Hellenic Urological Association German Urological Association


Hellenic Urological Association German Urological Association
Association of
Northern Greece
of Thessaloniki
Table of contents
05 ..................... Welcome Address
06-07 ..................... Organization – Committees
08 ..................... German Invited Faculty
09 ..................... Greek Invited Faculty
10 ..................... General Information
11 ..................... e-posters presentation
Social Events
13 ..................... Opening Ceremony
Scientific Programme
14-15 ..................... Friday 28 June 2013
16-17 ..................... Saturday 29 June 2013
18-19 ..................... Poster Session I
20-21 ..................... Poster Session II
22-23 ..................... Poster Session III
24-25 ..................... Poster Session IV
26 ..................... Sunday 30 June 2013
27 ..................... Sponsors
28-29 ..................... Index
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is a great pleasure and honour to invite you, as President of the Greek-German
Urological Association (G.D.G.U.) to attend out the 15th Symposium, which will take
place in the historical byzantine capital of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, from 27 to
30 June 2013.
Our Symposium is considered to be the top scientific event of our Association. Since
1993, when first established, it has provided various opportunities to the senior
urologists to present their clinical experience and encouraged junior colleagues to
create and express newer ideas in almost every field of contemporary Urology.
The carefully arranged scientific program includes a wide spectrum of issues in
modern Urology. State-of-the art Lectures followed by Debates, supported by experienced colleagues and further discussions with the audience, will give the opportunity to all participants to deeply understand every topic mentioned and exchange
their views on current issues.
2013 marks the 20th Anniversary of the 1st Symposium of the Greek-German
Urological Association organized by Stavros Lyberopoulos in Vouliagmeni, Athens.
It is a perfect opportunity to remember and acknowledge the pioneers of the Association and also to invite young urologists to actively participate in the works of the
Symposium and become its members in order to continue a successful tradition by
offering their fresh knowledge and enthusiasm.
This year we decided to hold out the Symposium in Thessaloniki, the second biggest
city in Greece, with many historical, archaeological, cultural sightseeing, monuments and museums that should not be missed.
We would be delighted to welcome you to this historical and interesting city wishing
that you will have a wonderful scientific and tourist experience.
See you there!
Dr. med. Athanasios Papathanasiou
President of the Organizing Committee
Organization | Committees
The Symposium is co-organized by the
Greek German Urological Association and the
Urological Clinic of the “Ippokration” General Hospital of Thessaloniki
Local Organizing Committee
Under the auspices of the:
A. Papathanasiou
G. Salpingidis
Association of
Northern Greece
of Thessaloniki
S. Voulgaris
E. Aravantinos
I. Chatziyannis
I. Chrysogonidis
M. Dahabre
G. Dimitriadis
I. Dimitriadis
A. Fotas
G. Giannikotsiou
D. Giannakis
A. Giakoumelos
A. Kagas
K. Kalogeris
G. Kotakidis
G. Margaritis
E. Pamias
K. Paschalidis
C. Patsialas
E. Tirothoulakis
C. Toutziaris
I. Vouros
Permanent Scientific Committee
Hands-on trainers
Posters Award Committee
P. Fornara
V. Giannopoulos
O. Hakenberg
D. Hatzichristou
G. Ludwig
M. Melekos
H. Rübben
N. Sofikitis
W. Weidner
M. Wirt
I. Adamakis
I. Anastasiou
A. Andreou
A. Bekos
E. Fragkiadis
S. Ioannidis
N. Koliakos
A. Lampanaris
C. Patsialas
A. Triantafillidis
G. Gakis, Tübingen
Β. Göckel-Beining
O. Hakenberg, Rostock
K. Hatzimouratidis, Thessaloniki
A. Papathanasiou, Thessaloniki
G. Salpingidis, Thessaloniki
Board of Greek German Urological Association (2011-2013)
Athanasios Papathanasiou
Dietmar Betz- Antonis Aspiotis
Oliver Hakenberg
Bernt Göckel Beining
Wolfang Schultze Seemann
Hans Heynemann
German Invited Faculty
Greek Invited Faculty
Anastasiadis Aristotelis
Betz Dietmar
Enzmann Thomas
Gakis Georgios
Hakenberg Oliver
Osmonov Daniar
Kontaxis Dimitrios
Loch Tillmann
of Urology
Arnsberg Community Hospital,
Dept. of Urology, Arnsberg
Adamakis Ioannis
Assistant Professor of Urology
Anastasiou Ioannis
Assistant Professor of Urology
Apostolidis Apostolos
Assistant Professor of Urology
Anezinis Ploutarchos
Head Director NHS, Venizelio
Professor of Urology
and Chairman
Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg,
Akademisches Lehrkrnkenhaus
der Charité, Brandenburg
Bekos Athanasios
Charalambous Stavros
University Hospital Tübingen,
Dept. of Urology, Tübingen
Dimitriadis Georgios
Assistant Professor of Urology
Fragkiadis Evangelos
Giannakopoulos Stilianos
Assistant Professor of Urology
Hatzichristou Dimitrios
Professor of Urology
Hatzimouratidis Konstantinos
Assistant Professor of Urology
Ioannidis Evangelos
Professor of Urology and Chairman
Ioannidis Stavros
Lecturer of Urology
Kalaitzis Christos
Assistant Professor of Urology
Mitropoulos Dionysios
Professor of Urology
Mitsogiannis Iraklis
Lecturer of Urology
Moutzouris Georgios
Head Director NHS, Argos,
President of the Hellenic Urological Association
Papathanasiou Athanasios
Head Director, Urological Clinic of Ippokratio
Papatsoris Athanasios
Assistant Professor of Urology
Poulakis Vasileios
Rombis Vasileios
Salpingidis Georgios
Head Director NHS, Ippokratio
Sofikitis Nikolaos
Professor of Urology and Chairman
Sofras Fragiskos
Professor of Urology and Chairman
Sountoulidis Petros
Thanos Anastasios
Head Director NHS, Athens
Touloupidis Stavros
Professor of Urology and Chairman
Vakalopoulos Ioannis
Assistant Professor of Urology
Vlachiotis Ioannis
Head Director NHS, Athens
Professor of Urology
and Chairman
Dept of Urology,
University of Rostock
University Hospital Schleswig Holstein,
Dept. of Urology and Pediatric Urology,
Professor of Urology
and Chairman
Urological Clinic,
Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenanstalt zu Flensburg
Professor of Urology
and Chairman
Diakoniekrankenhaus Academic
Teaching Hospital, Dept of Urology,
Schultze-Seemann Wolfgang
of Urology
Universitatsklinikum Freiburg,
Dept. of Urology, Freiburg
Göckel-Beining Bernt
Horn-Bad Meinberg
Muschter Rolf
General Information
Symposium Dates
Thursday, 27th – Sunday, 30th June 2013
Symposium Venue
Grand Hotel Palace
305-307 Monastiriou str., 546 28 Thessaloniki
tel. +30 2310 54900, fax +30 2310 549149
Symposium Secretariat
VOYAGER Complete Travel Services
18, Agias Sofias str., 546 22 Thessaloniki, Greece
tel: +30 2310 250401, fax: +30 2310 250418, e-mail: congress-secretary@voyagertravel.gr
Mr. Papathanasiou, cell: +30 6944 421094
President of the Symposium
Registration fees
Trainees, Residents
Accompanying persons
Students / nurses
Participants & trainees Registration Fee includes:
• Admittance to all sessions
• Admittance to Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
• Admittance to the exhibition
• Invitation to the Gala Dinner
• Meeting documentation
• Certificate of attendance
• Coffee, refreshments and light lunches during the official meeting breaks
Accompanying Persons Registration Fee includes:
• Admittance to Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
• Admittance to the exhibition
• Invitation to the Gala Dinner
• Coffee, refreshments and light lunches during the official meeting breaks
Students & Nurses Registration Fee includes:
• Admittance to all sessions
• Admittance to the exhibition
• Meeting documentation
• Certificate of attendance
• Coffee and refreshments during the official meeting breaks
Registration Desk – Secretariat Opening Hours:
Thursday, 27th, 2013
Friday 28th, 2013
Saturday 29th, 2013
Sunday 30th, 2013
A commercial exhibition concurrent with the Symposium will be organized. Pharmaceutical Companies & Medical Equipment Companies will present their products or literature.
Official Language
Official Language of the Symposium is English and German (u.s.c.) The speeches of foreign guest
speakers will be in English, without simultaneous translation into Greek.
e-posters presentation
Participants are invited to submit abstracts relating to the Symposium’s main topics for poster
presentation. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. Accepted abstracts
will be presented in an “e-poster” form. Each poster will be allowed a 3 minute presentation and a 2
minute discussion. All e-posters will be mounted at the OLYMPIA A hall.
All abstract presenters are automatically entered in the competition for Abstracts Award.
The award will be announced and presented to the winner during the Gala Dinner of the
Symposium, on Saturday 29th June 2013.
The Hellenic Medical Association has awarded 12 credits of Continuing Medical Education (CME) to
the 15th Greek-German Urological Symposium, according to the standards of the EACCME-UEMS.
Social Events
- Thursday, June 27th at 19:00. Opening Ceremony of the Symposium at the Museum of Byzantine
Culture of Thessaloniki.
- Saturday, June 29th at 21:00. Gala Dinner and Scientific Award Ceremony at the Villa Luna Restaurant, Panorama, Thessaloniki.
Photography Exhibition
During the 15th Greek-German Urological Symposium in the Voula Patoulidou Hall in Grand Hotel
Palace a photography exhibition will be held under the title “Thessaloniki through the eyes of a
German artist”. Artist: Ingo Dünnebier
Main Topics
Urinary Malignancies
Urinary Lithiasis
Sexual Dysfunction
New Technologies
Scientific Programme
Opening ceremony – Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki
Dr. med. A. Papathanasiou
President of the G.D.G.U
Dr. med. G. Moutzouris
President of the Hellenic Urological Association
Prof. O. Hakenberg
General Secretary of the German Urological Association
Dr. med. C. Aidonopoulos
President of the Urological Association of Northern Greece
A. Tsilipakou
President of the Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki
I. Boutaris
Mayor of Thessaloniki
Inaugural Lecture
“Thessaloniki between Tradition and Modernity”
Prof. V. Gounaris
Welcome Reception
08:00–09:00 Hands-on training-Laparoscopy
09:00–10:30 Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Chair: D. Mitropoulos, Athens / T. Loch, Flensburg
Is HIFU a reliable treatment option for prostate cancer? R. Muschter, Rotenburg
Pathophysiology of LUTS and OAB A. Apostolidis, Thessaloniki
Discussion (15min)
Innovative imaging of the prostate T. Loch, Flensburg
General Assembly and Elections of GDGU
LUTS and erectile dysfunction: Is there a missing link? K. Hatzimouratidis, Thessaloniki
Lunch break
Combination therapy: a-blockers and anticholinergics. To whom and which. D. Mitropoulos, Athens
14:00–16:00 Hands-on training-Laparoscopy
Who needs a laser prostatectomy and if so, which laser? R. Muschter, Rotenburg
Discussion (15min)
Prostate Cancer
Chair: F. Sofras, Heraklion / D. Osmonov, Kiel
Commentator: O. Hakenberg, Rostock
Debate: Active surveillance vs Radical prostatectomy in Low risk prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer
Chair: S. Touloupidis, Alexandroupolis / D. Betz, Düsseldorf
Management of incontinence after radical prostatectomy. D. Betz, Düsseldorf
16:00–17:30 Lithiasis
Chair: A. Anastasiadis, Arnsberg / A. Papathanasiou, Thessaloniki
Is ESWL still the standard treatment for ureteric stones? I. Vakalopoulos, Thessaloniki
Is flexible ureterorenoscopy a standard treatment of renal calculi and which are its limits.
A. Papatsoris, Athens
Active surveillance G. Moutzouris, Athens
Staghorn calculi. Treatment with multiple access or flexible nephroscopy? S. Giannakopoulos, Alexandroupolis
Radical Prostatectomy I. Adamakis, Athens
Modern treatment of lower pole calyces. A. Anastasiadis, Arnsberg
Discussion (20min)
Discussion (10min)
Coffee break
Prostate cancer
Chair: O. Hakenberg, Rostock / V. Rombis, Thessaloniki
Satellite Symposium
Robotic radical prostatectomy
Chair: I Anastasiou, Athens / I. Adamakis, Athens
Commentator: D. Osmonov, Kiel
The extent of pelvic lymphadenectomy with radical prostatectomy – does it make a difference?
Difference between old and new robotic modalities in radical prostatectomy-Video presentation.
D. Osmonov, Kiel
V. Poulakis, Athens
Radical prostatectomy in advanced prostate cancer – does it make sense? O. Hakenberg, Rostock
Advantages of Robot-assisted laparoscopy for upper urinary tract. A. Bekos, Thessaloniki
Lymphadenectomy for PET/CT-positive nodes in PSA-recurrent prostate cancer – Does it
improve survival? W. Schultze-Seemann, Freiburg
The first robotic modality in a Greek public hospital. Surgical and economical outcomes.
Discussion (15min)
Discussion (15min)
E. Fragkiadis, Athens
Sponsored by
Urology disorders in female patients
Chair: T. Enzmann, Brandenburg - S. Charalambous, Thessaloniki
Commentator: E. Ioannidis, Thessaloniki
Recent advances in the pharmacological management of overactive bladder.
G. Dimitriadis, Thessaloniki
08:00–09:00 Hands-on training-Laparoscopy
09:00–10:30 Kidney cancer – Penile cancer
Chair: R. Muschter, Rotenburg / G. Salpingidis, Thessaloniki
How anti-incontinence slings work: What procedure and which material? P. Sountoulidis, Thessaloniki
Diagnosis of female prolapse and incontinence – role of intravaginal sonography.
T. Enzmann, Brandenburg
The recent debate on the FDA updates on the use of minimally-invasive anti-incontinence and
pelvic reconstructive surgical procedures. I. Mitsogiannis, Athens
Treatment of the low risk upper tract urothelial carcinoma. C. Kalaitzis, Alexandroupolis
Discussion (10min)
The limits of partial nephrectomy for renal cancer. A. Thanos, Athens
Reconstractive surgery after partial peectomy. I. Vlachiotis, Athens
Interactive session
Chair: W. Schultze-Seemann, Freiburg / P. Anezinis, Heraklion
New options in castrate resistant prostate cancer.
K. Hatzimouratidis, Thessaloniki
Sponsored by
Management of penile cancer with regional lymph node metastasis. O. Hakenberg, Rostock
Discussion (10min)
Andrology – Infertility
Chair: N. Sofikitis, Ioannina / D. Hatzichristou, Thessaloniki
Bladder cancer
Chair: A. Thanos, Athens / D.Kontaxis, Karlsruhe
Medication treatment of male infertility. N. Sofikitis, Ioannina
Nerve-sparing cystectomy: Oncological and functional results. S. Ioannidis, Thessaloniki
New perspectives in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. D. Hatzichristou, Thessaloniki
Radical cystectomy and chemotherapy-neoadjuvant or adjuvant? G. Gakis, Tübingen
Treatment of erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy versus rehabilitation of erectile
function after radical prostatectomy – what is the difference? D. Osmonov, Kiel
Discussion (15min)
Discussion (15min)
Coffee break
Lunch break
13:00–15:00 Hands-on training-Laparoscopy
15:00–16:30 Poster Session I: Urinary Lithiasis, Sexual Dysfunction
Chair: I. Iosifidis, Thessaloniki / A. Aspiotis, Kerkira
01 The role of Diabetes Type in the pathogenesis of sexual disorders and sexual distress in women
Dimitropoulos Konstantinos
Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, School of Health Sciences, Larisa
02 Oxidative stress is not related with sexual disorders and sexual distress in women with Type 1
Diabetes Mellitus
Dimitropoulos Konstantinos
Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, School of Health Sciences, Larisa
03 Evidence based assessment of long-term results with geometric plaque plaque surgery
Konstantinidis K, Drettas P. Pallantzas A, Hagen J.
Andrology Institute Athens, UGRS Germany, Darmstadt
04 Is extracorporal shock wave therapy a curative treatment in peyronie's disease?
A 1 year pilot study
Kostantinidis K, Drettas P, Pallantzas A, Vlachopoulos C, Kuehhas FE, Herwig R.
Andrology Institute Athens, UGRS Germany, Darmstadt, BR Medical Suites Dubai, Athens Medical
School, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna
05 The rectus abdominis muscle for neophallus in transexual and microfallia surgery
Konstantinidis K, Drettas P, Pallantzas A, Halkitis S.
Andrology Institute Athens, UGRS Germany, Darmstadt
06 Modification of Paulo Egydio's geometrical approach with tricks and tips reducing surgical time
to 60 min in total
Konstantinidis K, Drettas P, Pallantzas A, Kuehhas FE, Herwig R.
Andrology Institute Athens, UGRS Germany, Darmstadt, BR Medical Suites Dubai, Medical University of
Vienna, Vienna
07 The incidence and form of sexual dysfunction after rectal surgery: a retrospective study of 154 male
Labanaris Apostolos, Labanaris Georgios, Zugor Vahudin
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
08 Translation and linguistic validation of the Ureteral Stent Symptom Questionnaire (USSQ) in Greek
Kakamoukas V., Hatzimouratidis K., Kalinderis N., Georgopoulos P., Sokolakis I., Kazanas K., Moisidis K.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital
09 Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of upper urinary tract endourological procedures without the
use of C-arm X-ray system and anaesthesia
Kakamoukas V., Moisidis K., Tontikidis T., Kazanas K., Sokolakis I., Georgopoulos P., Kalinderis N.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital
10 Association of urinary stone composition with the clinical characteristics of the patients:
Analysis of our experience.
N. Charalampogiannis¹, C. Bouropoulos, M. Stavropoulos,
P. Anastasopoulos, N. Ferakis, H. Poulias
Hellenic Red Cross Hospital, Department of Urology, Athens & 1 Diakonie Krankenhaus Schwaebisch
Hall, Germany
11 Acute renal infarction – a review of 2 cases misdiagnosing as renal colic.
Zougkas K¹, Karamihalakis N², Baouris I¹, Papadopoulos V¹, Georganas M³, Christodoulou N4
1. Department of Urology,
2. Department of Cardiology
3. Department of Radiology
4. 1st Department of Surgery
General Hospital of Rhodes, Rhodes- Greece
12 Ureteral duplication and obstruction in adults.
Zougkas K¹, Papadopoulos V¹, Baouris I¹, Marinos V¹, Christodoulou N², Georganas M³
1. Department of Urology
2. 1st Department of Surgery
3. Department of Radiology
General Hospital of Rhodes, Rhodes, Greece
13 Lithiasis in childhood after living renal transplantation: a case report
Kosmidis Athanasios, Fotas Asterios, Chintzoglou Stilianos, Alexandridis Dimitrios, Salpingidis Georgios,
Vouros Ioannis, Papathanasiou Athanasios
Urological Dept., General Hospital Ippokrateion Thessaloniki
14 Possibility of performing PCNL under anesthesia forms except general
Samarinas Michail, Dafos Antonios, Aravantinos Evangelos, Soukias George, Kolovos Anastasios,
Melekos Michail
University Hospital of Larisa, Dept of Urology
15 Two step Mini PCNL for impacted calculi in proximal ureter
Samarinas Michail, Dafos Antonios, Aravantinos Evangelos, Soukias George, Melekos Michail, Bousdroukis Nikolaos
University Hospital of Larisa, Dept of Urology
16 One shot mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy (Mini PCNL) under Multimodal Analgesia
with use of a Peel-away plastic sheath as Amplatz sheath
Samarinas Michail, Dafos Antonios, Aravantinos Evangelos, Soukias George, Kolovos Anastasios,
Melekos Michail
University Hospital of Larisa, Dept of Urology
15:00–16:30 Poster Session II: Urinary Malignancies
Chair: K. Chatzibousios, Thessaloniki / I Vouros, Thessaloniki
17 First diagnosed prostate cancer with appearance of blader tumor in ultrasound and cystoscopy.
Perlepes George
General Hospital of Xanthi
18 Our experience with high risk prostate cancer patients
Anagnostou T., Stokidis S, Karypidis N, Klapsas V, Pappas A, Arvanitakis T, Thanos A.,
Department of Urology, “St. Savvas” Athens Anticancer Hospital, Greece
19 Newer Information updating our repeat prostate biopsy scheme
Anagnostou T., Synesiou M, Katrafilova M, Fliatouras C, Kalogeropoulos T, Arvanitakis T, Thanos A.
Department of Urology, “St. Savvas” Athens Anticancer Hospital, Greece
20 Radical Cystectomy to patients with pelvic kidney. A presentation of our experience in two cases.
I. Katafigiotis, I. Adamakis, C. Pournaras, E. Fragκiadis, I. Leotsakos, G. Kousournas, C. Alamanis, D.
Mitropoulos, C. Constantinides
A University Urology Clinic, Laiko Hospital, University of Athens
21 A rare case of a 39 year old male with a parasite called Diochtophyma renale mimicking renal cancer
at the computed tomography of the right kidney.
A case report.
I. Katafigiotis, K. Stravodimos, E. Fragκiadis, C. Pournaras, D. Deligiannis, I. Anastasiou, C. Constantinides
Α University Urology Clinic, Laiko Hospital, University of Athens
22 Exploring the malignant potential of renal myxomas through a rare case of renal sinus myxoma that
metastasized two years after the nephrectomy
Sokolakis I., Giakoumelos A., Kalinderis N., Kakamoukas V., Xouplidis K., Georgopoulos P.,
Hatzimouratidis K.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital
23 Comparison of the anxiety between urological cancer patients and their companions before the
performance of invasive diagnostic procedures
Sokolakis I., Moisidis K., Zarkadoulias A., Kazanas K., Xouplidis K., Kakamoukas V., Hatzimouratidis K.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital
24 Subtotal cystectomy and ileal substitution cystoplasty in a 17 year old patient with bladder sarcoma
Georgopoulos P., Moysidis K., Hatzimouratidis K., Sokolakis I., Kakamoukas V., Kazanas K., Giakoumelos A.
2nd Department of Urology of AUTH, “Papageorgiou” General Hospital, Thessaloniki
25 Immunohistochemical study of angiogenesis in benign prostatic hyperplasia, high-grade prostatic
intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer
Grivas Nikolaos, Gousia Anna, Stefanou Dimitris, Giannakis Dimitrios
G.Hatzikosta General Hospital, Ioannina, University Hospital of Ioannina-Department of Pathology
26 Robotic Radical Prostatectomy – Defining the learning curve in UK’S first recognized robotic
fellowship programme
N. Vasdev, C. Bishop, E. Mourtzilas, A., Tsiotras, A. Kass-Illaya, S. Hamid,
T. Lane, G. Boustead, J. Adshead
Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire Urological Robotic Cancer Centre, Department of Urology, Lister
Hospital, Stevenage, UK
27 Urodynamic evaluation of patients with persistent post-radical prostatectomy voiding symptoms:
Analysis of our experience
N. Charalampogiannis¹, C. Bouropoulos, M. Stavropoulos,
P. Anastasopoulos, N. Ferakis, H. Poulias
Hellenic Red Cross Hospital, Department of Urology, Athens & 1 Diakonie Krankenhaus Schwaebisch
Hall, Germany
28 Open Radical prostatectomy in a regional Greek island setting:
analysis of operative experience and outcomes after 5 years.
Zougkas K., Petas A., Baouris I., Papadopoulos V., Sotrillis T., Papanastasopoulos I.
Department of Urology, General Hospital of Rhodes
29 The possibility of synchronous primary intestinal and urogenital carcinoids.
Zougkas K¹, Christodoulou N², Baouris I¹, Papadopoulos V¹, Vasilas M¹, Papavasilliou T²
Department of Urology, General Hospital of Rhodes
16:30–18:00 Poster Session III: Urinary Malignancies
Chair: I. Dimitriadis, Thessaloniki / C. Kalaitzis, Alexandroupolis
30 The effect of anxiety in pain perception during transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy.
38 Evaluation of surgical margin status in patients undergoing robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy
31 Urgent salvage radical urotheliectomy for recurrent non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and
39 Intraoperative and postoperative complications encountered in patients with prior coronary
32 Mucocele of the appendix: an incidental imaging finding on a staging CT in a patient with prostate
40 Ectopic splenic tissue presenting as scrotal mass
33 Oncological outcomes and survival rates of patients undergoing radical cystectomy for bladder
41 The assessment of the 10% rule of remaining inguinal basin activity in dynamic sentinel lymph node
A randomised, double-blind control trial
Kazanas K., Hatzimouratidis K., Kalinderis N., Sokolakis I., Kakamoukas V., Georgopoulos P., Moisidis K.
2nd Urological Department, AUTH, General Hospital Papageorgiou, Thessaloniki
synchronous bilateral multifocal upper urinary tract tumours
Kazanas K., Giakoumelos A., Kalinderis N., Sidiropoulos A., Zarkadoulias A., Sokolakis I., Moisidis K.,
Kakamoukas V
2nd Department of Urology, AUTH, G.H.Papageorgiou, Anaesthesiology Department, G.H.Papageorgiou
adenocarcinoma that was treated at one stage during open radical prostatectomy
Alexandridis D., Fotas A., Papounidis I., Chatzopoulos M., Kasimis St., Salpingidis G., Papathanasiou A.
Urological Clinic Ippokration General Hospital, Thessaloniki Greece
Labanaris Apostolos, Labanaris Panagiotis, Labanaris Georgios, Zugor Vahudin, Kuehn Reinhard
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital, Martha Maria Medical Center
34 Inapparent tumor on endorectal multimodality magnetic resonance imaging of prostate:
Could we spare these patients a prostate biopsy?
Labanaris Apostolos, Labanaris Georgios, Zugor Vahudin, Kuehn Reinhard, Engelhard Karl
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital, Martha Maria Medical Center
35 Oncological outcomes of patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
after previous failure of active surveillance for prostate cancer
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
36 Surgical, oncologic and continence outcomes in patients with high grade prostate cancer
(Gleason score TM8) undergoing robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy.
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
37 Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy in men TM 75 years of age.
An analysis of 90 consecutive cases
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
for low, intermediate, and high-risk prostate cancer. An analysis of 3500 cases
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
artery bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty undergoing robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical
prostatectomy. Is it safe?
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
Petros Sountoulides¹, Fabio Neri¹, Roberto Bellocci², Luigi Schips¹, Luca Cindolo¹
1 Urology Department, “S. Pio da Pietrelcina” Hospital, Vasto, Italy
2 Pathology Department, “S. Pio da Pietrelcina” Hospital, Vasto, Italy
biopsy in penile carcinoma patients
V. Sakalis¹, D. Zinolidis², D. Alexandridis³
1. St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
2. Urologist, Private Practice
3. Department of Urology, Hippokrateion General Hospital of Thessaloniki
42 Orandi Flap: A flap urethroplasty for distal urethral strictures
V. Sakalis¹, D. Zinolidis², D. Alexandridis³
1. St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
2. Urologist, Private Practice
3. Department of Urology, Hippokrateion General Hospital of Thessaloniki
16:30–18:00 Poster Session IV: BPH, Urinary dysfunction in Female patients,
New Technologies
Chair: D. Giannakis, Ioannina / G. Dimitriadis, Thessaloniki
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the use of alpha-blockers in male and female patients with
multiple sclerosis (MS) and mixed lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
Μytilekas K.V., Oeconomou Athanasios, Kalaitzi M., Sokolakis I., Ioannidis E., Apostolidis A.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, “Papageorgiou” General Hospital
51 Does initial learning curve compromise outcomes for robot-assisted radical cystectomy?
A critical evaluation of the first 30 cases
N. Vasdev, O. Fuge, E. Mourtzilas, A. Tsiotras, T. Lane, J. Adshead, G. Boustead
Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire Urological Robotic Cancer Centre, Department of Urology, Lister
Hospital, Stevenage, UK
52 Computer-assisted analysis of transrectal ultrasound (C-TRUS/ANNA) guided biopsies of the
prostate: stand-alone device
Theodoros Tokas, Björn Grabski, Azizbek Ramankulov, Tillmann Loch
Ev. Luth. Diakonissenkrankenhaus, Department of Urology, Flensburg, Germany Akademisches
Lehrkrankenhaus der Christian Albrecht Universität
44 Factors affecting the agreement between clinical and urodynamic diagnosis in male patients with
53 Computer-assisted analysis of transrectal ultrasound (C-TRUS/ANNA) guided biopsies of the prostate:
45 TVT vs. TOT: a comparison in terms of continence results, complications and quality of life
54 HistoScanning: A new diagnostic modality for the detection, location and tumour volume
resistant to medical treatment LUTS
Mytilekas K., Sokolakis I., Kalaitzi M., Ioannidis E., Apostolidis A.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, “Papageorgiou” General Hospital
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St. Antonius Hospital
46 Evaluation of patients resistant to medical treatment and overactive bladder diagnosis.
Are there any differences between males and females?
Μytilekas KV., Kalaitzi M., Sokolakis I., Ioannidis E., Apostolidis A.
2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, “Papageorgiou” General Hospital
47 Does the use of incontinence protection affect women’s sexual function and self-image?
Nakopoulou E¹, Kalaitzi M², Sokolakis I², Mytilekas K², Kapoteli P², Konstantinidou E³, Hatzichristou D²,
Apostolidis A²
1) Centre for study of Continence and Pelvic Floor Disorders, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
2) 2nd Department of Urology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
3) Aristotelian Technological Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece
Dysuria in women. Etiology and Management
Vouros I., Sfigas V., Salpigidis G., Fotas A., Roundos T., Mavridis C., Papathanasiou Athanasios
“Ippocration” General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Neurourology and Urodynamics
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy is a feasible technique in a district general hospital
E. Mourtzilas, K. Marantidis, G. Koronaios, E. Triantafyllidou, G. Kotakidis
Urology Dept., Florina General Hospital
50 The "lister technique" - A new technique for the management of the distal ureter during radical
robotic nephroureterectomy
N. Vasdev, C. Bishop, E. Mourtzilas, A. Tsiotras, K. Hoyland, T. Lane, D. Hanbury, J. Adshead
Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire Urological Robotic Cancer Centre, Department of Urology, Lister
Hospital, Stevenage, UK
evolution from stand-alone device to an online-function module in a real-time biopsy setting
Tokas Theodoros, Grabski, Ramankulov Azizbek, Loch Tillmann
Ev. Luth. Diakonissenkrankenhaus, Dept. of Urology
determination of prostate cancer
Labanaris Apostolos, Zugor Vahudin, Witt Jorn H.
Interbalkan Medical Center, St Antonius Hospital
55 Near Infrared Spectroscopy, detrusor blood perfusion and BPH
Anastasiadis An., Tsolakis D., Kampantais S., Ioannidis S., Dimitriadis G., Katsikas V.
1st Dept of Urology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki
56 Percutaneous endoscopic management of bilateral kidney candidiasis: A case report
Chintzoglou S., Vouros I., Triantafilidis A., Toulkeridis G., Salpingidis G., Papathanasiou A.
Urological Department, Hippokration General Hospital
University Department of Nephrology, Hippokration General Hospital
57 Intraprostatic short-term stents for the management of recurrent bladder neck contractures
Katafigiotis I., Fragkiadis E., Pournaras C., Adamakis I., Kousournas G., Mitropoulos D., Constantinides C.
1st University Urology Clinic Laiko Hospital, University of Athens
58 Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage (Wunderlich syndrome) due to large upper pole angiomyolipoma. Does Robotic - assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy have a role in primary
Ploumidis A.¹, Katafigiotis I.², Thanou M.¹, Bodozoglou N.¹, Athanasiou L.¹, Ploumidis A.¹
1) Department of Urology, Athens Medical Center, Athens, Greece
2) Department Of Urology, Laiko General Hospital, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
59 Introduction of urethral reconstructive surgery with buccal mucosa graft as the treatment of choice
in patients with complex urethral strictures
Kousournas G., Leotsakos I., Katafigiotis I., Pournaras C., Adamakis I., Mitropoulos D., Constantinides C.
Α’ University Urology Clinic, Laiko Hospital, University of Athens
Closing remarks
Take home messages
Certificates of Attendance
We would like to thank the Museum of Byzantine Culture for the courtesy of the StefanosDragoumis
Hall and the atrium space.
The Organization Committee would like to thank the following Pharmaceutical Companies for
Medical Equipment and Machinery for their participation and support on the success of this event.
Hanbury D. 24
Paschalidis K. 7
Tontikidis T. 18
Adamakis I. 7, 9, 14, 15, 20, 25
Dafos A. 19
Hatzichristou D. 6, 9, 16, 24
Labanaris A. 18, 22, 23, 24, 25
Patsialas C. 7
Toulkeridis G. 25
Adshead J. 21, 24, 25
Dahabre M. 7
Hatzimouratidis K. 7, 9, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22
Labanaris G. 18, 22
Perlepes G. 20
Touloupidis S. 9, 15
Aidonopoulos C. 13
Deligiannis D. 20
Herwig R. 18
Labanaris P. 22
Petas A. 21
Toutziaris C. 7
Alamanis C. 20
Dimitriadis G. 7, 9, 17, 24, 25
Heynemann H. 6
Lane T. 21, 24, 25
Ploumidis A. 25
Triantafilidis A. 7, 25
Alexandridis D. 19, 22, 23
Dimitriadis I. 7, 22
Hoyland K. 24
Leotsakos I. 20, 25
Poulakis V. 9, 15
Triantafyllidou E. 24
Anagnostou T. 20
Dimitropoulos K. 18
Poulias H. 19, 21
Tsilipakou A. 13
Anastasiadis Ar. 8, 15
Drettas P. 18
Loch T. 8, 14, 25
Ludwig G. 6
Pournaras C. 20, 25
Tsiotras A. 21, 24, 25
Anastasiadis An. 25
Anastasiou I. 7, 9, 15, 20
Anastasopoulos P. 19, 21
Engelhard K. 22
Andreou A. 7
Enzmann T. 7, 17
Anezinis P. 9, 17
Apostolidis A. 9, 14, 24
Aravantinos E. 7, 19
Ferakis N. 19, 21
Arvanitakis T. 20
Fliatouras C. 20
Aspiotis A. 6, 18
Fornara P. 7, 19, 22, 24
Athanasiou L. 25
Fotas A. 7, 19, 22, 24
Fragkiadis E. 7, 9, 15, 25
Baouris I. 19, 21
Bekos A. 7, 9, 15
Gakis G. 7, 8, 17
Bellocci R. 23
Georganas M. 19
Betz D. 6, 8, 15
Georgopoulos P. 18, 20, 22
Bishop C. 21, 24
Giakoumelos A. 7, 20, 22
Bodozoglou N. 25
Giannakis D. 7, 20, 24
Bouropoulos C. 19, 21
Giannakopoulos S. 9, 15
Bousdroukis N. 19
Giannikotsiou G. 7
Boustead G. 21, 25
Giannopoulos V. 6
Boutaris I. 13
Göckel-Beining B. 6, 7, 8
Gounaris V. 13
Gousia A. 20
Charalambous S. 9, 17
Grabski B. 25
Charalampogiannis N. 19, 21
Grivas N. 20
Chatziyannis I. 7
Ioannidis E. 9, 17, 24
Tsolakis D. 25
Marantidis K. 24
Ramankulov A. 25
Kagas A. 7
Margaritis G. 7
Rombis V. 9, 14
Vakalopoulos I. 9, 15
Mavridis C. 24
Roundos T. 24
Vasdev N. 21, 24, 25
Melekos M. 6, 19
Rübben H. 6
Vasilas M. 21
Ioannidis S. 7, 9, 17, 25
Kakamoukas V. 18, 20, 22
Kalaitzi M. 24
Kalaitzis C. 9, 16, 22
Kalinderis N. 18, 20, 22
Kalogeris K. 7
Kalogeropoulos T. 20
Kampantais S. 25
Kapoteli P. 24
Karamihalakis N. 19
Karypidis N. 20
Kasimis St. 22
Kass-Illaya A. 21
Katafigiotis I. 20, 25
Katrafilova M. 20
Katsikas V. 25
Kazanas K. 18, 20, 22
Klapsas V. 20
Koliakos N. 7
Kolovos A. 19
Konstantinidis K. 18
Konstantinidou E. 24
Kontaxis D. 8, 17
Chatzopoulos M. 22
Koronaios G. 24
Christodoulou N. 19, 21
Hagen J. 18
Chrysogonidis I. 7
Hakenberg O. 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16
Kotakidis G. 7, 24
Cindolo L. 23
Halkitis S. 18
Constantinides C. 20, 25
Hamid S. 21
Kosmidis A. 19
Kousournas G. 20, 25
Kuehhas F.E. 18
Kuehn R. 22
Mitropoulos D. 9, 14, 20, 25
Vlachiotis I. 9, 16
Mitsogiannis I. 9, 17
Moisidis K. 18, 20, 22
Sakalis V. 23
Voulgaris S. 7
Mourtzilas E. 21, 24, 25
Salpingidis G. 7, 9, 16, 19, 22, 25
Vouros I. 7, 19, 20, 24, 25
Moutzouris G. 9, 13, 14
Samarinas M. 19
Muschter R. 8, 14, 15, 16
Schips L. 23
Mytilekas K. 24
Schultze-Seemann W. 6, 8, 17, 14
Weidner W. 6
Sfigas V. 24
Wirt M. 6
Sidiropoulos A. 22
Witt Jorn H. 22, 23, 24, 25
Vlachopoulos C. 18
Nakopoulou E. 24
Sofikitis N. 6, 9, 16
Neri F. 23
Sofras F. 9, 14
Sokolakis I. 18, 20, 22, 24
Xouplidis K. 20
Sotrillis T. 21
Oeconomou A. 24
Soukias G. 19
Osmonov D. 8, 14, 15, 16
Sountoulidis P. 9, 23
Zarkadoulias A. 20, 22
Stavropoulos M. 19, 21
Zinolidis D. 23
Stefanou D. 20
Zougkas K. 19, 21
Pallantzas A. 18
Stokidis S. 20
Zugor V. 22, 23, 24, 25
Pamias E. 7
Stravodimos K. 20
Papadopoulos V. 19, 21
Synesiou M. 20
Papanastasopoulos I. 21
Papathanasiou A. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 22, 24, 25
Papatsoris A. 9, 15
Thanos A. 9, 16, 17, 20
Papavasilliou T. 21
Thanou M. 25
Papounidis I. 22
Tirothoulakis E. 7
Pappas A. 20
Tokas T. 25