Fields | 2767 |
Fields | 2767 |
R LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Fields | 2767 | Research Report by Shared Research Inc. Shared Research Inc. has produced this report by request from the company discussed in the report. The aim is to provide an “owner’s manual” to investors. We at Shared Research Inc. make every effort to provide an accurate, objective, and neutral analysis. In order to highlight any biases, we clearly attribute our data and findings. We will always present opinions from company management as such. Our views are ours where stated. We do not try to convince or influence, only inform. We appreciate your suggestions and feedback. Write to us at or find us on Bloomberg. 01/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 INDEX Executive summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Key financial data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Recent updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Highlights ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Trends and outlook ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Full-year company forecasts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Long-term outlook --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Business description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Business model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Profitability snapshot and financial ratios --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Strengths and weaknesses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Market and value chain --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 Historical financial statements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Income statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Balance sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Cash flow statement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Other information---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 News and topics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46 Top management----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Employees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Major shareholders --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 Shareholder returns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 Investor relations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50 By the way -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 Company profile----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 02/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Executive summary Changing focus from pachinko and pachislot to IP ◤ The company’s main businesses are planning, developing, and selling pachinko and pachislot machines, as well as intellectual property (IP). ◤ For long-term growth and expansion, Fields is shifting its focus from pachinko and pachislot machines (its focus since listing) to IP. The company aims at further expansion through a new growth-oriented business model, with seamless, cyclical synergies between comics, animation, movie/TV, and merchandizing businesses. ◤ Fluctuations in the company’s results are mainly due to the development and sales of pachinko and pachislot machines. The company creates contents or acquires merchandising rights to promising contents. It then adds value through product planning, outsources development and manufacturing to partners, and sells finished pachinko/pachislot machines as a distributor. As Fields is an independent machine distributor with a nationwide network, pachinko halls can purchase titles from various makers solely from the company. Trends and outlook ◤ For FY03/15, Fields reported sales of JPY99.6bn (-13.4% YoY), operating profit of JPY4.7bn (-51.6%), recurring profit of JPY5.5bn (-43.8%), and net income of JPY3.0bn (-43.8%). ◤ For FY03/16, the company forecasts sales of JPY95bn (-4.6%% YoY), operating profit of JPY1.0bn (-78.9%), recurring profit of JPY1.0bn (-81.8%), and net income attributable to parent company shareholders of JPY0bn (previously JPY3.0bn). In the pachinko and pachislot machine industries, all partner companies, including two new ones, are scheduled to sell products. ◤ Based on its growth-oriented business model, Fields is promoting operations to maximize the value of its IP. To create and foster IP, from FY03/17 the company aims to develop movies and merchandise based on a IP of several comics published in Hero’s Monthly, its magazine launched in November 2011. Strengths and weaknesses ◤ Shared Research sees the company’s strengths as its strong sales force its game planning and development, its brand creativity, and alliances with top game makers. Weaknesses include its reliance on the amusement business, which is regulated, and lack of a track record and experience. 03/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Key financial data LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Key financial data Income Statement (JPYmn) Sales YoY Gross Profit GPM SG&A Operating Profit YoY OPM FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 FY03/15 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Est. 101,818 73,035 66,342 103,593 92,195 108,141 114,904 99,554 95,000 19.3% -28.3% -9.2% 56.1% -11.0% 17.3% 6.3% -13.4% -4.6% 34,544 24,024 26,889 35,129 31,330 33,279 33,812 28,468 33.9% 32.9% 40.5% 33.9% 34.0% 30.8% 29.4% 28.6% 21,385 22,063 18,764 21,993 22,803 22,964 24,020 23,724 FY03/16 13,158 1,960 8,124 13,136 8,527 10,314 9,791 4,743 1,000 47.1% -85.1% 314.5% 61.7% -35.1% 21.0% -5.1% -51.6% -78.9% 12.9% 2.7% 12.2% 12.7% 9.2% 9.5% 8.5% 4.8% 1.1% 11,705 991 7,761 13,684 8,661 10,268 9,765 5,491 1,000 YoY 27.2% -91.5% 683.1% 76.3% -36.7% 18.6% -4.9% -43.8% -81.8% RPM 11.5% 1.4% 11.7% 13.2% 9.4% 9.5% 8.5% 5.5% 1.1% 5,296 -1,481 3,289 7,520 5,991 4,720 5,370 3,018 0 42.7% - - 128.6% -20.3% -21.2% 13.8% -43.8% - 34,700 161.8 1,756.3 50.0 34,700 91.0 1,792.8 60.0 Recurring Profit Net Income YoY Per Share Data (JPY, Thousand Shares, After Stock Split Adjustments) Number of Shares FY End EPS Book Value Per Share Dividend Per Share 347 15,262.2 128,201.5 4,500.0 347 -42.7 1,173.3 45.0 347 94.8 1,236.5 45.0 347 216.7 1,408.5 50.0 347 172.7 1,539.0 50.0 34,700 142.3 1,644.2 50.0 Cash & Securities 12,841 11,181 15,916 15,873 18,344 23,314 29,583 15,823 Accounts Receivable 12,354 4,324 33,088 27,948 34,402 42,017 29,155 45,888 4,013 963 1,519 1,357 3,134 2,343 3,133 1,736 Total Current Assets 39,559 25,135 56,694 51,051 62,811 72,709 66,921 71,014 Total Assets 0.0 50.0 Balance Sheet (JPYmn) Inventory 69,168 52,064 81,329 78,971 93,601 106,628 104,869 110,316 Accounts Payable 5,954 1,981 26,610 17,939 29,100 36,604 33,105 33,850 Interest-Bearing Debt 5,006 3,011 2,230 1,834 1,507 1,052 742 4,064 Total Liabilities 22,836 12,568 40,141 31,949 42,046 51,529 46,116 50,070 Shareholders' Equity 44,795 40,420 41,741 47,601 51,895 54,957 58,670 60,171 Net Debt -7,835 -8,170 -13,686 -14,039 -16,837 -22,262 -28,841 -11,759 Working Capital 10,413 3,306 7,997 11,366 8,436 7,756 -817 13,774 Cash Flow Statement (JPYmn) Operating Cash Flow 11,127 4,147 8,429 8,005 10,015 13,570 16,322 -9,086 Investment Cash Flow -14,604 -6,182 -1,011 -4,356 -4,798 -6,263 -8,018 -6,297 -1,384 602 -2,687 -3,915 -2,565 -2,277 -2,018 1,624 5.1% Financial Cash Flow Financial Ratios ROA 17.3% 1.6% 11.6% 17.1% 10.0% 10.3% 9.2% ROE 11.9% -3.5% 8.2% 17.1% 12.2% 8.9% 9.5% 5.1% Equity Ratio 64.8% 77.6% 51.3% 60.3% 55.4% 51.5% 55.9% 54.5% Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Net Income (*) from FY03/16 onward refers to the net income attributable to parent company shareholders, 04/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Recent updates Highlights On March17, 2016, Fields Corporation announced changes to two executive positions. At a board of directors meeting held on March 17, 2016, the company decided on the following changes to two executive positions, effective from April 1, 2016. New position Name Previous position President & COO) Tetsuya Shigematsu Executive Vice President Vice Chairman Takashi Oya President & COO On March16, 2016, the company announced the nationwide launch of CR MAJESTIC PRINCE, a pachinko machine manufactured by Daiichi. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from April 2016 onward. On March 11, 2016, Shared Research updated the report following interviews with the company . On March 9, 2016, the company announced the nationwide launch of Pachinko Avengers, a pachinko machine manufactured by OK. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from April 2016 onward. On March 8, 2016, the company announced the nationwide launch of Super Street Fighter IV Pachislot Edition a pachislot machine manufactured by Enterise. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from April 2016 onward. On February 22, 2016, the company n announced revisions to its full-year forecast for FY03/16. FY03/16 full-year forecast ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY95.0bn (JPY120bn before the revision) Operating profit: JPY1.0bn (JPY6.0bn) Recurring profit: JPY1.0bn (JPY6.5bn) Net income: JPY0 (JPY3.5bn) Reasons for the revision As part of the move to make gambling less addictive, the company began the transition towards selling pachinko and pachislot machines that comply with the new gambling rules in Q3. In Q4, it began selling these machines, but market demand for the new machines was less than anticipated. Further, as time was needed to transition to the new 05/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 machines and for the machines to undergo testing by the Security Communications Association, the two types of machines originally planned for release at the beginning of the quarter were pushed back to FY03/17. The company decided to revise its full-year forecast in accordance with this change. As of February 22, 2016, no changes have been made to its year-end dividend forecast (JPY25/share). On February 16, 2016, the company announced the nationwide launch of PACHISLOT Ultraman a pachislot machine manufactured by Nanashow. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from March 2016 onward. On January 29, 2016, the company announced earnings results for Q3 FY03/16; see the results section for details. On January 19, 2016, the company announced the nationwide launch of PACHISLOT Higurashi When They Cry-Kizuna, a pachislot machine manufactured by D-light. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from March 2016 onward. On January 6, 2016, the company announced the nationwide launch of PACHISLOT NINJA GAIDEN, a pachislot machine manufactured by NANASHOW Corporation. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from February 2016 onward. On the same day, the company announced the nationwide launch of CR Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, a pachinko machine manufactured by Mizuho Ltd. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from February 2016 onward. For corporate releases and developments more than three months old, please refer to the News and topics section. 06/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Trends and outlook Quarterly trends and results Quarterly Performance (cml) (JPYmn) Sales YoY Gross Profit YoY GPM SG&A Expenses YoY SG&A / Sales Operating Profit YoY OPM Recurring Profit YoY RPM Net Income YoY NPM Quarterly Performance (JPYmn) Sales YoY Gross Profit YoY GPM SG&A Expenses YoY SG&A / Sales Operating Profit YoY OPM Recurring Profit YoY RPM Net Income YoY NPM Q1 7,459 29.8% 2,790 37.6% 37.4% 5,300 -9.5% 71.1% -2,509 -2,254 -1,502 Q1 7,459 29.8% 2,790 37.6% 37.4% 5,300 -9.5% 71.1% -2,509 -2,254 -1,502 - FY03/15 Q2 Q3 20,341 29,317 -44.1% -45.9% 6,920 10,513 -49.3% -45.7% 34.0% 35.9% 10,998 17,113 -4.1% -1.2% 54.1% 58.4% -4,077 -6,599 -4,072 -5,633 -2,509 -3,215 FY03/15 Q2 Q3 12,882 8,976 -58.0% -49.6% 4,130 3,593 -64.5% -37.1% 32.1% 40.0% 5,698 6,115 1.5% 4.5% 44.2% 68.1% -1,568 -2,522 -1,818 -1,561 -1,007 -706 - Q4 99,554 -13.4% 28,468 -15.8% 28.6% 23,724 -1.2% 23.8% 4,743 -51.6% 4.8% 5,491 -43.8% 5.5% 3,018 -43.8% 3.0% Q1 17,140 129.8% 4,950 77.4% 28.9% 5,956 12.4% 34.7% -1,005 -864 -867 - Q4 70,237 15.7% 17,955 24.2% 25.6% 6,611 -1.3% 9.4% 11,342 46.3% 16.1% 11,124 44.5% 15.8% 6,233 50.4% 8.9% Q1 17,140 129.8% 4,950 77.4% 28.9% 5,956 12.4% 34.7% -1,005 -864 -867 - FY03/16 Q2 Q3 50,255 71,628 147.1% 144.3% 13,848 20,258 100.1% 92.7% 27.6% 28.3% 11,964 18,090 8.8% 5.7% 23.8% 25.3% 1,884 2,168 3.7% 3.0% 1,930 2,195 3.8% 3.1% 706 779 1.4% 1.1% FY03/16 Q2 Q3 33,115 21,373 157.1% 138.1% 8,898 6,410 115.4% 78.4% 26.9% 30.0% 6,008 6,126 5.4% 0.2% 18.1% 28.7% 2,889 284 8.7% 1.3% 2,794 265 8.4% 1.2% 1,573 73 4.8% 0.3% Q4 FY03/16 % of FY FY Est. 75.4% 95,000 -4.6% 216.8% 1,000 -78.9% 219.5% 1,000 -81.8% - 0 - Q4 Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Company estimates are the most recent released figures. Net Income (*) from FY03/16 onward refers to the net income attributable to parent company shareholders, 07/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Pachinko/pachislot machine sales Pachinko/pachislot machine sales FY03/15 (cml)(units) Q1 Q2 Pachinko/pachislot machines 44,197 YoY 138.9% -40.6% Total pachinko machines 38,540 73,910 200.1% -33.0% -15.0% YoY Bisty OK YoY -33.7% 118,134 399,691 1.7% 302,406 85.7% Q1 44,409 0.5% Q2 134,531 Q3 15,684 64,954 -59.3% -12.1% 43.7% 126,913 7.4% 25,556 65,565 159,778 9,092 24,436 35,208 35,244 114,597 1,365 1,365 1,365 - - - 4,898 86 22,108 34,701 69,053 - - - - - 7,275 7,275 5,177 13,146 17,325 23,133 5,141 9,770 14,519 5,657 28,209 35,381 97,285 28,725 69,577 93,614 -54.2% -61.8% -57.7% 407.8% 146.6% 164.6% 42,566 - - 41,370 1.7% Rodeo - - 3,239 20 20 20 20 23,967 26,576 - - - 20,084 116 116 116 4,460 24,401 24,467 24,467 2,670 39,875 42,825 66 66 66 66 - - - - - - - - - 4,510 1,111 3,722 7,589 10,082 1,972 3,010 4,793 1 2 3 8 2 8 13 Pachinko 1 1 2 5 1 5 7 Pachislot - 1 1 3 1 3 6 Bisty NANASHOW Enterrise Mizuho Other Titles Pachinko/pachislot machine sales FY03/15 (quarterly)(units) Q1 Q2 57,922 FY03/16 Q3 Pachinko/pachislot machines 44,197 YoY 138.9% -62.2% -14.0% Total pachinko machines 38,540 35,370 44,224 51,396 53.9% Q4 246,176 52.6% 184,272 Q1 44,409 0.5% 15,684 YoY 200.1% -63.7% 671.8% -59.3% Bisty 3,533 22,023 40,009 94,213 9,092 OK Q2 90,122 55.6% 49,270 39.3% 15,344 Q3 67.3% 61,959 40.1% 44,617 29,830 5,378 36 79,353 1,365 - - - - - 4,898 86 22,022 12,593 Daiichi - - - - - 7,275 - Other YoY 5,177 7,969 4,179 5,808 5,141 4,629 4,749 5,657 22,552 7,172 61,904 28,725 40,852 24,037 -59.7% 407.8% 1.7% Rodeo Bisty NANASHOW Enterrise -55.0% - 3,239 39,327 - - - 20 - - - 23,967 2,609 14,794 235.2% - - - 20,084 116 - - 4,460 19,941 66 - 2,670 37,205 2,950 Mizuho Other -76.9% - 81.1% 66 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,510 1,111 2,611 3,867 2,493 1,972 1,038 1,783 1 1 1 5 2 6 5 1 3 1 4 2 2 1 2 3 Titles Pachinko Pachislot 1 1 Q4 85,996 Mizuho Total pachislot machines Q4 220,527 31.7% 3,533 Daiichi Total pachislot machines 153,515 Q4 29,830 Mizuho Other 102,119 FY03/16 Q3 Source: Shared Research based on company data 08/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Pachinko/pachislot market trends Market trends (cml.) FY03/15 (units) FY03/16 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 80.1 169.8 256.9 335.1 79.4 160.4 246.1 -6.1% -5.6% -9.1% -7.1% -0.9% -5.5% -4.2% 49.3 107.1 171.2 220.6 50.7 105.6 159.7 YoY -1.6% -4.2% -3.2% -0.1% 2.8% -1.4% -6.7% 30.8 62.7 85.7 114.5 28.7 54.8 86.4 YoY -12.5% -7.9% -18.9% -18.2% -6.8% -12.6% 0.8% Total pachinko/pachislot machines YoY Pachinko Pachislot FY03/15 Market trends (quarterly) (units) FY03/16 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 80.1 89.7 87.1 78.2 79.4 81.0 85.7 -6.1% -5.2% -15.1% -0.1% -0.9% -9.7% -1.6% 49.3 57.8 64.1 49.4 50.7 54.9 54.1 YoY -1.6% -6.3% -1.4% 12.3% 2.8% -5.0% -15.6% 30.8 31.9 23 28.8 28.7 26.1 31.6 YoY -12.5% -3.0% -38.8% -16.0% -6.8% -18.2% 37.4% Total pachinko/pachislot machines YoY Pachinko Pachislot Q4 Q4 Source: Shared Research based on company data Q3 FY03/16 results ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY71.6bn (+144.3% YoY) Operating profit: JPY2.2bn (versus loss of JPY6.6bn) Recurring profit: JPY2.2bn (versus loss of JPY5.6bn) Net earnings attributable to parent company shareholders: JPY779mn (versus loss of JPY3.2bn) Cumulative Q3 SG&A expenses were JPY18.1bn (+5.7% YoY). While it launched three new pachinko and pachislot machine titles a year earlier, the company put 13 new pachinko/pachislot titles on the market in the nine-month period to Q3, leading to a rise in selling expenses. However, a key issue for the company has been to reduce SG&A expenses over a two to three year period from FY03/16, and initiatives to realize this goal are proceeding steadily. In cumulative Q3 of FY03/16 (April through December 2015), a total of 136 titles were launched in the pachinko machine market (compared to 145 a year before). Since November 2015, the pachinko industry voluntarily adopted regulatory changes to the lower limit of the pachinko machine jackpot probability range to 1/320 (from 1/400 until October 2015). There appears to have been a rush to sell new titles prior to the adoption of the regulations, and as a result, total sales for pachinko game machines contracted to 1,597,000 units (-6.7% YoY). In the pachislot machine market, a total of 71 titles were launched through Q3 (compared to 59 a year before). Since December 2015, the industry has adopted voluntary regulations requiring a sub-board program that controls token discharge to be incorporated into the main circuit board. There appears to have been a rush to sell new titles prior to the adoption of the regulations, and as a result, total sales in the pachislot machine market through Q3 were 864,000 units (+0.8% YoY). In the cumulative Q3 period, Fields launched seven pachinko machine titles (compared to two titles a year earlier) and six pachislot machine titles (compared to one title a year earlier). Total game machine sales were 220,527 units (+43.7% YoY), of which pachislot machines were 93,614 units (+164.6% YoY) and pachinko machines were 126,913 units (+7.4%). The sales growth was due to the rise in new titles of both pachinko and pachislot machines. Main contributing titles were the EVANGELION series in pachinko machines and EVANGELION - Spear of Hope (sales of 26,000 units) and 09/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Pachislot Biohazard 6 (35,000 units) in pachislot machines. Titles sold or in use (as of January 29, 2016) Pachinko machines Delivery month CR EVANGELION 9 Type zero version May 2015 CR Million God Rising July 2015 CR Martian Successor NADESICO August 2015 CR Sakigake Otokojuku August 2015 CR EVANGELION X September 2015 CR Midoridon Hanabi DE Buon giorno November 2015 CR Million God Rising—ZEUS II December 2015 CR Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann,* February 2016 Pachislot machines Delivery month EVANGELION – Spear of Hope June 2015 Resident Evil 6 July 2015 Asura's Wrath September 2015 Majestic Prince* November 2015 Oh My Goddess!* November 2015 EVANGELION―Tamashii wo Tsunagumono * December 2015 Pachislot Mobile Suit Gundam Awakens—Chained Battle January 2016 Pachislot Ninja Gaiden* February 2016 Pachislot When Cicadas Cry—Connections * February 2016 Note: Asterisk denotes titles being marketed as of January 29, 2016. Measures to create and commercialize IP The company's medium/long-term strategy calls for serializing IP in characters and storylines for use across multiple platforms and formats. ◤ In comics, the company is focusing on IP development with the aim of expanding IP in cross-media formats, primarily through the comic Hero's Monthly. The magazine has released 56 titles of IP since November 2011. The Ultraman series, which appears in Hero's Monthly, has thus far been publish it seven separate volumes that together have sold more than two million copies. As part of its cross-media push, the company is rolling out pachislot machines based on its Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann series, with deliveries of the new machines slated to begin in February 2016. The company is also working to commercialize a number of other titles through video projects, games, pachinko/pachislot machines and other products. ◤ In visual media, the company has decided to put on a theatrical production of Ultraman X. In addition to the domestic market, Fields is also making use of the Ultraman series for advertising and products aimed at the Southeast Asian market. On television, broadcasting of "Active Raid: Public Mobile Assault Unit Eight" and "Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions" anime series began in January this year, and the company is planning to commercialize these titles across a number of other platforms and media formats going forward. ◤ In visual media, the conventional method of creating TV animation and other products is to establish a consortium in which a video maker and TV broadcasters take part as investors. In contrast, some titles for which Fields is creating 10/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 visual media products are financed for the most part by video distribution companies on the internet. The company plans to utilize this kind of scheme as a way to expand merchandising. ◤ In social games, the company released two new titles in December 2015 and provides users with services for eight titles. It is now concentrating on boosting the profitability of these and other existing titles going forward. Below is a list of titles currently in service. Social game titles in service (as of January 29, 2016) Social game title Start of service AKB48 Stage Fighter October 2011 AKB48 Ambitions January 2013 AKB48 Musical Game for Group May 2014 Freezing Vibrations—Stigmata Wings December 2014 Animal X Monster March 2015 Tower of Princess August 2015 Soul of Princess December 2015 Guardian Violations December 2015 Note: Includes licensed titles. ◤ In the live entertainment field, the company is still running its live "Heros Show" featuring the Ultraman series and other live shows. Going forward, the company plans to stage these live performances in Japan and in five other Asian countries. For details on previous quarterly and annual results, please refer to the Historical financial statements section. 11/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Full-year company forecasts FY03/16 Company Estimates (JPYmn) Sales YoY CoGS Gross Profit YoY GPM SG&A Expenses SG&A/Sales Operating Profit YoY OPM Recurring Profit YoY RPM Net Income YoY 1H Act. 20,341 FY03/15 2H Act. 79,213 FY Act. 99,554 1H Act. 50,255 FY03/16 2H Est. 44,745 FY Est. 95,000 0.9% -13.4% -49.5% -43.5% -4.6% -44.1% 13,420 6,920 57,666 21,548 71,086 28,468 36,407 13,848 -49.3% 6.9% -15.8% 100.1% 34.0% 27.2% 28.6% 27.6% 10,998 12,726 23,724 11,964 54.1% 16.1% 23.8% 23.8% 1,884 -884 1,000 - 15.8% -51.6% - - -78.9% - 11.1% 9,563 5,491 - 25.5% -43.8% - 12.1% 5,527 5.5% 3,018 - 40.4% -43.8% -4,077 -4,072 -2,509 8,820 4,743 4.8% 3.7% 1,930 - 1.1% -930 1,000 - - -81.8% 3.8% 936 - -936 1.1% - - - 0 Source: Shared Research based on company Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Net Income (*) from FY03/16 onward refers to the net income attributable to parent company shareholders, Revision to full-year earnings forecasts Fields revised its full-year forecasts for FY03/16 on February 22, 2016. Fields’ full-year earnings forecasts for FY03/16 are as follows: Sales: JPY95.0bn (-4.6% YoY) Operating profit: JPY1.0bn (-78.9% YoY) Recurring profit: JPY1.0bn (-81.8% YoY) Net income attributable to parent shareholders: JPY0.0 (net income of JPY3.0bn in FY03/15). The company lowered its initial annual estimate for sales by JPY25bn, that for operating profit by JPY5bn, that for recurring profit by JPY5.5bn, and that for net income by JY3.5bn. It left its term-end dividend payment forecast unchanged at JPY25 per share. Reasons for the revision are as follows. As both pachinko and pachislot machines sold in the game machine industry shifted to the new standards in Q3, the company has been selling machines complying with the new standards in Q4. However, there have been gaps between the company’s estimate on market demand for new machines and actual orders received. Moreover, the company put off the launch of two new titles, which it had planned to sell in Q4, to FY03/17 because it takes more time for the Security Communication Association to test new machines with the migration to the new standards. In the pachinko/pachislot field, Fields aims to increase both its total unit sales and market share with plans to sell products from two new machine manufacturers, in addition to sales of products from all existing partner manufacturers. It 12/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 introduced only five new pachinko and three new pachislot machines in FY03/15, but plans to introduce ten new machines for each of these two categories in FY03/16. Unit sales for each title are not expected to exceed 100,000. In the cumulative Q3 period, Fields launched seven pachinko machine titles (compared to two titles a year earlier) and six pachislot machine titles (compared to one title a year earlier). In Q4, the company plans to put a maximum six pachinko/pachislot machine titles on the market (compared to five titles a year earlier). The company’s previous forecast called for total unit sales of pachinko/pachislot machines to remain flat year-on-year, but revisions to its full-year forecast indicate it now expects a decrease year-on-year. In the social games field, the company plans to make progress addressing the gambling nature of existing machine titles, while introducing new titles with a high degree of novelty. It also plans to reduce the number of titles offered and focus efforts on major titles. Owing mainly to the decline in unit sales of pachinko/pachislot machines, Fields expects operating and other profits to decline from the previous year. The company plans to continue shrinking SG&A expense over the next few years. SG&A expense increased from JPY17.4bn in 2006 to JPY23.7bn in FY03/15. However, the company plans to review all business segments and streamline its business structure. Specifically, it will reconsider investments in businesses and fields where future growth is in doubt, while pouring more money than before into those businesses and fields where increased investment is warranted. In doing so, it aims to reduce overall SG&A expenses. In FY03/16 it will apparently also rework sales promotion costs. Effect of measures to curb gambling nature of pachinko machines In an effort to reduce the attraction of pachinko as a form of gambling and restore its popularly as a form of entertainment, the pachinko machine manufacturers association (the Japan Game Machine Industry Association) agreed to change the lower limit of the pachinko machine jackpot probability range to 1/320 (from 1/400 as of May 2015). Effective November 2015, this self-imposed regulatory change means that game machine manufacturers will no longer be able to sell max-type machines (jackpot probability of 1/370–1/399) that were the mainstay at pachinko halls prior to October 2015. From May 2016, the Game Machine Industry Association is also likely to voluntary introduce a lower maximum occurrence of a game feature called “probability fluctuation” (the jackpot rate after a successful a jackpot) from around 80% to 65%. This latest self-regulatory move was precipitated by the growing demand for max-type machines (jackpot probability of 1/370–1/399) among hard-core pachinko players, which had led pachinko parlors to install more and more of these machines to the point that max-type machines now account for more than 40% of all machines in pachinko parlors. As this pushed up the average cost of playing pachinko, the number of people playing game machines declined and the industry sought to tighten industry standards to reduce the appeal of pachinko as a form of gambling with the hope of bringing back more players into pachinko halls. Fields believes that changing the lower limit of the pachinko machine jackpot probability range to 1/320 will be good for the industry over the longer term, as it will allow game machine players on a tight budget to play longer that they could on the max-type machines. 13/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Shared Research sees a number of different ways in which pachinko machines can be differentiated, including not only mechanical specifications that effect the payout (the jackpot probability, the hit rate, etc.) but also the appearance of the game machine itself (video images, contents, gadgets, etc.). As machines with middle-to-low jackpot probabilities (between 1/150 and 1/319) become the mainstay of pachinko hall installation/operations after November 2015, Shared Research sees game machine manufacturers turning more towards imagery, contents, and gadgets to differentiate their machines. As Fields already as collaborative relations with a number of different game machine manufacturers and is able to develop and procure character IP, a move by the market to middle-type machines that provide users with more entertaining features (such as video images, contents, moving gadgets, and music,) would appear to play to the company's strength. Thus, this change to the lower limit of the pachinko machine jackpot probability range can be seen as a positive development for Fields. Moreover, Shared Research believes that there may be demand for replacement of pachinko machines since 2016 as “improper game machines” are removed due to the “nail problem” in some machines. Pachinko machines have to be tested and certified by the Security Communication Association. The “nail problem” was disclosed in a survey of nails on pachinko machines conducted since June 2015 by the organization to promote the entertainment industry’s soundness. The survey found that pachinko machines, which had been submitted for testing by makers, may show different performances from those shipped to pachinko parlors. Industry groups, including the Japan Game Machine Industry Association, plan to remove those improper machines from parlors 2016. Impact of voluntary industry restrictions on pachislot machines In September 2014, the Security Communication Association changed its testing methodology for pachislot machines. Previously, pachislot machines had to register a ball put-out ratio of 55% (11 out of 20) or better during a random test run. The new standard called for the same minimum ball put-out ratio to be scored during testing for the lowest possible ball put-out ratio. That same month, the pachinko machine manufacturers association (the Japan Game Machine Industry Association) adopted a new standard that would prohibit penalty features in machines and also mandated that machine makers switch to motherboards with AT/ART functionality. Prior to this change, pachislot machines incorporated a main circuit board and a sub board, both of which controlled the payout rate of game tokens. Effective December 2015, the new industry standard requires the sub-board program that controls ball discharge to be incorporated into the main circuit board. Judging from what has happened in the past, Fields believes there is no need to be overly concerned about the impact of changes in the industry's self-regulatory standards on overall sales of pachislot machines. In 2004, for example, restrictions on the ball discharge rate resulted in a decline in pachislot machine sales from more than 178,000 units in 2005 to a little over 76,000 units in 2009. However, with the help of improvements by manufacturers that boosted the entertainment value of pachislot machine, by 2013 pachislot machine were back up to 139,000 units. Fields believes that the industry will make gradual changes to its self-regulatory standards in the years ahead, and these 14/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 changes will further reduce the appeal of pachislot machines as a form of gambling. However, since this will only serve to reduce the variability in ball discharge rates between different machines, the company expects performance, IP, and other features to become the primary basis for product differentiation. As Fields has long emphasized performance, IP, and other features rather than pay-out specifications that appeal to gamblers, the company believes that the competitive environment will work in its favorable over the medium term. 15/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Long-term outlook Fields aims to maximize the value of its intellectual property via a “growth-oriented business model” (benefiting from seamless synergy between comics, animation, movie/TV, and merchandizing segments). Over the medium term, the company will focus on stable profit growth in pachinko and pachislot machines, and cultivating in-house and acquired content. As of May 2015, the company was preparing a medium-term business plan for reforming its business structure. When considering Field’s growth strategy and vision for its future across different types of content, Shared Research will be paying close attention to whether the company can make its new business model a reality. In particular, Shared Research will focus on whether the company can maximize the value of intellectual property created in-house and start a virtuous cycle across business operations. In our view, pachinko/pachislot machines will continue to be the main driver of profits, and we expect the expanded range of these products for FY03/17 will significantly contribute to medium term earnings. Shared Research also thinks merchandising based on its own IP portfolio, growth at Tsuburaya Productions, and policies for reducing SG&A expenses will all contribute to consolidated earnings. Expanding the pachinko/pachislot product range Since 2001—when Fields made an exclusive third-party sales agreement with Rodeo Corp. for pachislot machines—the company has gradually increased the number of partner firms. In FY03/14, Fields retailed 13 different types of pachinko/pachislot machines. From FY03/17, Fields will no longer sell pachinko/pachislot machines manufactured by Rodeo Corp., with whom the company is ending a partnership. However, the company plans to increase the range of machines from other partner firms. Also, the company agreed on partnerships with D-light Co., Ltd. in April 2013 and NANASHOW Corporation in April 2014. According to the company, the increase in product range also encompasses intellectual property rights to Hero’s Monthly and new content rights. The company is aiming for average sales of about 30,000 units per machine. In June 2015, Fields acquired game machine makers Aristocrat Technologies and Spiky Corporation, making them wholly owned subsidiaries, and promptly set about developing new products that made use of the hardware and software assets owned by both companies. Company is planning on introducing approximately 10 new pachinko machine models and roughly the same number of pachislot machine models in FY03/16 and, at its Q2 results presentation, indicated that it planned to introduce about five new pachinko machine models and five new pachislot machine models in each of the following three years. The company has expanded its sales force by about 100 since the end of FY03/12 and currently has a sales force of roughly 400. Having strengthened its sales structure over the past several years, the company is planning to make a major marketing push in the year ahead, and aided by a stronger product lineup, expects to increase unit sales next fiscal year. Merchandising based on own IP portfolio Fields explains that converting its IP portfolio into merchandising revenue typically takes between three to five years for books and motion picture releases. For instance, the company expects several series releases and a merchandising rollout based on Hero’s Monthly (a comic magazine launched in November 2011) from FY03/17. The company expects to develop visual and merchandise for several of these works. As of May 2015, Hero’s Monthly has published 49 different works. Of these, the company is developing visual content for seven works including SOUL ReVIVER and Sword Guy 16/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Recent updates Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Katana, games for six works, and pachinko/pachislot machines for three works. Growth at Tsuburaya Productions Tsuburaya Productions owns the influential Ultraman series, and produces movies and TV programs in addition to conducting licensing operations. Profits fell and the financial situation worsened at Tsuburaya Productions from the late 1990s onward, as the cost of producing new content rose, leading Tsuburaya Productions to restructure its finances in the early 2000s. Fields acquired a 51.0% stake in Tsuburaya Productions in April 2010, making it a consolidated subsidiary. The aim is to increase overseas gross profit from JPY150mn in FY03/15 to JPY550mn in FY03/18 with Tsurubaya Productions selling TV programs, planning new works, and staging events overseas. Reducing SG&A expense For two to three years from FY03/16, the company plans to review all business segments and streamline its business structure. Specifically, it will reconsider investments in businesses and fields where future growth is in doubt, while pouring more money than before into those businesses and fields where increased investment is warranted. In doing so, it aims to reduce overall SG&A expense. It plans to reduce SG&A expense each fiscal year for the next few years. 17/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Business Summary The company has two main businesses: the planning, development, and distribution of pachinko/pachislot machines; and the planning, development, and distribution of intellectual property (IP). Up until FY03/12, the company had four reportable segments: Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field, Mobile Field, Sports Entertainment Field, and Other Field. However, the company has announced its decision to shift away from its traditional business model focusing on the PS Field and move into a new model underpinned by IP. In line with that decision, the company aims to grow further by rebuilding strategies based on the “growth-oriented business model” (seamlessly synergistic business development involving Comics, Animation, Movie/TV, and Merchandising). Accordingly, in FY03/13, the company consolidated the previous four segments to form a single segment centered on IP. Developing Business Model Source: Fields 18/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Business description Fields operates a “circular” business, based on four categories of product that interact with each other. Comics Comics are the source of the company’s IP. Through the Comics business, the company creates and acquires original work, stories, and characters. HERO’S Inc., a joint venture with Shogakukan Creative Inc., publishes the comic Hero’s Monthly. First launched on November 1, 2011, the company distributes Hero’s Monthly through pachinko halls and convenience stores run by Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSE1: 3382). The magazine creates is the source of heros and other characters, and the company develops related IP, such as comics and films, through collaborations with partner companies and networks. Plans to produce movies or other visual products are already underway for several IP items created from Hero’s Monthly. In July 2014 the company began writing the script for the SOUL ReVIVER television series for Hollywood (US). Animation In this business, the company makes animation films based on popular comics and other media. The company tries to strengthen its IP by joining planning and production and supporting renditions and effects that feature characters of products, as in the case of “Ginga Kikotai: Majestic Prince,” published in Monthly Hero’s, made into an animated series on television, and sold in Blu-ray and DVD packages,. Movie/TV Through movies and TV series, the company increases the market recognition for related works and maximizes values. For example, movie production subsidiary Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. produces movies and TV programs for the Ultraman series while spreading the use of Ultraman characters in many forms of media. The company aims to grow Ultraman a global-scale character, and to this end it plans to cooperate with powerful business partners. Merchandizing across media—the lateral development of IP Fields generates revenue from IP by merchandizing it in interactive media such as games, mobile content, social network services, in addition to consumer products and pachinko and pachislot machines. Interactive Media For pachinko/pachislot-related contents and development, and operation of social games, the company provides websites Fields Mobile (for feature phones) and 7link (for smartphones). Consumer Products The company plans, develops, and sells IP-based goods through its own store network while promoting IP merchandising on pachinko/pachislot machines. Subsidiary Total Workout Premium Management Inc. runs a fitness club business, provides media-related management services to professional athletes, and offers special fitness support services for 19/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 particularly health-conscious members. Planning, Development, and Distribution of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines This is the stable cash-flow source in the company’s Merchandising business. As a fabless entity, the company creates contents or acquires merchandising rights to promising contents in Japan and overseas. It then adds value through product planning, outsources development and manufacture to partners, and sells finished pachinko/pachislot machines as the sales agent or distributor. Although it does sell machines made by non-partners, most machines are made by partners. Fields’ added value comes from its ability to obtain and combine proprietary content to plan and develop pachinko/pachislot machines. Because the company is the largest independent distributor with a national sales network, its customers enjoy the benefit of purchasing titles from several different manufacturers through a single sales contact. Its sales force has compiled a database about market trends and best practices. The company shares this accumulated knowledge with pachinko halls, fostering customer loyalty. Pachinko/pachislot machines require roughly two to three years from content search, study, and acquisition to finished product delivery. Manufacturing, development, and distribution flow (as of December 31, 2015) (number in brackets is the investment ratio) Affililated company Consolidated subsidiary Cross Alpha (formerly Aristocrat Technologies) Spiky *1 Universal Entertainment Group Mizuho NANASHOW Alliance manufacturer Sammy Group SANKYO Group KYORAKU SANGYO Group Daiichi Shokai Group CAPCOM Group RODEO Bisty OK!! D-light Enterrise TV, movies, animation, sports, etc. Rights/product planning and development Development and production Development and production Sales Pachinko halls Source: Company data *1: made a subsidiary along with Cross Alpha (formerly Aristocrat Technologies), as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aristocrat Technologies The company sells pachinko/pachislot machines in two ways. In distribution sales, the company sells directly to pachinko halls via its regional and branch offices. It uses this sales method for most of the pachislot machines and some of pachinko machines it sells. In the agency sales method used for pachinko machines, the company serves as sales broker. 20/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Sales and profit reporting <Agency sale> Manufacturers <Distribution sale> Manufacturers Commission payment Commission payment Manufacturing cost Machine sales Agency commission Gross sales profit (Recorded the following month) Manufacturing cost Cost of machine's purchase Whole sales Machine sales Gross profit Commission payment Gross profit Gross profit <Price:¥250,000-¥400,000> <Price:¥250,000-¥450,000> (Recorded the same month) Source: Company data In distribution sales the company purchases machines from machine makers and sells them to pachinko halls. In agency sales, acting as a sales broker for machine makers, the company creates transaction agreements between machine makers and pachinko halls, collects payments from pachinko halls, prepares for pachinko hall openings, and provides after-sales services. By doing so, the company receives commissions from machine makers. Sales are booked differently in the two methods. This means that the company’s sales are a function of the composition of distribution and agency sales. ▶ Distribution sales: Machine sales to pachinko halls are booked as sales in the month of sales. Payments for machines purchased are booked as CoGS. ▶ Agency sales: Commissions received from machine makers upon machine sales are booked as sales in the following month of sales. As of March 31, 2014, the company had more than 300 sales staff at seven regional offices and 26 branch offices nationwide. The company’s salespeople cover approximately 40 accounts each. Salespeople employ a “consulting sales” approach where they contribute to efficient pachinko hall management. The company has machine showrooms in all of its branch offices. Fields utilizes two distribution channels. The first is a direct channel (selling directly to hall operators); around 70% of machines are sold using the direct channel. The second is sales through resellers; this channel is lower margin than the direct channel, but sometimes makes economic sense due to the small size or geographic location of end customers. The company has been expanding its distribution channels since FY03/13. From FY03/15, Fields aims to establish seven regional and 37 branch offices nationwide while expanding its sales team (400 staff in total). The number of pachinko and pachislot halls under a salesperson’s coverage will be reduced, and access time to such hall operators shortened. The company aims to strengthen its sale support to affiliated pachinko and pachislot machine manufacturers. Machine volumes are the main swing-factor for earnings (see chart below). It is focusing on staff training at its branch stores amid uncertain industry conditions. 21/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Operating profit vs. unit sales ('000 units) (JPY mn) 20,000 600 18,000 500 16,000 14,000 400 12,000 10,000 300 8,000 200 6,000 4,000 100 2,000 0 0 FY03/06 FY03/07 FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 Operating Profit FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 FY03/15 Pachinko/Pachislot Sales (unit) Source: Shared Research based on company data Strategic partnerships The company partners with key machine manufacturers to jointly promote wide-ranging machine brands. For these manufacturers, the company acts as the sole distribution agent. ◤ Rodeo Corp.: Subsidiary of Sammy Inc. under Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. (TSE1: 6460), equity-method affiliate of Fields (Sammy: 65.0%; Fields: 35.0%). Pachislot focus. Following its exclusive third-party sales agreement for pachislot machines in 2001, the company bought a stake in Rodeo Corp. in 2002. Owns hit titles such as SALARYMAN KINTARO and Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. ◤ Bisty Co., Ltd.: Subsidiary of SANKYO Co., Ltd. (TSE1: 6417), Fields’ partner pachinko/pachislot machine manufacturer. Since its tie-up in 2003, Bisty has developed a variety of titles including the Evangelion series. ◤ OK Co., Ltd.: Tie-up with KYORAKU SANGYO (unlisted) in February 2008. Fields and KYORAKU SANGYO jointly launched new brand “OK” to create a new pachinko market and expand the pachinko fan base. It owns hit titles such as Pachinko Ultra Battle Retsuden. ◤ Enterrise Co.: Subsidiary of Capcom Co., Ltd. (TSE1: 9697), a leading video game company, Fields’ partner. Fields began sales of Enterrise pachislot machines in 2010, as the exclusive retailer. Hit titles include the Sengoku BASARA series and Biohazard 5 series. ◤ Mizuho Corp.: Fields and signed a joint business agreement with Universal Entertainment Corp. (JASDAQ: 6425) and Mizuho in 2011. Fields acquired a 49.8% stake in Mizuho in 2012, and will begin retailing Mizuho pachislot machines in 2014. ◤ D-light Co., Ltd.: Founded in 2000 as a second brand for Daiichi Shokai Co., Ltd. (unlisted). Business alliance agreed upon with Fields in 2014. ◤ NANASHOW Corp.: Established in 2009. Fields bought a stake in NANASHOW in 2014 (38.9%). Business alliance agreed upon with Fields in 2014. It launched sales of Pachislot BERSERK, a top title in 2015. 22/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business Sales by Brand LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 FY03/15 (Units) Rodeo YoY % of sales Bisty YoY % of sales 41,536 28,762 121,691 81,820 104,549 26,505 42,566 -67.5% -30.8% 323.1% -32.8% 27.8% -74.6% 60.6% 12.5% 6.4% 25.3% 19.8% 31.9% 6.7% 10.6% 262,087 363,056 306,585 263,530 114,092 173,630 159,778 -20.6% 38.5% -15.6% -14.0% -56.7% 52.2% -8.0% 79.1% 80.7% 63.8% 63.9% 34.8% 44.2% 40.0% Enterrise 2,498 YoY % of sales 0.6% 16,119 7,264 47,889 72,085 24,467 545.3% -54.9% 559.3% 50.5% -66.1% 3.4% 1.8% OK 14.6% 18.3% 6.1% 32,437 28,790 114,597 -11.2% 298.0% 7.3% 28.7% YoY % of sales 9.9% Mizuho 54,127 YoY 4,964 -90.8% NANASHOW 20,084 YoY Others 27,582 55,564 35,878 59,776 29,143 37,845 33,235 YoY 2.5% 101.5% -35.4% 66.6% -51.2% 29.9% -12.2% 331,205 449,880 480,273 412,390 328,110 392,982 399,691 -31.6% 35.8% 6.8% -14.1% -20.4% 19.8% 1.7% Total YoY Source: Shared Research based on company data Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Major hit titles, such as the Evangelion series developed jointly with SANKYO subsidiary Bisty, are significant earnings drivers for Fields. By the end of FY03/13, Fields had sold more than 2.0mn machines based on Evangelion-related IP. Evangelion is a hit animation franchise that has gained further popularity since the release of a four-part movie series, Rebuild of Evangelion in 2007. The series rose to popularity in 1995–1996 when 26 episodes of the show were broadcast on TV Tokyo. As of May 2015, the first three series have been produced and released. 23/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Business model Based on the “growth-oriented business model,” Fields is pushing efforts to maximize the value of its IP portfolio. The “growth-oriented business model” will have the following cornerstones. Through synergies of these cornerstones, the company aims to maximize the value of its IP portfolio and realize continuous, organic business expansion. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Comics: Acquire/create content (original titles, stories, characters, etc.) Animation: Raise the added value of content through CG and other leading-edge technologies Movies/TV series: Spread animated content in the market and expand fan base Merchandising/commercialization (games, media, SNS, consumer products, pachinko/pachislot): Use IP effectively in each sector to improve profitability Some examples of how the company is working to acquire and generate IP include Hero’s Monthly, “BERSERK” and “Ultraman.” The company intends to use such IP assets in various media to accelerate its fan base growth from FY03/13 onward. For instance, the business model for Hero’s Monthly is to target profits by first starting with comics and from there move to animation, television series and movies, and ultimately to merchandising, SNS, consumer products, and new pachinko/pachislot titles. The company hopes to increase the number of fans in all of these fields, raise the value of its IP, generate profit, and then again pour these results back into comics. Group companies Fields Group companies operate in a variety of areas, such as comics, animation, mobile, and pachinko/pachislot machines. As of June 2015, the company had 16 subsidiaries, 9 equity-method affiliates, and one related company. Main group companies are listed below (when joined the group; Fields’ stake). Comics ▶ HERO’S Inc. (April 2010; 49.0%): Plans, produces, and manages comic magazines and character contents Animation ▶ ▶ Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. (October 2007; 100.0%): Plans and produces animation films Digital Frontier Inc. (April 2010; 86.9%): Plans and produces computer graphics Movie/TV ▶ SPO Inc. (March 2008; 31.8%): Plans, produces, and distributes movies Merchandising Interactive Media ▶ ▶ Future Scope Corp. (October 2006; 94.4%): Provides mobile content-related and online shopping services. NEX ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD. (November 2011;69.8%): Plans, produces, develops and sells computer software. Consumer Products ▶ Tsuburaya Productions Co. Ltd. (April 2010; 51.0%): Plans and produces movies and TV shows. Plans, produces, and sells character merchandise 24/53 R Fields > Business ▶ Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Total Workout Premium Management Inc. (May 2011; 95.0%): Runs fitness clubs Pachinko/Pachislot Machines ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Fields Jr. Corp. (March 2002; 100.0%): Provides maintenance services Shin-Nichi Technology Co. (January 2008; 100.0%): Develops machines BOOOM Corp. (May 2009; 51.0%): Plans and develops machines Sogo Media Inc. (March 2010, 35.0%): Advertising agency business Microcabin Corp. (January 2011; 100.0%): Plans and develops software Mizuho Ltd (February 2012, 49.7%): Develops and manufactures pachinko/pachislot machines NANASHOW Corp. (January 2014, 38.9%): Develops and manufactures pachinko/pachislot machines Cross Alpha (May 2015, 100%): Develops and manufactures pachislot machines Spiky Corporation: (May 2015, 100%): Develops and manufactures pachislot machines 25/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Profitability snapshot and financial ratios FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. GP Margin 33.9% 32.9% 40.5% 33.9% 34.0% 30.8% 29.4% 28.6% OP Margin 12.9% 2.7% 12.2% 12.7% 9.2% 9.5% 8.5% 4.8% RP Margin 11.5% 1.4% 11.7% 13.2% 9.4% 9.5% 8.5% 5.5% NP Margin 5.2% -2.0% 5.0% 7.3% 6.5% 4.4% 4.7% 3.0% FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 FY03/15 Profit Margin Financial Ratios FY03/15 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. ROA 17.3% 1.6% 11.6% 17.1% 10.0% 10.3% 9.2% 5.1% ROE 11.9% -3.5% 8.2% 17.1% 12.2% 8.9% 9.5% 5.1% 1.47 1.40 0.82 1.31 0.98 1.01 1.10 0.90 57.3 Total Asset Turnover Inventory Turnover 25.4 75.8 43.7 76.3 29.4 46.2 36.7 Days of Inventory 14.4 4.8 8.4 4.8 12.4 7.9 10.0 6.4 Quick Ratio 130.4% 205.4% 136.8% 158.8% 139.1% 137.9% 140.8% 134.8% Current Ratio 204.7% 333.0% 158.2% 185.1% 165.6% 153.5% 160.4% 155.1% 64.8% 77.6% 51.3% 60.3% 55.4% 51.5% 55.9% 54.5% -17.5% -20.2% Equity Ratio -32.8% -29.5% -32.4% -40.5% -49.2% -19.5% OCF / Current Liabilities 0.58 0.55 0.24 0.29 0.26 0.29 0.39 -0.20 OCF / Total Liabilities 0.49 0.33 0.21 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.35 -0.18 Net Debt / Equity Source: Shared Research based on company Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. While true peer analysis is not possible due to the company’s unique business model, ROE exceeded 10% between FY03/10 and FY03/13. The “growth-oriented business model” can be viewed as the company’s attempt to further raise profitability. 26/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Business Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Strengths and weaknesses Strengths ◤ Strong sales force: Game makers use Fields to take advantage of the company’s large and skilled sales force, enabling them to extend geographic reach and accelerate getting games on the market. ◤ Game planning and development: The company develops games not dependent on a sense of gambling, but on strong content. ◤ Brand creativity: The ability to create new, distinct brands gives the company's partners more bandwidth to sell product while defraying their marketing costs. (Operators tend to allocate hall-space per brand; distinct labels enable manufacturers to “backdoor” additional machines into one venue.) ◤ Alliances with top game makers: The company’s partners include game makers with notable technology and development capabilities, as well as leading entertainment companies Weaknesses: ◤ Dependency on pachinko/pachislot business in a regulated industry: Earnings are highly dependent on the pachinko/pachislot business, which is easily affected by legal and voluntary restrictions. ◤ Lack of track record and experience in creating original IP: The creation of original IP is indispensable for growth, but it takes three to four years and considerable costs. Main facilities Fields Corporation’s operational backbone is based on its national sales network. This includes 26 branch offices (as of FY03/14) located in Hokkaido-Tohoku (3), North Kanto (3), Tokyo (6), Nagoya (4), Osaka (3), Chugoku-Shikoku (3) and Kyushu (4). 27/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Market and value chain This section focuses on the pachinko/pachislot machine market. Market overview The Japan Productivity Center estimated the total domestic leisure market at JPY65.2tn in fiscal year 2013 (source: White Paper on Leisure 2014). Pachinko/pachislot was estimated at JPY18.8tn, or around 29% of the leisure market. Of that amount, JPY16.0tn was returned to players in payouts or “winnings.” Operators reinvested about JPY1.1tn of the remaining JPY2.8tn into new machine purchases (company estimate). Market Trends Pachinko Market Size (JPYmn) Machines Sold (Thousand) Average Price Per Machine (JPY) Pachislot Market Size (JPYmn) Machines Sold (Thousand) Average Price Per Machine (JPY) 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 568,300 3,360 169,137 868,600 3,170 274,006 921,300 3,330 276,667 985,200 3,330 295,856 886,900 2,900 305,828 826,700 2,600 317,962 772,900 2,490 310,402 609,900 2,060 296,068 643,700 2,010 320,249 314,500 1,130 278,319 502,500 1,740 288,793 247,800 910 272,308 225,800 760 297,105 286,700 970 295,567 375,000 1,250 300,000 429,900 1,320 325,682 473,300 1,390 340,504 425,600 1,230 346,016 Source: Shared Research based on company Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Industry data shows that the market remains stagnant. The player population fell to 11.5mn in 2014 versus 29.0mn in 1995. The number of pachinko halls declined to 11,627 in 2014 from 18,224 in 1995 (source: National Police Agency). A decrease in the amount of cash flow available for new investments has forced some smaller operators to sell or shut operations. At the same time, hall sizes have become larger increasing to an average of 395 installed machines per hall in 2014 from 261 machines in 1995. Larger chains also appear to be gaining scale highlighting continued polarization of the market. Against this background, the total number of installed machines stood at 4.6mn in 2013, little changed from 4.5mn in 1995. Order trends for Fields are tied to the financial health of its pachinko hall customers. Logically, the higher the cash flows of pachinko halls, the more funds they can spend on new equipment. Industry new machine investment is broadly defined by the average number of times halls “turn” their machine line-up per year. In 2013, turnover was 0.68 times for pachinko, 0.87 times for pachislot, and 0.75 for game machines (source: Yano Research Institute, National Police Agency). In terms of the machine market, pachinko machine sales rose from 3.7mn machines in 1995 to a peak of 4mn machines in 2005. But since then, pachinko machine sales have been declining. On the other hand, pachislot machine sales expanded five-fold to 1.8mn in 2005 off a low base of 350,000 machines in 1995. Following the introduction of stricter regulation in 2007, demand for lower gambling nature pachislot machines fell before recovering from the second half of 2009. As the size of the market has changed, competition between manufacturers has intensified. Well-known manufacturers that have worked their way into the top ranks tend to generate repeat sales by developing a series of machines based on a popular theme, but smaller manufacturers have been struggling. Today, while top-selling blockbusters may still garner over 100,000 machines in sales, less popular titles may not even sell 10,000 machines. The chart below illustrates market share per manufacturer on a machine basis (source: Yano Research Institute, Trends of 28/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Business LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Pachinko Related Manufacturers and Market Share 2012). As of the end of June 2015, there were a total of 35 pachinko machine manufacturers versus more than 60 manufacturers of pachislot machines, an indication that there is less competition in the pachinko industry than in the pachislot industry. Across both segments, Shared Research believes the success of the company is partly due to its ability to partner with key players at the development stage. Manufacturers, in turn, have reason to partner with Fields as it enables the creation of secondary brands and higher penetration per account resulting in a higher market share. Pachinko Market Share Installed Base Pachslot Market Share Installed Base Source: Yano Research Institute, Trends of Pachinko Related Manufacturers and Market Share For pachinko machines, SANKYO includes Bisty. Sammy includes Ginza and Taiyo Elec. For pachislot machines, Sammy includes Rodeo, IGT, TRIVY, and Taiyo Elec. SANKYO includes Bisty. Universal includes Eleco, Mizuho, and Macy. Olympia includes machines sold by Heiwa; satays for the total all Olympia and Heiwa brands. The company believes a recent move away from dependency on high gambling nature machines towards healthier and more entertainment-orientated machines should resume growth for the pachinko industry in the near future. While it is difficult to provide solid proof of this view, consumers’ average leisure time has been increasing and the company believes the evolution and growth of the pachinko industry into one of the choices of entertainment to fill this increased leisure time is a likely scenario. In addition, the pachinko market appears to be relatively impervious to the economic cycle. The company thinks that the decline of the playing population is related more to the peculiarities of the pachinko and pachislot markets themselves. Market growth potential and cyclicality The market is mature and arguably in secular decline due to Japan's declining population and emerging forms of passive entertainment. However, industry innovation could reverse or slow what has been a gradual decline. The key cyclical drivers are government regulation and the industry's growth as a distinct type of popular entertainment. The industry is regulated by the National Public Safety Commission. Rules on the approval and certification of machines are set in accordance with the Entertainment Business Control Law per each prefecture. Historically, regulators have tended to change the technical specifications regarding gambling nature limits every several years. The goal has been to prevent excessive gambling and trends in high-gambling nature machines have been easing. For instance, a change in regulations in 2004 led to a de-emphasis in the gambling aspect of pachislot machines, and to a big wave of replacement sales in 2007. Pachislot machine sales then declined as some players gravitated to pachinko. However, as manufacturers compete to develop machines compliant with the newest regulations and increase the entertainment aspect of new machines there has been an acceleration in both hardware and software innovation. 29/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Business Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 According to Fields, the gambling aspect has an influence on players and thus potentially on market growth. Since FY03/11, many manufacturers have focused on so-called "max-type" machines where average spend per player tends to be higher when compared with other types of machines, but the expected return is also likely to be higher (which can be appealing to serious players). This means on average a player loses money faster on these types of machines. Although max-type machines could mean higher cash flow for pachinko halls in the short run, Fields was concerned this trend might alienate casual players and could be an unhealthy trend for the overall market. However, from November 2015, max-type machines will no longer be sold due to voluntary restrictions adopted by the industry. However, from FY03/12, such trend has shown a turnaround: pachinko halls have increasingly installed machines with low gambling nature (e.g., light-middle and middle types) because these machines could push up machine utilization. Classification of pachinko specifications (i.e., jackpot-probabilities) is based on explanations from the company. Probabilities: max-type is 1/370–1/399; middle-high is 1/320–1/369; middle-low is 1/280–1/319; light-middle is 1/150–1/279; “amadeji” class is between 1/40 and 1/149+. SR Inc. thinks Fields could be a long-term beneficiary from the rise and fall in popularity of different machines. Regulatory revisions can upstage market leaders and give manufacturers a short window when they need to scramble for new innovative products. The company helps manufacturers plan and develop new product lines to sell to halls that could be otherwise reluctant to increase dependence on a particular maker. Customers Pachinko halls are the company’s clients. Pachinko halls could buy directly from manufacturers, but the benefits of using Fields include a single supplier relationship (i.e., they can buy titles of different manufacturers from Fields) and market knowledge that the company can share (such as which machines are popular nationwide). Suppliers Field’s main suppliers are pachinko/pachislot machine manufacturers. This is the core relationship defining the company’s business model. The relationship is mutually beneficial—manufacturers provide the company with products to sell, and in return receive content rights, design ideas and benefit from the sales channel. Barriers to entry Barriers to entry are high; the industry has a number of sophisticated and well capitalized players, while products require substantial development costs, and carry high failure rates. The company’s business model is unique and would be difficult to replicate. It possesses an extensive expert sales network and has long-term relationships both with top manufacturers and thousands of pachinko halls. With roughly 300 salespeople in daily discussions with pachinko hall operators, the customer relationship base is sticky and it has extensive information about customers. Moreover, pachinko tends to be a personality-driven industry reliant on trust. Incumbents with existing relationships therefore have a natural advantage. Finally, the pachinko hall operator market is fragmented and a newcomer would need significant time to gather a critical mass of customers to become profitable. Competition The company estimates there are approximately 1,000 distribution companies in the pachinko/pachislot market. 30/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Business Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 However, no other company has a business model or a nationwide sales network that rivals Fields’. The company's products though do in fact compete with those of its partner and non-partner manufacturers. Listed manufacturers include SANKYO Co., Sega Sammy Holdings Inc., Heiwa Corp. (TSE1: 6412), and Universal Entertainment Corp. Substitutes Casinos: As of May 31, 2015, casinos were officially banned in Japan. However, there was an ongoing debate regarding potential legalization. Standard Research thinks even if casinos were legalized, only a limited number would be licensed to operate. As such, the substitution effect would be negligible on the extensive nationwide network of nearly 11,627 pachinko/pachislot halls (2014 data) and 4.6mn installed machines (2013 data). 31/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Business Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Strategy Based on the “growth-oriented business model,” the company is pushing efforts to maximize the value of its intellectual property (IP) portfolio. Fields sees its core strength as its ability to find and leverage content for its pachinko and pachislot clients. However, the company’s longer-term ambition is to extend its capabilities beyond the pachinko/pachislot business. Fields has not been able to develop a large enough or profitable enough business outside of pachinko/pachislot for the past several years, but its profitability has been recovering, and the company may be back on a growth track. While pachinko and pachislot will likely remain the main earnings drivers for the time being, SR Inc. estimates that Tsuburaya Productions could determine Fields’ future success. Also, HERO’S Inc. is responsible for creating content and on top of contributing toward the pachinko and pachislot business, it is expected to be involved in other entertainment ventures, such as digital comics. 32/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Historical financial statements Summary 1H FY03/16 results ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY50.3bn (+147.1%) Operating profit: JPY1.9bn (versus loss of JPY4.1bn in 1H FY03/15) Recurring profit: JPY1.9bn (versus loss of JPY4.1bn in 1H FY03/15) Net earnings attributable to parent company shareholders: JPY706mn (versus loss of JPY2.5bn in 1H FY03/15) SG&A expenses rose 8.8% YoY, to JPY12.0bn, as sales-related expenses grew in conjunction with the increased number of pachinko and pachislot machine titles sold versus the same period last year. In 1H the company rolled out a total of four new pachinko machine titles and three new pachislot machine titles, compared with only one new pachinko machine and one new pachislot machine during the same period last year. Despite a rise in SG&A expenses on an increase in titles, the company says it is on track to meet its planned reduction in SG&A expenditures over the next two to three years. Total pachinko/pachislot machines sales hit 134,531 units, up 32,412 units (31.7%) versus the same period last year. Sales of pachinko machines were down, declining 12.1% YoY to 64,954 units, while sales of pachislot machines were sharply higher, rising 146.6% YoY to 69,577 units. The company rolled out a total of four new pachinko machine titles during 1H versus only one new title at this time last year. The new titles included CR Million GOD RISING, manufactured by Macy, which went on sale in July. The three new pachislot machine titles rolled out by the company included EVANGELION—Spear of Hope and Resident Evil 6. Manufactured by Bisty, EVANGELION—Spear of Hope went on sale in June and sold more than 26,000 units. Resident Evil 6 sold more than 35,000 units. Delivers of the new Majestic Prince pachislot machines from D-light (announced last August) began in November. The new Majestic Prince-themed pachinko machine is the first pachislot machine to use IP from a serial comic appearing in Hero's Monthly magazine. Results were generally in line with the company's full-year forecasts, including Tsuburaya Productions and the social game field. Titles sold or in use (as of October 30, 2015) Pachinko machines Delivery month CR EVANGELION 9 Type zero version May 2015 CR Million God Rising July 2015 CR Martian Successor NADESICO August 2015 CR Sakigake Otokojuku August 2015 CR EVANGELION X September 2015 CR Midoridon Hanabi DE Buon giorno* November 2015 33/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Pachislot machines Delivery month EVANGELION – Spear of Hope June 2015 Resident Evil 6 July 2015 Asura's Wrath September 2015 Majestic Prince* November 2015 Oh My Goddess!* November 2015 EVANGELION―Tamashii wo Tsunagumono * December 2015 Note: Asterisk denotes titles being marketed as of October 30, 2015. Measures to create and commercialize IP ◤ In comics, the company is focusing on IP development with the aim of expanding IP in cross-media formats, primarily through the comic Hero's Monthly. The company is already working on seven animation projects involving works serialized in this monthly publication, and plans to commercialize multiple titles as games, pachinko/pachislot machines and other products. ◤ In visual media, the company began television broadcasting of Ultraman X, the most recent installment of the Ultraman series. In conjunction the domestic broadcasts, the company also began distributing Ultraman X overseas and has made plans to ramp up overseas product development for the Ultraman series going forward. The company reports a total of 250mn views in China. The company's Ninja Slayer From Animation is being distributed through Web media and, having logged more than 11 million replays in last six months, will now become the basis for collectable figures and social games. Ninja Slayer From Animation has now been licensed for use to a total of 28 different companies. ◤ In the social game field, the company released the Tower of Princess in August 2015. The game went into the black in September and ARPPU (average revenue per paying user) is also high. Starting in November, the company plans to launch four native app games (i.e., for playing on a specific platform or device). The company is also developing new social games for release at the rate of approximately one game per quarter. In home games, the company plans to turn Killing Bites (a story running in the comic Hero's Monthly) into a game. ◤ The number of companies licensing A Man of Ultra (licensed brand), which depicts the concept and worldview of the Ultraman series through apparel and other products, increased to 33. In addition, in the live entertainment field, live experience-type shows utilizing the Ultraman series were staged in four locations in Japan and overseas and the company plans to stage several shows going forward, primarily in Asia. In the pachinko/pachislot field, the company focused on expanding sales of pachinko/pachislot machines that are part of a series, such as EVANGELION. The company also continued to promote pachinko/pachislot machines utilizing new IP, such as Majestic Prince, with the aim of raising the value of related IP and turning them into a product series in the future. Q1 FY03/16 results ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY17.1bn (+129.8% YoY) Operating loss: JPY1.0bn (operating loss of JPY2.5bn in Q1 FY03/15) 34/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements ▶ ▶ Recurring loss: LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 JPY864mn (recurring loss of JPY2.3bn in Q1 FY03/15) Net loss attributable to parent company shareholders: JPY867mn (net loss of JPY1.5bn in Q1 FY03/15) SG&A expenses in Q1 were JPY6.0bn (+12.4% YoY). According to the company, the increase came as it reported sales promotion costs for new machines to be launched in Q2. Its plan to reduce SG&A expenses for two to three years from FY03/16 is progressing as expected. The company launched a number of machines including EVANGELION – Spear of Hope in response to the change in the pachislot model certification testing method in September 2014. The table below (“Titles sold or in use”) outlines the company’s business activities in Q1. The company sold 28,725 pachislot machines (up 23,068 machines or 407.8% YoY) and 15,684 pachinko machines (down 22,856 machines or 59.3% YoY). A total of 44,409 machines (up 212 machines or 0.5%YoY) were sold. Fields put one pachinko machine title on sale during Q1. CR EVANGELION 9 Type zero version, a machine manufactured by Bisty Co., contributed to sales along with other titles. The company launched one pachislot machine title. Sales of EVANGELION–Spear of Hope, a machine also made by Bisty and launched in June 2015, totaled 23,000 units, contributing to the rise in machine sales volume. A change in the model testing protocols for pachislot machines in September 2014 introduced stricter rules against gambling. The company’s two titles launched in June and July 2015, respectively, comply with the new rules; despite a lower sense of gambling, the game’s usage rate is above average because the cost to play is lower. According to the company, the lower limit of the pachinko machine jackpot probability range required from November 2015, and a further decrease in the gambling nature of pachislot machines from December 2015 should lead to a favorable environment, because it has emphasized amusement and IP rather than the sense of gambling when developing its titles. Titles sold or in use (as of July 31, 2015) Pachislot machines Delivery month EVANGELION – Spear of Hope June 2015 Pachislot Biohazard 6 July 2015 Pachinko machines Delivery month CR EVANGELION 9 Type zero version May 2015 CR Million GOD RISING July 2015 CR Martian Successor NADESICO(※) August 2015 CR EVANGELION X(※) September 2015 CR Sakigake Otokojuku(※) August 2015 ※ Titles in use as of July 31, 2015. Measures to create and commercialize IP ◤ The company has focused on creating Intellectual Property (IP) primarily based on the Hero’s Monthly comic series by developing its stories in cross-media formats, such as working on several films, and planning and developing IP into games and pachinko/pachislot machines. Hero’s Monthly has so far inspired 52 titles, with 2 new titles starting in Q1. Toward the fourth anniversary of its launch, the magazine is promoting development of new IP and conducting selection and concentration of its serialized titles. 35/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements ◤ Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 The company’s TV segment began broadcasts of Ultraman X, while the Web distribution segment launched Ninja Slayer From Animation. The company also developed products for children and adults based on characters appearing in TV and films distributed online . As of July 2015, viewers exceeded eight million and licensees came to 28. ◤ Merchandising generates revenue from IP, and the company focused on reinforcing its revenue base in various fields toward its plan to produce films from its IP in FY03/17 and later. The company improved elements in the Social game segment by overhauling Animal x Monster (launched in the previous fiscal year) and devised new plans for collaborations. In addition to developing products based on existing characters, the company launched A MAN of ULTRA (licensed brand), which brings concepts and world views into tangible form. As of July 2015, there were 27 licensees for A MAN of ULTRA. Interactive live shows based on the Ultraman series were presented both in Japan and overseas. In the Pachinko/Pachislot segment, the company marketed multiple pachinko/pachislot machines based on IP, such as Biohazard 6 and CR EVANGELION X, to be launched in Q2 this year. The group made pachislot machine maker K.K. Aristocrat Technologies and K.K. Spiky subsidiaries in Q1, and will use the subsidiaries’ hardware, software, and other assets to develop more products. FY03/15 results ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY99.6bn (-13.4% YoY) Operating profit: JPY4.7bn (-51.6% YoY) Recurring profit: JPY5.5bn (-43.8% YoY) Net profit: JPY3.0bn (-43.8% YoY). In the amusement machine sales business, Fields pursued a range of sales strategies as it looked to grow sales of pachinko machines featuring leading intellectual property (IP). As a result, the company sold 302,406 pachinko machines (+139,527 machines, up 85.7% YoY), and 97,285 pachislot machines (-132,818 machines, down 57.7% YoY). As a result, total sales volume of amusement machines were 399,691 (+6,709 machines, up 1.7% YoY). The company booked sales on five new pachinko machines. Sales CR Evangelion 9 manufactured by Bisty Co. (102,000 units) and launched December 2014 contributed to sales, as did Pachinko Ultra Battle Retsuden manufactured by OK Co., Ltd. (20,000 units) launched in March 2015. The company launched three new pachislot machines, and according to the company, outperformed sales forecasts. Salaryman Kintaro: Shusse Kaido-hen manufactured by Rodeo Corp. sold 42,000 units, and Pachislot BERSERK manufactured by NANASHOW Corp. sold 20,000 units. The launches of five new pachislot machines scheduled for this year, however, were delayed until FY03/16 owing to new testing protocols introduced in September 2014. Developments in Fields’ IP are as follows: ◤ The company continued focusing on creating IP via the comic Hero’s Monthly, and developing visual content for the IP in this comic. It also decided to go ahead with the use of IP in video games, and pachinko and pachislot machines. ◤ The Ultraman series generated stable revenues as the company deployed this IP across a range of media. It continued broadcasting a TV series and premiered a new movie, while growing sales of TV and movie tie-in products. In addition, overseas, the company sold existing movie products and planned new movie products, while also holding events at complex facilities. The company also planned, produced, and premiered a new live action show based on the Ultraman series that allows that audience to experience the action. It plans to expand this 36/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 production overseas. ◤ In social games, Fields made its operation and development framework more efficient, and focused on improving the quality of its titles. In particular, it added new content and used real-life events to enhance titles featuring the AKB48 brand. The company also steadily released new smartphone game apps with exciting gameplay and appealing characters. FY03/14 results (announced on April 30, 2014) In the pachinko/pachislot business, the company launched four pachinko titles (three new titles in the previous year) and seven pachislot titles (six in the previous year). The new pachinko titles included a new model of the Evangelion series and the pachislot titles newly included Mizuho Corp.’s machines. Total sales of pachinko/pachislot machines increased to 392,982 units (+64,872 YoY), including 162,879 pachinko machines (+62,886 YoY) and 230,103 pachislot machines (+1,986). Higher unit sales of pachinko machines were partly due to The Evangelion 8 machine—manufactured by Bisty Co.—which saw sales of 75,000 units. Pachislot Monster Hunter by Enterrise Co. and Another God Hades by Mizuho Corp. both contributed to increased unit sales of pachislot machines, with sales of about 45,000 and 54,000 units respectively. According to the company, utilization rates fell in the pachinko/pachislot market, but unit sales—which fluctuate with popular machine introductions—were mostly unchanged. Total market sales of pachinko/pachislot machines between April 2013 and March 2014 were 3.7mn units (-9.5% YoY), including 2.3mn pachinko machines (-15.2%) and 1.4mn pachislot machines (+1.3%) (source: company materials). Profits were up for pachinko/pachislot machines and consumer products, but fell for social games in interactive media. Factors that affected operating profit are as follows: ◤ In the pachinko/pachislot business, profit increased YoY thanks to steady selling activities though the company spent more to strengthen the sales structure and expand sales promotion activities. The company strengthened development of new machines in cooperation with its subsidiaries in a bid to broaden its product line-up for the medium and long term. ◤ In the consumer products business, movie production subsidiary Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd., the founder and holder of the “Ultraman” series, is building up a structure to obtain stable income. The license business performed well as Tsuburaya Productions held events to mark its 50th anniversary and produced a new TV series. Tsuburaya Productions reported sales of JPY3.3bn (+11.2% YoY) and operating profit of JPY670mn (+71.8%). ◤ In interactive media, sales of ongoing popular content were robust. Meanwhile, the company promoted reform of the income structure, such as narrowing down the lineup of games and implementing more efficient operations and development, to cope with a transition from Web applications to native applications in the social game market. As a result, there was a temporary fall in profitability in FY03/14. ◤ In the comics, animation and movie/TV businesses, the company continued to spend management resources for creating and fostering intellectual property, such as characters and stories, as the sources of growth. Particularly, it made efforts to make animations from comics that were created in the company’s media and strengthened sales promotion for them. Operating profit saw a 5.1% YoY fall as a result of measures and advance investments toward growth for the medium and long term. 37/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 FY03/13 results (announced on May 7, 2013) Sales were JPY108.1 bn (+17.3% YoY), operating profit was JPY10.3 bn (+21.0% YoY) recurring profit was JPY10.3 bn (+18.6% YoY), and net profit was JPY4.7 bn (-21.2% YoY). The main factor behind this earnings fluctuation was the increase in the number of pachislot machines sold compared with the previous year as a result of the launch of strong products in the pachislot market. A few subsidiaries recorded extraordinary losses that caused net income to decline YoY. The company pursues business activities with an emphasis on maximizing the value of its characters and other intellectual property (IP) based on the “growth-oriented business model” (seamlessly synergistic business development involving Comics, Animation, Movie/TV, and Merchandising) announced in May 2012. Fields made the following comments on its initiatives in main businesses: IP Acquisition, Creation, and Development; Comics; Animation; Movie/TV In the comics segment, the comic Hero’s Monthly marked the first anniversary in November 2012 since launch, as well as favorable publication of the “Heroes Mix” comic since its launch in September 2012. Volumes one and two of the “Ultraman” comic series sere published, selling over 400,000 issues. In the animation and movie/TV segment, the company plans to bring its comic stories to the screen. The animation “Ginga Kikotai: Majestic Prince” began broadcasting on television in April 2013. The company released three series of the animated movie “BERSERK.” This movie was selected for the Special Achievement Award in the animation division at the Agency of Cultural Affairs’ 16th Japan Media Arts Festival. The movie was also nominated for an award at the Festival International du Film d’Animation d’ Annecy in France. Given the success of its animation, the company is expanding into new media. Fields pursued plans to raise its name recognition for a number of IP by expanding them into the merchandising segment. Merchandising In the merchandising segment, the company is enhancing its services and products for a broad range of media and platforms, by expanding its stories and characters created and promoted from its comics, animation, and movies/TV segments, to increase the value of its intellectual properties and maximize profits. In interactive media, Fields was focusing on the high-growth social media field and advancing activities to increase profitability in this segment. In the social game segment, the company focused on planning and developing new game titles to enhance its competitive advantage over its competitors. In the pachinko/pachislot sales business, the company is implementing a number of measures to increase support from existing fans, as well as capturing new pachinko and pachislot players. The company became the overall sales agent for a new pachinko machine brand, “OK” for a major pachinko machine maker in FY03/13. The company received rave reviews for its “Biohazard 5” pachislot machine from its fans. In FY03/13, the company sold 228,000 pachislot machines (up 49,000 units YoY), a record high. However, it sold 100,000 pachinko machines (down 133,000 units YoY), mainly affected by the absence of major model releases during the period. As a result, total unit sales of pachinko and pachislot machines fell in FY03/13 over the previous year. FY03/12 results (announced on May 9, 2012) The company downwardly revised its FY03/12 forecast on March 16, 2012. Actual results were largely in line with the revised forecast. Sales were down 11.0% YoY at JPY92.1 bn with operating profit tumbling 35.1% to 8.5 billion. Net 38/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 income fell 20.3% YoY to JPY5.9 bn due to the recognition of a deferred tax asset from the dissolution/liquidation of its Japan Sports Marketing Inc. subsidiary and a lower corporate tax burden. The company posted YoY declines in sales and profitability. However, this was because the company released a number of blockbuster Pachinko and Pachislot machine titles in Q4 giving consideration to component supply shortage due to March 2011’s earthquake, and some sales related to a pachislot machine released in Q4 are now to be booked in FY03/13. The company has continued investing in the entertainment field based on a vision of maximizing Intellectual Property (IP) value through the use of various forms of media, including pachinko/pachislot machines, from the viewpoint of building a business centered on IP. These efforts can be seen in such projects as its comic Hero’s Monthly and the movie “BERSERK.” Performance by segment: PS Field: Sales of JPY83.9 bn (-10.8% YoY); Operating profit of JPY8.6 bn (-32.7% YoY)Industry Situation: Pachinko and pachislot machine manufacturers had changed their sales schedules with a focus on 2H FY03/12 activity (October 2011 to March 2012), as component makers, such as semiconductor firms, began recovering from March 2011’s earthquake going into summer 2011. Consequently, 1H sales were sluggish industry-wide on a YoY basis as machine sales were focused on those units where components had been procured pre-quake. However, the supply chain has recovered faster than initially expected and for Q3 machine makers released numerous new titles, with a number of them becoming hit machines. Pachinko hall operators have also been actively replacing models with new machines. Specifically, 2H saw the increased replacement with major titles (each selling more than 50,000 units). Regarding the impact of the November 2011 floods in Thailand there have been limited issues with component procurement, however, the industry wide effect was not perceived to be particularly severe. According to the company’s analysis, the number of pachinko machine titles sold during 1H declined by 29 to 92, while the number of pachislot machine titles offered decreased by 8 to 53. In 2H, during which time supply chains damaged by the earthquake disaster were restored, the number of pachinko machine titles sold increased by 14 to 106, while the number of pachislot machine titles sold declined by 8 to 48. This trend is indicative of the pachinko/pachislot market where there tends to be a focus on major titles in the second half, especially among pachislot machine makers. For the full year, the number of pachinko machine titles sold declined 15 to 198 and the number of pachislot machine titles sold decreased by 16 to 101. So the number of titles fell for both types of machines, a result probably due in large part to impacts from the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Company situation Given the above situation of most makers choosing to release titles in Q3, as a distributor to halls Fields Corporation decided to go for Q4 releases of its titles to attract players. As for Q4, the latest release in its hit Evangelion Pachinko machine series, “CR Evangelion 7,” was released in January 2012. This new title was well received. The ongoing recovery in the Pachislot segment continued, and the company launched “Evangelion—the Heartbeat of Life,” its second major title for the quarter, in February as well as a third major title in March 2012: the pachislot machine “Monster Hunter.” Some of the sales related to the pachislot title “Monster Hunter” are now to be booked in FY03/13 as component procurement had been disrupted by the November 2011 flooding in Thailand. In addition, the company delayed the release of a new Bisty Co., Ltd. title until FY03/13 to make the machine specifications compliant with the regulations revised after April 1, 2012. Unit sales performance was 179,167 pachislot machine units (down 38,492 units YoY) and 233,223 pachinko machine units (down 29,391 units YoY). 39/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Mobile field: Sales of JPY1.9 bn (-5.3% YoY); operating profit of JPY11 mn (-95.1% YoY). Operating profit declined, but this was due to the results for some mobile content operations being booked on a parent-only (PS Field) basis. As such, mobile-related results should not necessarily be viewed as sluggish. Sports entertainment field: Sales of JPY1.9 bn (-10.4% YoY); operating profit of JPY7 mn (operating loss of JPY290 mn YoY) Business reorganization helped to bring about a return to profitability. Other field: Sales of JPY5.4 bn (-7.2% YoY); operating loss of JPY139 mn (operating profit of JPY315 mn YoY) The operating loss was due to continued investment in the acquisition and creation of IP such as the comic Hero’s Monthly and the production and distribution of the movie “BERSERK.” The first issue of the comic Hero’s Monthly, a joint venture with Shogakukan Creative Inc., debuted in November 2011 and the eighth issue was released on June 1, 2012. Subsidiary Lucent Pictures Entertainment Inc. on February 4, 2012 released the anime film BERSERK I THE HIGH KING'S EGG in theaters nationwide. There are plans to release the second installment in this series, BERSERK II THE BATTLE OF DOLDREY, in June 2012. Tsuburaya Productions released the latest Ultraman movie “Ultraman Saga” nationwide in March 2012. Pachinko/Pachislot Market Trends (May 2012 press briefing) The company provided the following information about recent developments for the pachinko and pachislot markets. Installation Shares by Pachinko Machine Type Looking at pachinko hall installation shares by machine types, the share held by “ama-deji” type machines (offer the best chance of winning, but payouts are smaller) have held steady, while shares held by the “MAX” and “middle-high” type machines have continued shrinking. Meanwhile, shares have been increasing for “middle-low” type machines such as “CR Evangelion 7” and “light-middle” machines. Looking at these trends, the company thinks needs of pachinko fans are shifting, from machines with strong gambling nature to those with somewhat weaker gambling nature but appealing content for relatively casual entertainment. Fields uses the following terms to classify pachinko machine specifications (odds of hitting a big payout). MAX: odds 1/370–1/399, middle-high: 1/320–1/369, middle-low: 1/280–1/319, light-middle: 1/150–1/279 and ama-deji: at least 1/149. Pachinko machine utilization Pachinko machine utilization levels remained high between 2007 and 2008 (approximately 25,000 balls/day per unit). Utilization levels then continued declining from 2009 to 2011 due in part to the emergence of the MAX-type machines with higher gambling elements. However, as the middle-low and light-middle machines became more common from 2011, utilization has remained at a stable level (approximately 20,000 balls/day per unit), suggesting the earlier decline had bottomed. 40/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Pachislot machine utilization Utilization levels declined sharply following the complete mandatory shift to the machines compliant with Regulation 5 in October 2007 (approximately 9,000 coins/day per unit). However, from 2010 there was a recovery mainly for ART (Assist Replay Time) and similar pachislot machines, and recently utilization levels have been growing (approximately 11,000 coins/day per unit). The current utilization levels are on par with those during the later stage of Regulation 4. FY03/12 (April–March) top selling machine titles During FY03/12 the pachinko market had 15 top-selling machine titles defined as having sales of more than 40,000 units. Fields produced two of these titles: “CR The Story of Ayumi Hamasaki—the prologue” and “CR Evangelion 7.” The pachislot market had 17 top-selling machine titles defined as having sales of more than 15,000 units. Fields produced three of these titles: “Kaze no Youjinbou—Memory of Butterflies,” “Evangelion—the Heartbeat of Life” and “Monster Hunter.” Big hits for the pachislot industry were concentrated in the second half of the year. Pachinko/pachislot new titles sales The company estimated that the number of new pachinko machines sold market-wide remained at roughly the same level as during FY03/11, while sales of pachislot machines were estimated to have surged compared to FY03/11 and topped the one million unit mark. New management policy (summary based on FY03/12 financial report) Since its listing, the company had followed a business model focusing on the PS Field. This changed several years ago: the company has worked to shift its focus to intellectual property (IP) in a bid to achieve long-term growth. Approaching the 10th listing anniversary and the 25th founding anniversary, the company is eyeing the establishment of a “growth-oriented business model” for the next 25 years. With a new business model, the company aims for further corporate growth. 41/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Income statement Income Statement (JPYmn) Sales YoY CoGS Gross Profit SG&A Operating Profit YoY Non-Operating Income Non-Operating Expenses Recurring Profit YoY Extraordinary Gains Extraordinary Losses Pretax Profit Tax Charges Minorities etc. Net Income YoY FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. 101,818 73,035 66,342 103,593 92,195 108,141 114,904 99,554 -13.4% 19.3% FY03/15 -28.3% -9.2% 56.1% -11.0% 17.3% 6.3% 67,274 49,010 39,452 68,464 60,865 74,862 81,092 71,086 34,544 24,024 26,889 35,129 31,330 33,279 33,812 28,468 23,724 21,385 22,063 18,764 21,993 22,803 22,964 24,020 13,158 1,960 8,124 13,136 8,527 10,314 9,791 4,743 47.1% -85.1% 314.5% 61.7% -35.1% 21.0% -5.1% -51.6% 1,213 313 528 484 1,136 574 738 1,313 1,766 1,497 846 588 440 784 1,339 465 11,705 991 7,761 13,684 8,661 10,268 9,765 5,491 27.2% -91.5% -43.8% 683.1% 76.3% -36.7% 18.6% -4.9% 97 269 53 215 8 10 29 479 1,292 3,840 597 488 404 1,276 207 215 10,509 -2,579 7,218 13,410 8,265 9,002 9,588 5,754 5,101 -126 3,900 5,883 2,099 4,224 4,143 2,430 111 -971 29 6 174 57 74 305 5,296 -1,481 3,289 7,520 5,991 4,720 5,370 3,018 - 128.6% -20.3% -21.2% 13.8% -43.8% 42.7% - Source: Shared Research based on company Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Performance overview Sales can be affected by the mix between pachinko/pachislot sales due to accounting treatment (pachinko revenues are a commission, pachislot revenues are for the full machine price). Field’s operating profit trends track the underlying market cycle. 42/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Balance sheet Balance Sheet (JPYmn) Cash and Equivalents Securities Accounts Receivable Inventories Other Current Assets FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. FY03/15 Cons. 12,841 11,181 15,916 15,873 18,344 23,314 29,583 15,823 45,888 - - 48 - 12,354 4,324 33,088 27,948 34,402 42,017 29,155 4,013 963 1,519 1,357 3,134 2,343 3,133 1,736 10,351 8,667 6,171 5,873 6,931 5,035 5,050 7,567 39,559 25,135 56,694 51,051 62,811 72,709 66,921 71,014 Tangible Assets 8,093 10,898 9,721 10,089 10,980 11,151 12,104 12,197 Intangible Assets 3,937 2,761 2,333 5,070 4,372 4,540 4,365 4,490 17,578 13,268 12,578 12,760 15,437 18,226 21,477 22,614 Fixed Assets 29,608 26,929 24,634 27,920 30,790 33,918 37,948 39,302 Total Assets 69,168 52,064 81,329 78,971 93,601 106,628 104,869 110,316 Accounts Payable 5,954 1,981 26,610 17,939 29,100 36,604 33,105 33,850 Short-Term Debt 4,322 781 720 869 1,068 943 692 4,056 Other 9,046 4,785 8,515 8,779 7,757 9,818 7,933 7,867 Current Liabilities 19,322 7,547 35,845 27,587 37,925 47,365 41,730 45,773 Long-Term Debt 684 2,230 1,510 965 439 109 50 8 2,830 2,791 2,785 3,397 3,682 4,055 4,336 4,288 LT Investment Securities etc. Other Fixed Liabilities 3,514 5,021 4,295 4,362 4,121 4,164 4,386 4,296 Total Liabilities 22,836 12,568 40,141 31,949 42,046 51,529 46,116 50,070 Shareholders' Equity 44,795 40,420 41,741 47,601 51,895 54,957 58,670 60,171 -554 -821 -824 -398 -390 -679 242 483 539 473 753 Appraisal Gains / Losses etc. 1,536 -924 Minority Interests Net Assets 46,331 39,496 41,187 47,021 51,555 55,098 58,753 60,246 Total Liabilities & Net Assets 69,168 52,064 81,329 78,971 93,601 106,628 104,869 110,316 Working Capital 10,413 3,306 7,997 11,366 8,436 7,756 -817 13,774 5,006 3,011 2,230 1,834 1,507 1,052 742 4,064 -7,835 -8,170 -13,686 -14,039 -16,837 -22,262 -28,841 -11,759 Interest-Bearing Debt Net Debt Source: Shared Research based on company Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Increases in sales have tended to lead to higher accounts receivable, reflecting the company’s role as a distributor and its function as a trading partner. The company does not put pachinko machines on its balance sheet and therefore inventories are not significant. The net interest-bearing debt (interest-bearing debt minus cash and equivalents) has long been negative (practically debt-free). The equity ratio has ranged between 39.1% and 77.6% from FY03/03-FY03/15. 43/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Historical financial statements LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Cash flow statement Cash Flow Statement FY03/08 FY03/09 FY03/10 FY03/11 FY03/12 FY03/13 FY03/14 Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Operating Cash Flow (A) 11,127 4,147 8,429 8,005 10,015 13,570 16,322 -9,086 Investment Cash Flow (B) -14,604 -6,182 -1,011 -4,356 -4,798 -6,263 -8,018 -6,297 -3,477 -2,035 7,418 3,649 5,217 7,307 8,304 -15,383 -1,384 602 -2,687 -3,915 -2,565 -2,277 -2,018 1,624 1,097 1,775 1,368 1,734 1,962 2,207 2,164 2,137 (JPYmn) Free Cash Flow (A+B) Financing Cash Flow Depreciation (A) Capital Expenditures (B) Working Capital Changes (C) Simple FCF (NI + A - B - C) FY03/15 4,211 5,111 919 1,490 2,420 3,312 3,449 3,252 -1,988 -7,107 4,691 3,369 -2,930 -680 -8,573 14,591 4,170 2,290 -953 4,395 8,463 4,295 12,658 -12,688 Source: Shared Research based on company Figures may differ from company materials due to differences in rounding methods. Fields’ operating cash flows (OCF) have been lumpy mainly due to working capital changes. Negative simple free cash flow was largely the result of cash used in working capital, driven by higher machine sales. 44/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Other information History The company was established in Nagoya in 1988 by its founder and current Chairman/CEO, Hidetoshi Yamamoto. Yamamoto was exposed to the pachinko industry initially through his father whose Nagoya company was involved in management of pachinko halls. The younger Yamamoto proved a skilled advisor, adept at helping improve pachinko halls’ operating performance. During Fields’ first decade the business grew rapidly as the company augmented its sales pitch with pachinko hall space design and machine installation advice. After establishing itself in Kyushu and Tokyo in 1992, Fields Corporation rolled-out operations on a national scale by establishing branch offices in Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kansai in 1995. The company realized halls wanted access to the best machines to attract fans, but industry practice at the time wedded a pachinko hall to one specific manufacturer. What was needed was a flexible system whereby halls could freely pick and choose popular titles. Positioning itself as an unaligned distributor, the company uncovered a profitable niche that it has since fortified. Important developments since 2000 include partnerships with several major pachinko/pachislot manufacturers. One important example of this was when the company started selling machines of Rodeo, a subsidiary of Sammy Corp. Fields took a 35% equity stake in Rodeo in 2002 and used its Rodeo relationship to demonstrate its ability to source publishing rights from third parties. In this case, it licensed rights from Toei Corp. (TSE1: 9605) for “Gamera” (a giant sea-turtle and rival to the Godzilla franchise), and the Gamera model sold a respectable 60,000 machines at the time of its release. The event also raised the company’s ability to price its services; specifically, revenue per machine effectively doubled when this approach was employed. Starting in the early 2000s, Fields set up several ventures outside of pachinko/pachislot planning, development and sales in order to create new content and realize multiple use of content. These included a sports gym operation, a sports management office for professional athletes, a game software company, a magazine publishing firm, and a mobile content company. In 2003, the company listed on the JASDAQ exchange, receiving the ticker code 2767. It then formed a business tie-up with Bisty of SANKYO Group. SANKYO Co. took a 15% stake in Fields in 2008. The company has also teamed up (in 2006) with Olympia Co. (unlisted) and formed an alliance in 2008 with KYORAKU SANGYO (unlisted). In 2007, Takashi Oya, a prominent games and IT securities analyst, joined the company as its new president and COO. With his arrival, the company focused on improving execution, and systemizing many of its planning and sales functions. At the same time, his appointment allowed Chairman Yamamoto the time and freedom to execute his vision. From 2008, Fields can be viewed as transitioning from a machine distributor to an IP business. 45/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Other information Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 News and topics November 2015 On November 25, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of Mobile Suit Gundam Awakening-Chained battle-, a pachislot machine manufactured by Bisty Co. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from January 2016 onward. October 2015 On October 27, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of Evangelion- Tamashii wo Tsunagumono, a pachislot machine manufactured by Bisty Co. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from December 2015 onward. August 2015 On August 25, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of MAJESTIC PRINCE, a pachislot machine manufactured by D-light Co., Ltd. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from November 2015 onward. It is the first pachislot in a series of Monthly Hero’s IP to be made into pachislot. On August 17, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of Asura’s Wrath, a pachislot machine manufactured by Enterrise Co. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from September 2015 onward. July 2015 On July 31, 2015, the company announced it would sell pachinko machine CR Evangelion X nationwide, with a planned launch in pachinko halls in September 2015. June 2015 On June 29, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of CR Sakigake!!Otokojuku, a pachinko machine manufactured by Daiichi Shokai Co., Ltd. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from August 2015 onward. On June 23, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of CR Martian Successor Nadesico, a pachinko machine manufactured by Bisty Co. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from July 2015 onward. On June 1, 2015, the company announced a share transfer agreement with Aristocrat International Pty Ltd. regarding the acquisition of K.K. Aristocrat Technologies. The company has entered into an agreement with Aristocrat International (Australia) to acquire all shares in Aristocrat Technologies, a consolidated subsidiary of Aristocrat International that develops, manufactures, and sells pachislot machines in Japan. Reasons for the acquisition Aristocrat International established Aristocrat Technologies as a wholly owned subsidiary in 1994. Together with Aristocrat group company Spiky Corporation, Aristocrat Technologies has since produced a succession of hit titles, 46/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 including the Kyojin no Hoshi (Star of the Giants) and the Black Lagoon series. Fields—an independent trading company—and Aristocrat Technologies have forged strong ties in the amusement machines industry through the sale of Aristocrat Technologies products. Fields and Aristocrat International began negotiating the efficient use of Aristocrat Technologies’ assets after Aristocrat International announced that it was exiting the Japanese market in April 2015. Fields thus agreed to purchase the assets and shares of Aristocrat Technologies from Aristocrat International. Upon forging ties with existing partner manufacturers, Fields plans to launch products that take full advantage of the assets it has acquired in this deal. It is also considering the best way to utilize Aristocrat Technologies, including sounding out potential partners. The company does not expect this action to have any material effect on earnings results for FY03/16. May 2015 On May 25, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of Biohazard 6, a pachislot machine manufactured by Enterrise Co. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from July 2015 onward. On May 22, 2015, the company announced the nationwide launch of Evangelion: Spear of Hope, a pachislot machine manufactured by Bisty Co. This machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls from June 2015 onward. April 2015 On April 30, 2015, Fields Corporation announced a revision to its dividend forecast (a special dividend commemorating the company’s listing on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange). On April 14, 2015, the company moved to the First Section of the TSE. It now plans to issue a special year-end dividend of JPY10 per share commemorating this event. Together with an ordinary dividend of JPY25, the total year-end dividend will be JPY35, meaning the company is forecasting a full-year dividend per share of JPY60. On April 7, 2015, the company announced its listing on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Tokyo Stock Exchange has granted the company approval to change its listing. On April 14, 2015, Fields will move from TSE JASDAQ (Standard) to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. February 2015 On February 3, 2015, the company announced that nationwide sales have begun for Pachinko Ultra Battle Retsuden, a new pachinko machine manufactured by OK Co., Ltd. The new machine is scheduled to be installed in pachinko halls beginning in March 2015. January 2015 On January 14, 2015, the company announced that Nanashow Corp. will conduct a nationwide launch of its pachislot machine BERSERK, part one. The new machine will be installed in pachinko halls in Japan beginning in March 2015. 47/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Other information Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 October 2014 On October 31, 2014, the company announced the domestic nationwide launch of pachislot machine Salaryman Kintaro: Shusse Kaidou-hen, manufactured by Rodeo Corporation. The new machine will be installed in pachinko halls beginning in January 2015. On October 15, 2014, the company announced the nationwide release of a new pachinko machine from Bisty Co., CR Evangelion 9. It is expected to be available at pachinko halls from December 2014. August 2014 On August 8, 2014, the company announced the nationwide release of a new pachinko machine from Bisty Co., CR ayumi hamasaki 2. It is expected to be available at pachinko halls from October 2014. July 2014 On July 15, 2014, the company announced the nationwide release of a new pachislot machine from Enterrise Co. “Sengoku BASARA 3”. It is expected to be available at pachinko halls from September 2014. May 2014 On May 7, 2014, the company announced earnings forecasts for FY03/15. FY03/15 earnings forecast: ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY100bn Operating profit: JPY5bn Recurring profit: JPY5bn Net income: JPY2.5bn Net income per share: JPY75.34 As a primary reason for the forecast, the company has entered new business partnerships with D-light Co., Ltd. and NANASHOW Corporation in pachinko/pachislot machine sales. Meanwhile, the company is holding numerous conscientious discussions with Sammy Corporation and RODEO Co., Ltd. regarding the overall approach to their business affiliation. As a result, Fields is not including products produced by RODEO in its forecast with the exception of one title, production of which has been postponed from FY03/14 to FY03/15. On the same day, the company announced a business alliance with D-light Co., Ltd., a member of the Daiichi Shokai Co., Ltd Group. Daiichi Shokai and the company agreed on the use of Fields’ intellectual property and nationwide logistics network to support the creation and development of new pachinko/pachislot machines with a high degree of novelty, leading to the business alliance for conducting joint business with D-light. On the same day, the company announced a business alliance with NANASHOW Corporation. 48/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 According to the company, NANASHOW is a pachinko/pachislot machine manufacturer that joined the Japan Amusement Machine Industry Association in 2013. Fields holds 210 shares of NANASHOW’s common stock with a stake of 38.9%. March 2014 On March 18, 2014, the company announced a revision to its FY03/14 earnings forecast. Revised FY03/14 earnings forecast: ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Sales: JPY114bn (previous forecast: JPY120bn) Operating profit: JPY9.6bn (JPY12.5bn) Recurring profit: JPY10.3bn (JPY12.5bn) Net income: JPY5.2bn (JPY6.3bn) The pachislot business held steady from efforts by the company to strengthen and enhance its product lineup. However, the company modified the release date of a new machine to FY03/15, and this required a revision to its FY03/14 earnings forecast. In interactive media, Fields moved to concentrate its efforts on select social game titles in order to increase intellectual property value and maximize revenue. As a result, the company stated that number of titles released in FY03/14 decreased. Top management Top management Hidetoshi Yamamoto Founded Fields in 1988. Chairman with responsibility for executing Company’s long-term vision. Takashi Oya President Kiyoharu Akiyama Vice President Tetsuya Shigematsu Vice President Masakazu Kurihara Managing Director Akira Fujii Managing Director Kenichi Ozawa Managing Director Hiroyuki Yamanaka Director, Planning and Administration Head Division Chief Hideo Ito Director and Corporate Division Manager Teruo Fujishima Director and Pachinko/Pachislot Business Management Division Manager Nobuyuki Kikuchi Director and Media Relations Business Division Manager Eiichi Kamagata Director and Imaging Produce General Manager Shigesato Itoi Outside Director Source: Shared Research based on company Employees Fields employed 856 employees at the parent company (1,716 total consolidated group employees). Average age was 35.5, average salary was JPY6.51mn (both parent company) (As of March 31, 2015.) 49/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Major shareholders As of the end of March 2015, the shareholder breakdown was as follows: individuals/other 57.25%, foreign institutions 18.73%, financial institutions 2.30%. Top Shareholders Hidetoshi Yamamoto SANKYO CO., LTD. Takeshi Yamamoto Mint Co. Northern Trust Company (AVFC) RE NVI 01 Amount Held 25.00% 15.00% 10.41% 4.61% 4.21% Goldman Sachs and Campany Regular Account 2.02% State Street Bank and Trust and Company 505103 Oya Takashi State Street Bank and Trust and Company 505019 The Bank of New York Jasdec Account 1.63% 1.30% 1.25% 1.19% Source: Shared Research based on company Shareholder returns The company adheres to the policy of paying dividends in line with its earnings levels. Specifically, Fields determines dividend amounts based on cash flow status with a yardstick of the 20%+ consolidated payout ratio. Investor relations The company hosts quarterly analyst meetings following earnings announcements. In July 2012, the company improved the content of its English IR website, adding “Top Message” (message from chairman and president) “Financials” (description of the company’s business results, financial statements, segment data, etc.), “CSR” (message from COO, etc.), and other information. (Click here to visit the English IR website.) By the way ▶ ▶ Chosen by Daiwa Investor Relations Co., Ltd. as recipient of its “2014 Internet IR Excellence Award.” Chosen by Nikko Investor Relations, Co., Ltd. as recipient of its “Best Corporate Website” award in 2014. Awarded Gomez IR Site Comprehensive Ranking 2014, Silver Medal announced by Morningstar Japan K.K. Glossary ART Machine: An abbreviation of Assist Replay Time, an ART Machine is a type of pachislot machine. When this function is installed, if the machine enters ART mode, the odds of a replay increase, allowing the user to continue playing without using up coins. AT Machine: An abbreviation of Assist Time, an AT Machine is a type of pachislot machine. During regular play, even if the user selects the winning icons, they do not match up on the screen because of the push-order rule. However, when the AT function is installed, if the machine selects the AT mode, a display screen on the pachislot machine will indicate the order of the buttons to press to match up the icons on the screen, allowing the user to increase their coins. 50/53 R Shared Research Report Fields > Other information Fields | 2767 | LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 IP: Intellectual property, such as characters of comics License business: A business that grants the rights to use characters to other companies (licensees) and receives license fees in return. Merchandizing: Monetization of original IP or secondary IP, obtained from right holders, by planning, developing, and selling games, goods, and pachinko/pachislot machines. Glossary (machine terminology) Model test: A test for a pachinko or pachislot machine of whether it complies with the technological standards set under regulations, conducted by the Security Communication Association, the authorized inspection organization. Sub-board: A central processing unit (CPU) of a pachislot machine that takes charge of displays for music and songs and other supplementary elements, other than main functions like drawing lots and controlling reels. CR machine: A card reader machine, used only by inserting prepaid cards. Nichidenkyo: The Japanese acronym for the Japan electronic game machine industry association, an industry group of pachislot machine makers. Nichiyukyo: The Japanese acronym for the Japan association of game machine-related businesses, a cross-border organization of pachinko/pachislot halls, game machine makers, trading firms, peripheral equipment makers, wholesalers of prizes, and others. Nikkoso: The Japanese acronym for the Japan Game Machine Industry Association, an industry group of pachinko machine makers. Hotsukyo: The Japanese acronym for the Security Communication Association, an inspection organization designated by the National Public Safety Commission that conducts model tests for pachinko and pachislot machines. Main board: A central processing unit (CPU) of a pachislot machine that takes charge of main functions like drawing lots and controlling reels. 51/53 R Fields | 2767 | Shared Research Report Fields > Other information LAST UPDATE【2016/3/17】 Company profile Company Name Head Office Shibuya Garden Tower Fields Corporation 16–17 Nampeidai-cho Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan 150–0036 Phone Listed On +81–3-5784–2111 Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section Established Exchange Listing June 10, 1988 March 19, 2003 Website Fiscal Year-End March IR Contact IR Web Watanabe IR Mail IR Phone +81–3-5784–2111 52/53 R Shared Research Report About Shared Research Inc. We offer corporate clients comprehensive report coverage, a service that allows them to better inform investors and other stakeholders by presenting a continuously updated third-party view of business fundamentals, independent of investment biases. Shared Research can be found on the web at Current Client Coverage of Shared Research Inc. Accretive Co., Ltd. Gamecard-Joyco Holdings, Inc. Nippon Parking Development Co., Ltd. AEON DELIGHT Co. GCA Savvian Corporation Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. Ai Holdings Corp. Grandy House Corp. Onward Holdings Co., Inc. Aiming Inc. Gulliver International Co., Ltd. Paris Miki Holdings Inc. AnGes MG Inc. Hakuto Co., Ltd. NS Tool Co. Anicom Holdings, Inc. Happinet Corporation NTT Urban Development Corporation Anritsu Corporation Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. Pigeon Corp. Apamanshop Holdings Co., Ltd. Hearts United Group Co., Ltd. Resorttrust, Inc. ArtSpark Holdings Inc. Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd. Round One Corp. AS ONE Corporation IID, Inc. Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. Axell Corporation Infomart Corp. Sanix Incorporated Azbil Corporation Intelligent Wave Inc. Sanrio Co., Ltd. Bell-Park Co., Ltd. istyle Inc. SATO Holdings Corp. Benefit One Inc. Itochu Enex Co., Ltd. SBS Holdings, Inc. Canon Marketing Japan Inc. ITO EN, Ltd. Ship Healthcare Holdings Inc. Carna Biosciences, Inc. J Trust Co., Ltd SMS Co., Ltd. Chiyoda Co., Ltd. Japan Best Rescue System Co., Ltd. SOURCENEXT Corporation Chugoku Marine Paints, Ltd. JIN Co., Ltd. Star Mica Co., Ltd. Cocokara Fine, Inc. Kameda Seika Co., Ltd. SymBio Pharmaceuticals Limited Comsys Holdings Corporation Kenedix, Inc. Takashimaya Co., Ltd. CRE, Inc. KLab Inc. Takihyo Co., Ltd. Creek & River Co., Ltd. LAC Co., Ltd. Tamagawa Holdings Co., Ltd Daiseki Corp. Lasertec Corp. TEAR Corporation DIC Corporation MAC-HOUSE Co. 3-D Matrix, Ltd. Digital Garage Inc. Matsui Securities Co., Ltd. TOKAI Holdings Corp. Don Qijote Holdings Co., Ltd. Medinet Co., Ltd. Verite Co., Ltd. Dream Incubator Inc. MEGANESUPER CO., LTD. WirelessGate, Inc. Elecom Co. Milbon. Co., Ltd. Yellow Hat Ltd. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE JAPAN Co. MIRAIT Holdings Corp. Yumeshin Holdings en-Japan Inc. MONEY SQUARE HOLDINGS, INC. VOYAGE GROUP, Inc. FerroTec Corp. NAGASE & CO., LTD ZAPPALLAS, INC. Fields Corp. NAIGAI TRANS LINE LTD. ZIGExN Co., Ltd. FreeBit Co., Ltd. NanoCarrier Ltd. Attention: If you would like to see firms you invest in on this list, ask them to become our Client, or sponsor a report yourself. Disclaimer This document is provided for informational purposes only. No investment opinion or advice is provided, intended, or solicited. Shared Research Inc. offers no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the veracity of data or interpretations of data included in this report. Shared Research Inc. shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of this report. The copyright of this report and the rights regarding the creation and exploitation of the derivative work of this and other Shared Research Reports belong to Shared Research Inc. This report may be reproduced or modified for personal use; distribution, transfer, or other uses of this report are strictly prohibited and a violation of the copyright of this report. SR Inc. officers and employees may currently, or in the future, have a position in securities of the companies mentioned in this report, which may affect this report’s objectivity. Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (FIEL) Disclaimer The report has been prepared by Shared Research Inc. (“SR”) under a contract with the company described in this report (“the Company”). Opinions and views presented are SR’s where so stated. Such opinions and views attributed to the Company are interpretations made by SR. SR represents that if this report is deemed to include an opinion by SR that could influence investment decisions in the Company, such opinion may be in exchange for consideration or promise of consideration from the Company to SR. Contact Details Shared 3-31-12 Sendagi Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan Phone: +81 (0)3 5834-8787 Email: 53/53
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