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PDF of Newspaper - Local Town Pages
Vol. 3 No. 1
Free to Every Home and Business Every Month
July 1, 2012
Lights the
Fuse for
the 4th
Get Your Head in the Game
These days, concussions seem
to be on the brain. More and more
Norwood Youth Sports organizations are asking their leaders to be
trained regarding both the longterm effects of multiple concussions as well as how to prevent
them. Norwood Youth Soccer is
currently having board members
take the CDC Concussion Training, and is also in discussions
about what will be required of
their coaches. The training will be
made available to all coaches immediately and coaches will all be
encouraged to take the training
program. Down the road, Norwood Youth Soccer may make the
training a requirement for all
Travel Program coaches.
The long term effects of concussions, specifically multiple concussions over the span of a
lifetime for athletes, are still being
unearthed and studied. Both professional and amateur athletes
alike in all types of sports who
have had one or more concussions during their athletic career
are experiencing some symptoms
well beyond their years in the
game. As these middle-aged men
and women discover how the
concussions have affected them
The first step to preventing concussions is awareness. Many Norwood sporting organizations, including Norwood Youth Soccer, are asking volunteers such as board members to complete Concussion Awareness Training.
In fact, the CDC provides free resources at their website.
and continue to affect them, more
and more people are learning
about the dangers of even one
Recently, a group of NFL players who were touched by concussions and other brain injuries have
brought forth a lawsuit against the
NFL. Also named in the suit was
NFL helmet manufacturer, Riddell, Inc. These players hope to
bring this issue to the forefront,
force the NFL to provide care for
ailing former players, and ensure
that current and future players do
not suffer silently through multiple concussions and are able to
avoid the aftermath of concussions all together. As the media
spotlights this important issue,
even parents of very youth athletes are realizing that this topic is
critical to tackle now as their children embark on an athletic career
of their own.
continued on page 2
In its 140-year history, Norwood
has always celebrated the 4th of
July. According to organizers of
this year’s Fourth festivities, each
year is bigger and better than the
last. The theme of this year’s parade -- “United We Stand-Proudly
We Serve,” and Grand Marshals
are Paula Pelaggi and Gerald
Miller. This year’s logo incorporates the image of a statue donated
20 years ago by Frank Simoni,
which stands with the words “To
Honor the Protectors of the American Family Way of Life.”
Parade committee member
Martha Colamaria has done a lot
of research on the history of this
statue. She says Simoni was a
businessman in Norwood, whose
family operated a florist shop for
“He was also a veteran of two
wars, who visited the site of the invasion in France and the cemetery
continued on page 3
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 2
continued from page 1
A concussion is a traumatic injury to the brain that occurs from
a blow to the head or body, a fall,
or another incident where the
brain is jarred or shaken inside the
head. Like many injuries, concussions can range from mild to extremely severe. Loss of
consciousness happens with
many, but not all cases. Other
common symptoms include a loss
of memory from what happened
right before the injury, inability to
concentrate or retain new information, blurry vision, nausea,
dizziness, mood swings, unusual
sleep patterns, and headaches. For
more severe concussions, the
symptoms are downright scary.
To diagnose a concussion, your
doctor will likely ask you questions about the injury, and will test
your ability to concentrate – including both long term memory
and short term memory questions.
Your strength and balance will be
tested, as well as coordination, reflexes and sensations. In more severe cases, a CT scan or MRI will
be ordered to check for bruising
or bleeding in your brain. Treatment for mild and moderate concussions is activity restriction.
Most people are
told to get plenty
of rest and not engage in any sports
or activities that
could result in further trauma to the
head. It also advised to avoid activities that are
mentally demanding,
schoolwork, video
games, and computer work. For severe concussions,
a hospital stay can
be required. Concussions can take
days, weeks, or
months to heal –
Long-term effects of multiple concussions are being
depending on the seen in amateur as well as professional athletes.
Concussions can
be prevented by the use of proper
helmets, mouthguards, and other
relevant gear to your sport. There
are now concussion headbands
available for athletes as well.
Coaches and trainers should know
the potential danger in every play,
drill, and scenario they are teaching. Awareness and knowledge is
key for athletes, parents, and
coaches. The CDC provides free
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resources and training on concussion awareness on their website.
A baseline test for concussions
is available and gaining popularity
with athletic leagues around the
country. In the past few years, college students have been required
to obtain a baseline test prior to
being able to play in any college
level games. More and more high
school athletic departments are
starting to require this of all their
athletes as well now. As the trickle
-down effect continues, more parents are opting to proactively get
these baseline tests for their kids
playing in youth sports. If you are
concerned about concussions because of the level of competitive
play your child plays in, check
with your doctor about getting the
Impact Baseline Test for Concussions done for your child. It’s
never too early to protect your
kids from the long-term effects of
a concussion.
July 1. 2012
Local Man
Police Officer to
Commit Assault
Pre-Trial Conference for
McCarthy August 16
On Monday June 4, 2012 a warrant was issued for Kevin M. McCarthy of 195 Sunnyside Road
Norwood for two counts of rape
and one count of indecent A&B
on a person over 14. Norwood
Police Department had filed
criminal complaints against McCarthy stemming from a yearlong investigation.
April 20, 2011 a female victim
came to the police station reporting she was sexually assaulted
overnight. She was in her vehicle
parked on the side of the road
when a male subject opened the
passenger side door. The victim
asked him to leave her alone and
he replied that he was a Police
Officer. He began to look through
the vehicle asking the victim for
drugs. She pleaded with the subject to leave, he refused and sexually assaulted her.
The victim told investigators
that the suspect had two small
dogs with him. She described her
assailant as a white male in his
mid-forties wearing dark clothing. She stated that the way the
suspect spoke he sounded like a
Police Officer.
Several weeks after this incident, Officer Andrew Jurewich
was on patrol in
the vicinity where
that assault occurred. He observed a white
male walking two
dogs at approximately 3:30 in the
morning. Officer
Jurewich engaged
the subject in
c o nve r s a t i o n .
This encounter
was relayed to the
investigating detective.
This case was investigated by
Norwood Police Detective John
Gover and members of the Sexual Assault Unit of the Norfolk
County District Attorney’s Office. Additional physical evidence was developed linking the
suspect to the incident. Through
investigation, it was learned that
the suspect, was formerly a Westwood Police Officer who was terminated several years ago. The
suspect and victim are not known
to each other.
The next day, Kevin McCarthy
had turned himself in. He pled
not guilty and was released on
$5,000 cash bail, on the condition
that he stay away and have no
contact with the victim, abide by
a curfew and report to Norwood
Police within 24 hours of his release. He is due back in Dedham
District Court August 16 for pretrial conference, according to the
Norfolk District Attorney’s Office .
McCarthy has been already
been arraigned, the Norwood Police will have no further statement and all inquiries must be
addressed to the Norfolk County
District Attorney’s Office.
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July 1, 2012
continued from page 1
there, and so he vowed that someday he would try to do something
that would always remember their
And so, 20 years, ago, says Colamaria, Simoni formed a committee to erect the monument,
dedicating it in September of
1992. This year, she says, Frank’s
wife, Betty, who is now 90, will be
in the reviewing stand.
“She’s very pleased that they remembered that Frank had donated
it,” says Colamaria.
An annual highlight of Norwood
Fourth of July celebrations is the
reenactment portion of the parade.
Organized this year by John and
Ethel Simeone, this component
features re-furbished and vintage
vehicles from mainly World War
II and Korea.
“It’s been a pretty well-supported
tradition in town,” says John
Simeone, who adds that the types
of vehicles the parade gets usually
varies. “There are as many as 15
vehicles of various types,” he says,
“sometimes track vehicles, armor,
Jeeps, trucks and maybe a tank. It
varies year to year depending on
what is available,” says Simeone.
Simeone is excited to have the
26th Infantry Division “Yankee
Division” WWII Living History –
Reenactors as part of the Norwood
4th of July Parade. “Most of these
vehicles are all authentic and uniforms are all authentic from the
period. Not only are the vehicles
authentic, but veterans will be featured in the parade, including 97year-old veteran George Watremez
riding in his own World War II
Jeep, driven by fellow veteran Bill
Bernie Cooper, one of the parade’s organizers, points out the
significance of honoring veterans
from this era right now. “We’ve
had a number of WWII vets with
vehicles and equipment, but as
time has gone on we’ve lost most
of them.”
Maria Henry notes that the Children’s Bicycle, Tricycle, Doll Carriage and Historical Character
Parade has become very popular in
recent years, drawing children
from other towns such as Dedham,
Walpole and Canton. She adds that
the Norwood Colonial Boys Fife
& Drum Corps have been nice
enough to come to this earlier parade, and that numbers of participants have grown since they joined
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
“We started with 75, and now
we’re up to 300 (participants),”
she says. “We get them from all
Mary Cantaro adds that she believed the number of children participating to be over 300.
“It’s $1 to enter,” she says, “and
they get a t-shirt. No pre-registration is necessary. They just show
up and are judged by their peers.
First prize winners ride on a float
in the big parade.”
Prior to the parade, which will
feature 10-12 bands, is the Firecracker 5K. Jim Henry, who is in
charge of the race, says that last
year, 100 runners took to the parade route before the parade, and
this year he’s hoping for 200. Runners can pick up applications at
Town Hall, the Civic Center or the
Library, or by call (617) 610-0084.
They may also register at coolrunning.com, click “Find Events,”
and look by date. The cost to register for the 3.1 mile race is $15 for
adults aged 18-59, or $10 for
youth and seniors. Proceeds from
the 5K go toward the parade fund.
The event costs $50,000 to
$55,000 to run, with the town of
Norwood contributing $19,000,
the committee says.
Independence Day festivities
will also feature two Carillon concerts this year, featuring Norwood’s own Carillonneur Lee B.
Leach. On July 2nd, the one-hour
concert will be followed by a tour,
but on July 4th, says Bernie
Cooper, “People will be able to go
up and see the Carillon being
Fourth of July committee members expect that some candidates
for office may stop by and join in
this year. Senator Scott Brown,
they say, is on the invitation list,
but as of the writing of this article,
he had not responded. They also
note that John Rogers has come
each year, as have all the Little
League Championship Teams.
This year, due to the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, the
Girl Scouts will also have a large
float in the parade. Those Girl
Scouts who marched in Norwood’s Memorial Day parade are
invited to ride on the July 4th float.
As with each year, parade organizers have designated a quiet zone,
for those who have trouble with
loud noises, in front of Norwood
Hospital. Bands and marchers are
informed ahead of time to try to respect this space.
Page 3
Children can come dressed,
bring their bikes, trikes or doll carriages for $1, and every child
marching receives a t-shirt and
participation ribbon. Winners ride
in main parade on a float.
3p.m. Carillon Concert and Tour,
with Town Hall’s Tilton Memorial
Tower open to onlookers
5:30 p.m. Eastern Mass. Fire
Truck Procession, Antique and
Classic Cars & Historic Military
5:45p.m. Norwood’s Fourth of
July Parade Spectacular, featuring
national and international bands
5p.m. Norwood’s Firecracker
5K Road Race
July is Jewelry
Repair Month
Following is a schedule of Norwood’s Fourth of July events.
Contributions toward this event are
always welcome and tax-deductible, and they can be sent to
Norwood Fourth of July Committee, Norwood Town Hall, P.O. Box
40, Norwood, MA:
Norwood 4th of July Celebration Activities 2012
Sunday, July 1
7p.m. Norwood Concert on the
Common featuring the Sharon
Concert Band
Monday, July 2
7p.m. Independence Day Carillon Concert, featuring Norwood’s
own Lee B. Leach, Carilloneur.
One-hour concert will be followed
by a tour of the 50-bell Tilton Memorial Carillon.
Wednesday, July 4
1p.m. The Children’s Bicycle,
Tricycle, Doll Carriage and Historical Character Parade
Free Check Up For
Your Jewelry and Watches.
1135 Washington St. • Norwood
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 4
July 1. 2012
2012 Norwood TONY Award
Recipient: Katharine Mueller
The Norwood TONY (Ten Outstanding Norwood Youths)
Awards were initiated over 40
years ago to recognize exceptional
Norwood youths for their voluntary contributions to the community. Through anonymous reviews
of the student's volunteer record
and a 300-word essay, the Norwood Masons, who acquired the
program 17 years ago, named the
2012 TONY Award winners at a
banquet held January 30. The
award includes a citation from
Governor Patrick, a plaque from
the lodge, a $1,000 savings bond
and a gift card from Perk's coffeehouse. Two supplementary awards
also included an additional $500
savings bond.
Mueller remembers always being
active in volunteerism and credits
her early introduction to altruism
to her experiences since kindergarten in the Girls Scouts and her
Catholic school education.
Mueller has been a member of the
Girls Scouts for the past 13 years
and was given many opportunities
through earning badges and community service events to assist
children and adults throughout
Norwood neighborhoods. While
attending St. Catherine's of Siena
School, she learned the values of
service and helping others, such as
participating in Cradles to Crayons
and Christmas in the City.
Local Town Pages is also recognizing these admirable young
adults with a profile of each student each month in our newspaper.
Norwood High School graduate,
Katharine Mueller, is the fifth student profile in our 2012 TONY
Award series.
Throughout high school, Mueller
continued her volunteer efforts
with younger children teaching vacation bible school to third and
fourth graders at Saint Timothy's
Parish for the past three years and
was an elementary school tutor at
the Cleveland Elementary School
helping students prepare for the
MCAS tests for the past two years.
Eighteen year-old Katharine
"I loved the little kids and teach-
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ing," Mueller said.
At Norwood High
School, Mueller was
very active in fine arts
programs, playing the
clarinet and saxophone
while performing with
the marching band,
wind ensemble, jazz
ensemble and winter
color guard and was a
stage manager for NHS
drama productions.
Mueller also helped
many Norwood families this year, through
her role as president of
the National Honor Society and lead the organization in a gift card
drive during the holiday season and prepared birthday boxes
for the Norwood Food
"We raised money
during lunches and
teachers and students
would bring in gift
cards that they had,"
Mueller said.
Mueller was also
treasurer for the Math
Club and a member of
Youth Coalition (EYC), a student
group that promoted eco-friendly
processes in the community. She
was also a member of the Norwood High School tennis team in
the doubles category and was able
to admirably manage all her
school activities, homework and
community service projects and
hold a part-time job at the Norwood TJ Maxx.
Mueller is attending Providence
College in the fall and plans to
major in mathematics and secondary education to follow her longtime goal of becoming a high
school math teacher. She is already
planning to continue her musical
talents in a number of schoolsponsored bands and participate in
their campus ministry. While pursuing this many interests may initially appear as ambitious for a
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college freshman, Mueller has had
a lot of experience managing an
active schedule and looks forward
to the many challenges and activities that Providence College offers.
"I am a very driven person, and I
like to keep myself busy and organized," Mueller said. "I do a lot
of activities and am constantly on
the go."
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
Adventure in Smiles
Jungle Safari Experience
A visit to the new pediatric dentist office at Norwood Pediatric
Dentistry in Norwood is no average visit for children – it’s a jungle
safari experience – as it says “Adventures in Smiles” in the office all
zle games and other educational
toys which are placed on a cute
green table with four kid’s chairs;
there is also an X-box game system in the kids cave area where
older kids explore and enjoy video
A large leafy green tree stands
tall in the waiting room, with colorful parrots, monkeys and an owl
hanging from the branches. A
large parrot is perched by the main
entrance greeting everyone.
We are 100% committed to providing the highest quality of patient care. We also understand that
this extends beyond the technical
aspects of dental care. You’ll find
that our understanding creates a
compassionate and caring experience for children in an adventurous, safe, and loving environment.
This jungle experience makes it
clear that Norwood Pediatric Dentistry is not your typical dental office. “This is a different kind of
office with a unique theme,” says
Dr. Nooruddin Pradhan.
Dr. Nooruddin Pradhan says all
rooms in the office have a consistent theme, with plenty of animals
to explore all around, which
makes children relax and calm
down their anxiety which they
routinely have while they are at the
dentist office; even the ceiling
panels have colorful flowers and
tree leaves to explore while kids
are being treated in the dental
“So far, the clients who have
come to my office have zero apprehension, and they are very relaxed,” says Dr. Pradhan. “The
idea is to create a kid-friendly office where they don’t feel stressed
out,” he says. Once they come in,
most of the kids just admire the
animals hanging from the tree, and
then they play with different puz-
We truly believe that prevention
is the key to dental health, and that
it is of the utmost importance. We
teach and support excellent dental
health from the start of your first
visit and we make it fun. There is
no other pediatric dentist in the
area that has gone to such lengths
to create such a one-of-a-kind, exciting environment for the little
Dr. Pradhan has been practicing
for 22 years; he received his Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry from
Tufts University School of Dental
Medicine, followed by a fellowship in Tempromandibular disorder also from Tufts University. He
received his Doctor of Dental
Medicine from Tufts University in
2006, and his final accomplishment was achieved in 2010 when
he was awarded Diplomate status
from the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.
Dr. Pradhan is an Assistant Professor at Tufts University School
of Dental Medicine, Department
of Pediatric Dentistry, and has
Hospital privileges at Tufts Medical Center and Franciscan Hospital for Children.
Dr. Pradhan is a member of the
American Dental Association, The
American Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry, the American Board of
Pediatric Dentistry, the Massachusetts Dental Society, and the Metropolitan District Society.
He brings this experience to his
Norwood office, where he aims to
help raise cavity free children.
This starts when children are
young; The American Academy
of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that a child should be seen
by a pediatric dentist by AGE
ONE, when they can start early intervention to raise cavity free children.
The office also offers Nitrous
Oxide Sedation, and also provides
facility at Hospital for children
who need General Anesthesia.
“We like serving the underserved
populations” Dr. Pradhan said.
“We cater to the needs of pretty
much everybody (we accept Mass
Health) –the underserved, kids
with special health needs, trauma,
and any medical condition.”
Office hours are Wednesdays,
Fridays and one Saturday in a
Page 5
Happy Birthday to Us!
It has been two years since Local
Town Pages launched its first Norwood newspaper and the staff
would like to thank all the advertisers and loyal readers for their
continued support to our publication.
Since our inaugural July, 2010
issue, Local Town Pages has
strived to produce a quality newspaper full of useful, constructive
and enlightening information
from Norwood schools, local government, organizations, sports and
noteworthy residents who make a
difference in the community. While we do
employ a number
writers, we
ideas from
the people
in town who live and
experience the pulse of Norwood.
Local Town Pages would also
like to thank the hundreds of local
advertisers that have made this
free publication possible through-
out the past two years and we encourage our readers to frequent
their establishments to thank them
for their support. New businesses
are continually opening their
doors within Norwood and
through our newspaper, we hope
to familiarize their goods and
services to residents through advertisements and introductory articles.
Although many may believe that
print advertising is a thing of the
past, Norwood residents have
proven that community newspapers are still a valuable
asset to keep residents informed of
news, district administration,
events, extraordinary
people and
local commerce.
Local Town Pages workforce
is pleased to be able to deliver this
communal information monthly,
free of charge to 15,000 homes
and businesses and hopes to continue to link Norwood neighborhoods for many years to come.
Hear Ye - Hear Ye
For information on Norwood Pediatric Dentistry, you can visit its
website at www.NorwoodPediatricDentistry.com or call (781)
Hearing Care Center
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 6
July 1. 2012
Letters to the Editor
Opinion: Daycare Workers
Unions Will Hurt
Working Families
Last week, via House Bill 3986,
the Massachusetts House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted
to force public unionization of early
childhood daycare workers. The
vote followed party lines and
passed with 117 in favor to 32 opposed.
Now, more than ever, we need
balance and true leadership on
Beacon Hill. I am strongly opposed to the heavy-handed action
taken by the House leadership and
supported by Rep. John Rogers last
week. The imposition of forced
union membership upon the people
who take care of our children in
daycare centers and homes
throughout Massachusetts is unconscionable at any time, but especially in an economic recession.
Such a measure will only hurt
working parents who have no other
option but to place their children in
daycare while each parent must
work to maintain a household and
put food on the table.
I am concerned at the prospect of
the inevitable burden to every
working family in our district that
will occur when these groups impose forced dues. As a self-employed father of three young
children, I believe our representatives at the State House should be
spending every waking hour of
their time on Beacon Hill implementing ways to ease the burden on
working families. Instead, it appears they are more concerned with
kow-towing to the special interests
that fill their campaign coffers.
I moved back to Norwood in October 2011 and I'm catching up on
issues that deal with the citizens of
this town, as we are the recipients
of your decisions.
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Citizen Concerned about
Spending & Safety
Several thoughts come to mind;
I would bet all the monies used for
the FRONT of the new high school
would build "several" concession
stands. A real waste of time and
money (and taxes have gone up recently). Now there is talk about an
Ice Skating Rink. Let's put it on
Morse Hill, people in S. Norwood
say they never get anything. Well
let me tell you about what we get.
So far, with the Coakley Junior
High, we have incredible traffic. In
order for my 93-year-old mother to
You hear a lot about “community
banks” and the more responsive
service you can expect from local
banks – as opposed to the big name
national banks. I’m writing to report that, in the case of Norwood
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400 South Street
Walpole, MA
Thank you to all employees at
Norwood Bank.
tax dollars and the initiators of this
idea still get what they want. Just
how would the citizens of South
Norwood Benefit? Will our taxes
do down??
The past eight (8) months include, but not limited to, all neighboring town ambulances using
South Norwood to get to the hospital. Is this the official route?
This is not rocket science, just
common sense and responsibility.
Please know I'm available to sit on
any committee that addresses these
Then we have a 15-minute wait
trying to get from Dean Street to
South Norwood. Does the Crossing Guard cross only with the light,
or is traffic taken into consideration? Where is the Public Safety
Officer? And who is the Public
Safety Officer
Please consider this an open invitation to visit us and observe for
So, please don't think we don't
get anything. We get the latent and
negative affect of these various
projects. Like the Feds, we could
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Bank, this is really true. I can also
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go across Washington and Concord Avenue, she has to walk 4
blocks to the light in front of the
Balch School. We are talking
safety issues and common sense.
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July 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
It is a fine thing to clean house,
sorting through things in storage
and getting rid of what we don’t
need. The giving to charity of
what we no longer want is always
a good idea, and recycling what
we can is considerate of our Earth.
But how desirable is it to dispose
of these objects at all while buying Norwood’s new community garden “makes do”
new ones to replace them?
with inexpensive tag sale laundry bag holders
and a bookcase as trellises for green beans and
sue-like peeling on a
bulb. A few dollars
spent, and I would
never again have to
take 30 seconds of
my time to do this by
hand. I would also
own a piece of plastic
which would never
biodegrade, but might
be recyclable (otherwise, into the trash it
goes) when I’m done
with it. I envision myself in three years,
coming across it in a
kitchen drawer and
wondering why I’ve
never used it.
Long tradition in New England cucumbers. How might you make do with old
holds that “making do” with items you’re planning to throw away?
what’s already at hand is frugal
I would not have
and avoids waste. Perhaps a lesson down, and made into new things. contributed to jobs for Americans,
can be taken and applied to my And when I donate to the local as its production was outsourced
own consumer practices. I find thrift shop, I can’t give items need- overseas, and I could have bought
myself more willing to discard- ing repair, so those go back to a lot of garlic cloves for the origiand-buy-new than any of my an- trash or recycling. A pattern of dis- nal price. To continue the discardcestors were, and this is partly a card-and-buy-new is evident, and and-buy-new cycle, I might sell
result of modern marketing, partly is not sustainable if I can manage the thing for a nickel at a yard sale
a matter of time available—basi- to reuse these things myself.
so someone else would take over.
cally, I haven’t time to fix up and
Here is an example, of saving I could possibly discover another
use what I already own because I money while reducing the trash garlic peeler several years after fiam busy making money to replace and recycling burdens: garden nally discarding this one, and buy
it with something new!
trellises. The photo, taken in our it (yes, I’ve been known to do such
community garden, shows an a foolish thing)!
When I discard potentially useold
and two wooden
ful objects, I increase the trash
I can make do with my fairly
now ready to durable hands. We can all make do
burden (including the pollution at
landfills). I also increase the recy- support green beans and cucum- rather than buying new, and often.
cling burden; while recycling is a bers. Cost for the lot=$2 (spent on
We would like to hear the ways
more sustainable practice, it costs laundry bag stands at a tag sale).
make do. Email us at:
money and contributes to fossil
Shortly after taking these photos, sustain@tgryes.org.
fuel use and pollution as recycled I saw a plastic garlic peeler in the
items are transported, broken store, intended to rub off the tis-
Page 7
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The Norwood Historical Society
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the Fred Holland Day House, 93
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 8
July 1. 2012
Arts and Culture
Artist of the Month: Lisa Walker
She’s an artist who likes to get
her hands dirty. The epitome of a
hands-on artist, potter Lisa Walker
began her art career with clay, and,
although she took a journey into
other art forms, she eventually circled back toward the medium she
says best translates her voice.
“I took my first ceramics class
when I was in high school,” says
Walker. “and I just kind of fell in
love with it.”
The Marblehead native, who is
settled in Westwood with her husband and two children, calls ceramics her “gateway” to art. An art
major at Skidmore College,
Walker studied photography and
painting, but she didn’t lose her
love of ceramics, something she
says was “just one of those things
I did, like eating and sleeping.”
Walker employed her artistic talent in various ways out of college.
“I wasn’t really into in the starving artist thing,” she laughs, admitting she “wanted to know there’d
be a meal on the table.” Her talents
led her to work for a women’s
clothing store, putting together displays, as well as doing freelance
photography, painting names on
the backs of boats and color printing.
Walker decided to stay home and
become more involved in her community after having her daughter.
Among other community endeavors, she joined the Westwood
League of Fine Artists (no longer
in existence), and through this
group showed some of her work at
Gallery 9.
Later, Walker reignited her interest in pottery after taking a class at
Potter’s Place in Walpole, where
she’s been a member since 2005.
Since then, she says, “I have
moved from other mediums to just
focus on the clay. It’s just my
“When I was doing photography,
I was an observer,” explains the
artist. “When I do ceramics, I am
more involved in all aspects of the
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Even though working with clay
can be difficult as timing can important and things can go wrong,
says Walker, the medium “just
feels like it’s part of me when I’m
What she does with clay is reminiscent, she says, of “spinning tops
going around, and you’re trying to
figure out how you’re going to get
everything in balance, so you can
just be peaceful.”
Walker says she’s not really interested in making a lot of the
same things.
“I’m much more about having an
idea or a theme and working with
that to produce a collection,” she
says. Walker’s collections, usually
about three pieces, change with the
seasons, as she gravitates toward
certain colors at certain times of
the year.
Walker feels that her pottery is a
reflection of herself when she
makes the piece. On her website
(www.lisawbwalker.com), she describes her work as autobiographical in nature.
“I feel like it’s a process of working through what is going on in my
life,” she says.
For example, she says, she created a series called “Spinning
Tops,” which she made for the
Julie, the owner of Gallery 9.
Walker viewed her
“Spinning Tops” series
as “about creating balance in your life.” At
the time, Walker’s own
life was focused on
dealing with some family issues.
community projects. One such recent event was a tile project she
worked on with students at the
Deerfield School in Westwood.
“I went and worked with the art
teacher and brought clay tiles and
taught the kids to carve a clay tile.
It was called Commemorative
Clay Creations. Then I fired them
and the kids will all take them
home as a transition from elementary to middle school.”
featured artist this October) and
sells her work at Powisset Farm in
Dover. She does sell items on her
website, but admits shipping can
be difficult, and that she prefers to
have personal contact.
“I like to be able to talk to people
about my work, and I think that’s
why I buy art. Everything in my
house I have because I either know
artists or I understand the story behind it,” says Walker.
“I think I was thinking
about my life being
kind of crazy, and being
able to sit down and
center myself and slow
down that spinning top
that I felt like,” she
In the end, Walker
was “very happy with
Lisa Walker says her pottery mirrors where she is in her life at the time. This “Spinning
the way these turned Tops”
series reflects a time where she felt she needed to slow down the spinning top
out. They’re spinning, she felt like.
but the foot that I create
on the bottom and the
Walker admits she keeps very lit“It’s that personal interaction,”
brown color on the bottom seems
tle of her work. In addition to sell- she says. “When someone buys a
to ground them.”
ing her work at Potter’s Place (the piece of my work, they’re also
Walker also feels strongly about upcoming fall show and sale are in buying a piece of me, and there’s
working with her community, and November), she’s also a Dedham a story to each piece I make.”
she is involved in a number of Square Artist Guild member (and
July 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 9
Arts and Culture
Norwood Design Co.
Goes to Washington
Mystic Scenic Studios Designs and Installs
Permanent Display at Smithsonian Museum
Many connections and pieces of
Massachusetts already reside in
our nation’s capital. Members of
the Kennedy family (President
John F. and Senators Edward M.
and Robert F.) and John Hancock
all lie in Arlington National Cemetery. An ongoing exhibit at the
Smithsonian National Museum of
American History displays a partially reconstructed house that
stood for 200 years at 16 Elm
Street in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
It tells the stories of five families
who lived there over the years.
Another exhibit entitled, The Invention Case: Hot Spot of Invention, highlights how three labs at
MIT helped transform Cambridge,
Massachusetts, into a dynamic
place of invention during the
1930’s. The connections to Massachusetts are abundant.
Now, a little piece of hard work
created right here in Norwood recently travelled to Washington DC
for display at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Our own Mystic Scenic Studios, a
design and fabrication company on
Lenox Street was selected by
Robert Lewis Media Group of Watertown to design, build and install
a kiosk for an interactive display,
entitled the Encyclopedia of Life,
at the museum. According to John
Botke, Project Manager at Mystic,
the display contains the cabinet, a
computer and a touch screen monitor with custom software to search
the “Wikipedia-like” database of
wildlife, plant life, and microorganisms.
After the designers created their
drawings from the customer specifications, the cabinet was built and
assembled by Jeff Hebblethwaite
at Mystic. The building process
took about two weeks. Independent from the kiosk production, the
Richard Lewis Media Group developed the software. Once all the
pieces were in order, the customer
representative, Breen Byrnes, the
Public Information Officer at the
Smithsonian, travelled from DC to
approve the project. Once the project was approved, travel and installation preparations were made for
the installer and the kiosk.
A minivan was rented and the
kiosk was wrapped securely in the
back. Since DC is a ten-hour drive
from Norwood and a walk through
(to ensure an efficient process) was
planned prior to the 6 a.m. Friday
installation, the trip began at 4 a.m.
Thursday morning. The kiosk travelled through Connecticut, around
New York City (it does not like
traffic), and down the New Jersey
Turnpike. It stopped for a quick
breakfast in New Jersey and for a
few breaks to stretch its legs
throughout the drive. By mid-after-
noon, the kiosk entered the
District of Columbia, commented on the neighborhood
diversities entering the nation’s
capital, drove past the Washington Monument, and glanced
down Pennsylvania Avenue at
the White House before arriving at the museum for its meet
and greet with Ms. Byrnes.
With all preparations set for the
morning installation made, a late
lunch was in order. Miniature
clam balls, a garden salad, and
clam chowder sounded good.
What to do for the rest of the afternoon? Since the hotel was in Arlington, Virginia, a visit to
Arlington National Cemetery
made sense. Respects were paid to
past presidents, senators, our country’s founders and the many, many,
men, women and, often their children, who have protected and
served the United States. Left in
awe at the impeccably straight
rows and rows of white marble
head stones (and the people they
represent), it was the end of a long
day in preparation for the early
morning installation at the museum.
Just before 6 a.m. the kiosk departed Arlington, Virginia and arrived just a few minutes later for its
permanent home at the intersection
of 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW. The installation proceeded flawlessly and by 8:30
a.m., the computer and software
were up and running ready to educate all. Norwood can now proudly
say it has left a mark at the Smithsonian and Washington, DC.
In mid-June, a little piece of Norwood left a permanent mark on Washington, D.C., when a kiosk designed and created by Mystic Scenic Studios Designs was installed at the Smithsonian National Museum of American
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 10
4 Ways to Conserve Fuel and Stop
Paying So Much at the Pump
Fuel prices have traditionally
been at their highest during the
summer months. That's unfortunate for vacationers and road trip
enthusiasts who must budget the
cost of fuel into their vacation ex-
penses. Those costs can be considerable, especially if gas continues
to hover around $4 per gallon as it
has for much of 2012.
But as costly as gas has become,
drivers can still mitigate those
costs by employing a few strategies aimed at increasing their driving efficiency. The following are a
few ways drivers can offset high
fuel costs regardless of the time of
1. Maintain a consistent speed.
Though it might be hard to maintain a consistent speed when driving during rush hour, it should not
be too difficult to do so when hitting the open road. If most of your
driving is done on the highway, go
easy on your engine by maintaining a consistent speed. The easier
you are on the engine, the less
taxed that engine will be and the
less fuel it will need as a result. If
going on a long road trip or if your
daily commute involves long
stretches of highway driving, rely
on your vehicle's cruise control
function to make things easier on
your engine and conserve fuel.
July 1. 2012
2. Don't drive when you can walk
or bike. It might sound simple, but
the best way to conserve fuel is not
to use it at all. During the warmer
months, walk or ride your bicycle
when performing local errands.
This is especially beneficial during
the summer, when gas prices are
typically higher. Save a few gallons of gas by running errands on
foot or on your bicycle. If a physical condition makes it hard for you
to walk or bike, make use of public
transportation when you need to
travel locally.
3. Obey the speed limit. The open
road entices many drivers to put
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Copyright 2011 LocalTownPages
the pedal to the metal, but driving
over the speed limit is both illegal
and expensive. The U.S. Department of Energy notes that drivers
pay an additional $0.31 per gallon
for every five miles they drive over
60 mph. Since gas prices have already hovered around $4 per gallon for much of the year, drivers
would be wise to obey the speed
limit and conserve their fuel as
well as their money.
4. Don't make your vehicle into a
traveling closet. Many drivers keep
excess materials in their cars,
whether it's a cooler for picnics, a
set of golf clubs or an old baby
stroller. Excess weight will rear its
ugly head at the pump. The DOE
notes than an extra 100 pounds in
a vehicle can reduce its miles per
gallon by as much as two percent.
Before hitting the highway, check
your trunk and the backseat and remove any unnecessary items.
Drivers spend a considerable
amount of money at the gas pump
each week. But a few simple
strategies to conserve fuel can save
money and help the planet at the
same time.
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
soil before
Add compost or fertilize the soil,
which increases moisture retention and reduces the need to water. Healthy
soil helps make stronger plants
that won't need to be watered as
often as plants that are not healthy
or struggling to survive.
Plant Right to
Conserve Water
Conservation is one of the keys
to adopting an eco-friendly
lifestyle. Though some might feel
the transition to such a lifestyle
might be difficult, it's often far
simpler than it may seem. Conserving water, for instance, can be
done in a number of ways.
One such way concerns how you
treat your landscape. Planting the
right way can save a substantial
amount of water, which will also
save you money on your utility
bills. The following are a few
ways to plant right that won't require a complete overhaul of your
* Research before you plant anything. Decorating your landscape
with the prettiest plant might add
to your home's aesthetic appeal,
but it's not always the most practical or eco-friendly decision.
Choose plants that will thrive in
your local climate so you don't
need to constantly water them just
to keep them alive and looking
good. Certain grasses, for instance, are best suited for certain
climates. When planting, make
use of shaded areas around your
property so plants won't need
more water to make it through the
warmer months of the year.
* Maintain a healthy soil.
Healthy soil allows water to penetrate effectively, promoting
strong roots and ensuring plants
get all they need to thrive. Aerate
your lawn, including areas around
trees, once a year and cultivate the
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* Be timely when planting.
Spring or fall is typically the ideal
time to plant. Though you can
plant in the summer, that's not the
best time if one of your goals is to
conserve water. Planting in the
summer when temperatures are
generally at their warmest makes
it more difficult for plants to establish themselves without extra watering.
* Plant shade trees. Shade trees
are trees that, when full grown,
shade the yard and plants from the
sun. This lowers the air and soil
temperatures and reduces moisture loss. The more moisture a
plant and the soil can maintain, the
less they need to be watered.
* Don't procrastinate with regard
to lawn care. It's easy to put off
lawn maintenance, particularly
during the dog days of summer
when temperatures can be especially hot. However, it won't take
long for a blazing sun to do a
number on your lawn. Putting off
lawn care, even if just for a few
days when the weather is hot, will
require more water down the road
when you start taking care of your
property again. But a well-maintained lawn won't need as much
water to stay healthy.
Page 11
Notable Norwood Residents
Professional Baseball Player William Edward Travers
Welcome to the Notable Norwood Residents column! Each
month, Norwood Local Town
Pages will highlight a former
town resident who has contributed not only to the Norwood community, but state and
local governments, sports teams
or the entertainment sector.
vers played his last game with
the Angels on July 17, 1983 and
was released from the team July
19, 1983.
The year 1976 could have
been considered the height of
Travers' career when he was
voted into the American League
William Edward Travers, more commonly
known as Bill Travers,
was born in Norwood on
October 27, 1952 and attended Norwood High
School. Travers was
drafted into the major
leagues in 1974 as a lefthanded pitcher who also
batted left and made a
presence on the mound
at 6'4", 187 pounds. Travers' professional career
spanned nine years, from
1974 to 1983, with the
Milwaukee Brewers and
California Angels.
Travers began his baseball career directly out of
high school when he was
drafted 127th by the
Milwaukee Brewers in
the sixth round of the
1970 amateur draft. He
make his first major appearance with the Brewers on
May 19, 1974, at the age of 21.
He was granted free agency in
November, 1980 and signed as
a free agent with the California
Angels in January, 1981. Tra-
ninth with only 7 wild pitches,
and fourth allowing only 21
home runs.
Travers' career statistics in 205
major league games include: 48
wins, 66 losses, an average era
of 4.81, pitched 1061 innings,
allowed 1204 hits, allowed 630
runs, allowed 567
earned runs, allowed 142 home
runs, allowed 441
base on balls and
460 had strikeouts.
Travers returned
to baseball in 1989
when he placed for
the St. Lucie Legends of the Senior
Professional Baseball Association
and went four for
six. He was also
the pitching coach
in 1990 for Dean
Travers was also
known as a talented candlepin
bowler and made
two appearances
on Channel 5's
Candlepin Bowling show.
All-Star Game (did not play),
earned 15 wins and pitched 200
innings. He was third in the
American League with only 93
bases on balls, fourth with 16
losses, eighth with a 2.81 ERA,
Information for this article
was taken from:
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Page 12
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Norwood Canines Take
A Refreshing Bath
Many Norwood residents passing
by the municipal parking lot on
Nahatan St., Sunday, June 10, may
have thought they were admiring
an old fashioned fundraising car
wash. On second glance, however,
they probably noticed that it wasn't
a four-wheeled vehicle getting
cleaned, but man's four legged
friend. The Bay State Animal Cooperative (BSAC) held its second
Annual Dog Wash/Rabies Clinic,
from 10 am. to 3 p.m., and the day
was an enjoyable success for the
animals, the owners and many wet
While exact numbers were not
available, approximately 22 canines received rabies vaccinations
by volunteer veterinarian Dr.
Christina Poor of Norfolk County
Veterinary Service, in Walpole,
and somewhere between 30 and 40
dogs received a canine pedicure by
getting their nails clipped by the
owners of The Soggy Doggy of
South Norwood and received a refreshing wash by volunteers of all
ages. According to BSAC Presi-
dent Marcia Motta, the fundraising
event was a great achievement in
raising funds for the non-profit organization that accepts and rescues
homeless and feral cats, and operates a feline adoption center in the
Norwood Petco.
the unnecessary suffering of
companion, stray, relinquished
and feral animals.
Currently based in Norwood
and Brockton, the compassionate volunteers unite with
other humane organizations, local
municipalities and the community
to implement worthy animal
causes, such as low-cost
spay/neuter assistance, low-cost
medical care, trap-neuter-return
The BSAC would also like to
thank the Texas Roadhouse,
on Rte. 1, in Walpole, for a
second fundraiser held that
week on June 12. Flyers were
handed out at the dog wash
and around town before the
event and many families enjoyed a great meal and 10% of
their dine-in or take-out bill
was donated by the Texas
Roadhouse to the BSAC.
All proceeds from both benefits will be used to help many
homeless cats obtain emergency medical services.
The Bay State Animal Cooperative is a non-profit organization devoted to providing humane
resources and services to reduce
animal overpopulation and prevent
programs, community outreach
opportunities, sheltering, adoption
and educational services.
The association is completely run
by volunteers and is solely dependent on donations and fundraising to
implement and operate their programs. In addition to monetary donations, the BSAC is in desperate
need of small paper plates, kitten
collars, towers, small cat beds, litter pans, cat litter and hard and soft
cat food. These donations can be
dropped off at the BSAC Adoption
Center in the Norwood Petco, at
1210 Providence Hgwy., Route 1.
To learn more about the Bay
State Animal Cooperative, adoption procedures, view a current list
of cats available for adoption or
www.baystateanimals.org or email
July 1. 2012
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
Declawing –
a True No No!
Meet Fritz
Recent adult
addition to our
family of adoptable
deserving cats
Fritz is a gorgeous 7-year-old
super affectionate male neutered
cat who loves to be where the action is. He curls around your feet
as you walk and runs to any available petting hand. He was surrendered after the family child
became quite allergic. He tolerates
children but would prefer to live
out his life free from poking, tail
pulling and prodding by tiny little
ones. He has very distinct black
tiger markings and cool white
paws and chest. Fritz was declawed at a very young age and
seems to be doing ok as a result of
that tragic surgery but could never
defend himself in the outdoors. A
responsible family aware of that is
the best place for Fritz!
New kittens at Petco this
week and more coming soon.
We have more than 20 more kittens in foster care. Each will be
ready at different times for adoption but many can be viewed now
in foster care. If you are interested
in adopting a new kitten for your
family please visit
download an application and
email it to us at info@baystateanimals.org. Pre-approved adopters
can place a hold on their kitten in
foster care and can be a part of
their life before adoption.
(even indoors). We as
humans need to accept
if we want to share our
lives with them. Never
declaw your cat! Never!
FYI: Did you know that surgery
(even laser) that removes the
claws from our feline friends is
equivalent to amputating the entire
tip of our fingers. Of course the
pets recover but that is after ample
pain meds, bandage changes and
in all cases, the ability of our animal friends to forgive us and tolerate our selfish actions. A cat’s
claws exist for many reasons: to
stretch out muscles and spine, help
exercise and stay fit, defense
against mistreatment or other animals, provide grip and traction for
safety in all sorts of environments
Thank you to all the participants
and volunteers who made our second annual dog wash a HUGE
success. Thanks to mother nature
and great publicity we were able
to wash and cut nails for many
dogs, vaccinate 22 dogs and cats
for rabies and offer a variety of pet
products to pet owners.
We are desperate for foster care.
Please consider this rewarding experience. We have mother cats having kittens in the outdoors that need
to be safely placed in homes. We
have surrendered adult cats needing
foster care until they can be evaluated to come into our adoption centers. We really need assistance,
consider this opportunity today
info@baystateaimals.org if you can
provide a safe haven for any of the
cats we hear about daily needing
ally traveling between Norwood
and Brockton areas. Must have reliable car, space for cages and traps
and able to supply gas expenses.
Most Wanted List
We need a tent for events like the
dog wash, Norwood Day and other
similar events
We need folding plastic tables for
every day use, presentations,
events, adoption center
Meet Suzie’s Kittens
We need Cat trees for cats to play
on in the adoption center
Available for viewing in foster
care in Norwood.
We need food for feral cat colony
Thing 1, Thing 2, Sally, Mulberry, Cubbins, Yertle
We need gas cards to supplement
transporters gas costs
See descriptions of each kitten on
pet finder by visiting our website at
www.baystateanimals.org and selecting our animals on the far right
side of the page.
Other donations welcome! Monetary always welcomed.
Suzie, a beautiful Bengal look-alike is also still available for adoption
Page 13
Volunteer Opportunities:
We need transporters for our cats
to spay/neuter appointments, vet
visits and other similar things. Usu-
Please visit Bay State Animal
Cooperative at Petco in Norwood
everyday to see cats for adoption.
Many more are in foster homes
waiting to come into the facility
once old enough for adoption.
Trappers. People able to trap feral
cats for spay/neuter clinics. We will
train. Must have reliable car and be
able to move and carry large traps
with live animals to and from vehicles. Teams of 2 is even better.
Travel to and from Brockton vicinity most common destination.
Builders; to make cat shelters,
feeding stations always needed, inquire.
Volunteers at the Petco and Petsmart adoption centers we have in
Norwood and Brockton. Caring for
cats once daily on a regular weekly
Please consider us when you seek
a worth while way to volunteer
your time. Fill out a volunteer application at
Inquiries can also be made by email
at info@baystateanimals.org.
As always, donations can be
made on line at our website
through Paypal or send your
donations to:
BSAC, Inc.
47 Windsor Rd.,
Norwood, Ma. 02062
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Page 14
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Opening day at the Town of Norwood's Farmers Market was
bustling with activity and tons of
fresh goods. Several local farms
sold fresh produce, while others
sold delightful delicacies such as
olive oil, jellies and jams and justbaked bread.
The Town of Norwood would like
to extend a warm welcome to our
newly designed 2012 Farmers Market. Approximately eleven vendors
will be a part of this initiative, which
will run through October 30th. The
market will be open from 12 - 6
July 1. 2012
p.m. each Tuesday, conveniently located on Norwood Town Common.
The committee has worked diligently this off-season to secure diverse offerings to the community
including; Ward’s Farm, Web of
Life Organic, Silverbrook Farm,
Oliodimelli, Fresh Catch, Inc.,
Foxboro Cheese Company, John
Crow Farm, Hearth Wood Fired
Bread and Langwater Farm.
Daily products will include certified organic produce, fresh fire
baked breads, cheese, eggs, meat,
fish, olive oils and wines, all from
local vendors.
The Norwood Farmers Market is
proud to announce The Bank of
Canton as their major sponsor for
the 2012 season with a generous
donation from Dedham Medical
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
Out and About
by dAWN c. fItZgerALd
The City Bug versus the
Suburban Bug
Growing up in the city, there
were bugs. Spiders and mosquitos would make their annual appearances. There were the
occasional bees and flies buzzing
about wrecking the annual barbeque or picnic.
City bugs are not very bright on a hot summer night you’d hear
them “head toward the light” followed by a loud zap. My motherin- law used to have fly paper
hanging off the back deck. It was
gross. Flies, spiders, bees and
whatever other insect dumb
enough to manage to get itself
stuck to that tape, stayed there to
If bugs could talk, I often wonder if they’d try and warn their
flying friends, “stay away from
the light” and “that paper is not a
welcome home banner, but a tape
of doom- so don’t go near it.”
City bugs are of normal size and
shape. And buzz along at normal
speeds. They aren’t in a bug
marathon, no flying or crawling
or web spinning races do they
need to win. They just go about
their bug lives.
Now suburban bugs on the other
hand, well, they’ve got attitude.
As I write this, there is an ant
party in my kitchen. I’m pretty
sure it’s actually a family reunion
of all the ants that survived from
last year, along with their ant
wives, cousins, and kids.
And these ants refuse to die. I
have stepped on them, I have
sprayed them, I tried to trap them
in ant hotels-I swear at night there
is an open bar and dance floor in
those little ant motels.
Instead they play ant games
with me. I can’t tell you the
amount of times I’ve stepped on
a bunch of ants-and they all
seemed to be dead. When I go
and get a napkin to pick them upthey are gone. Disappearing to
the safety and comfort of their ant
motel-probably swimming in a
built in ant sized pool.
When I first noticed the ants, I
tried to be polite. I would put
them on a paper and send them
outside. And what did they do?
Come back in, bringing friends!
They must’ve known there were
vacancies in the motel.
These ants just won’t die.
But the suburban ants aren’t the
only insects driving me buggy.
There are always the spiders.
And suburban spiders are so big
that there should be leash laws for
them. I’ve seen a few since moving to suburbia that I thought I
could saddle up and ride. They
are big, scary, furry creatures- and
they like to bite.
I can’t tell you the amount of
mornings my littlest child has
woken up covered in welts from
spider bites. I’ve cleaned the
sheets, cleaned her room, literally
cleaned out the cobwebs-yet
those eight legged creepy creatures keep crawling back.
Page 15
Vacation Bible School Offered at
St. Timothy’s in July
St. Timothy Catholic Church, at
650 Nichols St. Norwood will be
offering Vacation Bible School for
children aged four through fifth
grade, from July 16-20. St. Timothy’s VBC will run daily from 10
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
According to the director of the
program, Kathy MacKenzie, people can still sign up. She says that
each day begins with the children
gathering to music, after which the
group is broken down by age.
Each group does appropriate agelevel arts and crafts, some service
projects and have a snack, provided by the church. If weather
permits, lots of outdoor games are
included. Children also hear a
Bible story each day, after which
they discuss the story.
At the end of the week, children
invite parents to join them, where
they generally perform a song they
have learned. The week is ended
with a pizza party for all.
Members of St. Timothy’s religious education program may attend the Vacation Bible School for
free. Others may join for $30 per
child. To sign up, call MacKenzie
at (781) 762-4868 or visit
A Memorial Day Visit to Big Jake
Suburban flies and mosquitosthey are too smart to head towards the light. Instead, they
head right towards the potato
salad-just after you’ve opened it.
They dare you to swat them because they are built with tiny jet
packs and move at warp speed.
I’m pretty sure I’ve pulled my
back out trying desperately to kill
one of these critters. They don’t
end up getting hurt-but I do.
As much as I hate to admit it-the
suburban bugs are smarter, faster,
and I swear some are bigger than
this former city slicker.
This summer I have decided to
give up my battle of the bugs. I
want a truce. They don’t bug me
and I won’t bug them.
If that doesn’t work out- I wonder if the ant motel in my kitchen
has Cable?
Dawn C. Fitzgerald is a freelance writer-she’d love to hear
your comments at
State Senator Mike Rush and Representative John Rogers take a moment for a picture with the Norwood Fire Department Local 1631 Color Guard in front of "Big Jake" at Highland Cemetery. Senator Rush and Representative
Rogers were at Highland Cemetery to participate in Memorial Day Services. Senator Rush and Representative
Rogers are strong advocates for Veterans affairs at the local and state level.
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 16
Library Happenings
How to Network /
Civil War Historian to Noon Networking
Speak at the Library
Join presidential historian Gary
Hylander at the Morrill Memorial
Library on Thursday, July 26 at 7
p.m. for a lively discussion of the
wartime experiences of Varina
Davis and Mary Todd Lincoln in
his lecture, “First Ladies of the
Civil War.” Dr. Hylander’s entertaining and informative presentation will commemorate the 150th
anniversary of the start of the War
Between the States.
her husband from prison while
Mrs. Lincoln endured the public
humiliation of having her insanity
trials spread across the front pages
of America’s newspapers.
Dr. Hylander earned his Ph.D. at
Boston College. He is a professor
of history at Framingham State
University and will be teaching at
Stonehill College again in January. On October 25 he will return
to the Norwood Library to talk
about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
A supporter of slavery but also a
Unionist, Mrs. Davis never felt at
ease in the Confederate capital of
Richmond. Mrs. Lincoln, a
volatile and sharp-tongued
woman suspected of being a Confederate sympathizer, was seen as
a frontier hayseed by Washington
socialites. At the end of the war,
Mrs. Davis campaigned to free
The Enjoy Life Club is the product of years of practice, research,
curriculum evolution and a strong
passion for leadership! We are a pioneering youth Leadership Education organization targeting students
ages 14-22. Our innovative programs empower youth, teach the
art of positive leadership and give
them the tools and confidence to
empower others. Our mission is to
develop life-long, empathetic, energized student leaders & cultivate
culturally positive and high functioning teams, groups and communities.
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Our Academy has impacted
more than 550 students, for 6
years, in 3 different countries. The
Leadership Academy is designed
to give students the ultimate experience in Leadership Education.
Our purpose is to educate, mentor,
inspire and, empower students to
live with a positive attitude. We ignite the understanding that you
have to be able to lead yourself before you can lead and positively
impact the lives of others. During
the Academy students engage in
problem solving and team-building activities with students from all
Reservations are required and
can be made by visiting
www.nvcc.com, or by calling
(781) 769-1126.
Established in 1894, the Neponset Valley Chamber of Commerce
serves the needs of businesses in a
twelve- town region stretching
from Route 128 to Route 495
southwest of Boston. The NVCC
supports the business community
and economic development efforts
by providing leadership, advocacy
and opportunities for expanded
and enhanced relationships among
business, government and the
community. For information on
membership or doing business in
the region, please contact the
Chamber at (781) 769-1126,
www.nvcc.com or email
over the New England. They will
read, analyze and discuss actual
case studies of people in leadership
positions. Additionally, students
will examine real and fictional
characters from mainstream
movies that demonstrate positive
leadership traits, and participate in
leadership role-plays and demonstrations.
Our upcoming Academy, “The
First 80!” will be held at Boston
College from July 23rd – July
27th. The Academy will run from
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day and
will be facilitated by a staff whose
passion is enjoying life and who
sincerely “walk the talk.” For more
information or to sign up, please
visit http://enjoylifeclub.org/thefirst80/!
+)#& ))
(,# )
Not sure what to do at a Noon
Networking event? Then join
Kevin Hallinan of WINNING, Inc.
for an informative “how to” that
can help you realize and reach
your goals.
The Enjoy Life Club
Seeks Youth 14-22
#& & # $
&# $
*Noon Networking Includes
lunch buffet
Join the NVCC at Davio’s for its
monthly How to Network and
Noon Networking programs on
Tuesday, July 10, 2012. This is a
great opportunity to expose your
business and services to a new audience. Sign up for one or both!
Sign up for this free program,
generously funded by the Friends
of the Library, at the Reference or
Information Desk or call (781)
769-0200, x110 or 222. The library is accessible to those with
physical disabilities.
%#*" &)+( &
Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Location: Davio’s
Patriot Place
Foxboro, MA
Time: 10:30-11:45 a.m. – How
to Network Seminar/ 12-1:30
p.m. Noon Networking
Cost: How to Network: Free for
Members, $15 Non-Members
Noon Networking: $25
members; $35 non-members
July 1. 2012
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Immigrants Can Learn
English at Norwood
Adult ESOL
The Norwood Adult ESOL program is currently offering free
English classes this summer for
adult immigrants.
classes began June 18 and are held
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m., there is still
time to sign up. They will end July
26. Come in and register. We are
open Tuesdays through Fridays
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you
have questions, contact us at (781)
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
Music To My Ears
There is no denying that Norwood is a musical town. From an
early age, students are immersed
in a rich musical program. Parents
are treated to songs, musicals, and
shows beginning right in kindergarten at the Willett. Instruments
are offered to students as early as
second grade. All of this early musical training blossoms into an extensive musical curriculum, which
includes a wide variety of chorale
programs, orchestra, and instrumental instruction. While every
student doesn’t develop into a
child prodigy, it certainly provides
our community with a strong
foundation for music appreciation.
Luckily for the residents of Norwood, the music offering doesn’t
stop after high school. There are
plenty of live musical performances to catch at various locations
like Perks, Lewis’, and Napper
Tandys. But if you want truly family friendly, afternoon outdoor
concerts, Norwood is the place to
On Sunday evenings from 7
p.m.-9 p.m., during the Summer
weeks rain or shine, there are Concerts on the Common on the Walter J. Dempsey Memorial
Bandstand. Bring your own lawnchairs, pack a picnic dinner, spray
the kids with bugspray and enjoy
the following bands during eleven
consecutive Sunday evenings beginning at the end of June:
June 24: The S.O.S. Big Band
July 1: Sharon Concert Band
July 8: Westwood Swing Band
July 15: Roy Scott Big Band
July 22: Tom Nutile Big Band
July 29: Pops Night Milestones
Big Band
August 5: Compaq Big Band
August 12: The Olde Kids on the
August 19: The Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Society
August 26: Oberlander Hofbrau
September 2: The Suburbinaires
Big Band
If big swing bands aren’t your
cup of tea, never fear the Carillon
Bells are here! The Carillon (pronounced care-ill-lawn) Bells are
located in the tower of the Town
Hall in Norwood. For those of you
who haven’t seen the bells in the
tower, or heard them played, you
are truly missing out. Norwood’s
50 Carillon Bells were cast by
Gillett and Johnston, Bellfounders, Croydon, England.
They were dedicated with the
Norwood Memorial Building and
Tower on Armistice Day, November 11th, 1928, and donated by the
late Walter F. Tilton, who was
once a prominent local banker and
civil leader in Norwood. Lee B.
Leach of Norwood is our local expert who gives tours and plays the
bells for our town.
During the summer weeks, a
Monday Night Carillon Concert
series is taking place. Concerts
will be from 7 p.m.-8 p.m. This
concert series is sponsored by the
Town of Norwood, by a special
gift from the Norwood’s
Women’s Community Committee, and by private donations to the
Town’s Carillon Fund. This year’s
series is also supported in part by
a grant from the Norwood Cultural Council. The schedule for
this special series is as follows:
June 25: Claire Halpert, Cambridge, Massachusetts
July 2: Lee B. Leach, Norwood,
July 4 @ 3 p.m.: Margaret Angelini, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts
July 9: Stefano Colletti, Douai,
July 16: Groninger Carillon Duo
with Auke deBoer & Adolph Rots,
Groningen, The Netherlands
July 23: Joey Brink, Yale University, Connecticut
July 30: Trevor Workman,
Bournville, Birmingham, England
August 6: Lisa Lonie,
St.Thomas' Church, Whitemarsh,
August 13: George Matthew, Jr.,
Middlebury College, Middlebury,
All concerts are rain or shine.
Bring a blanket or a lawn chair
down to get comfortable and listen
to the bells. Tours of the bell-tower
are available after most concerts.
Information about the Summerfest 2012 concerts on Wednesday
evenings is still forthcoming. They
will be on the Walter J. Dempsey
Memorial Bandstand at the town
Common as well from 7 p.m. – 9
p.m. Summerfest is sponsored by
the Norwood Arts Council.
Page 17
Neponset Valley Chamber of
Commerce Hosts Talk with
Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senatorial Candidate Elizabeth Warren visited the NVCC
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 for a
round table discussion with chamber members about issues that
concern them personally and professionally.
Ms. Warren was on-hand to answer questions and speak about
her plans, if elected, to improve the
connection between business and
government as well as assisting
young people in getting the necessary funding for education.
“What a delight Elizabeth Warren was during the Chamber reception.
Her openness and
willingness to field questions from
business people was both refreshing and encouraging.” said Steve
Fradkin of the Wizard of Adz
based in Canton.
Established in 1894, the Neponset Valley Chamber of Commerce
serves the needs of businesses in a
twelve- town region stretching
from Route 128 to Route 495
southwest of Boston. The NVCC
supports the business community
and economic development efforts
by providing leadership, advocacy
and opportunities for expanded
and enhanced relationships among
business, government and the
community. For information on
membership or doing business in
the region, please contact the
Chamber at (781) 769-1126,
www.nvcc.com or
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 18
July 1. 2012
Living Healthy
Hot Temperatures Are
Back, So Be Careful!
As soon as summer hit Norwood this year, temperatures and humidity
seemed to spike as
well. The CDC reports that in conditions with high
humidity, the body
has a harder time
releasing heat,
as quickly.
T h e s e
high temperatures can
take a toll on
your health,
if you don’t
take certain
In fact, the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that from
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Since 1987
1973 to 2003, heat exposure was
the cause of 8,015 deaths in the
United States.
rapid, strong pulse and dizziness
• Heat exhaustion - an illness
that can precede heatstroke;
symptoms include heavy sweating, rapid breathing and a fast,
weak pulse
Factors that contribute to heatrelated illness include age, fever,
dehydration, heart disease, mental illness, poor circulation and
prescription alcohol or drug use.
Although those most likely to
succumb to the heat
include the elderly
or very young,
and people with
chronic diseases,
anyone who has
been working
or exercising
in high heat
can experience
the following
• Heat cramps - muscle pains
or spasms that happen during
heavy exercise
• Heat rash - skin irritation
from excessive sweating that
looks like a red cluster of small
pimples or blisters, most often
occurring on the neck, chest,
groin, under breasts and inside
Clearly, staying cool, preferably in air-conditioned areas, is
the best common sense measure
against heat-related illness. Replacing salts and minerals, wearing proper clothing and drinking
enough fluids will also help you
stay healthy. How much should
you drink? The NIH states the
average person on an average
day needs about three quarts of
water, but on a hot day, more.
• Heatstroke
- a life-threatening illness in
temperature may
rise above 106° F in
minutes; symptoms
include dry skin,
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· Urinating less often, and dark
colored when you do
· Dry skin
· Feeling tired or dizzy, fainting
Signs of dehydration in babies
often include a dry mouth and
tongue, crying with no tears, no
wet diaper for three hours or
more, a high fever and lethargy.
If you suspect that you’re dehydrated, drink small amounts of
water over time. Drinking too
much at once can upset your
stomach and make you vomit.
The best bet is to drink fluids
throughout the day.
Family Fun is Better With
Active Grandparents
"Mens sana in corpore sano" is
a Latin quotation meaning "a
healthy mind in a healthy body."
Some mourn that it has been forgotten as North Americans witness a decreasing family interest
in outdoor activities and an
alarming obesity rate among
Michelle Obama, as U.S. First
Lady, has been raising awareness of the urgent need for daily
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The following are signs of
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intellectual and physical
exercise through her
highly praised campaign,
"Let's Move."
Bicycle riding is a long
time favorite family outdoor activity and it helps to develop balance, coordination and
motor skills, which contribute to
an individual's overall physical
For pre-schoolers, specialists in
this field tell us that balance
bikes -- two-wheeled bikes without pedals -- are a safe and enjoyable way to learn to ride. Take
a look at the PlasmaBike, for example. Designed by PlaSmart, it
is a popular model due to its recessed but fairly wide wheels
whose internal bearing system
ensures a safe and smooth ride.
Grandparents Ted and Jacqueline Odoni agree: "On weekends, our family's favourite thing
after we've enjoyed a meal together is to go for a walk in the
park or for a ride on our bikes.
It's healthy, it's free, and it clears
your mind. Cycling is what
keeps our three grandchildren
active, and it also keeps us alive
and kicking."
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
Page 19
Living Healthy
Stay Cool, and Healthy, at Town Pools
Now that pool season is here,
Norwood residents will no doubt
be heading to the town pools,
which opened up on June 23.
The two town pools, the Hawes
Pool, 1315 Washington Street,
next to the Coakley Middle
School, and the Father McEleer
pool, at the corner of Hawthorne
and Bernon Streets are open to
Norwood residents only.
With public use, residents
might be concerned over how
frequently pools are inspected.
According to Stacy Lane, Assistant Director of Norwood’s
Health Department, health inspectors check public pools in
the town overall once a week.
Semi-public pools, such as those
in apartment buildings, are
checked quarterly, or on occasion, by complaint. In addition,
she says, lifeguards or certified
pool operators perform a chemi-
cal water quality test on public
pools four times a day, checking
bromine and chlorine levels,
water clarity, temperature and
general sanitation.
The costs to residents for pool
tags is
$11 for seniors
$17 for children 17 and under
$28 for adults (18-61)
$90 for one-adult families
(must live in same household)
$110 for two-adult
families (must live in
same household)
$5 for a one-day pass.
The pool schedule is as follows:
Father McEleer Pool
Monday – Friday, Youth Swim
Lessons 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Adult
Lap Swim 12-1 p.m., General
Swim/Playcamp 1-7 p.m.
Weekends: 12-7 p.m. General
Hawes Pool
Monday – Friday, Youth Swim
Lessons 9-11:15 a.m., Junior
Playcamp 11:15 a.m. – 12 p.m.,
Camp Challenge 12-1 p.m.,
General Swim/Playcamp 1-7
Weekends: 12-7 p.m. General
For more information on pool
rules, visit the Recreation Department page at the town website www.norwoodma.gov.
Norwood Hospital
Hosts Blood Drive
on June 29
Norwood Hospital will hold an
American Red Cross Blood Drive
on Friday, June 29, from 9 am –
2 pm in Abraham-Sieracki Conference Room.
To make an appointment, please
visit www.redcrossblood.org/ma,
or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1800-733-2767) or call the Norwood Hospital blood bank at
(781) 769-4000, ext. 12198.
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Please mention this ad when scheduling consultation
About Norwood Hospital
The 264-bed Norwood Hospital, provides emergency, cardiology,
OB/GYN and Children’s Hospital Boston pediatric services and
is a member of Steward Health
Care. Information about Norwood Hospital’s programs and
services is available at www.Norwood-Hospital.org.
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 20
July 1. 2012
Living Healthy
Too Much of a Good Thing?
Millions of people regularly take
one or more vitamin supplements
daily. Many perceive vitamins as
the way to combat nutritional deficiency from a poor or inadequate
diet. With so many in the population leading busy lives, processed,
convenience foods have become
the go-to items at the grocery store.
Because these foods may not be
nutritionally sound, the belief remains that supplements can fix the
found that more than half of all
Americans take a vitamin supplement daily. According to a survey
by Ipsos Reid for Health Canada,
71 percent of Canadians use natural health products, with vitamins,
at 57 percent, topping the list of
supplements used.
say that the
best way to
get necessary
vitamins is
through the foods you eat.
Furthermore, inexperienced
people are simply taking
their own cocktail of vitamins, and may be taking too
There is the perception that
taking a certain amount can
There even are nutritional testing be beneficial, so that must
companies that will draw blood mean that taking more of the
and determine vitamin deficien- vitamin will have double or
cies, like NutriChem in Ottowa. triple the benefits. What
The right vitamin mix is then cre- many people do not realize is
Research by the Centers for Dis- ated and personalized.
that vitamins -- although they People unknowingly are taking too much of a vitamin supplement.
ease Control and Prevention's NaWhile vitamins can have their are naturally forming in food
tional Center for Healthy Statistics
benefits, many health professionals -- can carry side effects like
any other medication. Taking too
Vitamin D: Vitamin D has been
much of a certain supplement can touted as the wonder supplement
lead to toxicity or different side ef- in the past year. Taking vitamin
fects. Even in moderate doses, D3, "the sunshine vitamin" can
there can be some side effects to help regulate mood, improve sleep,
vitamins as well.
regulate the circadian rhythm,
among other things. Too much
Vitamin A: There is particular
may cause nausea and vomiting,
concern over vitamin A. Taking
bone weakness, hypercalcemia -high doses of antioxidant supplean excessive amount of calcium in
ments such as vitamin A might do
Prompt appointments
the bloodstream, kidney stones and
more harm than good. Some reorgan calcification.
search shows that taking high
doses of vitamin A supplements
Calcium: Calcium and vitamin D
might increase the chance of death work together in the formation of
from all causes and possibly other strong bones. Again, too much of
serious side effects. It can also this supplement can lead to excesmake liver disease worse and in- sive amounts of calcium in the
crease the risk of osteoporosis and blood. Other side effects may inhip fracture.
clude constipation and stomach
upset, including excessive gas.
B complex vitamins: B comMental and mood changes,
plexes or groups of various B vitaheadaches, increased thirst, and
mins put together in the capsule
other side effects are serious.
are some of the more popular vitamins bought. Vitamin B deficienVitamin E: Toxicity from this vicies can lead to lack of energy and tamin may include gastric distress,
feelings of stress and anxiety and fatigue, easy bruising and bleedmay contribute to difficulty with ing, muscle weakness, and diarsleep. There is no magic number in rhea.
terms of milligrams of B vitamins;
In addition to vitamins, other nuhowever, taking too much can retritional supplements have the posult in constipation, stomach upset,
tential to interact with medications
swelling, and even acne associated
(at norwood airport Business Center)
being taken. St. John's Wort, for
with B-12. Many people do not reexample, can affect cholesterol
alize that some B vitamins can
levels and the effectiveness of chocause drowsiness, so it's important
lesterol-lowering drugs. It also
not to drive until you determine the
may have contraindications with
effects of the vitamins.
other medicines.
Vitamin C:People rely heavily on
Although vitamins and supple• Tufts
Including: • Medicare
vitamin C to boost the immune
ments are sold over the counter,
• Harvard Pilgrim
• Mass Health
system and promote good health.
that doesn't make them any safer
It is reported that vitamin C is
• Neighborhood Health
than regulated medications. Indi• United Health Care
largely water-soluble, so toxicity is
viduals should always consult with
• Network Health
rare. But side effects can include
• Most Senior Plans Accepted
a doctor before beginning supplediarrhea, nausea and possible den• BMC Health Net
ments to find out the proper dosage
tal decalcification.
and what vitamins may be benefi• BC/BS
cial or harmful.
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July 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 21
Living Healthy
Can Physical Therapy Train Your Brain?
We exercise to keep our bodies
fit, but did you know that exercise
can also train your brain? You have
likely heard of the effect of endorphins on your mood, and you
probably know that you feel better
after exercising. Exercise can im-
Exercise triggers communication
between (and blood circulation to)
brain cells, which interact with
other parts of the nervous system.
The processing system of the brain
is challenged during workouts, as
certain chemicals such as adrenaline are triggered.
Regular exercise can help keep
brain cells healthy and functioning
properly. An active lifestyle can
improve mental focus, accelerate
Activity and
Brain Training
Exercise at low to
moderate levels is
best for training the
brain. Very intense
workouts can leave
physically and mentally. Ideally, you
need at least half an
hour of moderate
exercise 3 times a
week. Longer sessions may provide
added benefit. You
can also consider
shorter, more frequent exercise during the day.
Physical Therapy
& Sp rts Rehab, Inc.
Moderate activities like brisk
walking, hiking, biking, and swimming are beneficial, as are calming
activities like yoga and deep
breathing exercises. Your physical
therapist will help you determine
what's best for you.
prove clarity, increase brain function, and possibly stimulate the
formation of new brain pathways
by restoring and stimulating nerve
cells, called 'neurons'.
Mental exercises can keep you
alert, and must be accompanied
with physical exercises for best results. Exercise helps improve circulation in your cardiovascular
(heart), pulmonary (lungs) and
nervous (brain and spinal cord)
The Mind-Body
As one grows older, the
human brain starts to lose
nerve cells and this can result
in varying degrees of mental
decline. Exercise is one of the
most effective ways to challenge your nerves. Your brain
function is improved through
mental stimulation as well as
through physical exercise.
The inevitable mental declines often associated with
the aging process can be minimized with a well-designed
exercise routine.
the healing process for patients
with brain or nerve injuries and can
reduce the risk of dementia as we
grow older.
There is a strong correlation between physical exercise and good
mental health as people age. Individuals who stimulate their nervous system through exercise tend
to function at a higher level physically and mentally.
3-Things Your MUST Know About The Dangers of Falling
If you want to maintain mental
acuity well into advanced age, contact your physical therapist. Physical activity can help ready the
brain for new information, leading
to increased interest, improved attitude, and better learning outcomes.
Contact your physical therapist to
learn more about how exercise
therapy can help train your brain.
In our facility, we are specially
trained to develop exercise programs that are customized to
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their background and needs.
We can help you take control
of your life by creating a personalized exercise regime to
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Go to our website at
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more! Call our Norwood office at (781) 769-2040 or
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384-7020 today to find out
how to get healthier. Call
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The leading cause of death due to injury
among the elderly are falls.
It’s becoming a growing epidemic.
One out of 3 seniors will fall each year.
*It’s important to get balance & fall
prevention training. Those who have
already fallen are 2 to 3 times more likely
to fall again.
*Information provided by “About.com,” “HHCAC.com” and
We Offer a Revolutionary
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 22
July 1. 2012
Affinity Hospice of Life
Seeking Volunteers
Can you make a profound difference in someone’s life? It is possible for you to make a difference
in a family’s life that will be remembered for years to come?
Affinity Hospice of Life is offering Volunteer Training to the local
community. This free, comprehensive, 6 hour training program
will prepare interested individuals
on how to assist those on their endof-life journey. We can adapt our
training to fit your schedule.
Affinity Hospice’s mission is to
ensure that all people have an opportunity to receive end of life care
which offers compassion, preserves dignity, and provides comfort. A hospice volunteer is an
important part of our mission.
They give companionship, hand
holding, playing music, providing
a calm presence and purposeful
memory-making moments. As a
volunteer, you will never walk
alone. Please call us today and
make a meaningful difference in
someone’s life. Contact: Marianne Bourgault, Volunteer Coordinator @ (888) 239-0401 or by
Evening Service,
Dinner Offered at
Temple Shaare Tefilah
Temple Shaare Tefilah will have
a dinner followed by an evening
service on Friday, July 13, 2012.
The dinner, costing $9, will be at
6:30 p.m., followed by the Kabbalat Shabbat service at 8 p.m.
Please call reservations in to the
Temple office by Tuesday, July 10,
Tel. (781) 762-8670.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
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Get the most out of your Chamber Membership and expose your
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Temple Shaare Tefilah is a Conservative, Egalitarian congregation
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Bring a lot of business cards.
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and opportunities for expanded
and enhanced relationships among
business, government and the
community. For information on
membership or doing business in
the region, please contact the
Chamber at (781) 769-1126,
Page 23
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1. 2012
Norwood Sports
Sponsored By
Mark Saulnier's Strength Shines
Through in Norwood Baseball
Prior to the baseball season,
Saulnier received his first Bay
State All Star award in wrestling,
where he captured the Division 2
state title in the 195 weight class
and finished fourth at the All State
Tournament. According to Coach
Igoe, coming right from wrestling
to baseball shows you won’t find
a tougher kid around.
“Mark has caught 19 of this
year’s 20 games and has allowed
only six base runners to steal on
him,” Norwood skipper Kevin
Igoe said. “Unfortunately catching doesn’t seem to get a whole
lot of credit.”
After spending his first year in
high school on the freshman
squad, the now junior, burst onto
the varsity scene in his sophomore campaign. During that season Saulnier took his position
behind the plate for 15 of the
Mustang’s 20 contests. This year
his playing time has increased as
the Norwood catcher has only
been on the bench for one of this
year’s 20 games.
“I may be the number one
catcher on this team according to
the coaches, but I personally don’t
see myself that far ahead of our
back-up catcher. If the coaches
believe in me so much, I guess I
am, but I just don’t see it,”
Saulnier said. “Teams still don’t
seem to respect my arm strength.
The first time around they were
getting tremendous leads, but
seemed to give up after I continued to gun them down.”
At the plate the Norwood
catcher batted third with a .360
batting average in which he not
only led the team in runs scored
(22), but also with steals (11).
With that, he was named to the
Bay State All Star team for the
first time in his career, something
that totally took him by surprise.
“When I first found out, I really
didn’t know what to say, I really
Growing up, Saulnier originally
was a pitcher, but come his 11th
birthday, he took on the role of
back-up catcher as his little league
team didn’t have one. It was a
move that he never regrets.
“As a catcher, I like the fact that
I have control of the game,” he
said. “Trying to figure out what
the pitching staff should be throwing to each batter they face – it
gets me going.”
On the wrestling mat, Norwood’s Mark Saulnier is a force
to be reckoned with, but when it
comes to his play on the baseball
field his coach believes he plays a
position that falls in the Rodney
Dangerfield mold.
While only a handful of runners
have succeeded in beating him on
the base paths, the junior catcher
still doesn’t have the full respect
from opposing teams. That may
be because he doesn’t find himself to be a top caliber catcher.
that important to the team’s success.”
Much like his ability on the diamond, Saulnier didn’t believe in
his wrestling ability, especially
since it was only his second season with the team. During practices the 190-pound Saulnier
Although Mark Salnier doesn't see what his coaches see in him, his stellar
performance in both wrestling and as a catcher attest to his ability.
didn’t think any of the other
coaches knew who I was,” he
Coach Igoe already knew what
he had in his catcher.
“If a game is important or on the
line, there is no way we’re taking
him out. Mark has a high baseball
IQ and calls his own game,” the
coach said. “On the field he’s an
extension to the coaching staff
and we sometimes take him for
granted for what he does out
there. If we were to lose him
we’d be in deep trouble – he’s just
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65 Cottage St. (East)
would wrestle the 215-pound
heavyweights, a move that eventually paid off.
“I think that my wrestling the
bigger kids at practice helped
when I got on the mat in competitions as my opponents were a lot
lighter,” he said. “On winning the
state tournament, I honestly didn’t
believe in myself. Luckily, I
started peaking near the end of the
season and got on a good run in
the tournament.”
Giving 100% every time he
steps onto the Saulnier is hoping
that his teammates believe in him
the way his coaches do.
“The coach’s confidence in my
ability translates to the way that I
play on the field,” the catcher
said. “The way I dedicate myself
to the game, I would like to think
that the younger players are following my lead by example attitude.”
Norwood, behind Saulnier,
qualified for the Division 1 South
Baseball Tournament grabbing a
number six seed with their 15-5
Page 24
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1. 2012
Norwood Sports
Sponsored By
Rain Does Not Deter
Runners in Norwood
Road Race/Walk
Saturday, June 2 was a drenched
day in Norwood, but the rains did
not stop record runners and walkers from participating in the 4th
Annual Saint Catherine's of Siena
School Road Race/Walk. A total of
277 registered runners/walkers, 94
of which were Saint Catherine's
students, joined in the 3.1 mile
event raising over $6,000 from
registration and raffle profits.
Runners and walkers of all skill
levels from the school and the Norwood community look forward to
this fun, family-friendly event each
year and utilize the race as an individual, personal-timed event or
simply as an opportunity to participate in a recreational and gratifying physical activity. Cash prizes
and awards were given to the top
three male and female race and
walk participants within specific
age groups as well as other spe-
cialty awards for SCS students,
SCS alumni and SCS faculty and
family members.
Proceeds from the yearly
fundraiser are used to furnish specific items or donated to school departments. This year's race
revenues is allocated to acquiring
ipads for the junior high and a donation to a gymnasium fund.
"We like to do something the
whole school can benefit from,"
Mahoney said.
In addition to the excitement of
the race, the day also included a
pizza party, lively music, a bouncy
house for kids and an abundance
of raffle items donated by the following local businesses: Old Colonial Cafe, Broderick Gymnastic
Academy, Garcia Brogan's
Restaurant, Charles River Running/Norwood, Lovell's Nursery
and Garden Center, All Seasons
Rent-All, Marathon Sports, New
Balance, The Home Depot, The
Village Toy Shop, Betsy's Barber
Shop, Ceramics a' la Carte, T & B
Pub, Ten X Club, It's a Dog's Life,
Inc., Ruma's Fruit, Norwood
Aquatics Club, Starbucks, Spot!,
The Funway, Salon Monique,
Sharp Hair Studio, Inc., Dirt Dawg
Sports and J.P. Licks.
Cash donations were also donated by: Vincent A. DiIorio, Inc.,
Swisses of Sherborn, Eye
Tile/Brighton, Falvey Finishing
First Baptist Church of Norwood Sponsors
Friends of Honduras Golf Outing 9/15
Jerry Cox has been selected to
Chair a Charitable Golf Tournament that will be called Friends of
Honduras Best Ball Golf Tournament. The event will be held on
Saturday, September 15th, with
Shotgun Tee time of 12:30 p.m.,
with a meal to follow.
This tournament is to raise
awareness of Mission Honduras'
great mission work, and all net
proceeds will go to the on-ground
operations in Honduras. You can
check out some of the great work
at www.missionhonduras.org and
also can see a planned orphanage
and school site being developed at
Honduras is a 501(3)c non-profit,
meaning all donations are tax deductible.
Jerry says, "We are looking for
golfers and sponsors for the tournament. This type of tournament is
a fun event with plenty of exciting
prizes to be given away and a great
meal and awards ceremony that
follows the golf. Just imagine,
every golfer will have a chance to
win a brand new 2012 Honda
A local resident, Ann Fleck, currently Choir Director at First Baptist Church in Norwood, is sponsor
for the car, "In Memory of Ray
Fleck," her husband, who was
a very popular figure in the
area and a person with endless
energy participating in many
local activities. She is asking
for all of her family and
friends to honor Ray by playing in tournament if they golf,
and if not, they may attend the
meal that will follow golf at a
cost of $25 per person. Ray
will be honored at the meal
prior to the awards and door
prizes. You may also send a
check for a donation "In Memory of Ray Fleck" or may
choose who you want to recognize. We will have a special
board with all of the names of
Sponsors and the name of the prize
sponsored or name of person and
town "in Memory of."
The site for the event is at the
Norwood Country Club, one of 5
courses owned and operated by
Sterling Golf.
Some of the great prizes are:
2012 Honda Civic, a TV, set of 3
irons, domestic airline tickets for
2, and complete round of golf for
four with cart at any Sterling
Course in Ma. Top 3 foursomes
will win cash prize, all par threes
will have hole in one prizes, 2 par
3's for closest to pin, 2 longest
drive holes with a prize for
ladies/seniors along with one for
the big hitters. We will have
some auctions, door prizes,
and freebies with the round
for everyone. You get all of
this, and is only $95 per golfer
that includes golf, cart, freebies, and a meal that follows.
Sponsor fee per hole $100,
sponsor fee for car $500,
sponsor fee for 3 other hole in
one prizes $200, and we also
are taking sponsors for just
donations for a great cause.
Please register by August
1st. You can contact any of the
organizing Chairs for a
brochure to be sent to you or
Co., Zammito Insurance, Angela...10 Below, The Raven's Nest,
AJT Supplies, Inc., Peoples Federal Savings Bank, Academic Fun
Pre-School Daycare, Iron Mike,
Boston Exterior Contracting and
Canton Dale Chiropractic.
register by phone. The Chairpersons are:
Jerry Cox (781) 690-2060 email
jxc0291@gmail.com Chairman
Joan Riddle (617) 797-5195
Co-Chair Judy Margetts (339)
You may send donations to Jerry
Cox P.O.Box 274, Norwood,
Checks should be made payable
to: MA Board for Mission Honduras (MBFMH). You can sign up
the foursome or individually. We
will pair up anyone that signs as a
For anyone unable to participate,
consider donating something that
can be auctioned off or a contribution for a great cause. You can do
this by sending a check to
Jerry Cox, PO Box 274, Norwood, Ma. 02062 For anyone that
would like to sponsor "In Memory
of"please note on your check. Call
any of the Chair Persons above to
discuss and arrange.
We hope to see you there. Register early, as space is limited.
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1, 2012
Recent Norwood Accident Brings
Bicycle Safety to Forefront
A recent hit and run accident left
bicyclist and pathologist Dr. James
Kolton with “serious injuries” according to a police report. It also
said, “his bicycle had extensive
damage and was in the road
nearby.” He was taken from Norwood Hospital to a Boston hospital
following the accident.
Reports say that Dr. Kolton was
riding northbound on Route 1A
(Washington Street) when a car
slammed into his bike. They also
say Dr. Kolton was wearing a fluorescent vest, had a light on his
bike and was wearing a helmet at
the time of the accident.
Page 25
The vehicle that struck the bicyclist fled the scene. However, the
reports say a Norwood resident
went to the police station the next
day and reported he had struck
something with this car the night
before. Officers found extensive
damage to the right front of the vehicle and to the windshield. As a
result, police intended to charge
the party with negligent operation
of a motor vehicle and leaving the
scene of an accident that resulted
in serious personal injury. His
name was not provided, because it
was not an arrestable offense.
So, what precautions can bicyclists take when riding around
Norwood (or anywhere for that
matter) in order to reach their destination safely? Take a class to
learn best bicycling practices.
The Norwood Recreation Department offers a course to adult
bicyclists that is taught by MassBike entitled Basics of Better Biking. The course is also offered in
other locations throughout the state
(MassBike.org). It is a four-hour
weekend session that provides
guided instruction with simple
practice drills in a parking lot,
easy-paced riding on local roadways for short distances, and
group-discussion breaks along the
way. They cover such topics as
bike and helmet fitting, starting
and stopping your bike in traffic,
shifting gears, scanning and yielding, choosing the correct lane position in the road, handling
intersections, etc.
In addition to the adult course,
MassBike offers a course entitled
Safe Routes to School (SRTS). It
is offered to grades 4-8. If you can
not attend a class right away,
MassBike offers these basic suggestions: Make Sure the Helmet
Fits, Dress Bright and Tight, Be a
Safe Bike Driver, Check Your
Bike, and Obey the Rules of the
Road. Contact MassBike at 617542-BIKE (2453) or through their
website http://massbike.org.
Finally, join a bike club such as
which helps promote bike safety.
They participated in last year’s
Norwood Day by selling adult and
children’s helmets that the Health
Department made available for $5
Classes on bicycle safety are
available at the Norwood Recreation Department, and MassBike
offers a Safe Routes to Schools
course for kids.
Fall Sessions begins in September
Sports fun for kids ages 3 to 6!
Real game experience for kids 6 to 8!
At Mini Athletes we get the little ones off the sofa
Whether or not your child has completed our Mini Ahtletes
and onto the playing field as children learn to play a
different sport each week.
program, if they’re 6 to 8 years old they’re ready to get real
game experience with our Junior Athletes program.
8 weeks of one sport, and mixed sport classes.
Register early for availability!
Page 26
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
July 1. 2012
Congratulations to Norwood's Scholarship Recipients!*
- $250
Norwood Student Receives
MAIW Scholarship
The Norfolk Chapter of the Massachusetts Association of Insurance
Women (MAIW) awarded the $500
Barbara Dickson Calos Memorial
Educational Scholarship to Melisa
Varitimos. Melisa is a Norwood resident and a graduating senior of Blue
Hills Regional Technical School in
Canton. In the Fall she will be attending the Culinary Institute of
America where she plans to earn her
Bachelor’s Degree in Baking and
Pastry Arts Management. She plans
to own and operate her own bakery
one day.
Melisa has been pursuing her culinary dreams for some time now: In
2004 Melisa started a cable television cooking show “Oven Luv’n
with Chef Melisa.” She currently
works as an assistant baker. Melisa
has a wonderful academic record,
she excels in sports
and she volunteers
doing a great deal of
community service.
In April 2009 she was
a guest of the
“Rachael Ray” Show!
Kristin Camarra JD, CPIW, of
Camber Insurance Agency, Inc. of
Norwood and Canton, Immediate
Past Director of the Norfolk Chapter,
Scholarship Committee Chair and
MAIW Vice President-Elect presented the award to Melisa at the
Norfolk Chapter’s Annual Award
Melisa Varitimos, graduate of Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton, has been awarded a $500 scholarship from the Norfolk Chapter of the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Women (MAIW). From left, Nick
Calos, Melisa Varitimos, Kristin Camarra
*partial list, pending notification of a
Page 27
July 1
Norwood concert on the common: Sharon concert band
Town Common, 7 -p.m.
The Sharon Concert Band will
entertain with patriotic songs and
show tunes. Bring a comfortable
chair or blanket to enjoy the show!
July 2
American red cross blood
Sheraton Four Points, 1151 Providence Hwy. (Rte. 1), 2-7 p.m.
Donation Types: Double Red
Cell Donations, Blood
Free Carton of Friendly's Ice
Cream with donation!
Independence day carillon
Town Hall's Memorial Tower
7-8 p.m.
The concert will be followed by
a tour of the 50-bell Tilton Memorial Carillon. Guest Carillonneur
is Norwood’s own Lee. B. Leach.
blood Pressure clinic
Norwood Town Hall,
Health Department, 6-7:30 p.m.
Popcorn & Presidents film
Series: Wag the Dog
Morrill Memorial Library, 7-9
Wag the Dog is part of the library's Summer Film Series just in
time for the November election!
Movies about U.S. Presidents will
be shown on Monday evenings
through August 6. Free popcorn is
supplied courtesy of Regal Cinemas in Bellingham, MA. Register
at the library reference desk or call
(781) 769-0200, x110 or 222.
July 3
Norwood farmer's Market
Town Common, 12-6 p.m.
Browse through various local
vendors for the freshest choice in
vegetables, fruits, seafood, bread,
cheese, oil and vinegars and meats.
53rd Annual Night before the
4th Parade & fireworks
6 p.m. fire engine parade, 6:30
p.m. band concert on Stone Field,
9:30 p.m. fireworks
July 4
children's bicycle, tricycle, doll
carriage and historical character Parade
Norwood Center, 1 p.m.
Over 300 children decorate their
tricycles, bicycles or doll carriages
or come dressed as a historical
character. The parade, led by The
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Colonial Boys, begins at
the First Congregational
Church at the corner of
Walpole and Winter Streets and
proceeds through town ending at
the Town Common. The fee is
$1.00 and every child receives a
festive tee shirt and participation
ribbon. The winners are welcomed to ride in the main parade
on a float.
mas in Bellingham, MA.
Register at the library reference desk or call (781)
769-0200, x110 or 222.
July Calendar
Independence day carillon
Town Hall's Memorial Tower
3-4 p.m.
The concert will be followed by
a tour of the 50-bell Tilton Memorial Carillon. Featuring Norwood’s own Lee B. Leach,
Carillonneur and Margaret Angelini of Wellesley College. Bring
a comfortable and enjoy the concert on the corner of Nahatan St.
Norwood's firecracker 5k
road race
Norwood Center, 5 p.m.
Run or watch this unique, funfilled event prior to the Norwood
Parade. Applications are available
at Town Hall, the Civic Center, the
Library or by calling 781-7623054. Whether you are a spectator
or a runner, this is a race you will
not forget!
eastern Mass fire truck Procession, Antique & classic carss
& historic Military reenactment
Washington St: South Norwood to
Norwood Center, 5:30 p.m.
Norwood fourth of July Parade
Washington St: South Norwood to
Norwood Center, 5:45 p.m.
The famous Norwood Fourth of
July Parade will include national
and international marching bands,
entertaining acts, floats and community groups. Don’t miss out on
this spectacular event!
July 8
Summer concert on the
Norwood Town Gazebo, 7-9 p.m.
The Westwood Swing Band will
be swaying on the town common.
Bring a comfortable chair or blanket to enjoy the show!
July 9
carillon concert
Town Hall's Memorial Tower
7-9 p.m.
Stefano Colletti, from Douai,
France, will be performing. Bring
a comfortable and enjoy the concert on the corner of Nahatan St.
Popcorn & Presidents film Series: Air force One
Morrill Memorial Library
7-9 p.m.
Air Force One, is part of the library's Summer Film Series just in
time for the November election!
Movies about U.S. Presidents will
be shown on Monday evenings
through August 6. Free popcorn is
supplied courtesy of Regal Cinemas in Bellingham, MA. Register
at the library reference desk or call
(781) 769-0200, x110 or 222.
July 10
Norwood farmer's Market
Town Common, 12-6 p.m.
Browse through various local
vendors for the freshest choice in
vegetables, fruits, seafood, bread,
cheese, oil and vinegars and meats.
July 13
temple Shaare tefilah evening
Service and dinner
Dinner at 6:30 p.m., $9
Kabbalat Shabbat service at 8
Please call reservations in to
Temple office by July 10 (781)
761-8670. Visit www.templeshaaretefilah.org
July 15
Summer concert on the
Norwood Town Gazebo, 7-9 p.m.
The Roy Scott Big Band will be
making big music on the town
common. Bring a comfortable
chair blanket to enjoy the show!
July 16
carillon concert
Town Hall's Memorial Tower
7-9 p.m.
Groninger Carillon Duo with
Auke deBoer & Adolph Rots,
Groningen, from the Netherlands,
will be performing. Bring a comfortable and enjoy the concert on
the corner of Nahatan St.
Popcorn & Presidents film Series: The Contender
Morrill Memorial Library
7-9 p.m.
The Contender is part of the library's Summer Film Series just in
time for the November election!
Movies about U.S. Presidents will
be shown on Monday evenings
through August 6. Free popcorn is
supplied courtesy of Regal Cine-
July 17
Norwood farmer's Market
Town Common, 12-6 p.m.
Browse through various local
vendors for the freshest choice in
vegetables, fruits, seafood, bread,
cheese, oil and vinegars and meats.
July 18
Artful Marker Letters Workshop
Morrill Memorial Library
9:30-11 a.m.
Want to create colorful, eyecatching cards, envelopes, signs
and more? Calligrapher and library
staff member Cindy Rudolph will
give some fun and easy tips on
drawing and decorating letters in
this free workshop. The class is
limited to 15 people, ages 14 and
up. Sign up at the library reference
desk or call (781) 769-0200, x110.
July 23
carillon concert
Town Hall's Memorial Tower
7-9 p.m.
Joey Brink, Yale University, CT,
will be performing. Bring a comfortable and enjoy the concert on
the corner of Nahatan St.
Popcorn & Presidents film Series: Absolute Power
Morrill Memorial Library
7-9 p.m.
Absolute Power, is part of the library's Summer Film Series just in
time for the November election!
Movies about U.S. Presidents will
be shown on Monday evenings
through August 6. Free popcorn is
supplied courtesy of Regal Cinemas in Bellingham, MA. Register
at the library reference desk or call
(781) 769-0200, x110 or 222.
July 24
Norwood farmer's Market
Town Common, 12-6 p.m.
Browse through various local
vendors for the freshest choice in
vegetables, fruits, seafood, bread,
cheese, oil and vinegars and meats.
July 26
first Ladies of the civil War
Morrill Memorial Library
7-9 p.m.
Historian Gary Hylander will
discuss the Civil War experiences
of Varina Davis and Mary Todd
Lincoln. At the close of the war,
July 1. 2012
Mrs. Davis campaigned to free her
husband from prison while Mrs.
Lincoln endured the public embarrassment of having her insanity trials spread across the front pages of
America's newspapers. Sign up for
this entertaining and informative
lecture at the reference or information desk or call (781) 769-0200,
x110 or 222.
NNcc business After hours
One Bistro, Four Points Sheraton,
1125 Providence Hgwy. (Rte. 1)
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Network your business and services while enjoying complimentary food and beverage. This is a
great opportunity to expose your
business and services to NVCC
members! For more information,
visit nvcc.com.
July 29
Summer concert on the
Norwood Town Gazebo, 7-9 p.m.
It's POPS night with the Milestones Big Band. Bring a comfortable chair or blanket to enjoy the
July 30
carillon concert
Town Hall's Memorial Tower
7-9 p.m.
Trevor Workman, Bournville,
Birmingham, England, will be
performing. Bring a comfortable
and enjoy the concert on the corner
of Nahatan St.
Popcorn & Presidents film Series: My Fellow Americans
Morrill Memorial Library
7-9 p.m.
My Fellow Americans is part of
the library's Summer Film Series
just in time for the November election! Movies about U.S. Presidents
will be shown on Monday
evenings through August 6. Free
popcorn is supplied courtesy of
Regal Cinemas in Bellingham,
MA. Register at the library reference desk or call (781) 769-0200,
x110 or 222.
July 31
Norwood farmer's Market
Town Common
12-6 p.m.
Browse through various local
vendors for the freshest choice in
vegetables, fruits, seafood, bread,
cheese, oil and vinegars and meats.
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 28
Children attending Emmanuel
Lutheran Church’s Vacation
Bible School will be going on
an Amazing Desert Journey.
This exciting Vacation Bible
School is for everyone between
the ages of 4 and Grade 6. The
fun begins on August 6 and
continues through August 10.
Sessions run from 9 a.m. to
noon each day. The church is
located at 24 Berwick St. in
Each day the children will
learn about God’s love and how
He provides for their lives now
and in eternity through Jesus,
His Son, our Savior! Kids meet
friends, explore Bible stories,
do activities, sing songs, make
crafts, play games and eat
For more information or to
register for VBS, call the
church office at (781) 7629457. The office is open from 9
a.m.—2 p.m., Tuesday through
Friday. Registrations are due in
the church office by July 29.
Don’t delay! Register today!
See you at the Amazing Desert
Get Your
If you would like to get a Social
Security Statement, which provides estimates of your future benefits, it is now available online at
“Our new online Social Security
Statement is simple, easy-to-use
and provides people with estimates
they can use to plan for their retirement,” said Michael J. Astrue,
Commissioner of Social Security. “The online Statement also
provides estimates for disability
and survivors benefits, making the
Statement an important financial
planning tool. People should get in
the habit of checking their online
Statement each year, around their
birthday, for example.”
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In addition to helping with financial planning, the online Statement
also provides workers a convenient
way to determine whether their
earnings are accurately posted to
their Social Security records. This
feature is important because Social
Security benefits are based on average earnings over a person’s lifetime. If the information is
incorrect, the person may not receive proper benefits.
July 1. 2012
The online Statement provides
you the opportunity to save or print
the document for future reference,
or to have handy for discussions
with family members or a financial
According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, users are
giving the online Statement a score
of 89, making it competitive with
our other top-rated, best-in-government online services, such as the
Retirement Estimator and online
retirement application.
To get a personalized online
Statement, you must be age 18 or
older and must be able to provide
information about yourself that
matches information already on
file with Social Security. In addition, Social Security uses Experian,
an external authentication service
provider, for further verification.
You must provide identifying information and answer security
questions in order to pass this verification. Social Security will not
share your Social Security number
with Experian, but the identity
check is an important part of this
new, thorough verification process.
When your identity is verified,
you can create a “My Social Security” account with a unique user
name and password to access your
online Statement. In addition, your
online Statement includes links to
information about other online Social Security services, such as applications for retirement, disability,
and Medicare.
For more information about the
new online Statement, please visit
If you know anyone who may
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environment, call Gerry Gallin
to schedule a tour
or gerry@avitaofneedham.com
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Page 30
July 1. 2012
Norwood Hospital Receives Get With the GuidelinesStroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award
Award demonstrates Norwood Hospital’s commitment to quality care for stroke patients
Norwood, MA - June 20, 2012 Norwood Hospital has received
the American Heart Association/American Stroke AssociaGet
Guidelines®-Stroke Silver Plus
Quality Achievement Award. The
award recognizes Norwood Hospital’s commitment and success
in implementing a higher standard
of stroke care by ensuring that
stroke patients receive treatment
according to nationally accepted
standards and recommendations.
“With a stroke, time lost may
mean that brain tissue is lost, and
the Get With The GuidelinesStroke Silver Plus Quality
Achievement Award demonstrates that our staff is committed
to providing care that has been
shown in the scientific literature
to quickly and efficiently treat
stroke patients with evidencebased protocols,” said Alan Kurland, MD, chief of Neurology and
Medical Director of the stroke
service at the hospital.
Dr. Kurland, in collaboration
with Sheila Silva, MSN, RN,
CEN, Clinical Nurse Specialist,
and the Norwood Hospital’s multidisciplinary Stroke Committee,
spearheaded the implementation
of the stroke guidelines, beginning in 2004 and the ongoing collaborative effort for the award.
To receive the Get With The
Guidelines-Stroke Silver Plus
Quality Achievement Award,
Norwood Hospital achieved at
least 12 consecutive months of 85
percent or higher adherence to all
Get With The Guidelines-Stroke
Quality Achievement indicators
and achieved at least 75 percent or
higher compliance with six of 10
Get With The Guidelines-Stroke
Quality Measures during that
same period of time, which are reporting initiatives to measure
quality of care.
These measures include aggressive use of medications, such as
antithrombotics, anticoagulation
therapy, DVT prophylaxis, cho-
lesterol reducing drugs and smoking cessation, all aimed at reducing death and disability and
improving the lives of stroke patients.
“We are so pleased to receive
this quality achievement award
for stroke care,” said Emily Holliman, Norwood Hospital President. “The efforts of our staff in
following the recommended
guidelines are critical steps to improving outcomes of stroke patients and saving lives.”
In addition to the Get With The
Guideline-Stroke award, Norwood Hospital has also been recognized as a recipient of the
association’s Target: Stroke
Honor Roll, for improving stroke
care. Over the past quarter, at least
50 percent of the hospital’s eligible ischemic stroke patients have
received tissue plasminogen activator, or tPA, upon arriving at the
hospital (known as ‘door-to-needle’ time). A thrombolytic, or
clot-busting agent, tPA is the only
drug approved by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration for the
urgent treatment of ischemic
stroke. If given intravenously in
the first three hours after the start
of stroke symptoms, tPA has been
shown to significantly reverse the
effects of stroke and reduce permanent disability.
Get With The Guidelines-Stroke
uses the “teachable moment,” the
time soon after a patient has had
a stroke, when they are most
likely to listen to and follow their
healthcare professionals’ guidance. Studies demonstrate that patients who are taught how to
manage their risk factors while
still in the hospital reduce their
risk of a second heart attack or
stroke. Through Get With The
Guidelines-Stroke, customized
patient education materials are
made available at the point of discharge, based on patients’ individual risk profiles. In addition,
the Get With The Guidelines Patient Management Tool provides
It’s easy to see why we’re
considered one of New
England’s finest healthcare
providers, offering Post-Surgery
Rehabilitation along with Short
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Home-Like Settings...
For more information about our facilities
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Medicare/Medicaid Certified
access to up-to-date cardiovascular and stroke science at the point
of care.
About Get With The
Get With The Guidelines® is
the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s hospital-based quality
improvement program that empowers healthcare teams to save
lives and reduce healthcare costs
by helping hospitals follow evidence-based guidelines and recommendations.
For more
information, visit heart.org/quality.
About Norwood Hospital
The 264-bed Norwood Hospital
provides emergency, cardiology,
advanced surgical, endoscopic,
psychiatric, OB/GYN and 24/7
Children’s Hospital Boston pediatric services and is a member of
Steward Health Care. Information
about Norwood Hospital’s programs and services is available at
About Steward Health Care
Steward Health Care is the
largest community-based accountable care organization and
community hospital network in
New England. Headquartered in
Boston, Steward has more than
13,000 employees serving more
than one million patients annually
in 85 communities. Hospitals in
the system include Saint Anne’s
in Fall River, Holy Family Hospital in Methuen, St. Elizabeth’s
Medical Center in Brighton, Norwood Hospital, Carney Hospital
in Dorchester, and Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton,
Nashoba Valley Medical Center
in Ayer, Merrimack Valley Hospital in Haverhill, Morton Hospital
in Taunton and Quincy Medical
Center. Other Steward Health
Care entities include Steward
Physician Network, Steward
Home Care, which also provides
hospice services, Labouré College, and Por Cristo. Further information is available at
July 1, 2012
Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 31
Morrill Library’s Summer Reading home M A R K E T P L A C E
Program 2012 Is Underway!
Kids, be sure to get lots of reading done this summer. As inspiration, the Morrill Memorial Library
is once again hosting its Dream
Big, Read! Summer Reading Program.
Sign-up is done online, from
your own computer, or from a
computer at the library. Go to the
library website, www.norwoodlibrary.org, and you will see the link
for the summer program under the
kids and teens column. You will be
asked to create your own username
and password, and to enter some
information about yourself. You
will also want to set a “goal” for
the summer, your goal is the number of books that you plan to read
through the summer.
Once you sign-up, you can receive a “Dream Big - READ!”
bookmark. At the end of the program, if you reach your goal, you
will receive a certificate of completion and a prize at a school celebration. You can also look for your
name in the local newspaper. So
stop in often, enter our weekly lottery for a free book, pick up
weekly activity sheets, do an art
project, join the poetry club, visit
with Lucy the R.E.A.D. Dog, play
Bingo, enter the Lego Competition, meet an author, become a
stargazer, find great books, stay
cool, relax and read.
"Dream Big - READ!” is cosponsored by the Morrill Memorial Library, the Friends of the
Library, the Norwood Cultural
Council, the Massachusetts Library System, the Boston Bruins,
and the Massachusetts Board of
Library Commissioners.
If you have questions, contact the
library at (781) 769-0200, ext. 225.
Picnic Storytimes
Ages: 3 - 6 and their families
9 & 23 4-5 p.m.
Fridays, July 6 thru August 24
Join us for some good ‘ole fashioned fun. Prizes awarded!
Enjoy your lunch while listening
to stories, then join in for some
outdoor activities including the
parachute, bubbles, kite flying and
more. Weather permitting.
Scrabble Club
Grades: 3 – 8
Tues., July 24, 10 - 11am &
Thurs., August 16, 10 - 11a.m.
Every Tuesday, 7 – 8pm
Lucy is a trained companion dog
who loves to listen to children read.
Bring your favorite book or borrow
one from the library.
Drop-in any Tuesday night for a
fun and friendly Scrabble game.
All levels of ability are welcome.
The Music Lady:
Carol Kingsbury
Preschoolers and their families
Teen Poetry Club
Grades: 6+ (registration required)
Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m.:
3 – 3:30pm Mondays: July 2,
July 16, July 30, Aug. 13 (registration required) Preschoolers can
sing and dance at this entertaining
July 31 & Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28 During these meetings, you will meet
published poets, and learn and
practice various forms of poetry.
You can share your work, get advice from the group, or publish
your work on the Internet. Bring
your friends, we’ll bring munchies.
Farmers Friends
(Gazebo on the Town
Ages 3 – 6 and their Families
Tuesdays: July 3, 17, 31 and August 14, 28,
2 – 3 p.m
These fun and educational storytimes, which will take place at the
Farmers Market, will emphasize
farming themes such as bees, bunnies, seeds and worms. Following
a reading time, there will be a related activity. Weather permitting.
Each week, drop in anytime to
use your creativity.
Origami : with a special guest
from Japan!
Grades: 3 – 8 Monday,
August 6,
4 – 5 p.m.
(registration required) The tradition of Origami is still popular in
Japan, and children learn and practice this art from early childhood.
Join Japanese student Elena Furuhashi as she shows us how to
make various “Dream” themed
pieces. Suitable for all levels.
Campfire Storytimes
Ages: 3-6 and their families
snack provided Thurs.,
July 5, 7 - 7:30 p.m & Thurs.,
August 2, 7 - 7:30 p.m.
Arts& Crafts
Grades: K and older Wednesdays, July 11 thru August 22
Lucy the R.E.A.D. Dog
Beginner Readers and older (registration required)
Come sing around the “campfire” and tell campfire tales. Don’t
forget to wear your pajamas and
bring your teddy bears!
Grades: 1 and older (registration
Lego Mania
(registration required)
Grades: K and older
Tuesday, August 21, 11 a.m. – 12
On your mark, get set, BUILD!
Construct your best Lego creation
and bring it to the library for this
friendly competition. Certificates
and prizes will be awarded.
“Dream” themes are encouraged.
Happy 4tH of July
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Local Town Pages www.norwoodtownnews.com
Page 32
July 1. 2012
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• Service loaner Cars Available
Summer Oil C
.95 ge!
plus tax
by Infiniti o
f Norwood
We service all makes and models... Luxury treatment at a lower price
Prices are based on phone survay conducted on 3/1/11. Prices are based on 5 quarts of oil. Synthetic and additional oil not included. Prices do not include tax and hazardous wast disposal fees. Offer does not apply to disel and other specialty vehicles. See dealer for complete details.