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Inspiring You to Live a Fantastic Life No. 281 Vol. 23 October 2013 YOU God Prunes You So You Can Multiply Your Harvest Don’t Focus on the Pain; Focus on the Prize You Are Priceless in God’s Eyes; How Much Are You Worth in Your Eyes? God’s Giant Shears Pruned the Tree of Pride of an Ad Exec A Lupus Patient’s Only Hope My Heart’s Anchor: A Woman’s Story of Losing All Her Family Members to Heart Disease — One After the Other KERYGMA BARCODE.pdf 11/16/06 5:43:58 PM Philippines P70 US $7.00 AUS $ 7.00 Euro 5.00 UK 4.00 CDN $7.00 SING $9.00 HK $47.00 RUPIAH 64,000 CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS • Identify Your Mountains • Identify Your Authority Over Your Mountains • Identify Where You Want Your Mountains to Go • D o you believe that your best is yet to come? You may not feel good about what is happening to your life today. You may be beset by one disappointment after another. Disappointments in your family. Disappointments in your job. Disappointments about your health. You’re reading my message not by some accident. I believe God made you read this because He wants to tell you, “Don’t give up!” He wants to tell you that you’ve got an amazing, mindboggling, phenomenal Reward waiting for you. Words cannot describe, minds cannot fathom, and imaginations cannot fantasize this out-of-this-world Reward waiting for you. Friend, God wants you to think of your rewards. When the going gets tough, think of your rewards. When you’re filled with disappointments, think of your rewards. When you feel like you can’t take another step, think of your rewards. Because if you want to win in life, here’s what you do: Don’t focus on the pain; focus on the prize! Have you noticed? We love rewards — trophies, medals, plaques. They have this powerful capacity to transport our minds from dwelling on the pain of today to the prize of tomorrow. Let me give you an example. I have this crazy friend — let’s call him James — who runs ultra marathons. Just in case you don’t know, an ultra marathon is 100 kilometers long. How far is that? From Manila to Tarlac. I asked James what the reward was for running an ultra marathon. His answer shocked me. He said, “A T-shirt.” “A what?” I said. I couldn’t believe my ears. “A T-shirt,” James said again. “You’re running 100 kilometers to get a T-shirt? Is it a…uh… branded shirt? The one with a crocodile? Or the one with a guy riding a horse and carrying a stick?” “Nope. It’s just an ordinary shirt, but it says, ‘I’m an Ultra Marathon Finisher…’” I told James, “Look, you don’t have to run. I can make that T-shirt for you. Tell me what color, size and shape. I’ll even put your name on it…” But James said, “Nope, I don’t want your T-shirt. I want the T-shirt that they’ll give me if I finish the race.” I don’t have plans to run an ultra marathon. But from what I hear, at a certain point of the race, each of your legs The Boss By Bo Sanchez will weigh like a ton. Each of your legs will feel like they’re as heavy as tree trunks. But at least for James, that simple reward was enough to lift his legs to take one more step. And another step. And another step. As he placed one aching foot in front of the other, all he thought about was, “I’ll get that T-shirt… I’ll get that T-shirt…” And James finished the race. It’s amazing how our brains are wired to respond to rewards. Rewards as stimuli are encoded in our DNA. It’s built into our mental architecture. And Jesus knew human psychology so well. He said, “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12). Life is not a sprint. Life is not a 100-meter dash. Life is not even a 400-meter dash. Life is an ultra marathon. I urge you, don’t count in days, weeks or months. Don’t even count in years. I urge you to start counting in decades. Because everything worthwhile takes time to grow. It takes time to grow a marriage. It takes time to grow children. It takes time to grow a ministry. It takes time to grow a business. It takes time to grow a dream. And I promise you, there will be days in your life when your legs will feel so heavy, they’ll be like tree trunks. There’ll be days when you don’t want to take another step. But God says, “There’s a reward at the end of your journey.” There’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There’s a T-shirt at the end of the marathon. But it’s no ordinary T-shirt. It’s the Garment of Worship. It’s the Robe of Heaven. It’s the Wardrobe of the Saints. It’s the Cloak of Glory. You will shine like the stars in the sky. You will sing with Angels. You will reign in the heavenlies. Until you realize that God is our Ultimate Reward. May your come true, dreams OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 1 Mailroom A zillion thanks to Kerygma Family. Every time I read Kerygma, I am inspired, restored and spiritually nourished. For almost three years of reading Kerygma and watching Bo Sanchez’s Preacher in Blue Jeans, I’ve learned lessons that are really worth reflecting on — success, the beauty of having dreams, forgiveness, leadership, healing, habits, family relationships, and a lot more. The teachings of Bo taught me to give my very best to God and to deepen my relationship with Him by helping others. Since I was in college, it has been my dream to be part of The Feast and by God’s grace it can true. Indeed, God’s blessings come in mysterious ways. God bless you more. Jonavie Tocmo Loay, Bohol I just want to share my experience how Kerygma magazine changed my spiritual life and my personal life. I started reading Kerygma when my friend introduced it to me. Since then, I’ve always tried my best to buy Kerygma. It helps me to be strong as a person. It gives me hope, courage to persevere, and strengthens my faith as a Catholic. And because of Kerygma, I started to attend The Feast in Biñan, Laguna. Grietel Tungol Lutao Panaon, Misamis Occidental I’m reading Kerygma magazine right now. It’s one of the magazines our school subscribed to and I’m grateful for that. Actually it is my first time to read the magazine and I’m totally inspired. I feel God’s presence within me. I am starting to realize good things. I’m sure that this magazine will help a lot of people come closer to God as what it did to me. I feel so blessed. Thank you to Kergyma staff and especially to Mr. Bo Sanchez. Aubrey Valerio Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos Mrs. Julie Cado Daculan San Miguel, Calabanga, Camarines Sur We Want to hear from you! I thank God for Kerygma. It gives hope and inspiration in my daily life. I am a dentist and I share God by allowing my patients to read this great inspirational mag in my clinic. I’ve been serving at The Feast since 2008 and I’m glad to have found my one true love there. Thank God I’m happily married now and continue to serve God with my husband. Send your message via email to editsvp@, through text to 0923378-4941, or by snail mail to The Editor at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109. Jen Sevilla Mandaluyong I started reading Kerygma during my college years at De La Salle University. The personal stories and reflections inspire me a lot. This pushed me to go to the periodicals section more often than to the other sections in our school library. Sadly, after college, I wasn’t able to find any and don’t know how I could get one. One day, I saw one of my students reading 2 Kerygma magazine. I immediately asked her how she got the issue. Then she answered, “Bro. Manny gave this to me.” On that same day, I asked Bro. Manny how I could get a copy or subscribe to it. Fortunately, he told me that he will give it to me after he has read it. Now I am reunited with Kerygma and have read three monthly issues. Thank you, Lord. KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 You can also reach us through Kerygma Family. Log on to For subscription-related concerns, text or call Sarah Discutido at 0922-814-7031 or email subscription@ Just Breathe Living by Grace You Are Priceless in God’s Eyes A But how much are you worth in your eyes? By Rissa Singson-Kawpeng merican preacher Joel Osteen told a story about a painting he saw in a friend’s house. He looked at the huge frame hanging on the wall and it didn’t impress him at all. He thought it looked like the work of a child, with paint strewn here and there. Later that evening, the conversation veered to the artwork. The host mentioned that it was a Picasso and it cost him more than $1 million. Instantly, Joel’s appreciation of the painting changed. He said, “I looked at it again and thought, ‘Wow, that is beautiful, isn’t it?’” Has that happened to you? You judge something as baduy (uncool) or below your standard until you learn something you didn’t know about it that increased its worth in your eyes. Yes, we value people and things differently when we know where they came from, who made them, and who owned them. Did you know that Britney Spears’ used chewing gum got a bid as high as $14,000 on eBay? It’s a proof that even trash can be worth a fortune depending on whose garbage it is. Now let me ask you: What are you doing with your $45 million? Don’t know what I’m talking about? Read on. According to Wiki Answers, our body is worth more than $45 million if you break it down into organs, fluids, tissues and germ-fighting capabilities. Here’s the price tag of a human body based on a survey from Wired magazine: • Bone marrow: $23 million (based on 1,000 grams at $23,000 per gram) • DNA: $9.7 million • Antibodies: $7.3 million. • 1 lung: $116,400 x 2 = $232,800 • 1 kidney $91,400 x 2 = $182,800 • Heart: $57,000 • 32 egg cells over eight years for $224,000 (Women’s eggs are costlier than men’s sperm because men would have to make 12 sperm donations per month for 20 years to reach this amount.) Imagine, that price tag of $45 million is just your body alone. (I know, some of us can easily cost Rissa’s outfit courtesy of Elite Garments/FREEWAY more than that because we have more fat, more bulge, more weight. So if you’re overweight, don’t think of yourself as fat, just say that you cost more!) That amount doesn’t include your talents, skills and abilities. So it’s a fact: you’re a multimillion-dollar babe (or hunk)! Now that you know how much you’re worth, do you see yourself differently? Let me make the picture even clearer for you. Jesus loved you so much, He shed His divinity, His life, His blood for you. Now that makes you priceless. I paid a huge price for you…. That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you! I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you. (Isaiah 43:4, The Message) Email me at, subscribe to my Facebook updates, or visit my website What to Expect This Month: This is an excerpt from my newest book, Love Handles: Get a Grip on Finding and Dating Your Lifetime Love. Order it now from www. and we’ll deliver to you for free within Metro Manila for a minimum purchase of P300. Log on to www. now! Also available in bookstores nationwide. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 3 Hi, I’m Sarah! Lost copy? Changed address? Defective copy? For all subscription-related concerns Call Sarah 725-9999 local 105 • 411-7874 • 726-9918 • 0922-8147031 Subs Concern ad 2013.indd 1 3/12/13 3:55 PM Join the Force. Change the World Be a Kerygma Shepherd Today. YES! i’m interested in becoming a Kerygma Shepherd. i commit myself to spread God’s Word by distributing Kerygma magazine every month. Name: Age: Birthday: Email: Address (Residence): Telephone No.: Address (Office): Telephone No.: Fax No.: Signature: Shepherd’S Voice publicationS, inc. 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City Tel. Nos. 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108 Email: Call MITZI 725-9999 local 101 to 108 • 0922-8692870 1 The Boss 34 Don’t Focus on the Pain; Focus on the Prize! 40 Point of Contact 3 Just Breathe You Are Priceless in God’s Eyes 34Seasons Never Let Go 35 Kitchen Scribbles Just Draw Near 1 15 2Mailroom 6New You 7Real Stuff 9In the News: Plastic Ban: A Call for a Better Tomorrow 10Dear K 12Kfam Insider 13Feast Snapshots 15 It Happened: My Heart’s Anchor 39 One Last Story: Promised Land THE BO FILES 37 K Preacher Take Great Care of Your Best Asset COLUMNS 37 TESTIMONIES DEPART MENTS ABOUT OUR COVER MODEL Miguel Luis Flores (Migz) was simply accompanying and driving for his mom when he first attended The Feast PICC in 2010. After that first experience, he began to look forward to Bo Sanchez’s talks the next Sunday, and the next, and the next, until it became a regular Sunday destination for him, too. Soon, simply attending was not enough for him. He decided to sign up as an usher, welcoming and assisting the attendees. He has found a second home at The Feast. Whenever he could not attend a session, his week seems incomplete. Migz is currently employed as a reservation sales officer at the Raffles and Fairmont Hotel in Makati. In his work, he encounters different types of people — each guest has a different set of needs and preferences — and sometimes it can be a challenge. His being a renewed Catholic has given him patience and understanding in dealing with this aspect of his work. Whether at work or in his service at The Feast, Migz gives his 100 percent. He dreams of moving up the corporate ladder so he can give back more to God and to the community. SPECIAL SECTION 19 20 26 24 Our Only Hope 30 The Giant Grass Shears of God You Can Move Mountains How to Move Your Mountains How to Multiply Your Harvest What’s Inside October 2013 chairman of the board and publisher BO SANCHEZ • editor-in-chief and production manager RISSA SINGSON-KAWPENG • managing editor TESS V. ATIENZA • creative director MIKE CORTES • graphics director REY DE GUZMAN • assistant layout designer LEAH KIM RECTO • staff writer MARJORIE ANN DUTERTE • contributing writers EMS SY CHAN, JUDITH CONCEPCION, OSY ERICA, REYLINDO ORTEGA, LELLA SANTIAGO • photographer DANIEL SORIANO • columnists BISHOP TED BACANI, JR., ROSANNE ROMERO, OBET CABRILLAS, JAN SILAN • sales and marketing manager JOSEPH MARTINEZ • administration and finance manager WENG CEQUEÑA KERYGMA. A Greek word meaning Proclamation of the Gospel. It is a Catholic inspirational magazine. It aims to be an evangelistic tool to all nations, providing Scriptural, practical and orthodox teachings to Catholics, particularly those in the Catholic Renewal, as an alternative to present-day magazines. It is also committed to fostering the renewal and unity of the whole Christian people. Philippine copyright Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc. 2013. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. KERYGMA is published monthly by Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc., whose editorial and business offices are located at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, 1109 Quezon City. Tel. Nos.: 725-9999, 411-7874, 725-1190. Fax: 727-5615 Email: Website: New You Tips for personal development HEALTH How to Manage PMS Naturally P remenstrual Syndrome can vary but symptoms usually include mood swings, bloating, tender breasts, nausea, and low energy levels, and occurs a week before a woman’s period arrives. The symptoms may become worse when coupled with stress. Here are ways you can help yourself feel better and cope with the challenges of hormonal changes: 1. Use aromatherapy. A few drops of essential oils such as lavender on your skin or in a warm bath helps to relax the senses and calm the mind. It also encourages sleep. 2. Change your diet. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables the week before your period makes a positive difference. When you improve your diet, the symptoms of PMS lessen. 3. Exercise. Physical activity is another way to lessen the effects of PMS. Walking helps to improve your mood. The endorphins released during exercise alter your perception of pain. A ccording to a new study by a University of Kansas researcher, Promothesh Chatterjee, people are more likely to save more with just one savings account compared to having multiple checking and savings accounts. The research used four separate studies with 566 participants and the results were published in the May 2013 issue of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes journal. The participants who kept their earnings in a single account saved more than those with multiple accounts. Chatterjee said the issue was not their mathematical abilities but rather their motivation. People having more than one account are said to have a fuzzy idea of how much they have saved and used this unclear image to rationalize their spending decisions. If you have different savings accounts, it’s easy to convince yourself that you have plenty of money but if you have it all in one place, you can plainly see what you have or don’t have. Those who don’t agree with consolidating accounts can try using software programs that allow users to see their total savings in one place. Source: Finance Save More by Keeping it Simple Take extra care of yourself during this time. Know your body and your menstrual cycle so you can prepare and help yourself manage the symptoms of PMS so that it does not affect your relationships with sudden outbursts and mood swings. Source: N o wonder spinach was the favorite food of Popeye — it is known for many nutritional benefits. It contains lutein which guards against age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness. Lutein can also prevent heart attacks by keeping artery walls clear of cholesterol. It is rich in iron, which helps deliver oxygen to cells for energy. Spinach has folate, a B-vitamin that is important in preventing birth defects. Do cook spinach leaves as they provide more iron when cooked than raw. Source: 6 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 Quick Health Tip Spinach Real Stuff FACTS ABOUT MARRIAGE CATHOLICS CALLED TO “DAILY MARTYRDOM” D r. David Popenoe, a sociologist at Rutgers University through the National Marriage Project, a research project based in the United States, gathered together 10 important research findings on the subject of marriage. Here are some valuable facts: 1. Almost 60 percent of married couples were introduced by family, friends, coworkers or acquaintances. Evidence suggests that social networks are important in bringing together people of similar interests and backgrounds. 2. Couples who are similar in values, life goals and backgrounds are more likely to have a successful marriage than people who have very different backgrounds and networks. 3. Couples who do trial marriages or live together before marriage are more likely to experience marital conflict, marital unhappiness and eventual divorce than people who do not cohabit before marriage. People who marry in their teens are two to three times more likely to divorce than people who marry later. 4. Married people do better economically. Men earn between 10 to 40 percent more and become more productive after marriage. The greater wealth of married couples results from their more efficient specialization and pooling of resources and because they save more. 5. According to one study, the divorce risk nearly triples if one marries someone who also comes from a home where the parents divorced. The increased risk is much lower, however, if the partner is someone who grew up in a happy, intact family. P ope Francis reminded the Catholic faithful that they are called to follow the example of the martyrs in losing their lives for Christ even if they do not suffer violence for their faith. This “daily martyrdom,” he noted, consists of people “doing their duty with love, according to the logic of Jesus.” “Both in the past and today, in many parts of the world there are martyrs, both men and women, who are imprisoned or killed for the sole reason of being Christian,” he shared. “But there is also the daily martyrdom, which does not result in death but is also a loss of life for Christ,” the Pope said, reflecting on the Gospel reading where Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” Pope Francis gave, as an example of daily martyrdom, parents who practice their faith concretely by devoting their lives for the good of their families each day. There are also the religious who give generously with their service to the Kingdom of God. There are also young people who give up their interests in order to serve and devote their time to children, the disabled and the elderly. “Those who serve the truth serve Christ,” he also said, noting the example of St. John the Baptist who gave his life for the truth. “John was chosen by God to prepare the way before Jesus,” Pope Francis said, explaining that the saint “devoted himself entirely to God and His message” and ultimately died for the truth. He told the Catholic faithful especially the youth to “have the courage to go against the tide of current values that do not conform to the path of Jesus.” Source: Source: St. Flora Saints at a Glance Born: 1309, France. Died: 1347. St. Flora showed her devotion to Jesus even as a young child. At age 23, she joined the Hospitaller nuns of St. John of Jerusalem, where she experienced various difficulties. Amidst these challenges, St. Flora continued to find favor with God, including mystical ones. On one occasion, on the feast of All Saints, she fell into ecstasy and did not eat until the feast of St. Cecilia on November 22. Another time, while meditating on the Holy Spirit, she was lifted up four feet from the ground, and this was seen by many onlookers. There were times that blood would flow freely from her side and from her mouth, as she seemed to be pierced with the arms of Our Lord’s Cross. Through it all, St. Flora remained humble. People flock to her for counsel because of her holiness and spiritual discernment. St. Flora is the patron of the abandoned, converts and single laywomen. Source: OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 7 In the News Plastic Ban: A Call for a Better Tomorrow By Ems Sy Chan W hy are you not providing your customers with paper bags for our groceries?” an irate customer demanded in one of the biggest shopping malls in Metro Manila when the plastic ban was newly implemented in the western part of Quezon City. The poor saleslady in the customer service booth just kept on apologizing to appease the customer’s anger as the latter wrote down her complaint on the feedback form. “Ignorance is not an excuse.” In front of the demanding customer was the note encouraging customers to bring their own eco bags if they don’t want to donate P2 for the environment for the provision of each plastic bag. If she had only learned about the city ordinance before she opened her mouth and raised her voice. This is an one example of a citizen who’s resistant to change. Being a Third World country that is visited by several tropical storms every year, the Philippines has all the ingredients for susceptibility to natural disasters. Among them is the long-standing problem with flooding. When there’s rain, there are surely floods. And when there’s continuous rain, a deluge follows. Plastics are blamed for the flooding. But more than the nonbiodegradable materials found on the streets and hanging on the walls and gates after the deluge, it’s the irresponsible and inconsiderate people who throw trash almost everywhere that are to be blamed. This is according to the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), which is concerned about the effect of the ban on the plastic manufacturing industry and its displaced employees. No to Plastic The Total Plastic Ban Act of 2011, Senate Bill 2759, is the brainchild of Senator Loren Legarda. It is similar to House Bill 4840 or the Plastic Bag Regulation Act of 2011. It was filed on March 29, 2011 in the 15th Congress of the Philippines, and it took effect last December 31, 2011. It encourages the LGUs (local government units) to prohibit the use of plastic bags in supermarkets, restaurants and other establishments to lessen the flooding in different areas of the country. The plastic ban is now implemented in the following cities and municipalities: Marikina, Muntinlupa, Pasig, Las Piñas, Quezon City, Mandaluyong, Pasay, Taguig, Malabon, Makati; Antipolo and Tanay, Rizal; Batangas and Lipa, Batangas; Los Baños and Biñan, Laguna; Carmona and Imus, Cavite; Malolos, Bulacan; Lucban, Lucena City and Infanta, Quezon; Burgos, Pangasinan; Sta. Barbara, Iloilo; Bacolod; Davao to name a few. Los Baños is one of the first localities which enforced the ban and developed an ecofriendly approach to waste management. As of this writing, Navotas, Parañaque, Manila, San Juan and Caloocan still haven’t enforced the plastic ban. With City Ordinance 8282, Manila will start the plastic ban on September 2013. MMDA Chairman Francis Tolentino expects all the 17 local government units (Pateros included) to strictly implement the total plastic ban by 2014. Individuals violating the ban will have to pay P1,000 fine or render jail time for five days to a month. As for establishments, first-time offenders will be fined up to P10,000. Second offense is at P50,000 while third offense is fined at P200,000 with the cancellation of business permit for a year. The Alternative Garbage segregation, recycling, reducing and reusing of plastic and other materials are seen as better alternatives to the plastic ban, as a lot of trees (a ton of paper bags is equivalent to 17 trees) need to be cut down to manufacture biodegradable paper bags. Awareness and proper education of the masses are still key. Even with the ban on plastic bags and styrofoam materials, straws still abound. Environmentalists claim that straws are the number one debris found underwater. “Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap.” Nature has its way of getting back at man. The problem is, good and bad alike, conscientious and not, rich and poor, young and old, learned and ignorant are all affected by the longstanding flood in the metro. What if instead of a measly fine or jail time, the offenders just render hours of community service to clean up clogged creeks and dirty streets as a logical consequence for their irresponsibility? Every Filipino needs to learn to love his or her country and fellowmen — even through the simple act of throwing his trash properly or adopting a lifestyle that avoids the use of nonbiodegradable materials. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 9 Dear K My Dad Is Cheating on My Mom I’m the eldest of two siblings. My father lives with us here in the Philippines while my mother works in the Middle East. One day I caught my dad calling another woman on his phone. I later confirmed that it was his girlfriend through a text message in his mobile phone. I am deeply disturbed. Should I confront my dad about this? Or should I tell my mother about it? Distraught Daughter Email your questions to Or if you need to talk to someone, call (632) 726-4709 or 726-6728 to contact a Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center’s counselor. Telephone counseling is 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Face-to-face counseling is by appointment. For correspondence counseling, email or go to Or Call (632) 725-9999 Pregnant? Confused? Abortion is not the answer. Contact Grace to Be Born at 0917816-4700 or email You may also contact Pro-life Philippines at (632) 733-7027. 10 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 Dear Distraught Daughter, I appreciate your concern towards your parents, particularly in preserving their marriage. I can imagine the pain that you went through, and probably still go through, after having discovered this “affair” that your father may be having. Personally, I do not suggest that you tell your mother about this “affair” at this point in time. I think it will be best to confront your dad about it to find out if this is true. If he admits it, you may have to find out what caused him to start the affair and if he is committed to quitting it. Being alone and far from one’s spouse is difficult for both parties. Both will struggle with the pains of loneliness and the desire and longing for companionship. Both will go through severe tests and temptations. It will help if you can convince your father to join a support group, preferably a Catholic community, where he can channel his energies into more productive activities. He will be able to experience love and companionship among his community members. At the same time, this will be an opportunity for your father to receive teachings that value the unity and sanctity of marriage. This will be possible only if your father has a strong and genuine desire to change. On the other hand, if you see that he has no desire to give up his sinful ways, it may be good to inform your mother about it before the affair eventually damages their marriage. Lastly but most importantly, come into the presence of God and present your struggle to Him. Pray that the Holy Spirit properly guide you especially in confronting your father. Pray that he opens his heart to God’s desire to transform his heart. I believe that He will answer your prayers and will be there to guide all of you. I just prayed for you. Vic Vic Español is one of the elders of the Light of Jesus Family. At present, he is the Feast Builder and preacher in the Ortigas Feast every Monday at 7:30 p.m. and every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at Cinema 4, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas Center in Ortigas City. Vic and his wife, Ditas, train the counselors of the LOJ Pastoral Care Center. Vic is a retired executive of a multinational life insurance company. How Do I Love My Homosexual Friend? Dear Confused BFF, I have a friend who is struggling with his sexuality. He had a girlfriend back in college but when he started working at a call center and got exposed to different people, he started liking men. I love my friend as a brother but I feel uncomfortable with his behavior. Lately, he got really depressed because his boyfriend dumped him. How can I help my friend? How do I tell him I’m not comfortable with his actions and not hurt his feelings? How do I love him to wholeness? Confused BFF Thank you so much for your concern for your friend and your desire to help him. Indeed, your friend needs help. But your friend must first realize that what he is doing is wrong. There are several passages in the Bible that are very specific about this. One Bible passage states that “if a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their blood guilt is upon them” (Leviticus 20:13, NAB). It will be difficult for a person to change if he insists that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing. You are there to help make him realize otherwise and to make him desire to change. His behavior can also be deeply rooted and the change process will be long and difficult. It may take a professional to be able to help him, depending on how broken he is. You may be the best person right now to be able to convince him to seek help. This is your share in loving him — to see the transformation in him. This involves confronting him about his behavior. But remember to do it with a lot of love, understanding and gentleness. Hurting his feelings may be inevitable when you do this. This is part of facing the truth. I also suggest that you bring him to The Feast, the weekly gathering of the Light of Jesus Family (visit for schedules and venues), where he can receive teachings about leading a good Christian life. This group can also present to him an alternative culture that can counteract what he is exposed to in his present job. Once your friend is ready to receive help, you may ask him to call the Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center (see contact info on the opposite page). Lastly, pray that the Holy Spirit may guide and help your friend to be transformed according to God’s plan for him. Ditas Ditas Español is a cancer survivor. Twenty years ago, she fought for her life with the sword of faith that God has given her. Now a counselor, she still uses that sword to battle the pain of others. She believes she was healed so she can be an instrument of our Divine Healer. Together with her husband, Vic, Ditas trains the counselors of the Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 11 K Fam insider staffed by professionals who could competently address issues of S-A girls. By profession, even I was incapable of caring for S-A girls. And I had no financial means to do anything about it even if I wanted to. After three months of brooding on the plight of S-A girls and after much prayer on what to do, God gave His answer. In November 2012, I received the 2012 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Award, one that carries with it a nice sum of money. God’s message was clear that He wanted me to reach out and care for S-A girls — but in another way and not in the same shelter. Specialized Ministry That cash award paved the way for the establishment of a specialized ministry dedicated to providing residential care, psychospiritual counseling, open-ended therapy and rehabilitation of sexually abused children. It is now a ministry supported by Bo Sanchez, that attempts to bring the love of Christ to wounded children. It is a ministry that brings home the message that one’s past does not define one’s future, that hope springs eternal even among seemingly hopeless cases. Thus came about the founding of Jeremiah 33:6-7 Foundation. “I will hasten their recovery and their healing. I will heal them and let them know peace and security in full measure…” — Jeremiah 33:6-7, Jerusalem Bible JEREMIAH 33:6-7 FOUNDATION: Ministering to Sexually Abused Girls By Rey Ortega I t was a violent fight among girls. One is 11 years old, the other is 14. So no big deal? Quarrels among children are not that unusual — rather part of growing up, right? And pretty soon, girls make up and forget about it, and then play as friends again. Right? Not in this case. Both used to be wards of an orphanage. The fight led to one girl attempting suicide while the other tried to run away from the shelter and live again on the streets. The strange behavior was analyzed by a psychologist, who told the orphanage servants that such incidents are “normal” or could be expected from girls who are victims of sexual abuse. The orphanage board of trustees, after much soulsearching, made a painful decision to transfer sexually abused girls to other shelters. It was an admission that they are not technically capable of caring for sexually abused (S-A) girls, and that there are other shelters which are better equipped to handle such cases. Blessing or Curse As one of the orphanage servants, the board’s decision gave me lots of sleepless nights. I agonized over the decision and action of the board while at the same time conceding that the other trustees were correct. I admitted that the shelter was not 12 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 Located in an undisclosed house in Pasig, physically and corporately separate from the orphanage, Jeremiah Foundation has begun serving God’s broken children — those who, at their young age, had experienced unspeakable horrors no child should ever be subjected to. Through networking with Tahanan ng Pagmamahal Children’s Home, Grace to Be Born shelter, a psychologist, a therapy center for victims of child abuse, two religious sisters from two congregations, a social worker, and several kindhearted individuals, Jeremiah Foundation quietly began serving S-A victims. Spiritual, Material, Medical Help At the Jeremiah shelter, the girls are provided with formal and informal education. Caring housemothers (our term for caregivers) give them parental care and values formation. Every Sunday, all the girls and their housemothers attend The Feast (the weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus Family that starts with a Mass and ends with a talk of the Feast builder). The Foundation welcomes the services of volunteer doctors, psychologists, counselors, priests, preachers, pastors and nuns. However, due to the delicate nature of the Center, ordinary visitors and outreach groups cannot be entertained in the Center. (If you find it in your heart to help support the Jeremiah 33:6-7 Foundation, please get in touch with me at 0917-816-4700 or 0922-859-7035, or send me an email at We journey with the children and the counselors through our prayers. And we do our best to instill in the minds and hearts of these children that they are loved, that there are many good people in their world (and the evil ones are few), that a time will come when they will get over their trauma. It will be a long, long road to complete recovery but we believe that God’s love and healing power will eventually prevail. They can — and will — move on. Feast Snapshots Champions Arise at the Oceania Grand Feast in Sydney, Australia By Trish Sapitula of LOJF-Sydney I t was the fourth of July, and while the Americans were celebrating Independence Day, the Oceania Mission Feasts of the Light of Jesus Family gathered in the first ever Oceania Grand Feast in Sydney, Australia. Feasters from Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and New Zealand, and of course from the host, the Feast Sydney, came for a day of praise and worship. Visitors from Manila led by LOJF and Feast founder, Bo Sanchez, and other Feast builders added color and excitement to the event. The Bowman Hall of the Blacktown Arts Centre in Sydney was filled with people from all walks of life — a mixture of Australians, Indonesians and other nationals. It was a multi-cultural praise and worship. Everyone raised their hands, danced and sang at the top of their voices, echoing to the heavens above. Feast builders from the Philippines — namely, George Gabriel, Jan Silan and Mike Viñas — led the worship. They were backed up by the Oceania Grand Feast music ministry, with Gigi de Jesus as musical director. Guest singers were Ira Sol and Didoy Lubaton. Arun Gogna and Bo Sanchez delivered beautiful and inspiring talks. The audience hung on to every word they spoke. The hall was filled with people from start to finish. For people living in the land down under, a Grand Feast is a great opportunity — a special gift — to nourish their soul and whole being. It gave them new friends and welcomed them to God’s big family. It was a beautiful and unforgettable experience. The Grand Feast 2013 ended so well, everyone left the hall as “Champions of Jesus” and went home victorious! OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 13 CWC INTERNATIONAL CORP. Tel. No.: (632) 757-0181 to 86 Fax No.: (632) 757-0191 Website: Email Add: 32/F Citibank Tower, Unit A, Valero cor. Villar Sts. Salcedo Village, Makati City, Philippines CWC - HERMAN MILLER SHOWROOM Tel. No.: (632) 817-0864 (632) 817-0886 Fax No.: (632) 817-0497 Mezzanine, Citibank Center, 8741 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines CITIMEX SHOWROOM G/F Citibank Tower Unit B, Valero cor. Villar Sts., Salcedo Village Makati City, Philippines CWC INDUSTRIES. Trunkline.: (632) 714-1115 Fax No.: (632) 715-6331 Website: Email Add: G/F CWC Bldg., #2 Zaragosa cor. Palanza Sts. Quezon City, Philippines CITIMEX Tel. No.: (632) 714-1115 Fax No.: (632) 715-9439 Website: G/F CWC Bldg., #2 Zaragosa cor. Palanza Sts. Quezon City, Philippines BARRINGTON CARPETS Tel. No.: (632) 637-0942 to 47 Fax No.: (632) 637-3196 Email Add: 11/F Unit 1110 West Tower Philippine Stock Exchange Centre Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines CG is moving on after a painful journey of grieving. It Happened My Heart’s Anchor She kept losing her family members — one after the other — to heart disease, and now she is the only one left standing. By CG as told to Lella M. Santiago OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 15 M y eyes blurred with tears as I held the National Statistics Office form. I was just beginning to fill it up when the dam broke and tears spattered on the paper. I couldn’t go on filling up the request for death certificates for my whole family. It was excruciating so I stopped. I needed to put their papers in order. But my dad, the last remaining member of my family, had just died. So it was an emotional struggle to do what to others might just be a simple task. Sole Survivor Grief first paid me a visit when I was 10 years old. My mom collapsed while boarding a plane and was pronounced dead on arrival due to sudden cardiac arrest. She was only 36, leaving behind a grieving husband and five young children — four girls and a boy. I was the fourth in our family. The death of my mother changed our lives forever. But we didn’t pay attention to our emotional scars; it was another burden to deal with. We were more focused on our survival without my mom. Growing up without a mother’s nurturing love was overwhelming. We had to hold one another’s hands while our father had to appear strong to embrace life with continuity. The next time grief paid me a visit in 1985, I was unprepared. Sem, second in the family, died while watching over Merge, our eldest sister, in the hospital. When she was suddenly taken from us, I felt as if my crutch had been wrenched from under me. Her death brought a multitude of emotions while unfolding a mystery in the family. She was found to have the same disorder my mom and Merge had. After Sem’s funeral, we were all asked by our cardiologist to undergo a 2D-Echocardiogram to rule out the possibility that we were afflicted with the same illness. The result showed that my brother, Hardie, and youngest sister, Tummy, also had Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), a disease of the heart muscles. At present, there is no cure for HCM. And yes, four out of five siblings had inherited the disease. I was the only one with a heart structure that was perfectly normal. Indeed, God has plans for me that are yet to be unearthed. In 1994, Hardie, the closest to me and to Tummy, bid his final goodbye. After five years, Merge also took the path to heaven. Ironic as it seemed, she was the frequent in-patient of the hospital among those afflicted but lived the longest. 16 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 These bears stand witness to CG’s silent cries whenever she misses her family. Though our family was close, Tummy and I had a special relationship — she was the pillar of my strength, my best friend. We matured together as years passed. I had the privilege of caring for her more than my other siblings as she was in and out of the hospital numerous times. When she had her first mild stroke, the doctor warned that she might not survive the next attack. Being a protective sister, I’d automatically wake up at 2:00 a.m. to check if she was still breathing. When she died too, I was devastated. This time I had no one to lean on — I was the last sibling standing. Hypertrophy usually develops after puberty. The attacks were constantly present until they died. I had to brace myself every day and pray to God that my siblings would not have another attack. My ordeal was not just seeing all of them suffer from their illness but also the painful task of arranging the funeral and interment. It seems that all my aches are caused by the heart. My dad had a cardiac arrest while sleeping due to enlargement of the heart — a sickness acquired due to an unhealthy lifestyle, but nevertheless still of the heart . With his passing, I realized that even if members of your family live miles away, you still have a family. Their love is a security blanket that spans the distance. When they’re all gone, the echo of love is suddenly silent. Bear-ing the Burden Daddy died in 2010, barely two years after my youngest sister passed on. It was like stepping down from a mountain of struggles then having to climb up again. What kept me together in the painful journey of grief were the self-directed retreats, healing seminars, and guidance from my two spiritual directresses. My heart had always been anchored on God. myself when I need a lift. And I delight in my bears. Yes, bears — the stuffed kind. People may find this funny or think that I’m childish but even if they’re inanimate, I spoil them no end especially Biggie, my favorite. My youngest sister used to dress them up, put cologne on them, and comb their fur. Before going to sleep we’d describe them with adjectives from A to Z then double up in laughter. That was a bond we shared. When she passed away, I got rid of all our family pictures but kept the bears. In one of my retreats, I asked my spiritual director if I was crazy. She said, “The bears make you happy because they hold your memories. The memories keep you alive. They attach your sister to your heart. Start moving on but don’t forget the memories.” After that retreat, I was able to display our pictures again. I knew I had begun to move on. Even when I was in grade school, my world was different. Other kids in school who arrived early would either play or study. As for me, I went to church with the nuns. After the Mass, I enjoyed talking to the priests. I think that, even at an early age, God was grooming me to be strong. Without that anchor, I would probably not be where I am today. My struggles taught me to be introspective — to look for happiness within and listen to myself. Other people look for happiness outside, from other people or material things. When that is taken away from them, their world falls apart. My world is solidly placed in God’s hands. I won’t deny there are times I feel my aloneness especially on Sundays when I see families go to Mass together or have gatherings. But I’m glad my situation blesses others. When people hear what I’ve gone through, they realize they have no right to complain. Even if there are problems in their families, at least they’re still around. Being alone has taught me to totally surrender everything to God. “Footprints in the Sand” resonates in my heart because when I feel all alone, I know that’s when God is carrying me in His arms. He also sends me “angels” to lighten my load. I’ve also learned to create my own joys. I pamper Gathering My Family’s Remains What I did last November was a defining moment for me. I have taken another step in my personal growth toward healing and wholeness. A new person emerged from the retreat. I told myself, “It’s time to move forward and be a blessing to others after the painful journey of grieving.” Last month, I came to a decision to gather my family’s remains in one place. My parents and youngest sister are in Davao while the rest are buried here in Manila. In my mind I told them, “I promise I’ll fix all the papers so that you can be together. Let me just take care of myself first, then I’ll pick up the pieces from there.” Hopefully, I’ll be moving to a new place so I plan to facilitate their transfer after I’ve settled down. That night, I dreamt of Hardie holding a bright yellow mango. He and Tummy were both smiling. Although it was only a dream, I felt their happiness for me that I’ve started to fix my life. Like Job, I lost everything except God’s love. His love is what’s helping me to move on. Among all her bears, Biggie is CG’s favorite. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 17 Your PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER for only P14 * a day! > > > Plus FREE access to the Inquirer Digital Newsstand’s 70 publications inclusive of newspapers, magazines & e-books (worth Php7,900). SUBSCRIBE TODAY 896 6000 Inquirer Tablet sold separately. Go to for more details. *For 1 year subscription / Metro Manila residents only. Special Section Introduction YOU CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS And Reach the Place Where God Wants You to Be H ave you noticed? Bad things happen to good people. All the time. Did you get stuck in traffic this week? Or have you ever experienced the pain of your boyfriend or girlfriend dumping you for another person? Or did your husband die and leave you with a mountain of debts? I repeat. Bad things happen to good people all the time. I can’t answer why they happen. But here’s my bigger question: What do you do when bad things happen to you? Do you sulk? Do you complain? Do you just stay put and do nothing? Friend, there’s a way out of your problems. You can move your mountains and reach the place where God wants you to be. Because problems are temporary, but God’s love for you is permanent. By Bo Sanchez OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 19 By Bo Sanchez Special Section O nce upon a time, I drove an old jeep. It was my first vehicle. I had very little money — and it was the only thing I could afford. It was a malfunctioning, smoke-belching, about-to-disintegrate, made-in-thebackyard, owner-type jeep. It conked out on me every other day. So much so that I pushed it more than I drove it. It was the reason why my thigh muscles and calf muscles became very developed. I was so poor, I couldn’t buy brand new tires. So I had to buy old retreaded tires. I had a flat tire every other week. Which was the reason why my biceps became very developed, too. And it was so rusty, people told me to get tetanus shots. When I drove it on the road, I was afraid that cops would charge me for littering. It was so rusty, spare parts kept falling off my jeep. It was so bad, I really wondered why I still kept it. I drove it because it was my only vehicle at that time. But let’s imagine a wild scenario. (Suspend all logic.) Imagine that one day, a guy knocked on my door and said, “Hi, Bo! I’d like to give you a birthday gift.” He then handed me a key. He turned around and walked away, leaving behind him a brand new, top-of-the-line, beautiful Ferrari. 20 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 I oohed and I aahed. I got hypnotized by its beauty. Some months later, I drove my old jeep on the road — and at a busy intersection, a friend drove up beside me. He opened his window and asked, “Bo, where’s your Ferrari?” I smiled and said, “It’s in the garage.” My friend frowned. “You mean you don’t drive it?” I shook my head. “I’ve never tried.” He shook his head in disbelief. “You’ve never even started the engine and gone around the block?” “Never,” I smiled. “Anyway, my jeep still runs OK. At least, when it’s not conking out.” Wouldn’t that be insane? But that’s exactly what we do with our life. I believe that God has given us power. In fact, the Bible says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:17). Like that Ferrari in our garage, God has given us an inner force beyond our wildest imagination. Star Wars was one of the first movies I’ve ever watched. “May the Force be with you,” Obi-wan said to Luke Skywalker. It’s so similar to what the priest says at Mass, “May the Lord be with you.” Star Wars is fiction. But the spiritual war is real. And “the Force” that God put in our hands is very real, too. Even Atheists Have Faith All of us have faith. We can’t help it. Human beings are designed to believe in something. Or else we can’t operate in this world. If you sit on a chair, you need to have faith that it won’t fall apart. If you eat in a restaurant, you need to have faith that the cooks are decent people who don’t put poison in the food. If you drive on a two-way road, you must have faith that the drivers coming in the opposite direction won’t cross that yellow lane between you. Living in this world requires faith. It’s just a question of what you’ll have faith in. Let me shock you: An atheist has faith. He has faith in his logic, his thinking, and in his perceptions — much more than the religious traditions of his culture. A fearful person has faith. He has faith that the monsters that he’s afraid of are possibly real and violent and powerful. It’s easy to have faith in big things — like mountains. Do You Believe in God or in the Mountain? Mountains seem big. They’re one of the biggest things our eyes can see. And mountains seem immovable. You don’t wake up each morning asking, “Hmm, I wonder where Mount Everest traveled today…” Some of us think of our problems as mountains because they’re big and they’re immovable. You see your financial problem as a mountain, your physical sickness as a mountain, your relationship problem as a mountain… Many times, problems seem permanent. But they’re not. I believe God is permanent, and His love is permanent, and His plan to bless you is permanent — and you are permanent! But all problems are temporary. It’s really your choice. Will you have faith in God or in your mountains? Jesus tells us what we should choose, “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 21 sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them” (Mark 11:22-23). If you want to move the mountains in your life, there are three very crucial steps that you need to take… 1. Identify Your Mountain 2. Identify Your Authority Over the Mountain 3. Identify Where You Want the Mountain to Go First Step: Identify Your Mountain Mountains are made of up many layers. In one sense, mountains are built on top of each other. Like mountains, your problems are made up of many layers. Your problems are built on top of each other, too. Understand that you have two kinds of problems: surface problems and source problems. You can’t solve the surface problem without solving the source problem. Let me give you two examples. Is Debt Really Your Problem? Many people say debt is their problem. They’re buried in debt. Actually, debt is just the surface problem. Usually, beneath that surface problem are two source problems: materialism and ignorance. What is materialism? When you depend on material things for your happiness. When you wrap up your identity with material things. I know of people who aren’t happy if they don’t wear a branded shirt. I know of guys who aren’t happy if they don’t drive a flashy car. I repeat: Many people are in debt because they’re materialistic. Debt is only a part of the mountain. The real mountain is their materialism. Many people are in debt because they’re financially ignorant. They think it’s normal to borrow for what they need and want. Hear me out: It’s not normal! Borrowing money for clothes, watches and appliances is sick. Every day, I get phone calls and text messages from banks and credit card companies — offering me debt. There’s a massive marketing campaign now — funded by huge companies, huge sales forces, and huge budgets — for you to make borrowing a lifestyle. Debt is not the problem. The problem is materialism and financial ignorance that spawns a borrowing lifestyle. If you want to eradicate debt, you have to eradicate materialism, financial ignorance, and the borrowing lifestyle! Let me give you another example. Is Heart Disease Your Real Problem? One day, a man came up to me and said 22 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 he had a heart condition. Doctors told him that he needed a bypass operation. From the way he looked, he was totally desperate. On the spot, I prayed over him. And I asked him to continue attending The Feast, our weekly spiritual gathering. A few weeks later, he came up to me with his face beaming with joy. I didn’t even recognize him from that desperate man I met some time ago. He said that all the medical tests showed zero blockages in his heart. I was very happy for him. But a few months later, I caught up with him. I was shocked that the smile was gone. He told me the sad news that he’s been having chest pains again. His wife was beside him. With anger in her voice, she said, “Bo, his problem isn’t his heart. His problem is workaholism. He works 15 hours a day. He travels almost every week. He’s abusing God’s goodness.” I looked at him, eyeball to eyeball, and said, “Look. Your heart disease was a message from God. If you don’t listen to the message, the message will keep coming back. You only have two choices. You either listen to that message or you die.” The real problem wasn’t his heart problem. That was just the surface problem. The source problem was his work habits. He can’t tell his heart problem to go away without telling his job stress to go away. He may not need to get rid of his job, but he needs to get rid of how he works at his job. Second Step: Identify Your Authority Over the Mountain When people have a mountain of problems, they pray. And that’s very good. But there comes a point when you should stop praying for your mountains and start talking to your mountains. Because there comes a point when you have to switch from a victim mentality to a victor’s mentality. If you’re sick, say, “Sickness, I command you to go, in Jesus’ name. And in place of sickness, I now receive health into my body. I now receive God’s strength, vitality and power. I command all malfunctioning organs to be restored, in Jesus’ name.” Speak words of faith. It may not happen overnight. But in the unseen realm, things are changing in your favor. In the Bible, Jesus spoke to the fig tree. He said, “You shall not bear fruit again.” The next day, true enough, the Bible says it was dried up all the way from the branches to the roots. But that was the next day. When Jesus spoke the words, it seemed as though nothing happened to the tree. It still looked normal. But something happened in its root system. Below the surface, invisible to the eye, the tree started drying up. In the same way, when you speak words of faith, it seems as if nothing is happening. But below the surface, invisible to the eye, God is starting something in your situation. When you say, “I claim the conversion of my children for the Lord,” it may seem as though your kids are still walking away from God — but believe that God is starting to work in their hearts. When you say, “I claim healing in my body,” it may seem as though you’re as sick as ever — but believe that God is starting the work of healing as you speak. Incredible power is released when we speak to our mountains. Are You a Complainer or a Conqueror? He didn’t say “beg” or “plead” or “convince.” He said, “Tell.” Jesus wants you to know that you have authority over that mountain. That authority comes from God. You see, when you have problems, you have two choices. You can either be a complainer or you can be a conqueror. Complainers talk about what’s happening, but conquerors make things happen. Complainers are victims; conquerors are victors. Complainers are mountain experts, mountain observers, mountain analyzers, mountain evaluators. But conquerors are mountain movers. Don’t Dwell on the Mountain Once upon a time, David faced a mountain named Goliath. When young David came into the scene of the battle, all the soldiers were complainers. Every single one! Everyone was saying, “My gosh, look at the giant! Look at those giant legs. Look at those giant arms. He’s so big. He’s a monster. He probably eats his own children for breakfast! And when he’s still hungry, he eats his nephews and nieces!” But David wasn’t a complainer. He was a conqueror. He didn’t dwell on the mountain. He dwelt on the mountain mover. He said, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God? You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (1 Samuel 17:26, 45). Don’t focus on the mountain. Focus on the mountain mover. Third Step: Identify Where You Want the Mountain to Go This step is very critical. Don’t let your thoughts dwell on the problem, let them dwell on the solution. Don’t let your thoughts dwell on where you are now, let them dwell on where you want to go. You’ve heard me say this before. What you focus on grows. So if all you think of is your problem, your problem will grow bigger and bigger in your mind and in your reality. Decide today to focus on your blessing! I’m not saying, “Deny your problem.” That’s not what I’m saying. In fact, a while ago, I told you to identify your problem. That’s Step 1. Unless you admit and take responsibility for your problem, you won’t be able to solve it. You can’t go to Step 3 without going through Step 1. But after identifying your problem, you have to start identifying the solution to your problem. Jesus said to tell the mountain to “Go!” somewhere. When God created the world, He didn’t say, “Darkness disappear!” He didn’t say, “Evening, go away…” He didn’t say, “Night time, vanish before me!” He said, “Let there be light…” The focus was on light, not on darkness. In the same way, don’t focus on the problem; focus on the blessing that will replace the problem. Don’t just say, “Sickness, go away…”You need to say, “I now receive health in my body, I receive vitality and strength and restoration in all the cells of my body...” Why should you do this? Because your words create your reality. The blessings of God are out there. They are everywhere. You are swimming in an ocean of blessings! But when you speak words of blessing, something happens to the speaker. Something happens to you: You open yourself to the ocean of blessings that you are proclaiming about. Dwell on How Big Your God Is Let me say it again: What you focus on grows. (I will never grow tired of reminding you of this powerful spiritual principle. This law rules this universe.) If you focus on the mountain, the mountain will grow. If you focus on your God, God will “grow” in your perspective. So focus on God. Don’t dwell on how big your mountain is. Don’t dwell on how big your problem is. Don’t dwell on how big your difficulty is. Don’t dwell on how big your sickness is. Stop telling God how big your mountains are; start telling your mountains how big your God is! Let your thoughts dwell on the big God and say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Email me at Bo’s Action Steps: 1. What mountains are you facing in your life right now? 2. Practice what Bo suggested in the article on how to exercise authority over your mountains and command them where you want them to go. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 23 Special Section Testimony Our Only Hope By Leonard and Nonyx Buela as told to Judith Concepcion Photos by IC Cancio de Guzman Nonyx and Leonard’s love for each other and for God grew stronger because of the challenge brought about by Nonyx’s illness. 24 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 Y ou have systemic lupus erythematosus,” the doctor told me (Nonyx). I was a fresh college graduate and being diagnosed with lupus was very difficult. I cried and asked myself, “What grave sin have I committed for God to punish me like this?” My mother comforted me and told me to pray and just trust in God. It was hard for me to absorb what she had just said. At that time, my faith in God was not that strong. During college, I was exposed to questions about God’s existence. Some of my fellow students would ask, “If God really loves us, why is there so much poverty and injustice?” This kind of thinking had weakened my faith, and my illness put whatever faith I had to the test. Beating the Odds My illness led me to make adjustments in my life through the years. I changed my line of work to avoid exposure to the sun, stress and contagious diseases. I avoided outdoor activities like swimming. I learned to accept the changes in my physical appearance — weight gain, a hunched back, bloated face and facial hair — caused by the medication, and to get used to regular checkups and frequent confinements. When I got married, I wasn’t allowed to get pregnant because it would stress out my kidneys. Western medicine had no cure for my condition, so I went to Healing Masses and tried alternative medicine but all to no avail. I had no choice but to learn to live with it. I (Leonard) had accepted the fact that we couldn’t have kids because of the risks involved. But Nonyx didn’t lose hope. She believed that if ever she’d get pregnant, it was God’s will and so He’d definitely take care of her. In 1994, against all odds, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy using the Lamaze method. But during my second pregnancy in August 1997, I had preeclampsia and had to deliver my baby through an emergency caesarian section. After a month and a half in the neonatal intensive care unit, my daughter died. I was only able to hold her once right before she went home to our Creator. For me, this was the worst and most painful trial I went through. With my daughter’s death and my illness, I felt so hopeless and helpless. At times, I’d just cry and would have thoughts that God didn’t love me because He allowed all these to happen. Eventually, I recovered emotionally. My vision, which was impaired due to the preeclampsia, improved. My edema lessened and I started to feel better. I was able to work again and even gave birth to another baby boy in September 2000. I no longer had flare-ups. I claimed and believed that God had completely healed me of my lupus. Life Hanging in the Balance In 2002, I stopped going for my regular checkups because I felt I no longer needed them. But in 2007, I consulted a cardiologist for my palpitations. She didn’t find anything wrong with my heart but she immediately referred me to a nephrologist for the lupus. The kidney ultrasound I underwent showed that both my kidneys were already damaged and I had to undergo hemodialysis. “Why the need for dialysis? Why us? Why does this have to happen all at the same time?” I questioned God. During this time, I had to let go of my well-paying job due to office politics. We were paying for a housing loan. We had two growing boys. And then Nonyx’s life was in danger! This was too much to bear. We felt that God had abandoned us. When I got another job, my salary still wasn’t enough for our financial needs. When my boss learned about Nonyx’s dialysis, he gave me an additional allowance. With this and some help from relatives and friends, Nonyx was able to have her dialysis. After almost a year of dialysis, I had a hematoma in my “dialysis arm” which caused the procedure to stretch to six hours instead of only four. They even had to use both arms. I started to complain about these difficulties. That was when we considered having a kidney transplant. A Gift of Life We couldn’t find a living-related donor and waiting for a deceased donor might take too long, so the only option left was an emotionally-related living donor, which meant my husband. After being assured about the safety of the procedure, we underwent a series of compatibility and eligibility tests. The tests showed that we were a good match and were both eligible, but the decision as to whether or not I should donate my kidney was a very tough one. It wasn’t just an emotional decision but also a rational one. I was the sole breadwinner. If my health would be compromised, what would happen to Nonyx and my kids? There was also no guarantee that Nonyx’s body wouldn’t reject the new kidney. While we were at the hospital finishing other tests, we prayed for discernment and even asked for a sign. Just then, our nephrologist entered the room. She told us that if the donor had the Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and the recipient had none, we couldn’t proceed with the transplant. In our case, only Nonyx had the CMV virus though it was inactive. We took this as God’s confirmation that we should proceed with the transplant. Still, Nonyx was overly concerned about my welfare. So I assured her it would be an honor for me to help extend her life, and giving her one of my kidneys would be the ultimate expression of my love for her. I wanted to keep the promise I made to God that if He would give Nonyx to me, I’d take good care of her. The transplant was three weeks away, but we still had to raise P1.5 million. I was hesitant to ask for help because of pride. But my love for Nonyx made me swallow my pride. I wrote a letter (“A Gift of Life”) to our friends and relatives through Facebook (FB) and email. I was able to raise P400,000 from FB alone. My wife’s college singing group, Patatag, held a benefit concert. We also got assistance from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office. We were able to raise enough money for the hospital to admit us. We had a successful kidney transplant on April 16, 2009. Right after the operation, Nonyx was able to expel two liters of urine. Only two days after the transplant, her creatinine level was within the normal range. Thank God! Sons Niko (left, 19) and Victor (right, 13) are testimonies of God’s love for Nonyx and Leonard despite lupus. Life After the Transplant I now live a healthy lifestyle. My energy level has greatly increased and I don’t tire easily. In fact, I was able to join two fun runs already. My lab tests are all normal and my complexion has a nice healthy glow. Leonard’s health is also in good condition. As our family’s way of showing our gratitude to God, we started attending The Feast. We wanted to strengthen our faith and feel God’s presence more in our daily lives. We knew that we couldn’t allow our faith to waver again. We also knew that there is no other source of hope but God. We have nothing but gratitude to God who made all these miracles possible through our “Angel Network” — people who pooled in their gifts of life. We had a firsthand, intimate experience of His love for us. It took a problem as huge as this to convince us that God is there. This miracle is more than enough concrete proof that He is truly alive. God’s love never ceases. Indeed, we must always keep the faith because God is, and always will be, faithful. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 25 How to Multiply Your Harvest By Bo Sanchez Special Section 26 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 F riend, God is your gardener. And God wants to prune you. How do I know this? Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 15:1-2). Why does God want to prune you? If you want an adequate life, no need for pruning. If you want an abundant life, then it comes with a price. And that price is pruning. If you’re content with living a mediocre life, receiving a mediocre harvest, achieving mediocre dreams — go right ahead living the way you live. Don’t submit to God’s pruning. But if you want all that God wants for you, and if you want to fulfill the God-sized dreams for your life, I urge you today: Submit yourself to God’s pruning. To have an abundant harvest in every area of your life, some things in your life will have to go. From my experience, there are two ways God prunes His children. Two Ways of Pruning The first way is when God asks you to remove something from your life. The second way is when God removes something from your life without your permission. 1. When God Asks You to Remove Something When I was a 13-year-old preacher, I gave up TV. I just felt inspired to do it. So while all my classmates were talking about the latest episode of Charlie’s Angels, I felt very out of place. (I wish I could tell you that my version of Charlie’s Angels consisted of Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz, but…) Throughout my teenage life, I grew up without TV. Looking back, I now believe that was a huge blessing. Imagine freeing three hours a day to do other fantastic things. I read books, played musical instruments, composed songs and, most of all, served in ministry. Here’s something to think about: If you live until you’re 75 and watched three hours of TV a day (and you removed normal sleeping time), you would have wasted 14 years of your life. Would you give up 14 years of your life? But that’s what many people do by watching TV. When I was 21 years old, I gave up my girlfriend. Reason: I felt I needed time to discern if I was called to celibacy or marriage. And for the next 10 years, I had no romantic relationship. (You can imagine how difficult that was, not only for me, but for all the girls around me who found me irresistible.) Again, I believe those 10 years were the liberating years — I stretched my wings, expanded my world, and grew my horizons. Ask yourself: Is God asking you to remove something from your life? But there’s another kind of pruning… 2. When God Removes Something Without Your Permission My friend was working as an executive in a huge company. I used to tell him, “Brother, ask God if He’s calling you to give up your job and serve Him in ministry.” But he never resigned. His job was paying him well. He told me, “When I retire at 65, I’ll serve God.” But when he was only 53 years old, it happened. His company was bought by a larger company. And they eased out all their executives, including my friend. He was now without a job. He could have applied for another job, of course, but he felt that this was God’s way of telling him, “Serve Me now in ministry.” I have a similar story. Once upon a time, I owned a number of food stalls. I was selling hotdogs, ice cream and squid balls. And every day, I prayed that they’d succeed. But one by one, they began to fail. I was losing a lot of money. I felt very sad when they all failed. But today, I thank God they failed. Because if they hadn’t failed, I wouldn’t have given them up — I’d still be chugging along. And I wouldn’t have my present businesses, which are 20 times more profitable. Sometimes, God allows failure, sickness, retrenchment, separation — so that there’ll be space in your life for new and better things. Did your boyfriend dump you? Thank God. Someone better is coming your way. Did your company retrench you? Thank God. A better job is coming your way. Did your business fail? Thank God. A better business is coming your way. Did you get sick? Thank God. You’ll learn how to live a healthier lifestyle, and better health is coming your way. Did a thief steal from you? Did a partner cheat on you? Thank God. You’ll learn from this painful experience, and God will return double what you have lost. Remember: God’s pruning isn’t God’s punishment. Yes, it feels like it. When bad things happen, you want to cry, “Lord, why? I’m a good person. Why are you doing this to me? Have I done something wrong to displease you?” No, God isn’t mad at you. God is madly in love with you. He’s doing something wonderful in your life. At the end of your life, you’ll tell yourself, “Thank God He pruned me!” Let me tell you what God removes or prunes from our life. Two Things That God Prunes Gardeners cut away diseased and pest-ridden branches, so that the disease and the pests won’t OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 27 spread to the other parts of the tree. God is like that gardener. 1. What Destroys You Gardeners cut away sick branches. God is a gardener. And He does the same thing in your life. God wants to cut away sin from your life — lying, greed, selfishness, bitterness, lust, etc. God’s focus isn’t on removing but on adding. He doesn’t want to just remove lust. He wants to add the joy of purity. He doesn’t want to just remove greed. He wants to add happy generosity. He doesn’t want to just remove the habit of lying. He wants to give you the freedom of honesty. Let me give you an example. As a single person, I wasn’t physically promiscuous. But I was mentally promiscuous. Because of porn, I was sexually active in my mind. It took years, but I finally cut away that part of my life. After pruning comes abundance. I’ve experienced it. How? My married life is now so rich and deep and beautiful — because I’m mentally and emotionally monogamous. I’m faithful to my wife in my body and in my mind. Yes, there is power in focus. What you focus on grows. My wife has grown lovelier in my eyes because I’ve decided to focus on her. I’ve met married people who have fallen into emotional adultery. And then they complain about why their marriages aren’t life-giving, why their spouses are terrible, and why they’ve fallen out of love. These are diseased branches that must be cut if you want fantastic abundance in your life. Are there things in your life that are destroying you? Alcoholism? Lying? Gambling? Materialism? Theft? Greed? Cut them away. 2. What Distracts You Gardeners also cut away healthy branches if this will make the tree bear more fruit. Most of the time, they do it to increase light penetration. If the branches and leaves are crowded, very little light is able to enter the thick foliage. Thus, the pruning. In the same way, your life can be so crowded with a lot of good things. You’re so busy, very little of God’s light enters your life. Good things can steal away your attention from the great things that God wants you to do. Ask yourself: What good things distract you from great things? Let me give you an example from my 28 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 ministry. Each year, a lot of parishes invite me to preach. I could fill 365 days of the year just preaching in parishes. But most of the time, I turn down parish invitations. Reason? I feel God has called me to speak to the unchurched, to people who aren’t religious. (Now you know why we hold The Feast, our weekly spiritual gatherings, in malls and theaters.) We bring God’s love to the people who need it the most. So, first things first: Identify the great thing that God wants you to do. And then prune your activities. Remove distractions that will take your time, attention, and energy from this great thing. This includes recreation. For Two Months, I Became Addicted to Games Recreation is supposed to re-create. When you do your recreation, it’s supposed to create a new you. It recreates within you a new perspective, a new passion, and new possibilities. For many years, I never played computer games. I just felt it was a waste of time. People ask me, “Bo, how can you do so much — writing, speaking, publishing, leading?” I think one reason is that I don’t watch TV or play computer games. I’d rather play with my kids, or write a book, or read a book, or prepare for my talk, or play the piano, or play the guitar, or make plans, or expand my business… But something happened two years ago. One day, my friend said, “I play with my sons a computer game called Plants vs. Zombies. It’s a strategy game and we have so much fun.” I got intrigued, so I bought the game online. And I invited my two sons to play together. Soon, my wife joined us as well. My friend was right. It was great fun. And having my youngest son on my lap, playing the game together, was wonderful. But I had a problem. The game was addicting. I noticed I was getting addicted. How did I know? I usually write after the kids are in bed. I write my articles or prepare for a talk. But at 10 p.m., I found myself turning on my computer to zap zombies with pea shooters! There were nights when I actually slept at midnight. Or even at 1 a.m. I’d spend two to three hours zapping zombies! I had to make a decision: The game had to go. I had been playing Plants vs. Zombies for two months. If I played two hours a day, that means I spent 60 hours playing that game. I could have written one book. I could have read five books. I could have created a business plan. Oh, I could have done so many things! I decided to quit cold turkey. Choose Real Re-Creation Here’s a list of activities that nurture me: • Prayer and meditation • Exercise • Reading great books • Listening to inspirational talks • Watching really great movies • Being with people I love • Playing a musical instrument • Listening to uplifting music • Hobbies Here’s a list of activities that I believe don’t nurture but actually drain people (this is my personal opinion; there may be rare individuals out there who get nurtured by these activities): • Watching mindless TV • Playing video games for hours • Reading inconsequential stuff (gossip and showbiz pages) Note: There’s nothing wrong about watching mindless TV. There’s nothing sinful about playing Bejeweled and Farmville and Angry Birds. I’m not saying we can’t play games. I think we should! But we must do so with moderation and discipline. But if you spend so much time doing them, they could be distractions, sapping your time and energy dedicated to fulfill God’s dreams for your life. Focus on the Prize No doubt about it. Pruning is painful. Growth usually happens through pain. There is truth when your gym teacher says, “No pain, no gain.” God’s Word says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful” (Hebrews 12:11). But pruning doesn’t kill you; pruning heals you. Here’s the challenge: While going through the pain of pruning, don’t focus on the pain; focus on the prize! St. Paul says, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). My wife and I go to a Bikram Yoga class. (Note: No New Age stuff; just exercise.) The class is done in a really hot room. And in that oven, we try to do 26 postures that only Plasticman can do. The key word is try; I end up splattered on the floor, wondering why I’m torturing myself to become a human pretzel. Yoga is painful for me. I’m so inflexible. When I bend, I can’t even touch my toes. But I don’t focus on the pain. I focus on the prize. One day, my body will become flexible, strong and (ehem!) sexy. To my wife! Are you going through a pruning right now? Don’t focus on your pain. Focus on the prize that God has in store for you after the pruning process is over. Let me end with a story. Submit to His Pruning, Submit to His Purpose One day, Bill’s wife suddenly died. Bill was so distraught, he turned to heavy drinking. Every day, he stayed home and tried to drown his sorrows with alcohol. (Have you noticed? Sorrows are good swimmers.) Bill’s pastor heard about it and visited Bill in his house. Seeing the mess that his house was in, he did something totally unexpected. He volunteered to do the laundry for him. Every week, this pastor would visit Bill and do his laundry. Curiously, Bill waited for his pastor to castigate him for his drinking. But the pastor would not speak one word about it. Instead, the pastor would talk about the great dreams that God has for Bill and his family. “You’ll have a wonderful life. Your kids will grow up to be wonderful adults. You’ll be playing with your grandkids….” One day, Bill just stopped drinking and regained his life. He was set free from alcoholism and depression because one man loved him. God is like that pastor. God visits you, not to scold you, but to do your laundry — to wash your soul with His forgiveness. And God wants to prune the things in your life that destroy you or distract you. But He won’t let you focus on the pruning. He’ll let you focus on the purpose behind the pruning. Friend, focus on His purpose! Focus on your magnificent dream. Go to God now. Submit to His pruning. Submit to His purpose. Email me at Bo’s Action Steps: 1. Identify the things or people in your life that distract or destroy you. 2. One by one, lift them up to God for His pruning and ask for the grace to withstand the pain that the process will bring. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 29 Special Section Testimony THE GIANT GRASS SHEARS OF GOD How the Lord Pruned My Tree of Pride By Francis Miranda as told to Osy Erica O ne, two, three… Oh, there’s another one. Four, five…” A few more minutes had gone by, and I had lost count. I could no longer keep track of the branches and leaves that fell one after another. The giant grass shears Dad held in his hands was the culprit. And every time he would be home after a long stint onboard a ship that sailed overseas, I could almost hear the trees growing in the middle of our lawn praying for their lives. Dad took great care of his garden. He cherished his trees and his plants. But however he loved them, he would still decide to cut a branch here or prune a twig there. “Cutting the trees makes them grow faster. When a tree has too many branches, they consume the nutrients, therefore making the tree bear less fruits. The branches consume the resources of the plant,” my dad would say in an almost-Yoda way as I watched every branch and leaf meet the ground. “Uhm-yeah” was the only response I could muster. Though it confused me a lot, Dad’s special kind of gardening was tucked into the back of my head, something I brought with me as my life took shape. God’s pruning transformed Francis into a better leader. 30 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 Sprouts, Sprouts I graduated school with honors. Good grades were a constant during high school and college; congratulations was a normal thing to hear. I was that good. Even before graduating from school, I had already kick-started my advertising career as a copywriter-student trainee in one of the best advertising agencies in the Philippines. As a student trainee, I achieved something that surprised me: I won a Gold Creative Award for a television commercial I wrote while I was still a student. While some was asked to join a local ad agency as their head of creatives. After only a year, I was promoted to Chief Operating Officer (COO) at a young age of 33 — two years short of my initially planned pit stop in my career timeline. All this success became a constant accompaniment in my life. I felt unstoppable. I felt like I could do anything, and I sacrificed a lot to get what I wanted, even if it meant hurting certain relationships. Slowly, pride took a toxic hold in my life. I became insufferable, boastful and relentless. I felt I had nothing else to learn. After all, I must be doing something right. Francis has learned that he can do great things not by himself but with God alone. Francis serves with other servant-leaders at The Feast Acacia Alabang. Francis leads people into singing at The Feast. Francis leads his team at Tagline Communications. creatives in the advertising industry spent the rest of their lives trying to win an award for the work they do, there I was accepting an award — while I was still a student. After that year of internship, an advertising job called me to set foot in Spain. Then for the next two marvelous years, I was assigned in the United Kingdom, honing my advertising craft and enjoying the best of the world. Inch by inch, the sense of achievement transformed into a very subtle pride that I didn’t know started to eat into my life. After that two-year stint in UK, I went back to the Philippines and was welcomed with open arms by the first ad agency I worked with. I remember I was a young copywriter then when I told myself I would become like my boss, the head of our advertising department, before I hit 35 years old. Why 35? Because that was the age my boss was promoted to that position. A few years later, a job opportunity brought me to Kuala Lumpur. I was tasked to run our sister ad agency there as the managing director. This meant I wouldn’t be running just a department; I would be running an ad agency. The age at which I achieved this? Twenty-nine years old. Further on, I went back to the Philippines and Nipped in the Bud But God was like my dad — He had giant grass shears in hand, ready to cut, nip and prune where needed. A scant four months after I got promoted to COO, our ad agency suffered one of the biggest work crises that we could have encountered. A major problem in a project caused a client to combust. The worst part was that I bore the brunt of the client’s fury. As someone who was used to being praised and to hearing congratulations very often, I suddenly found myself being shouted at and cursed. Overnight, our company lost a 20-million-peso account; I, meanwhile, lost the life in me. I couldn’t believe I had failed — and so soon after being promoted. I lost all faith in myself and my capabilities. How could this have happened to me? A period of utter depression immediately followed. But just as a building needs a good foundation, God used this failure, I believe, to build a good foundation in me. For true success to happen, it has to be built on the foundation of humility. My problem was that my tower was so high, but I did not have the right foundation. The result was a devastating collapse. Regrown and Ready to Flourish At the height of my depression, I asked a friend to pray for me. She then invited me to go with her to The Feast Alabang that Sunday. Since I was sick and tired of just being at home, I went. The worship hit me at the core of my being, and the talk seemed to address my very concern at the time. Truly, there are no coincidences. It was at The Feast that I learned that sometimes God humbles us to bring us to where He wants us to go. After that tragedy, I slowly got back on my feet. I learned the importance of seeking the advice of people and realized I didn’t know everything. I reckoned God may have suddenly taken the reins in my life before I became out of control because of my pride. And much like what Dad did to the trees in our garden, God prunes us when certain growth in our lives detract us from fulfilling His will. In my case, God pruned my pride and self-reliance. He made me realize that I can and should learn something from the people around me. From an embarrassing failure that almost caused me my life, God transformed me into a better leader, and I constantly believe that He is continually doing great things through me. Before, I could only do great things by myself. Now, I can do great things with — and only with — God who is by my side. So when pruning comes into our lives, let us welcome it with open arms. It’s going to be painful — all prunings normally are. But rest assured, great fruits will follow. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 31 Go on a 9-day Pilgrimage in 2014 to the LAND WHERE JESUS WALKED ABSOLUTELY FREE! Tel Aviv • Jaffa • Nazareth • Mount Carmel • Cana Mount Tabor • Sea of Galilee • Capernaum Mt. of Beatitudes • Tabgha • Jordan River • Jericho Bethlehem • Jerusalem • Ein Karem • Genesis Land Qumran • Dead Sea• Emmaus HERE’S HOW: 1. Subscribe to Kerygma from May 1, 2013 to December 23, 2013 and receive a FREE GIFT. Plus a chance to win Holy Land Pilgrimage and other minor prizes. 2. To subscribe, tear off the subscription form from the Kerygma magazine and fill out with your complete name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and mode of payment. Affix signature and mail to: Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc., c/o Holy Land Raffle Promo #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City 1109 3. To get a subscription form, purchase Kerygma magazine or visit Shepherd’s Voice Publications Head office and request for a subscription form that will serve as a raffle entry for walk-in customers. 4. The winner of the Holy Land Pilgrimage will have FREE hotel accommodation and two meals (breakfast and dinner) for 9 days. This package prize is exclusive of travel tax and is good for one person only. 5. Promo period is from May 1, 2013 to December 23, 2013. 6. All entries received until December 23, 2013 qualify for the draw. Grand draw is on January 5, 2014 at The Feast, PICC, Pasay City. PRIZES l One 1st Prize – Trip to Holy Land Inclusions: To depart on Feb. 2014. Round Trip: Manila-Holy Land-Manila, Free Hotel Accommodation for 9 days, Exclusive of travel tax. l Two (2) winners of Apple iPad mini Tablet GUIDELINES 1. Lucky winners will be drawn. A participant can only win once per draw. 2. If a name is drawn more than once, the prize of higher value will be awarded to the winner. 3. A notification letter via registered mail will be sent to winners for confirmation and will be published in the March 2014 issue of Kerygma. Instructions on where to claim the prize will be detailed in the letter via registered mail. 4. Winner for the pilgrimage will secure his/her own passport. 5. Prizes are transferable but not convertible to cash. 6. Winners for trips shall shoulder all the taxes and documentations related to the trip, and the 20% tax for prizes exceeding P10,000. 7. Prizes must be claimed within 60 days from receipt of notification, except the trip to Holy Land which the winner needs to coordinate until January 23, 2014. 8. Prizes unclaimed will be forfeited in favor of SVP with prior DTI approval. 9. Claiming of prizes. The Winners shall claim their prizes at the Shepherd’s Voice office at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City. Winners must present the notification letter, claim stub and a valid ID with photo and signature (e.g. driver’s license, company ID or passport). Winners may send a representative on their behalf provided they present the following: a. Letter of authorization from winner b. Proper identification c. Letter sent by SVP and claim stub 10. The promo organizer’s decision is final with the concurrence of a DTI Representative. 11. All SVP employees are not eligible to join the raffle promo including their relatives up to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity. 12. A DTI Representative will be on hand to witness the draw on January 5, 2014, 10:30 am at the PICC during The FEAST. 13. Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 1459 Series of 2013. SUBSCRIBE NOW! KERYGMA MISSION PARTNER-HOlY lANd RAfflE PROMO 2013 By being a KMP, you will not just subscribe to our highly inspiring magazine. 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Seasons God in Every Stage of Your Life Never Let Go W hen Bo Sanchez asked me to build a Feast in Makati, I bared to him all my weaknesses — all the reasons why I thought I wasn’t qualified to be a Feast builder. But after listening to my litany, he just smiled at me and said, “Jan, you are 50 percent done.” I was like, “What do you mean, Bro. Bo?” He continued, “Yes, Jan, you are 50 percent done because you already know your struggles. You are not denying you have these sins. You are 50 percent done; the next 50 percent is acting on changing it.” Then it made sense to me. He was right. I wasn’t denying that I had some problems and, because of that, it was easy to find the solution. Let me backtrack… In 2000, I was invited to a youth prayer meeting. I gladly joined, though my motivation was not because I wanted to know Jesus. As a 14-year-old, what really urged me to join was my crush. Yes! The person who invited me was my crush. So every Saturday afternoon, I would attend only because I wanted to see her. She was the worship leader, speaker, emcee — so I made sure that I would always sit in the third row, middle aisle, so I’d have a good view of her. But in our community, the leaders change every three years. Later on, even when the leader had changed, I still found myself sitting in the third row, middle aisle. Initially, I thought I was falling in love with a girl, but I realized later that I was slowly falling in love with the Word of God. That was the start of my love story with Jesus. He loves me and knows me enough when to appear in my life. While I was slowly becoming a permanent fixture in our youth ministry activities, I was also being introduced to cigarettes, pornographic materials, gambling and other bad habits. In high school, I had a bully for a seatmate, and for many days, I was his victim. Not contented with pushing and pinching me, he lured me with cigarettes and pornographic materials. I tried the first cigarette that he gave me, but instantly I knew I didn’t like it. I was able to resist my classmate’s subsequent offer. The next thing he handed me was porn material. And just like the day before, I nervously placed it in my bag. 34 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 By Jan Carlo Silan When I arrived home, I looked at it, looked at it again, and again, and I liked what I saw. It was my first time to see a naked woman. This started my bad habit of looking at diskettes with porn images in them. Then I moved on to renting porn VHS and watching them while I was alone at home. It was only by God’s love and perfect timing that while I was struggling with this sin, I was also religiously attending our community prayer meetings. So instead of being alone in the house, I ended up attending and joining the prayer meetings and youth activities. Eventually, almost all my time was spent for God — and slowly I was being led away from sin. I can go on and on with all the stuff I did wrong in my life since high school and until I worked professionally. But during those times of struggle, I didn’t stop serving God. Yes, I just kept on serving and doing the best I could in a way that there would be no room for sin. Now that I am a preacher and head of the singles ministry of the Makati Feast, I realize that God is using my brokenness to understand the brokenness of others, especially the single people that I minister to. Bo was right, after all. Friends, we are all broken, in one way or another. Allow God to make you whole and trust that, in His time, you will see that there is a purpose for your brokenness. And while you’re struggling with your brokenness, don’t let go of His hand. He doesn’t want to let you go either. Jan Carlo Silan is the Feast builder for Makati Feast Salcedo and Amorsolo. He also co-heads the singles ministry of the entire Makati Feast. Email Jan at jan@ Kitchen Scribbles Just Draw Near By Rosanne Romero I taught at an all-girls’ high school. Since I wasn’t much older than my students, instead of being in the faculty room, I was often at the canteen kiosk devouring the school’s famous siomai with them. And because our ages weren’t that far apart, if a bunch of them were missing in class, I knew where to find them — I’d kick this “secret” door lightly and they’d be behind it giggling and smoking cigarettes. I enjoyed them because I wasn’t teaching anything highly cerebral like Geometry or Physics. I taught Asian literature and composition. And since I was teaching something I enjoyed, it didn’t really classify as work. When I was in high school, we read Purple Hearts. I dug and mined treasures from it. Then, I gained even more insight when I took it up with this bunch of gigglers. Eventually, class recitatons and reaction papers turned into pensive discussions outside the classroom — at the pergola or under one of the trees or at the benches outside the chapel. Recently, I’ve been hearing from them again. And I’m learning things about their lives that make me sad. Where have all my giggly, batty girls gone? Gone to be adults carrying painful disappointment and betrayal. Time and again, they post lines I said in class. It’s overwhelming. Because a number of them read Kerygma, allow me to address them here. To those of you whom I taught, tutored, mentored and “tormentored” — I realize now that my words stuck to you. And now that your lives have not turned out as you expected, I feel a wee bit responsible for feeding you all that idealism — all that Little Prince stuff and the Giving Tree and the One Day I’ll Write You a Happy Poem. I feel your disappointment. I get it when you say you’re half-dead trying to make things work out. I get it when you say you’re done. I get it when you say no one bats a thousand times. You still remember Garfunkel’s “The Boxer”? “In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade… And the fighter still remains.” That you still remember the lyrics makes me sob a little. It may seem to you like you’d never recover from the blows life has dealt you with, but you can. You can heal. In the shame, the insult, the constant aching, just draw near to God. Forget understanding Theology. Just draw near. Everything I told you about God in high school still holds true. He makes the sun set by day and the moon shine by night. He controls the ebb and flow of the tide. He holds the earth in His hands. He measures the universe with the span of His hand (in Tagalog, isang dangkal). To Him, the universe is that small. And that God, that huge God, cares about you. He lives in you — there in your heart. And that is not diminished just because someone hurt you and messed up your life. Isaiah 30:20-21 says, “Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity, He will answer you. Whether you need to turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying: ‘This is the way, walk in it.’” Whatever happens, don’t move away from Him. Email me at OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 35 MARy KAy Enriching WomEn’s LivEs Mariz Dacillo Independent Beauty Consultant Tel. No. (632) 522-0483/957-4476 Mobile Number: (0921) 4016493/(0915) 8110004 With Free Facial and Hand Spa Other Services: l Hair and Makeup for wedding, debuts, proms and other events l Makeup lessons K Preacher Take Great Care of Your Best Asset O nce upon a time, there was a farm goose. It was very faithful in helping out its farmer’s produce by consistently laying eggs. Then poverty struck. Farm production went from bad to worse. The farmer sold all the crops and animals except the goose. It was the only asset he kept. One day, he was left with no other choice but to kill the goose so his family could have something to eat. He got a knife and when he was about to cut the goose’s throat, he saw underneath it a golden egg! From that day on, a golden egg each day would sustain the farmer and his family. But greed set in. The farmer thought that if he could get all the golden eggs in the goose’s tummy, then he’d get rich. So he slaughtered the goose and cut its abdomen, but to his shock, there were no golden eggs. Because of greed and recklessness, he not only neglected the blessing of the process, he also destroyed his one last remaining asset. The moral of the story? Take great care of your number one asset — your entire person! The Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Luke 6:31). By Obet Cabrillas Now, do you know that your first neighbor is yourself? My friend, Stephen Covey (forgive me for calling him “friend”, he’s been helping me with his books), says that each one of us has four life quotients. And I believe that if we preserve and care for all of them, we’ll live a life of success and significance: 1. PQ (Physical Quotient) “Better a poor man strong and robust, than a rich man with wasted frame; more precious than gold is health and well being... No treasure is greater than a healthy body...” (Sirach 30:14-16) 2. IQ (Intellectual Quotient) “As man thinketh in his heart, so is he...” (Proverbs 23:7, King James Version) 3. EQ (Emotional Quotient) “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23) 4. SQ (Spiritual Quotient) “All of us gazing with unveiled faces on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) Heed these life lessons and be likened to my life, as I travailed — From wastedness to wellness; From waywardness to wisdom; From apathy to affection; and From sinfulness to struggling sainthood! Live out the Golden Rule and live a golden life! Email me at, or follow me on Facebook. Obet Cabrillas is the Feast builder of The Pasig and Manila Feasts. He is also the director of YMPACT and the Radical Training Course of the Light of Jesus Family. His book, Spell Out Your Love, is available at OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 37 What are you feeding your soul this year? Just as you eat fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy and strong, you also need to nourish your soul every day with God’s Word! Read life-giving Scriptures through Companion and receive bite-sized spiritual teaching and guidance on the daily readings written by a priest. Journey with fellow Catholics through their Bible reflections in Didache and Gabay, and learn valuable lessons that you can apply for your own faith walk with the Lord. Receive hope, love and encouragement from their stories and soak in God’s faithfulness to keep His promises for your life. Be inspired every day! Partake of Sabbath and be nourished with enlightening reflections from Catholic priests on the living Word of God. Allow the Lord to speak, counsel and give wisdom for you to live a happy, fulfilling life. Nourish your soul daily with God’s Word and soak in His love and care. SVP Devotionals. It’s food for your soul. OrDer TODay! “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4 Shepherd’S Voice publicationS, inc. 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City Tel. Nos. 411-7874 / 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108 Teresa and George, with their kids (Yanthy, 5, and Mateo, 2), now enjoy God’s “Promised Land” for them in a subdivision in Parañaque. Promised Land T By Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag here are only three units left. I suggest that you choose the unit you like and reserve it ASAP.” Weeks before that, our agent showed me a real estate property that I really liked. I showed it to my husband, George, and he liked it, too. We’d been searching for a house and lot these past years but haven’t found one that we both liked. This was a first! Our plan was to sell our two condominium units and use the proceeds to help pay for the new house. I wanted so much to reserve a unit, but we didn’t have enough cash for the reservation fee. I sighed and thought, “Maybe it’s not yet time.” I pictured the house one more time in my mind — a twostorey house with big picture windows, a modern kitchen, a service area and a small garden at the back, four bedrooms and three toilets and bath, one of which had a bathtub for the master’s bedroom, and the small balcony overlooking the twocar garage. And the bonus? It’s literally a stone’s throw away from the church. I’ve always dreamed of having a house near a church so I can go to daily Mass again. I was a daily communicant when I was still single, but since I got pregnant with our eldest, I’ve been going to Mass on Sundays only and occasionally on weekdays. I turned to God and bared my heart. I told Him how much I liked the property, and how it thrilled me that I could go to One Last Story daily Mass again, bring my kids with me, and share with them my love for the Holy Eucharist. But I told Him, too, that it’s alright for me to wait until He gives what’s best for us. God’s response to my prayer made my heart beat faster. He led me to read a reflection in Didache 2012 (March 29 to be exact) that highlighted this verse from Genesis 17:8: “I will give to you, and your descendants after you, the land....” It was about a husband and wife searching for a real estate property. The husband, who wrote the reflection, shared how God made a way for them to purchase their dream house even when initially they didn’t have enough money to purchase it. “Is this what You want to do for our family as well?” I asked the Lord. Is this really God’s answer to me? Is this the house that He wants our family to have? But where will we get the money to purchase it? The prompting in my heart grew stronger. I shared this with my husband. We decided to take God at His Word and to act in faith. We talked to our agent and the developer and told them that we only had P5,000 in our checking account that day but we promised to pay the reservation fee in full within 30 days. Amazingly, the developer agreed! God made a way for us! They gave us six months to pay the P1M downpayment. We were confident at first because we were selling our condo units anyway. We even told the developer that in case we sell our units earlier, we would settle the downpayment right away. But things didn’t happen as we planned. Each month that followed was a test of our faith in God’s promise and provision because our contract says that in case we don’t pay the agreed amount within six months, all our payments will be forfeited. God proved His faithfulness to us month after month by miraculously providing just enough for us to pay the minimum amount required by the developer. Six months passed and we still hadn’t sold our condo units. Accompanied by fervent prayers, we requested for six more months’ extension. God moved mountains again because the developer granted our request! On the seventh month, we found a buyer for one of our condo units. We used part of the proceeds to partially pay the downpayment. We continued to look for a buyer for the other unit because we still needed a substantial amount. The end of the six months’ extension was drawing near. But instead of a buyer, God sent us a student who wanted to rent the unit. I came before God again and asked His Will. He led me to my old list of dreams where I found His answer to my question. I read in my old Novena to God’s Love booklet a prayer for a condominium unit that can be a source of passive income. I smiled. I may have forgotten about that dream but God didn’t. And He is now fulfilling that dream. God provided once more the necessary funds to settle our balance through a bank loan that was immediately approved. So, on July 6, 2013, we finally moved in to our new house. I’m now able to go to Mass almost daily. And each day, I thank God for leading us to our Promised Land and for helping us grow in faith in the process. When God gave us this piece of property, I felt that He also gave us a piece of His heart — for in every step towards our Promised Land, we experienced the immensity of His love. OCTOBER 2013 • KERYGMA 39 Point of Contact I pray that you receive your miracles in Jesus’ name! I by Bo Sanchez pray that God lift your trials, heal your diseases, bless your problems and direct you to the path He wants you to take. I pray that God remove your fears and give you the courage to surrender your burdens to Him. So place your hand over my hand, and let’s pray with trust, together with our prayer team of intercessors praying for you right now… This page is our Point of Contact, our spiritual connection. Say after me… In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord, I surrender to You my worries and anxieties. I surrender to You my needs, my problems, my trials. I place them all in Your big hands. And I open myself to all that You want to give to me. On this day, I say yes to Your love, to Your blessings, to Your healing, to Your miracles. And Lord, specifically, I ask for the following miracles for my life... I believe that You answer my prayer in the best way possible! And I thank You in advance for the perfect answers to my prayers. I also ask for the special intercession of Mama Mary. I pray all this in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! SPECIAL INTENTION FOR THIS MONTH: Bless the readers of Kerygma, Lord. You desire that they live full and happy lives. Help them to identify and accept the mountains in their lives so that, with Your grace, they may act and overcome them. Grant them tenacity of spirit to undergo pruning. May they bear more fruit and bless more people through the gifts and resources that You give them. Amen. Praying for you, 40 KERYGMA • OCTOBER 2013 Email your prayer requests to me at or write to me at Shepherd’s Voice Publications, #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109.
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