Basic Acoustic Guitar - Scott Cunningham Music
Basic Acoustic Guitar - Scott Cunningham Music
)(:0*(*6<:;0*.<0;(9 Basic-VY>VYZOPW3LHKLYZ Acoustic Guitar For The Worship Leader Scott Cunningham -V\UKH[PVUHS(ZWLJ[ZVM[OL(JV\Z[PJ.\P[HY 0U[YVK\J[PVU! 6ULVM[OLTVZ[JOHSSLUNPUNWHY[ZVMSLHYUPUN[VWSH`[OLN\P[HYPZ[OLYO`[OTPJHZWLJ[ VMP[>O`PZ[OH[&>LSSPM`V\[OPURHIV\[P[[OLYLHYL[OYLLYO`[OTZOHWWLUPUNH[[OLZHTL[PTL^OLU `V\HYLSLHKPUN^VYZOPWVYZPUNPUNHUKWSH`PUN`V\YN\P[HY ;OLYLPZHYPNO[OHUKZ[Y\TTPUNYO`[OTHJOVYKPUNYO`[OT[OL[PTPUNVM`V\YJOVYKJOHUNLZHUK H]VJHSWOYHZPUNYO`[OT[OH[OHWWLUZ^OLU`V\HYLZPUNPUN(IPNWHY[VMSLHYUPUN[VWSH`[OLN\P[HYPZ JVUULJ[PUN[OVZL[OYLLYO`[OTZ[VNL[OLY;OLNVHSPZMVY`V\YOHUKZ[VILJVTLZV\ZLK[V[OLJOVYKZ HUKYO`[OT[OH[P[ILJVTLZZLJVUKUH[\YL;OPZ^PSSPU[\YUZL[`V\MYLL[VZPUN[OL^H``V\^HU[[V ^OPSLWSH`PUN accent STRUM PATTERNS (9O`[OT down strum up strum ÷6WUXPPLQJ V.HSSVW:[Y\T V+V^U:[Y\T V7LYJ\ZZP]L:[Y\T V*V\U[Y`:[Y\T V:[Y\TVYê ÷)LQJHU3LFNLQJ 4 4 Down Strum 4 4 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a 1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a 1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a 1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a ÷&KRUGLQJ V*OVYK-HTPSPLZ V6WLU*OVYK0KLHZ V<ZPUN@V\Y*HWV V7HY[PHS*HWV0KLHZ ÷6LQJLQJZKLOHSOD\LQJ Gallop Strum 1 9LTLTILYZPUNPUNHKKZPUHYK WOYHZPUNYO`[OT[OH[JHU[HRLH SP[[SL^OPSL[VPUJVYWVYH[L^OLU SLHYUPUN+VU»[NL[KPZJV\YHNLK [OV\NO"^P[OHSP[[SLWYHJ[PJL`V\ ^PSSOH]LP[ Percussive Strum 4 4 Country Strum 4 4 1 6/8 Strum + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 6 8 )-LLSHUK:[`SL 0[»ZVRH`[VOH]L`V\YV^UZ[`SLHUKMLLS[OH[`V\HWWS`[V`V\YPUZ[Y\TLU[HUKZVUNZ"P[»Z^OH[ THRLZ`V\\UPX\L >P[O[OH[ZHPKHZ^VYZOPWSLHKLYZVULVMV\YZPTWSLNVHSZVUH]LY`WYHJ[PJHSSL]LSZOV\SKIL [VTHRLV\YZVUNZHZZPUNHISLHUKJVUNYLNH[PVUHSMVY[OLTVZ[WHY[ZV[OH[V[OLYZJHULHZPS` WHY[PJPWH[L /LYLHYLHML^JVTTVUX\LZ[PVUZHUKHUZ^LYZ[OH[OH]LOLSWLKTL\UKLYZ[HUKT\ZPJHIP[ IL[[LYHUKNYV^[VSLHYU[OLN\P[HYHZ^LSS/VWLP[OLSWZ 2 >OH[PZHRL`& (RL`PZHMHTPS`VMKPMMLYLU[UV[LZ[OH[HSSOHYTVUPaL^P[OLHJOV[OLY;OLYLHYLRL`Z[OH[ `V\JHUHJ[\HSS`WSH`PUIHZLKVUV\Y^LZ[LYUZJHSLVMT\ZPJ^OPJOPZTHKL\WVMOHSMZ[LWZ HUK^OVSLZ[LWZ >OH[RL`ZZOV\SK0SLHYU& 4VZ[N\P[HYWSH`LYZWSH`PUHIV\[RL`ZJVTMVY[HIS`>OLU0ZH`JVTMVY[HIS`0TLHU[OH[ [OL`HYL[`WPJHSS`JOVYKZ[OH[KVU»[YLX\PYLHSV[VMIHYJOVYKZHUKKPMÄJ\S[ÄUNLYPUN ;OLRL`Z[OH[TVZ[N\P[HYWSH`LYZWSH`PULZWLJPHSS`^OLUSLHYUPUNHYL*+,.HUK( ,HJOVULVM[OVZLRL`ZHYLTHKL\WVMUV[LZ[OH[HSZVOH]LJVYYLZWVUKPUNJOVYKZ-VY L_HTWSL0M`V\SLHYU[OLJOVYKZPU[OLJOVYKMHTPS`VM[OLRL`VM+`V\JHUWSH`HSTVZ[HU` ZVUNPU[OH[RL` >OH[PZHJOVYKMHTPS`& (JOVYKMHTPS`PZTHKL\WVMJOVYKZ[OH[HSSOH]LHYLSH[PVUZOPW[VLHJOV[OLYIHZLKVU[OL RL`[OH[`V\HYLWSH`PUNPU-VYL_HTWSLPU[OLRL`VM+`V\OH]L¯ 0PPPPP0==]P=00 +,T- T.()T(* >O`KV0ULLK[VSLHYUJOVYKMHTPSPLZ& 0M`V\SLHYU[OVZLJOVYKZPULHJOMHTPS`*+,.HUK(`V\^PSSILHISL[VWSH`HU`ZVUN PU[OVZLRL`Z@V\JHUHSZVLHZPS`[YHUZWVZLHZVUN^OLU`V\HYL^HU[PUN[VWSH`P[PUHUV[OLY RL`0[»ZHSZVH]LY`\ZLM\S[VVSPUJVTT\UPJH[PUN[VV[OLYIHUKTLTILYZ^OH[`V\HYLWSH`PUN \ZPUN[OL¸5HZO]PSSL5\TILYPUN:`Z[LT¹HZ0OH]LOLHYKP[JHSSLK0[»ZHSZVHNVVKMV\UKH[PVU MVYZVUN^YP[PUNHZP[NP]LZ`V\HSS[OLJOVYKVW[PVUZPU[OH[RL`[VL_WLYPTLU[^P[O^OPSL`V\»YL ^YP[PUNZVUNZHUKILPUNJYLH[P]L >OH[PZHJHWV& -PYZ[VMHSSPU[OL^VYKZVMT`NVVKMYPLUK+HUU`+VUULSS`^OV[H\NO[TLTVZ[VM^OH[0HT ZOHYPUN^P[O`V\¸*HWVZHYL`V\YMYPLUK¹;OLJHWVNP]LZ`V\[OLHIPSP[`[VWSH`PU[OLZHTL ÄUNLYPUNVMHRL`[OH[`V\HYLWSH`PUNI\[[VILHISL[VYHPZL[OLRL`\WHOHSMZ[LWL]LY`[PTL `V\TV]L`V\YJHWV\WVULMYL[[V^HYK[OLZV\UKOVSL -VYL_HTWSL!PM0YLHSS`SPRLWSH`PUNHZVUNPU[OLRL`VM+\ZPUN[OLJOVYKZPU[OLJOVYKMHTPS` VM+I\[0ÄUK[OH[[OLZVUNPZHIP[SV^ILJH\ZL09,(33@SPRL\ZPUN[OL+JOVYKZOHWLZHUK ÄUNLYPUNPU[OH[WHY[PJ\SHYZVUN0JHUWSHJLT`JHWVVUMYL[^OPJOZOHYWZ[OLRL`HOHSMZ[LW HUK0HTUV^WSH`PUNPU[OLRL`VM,I 0M0WSHJLKT`JHWVPU[OLUKMYL[ILJH\ZL0^HU[LK[VWSH`[OLZVUNL]LUOPNOLYI\[Z[PSS\ZL [OLJOVYKMHTPS`VM+ILJH\ZL0SPRL[OL]VPJPUNVM[OVZLJOVYKZ0HTUV^HJ[\HSS`WSH`PUNPU[OL RL`VM,ILJH\ZL^LOH]LUV^ZOHYWLKV\YN\P[HYH^OVSLZ[LW\WMYVT+ 4HRLZLUZL&/VWLZV¯0MUV[UV^P[^PSSSH[LY¯;Y\Z[TLPM0JHUSLHYUZVJHU`V\ >OH[PZ[OH[[OJOVYK&+PTPUPZOLK¯^OH[& 0M`V\UV[PJL[OLYLPZHWH[[LYU[VL]LY`RL`VYJOVYKMHTPS`;OLHUKJOVYKZHYLHS^H`Z THQVY HUK [OL HUK JOVYKZ HYL HS^H`Z TPUVY ;OL JOVYKZ HYL [YHKP[PVUHSS` HS^H`Z H KPTPUPZOLKJOVYK>P[OV\[NL[[PUN[VVKLLWPU[V^OH[[OH[TLHUZP[PZZPTWS`HJOVYK[OH[^L KVU»[VM[LU\ZLPUV\YTVKLYU^VYZOPWT\ZPJ :V^P[O[OH[ZHPK^LKVHS^H`Z\ZLHKPMMLYLU[JOVYK"P[»Z^OH[0SPRL[VJHSSH¸Z\IZ[P[\[L JOVYK¹;OH[»Z[OLJOVYK`V\^PSSÄUKPUL]LY`JOVYKMHTPS`PU[OPZIVVR0[»ZHWYHJ[PJHSJOVYK^L \ZLHUKOLHYHSS[OL[PTLPUTVKLYUT\ZPJ0U[LJOUPJHS[LYTZP[»Z[OLJOVYKVM[OLMHTPS`PUP[Z ÄYZ[PU]LYZPVU 3 */69+-(403@2,@6-¸*¹ 1 = pointer finger T = thumb (optional) C Dm 3 = anchor finger 2 = middle finger Em F 4 = pinky finger G Am G/B (I chord) (ii chord) (iii chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (vi chord) (V - 1st Inv) X 3 2 0 1 0 X X 0 2 3 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 X 0 0 3 2 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 1 X 0 2 2 1 0 X 2 0 0 4 4 1234567 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 (C/E is often used as a 3 chord substitute = 1 chord in first inversion) (this is traditionally a B diminished chord ie... Bdim) Open Chord Ideas for the Key of C C 3- Em Dm (ii chord) X 3 X 0 5 0 X 5 X 0 6 0 5- 1 X 8 X 0 10 0 8- 1 X 10 X 0 12 0 10- 1 Am (V chord) (VI chord) (IV - 1st Inv) 0 7 X 0 8 0 7- 1 G Em F (iii chord) (I chord) (V - 1st Inv) X 12 X 0 13 0 X 14 X 0 15 0 12- 1 14- 1 1 3 3 3 G/B (vi chord) 3 3 3 3 Other Useful Variations for the Key of C C/G (I chord) (IV chord) F2 Fmaj7 (IV chord) (V chord) Gsus G6sus (Vchord) (V chord) 3 3 2 0 1 0 X 0 3 2 1 3 X 3 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 0 1 3 3 0 2 0 1 3 3 0 0 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 G2 1 2 4 3 4 2 3 4 */69+-(403@2,@6-¸+¹ 1 = pointer finger T = thumb (optional) D Em7 3 = anchor finger 2 = middle finger F#m G 4 = pinky finger A Bm A/C# (I chord) (ii chord) (iii chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (vi chord) (V - 1st Inv) X 0 0 2 3 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 0 X 2 0 2 3 0 X 4 2 2 0 0 1234567 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 4 2 3 2 1 3 1 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 4 (D/F# is often used as a 3 chord substitute = 1 chord in first inversion) (this is traditionally a C# diminished chord ie... C#dim) Open Chord Ideas for the Key of D DMaj7/F# G A Bm A/C# D (iii chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (vi chord) (V - 1st Inv) (I chord) 2 0 0 2 2 0 3 X 0 4 3 0 5 X 0 6 5 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 9 X X 9 10 X 10 X 0 11 10 0 2 3 4 2 1 5- 2 1 3 7- 3 4 2 9- 10- 3 2 3 3 4 Other Useful Variations the Key of D D/F# Dsus (I chord) (IV chord) Maj7 (IV chord) (V chord) 2 0 0 2 3 0 X 0 0 2 3 3 3 0 0 2 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 2 3 0 (I - 1st inv) 1 2 G2 1 1 3 G 3 4 3 4 2 5 Asus 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 */69+-(403@2,@6-¸,¹ 1 = pointer finger T = thumb (optional) E F#m 2 = middle finger G#m 3 = anchor finger A 4 = pinky finger B C#m B/D# (I chord) (II chord) (III chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (VI chord) (V - 1st Inv) X 2 2 1 0 0 2 4 4 2 0 0 4 6 6 4 0 0 X 0 2 2 0 0 X 2 4 4 0 0 X 4 6 6 0 0 X 6 4 4 0 0 1234567 1 2 T 3 1 2 4- T 1 2 3 4- 1 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4- 1 1 2 4 (E/G# is often used as a 3 chord substitute = 1 chord in first inversion) (this is traditionally a D# diminished chord ie... D#dim) Open Chord Ideas for the Key of E A/F# E B/G# B/D# C#m B A (ii chord) (iii chord) (I chord) (V - 1st inv) (VI chord) (V chord) (IV chord) 2 0 2 2 0 0 4 X 4 4 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 6 9 8 0 0 9 X 9 9 0 0 7 X 9 8 0 0 5 X 7 6 0 0 1 2 3 4 4- 2 3 4 7- 7- 1 7- 5- 1 2 2 9- 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 3 Other Useful Variations the Key of E E E/G# A B C#m A/C# B/D# (I chord) (I - 1st inv) (IV chord) (V chord) (IV chord) (IV - 1st inv) (V - 1st Inv) X 2 2 4 0 0 4 2 2 4 0 0 X 0 2 4 0 0 X 2 4 4 0 0 X 4 2 4 0 0 9 7 7 9 0 0 11 9 9 11 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 4 4 7- 1 1 3 4 6 3 4 3 9- 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 */69+-(403@2,@6-¸.¹ T = thumb (optional) G Am 1 = pointer finger 3 = anchor finger 2 = middle finger Bm C 4 = pinky finger D Em7 D/F# (I chord) (II chord) (III chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (VI chord) (V - 1st Inv) 3 2 0 0 3 3 X 0 2 2 1 0 X 2 0 2 3 0 0 3 2 0 3 3 X 0 0 2 3 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 1234567 1 1 3 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 (G/B is often used as a 3 chord substitute = 1 chord in first inversion) (this is traditionally a F# diminished chord ie... F#dim) Open Chord Ideas for the Key of G G/B C Em D (I - 1st Inv) (IV chord) (V chord) X 2 0 0 3 3 X 3 X 0 5 0 X 5 0 0 7 0 3- 1 5- 1 X 9 0 0 10 0 9- 3 4 3 C6 3 Dsus Em (I chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (VI chord) 3 0 0 2 3 3 X 3 0 2 3 3 X 0 0 2 3 3 0 2 4 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 Other Useful Variations the Key of G G2 X 10 0 0 12 0 10- 1 3 3 (I chord) (VI chord) (V - 1st Inv) 0 7 X 0 8 0 1 G Em D/F# (VI chord) 7- 1 2 1 3 4 1 3 4 4 7 */69+-(403@2,@6-¸(¹ T = thumb (optional) A 1 = pointer finger Bm 3 = anchor finger 2 = middle finger C#m D 4 = pinky finger E F#m E/G# (I chord) (ii chord) (iii chord) (IV chord) (V chord) (vi chord) (V - 1st Inv) X 0 2 2 0 0 X 2 4 4 3 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 X 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 2 4 4 2 0 0 4 2 2 4 0 0 1234567 1 1 2 4- 1 1 1 T 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 (A/C# is often used as a 3 chord substitute = 1 chord in first inversion) (this is traditionally a G# diminished chord ie... G#dim) Other Useful Variations for the Key of A A 5- Bm C#m D E F#m E/G# (I chord) (ii chord) (ii chord) (ii chord) (ii chord) (ii chord) (ii chord) 5 7 7 6 0 0 7 9 9 7 0 0 9 11 11 9 0 0 X 5 7 7 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 X 9 7 9 0 0 X 11 9 9 9 0 7- 1 1 T 9- 1 T 5- 7- 1 7- 1 9- 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 8 3 4 3 4 3 */69+-(403@2,@6-¸,¹7HY[PHSJHWVVUUKMYL[ T = thumb (optional) E F#m 0 0 6 0 0 0 6- 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 = pointer finger 3 = anchor finger 2 = middle finger E/G# A 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 = pinky finger B 5 0 0 6 5 0 = optional C#m 7 0 0 8 7 0 B/D# 9 0 0 9 9 0 11 0 0 11 12 0 1234567 1 1 5- 7- 1 3 4 2 3 E 12 0 0 13 12 0 12- 1 3 9 9- 1 3 2 3 11- 2 3 You Welcomed Me Home (Key of C) Vs 1) F - C F - C F - C G Adopted / accepted / befriended by love F - C F - C F - C Chosen / for redemption / for my faith in the Son Chorus Am G F - C I was drowning and you saved me Am G F - C And called me your own Am G F - C I was running and you chased me Am G F - C And you welcomed me home Am G F (band in) - C And you welcomed me home G (F - C) (F- C) G Vs 2) F - C F - C F - C G Sealed by / the Spirit / washed in the blood F - C F - C F - C G He who promised / will be faithful / for His Bride He WILL COME!!!!! Chorus Bridge Dm - F - G Hallelujah / Dm - F - G Hallelujah CCLI# 4956695 ! Scott Cunningham 10 Forever Grateful (Key of C) Intro: Am – Em – F (2x) Verse 1) Am Em F A man unworthy to die Am Em F But took my place for sins, regrets Am Em F The whole worlds sin on his shoulders Am Em F A love I never can forget (pre chorus) Dm G Am G F I’m forever grateful, for your death on the cross Chorus F At the cross you were crucified C G My debt was paid my ransom made F At the cross, the veil was torn C G The Lamb was slain, I am sustained Dm - Am - G - Em (2x) At the cross… Instrumental – Verse 2) Dm - Am - G - Em (2x) Am Em F You came willing to die Am Em F To take my place for sins, regrets Am Em F All my sin on your shoulders Am Em F A love I never can forget (To Pre-Chorus) ! Madison Cunningham 2010 (All Rights Reserved) 11 Crucified with Christ (Key of D) Intro: D – Dmaj7 – Bm9 – Cmaj7 2x Verse 1) D Bm C2 I’m Crucified with Christ, and no longer I but Christ who lives in me (I’ve Been) D Bm C2 I’m Crucified with Christ, and no longer I but Christ who lives in me Pre-chorus – Em D/F# G And the Life that I now live I live by Faith Em D/F# G - A… And the Life that I now live I live by Faith, Faith Chorus D Dmaj7/F# G In the Son of God who died and rose again D Dmaj7/F# G The Son became a ransom for all men Bm Dmaj7/F# G The Son of God, who took away our sin Em Dmaj7/F# G A The Life that I now live I live by faith, in the one of loves me Bridge: A G No Other Name, but Jesus Christ A G No Other Way, no Sacrifice A G No other Name, Deserves our Praise A Bm A/C# No other Name can Save… ! Scott Cunningham 12 Your Love is Better Than Life (Key of E) Intro: E - A/C# - B/D# E (bass – droning E) Vs 1) E A/C# B/D# E Oh, what’s better than sitting at your feet E A/C# B/D# E What’s better than hearing what you speak E A/C# B/D# C#m - B - A What better knowing you and all that you are E A/C# B/D# E What’s better than drawing close to You E A/C# B/D# E What sweeter than freedom in Your truth (to you) E A/C# B/D# C#m - B - A C#m - B - A - (Am) What’s greater Knowing You, and all that you are… all that you are… ChorusE B/D# E/G# A Your Love is better than life, awakens my soul, the hope that’s inside E B/D# E/G# F#/A# Your Love, it raises the dead, gives freedom to live, It’s my very Breath F#m G#m A (intro chords) You love your better than life… Vs 2) One thing is needed I will seek The one thing of sitting at Your Feet The one thing of knowing You, and All that You are One thing that I desire most, The one thing of drawing ever close, Beholding Your Beauty Lord, and All that You are ! Scott Cunningham 13 SATISFIED IN YOU (Key of E) Vs 1) A B C#m- E/G# A B E I’m Satisfied in You my God A B C#m -E/G# A B E And I will Abide in You, in the vine Chorus E E/G# A I want to live, to live for Your pleasure E E/G# A I want to run, to run for Your fame C#m B A E/G# I want to dwell in Your house forever, A - B - C#m -B/D# A - B - C#m- B/D# To seek Your face As You call my name A B C#m B/D# - E To hear You say… Well done Vs 2) A B C#m- E/G# A B E Be Glorified, In me, my God A B C#m -E/G# A B E Take all of my life, And be magnified Chorus Bridge: C#m B/D# B C#m A C#m B/D# B C#m A For I am not my own, You bought me with You’re blood (3x) E/G# C#m A E/G# -C#m A…… Your Prec - ous Blood, Your Prec-ious Blood (To Chorus) !Scott Cunningham CCLI# 4065139 14 Expectation (Key of G) Chorus G Em C Am Our Expectation turns towards heaven and waits for you, we wait for you God G Em C Am (G Em C - Am) All creation Longs for heaven and waits for you, we wait for you God Vs 1) G Em C D G Lord we wait for you, for all you’re promises Em C D Of love and truth – of Faithfulness Em G C D Em Our hope is built on this, upon your very word G C Am Your coming soon…. Chorus G Em C Am Our Expectation turns towards heaven and waits for you, we wait for you God G Em C Am (G - Em - C - Am) All creation Longs for heaven and waits for you, we wait for you God Bridge: G/B - C Am - D G/B - C Am - D This is our Expectation, this is our Motivation G/B - C Am - D G/B - C Am - D This is our great Salvation, this is our sure foundation G/B - C Am - D G/B - C Am - D This is our, Liberation, this is our consecration G/B - C Am - D G/B - C Am - D This is our Celebration, This is our Expectation (Drums In) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------G/B - C Am - D G/B - C Am - D This is our Motivation, this is our great salvation G/B - C Am - D G/B - C Am - D Lord……. We wait for you- Lord ! Scott Cunningham 15 CCLI# 5340530 Adoration (Key of G) G D We bow our hearts, we lift our hands Em C We turn our eyes to you again G D And we surrender to the truth Em C That all we need is found in You Chorus Gsus G - D Em - C Receive our adoration, Jesus lamb of God Gsus G - D Em - C Receive our adoration, How wonderful you are vs 2) G D We choose to leave it all behind Em C And turn our eyes towards the prize G D The upward call of God in Christ Em C You have our hearts, Lord take our lives bridge ! Brenton Brown! w/ permission:) D Every soul you've saved sings out C G Everything you've made resounds D All creation's standing now C G Lifting up your name D We're joining in the angel's song C G We’re gathered to your ancient throne D Children in our Father's arms C - G (TO CHORUS) Shouting out your praise 16 :21'(5i0DGLVRQ&XQQLQJKDP ,QWUR$z$VXVz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reater than the Heavens (Key of A) A F#m E D Who is like you Lord… none I know of A F#m E D Who is like you God, none I’ve heard of E D None I know of… Chorus A A You are Greater Than Heavens, in all Your Majesty F#m Your Greater than the Mountains, And still You think of me A E/G# F#m And all Your Loving-kindness I know I don’t I deserve E D E D A Lord the greatest part, is how You set Your love on me E vs 2) A F#m E D Who is like you Lord… in all Your Glory A F#m E D Who is like you God, in all of History E D … In all your Beauty Bridge A: F#m A E Who am I, that you could love me? F#m A E Who am I, that you would save me? F#m A E Who am I, that you’d forgive me Bridge B Bm E A F#m Because of Your Love I am saved, all of my sin is washed away… Bm E A - F#m - E - D Because of Your Cross I am saved… By grace! ! Scott Cunningham CCLI# 4739915 17 Till the Whole World Hears (Key of A) Vs 1) F#m A E Bm We know that you and you alone are God who saves Our hope is in the promises that you have made For young and old who’ll bow the knee and call your name… Well rise and pray, rise and pray.. F#m A E Bm Oh Lord we pray that you would send the Laborers For the Harvest truly is awaiting gatherers The world is dying without our deliverer Well rise and pray, rise and pray.. Chorus A E Till the Whole World Hears, Till the whole worlds knows Bm F#m E Lord Send us out where you would have us Go A/C# E/G# Till the Lost World Hears, Till the Last one knows Bm F#m E The Grace of God and Love that you have Shown …. F#m – A – E - Bm Till the Whole World Hears vs 2) F#m A E Bm Rise-up Christian stand you are victorious For we know that He has made us more than conquerors… The Enemy he has no power over us… When we Rise and Pray… Rise and Pray… F#m A E Bm Oh stir us up and burn a fire and fan the flame.. With passion just to follow you and preach your name Oh Lord that you would RISE and work with our days… Well Rise and Pray… Rise and Pray… Chorus Musical section - (D - A - E - F#m 4x) BRIDGE D - A - E - F#m D - A - E - F#m We’ll live by Faith, we want to live by faith, In Jesus D - A - E – F#m D - A - E – F#m The just shall live by Faith, We want to live by Faith, We want to live by Faith, Chorus (END TAG): Look to Jesus pressing on, the time is short, the days are dark Rise up Christian, with all you are, with all your heart…. 3x - Pray! ! Scott Cunningham 18 CCLI# 5340523
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