Final report - Spanish - Aquaculture Stewardship Council


Final report - Spanish - Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Auditoría ASC Inicial Reporte
Salmones Multiexport S.A. Chile. Centro Pearson
No de Reporte.: 01, Rev. 00
Fecha: 29.07.2015.
Nombre del
Reporte de Auditoría Estándar ASC para Salmónidos
DNV GL - Business Assurance
Alfredo Barros Errázuriz #1954.
Título del reporte:
Auditoría ASC Inicial Reporte Borrador
Of. 1010. Santiago
Salmones Multiexport S.A.. Ruta Av. Cardonal Nº
2501. Puerto Montt, Chile.
Persona de
Sr. Marcell Martínez
Tel: +56 02 25862727
Fecha de emisión
29 de Julio de 2015
Nº Projecto:
Unidad productiva: Centro de Engorda Pearson
Nº Reporte. 01
01, Rev 00
Preparado por:
Verificado por:
Katherine Martínez
SA8000 auditor
Roberto Bravo Maturana
Auditor Líder ASC
Approvado por:
Kim André Karlsen
Auditor Líder ASC
Kim André Karlsen
Auditor Líder ASC
☐ Reporte borrador (para revisión del cliente)
☐ Comentario público del reporte borrador (para revisisón de los grupos de interés)
☒ Reporte final
☒ Auditoría inicial
☐ Auditoría de vigilancia
☐ Auditoría de recertificación
Rev. No. Fecha
Número de emisión
Preparado por
Verificado por
Primera emisión
Aprovado por
Tabla de contenidos
RESUMEN ........................................................................................................................ 1
CENTRO POSTULANTE ...................................................................................................... 2
ALCANCE ........................................................................................................................ 3
PLAN DE AUDITORÍA ........................................................................................................ 3
Equipo auditor
Actividades del proceso de auditor
Auditorías Previas (No aplicable)
Personas involucradas en la auditoría
Grupos de Interés participantes
HALLAZGOS .................................................................................................................... 5
Resumen de las NC Mayores
Resumen de las NC Menores
Resumen de las Observaciones
DETERMINACIÓN DE INICIO DE CADENA DE CUSTODIA .................................................... 10
DECISIÓN ..................................................................................................................... 12
RESULTADOS DE LA EVALUACIÓN ................................................................................... 11
ANEXO 1: OBSERVACIONES DE LOS GRUPOS DE INTERÉS .............................................................. 60
ANEXO 2: LISTA DE CHEQUEO (RESULTADOS DE LA AUDITORÍA) .................................................... 61
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El Reporte
El presente reporte incluye los resultados obtenidos en la auditoría inicial realizada a la
empresa Salmones Multiexport S.A. (que en adelante en el reporte será llamado “La
Organización“ o “La Empresa”) centro de mar “Pearson”, con el objeto que la empresa
certifique su centro de engorda en mar “Pearson” en el Estándar ASC para Salmónidos, V1,
Junio de 2012.
La Auditoría
La auditoría se llevó a cabo en 3,5 días, el primer día se llevo a cabo en la Organización
Central de la empresa y los otros 2,5 en el centro de cultivo, como también en el lugar
establecido por los grupos de interés para la evaluación de los indicadores relacionados con
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Durante los 2,5 días en sitio, en uno de ellos se llevó a
cabo en paralelo la auditoría de los aspectos relacionados a la con Responsabilidad Social
Empresarial; y de los temas técnicos y legales relacionados con los aspectos productivos, con
la presencia de personal técnico y administrativo.
La evaluación se basó en la revisión documental (tanto en papel como digital) de los reportes,
estudios, manuales, procedimientos, registros, certificados, etc., como también en entrevistas
al personal del centro Pearson (responsables, técnicos y operarios).
La verificación de equipos y procesos se llevó a cabo de acuerdo a los aspectos considerados
dentro del alcance de la auditoría de acuerdo a lo establecido por el Estándar ASC v1.0 y las
directrices establecidas en el Manual de Auditoría ASC para salmónidos v1.0.
Las referencias se realizaron de acuerdo a los requerimientos de certificación y acreditación
ASC establecidos en los puntos 17.4.2 y 17.4.3. Dado que el proceso de cosecha no había
comenzado aún al momento de realizar la auditoría, las actividades que asociadas a la
actividad y la obtención de resultados a ciclo cerrado, no fueron posibles de evidenciar por el
auditor. Por lo tanto dichos aspectos deberán ser evaluados durante el proceso de auditoría de
Los procesos post cosecha realizados por la empresa en dos plantas de proceso, una primaria
y otra secundaria. La primera corresponde a un subcontrato con la empresa Sur Proceso S.A.,
localizada en las cercanías de la ciudad de Quellón; la segunda corresponde a una planta
perteneciente al Holding Multiexport Foods S.A.; ambas con ubicación dentro de la Región de
Los Lagos. Ninguna de las plantas cuenta con certificado ASC para Cadena de Custodia (CoC).
Las entrevistas asociadas a la sección de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial se llevaron a
cabo de manera tal que permitió mantener la confidencialidad de las conversaciones y sin
ninguna restricción que pudiese coartar la libertad de expresión de los entrevistados. Los
entrevistados no fueron nombrados en el presente reporte por la misma razón.
Resultados Preliminares
La evaluación para determinar el grado de cumplimiento de la empresa respecto al Estándar
ASC para salmónidos se describe en detalle en el presente reporte y sus anexos. Los hallazgos
evidenciados se detallan en la sección 5,8 y anexo 2 del presente reporte.
Además, se hace referencia de los 8 Principios considerados en el Estándar ASC para
salmónidos y sus correspondientes criterios, como también a los sub puntos de la Lista de
Chequeo del Estándar. Las No conformidades y observaciones se resumen en la sección 5 del
presente reporte – Listado de Hallazgos.
Para el caso de todos los principios, esto es, Principio 1 “Cumplimiento de todos los
requerimientos legales y regulatorios”.
Principio 2 “Conservación del Hábitat Natural, Biodiversidad Local y Funciones del
Ecosistema”, Principio 3 “Protección de la Salud y la Integridad Genética de la fauna
Silvestre”, Principio 4 “Uso de los Recursos de una Manera Ambientalmente Eficiente y
Responsable”, Principio 5 “Manejo de Enfermedades y Parásitos de una Manera
Ambientalmente Responsable”, Principio 6 “Establecer y Operar los Centros de una Manera
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Responsablemente Responsable”, y Principio 7 “Ser un buen vecino con conciencia ciudadana”
y Principio 8 “Estándar para los Proveedores de Smolts”, no se logró total cumplimiento de
acuerdo a los criterios definidos en el Estándar, habiéndose identificado un total de 57 no
conformidades menores en 7 de los 8 Principios que conforman la Norma.
Se recomienda la certificación del centro de cultivo, en base a la evidencia
corroborada durante la auditoría inicial.
No hubo observaciones por parte de los grupos de interés, durante el período
definido por la ASC para realizar este tipo de acciones, posterior a la publicación del
borrador para dominio público.
Una respuesta satisfactoria provisionada por el postulante a la certificación que evidencie el
cierre de las “no conformidades menores” halladas en el presente proceso se espera estén
disponibles previo a la realización de la siguiente auditoría periódica.
El detalle de los criterios de cumplimiento sus correspondientes justificaciones, como también
no conformidades y observaciones que finalmente definen el grado de cumplimiento alcanzado
por el centro Pearson, son detallados en la lista incluída en el el anexo Nº 2.
Nombre del Centro
Salmones Multiexport S.A. , centro de mar
Descripción del centro postulante
El centro de mar Pearson, es un centro
convencional de balsas jaulas cuadradas
dispuestas en dos módulos de 16 jaulas con 22
Para la ejecución de una eficiente estrategia de
alimentación el centro cuenta con un pontón de
alimentación con sistema de alimentación
automático. Además cuenta con monitoreo
continuo de la dosificación por medio de cámaras
submarinas, acción de control realizado por los
asistentes técnicos del centro principalmente.
Volumen estimado de producción a cosecha
Descripción del cuerpo de agua receptor
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
6900 tons
El centro de mar Pearson, se localiza el canal de
Puyuhuapi, en el área de Punta Pearson, Puerto
Cisnes, Región de Aysen, Chile.
El centro no se localiza en áreas consideradas
como protegidas o de alto valor de conservación,
sino que se localiza en áreas designadas por la
Autoridad Competente (SUBPESCA) como Aptas
para la Acuicultura, centro que se encuentra en
cumplimiento con las leyes acuícolas nacionales.
El centro se ubica en el Área de Conjunto de
Concesiones Acuícola Nº 32 definida por
SERNAPESCA, el que actúa como un área base de
manejo, para el control sanitario de los centros
localizados en dicha área. Sin embargo dicha área
está integrada por diferentes empresas
productivas del sector y no sólo por Salmones
Multiexport S.A.
Page 2
Certificados con que cuenta el centro de
GLOBALG.A.P. – BAP - Sistema Integrado de
cultivo postulante
Persona de contacto
Sr. Marcell Martínez.
ISO 9001 – 14001 - OHSAS
Estándar ASC para Salmónidos, Version 1.0. Junio 2012
Auditoría Inicial
Salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar)
Nombre legal de la
Salmones Multiexport S.A.
Dirección de la empresa
Av. Cardonal # 12501. Puerto Montt, X Región
Nombre del centro de
Dirección del centro de
Canal Puyuhuapi, Área Punta Pearson, Puerto Cisnes, Región de Aysén.
4.1 Equipo auditor
Auditor Líder
Sr. Roberto Bravo Maturana DNVGL.
Auditor SA8000
Srta. Katherine Martínez
4.2 Actividades del proceso de auditor
Pre-auditoría de revisión documental
09 de Marzo de 2015
Auditoría en el centro de cultivo
Publicación para comentarios públicos del
reporte borrador
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Semana 17: 23. 04.2015.
Alcance de la auditoria . Principios 1,2,3,4,5 y 8
de la Norma ASC.
Semana 18: 28 y 29.04.2015.
Alcance de la Auditoria. Principios 1,2,3,4,5,8
28.04.2015 Alcance de la Auditoria. Principio 6 y
7 de la Norma ASC.
Hasta el 06 de Julio de 2015
Page 3
Publicación del reporte final
Fecha afecta a lo dispuesto por los plazos
establecidos por la ASC
4.3 Auditorías Previas (No aplicable)
4.4 Personas involucradas en la auditoría
Nombre / Cargo
Representantes del cliente
Sr. Marcell Martínez. Jefe de Certificaciones.
Sr. Francisco Lobos. Gerente de Medio Ambiente,
Concesiones y Certificaciones.
Sr. Alejandro Heisinger. Subgerente de Salud y
Sr. César Aguilar, Subgerente de Nutrición y
Sra. Geisy Urrutia. Jefe de Medio Ambiente.
Sr. César Inostroza.Veterinario.
Sr. Aníbal Riveros. Jefe de centro Pearson
Sr. Wladimir Arriagada. Asistente Técnico centro
Sr. Mauricio Martínez. Asistente Técnico centro
Sra. Gloria Valdés. Asistente de Gestión de
Sr. Marcelo Urrutia. Gerente de Personas.
Sr. Cristian Camino. Asistente en Prevención de
Todos pertenecientes a la empresa Salmones
Multiexport S.A.
Trabajadores del centro Pearson y la empresa
Salmones Multiexport S.A.
Grupos de Interés
Ver lista citada más abajo
Observers participating in the audit
4.5 Grupos de Interés participantes
Los siguientes grupos de interés, de acuerdo a lo definido por el Auditado, fueron contactados respecto
a la auditoría. No se evidenció recepción de comentarios previos a la auditoría.
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Mr. Adolfo Meza – Coordinador Técnico. Liceo Arturo Prat – celular: +56 9 92197686
Mr. Rodrigo Quiroz – Jefe Oficina de Pesca. Municipalidad de Puerto Cisnes – celular: +56 9 88196273.
Referencia de la Norma
Las tablas siguientes incluyen el resumen de No Conformidades identificadas durante la auditoría. El
detalle de las No Conformidades se describen en la sección 8 del presente reporte.
5.1 Resumen de las NC Mayores
Descripción resumida de las NC
No se hallaron No Conformidades Mayores
*O Abierta; C Cerrada
5.2 Resumen de las NC Menores
de la Norma
Descripción resumida de las NC
Algunos parámetros de descarga de la planta de tratamientos de aguas
servidas del pontón, establecidos en el reporte de análisis Nº AY-5612
emitido el 17 de Diciembre de 2014 emitido por los laboratorios ADL
Diagnostic y Aguas Patagonia se encontraban por sobre lo establecido
en el Ord. A-52/004
La medición del potencial redox en muestras de sedimento no fue
medido durante el período de mayor producción. La metodología se
detalla en el documento (PL-MA-002) Ed. 00, que se alinea a las
directrices definidas en el anexo I-1.
Los análisis de potencial redox fue realizado por el laboratorio
CETECSAL, en muestras obtenidas en las estaciones E16-E14-E9-E4E8-E6 y de control, obteniéndose los siguientes valores en orden
respectivo: 14, 7, 57, 40 & 94 mV. La estación E16 presentó valor
negativo. Debido a la dureza del fondo no se pudo obtener muestras de
sedimento en las estaciones 6-6 y 11, esta última dentro de la AZE. Se
deberán chequear el comportamiento durante el período de mayor
El productor deberá remitir la información disponible al momento de la
Auditoría inicial, como información de línea base y también una vez que
se hayan tomado las muestras al momento de mayor producción
Una de las estaciones de monitoreo fuera de la ZPE presentó resultados
El productor deberá remitir la información disponible al momento de la
Auditoría inicial, como información de línea base y también una vez que
se hayan tomado las muestras al momento de mayor producción.
No todas las estaciones dentro de la ZPE arrojaron valores de taxa de
Macrofauna≥ 2, al igual que la estación de control, de acuerdo a lo
establecido por el criterio de la ASC. Se deberá llevar a cabo el
monitoreo posterior a la toma de muestra de sedimento al momento de
mayor producción de biomasa y elevar una solicitud de variación (VR)
justificando la solicitud.
El productor deberá remitir la información disponible al momento de la
Auditoría inicial, como información de línea base y también una vez que
se hayan tomado las muestras al momento de mayor producción
Se evidenció el documento "Procedimiento de Muestreo de Finos y
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Partidos en el Alimento" (PO-DA-004) Ed.01 , procedimientos alineados
con el anexo I-2.
De acuerdo a lo explicado por el Sr. César Aguilar (Subgerente de
Nutrición y Alimentación) que en primera instancia las muestras fueron
extraídas en el centro de cultivo pero las mediciones fueron hechas en
los laboratorios de los proveedores de alimento, supervisados por
profesionales de la empresa con el objeto de verificar que la
metodología se alineara a lo establecido en el anexo en cuestión. Al
momento de la auditoría aún no habían sido comprado los tamices para
realizar la medición en el centro de cultivo debido a que se pretende
implementar un proyecto de medición de finos más ambiciosos de lo
establecido por la Norma.
Actualmente el Departamento de Nutrición de la empresa se encuentra
en proceso de implementación de una metodología de medición de finos
en el alimento, dado que se evidenció que no existen procedimientos
estandarizados entre los distintos proveedores de piensos, respecto de
la abertura de tamiz v/s calibre del pellet, por lo que se comprarán 10
tamices para establecer un criterio estandarizado de medición, el cual
posteriormente será requerido a los productores de piensos. Esta fue la
razón por la cual aún n estaban disponibles los tamices en el centro de
Solo se evidenció el envío a la ASC de la exactitud de medición de la
máquina contadora de smolts provista por la empresa Vaki Chile Ltda.,
sin embargo no se envió información referente al sistema de conteo al
ingreso a la planta de proceso primaria. El mail informativo fue enviado
el 20 de abril de 2015.
No fue posible evidenciar información productiva del ciclo anterior en la
concesión. En relación al ciclo actual la información estaba disponible en
el software de producción Fishtalk, sin embargo dado que el período de
cosecha aún no ha llegado, no fue disponible disponer de la información
asociada a cosecha (solo siembra y mortalidades actualizada a la fecha
de la auditoría.
En el procedimiento (PO-MA-003) Ed. 03, cubre distintos aspectos
requeridos por la Norma asociadas a la prevención de escapes de peces,
sin embargo no incluye aspectos relacionados con capacitación del
personal respecto a dichos temas, como también en tecnología de
Se evidenció el registro de capacitación referente al Procedimiento y
Metodología der Cambio de Red Lobera en Centros de Cultivo, realizado
el 14 de abril de 2014, sin embargo no incluía todos los aspectos
contenidos en el plan de prevención
Parte de la materia prima comprada por Nutreco Chile Ltda. ha sido
clasificada como C, correspondiente a la Anchoveta Chilena extraída en
las regiones XV-I-II y al anchoveta peruana extraída en la zona sur
(ambas presentaron el indicador 2 con valor 0). Sin embargo este
indicador debe estar en cumplimiento hasta que el presente indicador
sea reemplazado en junio de 2017, fecha en que la ASC espera contar
con un esquema para productores de alimento.
Se evidenció el documento Procedimiento de Comunicación a los
Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC Salmon Estándar (PODS-017) Ed. 00, en donde se detallan los pasos para disponer de
manera pública, información que la Norma requiere estén a libre
acceso, sin embargo debido a que la empresa no cuenta con producto
certificado, los potenciales clientes de producto certificado ASC aún no
han sido identificados y por lo tanto la información aún no se encuentra
disponible de manera pública
Estaba disponible el consumo de energía entre el 1 de agosto de 2014 y
el 31 de enero de 2015, pero solo asociado al consumo de petróleo,
pero no respecto a gasolina y gas consumido en el centro de cultivo
Se evidenció el Segundo reporte técnico de consumo de energía en el
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centro de cultivo, realizado por la Sra. Pamela Mardones G. (empresa
Pasos), el cual incluye el consumo asociado al presente ciclo productivo
hasta el 31 de enero de 2015, sin embargo no fueron incluídos el
consumo de gas ni bencina.
Se evidenció el Segundo reporte técnico de consumo de energía en el
centro de cultivo, realizado por la Sra. Pamela Mardones G. (empresa
Pasos), el cual incluye el consumo asociado al presente ciclo productivo
hasta el 31 de enero de 2015, sin embargo no fueron incluídos el
consumo de gas ni bencina. La biomasa producida estaba disponible en
el software de producción Fishtalk.
Sólo se evidenció evaluación de consumo de energía asociado al actual
ciclo productivo hasta el 31 de enero de 2015, sin embargo dada la
fecha en que se realizó la auditoría inicial, no se pudo verificar el
consumo asociado al ciclo completo
Se evidenció el Segundo reporte técnico de consumo de energía en el
centro de cultivo, realizado por la Sra. Pamela Mardones G. (empresa
Pasos), el cual incluye el consumo asociado al presente ciclo productivo
hasta el 31 de enero de 2015, sin embargo el estudio no incluye el
consumo de bencina y gas realizado en el centro de cultivo
Se evidencia evaluación parcial durante el actual ciclo productivo
respecto a emisiones GEI (del 01 de agosto de 2014 al 31 de enero del
2015), las que incluyen emisiones del tipo 1 y 3, pero no del tipo 2 dado
que no existe consuno de energía eléctrica en el centro. La evaluación
de ciclo cerrado deberá estar disponible una vez que el ciclo productivo
haya finalizado.
El estudio de emisiones GEI no incluye factores de conversión de
fuentes no CO2 a fuentes CO2, dado que no se incluyó el consumo de
gas realizados por el centro de cultivo
La evaluación de GEI disponible al momento de la auditoría deberá ser
remitida a la ASC, y en adelante anualmente, independiente que el ciclo
productivo haya finalizado o no.
Los resultado de los análisis de Cu están establecidos en el documento
Reporte ASC centro Pearson, realizados por el laboratorio Hidrolab, sin
embargo no se realizaron muestras para la realización de los análisis en
duplicado y dos estaciones de control adicionales de acuerdo a lo
establecido en el anexo I-1
Los análisis de Cu no se realizaron en duplicado y dos estaciones de
control adicionales a la establecida en la Zona Permitida de Efecto, de
acuerdo a lo establecido en el anexo I-1. Por otro lado en la estación
Nº 8 se evidenció un valor de 35 mg Cu/kg.
15 de las 26 muestras de sedimento recolectadas evidenciaron valores
menores a 34 mgCu/kg.
Si bien se evidenció guías de despacho con el ingreso del alimento
medicado, no fue posible evidenciar documentos tributarios (guías de
traslado, facturas u otras) asociada al ingreso de antibióticos
inyectables del centro que permitan corroborar cantidad ingresada
versus aplicada, según recomendación del veterinario.
En el ciclo pasado se suministraron 7 tratamientos terapéuticos con
antibióticos (1 oxitetraciclina inyectable en 3 diferentes jaulas - 1
tratamiento con florfenicol inyectable y 5 florfenicol oral)
Se evidenció el documento Procedimiento de Comunicación a los
Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC Salmon Estándar (PODS-017) Ed. 00, en donde se detallan los pasos para disponer de
manera pública, información que la Norma requiere estén a libre
acceso, sin embargo debido a que la empresa no cuenta con producto
certificado, los potenciales clientes de producto certificado ASC aún no
han sido identificados y por lo tanto la información aún no se encuentra
disponible de manera pública
Se evidenció el documento Procedimiento de Comunicación a los
Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC Salmon Estándar (PO-
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
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DS-017) Ed. 00, en donde se detallan los pasos para disponer de
manera pública, información que la Norma requiere estén a libre
acceso, sin embargo debido a que la empresa no cuenta con producto
certificado, los potenciales clientes de producto certificado ASC aún no
han sido identificados y por lo tanto la información aún no se encuentra
disponible de manera pública
Los antibiogramas se realizan como barrio (32) y no como centros
individuales debido a la dificultad logística para llevar las muestras a
laboratorio externo en un tiempo aceptable lo que dificulta la obtención
de los resultados; sin embargo se deberá mejorar los análisis de
resistencia por medio de antibiogramas u otro método equivalente
De acuerdo a las entrevistas y revisión de registros horarios y recibos
de sueldo de los Asistentes de Centro fue verificado que aunque las
horas regulares son registradas en el libro de asistencia, las horas
extras no son registradas y por ende no pagadas de acuerdo como lo
establece su contrato de trabajo y lo establecido por la Ley Chilena.
De acuerdo a las entrevistas realizadas con los grupos de interés fue
verificado que no está claramente difundido el canal de comunicación
para que las comunidades o los grupos de interés puedan realizas
De acuerdo a las entrevistas realizadas con los grupos de interés fue
verificado que la empresa no ha realizado una comunicación formal y
clara a la comunidad sobre los potenciales riesgos en la salud por los
tratamientos terapéuticos aplicados.
No fue posible evidenciar declaración provista por los proveedores de
smolts respecto al compromiso de implementación de acciones
orientadas a la minimización o erradicación de impactos identificados en
el estudio de evaluación ambiental
Se evidenció reporte parcial de consumo de energía en las pisciculturas
Chaparano y Río Negro (entre junio de 2013 y agosto de 2014),
asociado al consumo de petróleo (no existe consumo eléctrico en la
piscicultura), sin embargo no fue factible evidenciar reporte de consumo
de energía por parte de la piscicultura Quillaico
En el reporte elaborado por la Sra. Pamela Mardones (empresa Pasos),
respecto al consumo de energía en Kj (para el período mencionado en
8.9ª) para las pisciculturas río Negro y Chaparano, son embargo no se
evidenció el cálculo para la piscicultura Quillaico.
Se evidencia el consumo de energía efectuado por las pisciculturas Río
Negro y Chaparano para el período entre junio de 2014 y agosto de
2014, en Kj/ton producida, sin embargo no fue factible evidenciar el
cálculo para la piscicultura Quillaico
Fue posible evidencia estudio realizado por la Sra. Pamela Mardones
(empresa Pasos), de acuerdo a los lineamientos establecidos en el
anexo V-1 (evidenciándose las competencias de la profesional para
llevar a cabo dicho estudio), sin embargo no fue factible evidenciar el
cálculo para la piscicultura Quillaico
Fue posible evidencia estudio de emisión de GEI realizado por la Sra.
Pamela Mardones (empresa Pasos), de acuerdo a los lineamientos
establecidos en el anexo V-1, sin embargo no fue factible evidenciar el
cálculo para la piscicultura Quillaico
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para las pisciculturas río Negro y
Chaparano no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para las pisciculturas Río Negro y
Chaparano no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para las pisciculturas Río Negro y
Chaparano no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para las pisciculturas Río Negro y
Chaparano no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
Si bien se evidencia el Pisciculturas con Producto Salmo salar (PL-DS002) Rev 04 y prescripciones médico veterinarias, en ninguno de los
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 8
documentos fue factible evidenciar la clasificación de los antibióticos
según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
No pudo evidenciarse que los proveedores de smolts fueron informados
respecto a que los antibióticos clasificados como altamente críticos no
pueden ser usados como tratamiento en smolts a ser sembrados en
centros con intenciones de certificarse en la Norma ASC
No pudo evidenciarse que los proveedores de smolts fueron informados
respecto a que centros con intenciones de certificarse en la Norma ASC,
solo pueden ser provistos por productores de smolts que apliquen las
directrices establecidas en el Código de Salud Animal emitido por la OIE
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente de la piscicultura de acuerdo a
lo requerido por la Norma ASC
Se evidenció que la información fue enviada por mail emitido por el Sr.
Francisco Lobos F., sin embargo no se incluyó el monitoreo de O2 en las
pisciculturas proveedoras de smolts del centro
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente de la piscicultura de acuerdo a
lo requerido por la Norma ASC
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente de la piscicultura de acuerdo a
lo requerido por la Norma ASC
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente de la piscicultura de acuerdo a
lo requerido por la Norma ASC
En las pisciculturas Río Negro, Quillaico y Chaparano se evidenció que
los estudios se basaron en las directrices ISO 8265, 7828 y 9391,
siendo monitoreadas 24 estaciones, sin embargo en el estudio
presentado no fue factible evidenciar que se aplicaron las directrices
establecidas en el anexo VIII-3 (como por ejemplo, cuáles de las
estaciones se ubican en el área del afluente y cuáles en la zona del
Para el caso de las pisciculturas, Río Negro, Quillaico y Chaparano no
fue factible evidenciar comparación entre las condiciones del área de la
bocatoma (afluente) y la de descarga (efluente).
No fue factible evidenciar disposición de lodos de la piscicultura Quillaico
*O Open; C Closed; A Corrective action accepted, effectiveness to be verified at next periodical audit
5.3 Resumen de las Observaciones
Referencia de la
Descripción resumida de las Observaciones
Si bien se realizó monitoreo de la Zona Permitida de Efecto en el centro de
cultivo, la modelación comenzará a aplicarse a partir de la fecha establecida
por la Norma ASC
Si bien se realizó monitoreo de la Zona Permitida de Efecto en el centro de
cultivo, la modelación comenzará a aplicarse a partir de la fecha establecida
por la Norma ASC
Si bien se realizó monitoreo de la Zona Permitida de Efecto en el centro de
cultivo, la modelación comenzará a aplicarse a partir de la fecha establecida
por la Norma ASC
Se evidenciaron porcentajes de saturación menores a 70% en las siguientes
semanas: Marzo 09-15, 2015: 52%-56%; Marzo 16-22, 2015: 54% - 58%;
Marzo 23-29, 2015: 45% - 45%; Marzo 30 - Abril 05, 2015 63%-65%; Abril
06-12, 2015: 72% -67%. Se procedió a monitorear la saturación en una
estación de referencia a 200 metros de donde se monitoreó el O2 en los
trenes de producción, sin embargo se evidenciaron diferencias entre ellas
entre un 10 y un 20%
El cálculo de DBO será remitido a la ASC una vez que el actual ciclo
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 9
productivo haya finalizado
El centro Pearson de acuerdo a lo establecido en el reporte técnico Nº 75,
se encuentra localizado dentro de una de las 40 locaciones definidas como
Áreas de Alto Valor de Conservación propuestas por la WWF Chile, sin
embargo dichas no han sido categorizadas como tal por la International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) no tampoco por Autoridades
Nacionales de acuerdo a lo detallado en 1.1.1 d.
En próximas auditorías deberá evidenciarse apoyo a terceros, respecto a
estudios asociados al impacto de la salmonicultura en las fauna silvestre
iniciados con fechas cercanas a la primera certificación o posteriores.
En adelante se deberán mantener registros de comunicación con entidades
externas, toda vez que se rechace la participación de la empresa en
solicitudes de colaboración
En adelante se deberán mantener datos productivos a ciclo cerrado de
actividades productivas anterior al proceso en curso postulante a la
certificación, vigilancia o recertificación, según sea el caso
La información será remitida a la ASC una vez que el actual ciclo productivo
haya finalizado
Los análisis de generación de resistencia a antibióticos deberá mejorarse
El centro realiza la entrega de elementos de protección personal a los
trabajadores de acuerdo a los riesgos y exposición en su puesto de trabajo,
sin embargo, el formato de entrega en el que se registra la entrega de
elementos de protección personal establece que en caso de extravío o de no
reponer los EPP entregados por la empresa, los mismos serán descontado
del sueldo del trabajador, de acuerdo a las entrevistas realizadas a los
trabajadores y la revisión de las liquidaciones de pago se verificó que hasta
el momento la empresa no ha realizado ningún descuento de los sueldos de
los trabajadores por concepto de elementos de protección personal.
En el módulo solo había dispuesto un extintor el cual se encontraba
despresurizado. En la jaula de ensilaje había implementado una ducha y un
lavaojos de emergencia la cual no funcionaba correctamente en caso de
contacto con producto químico. El lavaojos portátil funcionaba
Los trabajadores identifican que el sistema para realizar denuncias o quejas
de forma confidencia y anónima establecida por la empresa es el libro para
la resolución de conflictos y el correo
electrónico, sin embargo mencionan que
el libro para resolución de conflictos por estar ubicado en un lugar público
del centro no asegura la privacidad y confidencialidad de la denuncia.
Se evidenció el registro Cantidad de Fósforo en Pisciculturas 2014, sin
embargo se deberán mantener registros más actualizados en próximas
Si bien se evidenciaron registros productivos de los proveedores de smolts
obtenidos durante el año 2014, en próximas auditorías se deberán mantener
datos actualizados de los 12 últimos meses cercanos a la fecha de
realización de la auditoría
Si bien se evidenciaron los cálculos de emisión de fósforo al ambiente
asociado al ciclo productivo, se deberán chequear los parámetros
involucrados ya que en algunos casos se evidenciaron emisiones negativas
En base a las evidencias de la auditoría y las actividades de seguimiento relevantes, el auditor líder
recomienda al centro para la certificación. La decisión final está sujeta a la respuesta de los Grupos de
Interés publicadas en el reporte borrador
Hasta la decisión de certificación sea emitida por DNV GL, el postulante no se encuentra en estatus de
certificado en la Norma ASC Acuicultura
Los productos incluídos en el alcance de esta auditoría y la relevancia de este certificado ASC
Puede entrar a plantas con cadena de custodia certificada
Son elegibles para usar el logo ASC
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 10
La determinación se basa en las consideraciones de los ítems descritos en la siguiente tabla.
Sistemas de seguimiento, trazabilidad y
segregación en el sistema de operación
Uso de embarcaciones
Operadores elegibles en el punto de
La posibilidad de sustitución de producto
certificado con producto no certificado dentro
de la unidad de certificación
Punto desde el cual se requiere certificación
de Cadena de Custodia
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Todas las fases del ciclo de vida dentro del alcance
de la norma son trazables. La documentación
describe un control satisfactorio de los productos
entrantes al centro desde el centro de
smoltificación, como también la documentación
legal y productiva del centro, proveedores y
control de recepción tanto en la cosecha como en
el proceso, esto estimado a priori por los
requerimientos normativos nacionales asociados al
control de fármacos. También por el conocimiento
previo de las plantas de proceso y sus
certificaciones vigentes se sabe de la existencia de
implementación de software de control y venta no
verificados actualmente.
Adicionalmente se observa la implementación
vertical del software de producción Fishtalk
comercializado por la empresa Akva Group, tanto
para las fases de agua dulce y engorda.
Se evidenció también un sistema documental
sólido, constituido por manuales, instructivos y
procedimientos desarrollados por la empresa
Salmones Multiexport S.A .
La información anterior son pie suficiente para
estimar que la empresa puede manejar la
trazabilidad del producto desde los reproductores
hasta las ventas del producto producido,
incluyendo el control de facturas y proveedores
El uso de Wellboats para el transporte de cosecha
viva hacia centros de acopio será verificado
cuando se lleve a cabo la auditoría periódica de
Las operaciones de cosecha comienzan cuando los
Wellboats bombean los peces al interior de sus
cámaras desde las jaulas de cultivo para su
transporte hacia el centro de acopio en la
concesión de la empresa Sur Proceso S.A.,
localizada en el área de Quellón, para
posteriormente seguir con los pasos de sacrificio y
procesamiento de la materia prima.
El procesamiento de la materia prima se deberá
hacer en plantas certificadas en Cadena de
Custodia (CoC) ASC para la especie en cultivo
La materia prima podrá ingresar al procesamiento
bajo el esquema de Cadena de Custodia ASC de
plantas certificadas una vez que sean cosechados
desde las jaulas; siendo este punto donde el
centro de cultivo pierde el control directo del
producto y por lo tanto el alcance del Estándar
ASC para salmónidos.
Una vez que el proceso de cosecha comienza, el
alcance de la Cadena de Custodia ASC se inicia,
toda vez que la planta esté certificada en el
Módulo de la Norma, situación que por el
momento no se cumple para ninguna de las dos
plantas (primaria y secundaria) en donde se
realizan los procesos de post cosecha, esto es Sur
Proceso S.A., ubicada en Quellón; y la planta de
Page 11
proceso secundaria Cardonal ubicada en la ciudad
de Puerto Montt.
Estatus de
certificación del
La decisión de certificación se tomará una vez que se hayan llevado a cabo todas
las actividades requeridas según la Certificación ASC para el centro de cultivo y los
Requerimientos de Acreditación Versión 1 de Marzo de 2012.
La organización descrita en la sección 3 del presente reporte y para las actividades
descritas en la sección 3 en si misma es: En cumplimiento y con esto,
Fecha de emisión
del certificado
Fecha de
expiración del
Alcance del
Inicio de la
Cadena de
Ver certificado emitido en la página web de la ASC
Ver certificado emitido en la página web de la ASC
Centro de engorda de salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) en balsas jaulas. El
transporte de la materia prima cosechada con destino al centro de acopio
perteneciente a la empresa Sur Proceso S.A. y la planta secundaria Cardonal
perteneciente al Holding Multiexport Foods S.A., deberán ser verificado en la
auditoría periódica de seguimiento (mediante verificación documental).
La carga de la cosecha en Wellboats (subcontratos) y la permanencia del producto
en centros de acopio está dentro del alcance de las plantas que aún no se
encuentran en proceso de ser certificadas en el Módulo de Cadena de Custodia
ASC, y que se asumirán en cumplimiento una vez que hayan certificado la Norma
Los productos cosechados en el centro Pearson mantendrían su estatus de
certificación ASC si es que ingresan en un esquema certificado Cadena de
Custodia ASC desde su egreso desde el centro de cultivo, su mantención en
centro de acopio y procesados en plantas que cuenten con certificación vigente.
Las no conformidades menores pendientes se enumeran en el cuadro correspondiente de la sección 5 de
este informe. El plan de acciones correctivas pertinentes han sido aprobadas y la implementación de las
acciones correctivas serán verificadas en la próxima auditoría periódica.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 12
Esta sección presenta los resultados de la auditoría realizada en el centro de cultivo y su operación y define el grado de cumplimiento en referencia a
los requisitos específicos contenidos en el Estándar y documentos de guía, incluyendo evidencia obtenida durante la auditoría que permitan obtener
conclusiones confiables, verificables.
Origen de
la NC.
en la
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
ia de la
Descripción de la No Conformidad
Análisis de
causa raíz
Reporte de
Fecha de
Algunos parámetros de descarga de la
planta de tratamientos de aguas servidas
del pontón, establecidos en el reporte de
análisis Nº AY-5612 emitido el 17 de
Diciembre de 2014 emitido por los
laboratorios ADL Diagnostic y Aguas
Patagonia se encontraban por sobre lo
establecido en el Ord. A-52/004
Pontón de
antiguo, si
bien las
plantas de
por la Armada
de Chile, con
los años han
ido quedando
obsoletos por
los cambios
que se han
generado a lo
largo del
utilizada para
las muestras
iniciales es la
sugerida por
el estándar
Cambio del
pontón de
por uno de
lo que
mejorar los
de las
plantas de
, ya que
cuentan con
capacidad y
Los análisis
una vez que
el ciclo
alcanzado su
La medición del potencial redox en
muestras de sedimento no fue medido
durante el período de mayor producción.
La metodología se detalla en el
documento (PL-MA-002) Ed. 00, que se
alinea a las directrices definidas en el
anexo I-1.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 11
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
Los análisis de potencial redox fue
realizado por el laboratorio CETECSAL,
en muestras obtenidas en las estaciones
E16-E14-E9-E4-E8-E6 y de control,
obteniéndose los siguientes valores en
orden respectivo: 14, 7, 57, 40 & 94
mV. La estación E16 presentó valor
negativo. Debido a la dureza del fondo
no se pudo obtener muestras de
sedimento en las estaciones 6-6 y 11,
esta última dentro de la AZE. Se deberán
chequear el comportamiento durante el
período de mayor producción.
El productor deberá remitir la
información disponible al momento de la
Auditoría inicial, como información de
línea base y también una vez que se
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
referencia los
30 metros
fuera del
módulo, lo
que no
e la realidad
de la
condición del
fondo marino
del centro de
utilizada para
las muestras
iniciales es la
sugerida por
el estándar
referencia los
30 metros
fuera del
módulo, lo
que no
e la realidad
de la
condición del
fondo marino
del centro de
Se interpreta
la entrega de
como se indica
período de
Los análisis
una vez que
el ciclo
alcanzado su
período de
sobre lo
Page 12
centro de
cultivo y
s al
hayan tomado las muestras al momento
de mayor producción
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Una de las estaciones de monitoreo fuera
de la ZPE presentó resultados negativo.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
en el anexo I1"El muestreo
debe ser en el
punto de
durante el
productivo", el
centro de
cultivo cuenta
con fondo
blando por lo
que se
informaría en
el periodo de
más alta
biomasa el
resultado de
las muestras
utilizada para
las muestras
iniciales es la
sugerida por
el estándar
referencia los
30 metros
fuera del
módulo, lo
que no
e la realidad
de la
condición del
por el
estándar en
cuanto al
tipo de fondo
con el que
cuenta el
centro de
cultivo, en
este caso,
informar que
el centro NO
cuenta con
fondo duro
Los análisis
una vez que
el ciclo
alcanzado su
período de
Page 13
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
El productor deberá remitir la
información disponible al momento de la
Auditoría inicial, como información de
línea base y también una vez que se
hayan tomado las muestras al momento
de mayor producción.
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
No todas las estaciones dentro de la ZPE
arrojaron valores de taxa de
Macrofauna≥ 2, al igual que la estación
de control, de acuerdo a lo establecido
por el criterio de la ASC. Se deberá llevar
a cabo el monitoreo posterior a la toma
de muestra de sedimento al momento de
mayor producción de biomasa y elevar
una solicitud de variación (VR)
justificando la solicitud.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
fondo marino
del centro de
Se interpreta
la entrega de
con la
que indica en
el anexo VI
"Por ciclo
productivo", el
centro de
cultivo cuenta
con fondo
blando por lo
que se
informaría en
el periodo de
mas alta
biomasa el
resultado de
las muestras
utilizada para
las muestras
iniciales es la
sugerida por
el estándar
referencia los
30 metros
fuera del
módulo, lo
que no
Envío de la
requerida a
la ASC
Los análisis
una vez que
el ciclo
alcanzado su
período de
Page 14
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
El productor deberá remitir la
información disponible al momento de la
Auditoría inicial, como información de
línea base y también una vez que se
hayan tomado las muestras al momento
de mayor producción
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenciaron valores promedio
semanales de saturación de O2,
disponibles en la Planilla y Gráficos O2,
centros área Puyuhuapi, evidenciándose
valores menores a un 70% en las
siguientes semanas: Mar 09-15, 2015;
Mar 16-22, 2015; Mar23-29, 2015; Mar
30 - Abr 05, 2015; Abr 06-12, 2015.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
e la realidad
de la
condición del
fondo marino
del centro de
Se interpreta
la entrega de
con la
que indica en
el anexo VI
"Por ciclo
productivo", el
centro de
cultivo cuenta
con fondo
blando por lo
que se
informaría en
el periodo de
mas alta
biomasa el
resultado de
las muestras
Se interpreta
el estándar de
mala manera
para este
los resultados
puntuales ya
que el
fenómeno no
Envío de la
requerida a
la ASC
Demostrar la
de los datos
con un sitio
de referencia
el cual se
encuentra al
menos 500
desde el
borde del
Page 15
ningún efecto
negativo en
los peces
siendo un
evento natural
normal para la
época del año
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
Se evidenció el documento
"Procedimiento de Muestreo de Finos y
Partidos en el Alimento" (PO-DA-004)
Ed.01 , procedimientos alineados con el
anexo I-2.
De acuerdo a lo explicado por el Sr.
César Aguilar (Subgerente de Nutrición y
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
La empresa
realizar en
conjunto con
de alimento
del tren de
jaula, sitio
que sigue o
similares al
flujo del
centro de
cultivo y no
por entrada
de ningún
es al menos
anual con
externa y
para una
n de la
de los
tamices para
la ejecución
de los
Page 16
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
Alimentación) que en primera instancia
las muestras fueron extraídas en el
centro de cultivo pero las mediciones
fueron hechas en los laboratorios de los
proveedores de alimento, supervisados
por profesionales de la empresa con el
objeto de verificar que la metodología se
alineara a lo establecido en el anexo en
cuestión. Al momento de la auditoría aún
no habían sido comprado los tamices
para realizar la medición en el centro de
cultivo debido a que se pretende
implementar un proyecto de medición de
finos más ambiciosos de lo establecido
por la Norma.
Actualmente el Departamento de
Nutrición de la empresa se encuentra en
proceso de implementación de una
metodología de medición de finos en el
alimento, dado que se evidenció que no
existen procedimientos estandarizados
entre los distintos proveedores de
piensos, respecto de la abertura de tamiz
v/s calibre del pellet, por lo que se
comprarán 10 tamices para establecer un
criterio estandarizado de medición, el
cual posteriormente será requerido a los
productores de piensos. Esta fue la razón
por la cual aún n estaban disponibles los
tamices en el centro de cultivo
Solo se evidenció el envío a la ASC de la
exactitud de medición de la máquina
contadora de smolts provista por la
empresa Vaki Chile Ltda., sin embargo
no se envió información referente al
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
de análisis de
finos lo que
implicaba la
compra de
una mayor
número de
tamices para
la obtención
de los
La empresa
realizar en
conjunto con
de alimento
de análisis de
finos lo que
implicaba la
compra de
una mayor
número de
tamices para
la obtención
de los
El ciclo de
aun no
termina a la
fecha de la
de los
tamices para
la ejecución
de los
Envío de
asociada al
sistema de
Page 17
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
sistema de conteo al ingreso a la planta
de proceso primaria. El mail informativo
fue enviado el 20 de abril de 2015.
usado en la
planta de
No fue posible evidenciar información
productiva del ciclo anterior en la
concesión. En relación al ciclo actual la
información estaba disponible en el
software de producción Fishtalk, sin
embargo dado que el período de cosecha
aún no ha llegado, no fue disponible
disponer de la información asociada a
cosecha (solo siembra y mortalidades
actualizada a la fecha de la auditoría.
A la fecha de
auditoria no
es posible
cosechas ya
que el ciclo
productivo no
ha concluido,
lo que hace
determinar el
balance de
masa del
En el procedimiento (PO-MA-003) Ed. 03,
cubre distintos aspectos requeridos por la
Norma asociadas a la prevención de
escapes de peces, sin embargo no
incluye aspectos relacionados con
capacitación del personal respecto a
dichos temas, como también en
tecnología de conteo
de Medio
Ambiente no
genera un
plan de
para la
prevención de
escapes según
para Prevenir
Para futuras
auditorías se
llevará la
en formato
distinto al
sistema de
(Excel), o
bien verificar
a nivel
central antes
del proceso
de auditoría,
con el objeto
de contar
con la
a ciclo
Generar un
Plan de
que aborde
de escapes
según el
que aborda
el Plan de
de Escapes y
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 18
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el registro de capacitación
referente al Procedimiento y Metodología
der Cambio de Red Lobera en Centros de
Cultivo, realizado el 14 de abril de 2014,
sin embargo no incluía todos los aspectos
contenidos en el plan de prevención
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Escapes y
según lo
indica el
abordando la
totalidad de
los temas
para el
personal, ya
que se basa
en la
nacional, que
aborda temas
con escapes
pero no la
totalidad de
los requeridos
por ASC
de Medio
Ambiente no
genera un
plan de
para la
prevención de
escapes según
para Prevenir
Escapes y
según lo
indica el
lo requerido
por el
estándar el
cual debe
considerar a
la totalidad
del personal
e a los
centros que
optan a la
en el
o para
de escapes
con la
del personal
en dichos
temas, como
de conteo y
Page 19
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Parte de la materia prima comprada por
Nutreco Chile Ltda. ha sido clasificada
como C, correspondiente a la Anchoveta
Chilena extraída en las regiones XV-I-II y
al anchoveta peruana extraída en la
zona sur (ambas presentaron el indicador
2 con valor 0). Sin embargo este
indicador debe estar en cumplimiento
hasta que el presente indicador sea
reemplazado en junio de 2017, fecha en
que la ASC espera contar con un
esquema para productores de alimento.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
abordando la
totalidad de
los temas
para el
personal, ya
que se basa
en la
nacional, que
aborda temas
con escapes
pero no la
totalidad de
los requeridos
por ASC
errónea al
punto nace
con la fecha
n del
requisito, el
cual indica
que el
comienza a
regir a contar
de junio de
capacitar al
personal en
lo requerido
por el
cambios con
la empresa
de alimento
en base a lo
por el
para la
utilización de
primas que
cumplan con
Fish Source
Page 20
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el documento
Procedimiento de Comunicación a los
Clientes que Adquieran Producto
Certificado ASC Salmon Estándar (PODS-017) Ed. 00, en donde se detallan los
pasos para disponer de manera pública,
información que la Norma requiere estén
a libre acceso, sin embargo debido a que
la empresa no cuenta con producto
certificado, los potenciales clientes de
producto certificado ASC aún no han sido
identificados y por lo tanto la información
aún no se encuentra disponible de
manera pública
os en el
Estaba disponible el consumo de energía
entre el 1 de agosto de 2014 y el 31 de
enero de 2015, pero solo asociado al
consumo de petróleo, pero no respecto a
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
La compañía
aun no cuenta
con producto
por otro lado
tampoco se ha
concluido el
productivo en
los centros
que optan a la
bajo ASC
Standard por
lo que no se
cuenta con
para el
Una vez
concluido el
ciclo se
contará con
Identificar a
clientes que
soliciten o se
les entregue
bajo ASC
Una vez se
cuente con
certificado y
se concluyan
los ciclos
los clientes
que recibirán
el producto
certificado y
se llevará a
cabo la
entrega de
según lo
por el
estándar y lo
indicado en
o creado
para ello
Incorporar el
consumo de
Page 21
centro de
cultivo y
s al
gasolina y gas consumido en el centro de
los estudios
consumo de
energía con
todas las
variables y/o
fuentes de
utilizadas en
el centro de
estudio que
llevara a cabo
con la
Pasos, quien
realizo los
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el Segundo reporte técnico
de consumo de energía en el centro de
cultivo, realizado por la Sra. Pamela
Mardones G. (empresa Pasos), el cual
incluye el consumo asociado al presente
ciclo productivo hasta el 31 de enero de
2015, sin embargo no fueron incluídos el
consumo de gas ni bencina.
Al momento
de la auditoría
inicial el ciclo
productivo no
se encuentra
para los
centros que
optan a la
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
o en el uso
de Gasolina
y Gas
utilizado en
el centro de
Una vez
concluido el
ciclo se
contará con
los estudios
consumo de
energía con
todas las
variables y/o
fuentes de
utilizadas en
el centro de
estudio que
llevara a
cabo con la
Pasos, quien
realizo los
Incorporar el
consumo de
o en el uso
de Gasolina
y Gas
utilizado en
el centro de
Una vez
Page 22
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el Segundo reporte técnico
de consumo de energía en el centro de
cultivo, realizado por la Sra. Pamela
Mardones G. (empresa Pasos), el cual
incluye el consumo asociado al presente
ciclo productivo hasta el 31 de enero de
2015, sin embargo no fueron incluídos el
consumo de gas ni bencina. La biomasa
producida estaba disponible en el
software de producción Fishtalk.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Al momento
de la auditoría
inicial el ciclo
productivo no
se encuentra
para los
centros que
optan a la
concluido el
ciclo se
contará con
los estudios
consumo de
energía con
todas las
variables y/o
fuentes de
utilizadas en
el centro de
estudio que
llevara a
cabo con la
Pasos, quien
realizo los
Una vez
concluido el
ciclo se
contará con
los estudios
consumo de
energía con
todas las
variables y/o
fuentes de
utilizadas en
el centro de
estudio que
llevara a
cabo con la
Page 23
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Sólo se evidenció evaluación de consumo
de energía asociado al actual ciclo
productivo hasta el 31 de enero de 2015,
sin embargo dada la fecha en que se
realizó la auditoría inicial, no se pudo
verificar el consumo asociado al ciclo
Al momento
de la auditoría
inicial el ciclo
productivo no
se encuentra
para los
centros que
optan a la
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el Segundo reporte técnico
de consumo de energía en el centro de
cultivo, realizado por la Sra. Pamela
Mardones G. (empresa Pasos), el cual
incluye el consumo asociado al presente
ciclo productivo hasta el 31 de enero de
2015, sin embargo el estudio no incluye
el consumo de bencina y gas realizado en
el centro de cultivo
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Al momento
de la auditoría
inicial el ciclo
productivo no
se encuentra
para los
centros que
optan a la
Pasos, quien
realizo los
Una vez
concluido el
ciclo se
contará con
los estudios
consumo de
energía con
todas las
variables y/o
fuentes de
utilizadas en
el centro de
estudio que
llevara a
cabo con la
Pasos, quien
realizo los
Al momento
de la
inicial el ciclo
no se
para los
centros que
optan a la
Page 24
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidencia evaluación parcial durante
el actual ciclo productivo respecto a
emisiones GEI (del 01 de agosto de 2014
al 31 de enero del 2015), las que
incluyen emisiones del tipo 1 y 3, pero
no del tipo 2 dado que no existe consuno
de energía eléctrica en el centro. La
evaluación de ciclo cerrado deberá estar
disponible una vez que el ciclo productivo
haya finalizado.
Al momento
de la auditoría
inicial el ciclo
productivo no
se encuentra
para los
centros que
optan a la
El estudio de emisiones GEI no incluye
factores de conversión de fuentes no
CO2 a fuentes CO2, dado que no se
incluyó el consumo de gas realizados por
el centro de cultivo
Al momento
de la auditoría
inicial el ciclo
productivo no
se encuentra
para los
centros que
optan a la
La evaluación de GEI disponible al
momento de la auditoría deberá ser
remitida a la ASC, y en adelante
anualmente, independiente que el ciclo
productivo haya finalizado o no.
errónea del
estándar en
cuanto al
despacho de
la información
con Gases de
generados por
el centro tiene
relación con lo
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Al momento
de la
inicial el ciclo
no se
para los
centros que
optan a la
Al momento
de la
inicial el ciclo
no se
para los
centros que
optan a la
Enviar la
requerida a
la ASC
Page 25
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Los resultado de los análisis de Cu están
establecidos en el documento Reporte
ASC centro Pearson, realizados por el
laboratorio Hidrolab, sin embargo no se
realizaron muestras para la realización
de los análisis en duplicado y dos
estaciones de control adicionales de
acuerdo a lo establecido en el anexo I-1
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
requerido por
el anexo VI, el
cual indica
para este
despacho de
con una
El centro aún
no se
encuentra a
mas alta
biomasa al
momento de
la auditoria
inicial en que
se opta a la
ASC Salmon
Standard para
de Cu.
Toma de
para la
de los
análisis en
duplicado y
de control
de acuerdo a
en el anexo
I-1. Los
de los
análisis de
Cu estarán
en el
Reporte ASC
del centro
por el
Llevar a
Page 26
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Los análisis de Cu no se realizaron en
duplicado y dos estaciones de control
adicionales a la establecida en la Zona
Permitida de Efecto, de acuerdo a lo
establecido en el anexo I-1. Por otro lado
en la estación Nº 8 se evidenció un valor
de 35 mg Cu/kg.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
El centro aún
no se
encuentra a
mas alta
biomasa al
momento de
la auditoria
inicial en que
se opta a la
ASC Salmon
cabo el
muestreo a
más alta
según lo
indicado en
el estándar
para la
n de
n de Cu.
Toma de
para la
de los
análisis en
duplicado y
de control
de acuerdo a
en el anexo
I-1. Los
de los
análisis de
Cu estarán
en el
Reporte ASC
del centro
por el
Page 27
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
15 de las 26 muestras de sedimento
recolectadas evidenciaron valores
menores a 34 mgCu/kg.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
El centro aún
no se
encuentra a
mas alta
biomasa al
momento de
la auditoria
inicial en que
se opta a la
ASC Salmon
Llevar a
cabo el
muestreo a
más alta
según lo
indicado en
el estándar
para la
n de
n de Cu.
Toma de
para la
de los
análisis en
duplicado y
de control
de acuerdo a
en el anexo
I-1. Los
de los
análisis de
Cu estarán
en el
Reporte ASC
del centro
Page 28
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Si bien se evidenció guías de despacho
con el ingreso del alimento medicado, no
fue posible evidenciar documentos
tributarios (guías de traslado, facturas u
otras) asociada al ingreso de antibióticos
inyectables del centro que permitan
corroborar cantidad ingresada versus
aplicada, según recomendación del
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
errónea del
estándar en
cuanto a la
n necesaria en
el centro de
cultivo para la
adquisición de
por el
Llevar a
cabo el
muestreo a
más alta
según lo
indicado en
el estándar
para la
n de
n de Cu.
Mantener en
el centro de
que avalen
el ingreso de
Mejorar el
análisis de
los criterios
en la norma
y programar
al menos
una vez por
año, una vez
por año
es de la
norma por
Page 29
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
En el ciclo pasado se suministraron 7
tratamientos terapéuticos con
antibióticos (1 oxitetraciclina inyectable
en 3 diferentes jaulas - 1 tratamiento
con florfenicol inyectable y 5 florfenicol
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el documento
Procedimiento de Comunicación a los
Clientes que Adquieran Producto
Certificado ASC Salmon Estándar (PODS-017) Ed. 00, en donde se detallan los
pasos para disponer de manera pública,
información que la Norma requiere estén
a libre acceso, sin embargo debido a que
la empresa no cuenta con producto
certificado, los potenciales clientes de
producto certificado ASC aún no han sido
identificados y por lo tanto la información
aún no se encuentra disponible de
manera pública
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Al momento
de la
realización de
el centro de
cultivo no
contaba con
ASC Salmon
Standard así
como tampoco
se encontraba
postulando a
por lo que la
exigencia del
requisito no se
presente a la
fecha de
aplicación del
La compañía
aun no cuenta
con producto
por otro lado
tampoco se ha
concluido el
productivo en
los centros
que optan a la
bajo ASC
Standard por
lo que no se
a los peces
de acuerdo a
lo que el
solicita para
los centros
que optan a
ASC Salmon
Standard y
en ningún
caso aplicar
de los
Identificar a
clientes que
soliciten o se
les entregue
bajo ASC
Una vez se
cuente con
certificado y
se concluyan
los ciclos
Page 30
cuenta con
para el
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció el documento
Procedimiento de Comunicación a los
Clientes que Adquieran Producto
Certificado ASC Salmon Estándar (PODS-017) Ed. 00, en donde se detallan los
pasos para disponer de manera pública,
información que la Norma requiere estén
a libre acceso, sin embargo debido a que
la empresa no cuenta con producto
certificado, los potenciales clientes de
producto certificado ASC aún no han sido
identificados y por lo tanto la información
aún no se encuentra disponible de
manera pública
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
La compañía
aun no cuenta
con producto
por otro lado
tampoco se ha
concluido el
productivo en
los centros
que optan a la
bajo ASC
Standard por
lo que no se
cuenta con
los clientes
que recibirán
el producto
certificado y
se llevará a
cabo la
entrega de
según lo
por el
estándar y lo
indicado en
o creado
para ello
Identificar a
clientes que
soliciten o se
les entregue
bajo ASC
Una vez se
cuente con
certificado y
se concluyan
los ciclos
los clientes
Page 31
para el
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Los antibiogramas se realizan como
barrio (32) y no como centros
individuales debido a la dificultad
logística para llevar las muestras a
laboratorio externo en un tiempo
aceptable lo que dificulta la obtención de
los resultados; sin embargo se deberá
mejorar los análisis de resistencia por
medio de antibiogramas u otro método
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Inicialmente y
por ser un
nuevo para
compañía se
interpreta de
una forma
distinta lo
solicitado en
el espitu del
los controles a
que se
llevaron hasta
ese momento,
que eran
que recibirán
el producto
certificado y
se llevará a
cabo la
entrega de
según lo
por el
estándar y lo
indicado en
o creado
para ello
s por centro
de cultivo,
en especial
para los
centros que
optan a la
ASC Salmon
Standard, lo
permitirá un
manejo de
os utilizados.
lo solicitado
por el
mediante un
Page 32
o de la
n del mismo
por medio
de nuevas
es al
personal de
Salud de
Peces y
es de la
compañía, lo
que servirá
débiles y los
s adquiridos
en una
instancia, se
os anuales
en base al
al personal
que se vaya
llegando a la
mas lo que
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 33
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
De acuerdo a las entrevistas y revisión
de registros horarios y recibos de sueldo
de los Asistentes de Centro fue verificado
que aunque las horas regulares son
registradas en el libro de asistencia, las
horas extras no son registradas y por
ende no pagadas de acuerdo como lo
establece su contrato de trabajo y lo
establecido por la Ley Chilena.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Una vez hecho
de la jornada
y si se
determina que
el sobre
tiempo existe,
se dará la
instrucción al
personal de
que ejerce
asistentes de
registren el
sobre tiempo
en el libro de
para poder
las horas
s y proceder a
su cancelación
como lo indica
la ley laboral
del país
Revisión y
o de los
horarios de
trabajo en
que se
operan los
centros de
cultivo para
e se generan
as por parte
de los
que ejercen
asistentes de
centro en las
unidades de
que optan a
ASC Salmon
Una vez
hecho el
o de la
jornada y si
se determina
que el sobre
existe, se
dará la
Page 34
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
De acuerdo a las entrevistas realizadas
con los grupos de interés fue verificado
que no está claramente difundido el
canal de comunicación para que las
comunidades o los grupos de interés
puedan realizas quejas.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
En una
instancia de
las partes
s de la
como de los
sentaron las
bases de
básicas entre
ambas partes,
profundizar en
al personal
que ejerce
asistentes de
registren el
sobre tiempo
en el libro de
para poder
las horas
as y
proceder a
como lo
indica la ley
laboral del
detallada de
la totalidad
de los
impactos y
a por la
para una
n y una
Page 35
los temas con
encargados de
cada uno de
ellos, como
por ejemplo,
para plantear
quejas, plazos
y conducto
regular para
las respuestas
a esas quejas,
así como los
efectos o
potenciales a
la salud por el
uso de
en los peces,
que debe ser
entregada por
de Salud de
os en el
De acuerdo a las entrevistas realizadas
con los grupos de interés fue verificado
que la empresa no ha realizado una
comunicación formal y clara a la
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
En una
instancia de
relación con
una segunda
reunión en
los plazos
que indica el
a los
de la
empresa a
cargo de
cada tema,
lo que
en cada uno
de ellos
un correcto
o de los
internos, y
lo que
mejorar la
n y relación
con la
detallada de
la totalidad
Page 36
centro de
cultivo y
s al
comunidad sobre los potenciales riesgos
en la salud por los tratamientos
terapéuticos aplicados.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
las partes
s de la
como de los
sentaron las
bases de
básicas entre
ambas partes,
profundizar en
los temas con
encargados de
cada uno de
ellos, como
por ejemplo,
para plantear
quejas, plazos
y conducto
regular para
las respuestas
a esas quejas,
casi como los
efectos o
potenciales a
la salud por el
uso de
en los peces,
que debe ser
entregada por
de los
impactos y
a por la
para una
n y una
relación con
una segunda
reunión en
los plazos
que indica el
a los
de la
empresa a
cargo de
cada tema,
lo que
en cada uno
de ellos
un correcto
o de los
internos, y
Page 37
de Salud de
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
No fue posible evidenciar declaración
provista por los proveedores de smolts
respecto al compromiso de
implementación de acciones orientadas a
la minimización o erradicación de
impactos identificados en el estudio de
evaluación ambiental
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
El informe de
muestra que
el centro no
impacta la
circundante y
que el hábitat
intervenido no
es de uso
exclusivo o
vital para las
presentes y
avistadas en
lo que
mejorar la
n y relación
con la
, declaración
donde se
indique las
medidas a
tomar ante
de que el
en la
Con la
finalidad de
a exigidos
por el
estándar al
certificar los
propiedad de
Page 38
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció reporte parcial de consumo
de energía en las pisciculturas Chaparano
y Río Negro (entre junio de 2013 y
agosto de 2014), asociado al consumo de
petróleo (no existe consumo eléctrico en
la piscicultura), sin embargo no fue
factible evidenciar reporte de consumo
de energía por parte de la piscicultura
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
Foods, se
generará un
a tomar
impactos en
d y el medio
reporte de
consumo de
energía en la
Sealand (no
eléctrico en
Page 39
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
En el reporte elaborado por la Sra.
Pamela Mardones (empresa Pasos),
respecto al consumo de energía en Kj
(para el período mencionado en 8.9ª)
para las pisciculturas río Negro y
Chaparano, son embargo no se evidenció
el cálculo para la piscicultura Quillaico.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
reporte de
consumo de
energía en la
Sealand (no
eléctrico en
Page 40
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidencia el consumo de energía
efectuado por las pisciculturas Río Negro
y Chaparano para el período entre junio
de 2014 y agosto de 2014, en Kj/ton
producida, sin embargo no fue factible
evidenciar el cálculo para la piscicultura
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Fue posible evidencia estudio realizado
por la Sra. Pamela Mardones (empresa
Pasos), de acuerdo a los lineamientos
establecidos en el anexo V-1
(evidenciándose las competencias de la
profesional para llevar a cabo dicho
estudio), sin embargo no fue factible
evidenciar el cálculo para la piscicultura
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
reporte de
consumo de
energía en la
Sealand (no
eléctrico en
reporte de
consumo de
energía en la
Sealand (no
eléctrico en
Page 41
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Fue posible evidencia estudio de emisión
de GEI realizado por la Sra. Pamela
Mardones (empresa Pasos), de acuerdo a
los lineamientos establecidos en el anexo
V-1, sin embargo no fue factible
evidenciar el cálculo para la piscicultura
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
reporte de
emisión de
GEI en la
Page 42
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para
las pisciculturas río Negro y Chaparano
no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
reporte de
emisión de
GEI en la
Page 43
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para
las pisciculturas Río Negro y Chaparano
no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
reporte de
emisión de
GEI en la
Page 44
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para
las pisciculturas Río Negro y Chaparano
no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
Sólo fue factible evidenciar estudio para
las pisciculturas Río Negro y Chaparano
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
reporte de
emisión de
GEI en la
reporte de
Page 45
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
no así para la piscicultura Quillaico
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Si bien se evidencia el Pisciculturas con
Producto Salmo salar (PL-DS-002) Rev
04 y prescripciones médico veterinarias,
en ninguno de los documentos fue
factible evidenciar la clasificación de los
antibióticos según la Organización
Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Todos los
y tratamientos
a animales y
la legislación
Chilena está
de acuerdo a
emisión de
GEI en la
de los
según la
Mundial de
la Salud
Page 46
la OMS, por lo
que no se
incluye el
detalle de la
de antibióticos
en los
s por la
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
No pudo evidenciarse que los
proveedores de smolts fueron informados
respecto a que los antibióticos
clasificados como altamente críticos no
pueden ser usados como tratamiento en
smolts a ser sembrados en centros con
intenciones de certificarse en la Norma
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Todos los
de smolt
en la
sobre ASC
Standard, así
como la
de Salud de
Peces e
quienes son
los que
suministran y
autorizan los
terapéuticos y
quiénes son
(OMS) en el
de Salud
para los
centros que
optan a la
ASC Salmon
Standard, lo
que será
revisado y
en auditoría
del estándar
a los
de smolts
sobre la no
utilización de
críticos por
la OMS,
cuando sean
de smolts
para centros
que opten a
ASC Salmon
Page 47
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
No pudo evidenciarse que los
proveedores de smolts fueron informados
respecto a que centros con intenciones
de certificarse en la Norma ASC, solo
pueden ser provistos por productores de
smolts que apliquen las directrices
establecidas en el Código de Salud
Animal emitido por la OIE
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
encargados de
abastecer a la
compañía de
según las
detectadas en
los peces, lo
demuestra el
necesario en
el estándar y
la normativa
vigente, la
cual se guía
por las
de la OMS y
s al respecto,
lo que generó
que no se les
comunique de
una forma
diferente o
mas específica
Todos los
de smolt
en la
sobre ASC
Standard, así
como la
a los
de smolt
respecto a
centros que
opten a la
Page 48
de Salud de
Peces e
quienes son
los que
suministran y
autorizan los
terapeuticos y
quienes son
encargados de
abastecer a la
compañía de
según las
detectadas en
los peces, lo
demuestra el
necesario en
el estandar y
la normativa
vigente, la
cual se guia
por las
de la OMS y la
OIE y sus
s al respecto,
lo que generó
que no se les
comunique de
una forma
diferente o
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
ASC Salmon
guiarse por
lo indicado
por el
Código de
Salud Animal
emitido por
la OIE
Page 49
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan
mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente
de la piscicultura de acuerdo a lo
requerido por la Norma ASC
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se evidenció que la información fue
enviada por mail emitido por el Sr.
Francisco Lobos F., sin embargo no se
incluyó el monitoreo de O2 en las
pisciculturas proveedoras de smolts del
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
más específica
Inicialmente y
por ser un
nuevo para
compañía se
interpreta de
una forma
distinta lo
solicitado en
el espíritu del
los controles a
que se
llevaron hasta
ese momento,
que eran
Inicialmente y
por ser un
nuevo para
compañía se
interpreta de
una forma
distinta lo
de oxigeno
en los
efluentes de
de smolts
para los
centros que
postulan a la
ASC Salmon
lo solicitado
por el
mediante un
o de la
n de la
es al
Una vez que
se cuente
con los
registros de
de O2 en el
afluente será
remitido a la
Page 50
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan
mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente
de la piscicultura de acuerdo a lo
requerido por la Norma ASC
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
solicitado en
el espíritu del
los controles a
que se
llevaron hasta
ese momento,
que eran
Inicialmente y
por ser un
nuevo para
compañía se
interpreta de
una forma
distinta lo
solicitado en
el espíritu del
los controles a
que se
llevaron hasta
ese momento,
que eran
de oxigeno
en los
efluentes de
de smolts
para los
centros que
postulan a la
ASC Salmon
lo solicitado
por el
mediante un
o de la
n de la
Page 51
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan
mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente
de la piscicultura de acuerdo a lo
requerido por la Norma ASC
Inicialmente y
por ser un
nuevo para
compañía se
interpreta de
una forma
distinta lo
solicitado en
el espíritu del
los controles a
que se
llevaron hasta
ese momento,
que eran
Se pudo evidenciar que se efectúan
mediciones periódicas de O2 en los
estanques de cultivo no así en el efluente
de la piscicultura de acuerdo a lo
requerido por la Norma ASC
Inicialmente y
por ser un
nuevo para
compañía se
interpreta de
una forma
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
es al
de oxigeno
en los
efluentes de
de smolts
para los
centros que
postulan a la
ASC Salmon
lo solicitado
por el
mediante un
o de la
n de la
es al
de oxigeno
en los
efluentes de
Page 52
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
distinta lo
solicitado en
el espíritu del
los controles a
que se
llevaron hasta
ese momento,
que eran
En las pisciculturas Río Negro, Quillaico y
Chaparano se evidenció que los estudios
se basaron en las directrices ISO 8265,
7828 y 9391, siendo monitoreadas 24
estaciones, sin embargo en el estudio
presentado no fue factible evidenciar que
se aplicaron las directrices establecidas
en el anexo VIII-3 (como por ejemplo,
cuáles de las estaciones se ubican en el
área del afluente y cuáles en la zona del
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
para macro
en las áreas
de afluente y
efluente de las
de smolt para
los centros
que postulan a
la certificación
ASC Salmon
Replantear lo
solicitado por
el estándar
mediante un
de smolts
para los
centros que
postulan a la
ASC Salmon
lo solicitado
por el
mediante un
o de la
n de la
es al
para macro
s en las
áreas de
afluente y
efluente de
de smolt
para los
centros que
postulan a la
ASC Salmon
Page 53
de la
de la Norma
al personal
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Para el caso de las pisciculturas, Río
Negro, Quillaico y Chaparano no fue
factible evidenciar comparación entre las
condiciones del área de la bocatoma
(afluente) y la de descarga (efluente).
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
lo solicitado
por el
mediante un
o de la
n de la
es al
para macro
s en las
áreas de
afluente y
efluente de
de smolt
para los
centros que
postulan a la
ASC Salmon
Page 54
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
No fue factible evidenciar disposición de
lodos de la piscicultura Quillaico
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
el proceso
Actualmente y
al momento
en que
compañía ha
tratado de
ingresar a la
Sealand para
llevar a cabo
el estudio, no
ha sido posible
por razones
de fuerza
mayor en las
del centro, ya
que se
encuentra en
un proceso de
importante lo
que no
permite llevar
a cabo el
proceso de
manera, hasta
el momento
no se han
concluido las
faenas para
llevar a cabo
Gestionar la
entrega del
Plan de
gestión en
Manejo de
lodos de la
por ser
de smolt
para centros
que optan a
ASC Salmon
Page 55
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
Si bien se realizó monitoreo de la Zona
Permitida de Efecto en el centro de
cultivo, la modelación comenzará a
aplicarse a partir de la fecha establecida
por la Norma ASC
Si bien se realizó monitoreo de la Zona
Permitida de Efecto en el centro de
cultivo, la modelación comenzará a
aplicarse a partir de la fecha establecida
por la Norma ASC
Si bien se realizó monitoreo de la Zona
Permitida de Efecto en el centro de
cultivo, la modelación comenzará a
aplicarse a partir de la fecha establecida
por la Norma ASC
el proceso
Se evidenciaron porcentajes de
saturación menores a 70% en las
siguientes semanas: Marzo 09-15, 2015:
52%-56%; Marzo 16-22, 2015: 54% 58%; Marzo 23-29, 2015: 45% - 45%;
Marzo 30 - Abril 05, 2015 63%-65%;
Abril 06-12, 2015: 72% -67%. Se
procedió a monitorear la saturación en
una estación de referencia a 200 metros
de donde se monitoreó el O2 en los
trenes de producción, sin embargo se
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 56
os en el
centro de
os en el
centro de
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
os en el
centro de
cultivo y
s al
evidenciaron diferencias entre ellas entre
un 10 y un 20%
El cálculo de DBO será remitido a la ASC
una vez que el actual ciclo productivo
haya finalizado
El centro Pearson de acuerdo a lo
establecido en el reporte técnico Nº 75,
se encuentra localizado dentro de una de
las 40 locaciones definidas como Áreas
de Alto Valor de Conservación propuestas
por la WWF Chile, sin embargo dichas no
han sido categorizadas como tal por la
International Union for the Conservation
of Nature (IUCN) no tampoco por
Autoridades Nacionales de acuerdo a lo
detallado en 1.1.1 d.
En próximas auditorías deberá
evidenciarse apoyo a terceros, respecto a
estudios asociados al impacto de la
salmonicultura en las fauna silvestre
iniciados con fechas cercanas a la
primera certificación o posteriores.
En adelante se deberán mantener
registros de comunicación con entidades
externas, toda vez que se rechace la
participación de la empresa en solicitudes
de colaboración
En adelante se deberán mantener datos
productivos a ciclo cerrado de actividades
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 57
os en el
centro de
os en el
centro de
os en el
centro de
os en el
centro de
productivas anterior al proceso en curso
postulante a la certificación, vigilancia o
recertificación, según sea el caso
os en el
centro de
Los análisis de generación de resistencia
a antibióticos deberá mejorarse
La información será remitida a la ASC
una vez que el actual ciclo productivo
haya finalizado
El centro realiza la entrega de elementos
de protección personal a los trabajadores
de acuerdo a los riesgos y exposición en
su puesto de trabajo, sin embargo, el
formato de entrega en el que se registra
la entrega de elementos de protección
personal establece que en caso de
extravío o de no reponer los EPP
entregados por la empresa, los mismos
serán descontado del sueldo del
trabajador, de acuerdo a las entrevistas
realizadas a los trabajadores y la revisión
de las liquidaciones de pago se verificó
que hasta el momento la empresa no ha
realizado ningún descuento de los
sueldos de los trabajadores por concepto
de elementos de protección personal.
En el módulo solo había dispuesto un
extintor el cual se encontraba
despresurizado. En la jaula de ensilaje
había implementado una ducha y un
lavaojos de emergencia la cual no
funcionaba correctamente en caso de
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 58
os en el
centro de
contacto con producto químico. El
lavaojos portátil funcionaba
Los trabajadores identifican que el
sistema para realizar denuncias o quejas
de forma confidencia y anónima
establecida por la empresa es el libro
para la resolución de conflictos y el
electrónico sugerencias@multiexportfood, sin embargo mencionan que el
libro para resolución de conflictos por
estar ubicado en un lugar público del
centro no asegura la privacidad y
confidencialidad de la denuncia.
Se evidenció el registro Cantidad de
Fósforo en Pisciculturas 2014, sin
embargo se deberán mantener registros
más actualizados en próximas auditorías
os en el
centro de
Si bien se evidenciaron registros
productivos de los proveedores de smolts
obtenidos durante el año 2014, en
os en el
próximas auditorías se deberán mantener
centro de
datos actualizados de los 12 últimos
cultivo y
meses cercanos a la fecha de realización
de la auditoría
s al
Si bien se evidenciaron los cálculos de
emisión de fósforo al ambiente asociado
al ciclo productivo, se deberán chequear
os en el
los parámetros involucrados ya que en
centro de
algunos casos se evidenciaron emisiones
Para resaltar el compromiso de transparencia que exige la Norma para quienes postulan a la certificación de sus centros de cultivo, la
empresa decidió dejar toda la información contenida en el reporte de auditoría accesible a dominio público. ROBBRA Auditor Líder.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 59
No se evidenció entrega de información por parte de los grupos de interés, durante el período de pre auditoría.
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 60
DNV GL – Report No. 01, Rev. 00 –
Page 61
AUDIT MANUAL - ASC Salmon Standard
Created by the Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue
Scope: species belonging to the genus Salmo and Oncorhynchus
This audit manual was developed to accompany the version of the ASC Salmon Standard developed through the Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue, dated June 13,
References in this Audit Manual to Appendices can be found in the ASC Salmon Standard document.
The manual is complemented by a separate pre-audit checklist that outlines the minimum information that a client must have prior to the first audit. Prior to
audit, the client and their conformity assessment body (CAB) shall reach agreement on whether the audit requires visits to both the client headquarters and the
farm site, which information is held at each location, and the acceptable format of records (e.g. electronic or hard copy files).
Minor NC
Major NC
Criterion 1.1 Compliance with all applicable local and national legal requirements and regulations
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Indicator: Presence of
documents demonstrating
compliance with local and
national regulations and
requirements on land and
water use
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. Maintain digital or hard copies of applicable
A. Review compliance with applicable land and water use laws.
land and water use laws.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. has available a intranet platform called
BOX ( where is possible to have accesss digital copies
of aplicable laws in salmonids on-growing farms. Was carried out an
excercise farm´s Manager with, with the aim to verified
understanding regarding documents access.
b. Maintain original (or legalised copies of)
lease agreements, land titles, or concession
permit on file as applicable.
Has been evidenced the following documents regarding to national
regulations permits: Granting of concession according Res.(M) Nº
1104 issued on 2007.06.18. Aquaculture Enrollment (acronym in
Spanish RNA) according certificate Nº 7115, enrolled in Folio Nº
Were evidenced Competents Authorities inspections as follows:
National Fishery Service (SERNAPESCA) verified through a Binnacle
supplied by the Service Nº Ay-159 opened year 2012 (last inspection
held on 2015.01.16) also was evidenced a Maqritime Authority
iinspection held on 2014.09.02 (doc Nº 494204)
Has been evidenced officials documents which includes maps
supplied by company's Environmental Department, showing the farm
does not conflict with national preservations areas, as follows:
"Memoria de Zonificación Borde Costero Región de Aysén. Programa
de Transferencia para el Ordenamiento Territoreal de Aysén)
developed by the Regional Government (SERPLAC XI Región) - the
German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Secretaria
Regional Ministerial de Bienes Nacionales as well, supported by many
other national institutions; as well through the website, regarding to National System of
Chilean Goverment for Protected Areas, where are detailed all those
areas preservation conditions with. Therefore by mean of such
evidence as well criterias involved, explained by Mr. Francisco Lobos
(company's Environmental, Concessions and Certification Department
Manager) was possible to evidence se farm is not in conflict national
preservations areas with.
B. Confirm client holds original (or legalised copies of) lease agreements or land
c. Keep records of inspections for compliance
with national and local laws and regulations (if C. Review inspection records for compliance with national and local laws and
such inspections are legally required in the
regulations (as applicable).
country of operation).
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
d. Obtain permits and maps showing that the
farm does not conflict with national
preservation areas.
D. Verify facility does not conflict with national preservation areas and has
required operational permits if sited in such an area (see 2.4.2).
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Page 1 of 229
a. Maintain records of tax payments to
appropriate authorities (e.g. land use tax,
A. Verify client has records of tax payments to appropriate authorities. Do not
water use tax, revenue tax). Note that CABs
disclose client tax information which is confidential. An independently audited
will not disclose confidential tax information
company annual report may be used to confirm tax status.
unless client is required to or chooses to make
it public.
Was evidenced taxes payment receipts concerning to Added Value
Tax (acronym in Spanish - IVA) & company' revenues tax, both paid to
National Internal Taxes Service (acronym in Spanish -SII-), as was
possible to evidence through application Nº 29 & 22 respectivelly ; as
well Aquaculture Patent paid to the National General Treasury, as
was possible to evidence through applicatiion Nº 37, corresponding
to year 2014 (year 2015 able to be paid until december current year
b. Maintain copies of tax laws for
jurisdiction(s) where company operates.
Were available in the farm the following laws: Decreto Ley Nº 824
(taxes on net incomings), Decreto Ley Nº 825 (taxes on sales and
services -IVA-) & Decreto Ley Nº 830 (Chilean Tributary Code)
c. Register with national or local authorities as
C. Verify client is registered with local or national authorities.
an “aquaculture activity".
Was possible to evidence through application Nº 22 (official
document used to paid annual company's revenues taxes to the SII)
in this case Folio Nº 242474494, that company' line of business is
"Mayoristas Productos del Mar (pescados - algas - mariscos),
economic activity code Nº 512230. By other side was possible to
evidence through Res. Nº 2665 / 2009 availability of Salmones
Multiexport S.A. to continue onwards, sales activities carried out by
Salmones Multiexport Ltda.
a. Maintain copies of national labor codes and
laws applicable to farm (scope is restricted to A. Confirm client has specified documentation.
the farm sites within the unit certification.)
Were available in the farm the following laws: Chilean Labor Code
(updated on December 02nd, 2014) Supreme Decrete (D.S. 40 & D.S.
Indicator: Presence of
documents demonstrating
compliance with all tax laws
Requirement: Yes
B. Confirm client has a basic knowledge of tax requirements for farm.
Applicability: All
Indicator: Presence of
documents demonstrating
compliance with all relevant
national and local labor laws
and regulations
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
b. Keep records of farm inspections for
compliance with national labor laws and
codes (only if such inspections are legally
required in the country of operation).
a. Obtain permits for water quality impacts
where applicable.
Indicator: Presence of
documents demonstrating
b. Compile list of and comply with all
compliance with regulations
and permits concerning water discharge laws or regulations.
quality impacts
B. Review inspection records for compliance with national labor laws and codes
(as applicable).
A. Verify that client obtains permits as applicable.
B. Review evidence of compliance with discharge laws or regulations.
Has not been carried out inspections by the Chilean Labor
Department. As has been established in DFL Nº 2/1967, inspections
may be carried out in any time not being defined periodicity between
Water quality impacts permits applicable on-growing sea water farm
onto, are associated to Environmental Permists (acronym in Spanish
RCA), mandatory for all productive units applying for aquaqulture
permits after year 1997, however those applied before such time, do
not require to have a valid RCA. Sea farm has it RCA Nº 367 issued on
2012.11.21 being allowed as highest production 6.912 tons/year
(permit required voluntary due applycation was issued by the
company before year 1997).
Were vailable laws regarding to D.S. 320 -RAMA- (Environmental
Rules for Aquaculture) and Circular D.G.T.M y M.M. Ordinario A52/004 issued on 2007.12.13 and the "Reglamento para el Control de
la Contaminación Acuática" - Chapter 5, both regarding to approval
of human waste treatments plants implemented in vessels and naval
facilities and outflows highest allowed parameters. was observed in
last assay report from human waste treatment plant outflow Nº AY5612 issued on 2014.12.17 developed by ADL Diagnostic & aguas
Patagonia, some parameters were over of allowed by Ord. A-52/004
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
c. Maintain records of monitoring and
compliance with discharge laws and
regulations as required.
C. Verify that records show compliance with discharge laws and regulations.
Was possible to evidence environmental reports (acronym in Spanish
INFAs), carried out, as mandatory by the Competent Authority, close
highest biomass production time through a productive cycle being
monitored bottom conditions through redox potential measurement
with the aim to demonstrate its aerobic status. Last INFA held in se
farm and bottom condition, available to be verified by mean of
response issued by the National Fishery Service (SERNAPESCA)
regarding reports sent by the sea farm as follows: ORD./A.P./Nº 44459
issued on 2014.07.03. Samples and analysis are carried out by
accredited companies/laboratories, in this case Geeaa Ltda.
evidencing aerobic conditions and documental fulfillment.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
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Criterion 2.1 Benthic biodiversity and benthic effects [1]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
[1] Closed production systems that can demonstrate that they collect and responsibly dispose of > 75% of solid nutrients from the production system are exempt
from standards under Criterion 2.1. See Appendix VI for requirements on transparency for 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
Instruction to Clients and CABs on Criterion 2.1 - Modification of the Benthic Sampling Methodology
For farms located in a jurisdiction where specific benthic sampling locations are required under law, clients may request to modify the benthic sampling methodology
prescribed in Appendix I-1 to allow for sampling at different locations and/or changes in the total number of samples. Where modifications are sought, farms shall provide a full
justification to the CAB for review. Requests for modification shall be supported by mapping of differences in sampling locations. In any event, the sampling locations must at a
minimum include samples from the cage edge and samples taken from inside and outside of a defined AZE.
CABs shall evaluate client requests to modify benthic methodology based on whether there is a risk that such changes would jeopardize the intent and rigor of the ASC Salmon
Standard. If the CAB determines that proposed modifications are low risk, the CAB shall ensure that details of the modified benthic sampling methodology are fully described
and justified in the audit report.
Note: Under Indicator 2.1.1, farms can choose to measure redox potential (Option #1) or sulphide concentration (Option #2).
Farms do not have to demonstrate that they meet both threshold values.
a. Prepare a map of the farm showing
boundary of AZE (30 m) and GPS locations of
all sediment collections stations. If the farm
uses a site-specific AZE, provide justification
[3] to the CAB.
A. Review map to verify appropriate siting of sampling stations (Appendix I-1) and
evidence (if applicable) to justify use of a site specific AZE.
Has been evidenced the document called "Plan de Monitoreo
Ambiental" (PL-MA-002) Ed. 00 which scope are sea farms: Delta,
Arbolito, Ganso Pearson, developed by company's Environmental
Department. Monitoring stations has been identified geographically
in document as well singles maps per concession/sea farm were
included. AZE farms work with, defined by ASC, valid until 2015.06.13
with the purpose do not change salpling stations 6 month long since
the beginning of monitoring process.
b. If benthos throughout the full AZE is hard
bottom, provide evidence to the CAB and
B. Review evidence of benthic type and confirm whether to proceed to 2.1.1c.
request an exemption from 2.1.1c-f, 2.1.2 and
Indicator: Redox potential or
[2] sulphide levels in sediment
outside of the Allowable Zone
of Effect (AZE) [3], following
the sampling methodology
outlined in Appendix I-1
c. Inform the CAB whether the farm chose
option #1 or option #2 to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of the
d. Collect sediment samples in accordance
with the methodology in Appendix I-1 (i.e. at
Requirement: Redox potential
the time of peak cage biomass and at all
> 0 millivolts (mV)
required stations).
Sulphide ≤ 1,500 microMoles /
C. Record which option the client chose.
D. Review documentary evidence (notes, GPS coordinates) showing sampling
time, stations, and frequency. Cross-check against farm maps and harvest records.
Sea farm's benthos throughout the full AZE is hard bottom kind.
The CAB was informed Option #1 was chosen by the sea farm by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
Harvesting time is scheduled to begin August 2015 Pearson sea farm
reason why samples to obtain bottom conditions, measured by
Redox Potential method to be shown when IA was held, weren't
picked up when highest biomass is present in the productive unit.
Therefore such monitoring shall be carried out once such condition be
present in the farm. Methodology is detailed in document (PL-MA002) Ed. 00, according guidelines established in appendix I-1.
Was possible to evidence redox potential scores in report developed
by Palncton Andino SpA laboratory developed April 2015. In Pearson
sea farm, were evidenced 1/4 with negative score (E16-E14-E9-E4-E8E6, stations monitored outside AZE) as well control station, achieving
the following scores: -14, 7, 57, 40 & 94 mV, respectively. Sediment in
stations 6-8 & 11 couldn't be sampled due bottom hardness and
irregularity as was detailed in the report (AZE the farm worked with
was the standard AZE valid until June13th, 2015.
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [1]
e. For option #1, measure and record redox
potential (mV) in sediment samples using an
appropriate, nationally or internationally
recognized testing method.
E. Review results to verify that redox potential of sediments complies with the
requirement at each sampling station outside the AZE. Confirm that the testing
method used by the farm is appropriate.
f. For option #2, measure and record sulphide
F. Review results to verify that sulphide concentration in sediments complies with
concentration (uM) using an appropriate,
the Standard at each sampling station outside the AZE. Confirm that the testing
nationally or internationally recognized
method used by the farm is appropriate.
testing method.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Option selected was # 1
Page 3 of 229
g. Submit test results to ASC as per Appendix
VI at least once for each production cycle. If
site has hard bottom and cannot complete
tests, report this to ASC.
G. Confirm that client has submitted test results to ASC (Appendix VI).
[2] Farm sites can choose whether to use redox or sulphide. Farms do not have to demonstrate that they meet both.
[3] Allowable Zone of Effect (AZE) is defined under this standard as 30 meters. For farm sites where a site-specific AZE has been defined using a robust and credible
modeling system such as the SEPA AUTODEPOMOD and verified through monitoring, the site-specific AZE shall be used.
The producer must to submit results to ASC, of information available
at the moment of IA as a base-line information, as well, at highest
production cycle during the current productive cycle
- Under Indicator 2.1.2, farms can choose one of four measurements to show compliance with the faunal index Requirement:
AMBI (Option #1); Shannon-Wiener Index (Option #2); BQI (Option #3); or ITI (Option #4). Farms do not have to demonstrate that
they meet all four threshold values.
- If a farm is exempt due to hard bottom benthos (see 2.1.1b), then 2.1.2 does not apply and this shall be noted in the audit
a. Prepare a map showing the AZE (30 m or site
specific) and sediment collections stations (see A. Review map to verify appropriate siting of sampling stations (see 2.1.1).
Indicator: Faunal index score
indicating good [4] to high
ecological quality in sediment
outside the AZE, following the
sampling methodology
outlined in Appendix I-1
b. Inform the CAB whether the farm chose
option #1, #2, #3, or #4 to demonstrate
compliance with the requirement.
B. Record which option the client chose for scoring faunal index.
c. Collect sediment samples in accordance
with Appendix I-1 (see 2.1.1).
C. Confirm sample collection followed Appendix I-1 (see 2.1.1).
Has been evidenced the document called "Plan de Monitoreo
Ambiental" (PL-MA-002) Ed. 00 which scope are sea farms: Delta,
Arbolito, Ganso Pearson, developed by company's Environmental
Department. Monitoring stations has been identified geographically
in document as well singles maps per concession/sea farm were
included. AZE farms work with, defined by ASC, valid until 2015.06.13
with the purpose do not change salpling stations 6 month long since
the beginning of monitoring process.
The CAB was informed Option #2 was chosen by the sea farm by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
Requirement: AZTI Marine
Biotic Index (AMBI [5]) score ≤ d. For option #1, measure, calculate and
D. Review results (as applicable) to verify that AMBI score of sediments is ≤ 3.3 at
3.3, or
record AZTI Marine Biotic Index [5] score of
Shannon-Wiener Index score > sediment samples using the required method. each sampling station outside the AZE.
3, or
Benthic Quality Index (BQI)
score ≥ 15, or
Infaunal Trophic Index (ITI)
score ≥ 25
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [1]
e. For option #2, measure, calculate and
E. Review results (as applicable) to verify that Shannon Wiener score of sediments
record Shannon-Wiener Index score of
is > 3 at each sampling station outside the AZE.
sediment samples using the required method.
The CAB was informed Option #2 was chosen by the sea farm by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
The CAB was informed Option #2 was chosen by the sea farm by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
In Pearson sea farm was observed that Shannon-Wiener Index score
was under 3 in all monitoring stations including control station (14
stations in duplicate). Control station score was 2,72 and 2,71.
Sediment in stations 6-8 & 11 couldn't be sampled due bottom
hardness and irregularity as was detailed in the report (AZE the farm
worked with was the standard AZE valid until June13th, 2015.
f. For option #3, measure, calculate and record
F. Review results (as applicable) to verify that BQI score of sediments is ≥ 15 at
Benthic Quality Index (BQI) score of sediment
each sampling station outside the AZE.
samples using the required method.
The CAB was informed Option #2 was chosen by the sea farm by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
g. For option #4, measure, calculate and
G. Review results (as applicable) to verify that ITI score of sediments is ≥ 25 at
record Infaunal Trophic Index (ITI) score of
each sampling station outside the AZE.
sediment samples using the required method.
The CAB was informed Option #2 was chosen by the sea farm by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
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h. Retain documentary evidence to show how
scores were obtained. If samples were
H. Confirm that an approved method was used or that a qualified independent
analyzed and index calculated by an
laboratory performed the sampling and calculation of faunal index.
independent laboratory, obtain copies of
i. Submit faunal index scores to ASC (Appendix
I. Confirm that client submitted faunal index scores to ASC (Appendix VI).
VI) at least once for each production cycle.
[4] “Good” Ecological Quality Classification: The level of diversity and abundance of invertebrate taxa is slightly outside the range associated with the type-specific
conditions. Most of the sensitive taxa of the type-specific communities are present.
a. Document appropriate sediment sample
collection as for 2.1.1a and 2.1.1c, or
exemption as per 2.1.1b.
Indicator: Number of
macrofaunal taxa in the
sediment within the AZE,
following the sampling
methodology outlined in
Appendix I-1
Requirement: ≥ 2 highly
abundant [6] taxa that are not
pollution indicator species
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [1]
A. Confirm appropriate sediment sample collection as for 2.1.1a and 2.1.1c or
exemption as per 2.1.1b.
b. For sediment samples taken within the AZE,
B. Confirm that an appropriate method was used or that a suitably qualified
determine abundance and taxonomic
independent laboratory performed the analysis.
composition of macrofauna using an
appropriate testing method.
c. Identify all highly abundant taxa [6] and
specify which ones (if any) are pollution
indicator species.
C. Confirm that all samples from within the AZE have ≥ 2 highly abundant [6] taxa
(exclusive of pollution indicator species).
The producer must to submit results to ASC, of information available
at the moment of IA as a base-line information, as well, at highest
production cycle during the current productive cycle
According established in both reports developed by Cetecasl
laboratory & Plancton Andino Ltda.; methodology to identify
macrofaunal taxa in the sediment within the AZE was based in
Resolution Ex. Nº 3612/2009 issued by the Chilean Fishery
Subsecretary, explained in the documents.
Method applied was based on Resolution Ex. Nº 3612/2009 issued by
the Chilean Fishery Subsecretary.
Was possible to evidence macrofaunal taxa scores in report
developed by Plancton Andino Ltda. in April 2015 achieving the
following scores: 24/26 samples showed at least 2 abundance taxa
over 100 ind/m2 at the same level that control stations, where
abundance is also low. Any of abundant taxa weren't pollution
d. Retain documentary evidence to show how
D. Confirm that a suitable method was used or that a suitability qualified
taxa were identified and how counts were
independent laboratory performed the scoring of faunal index.
obtained. If samples were analyzed by an
independent lab, obtain copies of results.
e. Submit counts of macrofaunal taxa to ASC
(Appendix VI) at least once for each
production cycle.
E. Confirm that client has submitted scores to ASC (Appendix VI).
Was evidenced that company involved in studies was Plancton
Andino Ltda. both with methodology concerning to Taxonomy and
Aquatic Sediments, properly accredited by the Chilean Standarization
Institute (acronym in Spanish -INN) valid until 2016.11.24.
Was evidenced that companies involved in studies were Cetecsal S.A.
laboratory and Plancton Andino Ltda. both with methodology
concerning to Taxonomy and Aquatic Sediments, properly accredited
by the Chilean Standarization Institute (acronym in Spanish -INN-)
valid until 2015.10.15 and 2016.11.24 respectively
The producer must to submit results to ASC, of technical report
available at the moment of IA, as a base-line information as well,
when reports be developed at highest production cycle during the
current productive cycle
[6] Highly abundant: Greater than 100 organisms per square meter (or equally high to reference site(s) if natural abundance is lower than this level).
Note: Farms may define a site-specific AZE at any time before this date as long as they demonstrate full compliance by June 13,
a. Undertake an analysis to determine the siteIndicator: Definition of a site- specific AZE and depositional pattern before 3 A. Review documentation to confirm that the farm has undertaken an analysis
specific AZE based on a robust years have passed since publication of the
before the required date.
and credible [7] modeling
Standard on June 13, 2012.
OBS: Was available a site-specific AZE based in SEPA AUTODEPOMOD
modelling system, however modelling was developed, based on total
feed supplied past productive cycle. This requirement shall have full
compliance since June 13th. 2015. Survey was carried out by Cetecsal
Requirement: Yes, within
three years of the publication b. Maintain records to show how the analysis
[8] of the SAD standard (i.e. full (in 2.1.4a) is robust and credible based on
compliance by June 13, 2015) modeling using a multi-parameter approach
B. Confirm that the farm used a robust and credible modeling system to define
the site-specific AZE.
OBS: Was available a site-specific AZE based in SEPA AUTODEPOMOD
modelling system, however modelling was developed, based on total
feed supplied past productive cycle. This requirement shall have full
compliance since June 13th. 2015. Survey was carried out by Cetecsal
C. Confirm that farms have validated the general applicability of the site-specific
AZE using monitoring data (i.e. 'ground truthing').
OBS: Was available a site-specific AZE based in SEPA AUTODEPOMOD
modelling system, however modelling was developed, based on total
feed supplied past productive cycle. This requirement shall have full
compliance since June 13th. 2015. Survey was carried out by Cetecsal
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [1]
c. Maintain records to show that modeling
results for the site-specific AZE have been
verified with > 6 months of monitoring data.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
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[7] Robust and credible: The SEPA AUTODEPOMOD modeling system is considered to be an example of a credible and robust system. The model must include a
multi-parameter approach. Monitoring must be used to ground-truth the AZE proposed through the model.
[8] Publication: Refers to the date when the final standards and accompanying guidelines are completed and made publicly available. This definition of
publication applies throughout this document.
Criterion 2.2 Water quality in and near the site of operation [12]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
[12] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.5.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.2.1 - Monitoring Average Weekly Percent Saturation of Dissolved Oxygen
Appendix I-4 presents the required methodology that farms must follow for sampling the average weekly percent saturation of
dissolved oxygen (DO). Key points of the method are as follows:
- measurements may be taken with a handheld oxygen meter or equivalent chemical method;
- equipment is calibrated according to manufacturer's recommendations;
- measurements are taken at least twice daily: once in the morning (6 -9 am) and once in the afternoon (3-6 pm ) as appropriate
for the location and season;
- salinity and temperature must also be measured when DO is sampled;
- sampling should be done at 5 meters depth in water conditions that would be experienced by fish (e.g. at the downstream edge
of a net pen array):
- each week, all DO measurements are used in the calculation of a weekly average percent saturation.
If monitoring deviates from prescribed sampling methodology, the farm shall provide the auditor with a written justification (e.g.
when samples are missed due to bad weather). In limited and well-justified situations, farms may request that the CAB approve
reduction of DO monitoring frequency to one sample per day.
Exception [see footnote 15] If a farm does not meet the minimum 70 percent weekly average saturation requirement, the farm
must demonstrate the consistency of percent saturation with a reference site. The reference site shall be at least 500 meters from
the edge of the net pen array, in a location that is understood to follow similar patterns in upwelling to the farm site and is not
influenced by nutrient inputs from anthropogenic causes including aquaculture, agricultural runoff or nutrient releases from
coastal communities. For any such exceptions, the auditor shall fully document in the audit report how the farm has
demonstrated consistency with the reference site.
Note 1: Percent saturation is the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water sample compared to the maximum amount that could
be present at the same temperature and salinity.
Indicator: Weekly average
percent saturation [13] of
dissolved oxygen (DO) [14] on
farm, calculated following
methodology in Appendix I-4
a. Monitor and record on-farm percent
saturation of DO at a minimum of twice daily
using a calibrated oxygen meter or equivalent A. Do not schedule audit until client provides a minimum of 6 months of DO data.
method. For first audits, farm records must
cover ≥ 6 months.
Has been evidenced the sea farm works Innovex system with in one
net pen array and the other with oxyguard device, Innovex has the
following characteristics: Data logger system, variables are recorded
every 5 minutes in a PC located in the manager's office, 2 sensors has
been implemented (5-10 meters deep) being used 5 meters deep for
oxygen measuring purposes. Monitoring have been carried out daily
at 08:00 & 17:00 hrs. Monitoring started to be recorded since
2014.10.15, being implemented the same monitoring methodology
both syspems used.
Requirement: ≥ 70% [15]
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [15]
b. Provide a written justification for any
missed samples or deviations in sampling
B. Review records for completeness and conformity with methodology in
Appendix 1-4.
c. Calculate weekly average percent saturation
C. Review calculation and confirm all weekly averages ≥ 70%.
based on data.
d. If any weekly average DO values are < 70%,
or approaching that level, monitor and record D. As needed, review DO data from reference site and document in the audit
DO at a reference site and compare to on-farm report (see instruction).
levels (see Instructions).
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
No missed samples or deviations in sampling time were observed,
since records started to be available in farm.
Were evidenced weekly average percent of saturation records
available in farm (excel file called "Planilla y Gráficos O2, centros área
Puyuhuapi). Was evidenced that values recorded O2 level with shows
similar scores. Were evidenced levels under 70% the following weeks:
March 09-15, 2015; March 16-22, 2015; March 23-29, 2015; March 30 Apr 05, 2015; Apr 06-12, 2015.
Were possible to evidence weekly average percentages lower than
70% the following weeks:March 09-15, 2015: 52%-56%; March 16-22,
2015: 54% - 58%; March 23-29, 2015: 45% - 45%; March 30 - Apr 05,
2015 63%-65%; Apr 06-12, 2015: 72% -67%. Was possible to evidence
monitoring of DO in a reference site outside the net pen arrays, aprox
200 meters distance sensor location, measured also by a Innovex
system located in farm's pontoon. OBS: Differences between control
and cage were between 10% - 20%.
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e. Arrange for auditor to witness DO
monitoring and calibration while on site.
E. Witness DO monitoring and verify calibration while on site. On-site values
should fall within range of farm data for DO. If an out of range measurement is
observed, raise a nonconformity.
Was possible to evidence on-site the proper calibration of system in
accordance technical instructions with
f. Submit results from monitoring of average
weekly DO as per Appendix VI to ASC at least
once per year.
F. Confirm that client has submitted DO results to ASC (Appendix VI).
Was possible to evidence information was submitted to the ASC by
mail sent on 2015.04.20
As was detailed in 2.2.1 a, O2 levels were monitored through Innovex
system as well Oxyguard device (one system by net pen array), since
october 15th, 2014, not evidencing concentrations lower than 2
Was possible to evidence information was submitted to the ASC by
mail sent on 2015.04.20
The CAB was informed do no exist or haven't been defined yet, goals
regarding to national or regional coastal water quality, by a letter
issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
[13] Percent saturation: Percent saturation is the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water sample compared to the maximum amount that could be present at the
same temperature and salinity.
[14] Averaged weekly from two daily measurements (proposed at 6 am and 3 pm).
[15] An exception to this standard shall be made for farms that can demonstrate consistency with a reference site in the same water body.
a. Calculate the percentage of on-farm
Indicator: Maximum
A. Review the farm's calculation and confirm that ≤ 5% of weekly samples fall
percentage of weekly samples samples taken for 2.2.1a that fall under 2 mg/l under 2 mg/l DO.
from 2.2.1 that fall under 2
mg/liter DO
Requirement: 5%
Applicability: All
Indicator: For jurisdictions
that have national or regional
coastal water quality targets
[16], demonstration through
third-party analysis that the
farm is in an area recently [17]
classified as having “good” or
“very good” water quality [18]
Requirement: Yes [19]
b. Submit results from 2.2.2a as per Appendix
VI to ASC at least once per year.
B. Confirm that client has submitted results to ASC (Appendix VI).
a. Inform the CAB whether relevant targets
and classification systems are applicable in the
jurisdiction. If applicable, proceed to "2.2.3.b". A. Record whether indicator is applicable.
If not applicable, take action as required
under 2.2.4
b. Compile a summary of relevant national or
B. Confirm that there has been a recent third-party analysis (within two years
regional water quality targets and
prior to the audit) to classify areas according to national or regional water quality
classifications, identifying the third-party
responsible for the analysis and classification.
Applicability: All farms except c. Identify the most recent classification of
as noted in [19]
water quality for the area in which the farm
C. Confirm that the analysis and classification shows the farm is located in an area
where the water quality complies with the requirement.
[16] Related to nutrients (e.g., N, P, chlorophyll A).
[17] Within the two years prior to the audit.
[18] Classifications of “good” and “very good” are used in the EU Water Framework Directive. Equivalent classification from other water quality monitoring
systems in other jurisdictions are acceptable.
[19] Closed production systems that can demonstrate the collection and responsible disposal of > 75% of solid nutrients as well as > 50% of dissolved nutrients
(through biofiltration, settling and/or other technologies) are exempt from standards 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.
a. Develop, implement, and document a
weekly monitoring plan for N, NH4, NO3, total
P, and ortho-P in compliance with Appendix I- A. Review the farm's monitoring plan and verify that the farm has collected
Indicator: For jurisdictions
5, testing a minimum of once weekly in both monitoring data for N and P following the methodology in Appendix I-5.
without national or regional
coastal water quality targets, locations. For first audits, farm records must
evidence of weekly monitoring cover ≥ 6 months.
of nitrogen and phosphorous
[20] levels on farm and at a
reference site, following
methodology in Appendix I-5
Chilean environmental regulations haven't define national or regional
coastal water quality targets
Chilean environmental regulations haven't define national or regional
coastal water quality targets
Was possible to evidence weekly monitoring recorded in farm since
october 13th, 2014, being stablished 4 monitoring stations by net pen
array as follows (100 - 200): inside net pen array (cage 108 & 206),
perimeter off net pen array, 50 and 500 meters from net pen array. All
samples picked from 5 meters deep. Analysis were run by third party
laboratories Laboratorio de Análisis Ambientales ANAM and
Requirement: Yes
b. Calibrate all equipment according to the
Applicability: All farms except
manufacturer's recommendations.
as noted in [19]
B. Verify that client calibrates equipment as needed.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
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Analysis are being carried out by third party laboratories (ANAM &
Page 7 of 229
c. Submit data on N and P to ASC as per
Appendix VI at least once per year.
C. Confirm that client has submitted N and P data to ASC (Appendix VI).
Was possible to evidence information was submitted to the ASC by
mail sent on 2015.04.20
César Aguilar (Animal Nutrition & Feeding Sub-manager), supplied
collected data used to calculate BOD. Production data inputs were
supplied by Miss Marcela Barrera (company's Planning and
Administration Sub.manager) who has whole information recorded in
production management software Fishtalk (supplied by Akva Group)
long-through productive cycles by productive unit). Regarding to %C
and %N contents, references came from the Global Aquaculture
Performance Index (GAPI)
BOD was calculated long through the current productive cicle until
2015.03.31, being checked out productive variables in farm by mean
of Fishtalk. BOD calculated was 3.113. Mr. Aníbal Riveros, farm's
manager demonstrate knowledge concerning to BOD calculation and
concepts involved.
[20] Farms shall monitor total N, NH4, NO3, total P and Ortho-P in the water column. Results shall be submitted to the ASC database. Methods such as a Hach kit
are acceptable.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.2.5 - Calculating Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) can be calculated based on cumulative inputs of N and C to the environment over the course
of the production cycle.
BOD = ((total N in feed – total N in fish)*4.57) + ((total C in feed – total C in fish)*2.67).
• A farm may deduct N or C that is captured, filtered or absorbed through approaches such as IMTA or through direct collection
of nutrient wasted. In this equation, “fish” refers to harvested fish. In this case, farm must submit breakdown of N & C
captured/filtered/absorbed to ASC along with method used to estimate nutrient reduction.
• Reference for calculation methodology: Boyd C. 2009. Estimating mechanical aeration requirement in shrimp ponds from the
oxygen demand of feed. In: Proceedings of the World Aquaculture Society Meeting; Sept 25-29, 2009; VeraCruz, Mexico. And:
Global Aquaculture Performance Index BOD calculation methodology available at
Note 1: Calculation requires a full production cycle of data and is required beginning with the production cycle first undergoing
certification. If it is the first audit for the farm, the client is required to demonstrate to the CAB that data is being collected and an
understanding of the calculations.
Note 2: Farms may seek an exemption to Indicator 2.2.5 if: the farm collects BOD samples at least once every two weeks, samples
are independently analyzed by an accredited laboratory, and the farm can show that BOD monitoring results do not deviate
Indicator: Demonstration of
significantly from calculated annual BOD load.
calculation of biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD [21]) of
the farm on a production cycle
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
a. Collect data throughout the course of the
production cycle and calculate BOD according A. Review calculation, cross-check data used with feed and harvest records.
to formula in the instruction box.
b. Submit calculated BOD as per Appendix VI
to ASC for each production cycle.
B. Confirm that client has submitted calculated BOD a to ASC (Appendix VI).
OBS: Harvesting time is scheduled to be held between septemberdecember 2015, not being possible to calculate BOD per closed
productive cycle, therefore once the current cycle be off , BPD shall be
submitted to ASC
[21] BOD calculated as: ((total N in feed – total N in fish)*4.57) + ((total C in feed – total C in fish)*2.67). A farm may deduct N or C that is captured, filtered or
absorbed through approaches such as IMTA or through direct collection of nutrient wasted. In this equation, “fish” refers to harvested fish. Reference for
calculation methodology: Boyd C. 2009. Estimating mechanical aeration requirement in shrimp ponds from the oxygen demand of feed. In: Proceedings of the
World Aquaculture Society Meeting; Sept 25-29, 2009; VeraCruz, Mexico. And: Global Aquaculture Performance Index BOD calculation methodology available at
Criterion 2.3 Nutrient release from production
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Note: The methodology given in Appendix I-2 is used to determine the fines (dust and small fragments) in finished product of fish
feed which has a diameter of 3 mm or more.
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a. Determine and document a schedule and
location for quarterly testing of feed. If testing A. Review timing and location of testing. If testing off-site, verify rationale and
ensure consistent with [23].
prior to delivery to farm site, document
rationale behind not testing on site.
Has been evidenced the document called "Procedimiento de
Muestreo de Finos y Partidos en el Alimento" (PO-DA-004) Ed.01
procedures established are according to appendix I-2 guidelines. As
Mr. César Aguilar (Animal Feed and Nutrition Submanager) explained,
all samples were picked up on farms, however fines percentages were
calculated in feed suppliers' laboratories but supervised by a
professional designated by him (Feeding Chief) in order to supervise
procedures were carried out according procedure. When the IA was
held sieves weren't bought yet, declaring since second half current
year , % fines calculation will be held on site. Sieves acquisition are in
progress, therefore calculation on-site shall be evidenced when a
follow up audit be held. Was possible to evidence 1 batch of feed
(Nº1111549) tested in in triplicate evidencing the following scores:
0,135 - 0,10% & 0,07%.
Indicator: Percentage of fines
[22] in the feed at point of
entry to the farm [23]
(calculated following
methodology in Appendix I-2)
Requirement: < 1% by weight
of the feed
Applicability: All farms except b. If using a sieving machine, calibrate
equipment according to manufacturer's
as noted in [23]
B. Verify that client has appropriate testing technology on site and that, if
applicable, it is calibrated as required.
c. Conduct test according to detailed
methodology in Appendix I-2 and record
C. Review testing results and confirm that the pooled sample for each quarter has
results for the pooled sample for each quarter.
a percent fines of <1%.
For first audits, farms must have test results
from the last 3 months.
[22] Fines: Dust and fragments in the feed. Particles that separate from feed with a diameter of 5 mm or less when sieved through a 1 mm sieve, or particles that
separate from feed with a diameter greater than 5 mm when sieved through a 2.36 mm sieve. To be measured at farm gate (e.g., from feed bags after they are
delivered to farm).
[23] To be measured every quarter or every three months. Samples that are measured shall be chosen randomly. Feed may be sampled immediately prior to
delivery to farm for sites with no feed storage where it is not possible to sample on farm. Closed production systems that can demonstrate the collection and
responsible disposal of > 75% of solid nutrients and > 50% of dissolved nutrients (through biofiltration, settling and/or other technologies) are exempt.
Criterion 2.4 Interaction with critical or sensitive habitats and species
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Has not been used sieving machines to calculate precentage of fines
Due currently company's Feed and Nutrition Department is in
progress to establish criteria regarding testing fines percentages in
feed, concerning to sieves open mesh size used v/s pellet size, is not
standardized by feed suppliers, they are in process of buying 10 sieves
open mesh size, to be used according pellet gauge with the aim to
generate an standardization requirement to ask their feed
manufacturer suppliers, reason why sieves weren't available in farm
to verify fine testing.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Note: If a farm has previously undertaken an independent assessment of biodiversity impact (e.g. as part of the regulatory
permitting process), the farm may use such documents as evidence to demonstrate compliance with Indicator 2.4.1 as long as all
components in Appendix I-3 are explicitly covered.
a. Perform (or contract to have performed) a
documented assessment of the farm's
potential impact on biodiversity and nearby
ecosystems. The assessment must address all
components outlined in Appendix I-3.
Indicator: Evidence of an
assessment of the farm’s
potential impacts on
biodiversity and nearby
ecosystems that contains at a
minimum the components
outlined in Appendix I-3
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
A. Review the assessment to confirm that it complies with all components
outlined in Appendix I-3.
b. If the assessment (2.4.1a) identifies
potential impact(s) of the farm on biodiversity
B. Verify the farm has a plan to address all potential impacts identified in the
or nearby critical, sensitive or protected
habitats or species, prepare plan to address
those potential impacts.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Has been evidenced a Biodiversity technical report Nº 75 - COT 1493
called "Caracterización de Biodiversidad Centro de Engorda de
Salmones Ganso" issued past February 2015 and developed by
company Plancton Andino. Sea farm also have an environmental
impacts assessment and other procedures used as documenta
support as: Plan de Conservación (PG-MA-007) Ed. 03 based mainly
on bibliographic support & Plan de Gestión Ambiental Puyuhuapi (PGMA-004) Ed. 02, developed internally by the company's
Environmental Department.
Has been evidenced a Biodiversity technical report Nº 75- COT 1493
called "Caracterización de Biodiversidad Centro de Engorda de
Salmones Ganso" issued past February 2015 and developed by
company Plancton Andino. Sea farm also have an environmental
impacts assessment which include Control Operationals Procedures
with the aim to reduce/minimize all those environmental impacts
assessed as significatives
Page 9 of 229
Has been evidenced differents records and systems that demonstrate
actions focused in minimize impacts identified in the environmental
impacts identified, as: Use of submarine cameras to control feed
supply, mortality silage system operative, daily mortality extraction,
periodical nets checking out, proper disposal of waste generated due
farm operation, periodical net change to avoid fouling over loads,
among several others.
A. Review map and cross-check against independent information sources (e.g.
1.1.1d) to determine if the farm is sited in a protected area or HCVA.
In technical report Nº 75- COT 1493 called "Caracterización de
Biodiversidad Centro de Engorda de Salmones Ganso" was possible
to evidence that Pearson sea farm is located inside of one of 40 HCVAs
proposed by WWF Chile
b. If the farm is not sited in a protected area or
High Conservation Value Area as defined
B. Obtain a copy of the farm's declaration stating that the farm is not sited in a
above, prepare a declaration attesting to this
protected area or HCVA (as applicable).
fact. In this case, the requirements of 2.4.2c-d
do not apply.
OBS: Pearson sea farm, as was stated in technical report Nº 75, is
located inside of one of 40 HCVAs proposed by WWF Chile, but has
not been classified by the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) or national Authorities (as was detailed in 1.1.1 d,
c. Keep records to show how the farm
implements plan(s) from 2.4.1b to minimize
potential impacts to critical or sensitive
habitats and species.
C. Verify that the farm implements the plan(s).
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.4.2 - Exceptions to Requirements that Farms are not sited within Protected Areas or HCVAs
The following exceptions shall be made for Indicator 2.4.2:
Exception #1: For protected areas classified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Category V or VI
(these are areas preserved primarily for their landscapes or for sustainable resource management).
Exception #2: For HCVAs if the farm can demonstrate that its environmental impacts are compatible with the conservation
objectives of the HCVA designation. The burden of proof would be placed on the farm to demonstrate that it is not negatively
impacting the core reason an area has been identified as a HCVA.
Exception #3: For farms located in a protected area if it was designated as such after the farm was already in operation and
provided the farm can demonstrate that its environmental impacts are compatible with the conservation objectives of the
protected area and it is in compliance with any relevant conditions or regulations placed on the farm as a result of the
formation/designation of the protected area. The burden of proof would be placed on the farm to demonstrate that it is not
negatively impacting the core reason an area has been protected.
Indicator: Allowance for the
farm to be sited in a protected
area [24] or High Conservation
Value Areas [25] (HCVAs)
Protected area: “A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective
means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.”
High Conservation Value Areas (HCVA): Natural habitats where conservation values are considered to be of outstanding
significance or critical importance. HCVA are designated through a multi-stakeholder approach that provides a systematic basis
for identifying critical conservation values—both social and environmental—and for planning ecosystem management in order to
ensure that these high conservation values are maintained or enhanced
a. Provide a map showing the location of the
farm relative to nearby protected areas or
High Conservation Value Areas (HCVAs) as
Applicability: All farms except defined above (see also 1.1.1a).
as noted in [26]
Requirement: None [26]
c. If the farm is sited in a protected area or
HCVA, review the scope of applicability of
C. Review the applicability of the exception requested by the farm together with
Indicator 2.4.2 (see Instructions above) to
determine if your farm is allowed an exception the supporting evidence to determine if the farm is eligible. If yes, Indicator 2.4.2
to the requirements. If yes, inform the CAB
is not applicable.
which exception (#1, #2, or #3) is allowed and
provide supporting evidence.
Pearson sea farm is not located in HCVA classified by the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) or national
Authorities (as was detailed in 1.1.1 d,
d. If the farm is sited in a protected area or
HCVA and the exceptions provided for
Indicator 2.4.2 do not apply, then the farm
does not comply with the requirement and is
ineligible for ASC certification.
Pearson sea farm is not located in HCVA classified by the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) or national
Authorities (as was detailed in 1.1.1 d,
D. Review evidence to determine whether the farm is allowed to be sited in a
protected area or HCVA and hence eligible for ASC certification.
[24] Protected area: “A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term
conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” Source: Dudley, N. (Editor) (2008), Guidelines for Applying Protected Area
Management Categories, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. x + 86pp.
[25] High Conservation Value Areas (HCVA): Natural habitats where conservation values are considered to be of outstanding significance or critical importance.
HCVA are designated through a multi-stakeholder approach that provides a systematic basis for identifying critical conservation values—both social and
environmental—and for planning ecosystem management in order to ensure that these high conservation values are maintained or enhanced
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[26] The following exceptions shall be made for Standard 2.4.2:
• For protected areas classified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Category V or VI (these are areas preserved primarily for their
landscapes or for sustainable resource management).
• For HCVAs if the farm can demonstrate that its environmental impacts are compatible with the conservation objectives of the HCVA designation. The burden of
proof would be placed on the farm to demonstrate that it is not negatively impacting the core reason an area has been identified as a HCVA.
• For farms located in a protected area if it was designated as such after the farm was already in operation and provided the farm can demonstrate that its
environmental impacts are compatible with the conservation objectives of the protected area and it is in compliance with any relevant conditions or regulations
placed on the farm as a result of the formation/designation of the protected area. The burden of proof would be placed on the farm to demonstrate that it is not
negatively impacting the core reason an area has been protected.
Criterion 2.5 Interaction with wildlife, including predators [27]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[27] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 2.5.2, 2.5.5 and 2.5.6.
Indicator: Number of days in
the production cycle when
acoustic deterrent devices
(ADDs) or acoustic harassment
devices (AHDs) were used
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. Prepare a written statement affirming that
the farm's management is committed to
A. Confirm that farm management has prepared a written statement of
eliminate all usage of acoustic deterrent
devices (ADDs) or acoustic harassment devices
(AHDs) by June 13, 2015.
b. Compile documentary evidence to show
Requirement: 0, within three
that no ADDs or AHDs were used by the farm
years of the date of publication
after June 13, 2015 (applicable only after the
[28] of the SAD standard (i.e.
specified date).
full compliance by June 13,
Has been evidenced a Statement signed by Mr. Francisco Lobos
Fuentes (Environment, Concessions and Certification Department
Manager) issued on 2014.12.12, regardingto no use of acoustic
deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic harassment devices (AHDs) in
the sea farm, and confirmed when on site inspection was held when
the IA was carried out.
B. Review documentary evidence (e.g. predator management policies, records of
predator incidents) and cross-check against interviews with farm staff and local
community members (applicable only after the date specified in 2.5.1a).
Sea farm do no use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic
harassment devices (AHDs), condition verified when on site inspection
was held when the IA was carried out.
C. During the on-site audit, inspect the farm to confirm that no ADDs or AHDs are
present at the facilities (applicable only after June 13, 2015).
Sea farm do no use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic
harassment devices (AHDs), condition verified when on site inspection
was held when the IA was carried out.
Applicability: All
[28] Publication: Refers to the date when the final standards and accompanying guidelines are completed and made publicly available. This definition of
publication applies throughout this document.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.5.2 - Percentage of Days that ADDs or AHDs were used
Farms must calculate the percentage of days in the production cycle that ADDs or AHDs were operated using data from the most
recent complete production cycle. For first audits, farms may be exempted from compliance with Indicator 2.5.2 for the most
recent complete production cycle if the farm can satisfactorily demonstrate to the auditor that:
- the client understands how to accurately calculate percentage of days the devices were operational;
- the client maintains all information needed to accurately calculate the percentage of operational days based on > 6 months of
data for the current production cycle; and
- the client can show how plans for the current production cycle will ensure that the farm will meet requirements at harvest (i.e.
devices in operation <40% of days).
Indicator: Prior to the
achievement of 2.5.1, if ADDs
or AHDs are used, maximum
percentage of days [29] in the
production cycle that the
devices are operational
Requirement: ≤ 40%
Applicability: All, until June
13, 2015
Indicator 2.5.2 is applicable until June 13, 2015, after which the use of ADDs and AHDs is not allowed under the standard.
a. Maintain a log for the use of any ADDs or
AHDs on farm that includes recording the
number of days (24-hour cycles) during which
the devices were used.
A. Review log and cross-check with records of predator incidents.
Sea farm do no use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic
harassment devices (AHDs), condition verified when on site inspection
was held when the IA was carried out.
b. Calculate the percentage of days in the
production cycle that the devices were
operational in the most recent complete
B. Verify calculations and cross-check against records for the duration of the
production cycle.
Sea farm do no use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic
harassment devices (AHDs), condition verified when on site inspection
was held when the IA was carried out.
C. Confirm devices were operational ≤ 40% of the days of the production cycle.
Sea farm do no use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic
harassment devices (AHDs), condition verified when on site inspection
was held when the IA was carried out.
d. Submit data on number of days that
ADDs/AHDs were used to the ASC as per
Appendix VI. Data must be sent to ASC on an
ongoing basis (i.e. at least once per year and
for each production cycle).
D. Confirm that client has submitted data on ADDs/AHDs to ASC (Appendix VI).
Sea farm do no use acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) or acoustic
harassment devices (AHDs), condition verified when on site inspection
was held when the IA was carried out.
[29] Day: 24-hour cycle.
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a. Prepare a list of all predator control devices
A. Review list.
and their locations.
b. Maintain a record of all predator incidents.
B. Review farm records of predator incidents and cross-check against relevant
records (e.g. escapes).
c. Maintain a record of all mortalities of
marine mammals and birds on the farm
identifying the species, date, and apparent
cause of death.
C. Review records for completeness. Cross-check mortality records against
interviews with farm staff and community representatives.
Has been observed the document called "Procedimiento de
Contingencia Ante Enmalle de Mamíferos o Aves - Región de Aysén"
(PO-MA-005) Ed. 08, being detailed in point Nº 3 predator
management systems available in sea farm.
In the document (PO-MA-005) Ed. 08 are detailed actions to be
implemented if any kind of incidents were may be involved predatosr
or wild mammals. By other side if any incident may occur, should be
recorded in the farm's Environmental Contingencies Binnacle, beiing
checked out by the auditor without incidents of any kind.
Indicator: Number of
mortalities [30] of endangered
or red-listed [31] marine
mammals or birds on the farm
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All
d. Maintain an up-to-date list of endangered
or red-listed marine mammals and birds in the D. Review list for consistency with 2.4.1
area (see 2.4.1)
E. Compare results from (a) through (d) above to confirm that there were no
mortalities of endangered or red-listed marine mammals or birds on farm.
[30] Mortalities: Includes animals intentionally killed through lethal action as well as accidental deaths through entanglement or other means.
[31] Species listed as endangered or critically endangered by the IUCN or on a national endangered species list.
Indicator: Evidence that the
following steps were taken
prior to lethal action [32]
against a predator:
1. All other avenues were
pursued prior to using lethal
2. Approval was given from a
senior manager above the farm
3. Explicit permission was
granted to take lethal action
against the specific animal
from the relevant regulatory
No incidents concertning to mortalities of marine mammals and birds
has happened in the sea farm
A list updated regarding to endangered or red-listed marine mammals
and birds in the area is available in the Biodiversity technical report
Nº 72 - COT 1493 called "Caracterización de Biodiversidad Centro de
Engorda de Salmones Ganso" issued past February 2015 and
developed by company Plancton Andino.
No incidents concertning to mortalities of marine mammals and birds
has happened in the sea farm
a. Provide a list of all lethal actions that the
farm took against predators during the
previous 12-month period. Note: "lethal
action" is an action taken to deliberately kill
an animal, including marine mammals and
A. Review list of lethal actions taken by the farm and cross-check against 2.5.3b.
Has been evidenced a Has been evidenced a Statement signed by Mr.
Francisco Lobos Fuentes (Environment, Concessions and Certification
Department Manager) issued on 2014.12.12, regarding to no lethal
actions are allowed to be carried out in farms in fulfillment in force
laws & ASC requirements with.
b. For each lethal action identified in 2.5.4a,
keep record of the following:
1) a rationale showing how the farm pursued
all other reasonable avenues prior to using
lethal action;
2) approval from a senior manager above the
farm manager of the lethal action;
3) where applicable, explicit permission was
granted by the relevant regulatory authority
to take lethal action against the animal.
B. Review documentation to confirm that the farm shows evidence of compliance
with requirements in steps 1-3.
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm
Requirement: Yes [33]
Applicability: All except cases
where human safety is
c. Provide documentary evidence that steps 1endangered as noted in [33]
3 above (in 2.5.4b) were taken prior to killing C. Review documentary evidence to verify actions, permissions, and approvals
the animal. If human safety was endangered were taken prior to taking lethal action. If client requests exemption due to
human safety, review evidence to verify [33].
and urgent action necessary, provide
documentary evidence as outlined in [33].
[32] Lethal action: Action taken to deliberately kill an animal, including marine mammals and birds.
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[33] Exception to these conditions may be made for a rare situation where human safety is endangered. Should this be required, post-incident approval from a
senior manager should be made and relevant authorities must be informed.
Instruction to Clients and CABs on Indicators 2.5.5, 2.5.6, and 2.5.7 - Clarification about the ASC Definition of "Lethal Incident"
The ASC Salmon Standard has defined "Lethal incident" to include all lethal actions as well as entanglements or other accidental mortalities of non-salmonids [footnote 35]. For
the purpose of assisting farms and auditors with understanding how to evaluate compliance with Indicators 2.5.5, 2.5.6, and 2.5.7, ASC has clarified this definition further:
Total number of lethal Incidents = sum of all non-salmonid deaths arising from all lethal actions taken by the farm during a given time period
There should be a 1:1 relationship between the number of animal deaths and the number of lethal incidents reported by the farm. For example, if a farm has taken one (1)
lethal action in past last two years and that single lethal action resulted in killing three (3) birds, it is considered three (3) lethal incidents within a two year period.
The term "non-salmonid" was intended to cover any predatory animals which are likely to try to feed upon farmed salmon. In practice these animals will usually be seals or
Indicator: Evidence that
information about any lethal
incidents [35] on the farm has
been made easily publicly
available [34]
a. For all lethal actions (see 2.5.4), keep
records showing that the farm made the
information available within 30 days of
A. Check farm records for publicizing lethal actions against the actions listed in
2.5.4a to confirm that the farm made information available within 30 days.
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm
b. Ensure that information about all lethal
actions listed in 2.5.5a are made easily
publicly available (e.g. on a website).
B. Verify that required information is easily publicly available.
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm, however the
company developed a document called "Procedimiento de
Comunicación a los Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC
Salmon Standard" (PO-DS-017) Ed. 00 where are detailed actions to be
carried out to made information easily publicicly available.
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm long through
the current productive cycle started 2014.07.07
B. Verify that over the previous two years there were < 9 lethal incidents in total
and that ≤ 2 of those incidents were marine mammal deaths.
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm long through
the current productive cycle started 2014.07.07
C. Confirm that data on all lethal incidents has been submitted to ASC (Appendix
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm long through
the current productive cycle started 2014.07.07
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm long through
the current productive cycle started 2014.07.07
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
[34] Posting results on a public website is an example of “easily publicly available.” Shall be made available within 30 days of the incident and see Appendix VI for
transparency requirements.
a. Maintain log of lethal incidents (see 2.5.4a)
for a minimum of two years. For first audit, > 6 A. Review log.
months of data are required.
Indicator: Maximum number
of lethal incidents [35] on the
farm over the prior two years
b. Calculate the total number of lethal
incidents and the number of incidents
Requirement: < 9 lethal
involving marine mammals during the
incidents [36], with no more
than two of the incidents being previous two year period.
marine mammals
Applicability: All
c. Send ASC the farm's data for all lethal
incidents [35] of any species other than the
salmon being farmed (e.g. lethal incidents
involving predators such as birds or marine
mammals). Data must be sent to ASC on an
ongoing basis (i.e. at least once per year and
for each production cycle).
[35] Lethal incident: Includes all lethal actions as well as entanglements or other accidental mortalities of non-salmonids.
[36] Standard 2.5.6 applicable to incidents related to non-endangered and non-red-listed species. This standard complements, and does not contradict, 2.5.3.
Indicator: In the event of a
lethal incident, evidence that
an assessment of the risk of
lethal incident(s) has been
undertaken and
demonstration of concrete
steps taken by the farm to
a. Keep records showing that the farm
undertakes an assessment of risk following
each lethal incident and how those risk
assessments are used to identify concrete
steps the farm takes to reduce the risk of
future incidents.
A. Review farm records to confirm that all the farm performs an appropriate risk
assessment following all lethal incidents (see list 2.5.4a).
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steps taken by the farm to
reduce the risk of future
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
b. Provide documentary evidence that the
farm implements those steps identified in
2.5.7a to reduce the risk of future lethal
B. Verify that the farm implements steps to reduce risk of lethal incidents.
No lethal actions has been carried out in the sea farm long through
the current productive cycle started 2014.07.07
Criterion 3.1 Introduced or amplified parasites and pathogens [38,39]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
[38] Farm sites for which there is no release of water that may contain pathogens into the natural (freshwater or marine) environment are exempt from the
standards under Criterion 3.1.
[39] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.6 and 3.1.7.
Instruction to Clients and CABs on Exemptions to Criterion 3.1
According to footnote [38], farm sites for which there is no release of water that may contain pathogens into the natural (freshwater or marine) environment are exempt from
the requirements under Criterion 3.1. More specifically, farms are only eligible for exemption from Criterion 3.1 if it can be shown that either of the following holds:
1) the farm does not release any water to the natural environment; or
2) any effluent released by the farm to the natural environment has been effectively treated to kill pathogens (e.g. UV and/or chemical treatment of water with testing
demonstrating efficacy).
Auditors shall fully document the rationale for any such exemptions in the audit report.
a. Keep record of farm's participation in an
ABM scheme.
Indicator: Participation in an
Area-Based Management
(ABM) scheme for managing
disease and resistance to
treatments that includes
coordination of stocking,
fallowing, therapeutic
treatments and informationsharing. Detailed requirements
are in Appendix II-1.
A. Review records of farm participation in ABM scheme. Contact other ABM
participants as necessary to confirm the accuracy of client records.
b. Submit to the CAB a description of how the
ABM (3.1.1a) coordinates management of
disease and resistance to treatments,
B. Review description of ABM to verify that the management activities address
- coordination of stocking;
each of the four element from Indicator 3.1.1.
- fallowing;
- therapeutic treatments; and
- information sharing.
The CAB was informed the way ABM integrants coordinate
management of diseases and record the commitments achieved, by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
Sea farm is located in the "Sanitary Neigborhood or Concession
Areas" in this case Nº 32 defined by the National Fishery Service SERNAPESCA-. Was possible to verify area's members through Res. Ex.
Nº 1693 issued on 2014.06.30 (where Authority established stock
number by farm in the area long bthrough the current productive
cycle allowed in area Nº 32.
Has been evidenced an act of agreements and commitments dated on
2015.02.03. Attendants were Carol Fernandois (Coordinatot),
Mauricio Labraña (Los Fiordos company's Health Manager). Alejandro
Heisinger (Salmones Multiexport company's Health Sub-manager),
Mauro Araneda (Los Fiordos company's Technical Manager) & Oscar
Barraza (Salmones Aysén company Production Manager), also was
evidenced act ofABM meeting held on 2014.12.22. Was available too
a Statement of Intention regarding stocking long through the current
productive cycle evidencing that 20 farms have stocked at the
moment. Currently 81% of biomass participate in the ABM scheme.
Information was sent to ASC by mail on 2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco
Lobos Manager of Departments of Environment, Concessions and
Requirement: Yes
c. Provide the CAB access to documentation
which is sufficient for the auditor to evaluate
Applicability: All except farms the ABM's compliance with all requirements in
C. Evaluate documents to confirm the ABM complies with Appendix II-1.
that release no water as noted Appendix II-1, including definition of area,
in [38]
minimum % participation in the scheme,
components, and coordination requirements.
d. Submit dates of fallowing period(s) as per
Appendix VI to ASC at least once per year.
D. Confirm that client has submitted dates of fallowing periods to ASC (Appendix
Note: Indicator 3.1.2 requires that farms demonstrate a commitment to collaborate with NGOs, academics and governments on
areas of mutually agreed research to measure possible impacts on wild stocks. If the farm does not receive any requests to
collaborate on such research projects, the farm may demonstrate compliance by showing evidence of commitment through other
proactive means such as published policy statements or directed outreach to relevant organizations.
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Indicator: A demonstrated
commitment [40] to
collaborate with NGOs,
academics and governments
on areas of mutually agreed
research to measure possible
impacts on wild stocks
a. Retain records to show how the farm
and/or its operating company has
communicated with external groups (NGOs,
A. Review evidence that the farm and/or its operating company has
academics, governments) to agree on and
communicated with external groups to agree on areas of research about possible
collaborate towards areas of research to
impacts on wild stocks and is tracking and responding to research requests.
measure impacts on wild stocks, including
records of requests for research support and
collaboration and responses to those requests.
b. Provide non-financial support to research
activities in 3.1.2a by either:
- providing researchers with access to farmlevel data;
Requirement: Yes
- granting researchers direct access to farm
Applicability: All except farms sites; or
that release no water as noted - facilitating research activities in some
in [38]
equivalent way.
c. When the farm and/or its operating
company denies a request to collaborate on a
research project, ensure that there is a written
justification for rejecting the proposal.
B. Review how the farm and/or its operating company has provided non-financial
support for research activities.
C. As applicable, review the provided record of rejecting proposals to confirm that
denials were justified and there is no consistent pattern to indicate that the farm
and/or its operating company lacks a demonstrated commitment to collaborate
on research activities.
d. Maintain records from research
collaborations (e.g. communications with
D. Verify that the farm's communications with researchers demonstrate a
researchers) to show that the farm has
commitment to collaborate on relevant areas of research.
supported the research activities identified in
Evidenced through projects the company were involved (detailed
above), as well current procedures outlined by the company
Since procedures outlined by the company were developed, company
haven't denied request of collaboration on research projects,
however stapes has been outlined in the document (PO-SG-016).
OBS: Since now on, shall be recorded any rejection against
collaboration request by external organism, as has been established
in such document.
Were evidenced records of projects the company has been involved
Chilean Sanitary Regulation through the National Fishery Service
established if over 3 mature female per fish are identidied when
periodicals controls are held, would be necesary to treat sea lice with
antiparasitic chemicals. This regulation do apply whole areas where
Salmon Farming Industry have presence, and therefore for individuals
ABM, as is in this case neighborhood Nº 32, and so for sea farm.
As is established by the National Fishery Service through the Especific
Sanitary Surveillance Program against Galigidosis (Res. Ex. Nº
013/2015) issued on 2015.01.09 sea lice loads monitoring must be
carried out according the area sea farms are located as well by reared
specie (atlantic salmlon and trouts) must to be held weekly. Records
are kept in "Caligus Binnacle" since 2014.09.01, no evidencing caligus
loads in any stage long through current productive cycle, monitored
[40] Commitment: At a minimum, a farm and/or its operating company must demonstrate this commitment through providing farm-level data to researchers,
granting researchers access to sites, or other similar non-financial support for research activities.
a. Keep records to show that a maximum sea
lice load has been set for:
- the entire ABM; and
- the individual farm.
Has been evidenced the document called "Procedimiento de
Vinculación Comunitaria" (PO-SG-016) Rev 00 where are established
steps and actions involved regarding research support and
collaboration by the company. Also were evidenced company
involvement in differents projects since years ago as: CIEN Austral
(Centro de Investigación en Nutrición, Tecnología en Alimentos
ySustentabilidad) - CORFO project Nº 09MCSS-6630 (Modelación de la
Capacidad de Carga Ambiental de un centro de cultivo) regarding to
environmental loads capacieties modeling in farms - CORFO project
Nº 12IDL2-13582 (Sistema de Alerta Ambiental Temparana - SAAT
Salmon), among others. OBS: In teh future shall be evidenced support
on new projects than evidenced in the current audit.
Indicator: Establishment and
annual review of a maximum
sea lice load for the entire
ABM and for the individual
farm as outlined in Appendix II2
A. Review records to confirm compliance.
b. Maintain evidence that the established
maximum sea lice load (3.1.3a) is reviewed
B. Confirm that sea lice load is reviewed annually and, if applicable, the review
annually as outlined in Appendix II-2,
incorporates information from monitoring of wild salmon.
incorporating feedback from the monitoring of
wild salmon where applicable (See 3.1.6).
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All except farms
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Applicability: All except farms
that release no water as noted
in [38]
c. Provide the CAB access to documentation
which is sufficient for the auditor to evaluate
whether the ABM has set (3.1.3a) and annually C. Evaluate documents to confirm the ABM complies with requirements of
reviewed (3.1.3.b) maximum sea lice load in
Appendix II-2 for establishing and reviewing maximum sea lice loads.
compliance with requirements in Appendix II2.
Has been evidenced " Caligus Binnacle" where are recorded weekly
monitoring of sea lice loads as well excel files recorded with the same
periodicy (both in sea farm) sent to staff responsible of Health
Department operating in the main office regarding: publication on
SERNAPESCA website of sea lice loads of all sea farms managed by
the company. Also was possible to evidence weekly reports of sea
lice of all farms managed by Salmones Multiexport S.A. sent to
INTESAL (Technological Institute belonging to SalmonChile A.G.)
d. Submit the maximum sea lice load for the
ABM to ASC as per Appendix VI at least once
per year.
Was evidenced the information were submitted to ASC by mail sent
on 2015.04.20 by Mr Alejandro Heisinger , Fish Health and Biosecurity
Manager – Multiexport Foods
a. Prepare an annual schedule for testing sea
lice that identifies timeframes of routine
A. Review sea lice testing schedule to confirm that weekly testing coincides with
testing frequency (at a minimum, monthly)
and for high-frequency testing (weekly) due to known sensitive periods for wild salmon (e.g. during and immediately prior to
sensitive periods for wild salmonids (e.g.
outmigration of juveniles).
during and immediately prior to outmigration
of juveniles).
Annual schedulle has been set by the National Fishery Service
(SERNAPESCA) being established for sea farms rearing Salmo salar in
sanitary neighborhood Nº 32, a weekly frecuency concerning testing
of sea lice loads.
b. Maintain records of results of on-farm
testing for sea lice. If farm deviates from
schedule due to weather [41] maintain
documentation of event and rationale.
Verified through "Caligus Binnacle and others files shown by sea
farm's veterinary Mr. César Inostroza Pérez, evidencing hystorical
records of all productive units managed by the company, located in
Puyuhuapi area, since year 2012.
Actions and procedures farm's staff wok with are based in guidelines
established by the National Fishery Service through the Especific
Sanitary Surveillance Program against Galigidosis. Res. Ex. Nº
013/2015, issued on 2015.01.09 (PSEVC-CALIGIDOSIS), as well the
Caligus Surveillance Guide developed by the Authority. Staff
authorized in farm to carry out such monitoring are: Juan Collao Díaz;
Wladimir Arriagada (both farm's Technical Assistants) & Aníbal
Riveros (farm's Manager) according to the official list issued by
Information is available through website data/monitoreos
carga caligus/caligus puyuhuapi 2015
e. Keep records of when and where test results E. Review records for the past year to confirm the farm posted test results within 7
were made public.
days of each test. Cross-check against testing schedule (see 3.1.4a).
In the web site information is available since week 1, year 2015, until
week 15, year 2015
f. Submit test results to ASC (Appendix VI) at
least once per year.
Was evidenced the information were submitted to ASC by mail sent
on 2015.04.20 by Mr Alejandro Heisinger , Fish Health and Biosecurity
Manager – Multiexport Foods
D. Confirm that client has submitted the ABM maximum lice load to ASC
(Appendix VI).
B. Review records to confirm that testing follows the farm's annual schedule.
Review the rationale for any deviations from the schedule.
Indicator: Frequent [41] onfarm testing for sea lice, with
test results made easily
publicly available [42] within
seven days of testing
c. Document the methodology used for testing
sea lice ('testing' includes both counting and
identifying sea lice). The method must follow
national or international norms, follows
accepted minimum sample size, use random C. Review the farm's methodology for testing sea lice. If practicable, observe
sampling, and record the species and life-stage testing while on-site. If farm is a closed system using an alternate testing method,
Requirement: Yes
of the sea lice. If farm uses a closed production document the distinction and review evidence of efficacy of the method.
system and would like to use an alternate
Applicability: All except farms method (i.e. video), farm shall provide the CAB
that release no water as noted with details on the method and efficacy of the
in [38]
d. Make the testing results from 3.1.4b easily
publicly available (e.g. posted to the
company's website) within seven days of
testing. If requested, provide stakeholders
access to hardcopies of test results.
D. Test access from an offsite computer to confirm that results are easily publicly
available. If applicable, confirm that the farm made hardcopies of test results
easily available to stakeholders.
F. Confirm that client has submitted test results to ASC (Appendix VI).
[41] Testing must be weekly during and immediately prior to sensitive periods for wild salmonids, such as outmigration of wild juvenile salmon. Testing must be at
least monthly during the rest of the year, unless water temperature is so cold that it would jeopardize farmed fish health to test for lice (below 4 degrees C).
Within closed production systems, alternative methods for monitoring sea lice, such as video monitoring, may be used.
[42] Posting results on a public website is an example of “easily publicly available.”
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 3.1.5 - Evidence for Wild Salmonid Health and Migration
In writing this indicator, the SAD Steering Committee concluded that relevant data sets on wild salmonid health and migration
are publicly available in the vast majority of, if not all, jurisdictions with wild salmonids. The information is likely to come from
government sources or from research institutions. Therefore farms are not responsible for conducting this research themselves.
However farms must demonstrate that they are aware of this basic information in their region, as such information is needed to
make management decisions related to minimizing potential impact on those wild stocks.
This Indicator requires collection and understanding of general data for the major watersheds within approximately 50 km of the
farm. A farm does not need to demonstrate that there is data for every small river or tributary or subpopulation. Information
should relate to the wild fish stock level, which implies that the population is more or less isolated from other stocks of the same
species and hence self-sustaining. A "conservation unit" under the Canadian Wild Salmon Policy is an example of an appropriate
fish stock-level definition. However, it must be recognized that each jurisdiction may have slight differences in how a wild
salmonid stock is defined in the region.
Indicator: In areas with wild
salmonids [43], evidence of
data [44] and the farm’s
understanding of that data,
around salmonid migration
routes, migration timing and
stock productivity in major
waterways within 50
kilometers of the farm
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All farms
operating in areas with wild
salmonids except farms that
release no water as noted in
For purposes of these standards, “areas with wild salmonids” are defined as areas within 75 kilometers of a wild salmonid
migration route or habitat. This definition is expected to encompass all, or nearly all, of salmon-growing areas in the northern
hemisphere [43]. Potentially affected species in these areas are salmonids (i.e. including all trout species). Where a species is not
natural to a region (e.g. Atlantic or Pacific Salmon in Chile) the areas are not considered as "areas with wild salmonids" even if
salmon have escaped from farms and established themselves as a reproducing species in “the wild”.
a. Identify all salmonid species that naturally
occur within 75 km of the farm through
A. Review salmonid species list for accuracy and cross-check source references.
literature search or by consulting with a
Confirm whether 3.1.5 b and c are applicable.
reputable authority. If the farm is not in an
area with wild salmonids, then 3.1.5b and c do
not apply.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
b. For species listed in 3.1.5a, compile best
available information on migration routes,
migration timing (range of months for juvenile
B. Review the accuracy of the farm's information on local salmonid migratory
outmigration and returning salmon), life
patterns and stock productivity. Cross-check source references as necessary.
history timing for coastal resident salmonids,
and stock productivity over time in major
waterways within 50 km of the farm.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
c. From data in 3.1.5b, identify any sensitive
C. Confirm accuracy of farm's understanding. Cross-check against 'sensitive
periods for wild salmonids (e.g. periods of
outmigration of juveniles) within 50 km of the periods' listed in the farm's annual schedule for testing for sea lice.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
D. Confirm the farm's understanding of this information through interviews.
[43] For purposes of these standards, “areas with wild salmonids” are defined as areas within 75 kilometers of a wild salmonid migration route or habitat. This
definition is expected to encompass all, or nearly all, of salmon-growing areas in the northern hemisphere.
[44] Farms do not need to conduct research on migration routes, timing and the health of wild stocks under this standard if general information is already
available. Farms must demonstrate an understanding of this information at the general level for salmonid populations in their region, as such information is
needed to make management decisions related to minimizing potential impact on those stocks.
Indicator: In areas of wild
salmonids, monitoring of sea
lice levels on wild outmigrating salmon juveniles or
on coastal sea trout or Artic
char, with results made
publicly available. See
requirements in Appendix III-1.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All farms
operating in areas with wild
salmonids except farms that
release no water as noted in
a. Inform the CAB if the farm operates in an
area of wild salmonids. If not, then Indicator
3.1.6 does not apply.
A. Confirm whether the farm operates in an area of wild salmonids based on
results from 3.1.5a (above). If not, then Indicator 3.1.6 does not apply.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
b. Keep records to show the farm participates
in monitoring of sea lice on wild salmonids.
B. Review evidence to confirm farm's participation in monitoring.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
c. Provide the CAB access to documentation
which is sufficient for the auditor to evaluate
C. Evaluate documents to confirm methodology used for monitoring of sea lice on
whether the methodology used for monitoring
wild salmonids complies with requirements of Appendix III-1.
of sea lice on wild salmonids is in compliance
with the requirements in Appendix III-1.
d. Make the results from 3.1.6b easily publicly
D. Confirm that results are easily publicly available and that they were posted
available (e.g. posted to the company's
within the required timeframe.
website) within eight weeks of completion of
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
The CAB was informed no wild salmonid stock are present in South
America where sea farm is located, by a letter issued past November
2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez, company's certifications Chief.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
Page 17 of 229
Indicator: In areas of wild
salmonids, maximum on-farm
lice levels during sensitive
periods for wild fish [45]. See
detailed requirements in
Appendix II, subsection 2.
e. Submit to ASC the results from monitoring
of sea lice levels on wild salmonids as per
Appendix VI.
E. Confirm that client has submitted monitoring results to ASC (Appendix VI).
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
a. Inform the CAB if the farm operates in an
area of wild salmonids. If not, then Indicator
3.1.7 does not apply.
A. Confirm whether the farm operates in an area of wild salmonids based on
results from 3.1.5a (above). If not, then Indicator 3.1.7 does not apply.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
b. Establish the sensitive periods [45] of wild
salmonids in the area where the farm
B. Review farm's designation of sensitive periods and cross-check against datasets
operates. Sensitive periods for migrating
presented in 3.1.4 and 3.1.5.
salmonids is during juvenile outmigration and
approximately one month before.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
c. Maintain detailed records of monitoring on- C. Review records from the farm's sea lice monitoring program to confirm that lice
levels are in compliance with the requirement based on farm-wide average lice
farm lice levels (see 3.1.4) during sensitive
levels per farmed fish (not values from individual net-pens).
periods as per Appendix II-2.
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
d. Provide the CAB with evidence there is a
D. Confirm that monitoring data for lice levels are used in a feedback loop as
'feedback loop' between the targets for onfarm lice levels and the results of monitoring required by Appendix II-2.
of lice levels on wild salmonids (Appendix II-2).
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do operates in Chilean Authorized Areas
with Aquaculture purposes, South America.
Requirement: 0.1 mature
female lice per farmed fish
Applicability: All farms
operating in areas with wild
salmonids except farms that
release no water as noted in
[45] Sensitive periods for migrating salmonids is during juvenile outmigration and approximately one month before.
Criterion 3.2 Introduction of non-native species
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Note: For the purposes of Indicator 3.2.1, "area" is defined as a contiguous body of water with the bio-chemical and temperature
profile required to support the farmed species' life and reproduction (e.g. the Northern Atlantic Coast of the U.S. and Canada).
Appendix II-1A elaborates further on this definition: "The boundaries of an area should be defined, taking into account the zone
in which key cumulative impacts on wild populations may occur, water movement and other relevant aspects of ecosystem
structure and function." The intent is that the area relates to the spatial extent that is likely to be put at risk from the non-native
salmon. Areas will only rarely coincide with the boundaries of countries.
Indicator: If a non-native
species is being produced,
demonstration that the species
was widely commercially
produced in the area by the
date of publication of the SAD
A. Confirm the farm does not produce a non-native species by comparing local
a. Inform the CAB if the farm produces a nonspecies (results from 3.1.5a) to the species produced. Cross-check against record
native species. If not, then Indicator 3.2.1 does
from smolt suppliers (e.g. 3.3.1b). If the farm only produces a native species, then
not apply.
Indicator 3.2.1 does not apply.
The CAB was informed sea farm rears non natives species, by a letter
issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
b. Provide documentary evidence that the nonnative species was widely commercially
B. Review evidence to confirm when the non-native species was first brought into
produced in the area before publication of the wide commercial production in the area of the farm.
SAD Standard (i.e. before June 13, 2012).
Was possible to evidence information available through a document
developed by SalmonChile A.G (Business Association), available on evidencing
salmonids wwere widely commercially produced siince 80's
c. If the farm cannot provide evidence for
3.2.1b, provide documentary evidence that
the farm uses only 100% sterile fish that
includes details on accuracy of sterility
C. Review evidence to confirm that the farm uses only 100% sterile fish (N.B. at
the time of this writing, the SAD Steering Committee was uncertain that any
existing technology could reliably deliver 100% sterile fish). Cross-check against
smolt purchase records (e.g. invoices).
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Sea farm was able to demonstrate documented evidence concerning
salmon farming industry activity in Chile 30 years ago.
Page 18 of 229
Requirement: Yes [47]
Applicability: All farms except d. If the farm cannot provide evidence for
3.2.1b or 3.2.1c, provide documented
as noted in [47]
evidence that the production system is closed
to the natural environment and for each of the
1) non-native species are separated from wild
fish by effective physical barriers that are in
place and well maintained;
2) barriers ensure there are no escapes of
reared fish specimens that might survive and
subsequently reproduce [47]; and
3) barriers ensure there are no escapes of
biological material [47] that might survive and
subsequently reproduce (e.g. UV or other
effective treatment of any effluent water
exiting the system to the natural
Sea farm was able to demonstrate documented evidence concerning
salmon farming industry activity in Chile since 30 years ago.
Was possible to evidence compliance through SalmonChile A.G.
a. Inform the ASC of the species in production A. Confirm the farm has informed ASC which species is in production (Appendix
(Appendix VI).
ASC was informed through a Statement issued on Dec 15th, 2014 by
Alejandro Heisinger Z., company's Health and Biosecurity Manager,
with regard all fish produced by Salmones Multiexport S.A. Rut
79.891.160-0, correspond to non-native species.
b. Inform the CAB if the farm produces a nonB. Confirm the farm does not produce a non-native species as for 3.2.1. If the farm
native species. If not, then Indicator 3.2.2 does
only produces a native species, then Indicator 3.2.2 does not apply.
not apply.
The CAB was informed concerning to non natives species are reared
in the sea farm, by a letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr.
Marcell Martínez, company's certifications Chief.
D. Review evidence that the farm complies with each point raised in 3.2.1d and
confirm by inspection during on-site audit. Cross check against related farm
records for escapes (3.4.1), unexplained loss (3.4.2), and escape prevention
E. Verify compliance.
[47] Exceptions shall be made for production systems that use 100 percent sterile fish or systems that demonstrate separation from the wild by effective physical
barriers that are in place and well-maintained to ensure no escapes of reared specimens or biological material that might survive and subsequently reproduce.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 3.2.2 - Exceptions to Allow Production of Non-Native Species
Farms have five years to demonstrate compliance with this standard from the time of publication of the ASC Salmon Standard
(i.e. full compliance by June 13, 2017).
Farms are exempt from this standard if they are in a jurisdiction where the non-native species became established prior to
farming activities in the area and the following three conditions are met: eradication would be impossible or have detrimental
environmental effects; the introduction took place prior to 1993 (when the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was ratified);
the species is fully self-sustaining.
Note: For the purposes of Indicator 3.2.2, "jurisdiction" is defined the same as "area" in 3.2.1.
Indicator: If a non-native
species is being produced,
evidence of scientific research
[48] completed within the past
five years that investigates the
risk of establishment of the
species within the farm’s
jurisdiction and these results
submitted to ASC for review
Requirement: Yes, within five
years of publication of the SAD c. If yes to 3.2.2b, provide evidence of
scientific research completed within the past
standard [50,51]
five years that investigates the risk of
establishment of the species within the farm's
Applicability: All
jurisdiction. Alternatively, the farm may
request an exemption to 3.2.2c (see below).
C. Confirm that the scientific research included: multi-year monitoring for nonnative farmed species; used credible methodologies & analyses; and underwent
peer review. If the farm requests an exemption then enter "NA" and proceed to
This requirement shall be in full compliance since June 13, 2017
d. If applicable, submit to the CAB a request
for exemption that shows how the farm meets D. As applicable, review the farm's request for exemption. Verify that the
evidence shows how the farm meets all three conditions specified above.
all three conditions specified in instruction
box above.
This requirement shall be in full compliance since June 13, 2018
e. Submit evidence from 3.2.2c to ASC for
This requirement shall be in full compliance since June 13, 2019
E. Confirm the farm submits required evidence to ASC.
[48] The research must at a minimum include multi-year monitoring for non-native farmed species, use credible methodologies and analysis, and undergo peer
[49] If the review demonstrates there is increased risk, the ASC will consider prohibiting the certification of farming of non-native salmon in that jurisdiction under
this standard. In the event that the risk tools demonstrate “high” risks, the SAD expects that the ASC will prohibit the certification of farming of non-native salmon
in that jurisdiction.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Page 19 of 229
[50] Farms have five years to demonstrate compliance with this standard from the time of publication of the final SAD standards and accompanying auditing
[51] Farms are exempt from this standard if they are in a jurisdiction where the non-native species became established prior to farming activities in the area and
the following three conditions are met: eradication would be impossible or have detrimental environmental effects; the introduction took place prior to 1993
(when the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was ratified); the species is fully self-sustaining.
Indicator: Use of non-native
species for sea lice control for
on-farm management
a. Inform the CAB if the farm uses fish (e.g.
cleaner fish or wrasse) for the control of sea
b. Maintain records (e.g. invoices) to show the
B. Review purchase records to confirm the origin and identity of all species that
species name and origin of all fish used by the
are used for sea lice control on farm.
farm for purposes of sea lice control.
Requirement: None
Applicability: All
A. Confirm whether the farms uses fish for sea lice control. If no, auditor response
to 3.2.3A-C is "not applicable" (NA).
c. Collect documentary evidence or first hand
accounts as evidence that the species used is
not non-native to the region.
C. Review evidence for compliance with the requirement. Acceptable
documentary evidence: peer-reviewed literature, government documentation
confirming species is not non-native to the region. Acceptable first hand
accounts: community testimonials and direct evidence for historical presence of
the species in the water body captured with cast nets, trapping devices, or fishing.
Sea farm do no uses fish with the aim to control of sea lice.
Sea farm do no uses fish with the aim to control of sea lice.
Sea farm do no uses fish with the aim to control of sea lice.
Criterion 3.3 Introduction of transgenic species
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
a. Prepare a declaration stating that the farm
does not use transgenic salmon.
Indicator: Use of transgenic
[53] salmon by the farm
Requirement: None
b. Maintain records for the origin of all
cultured stocks including the supplier name,
address and contact person(s) for stock
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
A. Verify declaration of no use of transgenic salmon.
B. Review records to confirm compliance with the requirement.
Has been evidenced a declaration stating the farms managed by the
company do not use transgenic salmon regarding to all fish produced
by Salmones Multiexport S.A, RUT: 79891160-0, in all life cycle stages,
are reared by traditional production methods, being not used in any
case genetic modification techniques as are defined in the
2001/18/CE directive, concerning to intentional release of genetic
modified organisms (GM)., signed on 2014.'2.17 by Mr. Alejandro
Heisinger Z. company's Health and Biosecurity Manager
Due smolts suppliers are integrated vertically with sea farms, was
possible to evidence information available in on-growing farms
concerning to suppliers. Additionally was possible to evidence
information through the smolts stocking waybills and officials
documents required to be attached as back-up by the National
Fishery Service -SERNAPESCA-, as is the Certificate of Authorization
Movement (acronym in Spanish CAM) and Sanitary Certificate of
Movement (acronym in Spanish CSM)
Was possible to evidence that smolts stocked in the sea farm came
from piscicultures Río Negro & Chaparano also managed by Salmones
Multiexport well pisciculture Chaparano (outsourcing rearing
servive carried out by company Salmonífera Dlacahue Ltda.)
Evidenced through stocking waybills and officials documents
required to be attached as back-up by the National Fishery Service SERNAPESCA-, as is the Certificate of Authorization Movement
(acronym in Spanish CAM) and Sanitary Certificate of Movement
(acronym in Spanish CSM). Additionally, Chilean Authority SERNAPESCA- do not allows production of genetic modified
Applicability: All
c. Ensure purchase documents confirm that
the culture stock is not transgenic.
C. If the auditor suspects that transgenic fish are being cultured, test stock
identity by collecting 3 fish and sending to an ISO 17025 certified laboratory for
genetic analysis.
[53] Transgenic: Containing genes altered by insertion of DNA from an unrelated organism. Taking genes from one species and inserting them into another species
to get that trait expressed in the offspring (
Criterion 3.4 Escapes [55]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[55] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. Maintain monitoring records of all
A. Review client submission for completeness and accuracy of information. Crossincidences of confirmed or suspected escapes,
check with the estimate of unexplained loss, maintenance records for small tears
specifying date, cause, and estimated number
in net, predator attacks, etc.
of escapees.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Was possible to evidence through Environmental Reports (acronym in
Spanish INFAs) sent to the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA- no
environmental coontingencies (among others fish scapes) happened
long through the past productive cycle. Report was loaded in the
Authority on line platform on 2013.11.13.
Page 20 of 229
B. Review the calculation and confirm compliance with the requirement.
Was possible to evidence through Environmental Reports (acronym in
Spanish INFAs) sent to the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA- no
environmental coontingencies (among others fish scapes) happened
long through the past productive cycle. Report was loaded in the
Authority on line platform on 2013.11.13.
c. Maintain the monitoring records described
in 3.4.1a for at least 10 years beginning with
the production cycle for which farm is first
C. Confirm that farm documents show continuous monitoring of escapes.
applying for certification (necessary for farms
to be eligible to apply for the exception noted
in [57]).
This is the Initial Audit in the farm, therefore if any scape incident may
occur in the farm now and on, shall be kept for 10 years now.
d. If an escape episode occurs (i.e. an incident
where > 300 fish escaped), the farm may
request a rare exception to the Standard [57].
Requests must provide a full account of the
episode and must document how the farm
could not have predicted the events that
caused the escape episode.
Was possible to evidence through Environmental Reports (acronym in
Spanish INFAs) sent to the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA- no
environmental coontingencies (among others fish scapes) happened
long through the past productive cycle. Report was loaded in the
Authority on line platform on 2014.06.21.
b. Aggregate cumulative escapes in the most
recent production cycle.
Indicator: Maximum number
of escapees [56] in the most
recent production cycle
Requirement: 300 [57]
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [57]
D. Review the farm's request for a rare exception to the Standard for an escape
event. Confirm no prior exceptional events were documented during the previous
10 years, or since the date of the start of the production cycle during which the
farm first applied for certification. An example of an exceptional event is
vandalization of the farm. Events that are not considered exceptional include
failures in moorings due to bad weather, boat traffic incidents due to poor
marking of the farm, human error, and predation.
e. Submit escape monitoring dataset to ASC as
per Appendix VI on an ongoing basis (i.e. at
E. Confirm that client has submitted escape monitoring data to ASC (Appendix VI).
least once per year and for each production
[56] Farms shall report all escapes; the total aggregate number of escapees per production cycle must be less than 300 fish. Data on date of escape episode(s),
number of fish escaped and cause of escape episode shall be reported as outlined in Appendix VI.
[57] A rare exception to this standard may be made for an escape event that is clearly documented as being outside the farm’s control. Only one such exceptional
episode is allowed in a 10-year period for the purposes of this standard. The 10-year period starts at the beginning of the production cycle for which the farm is
applying for certification. The farmer must demonstrate that there was no reasonable way to predict the events that caused the episode. See auditing guidance
for additional details.
a. Maintain records of accuracy of the
counting technology used by the farm at times
of stocking and harvest. Records include
A. Confirm that the farm keeps records of counting accuracy for the counting
copies of spec sheets for counting machines
technology or method used on site at stocking and harvest.
and common estimates of error for handcounts.
b. If counting takes place off site (e.g. presmolt vaccination count), obtain and maintain
documents from the supplier showing the
B. Verify the client obtains information from smolt suppliers (if applicable).
Indicator: Accuracy [58] of the accuracy of the counting method used (as
counting technology or
Was evidenced a mail sent on 2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos
(company's Environment, Concessions and Certificatiosn Manager) to
Michiel Fransen (ASC) informing that no fish scapes in se farms:
Ganso, Delta, Arbolito and Pearson, haven't occurred long through
past and current productive cycle.
Was evidenced a declaration signed by Mr. Cristian García Huidobro,
Multiexport foods' CFO, stating that counting machine the product
handling unit work with is Marelec M1-F Flawscale; also was available
equipment's technical specifications being stated an error of 1% of
total depending on the product.
By other side was evidenced a validation certificate of fish counting
system issued by the machine supplier (Vaki Aquaculture Systems),
signed by company's Manager concerning to Bioscanner Micro and
Macrocounters (presicion 98-100%) Macro: 0,5-400 grs. & Micro: 0,2200 grs.
counting method used for
calculating stocking and
harvest numbers
Requirement: ≥ 98%
Applicability: All
c. During audits, arrange for the auditor to
witness calibration of counting machines (if
used by the farm).
C. Verify that the farm calibrates counting equipment as recommended by the
D. Confirm the stated accuracy of the farm's counting technology or counting
method is ≥ 98% at both stocking and harvest. Stated accuracy shall be
determined by the spec sheet for counting machines and through common
estimates of error for any hand-counts.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Counting is not carried out on-site in sea farm (smolts are counted in
smoltification pisciculture & harvested fishes in the product handling
Smolts counting as well harvested fish, is carried out out of sea farm,
i.e., in the smoltification pisciculture and the product handling unit
(processing plant) respectivelly
Was possible to evidence accuracy of smolt counting machine
supplied by Vaki Aquaculture Systems to Bioscanner Micro and
Macrocounters (presicion 98-100%) Macro: 0,5-400 grs. & Micro: 0,2200 grs. Also technical specification of equipment Marelec M1-F
Flawscale, shows 99% accuracy (Precision : 1% of total depending on
the product).
Page 21 of 229
e. Submit counting technology accuracy to ASC
as per Appendix VI on an ongoing basis (i.e. at E. Confirm that client has submitted counting technology accuracy to ASC
least once per year and for each production
(Appendix VI).
Only was possible to evidence information submitted to ASC,
concerning to accuracy certificate supplied by smolts counting
technology (VAKI Chile Ltda.) however wasn't sent information
concerning to counting technology in processing plant. Mail sent on
Was possible to evidence detailed records for stocking and
mortalities records long through the current productive cycle
available on the production management software Fishtalk supplied
by Akvagroup, however due harvesting time is scheduled to start last
quarter 2015, wasn´t possible to verify harvest information. Wasn´t
available production information concerning to past productive cycle
in farm
[58] Accuracy shall be determined by the spec sheet for counting machines and through common estimates of error for any hand-counts.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 3.4.3 - Calculation of Estimated Unexplained Loss
The Estimated Unexplained Loss (EUL) of fish is calculated at the end of each production cycle as follows:
EUL = (stocking count) - (harvest count) - (mortalities) - (recorded escapes)
Units for input variables are number of fish (i.e. counts) per production cycle. Where possible, farms should use the pre-smolt
vaccination count as the stocking count. This formula is adapted from footnote 59 of the ASC Salmon Standard.
Indicator: Estimated
unexplained loss [59] of
farmed salmon is made
publicly available
a. Maintain detailed records for mortalities,
stocking count, harvest count, and escapes (as A. Review records for completeness.
per 3.4.1).
b. Calculate the estimated unexplained loss as
described in the instructions (above) for the
most recent full production cycle. For first
B. Verify accuracy of farm calculations for estimated unexplained loss.
audit, farm must demonstrate understanding
of calculation and the requirement to disclose
EUL after harvest of the current cycle.
Was possible to evidence knowledge of farm's manager concerning to
unexplained loss calculation as well requirement to disclose EUL after
harvest of the current cycle.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
c. Make the results from 3.4.3b available
publicly. Keep records of when and where
C. Verify that the farm makes the information available to the public.
results were made public (e.g. date posted to a
company website) for all production cycles.
d. Submit estimated unexplained loss to ASC
as per Appendix VI for each production cycle.
D. Confirm that client has submitted estimated unexplained loss to ASC
(Appendix VI).
E. Compare EUL values (3.4.3a) and counting accuracy (3.4.2a) to recorded
escapes to check whether farm reporting is plausible. If EUL is greater than the
combined margin of error related to fish counts, investigate potential sources of
error as it could indicate the farm under reported mortalities or escapes.
Was possible to evidence through Environmental Reports (acronym in
Spanish INFAs) sent to the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA- no
environmental coontingencies (among others fish scapes) happened
long through the past productive cycle. Report was loaded in the
Authority on line platform on 2013.11.13. Therefore do not exist
information to be posted in the website according the procedure
called "Procedimiento de comunicación a los clientes que adquieran
producto certificado ASC Salmon Standard" (PO-DS-017) Ed. 00. OBS:
Since the current productive cycle on, shall be available information
concerning to stocking, mortality and harvest of past farms'
productive cycle
Was evidenced a mail sent on 2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos
(company's Environment, Concessions and Certificatiosn Manager) to
Michiel Fransen (ASC) informing that no fish scapes in se farms:
Ganso, Delta, Arbolito and Pearson, haven't occurred long through
past and current productive cycle.
Was possible to evidence through Environmental Reports (acronym in
Spanish INFAs) sent to the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA- no
environmental coontingencies (among others fish scapes) happened
long through the past productive cycle. Report was loaded in the
Authority on line platform on 2013.11.13.
[59] Calculated at the end of the production cycle as: Unexplained loss = Stocking count – harvest count – mortalities – other known escapes. Where possible, use
of the pre-smolt vaccination count as the stocking count is preferred.
a. Prepare an Escape Prevention Plan and
submit it to the CAB before the first audit. This
plan may be part of a more comprehensive
A. Obtain and review the farm's escape prevention plan prior to scheduling the
farm planning document as long as it
first audit.
addresses all required elements of Indicator
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Has been evidenced when the preaudit was held the document
called "Procedimiento para la Prevención de Escapes de Peces" (POMA-003) Ed. 03, where are referenced others documents focused on
fish prevention as: "Identificación y Mantención de Infraestructura
Crítica" (PO-OP-001) & "Manejo de Redes" (PO-OP-008).
Page 22 of 229
b. If the farm operates an open (net pen)
system, ensure the plan (3.4.4a) covers the
following areas:
- net strength testing;
- appropriate net mesh size;
- net traceability;
- system robustness;
- predator management;
- record keeping;
- reporting risk events (e.g. holes,
Indicator: Evidence of escape infrastructure issues, handling errors);
prevention planning and
- planning of staff training to cover all of the
related employee training,
above areas; and
including: net strength testing; - planning of staff training on escape
appropriate net mesh size; net prevention and counting technologies.
traceability; system
robustness; predator
c. If the farm operates a closed system, ensure
management; record keeping
the plan (3.4.4a) covers the following areas:
and reporting of risk events
- system robustness;
(e.g., holes, infrastructure
- predator management;
issues, handling errors,
- record keeping;
reporting and follow up of
- reporting risk events (e.g. holes,
escape events); and worker
infrastructure issues, handling errors);
training on escape prevention
- planning of staff training to cover all of the
and counting technologies
above areas; and
- planning of staff training on escape
Requirement: Yes
prevention and counting technologies.
B. Confirm the farm's Escape Prevention Plan contains all required elements for
open (net pen) systems as applicable.
Procedure (PO-MA-003) Ed. 03, detailed above covers issues as: net
strength testing; appropriate net mesh size use; net traceability;
system robustness through periodical checking out and
maintenances, incidents and/or findings communication to farm's
manager or professional responsible, proper analysis before
moorings installation, however the document do not includes
planning of staff training to cover areas considered in the procedure,
as well counting technologies.
C. Confirm the farm's Escape Prevention Plan contains all required elements for
closed systems as applicable.
IA was held in a salmonids on-growing net open sea farm
Applicability: All
d. Maintain records as specified in the plan.
D. Review documentary evidence showing implementation of the plan.
e. Train staff on escape prevention planning as E. Review records (i.e. attendance records, meeting notes) to confirm that farm
per the farm's plan.
staff attend training on escape prevention planning.
F. Interview farm workers to confirm that the plan is implemented.
Were evidenced, nets chance (due fouliing loads) nets traceability
(through nets inventories kept in the farm), nets strenght test
certificates issued by outsourcing net management services (Salmones
Multiexport S.A. has a Nets Department Management, responsible to
check out nets conditions, appropriate strenght, services
subcontractors, etc) , maintenance records of mooring and production
systems (cages), among others.
Weren`t evidenced a trainings concerning to concepts involved in
the prevention plan
Farm's staff audited did demonstrate knowledge concerning the
plan implemented
Criterion 4.1 Traceability of raw materials in feed
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
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Instruction to Clients for Indicators 4.1.1 through 4.4.2 - Sourcing of Responsibly Produced Salmon Feeds
Farms must show that all feeds used by the farm are produced in compliance with the requirements of Indicators 4.1.1 through 4.4.4. To do so, farms must obtain documentary
evidence that the feed producers (see note 1) are audited at regular intervals by an independent auditing firm or a conformity assessment body against a recognized standard
which substantially incorporate requirements for traceability. Acceptable certification schemes include GlobalGAP or other schemes that have been are acknowledged by the
ASC (see 4.1.1c below). Results from these audits shall demonstrate that feed producers have robust information systems and information handling processes to allow the feed
producers to be able to bring forward accurate information about their production and supply chains. Declarations from the feed producer that are provided to the farm to
demonstrate compliance with these indicators must be supported by the audits. Farms must also show that all of their feed producers are duly informed of the requirements of
the ASC Salmon Standard relating to sourcing of responsibly produced salmon feed (see 4.1.1b below).
In addition to the above, farms must also show that their feed suppliers comply with the more detailed requirements for traceability and ingredient sourcing that are specified
under indicators 4.1.1 through 4.4.2. The ASC Salmon Standard allows farms to use one of two different methods to demonstrate compliance of feed producers:
Method #1: Farms may choose to source feed from feed producers who used only those ingredients allowed under the ASC Salmon Standards during the production of a given
batch of feed. For example, the farm may request its feed supplier to produce a batch of feed according to farm specifications. Audits of the feed producer will independently
verify that manufacturing processes are in compliance with ASC requirements.
Method #2: Farms may choose to source feed from feed producers who demonstrate compliance using a "mass-balance" method. In this method, feed producers show that the
balance of all ingredients (both amount and type) used during a given feed production period meets ASC requirements. However, mixing of ingredients into the general silos
and production lines is allowed during manufacturing. Audits of the feed producer will independently verify that manufacturing processes are in compliance with ASC
requirements. The mass balance method can be applied, for example, to integrated feed production companies that handle all steps of feed manufacturing (purchasing of raw
materials, processing to finished feed, and sales) under the management of a single legal entity.
Note 1: The term "feed producer" is used here to identify the organization that produces the fish feed (i.e. it is the "feed manufacturer"). In most cases, the organization
supplying feed to a farm (i.e. the feed supplier) will be the same organization that produced the feed, but there may be instances where feed suppliers are not directly
responsible for feed production. Regardless of whether the farm sources feeds directly from a feed producer or indirectly through an intermediary organization, it remains the
farm's obligation to show evidence that all feeds used are in compliance with requirements.
a. Maintain detailed records of all feed
suppliers and purchases including contact
information and purchase and delivery
Indicator: Evidence of
traceability, demonstrated by
the feed producer, of feed
ingredients that make up more
than 1% of the feed [62].
A. Review feed records for completeness and confirm the number of feed
suppliers to the client.
Has been evidenced Pearson sea farm has information concerning to
feed supplier Nutreco Chile Ltda. (Skretting) being their technical
assistant Mr. Roberto Wehrt ( Mobil
number was available too.
b. Inform each feed supplier in writing of ASC
B. Review farm records to verify that the farm has informed all of its feed
requirements pertaining to production of
salmon feeds and send them a copy of the ASC suppliers of relevant ASC requirements for feed production.
Salmon Standard.
Were evidenced mails sent to feed suppliers sent by Mr. César Aguilar
( Salmones Multiexport S.A.' Animal Feed and Nutrition Sub-manager)
on 2014.11.11 to Skretting' s Quality Manager & on 2014.11.18 to
Biomar's Chief of Integrated Management System. In both cases were
sent the ASC Manual and requierements scope applicable to feed
c. For each feed producer used by the farm,
confirm that an audit of the producer was
recently done by an audit firm or CAB against
an ASC-acknowledged certification scheme.
Obtain a copy of the most recent audit report
for each feed producer.
C. Verify that the farm obtains current audit reports from all relevant feed
producers, that these audits were performed by an audit firm or CAB against an
ASC-acknowledged certification scheme, and that audit results demonstrate
compliance with requirements.
Was possible to evidence valid GLOBALG.A.P Compound Feed
Manufacturing (CFM) certificate issued by DNV Chile valid certificare
until 2015.09.30 for Comercializadora Nutreco Chile Ltda. (Skretting)
(315.774 tons) Certificate Nº 00035-HTPHP-0004, GGN 4050373803674
d. For each feed producer, determine whether
the farm will use method #1 or method #2 (see D. Review which method the farm will use and confirm that independent audit
Instructions above) to show compliance of
results (4.1.1c) show compliance of feed producers.
feed producers. Inform the CAB in writing.
Was chose by the company Method #2 with regard to evidence feed
supplier trazability of feed ingredients incorporated on diets
manufactured by them.
e. Obtain declaration from feed supplier(s)
stating that the company can assure
traceability of all feed ingredients that make
up more than 1% of the feed to a level of
detail required by the ASC Salmon Standard
E. Review declaration from each feed supplier to confirm the company assures
traceability to the level of detail required by Standard.
Was evidenced a statement ME -001-2014 issued on 2014.11.28,
signed by Mr. Juan Manuel Leiva (company's Quality Manager)
regarding company availability to trace whole raw material
incorporated in diets manufactured by them
F. Cross-check the declarations against results from audits of feed suppliers
(4.1.1c) to verify evidence of required levels of traceability .
Were possible to evidence both, statement issued by feed
manufacturer as well valid CFM certificate
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
[62] Traceability shall be at a level of detail that permits the feed producer to demonstrate compliance with the standards in this document (i.e., marine raw
ingredients must be traced back to the fishery, soy to the region grown, etc.). Feed manufacturers will need to supply the farm with third-party documentation of
the ingredients covered under this standard.
Criterion 4.2 Use of wild fish for feed [63]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[63] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.2.1 - Calculation of FFDRm
Farms must calculate the Fishmeal Forage Fish Dependency Ration (FFDRm) according to formula presented in Appendix IV-1
using data from the most recent complete production cycle. Farms must also show that they have maintained sufficient
information in order to make an accurate calculation of FFDRm as outlined below. For first audits, farms may be exempted from
compliance with Indicator 4.2.1 for the most recent complete production cycle (i.e. if the FFDRm of the most recent crop was >
1.35) if the farm can satisfactorily demonstrate to the auditor that:
- the client understands how to accurately calculate FFDRm;
- the client maintains all information needed to accurately calculate FFDRm (i.e. all feed specs for > 6 months) for the current
production cycle; and
- the client can show how feed used for the current production cycle will ensure that the farm will meet requirements at harvest
(i.e. FFDRm < 1.35).
Indicator: Fishmeal Forage
Fish Dependency Ratio
(FFDRm) for grow-out
(calculated using formulas in
Appendix IV- 1)
a. Maintain a detailed inventory of the feed
used including:
- Quantities used of each formulation (kg);
- Percentage of fishmeal in each formulation
- Source (fishery) of fishmeal in each
formulation used;
- Percentage of fishmeal in each formulation
derived from trimmings; and
- Supporting documentation and signed
declaration from feed supplier.
Was available in sea farm through the production management
software Fishtalk (supplied by Akva Group) diets and quantities
supplied (individualized by formulation in kgs), percentage of
fishmeal in each formulation used, supplied by feed manufacturer,
fishery source through statements supplied by manufacturer. No
trimmings sources are bought. In Pearson sea farm until 2015.03.31
were supplied 2.866.499 kgs of feed.
b. For FFDRm calculation, exclude fishmeal
derived from rendering of seafood by-products B. Verify that the client excludes from the FFDRm calculation any fishmeal
(e.g. the "trimmings" from a human
rendered from seafood by-products.
consumption fishery.
Was evidenced a statement issued by feed manufacturer regarding
no use of marine raw material derived from rendering of seafood byproducts originated from product handling units of food destined for
human consupmtion.
c. Calculate eFCR using formula in Appendix IVC. Verify that eFCR calculation was done correctly.
1 (use this calculation also in 4.2.2 option #1).
FCRe uptade to 2015.03.31 was obtained from the production
management software Fishtalk, sea farm works with, being in Pearson
d. Calculate FFDRm using formulas in
Appendix IV-1.
Was possible to evidence FFDRm score, based on formula
established in appendix IV-1 being obtained in Pearson sea farm the
following partial result: 0,51. Mr. César Aguilar did demonstrate
knowledge concerning to FFDRm calculations
Was possible to evidence information was sent to ASC by mail sent on
2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos, Environment, Concessions and
Certification Department Manager
Was possible ot evidence detailed inventory of feed supplied in farm,
updated until 2015.03.31, being supplied 2.866.499 tons.
b. For FFDRo and EPA+DHA calculations (either
option #1 or option #2), exclude fish oil
B. Verify client excludes fish oil rendered from byproducts from the FFDRo or (EPA
derived from rendering of seafood by-products
+ DHA) calculation.
(e.g. the "trimmings" from a human
consumption fishery.
Were calcalated both FFDRo as well EPA+DHA
c. Inform the CAB whether the farm chose
option #1 or option #2 to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of the
C. Record which option the client chose.
The CAB was informed Option # 1 was chosen in the sea farm, by a
letter issued past November 2014, signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez,
company's certifications Chief.
d. For option #1, calculate FFDRo using
formulas in Appendix IV-1 and using the eFCR
calculated under 4.2.1c.
D. Verify that FFDRo calculations were done correctly and confirm the value
complies with the standard.
Was possible to evidence FFDRm score, based on formula
established in appendix IV-1 being obtained in Pearson sea farm the
following partial result: 1,38. Mr. César Aguilar did demonstrate
knowledge concerning to FFDRm calculations
A. Verify completeness of records and that values are stated in a declaration from
the feed manufacturer.
Requirement: < 1.35
Applicability: All
D. Verify that FFDRm calculations were done correctly and confirm the value
complies with the requirement.
e. Submit FFDRm to ASC as per Appendix VI for
E. Confirm that client has submitted FFDRm to ASC (Appendix VI).
each production cycle.
Note: Under Indicator 4.2.2, farms can choose to calculate FFDRo (Option #1) or EPA & DHA (Option #2). Farms do not have to
demonstrate that they meet both threshold values. Client shall inform the CAB which option they will use.
a. Maintain a detailed inventory of the feed
used as specified in 4.2.1a.
Indicator: Fish Oil Forage Fish
Dependency Ratio (FFDRo) for
grow-out (calculated using
formulas in Appendix IV- 1),
Maximum amount of EPA and
DHA from direct marine
sources [64] (calculated
according to Appendix IV-2)
Requirement: FFDRo < 2.95
(EPA + DHA) < 30 g/kg feed
Applicability: All
A. Verify completeness of feed records as in 4.2.1A.
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e. For option #2, calculate amount of EPA +
DHA using formulas in Appendix IV-2.
E. Verify that (EPA+DHA) calculations were done correctly and confirm the value
complies with the standard.
EPA + DHA achieved in Pearson sea farm at 2015.03.31: 17,7 mg/kg
f. Submit FFDRo or EPA & DHA to ASC as per
Appendix VI for each production cycle.
F. Confirm that client has submitted FFDRo or EPA & DHA to ASC (Appendix VI)
Was possible to evidence information was sent to ASC by mail sent on
2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos, Environment, Concessions and
Certification Department Manager
[64] Calculation excludes DHA and EPA derived from fisheries by-products and trimmings. Trimmings are defined as by-products when fish are processed for
human consumption or if whole fish is rejected for use of human consumption because the quality at the time of landing does not meet official regulations with
regard to fish suitable for human consumption.
Fishmeal and fish oil that are produced from trimmings can be excluded from the calculation as long as the origin of the trimmings is not any species that are
classified as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (
Criterion 4.3 Source of marine raw materials
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Note: Indicator 4.3.1 applies to fishmeal and oil from forage fisheries, pelagic fisheries, or fisheries where the catch is directly
reduced (including krill) and not to by-products or trimmings used in feed.
Indicator: Timeframe for all
fishmeal and fish oil used in
feed to come from fisheries
[65] certified under a scheme
that is an ISEAL member [66]
and has guidelines that
specifically promote
responsible environmental
management of small pelagic
Requirement: < 5 years after
the date of publication [67] of
the SAD standards (i.e. full
compliance by June 13, 2017)
a. Prepare a policy stating the company's
support of efforts to shift feed manufacturers
purchases of fishmeal and fish oil to fisheries
certified under a scheme that is an ISEAL
member and has guidelines that specifically
promote responsible environmental
management of small pelagic fisheries.
A. Verify that the client's policy supports responsible feed sourcing (e.g. programs
Has been evidenced a Policy regarding to Certified Fisheries, signed
by Mr. César Aguilar Gatica (Animal Feed and Nutrition Sub.manager)
issued on 2014.12.26
b. Prepare a letter stating the farm's intent to
source feed containing fishmeal and fish oil
originating from fisheries certified under the
type of certification scheme noted in 4.3.1a
B. Obtain a copy of the client's letter of intent.
Was evidenced in the sea farm a letter signed by Mr. César Aguilar
Gatica (Animal Feed and Nutrition Sub.manager) 2014.12.23
regarding farm's intent to source feed containing fishmeal and fish oil
originating from fisheries certified under the type of certification
c. Starting on or before June 13, 2017, use feed
C. As of June 13, 2017, confirm that the farm has sufficient evidence for the origin
inventory and feed supplier declarations in
of all fish products in feed to demonstrate compliance with indicator 4.3.1. Prior
4.2.1a to develop a list of the origin of all fish
to June 13, 2017, 4.3.1c does not apply.
products used as feed ingredients.
This requirement shall be in fulfillment until or before 2017.06.13
d. Starting on or before June 13, 2017, provide
evidence that fishmeal and fish oil used in
feed come from fisheries [65] certified under a
D. As of June 13, 2017, review evidence and confirm compliance. Prior to June 13,
scheme that is an ISEAL member [66] and has
2017, 4.3.1d does not apply.
guidelines that specifically promote
responsible environmental management of
small pelagic fisheries.
This requirement shall be in fulfillment until or before 2017.06.14
Applicability: All
[65] This standard and standard 4.3.2 applies to fishmeal and oil from forage fisheries, pelagic fisheries, or fisheries where the catch is directly reduced (including
krill) and not to by-products or trimmings used in feed.
[66] Meets ISEAL guidelines as demonstrated through full membership in the ISEAL Alliance, or equivalent as determined by the Technical Advisory Group of the
[67] Publication: Refers to the date when the final standards and accompanying guidelines are completed and made publicly available. This definition of
publication applies throughout this document.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.3.2 - FishSource Score of Fish Used in Feed
To determine FishSource scores of the fish species used as feed ingredients, do the following:
-go to
-select "Species" drop down tab to the left and select the relevant species
-confirm that the search identifies the correct species, then select the top tab that reads "Scores"
For first audits, farms must have scoring records that cover all feeds purchased during the previous 6-month period.
Note: Indicator 4.3.2 applies to fishmeal and oil from forage fisheries, pelagic fisheries, or fisheries where the catch is directly
reduced (including krill) and not to by-products or trimmings used in feed.
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Indicator: Prior to achieving
4.3.1, the FishSource score [68]
for the fishery(ies) from which
all marine raw material in feed
is derived
Requirement: All individual
scores ≥ 6,
and biomass score ≥ 8
Applicability: All, until June
13, 2017
a. Record FishSource score for each species
A. Cross-check against 4.2.1a to confirm that client recorded a score for each
from which fishmeal or fish oil was derived
and used as a feed ingredient (all species listed species used in feed.
in 4.2.1a).
b. Confirm that each individual score ≥ 6 and
the biomass score is ≥ 8.
B. Cross-check a sample of the farm's scores against the FishSource website to
verify that no individual score is < 6 and no biomass score is < 8.
Has been evidenced a statement issued on November 28th, 2014 by
Nutreco Chile Ltda. signed by Mr. Juan Manuel Leiva R. (Quality
Manager) concerning marine raw material incorporated in diets
manufactured by the company, being the following: Peruvian
anchovy northern-central stock, araucarian herring chilean stock l,
chilean anchovy XV-I-II Regions stock and Peruvian anchovy southern
As was possible to evidence through a table supplied by the client
download from (table 2 - doc. Small Pelagics:
SFP Fisheries, sustainability Overview 2014 not all marine raw
material bought by Nutreco Chile Ltda. were classified as B1, being
classified Chilean anchovy XV-I-II Regions stock and Peruvian
anchovy southern stock as C (both with score 2=0). However this
indicator is mandatory until it will be replaced in june 2017, when ASC
hope to have a feed scheme
c. If the species is not on the website it means
that a FishSource assessment is not available.
Client can then take one or both of the
following actions:
1. Contact FishSource via Sustainable
C. If the client provides an independent assessment, review the assessment and
Fisheries Partnerships to identify the species
the qualifications if of the independent third party to verify that the assessment
as a priority for assessment.
was done in accordance with the FishSource methodology.
2. Contract a qualified independent third
party to conduct the assessment using the
FishSource methodology and provide the
assessment and details on the third party
qualifications to the CAB for review.
D. If the species does not have a FishSource score then the fish feed does not
comply with the requirement.
All marine raw material boght by feed manufacturers are included in
FishSource assessment
All marine raw material boght by feed manufacturers are included in
FishSource assessment
[68] Or equivalent score using the same methodology. See Appendix IV-3 for explanation of FishSource scoring.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.3.3 - Third-Party Verification of Traceability
Indicator 4.3.3 requires that farms show that their feed producers can demonstrate chain of custody and traceability as verified
through third-party audits. Farms may submit reports from audits of feed producers (see 4.1.1c) as evidence that traceability
systems are in compliance. Alternatively, farms may show that their feed producers comply with traceability requirements of
Indicator 4.3.3 by submitting evidence that suppliers, and the batches of fishmeal and oil, are certified to the International
Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organization's Global Standard for Responsible Supply or to the Marine Stewardship Council Chain of
Custody Standard.
Indicator: Prior to achieving
4.3.1, demonstration of thirdparty verified chain of custody
and traceability for the batches For the first audit, a minimum of 6 months of data on feed is required and evidence shall relate to species used in said dataset.
of fishmeal and fish oil which
are in compliance with 4.3.2.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All, until June
13, 2017
a. Obtain from the feed supplier documentary
evidence that the origin of all fishmeal and
A. Review evidence and confirm that a third party verified chain of custody or
fish oil used in the feed is traceable via a thirdtraceability program was used for the fishmeal and fish oil.
party verified chain of custody or traceability
Was possible to evidence valid GLOBALG.A.P Compound Feed
Manufacturing (CFM) certificate issued by DNV Chile valid certificare
until 2015.09.30 for Comercializadora Nutreco Chile Ltda. (Skretting)
(315.774 tons) Certificate Nº 00035-HTPHP-0004, GGN 4050373803674
b. Ensure evidence covers all the species used B. Verify that demonstration of third-party verified chain-of-custody is in place for
(as consistent with 4.3.2a, 4.2.1a, and 4.2.2a). all species used.
CFM certificate considers whole raw material bought by feed
a. Compile and maintain, consistent with
4.2.1a and 4.2.2a, a list of the fishery of origin
A. Review list and confirm consistent with 4.2.1a, 4.2.2a, 4.3.3b.
for all fishmeal and fish oil originating from byproducts and trimmings.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Was evidenced a Statement issued in April 2015, signed by Mr.
Lisandro Encina (Biomar's Supplies Manager) regarding no use of
marine raw material sourced from from IUU catch or from fish species
that are categorized as vulnerable, endangered or critically
endangered, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Page 27 of 229
Indicator: Feed containing
fishmeal and/or fish oil
originating from by-products
[69] or trimmings from IUU [70]
catch or from fish species that
are categorized as vulnerable,
endangered or critically
endangered, according to the
IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species [71]
Requirement: None [72]
Applicability: All except as
noted in [72]
b. Obtain a declaration from the feed supplier
stating that no fishmeal or fish oil originating B. Verify that the farm obtains declarations from feed suppliers.
from IUU catch was used to produce the feed.
Was evidenced a Statement issued in April 2015, signed by Mr.
Lisandro Encina (Biomar's Supplies Manager) regarding no use of
marine raw material sourced from from IUU catch or from fish species
that are categorized as vulnerable, endangered or critically
endangered, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
c. Obtain from the feed supplier declaration
that the meal or oil did not originate from a
species categorized as vulnerable, endangered
or critically endangered, according to the IUCN
Red List of Threatened Species [71] and
explaining how they are able to demonstrate
this (i.e. through other certification scheme or
through their independent audit).
Was evidenced a Statement issued in April 2015, signed by Mr.
Lisandro Encina (Biomar's Supplies Manager) regarding no use of
marine raw material sourced from from IUU catch or from fish species
that are categorized as vulnerable, endangered or critically
endangered, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
C. Review declaration to confirm compliance. The International Fishmeal and
Fish Oil Organization's Global Standard for Responsible Supply and the Marine
Stewardship Council standards are two options for demonstrating compliance
with Indicator 4.3.4c
d. If meal or oil originated from a species listed
as “vulnerable” by IUCN, obtain documentary
D. Review evidence to support exception (if applicable).
evidence to support the exception as outlined
in [72].
[69] Trimmings are defined as by-products when fish are processed for human consumption or if whole fish is rejected for use of human consumption because the
quality at the time of landing does not meet official regulations with regard to fish suitable for human consumption.
[70] IUU: Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported.
[71] The International Union for the Conservation of Nature reference can be found at
[72] For species listed as “vulnerable” by IUCN, an exception is made if a regional population of the species has been assessed to be not vulnerable in a National
Red List process that is managed explicitly in the same science-based way as IUCN. In cases where a National Red List doesn’t exist or isn’t managed in accordance
with IUCN guidelines, an exception is allowed when an assessment is conducted using IUCN’s methodology and demonstrates that the population is not
Criterion 4.4 Source of non-marine raw materials in feed
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
No marine raw material sourced from species listed as “vulnerable” by
IUCN, are bought or being incorporated in diets manufactured by
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Has been evidenced Pearson sea farm has information concerning to
feed supplier Nutreco Chile Ltda. (Skretting) being their technical
assistant Mr. Roberto Wehrt ( Mobil
number was available too.
b. Obtain from each feed manufacturer a copy
of the manufacturer's responsible sourcing
B. Review policies from each feed supplier to confirm required sourcing policy is
policy for feed ingredients showing how the
in place.
company complies with recognized crop
moratoriums and local laws.
Evidenced through a statement (ME 011-2014) issued on 2014.11.28,
signed by Mr. Juan Manuel Leiva (Skretting QA Manager) & Skretting
Supplier Code of Conduct
c. Confirm that third party audits of feed
suppliers (4.1.1c) show evidence that
supplier's responsible sourcing policies are
Was possible to evidence valid GLOBALG.A.P Compound Feed
Manufacturing (CFM) certificate issued by DNV Chile valid certificare
until 2015.09.30 for Comercializadora Nutreco Chile Ltda. (Skretting)
(315.774 tons) Certificate Nº 00035-HTPHP-0004, GGN 4050373803674
Has been evidenced a Policy issued on 2014.12.26, signed by Mr.
César Aguilar Gatica , company's Feed and Nutrition Sub-Manager
regarding to support efforts to shift feed manufacturers' purchases
of soya to soya certified under the Roundtable for Responsible Soy
(RTRS) or equivalent.
a. Compile and maintain a list of all feed
suppliers with contact information. (See also
Indicator: Presence and
evidence of a responsible
sourcing policy for the feed
manufacturer for feed
ingredients that comply with
recognized crop moratoriums
[75] and local laws [76]
A. Review feed supplier list and cross-check against feed purchases. (See also
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
C. Verify that the scope of third-party audits of feed suppliers includes review of
policies and evidence of implementation.
[75] Moratorium: A period of time in which there is a suspension of a specific activity until future events warrant a removal of the suspension or issues regarding
the activity have been resolved. In this context, moratoriums may refer to suspension of the growth of defined agricultural crops in defined geographical regions.
[76] Specifically, the policy shall include that vegetable ingredients, or products derived from vegetable ingredients, must not come from areas of the Amazon
Biome that were deforested after July 24, 2006, as geographically defined by the Brazilian Soy Moratorium. Should the Brazilian Soy Moratorium be lifted, this
specific requirement shall be reconsidered.
a. Prepare a policy stating the company's
support of efforts to shift feed manufacturers'
A. Verify that the client's policy supports responsible sourcing of soya or soyapurchases of soya to soya certified under the
derived feed ingredients.
Roundtable for Responsible Soy (RTRS) or
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Indicator: Percentage of soya
or soya-derived ingredients in
the feed that are certified by
the Roundtable for
Responsible Soy (RTRS) or
equivalent [77]
b. Prepare a letter stating the farm's intent to
source feed containing soya certified under
the RTRS (or equivalent)
B. Obtain a copy of the client's letter of intent.
Was evidenced in the sea farm a letter signed by Mr. César Aguilar
Gatica (Animal Feed and Nutrition Sub.manager) 2014.12.23
regarding farm's intent to source feed containing soya certified under
the RTRS (or equivalent)
c. Notify feed suppliers of the farm's intent
C. Verify that farm notifies feed suppliers.
Has been evidenced that Mr. César Aguilar (Animal Feed and
Nutrition sub-manager) sent a mail on April 22th, 2015 with the aim
to notify farm's intent specified in 4.4.2b
Has been declaration supplied by feed manufacturer detailing soya
origin as follows: Nutreco Chile Ltda stating that whole soya bought
by the company came from Argentina, as was detailed in document
Requirement: 100%, within
five years of the publication
[78] of the SAD standards
Applicability: All, after June
13, 2017
d. Obtain and maintain declaration from feed
D. Confirm that the farm has sufficient and supportive evidence for the origin of
supplier(s) detailing the origin of soya in the
soya products in feed to demonstrate compliance with indicator 4.4.2
e. Starting on or before June 13, 2017, provide
evidence that soya used in feed is certified by E. As of June 13, 2017,. review evidence and confirm compliance. Prior to June 13,
the Roundtable for Responsible Soy (RTRS) or 2017, 4.4.2e does not apply.
equivalent [77]
[77] Any alternate certification scheme would have to be approved as equivalent by the Technical Advisory Group of the ASC.
[78] Publication: Refers to the date when the final standards and accompanying guidelines are completed and made publicly available. This definition of
publication applies throughout this document.
Indicator: Evidence of
disclosure to the buyer [79] of
the salmon of inclusion of
transgenic [80] plant raw
material, or raw materials
derived from transgenic plants,
in the feed
Requirement: Yes, for each
individual raw material
containing > 1% transgenic
content [81]
a. Obtain from feed supplier(s) a declaration
detailing the content of soya and other plant
raw materials in feed and whether it is
A. Review feed supplier declaration and ensure declarations from all suppliers are
present (see also 4.4.1A).
This requirement shall be in fulfillment until or before 2017.06.14
Has been declaration supplied by feed manufacturer Nutreco Chile
Ltda. Nº ME 014-2014 detailing transgenic vegetals raw materials
bought by, as follows: soy meal coming from Argentina (inclusion
range: 0-16%) as well corn - meal coming from USA (inclusion range: 017%).
Has been evidenced a document called "Procedimiento de
Comunicación a los Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC
Salmon Standard" (PO-DS-017) Ed. 00 where are detailed actions to be
carried out to made information easily publicly available; however
due no ASC certified product is available in the company, no potential
clients has been identified yet clearly, and so, information has not
been disclosure yet. Information maintained by the farm concerning
feed cover more than 6 month.
b. Disclose to the buyer(s) a list of any
transgenic plant raw material in the feed and
maintain documentary evidence of this
disclosure. For first audits, farm records of
disclosures must cover > 6 months.
B. Verify evidence of disclosure to all buyers, cross-checking with plant material
list (4.4.3a) to see that all transgenic plant ingredients were disclosed
c. Inform ASC whether feed contains
transgenic ingredients (yes or no) as per
Appendix VI for each production cycle.
C. Confirm that the farm has informed ASC whether feeds containing transgenic
ingredients are used on farm (Appendix VI).
Was possible to evidence information was sent to ASC by mail sent on
2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos, Environment, Concessions and
Certification Department Manager
Was evidenced a Waste Management Policy issued on 2014.12.26
signed by Mr. Francisco Lobos Fuentes company's Environment,
Concessions and Certifications Manager
Applicability: All
[79] The company or entity to which the farm or the producing company is directly selling its product. This standard requires disclosure by the feed company to
the farm and by the farm to the buyer of their salmon.
[80] Transgenic: Containing genes altered by insertion of DNA from an unrelated organism. Taking genes from one species and inserting them into another species
to get that trait expressed in the offspring.
[81] See Appendix VI for transparency requirement for 4.4.3.
Criterion 4.5 Non-biological waste from production
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. Prepare a policy stating the farm's
commitment to proper and responsible
A. Review policy to verify the farm's commitment to proper and responsible
treatment of non-biological waste from
treatment of non-biological waste from production in a manner consistent with
production. It must explain how the farm's
best practice in the area.
policy is consistent with best practice in the
area of operation.
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Indicator: Presence and
evidence of a functioning
policy for proper and
responsible [83] treatment of
non-biological waste from
production (e.g., disposal and
Requirement: Yes
b. Prepare a declaration that the farm does
not dump non-biological waste into the
B. Verify the client makes a declaration.
c. Provide a description of the most common
production waste materials and how the farm
C. During the on-site inspection look for evidence of proper waste disposal.
ensures these waste materials are properly
disposed of.
Has been evidenced a Statement issued on 2014.12.12, signed by Mr.
Francisco Lobos Fuentes company's Environment, Concessions and
Certifications Manager regarding to all sea farms managed by
Salmones Multiexport S.A. do not dump non-biological waste into the
Has been evidenced the description of the most common production
waste materials and how the farm ensures these waste materials are
properly disposed of, in the document called "Procedimiento para el
Manejo, Transporte y Almacenamiento de Residuos" (PO-MA-001) Ed.
In the document (PO-MA-001) Ed. 11, is stated that non dangerous
waste are able to be reused or recycled, detailed as follows: feed bags
and maxibags, pallets, plastic bags, gloves, plstic seals, rubber boots .
Meterials in desuse as nets, metallic corridors, pipes, hoses, bins,
tables grids (not used in a farm but able to be used in other) &
expanded polystyrene boxes.
Has been evidenced that most common production waste materials
generated in farm are: domiciliary & industrial separated in industrial
similar to domiciliary, hazardous and not hazardous. Was possible to
verify that waste are managed according actios detailed in procedure
(PO-MA-001) Ed. 11, through output waybills and certificates of
disposal issued by final receiver, as well applications required to be
issued by the company to the environmental authority in case of
hazzardous waste (in fulfillment with Chilean Regulation). All waste
are managed from the main office in Puerto Montt to differents
Waste disposed to recycling are managed from the main office
located in Puerto Montt, being evidenced certificates as follows:
Electronic devices (ferrous, nonferrous and plastic) managed by Chile
Recicla. - plastic containers and bottles sent to Ecofibras S.A. (I.D.
99.545.960-4), Plastic and scrap metal tyo Fundación de la Familia Maxibags managed by Plastisur Desechos Industriales Ltda. I.D.
76.658.930-2 for further disposal in Cambiaso Hnos. S.A.C.I. I.D.
91.438.000-6 - Pallets sent to Biomar Chile S.A. (feed provider, being
sent both Biomar & Skretting), paper and cardboard sent to SOREPA
Applicability: All
d. Provide a description of the types of waste
materials that are recycled by the farm.
D. During the on-site inspection look for evidence of recycling of waste materials
as described by client.
[83] Proper and responsible disposal will vary based on facilities available in the region and remoteness of farm sites. Disposal of non-biological waste shall be
done in a manner consistent with best practice in the area. Dumping of non-biological waste into the ocean does not represent “proper and responsible” disposal.
a. Provide a description of the most common
production waste materials and how the farm A. During the on-site inspection look for evidence of proper waste disposal. (See
also 4.5.1C)
ensures these waste materials are properly
disposed of. (see also 4.5.1c)
b. Provide a description of the types of waste
Indicator: Evidence that non- materials that are recycled by the farm. (See
biological waste (including net also 4.5.1d)
pens) from grow-out site is
either disposed of properly or
B. During the on-site inspection look for evidence of recycling of waste materials
as described by client. (See also 4.5.1D)
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
c. Inform the CAB of any infractions or fines for
improper waste disposal received during the
C. Review infractions and corrective actions.
previous 12 months and corrective actions
d. Maintain records of disposal of waste
materials including old nets and cage
Criterion 4.6 Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions on farms [84]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[84] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 4.6.1, 4.6.2 and 4.6.3.
D. Review records to verify waste disposal and/or recycling is consistent with
client description and policy.
Mr. Francisco Lobos Fuentes, company's Environmental , Concessions
and Certifications Department Manager, informed the CAB no
infractions or fines due improper waste disposal has been received
during past 12 months.
Were showed by Geysi Urrutia (Environmental Department Chief) the
following documents (certificates reports): Recycling Certificate
issued on 2014.08.19 issued by Agrupación Puerto Montt (Fundación
de la Familia), detailing use and recycling track. - certificate issued by
S.O.C Servicios Integrales Ltda. on 2014.11.26 - Certificate issued by
Ecofibras S.A. on 2015.02.11 - Pacific Star S.A. (now Fiordo Austral S.A.)
regarding to ensiled mortality reception. Certificate issued by
Plastisur Desechos Industriales Ltda. issued past January 2015
concerning to disposal of 11.030 kgs of maxibags at Cambiaso Hnos.
S.A.C.I. - Receipt Nº 20143 issued by SOREPA S.A., among others.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.6.1 - Energy Use Assessment
Indicator 4.6.1 requires that farms must have an assessment to verify energy consumption. The scope of this requirement is
restricted to operational energy use for the farm site(s) that is applying for certification. Boundaries for operational energy use
should correspond to the sources of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (see Appendix V-1). Energy use corresponding to Scope 3
emissions (i.e. the energy used to fabricate materials that are purchased by the farm) is not required. However the SAD Steering
Committee encourages companies to integrate energy use assessments across the board in the company.
For the purposes of calculating energy consumption, the duration of the production cycle is the entire life cycle "at sea" - it does
not include freshwater smolt production stages. Farms that have integrated smolt rearing should break out the grow-out stage
portion of energy consumption if possible. Quantities of energy (fuel and electricity) are converted to kilojoules. Verification is
done by internal or external assessment following either the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard or ISO 14064-1 (see Appendix V-1
for more details).
Indicator: Presence of an
energy use assessment
verifying the energy
consumption on the farm and
representing the whole life
cycle at sea, as outlined in
Appendix V- 1
a. Maintain records for energy consumption
by source (fuel, electricity) on the farm
throughout each production cycle.
A. Verify that the farm maintains records for energy consumption.
Has been evidenced current productive cycle energy consumption
records (2014.08.01 - 2015.01.31) concerning to fusel oil only, but not
associated to gas and fuel. Obs However total energy utilized by all
utilized sources, long through the current productive cycle shall be
assessed once it be finished
b. Calculate the farm's total energy
consumption in kilojoules (kj) during the last
production cycle.
B. Review the farm's calculations for completeness and accuracy.
Has been evidenced a second (II) energy assessment report ,
developed by Miss Pamela Mardones G. (Pasos outsourcing service),
however only associated to the current productive cycle, being
included information recorded until 2015.01.31 (not gas and fuel were
considered, only fusel oil).
Has been evidenced a second (II) energy assessment report ,
developed by Miss Pamela Mardones G. (Pasos outsourcing service),
however only associated to the current productive cycle, being
included information recorded until 2015.01.31 . Biomass reared on
farm was available through Fishtalk production software
Has been evidenced a second (II) energy assessment report ,
developed by Miss Pamela Mardones G. (Pasos outsourcing service),
however only associated to the current productive cycle. Assessment
includes datas recorded until 2015.01.31
Requirement: Yes, measured
c. Calculate the total weight of fish in metric
C. Confirm that the farm accurately reports total weight of fish harvested per
in kilojoule/mt fish/production
tons (mt) produced during the last production production cycle. Cross-check against other farm datasets (e.g. harvest counts,
escapes, and mortalities).
Applicability: All
d. Using results from 4.6.1b and 4.6.1c,
calculate energy consumption on the farm as
required, reported as kilojoule/mt
fish/production cycle.
D. Review the farm's calculations for completeness and accuracy.
e. Submit results of energy use calculations
(4.6.1d) to ASC as per Appendix VI for each
production cycle.
E. Confirm that client has submitted energy use calculations to ASC (Appendix VI).
f. Ensure that the farm has undergone an
F. Confirm that the farm has undergone an energy use assessment verifying the
energy use assessment that was done in
compliance with requirements of Appendix V- farm's energy consumption.
OBS: Assessment results will be sent to ASC once the current
productive cycle be finished and information required to achieve final
scores be available.
Assessment developed by Miss Pamela Mardones G undergone
guidelines established in appendix V-1. Were available too her
professonal background, as evidence of her competences
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.6.2 - Annual GHG Assessment
Indicator 4.6.2 requires that farms must have an annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment. Detailed instructions are presented in
Appendix V-1 and references therein. The scope of this requirement is restricted to operational boundaries for the farm site(s)
that is applying for certification. However the SAD Steering Committee encourages companies to integrate GHG accounting
practices across the board in the company. Verification may be done by internal or external assessment following either the GHG
Protocol Corporate Standard or ISO 14064-1 (see Appendix V-1 for more details).
Note: For the purposes of this standard, GHGs are defined as the six gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol: carbon dioxide (CO2);
methane (CH4); nitrous oxide (N2O); hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
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Indicator: Records of
greenhouse gas (GHG [85])
emissions [86] on farm and
evidence of an annual GHG
assessment, as outlined in
Appendix V-1
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
a. Maintain records of greenhouse gas
emissions on the farm.
A. Verify that the farm maintains records of GHG emissions.
Has been evidenced current productive cycle energy consumption
records (2014.08.01 - 2015.01.31) concerning to fusel oil only, but not
associated to gas and fuel. Obs However total energy utilized by all
utilized sources, long through the current productive cycle shall be
assessed once it be finished.
b. At least annually, calculate all scope 1 and
scope 2 GHG emissions in compliance with
Appendix V-1.
B. Confirm that calculations are done annually and in compliance with Appendix
Assessment carried out includes scope 1 and 3, because not electric
energy is consumed on farm (main source is fusel oil). Data used in the
survey include information since 2014.08.01 and 2015.01.31
c. For GHG calculations, select the emission
factors which are best suited to the farm's
operation. Document the source of those
emissions factors.
C. Verify that the farm records all emissions factors used and their sources.
Emission factor used, were obtained from Default Emsission Factors
for Stationary Combustion in the Commercial / Institutional Category.
IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2006.
d. For GHG calculations involving conversion
of non-CO2 gases to CO2 equivalents, specify
D. Verify that the farm records all GWPs used and their sources.
the Global Warming Potential (GWP) used and
its source.
The second (II) energy assessment report , developed by Miss Pamela
Mardones G. (Pasos outsourcing service), however only associated to
the current productive cycle, being included information recorded
until 2015.01.31 (not gas and fuel were considered, only fusel oil),
therefore, so far conversion of non-CO2 gases to CO2 equivalents
haven't been carried out yet.
e. Submit results of GHG calculations (4.6.2d)
to ASC as per Appendix VI at least once per
E. Confirm that the farm has submitted GHG calculations to ASC (Appendix VI).
Assessment results available when IA was held must be sent to ASC as
well annually now-on (both if productive cycle would be in progress
or finished)
f. Ensure that the farm undergoes a GHG
assessment as outlined in Appendix V-1 at
least annually.
F. Confirm that the farm undergoes a GHG assessments annually and that the
methods used comply with requirements of Appendix V-1.
Assessment developed by Miss Pamela Mardones G undergone
guidelines established in appendix V-1. Were available too her
professonal background, as evidence of her competences
a. Obtain from feed supplier(s) a declaration
A. Verify declaration from feed supplier(s) and confirm client has declarations
detailing the GHG emissions of the feed (per kg
from all feed suppliers.
Has been evidenced a Statement issued by Comercializadora Nutreco
Chile Ltda. regarding the feeds delivered to Multiexportfoods,
informing as follows: Tons of CO2 per tonne of manufactured feed,
considering raw materials and manufacturing on were
0,17 Ton CO2 / Ton PT (year 2014).
b. Multiply the GHG emissions per unit feed by
the total amount of feed from each supplier
B. Verify calculations cross-checking with feed purchase and use records.
used in the most recent completed production
Mainily Comercializadora Nutreco Chile Ltda. , supplies feed to
Arbolito sea farm, being detailed GHG emissions in 4.6.3 a
[85] For the purposes of this standard, GHGs are defined as the six gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol: carbon dioxide (CO2); methane (CH4); nitrous oxide (N2O);
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
[86] GHG emissions must be recorded using recognized methods, standards and records as outlined in Appendix V.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.6.3 - GHG Emissions of Feed
Indicator 4.6.3 requires that farms document the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) associated with any feeds used during salmon
production. Farms will need to obtain this information from their feed supplier(s) and thereafter maintain a continuous record of
Feed GHG emissions throughout all production cycles. This requirement takes effect on June 13, 2015 and it will apply across the
entire previous production cycle. Therefore the SAD Steering Committee advises farms to inform their feed supplier(s) about this
requirement long before the effective date. Specifically, the SC recommends that...
- the farm provides its feed suppliers with detailed information about the requirements including a copy of the methodology
outlined in Appendix V, subsection 2;
- the farm explain what analyses must be done by feed suppliers; and
- the farm explains to feed suppliers what documentary evidence will be required by the farm to demonstrate compliance.
Note1: Farms may calculate GHG emissions of feed using the average raw material composition used to produce the salmon (by
Indicator: Documentation of weight) rather than using feed composition on a lot-by-lot basis.
GHG emissions of the feed [87]
used during the previous
Note2: Feed supplier's calculations must include Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 GHG emissions as specified in Appendix V,
production cycle, as outlined subsection 2.
in Appendix V, subsection 2
Requirement: Yes, within
three years of the publication
[88] of the SAD standards (i.e.
by June 13, 2015)
Applicability: All, after June
13, 2015
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c. If client has more than one feed supplier,
calculate the total sum of emissions from feed
C. Verify calculations.
by summing the GHG emissions of feed from
each supplier.
d. Submit GHG emissions of feed to ASC as per D. Confirm that the farm has submitted GHG calculations for feed to ASC
Appendix VI for each production cycle.
(Appendix VI).
[87] GHG emissions from feed can be given based on the average raw material composition used to produce the salmon (by weight) and not as documentation
linked to each single product used during the production cycle. Feed manufacturer is responsible for calculating GHG emissions per unit feed. Farm site then shall
use that information to calculate GHG emissions for the volume of feed they used in the prior production cycle.
[88] Publication: Refers to the date when the final standards and accompanying guidelines are completed and made publicly available. This definition of
publication applies throughout this document.
Criterion 4.7 Non-therapeutic chemical inputs [89,90]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[89] Closed production systems that do not use nets and do not use antifoulants shall be considered exempt from standards under Criterion 4.7.
[90] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 4.7.1, 4.7.3 and 4.7.4.
Requirement: Yes
Mainily Comercializadora Nutreco Chile Ltda., supplies feed to
Arbolito sea farm.
Was evidenced that GHG emissions of feed to ASC were sent by mail
on 2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos Fuentes
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Indicator: For farms that use
copper-treated nets [91],
evidence that nets are not
cleaned [92] or treated in situ
in the marine environment
a. Prepare a farm procedure for net cleaning
and treatment that describes techniques,
technologies, use of off-site facilities, and
record keeping.
A. Review procedure for completeness.
Was supplied to the CAB a Statement issued on 2014.11.20 signed by
Mr. Andrés Lyon Labbe, Salmones Multiexport S.A.' General Manager,
declaring sea farms managed by the company outsource nets
management (cleaning, disinfection, repairing and antifoulants
treatment) with companies land - based, properly authorized by
Competent Authority
b. Maintain records of antifoulants and other
chemical treatments used on nets.
B. Review documentary evidence and records for completeness, including
traceability records of the nets where available.
Was evidenced a environmental permit (acronym in Spanish RCA) Res.
Ex. Nº 897 issued on 2002.06.12 where was possible to evidence the
effluent treatment plant implemented by Nisa Redes S.A. Also was
available a document where is described the way effluent is managed
in the company
c. Declare to the CAB whether copper-based
treatments are used on nets.
C. Verify whether copper-based treatments are used. If no, Indicator 4.7.1d does
not apply to the client. If yes, proceed to 4.7.1D.
Was evidenced a Statement issued on 2014.11.20 signed by Mr.
Andrés Lyon Labbe, Salmones Multiexport S.A.' General Manager,
declaring sea farm works treated antifoulans nets with.
d. If copper-based treatments are used,
maintain documentary evidence (see 4.7.1b)
that farm policy and practice does not allow
for heavy cleaning of copper-treated nets in
D. Review evidence and interview farm manager to confirm that farm does not do
any heavy cleaning of copper-treated nets in situ.
Was evidenced a Statement issued on 2014.11.20 signed by Mr.
Andrés Lyon Labbe, Salmones Multiexport S.A.' General Manager,
declaring sea farms managed by the company outsource nets
management (cleaning, disinfection, repairing and antifoulants
treatment) with companies properly authorized by Competent
Was evidenced a statement signed by Mr. Andrés Lyon L., company's
General Manager, concerning to the use of net treated antioulans
copper based with. Mail wa ssent on 2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco
Was supplied to the CAB a Statement issued on 2014.11.20 signed by
Mr. Andrés Lyon Labbe, Salmones Multiexport S.A.' General Manager,
declaring sea farms managed by the company outsource nets
management (cleaning, disinfection, repairing and antifoulants
treatment) with companies land - based, properly authorized by
Competent Authority
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [89]
e. Inform ASC whether copper antifoulants are
E. Confirm that the farm has informed ASC whether copper antifoulants are used
used on farm (yes or no) as per Appendix VI for
on farm (Appendix VI).
each production cycle.
[91] Under the SAD, “copper-treated net” is defined as a net that has been treated with any copper-containing substance (such as a copper-based antifoulant)
during the previous 18 months, or has not undergone thorough cleaning at a land-based facility since the last treatment. Farms that use nets that have, at some
point prior in their lifespan, been treated with copper may still consider nets as untreated so long as sufficient time and cleaning has elapsed as in this definition.
This will allow farms to move away from use of copper without immediately having to purchase all new nets.
[92] Light cleaning of nets is allowed. Intent of the standard is that, for example, the high-pressure underwater washers could not be used on copper treated nets
under this standard because of the risk of copper flaking off during this type of heavy or more thorough cleaning.
a. Declare to the CAB whether nets are
cleaned on-land.
A. Review declaration and cross-check with records from 4.7.1b. If nets are not
cleaned on land, Indicator 4.7.2 does not apply. If nets are cleaned on land,
proceed to 4.7.2B.
Indicator: For any farm that
cleans nets at on-land sites
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cleans nets at on land sites,
evidence that net-cleaning
sites have effluent treatment
Requirement: Yes
Was evidenced a environmental permit (acronym in Spanish RCA) Res.
Ex. Nº 897 issued on 2002.06.12 where wa spossible to evidence the
effluent treatment plant implemented by Nisa Redes S.A. Also was
available a document where is described the way effluent is managed
in the company
Has been evidenced assays reports supplyed by the laboratory ANAM
S.A. (whom has valid NCh ISO 17025 accredited techniques by the
National Standarization Institute -INN-), concerning to the analysis
involved; being possible to evidence hat effluent treatment used at
the cleaning site is an appropriate technology to capture of copper in
Was evidenced a Statement issued on 2014.11.20 signed by Mr.
Andrés Lyon Labbe, Salmones Multiexport S.A.' General Manager,
declaring sea farms managed by the company work treated
antifoulans nets with, cooper - based
Has bveen evidenced the document called "Plan de Monitoreo
Ambiental" (PL-MA-002) Rev. 00, which target is to establish the
guidelines, monitoring possible impacts of farms explotation in
sediment; as well the technical report called "Informe ASC, Ganso
Sea Farm" Samples and copper assays results were held in all stations
defined in the AZE (outside and inside)
c. If "yes" in 4.7.3a, maintain records of testing
C. Verify the measurements were taken using appropriate equipment and testing
methods, equipment, and laboratories used to
test copper level in sediments from 4.7.3b.
Records available in he technical report called "Informe ASC, Ganso
Sea Farm" developed by CETCSAL S.A.
a. Inform the CAB whether:
1) farm is exempt from Indicator 4.7.4 (as per
A. Document and verify applicability of 4.7.4 to client (see also 4.7.3A)
4.7.3a), or
2) Farm has conducted testing of copper levels
in sediment.
The CAB was informed regarding to farm has conducted testing of
copper levels in sediment.
b. Provide evidence from measurements taken
in 4.7.3b that copper levels are < 34 mg Cu/kg B. Verify that copper levels are < 34 mg Cu/kg sediment. If no, proceed to 4.7.4C.
dry sediment weight.
Were evidenced in the document Report ASC Pearson Sea Farm ;
analysis were carried out in Hidrolab laboratory through the method
EPA-6010C. Samples were taken in 16 (in duplicate), however in just
one control station but not two others as is required in appendix I-1.
57,1 % of whole samples picked up (but control station in duplicate)
showed scores lower than 34 mg Cu/kg.
C. If applicable, review evidence to confirm that farm followed Appendix I-1 for
testing copper levels at reference sites.
Samples were taken in 16 stations (in duplicate) as well in the control
station but not two others as is required in appendix I-1, despite were
evidenced that 15/26 samples showed levels lower than 34 mg Cu/kg.
D. As applicable, review data to confirm that copper levels fall within the range of
background concentrations as measured at reference sites.
15/26 samples picked up showed levels under 34 mgCu/kg,
b. If nets are cleaned on-land, obtain
B. Review documentary evidence to confirm that each net-cleaning facility has
documentary evidence from each net-cleaning
effluent treatment in place.
facility that effluent treatment is in place.
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [89]
c. If yes to 4.7.2b, obtain evidence that
C. If applicable, review documentary evidence to confirm that land-based
effluent treatment used at the cleaning site is
cleaning sites have appropriate technologies in place to capture copper in
an appropriate technology to capture of
effluents and that they function as intended.
copper in effluents.
[93] Treatment must have appropriate technologies in place to capture copper if the farm uses copper-treated nets.
Note: If the benthos throughout and immediately outside the full AZE is hard bottom, provide evidence to the CAB and request
an exemption from Indicator 4.7.3 (see 2.1.1c).
a. Declare to the CAB whether the farm uses
Indicator: For farms that use
copper nets or copper-treated nets. (See also
copper nets or copper-treated
4.7.1c). If "no", Indicator 4.7.3 does not apply.
nets, evidence of testing for
copper level in the sediment
outside of the AZE, following
methodology in Appendix I-1 b. If "yes" in 4.7.3a, measure and record
copper in sediment samples from the
Requirement: Yes
reference stations specified in 2.1.1d and
2.1.2c which lie outside the AZE.
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [89]
Indicator: Evidence that
copper levels [94] are < 34 mg
Cu/kg dry sediment weight
in instances where the Cu in
the sediment exceeds 34 mg
Cu/kg dry sediment weight,
demonstration that the Cu
concentration falls within the
range of background
concentrations as measured at
three reference sites in the
water body
c. If copper levels in 4.7.4b are ≥ 34 mg Cu/kg
dry sediment weight, provide evidence the
farm tested copper levels in sediments from
Requirement: Yes
reference sites as described in Appendix I-1
Applicability: All farms except (also see Indicators 2.1.1 and 2.1.2).
as noted in [89] and excluding
d. Analyze results from 4.7.4c to show the
those farms shown to be
background copper concentrations as
exempt from Indicator 4.7.3
measured at three reference sites in the water
A. Review declaration and cross-check against declaration from 4.7.1c. Record
whether Indicator 4.7.3 is applicable to the client.
B. As applicable, verify the farm tested sediment samples for copper from the
reference stations specified in 2.1.1d and 2.1.2c which lie outside the AZE.
e. Submit data on copper levels in sediments
E. Confirm that farm has submitted to ASC data on copper levels in sediment
to ASC as per Appendix VI for each production
(Appendix VI).
Was evidenced that information was sent to ASC by mail on
2015.04.20 by Mr. Francisco Lobos F.
[94] According to testing required under 4.7.3. The standards related to testing of copper are only applicable to farms that use copper-based nets or coppertreated nets.
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a. Identify all biocides used by the farm in net A. Review list of biocides and cross-check against treatment records (see 4.7.2b)
and purchase records.
Were available on farm, that antifoulans used is AQUA-NET CCT 100,
supplied by Bayer S.A.
Was evidenced the following documents: Aqua-Net ce 100
Declaration issued by Steen-Hansen, issued in Bergen, Norway,
2014.12.15, concerning that Steen-Hansen AS uses cuprous(l)oxide in
its antifouling product named Aqua­Net CC 1 OO. This active
component is accepted within the framework of the European Biocide
Products Directive (528/2012EC), officially known as Regulation T/ON
(EU) No 528/2012 oof the European parliament and of theCouncil of
22 May 2012 concerning the making avai/able on the market and use
of biocidal products; as well a Notice of approval (Amendment) sent
to Steen-Hansen AS by HSE (Nº 6897), expirity date extended to
December 31st, 2024.
a. Prepare a fish health management plan that
incorporates components related to
A. Obtain and review the farm's fish health management plan.
identification and monitoring of fish disease
and parasites. This plan may be part of a more
comprehensive farm planning document.
Has been evidenced a Veterinary Health Plan (PL-DS-005) Ed. 06,
where are referenced others support documents with the aim to
reach good sanitary performance on farms as follows: Sanitary
Management Procedures (PO-DS-005) , mortality Management (PODS-004) , Therapeutic Treatments in Sea Water Production
Procedures (PO-DS-002) , Treatments by Baths Instructive (IN-DS-03)
as well regulatory documents developed by the National Fishery
b. Ensure that the farm's current fish health
management plan was reviewed and
approved by the farm's designated
veterinarian [96].
B. Verify there is evidence to show that the farm's designated veterinarian [96]
reviewed and approved the current version of the plan.
Was evidenced the Veterinary Health Plan was developed by Mr.
César Inostroza (Veterinary in Puyuhuapi Area), Reviewed by Mr.
Paulo Días (Veterinary , Health Department Chief) and Approved by
Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Veterinary , Health Department Head)
A. Review documentary evidence of site visits to confirm a minimum number of
visits as outlined in 5.1.2. Or review risk assessment.
Has been evidenced veterinarians visits are recorded in the "Health
Binnacle"since 2014.08.25, evidencing visits every 15 days at least.
Veterinarians who came at farm during the current productive cycle
were: Mr. César Inostroza, Mr. Erik Girarlt, Mr. Roberto González and
Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Head Health Department in the company)
B. Confirm visits in 5.1.2a were performed by the farm's designated health
Veterinarians who bring support in farm are: Mr. César Inostroza, Mr.
Erik Girarlt, Mr. Roberto González and Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Head
Health Department in the company)
C. Review evidence for qualifications of the farm's health professionals.
Were possible to evidence veterinarians degrees of all professionals
mentioned in 5.1.2b.
Was possible to evidence records of mortality removals by mean
production management software Fishtalk used to control
production performance of farm. Also was possible to evidence a
plastic board used daily the outsourcing diving service by, to record
in situ , mortality performance.
Indicator: Evidence that the
type of biocides used in net
antifouling are approved
according to legislation in the
European Union, or the United
States, or Australia
b. Compile documentary evidence to show
that each chemical used in 4.7.5a is approved
according to legislation in one or more of the B. Review documentary evidence to confirm compliance.
Applicability: All farms except following jurisdictions: the European Union,
the United States, or Australia.
as noted in [89]
Requirement: Yes
Criterion 5.1 Survival and health of farmed fish [95]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
[95] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 5.1.4, 5.1.5 and 5.1.6.
Indicator: Evidence of a fish
health management plan for
the identification and
monitoring of fish diseases and
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
a. Maintain records of visits by the designated
veterinarian [96] and fish health managers
Indicator: Site visits by a
[97]. If schedule cannot be met, a risk
designated veterinarian [96] at
assessment must be provided.
least four times a year, and by
a fish health manager [97] at
least once a month
b. Maintain a current list of personnel who are
employed as the farm's designated
Requirement: Yes
veterinarian(s) [96] and fish health manager(s)
Applicability: All
c. Maintain records of the qualifications of
persons identified in 5.1.2b.
[96] A designated veterinarian is the professional responsible for health management on the farm who has the legal authority to diagnose disease and prescribe
medication. In some countries such as Norway, a fish health biologist or other professional has equivalent professional qualifications and is equivalent to a
veterinarian for purposes of these standards. This definition applies to all references to a veterinarian throughout the standards document.
[97] A fish health manager is someone with professional expertise in managing fish health, who may work for a farming company or for a veterinarian, but who
does not necessarily have the authority to prescribe medicine.
a. Maintain records of mortality removals to
A. Review records of mortality removals to confirm completeness and accuracy.
show that dead fish are removed regularly and
Cross-check against 5.1.4 and calculations of escapes and unexplained loss.
disposed of in a responsible manner.
Indicator: Percentage of dead
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Indicator: Percentage of dead
fish removed and disposed of
in a responsible manner
Requirement: 100% [98]
Applicability: All
b. Collect documentation to show that
B. Review client submission. Inspect the farm's system for mortality removals and
disposal methods are in line with practices
recommended by fish health managers and/or disposals during the on site audit.
relevant legal authorities.
Was evidenced that mortality management in farm are in compliance
Chilean Sanitary Regulation with, evidencing a proper
implementation of mortality silage system, as well actions carried out
in farm, disposal of ensiled mortality at authorized external service,
in this case company Fiordo Austral S.A. able to transform ensiled
mortality in other byproducts and/or dispose it in authorized dumps,
with valid authorization to carry out such kind of service.
c. For any exceptional mortality event where
dead fish were not collected for post-mortem
analysis, keep a written justification.
Any time when is not possible to carry out mortality extraction,
mainly due weather issues, such condition is recorded in the "Daily
Binnacle", where are redorded main activities carried out every day
in farm
Were evidenced a file (erasable) developed according Res. Ex. Nº
1468 issued on 2012.06.28 concerning to General Sanitary Mortality
Management Plan; being established mortality classification as
primary (external) & secondary (internal identified through
necropsies). Mortality classification is recorded daily in the
production management software (Fish Talk) sea farm work with.
Necropsies observations are recorded in the "Necropsy Binaccle.
Requirements detailed in this current control point are available by
mean of veterinary prescriptions. Information concerning to
laboratories who carry out post mortem analysis are available in
assays reports supplied by the third party services.
Has been defined post-mortem analysis to 100% of daily mortality
(primary classification, i.e. external) and 100% of mortality classified
as "unknown". In case of massive mortalities sampling established
are 60 fishes as has been defined in the OIE code 5% error (chapter
1.1.2) Mortality recods are kept in the production management
software Fishtalk. Necropsies carried out in farm are recorded in the
Necropsy Binnacle, being possible to evidence date, observations and
activity responsible.
Chilean Sanitary Regulation do require to confirm diseases identified
through necropsies, by third party properly acredited laboratories
(NCh ISO 17025, in techniques involved on analyses supplied). By
other side farm is governed by the Active Diseases Surveillance
Program monitored by the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA being carried out periodical assays (ISAv - SRS - Active Surveillance
Program) or by internal controls implemented by the Fish
Department. Current productive cycle were possible to evidence the
following confirmatory assays reports: Laboratory Aquagestion report
issued on 2015.03.18 (Nº 7643, evidencing SRS +) and CIBA Laboratory
report, issued on 2015.02.24 (Nº PA 991, evidencing SRS +) and report
issued on 2014.08.14 (Nº PA 302, evidencing BKD +) . Finally
competence of professionals involved in necropsies are avalable
through training records, mandatory to be carried out anually by
C. Review the farm's justification for any exceptional mortality event where dead
fish were not collected for post-mortem analysis (this situation should be a rare
[98] The SAD recognizes that not all mortality events will result in dead fish present for collection and removal. However, such situations are considered the
exception rather than the norm.
Note: Farms are required to maintain mortality records from the current and two previous production cycles. For first audit,
records for the current and prior production cycle are required.
It is recommended that farms maintain a compiled set of records to demonstrate compliance with 5.1.3 - 5.1.6.
a. Maintain detailed records for all mortalities
and post-mortem analyses including:
- date of mortality and date of post-mortem
- total number of mortalities and number
receiving post-mortem analysis;
A. Review records of mortalities to verify completeness and to confirm that post- name of the person or lab conducting the
mortem analyses were done by qualified individuals or labs.
post-mortem analyses;
- qualifications of the individual (e.g.
veterinarian [96], fish health manager [97]);
- cause of mortality (specify disease or
pathogen) where known; and
- classification as 'unexplained' when cause of
mortality is unknown (see 5.1.6).
b. For each mortality event, ensure that postmortem analyses are done on a statistically
relevant number of fish and keep a record of
the results.
B. Review records to confirm the farm had post-mortem analysis done for each
mortality event and that a statistically relevant number of fish were analyzed
from each mortality event.
Indicator: Percentage of
mortalities that are recorded,
classified and receive a postmortem analysis
Requirement: 100% [99]
Applicability: All
c. If on-site diagnosis is inconclusive and
disease is suspected or results are inconclusive
C. Review records to confirm that any inconclusive on-site diagnoses were sent to
over a 1-2 week period, ensure that fish are
an off-site laboratory for further testing.
sent to an off-site laboratory for diagnosis and
keep a record of the results (5.1.4a).
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Classification are carried out according established in Res. Ex. Nº
1468 issued on 2012.06.28 concerning to General Sanitary Mortality
Management Plan; evidencing the following results so far current
productive cycle: Accumulated mortality 4,19%, classified as
mechanical damage (1.672 fish), birds attacks (44 fish), transporting
(2.779), O2 drop (31 fish), BKD (4.635 fish), sea mammals attacks
(2.823 fish), unknown (3656 fish), misshapen (4.932 fish), misfit (3.082
fish) among others (properly identified).
e. Provide additional evidence to show how
farm records in 5.1.4a-d cover all mortalities
E. Review evidence to confirm compliance with requirements.
from the current and previous two production
cycles (as needed).
Past productive cycle , through the production management software
was possible to evidence mortality classification achieved when the
productive cycle ends, as follow: Total accumulated mortality 9,86%,
classified as O2 drop (0, 62%), mechanical damage (2,01%),
mishshapen (8,7%) , misfit (8,7%), sea mammals attacks (30,8%), SRS
(13,9%) , transporting (2,8%), Aeromonas (5,25%), elimination (4,2%),
unknown (13,9%),among others (properly identified).
f. Submit data on numbers and causes of
mortalities to ASC as per Appendix VI on an
ongoing basis (i.e. at least once per year and
for each production cycle).
Was evidenced mail sent by Mr. Alejandro Heisinger Head of Health
Department a mail with info required to Mr. Michiel Fransen on
A. Review and confirm the calculated number of viral disease-related mortalities.
No viral diseases were involved with mortality achieved long through
the past productive cycle.
B. Verify that the sum of confirmed viral disease-related mortalities plus
unspecified & unexplained mortalities is ≤ 10% of the total number of fish
produced during the most recent production cycle.
Total accumulated mortality 9,684% (108.157 fish) being classified as
"unknown" 15.038 fish - 13,9 % (of total mortality) however
correspond to 1,372% (past cycle farm was stocked with 1.096.452
fish) and no viral causes were associated to mortality achieved
Was evidenced mail sent by Mr. Alejandro Heisinger Head of Health
Department a mail with info required to Mr. Michiel Fransen on
Accumulated mortality achieved long through the past productive
cycle was 9,86%.
Total accumulated mortality 9,86% (108.110 fish) being classified as
"unknown" 15.038 fish (of total mortality) however correspond to
1,372% (past cycle farm was stocked with 1.096.452 fish) and no viral
causes were associated to mortality achieved
Was evidenced mail sent by Mr. Alejandro Heisinger Head of Health
Department a mail with info required to Mr. Michiel Fransen on
d. Using results from 5.1.3a-c, classify each
mortality event and keep a record of those
F. Confirm that client has submitted data from post-mortem analyses and cause
and number of mortalities to ASC (Appendix VI).
[99] If on-site diagnosis is inconclusive, this standard requires off-site laboratory diagnosis. A qualified professional must conduct all diagnosis. One hundred
percent of mortality events shall receive a post-mortem analysis, not necessarily every fish. A statistically relevant number of fish from the mortality event shall be
a. Calculate the total number of mortalities
that were diagnosed (see 5.1.4) as being
related to viral disease.
D. Review mortality events to confirm the farm's classification was consistent with
results from post-mortem analyses. Where cause was not determined verify that
classification was plausible given available info.
b. Combine the results from 5.1.5a with the
Indicator: Maximum viral
total number of unspecified and unexplained
disease-related mortality [100]
mortalities from the most recent complete
on farm during the most recent
production cycle. Divide this by the total
production cycle
number of fish produced in the production
cycle (x100) to calculate percent maximum
Requirement: ≤ 10%
viral disease-related mortality.
Applicability: All
c. Submit data on total mortality and viral
disease-related mortality to ASC as per
C. Confirm that client has submitted data on mortality to ASC (Appendix VI).
Appendix VI on an ongoing basis (i.e. at least
once per year and for each production cycle).
[100] Viral disease-related mortality count shall include unspecified and unexplained mortality as it could be related to viral disease.
a. Use records in 5.1.4a to calculate the
unexplained mortality rate (%) for the most
recent full production cycle. If rate was ≤ 6%, A. Review, confirm, and document whether 5.1.6 is applicable to the client. If
Indicator: Maximum
then the requirement of 5.1.6 does not apply. applicable, proceed to 5.1.6B.
unexplained mortality rate
If total mortality rate was > 6%, proceed to
from each of the previous two
production cycles, for farms
with total mortality > 6%
b. Calculate the unexplained mortality rate (%)
Requirement: ≤ 40% of total for each of the two production cycles
immediately prior to the current cycle. For first B. Review and confirm that ≤ 40% of total mortalities were from unexplained
audit, calculation must cover one full
causes for each of the two previous production cycles
Applicability: All farms with > production cycle immediately prior to the
6% total mortality in the most current cycle.
recent complete production
c. Submit data on maximum unexplained
mortality to ASC as per Appendix VI for each
production cycle.
C. Confirm that client has submitted data on unexplained mortality to ASC
(Appendix VI).
Note: Farms have the option to integrate their farm-specific mortality reduction program into the farm's fish health management
plan (5.1.1).
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a. Use records in 5.1.4a to assemble a timeseries dataset on farm-specific mortalities
rates and unexplained mortality rates.
A. Confirm that the farm used mortalities records to assemble a detailed dataset
on mortality rates which covers the required timeframe (see 5.1.4).
Indicator: A farm-specific
mortalities reduction program
that includes defined annual
targets for reductions in
mortalities and reductions in
b. Use the data in 5.1.7a and advice from the
unexplained mortalities
veterinarian and/or fish health manager to
B. Review program to confirm that targets for mortality reduction are reasonable
develop a mortalities-reduction program that
Requirement: Yes
and based on historical data.
defines annual targets for reductions in total
mortality and unexplained mortality.
Applicability: All
c. Ensure that farm management
communicates with the veterinarian, fish
health manager, and staff about annual
targets and planned actions to meet targets.
C. Interview workers to confirm their understanding of mortalities recording,
classification, and annual targets for reduction (see also 5.1.1, 5.1.3).
Was possible to evidence past productive cycle accumulative
mortality was 9, 86%, so far current productive cycle accumulative
mortality is 4,19%, regarding unexplained mortality rates past
productive cycle was (15.038 fish) 1,372%, and so far current
productive cycle is 0,29%
Has been evidenced annual goals concerning to mortalities reduction
program, as has been established in the Management Plan Goals
reviewed annually and defined as average by farm by year class at
harvesting time/year. (2014 was 15% - 2015 is 11%) Actions to be
implemented with the aim to achieve such goals are established in
the Veterinary Health Plan.
Was evidenced training record held on 2015.04.15, carried out by the
veterinarian Mr. César Inostroza a training concerning to annual
targets for reductions of mortalities.
Was possible to evidence that information regarding to
pharmaceutical products used by farms, through veterinary
prescriptions issued by a veterinary as well information detailed in
the Veterinary Health Plan , appendix 1 "Alternativas Terapéuticas y
Dosis de Tratamientos". as well by mean of calculation file developed
by the veterinarian with the aim to quantify total of medicated feed
to be required to feed manufacturer and summary of treatment
supplied in farm past productive cycle. WHO classification of
antibiotics have been included in the Veterinary Health Plan (PL-DS005) Ed. 07
This is a IA, being available whole information concerning to all
treatments supplied long through the past productive cycle, backed
up by veterinary prescriptions where is detailed kgs of pure drug
required according Nº of fish treated and their average weight , kgs of
comercial product/ton of feed (when treat,ment is oral), or total of
antibiotic in liters when is injectable.
Was evidenced mail sent by Mr. Alejandro Heisinger Head of Health
Department a mail with info required to Mr. Michiel Fransen on
Criterion 5.2 Therapeutic treatments [101]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[101] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 5.2.1, 5.2.5, 5.2.6 and 5.2.10.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Instruction to Clients and CABs for Criterion 5.2 - Records Related to Therapeutic Treatments
Indicator 5.2.1 requires that farms maintain detailed record of all chemical and therapeutant use. Those records maintained for compliance with 5.2.1, if all consolidated into a
single place, can be used to demonstrate performance against subsequent Indicators (5.2.1 through 5.2.10) under Criterion 5.2.
a. Maintain a detailed record of all chemical
and therapeutant use that includes:
- name of the veterinarian prescribing
- product name and chemical name;
Indicator: On-farm
A. Review records of chemical and therapeutant use. Verify accuracy through
- reason for use (specific disease)
documentation that includes, - date(s) of treatment;
cross-check with purchase orders and sales records, inventories, documentation
at a minimum, detailed
from feed manufacturer for any in-feed treatment, and veterinary records.
- amount (g) of product used;
information on all chemicals
- dosage;
[102] and therapeutants used - mt of fish treated;
- the WHO classification of antibiotics (also see
during the most recent
production cycle, the amounts note under 5.2.8); and
used (including grams per ton - the supplier of the chemical or therapeutant.
of fish produced), the dates
used, which group of fish were
treated and against which
b. If not already available, assemble records of
diseases, proof of proper
chemical and therapeutant use to address all
dosing, and all disease and
B. Confirm that farm has detailed records for chemical and therapeutant use that
pathogens detected on the site points in 5.2.1a for the previous two
covers the previous two production cycles.
production cycles. For first audits, available
records must cover one full production cycle
Requirement: Yes
immediately prior to the current cycle.
Applicability: All
c. Submit information on therapeutant use
C. Confirm that client has submitted therapeutant information to ASC (Appendix
(data from 5.2.1a) to ASC as per Appendix VI
on an ongoing basis (i.e. at least once per year VI).
and for each production cycle).
[102] Chemicals used for the treatment of fish.
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Has been evidenced a list of therapeutants , including antibiotics and
chemicals, that are proactively banned for use in food fish for the
primary salmon producing and importing in following countries:
Norway, the United Kingdom, Canada, Chile, the United States, Japan
and France; possible to evidence by document FAR/MP1 associated
to the Food Safety Surveillance Program which scope is Chile, Japan
and European Union. Such information has been included also in the
Veterinary Health Plan (PL-DS-005) Ed. 07, which includes information
concerning to Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Control
guidance. 4th edition (April 2011) regarding antibiotics and
chemicals, that are proactively banned in USA and Canada
Has been evidenced assays reports cooncerning to Food Safety
Surveillance Program controled by SERNAPESCA. In case of currebt
productive cycle just associated to Prohibited and Non Authorized
Substances (because pharmaceutical trace analysis are held close to
harvestint time start) Report Nº P 7.840 (issued by the Universidad de
Chile). Concerning to past productive cycle were evidenced the
following assays reports Nº P 6.925 (Prohibited and Non Authorized
Substances, issued by the Universidad de Chile), Nº AQ-14-18608
(Antibiotics - Florfenicol, issued by Aquagestion lab), Nº AQ-13-17407
(Antibiotics - Florfenicol, issued by Aquagestion lab), AQ-14-18853
(Antibiotics -Oxitetraciclina, issued by Aquagestion lab) among several
Was evidenced use of Florfenicol and Oxitetraciclina, only.
Was possible to evidence in the farm, 100% of treatments supplied
long through the productive cycle are backed up by veterinary
prescriptions issued by veterinarians assigned on productive unit.
b. Maintain copies of all prescriptions and
records of veterinarian responsible for all
medication events. Records can be kept in
B. Cross-check with results from chemical residue testing provided under 5.2.2b.
conjunction with those for 5.2.1 and should be
kept for the current and two prior production
Was possible to evidence all veterinary prescriptions issued past
productive cycle, evidencing that all cages harvested did not showed
detection concerning chemical, antibiotics and prohibited and non
authorized substances before harvestinig started as is reuiqred by
Chilean Food Safety laws. Current productive cycle were evidenced 2
treatments supplied Folio Nº CI-PER-2014-01 & EG-PEA-2015-001 A/B
a. Incorporate withholding periods into the
farm's fish health management plan (see
Has been evidenced that withholding periods has been established
into the farm's fish health management plan appendix Nº 6
Harvesting time are schedulled to start sseptember year 2015, reason
why only has been carried out sampling and assays reports concerning
to Prohibbited and Non Authorized substance as is required by the
Food Safety Surveillance Program developed and monitored by the
National Fishery Service (SERNAPESCA). Therapeutics monitoring will
be held close to harvesting time with the aim to liberate cages to
harvesting. Was possible to evidence proper implementation of such
program, past productive cycle held in the sea farm, however was
possible to evidence fulfillment of such surveillance programm, past
productive cycle as was detailed in 5.2.2b
a. Prepare a list of therapeutants, including
antibiotics and chemicals, that are proactively
A. Review list and supporting evidence. If ASC has agreed to maintain a list of
banned for use in food fish for the primary
relevant therapeutants, farm can demonstrate that they have this list.
salmon producing and importing countries
listed in [104].
Indicator: Allowance for use of
therapeutic treatments that
include antibiotics or
chemicals that are banned
[103] in any of the primary
salmon producing or importing
countries [104]
Requirement: None
Applicability: All
b. Maintain records of voluntary and/or
mandatory chemical residue testing
B. Verify records.
conducted or commissioned by the farm from
the prior and current production cycles.
C. Cross-check records of therapeutant use (5.2.1a) against the list of banned
therapeutants to verify compliance with requirements.
[103] “Banned” means proactively prohibited by a government entity because of concerns around the substance. A substance banned in any of the primary
salmon-producing or importing countries, as defined here, cannot be used in any salmon farm certified under the SAD, regardless of country of production or
destination of the product. The SAD recommends that ASC maintain a list of a banned therapeutants.
[104] For purposes of this standard, those countries are Norway, the UK, Canada, Chile, the United States, Japan and France.
Indicator: Percentage of
medication events that are
prescribed by a veterinarian
Requirement: 100%
Applicability: All
a. Obtain prescription for all therapeutant use
A. Review documentary evidence (on-farm records, veterinary records, and
in advance of application from the farm
prescriptions) to confirm all therapeutants were prescribed by a qualified
veterinarian (or equivalent, see [96] for
individual. See [96] for definition of veterinarian.
definition of veterinarian).
A. Review the farm's fish health management plan to confirm inclusion of
withholding periods and interview farm staff to verify implementation.
b. Compile and maintain documentation on
legally-required withholding periods for all
Indicator: Compliance with all treatments used on-farm. Withholding period B. Review documentation for completeness and accuracy. Compare to records of
therapeutant use (5.2.1a).
is the time interval after the withdrawal of a
withholding periods after
drug from the treatment of the salmon before
the salmon can be harvested for use as food.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
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C. Review documentary evidence and, if applicable, results from chemical residue
testing (5.2.2b), to confirm legal withholding periods were met for the most
recent production cycle and harvest.
Was available in farm all documents required by the Food Safety
Surveillance Program controled by the National Fishery Service SERNAPESCA- of all harvested cages including prohibitted, non
authorized, chemicals and antimicrobials assays reports carried out by
third party acredited laboratories, Sanitary Certificate of Movement
(required for live harvested fish tarnsporting), warranty certificates
and tributary documents required when assets are transported
a. Using farm data for therapeutants usage
(5..2.1a) and the formula presented in
Appendix VII, calculate the cumulative
A. Review the farm's calculations to verify that the PTI score was calculated
parasiticide treatment index (PTI) score for the
correctly and that the scores are accurate. Cross-check with records of parasiticide
most recent production cycle. Calculation
should be made and updated on an ongoing
basis throughout the cycle by farm manager,
fish health manager, and/or veterinarian.
Was possible to evidence that no treatments against caligus were
carried out long through current and past productive cycle. Were
checked out also caligus test binacle implemented in such period of
time, evidencing very low caligus loads (due salinity of water where
farm located is), i.e. lower that 2 matures females by test.
c. Show compliance with all withholding
periods by providing treatment records (see
5.2.1a) and harvest dates for the most recent
production cycle.
Indicator: Maximum farm
level cumulative parasiticide
treatment index (PTI) score as
calculated according to the
formula in Appendix VII
Requirement: PTI score ≤ 13
Applicability: All
b. Provide the auditor with access to records
showing how the farm calculated the PTI
B. Verify that the farm level cumulative PTI score ≤ 13.
No parasiticide treatment has been carried out long through current
and past productive cycle.
c. Submit data on farm level cumulative PTI
score to ASC as per Appendix VI for each
production cycle.
C. Confirm that client has submitted data on cumulative PTI score to ASC
(Appendix VI).
No parasiticide treatment has been carried out long through current
and past productive cycle.
No parasiticide treatment has been carried out long through current
and past productive cycle.
No parasiticide treatment has been carried out long through current
and past productive cycle.
C. Review farm's calculations to verify that parasiticide load for the most recent
production cycle is at least 15% less than that of the two previous cycles.
No parasiticide treatment has been carried out long through current
and past productive cycle.
D. Confirm that client has submitted data on parasiticide load to ASC (Appendix
VI) as applicable.
No parasiticide treatment has been carried out long through current
and past productive cycle.
Note: Indicator 5.2.6 does not take effect until June 13, 2017. Nonetheless farms should start collecting data on parasiticide load
beforehand in case farms have to demonstrate compliance with Indicator 5.2.6 at some point in the future using data from the
two previous production cycles.
Indicator: For farms with a
cumulative PTI ≥ 6 in the most
recent production cycle,
demonstration that
parasiticide load [105] is at
least 15% less that of the
average of the two previous
production cycles
a. Review PTI scores from 5.2.5a to determine
if cumulative PTI ≥ 6 in the most recent
production cycle. If yes, proceed to 5.2.6b; if
no, Indicator 5.2.6 does not apply.
A. Review farm's cumulative PTI score to determine if Indicator 5.2.6 is applicable.
b. Using results from 5.2.5 and the weight of
fish treated (kg), calculate parasiticide load in B. Review the farm's calculation of parasiticide load to verify accuracy.
the most recent production cycle [105].
Requirement: Yes, within five
years of the publication of the c. Calculate parasiticide load in the two
SAD standard (i.e. by June 13, previous production cycles as above (5.2.6b)
and compute the average. Calculate the
percent difference in parasiticide load
Applicability: All farms with a between current cycle and average of two
cycles. For first audit, calculation
cumulative PTI ≥ 6 in the most
must cover one full production cycle
recent production cycle
immediately prior to the current cycle.
d. As applicable, submit data to ASC on
parasiticide load for the most recent
production cycle and the two previous
production cycles (Appendix VI).
[105] Parasiticide load = Sum (kg of fish treated x PTI). Reduction in load required regardless of whether production increases on the site. Farms that consolidate
production across multiple sites within an ABM can calculate reduction based on the combined parasiticide load of the consolidated sites.
a. Maintain records for all purchases of
antibiotics (invoices, prescriptions) for the
current and prior production cycles.
A. Review purchase records and calculate total amount procured by client.
Inspect storage areas to verify quantities on-site.
Indicator: Allowance for
prophylactic use of
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Was possible to evidence that veterinary prescriptions were
consistent to tributary documents (waybills) requiered to transport
(products or assets), Excel files (used to calculate amount of
medicated feed, required feed manufacturer to), veterinary
prescriptions and waybills medicated feed were consistent between
each others.However wasn`t possible to evidence waybills of liquid
antibiotic supplied during past productive cycle.
Page 40 of 229
prophylactic use of
antimicrobial treatments [106]
b. Maintain a detailed log of all medicationrelated events (see also 5.2.1a and 5.2.3)
B. Review log of medication events to verify that the quantity of antibiotic
applied by the client does not suggest prophylactic use.
All treatments supplied past and so far current production cycles have
been backed up by third party assays reports supplied by laboratories
with valid accreditation (NCh ISO 17025 issued by the Chilean
Standarization Institute -INN-) concerning techniques applied to verify
diseases presence, as has been detailed in others indicators above.
c. Calculate the total amount (g) and
treatments (#) of antibiotics used during the
current and prior production cycles (see also
C. Verify that the total amount of antibiotics used in the current production cycle
is equal to the total amount prescribed.
Was possible to evidence that veterinarians have developed excel
files concerning to amounts of antibiotics supplied long through
productive cycles, as well antibiotics index consume between
production cycles with the aim to evaluate consume tendencies by
Requirement: None
Applicability: All
[106] The designated veterinarian must certify that a pathogen or disease is present before prescribing medication.
Note 1: Farms have the option to certify only a portion of the fish or farm site when WHO-listed [107] antibiotics have been used
at the production facility (see 5.2.8d). To pursue this option, farms must request an exemption from the CAB in advance of the
audit and provide sufficient records giving details on which pens were treated and traceability of those treated fish.
Note 2: It is recommended that the farm veterinarian review the WHO list [see 107] in detail and be aware that the list is meant
to show examples of members of each class of drugs, and is not inclusive of all drugs.
Indicator: Allowance for use of
antibiotics listed as critically
important for human medicine
by the World Health
Organization (WHO [107])
Requirement: None [108]
Applicability: All
a. Maintain a current version of the WHO list
of antimicrobials critically and highly
important for human health [107].
A. Confirm that the farm has the current copy of the WHO list of antibiotics.
Was available in sea farm, the document "Critically Important
Antimicrobials for Human Medicine 3rd Revision 2011 developed by
the World Health Organization
b. If the farm has not used any antibiotics
listed as critically important (5.2.8a) in the
current production cycle, inform the CAB and
proceed to schedule the audit.
B. During the on-site audit, verify that no antibiotics listed as "critically
important" have been used on the farm through cross-check of records for 5.2.1
and 5.2.7.
The CAB was informed no antibiotics listed as critically important has
been used in the sea farm, by a letter issued past November 2014,
signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez, company's certifications Chief.
c. If the farm has used antibiotics listed as
critically important (5.2.8a) to treat any fish
during the current production cycle, inform
the CAB prior to scheduling audit.
C. Make note of the farm's antibiotic usage and do not schedule an on-site audit
until the client provides additional information as specified in 5.2.8d.
Was possible to evidence, sea farm has not used antibiotics listed as
critically important long through current and past productive cycle.
d. If yes to 5.2.8c, request an exemption from
the CAB to certify only a portion of the farm.
Prior to the audit, provide the CAB with
D. Review the farm's exemption request and supporting documents to verify that
records sufficient to establish details of
treatment, which pens were treated, and how the farm can satisfactorily demonstrate traceability [108] to merit an exemption.
the farm will ensure full traceability and
separation of treated fish through and postharvest.
Was possible to evidence, sea farm has not used antibiotics listed as
critically important long through current and past productive cycle.
[107] The third edition of the WHO list of critically and highly important antimicrobials was released in 2009 and is available at:
[108] If the antibiotic treatment is applied to only a portion of the pens on a farm site, fish from pens that did not receive treatment are still eligible for
Note: for the purposes of Indicator 5.2.9, "treatment" means a single course of medication given to address a specific disease
issue and that may last a number of days and be applied in one or more pens (or cages).
a. Maintain records of all treatments of
antibiotics (see 5.2.1a). For first audits, farm
records must cover the current and
Indicator: Number of
treatments [109] of antibiotics immediately prior production cycles in a
verifiable statement.
over the most recent
production cycle
A. Review documents to confirm that the client maintains a record of all
treatments of antibiotics. Cross-check against records of on-farm chemical &
therapeutant use (5.2.1a), medication events (5.2.3a), and prescription records
Was possible to evidence all veterinary prescriptions and sanitary
documents involved, issued past productive cycle, in total 9
documents associated to 9 treatments. 4 of them were injectable
treatment applied in just 1 cage, and the other 5 oral. In both
productive cycles were supplied Oxitetraciclina and Florfenicol
Requirement: ≤ 3
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Requirement: ≤ 3
Was possible to evidence number of treatments of antibiotics over
the most recent productive cycle through the summary of treatments
supplied in Pearson, backed up by veterinary prescriptions and
supporting documents as medicated feed calculation plus medicated
waybills of incoming medicated feed. 1 treatment with Oxitetraciclina
injectable (in 3 different cages against SRS) 1 florfenicol injectable & 5
oral ( one of it against aeromona and the others against SRS).
However current productive cycle were evidenced 2 treatments
supplied Folio Nº CI-PER-2014-01 & EG-PEA-2015-001 A/B.
Applicability: All
b. Calculate the total number of treatments of
B. Confirm that the client used ≤ 3 treatments of antibiotics over the most recent
antibiotics over the most recent production
cycle and supply a verifiable statement of this production cycle.
[109] A treatment is a single course medication given to address a specific disease issue and that may last a number of days.
Note: Indicator 5.2.10 requires that farms must demonstrate a reduction in load required, regardless of whether production
increases on the site. Farms that consolidate production across multiple sites within an ABM can calculate reduction based on the
combined antibiotic load of the consolidated sites.
Indicator 5.2.10 does not take effect until June 13, 2017. Nonetheless farms should start collecting data on antibiotic load
beforehand in case farms have to demonstrate compliance with Indicator 5.2.10 at some point in the future using data from the
two previous production cycles.
Indicator: If more than one
antibiotic treatment is used in
the most recent production
cycle, demonstration that the
antibiotic load [110] is at least
15% less that of the average of
the two previous production
Requirement: Yes [111],
within five years of the
publication of the SAD
standard (i.e. full compliance
by June 13, 2017)
Applicability: All
a. Use results from 5.2.9b to show whether
more than one antibiotic treatment was used
A. Review results to confirm whether 5.2.10 is applicable to the client. Record the
in the most recent production cycle. If not,
results and, if applicable, proceed to 5.2.10B.
then the requirement of 5.2.10 does not apply.
If yes, then proceed to 5.2.10b.
Has been evidenced past productive cycle were supplied 4 treatments
(oral ), therefore this indicator do apply
b. Calculate antibiotic load (antibiotic load =
the sum of the total amount of active
ingredient of antibiotic used in kg) for most
recent production cycle and for the two
previous production cycles. For first audit,
calculation must cover one full production
cycle immediately prior to the current cycle.
B. Review farm's calculations for accuracy and completeness of coverage. Crosscheck against treatment records (5.2.1a).
Past productive cycle antibiotic load was:6 kgs of oxytetracycline,
2.159 kgs of florfenicol. Current productive cycle antibiotic load is 303
kgs of florfenicol & 574 kgs of oxytetracycline.
c. Provide the auditor with calculations
showing that the antibiotic load of the most
recent production cycle is at least 15% less
than that of the average of the two previous
production cycles.
C. Review evidence to verify that farm complies with requirement.
d. Submit data on antibiotic load to ASC as per
D. Confirm that client has submitted data on antibiotic load to ASC (Appendix VI)
Appendix VI (if applicable) for each production
as applicable.
[110] Antibiotic load = the sum of the total amount of active ingredient of antibiotics used (kg).
[111] Reduction in load required, regardless of whether production increases on the site. Farms that consolidate production across multiple sites within an ABM
can calculate reduction based on the combined antibiotic load of the consolidated sites.
a. Prepare a procedure which outlines how the
farm provides buyers [112] of its salmon with a A. Review the farm's procedure and confirm implementation based on relevant
Indicator: Presence of
list of all therapeutants used in production
documentary evidence (e.g. sales records, invoices).
documents demonstrating that (see 4.4.3b).
the farm has provided buyers
[112] of its salmon a list of all
therapeutants used in
Was evidenced mail sent by Mr. Alejandro Heisinger Head of Health
Department sent by mail the info to Mr. Michiel Fransen on
Has been evidenced a document called "Procedimiento de
Comunicación a los Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC
Salmon Standard" (PO-DS-017) Ed. 00 where are detailed actions to be
carried out to made information easily publicly available; however
due no ASC certified product is available in the company, no potential
clients has been identified yet clearly, and so, information has not
been disclosure yet.
Has been evidenced a document called "Procedimiento de
Comunicación a los Clientes que Adquieran Producto Certificado ASC
Salmon Standard" (PO-DS-017) Ed. 00 where are detailed actions to be
carried out to made information easily publicly available; however
due no ASC certified product is available in the company, no potential
clients has been identified yet clearly, and so, information has not
been disclosure yet.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
b. Maintain records showing the farm has
informed all buyers of its salmon about all
therapeutants used in production.
B. Review sales records for completeness and cross-check against treatment
records (5.2.1a) to verify that buyers were adequately informed about
therapeutants used in production.
Compliance against the current requirement shall be demonstrated
before/until June 13th, 2017
[112] Buyer: The company or entity to which the farm or the producing company is directly selling its product.
Criterion 5.3 Resistance of parasites, viruses and bacteria to medicinal treatments
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 5.3.1 - Identifying the 'Expected Effect' of Medicinal Treatment
Indicator 5.3.1 requires that farms identify treatments that have not produced the expected effect. The SAD Steering Committee
recognizes that the “expected effect” will vary with health condition and type of medicinal treatment. Therefore farms and
auditors will need to review the pre- and post-treatment condition of fish in order to understand and evaluate the impact of
Example: sea lice treatment with emamectin benzoate
The SAD SC recommends that a typical baseline for effectiveness of emamectin benzoate is a minimum of 90 percent reduction in
abundance of lice on the farmed fish. To determine whether treatment has produced the expected effect, farm and auditor must
review pre- and post-treatment lice counts. If the calculated percent reduction in lice is < 90% then the treatment did not produce
the expected effect and a bio-assay should be performed to determine whether sea lice have developed resistance.
Note: If field-based bio-assays for determining resistance are ineffective or unavailable, the farm shall have samples analyzed by
an independent laboratory to detemine resistance formation. The auditor shall record in the audit report why field-based bioassays were deemed ineffective and shall include results from the laboratory analyses of resistance formation.
Indicator: Bio-assay analysis to
determine resistance when
two applications of a
treatment have not produced
the expected effect
a. In addition to recording all therapeutic
treatments (5.2.1a), keep a record of all cases A. Review farm records to confirm recording of all successive medicinal
where the farm uses two successive medicinal treatments.
Requirement: Yes
b. Whenever the farm uses two successive
treatments, keep records showing how the
farm evaluates the observed effect of
treatment against the expected effect of
Applicability: All
Has been possible to evidence that florfenicol were used two
succesive medicinal treatment, past productive cycle.
As was expalined by Mr. Alejandro Heinsenger, Head of Health
Department of Salmones Multiexport S.A., observed effect of
treatment against the expected effect of treatment is through to
evaluate the mortality performance after treatment has been done,
looking forward mortality rates tending to decrease to parameters
established as acceptable according parameters goals
c. For any result of 5.3.1b that did not produce C. Review farm records to confirm that bio-assays were done in every case where
the expected effect, ensure that a bio-assay
successive treatments did not produce the expected effect. Confirm that bioanalysis of resistance is conducted.
assays were performed by a qualified independent laboratory.
As was explained by Mr. Alejandro Heinsenger, Head of Health
Department of Salmones Multiexport S.A., as sea farms are located in
canal Puyuhuapi (a sanitary neighbourhood -Nº 32- established by
SERNAPESCA) , bio-assay analysis are analyzed as neighbourhood,
not by farm due logistic difficulties associated to transporting logistic,
however shall be necessary to improve confirmation strategy through
bio-assay analysis
d. Keep a record of all results arising from
a. Review results of bio-assay tests (5.3.1d) for
evidence that resistance has formed. If yes,
Indicator: When bio-assay
proceed to 5.3.2b. If no, then Indicator 5.3.2 is
tests determine resistance is
not applicable.
forming, use of an alternative,
permitted treatment, or an
immediate harvest of all fish
on the site
b. When bio-assay tests show evidence that
resistance has formed, keep records showing
Requirement: Yes
that the farm took one of two actions:
- used an alternative treatment (if permitted in
Applicability: All
the area of operation); or
- immediately harvested all fish on site.
B. If applicable, review how the farm evaluates the observed effect of treatment
against the expected effect of treatment.
D. Verify that farm maintains records from bio-assays (as applicable).
Was possible to evidence bioassays reports. OBS: However evidence
shall be improved
A. Review evidence from bio-assay tests to determine whether Indicator 5.3.2 is
Assays reports evidenced did not evidence resistance of pathogens
B. If applicable, review records to verify that the farm either used an alternative
treatment that is permitted in the area of operation or else harvested all fish on
Assays reports evidenced did not evidence resistance of pathogens
Criterion 5.4 Biosecurity management [113]
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
[113] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 5.4.2 and 5.4.4.
a. Keep records of the start and end dates of
periods when the site is fully fallow after
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
A. Review records and verify fallow periods by cross-checking during interviews
with farm staff and community representatives.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Was possible to evidence stocking report of Ganso sea farm sent to
the National Fishery Service -SERNAPESCA- carried out 2014.07.07 2014.08.10, coming from Chaparano, Río Negro and Quillaico
piscicultures. Stocking was 1.096.452 fish
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Indicator: Evidence that all
salmon on the site are a singleyear class [114]
b. Provide evidence of stocking dates
(purchase receipts, delivery records) to show
Requirement: 100% [115]
that there were no gaps > 6 months for smolt
inputs for the current production cycle.
Applicability: All farms except
as noted in [115]
B. Review evidence to confirm there were no gaps in smolt inputs > 6 months.
Inspect pens during the on-site audit to see if fish size (which may be variable) is
consistent with the production of a single-year class.
Were checked out smolts stocking waybills as well official documents
required by SERNAPESCA, to transport fish between one productive
unit to other as: Certificate of Movement Authorization (acronym in
Spanish CAM), as instance Nº 542014002430. and respective Sanitary
Certificate of Movement (acronym in Spanish CSM) Nº 189 (Río
Negro) , Nº 622014003530. and respective SCSM Nº 316 (Quillaico) &
Movement (acronym in Spanish CSM) Nº 189 (Río Negro) , Nº
542014001901 and respective SCSM Nº 112 (Chaparano)
C. Verify that the available evidence shows that salmon on the site are from a
single-year class.
Accordiing evidence detailed in 5.4.1a & 5.4.1b was possible to
evidence that stocked salmon came form a single-year class.
The CAB was informed sea farm do considers as significant mortality
increase over 0,05% per day , by a letter issued past November 2014,
signed by Mr. Marcell Martínez, company's certifications Chief.
[114] Gaps of up to six months between inputs of smolts derived from the same stripping are acceptable as long as there remains a period of time when the site is
fully fallow after harvest.
[115] Exception is allowed for:
1) farm sites that have closed, contained production units where there is complete separation of water between units and no sharing of filtration systems or other
systems that could spread disease, or,
2) farm sites that have ≥95% water recirculation, a pre-entry disease screening protocol, dedicated quarantine capability and biosecurity measures for waste to
ensure there is no discharge of live biological material to the natural environment (e.g. UV or other effective treatment of effluent) .
a. For mortality events logged in 5.1.4a, show
evidence that the farm promptly evaluated
each to determine whether it was a
A. Review evidence to confirm that the farm evaluated mortality events for
statistically significant increase over
statistically significant increases relative to background mortality rates (compare
background mortality rate on a monthly basis
to farm's time-series dataset in 5.1.7a).
[116]. The accepted level of significance (for
example, p < 0.05) should be agreed between
farm and CAB.
Indicator: Evidence that if the
farm suspects an
unidentifiable transmissible
agent, or if the farm
experiences unexplained
increased mortality, [116] the
farm has:
1. Reported the issue to the
ABM and to the appropriate
regulatory authority
2. Increased monitoring and
surveillance [117] on the farm
and within the ABM
3. Promptly [118] made
findings publicly available
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
b. For mortality events logged in 5.1.4a, record B. Determine if the farm suspected any unidentified transmissible agents
whether the farm did or did not suspect (yes or associated with mortality events during the most recent production cycle. An
no) an unidentified transmissible agent.
abrupt increase in unexplained mortality should be cause for suspicion.
As was explained by Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Fish Health
Department Sub-Manager) haven't been suspects concerning to
unidentified transmissible agent, since no mortality increases over
0,05% were evidenced past and current productive cycle in farm,
being mortality causes identified all the way, on farm
c. Proceed to 5.4.2d if, during the most recent
production cycle, either:
- results from 5.4.2a showed a statistically
C. Confirm that the farm took the correct action based on results from 5.4.2a and
significant increase in unexplained mortalities;
5.4.2b and whether 5.4.2d is applicable to the farm.
- the answer to 5.4.2b was 'yes'.
Otherwise, Indicator 5.4.2 is not applicable.
As was explained by Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Fish Health
Department Sub-Manager) haven't been suspects concerning to
unidentified transmissible agent, since no mortality increases over
0,05% were evidenced past and current productive cycle in farm,
being mortality causes identified all the way, on farm
d. If required, ensure that the farm takes and
records the following steps:
1) Report the issue to the ABM and to the
D. If applicable, verify that the farm keeps records to show how each of the
appropriate regulatory authority;
2) Increase monitoring and surveillance [117] required steps was completed.
on the farm and within the ABM; and
3) Promptly (within one month) make findings
publicly available.
As was explained by Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Fish Health
Department Sub-Manager) haven't been suspects concerning to
unidentified transmissible agent, since no mortality increases over
0,05% were evidenced past and current productive cycle in farm,
being mortality causes identified all the way, on farm
e. As applicable, submit data to ASC as per
Appendix VI about unidentified transmissible
agents or unexplained increases in mortality. If E. Confirm that client submits data to ASC (Appendix VI) about unidentified
applicable, then data are to be sent to ASC on transmissible agents or unexplained increases in mortality as applicable.
an ongoing basis (i.e. at least once per year
and for each production cycle).
As was explained by Mr. Alejandro Heinsinger (Fish Health
Department Sub-Manager) haven't been suspects concerning to
unidentified transmissible agent, since no mortality increases over
0,05% were evidenced past and current productive cycle in farm,
being mortality causes identified all the way, on farm
[116] Increased mortality: A statistically significant increase over background rate on a monthly basis.
[117] Primary aim of monitoring and surveillance is to investigate whether a new or adapted disease is present in the area.
[118] Within one month.
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 5.4.3 - Compliance with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code
Indicator 5.4.3 requires that farms show evidence of compliance with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code (see Compliance is defined as farm practices consistent with the intentions of the Code. For
purposes of the ASC Salmon Standard, this means that the farm must have written procedures stating how the farm will initiate
an aggressive response to detection of an exotic OIE-notifiable disease on the farm ['exotic' = not previously found in the area or
had been fully eradicated (area declared free of the pathogen)]. An aggressive response will involve, at a minimum, the following
- depopulation of the infected site;
- implementation of quarantine zones (see note below )in accordance with guidelines from OIE for the specific pathogen; and
- additional actions as required under Indicator 5.4.4.
To demonstrate compliance with Indicator 5.4.3, clients have the to option to describe how farm practices are consistent with the
intentions of the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code by developing relevant policies and procedures and integrating them into the
Indicator: Evidence of
farm's fish health management plan.
compliance [119] with the OIE
Aquatic Animal Health Code
Note: The Steering Committee recognizes that establishment of quarantine zones will likely incorporate mandatory depopulation
of sites close to the infected site and affect some, though not necessarily all, of the ABM.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
a. Maintain a current version of the OIE
A. Verify that farm management is aware of practices described in the most
Aquatic Animal Health Code on site or ensure
current version of the code during interviews.
staff have access to the most current version.
Has been evidenced a current version of the OIE Aquatic Animal
Health Code available on farm. Staff is aware of practices described in
such document. Additionally Chilean Sanitary regulations developed
and monitored by the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA - are
based on guidelines established by the OIE
b. Develop policies and procedures as needed
B. Review farm policies and procedures to verify that the farm has documenteds
to ensure that farm practices remain
consistent with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health how its practices are consistent with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code and
Code (5.4.3a) and with actions required under Indicator 5.4.4.
indicator 5.4.4.
Fish health/sanitary procedures and policies implemented by the sea
farm are consistent against he OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code
C. During the on-site inspection look for evidence that policies and procedures in
5.4.3a are implemented. Cross-check in interviews with staff.
When the on-site inspection as well record and farm's staff
interviewed was possible to check that such affairs has been
[119] Compliance is defined as farm practices consistent with the intentions of the Code, to be further outlined in auditing guidance. For purposes of this
standard, this includes an aggressive response to detection of an exotic OIE-notifiable disease on the farm, which includes depopulating the infected site and
implementation of quarantine zones in accordance with guidelines from OIE for the specific pathogen. Quarantine zones will likely incorporate mandatory
depopulation of sites close to the infected site and affect some, though not necessarily all, of the ABM. Exotic signifies not previously found in the area or had
been fully eradicated (area declared free of the pathogen).
[120] OIE 2011. Aquatic Animal Health Code.
a. Ensure that farm policies and procedures in
A. Review farm policies and procedures (see 5.4.3A) to verify that the farm has
5.4.3a describe the four actions required
documented actions in response to an OIE-notifiable disease.
under Indicator 5.4.4 in response to an OIEnotifiable disease on the farm.
Indicator: If an OIE-notifiable
disease [121] is confirmed on
the farm, evidence that:
1. the farm has, at a minimum,
immediately culled the pen(s)
in which the disease was
2. the farm immediately
notified the other farms in the
ABM [122]
3. the farm and the ABM
enhanced monitoring and
conducted rigorous testing for
the disease
4. the farm promptly [123]
made findings publicly
b. Inform the CAB if an OIE-notifiable disease
has been confirmed on the farm during the
current production cycle or the two previous
production cycles. If yes, proceed to 5.4.4c. If
no, then 5.4.4c an 5.4.4d do not apply.
B. Record whether there were any OIE-notifiable diseases confirmed on the farm
during the current or two previous production cycles.
c. If an OIE-notifiable disease was confirmed
on the farm (see 5.4.4b), then retain
documentary evidence to show that the farm:
1) immediately culled the pen(s) in which the
disease was detected;
C. If applicable, review documentary evidence to verify the farm's response
2) immediately notified the other farms in the
complied with the four actions required under Indicator 5.4.4.
ABM [122]
3) enhanced monitoring and conducted
rigorous testing for the disease; and
4) promptly (within one month) made findings
publicly available.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
No OIE-notifiable diseases has been identified on the farm both,
current and past productive cycle.
The CAB was informed sea farm has not confirmed OIE-notifiable
disease break out, by a letter issued past November 2014, signed by
Mr. Marcell Martínez, company's certifications Chief.
No OIE-notifiable diseases has been identified on the farm both,
current and past productive cycle.
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Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
d. As applicable, submit data to ASC as per
Appendix VI about any OIE-notifiable disease
that was confirmed on the farm. If applicable, D. Confirm that client submits data to ASC (Appendix VI) about any OIE-notifiable
then data are to be sent to ASC on an ongoing disease that was confirmed on the farm (as applicable).
basis (i.e. at least once per year and for each
production cycle).
No OIE-notifiable diseases has been identified on the farm both,
current and past productive cycle.
E. If an OIE-notifiable disease was confirmed on the farm, verify that notifications
were made to regulatory bodies required under law and the OIE Aquatic Animal
Health Code (122).
No OIE-notifiable diseases has been identified on the farm both,
current and past productive cycle.
[121] At the time of publication of the final draft standards, OIE-notifiable diseases relevant to salmon aquaculture were: Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis,
Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), Infectious salmon anemia (ISA), Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) and Gyrodactylosis (Gyrodactylus salaris).
[122] This is in addition to any notifications to regulatory bodies required under law and the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code.
[123] Within one month.
Social requirements in the standards shall be audited by an individual who is a lead auditor in conformity with SAAS Procedure 200 section 3.1.
6.1 Freedom of association and collective bargaining [124]
Compliance Criteria
[124] Bargain collectively: A voluntary negotiation between employers and organizations of workers in order to establish the terms and conditions of employment
by means of collective (written) agreements.
The company has established a policy of free association number
DPNP-020 from January, 2015 that establishes that in accordance with
establishes by the Chilean Law, the company and its subsidiaries
recognize their workers as a social actor in essence, and respects the
freedom association right and the constitution of permanent and
temporary groups, aimed at achieving specific non-profit purposes.
The company has seven unions, in the Farm there is one employee
adhered to the Dalcahue Union.
In the area where Farm is located, has relationship 3 of the 7 unions
of the company. The last election of the union leadership of the union
called "Cordillera" was conducted on March 29, 2014 with the
participation of employees and verified by Minister of Faith of the
Labour Inspectorate. The union called "Salmon Multiexport SA XI
Region" was constituted on May 31, 2013 with the participation of
workers and was verified by the Minister of Faith of the labor
inspectorate. The Union called "Trabajadores de Empresa Salmones
Multiexport Ltda de Dallcahuel was conducted the leadership
electionwith the participation of the workers and the verification of
the Minister of Faith of the Labour Inspectorate on September 27,
c. Trade union representatives (or worker representatives) have access to their members in the workplace at reasonable times on
the premises.
The collective bargaining agreement establishes about the trade
union licenses, in accordance with the establishes in the Labour Code,
the company gives to union leaders all the facilities for
representatives of workers exercise this legal franchise on the sole
condition that the permissions are requested with a minimum of 48
hours. For purposes of the extension of these permits, it is strictly
governed by the establlishes by the Chilean Law. It is expressly
established that these permissions only be aimed at making
representations, tasks or functions to observe strictly related to union
d. Be advised that workers and union representatives (if they exist) will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the employees intervews it was verified that the right of
association is respected by the company. Currently workers have not
chosen a representative of the workers of the Farm, however workers
have free contact with the leaders of the trade unions of the
a. Employment contract explicitly states the worker's right of freedom of association.
Employment contracts established in the tenth clause according to
the Chilean Law and the company policy on human rights, all workers
of the Multiexport S.A. have the right to freedom of association and /
or constitution of Trade Unions, without distinction or prior
a. Workers have the freedom to join any trade union, free of any form of interference from employers or competing organizations
set up or backed by the employer. Farms shall prepare documentation to demonstrate to the auditor that domestic regulation
fully meets these criteria.
Indicator: Evidence that
b. Union representatives (or worker representatives) are chosen by workers without managerial interference. ILO specifically
workers have access to trade
prohibits “acts which are designated to promote the establishment of worker organizations or to support worker organizations
unions (if they exist) and union under the control or employers or employers’ organizations."
representative(s) chosen by
themselves without
managerial interference
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
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Indicator: Evidence that
workers are free to form
organizations, including
unions, to advocate for and
protect their rights
b. Employer communicates that workers are free to form organizations to advocate for and protect work rights (e.g. farm policies
on Freedom of Association; see 6.12.1).
The company has established a policy of free association number
DPNP-020 from January, 2015 that establishes that in accordance with
establishes by the Chilean Law, the company and its subsidiaries
recognize their workers as a social actor in essence, and respects the
freedom association right and the constitution of permanent and
temporary groups, aimed at achieving specific non-profit purposes.
The company has seven unions, in the Farm there one employee
adhered to the union.
c. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the workers interviews it was verified that the company
respects the right to free association, the contract explicitly
establishes the right of free association and employees received
training about the freedom of association.
a. Local trade union, or where none exists a reputable civil-society organization, confirms no outstanding cases against the farm
site management for violations of employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
Farm workers are adhered to the Collective Bargaining Agreement of
the Dalcahue and Cordillera Unions for the period November 30, 2014
to November 30, 2017.
b. Employer has explicitly communicated a commitment to ensure the collective bargaining rights of all workers.
Collective bargaining agreement is conducted by the leadership of
unions freely chosen by workers. The agreement establishes the
workday, implementation of internal work rules, wage ranking ,
guaranteed annual bonus, indexation, production bonus focused on
productivity and performance, incentive bonus, benefits on vacation
bonus, assistance for death, birth and marriage, school bond, per
diem for work outside the area, continuous bonus stay closed port,
bonus for work in night hours of harvest or reception of smolt,
assignment of mobilization extraordinary bonus night work, seniority
bonus, work bonus special holidays, training and development and
safety conditions.
c. There is documentary evidence that workers are free and able to bargain collectively (e.g. collective bargaining agreements,
meeting minutes, or complaint resolutions).
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
Indicator: Evidence that
workers are free and able to
bargain collectively for their
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
According the workers interviews it was verified that the leaders of
trade unions conducted the collective bargaining and all issues
established in the agreement is applied to all workers in the Farm.
Criterion 6.2 Child labor
Compliance Criteria
a. In most countries, the law states that minimum age for employment is 15 years. There are two possible exceptions:
- in developing countries where the legal minimum age may be set to 14 years (see footnote 125); or
- in countries where the legal minimum age is set higher than 15 years, in which case the legal minimum age of the country is
Indicator: Number of
incidences of child [125] labor If the farm operates in a country where the legal minimum ages is not 15, then the employer shall maintain documentation
attesting to this fact.
The company establishes in the Human Rights Policy code DPNO-017
that is committed to verify in the hiring processes that all workers are
above 18 as the minimum age for employment in accordance with
the provisions of Chilean law.
Requirement: None
Applicability: All except as
noted in [125]
b. Minimum age of permanent workers is 15 or older (except in countries as noted above).
The company has a policy of hiring workers above 18 years old and
the youngest worker in the Farm has 24 years old.
c. Employer maintains age records for employees that are sufficient to demonstrate compliance.
According to the review of the workers it was verified that there is
photocopy of the ID to verify the date of birth and current age of
employees. The youngest worker of the Farm has 24 years old.
[125] Child: Any person under 15 years of age. A higher age would apply if the minimum age law of an area stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory
schooling. Minimum age may be 14 if the country allows it under the developing country exceptions in ILO convention 138.
[126] Child Labor: Any work by a child younger than the age specified in the definition of a child.
a. Young workers are appropriately identified in company policies & training programs, and job descriptions are available for all
young workers at the site.
b. All young workers (from age 15 to less than 18) are identified and their ages are confirmed with copies of IDs.
Indicator: Percentage of young
workers [127] that are
c. Daily records of working hours (i.e. timesheets) are available for all young workers.
protected [128]
According the workers interviews and review of the employment
contracts were verified that all workers are above 18 years old and the
youngest worker in the Farm has 24 years old.
No young workers in the Farm.
No young workers in the Farm.
No young workers in the Farm.
Requirement: 100%
li bilit
d. For young workers, the combined daily transportation time and school time and work time does not exceed 10 hours.
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Applicability: All
e. Young workers are not exposed to hazards [129] and do not perform hazardous work [130]. Work on floating cages in poor
weather conditions shall be considered hazardous.
No young workers in the Farm.
f. Be advised that the site will be inspected and young workers will be interviewed to confirm compliance.
No young workers in the Farm.
[127] Young Worker: Any worker between the age of a child, as defined above, and under the age of 18.
[128] Protected: Workers between 15 and 18 years of age will not be exposed to hazardous health and safety conditions; working hours shall not interfere with
their education and the combined daily transportation time and school time, and work time shall not exceed 10 hours.
[129] Hazard: The inherent potential to cause injury or damage to a person’s health (e.g., unequipped to handle heavy machinery safely, and unprotected
exposure to harmful chemicals).
[130] Hazardous work: Work that, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of workers (e.g., heavy
lifting disproportionate to a person’s body size, operating heavy machinery, exposure to toxic chemicals).
Criterion 6.3 Forced, bonded or compulsory labor
Compliance Criteria
Indicator: Number of
incidences of forced, [131]
bonded [132] or compulsory
Requirement: None
a. Contracts are clearly stated and understood by employees. Contracts do not lead to workers being indebted (i.e. no ‘pay to
work’ schemes through labor contractors or training credit programs).
In the Farm there is a payroll of 10 workers and in the workers folders
there are in force employment contracts and the 10 workers have
permanent contracts. The contracts are performed of willingness of
the parties in accordance with the terms established by Chilean Law.
b. Employees are free to leave workplace and manage their own time.
The human rights policy code DPNP 017 establishes that is committed
to a workplace free of forced or compulsory labor. In the employment
contract in the tenth first clause provides that a worker out the
working hours is freely available and determine the use of free time.
c. Employer does not withhold employee’s original identity documents.
In the personal folder of the workers there is photocopy of the ID and
the original ID is not retained by the Farm.
d. Employer does not withhold any part of workers’ salaries, benefits, property or documents in order to oblige them to continue
working for employer.
According the workers interviews and the review of the pay stubs it
was verified that the disconunt performed over the wages are the
allowed by the Chilean Law and there is not historical or present
evidence of illegal deduction over the wages.
e. Employees are not to be obligated to stay in job to repay debt.
Employees work voluntarily in the Farm and are free to leave their
work under the terms and times established by Chilean law and no
loan scheme established by the company to force to workers to stay in
the workplace.
f. Maintain payroll records and be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According to the document review of pay stubs it was verified that the
employees do not loans schemes with the company and is not
performed illegal deductions over the wages of the employees.
The human rights policy code DPNP 017 establishes that the company
is committed to ensuring the existence of a work environment that
does not permit a discriminatory attitudes on sex, ethnic origin, creed,
religion, age, disability, political affiliation , sexual orientation,
national origin or socioeconomic status.
Applicability: All
[131] Forced (Compulsory) labor: All work or service that is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty for which a person has not offered
himself/herself voluntarily or for which such work or service is demanded as a repayment of debt. “Penalty” can imply monetary sanctions, physical punishment,
or the loss of rights and privileges or restriction of movement (e.g., withholding of identity documents).
[132] Bonded labor: When a person is forced by the employer or creditor to work to repay a financial debt to the crediting agency.
Criterion 6.4 Discrimination [133]
Compliance Criteria
[133] Discrimination: Any distinction, exclusion or preference that has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment. Not every
distinction, exclusion or preference constitutes discrimination. For instance, a merit- or performance-based pay increase or bonus is not by itself discriminatory.
Positive discrimination in favor of people from certain underrepresented groups may be legal in some countries.
a. Employer has written anti-discrimination policy in place, stating that the company does not engage in or support
discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national
origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, age or any other condition that may
give rise to discrimination.
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Indicator: Evidence of
comprehensive [134] and
proactive anti-discrimination
policies, procedures and
b. Employer has clear and transparent company procedures that outline how to raise, file, and respond to discrimination
The company has the policy and conflict resolution procedure to
manage complaints effectively code DPND-021 from January 2015
that establishes that workers have available a way for to do
complaints confidential and anonymous, any failure to the
commitments in the human rights policy can be reported through the
book of complaints and claims or the email Any complaint is received by the
People Development Direction of the company.
c. Employer respects the principle of equal pay for equal work and equal access to job opportunities, promotions and raises.
According the workers interviews and the review of the pay stubs and
time records it was verified that employees received the same pay for
the same job according the established in the collective bargaining
d. All managers and supervisors receive training on diversity and non-discrimination. All personnel receive non-discrimination
training. Internal or external training acceptable if proven effective.
All workers of the Farm including management and supervisors were
trained in human rights policy related to anti-discrimination on
February 3 and April 14, 2015
a. Employer maintains a record of all discrimination complaints. These records do not show evidence for discrimination.
According the procedure to manage complaints the Farm has not had
complaints for discrimination.
b. Be advised that worker testimonies will be used to confirm that the company does not interfere with the rights of personnel to
observe tenets or practices, or to meet needs related to race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation,
union membership, political affiliation or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination.
According the workers interviews it was verified that employees are
treated fairly and there is no evidence of a situation of discrimination
against a worker.
a. Employer has documented practices, procedures (including emergency response procedures) and policies to protect employees
from workplace hazards and to minimize risk of accident or injury. The information shall be available to employees.
Farm has established contingency plans for evacuation of the injured,
man overboard, bad weather and fire, there are available the
emergencies phones. Contingency plans were submitted and
approved by resolution 12600/3 by the Naval Authority of Chile. Farm
has performed a risk matrix according the workplace exposure.
b. Employees know and understand emergency response procedures.
Workers were trained and participated in the drill of evacuation of
injured on January 13, 2015, fire prevention on January 13, 2015 and
drill of bad weathre on March 19, 2015 and man overboard on
March 18, 2015.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
[134] Employers shall have written anti-discrimination policies stating that the company does not engage in or support discrimination in hiring, remuneration,
access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership,
political affiliation, age or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination.
Indicator: Number of
incidences of discrimination
Requirement: None
Applicability: All
Criterion 6.5 Work environment health and safety
Compliance Criteria
Indicator: Percentage of
workers trained in health and
safety practices, procedures
[135] and policies on a yearly
Requirement: 100%
Applicability: All
c. Employer conducts health and safety training for all employees on a regular basis (once a year and immediately for all new
employees), including training on potential hazards and risk minimization, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and effective
use of PPE.
In the last year workers of the Farm have been trained in the use of
personal protective equipment, hot work, first aid, instructive small
boats navigation, hazard identification and risk assessment, hoisting
loads, disconnection of equipment, diving procedures, compressed
gases, explosives handling, transport and storage management hazard
substances, handling of toxic substances and corrosive substances,
flammable substances and fuels handling, accident procedure,
permission of safe work, manual handling of loads.
[135] Health and safety training shall include emergency response procedures and practices.
a. Employer maintains a list of all health and safety hazards (e.g. chemicals).
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The Farm has established hazard identification matrix, risk assessment
by activity and workplace. Every two months the risk matrix is
reviewed. The company has established a matrix on the use of
personal protection according to the job according to exposure and
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Indicator: Evidence that
workers use Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE)
b. Employer provides workers with PPE that is appropriate to known health and safety hazards.
OBS: The Farm performs the delivery of the personal protective
equipment to the workers according to the risk and exposure in the
workplace, however, the delivery format where is recorded the
delivery of personal protective equipment establishes that in case of
loss or not replacing the PPE delivered by the company, the PPE will
be deducted from the employee's salary, according to interviews with
workers and review of the pay stubs it was verified that company has
not been made any deduction of wages of workers per personal
protective equipment.
c. Employees receive annual training in the proper use of PPE (see 6.5.1c). For workers who participated in the initial training(s)
previously an annual refreshment training may suffice, unless new PPE has been put to use.
According the documental review and workers interviews it was
verified that were permanent trained about the risk and exposure in
the workplace and the proper use of the personal protective
equipment. The new workers were trained in health and safety issues
were hired by the Farm.
d. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the workers interviews it was verified that the Farm provide
all personal protective equipment according the risk and exposure in
the workplace and were trained in the properly use of the PPE.
a. Employer makes regular assessments of hazards and risks in the workplace. Risk assessments are reviewed and updated at least
annually (see also 6.5.1a).
The Farm has established hazard identification matrix, risk assessment
by activity and workplace. Every two months the risk matrix is
The workers have been trained in hazard identification and risk
assessment on March 3 and 6, 2015.
c. Health and safety procedures are adapted based on results from risk assessments (above) and changes are implemented to
help prevent accidents.
OBS. In the fish module there was a one fire extinguisher
depressurized. In the cage silage there is located a shower and
eyewash emergency which does not work correctly in case of contact
with chemical, additionally there is located a portable eyewash is
working properly .
a. Employer records all health- and safety-related accidents.
In the last time there were no accidents in the Farm but the last year
there was an accident with an employee of a subcontractor, it was
conducted incident report and investigation and was communicated
to the Farm workers the accident to avoid repeat it.
b. Employer maintains complete documentation for all occupational health and safety violations and investigations.
The center has a preliminary research report incident to minor
accidents and incidents which establishes the general background,
incident data, personnel involved, witnesses, event, immediate
casusas, root causes, corrective actions, responsible, deadline,
comments, responsible observations. For serious accident is
performed the report with the background of the
accident,description, basic causes, proximate causes, recommended
control measures, preventive measures to control risks, and
implementing of the rules. The company performs the communication
to all workers of the incidents and accidentes of the general
background,, circumstances, medical diagnostics and lesson learned.
c. Employer implements corrective action plans in response to any accidents that occur. Plans are documented and they include
an analysis of root cause, actions to address root cause, actions to remediate, and actions to prevent future accidents of similar
According the investigation of the incidents and accidents the Health
and Safety Resposible identify the root cause and implementing the
corrective actions.
d. Employees working in departments where accidents have occurred can explain what analysis has been done and what steps
were taken or improvements made.
According the workers interviews it was verified that there were not
accidents in the Farm, the only incident presented in the last year was
a subcontractor employee and the Farm investigated the accident,
was communicated to all workers and the corrective actions are
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
Indicator: Presence of a health
and safety risk assessment and
evidence of preventive actions b. Employees are trained in how to identify and prevent known hazards and risks (see also 6.5.1c).
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
Indicator: Evidence that all
health- and safety-related
accidents and violations are
recorded and corrective
actions are taken when
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
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Indicator: Evidence of
employer responsibility and/or
proof of insurance (accident or
injury) for 100% of worker costs
in a job-related accident or
injury when not covered under
national law
a. Employer maintains documentation to confirm that all personnel are provided sufficient insurance to cover costs related to
occupational accidents or injuries (if not covered under national law). Equal insurance coverage must include temporary, migrant
or foreign workers. Written contract of employer responsibility to cover accident costs is acceptable evidence in place of
The company has affiliation with the mutual health organization
called "IST" since May 1, 2011 and is up to date in payments to the
month of March, 2015. The 11 workers of the Farm are covered
against all risks in the workplace
The Farm outsources the diving service to the company called
"Sociedad Acuícola Tamango". The subcontractor keeps a record of a
checklist for salmon diving, diving logbook and in the services records
are reported all latest news and tasks performed.
Requirement: Yes
Note: If the farm outsources its diving operations to an independent company, the farm shall ensure that auditors have access to
specified information sufficient to demonstrate compliance with Indicator 6.5.6. It is the farm's responsibility to obtain copies of
relevant documentation (e.g. certificates) from the dive company.
Indicator: Evidence that all
diving operations are
conducted by divers who are
a. Employer keeps records of farm diving operations and a list of all personnel involved. In case an external service provider was
hired, a statement that provider conformed to all relevant criteria must be made available to the auditor by this provider.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
b. Employer maintains evidence of diver certification (e.g. copies of certificates) for each person involved in diving operations.
Divers shall be certified through an accredited national or international organization for diver certification.
The company called "Sociedad Acuícola Tamango"provides to the
Farm the diving service. The Maritime Authority of Puerto Cisnes has
authorized the diving activity to 20 meters depth from April 27, 2015
to May 11, 2015 and for diving activity to 36 meters depth from April
27, 2015 to May 11, 2015. There are five divers with in force license
issued by General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant
Marine of the Republic of Chile to perform diving operations.
Criterion 6.6 Wages
Compliance Criteria
Indicator: The percentage of
workers whose basic wage
[136] (before overtime and
bonuses) is below the
minimum wage [137]
Requirement: 0 (None)
a. Employer keeps documents to show the legal minimum wage in the country of operation. If there is no legal minimum wage in
the country, the employer keeps documents to show the industry-standard minimum wage.
The minimum wage established by the Chilean Law is $225.000,oo
Chilean Pesos per month and the minimum basic wage established by
the collective bargaining agreement is $296,421,oo Chilean Pesos per
b. Employer's records (e.g. payroll) confirm that worker's wages for a standard work week (≤ 48 hours) always meet or exceed the
legal minimum wage. If there is no legal minimum wage, the employer's records must show how the current wage meets or
exceeds industry standard. If wages are based on piece-rate or pay-per-production, the employer's records must show how
workers can reasonably attain (within regular working hours) wages that meet or exceed the legal minimum wage.
According the workers interviews and pay stubs review it was verified
that the Farm paid the basic wage above the minimum wage
established by the Chilean Law.
c. Maintain documentary evidence (e.g. payroll, timesheets, punch cards, production records, and/or utility records) and be
advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the documental review of the pay stubs and daily book
attendance it was verified that workers are paid by the regular hours a
montly basic wage above the minimum wage established by the
Chilean Law.
a. Proof of employer engagement with workers and their representative organizations, and the use of cost of living assessments
from credible sources to assess basic needs wages. Includes review of any national basic needs wage recommendations from
credible sources such as national universities or government.
According to the survey of national socioeconomic characterization
designed and administered by the Ministry of Social Development
and the National Institute of Statistics of Chile is established that the
estimate of the total family income needed to cover basic needs for a
family of 4 members amounts to $361 310, oo Chilean pesos per
month and company pays salaries above this value.
b. Employer has calculated the basic needs wage for farm workers and has compared it to the basic (i.e. current) wage for their
farm workers.
The wages received by the Farm workers received wages above of the
family incomes to cover the basic needs.
c. Employer demonstrates how they have taken steps toward paying a basic needs wage to their workers.
According the review of the pay stubs and the workers interviews it
was verified that the payment of the wages cover the basic need and
the employeer paid the meals and transport.
According the established by the employment contracts and in the
collective bargaining agreement are paiid the basic wage, production
and zone bonus, legal gratification and overtime hours and are
deducted the items established by the Chilean Law.
Applicability: All
[136] Basic wage: The wages paid for a standard working week (no more than 48 hours).
[137] If there is no legal minimum wage in a country, basic wages must meet the industry-standard minimum wage.
Indicator: Evidence that the
employer is working toward
the payment of basic needs
wage [138]
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
[138] Basic needs wage: A wage that covers the basic needs of an individual or family, including housing, food and transport. This concept differs from a minimum
wage, which is set by law and may or may not cover the basic needs of workers.
a. Wages and benefits are clearly articulated to workers and documented in contracts.
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Indicator: Evidence of
transparency in wage-setting
and rendering [139]
b. The method for setting wages is clearly stated and understood by workers.
Workers received monthly the pay stub that establishes in the
incomes the payment of the basic wage, overtime hours, legal
gratification production and zone bonus, and the deductions
established by the Chilean Law as social security, retirement and
interest on severance and according the workers interviews it was
verified that al information of the pay stub is clear.
c. Employer renders wages and benefits in a way that is convenient for the worker (e.g. cash, check, or electronic payment
methods). Workers do not have to travel to collect benefits nor do they receive promissory notes, coupons or merchandise in lieu
of payment.
The wages are paid montly in the last business day in Chilean Pesos by
direct deposit in the personal account of the workers.
d. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the workers interviews it was verified that the wages are
paid in Chilean Pesos by direct deposit in the personal account of the
worker in the bank. There is not historical or present evicende of
delay of the payments to the workers.
a. Employer maintains a record of all employment contracts.
In the personal folder of the workers there is a employment contract
with the corresponding annexes according the terms and times
establishes by the Chilean Law.
b. There is no evidence for labor-only contracting relationships or false apprenticeship schemes.
In the Farm all workers are hired directly, and there are 10 workers
hired permanently.
c. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the workers interviews it was verified that employees are
hired directly by the Farm, in case of new recruitment, worker is hired
per fixed term por two times per three months and after this period
the contract is changed to permanent.
a. Farm has a policy to ensure that all companies contracted to provide supplies or services (e.g. divers, cleaning, maintenance)
have socially responsible practices and policies.
The human right pocily code DPNP-017 from January, 2015
establishes commitment to its contractors and subcontractors,
promoting human rights throughout its supply chain, communicating
and encouraging their human rights policy. Establishing mechanisms
to identify potential failures and taking corrective action where
b. Producing company has criteria for evaluating its suppliers and contractors. The company keeps a list of approved suppliers
and contractors.
c. Producing company keeps records of communications with suppliers and subcontractors that relate to compliance with 6.7.2.
Company has identified all suppliers and subcontractors and are
available the records of selection and evaluating the healt and safety,
laboral and technical conditions.
The company has the policy and conflict resolution procedure to
manage complaints effectively code DPND-021 from January 2015
that establishes that workers have available a way for to do
complaints confidential and anonymous, any failure to the
commitments in the human rights policy can be reported through the
book of complaints and claims or the email Any complaint is received by the
People Development Direction of the company.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
[139] Payments shall be rendered to workers in a convenient manner.
Criterion 6.7 Contracts (labor) including subcontracting
Compliance Criteria
Indicator: Percentage of
workers who have contracts
Requirement: 100%
Applicability: All
[141] Labor-only contracting relationships or false apprenticeship schemes are not acceptable. This includes revolving/consecutive labor contracts to deny benefit
accrual or equitable remuneration. False Apprenticeship Scheme: The practice of hiring workers under apprenticeship terms without stipulating terms of the
apprenticeship or wages under contract. It is a “false” apprenticeship if its purpose is to underpay people, avoid legal obligations or employ underage workers.
Labor-only contracting arrangement: The practice of hiring workers without establishing a formal employment relationship for the purpose of avoiding payment
of regular wages or the provision of legally required benefits, such as health and safety protections.
Indicator: Evidence of a policy
to ensure social compliance of
its suppliers and contractors
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
Company has establishes a procedure for approval and selection of
supplier code PO-AB-001 Edition 004 from June 27, 2014 and the
procedure for evaluating critical suppliers of inputs and services code
PO-AB-002 Edition 006 from June 27, 2014 in order to evaluate the
performance of a supplier in various aspects considered relevant to
the company.
Criterion 6.8 Conflict resolution
Compliance Criteria
a. Employer has a clear labor conflict resolution policy for the presentation, treatment, and resolution of worker grievances in a
confidential manner.
Indicator: Evidence of worker
access to effective fair and
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access to effective, fair and
confidential grievance
Requirement: Yes
b. Workers are familiar with the company's labor conflict policies and procedures. There is evidence that workers have fair access.
OBS. Workers identify the system to perform grievances or complaints
confidential and anonymous manner established by the company is
the book of complaints and claims and email, however they mention that the
book of complaints and claims is located in a public place in the Farm
and is not ensured the privacy and confidentiality of the grievance or
c. Maintain documentary evidence (e.g. complaint or grievance filings, minutes from review meetings) and be advised that
workers will be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the workers interviews and documental review it was
verified that they know the procedure to perform grievances a
confidental manner through the book of complaints and claims or the
email Company must to answer
any suggestion or grievance in 15 days.
a. Employer maintains a record of all grievances, complaints and labor conflicts that are raised.
According the procedure to manage grievances or complaints the
Farm has not records to grievance or complaints.
b. Employer keeps a record of follow-up (i.e. corrective actions) and timeframe in which grievances are addressed.
According the workers interviews it was verified that there were not
evidence of grievance or complaints in the last time in the Farm.
c. Maintain documentary evidence and be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm that grievances are addressed
within a 90-day timeframe.
All workers of the Farm were trained on February 3, 2015, and April
14, 2015 in human rights policy related procedures to perform
grievances a confidential manner and the deadline of 15 days that has
the company to answer any grievance or complaints.
a. Employer does not use threatening, humiliating or punishing disciplinary practices that negatively impact a worker’s physical
and mental health or dignity.
The company has established the discipline policy DPNP code-019
from January, 2015, with the objective to keep workers in the
disciplinary field within ethical conduct "act with professionalism,
moral integrity, loyalty and profound respect for people." In order to
discourage behaviors, attitudes or remote against to the policies of
internal regulations of the company, will be established proportional
sanctions for disciplinary infraction which are applied without
distinction and at all levels of the company is established. In the same
way, a transparent and non-discriminatory basis, procedure for
investigation and sanctions for disciplinary infractions.
b. Allegations of corporeal punishment, mental abuse [144], physical coercion, or verbal abuse will be investigated by auditors.
According the workers interviews and documental review in the last
year there is not disciplinary measurement applied by the Farm to the
employees and there is no historical or present evidence of corporeal
punishment, mental abuse, physical coercion or verbal abuse in the
c. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm there is no evidence for excessive or abusive disciplinary actions.
According the workers interviews it was verified that there is not
historical or present evidence of excessive or abusive disciplinary
actions. Workers said that in the Farm is good the work enronvent
and are treated with dignity an respect.
The company has established the discipline policy DPNP code-019
from January, 2015, with the objective to keep workers in the
disciplinary field within ethical conduct "act with professionalism,
moral integrity, loyalty and profound respect for people." In order to
discourage behaviors, attitudes or remote against to the policies of
internal regulations of the company, will be established proportional
sanctions for disciplinary infraction which are applied without
distinction and at all levels of the company is established. In the same
way, a transparent and non-discriminatory basis, procedure for
investigation and sanctions for disciplinary infractions.
Applicability: All
Indicator: Percentage of
grievances handled that are
addressed [142] within a 90day timeframe
Requirement: 100%
Applicability: All
[142] Addressed: Acknowledged and received, moving through the company’s process for grievances, corrective action taken when necessary.
Criterion 6.9 Disciplinary practices
Compliance criteria
Indicator: Incidences of
excessive or abusive
disciplinary actions
Requirement: None
Applicability: All
[144] Mental Abuse: Characterized by the intentional use of power, including verbal abuse, isolation, sexual or racial harassment, intimidation or threat of
physical force.
Indicator: Evidence of a
functioning disciplinary action a. Employer has written policy for disciplinary action which explicitly states that its aim is to improve the worker [143].
policy whose aim is to improve
the worker [143]
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
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Applicability: All
According the workers interviews it was verified that have not
disciplinary measurements performed over the workers and that
procedure established is fair and effective and according the
established by the Chilean Law.
a. Employer has documentation showing the legal requirements for working hours and overtime in the region where the farm
operates. If local legislation allows workers to exceed internationally accepted recommendations (48 regular hours, 12 hours
overtime) then requirements of the international standards apply.
According the established by the Chilean Law and the employment
contract the regular hours per week can not exceed the 45 hours and
the overtime hours can not exceed the 2 hours per day.
b. Records (e.g. time sheets and payroll) show that farm workers do not exceed the number of working hours allowed under the
Farm employees recorded the time worked in the daily book of
attendance and according the documental review and workers
interveiws it was verified that there are not excesive regular and
overtime hours according the limits established by the Chilean Law.
c. If an employer requires employees to work shifts at the farm (e.g. 10 days on and six days off), the employer compensates
workers with an equivalent time off in the calendar month and there is evidence that employees have agreed to this schedule
(e.g. in the hiring contract).
Farm has Resolutionissued by the Labour Directorate establishes a
working day of fourteen continuous days of work followed fourteen
consecutive days of rest with a working day of 12 hours from 8:00 p.m.
to 8:00 a.m. and a rest period of 1 hour, with the average weekly
hours to 42 hours for night operator or security guard, legal holidays
are paid, the authorization is valid for four years. Farm has Resolution
has resolution issued by the Labour Directorate establishes a working
days of fourteen consecutive days of work followed seven
consecutive days of rest, with a working day of 9.5 hours and a time of
1 hour rest distributed between 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for center
leader, center assistant, supervisor maintenance, auxiliary kitchen,
operator, leader of minor ship , site manager and mechanic area, legal
holidays are paid, the authorization is valid for four years.
d. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm there is no abuse of working hours and overtime laws.
b. Maintain documentary evidence (e.g. worker evaluation reports) and be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm
that the disciplinary action policy is fair and effective.
[143] If disciplinary action is required, progressive verbal and written warnings shall be engaged. The aim shall always be to improve the worker; dismissal shall be
the last resort. Policies for bonuses, incentives, access to training and promotions are clearly stated and understood, and not used arbitrarily. Fines or basic wage
deductions shall not be acceptable disciplinary practices.
Criterion 6.10 Working hours and overtime
Compliance criteria
Note: Working hours, night work and rest periods for workers in agriculture should be in accordance with national laws and
regulations or collective agreements (e.g. The Safety and Health in Agriculture Convention, 2001). Additional information can be
found on the website of the International Labour Organization (
Indicator: Incidences,
violations or abuse of working
hours and overtime laws [145]
Requirement: None
Applicability: All
According the workers interviews and the review of the time records
and pay stubs of Farm Assistants it was verified that although regular
hours are recorded in the book daily of attendance, overtime is not
registered and therefore not paid according the established in the
employment contract and the Chilean Law.
[145] In cases where local legislation on working hours and overtime exceed internationally accepted recommendations (48 regular hours, 12 hours overtime), the
international standards will apply.
Indicator: Overtime is limited,
voluntary [146], paid at a
premium rate and restricted to
exceptional circumstances
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All except as
noted in [146]
a. Payment records (e.g. payslips) show that workers are paid a premium rate for overtime hours.
b. Overtime is limited and occurs in exceptional circumstances as evidenced by farm records (e.g. production records, time sheets,
and other records of working hours).
c. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm that all overtime is voluntary except where there is a collective
bargaining agreement which specifically allows for compulsory overtime.
[146] Compulsory overtime is permitted if previously agreed to under a collective bargaining agreement.
[147] Premium rate: A rate of pay higher than the regular work week rate. Must comply with national laws/regulations and/or industry standards.
According the documental review of the payslips of the werkers it was
verified that overtime hours are paid with the recharge of the 50%
established by the Chilean Law.
According the workers interviews and documental review of the book
daily of attendance it was verify that overtime hours are not
permanently worked and emerged in exceptional circumstances for
production process and are worked voluntarily by the employees.
According the workers interviews it was verified that all overtime
hours are worked voluntary and there is no retalation in case of refuse
the overtime.
Criterion 6.11 Education and training
Compliance criteria
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Company has a policy of training code DPNP-018 From January 2015,
which establishes the guidelines necessary for access to training for all
workers aiming at providing opportunities for continuous
development of employees.
All workers are incluiding in the annnua training programs of the
Farm. Company provide additional training oportunities to
who participate voluntarily and free on charge.
According the workers interviews it was verified that employees know
the training policy of the facility and all employees have access to
training programs.
a. Company-level policies are in line with all social and labor requirements presented in 6.1 through 6.11.
The human right policy code DPNP-017 from January, 2015 establishes
the company's commitment to human rights with employees and
those who are part of the production chain, by respecting the
provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to
establish mechanisms to verify compliance.
b. Company-level policies (see 6.12.1a) are approved by the company headquarters in the region where the site applying for
certification is located.
The human right policy code DPNP-017 was issued on January, 2015
and signed by the Top Manager of the Company.
c. The scope of corporate policies (see 6.12.1a) covers all company operations relating to salmonid production in the region (i.e.
all smolt production facilities, grow-out facilities and processing plants).
The human right policy cover all company operations and the
relationship with the stakeholders.
d. The site that is applying for certification provides auditors with access to all company-level policies and procedures as are
needed to verify compliance with 6.12.1a (above).
In the Farm is available permanent for all workers the human right
policy of the company.
a. The farm pro-actively arranges for consultations with the local community at least twice every year (bi-annually).
The company has established the procedure for community
engagement code PO-SG-016 from January 28, 2015 for the purpose of
structure a system of communication with the community and
stakeholders, in places where the company operates the community
can express their opinion in as for the way the normal operation of
the Farm may affect their activities. The communication process is to
generate biannual meetings with stakeholders.
b. Consultations are meaningful. OPTIONAL: the farm may choose to use participatory Social Impact Assessment (pSIA) or an
equivalent method for consultations.
a. Company has written policies related to continuing education of workers. Company provides incentives (e.g. subsidies for
tuition or textbooks, time off prior to exams, flexibility in work schedule) that encourage workers to participate in educational
Indicator: Evidence that the
initiatives. Note that such offers may be contingent on workers committing to stay with the company for a pre-arranged time.
company encourages and
sometimes supports education
initiatives for all workers (e.g.,
courses, certificates and
b. Employer maintains records of worker participation in educational opportunities as evidenced by course documentation (e.g.
list of courses, curricula, certificates, degrees).
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
c. Be advised that workers will be interviewed to confirm that educational initiatives are encouraged and supported by the
Criterion 6.12 Corporate policies for social responsibility
Compliance criteria
Indicator: Demonstration of
company-level [148] policies in
line with the standards under
6.1 to 6.11 above
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
[148] Applies to the headquarters of the company in a region or country where the site applying for certification is located. The policy shall relate to all of the
company’s operations in the region or country, including grow-out, smolt production and processing facilities.
Social requirements in the standards shall be audited by an individual who is a lead auditor in conformity with SAAS Procedure 200 section 3.1.
Criterion 7.1 Community engagement
Compliance Criteria
Indicator: Evidence of regular
and meaningful [149]
consultation and engagement
with community
c. Consultations include participation by representatives from the local community who were asked to contribute to the agenda.
representatives and
The company has performed an assessment of the impact of access to
community resources and establishes that no activities of the Farm
has a significant impact on the community.
The company conducted community engagement on March 3, 2015
with the Port Authority of Puerto Cisnes, Chile Police, Liceo Arturo
Prat, Community Development of the Municipality of Puerto Cisnes
and were exposed the company presentation, agenda with the
community, therapeutic treatments, potential conflicts and
mechanisms for resolving complaints
The company conducted community engagement on March 3, 2015
and were exposed the risk about the therapeutic treatment.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
d. Consultations include communication about, or discussion of, the potential health risks of therapeutic treatments (see
Indicator 7.1.3).
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The company conducted community engagement on March 3, 2015
with the Port Authority of Puerto Cisnes, Chile Police, Liceo Arturo
Prat, Community Development of the Municipality of Puerto Cisnes
and were exposed the company presentation, agenda with the
community, therapeutic treatments, potential conflicts and
mechanisms for resolving complaints
f. Be advised that representatives from the local community and organizations may be interviewed to confirm the above.
According the interviews with the stakeholders it was verified that
company performed one meeting and were consulted about their
needs and their perception on Farm operations in the area.
a. Farm policy provides a mechanism for presentation, treatment and resolution of complaints lodged by stakeholders,
community members, and organizations.
Company has established the procedure for conflict resolution
mechanism related to community engagement, in which stakeholders
can perform comments or complaints through the formal
presentation of a document to the Farm, and the company the will
carry out the appropriate investigation and will provide the
corresponding answer
b. The farm follows its policy for handling stakeholder complaints as evidenced by farm documentation (e.g. follow-up
communications with stakeholders, reports to stakeholder describing corrective actions).
The company conducted community engagement on March 3, 2015
and were exposed the mechanisms for resolving complaints.
c. The farm's mechanism for handling complaints is effective based on resolution of stakeholder complaints (e.g. follow-up
correspondence from stakeholders).
In the one meeting with the community performed on March 3, 2015,
the stakeholders identified actions to improve conditions in the
community and are registered in the record of agreements and
d. Be advised that representatives from the local community, including complaintants where applicable, may be interviewed to
confirm the above.
[149] Regular and meaningful: Meetings shall be held at least bi-annually with elected representatives of affected communities. The agenda for the meetings
should in part be set by the community representatives. Participatory Social Impact Assessment methods may be one option to consider here.
Indicator: Presence and
evidence of an effective [150]
policy and mechanism for the
presentation, treatment and
resolution of complaints by
community stakeholders and
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
e. Maintain records and documentary evidence (e.g. meeting agenda, minutes, report) to demonstrate that consultations comply
with the above.
According to interviews with stakeholders it was verified that is not
clearly diffused the communication channel for communities or
stakeholders can perform complaints.
[150] Effective: In order to demonstrate that the mechanism is effective, evidence of resolutions of complaints can be given.
a. Farm has a system for posting notifications at the farm during periods of therapeutic treatment. (use of aneastatic baths is not
regarded a therapeutant)
Indicator: Evidence that the
farm has posted visible notice
b. Notices (above) are posted where they will be visible to affected stakeholders (e.g. posted on waterways for fishermen who
[151] at the farm during times
pass by the farm).
of therapeutic treatments and
has, as part of consultation
with communities under 7.1.1,
communicated about potential
c. Farm communicates about the potential health risks from treatments during community consultations (see 7.1.1)
health risks from treatments
Farm posted a yellow flags in the moment were therapeutic treatment
is performed.
Farm posted a yellow flags in the moment were therapeutic treatment
is performed.
The company conducted community engagement on March 3, 2015
with stakeholders and were exposed the therapeutic treatments
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
d. Be advised that members of the local community may be interviewed to confirm the above.
According to the interviews with stakeholders it was verified that the
company has not performed a formal and clear communication to
the community about the potential health risks for the therapeutic
treatments applied in the Farm.
[151] Signage shall be visible to mariners and, for example, to fishermen passing by the farm.
Criterion 7.2 Respect for indigenous and aboriginal cultures and traditional territories
Compliance Criteria
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Instruction to Clients and CABs on Criterion 7.2 - Traditional Territories of Indigenous Groups
The ASC Salmon Standard requires that farms must be respectful of the traditional territiories of indigenous groups. The Indicators listed under Criterion 7.2 were designed to
fulfill this purpose in a manner consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In many locales, the territorial boundaries of indigenous
groups have a defined legal status according to local or national law. In such cases, it is straightforward to know whether a farm is operating in close proximity to indigenous
people. However, when boundaries of indigenous territories are undefined or unknown, there is no simple way to establish whether the farm is operating in close proximity to
indigenous groups. Here ASC provides the following guidance.
The intent behind the ASC Salmon Standard is that the farm will identify all neighboring groups who are potentially negatively impacted by the farm's activities. The actual
physical distance between the farm and an indigenous group is less important than understanding whether the farm is having a detrimental impact upon its neighbors.
Effective community consultations are one of the best ways to identify such impacts to neighbor groups. Through a transparent process of consultation, indigenous groups who
are put under “stress” by the farm will identify themselves and voice their concerns about the nature of the farm's impacts. Continued consultations between farm and
neighbors should create a forum where any key issue can be discussed and resolved.
a. Documentary evidence establishes that the farm does or does not operate in an indigenous territory (to include farms that
operate in proximity to indigenous or aboriginal people [152]). If not then the requirements of 7.2.1 do not apply.
Indicator: Evidence that
indigenous groups were
consulted as required by
relevant local and/or national
laws and regulations
b. Farm management demonstrates an understanding of relevant local and/or national laws and regulations that pertain to
consultations with indigenous groups.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All farms that
operate in indigenous
territories or in proximity to
indigenous or aboriginal
people [152]
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
c. As required by law in the jurisdiction:
- farm consults with indigenous groups and retains documentary evidence (e.g. meeting minutes, summaries) to show how the
process complies with 7.2.1b;
- farm confirms that government-to-government consultation occurred and obtains documentary evidence.
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
d. Be advised that representatives from indigenous groups may be interviewed to confirm the above.
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
a. See results of 7.2.1a (above) to determine whether the requirements of 7.2.3 apply to the farm.
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
b. Maintain evidence to show that the farm has either:
1) reached a protocol agreement with the indigenous community and this fact is documented; or
2) continued engagement in an active process [153] to reach a protocol agreement with the indigenous community.
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
c. Be advised that representatives from indigenous communities may be interviewed to confirm either 7.2.3b1 or b2 (above) as
There are not indigenous communities and in the area of the
operations of the Farm.
Indicator: Evidence that the
farm has undertaken proactive
a. See results of 7.2.1a (above) to determine whether the requirements of 7.2.2 apply to the farm.
consultation with indigenous
Requirement: Yes [152]
Applicability: All farms that
operate in indigenous
territories or in proximity to
indigenous or aboriginal
people [152]
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All farms that
operate in indigenous
territories or in proximity to
indigenous or aboriginal
people [152]
b. Be advised that representatives from indigenous communities may be interviewed to confirm that the farm has undertaken
proactive consultations.
[152] All standards related to indigenous rights only apply where relevant, based on proximity of indigenous territories.
Indicator: Evidence of a
protocol agreement, or an
active process [153] to
establish a protocol
agreement, with indigenous
According the consultation performed to the National Corporation of
Indigenous Development CONADI on January, 27, 2015 it was verified
that in the area of Farm operation there are not indigenous
communities and in the area there are only two indigenous
[153] To demonstrate an active process, a farm must show ongoing efforts to communicate with indigenous communities, an understanding of key community
concerns and responsiveness to key community concerns through adaptive farm management and other actions.
Criterion 7.3 Access to resources
Compliance Criteria
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Indicator: Changes
undertaken restricting access
to vital community resources
[154] without community
Requirement: None
The company has performed an assessment of the impact of access to
community resources and establishes that no activities of the Farm
has a significant impact on the community and the natural resources.
a. Resources that are vital [155] to the community have been documented and are known by the farm (i.e. through the
assessment process required under Indicator 7.3.2).
b. The farm seeks and obtains community approval before undertaking changes that restrict access to vital community resources.
Approvals are documented.
Farm has not restricted acess to vital community resources and all
operations and environmental impact is properly documented and
approved by the organisms established by the Chilean Law.
c. Be advised that representatives from the community may be interviewed to confirm that the farm has not restricted access to
vital resources without prior community approval.
According the interviews with stakeholder it was verified that Farm
not restrict to the community the access to vital resources.
Applicability: All
[154] Vital community resources can include freshwater, land or other natural resources that communities rely on for their livelihood. If a farm site were to block,
for example, a community’s sole access point to a needed freshwater resource, this would be unacceptable under the Dialogue standard.
Indicator: Evidence of
assessments of company’s
impact on access to resources
The company has performed an assessment of the impact of access to
community resources and establishes that no activities of the Farm
has a significant impact on the community and the natural resources.
a. There is a documented assessment of the farm's impact upon access to resources. Can be completed as part of community
consultations under 7.1.1.
b. Be advised that representatives from the community may be interviewed to generally corroborate the accuracy of conclusions
presented in 7.3.2a.
According the interviews with stakeholder it was verified that Farm
not restrict to the community the access to vital resources.
Has been evidenced smolts supplier sea farm has been stocked with
were: Sealand (closed), Quillaico (open flow) & Río Negro (open flow)
Chaparano pisciculture: Water right according D.G.A. Nº 145 issued
2007.07.03 (consumptive, 10 lps). D.G.A. Nº 495 issued 2007.12.04
(no consumptive, variable per month). Aquaculture Enrollment,
certificate Nº7280 enrolled in Folio Nº 13209. Environmental permit
(acronym in Spanish RCA) in Res. Ex. Nº 600 issued on 2008.10.21
(production allowed 906,7 tons/year)
Río Negro pisciculture: Water right according D.G.A. Nº 296 issued
1988.08.10 (no consumptive, 120 lps). D.G.A. Nº 160 issued
2003.04.25 (no consumptive, 2000 lps). D.G.A. Nº 471 issued
2004.11.210 (no consumptive, variable per month). Aquaculture
Enrollment, certificate Nº 7410 enrolled in Folio Nº 13744.
Environmental permit (acronym in Spanish RCA) was not available
since pisciculture's technical project was applied before year 1997.
Quillaico pisciculture: Water right according D.G.A. Nº 457 issued
1991.11.07 (consumptive, 1000 lps) to behalf of Salmonífera
Dalcahue Ltda. Aquaculture Enrollment, certificate Nº9758 enrolled
in Folio Nº 1173. Environmental permit (acronym in Spanish RCA) in
Res. Ex. Nº 769 issued on 2005.12.19 (production enhancing allowed
130,5 tons/year)
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All
A farm seeking certification must have documentation from all of its smolt suppliers to demonstrate compliance with the following standards. The requirements are, in general,
a subset of the standards in Principles 1 through 7, focusing on the impacts that are most relevant for smolt facilities. In addition, specific standards are applied to open systems
(net pens), and to closed and semi-closed systems (recirculation and flow-through).
[155] The SAD SC proposes this approach to addressing environmental and social performance during the smolt phase of production. In the medium term, the SC
anticipates a system to audit smolt production facilities on site. In the meantime, farms will need to work with their smolt suppliers to generate the necessary
documentation to demonstrate compliance with the standards. The documentation will be reviewed as part of the audit at the grow-out facility.
Standards related to Principle 1
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. Identify all of the farm's smolt suppliers. For
A. Review the farm's list of smolt suppliers. Confirm that the client submitted to
each supplier, identify the type of smolt
ASC information on the type of production system used by smolt suppliers
production system used (e.g. open, semi or
closed systems) and submit this information to (Appendix VI).
ASC (Appendix VI).
Indicator: Compliance with
local and national regulations b. Where legal authorisation related to water
quality are required, obtain copies of smolt
on water use and discharge,
specifically providing permits suppliers' permits.
related to water quality
B. Verify that client obtains copies of legal authorisation from smolt suppliers (if
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
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c. Obtain records from smolt suppliers showing
monitoring and compliance with discharge
C. Verify that farm obtains records from smolt suppliers to show compliance with
laws, regulations, and permit requirements as discharge laws, regulations, and permit requirements.
Indicator: Compliance with
labor laws and regulations
D. Verify that farm keeps records to show how smolt suppliers comply with
regulations on discharge and applicable permitting requirements related to water
Has been evidenced records submitted to the National Authority, by
all smolts suppliers piscicultures, concerning to outflows parameters
as is required according D.S 90. Monitoring are carried out monthly by
piscicultures, being the assays carried out by third party laboratory .
Were evidenced outflows self control reports as is required by law
(detailed above) by all sea farm's smolts suppliers, submitted to the
Was possible to evidence, all smolts suppliers piscicultures supplied
theirr monthly monitoring records, being available on farm
a. Obtain declarations from smolt suppliers
affirming compliance with labor laws and
A. Verify farm obtains declaration from smolt suppliers.
Quillaico pisciculture: Has been evidenced a declaration issued past
March 2015, signed by Mr. Mauricio Alberto Navarro Prats General
Manager of company Salmonífera Dalcahue Ltda. concerning their
commitment to fulfill with labor laws regulations.
Río Negro and Chaparano piscicultures: Has been evidenced a
declaration issued on 2014.12.12, signed by Mr. Marcelo Urrutia
Burns Human Resources manager of Salmones Multiexport S.A.,
concerning their commitment to fulfill with labor laws regulations
b. Keep records of supplier inspections for
compliance with national labor laws and
codes (only if such inspections are legally
required in the country of operation; see
B. Verify that farm obtains inspection records from suppliers (as applicable).
No inspections were carried out by the Chilean Labour Service were
held in any of smoltification piscicultures, since are not established as
mandatory by national labor laws.
Has been evidenced a technical report Nº 58, Nº 59 and Nº 79
(respectively) developed by company Plancton Andino SpA called
"Informe de Biodiversidad" in area where Río Negro, Chaparano and
Quillaico piscicultures are located (when in situ inspections were
carried out) includes all components outlined in appendix I-3.
Environmental impacts assessment and strategies focused to
minimize or eliminate impacts identified due farm's operation are
included in such assessment.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
Standards related to Principle 2
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Note: If the smolt facility has previously undertaken an independent assessment of biodiversity impact (e.g. as part of the
regulatory permitting process), the farm may obtain and use such documents as evidence to demonstrate compliance with
Indicator 8.3 as long as all components are covered.
Indicator: Evidence of an
assessment of the farm’s
potential impacts on
biodiversity and nearby
ecosystems that contains the
same components as the
assessment for grow-out
facilities under 2.4.1
a. Obtain from the smolt supplier(s) a
documented assessment of the smolt site's
potential impact on biodiversity and nearby
ecosystems. The assessment must address all
components outlined in Appendix I-3.
A. Review the assessment to confirm that it complies with all components
outlined in Appendix I-3.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
b. Obtain from the smolt supplier(s) a
declaration confirming they have developed
B. Review declaration.
and are implementing a plan to address
potential impacts identified in the assessment.
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Wasn't evidenced smolts supplier declaration concerning the
implementation of actions focused on minimization or elimination of
impacts identified in the environmental assessment.
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 8.4 - Calculating Total Phosphorus Released per Ton of Fish Produced
Farms must confirm that each of their smolt suppliers complies with the requirement of indicator 8.4. This specifies the maximum
amount of phosphorus that a smolt production facility can release into the environment per metric ton (mt) of fish produced over
a 12-month period. The requirement is set at 5 kg/mt for the first three years from date of publication of the ASC Salmon Standard
(i.e. from June 13, 2012 until June 12, 2015), dropping to 4 kg/mt thereafter. The calculation of total phosphorus released is made
using a “mass balance” approach. Detailed instructions and formulas are given in Appendix VIII-1.
If applicable, farms may take account of any physical removals of phosphorus in the form of sludge provided there is evidence to
- the smolt supplier has records showing the total quantity of sludge removed from site over the relevant time period;
- the supplier determined phosphorus concentration (% P) in removed sludge by sampling and analyzing representative batches;
- the sludge was properly disposed off site and in accordance with the farm's biosolid management plan.
Indicator: Maximum total
amount of phosphorus
released into the environment
per metric ton (mt) of fish
produced over a 12-month
period (see Appendix VIII-1)
Requirement: 5 kg/mt of fish
produced over a 12-month
period; within three years of
publication of the SAD
standards, 4 kg/mt of fish
produced over a 12-month
Applicability: All Smolt
a. Obtain records from smolt suppliers
showing amount and type of feeds used for
smolt production during the past 12 months.
A. Verify that farm has records for feeds used by smolt suppliers over the relevant
time period.
Was available on farm an Excel document called "Información Pc
MEF", where are recorded whole diets supplied by month (tons of
feed supplied monthly) since january 2014 to december 2014, by
smolts pisciculture suppliers
b. For all feeds used by the smolt suppliers
(result from 8.4a), keep records showing
phosphorus content as determined by
chemical analysis or based on feed supplier
declaration (Appendix VIII-1).
B. Verify that farm has records showing that smolt supplier determined
phosphorus content in feeds.
Were available statements supplied both Biomar Chile S.A. & Nutreco
Chile Ltda, concerning to phosphorus content in fresh water diets
manufactured by them for period 2014.
c. Using the equation from Appendix VIII-1 and
results from 8.4a and b, calculate the total
C. Confirm that calculations are done according to Appendix VIII-1.
amount of phosphorus added as feed during
the last 12 months of smolt production.
Was available an Excel file called "Cantidad de Fósforo en
Pisciculturas, 2014", being possible to verify total amount of
phosphorus added as feed during year 2014. OBS: Information shall
be updated close to audits dates, i.e, past 12 months close to audit
d. Obtain from smolt suppliers records for
stocking, harvest and mortality which are
sufficient to calculate the amount of biomass
produced (formula in Appendix VIII-1) during
the past 12 months.
Was possible to evidence productive data records of smoltification
piscicultures suppliers achieved long through year 2014 OBS:
Information shall be updated close to audits date, i.e, past 12
months close to audit time)
e. Calculate the amount of phosphorus in fish
biomass produced (result from 8.4d) using the E. Confirm that calculations are done according to Appendix VIII-1.
formula in Appendix VIII-1.
Was possible to evidence calculation of amount of phosphorus in
fish biomass produced , according guidelines established in appendix
f. If applicable, obtain records from smolt
F. As applicable, verify farm has records showing that smolt supplier determined
suppliers showing the total amount of P
removed as sludge (formula in Appendix VIII-1) the amount of phosphorus removed from the system as sludge.
during the past 12 months.
In file supplied when audit was held was possible to evidence sludge
removal as well %P in dry sludge with the aim to calculate total
amount of P removed as sludge.
g. Using the formula in Appendix VIII-1 and
results from 8.4a-f (above), calculate total
G. Review calculations to confirm that the farm's smolt supplier(s) do not exceed
phosphorus released per ton of smolt
requirements for release of phosphorus.
produced and verify that the smolt supplier is
in compliance with requirements.
OBS: Was possible to evidence calculation of amount of phosphorus
in fish biomass produced , using the formula in appendix VIII-1.
However values shall be checked out because in some cases were
evidenced negative results
D. Verify that farm obtained from the smolt supplier all records needed to
calculate the amount of biomass produced during the past 12 months.
Standards related to Principle 3
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. Obtain written evidence showing whether
the smolt supplier produces a non-native
species or not. If not, then Indicator 8.5 does
not apply.
A. Verify that the farm has evidence that their smolt suppliers do not produce nonnative species. If the farm can show that smolt suppliers produces only native
species, then Indicator 8.5 does not apply.
The CAB was informed by mail sen on 2015.03.03 by Mr. Marcell
Martínez (company's Certifications Chief) concerning smolt suppliers
produces a non-native specie: Salmo salar
b. Provide the farm with documentary
evidence that the non-native species was
widely commercially produced in the area
before publication of the SAD Standard. (See
definition of area under 3.2.1 ).
B. If applicable, verify the farm has evidence from smolt suppliers confirming
when the non-native species was first brought into wide commercial production
in the area where production is occurring now.
Was available information concerning to Salmon Farming Industry in
Chile since back to it origin, developed by SalmonChile A.G., being
possible to evidence that Salmo salar was widely commercially
produced in the area before publication of the SAD Standard
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Indicator: If a non-native
species is being produced, the
species shall have been widely
commercially produced in the
area prior to the publication
[156] of the SAD standards
Requirement: Yes [157]
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers except as noted in
c. If the smolt supplier cannot provide the
farm with evidence for 8.5b, provide
C. Review evidence to confirm that smolt suppliers use only 100% sterile fish.
documentary evidence that the farm uses only
100% sterile fish.
Information was available in farm.
d. If the smolt supplier cannot provide the
farm with evidence for 8.5b or 8.5c, provide
documented evidence for each of the
1) non-native species are separated from wild
fish by effective physical barriers that are in
D. Review evidence that the farm's smolt suppliers comply with each point raised
place and well maintained;
in 8.5d.
2) barriers ensure there are no escapes of
reared fish specimens that might survive and
subsequently reproduce; and
3) barriers ensure there are no escapes of
biological material that might survive and
subsequently reproduce.
Information was available in farm.
e. Retain evidence as described in 8.5a-d
necessary to show compliance of each facility
supplying smolt to the farm.
E. Verify that farm retains evidence of compliance by all smolt suppliers.
[156] Publication: Refers to the date when the final standards and accompanying guidelines are completed and made publicly available. This definition of
publication applies throughout this document.
[157] Exceptions shall be made for production systems that use 100 percent sterile fish or systems that demonstrate separation from the wild by effective physical
barriers that are in place and well-maintained to ensure no escapes of reared specimens or biological material that might survive and subsequently reproduce.
a. Obtain documentary evidence to show that
smolt suppliers maintained monitoring
A. Review the farm's records for escape monitoring by the smolt supplier to
records of all incidences of confirmed or
confirm completeness and accuracy of information.
suspected escapes, specifying date, cause,
and estimated number of escapees.
Indicator: Maximum number
of escapees [158] in the most
recent production cycle
Requirement: 300 fish [159]
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers except as noted in
b. Using smolt supplier records from 8.6a,
determine the total number of fish that
escaped. Verify that there were fewer than
300 escapees from the smolt production
facility in the most recent production cycle.
Information was available in farm.
Was available in farm a document called "Procedimiento de
Contingencia Ante Escapes de Peces - Área Décima Región" (PO-MA011) Rev 011, ,where are established all steps that must be carried out
if any escape may occur on farm, including to report the incidents to
the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA- as mandatory measure.
Also was available records downloaded from Fishtalk software being
possible to evidence productive data held by smolt pisciculture
suppliers, through past year 2014, being possible to evidence that no
escapes occurred in productive units.
B. Review the farm's calculation and confirm that the smolt supplier complied
with the requirement.
No fish escapes occurred in smolt supplier piscicultures, long through
year 2014.
c. Inform smolt suppliers in writing that
monitoring records described in 8.6a must be
maintained for at least 10 years beginning
C. Confirm that the farm informs their smolt suppliers that they must maintain
with the production cycle for which the farm is
records for escape monitoring for > 10 years.
first applying for certification (necessary for
farms to be eligible to apply for the exception
noted in [159]).
No scapes incidents were observeded on suppliers smoltifications
piscicultures, however if a scape may occur, information shall be
maintained for at least 10 years beginning with the production cycle
for which the farm is first applying for certification
d. If an escape episode occurs at the smolt
production facility (i.e. an incident where >
300 fish escaped), the farm may request a rare
exception to the Standard [159]. Requests
must provide a full account of the episode and
must document how the smolt producer could
not have predicted the events that caused the
escape episode.
No fish escapes occurred in smolt supplier piscicultures, long through
year 2014.
D. Review the farm's request for a rare exception to the Standard for an escape
event at the smolt production site. Confirm no prior exceptional events were
documented during the previous 10 years, or since the date of the start of the
production cycle during which the farm first applied for certification. An example
of an exceptional event is vandalization of the farm. Events that are not
considered exceptional include failures in moorings due to bad weather and boat
traffic incidents due to poor marking of the smolt production facility.
[158] Farms shall report all escapes; the total aggregated number of escapees per production cycle must be less than 300 fish.
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[159] A rare exception to this standard may be made for an escape event that is clearly documented as being outside of the farm’s control. Only one such
exceptional episode is allowed in a 10-year period for the purposes of this standard. The 10-year period starts at the beginning of the production cycle for which
the farm is applying for certification. The farmer must demonstrate that there was no reasonable way to predict the events that caused the episode. Extreme
weather (e.g., 100-year storms) or accidents caused by farms located near high-traffic waterways are not intended to be covered under this exception.
Indicator: Accuracy [160] of
the counting technology or
counting method used for
calculating the number of fish
a. Obtain records showing the accuracy of the
counting technology used by smolt suppliers.
A. Confirm that the farm keeps records of counting accuracy for the counting
Records must include copies of spec sheets for
technology or method used on site at stocking and harvest.
counting machines and common estimates of
error for hand-counts.
Was evidenced a validation certificate of fish counting system issued
by the machine supplier (Vaki Aquaculture Systems), signed by
company's Manager concerning to Bioscanner Micro and
Macrocounters (presicion 98-100%) Macro: 0,5-400 grs. & Micro: 0,2200 grs.
B. Review records to verify that accuracy of the
B. Verify that farm has records showing that the accuracy of the smolt supplier's
smolt supplier's counting technology or
counting technology or counting method is ≥ 98%.
counting method is ≥ 98%.
Was evidenced a validation certificate of fish counting system issued
by the machine supplier (Vaki Aquaculture Systems), signed by
company's Manager concerning to Bioscanner Micro and
Macrocounters (presicion 98-100%) Macro: 0,5-400 grs. & Micro: 0,2200 grs.
Was evidenced a Waste Management Policy issued on 2014.12.26
signed by Mr. Francisco Lobos Fuentes company's Environment,
Concessions and Certifications Manager
Requirement: ≥98%
Applicability: All Smolt
[160] Accuracy shall be determined by the spec sheet for counting machines and through common estimates of error for any hand counts.
Standards related to Principle 4
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Indicator: Evidence of a
functioning policy for proper
and responsible treatment of
non-biological waste from
production (e.g., disposal and
Requirement: Yes
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
a. From each smolt supplier obtain a policy
which states the supplier's commitment to
A. Confirm that the farm has relevant policies on file from each smolt supplier and
proper and responsible treatment of nonreview those policies to verify the farm's suppliers are in compliance with the
biological waste from production. It must
explain how the supplier's policy is consistent
with best practice in the area of operation.
Applicability: All Smolt
Note: see instructions for Indicator 4.6.1.
Has been evidenced current productive cycle energy consumption
records since June 2013 until august 2014 concerning to fusel oil and
gas (Rio Negro and Chaparano pisciculture)s ; however wasn´t
available records of Quillaico pisciculture
B. Verify that the farm has reviewed the supplier's calculations for completeness
and accuracy.
Was available technical report developed by Pamela Mardones G
(Pasos outsourcing), being possible to evidence energy consumption
(in Kj) in Río Negro and Chaparano piscicultures long through the
period mentioned in 8.9a, however wasn´t available information from
Quillaico pisciculture.
C. Verify that the farm has supplier records for total weight of fish produced
during the last year.
a. Obtain records from the smolt supplier for
A. Verify that the farm obtains records for energy consumption from smolt
energy consumption by source (fuel,
electricity) at the supplier's facility throughout suppliers.
each year.
Indicator: Presence of an
energy-use assessment
b. Confirm that the smolt supplier calculates
verifying the energy
total energy consumption in kilojoules (kj)
consumption at the smolt
during the last year.
production facility (see
Appendix V subsection 1 for
guidance and required
components of the records and
c. Obtain records to show the smolt supplier
Requirement: Yes, measured calculated the total weight of fish in metric
in kilojoule/mt fish/production tons (mt) produced during the last year.
Applicability: All Smolt
d. Confirm that the smolt supplier used results
from 8.9b and 8.9c to calculate energy
D. Verify that the farm has records to show that the smolt supplier's calculations
consumption on the supplier's facility as
are complete and accurate.
required and that the units are reported as
kilojoule/mt fish/production cycle.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Total weight produced in smoltification piscicultures suppliers, is
available through production management software, piscicultures
work with backed up by official reports and information required by
the National Fishery Service
Only were available energy consumption on Chaparano and Río
Negro's facilities in kilojoule/mt fish/production period june 2013august 2014, however wasn´t available information concerning to
Quillaico pisciculture.
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e. Obtain evidence to show that smolt supplier
has undergone an energy use assessment in
E. Verify that the farm has evidence that its smolt supplier(s) has undergone an
compliance with requirements of Appendix Venergy use assessment verifying the supplier's energy consumption.
1. Can take the form of a declaration detailing
Was possible to evidence that survey carried out by Miss Pamela
Mardones undergone requirements established in appendix V-1.
(Were available outsourcer professional’s background, as evidence of
her competence to develop such kind of survey. Wasn´t available
survey concerning to Quillaico pisciculture.
a. Obtain records of greenhouse gas emissions
A. Verify that the farm obtains records of GHG emissions from smolt suppliers.
from the smolt supplier's facility.
Was available technical report developed by Pamela Mardones G
(Pasos outsourcing), being possible to evidence GHG records from
Chaparano and Río Negro piscicultures long through the period
mentioned in 8.9a, however wasn´t available information from
Quillaico pisciculture
b. Confirm that, on at least an annual basis,
the smolt supplier calculates all scope 1 and
scope 2 GHG emissions in compliance with
Appendix V-1.
Was possible to evidence on survey carried out by Miss Pamela
Mardones includes scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions
(associated to fish feed manufacturing), but no regarding to scope 2,
in Chaparano pisciculture is not consumed electric sourced energy.
Wasn´t available information from Quillaico pisciculture.
c. For GHG calculations, confirm that the smolt
supplier selects the emission factors which are
C. Verify that the farm has records from smolt suppliers for all emissions factors
best suited to the supplier's operation.
used and their sources.
Confirm that the supplier documents the
source of the emissions factors.
Emission factor used, were obtained from Default Emission Factors
for Stationary Combustion in the Commercial / Institutional Category.
IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2006.
Wasn´t available information from Quillaico pisciculture.
d. For GHG calculations involving conversion
of non-CO2 gases to CO2 equivalents, confirm D. Verify that the farm has records from smolt suppliers for all GWPs used and
their sources.
that the smolt suppliers specify the Global
Warming Potential (GWP) used and its source.
Conversion of non-CO2 gases to CO2 equivalents, were considered in
the survey. Wasn´t available information from Quillaico pisciculture.
e. Obtain evidence to show that the smolt
supplier has undergone a GHG assessment in
compliance with requirements Appendix V-1
at least annually.
Evidence available in the technical report supplied by the outsourcing
service developed by Miss Pamela Mardones, only for Chaparano and
Río Negro piscicultures but not for Quillaico pisciculture
Note: see instructions for Indicator 4.6.2.
Indicator: Records of
greenhouse gas (GHG [161])
emissions [162] at the smolt
production facility and
evidence of an annual GHG
assessment (See Appendix V,
subsection 1)
Requirement: Yes
B. Verify that the farm confirms that calculations by smolt suppliers are done
annually and in compliance with Appendix V-1.
Applicability: All Smolt
E. Verify that the farm has evidence that smolt suppliers undergo a GHG
assessment annually and that the methods used are in compliance with
requirements of Appendix V-1.
[161] For the purposes of this standard, GHGs are defined as the six gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol: carbon dioxide (CO2); methane (CH4); nitrous oxide (N2O);
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
[162] GHG emissions must be recorded using recognized methods, standards and records as outlined in Appendix V.
Standards related to Principle 5
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Indicator: Evidence of a fish
health management plan,
approved by the designated
veterinarian, for the
identification and monitoring
of fish diseases and parasites
a. Obtain a copy of the supplier's fish health
management plan for the identification and
monitoring of fish disease and parasites.
A. Verify that the farm obtains copies of fish health management plans from
smolt suppliers.
Was available the document called "Plan Veterinario de Salud
Pisciculturas con Producto Salmo salar (PL-DS-002) Rev 04
Requirement: Yes
b. Keep documentary evidence to show that
the smolt supplier's health plans were
approved by the supplier's designated
B. Verify that farm has evidence that supplier's fish health management plan was
approved by designated veterinarian.
Was evidenced the document was Reviewed by Mr. Basilio Pérez
(veterinarian) and Paulo Díaz (Health Department Chief, also
veterinarian) and approved by Mr. Alejandro Heisinger (Health
Department Manager, also veterinarian)
Diseases that are known to present a significant risk in fresh water
Chilean Salmon Farming has been mentioned in the Veterinary Health
Plan and High Risk Diseases lists developed by the National Fishery
Service - SERNAPESCA -
Applicability: All Smolt
a. Maintain a list of diseases that are known to
present a significant risk in the region,
A. Review list and the supporting analysis.
developed by farm veterinarian and
supported by scientific evidence.
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Indicator: Percentage of fish
that are vaccinated for
selected diseases that are
known to present a significant
risk in the region and for which
an effective vaccine exists [163]
Requirement: 100%
Applicability: All Smolt
b. Maintain a list of diseases for which
effective vaccines exist for the region,
developed by the farm veterinarian and
supported by scientific evidence.
B. Review list and the supporting analysis.
List where are detailed effective vaccines available in Chile are
included in the document "Plan Veterinario de Salud Pisciculturas
con Producto Salmo salar (PL-DS-002) Rev 04
c. Obtain from the smolt supplier(s) a
declaration detailing the vaccines the fish
C. Verify client has the list from the smolt supplier(s).
Was availble an Excel file called "Planilla de reporte de Vacunaciones
" (Vaccination Report File) where are detailed all batchs vaccinated,
piscicultures where inoculation were held, product name,
veterinarian responsible, veterinary prescription involved, among
other data.
d. Demonstrate, using the lists from 8.12a-c
above, that all salmon on the farm received
vaccination against all selected diseases
known to present a significant risk in the
regions for which an effective vaccine exists.
D. Cross-check lists to verify that all required vaccines were received by all
batches of smolt received by the farm during the current production cycle.
Was possible to evidenced sea farms incoming smolts were vaccinated
by mean of smolts tarnsporting documents (internal developed by
Salmones Multiexport) as well official documents attached to stoking
waybills (Sanitary Certificate of Movement), according to Vaccination
Report File, cited above.
The list of diseases of national concern for which smolts should be
tested are set in the Veterinary Health Plan
Piscicultures are governed by the Active Surveillance Program as well
Especific Surveillance Programm regarding to SRS-ISAv and PDv,
monitored by the National Fishery Service - SERNAPESCA - backed up
by officials documents fish movements must backed up with, i.e.
Movement Certificate Authorization (acronym in Spanish CAM and
respectively Sanitary Certificate of Movement -CSM-). Were available
assays reports associated to such Surveillance Program, from
smoltification piscicultures suppliers.
[163] The farm’s designated veterinarian is responsible for undertaking and providing written documentation of the analysis of the diseases that pose a risk in the
region and the vaccines that are effective. The veterinarian shall determine which vaccinations to use and demonstrate to the auditor that this decision is
consistent with the analysis.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 8.13-- Testing of Smolt for Select Diseases
The farm is responsible for developing and maintaining a list of diseases of regional concern for which each smolt group should be
tested. The list of diseases shall include diseases that originate in freshwater and are proven or suspected to occur in seawater
(and for which seawater fish-to-fish transmission is a concern).
The designated veterinarian to the smolt supplier is required to evaluate, based on scientific criteria and publicly available
information, which diseases should be tested for. This analysis shall include an evaluation of whether clinical disease or a
pathogen carrier state in fresh water is deemed to have a negative impact on the grow-out phase, thereby disqualifying a smolt
group from being transferred. The analysis must be available to the CAB upon request.
Indicator: Percentage of smolt Note: A "smolt group" is defined as a population that shares disease risk, including environment, husbandry, and host factors that
groups [164] tested for select might contribute to sharing disease agents for each group.
diseases of regional concern
prior to entering the grow-out
phase on farm
a. Obtain from the smolt supplier a list of
diseases of regional concern for which smolt
Requirement: 100%
A. Review list. If auditor has questions about the list, request and review
should be tested. List shall be supported by
supporting analysis.
scientific analysis as described in the
Applicability: All Smolt
Instruction above.
b. Obtain from the smolt supplier(s) a
declaration and records confirming that each
smolt group received by the farm has been
tested for the diseases in the list (8.13a).
B. Verify records show that each smolt group was tested prior to entering the
water at the farm (the grow-out site).
[164] A smolt group is any population that shares disease risk, including environment, husbandry and host factors that might contribute to sharing disease agents
for each group. Only diseases that are proven, or suspected, as occurring in seawater (and for which seawater fish-to-fish transmission is a concern) but originating
in freshwater should be on the list of diseases tested. The designated veterinarian to the smolt farm is required to evaluate, based on scientific criteria and
publicly available information, which diseases should be tested for. This analysis shall include an evaluation of whether clinical disease or a pathogen carrier state
in fresh water is deemed to have a negative impact on the grow-out phase, thereby disqualifying a smolt group from being transferred. A written analysis must be
available to the certifier on demand.
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Indicator: Detailed
information, provided by the
designated veterinarian, of all
chemicals and therapeutants
used during the smolt
production cycle, the amounts
used (including grams per ton
of fish produced), the dates
used, which group of fish were
treated and against which
diseases, proof of proper
dosing and all disease and
pathogens detected on the site
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
a. Obtain from the smolt supplier(s) a detailed
record of all chemical and therapeutant use
for the fish sold to the farm that is signed by
their veterinarian and includes:
- name of the veterinarian prescribing
- product name and chemical name;
A. Review records of chemical and therapeutant use for completeness and
- reason for use (specific disease)
confirm the records were signed by a qualified veterinarian.
- date(s) of treatment;
- amount (g) of product used;
- dosage;
- mt of fish treated;
- the WHO classification of antibiotics (also see
note under 5.2.8); and
- the supplier of the chemical or therapeutant.
a. Provide to the smolt supplier the list (see
5.2.2a) of therapeutants, including antibiotics
and chemicals, that are proactively banned for
A. Verify list has been provided and is consistent with the list in 5.2.2a.
use in food fish for the primary salmon
producing and importing countries listed in
Indicator: Allowance for use of
therapeutic treatments that
include antibiotics or
chemicals that are banned
[165] in any of the primary
salmon producing or importing b. Inform smolt supplier that the treatments
on the list cannot be used on fish sold to a
B. Verify that the farm informed the smolt supplier.
countries [166]
farm with ASC certification.
Was possible to evidence that information regarding to
pharmaceutical products used by farms, through veterinary
prescriptions issued by a veterinary as well information detailed in
the "Plan Veterinario de Salud Pisciculturas con Producto Salmo salar
(PL-DS-002) Rev 04, also by mean of calculation file developed by the
veterinarian with the aim to quantify total of medicated feed to be
required to feed manufacturer. WHO classification of antibiotics
haven't been evidenced (applicable in case of antibiotics may be used
in piscicultures)
Was possible to evidenced that smolts suppliers were noted by mail
sent on 2015.03.12 by Mr. Marcell Martínez regarding to
therapeutants, including antibiotics and chemicals, that are
proactively banned for use in food fish for the primary salmon
producing and importing countries: Norway, the UK, Canada, Chile,
the United States, Japan and France.
Was possible to evidenced that smolts suppliers were noted by mail
sent on 2015.03.12 by Mr. Marcell Martínez reharding to
therapeutants, including antibiotics and chemicals, that are
proactively banned for use in food fish for the primary salmon
producing and importing countries: Norway, the UK, Canada, Chile,
the United States, Japan and France.
No antibiotics have been supplied to smolts sea farm were stocked
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
c. Compare therapeutant records from smolt
supplier (8.14) to the list (8.15a) and confirm
that no therapeutants appearing on the list
(8.15a) were used on the smolt purchased by
the farm.
C. Review farm's comparison to verify accuracy.
[165] “Banned” means proactively prohibited by a government entity because of concerns around the substance.
[166] For purposes of this standard, those countries are Norway, the UK, Canada, Chile, the United States, Japan and France.
Indicator: Number of
treatments of antibiotics over
the most recent production
a. Obtain from the smolt supplier records of all
A. Verify farm obtains treatment records from smolt supplier (See also 8.14A).
treatments of antibiotics (see 8.14a).
No antibiotics have been supplied to smolts sea farm were stocked
b. Calculate the total number of treatments of
B. Confirm that the smolt supplier used ≤ 3 treatments of antibiotics over the
antibiotics from their most recent production
most recent production cycle.
No antibiotics have been supplied to smolts sea farm were stocked
Requirement: ≤ 3
Applicability: All Smolt
a. Provide to smolt supplier(s) a current
version of the WHO list of antimicrobials
critically and highly important for human
health [167].
A. Confirm that the farm provided smolt supplier with the current copy of the
WHO list of antibiotics.
Indicator: Allowance for use of
b. Inform smolt supplier that the antibiotics on
antibiotics listed as critically
B. Verify that the farm informed the smolt supplier.
important for human medicine the WHO list (8.17a) cannot be used on fish
sold to a farm with ASC certification.
by the WHO [167]
Was possible to evidence that smolts suppliers were supplied WHO
list of antimicrobials critically and highly important for human health
with (3rd revision, year 2011)
Wasn't possible to evidence that smolt suppliers were informed
concerning that the antibiotics on the WHO list (as critically
important) cannot be used on fish sold to a farm with ASC
Requirement: None [168]
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Applicability: All Smolt
c. Compare smolt supplier's records for
antibiotic usage (8.14, 8.15a) with the WHO
list (8.17a) to confirm that no antibiotics listed
C. Review farm's comparison to verify accuracy.
as critically important for human medicine by
the WHO were used on fish purchased by the
[167] The 3rd edition of the WHO list of critically and highly important antimicrobials was released in 2009 and is available at:
[168] If the antibiotic treatment is applied to only a portion of the pens on a farm site, fish from pens that did not receive treatment are still eligible for
No antibiotics has been supplied to smolts sea farm were stocked
Note: see instructions for Indicator 5.4.3 regarding evidence of compliance with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code.
a. Provide the smolt supplier with a current
version of the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code A. Verify that farm has provided the smolt supplier with copies of (or access to)
(or inform the supplier how to access it from the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code.
the internet).
Indicator: Evidence of
compliance [169] with the OIE
Aquatic Animal Health Code
b. Inform the supplier that an ASC certified
farm can only source smolt from a facility with
B. Confirm that the farm informed its smolt supplier(s) that any supplier to an ASC
policies and procedures that ensure that its
certified farm must show compliance with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code.
Requirement: Yes
smolt production practices are compliant with
the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code.
Applicability: All Smolt
c. Obtain a declaration from the supplier
stating their intent to comply with the OIE
code and copies of the smolt suppliers policies C. Review the smolt supplier's declaration and supporting policies and procedures
and procedures that are relevant to
to verify compliance with the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code.
demonstrate compliance with the OIE Aquatic
Animal Health Code.
Has been evidenced the company bought OIE Aquatic Animal Health
Code as well link where such code is available on line, for free
Wasn`t possible to evidence that smolt suppliers were informed
concerning that an ASC certified farm can only source smolt from a
facility with policies and procedures that ensure that its smolt
production practices are compliant with the OIE Aquatic Animal
Health Code.
Has been evidenced a statement signed by Mr. Cristian Delgado
Klenner, Fresh Water Production Sub-Manager of Salmones
Multiexport S.A. stating their intent to comply with the OIE code,
issued on 2015.01.14.
a. Obtain copies of smolt supplier's companyA. Verify that farm obtains copies of company-level policies and procedures from
level policies and procedures and a
all of its smolt suppliers and a declaration of compliance.
declaration of compliance with the labor
standards under 6.1 to 6.11.
Smolt providers are: "Compañía Salmonífera Dalcahue Ltda", and
has a declaration of commitment and compliance with labor laws and
associated regulations from March, 2015. "Sealand Aquaculture S.A".
and was received training in the human rights policies of the
company on February 27, 2015. The other two smolt providers are
"Pisicultura Rionegro" and" Pisicultura Molco" and are part of the
business group Multiexportfoods S.A.
b. Review the documentation and declaration
from 8.19a to verify that smolt supplier's
B. Review supplier documents provided by the farm to verify compliance of the
policies and procedures are in compliance
smolt supplier's policies and procedures with labor requirements.
with the requirements of labor standards
under 6.1 to 6.11.
The declaration and documentation of the smolt providers are in
compliance with the labor standards and the established by the
Chilean Law.
[169] Compliance is defined as farm practices consistent with the intentions of the Code, to be further outlined in auditing guidance. For purposes of this
standard, this includes an aggressive response to detection of an exotic OIE-notifiable disease on the farm, which includes depopulating the infected site and
implementation of quarantine zones in accordance with guidelines from OIE for the specific pathogen. Exotic signifies not previously found in the area or had
been fully eradicated (area declared free of the pathogen).
[170] OIE 2011. Aquatic Animal Health Code.
Standards related to Principle 6
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Indicator: Evidence of
company-level policies and
procedures in line with the
labor standards under 6.1 to
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
Standards related to Principle 7
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions):
Auditor Evaluation (Required CAB Actions):
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Instruction to Clients for Indicator 8.20 - Consultation and Engagement with Community Representatives
Farms must comply with Indicator 7.1.1 which requires that farms engage in regular consultation and engagement with
community representatives and organizations. Under Indicator 8.20, farms must show how each of their smolt suppliers complies
with an equivalent requirement. Farms are obligated to maintain evidence that is sufficient to show their suppliers remain in full
compliance. Evidence shall be documentary (e.g. meeting agenda, minutes, report) and will substantiate the following:
- the smolt supplier engaged in "regular" consultations with the local community at least twice every year (bi-annually);
- the supplier's consultations were effective (e.g. using participatory Social Impact Assessment (pSIA) or similar methods); and
- the supplier's consultations included participation by elected representatives from the local community who were asked to
Indicator: Evidence of regular contribute to the agenda.
consultation and engagement
with community
representatives and
Smolt providers are: "Compañía Salmonífera Dalcahue Ltda", and
has a declaration of commitment and compliance with labor laws and
associated regulations from March, 2015. "Sealand Aquaculture S.A".
and was received training in the human rights policies of the
company on February 27, 2015. The other two smolt providers are
"Pisicultura Rionegro" and" Pisicultura Molco" and are part of the
business group Multiexportfoods S.A.
Piscicultura Molco has Community Relations program from
September 2014, and is aimed at addressing and channel the
neighboring community initiatives to generate a fluid relationship
based on respect and reciprocity between the fish farming and the
various interest groups. "Sealand Aquaculture S.A" has performed
activities on benefit to the community.
Smolt providers have establishes a procedure to communication with
the community for resolutions of complaints.
a. Obtain documentary evidence showing that
the smolt supplier does or does not operate in
an indigenous territory (to include farms that A. Review evidence to determine whether Indicator 8.22 is applicable to the
operate in proximity to indigenous or
farm's smolt supplier(s).
aboriginal people (see Indicator 7.2.1). If not
then the requirements of 8.22 do not apply.
"Sealand Aquaculture S.A" has identified a one indigenous
community called "Quechalen Aitue" placed in Pargua Alto.
Applicability: All Smolt
b. Obtain documentation to demonstrate that,
as required by law in the jurisdiction: smolt
supplier consulted with indigenous groups and
retains documentary evidence (e.g. meeting
minutes, summaries) to show how the process B. Verify that the smolt supplier complies with relevant requirements.
complies with 7.2.1b; OR smolt supplier
confirms that government-to-government
consultation occurred and obtains
documentary evidence.
"Sealand Aquaculture S.A" has identified a one indigenous
community called "Quechalen Aitue" placced in Pargua Alto and
there are available meeting minutes and record of activities in
benefits of the indigineous community.
Indicator: Where relevant,
evidence that the farm has
undertaken proactive
consultation with indigenous
a. See results of 8.22a (above) to determine
A. Review evidence to determine whether Indicator 8.23 is applicable to the
whether the requirements of 8.23 apply to the
farm's smolt supplier(s).
smolt supplier.
"Sealand Aquaculture S.A" has identified a one indigenous
community called "Quechalen Aitue" and has performed permanent
consultations with indigenous community.
b. Where relevant, obtain documentary
evidence that smolt suppliers undertake
proactive consultations with indigenous
"Sealand Aquaculture S.A" has identified a one indigenous
community called "Quechalen Aitue" and has performed permanent
consultations with indigenous community.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
a. From each smolt supplier obtain
documentary evidence of consultations and
engagement with the community.
A. Verify that farm obtains required information from each smolt supplier.
b. Review documentation from 8.20a to verify
that the smolt supplier's consultations and
B. Review evidence for compliance.
community engagement complied with
Indicator: Evidence of a policy
for the presentation,
treatment and resolution of
a. Obtain a copy of the smolt supplier's policy
complaints by community
stakeholders and organizations for presentation, treatment and resolution of
complaints by community stakeholders and
Requirement: Yes
A. Verify that farm obtains copies of supplier's complaints procedures from each
of its smolt suppliers.
Applicability: All Smolt
Indicator: Where relevant,
evidence that indigenous
groups were consulted as
required by relevant local
and/or national laws and
Requirement: Yes
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
B. Review documentary evidence to confirm that the smolt supplier has
undertaken proactive consultations.
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In addition to the requirements above, if the smolt is produced in an open system, evidence shall be provided that the following are met:
Instruction to Clients for Indicators 8.24 through 8.31 - Requirements for Smolt Produced in Open Systems
Client shall provide documentary evidence to the CAB about the production system(s) from which they source smolt. If smolt used by the farm are produced, for part or all of
the growth phase from alevin to smolt, in open (net-pen) systems, indicators 8.24 - 8.31 are applicable.
Indicator: Allowance for
producing or holding smolt in
net pens in water bodies with
native salmonids
Scope of Exemption Allowed Under Indicator 8.24:
For the first audit, farms that were stocked prior to the publication of the standard on June 13, 2012 may request an exemption,
applicable for that production cycle, to the requirement under 8.24. A farm that sourced smolt that were produced in an open
system (net pen) in a water body with native salmonids may request this exemption if:
1. the farm was stocked prior to June 13, 2012; and
2. the farm demonstrates through supporting evidence (e.g. purchasing agreement) that they will source smolt from a semi-closed
or closed production system for their next production cycle.
If the CAB determines that the farm has fulfilled the above criteria, then an exemption may be granted and the farm may be
awarded certification. However, no salmon products originating from a farm which utilizes this exemption shall be eligible to bear
the ASC logo or otherwise claim to be an ASC-certified product until the farm can demonstrate that smolt were sourced in full
compliance with Indicator 8.24. The CAB shall fully document the exemption in the audit report and explain how the farm has
addressed any risks that may be associated with non-certified products entering into further certified chains of custody.
Native: native to the area and with a history of naturally occurring and also if intentionally stocked for restorational purposes.
Areas with a combination of wild native and enhanced native populations are included.
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems a. Obtain a declaration from the farm's smolt
supplier stating whether the supplier operates A. Verify that the farm obtains relevant declarations from its smolt supplier(s).
in water bodies with native salmonids.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
b. Request smolt suppliers to identify all water
bodies in which they operate net pens for
B. Confirm that the farm obtains information on the water bodies in which its
producing smolt and from which facilities they suppliers are operating net pens for smolt production.
sell to the client.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
c. For any water body identified in 8.24b as a
source of smolt for the farm, determine if
C. Review search results and cross-check against the other lines of evidence for
native salmonids are present by doing a
salmonid distribution in the region (e.g. results from 3.1.5a).
literature search or by consulting with a
reputable authority. Retain evidence of search
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Indicator: Allowance for
producing or holding smolt in
net pens in any water body
Requirement: Permitted until a. Take steps to ensure that by June 13, 2017
five years from publication of the farm does not source smolt that was
the SAD standards (i.e full
produced or held in net pens.
compliance by June 13, 2017)
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
A. Prior to the effective date, confirm that the client understands the requirement
of Indicator 8.25. After the effective date, confirm that the farm is in full
compliance with the requirement.
A. Verify that the farm obtains copies of assimilative capacity assessments as are
relevant to the water bodies in which its smolt supplier(s) operate.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems
a. For the water body(s) where the supplier
produces smolt for the client (see 8.24b),
obtain a copy of the most recent assessment
of assimilative capacity.
Indicator: Evidence that
carrying capacity (assimilative
capacity) of the freshwater
b. Identify which entity was responsible for
B. Verify that the assessment was done by a reliable entity (e.g. government body
conducting the assessment (8.26a) and obtain
or academic institution).
evidence for their reliability.
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body has been established by a
reliable entity [171] within the
past five years [172, and total
biomass in the water body is
within the limits established by
that study (see Appendix VIII-5
for minimum requirements)
c. Review the assessment (8.26a) to confirm
that it establishes a carrying capacity for the
water body, it is less than five years old, and it C. Verify that the assessment report is in compliance with requirements.
meets the minimum requirements presented
in Appendix VIII-5.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
a. Obtain documentary evidence to show that
A. Verify that the farm obtains copies of the smolt supplier's monitoring records
smolt suppliers conducted water quality
(datasets, protocols, reports).
monitoring in compliance with the
requirements of Appendix VIII-6.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
b. Obtain from smolt suppliers a map with GPS B. Review and confirm that the spatial arrangement of sampling stations complies
coordinates showing the sampling locations. with requirements of Appendix VIII-6.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
c. Obtain from smolt suppliers the TP
monitoring results for the past 12 months and
C. Review TP monitoring results.
calculate the average value at each sampling
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Requirement: Yes
d. Review information to confirm that the
total biomass in the water body is within the
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems limits established in the assessment (8.26a).
D. Verify that the farm confirms that total biomass in the water body does not
exceed carrying capacity.
e. If the study in 8.26a is more than two years
old and there has been a significant increase
E. Verify that the farm requests an updated assessment (< 2 years old) if there was
in nutrient input to the water body since
a significant increase in nutrient inputs to the water body.
completion, request evidence that an updated
assessment study has been done.
[171] E.g., Government body or academic institution.
[172] If the study is older than two years, and there has been a significant increase in nutrient input to the water body since the completion of the study, a more
recent assessment is required.
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 8.27 and 8.28 - Monitoring TP and DO in Receiving Water for Open Smolt Systems
Farms must confirm that any smolt supplier using an open (net-pen) system is also engaged in monitoring of water quality of
receiving waters. Requirements for the supplier's water quality monitoring program are presented in detail in Appendix VIII-6 and
only re-stated briefly here. Monitoring shall sample total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO). TP is measured in water
samples taken from a representative composite sample through the water column to a depth of the bottom of the cages. Samples
are submitted to an accredited laboratory for analysis of TP to a method detection limit of < 0.002 mg/L. DO measurements will
be taken at 50 centimeters from the bottom sediment.
The required sampling regime is as follows:
- all stations are identified with GPS coordinates on a map of the farm and/or available satellite imagery;
- stations are at the limit of the farm management zone on each side of the farm, roughly 50 meters from the edge of enclosures;
- the spatial arrangement of stations is shown in the table in Appendix VIII-6;
- sampling is done at least quarterly (1X per 3 months) during periods without ice, including peak biomass; and
- samples are also collected at two reference stations located ~ 1-2 km upcurrent and downcurrent from the farm.
Note: Some flexibility on the exact location and method of sampling is allowed to avoid smolt suppliers needing to duplicate
similar sampling for their local regulatory regime.
Indicator: Maximum baseline
total phosphorus
concentration of the water
body (see Appendix VIII-6)
Requirement: ≤ 20 μg/l [174]
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems
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d. Compare results to the baseline TP
concentration established below (see 8.29) or D. Repeat comparison.
determined by a regulatory body.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
e. Confirm that the average value for TP over
the last 12 months did not exceed 20 ug/l at
any of the sampling stations nor at the
reference station.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
a. Obtain evidence that smolt supplier
conducted water quality monitoring in
A. Verify as above (see 8.27A).
compliance with the requirements (see 8.27a).
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
b. Obtain from smolt suppliers the DO
monitoring results from all monitoring stations B. Verify that farm has copies of supplier's DO monitoring results.
for the past 12 months.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
C. Review the supplier's monitoring results to verify compliance with
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
a. Obtain documentary evidence from the
supplier stating the trophic status of water
body if previously set by a regulator body (if
A. Verify that farm obtains evidence from suppliers (as applicable).
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
b. If the trophic status of the waterbody has
not been classified (see 8.29a), obtain
evidence from the supplier to show how the
supplier determined trophic status based on
the concentration of TP.
B. Review how supplier determined trophic status (as applicable).
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
d. Compare the above results (8.29c) to
trophic status of the water body as reported
D. Review the farm's conclusion to verify compliance with the requirement.
for all previous time periods. Verify that there
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
a. Determine the baseline value for Total
Phosphorus concentration in the water body
using results from either 8.29a or 8.29b as
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
E. Verify that TP ≤ 20 ug/l in the receiving water body.
[173] This concentration is equivalent to the upper limit of the Mesotrophic Trophic Status classification as described in Appendix VIII-7.
Note: see instructions for Indicator 8.27.
Indicator: Minimum percent
oxygen saturation of water 50
centimeters above bottom
sediment (at all oxygen
monitoring locations described
in Appendix VIII-6)
Requirement: ≥ 50%
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems c. Review results (8.28b) to confirm that no
values were below the minimum percent
oxygen saturation.
Indicator: Trophic status
classification of water body
remains unchanged from
baseline (see Appendix VIII-7)
Requirement: Yes
c. As applicable, review results from 8.29b to
verify that the supplier accurately assigned a
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems trophic status to the water body in accordance C. Verify that the farm conducts a review of the supplier's results and conclusions
with the table in Appendix VIII-7 and the
regarding trophic status of the water body.
observed concentration of TP over the past 12
Indicator: Maximum allowed
increase in total phosphorus
concentration in lake from
baseline (see Appendix VIII-7)
Requirement: 25%
A. Verify that farm has supplier's records for baseline TP concentrations in the
water body.
b. Compare the baseline Total Phosphorus
concentration (result from 8.30a) to the
B. Repeat comparison.
average observed Total Phosphorus
concentration over the past 12 months (result
from 8.27e).
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems c. Verify that the average observed Total
Phosphorus concentration did not increase by
C. Repeat calculation to verify compliance with the requirement.
more than 25% from baseline Total
Phosphorus concentration.
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Indicator: Allowance for use of
aeration systems or other
technological means to
a. Obtain a declaration from the farm's smolt
increase oxygen levels in the
supplier stating that the supplier does not use
water body
aeration systems or other technological means A. Verify that the farm obtains relevant declarations from its smolt supplier(s).
to increase oxygen levels in the water bodies
Requirement: None
where the supplier operates.
Sea farm were supplied by land-based smolts closed -semiclosed ,
piscicultures, therefore indicators involved to open net pen systems
do not apply.
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Open Systems
Additionally, if the smolt is produced in a closed or semi-closed system (flow through or recirculation) that discharges into freshwater, evidence shall be provided that the
following are met [177]:
Instructions to Client for Indicators 8.32-8.35 - Requirement for smolts produced in open systems
Client shall provide documentary evidence to the CAB about the production system(s) from which they source smolt.
-If smolt used by the farm are not produced, for part or all of the growth phase from alevin to smolt, in open (net-pen) systems, indicators 8.32 - 8.35 are applicable.
-If the production system is closed or semi-closed and does not discharge into freshwater, Indicators 8.32 - 8.35 are not applicable to smolt producers as per [176]. For such an
exemption, farms must provide documentary evidence to the CAB. Auditors shall fully document their rationale for awarding exemptions in the audit report.
[176] Production systems that don’t discharge into fresh water are exempt from these standards.
Indicator: Water quality
monitoring matrix completed
and submitted to ASC (see
Appendix VIII-2)
b. Obtain water quality monitoring matrix
from smolt suppliers and review for
Was possible to evidence water quality monitoring matrix carried out
by smolt suppliers, however O2 monitoring is carried out in tanks but
not in the outflow.
Was evidenced the information was sent to ASC by mail on
2015.04.20 issued by Mr. Francisco Lobos F, however wasn't include
O2 monitored in piscicultures
a. Obtain the water quality monitoring matrix A. Verify that the farm obtains water quality monitoring records from its smolt
from each smolt supplier (see 8.32b).
Was possible to evidence water quality monitoring matrix carried out
by smolt suppliers, however O2 monitoring is carried out in tanks but
not in the outflow.
b. Review the results (8.33a) for percentage
dissolved oxygen saturation in the effluent to B. Review the supplier's monitoring results to verify compliance with
confirm that no measurements fell below 60% requirements.
Was possible to evidence that smolt suppliers carry out O2
monitoring, however such parameter is carried out in tanks but not
in the outflow. In tanks was possible to evidence oxygen saturation
scores over 60%, however wasn´t available surveys in water outlet
c. If a single DO reading (as reported in 8.33a)
fell below 60%, obtain evidence that the smolt
supplier performed daily continuous
C. Verify that the farm obtained evidence for enhanced DO monitoring by the
monitoring with an electronic probe and
smolt supplier (as applicable).
recorder for a least a week demonstrating a
minimum 60% saturation at all times
(Appendix VIII-2).
Was possible to evidence that smolt suppliers carry out O2
monitoring, however such parameter is carried out in tanks but not
in the outflow. In tanks was possible to evidence oxygen saturation
scores over 60%, however wasn´t available surveys in water outlet
Requirement: Yes [177]
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Semi-Closed
or Closed Production Systems
B. Confirm that smolt supplier's water quality monitoring program covers
sampling of all parameters given in Appendix VIII-2 (i.e. TP, TN, BOD, TSS).
c. Submit the smolt supplier's water quality
C. Confirm that client has submitted to ASC the smolt supplier's water quality
monitoring matrix to ASC as per Appendix VIIImonitoring matrix for the last 12 month period.
2 and Appendix VI at least once per year.
[177] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 8.32.
Indicator: Minimum oxygen
saturation in the outflow
(methodology in Appendix VIII2)
Was possible to evidence that piscicultures are governed by the D.S.
90 regarding to pisciculture water outflows quality according
Resolutions issued by the Chilean Sanitary Superintendency (acronym
in Spanish SISS) being monitored monthly the following parameters:
pH, Tº, oil and fats, SAAM, total suspended solids & sedimentable
solids (las only in Sealand pisciculture) - pH, Tº, oil and fats, total
suspended solids, flows, chlorides , BOD5, total phosphorus, total
nitrogen, foaming power, and suspended solids
a. Obtain records from smolt suppliers
A. Verify that farm has records to show smolt suppliers conducted water quality
showing that water quality monitoring was
conducted at least quarterly (i.e. once every 3 monitoring at the required frequency and duration.
months) over the last 12 months.
Requirement: 60% [178,179]
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Semi-Closed
or Closed Production Systems
[178] A single oxygen reading below 60 percent would require daily continuous monitoring with an electronic probe and recorder for at least a week
demonstrating a minimum 60 percent saturation at all times.
[179] See Appendix VI for transparency requirements for 8.33.
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a. Obtain documentation from smolt
supplier(s) showing the results of macroinvertebrate surveys.
A. Verify that the farm has documentation of macro-invertebrate benthic surveys
from its smolt supplier(s).
In Río Negro and Chaparano piscicultures were possible to evidence
that methodology used in the survey was based on RAMA, (D.S. 320)
Numeral 28, RES.EXE.3612 (SUBPESCA), As well in methodologies
established on ISO 8265, 7828 Y 9391 being 24 stations were
monitored. In Quillaico pisciculture was evidenced the document
Pre-BIO-03/15 "Compisición de la Comunidadde Macroinvertebrados
Bentónicos -Piscicultura Quillaico", issued past April 2015.
In Río Negro, Chaparano and Quillaico piscicultures were possible to
evidence that methodology used in the survey was based on RAMA,
(D.S. 320) Numeral 28, RES.EXE.3612 (SUBPESCA), As well in
methodologies established on ISO 8265, 7828 Y 9391 being 24
stations were monitored. , however wasn't possible to evidence if
methodology used includes all guidelines established in the appendix
VIII-3 ( as instance was not possible to evidence which stations are
located before water inlet and downstream water outflow.
Concerning both Río Negro, Chaparano and Quillaico surveys weren´t
possible to evidence if benthic health is similar to or better than
upstream of the pisciculture's discharge. In case of Sealand
pisciculture is not possible to compare inlet environmental
conditions v/s outlet environmental conditions, due the supplier
pisciculture's characteristics.
Indicator: Macro-invertebrate
surveys downstream from the
farm’s effluent discharge
demonstrate benthic health
that is similar or better than
surveys upstream from the
discharge (methodology in
Appendix VIII-3)
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Semi-Closed
or Closed Production Systems
b. Review supplier documents (8.34a) to
confirm that the surveys followed the
prescribed methodology (Appendix VIII-3).
B. Review documents from the farm's smolt supplier to verify the surveys were
conducted as required in Appendix III-3.
c. Review supplier documents (8.34a) to
confirm the survey results show that benthic C. Review documents to verify that survey results demonstrate compliance with
health is similar to or better than upstream of requirements.
the supplier's discharge.
a. Maintain a copy of smolt supplier's biosolids
(sludge) management plan and confirm that
A. Review the supplier's biosolids management plan for compliance with
the plan addresses all requirements in
Appendix VIII-2.
Appendix VIII-2.
Were available biosolids management plan of smolt suppliers
managed by Salmones Multiexport S.A; Río Negro and Chaparano
piscicultures as well subcontrated pisciculture Quillaico.
Were available biosolids management plans of smolt suppliers
managed by Salmones Multiexport S.A. as Chaparano and Río Negro
piscicultures, as well ubcontrated pisciculture Quillaico.
c. Obtain a declaration from smolt supplier
stating that no biosolids were discharged into C. Confirm that farm obtains declarations from smolt suppliers.
natural water bodies in the past 12 months.
Were available biosolids management plans of smolt suppliers
managed by Salmones Multiexport S.A. as Chaparano and Río Negro
piscicultures, as well subcontracted pisciculture Quillaico.
d. Obtain records from smolt suppliers
showing monitoring of biosolid (sludge)
cleaning maintenance, and disposal as
described in Appendix VIII-2.
Indicator: Evidence of
b. Obtain from smolt suppliers a process flow
implementation of biosolids
diagram (detailed in Appendix VIII-2) showing B. Review the supplier's biosolids process flow diagram for compliance with
(sludge) Best Management
Appendix VII-2.
Practices (BMPs) (Appendix VIII- how the farm is dealing with biosolids
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Smolt
Producers Using Semi-Closed
or Closed Production Systems
D. Review the farm's records from smolt suppliers to verify there is evidence of
implementation of biosolids management as required in Appendix VIII-2.
Audit Manual - ASC Salmon Standard - version 1.0 Apr 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Weren´t available records of disposal of sludge of Quillaico
pisciculture, only smolt supplier managed by Salmones Multiexport
S.A; Río Negro and Chaparano piscicultures
No one smolt supplier piscicultures' cleaning and maintenance
recordrs were available on sea farm
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