Veuillez prendre votre feuillet pour y inscrire les titres et les auteurs des livres lus. Donc, lisez et gagnez! 705-647-4215 ou Application for a Minor Variance Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Committee of Adjustment SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS Jennifer Pye Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment City of Temiskaming Shores 325 Farr Drive PO Box 2050 Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 Fax: 705-672-2911 Application for Zoning By-law Amendment Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing Under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 The City of Temiskaming Shores has received the following application to amend the Zoning By-law: File #: Owner: Agent: Property: ZBA-2016-02(D) Ken Brownlee and Sons Equipment Corp. Jeff Celentano MCIP, RPP Application for Zoning By-law Amendment 437099 Hawn Drive, Dymond Industrial Park Notice of Complete Application And Notice of Statutory Public Hearing A public hearing will be held to consider the Zoning By-law Amendment Under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 application: of Temiskaming Shores has received the following application to amend the Zoning By-law: Date: The City Tuesday, August 2, 2016 #: 6:00 ZBA-2016-02(D) Time: File p.m. Owner: Ken Brownlee and Sons Equipment Corp. Jeff Celentano MCIP, RPP at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury Place: Agent: Council Chambers Property: 437099 Hawn Drive, Dymond Industrial Park The application proposes a site-specific amendment to add sales and A public hearing will be held to consider the Zoning By-law Amendment application: Tuesday, Augustequipment, 2, 2016 service Date: of recreational a retail store, a merchandise service Time: 6:00 p.m. shop, agricultural equipment sales and service, and a business office as Place: Council Chambers at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury permitted onproposes the property. The uses application a site-specific amendment to add sales and service of recreational equipment, a retail store, a merchandise service shop, agricultural equipment sales and service, and a business office as permitted uses the property. The property is ondesignated Employment Areas in the City of Temiskaming Shores The Official Plan and is Areas Zoned Manufacturing Industrial in the property is designated Employment in the City of Temiskaming Shores Official Plan and is (M2) Zoned Manufacturing Industrial (M2) in the Township of Dymond Zoning By-law 984. Township of Dymond Zoning By-law 984. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS GOODS The following items have been declared surplus and are available for sale NOTE: ALL ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED NON CERTIFIED AND/OR NON OPERABLE, AS IS, WHERE IS, NO WARRANTIES IMPLIED NOR GIVEN LOT # 1 DESCRIPTION 1989 John Deere 310C Backhoe The City makes no guarantee of description or any information provided, the onus is on the Bidder to verify descriptions and ensure accuracy. The item may be viewed between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, by calling Mitch Lafreniere at 705-672-3363 ext. 4113. Bid quotation forms are available at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury between the hours of 8:30a.m. and 4:30p.m. or from the Public Works Department, 200 Lakeshore Road, New Liskeard between the hours of 7:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Bid quotation forms may also be obtained on the City of Temiskaming Shores website or by contacting City Hall at 705-672-3363. The bids will close on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 2:00p.m. Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal presentation to express support of, or opposition to, this application. If you are aware of any person who may be affected by this application, who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of the application. Written comments on this application may be forwarded to the City prior to the hearing. For more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, contact the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, 2016. Jennifer Pye Planner City of Temiskaming Shores 325 Farr Drive PO Box 2050 Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 Tel: 705-672-3363 ext. 4105 Fax: 705-672-2911 For More Information Call (705) 672-3363 Write to The City of Temiskaming Shores, P.O. Box 2050, Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0 or Visit our Website: On a wing and a prayer Friday, July 22, 2016 MAF lands in Temiskaming Shores seeking support Sue Nielsen Speaker Reporter donors and help us to keep our missions going.” To donate or for more information on MAF check out the WEEKENDER Page 3a Summer on! SummerSale Sale now now on! SAVE ON Summer Sale now on! ASPHALT PATCHING & DRIVEWAY SEALING Call today for a free quote! website or call 1-877-Call today for a free quote! Phone: (705) 622-1070 or 351-9344. Phone: 622-1070 or Call today(705) for a free quote! (705) 679-3575 (705) 679-3575 Phone: (705) 622-1070 or (705) 679-3575 TEMISKAMING SHORES — Pilots with Mission tion Fellowship (MAF) landed in Temiskaming Shores at the Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club recently seeking support for their humanitarian missions operating in 30 countries around the world. Created in 1946, MAF is a Christian based organization operating privately owned light aircraft delivering Christian workers, teachers, medical perThe family of the late sonnel, and relief and developSylvie Chartrand would like ment workers around the world. to thank everyone for their Approximately 30 people condolences and compassion during their loss. from the Anglican churches of Temiskaming attended the event Thank you for all your prayers, flowers, food and hosted by Haileybury residents mass money donation to the Dick and Nancy Blackwell. Hospital Campaign and Mr. Blackwell worked for Barking Barn. MAF for several years in southYour kindness has given us ern Ontario and the couple tremendous comfort, and will wanted to invite MAF to this remain in our hearts forever. region in hopes of helping them Sincerely, find support for their humaniThe Chartrand, Bélanger and tarian missions with Christian The Cobalt Haileybury Curling Club lounge was the landing strip for the recent Mission Morin Families Aviation Fellowship presentation. From the left are Dick and Nancy Blackwell, MAF overtones. MAF transports medical sup- representatives Alex Henderson and Dick Craig, (Staff photo by Sue Nielsen) plies and air lifts doctors and cargo into remote villages that have no road access. Currently MAF members are MINING ACT LOI SUR LES MINES on a mission to recruit avionics GOVERNMENT NOTICE – UNDER THE MINING ACT AVIS GOUVERNEMENTAL – EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR technicians, pilots, IT profesLANDS AND/OR MINING RIGHTS TO BE FORFEITED FOR LES MINES sionals, teachers and funding MINING LAND TAX CONFISCATION DE TERRAINS ET DE DROITS MINIERS EN RAISON D’ARRIÉRÉS D’IMPÔT for their humanitarian work. PURSUANT to the provisions of the Mining Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.14, Section 197, the following list of lands and mining rights in respect of which They are seeking donations CONFORMÉMENT aux dispositions de l’article 197, chapitre M. 14 de la mining land tax and costs to May 31, 2016, imposed by the said Act, are two Loi sur les mines, L.R.O. 1990, si l’impôt et les frais jusqu’au 31 mai 2016 to purchase aircraft fuel and for years or more in default, notice is hereby given that unless the amount due exigibles en vertu de la présente loi à l’égard des terrains et droits miniers cias shown is paid on or before December 31, 2016 some or all rights and any aircraft engine replacements dessous sont en souffrance depuis au moins deux ans et ne sont payés avant interest may be forfeited to and vested in the Crown but shall not be open le 31 décembre 2016, soyez avisés que la totalité ou certains des droits et and volunteer help. for prospecting, staking out, sale or lease until published in one issue of THE tout intérêt pourraient être confisqués et dévolus à la Couronne. Ces terrains ONTARIO GAZETTE. (This is not a tax sale. The lands cannot be purchased MAF says that each fly-in ne peuvent cependant faire l’objet d’une prospection, d’un jalonnement, d’une by paying the taxes.) vente ou d’un bail avant qu’ils ne paraissent dans un numéro de la GAZETTE mission they complete helps to DE L’ONTARIO. (II ne s’agit pas d’une vente aux fins de l’impôt. On ne peut Cindy Blancher-Smith alleviate suffering in the lives of acheter les terrains en payant l’impôt.) Assistant Deputy Minister Mines and Minerals Division others while bringing the ChrisCindy Blancher-Smith Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Sous-ministre adjointe tian teachings to thousands of Communications regarding this matter should be directed to: Division des mines et des minéraux Mining Lands Revenue Clerk people around the world. Ministère du Développement du Nord et des Mines 3rd Floor, 933 Ramsey Lake Road Adresser toute communication à ce sujet au : “We are part of God’s family Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5 Commis aux recettes des terrains miniers tel: 705-670-5850 or 1-888-415-9845, ext. 5850 just like you are in your com933, chemin du lac Ramsey, 3e étage Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5 munities. We share god’s love tél : 705 670-5850 ou 1 888 415-9845, poste 5850 through aviation technology all over the world. We are about stories of people and lives beACCT. NO./NUMÉRO PIN/ DESCRIPTION HECTARES TOTAL OWING/ DE COMPTE CÔTE FONCIÈRE MONTANT DÛ ing changed,” said MAF former pilot/vice president of developTOWNSHIP OF COLEMAN/CANTON DE COLEMAN ment Alex Henderson. “We ask T***1489-0001 61385-0345(LT) S part of broken Lot 10, Con 6, as in TP7968 0.814 $20.49 that you pray for our people, our TOWNSHIP OF MCVITTIE/CANTON DE MCVITTIE card of thanks THANK YOU Ray's Berry Farm Ray Raspberries Fresh or frozen T***1428-0002 61225-0647(LT) Mining Claim L7518 not covered by the water of Beaverhouse Lake, except Parts 1, 2 & 3 on Plan 54R-5222 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH LORRAIN/CANTON DE SOUTH LORRAIN T***1148-0001 61391-0043(LT) Mining Claim HR73, situate about 1 1/2 miles S of Lot 17 Con 1 5.277 $78.26 T***1148-0004 61391-0058(LT) Mining Claim T19261 7.689 $1,151.48 12.545 T***1148-0005 61391-0056(LT) Mining Claim HR95, situate 1 1/2 miles S of the S limit of Lot 17 Con 1 1.821 $1,872.35 $280.17 Sold by the 6 quart Pick for us or buy from us Reserve now 705-672-5597 BLEED Page 4a WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 ontario community newspapers association General Manager - Lois Perry Editor - Gordon Brock In Memory of Dave Armstrong TEMISKAMING PRINTING COMPANY LIMITED 18 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 580, New Liskeard, Ont. P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-647-6791 Fax: 705-647-9669 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Authorized as publications mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa, Number 8154 Member Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Canadian Community Newspapers Association. The publisher reserves the right to restrict all ads to their proper classifications, and to edit or reject any copy. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted other than in clear writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. The advertiser agrees that the publisher will not be liable for damage arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All claims or errors in advertisements must be received by the publisher within 30 days after first publication. The contents of the Weekender are protected by Copyright registered with the Copyright Office at Ottawa. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the President. Real heroes I walked into a local store to purchase yet another sympathy card and someone said to me, “It’s okay Sue, it is Friday.” I guess I looked that bad. Truth is, I hadn’t felt that low in a long time. I had just come from Frankie St. Cyr’s funeral and was scheduled to attend another funeral a short time later. Needless to say, I went home and collapsed out of sheer exhaustion. The exhaustion that comes from knowing decent, wonderful, beautiful people are dying way before their time. Too many of our family members and friends are suffering the indignities of cancer. A disease that, for the most part, isn’t going away anytime soon and for which we haven’t successfully found a reliable cure. We celebrate the fact that we’ve sent space probes to Jupiter and we have a new app called Pokémon that young people are swooning about, yet cancer rates remain high and especially here in Temiskaming where they are well above the provincial average. I am sick and tired of hearing how people are suffering and dying because of cancer and I am angry. Angry that billions of dollars are being raised each year supporting the jobs of people working in offices for organizations praising the work they do to reduce cancer rates. I think something has gone off the rails, quite frankly. I spoke with a breast cancer survivor recently and she said in the last 20 years since her diagnosis, the treatment for breast cancer hasn’t changed. She says the old “slash and Sue Nielsen burn” techniques of surgery, radiation or chemotherapy are still the treatment options. The Albert Einstein quote applies here: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Cancer is replacing heart disease as the Number One killer worldwide and in the coming years rates of cancer are expected to go through the roof as baby boomers age. According to Live Science, the survival rates among adults for all cancers combined improved from 50 per cent to 65 per cent since the 1970s. Big deal. We are told living healthy lifestyles will reduce cancer rates but yet the healthiest people are succumbing to the disease. Let us ask some serious questions about the “cancer industry” created out of people’s suffering. It is amazing how much money is raised in the name of cancer without the word “prevention” ever being used. And finally, you know who the real heroes in this world are—not the hockey players, not the politicians, not the Gandhis, but the people who are fighting cancer, that’s who. These heroes need our love, our prayers and our compassion as they literally fight for their lives. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the St. Cyr, Collins and Stewart families. Editorial Temagami Canoe and Music Festival The crowds were plentiful, the sun shone and the mood was festive as hundreds of people attended last weekend’s Temagami Canoe Festival and Deepwater Music Festival. Congratulations to all involved in this wonderful showcase of the natural landscape of Temagami and its people. Ontario Tourism brought United Kingdom bushcraft expert Ray Mears to town and also famed Canadian canoeist and environmentalist, Joanie McGuffin. Paddle Canada’s Jay Morrison was also on hand delivering valuable safety tips on canoe travel and local paddler Les Wilcox delivered a solo canoe demonstration. Local performers who played during the music festival were guitarist Jamie Dupuis, Esther Pennell, David Laronde and Les Stroud to name a few. It was a wonderful mix of music and canoe lore along the Temagami waterfront, now in its second year. The important thing to remember about these types of festivals is they are community-building exercises designed to bring people together for a common goal and to showcase your town. The town of Temagami and its waterfront with the newly refurbished waterfront wall and mural designed by First Nation artist Hugh McKenzie never looked better. The annual Stan Martin Memorial Mud Bog is being held this weekend in Charlton. The mud bog has been a summer staple in this region for 23 years. This event has attracted hundreds of viewers and participants from across Northern Ontario. The event sees cars and trucks with enhanced engines, big tires and all-wheel drive capability drive through a pit of mud for a certain distance. Mud bog events are catching on across the north as communities realize the potential impact of hosting these events. You haven’t really been to a mud bog unless you leave with some form of mud on your body. Best of luck to everyone involved. Down and dirty 18 Wellington St., South New Liskeard 705-647-6791 Fax 705-647-9669 Lois Perry General Manager ext. 224 Alan Roy Assistant Sales Manager ext. 225 Brenda Craik Denise Williams ext. 232 ext. 231 Sales Rep. a ds @ no r t hern o n t a ri o . ca Sales Rep. Kelly Ouimet Gordon Brock Diane Johnston Steven Larocque Sue Nielsen Darlene Wroe ext. 248 ext. 239 ext. 241 ext. 240 ext. 246 ext. 242 Sales Co-ord. Editor Reporter Reporter Reporter Reporter WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 Page 5a Cobalt discusses cost of Hoist Room AGE FRIENDLY GATHERING From the left enjoying a delicious complimentary lunch during the recent Age Friendly Community Barbecue at the Waterfront Pool Fitness Centre are Linda and Dave Fleming, Nathalie Lessard, Judy Lee, Irene Mendes and Toni Dent. Volunteer chef Jeff Thompson said they handed out 140 hamburgers, 70 hot dogs to people from across the region. (Staff photo by Sue Nielsen) MP collects feedback on Canada Post future Continued from A Front “We could use jobs here,” he said. Deborah Ranchuk, who owns White Mountain Publications in Cobalt, agreed. The former system, she said, “was working fine. Change it back.” She described the maintenance of a postal service as essential to small business. She’s run a mail order business for the past 24 years, and the first postal strike it experienced “damn near put me bankrupt.” At peak times of the year, she said she sends several hundred pieces of mail per month. Every highway closure because of a collision or bad weather hits her business, she said. She called for long-range planning to avoid sudden rate hikes, which hit businesses hard and affect their own planning. EMPLOYEE SUGGESTIONS Postal employees are also suggesting ways to boost Canada Post revenue. They’re proposing postal banking, which was once available in Canada, said Keith Bradford, a mail carrier and president of North Bay Local 576 of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). It represents about 115 workers from Englehart to South River and from Mattawa to Sturgeon Falls. In some countries, Mr. Bradford said banking represents as much as 70 per cent of the national postal system’s revenues. It would also be a solution for small communities like Cobalt that have no bank, he said. It’s an instance, he said, where the postal service could step in where the private sector won’t. He said Canada Post could also take advantage of a national network of outlets almost double that of Tim Hortons. Its locations could offer, he said, charging stations for electric vehicles and high-speed wireless Internet access for government services and voting by email. Its delivery network could take over the food deliveries to remote Northern communities now performed by private contractors, said Diane Mitchell, national campaign coordinator with CUPW. Its network of rural and urban carriers could run a service checking up on seniors and other vulnerable people, Mr. Bradford said. “We’re in the community every day, unlike anybody else,” he said. He too called for the return of local mail sorting, describing Temiskaming Shores as “the perfect community” to showcase its benefits. NEXT STEPS MP Rota said he was pleased with the turnout and the input. He said further suggestions would be welcome, and could be delivered or emailed to his office by the end of this week. Comments can also be sent directly to the task force, at, by the end of July. As for the review itself, the task force – chaired by Quebec business leader Françoise Bertrand – will present a discussion paper to MPs, the government and the public in September. It’ll look at Canada Post’s finances, users’ views of service, and future options. A parliamentary committee will then take over and lead another round of consultations. It’s scheduled to present its recommendations to the government by the end of this year. Continued from A Front She stated that the town will know better by early 2017, before the next budget, what the costs are to maintain the Hoist Room. “The Hoist Room costs will be clarified before the next budget so the folks of Cobalt know what its costs are,” she said. “This year will certainly give a better picture.” Councillor Mike Harrison questioned whether one of three meters at the arena could be removed in order to reduce costs that way. Mayor Sartoretto agreed that would be worth looking at. Councillor Nielsen noted that the town has increased the membership fees for out-of-town users at the Hoist Room. The town’s fees for operating the arena over the past three years, and impacts as it closed down the ice plant and eliminated skating, were noted: in 2013 the cost was $104,000, in 2014 it was $88,000 and in 2015 it was at $46,000. The arena building is currently being offered for sale. OFFICE 937907 Marsh Bay Road, Coleman, 705-679-8833 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday – 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. COUNCIL MEETING Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. COMMUNITY NEWS Note: The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The Corporation of the Township of Coleman - July 20, 2016 Community Bulletin Tuesday and Saturday - 9:00 Municipal Waste Site: Hours of Operation a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Note: The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Garbage: Reminder to Residents - Garbage bags must be placed in gar7:00 a.m. every Tuesday. A maximum of three (3) garbage bags will be pickedGarbage: Reminder to Residents - Garbage bags must be placed in garbage cans at up weekly. residences, and be set-out for collection no later than 7:00 a.m. every Tuesday. Municipal Waste Hours of Operation - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00than p.m. bage cans at Site: residences, and be Tuesday set-outand forSaturday collection no later Recycling: August collection dates are: Tuesday, August 2nd, 16th and Recycling: August collection dates are: Tuesday, August 2nd, 16th and 30th, 2016. 30th, 2016. Recyclables will be collected bi-weekly, on the scheduled pickRecyclables will be collected bi-weekly, on the scheduled pick-up date as listed above. up date as listed above. Acceptable Items Include: Paper newspapers, magazines, computer paper, pamphlets, flyers, envelopes, writing Products: paper, boxboard (such as cereal, tissue, soup and shoe boxes), corrugated cardboard, juice boxes, milk cartons, etc. Please flatten all boxes. Exceptions: wax paper, tissues, waxed grocery boxes Aluminum & beverage and food cans Steel Cans: Exceptions: spray cans, paint cans, coat hangers, pots and pans Glass jars & food and beverage bottles and jars bottles: Exceptions: drinking glasses, cups, dishes, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery, etc. Plastics: Bottles and other plastic containers with the recycling symbol #1 through #7, including white Styrofoam Exceptions: other plastic material such as caulking tubes, toys, etc. Electronics: televisions, computers, phones, cd players, etc. Building Permits are for required for all construction in thePlease Township Building Permits are required all construction in the Township of Coleman. allow Coleman. Pleasetime allow sufficient processing time for your application. sufficient processing for your application. of Coleman Fire Department: of Fire Emergency Please Call 911 Coleman Fire Department: In CaseInofCase Fire Emergency - Please Call- 911 No fire permits for open air burning will be issued during the months of July and August. No fire permits for open air burning will be issued during the months of July and August. BBQ TipsTips - All-barbeque grills must only must be usedonly outdoors — using grills indoors in BBQSafety Safety All barbeque grills be used outdoors —orusing enclosed spaces is not only a fire hazard, but it exposes occupants to toxic gasses and potential grills indoors or in enclosed spaces is not only a fire hazard, but it exposes asphyxiation. occupants to toxic gasses and potential asphyxiation. • Always position the grill well away from combustible objects — buildings, fences, deck • Always position the grill well away from combustible objects — buildings, railings and landscaping can easily and quickly ignite. fences, deck railings and landscaping can easily and quickly ignite. •• Get Get your cleaned and serviced. Check all propane and lines for leaksand and damage. yourgrillgrill cleaned and serviced. Check tanks all propane tanks lines for • leaks Never and leave damage. a lit grill unattended. •• Never Always leave use longahandled utensils and heat resistant oven mitts to avoid exposure lit grillgrilling unattended. burns from heat and flames. • Always use long handled grilling utensils and heat resistant oven mitts to • avoid Periodically remove burns grease build-up in catch trays to prevent it from igniting. exposure from heat and flames. •• Periodically Keep a gardenremove hose nearby, connected and ready for use in case of a fire. it from igniting. grease build-up in catch trays to prevent Information Collected From: Spring & Summer Fire Safety Tips. Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. Web - 20 July 2016. • Keep a garden hose nearby, connected and ready for use in case of a fire. Information Collected From: Spring & Summer Fire Safety Tips. Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. Web - 20 July 2016. - SPECIAL $27.95 Oil Change Propane - Gas - Diesel Now Accepting ARI Cards • • • • • Page 6a WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 Sudbury artist Brigitte Bere is pictured here with her masks now on display with paintings at the Englehart and Area Historical Museum. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) Sudbury artist exhibiting at Englehart museum Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter ENGLEHART -- A display of artwork by Sudbury artist Brigitte Bere is now on exhibit at the Englehart and Area Historical Museum. Visitors will be transported to another world, another space, and another time as they wander among the masks and paintings by the artist, who has been highly recognized throughout the region and beyond. Ms. Bere, originally from Germany, has lived in Canada since 1976 but many of her works are reminiscent of her youth spent in Dusseldorf, Germany. Her explorative techniques discover new and evocative depths among the colours and expressions of her works. The thought-provoking exhibition continues at the Englehart and Area Historical Museum until July 31. Titled On The Face Of It, the exhibition includes many masks created by Ms. Bere, as well as paintings resonating with rich colour. E R A C CAR Y R O T C DIRE FAST, Our body shop can quickly give your insurance adjuster an accurate estimate of the cost to repair your vehicle. And once we get approval, we’ll proceed as fast as possible to make your car like new again...using genuine GM parts. M R I F ESTIMATES The Collision Centre 238 Armstrong Centre, P.O. Box 100, New Liskeard ON P0J 1P0 Telephone: 1-705-647-2031 • Fax 1-705-647-9817 Email: AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE 24 RORKE AVE., HAILEYBURY 705-672-2929 Authorized & Certified deAler Motor Vehicle Inspection Starters Brakes Alternators Suspension Electronic Diagnostic Rustproofing Fuel Injection Service Exhaust Tune Ups Oil Change & Lube Ms. Bere comments of her work, “The titles of the masks are interchangeable with other titles, depending on your personal view.” She stated, “The masks express a variety of emotions and what we may fear or want in life.” She also commented about her paintings, stating, “Most of the paintings deal with the same issues--emotions, memories of living in Germany, remnants of the old printing process and again people with issues that come up from time to time.” WADING INTO SUMMER There’s little that is more pleasant than dipping your toes in a lake in summer. Kate Young, 18 months old, of Holland Landing, was enjoying that wonderful experience recently with her grandmother Louise Young of New Liskeard. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) YARD SALE SPECIAL 19 $ 99 PRICE INCLUDES INSERTION IN BOTH SPEAKER AND WEEKENDER HARD COPY & ONLINE SO L A E C I R P S: E D U L C N I ELLOW Y T H G I R B OONS L L A B & SIGNS CALL TODAY! 705•647•6791 or drop in to: 18 Wellington St. South, New Liskeard, ON or go to our website: World renowned outdoorsman Ray Mears in Temagami Darlene Wroe Speaker Reporter TEMAGAMI -- World-renowned outdoorsman and television host Ray Mears of Hastings, England, was in Temagami for the Temagami Canoe Festival. A large crowd joined him Saturday afternoon, July 16, at the Temagami Waterfront as he outlined many tips relating to bushcraft and survival, which he teaches. On Friday, July 15, Mr. Mears spoke at the Temagami Information Centre (Welcome Centre) about the steps needed to increase tourism, and in the process, strengthen conservation. Mr. Mears lives in the same area of England as Archibald Belaney grew up in before he travelled to North America, came to the North, and adopted the name of Grey Owl. Mr. Mears related that as a youth he had been at a local library when his elbow bumped a trolly and a book about Grey Owl fell off. Mr. Mears picked up the book and began to read it. This set him on the path that defined his life, spreading passion for the outdoors through television, broadcasting, writing, and teaching. Most recently he has hosted The Great Canadian Grey Owl Adventure Contest, sponsored by the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC) and Northeastern Ontario. Following the festival, four winners of the contest (two from the United Kingdom, and two from Sarnia, Ontario) left with Mr. Mears on an eight-day loop tour through the Temagami wilderness which included lakes Obabika and Wakimika. Mr. Mears promotes the value of building wilderness tourism, and in the process, strengthening reasons to conserve the wilderness. “You’re maintaining a healthy ecosystem for those who live there,” he said. He recommended putting “a financial value on wild places” to back conservation. Mr. Mears also spoke of the value of taking children on wilderness trips. “The children who go on those canoe trips are politicians of the world,” he said. TOURISM DESTINATION OTMPC representative Steve Bruno commented that “Ontario is attempting to further its position as a tourism destination for European markets.” Mr. Mears stated his focus also “is to steer people to go out more into the wilderness.” He added that Northern Ontario is ideally situated as a tourism destination for United Kingdom markets. It is a relatively short flight between Toronto and England, he pointed out. From Toronto, there is easy highway access to Northern Ontario. Toronto is a cosmopolitan and fun city itself, he added. He emphasized the presence of the nearby Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough. Mr. Mears said Ontario is his preferred destination because the province has “landscape that is still intact and pristine.” Here people can enjoy adventure, solitude, fishing, birding and nature, he said. Mr. Mears also urged the continued development of “high quality lodges with a strong sense of nature.... A lodge should be so good, people would organize a wedding there, or a honeymoon.” He also talked about the importance of offering well-developed guiding services. “Guiding is really important,” he said, noting there are people “who are a little nervous going into wild places.” He commented, “The standards of guiding have to be very high.” Temagami Mayor Lorie Hunter was present and com- mented that Mr. Mears’ presence has meant the Temagami Canoe Festival and Temagami Deepwater Music Festival weekend “has been raised to a whole other level.” Mr. Bruno also commended the work of Carolyn Laronde of the Temagami Artistic Collective who coordinated the weekend. “I know how hard you’ve been working. There is a lot of energy here and it’s attributed to you.” This is the second year Mr. Mears has attended the event with the OTMPC. Mr. Bruno commented he noticed the infrastructure upgrades that have occurred in the past year, and congratulated the town on that. Mr. Bruno noted the successes already being observed with the development of European tourism marketing to Ontario. He said one small business has seen an increase of $60,000 in business due to the booking of 16 British visitors last year. Mr. Mears commented of Grey Owl, “He was a man who was an extraordinary woodsman. In some way, nature reached out and touched him.” While he noted the value of “domestic bush skills,” he also spoke about the importance of “the old First Nations detailed knowledge” of being outdoors. Attention Peaches and plums available at Riverside Farmer’s Market this Saturday, July 23, 2016. Bring this ad to receive 10% off any purchase over $20. Friday, July 22, 2016 WEEKENDER Page 7a Ray Mears and four contest winners were preparing to embark on and eight-day wilderness tour. He is pictured here admiring early twentieth century photographs at the Temagami Information Centre (Welcome Centre) of members of the Katt and Friday families of the Temagami First Nation. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) Temagami Family Health Team Submitted by Ellen Ibey Dangerous Plant Species in the Area Giant Hogweed The stems and leaves of this plant are covered with small hairs coated with poisonous sap. Even the slightest touch can cause painful blisters and severe skin irritation. The symptoms can take a couple of days to develop with the skin becoming highly photosensitive producing large watery blisters; however the effects can be long lasting, with contact resulting in recurrent dermatitis. This is a particular concern for small children who may use the stems as pea-shooters or pretend telescopes resulting in horrific injuries. What does Hogweed Look Like? • very tall, 8-14 feet • Stems have rigid hairs, purple blotches and are hollow • Flower clusters up to 2 ft across occurring from mid June to late July • Has a reddish purple stem with fine spines that make it appear furry Wild Parsnip Is another weed that should also be avoided. The effects are similar to those associated with Giant Hog Weed. Irritation can occur if your skin contacts the plant’s fluids and is then exposed to sunlight. Contact with the eyes can cause temporary blindness and in rare cases permanent blindness. Wild parsnip can be found within uncultivated land, roadside ditches, parklands, nature trails and sports fields as well as on and around residential properties. What Does Wild Parsnip Look Like? • smells like parsnip • stands 20-60 inches high, branched, hollow stem • small yellow clustered flowers • flowers from late June into late fall (resembles dill) Being able to readily identify wild parsnip and giant hogweed will minimize accidental exposure to these plants and the painful results that follow. Anyone having information on specific locations where these weeds are posing a public risk should contact the Invading Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711. You will be asked to send in photos for identification. DO NOT touch, cut or collect parts of the plant. The Temagami Medical Centre and Family Health Team ... committed to keeping you as healthy as possible! 17 O’Connor Drive, P.O. Box 98, Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 Tel: 705.569.3244 Fax: 705.569.2610 Page 8a WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 EHS 2016 GRADUATES The 2016 Englehart High School Grade 12 graduates in the back row from the left are Matt Porter, Connor Field, Ryley Yantha, Kyle Schaafsma, Cole Young, Bryson Poan, Chris Chegahno, Lee Joy, Bailee McCallum and Koddy Chegahno-Warren. In the middle row from the left are Steven Neilsen-Reibling, Jessica Barlow, Ryan Preuit, Cortland Saunders, Jacob Thomas, Marshall Ball, Simon Malinowski, Zachary Milks, Jesse McGuire, Hunter Macdonald, Cody Loranger, Brady Stevenson, Logan Robertson and Anthony Milne. In the front row from the left are Brooke Peddie, Patty Wilson, Chelsea Smith, Halle Pawson, Shayne Lacharity, Caroline VanIperen, Morgan Johanson, Shannon Gillett, Shelby Loach, Shaelyn Gillett, Tiffany Laberge, Faith DeVries, Hannah Taylor, Taylor Delisle, Katy Emmell, Emma Brownlee, Jessica Lavoie and Tomoka Kashiwazaki. Missing from the photo are Garred Batisse and Emily Stewart. (Supplied photo) WEEKENDER CARRIER NEEDED FOR KENABEEK If interested, please contact: Jamie Lindsay Circulation Coordinator 705-647-6791 ext. 227 SPEAKER Printing, Publishing and Promotions WEEKENDER CARRIER NEEDED FOR ENGLEHART If interested, please contact: Jamie Lindsay Circulation Coordinator 705-647-6791 ext. 227 or email: 40 42 43 45 SPEAKER Printing, Publishing and Promotions Did you get The Speaker this week? Here are some of the stories in our July 20, 2016 edition… • Kapuskasing and Cobalt are awaiting completion of three ground-mount solar project sites in Cobalt. • Fencing to keep wildlife off Highway 11 north of North Bay won’t work, says a Ministry of Transportation planner. • As of July 19, the New Liskeard beach remained closed, due to high bacteria levels. • The Englehart and Area Historical Museum needs a lift. • The 42nd Rod Inglis Memorial Earlton Steam and Antique Show was widely enjoyed and president Ed Tucker says amazing weather helped with that throughout the entire weekend of July 16 and 17. • What do you get when you have a group of athletes who are friends and who love to compete together against teams from out-of-town? • David Tysick and Rebecca Ramsay recently competed against some of the best track athletes in the province and came home with silver medals to prove they’re among the young elite. • Our C-front this week features a story and photos on the Temagami Canoe Festival and Temagami Deepwater Music Festival. Join the majority and read Temiskaming’s Paper of Record, the national and provincial award-winning Temiskaming Speaker. A paper produced in Temiskaming by Temiskaming residents for Temiskaming residents. Call 705-647-6791 ext. 228 Friday, July 22, 2016 WEEKENDER Page 9a ESCSM 2016 BOYS GRADUATES The 2016 Ecole secondaire catholique Sainte-Marie Grade 12 boys graduates from the left in the back row are Mathew Durocher, Richard Boily, Jaydon Brazeau, Dominik Boileau, Sebastien Seguin, Brendan McDonald, Nathan Geoffroy, Stéphanie Lauzon, Kyle Laffin, Jordan Sutton, Patrick Woolley, Joslyn Thibodeau, Philippe Lachapelle and Noah Cormier. In the middle row from the left are Messe McEwen, Patrick Reimer, Alexander Thibault, Patrick Bates, Jérémie Degas, Jarod Needham, Théodore Héroux, Jessy Coté, Solyn Goudreault, Eric Léveillé, Guyllaume Dufresne and Daniel Laurin. In the front row from the left are Dawson Durling, Mathieu Monette, Adam Gervais, Christopher Maxwell, Jacob Doupe, Mathieu Goulet, Dylan Trottier, Julien Héroux, Gabriel Lévesque, Daniel Boileau and Eric Ménard. (Photo supplied by Lise Gravel) ESCSM GIRL GRADS 2016 The 2016 Ecole secondaire catholique Sainte-Marie Grade 12 girl graduates from the left in the back row are Amélie Grandmaitre, Emily Reynolds, Alaya Robert, Jacinthe Léveillé, Shani Doire, Brianne Gauvreau, Alexa Bélanger, Natasha-Lyne Roy, Taylor West, Samantha Carr, Sarah Marsden, Lexi Wowk and Keisha Fournier. In the middle row from the left are Mélissa-Lyne Roy, Sara Fournier, Roni Léveillé, Sarah Walton, Gabriéle Soucy, Madison Parent, Emilie Denis, Valérie Lavictoire, Geneviéve Nolet, Amy Longlade, Rebecca Koch and Alyssa Gosselin. In the front row from the left are Jessica Levasseur, Kanika Mountain, Samantha Morrow, Alexandra Loranger, Katie Nadler, Alexa Corneil, Amy Foley, Renée Savoie, Jasmine Laurin and Alexandria Breault. (Photo courtesy of Lise Gravel) ESCSM ONTARIO SCHOLARS The 2016 ESCSM Grade 12 Ontario Scholars in the back row from the left are Taylor West, Kanika Mountain, Alexandra Loranger, Jessy Coté, Julien Héroux and Gabriél Levesque. In the middle row from the left are Alyssa Gosselin, Alexa Corneil, Natasha-Lyn Roy, Daniel Laurin, Philippe Lachapelle and Matthew Durocher. In the front row from the left are Renée Savoie, Emily Reynolds, Geneviéve Nolet, Lexi Wowk and Mélissa-Lyne Roy. (Photo supplied by Lise Gravel) Artist highlights acrylics in Cobalt Page 10a WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 COBALT (Staff) -- Grey County artist Peter John Reid was in Cobalt June 13 to 16 to teach a course on acrylics, start to finish, at the Golden Age Club. Mr. Reid said he is familiar with the Temiskaming region, and Larder Lake in particular, and comments the scenery is “spectacular.” Trained at the Ontario College of Art, Mr. Reid now exhibits across the province. He also was the founder of Studio Twenty, where he honed his skills teaching art. He has published a book titled How to Paint with Acrylics, and has also produced two videos which can be found on The art class in Cobalt was organized by Joe-Ann Cleroux with “a fun group” of students who received insights into the art including an overview of what is needed, colour, shading and perspective. For more information about Mr. Reid, his art and class locations, email Peter John Reid of Grey County works mainly in acrylics and teaches the art across the province. He has also published a book on acrylics. He was in Cobalt June 13 to 16. (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) Tips to stay afloat FREE FREE FREE 2nd Annual Cell & Social Directory features mobile phone numbers and other ways of staying social. But you need to hurry to be included! Once this form is complete: Email to: ads@northern If you would like to have your name, mobile phone number and icons of your social media preferences published, fill out this form Your Name: ________________________________ Your Mobile #: ______________________________ Drop it off at 18 Wellington St. New Liskeard Do you text? Circle Y or N Please circle any of the following which you subscribe to (optional) Mail to: Speaker, Box 580, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 your personal website (optional) Fax to: 705.647.9669 By signing this form, you declare you are not representing any individual other than yourself: (signature) Parent/Guardian signature if under 16 years: SPEAKER Printing, Publishing and Promotions OR submit your info online at (signature) PLEASE SUBMIT BY JULY 22ND TEMISKAMING SHORES (Special) – The sun is shining, the water’s calm, and you’re ready to head on to – or into – the water. Temiskaming Ontario Provincial Police are reminding the public to stay safe. In a news release, police advise caregivers that children require constant supervision around water, be it a pool, beach, lake, or boat. Police say drownings can and do happen where there is little water and the risk is least expected, so stay within arm’s reach when children are near water. Police urge the public to remember the following points: •Wear your lifejacket. •Don’t drink and boat. •Take boating courses and review safe boating techniques prior to departure. •Be prepared. •Learn about the risks of cold water and how to protect yourself. “Know the differences between a lifejacket and personal flotation device (PFD). Pick one that best suits your sporting needs and assure that they fit yourself and your family members properly,” said Inspector Brent Cecchini of the Temiskaming OPP. Lifejackets offer a higher level of protection when it comes to staying afloat and turning an unconscious person on to his or back to enable breathing, says the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC). “Remember that bright colours are easier to see in the water and to wear your life saving device at all times,” Inspector Cecchini added. Police say alcohol is a factor in almost 40 per cent of boating incidents in Canada, and its effects can be intensified by sun, wind and the rocking motion of the vessel. In Ontario boaters caught drinking and boating can face consequences similar to those for drinking and driving. This applies to operating motorized and non-motorized vessels, from powerboats, sailboats and personal watercraft to canoes, kayaks, dinghies and other inflatables. For safety-related information, see the CSBC, at www. Friday, July 22, 2016 WEEKENDER Save on Select HARDWOOD • LAMINATE LUXURY VINYL TILE • CARPET VINYL • TILE & MORE! We promise you’ll love the way your new floor looks, or we’ll replace it FREE – including installation!† † See store for details. 336 WHITEWOOD AVE, W • NEW LISKEARD, ON • 705-647-7600 STORE HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 5:30pm Fri: 8:30am - 8pm Sat: 9am - 4pm CARPETONE.CA At participating stores only. Not all products available at all locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions and are not valid on prior purchases. Prices valid through July 7 to August 14, 2016. See store for details. Page 11a WEEKENDER Page 12a MINNOWS GAS Friday, July 22, 2016 BAIT e h T k s A Spring! y ? FROZEN LEECHES SUCKERS SHINERS WORMS ORE! & SO MUCH M 705-64 7-0010 Waterfront Marina,1 Whitewood Ave., New Liskeard Where Dream Kitchens Come True! 102 - 10th Street, Earlton • (705) 563-2048 • did somebody say Wh fun ESP ser On the boat or in the backyard, DO yo thi WE HAVE YOUR PROPANE! SAVE Stations in North Cobalt Haileybury & Englehart SALE URR ENDS Y% MO SOON ! to like 10 ! ICE Storew als #DDIY don’T do iT YourseLf 50 Flooring 10 Sale – Come discover your new favourite – to 5 SAVE H SALE URR ON Selec ENDS Y SOON ! BLA ! %50 The Windows & Doors Experts % SAV LA ch H Save time. Save money. single cups available Leave it3to the experts. CARPET usu % 10% SAVE SAVE Storewide SOMEWHERE 3 best prices #DDIY don’T do iT YourseLf to You’ll love this com combines beauty, d and affordability. H SALE URR ENDS Y SOON ! ! SAVE 10 10 50 Sale#DDIY 10 % 69 - 10th Ave., Earlton, ON P0J 1E0 705-563-2671 | 1-877-557-2315 #DDIY Save time. Save money. don’T do iT YourseLf to #DDIY Flooring Fax: 705-563-2470 F litoto o rthe i n gexperts. Leave Save on: % 10 ON Select floors #DDIY Flooring Leis Sale Great selection of annuals, perennials, trees & shrubs. Save time. Save Sa vemoney. on: U RR Y! HARDWOOD R SOMEWHERE SAFE RY DEMING ! * * 50 CARPET SOMEWHERE SAFE HARDWOOD Starting June 1st until July 31st! NOW! You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that CARPET combines beauty, durability, stain resistance and affordability. NOW! MATERIALS ONLY SOMEWHERE SAFE DEMING MATERIALS ONLY SOMEWHERE SAFE DEMING Makethat your home special from the upupwith You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that Make your home special fromfloor the floor withrich rich You’ll love this comfortable loose texture DEMING combines beauty, durability, Sweetgum hardwood available 4 color choices. combines beauty,from durability, resistance Sweetgum hardwood available in 4incolor choices. Make your home special the floorstain up with rich stain resistance and affordability. LUXURY VINYL TILE and affordability. Sweetgum hardwood available in 4 color choices. NOW! $ 49 09NOW! $ $ 49 NOW! $ SOMEPLACE SECRET AQUASTONE 09 SF SF NOW! This carpet features exceptional and SF Bring home the warmth and character ofSF $ softness49 09 ONLY in a floor that’s made for the MATERIALS hardwood way you ONLY ultimate strength. Superior durability withSF a MATERIALS $ MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY SF CARPET LUXURY VINYL TILE MATERIALS ONLY pleasant, live. Floating.. MATERIALS ONLYluxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. CARPET *At participating SOMEPLACE SECRET AQUASTONE stores only; not all products available at all locations. LUXURY VINYL TILE Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible f NOW! CARPET SOMEPLACE SECRET * This carpet features exceptional softness and promotional Bring home the warmth and character offers and are not validof on previous purchases. hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you ultimate strength. Superior durability with a pleasant, luxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. live. Floating.. LUXURY VINYL TILE SECRET SOMEPLACE Featuring AQUASTONE SF NOW! AQUASTONE This carpet features exceptional softness and Bring home the warmth and character of hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you ultimate strength. Superior NOW!durability with a NOW! Bring home the warmth character of in 6 colors. pleasant, luxuriousand touch. Available live. Floating..MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY SF hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you SF MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY live. Floating.. NOW! NOW! $ 59 3 3 reg. $ 4.9 9 / sf $ 3 SF SF $ 3 $ 59 SF 99 MATERIALS ONLY SF MATERIALS ONLY SF MATERIALS ONLY 99 99 MATERIALS ONLY Save on: Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! CARPET HARDWOOD You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that Make your home special from the floor up with rich *At participating stores only; not all products available at all locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers and are not valid on previous purchases. ©2016 Carpet One Floor & Home . All Rights Reserved. See store for details. combines beauty, durability, stain resistance Sweetgum hardwood available in 4 color choices. ® † and affordability. 3 3 6 W hitewood Ave. W . at the tracks NOW! $ NOW! $ 705-64 | 1-877-29 49 4 -2700 09 7-7600 3 4 DEMING SF SF *At participating stores only; not all products available atstores all locations. Photos foravailable illustrative only. Not responsible for typographical errors.for Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer be combined with other discounts ordiscounts or *At participating only; not all products at allpurposes locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible typographical errors. Offer endscannot 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other promotional offers and are not validpromotional on previous purchases. Floor & ©2016 HomeCarpet . All Rights Reserved. SeeRights storeReserved. for details. offers and are not©2016 valid onCarpet previousOne purchases. One Floor & Home . All See store for details. You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that combines beauty, durability, stain resistance and affordability. ® MATERIALS ONLY ® † † Make your home special from the floor up with rich CARPET LUXURY VINYL TILE Sweetgum available in 4 color choices. SOMEPLACE SECRET hardwood AQUASTONE MATERIALS ONLY *At participating stores only; not all products available at all locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers and are not valid on previous purchases. ©2016 Carpet One Floor & Home . All Rights Reserved. See store for details. Enjoy summer - leave the • Carpentry • Flooring • Drywall • Ceramic • Plastering • Door & Window Capping • Bathroom • Interior Painting FREE ESTIMATES René Y. Côté, Owner Renos NOW! • Plumbing Repair 3 $ to us! 09 SF ® † 2011 CAN-AM 800 $ 59 $ 99 NOW!3$ WITH POWER 3 49 STEERING 47499 This carpet features exceptional softness and ultimate strength. Superior durability with a pleasant, luxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. Bring home the warmth and character of hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you live. Floating.. NOW! NOW! SF SF MATERIALS ONLY GREAT SALE STARTING MATERIALS ONLY1ST TO JULY 31ST JUNE $ SF .99 MATERIALS ONLY MATERIALS ONLY Save on: Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! CARPET This carpet features ultimate strength. Su pleasant, luxurious to NOW! $ NOW! CARPET HARDWOOD Hardwood •09 Tile • Carp SF SFLuxury Vinyl CARPET HARDWOOD NOW! $ ON SelectNOW!floors $ 59 on sale at $3.59/sf SOMEWHERE SAFE R 60 T S Scott & St., A CBox C E1648, S S O R I E S LUXURY VINYLP ATILE SOMEPLACE SECRET Call 705-647-8482 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 AQUASTONE 705-647-8533 • FAX: 705-647-8534 Email: This carpet features exceptional softness and Monday Bring character HOURS: to home Fridaythe 8:30warmth to 5:30and • Saturday 9 toof3 *At participating stores only; not all products available at all locations. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offer ends 04/18/2016. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers and are not valid on previous purchases. ©2016 Carpet One Floor & Home . All Rights Reserved. See store for details. ® ultimate strength. Superior durability with a pleasant, luxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. 3 You’ll love this comfortable loose texture that Make your home special from the floor up with rich combines beauty, durability, stain resistance Sweetgum hardwood available in 4 color choices. ON Select floors and affordability. This carpet features exceptional softness and ultimate strength. Superior durability with a pleasant, luxurious touch. Available in 6 colors. GREAT SALE STARTING JUNE 1ST TO JULY 31ST 998063 Highway 11 North, New Liskeard at the Northern Feed location CARPET 3 Tile • Carpet • Tile and more! Leave it to CARPET the experts.Save on: Hardwood • Luxury SOMEWHERE SAFEVinylDEMING HARDWOOD 705-648-0194 • Carpet • Tile and more! Save on: Hardwood • Luxury Vinyl Tile LANDSCAPING YARD AM $ Featuring % 3 3 44 luedown4 from $ 4.79 to $ 4.9 9 / sf 3 GL ocksolid from / sf $ 59 $ 4.9 9 to$$ 5.29 99 3 3 Storewide A dura TruTile and TruP3 lank 3 to don’T do iT YourseLf U CARPET don’T do iT YourseLf Save time. Save money . Save time. Save money. Save time. Save money. Leave it to the experts. Leave it to the experts. SOD! H Featuring * SAL Storewide E EN Storewide Flooring DS S floors ON Select Storewide OO N ON Select floors ! Sale $ 49 don’T do iT YourseLf Leave it to the experts. NOW! CA SALE * ENDS SOMEPLACE S Stations in SOON ! to % floors ON Select % North Cobalt, Haileybury to% NOW! $ % % FRA &Hto Englehart Featuring Featuring 50 50 Featuring Sale Sale * SAVE We’re now taking orders for ! 4 3 s e Storewide Y Adura Sale! Financing Options Available!! Flooring H SALE URR ENDS Y SOON ! ! † hardwood in a floor that’s made for the way you live. Floating.. ©2016 Carpet On Experts Learn more from those who have the answers! Friday,For July 22,your 2016 WEEKENDER ALL Office Supplies & Janitorial Page needs13a SINCE 2011 Visit our website at For ALL your Office Supplies & Janitorial needs SINCE 2011 For ALL your Office Supplies & Janitorial needs What does your coffee say about you? ? Whether true or not, this coffee/personality match is a fun read! for flyer specials & place your order for next day pick up ! Monday to Friday 12 to 4pm 88 Lakeshore Rd. North, New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-628-2828 SINCE 2011 TheVisitbest. Straitup. our website at Visit our website at www.Temiskamingoffi • Framing forfor flyer specials order flyer specials&&place place your your order • Drywall forfornext nextday daypick pick up !! MondaytotoFriday Friday 12 12 to 4pm 4pm •Monday Plaster LakeshoreRd. Rd. North, North, 8888 Lakeshore • Decking New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0 New Liskeard, ON. P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-628-2828 705-628-2828 • RoofiPhone: ng • And more... 705.648.4884 19 years experience ESPRESSO - You're friendly, adaptive, but also have a very serious side. find us on facebook Our commitment is to Quality DOUBLE ESPRESSO ractical and hard or in define you perfectly; it's surprising you found a second to read this description. from the ground, up. LATTE e ecti e and so eti es indecisi e o ll choose the safest choice once you make a decision. MOCHA - You're fun, creative, and probably don't really like the taste of coffee. 88 12th Street, Earlton (705) 650-1156 Serving Temiskaming Shores, Kirkland Lake & Beyond! ICED COFFEE - Assertive, outspoken, and refreshing, you also have a temper. Walmart NEW ADDRESS! 95 CRAVEN Dr. BLACK COFFEE - You're a 'straight to the source' type and usually fearless, though easily disappointed. and o ith the o . Wh CAPPUCCINO - Caring, kind and giving, you don't care to pay attention to every little detail. It’s HUSQVARNA DAYS ury ke ha La o re cal Elk AMERICANO Craven Dr. NEW LISKEARD FREE INSTALLATION ON WIPERS • FRAPPUCINO - Energy and happiness come easy for you. and there are so many waysWIPERS to save! E INSTALLATION ON RIDE AWAY with GREAT Yes! SAVINGS this spring. Offer ends June 12, 2016. starting at .................................. ......................................................... Husqvarna 435-16 Reg. $389.99 NOW ONLY $311.99 100 SERIES BONUS OFFER Husqvarna 445-18 Reg. $479.99 NOW ONLY $383.96 Husqvarna 455-18 Av e . Chartrand’s Independent Grocer North Bay Husqvarna makes yard work easy on you and your wallet. And with a hundred dollar rebate on select riding lawnmowers, there’s never been a better time to get legendary Husqvarna performance and innovation for less. Selected $229.99 Husqvarna Lawnmowers 100 SERIES TRIMMER starting at $349.99 STARTING AT $179.99 od Come in and see the helpful staff at 58 Armstrong street or call us at (705) 647-7023 Engineered and tested in the toughest environments, Husqvarna products are powerful, ergonomic and packed with innovation, so no matter what challenge you’re Model 128C up against, you’re always ready. With great bonus offers during Husqvarna Days, there’s never been a better time to shop your local Husqvarna dealer and save. Offer ends June 30, 2016. WITH PURCHASE OF ANY wo $100 We do Screen MAIL-IN REBATE Door Repairs! .................................................................................................. n and see the helpful t 58 Armstrong street us at (705) 647-7023 (705) 647-2079 ite 100% Cotton Fabrics 50% Off Large Variety Available PETE’S 3 HOT BUYS SMALL ENGINES Reg. $599.99 NOW ONLY $479.99 Sale prices until June 30, 2016. 883265 Hwy. 65 East, New Liskeard, ON .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. ................................... 705-647-0004 For a limited time when you purchase any battery-powered Husqvarna product, get a Bonus Husqvarna battery FREE. Offer ends June 30, 2016. BATTERY SERIES Highway 65 East (Quebec Hwy) Turn Right on Ball’s Road, New Liskeard | 705-647-0081 Encouraging young writers Page 14a WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 HAILEYBURY (Staff) -- The Ghost of the Hardy Boys’ Short Story Contest has wrapped up for another year. Young people from across the district, and family members, gathered at the Haileybury Heritage Museum Saturday, June 11, to share their successes as emerging young writers. Winners of this year’s event were Paige Oukes (first place for ages 8 to 10); Emma Browne (first place for ages 11 to 12); Jayde Duhn and Liam Hopkins (each receiving first place for ages 13 to 14); and Jake McCarthy and Dayna Rodgers (each receiving first place for ages 17 to 19). Honourable mentions were awarded to: Zoey Bembridge (ages 8 to 10); Amelia Hobden and William Hearn (ages 11 to 12); Emma Brownlee, Jayden Martin, Hannah Taylor and Caroline Van Iperen (ages 17 to 19). A special judges’ choice award was given to Caroline Van Iperen for outstanding writing in the genre of psychological romance mystery. A special award for interest in writing was given to Freya Guillemette. The committee also thanked retiring Englehart High School English teacher Lee Merrifield who has encouraged his students to enter the annual competition. Judges Mary Belanger, Alison McCorkle, Catherine Gillier and Betty Stone perused the submissions from young people who had entered the writing competition. Winners and supporters of the Ghost of the Hardy Boys Short Story Contest are pictured here. At the back, from the left, are: Lee Merrifield; Donald Lévèille; Elizabeth Bishop; Liam Hopkins (first place, ages 13-14); Dayna Rodgers (first place, ages 17-19); Hannah Taylor (honourable mention, ages 17-19); and Christine McLeod. In the front are, from left: Amelia Hobden (honourable mention, ages 11-12); Emma Browne (first place, ages 11-12); Freya Guillemette (special award for interest in writing); Jayde Duhn (first place ages 13-14); Zoey Bembridge (honourable mention, ages 8-10); and Paige Oukes (first place, ages 8-10). Missing from the picture are: William Hearn (honourable mention, ages 11-12); Jake McCarthy (first place, ages 17-19); and Emma Brownlee and Jayden Martin (honourable mention, ages 17-19); and Caroline Van Iperen (honourable mention, ages 17-19). (Staff photo by Darlene Wroe) INSPIRATION The contest was inspired by the story contributions and successes of the late Haileybury writer Leslie McFarlane who penned 21 of the Hardy Boys stories in the early part of the twentieth century. The stories were published under the name Franklin W. Dixon by Stratemeyer Syndicate. Mr. McFarlane also wrote seven of the Dave Fearless novels as Roy Rockwood, and four of the Dana Girls Mystery Series under the name of Carolyn Keene. He also wrote for the National Film Board of Canada and for CBC television. The Ghost of the Hardy Boys Short Story Contest was supported through donations from organizations and individuals such as the IODE Haileybury Chapter and the Temiskaming Foundation, Chris Gallagher, the Temiskaming Shores and Area Rotary Club, and Dale and Lydia Alexander. The IODE has established an endowment fund for the contest, and others are being encouraged to consider donating to the endowment fund to support the contest in future years. The Ghost of the Hardy Boys Short Story Contest committee is now preparing for its centennial celebration which will take place in 2017. Volunteers and others with suggestions are asked to contact Ms. Stone at 705-672-5252 or to email the Haileybury Heritage Museum at hhmuseum@ Ginger - (right) due to allergies. Found cat outside, need to find a home. Spayed & vaccinated. 705-568-7659 Hailey - (left) Found outside. Looking for good home. Spayed & vaccinated. 705-676-5042 Mosher Bros. Road Race (AROUND COBALT LAKE) Saturday, July 30 Cobalt Mining Museum Registration – 9:00 am-10:00 am Race Begins – 10:00 am sharp Several Categories Walkers are Welcome SPONSORED BY THE COBALT MINING MUSEUM Arts & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, July 22, 2016 *10oz Draft Glass Shucks, Aries. You knew it all along, and so did many others. The one person that mattered didn’t, and even now they have doubts. Wash your hands of it. CROSSWORD ANSWERS ON 4B Sea creature Enthusiastic Christmastime Tricky Yanks’ foes What an eyesore, Aquarius. One person’s trash really is another’s treasure, and it is imperative that you recognize that. A plan is hatched. Reach, Pisces, reach for it! You’re too close to stop now. A reward of some kind will be handed out. Make sure you get your piece of the pie. January 20 February 18 February 19 March 20 Tone it down, Taurus. The issue requires a more reserved approach. A letter smoothes things over with a friend and gets them back onboard. Relax, Gemini. Errors are par for the course. Keep at it, and eventually, those wrinkles will get ironed out. A friend tries to save face but fails. March 21 April 19 11. 22. 24. 25. 26. 28. 30. DOWN 1. Yodeler’s feedback 31. 2. Thunder 32. 3. Underground floor 35. 38. 4. Office worker, for 42. short 44. 5. Summer drink: 2 45. wds. 6. Speak wildly 46. 47. 7. Bow 49. 8. Eliminate 9. Chair ____ 51. 52. 10. Bible boats 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Draft & Shooters *1oz Specialty Shots Valid photo ID required December 22 - ACROSS 1. Flows back 5. Exasperate 8. Race type 12. Winter outerwear 13. Food container 14. ____ Grey tea 15. Gardening aid 16. First woman 17. Comparison word 18. Bird of ill ____ 19. Low grade 20. Word in a threat 21. Castle protection 23. Rent out 25. Fruit quencher 27. Ump’s kin 29. Mr. Seinfeld 33. Seek office 34. Fry 36. Scrutinize 37. Slogan 39. VCR button 40. Coop 41. Printing liquid 43. Sun, e.g. 45. Front of the calf 48. Befitting 50. Certain parasites 53. Atlantic fishes 54. Floral garland 55. Ocean flier 56. Skilled Page 15a CHEAP Weekly Prize Giveaways, including Cash Prizes 40 Wellington St. S New Liskeard Clear the way, Capricorn! Amazing things are in store this week. A friend goes all out at home for a party. Compliment them on their fine taste. CLUES WEEKENDER Exultant joy Fiery crime Emit Sleeve filler Pair Animal skin Temporary relief Bread variety Itch Grumpily Tree decoration Curly veggies Wedding site Look over quickly Tramp Jobless Skin Toddler’s bed Quits You know how to host a good party, and friends are relying on you to step up, Cancer. Don’t say yes unless you have the time and desire. You’ve made far too many allowances for a loved one. Hold them accountable for their actions, Leo. A new source of revenue is revealed. Come on, Virgo. You’ve got the skills. Now all you need to do is prove it. Volunteer and show them what you’ve got. A promotion could be in order. June 22 July 22 September 22 Hang tight, Libra. A better opportunity will arise. Drama plays out at home, and peace reigns once more. Take everyone out to celebrate! Financial troubles strike once again. Help comes from an unexpected source, and this time, you learn your lesson. You will not make that mistake again, Scorpio. September 23 - October 23 November 21 Sunnier days are on the way, Sagittarius. A trek downtown turns up an incredible find. Learn all that you can about it before you cut it loose. November 22 December 21 NITELY 6th Annual “Blast from the Past” Car Show Saturday July 9, 2016 Held at the Englehart Day in the Park A HUGE THANKS TO ALL OUR SPONSORS Custom Glass Works Cousin’s Restaurant Studio 46 Brownlee Equipment Englehart Dental Office Direct Replacement Parts Englehart Variety WCP Auto Centre GarLin’s Gift Gallery Plus The Junction Gold Belt Tire & Supply HMR Heavy Mechanical Repairs Pinewood Park Motors Peters Garage Marshall’s Pharmasave Williams & Scott ACE Hardware Reg & Mary of RP Enterprises Road Legend Cruisers 7:30 122 subject to classification MATINEES DAILY AT 2PM! CLOSED ON MONDAY $5.00 dea every ls day NITELY G Language may offend 7:30 705-647-5363 Page 16a WEEKENDER Friday, July 22, 2016 Eveline R. Gauvreau G auvreau Ltd. A-277 Building Code Authorized dealer for Fairmont Homes ■ E-Mail: (705) 647-2600 ■ Res. (705) 647-6261 ■ (705) 648-3990 SINGLE/DOUBLE MODULAR HOMES • BUILT FOR THE NORTH ON DISPLAY ON LAKEVIEW DRIVE, NORTH COBALT It’s alwaysBYan ALL SHOWINGS APPOINTMENT FOR THE WINTER MONTHS OPEN HOUSEWelcome H St. Joseph INTRODUCING at ome NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSING We are just a phone call away. LOCATED ONDid LAKEVIEW AVENUE, NORTH COBALTcan I buy a ! you ever ask yourself, “Where W E N for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. ITBe’Scareful And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds ChristaJesus. 4:6, 7 newshall home, 1085 sq.through ft. in 2 or 3 Philippians bedroom, completely finished inside and out?” Only three vacant building lots left on NO DOWN PAYMENT, BANK APPROVAL, PAYMENT $850/mo. Lakeview Avenue. 66’ IT’S NEW! • • IT’S NEW! x 124’, asking price CALL EVELINE TODAY, MOVE IN TOMORROW! $35,000 each with all services. Buy now - build MODULAR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS; 15’-6”X70’ 1085 sq.ft - Built to Yvon Champoux Inc. specs. in and 1 year dryer or 10 years - no • Main bath; one piece tub, toilet, vanity (or tub and shower • Preparation for washer R 41 walls R 62 ceilings optional) limit to build. • High efficiency gas furnace withtime duct work Insulated floor R 31 (unmodular) • PVC casement windows with Triple Glaze L.A. Thermos • Deluxe entrance door • 5 feet patio door • Upgraded polyester cupboard up to ceiling in kitchen • Stove/Fridge/Dishwasher included • • • • • • at Powder room with toilet and vanity (3 bedrooms model) Exterior siding fairoaks 14 choices of colour Decora style electrical plugs and switches Electrical panel 200 amp Gypse covered vinyl with trimming Deluxe floating floor throughout • Electric 40 Gal. Hot Water tank • Venmar air exchanger • Tarion New Home warranty • CSA A 277 ,50lla0 tion $lu1din6g 9 all insta . Inc • Full set of blueprints ilding and bu lots Did you see construction going on at the NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSING West end of Lakeview Drive? It’s because a similar home will arrive first week of August. Yes, If you’re looking to bridge the of homes are permitted all sizes gap from apartment living in or the the subdivision. Some time costs of a traditional mortgage to you may need to buy an extra an affordable home of your ownWE HAVE THE ANSWERlot , atataa reduced price to set your home. 132’ x 124’. fraction of the cost! Accommodation will always be there at St-Joseph Subdivision. Two beautiful Champoux homes, ready to move in. RETIREMENT COMMUNITY FAMILY COMMUNITY Would you prefer this one? LAKEVIEW AVENUE, NORTH COBALT We’ll order it for you. 6 to 8 weeks delivery. Call Eveline today, the bargains are there! NEW DESIGN FOR THE SPRING. • Install on cement foundation by Pedersen Construction. BRING YOUR OWN DESIGN • R-41 walls, R-62 ceiling, R-31 Floors, Triple glaze L.A. Thermos Windows WE WILL BUILD IT! • Patio door. FAMILY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY • Stainless SteelRETIREMENT fridge, stove, dishwasher included. One more 3 bedroom home, ready to move in. If you’re looking to bridge the • Bathroom with sit down shower and bath. YOU CAN BE THE NEW OWNER! gap from apartment living or the • Utility room with laundry. Comes complete for $169,500. costs of a traditional mortgage to Same specs as above. • 200 amp wiring panel. an affordable home of your ownWE HAVE THE ANSWER, at a • Deluxe floating floor throughout. of the cost! • High efficiency gas furnace, Venmar Airfraction Exchanger • Front deck 6’ x 4’ installedTECHNICAL on steel post. MODULAR SPECIFICATIONS; 15’-6”X70’ 1085 sq.ft - Built to Yvon Champoux Inc. specs. 41 walls R lot 62 ceilings •• RBuilding 66’ x 124’, gravel drive way. • Main bath; one piece tub, toilet, vanity (or tub and shower • Preparation for washer and dryer optional) • High efficiency gas furnace with duct work • Insulated fl oor R 31 (unmodular) • New Home Warranty. • Powder room with toiletDON’T and vanity (3 bedrooms model) FORGET... WE HAVE THE LOTS! • Electric 40 Gal. Hot Water tank with TripleA Glaze •• PVC Pluscasement manywindows more extras. mustL.A.toThermos see. • Exterior siding fairoaks 14 choices of colour 2 Homes to View • Deluxe entrance door • Decora style electrical plugs and switches • 5 feet patio door • Electrical panel 200 amp • Upgraded polyester cupboard up to ceiling in kitchen • Gypse covered vinyl with trimming What is spectacular about these homes, • Deluxe floating floor throughout • Stove/Fridge/Dishwasher included GREAT they are brand NEW! Three spacious lots for sale on Groom Drive. $35,000 each - 66’ x 124’. SURPLUS BUILDING LOTS • Venmar air exchanger • Tarion New Home warranty • CSA A 277 CALL EVELINE TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION! • Full set of blueprints FEBRUARY 6TH FROM 10AM TO 2PM 705-647-2600 GROOM DRIVE >
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