hear, speak - KerygmaFamily
hear, speak - KerygmaFamily
Inspiring You to Live a Fantastic Life Scan the QR code and enter your details in the website to download FREE Kerygma Interactive! No. 292 Vol. 24 September 2014 HEAR, SPEAK, SHARE Go Viral with God’s Word KERYGMA BARCODE.pdf 11/16/06 THREE THINGS MUST HAPPEN BEFORE YOU SHARE GOD’S WORD DO GOD’S DEEDS JUST LIKE MARY DID THE SIMPLEST AND MOST POWERFUL WAY OF BRINGING PEOPLE CLOSER TO GOD By Bo Sanchez A Baby on Jesus’ Birthday Through St. Pio’s Intercession 5:43:58 PM Philippines P70 US $7.00 AUS $ 7.00 Euro 5.00 UK 4.00 CDN $7.00 SING $9.00 HK $47.00 RUPIAH 64,000 A Catholic Found His Way Back to His Original Faith After Straying in Another Church You can now shop from home! Why wait to go to the bookstore when you can shop right where you are? Shop for inspirational books at www.KerygmaBooks.com and have the books delivered to your doorstep, free of charge!* You can GO DIGITAL! Have the books delivered straight to your gadgets! Visit www.KerygmaBooks.com/ebooks to get the digital editions of your favorite inspirational titles. * For minimum orders of Php 300.00 within Metro Manila only. Standard shipping costs apply for orders below Php 300.00 and non-Metro Manila deliveries. ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR “HAPPY EVER AFTER”? Do not arouse, do not stir up love before its own time (Song of Songs 3:5). You spent your entire life believing that fairy tales do exist, and that somewhere out there, your prince charming is taking on the entire world (dragons, witches, and evil queens included) just to get to you. But he’s taking too long. In your quest to take matters in your own hands, you’ve gone on so many dates — some of them disastrous, some of them just “OK,” and some left you believing that maybe fairy tales only happen in Walt Disney films. But then a miracle happens. Finally, you meet. The glass slipper fits. True love’s kiss has finally woken your heart from its eternal slumber. You’re finally having your own “happy ever after.” In your mind, you’ve cued in the festive song and dance production number, which prompts The Kiss. Curtains close, and then you live happily ever after. But here’s the truth. Happy endings don’t just happen. Love stories are more than just sparks, love at first sight and you-andme-against-the-world scenarios. Somewhere along the way, reality happens. You have a family to attend to, bills to pay, a crying infant to feed in the middle of the night and a toddler to send to school every morning. You realize that you have enough conflicts and challenges in your life that will always make you want to run away and disappear. Or pull your own hair. How do you survive what happens on your way to your happy ever after? Journey with bestselling author Rissa Singson Kawpeng as she walks with faith towards “happy ever after.” Something Happened on My Way to Happy Ever After will teach you how you can discover blessings hidden amidst misfortunes, overcome hurdles in your marriage and how to just enjoy life and love, one day at a time. GET YOUR COPY NOW! CALL 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108. GO DIGITAL! Buy the e-book and read it straight from your gadget! Visit www.kerygmabooks.com/ebooks to download your digital copy now. God’s name will be exalted like never before at the biggest inspirational event of the year. NOVEMBER 20-23 WITH BO SANCHEZ, JASON EVERT, THE KERYGMA PREACHERS AND OTHER RENOWNED SPEAKERS KERYGMACONFERENCE.COM 725-9999 #KERYGMACONFERENCE #LIFTEDHIGH By Bo Sanchez Bo’s outfit in this issue courtesy of Golden ABC/MEMO and Elite Garments/SOLO D o you want to bring friends, officemates or family members closer to God but you feel very frustrated because they’ve not been responding? Then keep reading. Because in this article I’ll teach a simple, non-confrontational and happy way of bringing your loved ones closer to God. Why is this important? Because it’s your sacred mission. If you’re working in a company, I bet you’re aware that your company has a mission statement. But I also bet that you don’t know it by heart. (If you do, you must either be the owner of the company, or the Human Resource manager who wrote the mission statement, or a genius who memorizes everything — even the entire Chemistry table.) Let me tell you about the history of the “mission statement” in my little spiritual family, the Light of Jesus. When we began in 1980, we had a very long, convoluted, complicated, heavy-loaded mission statement containing hundreds of words. The problem was that no one could remember it. I’d actually go around and ask people, “What’s the mission of the Light of Jesus? I’d get all sorts of answers from people who wanted to pretend that they knew. They’d tell me, “Our mission is to shine the light of Jesus through the annunciation of the visitation of the presentation of the resurrection…” And I’d say, “I’m not asking for the mysteries of rosary. I’m asking for our mission statement.” The point was that it was too long. So 18 years later, we shrunk it from hundreds of words to 24 words. It was a vast improvement — and people were happy! But here’s what we found out. Even if it was just 24 words, no one could remember it either! I ask them, “What’s the mission statement of the Light of Jesus?” And they’ll tell me, “The mission of the Light of Jesus The Boss is to shine the light of Jesus so that the light of Jesus will shine.” Answers like that made me wonder if our members were fasting too much. So, four years ago, we shrunk down our mission statement from 24 words to two words. And it worked. People remember. It’s exceedingly easy to remember. Here’s our two-word mission statement: Make disciples. Problem is, no one uses that word anymore. Making disciples is what the Light of Jesus Family is all about. That’s the reason why we exist. That’s the reason why we have The Feast, our weekly gathering. But alas, most people are afraid of the word disciple. It seems so scary. If someone approaches you in a mall and says, “Hi! Can I disciple you?” I think you’d run away. But Jesus used it a lot in the Bible. Here’s the simple definition of disciple: someone who follows Jesus. How do you follow Jesus? And can you make other people follow Jesus by your example? Friends, make disciples of Jesus — wherever you are. May your dreams come true, THE SIMPLEST AND MOST POWERFUL WAY OF BRINGING PEOPLE CLOSER TO GOD SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 1 Mail room I first read Kerygma when I was in high school. It was still smaller and Ms. Rissa was still single. Back then, I was already moved by the articles and stories published in the mag. As a working adult, I first attended The Feast on June 16, 2013 where Kerygma mags were given away for free. I was surprised to see the new face of Kerygma. It has changed but it’s still loaded with God’s blessings. Thanks for the inspiration, Kerygma! More power! Please relay to Ms. Cheri Roberto how touched I was by her article in your June 2014 issue. I am not a mother yet, but her story appealed to me on a very deep, emotional level — it burns. The pain she underwent radiated in my flesh. I sobbed as if I knew how it feels exactly to lose a son, and how to cope with such loss in very difficult waking moments. And her positivity was strikingly amazing. Indeed, Jesus never leaves us alone. His hands are always stretched wide to catch us every time we fall. Amen to that! May God give you strength, Ms. Cheri, and may He constantly replenish your blessings in life from His infinite basket of abundance! Krizelle R. Talladen Via Text Mavic Batoon Via Email I am a second year college student and I still remember how I first encountered this amazing magazine in 2012 when my sister subscribed to it. As I read the mag, I felt the grace of God and it blessed me every single day. I am very grateful to have this mag and I am confident that I can surpass life’s challenges and hardships because it taught me to be brave, thankful, faithful and positive every day! I also shared this mag to my friends and cousins. Thank you and more power! God bless! I am a teacher in a far-flung barangay. I have been reading Kerygma since my college days. Reading it inspires me so much that sometimes I just find myself integrating my lessons with the articles, especially Bo’s practical, lesson-filled and touching stories. I share them with my friends and co-teachers, too. I see to it that copies of Kerygma are visible in my classroom and at home because I believe that God can use them to inspire people even at the most unexpected place and time. Christine Villaganas Bohol I used to depend on energy drinks a lot. I always needed a boost to start any work activity. It also helps stimulate me mentally and physically. My consumption decreased when I experienced severe palpitations, tremor, chest pains and headache from time to time. But today, I no longer crave for those drinks. I now have a different and much stronger source of energy, and it’s from reading Kerygma magazine. Kerygma gives me the same stimulation, power, strength and extra force that I need — and it’s free and has no harmful side effects! I did not even subscribe; I just gave a love offering. I’m truly blessed and forever thankful. Now, whenever I feel low and drained, I read. I overdose myself with inspiring stories and articles. I am hooked. Thank you and cheers to Kerygma— it keeps me going! Ara Diaz Via Email We Want to hear from you! Send your message via email to editsvp@shepherdsvoice.com.ph, through text to 0923-378-4941, or by snail mail to The Editor at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109. You can also reach us through Kerygma Family. Simply log on to www.kerygmafamily.com. Or like our Facebook page and post your message there. For subscription-related concerns, text or call Sarah Discutido at 0922814-7031 or email subscription@shepherdsvoice.com.ph. 2 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 Liza Palmes Passi City, Iloilo ERRATUM on the photo captions on page 25 of Kerygma July 2014 issue: Rightmost on the two group photos is Idamae Fajardo’s dad, not fiance. Paolo, her fiance, is leftmost in the upper photo. Living by Grace Just Breathe By Rissa Singson Kawpeng Worry Busters to Keep Romantic Blues at Bay Actions to Take When You Panic over Being Single I love those stoplights with the timers. You see them mostly in busy, major intersections on EDSA. Why do I love them? Because you know exactly how long you’ll wait before it’s your turn. So if it’s red, you can text, make a quick call, or turn around and check on the kids in the backseat to make sure they’re not chewing on your brand new seat covers — without having to keep checking if the light has turned green. If it’s green and you’re still many cars away from the intersection, the timer keeps you from stress because you know if you’ll have to floor the pedal to beat the red light or graciously allow the pedestrians to cross because you have enough time to make it through the intersection. When you know exactly how long you’ll wait, you won’t get impatient. The same thing applies to your love life. What if God gave me the extraordinary gift to be able to tell you that on June 20, 2015 you’ll be walking down the aisle with the man of your dreams? Will you still be an impatient bride? I think not. I think you’ll contentedly go your way — do the things you’ve always wanted to do as a single person and enjoy every remaining moment of your single life. I’ve always said that it was the waiting that killed me when I was single. It was the uncertainty of not knowing, of praying and not seeing any answers, of hoping only to be disappointed yet again. And this is where God’s Word comes in to assure us. Philippians 4:6 says, “Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart.” So when your body clock is screaming or another girl friend asks you to be a bridesmaid and it’s your 11th time, or maybe you’re just feeling blue and loveless, don’t give in to anxiety over being an old maid. Instead, P.R.A.Y. Pause. Drop everything you’re doing. Take some time to find refuge in God’s presence. If there is a chapel or prayer room in your office building, go on a coffee break and spend it there. If you’re at home watching TV, turn it off and get down on your knees. Lamentations 2:19 says, “Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him….” Refresh. As God’s presence recharges you, jog your memory about His goodness to you in the past as well the promises He’s made to you. For decades, I’ve kept a journal where I record big and small blessings, and the things that God has spoken to me. Whenever I read my journal entries, it never fails to lift me up. Accept. Surrender your situation to the Lord. Instead of kicking, fighting and grumbling over your circumstance, accept it. Say, “Lord, I’m in tremendous pain but I embrace this suffering. I know that You have a purpose for this. I may not like the pain but I love the purpose. So I will go through this with joy, knowing that You are in control.” Yearn. Redirect your longing towards God. Instead of entertaining your negative emotions that just drag you down, focus your heart on the Lord. Psalm 63:8 says, “My soul follows hard after you: your right hand upholds me.” When we yearn for God, He sustains us. Other synonyms of “uphold” is to “preserve, protect, defend, keep alive, keep going, back up.” The Lord will do all these for us as we cling to Him! Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. (1 Chronicles 16:11) Email me at justbreatherissa@gmail.com, subscribe to my Facebook page or visit my website at www.rissasingsonkawpeng.com. This is an excerpt from my book Love Handles: Get a Grip on Finding and Dating Your Lifetime Love. It’s available in paperback and ebook editions on www. KerygmaBooks.com together with many other inspiring reads that will help you live a fantastic live. Don’t miss out on lifechanging books that will help you grow closer to the Lord and fulfill your dreams. Log on to www.KerygmaBooks.com now! SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 3 Hi, I’m Sarah! Lost copy? Changed address? Defective copy? For all subscription-related concerns Call Sarah 725-9999 local 105 • 411-7874 • 726-9918 • 0922-8147031 subscription@shepherdsvoice.com.ph Subs Concern ad 2013.indd 1 3/12/13 3:55 PM HOW HAS KERYGMA CHANGED YOUR LIFE? For 25 fantastic years, Kerygma has been featuring stories of ordinary people, whose lives are made extraordinary by the grace, blessings, healing and miracles of God. These amazing stories have inspired and changed thousands of other ordinary lives. It’s now your turn share your K story! For its special 25th Anniversary Edition, we are inviting you to submit stories on how Kerygma has transformed your life.You may submit your testimonials and stories to Tess Atienza at theresa.a@ shepherdsvoice.com.ph. Or call us at (02) 725-9999 local 219 if, for some reason, you cannot write. What’s Inside THE BO FILES 01 The Boss THE SIMPLEST AND MOST POWERFUL WAY OF BRINGING PEOPLE CLOSER TO GOD 40 Point of Contact September 2014 COLUMNS 3 DEPARTMENTS 2Mailroom 6New You 7Real Stuff 8 Wounded Family, Wounded Healer: WHEN WOUNDS HEAL: My Jeremiah Experience 10Dear K 12Kfam Insider HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, ANAWIM! 13Feast Snapshots TFM:Higher and Higher 15 It Happened: THE HOMECOMING 39 One Last Story: Jesus’ gift to us on christmas day Just Breathe Worry Busters to Keep Romantic Blues at Bay 33 Seasons OUCH! MY EARLY TASTE OF RETIREMENT PAIN 35 Kitchen Scribbles Gray Matter Matters 37 K Preacher WHAT’S YOUR CAKE? SPECIAL SECTION 19 HEAR, SPEAK, SHARE: Go Viral with God’s Word 20 BEFORE YOU SHARE HIS WORD 26 DO GOD’S DEEDS — JUST LIKE MARY DID! TESTIMONIES 24 Kwentong CG*: God’s Story Guides 30 A HEART FOR SERVICE ABOUT OUR COVER MODEL Jason Casuncad is an IT professional, a Toastmaster, and an entrepreneur. He is also a sports enthusiast, a writer and a budding inspirational speaker. He loves to read, meet new people, and travel to new places with his family and friends. He first attended The Feast at Valle Verde in 2010 and had been a regular attendee since then. Right after attending the first batch of the “Love Life” retreat in June 2012, Jason has been actively serving at the singles ministry. With his very busy schedule in the corporate world, he considers service as the best way to give back to God. To him, service is the opportunity to be closer to God, to fellow God-loving people, and even to himself. He considers the ministry his second home where he finds spiritual nourishment, emotional belongingness and a deeper sense of fulfillment. Currently a Connect Group coordinator, he is in charge of discipling Connect Group Heads as well as their members. He is also part of the Batch 4 of the Light of Jesus Radical Training program, which aims to develop his leadership skills and his character. Lastly, as part of the singles ministry leadership team, he is one of proponents of the vision of having 5,000 active PICC Feast singles by year 2018. His involvement with the community changed his life completely. From being the typical critical, corporate-driven workaholic, he now learned to live a balanced life by placing Christ at the center of everything. He dreams of becoming a full-fledged entrepreneur, an international inspirational speaker and a bestselling author reaching out to Filipinos worldwide: bringing one soul closer to God at a time. founder and publisher BO SANCHEZ • editor-in-chief and production manager RISSA SINGSON KAWPENG • managing editor TESS V. ATIENZA • creative director MIKE CORTES • graphics director REY DE GUZMAN • assistant layout designer LEAH KIM S. RECTO • staff writers MARJORIE ANN DUTERTE, KARREN RENZ SEñA • contributing writers JUDITH CONCEPCION, BELLA ESTRELLA, MAYMAY SALVOSA, LELLA SANTIAGO • photographer DANIEL SORIANO • columnists ROSANNE ROMERO, CYNTHIA U. SANTIAGO, ANDREUS COSIO chairman of the board and CEO BO SANCHEZ • president HERMIE R. MORELOS • vice-president for finance and administration WENG CEQUEÑA • assistant vice-president for production RISSA SINGSON KAWPENG • sales and marketing manager JOSEPH MARTINEZ Kerygma. A Greek word meaning “Proclamation of the Gospel.” It is a Catholic inspirational magazine. It aims to be an evangelistic tool to all nations, providing Scriptural, practical and orthodox teachings to Catholics, particularly those in the Catholic Renewal, as an alternative to present-day magazines. It is also committed to fostering the renewal and unity of the whole Christian people. Philippine copyright Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc. 2014. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. Kerygma is published monthly by Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc., whose editorial and business offices are located at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, 1109 Quezon City. Tel. Nos.: (632) 725-9999, 411-7874, 725-1190. Fax: 727-5615. Email: editsvp@shepherdsvoice.com.ph. Website: www.kerygmabooks.com New You Tips for personal development Self-Esteem 5 Steps you can do to boost your Confidence 1. Sit up straight. People with good posture have more confidence than slouchers, research says. 2. Strike a pose. Think Wonder Woman. Stand in a “power pose” for at least two minutes with feet flat on the ground, shoulders square and with hands on your hips. It can help you feel more powerful than sitting with your arms crossed. 3. Have a cup of coffee. One hundred milligrams of caffeine has been shown to increase alertness, energy and confidence. 4. Move your body. A 20-minute workout can sharpen your state of mind for a whopping 12 hours, science says. 5. Have a confidence toolbox. Dr. Carol Dweck, psychology professor at Standford University, recommends choosing objects that can give you a major morale boost when you need it. Your confidence toolbox reminds you of your strengths and aspirations, and should include the following objects, among others: a photo of those closest to you, a symbol of a new endeavor, a token of improvement, a profile of a personal hero to inspire you, an invite to an upcoming social event, and a token from a time you helped someone. Source: http://www.oprah.com Business Five Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do E ntrepreneurs are among the busiest people around, but what help them succeed are their daily routines. Here are five good habits we can learn from to increase our productivity: 1. Establish a routine. Stick to a daily schedule. Set up themed days to focus and complete specific tasks. For example, you can schedule Mondays to prioritize Operations, Tuesdays for Product, Wednesdays for Marketing. By having a plan, even for a day or week in advance, you’re using time wisely. 2. Exercise and meditate. Successful people make exercising a priority. Make time for any activity that relieves and releases stress and clears your mind. Having time by yourself will help you prepare for tackling your next project. 3. Evaluate your progress. Break down goals into attainable tasks that can be accomplished daily. For a couple of minutes every day, check how far you’ve been progressing toward the goals that you’ve established. This will help you decide how to prioritize your time. 4. Spend quality time with family. When you spend time with your loved ones, it not only clears your head. It also helps you remember what you’re fighting for. 5. Plan tomorrow tonight. Prepare for the next day before you sleep. When you plan for the tasks or goals for the next day, you’re more likely to wake up and start on the project at hand. Important Tip: Successful entrepreneurs go to bed at the same time every night. Having a good rest is important for you to be ready to face your tasks the next day. Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com Papaya Quick Health Tip C alled the “fruit of the angels” by Christopher Columbus, papaya contains papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins and relieves gas due to indigestion. It is also used to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies. Papaya is rich in antioxidants including carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids. It also contains the B vitamins, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, copper, magnesium and fiber. These nutrients promote cardiovascular health and protect against colon cancer. Source: http://www.whfoods.com 6 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 Real Stuff MANILA IS THE WORLD’S 2ND MOST POPULAR BPO DESTINATION RIZAL PARK IS ONE OF ASIA’S BEST PARKS R izal Park, also known as Luneta, is one of Asia’s best parks according to Agoda.com, one of the leading hotel booking sites in the region. In a survey made by Agoda.com, Rizal Park is one of the Top 8 most rated parks in Asia based on customer feedback. It received an average customer rating of 3.88 out of 5 and ranked among the best parks along with Japan’s Osaka Castle Park and South Korea’s Hallasan National Park. Situated in the Philippine capital, Rizal Park in Manila is a sanctuary for those who long for history and green spaces. Families and couples often come here to witness the park’s dancing fountains, which doubles as a mini light show in the evenings. Named after Filipino national hero Jose Rizal, this park’s history dates back to the early 1800s when the Philippines was still under the Spanish colonial rule. Shaped like a small moon or a lunette, it was called Luneta. It is here where Jose Rizal died by firing squad on December 30, 1896. In memory of his heroism, the Rizal Monument was erected on the site that also contains his mortal remains. Today, it is now one of the most popular spots in Manila for Filipinos to hold picnics, exercise and relax among gardens and greenery. One could visit the park’s Japanese or Chinese Garden for only P10 per person or about 25 US cents. Horse-drawn carriages are also available to take tourists around. A visit to the Philippines would not be complete without stopping by the Rizal Park. Source: www.choosephilippines.com M anila has become the second-best outsourcing destination in the world, replacing Mumbai, India, according to services globalization and investment advisory firm Tholons. Three Philippine cities also improved their rankings in the 2014 Tholons Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations report. Davao and Bacolod went up to 69th and 93rd place, while Santa Rosa, Laguna, moved up to the 82nd spot. Cebu and Baguio stayed at eighth and 99th position respectively. Iloilo is at the 95th spot. Overall, seven Philippine cities made it to the Top 100 ranking. India remains the dominant country, with six cities in the top 10 and 13 overall. Bangalore remained number 1 on the list. The goal for 2016 is to add three more Philippine cities to the Top 100, said Undersecretary Louis Casambre of the Information and Communications Technology Office of the Department of Science and Technology. “The goal of the Next-Wave Cities Program of the DOST-ICTO and the Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines has always been to develop globally preferred outsourcing destinations outside Metro Manila,” Casambre said, to bring more jobs to the countryside. Last year, revenues of the business-process outsourcing sector have increased by 15 percent to $13.34 billion. The industry reportedly employs over a million people and is expected to add over 100,000 more this year. Source: www.goodnewspilipinas.com St. Raphael, Patron Saint of Travelers and Healers Feast Day: September 29 Saints-at-a-Glance S t. Raphael is one of seven Archangels who stand before the Throne of God. He is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Tobit. He was sent by God to help Tobit and Sarah after hearing their prayers. Tobit was blind and Sarah has had seven grooms die on the night after their weddings. St. Raphael became the travel companion of Tobit’s son, Tobias, when he journeyed into Media. Disguised as a man named Azariah, St. Raphael brought him to Sarah’s home and taught him how to drive away the evil spirit that was tormenting her. Sarah became Tobias’s wife. St. Raphael also taught Tobias on what to do in order to heal his father of his blindness. Besides St. Raphael, St. Michael and St. Gabriel are the Archangels mentioned by name in the Bible. St. Raphael’s name means “God heals.” He is the patron of the blind, of happy meetings, of nurses, of physicians, and of travelers. Source: http://www.catholic.org/saints SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 7 WHEN WOUNDS HEAL MY Jeremiah Experience An Anonymous Sharing 8 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 W henever I pass by an adoration chapel, I love to kneel down and pray before the Blessed Sacrament. I feel so comfortable before my Lord, basking in His embrace and love. Whenever I felt down, I would just turn on my CD player and listen to songs that would lift my spirits. The songs have become my prayers as well. One of my favorites is the song “Healing” by Deniece Williams. I particularly like the chorus, which goes, “Cause Your love just keeps on healing me, no matter how I bruise, if I just trust You, Your love just keeps on healing me…” Also in my playlist are the songs “Take Me Out of the Dark” by Gary Valenciano and “Come to My Aid” by Bukas Palad. Sometimes I would be so moved, I would even kneel down in prayer with my headphones on. It was always like a date with the Lord. The songs remind me of my woundedness, the hurts and pains I’ve gone through, and God’s unfailing love and healing grace. Those were the days when I was struggling to forget the traumatic experiences I had back in my childhood. Different Abuses I’m the eldest of five children. I was left in the care of my paternal grandparents since I was a year old. My other siblings stayed with my mom. There were times when I was left alone at home because my grandfather was busy in the farm and my grandmother was busy with errands. Without their knowledge, one of our farm laborers molested me. I never told anybody about it, even as I grew up. I was also bullied in school. I was five years old when my grandparents enrolled me in Grade 1, so my classmates were older than me. I can still vividly remember what happened when I was in Grade 2. My classmates threw garbage all over my desk. One of them even put an already-chewed bubble gum in my hair. These experiences motivated me to study harder. My high grades and achievements were the stones I wanted to throw back at those who bullied me mercilessly. I graduated valedictorian in high school, which should have been a cause for jubilation. But we, my grandmother and I, were sad; in fact, she was crying the entire time she was walking with me on stage. She was heartbroken because my parents should have been the ones with me up there. My parents separated when I was in Grade 5. I didn’t know where my mom went, while my dad visited only during summer or Christmas. By the time I reached college, I was so messed up because I didn’t have my parents to guide me. I had a hard time making decisions. I failed many times, but the one constant thing that kept me going was my faith in God. By His grace, I was able to finish medical school in spite of all the past hurts and failures. Taking Me Out of the Dark God led me to The Feast when I was in medical school in 2002. Those were tough times, but I was greatly inspired by the testimonies I heard at The Feast. I can always relate with Bo Sanchez whenever he says, “Your past does not define your future.” There were times when my experiences would haunt me, but I held on to God through prayer and worship. I read Bible reflections daily in Didache and other inspirational books. I continued to listen to praise and worship songs to inspire me every day. I eventually became a regular Feast attendee. I gained more wisdom and inspiration from the talks and testimonies. A few months ago, I attended the house blessing of Jeremiah Foundation, one of the mercy ministries of the Light of Jesus Family. It caters to the needs of girls aged 10 to 16 who were victims of sexual abuse. The moment I entered the shelter, the girls came up to me and greeted me with heartfelt smiles. My heart broke for the girls. They were smiling and laughing with each other, but I knew how deep the wounds they were carrying could run. I felt for them — their hurts, pains, traumas — because I could relate to their stories. During the short program, the girls sang a song that struck something in me: “Kung bubuksan mo lang ang puso, at diringgin ang hikbi nila, ay may pag-asa pang naghihintay para sa tulad nila, halika at sila’y damayan at wag nang hayaan pa, habang di pa huli bigyan natin ng ligaya…” I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed at the onslaught of emotions that came rushing over me. Obet Cabrillas, Pasig Feast builder and a trustee of Jeremiah Foundation, couldn’t have said it better when he mentioned a reflection from Rick Warren: “Other people are going to find healing in your wounds. Your greatest life messages and your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts.” When I heard this, I felt it was the Lord speaking directly to me, telling me to use my deepest hurts to heal others. He made a way for me to reach out to these girls because He knows that the experience will also help me in my healing. I found myself crying while watching the girls. I wanted to hug each one of them before I left the shelter that morning. I wanted to tell them, “Yes, there is hope. Yes, you can rise up, take up your mat, and move on. Jesus loves you and I love you, too,” but we weren’t allowed to hug or touch them. I left the shelter with a promise to go back and serve the girls because they also helped me heal from my deepest wounds. We were privileged to have Bo Sanchez with us that morning, who gave this simple message: “More important than any success or achievement is the decision to fulfill your purpose in life…the decision to love.” The Blessing of My Painful Past I now realize that God indeed has a purpose for each one of us. The painful experiences I had in the past reminded me of how faithful He is to His promise that He will be with us no matter what happens. God indeed has used my hurts and pains to bless others. (Editor’s Note: The writer is a medical doctor who serves every Sunday at The Feast PICC with her family. She finds joy in helping and healing others not only medically, but also spiritually by leading them to Jesus.) For more stories of healing, visit www.choosetobebrave.com and www.woundedfamilywoundedhealer.com. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 9 Dear K I HAD AN AFFAIR WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW I am single and jobless. Two years ago, my sister and brother-in-law stayed here in the Philippines. Unknown to my sister, her husband and I had a relationship. My sister is a workaholic and my brother-in-law was in need of attention, and so was I. We got close because we were always the ones left at home. He was someone I trusted after many years of hating the opposite sex because of what happened to me in the past — molestation by my father and a few relatives when I was young, and by an abusive boyfriend when I was older. I even had a relationship with a lesbian because I hated men. I felt worthless and dirty because of those abusive experiences, until I began to know my brother-in-law more deeply. When they went back to the US early this year, we continued our relationship and communicated via email. Just last week, he wrote that my sister has read our emails. She didn’t confront him, but according to him, she has been giving him more attention and care now. I know that I have hurt my sister and I wanted to explain my side — and to let her know of my painful past, not to justify my relationship with her husband, but to beg for understanding and forgiveness. I want to be loved, but I don’t know how I can have a meaningful relationship with anybody when I am still a very wounded person. Please help me. Dear Sandy, I commend you for openly sharing your struggles and wounds. This must be very difficult for you to do. Your hurts and scars run deep as someone you trusted violated an intimate part of who you are. And now you are suffering its effects. Your cry for help points to your desire for healing and restoration. Behind the woman who had an affair with her brother-in-law, I see a woman who sincerely repents for the wrongs she has committed against her sister. However, more important than begging for your sister’s understanding and forgiveness is to take the rightful course of action by cutting off your relationship with your sister’s husband. Based on what you have shared, I can see a pattern of unproductive responses to your past abuse such as hating the opposite sex, having a relationship with a lesbian and acting out sexually. You can choose how to respond to the abuse that has happened to you. You can choose to wallow in selfpity and feel worthless and dirty, or you can choose to believe that your identity as a child of God is bigger than the abuse you have suffered. You can choose to be a victim of terrible circumstances in your life, or you can choose to rewrite the story of your life. You can choose to remain stuck in these unproductive responses, or you can choose to grow in gratitude, joy and courage to leave your past behind and pursue God’s purpose and meaning in your life. I strongly urge you to seek counseling. Recovering from sexual abuse may be a long and complicated process, but there is hope. You may call the Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center (contact details on the opposite page). I pray that the Holy Spirit leads you to healing. Ditas 10 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 Sandy Ditas Español is a cancer survivor. Twenty years ago, she fought for her life with the sword of faith that God has given her. Now a counselor, she still uses that sword to battle the pain of others. She believes she was healed so she can be an instrument of our Divine Healer. Together with her husband, Vic, Ditas trains the counselors of the Light of Jesus Counseling Center. I am a single parent with two children. One is already working while the second one is in college and will enter law school in a couple of years. I have a job in a call center, although I am in the day shift and in a supervisory position. My problem is that recently I am becoming very sickly. I am approaching my fifties and probably in the premenopausal stage. There are times when I’ve thought of quitting my job for health reasons, but when I think of my daughter’s education, I change my mind. For how can I support her dream of becoming a lawyer when I don’t have a job? I have siblings but I cannot depend on them as they have their own families. They do help me from time to time, especially when there are emergencies, but of course I cannot ask them to shoulder my daughter’s educational expenses. I do have a sister-in-law who’s sending monthly allowances to my daughter and sometimes she also sends money for her tuition. Again, I do not want to depend on her too much. The reason she’s probably helping out is because her brother has not been supporting us since our marriage got annulled. Can you help me think of other options that I can look into to support ourselves if ever I decide to quit employment? Thank you very much and God bless! I WANT TO QUIT MY JOB FOR HEALTH REASONS, BUT… Irene Dear Irene, I honor you for raising your children almost singlehandedly. Your children must be proud of you. I agree with you that you cannot and should not depend on your relatives for child’s education. If they give you money from time to time, that is a welcome blessing, but should not be expected or demanded. The first issue that I want to address is your claim of a failing health. Have you consulted a doctor for it? If you have not consulted one yet, I suggest that you do to find out how you can address your health concern. You may also take certain measures to improve your health, such as embarking on an exercise and diet program. Thus, you may not need to resign from your present job. The other issue is your plan to “quit employment.” There are several options that you can do outside of regular employment. You can go into a selling career, but do you have the aptitude for it? You can also start a business, but this may require some capitalization and it may not be wise for you to risk whatever funds you can get from your separation pay. Do you also have a special skill that you can use to do consultancy services? Lastly, before you resign from your job and decide to embark in any of these options, you should have a fund good for three to six months to tide you over while your selling job, consultancy or business is taking off. Leaving a stable job is a major decision. This requires a lot of thinking, consultation, and most of all prayer. Pray and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. Vic Vic Español is one of the elders of the Light of Jesus Family. At present, he is the Feast Builder and preacher in the Ortigas Feast every Monday at 7:30 p.m. and every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., held at Cinema 4, Robinsons Galleria in Ortigas City. Vic and his wife, Ditas, train the counselors of the LOJ Pastoral Care Center. Vic is a retired executive of a multinational life insurance company. Email your questions to editsvp@shepherdsvoice.com.ph. Or if you need to talk to someone, call (632) 726-4709 or 726-6728 to contact a Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center counselor. Pastoral counseling by telephone is 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Face-to-face pastoral counseling is by appointment. For correspondence pastoral counseling, email lojcounseling@yahoo.com or go to www.kerygmafamily.com. Or Call (632) 725-9999 Pregnant? Confused? Abortion is not the answer. Contact Grace to Be Born at 0917816-4700 or email reylindo.ortega@gmail.com. You may also contact Pro-life Philippines at (632) 733-7027. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 11 K Fam Insider By Bella Estrella Photos by Dave Apalla J une 11, 2014 was a rainy Wednesday in mountainous Montalban in Rizal. But the rains and winds did not deter the celebration of Anawim’s 18th year anniversary. Anawim is the Light of Jesus Family’s ministry for the abandoned elderly. People in the gazebo huddled together and opened umbrellas during the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Eduardo Apungan, CFM. Bo Sanchez, founder of Anawim, his wife, Marowe, and eight-year-old son, Francis, moved closer to the side and front of the altar table to shield it from the elements. Moments later, the sun peeped through the clouds and transformed the atmosphere into a nice mixture of sunshine, light showers and soft winds. Bodily and Spiritual Nourishment Anawim has been taking care of not only the food, clothing, shelter and medicines of the lolos and lolas who reside there, but also of their spiritual nourishment. Gil Ramiscal, a long-time member of the Board of Trustees of Anawim, encouraged the guests, mostly donors and volunteers who have a heart for the abandoned elderly, to continue serving at Anawim. He reminded them of Proverbs 19:17 (Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done) and 28:27 (Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses). 12 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 Halamanan ng Buhay (Garden of Life) Halamanan ng Buhay is a sustainable livelihood program for the elderly that promotes organic farming, a long-time dream of Bo Sanchez for Anawim. Back in 2013 when they made a pilgrimage to Anawim, Mat Maderazo and Narcing Pangan, Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist at The Feast PICC (Light of Jesus’ regular Sunday prayer gathering led by Bo at the Philippine International Convention Center), saw the potential for the project. Having the passion for and experience in agriculture, they presented their ideas to the Board of Trustees of Anawim. With the Board’s approval, they obtained partnership with agencies of the Department of Agriculture, local government units and other entities, and started Anawim’s agribusiness venture for sustainable livelihood, which is now called Halamanan ng Buhay. Mat Maderazo said, “The project will create a major impact not only on the lives of the elderly, but also to the communities where Anawim is located.” The Lord Will Repay You In his message, Bo said that he was inspired by the homily of Fr. Edu, who shared his experiences as a priest, evangelizing even in dangerous grounds. Bo said, “I thought I have already done much. Now I realize that there are others HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, ANAWIM! who are doing so much more. Whatever we give to others, the Lord will give back to us. If a lola is grouchy, the people around her get lonely. But if a lola smiles, people smile back at her.” He thanked all the donors and servants at Anawim. “I will not be the one to repay you. The Lord will,” Bo said with a big bright smile. If you feel God’s Spirit calling you to help our poor abandoned elderly in Anawim, you may call any of the following: Caloy Dimson at (02) 7105273, Aida Dy at 0917-894-4072, or Lynda Reyes at 0917-807-3434. If you wish to join the monthly pilgrimage to Anawim or donate in cash or kind, please contact Aida Dy or visit the Anawim table at The Feast PICC every Sunday morning. O n July 4, 2014, The Feast Manila (TFM) celebrated its fifth birthday with the theme “High Five.” Outside Cinema 4, SM Manila shoppers would think that there was a premiere night happening that evening. The line was long and every person was buzzing with excitement. Ecstatic exchanges of “Happy Anniversary” greetings filled the place. Smiles were pasted on everyone’s faces. People just couldn’t wait to enter the movie house. A live streaming in heaven with God’s children as main cast was about to begin. Fr. Erick Santos set the bar high for a merry celebration as he presided the Holy Mass. Feast Manila’s builder, Obet Cabrillas, fondly called “Daddy O” by TFM regulars, enthusiastically talked about the four things that we need to uphold if we are to lift high God’s banner: Humility, Integrity, Grace and Hard work. Feast attendees Stephanie Sibal, Clarisse Rimpola, Mimi Galeno, Pau Sumera, and couple Alfie and Ishie Ramos testified how God worked in their finances, studies, health, faith, and family, respectively, amidst the trials that they went through. The jam-packed venue roared into one worshipping voice and joyfully danced when a number of anointed Light of Jesus Family’s servant leaders led the crowd into a powerful worship. TFM attendees were asked what comes to their mind when they hear “The Feast Manila”, and their top five answers (in random order) were: • • • Family. Cinema 4 converts from a movie house to a “free hugs” venue every Friday. Nobody is out of place, because every heart, whether broken, grateful, hopeful, has a special spot here. Everyone is considered family. Love. Every session is a love-tank refilling station. From the Holy Mass, where God’s love is heard and experienced, to the worship and talk, love runs over. Love in TFM is so strong, it’s impossible not to feel it. Happiness. “Joy unspeakable that won’t go away...” More than just a Last Song Syndrome, this Feast Snapshots TFM: Higher and Higher By Maymay Salvosa • • line describes a TFM “hangover.” Happiness effortlessly glows from within. Laughter is part of every session, but the deeper source of that joy is being reminded that we have a God who loves and accepts us untiringly, unconditionally. It is easier to tap our funny bones once we realize that whatever happens, God finds His way to bless and love us. Happiness springs out from gratitude. And every Friday, we celebrate that gratitude with great music and dance in an all-out worship. Hope. Living through its tag line, “Hope Is Here,” TFM is really a hopebearer to its attendees. No, hope is not preached every time. In TFM, hope is planted; hope is shared. It is witnessed through the stories of failures and triumphs discussed with one another through Connect Groups (CG), personal testimonies and thanksgiving prayers. There is no reason to quit because we have each other, and most importantly, we have God. Jesus. All the talks, service, embraces, music will be in vain if Jesus is not manifested in TFM. The past five years and the years to come are all due to God’s providence and guidance. Thus it is fitting to give back the glory to God through The Feast. Everything is about Jesus. In a span of five years, TFM has already reached greater heights. Its youth, campus, singles and family missions are growing incredibly. The ministries are on the rise. The servants and attendees are soaring high not just in numbers, but in their relationship with God, their families, loved ones, and social communities. Wow! Cheers to all the changed lives and the victories won! Without a doubt, we have reason to raise our hands and shout with praise, “High Five!” The Feast Manila (TFM) happens every Friday at SM Manila Cinema 4. It has two sessions: 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Be blessed with the Holy Mass, nurturing talk and powerful worship. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 13 THE HOMECOMING Everything’s A-OK now that Robertson has rejoined the Catholic Faith. How He Found His Way Back to His Home — the Catholic Church It Happened I stood in front of the class. My body was shaking all over. My heart was racing and I could hardly breathe. It was my first time to do it, so when the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it as soon as I had mustered enough courage. My voice trembled when I began to speak. ”Excuse me, classmates. Can you please keep quiet? I have something important to say.” I preached about the Gospel of Jesus Christ as I attacked specific Catholic teachings. My high school classmates were silent, but I could sense their dismay until one of them stood up and told me, “Robertson, stop this. You’re not respecting our faith.” In defense I replied, “But I’m just telling you the truth.” I was a zealous Born Again Christian back then. In college, I would approach strangers in public places and share the Gospel to them. I knew the Bible inside out and could recite significant verses verbatim even at gunpoint. I regarded Catholics as having no personal relationship with God. To me, they were superstitious and performed religious rituals emptied of meaning. I knew the Gospel of our salvation, so I wanted to enlighten people about it so they could be saved from eternal damnation. Because of my zeal, however, there were times that I failed to show love and respect to those I was trying to evangelize. Then By Robertson T. Poblete as told to Judith Concepcion Photo Credits: Cris Legaspi SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 15 No longer confused, Masol and Robertson now enjoy growing together in their Catholic faith. the day came when the tables were turned and my beliefs were challenged by a Catholic convert. And that began my journey back to my true and original home. Life as a Born Again I was born and baptized a Catholic. My family was Catholic but became involved in spiritism through the influence of my godmother. When my family became Born Again Christians, except for my mother who stayed with the spiritists and even became a spirit medium, they learned that spiritism was wrong. The sad thing was they associated spiritism with Catholicism. The spiritists used Catholic sacramentals as paraphernalia in their occult practices. Thus, these gave my family a false impression that these practices were taught and allowed by the Catholic Church. Back then, I couldn’t even distinguish between amulets and sacramentals. As I was growing up, my father taught me how to read the Bible, to pray spontaneously, to sing worship and praise songs, and to preach. I officially became a Born Again Christian at 12 years old when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was very active in the church and got involved in different ministries. In the public elementary school where I studied, my teacher in Religion gave each one of us a rosary. I just tossed it in my drawer at home and let it accumulate dust. One day, I threw it in the canal because they said that the rosary was an object of evil and served as an open door to Satan so it had to be disposed. Just like what my father did to our other religious images at home. In college, I met a girl named Masol to whom I had an instant attraction. Through a getting-toknow activity in our English class, I learned that she was a Charismatic Catholic. Since she was Catholic, I didn’t consider her a Christian and 16 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 so, she needed to accept Jesus in her life. For that reason, I started my “evangeligaw” — evangelism with courtship. We got close and later we became a couple. I convinced her to attend our Sunday worship service. She still continued to attend her Charismatic prayer meetings but she now attended Mass irregularly. Eventually, she was baptized as a Born Again Christian. She almost left the Catholic Church when a former classmate of mine — a Born Again turned Catholic — challenged us to study the Catholic faith. Whenever he mentioned anything contrary to what I knew, I’d say, “That’s not in the Bible.” And he’d reply, “That’s the problem. For you, it’s the Bible alone. Study the Church’s history.” He explained to me the history of the Catholic Church, how the Bible was formed, and other Catholic faith matters. I also did my own research. One of the books I read was Stephen Ray’s Crossing the Tiber, where he wrote his reasons for leaving the Baptist Church and choosing to be a Catholic. Masol was getting confused. After a month with the Born Again church, she left for good and embraced the Catholic faith, this time with her whole heart. Last year, she became a delegate to the World Youth Day in Brazil. The Transition Period The pull of the Spirit towards the Catholic Church became stronger when I understood the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. My first Mass was on Christmas Eve with Masol and her family. I felt uncomfortable attending both churches. I feared that somebody from my church would see me and report me to our pastor. I also feared being discovered by my Catholic neighbors whose faith I attacked. So I attended Mass in the evening and in another parish. That was the set-up. I just couldn’t leave my Born Again church yet because my friends and my family were there, and it was where I grew up. It was like a habit that’s hard to break. I started questioning the Born Again teachings openly, especially the issues thrown against Mama Mary. I gave myself away with that one. My heart of stone towards the Blessed Mother had melted. Whenever I saw beautiful images and pictures of her, I couldn’t help but admire her. I finally got myself another rosary from a street Mass I attended. I didn’t know how to pray it but I looked at it daily because I was enamored by its beauty even though it was just a simple brown plastic rosary. There’s something that invited me to pray. I asked Masol to teach me how to pray the rosary. The first time I prayed it, I struggled when I came to the “Hail Mary,” partly thinking that I might be committing idolatry. Nevertheless, I continued and, upon finishing it, a certain peace enveloped my heart. I said to myself, “It feels good to pray the rosary. It feels good to meditate on the life of Christ.” I prayed the rosary in the privacy of my room, hidden from the prying eyes of my family. Then my turning point came. I was about to enter the Born Again church’s building to attend its worship service when one of the church’s Board of Trustees intercepted me. She told me, “The Board of Trustees has decided to ban you from this church because you’re already attending the Catholic Church and you’re also attending here.” She also said that some church members were becoming confused because of me. It felt like cold water was poured over me that jolted me to my senses. Though it was painful to be rejected, it gave me freedom. I didn’t have to hide anymore. That time my mother had just joined the Born Again church. She told me, “We already left that. Why are you returning?” She thought that I was going back to spiritism. In 2007, I joined the Kumpisalang Bayan (a mass confession) and confessed my sins to the priest. I told him of my desire to go back to the Catholic Church. I was absolved from my sins and was accepted back into the fold. I joined the Legion of Mary, Praesidium Ark of the Covenant in San Sebastian Church in Manila. Here, my love for the Blessed Mother, especially for the Lord, was strengthened and deepened. I then had my confirmation, with one of the members of the Praesidium standing as my godmother. Robertson is now a devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary. My mother also eventually returned to the Catholic Church. My sisters are still with the Born Again church, but my father left and joined Ang Dating Daan of Mr. Eli Soriano. They are still having a hard time accepting my decision to embrace the Catholic faith but because my mother has already reverted to Catholicism, the arguments are already minimized. Home Sweet Home Knowledge of Scriptures is important to understand our faith well. But more than that, we should live out our faith. Talk is cheap. If we do not have love, our faith is dead. I have learned to be more understanding and loving of others who do not share the same faith as mine. I have ceased to be judgmental. I learned that I need to be humble, not to have a holier-than-thou attitude. At the end of the day, when I come face to face with my Creator, I believe He wouldn’t ask me about what I know but what I did with what I know, and how much I have loved. My greatest realization is this: The very thing that I detested before proved to be the greatest gift that I received from God. Being a Catholic makes me happier now. Indeed, there’s no place like home. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 17 KERYGMA MISSION PARTNER 2014 SUBSCRIBE NOW! 24th ANNIVERSARY RAFFLE PROMO By being a kerygma Mission Partner, you will not just subscribe to our highly inspiring magazine. You will also contribute to all our ministries and be a blessing to Anawim – our home for the aged; he Cares and Tahanan ng Pagmamahal – our ministry for street children and orphans; Grace to Be Born – a halfway house for unwed mothers and their babies; Shepherd’s Voice Radio and Television, Inc. – our media ministry. 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BDO S/A No. 397-000070-4 or BPI S/A No. 0123-4832-94, UBP Tektite Branch SA# 1020-6002-7201, Allied Bank S/A No. 3160-00255-7, Metrobank S/A No. 3-2655-0807-4 (validated deposit slip enclosed) I am authorizing Equitable Card Network to charge my Visa/Mastercard in the amount of P Cardholder’s Name: Card No. Expiry Date: SPONSORS: Signature: Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 2767 Series of 2014. Introduction Special Section By Bo Sanchez HEAR, SPEAK, SHARE Go Viral with God’s Word H ave you experienced receiving something that truly blessed you, that all you want to do is share it with others? It’s the same with God’s Word. Once we have encountered it in a powerful way, our natural response is to share it. Because we can’t contain it in the first place. We want people to experience the same. Sadly, that doesn’t happen all the time. In this issue, I’d like to share with you how you can share God’s Word in a way that people would embrace it and allow it to change their lives. Read on. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 19 Special Section by Bo Sanchez Jesus Teaches You Three Things to Remember BEFORE YOU SHARE HIS WORD 20 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 O ne day, Jesus was passing through Jericho. Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector in that area. The Bible says in Luke 19:1-10 that Zacchaeus could not see over the crowd because he was short. In today’s politically correct world, you can’t say Zach was short; you have to say Zach was vertically challenged. But let me point out something very important: Zach was short physically, but he was also short spiritually. Let me explain why he was small. Tax collectors weren’t even allowed to enter a synagogue or the church during their time — just like prostitutes — because they were public sinners. Because they were unclean. You’d wonder why, right? I know we don’t like paying taxes, but we don’t prohibit employees of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to enter our churches. Here’s the explanation. In the time of Jesus, tax collectors were Jews who worked for the Roman Empire. They collected taxes for the enemy that has conquered their land. (Think makapili when the Japanese conquered the Philippines.) Not only that, Zacchaeus and tax collectors like him weren’t paid by the Romans. So, to make a living, they would overcharge their countrymen. That’s why some of them — like Zacchaeus — became very rich. And then the Bible says that Zach “ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him, since Jesus was coming that way.” You know what made the difference for Zach? Zach wasn’t just small. Zack knew he was small. There are many people who are spiritually small, but don’t know they are spiritually small. We need to acknowledge our smallness before God by climbing the sycamore tree of humility. And if you humble yourself, God says that He will lift you up. When Jesus saw Zach, He said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” But people grumbled against Jesus. They said, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” Here’s the difference: People saw a sinner. Jesus saw a saint. People see the past. Jesus sees the future. That day, Zach was saved. He said, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” And Jesus said, “Today salvation has come to this house.” Right now, you may feel like you’re Zach. You feel very small in yours eyes; you may feel very small in the eyes of other people. But Jesus still sees you. Because though you’re small, you’re BIG in God’s eyes. You feel very small. You know you’ve failed, you’ve fallen, you’ve stumbled, you’ve sinned. And Jesus tells you the same thing today. Jesus says, “I want to stay in your house. I want to live in you. I want to make your life My home. I want to make you the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Not temporarily but permanently. Open your house to Me. Open your life to Me. Open your heart to Me. You may think you’re a small person. But that’s not true. In My heart, you’re very big.” Discipleship Is Friendship The strategy of Jesus is summarized by these three words: Discipleship Is Friendship. Let me break it down into three lessons… 1. Meal Before the Message When Jesus saw Zach, He didn’t say, “Repent, you thief! Ask forgiveness from God. You’re stealing from the people and enriching yourself, you greedy bastard… And if you repent, I’ll think about staying in your house and we could have lunch — so that we can discuss how you can repair your wrongdoing, pay all those who you have stolen, and give half of your wealth away.” That would be how some religious leaders would do it. But not Jesus. Jesus’ first words to him were, “I must stay in your house.” He wanted to have lunch with Zach. He was offering His friendship. In ancient Middle Eastern culture, having a meal with someone is a solemn declaration to that person — and to the entire world — that you want to be friends with that person. Do you want to make disciples? The meal must come before the message. The relationship must come before religion. The testimony must come from the teaching. In other words, Jesus first wanted to express His love for Zach. He wanted to build a relationship with him before He talked about rules, rituals or regulations. Arguments don’t win souls; affection does! There’s another person Jesus evangelized… The Woman Who Changed Spouses the Way She Changed Clothes The Bible doesn’t give us her name, so let’s call her Sam — for Samaritan woman. Sam lived in a small dinky town called Sychar. There were no more than 20 homes in this little barrio. The Bible says she was drawing water from Jacob’s well (John 4:6-8). Jesus comes along and asks her, “Can you give Me a drink?” With that one simple line, Jesus gives her something gigantic. He was giving her worth. And He did it in three levels. First, Jesus was a Jew and Sam was a Samaritan. Jews hated Samaritans. Why? Samaritans were bastardized Jews. They were a product of the intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles, such as the Philistines, Edomites and Moabites — the hated enemies of Israel. So Jews didn’t even share the bowl, glass or plate of a Samaritan because they were unclean. But Jesus asks her, “Can you give Me a drink?” He was going to use her bowl. In one act, Jesus was giving her worth as a Samaritan. Second, Jesus was male and Sam was female. In the time of Jesus, men don’t talk to women in public because it was beneath their dignity. (In ancient times, a woman was a little bit higher than the family cow.) But Jesus was talking with her, giving her worth as a woman. Third, Jesus was holy and Sam was unholy. The Bible says she drew water at 12 noon. Who in her right mind would do that? (Everyone draws water early morning when it’s not too hot.) She drew SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 21 water at noon because she was hiding from people. Sam was an outcast. Why? Because she had five husbands, and the man she was living with wasn’t even any of them. Jesus told her He knew that she changed husbands as often as others changed clothes. But He still insisted in becoming her friend. By asking, “Can I have a drink?” Jesus was saying, “In this town, no one likes you. Because they feel you’re a big sinner. And to talk to you means bad luck. But I like to be your friend today.” Have you messed big time in your life? Here’s the second lesson I want to share with you today… 2. Worth Before the Word When Jesus discipled this woman, He didn’t first give the Word. He didn’t start the conversation by saying, “Sam, don’t you know the Ten Commandments? Doesn’t the word ‘adultery’ mean anything to you? My goodness, you have five husbands! Tsk, tsk, tsk…” He didn’t say that. Instead, He gave her worth before giving the Word. He told her, “You’re valuable. You’re important. You’re worthy to be My friend.” When you’re discipling, you don’t talk down to people. You don’t say, “You’re a sinner and you’re going to hell. God is sick and tired of your sinfulness. Gosh, when will you repent?” Look around you. There are many more Zachs and Sams in the world today. And all of them are waiting for Jesus to love them. Question: How Many Catholics Still Go to Church? Every Sunday, churches are full. But this standing-room-only crowd gives us a false complacency that the Catholic Church is doing well. Truth? It’s not. My own Bishop told me that very few Catholics attend church today. (We just have a huge population, that’s why our churches are full.) He gave me the statistics. Out of 10 Catholics, only 1.5 attends Sunday Mass regularly. Out of 10 Catholics, 8.5 no longer go to church on Sundays. And this 1.5 people feel the church will condemn them because they’re living in immorality. Some of these 8.5 people still go to church perhaps three times in their lifetime: When they’re “hatched, matched and dispatched.” In other words, when they’re baptized, when they get married, and when they are about to be buried. Here’s our problem: We focus on serving those 1.5 people who still go to church. We forget that God calls us to reach out to those 8.5 people around us who don’t go to church. 22 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 Jesus said, “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4). But that’s not what’s happening today. Sadly, we focus on the 99 who are attending church. All our church activities are for insiders. We sing songs that insiders like. We preach messages for insiders. As a Church, we need to change. The Purpose of The Feast That’s why we created The Feast, our weekly gathering. This is our small and humble way of reaching out to that one lost sheep. The Feast isn’t designed for insiders but for outsiders. Everything about The Feast — the music, the message, the atmosphere — every detail of The Feast is designed for the unchurched, the irreligious, the people who feel far from God, or people who feel spiritual but not religious. But as beautiful as The Feast event is, it can’t make disciples — by itself. Because the real work of discipleship happens not in events, but in everyday life, in close encounters we have with one another. That’s why we have established Connect Groups (CG) at The Feast. 3. Do Before Delegate When Jesus saw Zacchaeus up in the tree, He didn’t say, “Hey Zachy, I’m preaching at the market two days from now. Can you go there at 8 a.m.? I’ll reserve a seat for you. I’ll be preaching on how to live an abundant life. If you come, you’ll receive a welcome gift — a Novena to God’s Love booklet….” When Jesus met Sam the Samaritan, He didn’t say, “Sam, can I invite you to a prayer meeting? You’ll love the music ministry…” He didn’t do any of that. The first thing He did was offer His friendship. And that’s what we need to do too. Before you invite people to a religious event, invite them to a friendship. Because discipleship is friendship. So here’s my third lesson: Do before delegate. We like to delegate discipleship to The Feast. Don’t do that. Do it first. Here’s a tragedy: People come to a prayer meeting, like it a lot, but after a few months drop out. Why? Because a friend wasn’t there to disciple them. Seek Out the Unchurched In your prayer meetings, I encourage you to create a welcoming atmosphere. Talk to people around you. If you find out that there’s someone new beside you, then make a new friend. Invite that person for coffee. One day, a woman came up to me and said, “Bo, God has changed my life upside down. I’ve left all my un-renewed friends. Because we talk about the most inane stuff. They curse so much, I feel like puking. And they smoke like chimneys. I really can’t stand their gossip, the cursing, their smoking anymore. I now hang out only with members of our prayer group. So everytime we talk, we talk about godly stuff. We talk about the Word. We talk about what God is doing in our lives.” I told her, “Keep meeting your prayer group friends for prayer and fellowship. But you need to set aside time to build relationships with un-renewed friends. Who will reach out to them?” Remember, God calls you to be a fisher of men. There are two images of fishing in our minds. The first image is a fisherman wearing a hat and seated on a recliner, with a tackle box beside him, holding a bottle of beer in one hand and holding a fishing pole on the other. The second image is a group of rugged men on a boat, pulling a large circular net with weights around its side. When Jesus calls us to be “fishers of men,” He didn’t mean the first image because that didn’t exist during His time. He meant the second image — because that was what He saw every day around the Sea of Galilee. Here’s my point: You can’t make disciples alone. You can only make disciples within a community. Why? Jesus said that people will know that we’re disciples because of our love for each other (John 13:35). I tell members of our spiritual family, the Light of Jesus, to create an open event for people who aren’t attending The Feast yet. Play badminton or watch a movie together or go to an outreach. Love is the greatest magnet because love is our greatest human need. So let the unchurched see how they love each other. My Meal Ministry In College When I was in college, I had a classmate with whom I ate lunch every day for two years. Every once in awhile, I’d talk about God — but he wouldn’t want to listen to me. We’d just end up arguing. So I decided just to be his friend. We talked about girls, sports, girls, politics, girls, exams… Did I mention that we talked about girls? Sorry, we were regular college kids with hormones raging through our veins. Our favorite pastime was sitting at the cafeteria and grading beauty. I will say, “That’s an 8.1,” and he’d say, “Are you sure? Nah, just a 7.6…” When I dropped out of college, I never saw him again. In one sense, I felt I was a big failure in the evangelistic department. Because he never followed Jesus. Fifteen years later, I was walking in a mall when a guy greeted me. He said, “Bo Sanchez!” I turned around and saw my long-lost pal. I couldn’t believe my eyes. And the first thing he said was, “Bo, remember all our lunches and how you tried to talk about God to me — and I just ridiculed you?” “Yes. Why?” “I want to thank you for planting the seeds in my heart. I’m now a missionary. Thank you, Bo…” “But I didn’t really talk about God to you. I couldn’t. You kept arguing with me. So instead of talking about God, we talked about girls!” That was when I realized something: Our lunches “worked.” I just gave him my friendship. And that simple friendship was God’s love to him. The meal came before the message. Because the meal was the message! The Three Stages of Discipleship Here’s what I realized: Just like farming, discipleship is composed of three stages — planting, growing and reaping. Sometimes, God wants you to do all three. Most of the time, God will ask you to do only one of these three stages to a person. The third stage — reaping — is always the most exciting, because you’ll actually see someone turn to the Lord and give his life to God. But sometimes, God will call you to the planting stage only. It’s BO’S ACTION STEPS 1. List down the names of your “unrenewed” friends. Choose one or two whom you’ll disciple. 2. Renew your friendship with them. Take them out for coffee or a meal. 3. Share the Word when the time is right. Better yet, show them how God’s Word is working in your life. very discouraging when God calls you to be in the first stage — because you won’t see any results. For example, after having lunch with my college buddy every day for two years, I didn’t see any evidence that he was growing closer to God. Perhaps you’re in the same shoes. Perhaps you’ve been loving your children, or loving your husband, or loving your friends — but they still refuse to join you at your prayer meetings or pray or read the Bible. That’s OK. You’ve done your part. You’ve planted seeds. Trust in God that His Word does not return empty. God says, “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit” (Isaiah 55:11). Believe That the Seeds You Plant Will Bear Fruit Last month, I received news that filled my heart with so much joy. You see, 17 years ago, I worked with a bunch of teenagers in our community. I personally took them under my wing. But when they hit their twenties, some of them got busy in their careers, got married, had babies, and worked abroad. I didn’t hear from them for many years. Two years ago, our international missionary, Roy Pasimio, visited the Middle East. He told me that we now have new video Feasts in that part of the world. I asked him, “Who are our leaders there?” And Roy told me, “Remember the teenagers who were part of our youth group here years ago? They’re now our leaders there.” Yes, the seeds planted in their youth are now flourishing and bearing fruit. Friend, don’t be discouraged when it seems like nothing is happening to your loved ones that you’re trying to disciple. Be happy that you were able to “plant” your love and friendship in their hearts. Your role is to plant. God’s role is to grow the plant. As they say, you may be the only Bible that some people will read. Believe that one day, harvest time will come. Email me at bosanchez@kerygmafamily.com. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 23 Special Section Testimony Willie and Cora take on the challenging role of discipling God’s people through connect groups. Kwentong CG: God’s Story Guides By Willie and Cora Talon As told to Lella M. Santiago Photos by Mark Domingo W here’s Bro. Willie? I will shoot him!” our Connect Group (CG, also formerly called Caring Group) member shouted as he waved his toy gun. This happened often when he’s had too much to drink. Sometimes, it’s a bolo he’d brandish. It wasn’t just my husband he challenged. He provoked the other brothers in our CG, too. I (Cora) used to be so afraid when he would barge into our house in that state. When we held CG meetings in his house, he wouldn’t join us. He’d be drinking outside. All our group, especially his wife, could do was pray that he’ll join us eventually. He’d attend our chapter meetings but he was always contradictory. He seemed like a hopeless case. I (Willie) didn’t know how to guide him away from his vices — drinking and smoking — and onto the right path. It took a lot of patience, but we didn’t let him distract us from our duties as CG heads. We didn’t give up on him. We continued to assign him tasks and gave him importance in the group. After 10 years, God transformed him. He was hospitalized because of an illness brought on by 24 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 his vices. When he was discharged from the hospital, he changed dramatically. His transformation was instant. Before, he refused to join us in prayer. Now, he leads the prayers, regularly attends The Feast and is a committed ministry head. This brother’s story is one of many that inspires us to keep on guiding people to God. Listening with the Heart We were very reluctant when we were first assigned as CG heads in 1990. Although we were trained for the role, we hesitated because we’re naturally shy. Over the years, as we shared our stories, we not only learned to open up to people but we also helped our members tell others about God’s blessings in their lives. We have to think of creative ways to draw their stories out. Sometimes, we use pick-up cards with Bible verses to get the sharing going. It amazes them that most of the time, the verses they pick are related to what they’re experiencing at the moment. By making time to listen to their stories, we show our members the love and concern we have for them. I remember when I offered to stay with one of our brothers in the hospital. His wife couldn’t be with him because their children were still small and no one could watch over them. He didn’t want to bother me, but I said, “Brother, let me stay so you’ll have someone with you.” We spent the time talking about his family. Later, I received a text saying how much he appreciated what I did. I realized it’s not only through telling stories but also by listening that we can point people to God. And it’s not just listening with our ears but also with our heart. We have to be sensitive to the story behind their story and give help when needed. Share, Connect, Care Sharing our own story helps us guide our members. We start the ball rolling when nobody wants to be first to share about their blessings during our prayer meetings. Our members are inspired to keep trusting that God will answer their prayers, too, when we share about our fulfilled dreams. One story that kept them hoping despite seeming impossibilities is our trip to the Holy Land, a blessing straight from our dream board. Stories about our struggles motivate them, too. One of our members said, “How can I not be encouraged to attend? My CG head is always present even if he has no car, whereas I have a car.” Before, our CG meetings were held in members’ homes. What made it challenging was, we were scattered all over — in Pacita, Biñan, Bicutan, Sucat, Better Living, Muntinlupa. But we went no matter what. Once, on our way to a meeting, a storm hit. Several of us had to cling to each other so we will not be swept by strong winds. Whatever happened, we were almost always present because we enjoyed it. When I don’t get to attend, I feel there’s something lacking in my week. It’s heartening to see that our members also developed the same commitment. One time, this old couple from Bicutan arrived in our meeting in the midst of a raging typhoon. And we’re blessed that it’s not only our members who were encouraged by our stories. Our children, whom we had to spend some time away from when they were little because of CG head duties, grew up with servants’ hearts. They also became CG heads and more. Sherwin is a worship leader in Feast Sharjah (Dubai), Malou was a youth leader, and Mark served in the Kids’ Ministry. Their Story, Our Story Just recently, we were asked to head the Connect Group Ministry. Like the first time, we were reluctant to accept. We felt we did not have what it takes to be effective. My style is informal. All I do is be a buddy to them. Our Feast Builder, Arun Gogna, asked, “What do you have?” We said, “Just love and care.” He replied, “That’s it!” and he gave us five minutes to decide. Being a good speaker is not essential to the job. It’s more important to listen, to connect through the stories we share. Our faith grows because we realize we are not alone in the situation we’re in. We get strength and love from each other. The inspiration is not a one-way street from us to our members. We, in turn, are inspired and blessed by their stories. Another proof that Cora and Willie are doing it right is the fact that their children have grown up with servants’ hearts. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 25 Special Section By Bo Sanchez DO GOD’S DEEDS — JUST LIKE MARY DID! 26 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 O ne day, someone asked me a very disturbing question. He asked, “Bo, the Philippines is a very religious country. We’re supposed to be the only Christian nation in Asia. Yet why are we so corrupt and so poor? How come?” Yes, Filipinos are religious. No doubt about it. But here’s the key: There’s a giant difference between religious maturity and spiritual maturity. Religious maturity means you do your religious duties very well — you pray daily, you go to church, you read your Bible, etc. Spiritual maturity is totally different: it means you love like Jesus. Spiritually mature people express their faith through action. God says that faith without action is dead (James 2:17). If your faith has no love, the Bible says we’re like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13:1). Without love, all our religiosity is noise. Do you want to know if you’re spiritually mature? Look for these three signs: “I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary, “may it happen to me as you have said. And the angel left her.” Soon afterward Mary got ready and hurried off to a town in the hill country of Judea. She went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. — Luke 1:38-40, 56 First Sign: Service After Mary gave her yes to God, the Bible says she “hurried off” to the hill country of Judea. Why the hurry? Real spiritual people know that there’s this twilight zone between your decision and your action. Don’t stay in this area for too long. It’s dangerous. If you dillydally, if you loiter, if you meander in this twilight zone, before you know it — poof! Your decision disappears forever. Here’s my advice: Once you make a decision, act immediately. Run through this twilight zone between decision and action. Don’t sleep until you do something! I’ve yet to meet a successful person who doesn’t have a bias for action. Once a successful person makes a decision towards a goal, a flurry of activities takes place. The successful person acts immediately. My Books Have Varied Results When I was in Cebu one time, a man came up to me and greeted me with so much joy. “I read your books and I love them,” he said. People say that to me all the time. But what blew me away was what he said next. He said, “Bo, I read your book, 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich. Because of that book, I was inspired to build three businesses, all giving me passive income. I still have a job, but I now own six taxi cabs, a store, and a water station.” Wow! I began to think of the other people who read the same book, who also made a decision to do something, but didn’t do a thing. Why? They didn’t hurry in the twilight zone between decision and action. Because they didn’t have a bias for action; they had a bias for analysis. They like analyzing something to death before they act. Another man came up to me yesterday. He said, “Bo, I’m still far from becoming a success. I suddenly realized why nothing has happened in my life. Because I’m afraid of failure.” I asked him, “Have you had a major failure in your life?” And he said, “None. Because I don’t even try.” “Then your problem isn’t your lack of success,” I told him. “Your problem is your lack of failure. Here’s what you do: Increase your rate of failure so you can increase your rate of success.” In the same way, the truly spiritual people I met have a bias for service. Why is this important? Loving God is easy. He’s perfect! But loving another human being will be more difficult. And it doesn’t have to be a big service. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 27 Second Sign: Simple Serve simply. Mary served simply. She didn’t conquer armies, vanquish nations, run organizations, or preach to millions. Instead, she went to Elizabeth to cook meals, mop floors, wash clothes, dry dishes, and clean toilets. When we reach heaven, I bet we’ll be surprised at how God will reward different people. For example, my staff — the tech guys setting up the audio system every time I preach — may have a bigger mansion than the preacher. Our wonderful caregivers serving the abandoned elderly in Anawim every single day — bathing them, feeding them, cutting their fingernails and toenails — may have a bigger mansion than the founder of Anawim. Our telephone counselors in our Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center, or the staff who sell my books in the book tables, or the cooks who prepare the meals in our orphanages — all of them may have a bigger mansion than my mansion. It’s true! It may be possible that altar boys and church janitors may have a bigger mansion than the Pope. Why do I believe in that? Mother Mary is our model of simple service. She never served in a high-profile manner. She never had a title. She just served. And that’s what God wants you to do. If you’ve experienced God’s love through The Feast, I invite you to volunteer immediately in a simple ministry. Give that love to others. Volunteer in our Warmth Ministry. Volunteer in our Awesome Kids Ministry. Volunteer in our Youth Ministry. Volunteer to serve in our Connect Groups. I remember a woman came up to me and said, “Bo, I really want to join the Warmth Ministry. But it’s difficult for me to 28 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 wake up early and come here 30 minutes before The Feast starts…” So I reminded her, “Service is sacrifice.” Which brings me to the third sign of a spiritual person. Third Sign: Sacrifice Sacrificial service. I go to Israel every other year. And every time, without fail, I take that looooong trip that Mary took to visit Elizabeth — from Nazareth to the Judean hill country. But unlike Mary, I took a nice tourist bus. A very wellappointed, comfortable, air-conditioned tourist bus. Mary had no bus. Goodness, Mary didn’t even have a skateboard. While already pregnant, this 14-year-old girl trekked for four days, under the scorching heat of the sun, through the Judean desert — crawling with wild beasts and thieves. (Remember the story of the Good Samaritan? And how thieves beat up the guy? It was pretty common among travelers.) She did that because she wanted to serve an elderly cousin. That was sacrifice. Spiritual people are sacrificial people. She had all the excuses in the world not to go. She could have said, “Lord, I’m pregnant myself. I have morning sickness. I don’t like the smell of garlic. How can I serve my cousin Elizabeth?” But she didn’t think of her own discomfort. Or her own pains. Her own issues. Her own needs. She went out and served someone else. This is real Christianity. Christianity isn’t about going to heaven. Christianity is about bringing heaven down to earth, especially for those who are going through hell today. And sacrifice starts in our families. Sacrifice in Your Family I once went on a three-day trip with Francis, my youngest son, to Cebu. Just the two of us. It was a father-and-son trip. No wife. No sibling. Just him and me — talking, laughing, playing, swimming, and eating together. I promised myself to bring out each of my sons for a trip like this at least once a year. (Note: This isn’t part of the message of this article, but let me tell you about the second child syndrome. Francis is my second child. It’s easy for the second child — or middle children — to feel inferior, especially if the elder sibling is an achiever. You need to spend time with each of your kids. But pay close attention to your second child and your middle child — because sometimes, they need it more.) Why did I take a trip with little Francis? I’ve realized that life is about creating memories. When Francis is older, his conscious mind will forget the details of that trip. But his subconscious mind will remember everything. Your subconscious mind is a perfect recording machine. It remembers every detail. Most of all, Francis will remember how much I loved him that I spend enormous time with him.) I’m a busy guy. I run nine non-profit organizations and 12 businesses. So how can I “waste” three days with my son? Simple. It’s called sacrifice. When you love someone, you make sacrifices. Spiritual people make sacrifices. I know my roles. Before being a preacher, or author, or leader, or businessman, I’m first of all a father. Real spiritual people sacrifice. Serving others is a privilege. The reward of service is the fact that you have been given the chance to serve someone. Friend, when you serve, always remember how Mama Mary did it. You’ll not be far from heaven. Email me at bosanchez@kerygmafamily.com BO’S ACTION STEPS 1. Ask about the different ministries in your community. Choose where you’d like to serve in and where you feel God is calling you. 2. Serve one Sunday a month initially. Commit to this schedule. 3. Commit to serve in your family, your first community. Start doing a specific chore and do it regularly. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 29 Special Section Knowing what she has learned in her previous mission, Edith’s heart is ready to board the ship and go wherever the Lord calls her. Testimony By Edith Laurino As told to Marjorie Duterte A Heart for Service T here was an ongoing prayer meeting at the church when I dropped by after work one day. Someone suddenly called out, “The girl wearing red!” I looked around me and realized that I was the only one wearing red. Someone asked me to come forward, saying that the Lord has something to tell me. He prophesied that I would be traveling a lot, mostly to Asian countries, to share God’s love. I was 21 then and didn’t take what he said seriously. In My Comfort Zone During my early years as a Christian serving the Lord, I already knew that God called me to be a missionary. But I brushed it off quickly because I was busy with the world. I enjoyed my job. My salary as a wedding planner was great. God was calling me into the mission field but I was scared. Instead of being one, I supported a missionary because I was earning well and I could give financial support. But the call of the Lord became heavy in my heart. An American missionary spearheaded a short mission trip to Thailand in 2010. I joined that trip and things were never the same again. I quit my job to become a missionary. Into the Mission Field Douglas Sharpe, the Philippines’ National Director of Youth with a Mission, a Christian organization, encouraged me to join a Discipleship Training School in Cambodia where they train young people to become missionaries. All of my classmates were Cambodians. They 30 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 were treated as second-class citizens. My compassion for them grew when I witnessed what they had to go through. Back then, I made it my goal to help change things for the better in Cambodia. I wanted to be a part of that change. I stayed behind in Cambodia to serve them after my DTS graduation. It was difficult. The culture was totally different and not many spoke nor understood English. I served the children whose parents survived the civil war where the elite and educated people had been killed. In Cambodia, Jesus is a foreign name. I started giving free English lessons to the children. One student asked me, “Teacher, who is Jesus? Is He an American or a Filipino?” They really don’t know who Jesus is. Jesus should have a face to them. I realized that lessons don’t affect them as much as kindness to them and compassion does. They don’t get it from their parents because their parents don’t have proper debriefing coming out of the war. I wanted to help the Cambodians by giving them quality education because I believe it is the way to fight poverty in their country. The Love Language To the young Cambodians that I teach, Jesus is a lollipop, a touch. The children, especially the poor, will always have a special spot in Edith’s heart. I served by hugging the children, kissing them and saying “I love you” to them. The moment they see me, they would run to me and just hug me. They enjoyed it. In Cambodia, being able to speak English gives one a high opportunity to have a job in respectable establishments such as hotels and restaurants. The country is very poor. The parents don’t mind that their children go to church to study. Sometimes it’s the only time that their children will eat for that day. I learned that love is the best language. It is out of love that I understood them and they understood me. I befriended them. I let them stay and laugh with me. I let them eat what I ate. I’m a teacher. I’m a friend to them. In Cambodia, there is a big distinction between poor and rich. The rich people do not associate with the poor and vice versa. It’s like God gave me the task to be the bridge for the two groups. I can recall a moment when one of my students accompanied I could come back to Cambodia. My students ran after the me to the market. A seller said, “You should let your maid carry your taxi I was in, crying out, “Teacher! Teacher! Please come stuff.” I replied, “Excuse me, she’s not my maid. She’s my friend.” I back!” My heart broke as I watched them run desperately believe I earned the child’s loyalty that day because I defended her. after the taxi. She said I am her friend. That’s how I share Jesus’ love to them. That time, I promised myself that I would go back to Jesus came here to serve, not to be served. We are called to serve Cambodia. like Jesus. Service is a practical way of showing His love. I believe service means that we think of others for the love of Heartbeat for Mission God, even if we had to go outside of our comfort zones. This I learned: If God is really calling you to go on a mission, worry not. He will send you the people and My Rewards provisions you would need to survive and carry on. As a missionary, I don’t have a salary. My sole reward is knowing that As I came to know more of the Lord and read the my students understand and receive the love I give them, and that Bible, I realized and understood that everyone is called to they have come to know Jesus. be a missionary (Matthew 28:19-20). Working in Cambodia also gave me the chance to change. By My hope is to make a difference in the lives of the the grace of God, I’ve become more patient and relaxed. I used to Cambodians and the people in other countries that I may be sensitive before, but when I became a missionary, I learned to be assigned to. I pray for God to continue to use me for overcome my emotions. Instead of blaming people when things go the change that the country needs, to help transform wrong, I would examine my heart and reflect. I have become more lives for His greater glory. And I also hope that I would understanding. I became a better person, and that is reward enough live to see the difference I helped create. for me. My heart will always beat for missions. There was a time when I was going home to Cebu, not knowing if I am a missionary for Christ. Whether it is in her hometown shores or in some other country, Edith never fails to magnetize the children’s hearts to Jesus. Edith feeding kids in Cambodia not only with some food but with love and care. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 31 ARE YOU SURROUNDED BY VAMPIRES? No, not the blood-sucking, fang-baring, garlic-hating kind. Those exist only in the movies. We’re talking about the ever critical, perpetually controlling and forever complaining people in your life. In other words — the toxic people. The ones who do nothing but make your life difficult. If your answer is a huge “YES!”, then this book is for you. Let’s face it. Most of the time, we hate dealing with these difficult people. The moment they enter the premises, we’d rather leave the room — or even the building — just to get off their radar. But sometimes, what we don’t know is that we are difficult people as well. In his newest book, How to Deal with Difficult People, Bo Sanchez discusses how you can protect yourself from the “vampires” in your life and how to love them wisely. It gives you a deeper understanding not only of the people that surround you, but also yourself. After all, YOU might be a vampire, too! Learn how to: • Spot the Most Common Types of Vampires • Protect Yourself from a Vampire • How to Transform a Vampire • How to Transform Yourself (If You’re the Vampire!) • And many, many more! ORDER your copies now! CALL 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108 or log on to www.KerygmaBooks.com GO DIGITAL! Buy the e-book and read it straight from your gadget! Visit www.KerygmaBooks.com/ ebooks. God in Every Stage of Seasons Your Life By Cynthia U. Santiago I learned about a major consequence of retirement as early as when I was 33 years old. At the time, some friends and I put up a publishing company and our products were trade magazines, including one for working women. We had fun the first two years, enjoying the perks of being “Media,” especially the lavish attention of Public Relations people who wanted us to feature their clients in our magazines. Unfortunately, during the economic crisis in 1983, following the assassination of Ninoy Aquino, our company went bankrupt. We stopped publishing our magazines and, suddenly, I was no longer “Media.” I felt the loss of media power one day when I happened to be in the office building of a public relations officer whom I had helped publish articles about her clients. I thought we had become friends so I went to her office just to say, “Hi.” At the waiting room outside her office, a receptionist asked me to take a seat, and then went inside the PR’s office to announce my presence. After a few seconds, the receptionist came back to me, and told me the PR was busy and could not see me. Ouch! What a snob! I realized then that without power — material power, that is — I would not matter to people. That is, people for whom material power matters — and they are not few in this material world. I went on to pursue my career in Journalism. I found a good job in a lifestyle magazine and enjoyed media power again. And yes, the PR who snubbed me became friendly again. So every single day, hour, minute and second of my career life, there it was at the back of my mind: the clear and present truth that I would get old, retire and give up such power. I knew then that in this world, everything is as ephemeral as our earthly life itself. And so I went on with my exhilarating career, but without kidding myself that the bliss would last. There was a time that I had become kind of jaded, that when someone invited me to have lunch, I asked, “Why?” That’s because office policies or media ethics prevented me from publishing just any item requested by PRs or anyone, for that matter. So I figured if I accepted the invite, and I ate the food, but could not accommodate the press release, I could no longer return the food that was already in my tummy, right? So I asked first what the lunch invite was all about. In 1985, my sister May invited my husband, Ed, and me to join the Light of OUCH! MY EARLY TASTE OF RETIREMENT PAIN Jesus Family. By God’s grace, through the talks of Bo Sanchez, our founder, I would hear how to live the Gospel of Jesus in a practical, happy way. Little did I know, this was the start of my preparation for retirement. It was my gradual transition from the fleeting media power to the everlasting one: God Power. I write this just after I’d read “WOW, The Wonder of Work,” a recent talk series at The Feast, the weekly faith gathering led by Bo at the Philippine International Convention Center. The theme of the series comes from Colossians 3:23: “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” Indeed, pains or gains at work and thereafter, at retirement time, I see as big blessings since I’ve surrendered them all to God. Email me at cusantiago@gmail.com. NEXT: WOW! The Perks of Retirement SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 33 Visit us at Booth # 261-262(1/2) New products, discounts and freebies await you See you there! SOMETHING AWESOME IS COMING YOUR WAY! Kerygma has gone digital! You can now download the interactive version of the most-loved inspirational magazine in the country! What to expect in the ALL-NEW KERYGMA INTERACTIVE EDITION? • • • • • • Videos from Brother Bo Sanchez More testimonials More interaction More inspiration More surprises More blessings! Go to www.shepherdsvoice.com.ph/kerygmamagazine and subscribe to our newsletter to download your copy. As our gift to you, you can download Kerygma Interactive for FREE!* Bless more people by sharing your copies with all your friends and loved ones! Coming soon on Apple and Google Newsstand. *For a limited period only, so DOWNLOAD NOW! Kitchen Scribbles By Rosanne Romero I Gray Matter Matters found out I had Multiple Sclerosis in 1986. My neurologist carefully explained the disease to me by showing me MRI images of my brain. He showed me which parts had lesions. They were numerous — some huge, some small. He mentioned parts of the brain I had studied in school — cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem occipital lobe, frontal lobe, and some others. Looking back, I realized that these are things I had memorized for exams when I was a student. But that day, they aren’t just terms anymore. Things got personal. With a laser pointer, he showed me the different parts of my brain If the part responsible for cognition were that had lesions. He then pointed to one lobe that had none. It was the affected, where would that leave me? Without part responsible for cognition. Some people who suffer from MS have cognition, I might read hilarious Facebook posts from lesions in this part of the brain, disabling them to process information my friends and not be able to laugh. I might read and to think well. When I learned that, I felt so blessed. Yes, MS is awful beautiful stories and not be touched. I might read news, but learning that this part of my brain had been spared is a miracle. Scripture and not be moved by it. I would be bereft But for those who aren’t familiar with the term, cognition means of insight. I would not be able to trace God’s hand. having sound thinking. Impaired cognition means being batty. I was I would not comprehend adversity as I comprehend very glad that I had no lesions in that part of my brain, because I’m it. I would not be able to hear Him or make sense of already batty enough as it is! things. And if I could not hear God or make sense of Because MS hit my cerebellum, I have serious problems with things, what would be the point of living? MS, as an balance. I frequently fall, so it became necessary for me to move around adversity, would have had no redeeming value. in a wheelchair. I sorely miss running and I can’t take long walks anymore. Allow me to use 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 to frame all And I have pain. Not the excruciating kind. And not a melodramatic telethat I’ve said here: serye kind of pain either. Just pain. Also, “However, we possess this precious treasure sometimes, when I’m mincing garlic in in frail human vessels, so that the grandeur and the kitchen, I clumsily end up mincing exceeding greatness of the power, may be shown to some of my fingers, which means be from God and not from ourselves. We are hardmy family’s been ingesting parts pressed on every side, and oppressed in every way, of me (ha, ha!). It takes me forever but not crushed. We suffer embarrassments and are to thread a needle. And my left perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not hand is practically dead. There driven to despair. We are pursued and hard driven, is a host of other things about but not deserted nor left to stand alone. We are having MS that frustrates me. struck down to the ground, but never struck out and But in spite of all destroyed.” these things, I am not totally unblessed. And so even if MS is an ever present thing in my life, I am thankful that God keeps it just where it is. There’s a donut hole, yes. But there’s more donut than there Email me at kitchenscribbles@gmail.com. is a hole. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 35 HANDA KA NA BANG BUMYAHE? Manong, bayad po! Lahat tayo ay may iba’t ibang byahe sa buhay. Anuman o saanman tayo patungo, siguradong may mapupulot tayong kwento at aral mula rito. In his first book, JC Libiran shares his adventures, misadventures and reflections as he journeys through the metropolis as a commuter. This book reflects everyone’s journey. It allows us to look deeper into our daily travels in order to recreate our story into something greater. Let’s R.I.D.E. together and become the best BYAHEro we can be! Manong, dyan lang po sa tabi! BUY YOUR COPY NOW! For orders call 725-9999 local 101 to 108 or log on to www.KerygmaBooks.com 36 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 K Preacher By Andreus Cosio I t was our regular Feast Builders meeting. Bo Sanchez suddenly announced, “We have an extra cake. Let’s have a raffle!” The brothers got excited. We had fun writing our names on small pieces of tissue paper. When I wrote my name, I included the words, “Thank you sa cake!” Then we had our raffle using the elimination method. Jan Silan, associate Feast builder of Makati Feast, was assigned to pick the names. Every name picked was considered out and the remaining name gets the cake. One by one the names were picked. And then it was down to 2. Jan’s name and mine still weren’t called. So they asked Adrian Panganiban, Sucat Feast Builder, to pick the last two. And then Jan’s name was called! “And the winner is Dreus Cosio!” Wearing my most grateful smile, I asked Adrian to also read the note under my name: “Thank you sa cake!” Gratefulness creates wonders in our lives. Thanking God in advance is being ready to receive God’s best, using our lens of faith, expecting great things to happen. Be Grateful When Things Go Your Way. It feels good when you see people appreciate the gifts that you give. In fact, it inspires you to give more, and nothing beats thanking the Real Source of all blessings in our lives — for every answered prayer, for every miracle and surprises. God renews His blessings for us every morning — even if we don’t ask for it. Being able to wake up in the morning is a big blessing when you realize that a lot of others are not able to do so. God gives us so many other blessings that we sometimes take for granted. A grateful heart makes us ready to receive more. Be Grateful Even When Things Don’t Go Your Way. It is easy to be grateful when things go right, but when things go wrong, we tend to rebel, to curse and to turn our backs on God. What we don’t realize is that this is the perfect time to exercise our faith, trust and love. How? By being grateful! Thanking God for the lessons learned, for protecting you from a possible worse situation, for making you stronger, wiser and moulding your character. Thanking God even in times of distress gives you the grace to see that you have more — WHAT’S YOUR CAKE? and not less. You let the Blesser be in control and let Him alter things to receive what’s best. Be Grateful in Advance Fear is expecting bad things to happen while faith is expecting great things to happen. When we thank God in advance, it gives us the grace to act in faith. Have the fire to live a life without worrying, and instead surrender and tell our God, “Thank You, Lord, I know You got my back. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for the best — for You are the Best!” Are you praying for healing, for your relationships, for financial provisions? What is your cake? Thank Him in advance! The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God! (Psalm 50:23) Email me at andreus.cosio@gmail.com Dreus is the Associate Builder of Feast Biñan, which happens every Saturday, 6 p.m., at the 3rd Floor of Central Mall in Biñan, Laguna. SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 37 KeRygma mission PaRtneR 24th anniversary Promo tRiP to singaPoRe PRIZES: Grand Prize – Trip to Singapore for Two Consolation Prizes: 3 Units Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 2 Units 29” LG Flatscreen Television 1 Package of SVP Products worth P15,000 Here’s How: 1. Subscribe to Kerygma from April 1, 2014 to December 21, 2014 and receive a FREE GIFT. Plus a chance to win a trip to Singapore for two or other minor prizes. 2. To subscribe, tear off the subscription form from Kerygma and fill it out with your complete name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, mode of payment, affix signature and mail to: Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc., c/o KMP 24th Anniversary promo #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City 1109 3. To get a subscription form, buy a copy of Kerygma at Shepherd’s Voice’s head office or at any of our distributors/outlets. 4. The winner of the trip to Singapore will have free hotel accommodation for two, including breakfast and dinner, for three days and two nights. Prize is exclusive of tax. 5. Promo runs from April 2, 2014 to December 21, 2014. 6. All entries received until December 14, 2014 qualify for the draw. Grand Draw: January 11, 2015 at The Feast, PICC, Pasay City GUIDELINES 1. Lucky winners will be drawn. A participant can only win once per draw. 2. If a name is drawn more than once, the prize of higher value will given. 3. A notification letter via registered mail will be sent to winners for confirmation and will be published in the March 2015 issue of Kerygma. Instructions on where to claim the prize will be detailed in the letter via registered mail. 4. The winner of the trip to Singapore and his or her companion will secure their own passport. 9. The Winners shall claim their prizes at the Shepherd’s Voice office at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City upon presentation of the notification letter, claim stub and a valid ID with photo and signature (e.g. driver’s license, company ID or passport). Winners may send a representative provided they present the following: a. Letter of authorization from winner b. Proper identification c. Letter sent by SVP and claim stub 10. The promo organizer’s decision is final with the concurrence of a DTI Representative. 5. Prizes are transferable but not convertible to cash. 6. The winner of the trip to Singapore and his or her companion shall shoulder all the taxes and documentations related to the trip, and the 20 percent tax for prizes exceeding P10,000. 7. Prizes must be claimed within 60 days from receipt of notification. The validity of the trip shall be for a period of six months from issuance. 12. A DTI Representative will be on hand to witness the draw on January 11, 2015, 10:30 am at the PICC during The FEAST. 8. Prizes unclaimed will be forfeited in favor of SVP with prior DTI approval. 13. Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 2767 Series of 2014. 11. All SVP employees are not eligible to join the raffle promo including their relatives up to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity. One Last Story By Giancarla and Jesus Macaspac, Jr. Finding a job in Singapore’s competitive environment was not easy. Despite a solid experience in the Human Resources field, I never got a single invitation for an interview. We were blessed that my application for a Dependent’s Visa was approved so I was able to stay with my husband longer. Through all these, we still held on to our faith and continued to pray, both for the coming of our baby and the patience to continue waiting. Jesus’ Gift to Us on Christmas Day W hen we got married on July 19, 2008, we decided to wait a year before having a baby. Looking back, we realized that we had not really waited seriously. There was no conscious effort to prevent conception and just a few months after the wedding, we went to our first OB-Gynecologist for a routine check-up. My monthly period came religiously. The wanting intensified. We hopped from one doctor to another. In September 2009, we started going to a fertility expert. We were dead serious about having a work-up, but we didn’t expect that the tests and medications would be that costly. For example, testing for blockage in my fallopian tubes cost us P18,000. We could not afford to spend any more than what we already had. Sacrifices for Our Future Baby When our OB suggested trying intrauterine insemination, we stepped on the breaks. Although we badly wanted a baby, we weren’t sure if it would be worth it to spend all our money on a procedure that had very little success rate. After much consideration, my husband decided to sacrifice and chose to work overseas so we could save up more quickly to continue with the work-up. In February 2011, he went to Singapore on a tourist visa, hoping to land a job within the allowable two-month period. He settled for a job that was enough to hold a worker’s visa, then eventually landed a job as a quantity surveyor in a multinational engineering consultancy firm. I resigned from my job and joined him in September so I could also work and help him. God continued to teach us about the virtues of patience, faith and strength amid trials. Back home, my father, who was battling lung cancer since 2009, was getting weaker. I went back to the Philippines so I could take care of him. It was difficult for my husband and me to be apart again, but I did not regret my decision because I was able to care for my father until he peacefully passed away on December 27, 2011. After spending time with my grieving family, I flew back to Singapore to try my luck again. Remembering St. Pio of Pietrelcina I had the opportunity to hear Mass every Thursday after work at the Philippine Centre for St. Pio of Pietrelcina in Libis, Quezon City, when I had a weekly deployment in Pasig in my previous job in Manila. My husband and I also visited this very peaceful place of worship a couple of times. While there, we read about testimonials of miracles attributed to St. Pio’s intercession, especially for childless couples. So, while in Singapore, we prayed the rosary every night, followed by St. Pio’s “Prayer for Having a Baby.” On May 25, 2012, St. Pio’s birthday, we learned that I was pregnant. I had a high-risk pregnancy so I had to be extra-careful because of gestational diabetes. I was hospitalized on my sixth month because of asthma attacks. During my last trimester, my blood pressure went above normal levels. We continued to pray and ask for St. Pio’s intercession for a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. On December 25, 2012, I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl via an emergency Caesarean Section operation. It was Jesus’ birthday and yet we were the ones given this very special gift! Naomi Francesca (named after Francesco Forgione, our dear Padre Pio), our miracle baby, proof of God’s faithfulness, was finally in our arms. Five months later, on May 25, 2013, St. Pio’s birthday and exactly a year after that positive pregnancy test, we welcomed Nica to the faith that will mold her to become the kind and loving person that we pray she will be. We will forever thank God for this answered prayer and all His graces. We will keep our promise to God to raise our daughter to be good, in its truest sense. And we will never tire of inspiring others to, just as Padre Pio said, “pray, hope and don’t worry.” SEPTEMBER 2014 • KERYGMA 39 Point of Contact By Bo Sanchez I pray that you receive your miracles in Jesus’ name! I pray that God liftS your trials, heals your diseases, blesses your problems, and directs you to the path He wants you to take. I pray that God removes your fears and gives you the courage to surrender your burdens to Him. So place your hand over my hand, and let’s pray with trust, together with our prayer team of intercessors praying for you right now… This page is our Point of Contact, our spiritual connection. Say after me… In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I surrender to You my worries and anxieties. I surrender to You my needs, my problems, my trials. I place them all in Your big hands. And I open myself to all that You want to give to me. On this day, I say yes to Your love, to Your blessings, to Your healing, to Your miracles. And Lord, specifically, I ask for the following miracles for my life... I believe that You answer my prayer in the best way possible! And I thank You in advance for the perfect answers to my prayers. I also ask for the special intercession of Mama Mary. I pray all this in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen! SPECIAL INTENTION FOR THIS MONTH: Bless the readers of Kerygma, Lord. You want all Your children to come close to You. Sadly, some don’t even know You. May we, who know You and have come to love You, be strengthened by Your grace to lead others to You. May our lives be living proofs of how much You love us. May this inspire others to open their lives to You as well. May they learn to listen to You and obey You, no matter how hard it might be sometimes, because You know what’s best for each one of us. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Praying for you, 40 KERYGMA • SEPTEMBER 2014 Email your prayer requests to me at bosanchez@ kerygmafamily.com or write to me at Shepherd’s Voice Publications, #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109.
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