Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Box Tops RHS Distinguished
Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Box Tops RHS Distinguished
B-E-A-T N-E-V-I-L-L-E Week! See Page 32 FBLA Prepares for Hot Halloween Happenings See Page 17 RHS Distinguished Alumni and Teacher Series—Part 1 See Page 2 Chatterbox Ruston High School Lincoln Parish Welcomes SACS! Box Tops Outside Our Box (2) Academia (3-6) Teacher Spotlights (7-8) Editorials/Opinions (9-12) Homecoming (13) Service and Social (14) Clubs (15-17) The Arts (18) Senior Spotlights (19-24) Student Center (25) Fun Page (26) Sponsors/staff (27) Bearcat Spirit (28) Sports (29-32) October 21, 2010 by Amber Brown Senior Editor SACS stands for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It is an organization which evaluates schools by an appointed committee that visits schools to determine if they may become accredited or not. On October 5, 2010, two SACS committee members from Michigan, along with six others, came to evaluate all Lincoln Parish Schools. Our two team members spent more than half a day at Ruston High School. Students were not aware of this, but ever since the last school year (2009-2010), teachers and administration have been preparing what is called a ―Self-Study‖ report to be read and evaluated thoroughly by the SACS agency, which is one of the main reasons that the committee chose to review Lincoln Parish and see if the school‘s ―Self-Study‖ matched up to the real deal. Ruston High School and all Lincoln Parish Schools can proudly say that we passed the accreditation. Mr. Milstead, Ruston High School‘s principal, had this to say about the matter: ―I never once doubted that Ruston High and the schools in Lincoln Parish would pass the accreditation, because the parish has proactive leaders, excellent teachers, and wonderful students.‖ One source also stated that two committee members indicated Ruston High was one of the best schools they have ever visited, and they visit schools all over the country! The SACS committee members reviewed documents, evaluated information, and visited the facility, staff, faculty, parents, and students. The Ambassadors welcomed and greeted them at the door and introduced them to tour guides (a.k.a. Mr. Milstead and Mrs. Tatum). After the ice was broken, Mr. Milstead took the committee members to the RHS faculty lounge to eat lunch before actually beginning their tour of the school, which was only allotted thirty minutes of review. The SACS members informed Mr. Milstead that despite the construction adjacent to the boulevard, RHS still managed to stand out above the rest. One of the members added that they were ―impressed with the facilities‖ without an in-depth tour. Once the tour was completed, they proceeded to their mandatory interviews of four different groups to test the ―Self-Study‖ once more: the School Improvement Team (SIT), a student group (pictured below), a teacher group, and a parent group, who were asked a variety of school related questions. (Continues on page 3) RHS Distinguished Alumni and Teachers information provided by the RHS Alumni Association by Natasha Alva News Editor Last month, on September 24, the Ruston High School Alumni Association held their annual awards luncheon at the Squire Creek Country Club. At the luncheon, three distinguished teachers and three distinguished alumni were honored and recognized. The distinguished teachers honored were current teacher Julie B. Stephenson, retired teacher Ruth C. Potts, and the late Mrs. Murrie Lee Turnbow. The three Distinguished Alumni recognized and honored were as follows: in the category of Commerce, Ruston businessman Johnny Maxwell; as Humanitarian, Cherry Pratt Kirkpatrick; and as Physician, Scientist, and Educator, Dr. Joan Blondin. The Chatterbox will be providing a more detailed report on each of these distinguished alumni and teachers in a 6 part series, covering one distinguish alumni or teacher each month. We begin our series on page two (2), covering Dr. Joan Blondin. SACS Students Interviewed: (From left to right) Beau Russell, Mary Glen Lyons, Demario Mitchell, Taylor Kaufman, John David Moore, Fre‘Drecia Payne, Jake Kyte, Neesha Sirawardane, Ashley Davison, and Cyril Nolan (Pictured at Left: Aaron Boersma) O Chatterbox utside Our Box? Ruston High School Distinguished Alumni: Joan Blondin, M.D. Information provided by the RHS Alumni Association by Natasha Alva News Editor Dr. Blondin graduated from RHS in 1955. In 1959, she received her Bachelor‘s degree from Louisiana Tech‘s School of Home Economics with a specialty in Nutrition Sciences. Then in 1961, she attained her Masters Degree in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University located in Ithaca, New York. After graduating from Cornell, Dr. Blondin served as an Instructor of Nutrition at the University of Alabama for a year, a Research Associate at Cornell for a year, and then as an Assistant Professor of Nutrition at LSU for two years. In 1965, Dr. Blondin was accepted to the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and in 1969 received her M.D. After graduating from the LSU Medical School, Dr. Blondin completed both her Internship and Residency in Jindal’s Plans To Improve LA Schooling by Elizabeth Smith Business Manager Tuesday September 28, 2010, Governor Bobby Jindal went to Dubach, Louisiana, to share his plans to for improving the school systems in Louisiana to the general public. He stated his two goals and how he planned on reaching them. He first plans on ―improving outcomes in October 21, 2010 Page 2 Medicine in 1972, and her fellowship in Nephrology at Washington University, Barnes Hospital in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1974. From 1974 – 1978, she served as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Washington University and was on the admitting staff at both St. Louis City and Barnes Hospitals. Dr. Blondin‘s field of specialization is in internal medicine and nephrology. Her special interest has been intermediary metabolism of the kidney and mineral metabolism. Her particular clinical interest has been in the progression of chronic kidney disease. In 1978, she returned to North Louisiana and opened her private practice of Nephrology in Monroe. Because of her interest in higher education in Louisiana, she accepted an appointment to the Louisiana State Board of Regents and served as its chairman. Throughout her distinguished career, Dr. Blondin has remained committed to research, the publication of her findings from such research in many technical texts and periodicals, professional lecturing, and classroom teaching. Her expertise has been widely recognized by her peers resulting in her being appointed to prominent positions in numerous professional organizations from the local to the national level. The list of Honor Societies into which she has been inducted reads like the entire Greek alphabet. More important than all of Dr. Blondin‘s professional achievements and awards is the universal agreement and often expressed sentiment that she is a wonderful colleague and friend. Just one confirming example of this is her having been selected by the students and faculty of the LSU Health Sciences Center at Shreveport as the 2010 recipient of the Allen A. Copping Excellence in Teaching Award. Nominators cited Dr. Blondin, a faculty member since 1996, for the way in which she uses every opportunity to mold students and young residents into both successful clinical physicians and responsible citizens. The Ruston High School Alumni Association honored Dr. Joan Blondin by recognizing her as its 2010 Distinguished Alumni in the field of Medicine and Education. higher education‖ by, ―enacting performance expectations and incentives at colleges and universities‖. Secondly, he plans on ―encouraging flexibility and accountability in K12 education‖ by, ―reducing red tape and bureaucracy in the state‘s education system,‖ ―ensuring that every child is taught by an effective teacher and that every public school is led by effective instructional leaders‖ and ―better communicating public school performance‖. After his speech, Governor Jindal answered two questions during a short interview on education. Q: How will you implement better communication of the school performance? A: There is already a system in place; we are just going to translate it to where everyone can understand it. Q: When are you going to enact the new grading scale? A: There is already one in place, we will just translate it. Flag Raising on Sherwood Drive by Natasha Alva and Lauren Townsend News Editor and Asst. News Editor Saluting Outstanding Student Achievement Throughout the Bearcat Nation On Friday, September 25th, residents of Sherwood Drive gathered at the end of their cul-de-sac with members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post (VFW) and other friends to pay tribute to former Marine Corps First Sergeant Bruce Spaulding. The flag raising ceremony honored Spaulding and all veterans, and inspired patriotism for local citizens. The ceremony began with a prayer, followed by a short speech by Earvin Ryland, organizer of the event. Ryland explained the work that took place to make the event possible. The flag used was actually received by Ryland by an anonymous sender. Ryland called Col. Lynn Clark of Ruston‘s VFW for assistance, who coordinated with the city of Ruston to assist with the flagpole. With a restored flagpole and a new flag, Spaulding was given a memorial ceremony that will be honored by all patriots. Bruce Spaulding was a twenty year Marines Corps veteran and a true patriot. He served two terms as the commander of Ruston‘s VFW post. Both of his sons attend RHS and his daughter is a Ruston graduate. Both sons raised the flag at the ceremony, which would, as Ryland says, ―make [Bruce] very proud.‖ J.D. Harper, the current commander of the Ruston VFW post, stating ―Bruce was a great person… He was all about spreading patriotism, so he would be thrilled by all of this. That flag will wave in his honor and the honor of all veterans of our armed service.‖ Hopefully, the memory of Bruce Spaulding and the American flag waving on Sherwood Drive will spread patriotism to all who look upon it. A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School Physics Students Step-up to Tech by Amber Brown and Gray Taylor Senior Editor and Graphics Designer While most of the student body attended the Homecoming Assembly on September 24th, a select few of Mr. Elliott‘s Physics Honors students went to the Tech Step engineering program at Louisiana Tech. The students representing Ruston High were seniors Gray Taylor, Robbie Davenport, Will Byargeon, Walker Holmes, Michael Thompson, and Amber Brown. Once everyone arrived at Louisiana Tech, the Tech professors provided donuts and coffee for breakfast. From around 9:00 am to noon, the chosen ones constructed intricate model bridges simply using manila folders. The project took almost three hours to build and required everyone in the group to work together. Mr. Elliott walked around to the other schools‘ tables to see if anyone else needed help. At Noon, the students took a lunch break and enjoyed pizza and sodas on the campus lawn. Afterwards, the students went back to work on their bridges, using equations to configure how much weight their bridge could support. This event was the first of three Tech Step meetings being held this school year, the other two will be held in December and January. October 21, 2010 Page 3 Lincoln Parish Welcomes SACS! (Continued from Page 1) by Amber Brown Senior Editor After speaking with Mrs. Tatum on this very special (and quite stressful) day, she had this to say: ―SACS committee members seemed to really like Ruston High School. The thing they commented on the most, to me, was how impressed they were with our student body.‖ The student committee that was interviewed said that ―Mr. Art said that we stuck out from the rest of the Louisiana schools- we‘re the best!‖ On October 6, 2010, the long awaited results were given. All principals were summoned to the LPSB (school board) and the Chairman (head) of the SACS committee informed them of their school‘s accreditations. The results warrant a round of applause as it is clear that Lincoln Parish students attend one of the top, well-rounded school districts in the country. Ruston High School and all Lincoln Parish schools should be proud to have this honor! Speech and Debate at BPCC submitted by Mrs. Olsen Speech and Debate Coach Physics students at Louisiana Tech Step plan and then build their bridge project. Leading Lincoln Prepares Lessons for I.A. Lewis by Amber Brown Senior Editor/ Leading Lincoln Member Leading Lincoln‘s Goal: ―To instill in the 6th grade students at I.A. Lewis a desire to become caring, confident, and contributing leaders in life.‖ Leading Lincoln is one of the newest organizations at RHS, seeing as it was just created by the Classes of 2011 and 2012 (the now upper-classman) at the end of last year, when students that were looked up to as leaders were invited to the OWL Center located in Dubach, LA. Even though Leading Lincoln is still a ―baby‖ compared to some of the older clubs like FFA, it still has many plans to put into action. Mrs. Letendre, the clubs‘ advisor, has already put the plans of Leading Lincoln visiting I.A. Lewis almost every month into action. Leading Lincoln, with the help of Mrs. Letendre, will be paired up to teach these 6th graders for 45 minute increments each month, starting in November with the lesson on ―Leadership‖ prepared by a group of six club members. These leaders were nominated and chosen last year by their actual ability to lead by example and actions. The 38 Leading Lincoln upperclassmen that will be providing the lessons for I.A. Lewis are as follows: Myketrian Amacker, Reeves Barr, Miyata Bridges, Amber Brown, Joseph Brunson, Lanette Buggs, Steven Caldwell, Mary Cox, Ashley Davidson, Anna Fuller, Eric Goree, Jake Haddox, Brandon Hearn, Rachel Hill, Molly Humphries, Bobby James, Taylor Kaufman, Chelsea Koonce, Nick Letendre, Danielle McCoy, Cyril Nolan, Caroline Oakley, Alex Osborne, Markia Patton, Fre‘Drecia Payne, Evan Puckett, Jordan Rushing, Beau Russell, Macie Sutherland, Chris Taylor, Ashlyn Thompson, Casey Turner, Maggie Ward, Sidney White, Brittany White, Maddie Wiggins, Carrington Wilson, and Sidney Wilt. These students plan to represent RHS well while being positive influences on their peers and the community. At the BPCC Invitational, Ruston High took 9 students who brought home a 2nd place Overall Sweepstakes trophy. Contributing to Sweepstakes award were the following student winners: Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate - 1st place - Brianna Worley; Advanced Lincoln Douglas Debate - 1st place - Walker Holmes; Novice Cross Examination Debate - 4th place - Savannah Woods and Preston Ponder; Advanced Cross Examination Debate - 3rd place - Stephen Zhong and Josh Phillips; Jr. Extemporaneous Speaking - 2nd place - Jonathan Verrett; and Sr. Extemporaneous Speaking - 3rd place - Josh Phillips. I would like to thank Ruston High‘s teachers for sharing your students with me. New Tech Students Build Catapult by Christian Amos Sports Editor Two freshman New Tech students showed their craftsmanship by building a two and one-half foot wooden catapult. The structure was constructed by Jordan Bruner and Lucas Hashimoto for Mr. Savage‘s math class. ―It took one night to build it because we‘re just that awesome!‖ The catapult was put together with many materials such as: screws, nails, hooks, bungee cords, sticky tacks, duct tape, a swim cap, and a measuring cup to hold the item of shelling. Even RHS Student Council President Beau Russell stopped by to test out the freshmen‘s work. This is just one of many projects the New Tech students will be working on all year to test their aptitude. A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Eureka! A Math Play? by Emily Moore Arts Reporter On Thursday, October 7, 2010, juniors loaded up on the buses and headed out. All students enrolled in Mrs. Courtney Martin‘s Algebra II class received the privilege of going to the Brown Theatre at the Civic Center in Monroe. It was an exciting event because math classes rarely ever get to go on field trips. Mrs. Martin didn‘t hide any of her excitement. The students all looked very classy and outshone all the other schools attending ―Eureka!‖, the math play. Ruston High juniors were just happy to get out of class and didn‘t expect to enjoy the play, but they got a nice surprise. The play featured mathematicians such as Albert Einstein, Pythagoras, and several others. The actors even threw in some comedy. The play emphasized the order of operations (P.E.M.D.A.S). The characters‘ way to remember the order was ―Pancake Explosion! Many Deaths Are Suspected‖. Although, several Ruston High students stated that they thought ―People Envy My Down-right Amazing Swag‖. The play also used other nifty ways to remember mathematics. This play proved to be educational and enjoyable. Viewers will remember prime numbers and the triangle. Perhaps, the best point ―Eureka!‖ made was that math is found everywhere, even in nature. It is used in everyday life and is really a beautiful thing. After the play, students loaded up and headed to a crowded mall for some lunch. Upon arrival, students split up heading to Yummy Japan, Chic-Fil-A, and various other restaurants. All Ruston High students were told to be back on the bus and ready to leave at 1:15 p.m. sharp and then let loose to eat. Many followed their noses to Maggie Moos. It was an educational experience as well as a fun one and all those who attended will picture Einstein during any math test in the future. Page 4 National Merit Scholar SemiFinalists and PSAT Testing by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter On October 13, 2010, many Ruston High School juniors, sophomores, and freshman participated in the national PSAT testing exam. The PSAT, an acronym for the Preliminary Scholar Aptitude Test, is a test taken by almost all juniors across the United States in hopes of being named a National Merit Scholar and receiving scholarships offers to multiple schools all over the country. In order to qualify for National Merit Scholars, junior students must take the PSAT and must have one of the top 50,000 scores in the country, of those 50,000 scores juniors are either chosen as one of the 34,000 Command Students or one of the 16,000 National Merit Semifinalist. Of that 16,000, only 15,000 will be chosen as National Merit Finalists. In the end of the process, 1,300 students will be chosen as Special Scholarship recipients and 8,400 will finally be chosen as National Merit Scholarship winners. In recent years, RHS has been proud to have many prestigious students be named as National Merit Scholars including: Matthew Moore and Wesley Henderson (2006), Aubri Teague (2007), Anna Ward (2008), and Collin Smith and Matt Robertson (2008-09). This year, Ruston High is again proud to name two students, Valerie Wheat and Elizabeth Sawyer, as National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist. Now, they will continue on in the process towards being named National Merit Scholars. El día de Brujas by Stephany Arias Senior Reporter Los orígenes de Halloween se remontan a la cultura Celta en Irlanda. De acuerdo a su religión Druida, el Año Nuevo era el 1 de noviembre. La celebración comenzaba el 31 de octubre y duraba hasta el día siguiente. Los espíritus de todos los que habían muerto durante el año se levantaban y deambulaban por las calles esa noche, la cual era considerada maligna. La costumbre de amenazar con bromas u obtener caramelos (Trick or Treat) también tiene su origen en los irlandeses, ya que ellos iban de puerta en puerta pidiendo a sus vecinos y amigos contribuciones para la celebración de All Hollow‘s Eve. Le Français au Lycée Ruston submitted by Mrs. Greenwood RHS French Teacher Le Cercle français du Lycée Ruston a commencé l‘année avec grand élan. On ne manque pas de projets pour cette année. Quelques activités prévues sont : 1. La Table Française – Une réunion détendue des élèves du Français pour parler français et pour s‘amuser. La première réunion a eu lieu mardi après midi à Crescent City. Nous espérons que des élèves de Cedar Creek vont nous joindre la prochaine fois. 2. Notre première réunion de Boules et Beignets va avoir lieu le 23 octobre, où nous allons planifier pour La Semaine Française…et bien sûr, jouer aux boules et manger des beignets. 3. La Semaine Française – le 4 – 10 novembre. Les activités seront annoncées. 4. Le Congrès d’ALCFES – le 4 - 6 février – un weekend de « FUN » en français avec des élèves de toute la Louisiane (à Lafayette). 5. Un voyage en France et en Suisse – le 24 mars – 3 avril. Nous allons visiter la belle Paris, les châteaux de la Loire, les plages de Normandie, et le Lac Lucerne en Suisse. D’autres projets prévus sont, le Bearcat World Tour avec les élèves en espagnol et en allemand, et le Mardi Gras. Les membres du Comité Directeur du Club Français Co-Président Elizabeth Sawyer Co-Président Meny Hernandez Publicitaire Shelby Giddings Secrétaire Mary Conly Hammons Chef d‘activités Benecia King A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 5 PTA Supports RHS by Jocria Thompson Social Reporter The PTA is the Parent Teacher Association of Ruston High School. It was formed about 6 years ago by a group of parents looking to support the teachers and students of Ruston High. The PTA Officers of 2010/2011 are Melinda McIntire-President; Tisdale McDonaldTreasurer; Ammi Schillinger-Secretary; Renee Davison-Sweatshirt Committee; Nancy Diaz-Newsletter Committee; Julie Kyte-Corporate/ Family Sponsorship (President next year); and Beth Craig-Membership. This year, PTA will participate in a number of activities, including The Bridge Newsletter which comes out twice a year and "bridges" the information gap between students and parents and The Christmas Coffee for Staff and Teachers. There is also Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week and many more. The PTA board meets once a month at RHS in the Teachers Lounge. Several of the board members are rotating off the board at the end of this year so they are looking for parents who would like to join our board. Please contact Melinda McIntire for any information. Also, it only costs $10.00 a year per family to join the PTA. Please encourage your parents to join the RHS PTA as supporters of our RHS teachers and staff so they can be the best high school in Louisiana and prepare the students for their future careers. SHARP CATS submitted by Mrs. Thomason Freshman Academy RHS Freshman Academy recognizes October Sharp Cats! The Ruston High School Freshman Academy is proud to recognize some of our outstanding students each month by naming them Ruston High Sharp Cats. The academy faculty feels that honoring exceptional students is an important part of supporting and encouraging our freshmen. Each month, 6 students from the Freshman Academy are nominated by their teachers to join the ranks of the Sharp Cats. Through their accomplish- ments, the students selected for this program have set an outstanding example in some aspect of campus life. Some students have exhibited an intense rigor for academics or demonstrated their love of learning. Some have enhanced their grade point average standing while others have shown exemplary attitudes and behavior. They are determined to learn and genuinely lead and inspire others on our campus. It is with great pride that we present to you these students...for they are truly Sharp Cats! We are so proud of our freshmen, and we hope that you will join us in our appreciation of these extraordinary students: Chandler Haddox, Kaitlyn Heiden, Garrett Hipp, Ashley Reynolds, Chance Rhone, and Deondray Spivey. Polly’s Declassified Freshman Survival Guide: Classroom Don’ts by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter NO…. Walking on left side of the hallway! This is America - not England. Hugging the opposite gender! Save that for church. Getting attitudes with teachers and walking out on them! You will get a referral. Revealing areas on your body that don‘t want to be seen! It‘s not your first birthday, so don‘t wear the suit. PDA in the hallway! 3 FEET, 3 FEET! Dirty words! *GASP* Your Mammy would be ashamed. Tight, tight clothes! You‘re a RHS student, not Katy Perry. Running in the hallways! It gives upperclassmen more reasons and chances to trip you. New Tech Announces VIPS submitted by Mrs. Cox-Bonial NT@R Coordinator Where’s Rusty? . . . Cells to the Rescue! . . . Boo Who? . . . What Not to ‘Net . . . Patent Pending . . . What is Life? . . . How To Manual . . . New Tech Tool Kit . . . Each of these cryptic phrases reflects a title from the first curricular projects recently rolled out by the New Tech @ Ruston staff. From Global Studies to Biology to Animation and Visual Effects to Geometry and Algebra I, NT@R students have been engaged in rigorous challenges that have resulted in a diverse array of project products. To encourage the students to stretch themselves in creating and developing excellent products, the NT@R staff has begun the practice of naming its VIPS: Very Impressive Project Students. Each set of VIPS represent the student groups who did the most outstanding work with the project products and presentation. Consideration is given to the different components of projects, such as oral presentation, multi-media, product development, and group dynamics and success. The first group of VIPS included the following: ALGEBRA I: Alicia Mitchell-Love, Tanner Stark, Jed Davidson, and Tyler Townsend; Caleb White, Katie Sawyer, and Emily Compton ANIMATION AND VISUAL EFFECTS: Best Video: Henry Thompson, Stephen Hall, Joey Franklin and Alexis White; Best Audio: Britt Manning, Shelton Wooley, Melinda Martin, Michael Tolar, and Darby Rowland; Best Ad: Treigh Allen, Mary-Hollis Graham, Andrea Long,and Jeffrey Early BIOLOGY: Anna Claire Wyatt and Jack Lindsey; Josh Chrisman, Ryan Dooley, Jamarius Washington, and Daniel Kimrey; Aranaye Clay, Caleb White, Sam McIntire, and Charis Kennedy GEOMETRY: Jonathan Craig, Brianna Worley, and Erick Huynh GLOBAL STUDIES: Kristen Clark, JaMari Harris, Dusty Thomas, Jamarious Washington, Jermiran Spivey and Michael Tolar; Lillie Perry, Tray Brown, and Nate Perry; Jonathan Craig, Josh Chrisman, Montrel Davis, and Thristan Cecil Congratulations to these outstanding students and their impressive work. The New Tech @ Ruston staff looks forward to the continued growth and development of the student body and the ongoing progress each will make in producing excellent work worthy of recognition. Keep reaching higher! A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School Resume’s Reminders October 21, 2010 Ruston High School Online Training for Students and Teachers submitted by Samantha Wilson Ruston High Resume’ Staff BUY YOUR 2010-2011 NOW! Pre-order sales for this year‘s yearbook are available for $40 in Mrs. Strickler‘s room, 208. The 2009-2010 yearbooks are still available for $45 dollars. SENIORS! Reserve a spot in your senior yearbook today! Stop by Mrs. Strickler‘s room or ask a staff member about purchasing an ad as a senior to be placed in the 2010-2011 yearbooks. Last but not least, support your RHS Resume‘ by purchasing baked goods for the Halloween bake sale on 27th, 28th , 29th. Thank you for your continued support! Website: Students' User ID is firstnamelastname and the password is password. LOGIN EXAMPLE:Randy Foster would be randyfoster and password. Click CONTINUE to access online courses such as: "What Students Need to Know About the Internet," Web 2.0 Tools, and Microsoft Office Training. If questions, please email Debbie Pender or call her at (255-1430). Page 6 Rotary Club Winners by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter Congratulations to the September 2010, Rotary Club Winners! To qualify as a RHS Rotary Club Winner, you must be a senior with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and be an officer or a member of at least one RHS club or organization. September‘s Rotary Club Winners are Elizabeth Sawyer and Valerie Wheat. Congratulations to both girls for receiving such high honors!! Rotary Club Winners RIGOR, RELEVANCE, AND RELATIONSHIPS Month Students RUSTON HIGH SCHOOL 2009-2010 September Elizabeth Sawyer Valerie Wheat October TBA November TBA December TBA January TBA RECOGNIZED AGAIN FOR EXEMPLARY ACADEMIC GROWTH CONGRATULATIONS STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF FOR PROVING THAT RUSTON HIGH SCHOOL PROVIDES A QUALITY EDUCATION FOR A QUALITY LIFE! T Chatterbox eacher Spotlights Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Name: Kellye Ratcliff Position at RHS: 9th grade counselor Family: Wade (husband), Marley and Sydney (daughters) High school attended/year: Magnolia High School 1987 College attended/major: LA Tech Math and Speech Education, Masters in Counseling Teaching experience: 3 years at RJHS, 11 years at RHS Favorite team/sport: Arkansas Razorback Football, Bearcats all sports Favorite Quote: ―What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.‖ If you could have one wish what would it be? See all students be happy and do well Is there anything you would like the students to know about you? I love Ruston High! Pet peeve: Not treating others with respect Name: Dawna Keys Family: George (husband), Ryan, Justin, Seth, Adam, Quint (sons) Position at RHS: 10th grade counselor High school attended/year: Jonesboro– Hodge College attended/major: LA Tech, Business and Counseling Teaching experience: 21years at RHS Favorite childhood memory: Getting up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa brought Favorite team/sport: Ruston High - all sports Pet peeve: Students who do not perform to the best of their abilities! Name: Diana Humphries Pet peeve: lazy students Family: Ben (husband), Kelly, Molly, Maggie (daughters) Teaching experience: 28 years Position at RHS: 11th grade counselor High school attended/year: Ruston High School 1980 College attended/major: LA Tech English, Masters in Counseling Most embarrassing moment: I don't get embarrassed Favorite childhood memory: I had the perfect childhood with two awesome parents! Favorite team/sport: RHS Bearcats - all sports Favorite Quote: ―To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.‖ Is there anything you want the students to know about you? I want the best for my students and will do all I can to help them. Name: Kay White Family: Russell White (husband), Jon and Graham (sons) Position at RHS: 12th grade counselor High School attended/year: Natchitoches Central High School– 1983 College attended/ major: LA Tech Bachelor‘s of Science, Business Education Major, Minor English, Master of Arts: Secondary School Counseling Teaching experience: 11 years at RHS, 9 years at Louisiana Technical College Favorite team/sport: Supports all Bearcat teams! Favorite quote: The most wasted day of all is that on which you have not laughed. Pet peeve: Whining Name: Jan Martin Family: Stanton (husband), 2 children, 1 grandchild, and 3 dogs Position at RHS: Guidance Secretary High school attended/year: Ruston High School 1978 College attended/major: LA Tech, Business Teaching experience: 15 years Favorite childhood memory: Going to the beach in the summer Favorite team/sport: RHS all sports! Page 7 T Chatterbox eacher Spotlights Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 8 Name: Walter Moss Family: Michee (wife) and two kids Position at RHS: Band Director High school attended/year: Ouachita High School back before Super Wal-Marts College attended/major: LA Tech - music, ULM - Masters Teaching experience: 18 years at RHS Favorite childhood memory: I was never a child Favorite quote: ―In God we trust… all others pay cash.‖ Name: Rebecca Strickler Pet peeve: Lying, cheating, and stealing Family: Jay (husband), Chris, Anna (children), Dan, Chris, Michael (step kids) Position at RHS: Art 1 Clubs/organizations advised: Art Club, Yearbook (Resume‘) High school attended/year: Homer High School 1983 College attended/major: LA Tech, Art Education Teaching experience: 7 years Most embarrassing moment: While in a European art museum, I hooked arms with a man who I thought was my husband, but wasn't! Favorite childhood memory: Traveling with my family in my dad‘s plane Favorite team/sport: New Orleans Saints… Who Dat!! Name: Mindy L. Martin Pet peeve: When people say ―at‖ at the end of a sentence! Family: My dog Jasper Teaching experience: 7 years Position at RHS: Choir and piano Favorite team/sport: Ruston High School Bearcats! High school attended/year: Vanderbilt Catholic High School 2004 College attended/major: LA Tech, Bachelor in Music Education Most embarrassing moment: I fell backwards in a chair while teaching and a student caught me. Favorite childhood memory: All the camping/ hiking trips in the mountains with my dad Favorite Quote: ―Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors.‖ -Ludwig van Beethoven If you had one wish it would be? Unlimited funds for traveling Is there anything you would like the students to know about you? It would be great if I said ‗I‘m tone deaf.‖ Cats and Dawgs in Harmony by Emily Moore Arts Reporter LA Tech Bulldogs and Ruston High Bearcats make our union stronger through music. October 8, 2010, the Tech drum line came to Ruston High during second period to speak with the Bearcat drummers. There were even some Ruston High Alumni in the Tech band! The Ruston drum line took away with it some great new techniques. Senior Matthew Sanders, a snare drummer, said, ―It was AWESOME!‖ Another snare drummer, senior Bradlee Martin, shared Matthew‘s enthusiasm saying, ―It was COOL!‖ Junior and first bass drum, Ora Cater, answered, ―It was nice and there was one cute guy.‖ Most all percussionists stated that it was a good experience. On Saturday, October 9, Ruston High‘s band, along with other local high school bands, joined at the Tech stadium. Band members from Sterlington, Neville, Rayne, and others joined the Tech band in playing ―America the Beautiful‖ on the field at half time. The Tech drum line joined forces again with the Bearcat band again on October 13, 2010, at Tech‘s band room. With all of the time these two Ruston school bands are spending together, there is no question that the Cats and Dawgs are most certainly singing and playing in harmony. E Chatterbox ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 9 Students Talk SACS by Jocria Thompson Social Reporter On Wednesday October 5th, the students at Ruston High were told that there were many important people visiting our school and that they were from SACS. The visitors would be touring our school, interviewing students, and observing classes. Despite the significance of this visit, many students at Ruston High School have no idea what SACS is. SACS is an acronym for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It is an organization developed to determine if a state‘s school systems, including public and private schools, are accredited. We asked one of the students interviewed by SACS, Fre‘Drecia Payne, how it felt to get chosen. She told Chatterbox, ―It felt good when I got chosen to be interviewed. It felt like all of my hard work in school paid off. To me, it was an honor to be chosen to represent Ruston High School at an important time.‖ We also asked her if there was anything she would like to tell RHS students about SACS. She told us, ―SACS is very important because it shows people and other schools how great Ruston High School is. By passing, we let others know that we are capable of only the best.‖ All of the students who represented Ruston High School did a wonderful job. They represented every day kids at Ruston High. They also demonstrated that Ruston High has hard working students. We should all try our best in everything we do as we never know when we are going to be called to step up and perform. On behalf of the Ruston High School staff and students, we thank each of these students for representing our school with character and integrity. Respect Your Elders, Sonny by Lauren Townsend Asst. Editor Ruston High School goes way back, way back to the day of the dinosaurs! I‘m joking; Ruston High is just old, not pre-historic. Ruston High School was started in 1921; thus, our school has a long list of alumni that is continually growing as each year passes. Some alumni couldn‘t leave RHS, so they taught here. One you may know is Mrs. Julie Stephenson, who not only came back to Ruston but also won the Teacher of the Year award. Another SACS students interviewed relax after posing for the ―official‖ picture: (Top row, from left to right) Beau Russell, Mary Glen Lyons, Demario Mitchell, Taylor Kaufman, and John David Moore. (Bottom row, from left to right) Fre‘Drecia Payne, Jake Kyte, Neisha Sirawardane, Ashley Davison, and Cyril Nolan. teacher who was a RHS student teacher was Mr. Ruth Potts, who is now retired. Other alumni include Ruston businessman Johnny Maxwell, humanitarian Cherry Pratt Kirkpatrick, and the Physician, Scientist, and Educator, Dr. Joan Blondin. So why do alumni matter at Ruston High? Some students claim, ―It is nice being able to talk to our teachers about school, especially since they experienced the same school life and problems we are facing now. Teachers who went to Ruston High are more comfortable to talk to because they are more familiar with our school life than teachers who went to different schools.‖ Another reason could be that RHS alumni have advice they can pass down to modern-day students. The best thing about alumni is listening to their funny stories about the teenage drama they went through during high school. So respect the Elderly Bearcat because he may just know something that you could use in the future! “Situation”: Head to the Gym for Safety by Elizabeth Smith Business Manager On September 21, 2010 Ruston High was put under ―lockdown‖ because a ―situation‖ had taken place across the street. Many students on 1 st lunch shift were enjoying their lunches, and 4th hour students were wishing it was their lunch shift, when all were interrupted as students and teachers were instructed to leave their classes or their lunch, make their way to the boy‘s gym, and sit in the top sections. Many students, at first, did not know what was going on but that their ignorance soon banished due to outside ―sources‖ (their cell phones). Students and teachers reactions to this new and very different kind of ―lockdown‖ were witnessed by all those in attendance. Some students began to panic but many others just did not care; they were happy to be out of class. Also, while waiting to be informed, out of excitement and boredom students began to randomly clap and do ―the wave‖. This took place for several minutes until Mr. Milstead came out and said, there was a ―situation‖ across the street and that Ruston was taking an extra precaution, because they did not know what the man had or if he might decide to reap havoc onto the school. Thus, this is why students had to go the gym and miss 4th hour. After Mr. Milstead‘s announcement, 1st lunch went to class and 2nd lunch went on to lunch, because the situation was over. Ruston High was safe once more! E Chatterbox ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School Neville Never! Ruston Forever! October 21, 2010 Page 10 by Gray Taylor Graphics Designer Crime Rates by Shamario Daniel Club Reporter Have you ever wondered why crime rates have gone up? I think I know one reason on why it has increased. I think the crime rate has gone up because many people don‘t have anyone to look up to or rely on during their time of need. As such, we should open up to those in need. Just as important, people need to take responsibility for their own actions and be held accountable at all ages. A Rayville police officer was shot and killed during a burglary call. An officer in Ruston was shot while answering a call at a local repair shop; he now faces a long recovery time after being in critical condition. It seems we hear more everyday about increasing crime rates. Police officers are very important and people should treat them with more respect. I had two family members who were policemen who were killed, and I have two family members who are in the force now. Instead of blaming crime on lack of police enforcement, let‘s remember that police officers can do just so much. Reducing crime rates requires the police to enforce the laws, but even more, it requires that people accept responsibility for their actions. We all need to do what we can to help. Yoplait; For Each Lid YOU Can Make a Difference by Lauren Townsend Asst. News Editor You scream, I scream; we all scream for… YOGURT? Not only is yogurt a healthy, delightful treat for all, but it is also a hero to breast cancer patients. Yoplait® is collecting its lids not to recycle but to donate 10 cents to Susan G. Koman for the Cure® for each lid sent in. Each year Yoplait® asks yogurt lovers to send in the tops by December 21st in order to donate a guaranteed sum of $500,000.00; right now the amount donated is up to $1.6 million! Every lid is a step toward saving a life from breast cancer. Yoplait® isn‘t just donating to any cancer cause organization; Susan G. Koman for the Cure® has a story and a purpose. Susan G. Koman was a woman who had love, friendship, and unfortunately, breast cancer. Even though she was diagnosed with this dreadful illness, she did not give in to grief; she became a fighter. Throughout her sickness, she worked on ideas on how she could help fellow breast cancer patients cope and fight against the disease. She never did give up, even towards the end of her life. Even though she did not entirely defeat breast cancer, she did leave behind hope and the will to keep on fighting for all patients; her legacy and war on breast cancer is now carried on by her sister, Yoplait®, and fellow warriors against the disease. So what can you do to save a life? It is a very simple process that anyone can do. First, you go to any store in your area that sells Yoplait ® products, such as Yoplait® Original or Light yogurt. Next, grab a spoon and chow down on your delectable, healthy treat. Finally, follow these three easy steps: save, rinse, and mail to Yoplait®. For every lid you send in, Yoplait® donates 10 cents to Susan G. Koman for the Cure® to help women with breast cancer. Who knew that you could help save lives by just eating yogurt? E ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School Chatterbox October 21, 2010 Page 11 Should Flash Drives be Allowed at School? by Whitney Durrett Photographer Almost every student at Ruston High School uses a USB Flash Drive. The most popular brands used are SanDisk Cruzer, HP v100w, Kingston Datatraveler, LaCieiamakey, and Transcend JetFlash. The great thing about flash drives is that they are light-weight! You can take them anywhere and they weigh practically nothing. Another positive thing about them is that they are removable. You can get data off of the computer and transfer that info to other computers very easily! They also hold large amounts of data. Flash drives range from 1 GB to 64 GB in capacity. Even though there are many positive points to flash drives there are also many negative points to them. They can carry and spread viruses from computer to computer. If you save a virus- infected file onto your flash drive, it can infect your drive and the next computer you plug it up to. The virus can hide folders previously saved to the drive and virus application files will appear as your other files. Ruston High allows and some classes require flash drives for classes and assignments. If the files students save onto the drives can infect the school‘s computers, why are they allowed and sometimes required for classes? If the students are cautious about what they put on their flash drives the computers at RHS should be safe from viruses transported by flash drives! I Feel Like a Monster by Emily Moore Arts Reporter Red Bulls, Monsters, Amps, Rockstars, Full Throttle, and Nos; the list goes on. Energy drinks have become very popular among teenagers and young adults, but what effect do these drinks have on consumers? Studies show that drinking one a day may not be so harmful, but drinking more than one could be dangerous. A sixteen oz. can of Full Throttle contains 144 mg of caffeine and 58 g of sugar; that‘s not the worst one. Many teens drink energy drinks to make up for lost sleep, leaving them cranky and exhausted when the energy wears off. Some athletes actually drink energy drinks before a game, which can have the most dangerous effect. The way energy drinks work, they cause the heart to beat faster, which pumps more blood. Running and being active does the same thing. Combined, these two can have lasting effects. When combined, the heart beats twice as fast as it beats when active. Energy drinks may taste good and leave you feeling energized, but are they safe? As long as the consumer controls his consumption, it shouldn‘t have many bad side effects. The three factors to watch when deciding to drink an energy drink are: 1.) How much sleep is lacking 2.) What physical activity is going to be done 3.) Condition of health. Beware of energy drinks! How to Survive in the Halls of Ruston High by Patricia Duhart and Jocria Thompson Social Reporters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You have to get to know your teachers. You have to be on time to class. You have to get to know your counselor. You have to have a positive attitude. Stand in your place, not someone else‘s. Do not be in everyone‗s business; that can cost you a trip to jail. Join a club and be active. Instead of just looking at your homework, do it. Try not to get so far behind because it will kick you in the behind. The most important tip is to have fun and get in the school spirit. E ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Chatterbox Page 12 Shout Out: Chatterbox Staff and Sponsors by Stephany Arias Senior Reporter This year, we feel that Chatterbox is the best it has ever been!!!! This is due to our hard working staff, guest faculty and student writers, our adviser, advertisers, and our great sponsors who have made this paper a success. If it were not for their hard work, Chatterbox would not be nearly as diverse and appealing. Getting this paper in each of our students‘ hands takes a great amount of time and hard work from each of our staff members, but it also takes a large amount of money to get it printed. As such, we are sending out our love and a big ―Shout Out‖ to each of our sponsors. Chatterbox is simply the best, and without them it would not be possible. Our current Platinum Level Sponsors for the 2010-2011 Chatterbox sponsors are Mark Bartlett,LLC; First National Bank, The Ruston High School Alumni Association, and the Garrett Foundation. Our Gold Level sponsor is Ruston High‘s own Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Chapter 617. Our Silver Level sponsors include the Lincoln Parish Sheriff Office, the RHS Business Dept, and our adviser and his wife, Lloyd and Christy Bruner. “Fallen” into This Book by Emily Moore Arts Reporter Fallen by Lauren Kate is a wicked awesome story. This book will blow others in the teen fiction genre out of the water. The fictitious creatures in this story are not so fictitious. In this book, angels, whom many people believe in, make for a more realistic adventure. As a forbidden love more memorable than Romeo and Juliet, it has a way sick plotline and some seriously rad action that makes this book a five star and soon to be best-seller. Film industries have already started plans to turn this gripping novel into a major motion picture and there is no question why. Luce Price is a teenager with a heavy burden trailing her to the boarding school she‘s sent to. Sword and Cross is a reform school for troubled teens that introduces a whole new world to Luce; it is a world where fiction becomes reality. Nonetheless, this isn‘t the Twilight series; there are no werewolves or vampires. However, Luce does have her own ―Edward‖ and ―Jacob‖ to deal with in the form of Daniel and Cam. Daniel makes clear that he isn‘t interested but Luce is sure there‘s something there. Cam appears perfect and he‘s available, and Luce is interested, but her connection with Daniel always comes between them. Something seems strange at Sword and Cross and Luce starts to wonder if there is something wrong with her. What she doesn‘t know is that there‘s a battle for her heart brewing, as well as a much more significant battle unseen by humans. Some notable characters appear and bring with them some unforeseen twists. People Luce swore she could trust betray her and her avowed enemy is actually on her side. Fallen leaves readers in high anticipation for the sequel Torment. This book is a MUST read and it simply cannot be missed. Beauty is Pain Obsession by Jocria Thompson Social Reporter by Shamario Daniel Club Reporter Beauty is pain when you have to wake up every morning, Beauty is pain when you do not know how to do your hair, Beauty is pain when you cannot find anything to wear, Beauty is pain when you have ten minutes left, Beauty is pain when your mom is shouting at you to get on the bus, Beauty is pain when have no jewelry on your body, What is beauty to me? Beauty is when you have an hour to get dressed, Beauty is when you can find that perfect outfit for that perfect date, Beauty is when you have just enough time to put on that beautiful make-up, And beauty is when your date tells you ―Honey, you look absolutely beautiful.‖ Obsession is something that makes you want to cry Like drinking hot tea without any ice It makes you want to holler like a toddler without his mama Obsession is almost like a disease And sometimes makes you want to fall to your knees I wonder how bad it feels but sometimes the thought moves you like a wheel Obsession couldn‘t get any more worse Than an annoying four year old little brother If you don‘t‘ know how this thing called obsession feels You should go run through an open field Obsession is something serious don‘t let it catch you Or else it won‘t let you go, and that‘s a promise. E ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Chatterbox Page 13 So You Think You Can Dance? by Patricia Duhart Social Reporter There was a lot of dancing at the RHS Homecoming Dance on September 25, 2010, held at the LA Tech Student Center. The band, Heavens to Betsy, kept the night rolling by playing familiar and entertaining songs despite the persisting electrical shortages. Everyone made their enjoyment known by singing along and dancing to almost all the songs. It wasn‘t just the music that made this Dancing through Life: the Emerald City of the Wizard of Oz themed dance a success and the night one to remember. The Ruston High Keywanettes and Art classes provided astounding decorations. Their backdrop was captured by Photographer Tim Garlington, with Portraits Plus in Ruston. A special thanks goes to all of those who put hard work into making this year‘s Homecoming one of the best yet! Heavens To Betsy performs for RHS‘ Homecoming. DRIVER’S EDUCATION • 6 – Hour Pre-Licensing Class • Course is State Approved • Must be 17 or older • Cost: Only $30 For information, call: 251-1234 submitted by Rachel Huckaby S Chatterbox ervice and Social Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 14 Key Club submitted by Mrs. Wages Key Club Sponsor Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. Our RHS Key Club is composed of sophomores, juniors, and seniors nominated by their teachers and is sponsored by the Ruston Noon Kiwanis Club. Throughout the year, we will complete service projects to benefit children locally, nationally, and globally. Our first service initiative this year is Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. This is Key Club's 60th anniversary to assist UNICEF in fundraising to benefit children across the globe. When you see a Key Club member with their UNICEF donation box, please give to support this worthy cause. Funds will benefit Operation Uruguay to provide support to the Mandalavos Center. This center provides teens in Uruguay with education and health services. In honor of the 60th anniversary, help our Key Club reach its goal of collecting $600! KOM October Focus: Goal-Setting submitted by Aaron Boersma Senior KOM Council Member The month of October has been about goal setting for our mentors and their freshmen. But, what is this whole goal setting thing anyway? When our mentors met with their mentees earlier in the month, freshmen all set goals to span throughout the year for different things that are going on. Now, we are not talking ―who can prank the teachers the most‖ kind of goals. We are talking about setting real goals that not only will help you in school but will also help you in everyday life as well. These could be things like not having any C‘s on your report card, making all A‘s, or maybe not having a tardy for the nine weeks. By setting goals like these we commit to working towards something greater. Goal-setting can be one of the most important steps towards a successful high school career. So whether you‘re a freshmen or a senior, I would encourage you to take aim and set goals. Who knows where it might lead you? What is PYPM? submitted by Prenicia Gant PYPM Member Did you know that the brain is the boss of your body? Well, if you didn‘t know, now you do; that is exactly what 1st grade students of Ruston Elementary School have recently learned. This science lesson is the first of eight lessons to be taught by the student teachers of PYPM. Student teachers taught this particular brain lesson through stories read with great emotion, rhymes, raps, and cheers to emphasize the brain‘s importance and how it needs ―extra protection‖. The young ladies who participate in PYPM include: Vanessa Cano, Prenicia Gant, Margarita Hernandez, Morgan LaPraire, Lauren Slaughter, Morgan Stanley, and Brittany White. These students work to put children on a path that will lead them to live alcohol, tobacco, and drug free lives. Bearcats Plant Pansies by Amy Gibson Clubs Reporter Looking for the perfect flowers for winter? Look no more! Ms. S. Griffin and her Biology 2 Plant Science class are growing a variety of pansies, dianthus, and snapdragons. The colors of these beautiful flowers range from red, white, blue, and yellow. The flowers planted by Ms. Griffin‘s class are all the way from Colorado, and were planted on September 15th. Pansies, dianthus, and snapdragons are good for looks and thrive best during cool weather. ―Pansies do better when planted while the weather is cool, around the end of October, and during the course of November.‖-S. Griffin. Once the flowers are ready, Ms. Griffin and her class plan to plant some of the pansies in the flowerbed under the flagpole. If you would like to see the flowers, Ms. Griffin suggests that once they've finished their project, you come on down to the greenhouse and take a look. Preparing the Pansies! C Chatterbox lubs/Organizations Ruston High School FFA Forestry Qualifies for State Competition submitted by Robert Gilbert FFA Reporter The Ruston FFA chapter has been training hard for the annual Forestry competitions. With the first competition approaching, the team put in many hours of hard work. For a practice event the team entered Zwolle's invitational competition. With over 70 teams present, Ruston wanted to make a good showing. Though it was just a practice competition, Ruston did well by taking ninth place. Now the team had to look toward District. Working hard to get better in their performance, Ruston went off campus for some practice. Also the team brought in the help of a friend, Toby Hammons, an actual forester, to help teach and give advice. When District competition finally arrived Ruston went down to Caney Lake in Jackson Parish to compete with 11 other local schools in our District. After the three hour competition Ruston came away with District Runnerup. Also two students were awarded high individual awards for the day: Layton Richard in Map Reading and Savannah Best in Sawlogs. After District the team looked to the first qualifying competition at Area. This competition was held at Louisiana Tech University where two of Ruston's teams participated. The Blue team consisted of Savannah Best, Will Edmiston, Zach Hannibal, and Layton Richard. The Gold team was Chris Calhoun, Travis Morrow, Daniel Kimrey, and Dusty Thomas. Again Ruston did well winning third and fifth places. This ranking qualified the teams for State competition on November 3, 2010. Also Layton Richard was named High Individual in Pulpwood. Good luck to both teams at State! October 21, 2010 Page 15 4-H Club Reminders submitted by Mrs. Thomason Club Advisor November Club Meeting: Don’t forget our next 4-H Meeting is on Thursday, November 4th during Advisory. Enrollment Forms: 4-H Members, if you have not turned in an enrollment form to Mrs. Thomason or Mrs. Tinsley, please do so. These forms let us know your chosen project area and how to contact you. This form also must be signed by a parent. We need to have these forms ready to submit at our meeting next week so that you can get your project book as soon as possible. If you have misplaced your form or need a new one, please come see Mrs. Thomason (Rm 307) or Mrs. Tinsley (Rm 332) to get a new one. Bulletin Board: Near Mrs. Tinsley‘s room on the 3rd floor is the 4-H Club Bulletin Board. For 4-H news and upcoming events, please take a look here. Also, at the beginning of each month, a new Clover Chat is placed on the bulletin board so you can plan for the month‘s events. Jr. Leader Meeting: Would you like to get more involved with the 4-H Club? The 4-H Jr. Leaders, known as Sigma Lambda Chi, meet once a month at various locations around town with high school students from other clubs in our parish and the 4-H agents. These students help plan and participate in parish 4-H events in our area. The next Jr. Leader Meeting is November 8 th. 4-H Year at a Glance Calendar OCTOBER 2010 21- Nov.7- State Fair of Louisiana 23 – State Fair Talent Show/Quiz Bowls 27- State Fair Livestock Sale 30 – Club Officer Training TBA – Volunteer Leader Training NOVEMBER 2010 3-5- AgMagic 8 – State Fair Items Pick-Up Junior Leader Meeting 13 – LSU Football Game 25-26 Thanksgiving Holidays (See our bulletin board for the rest of the 4-H calendar) See You at the Pole by Whitney Durrett Photographer 2010 District II Runner-up Forestry Team Standing (from left to right): Savannah Best, Antonio Wilson (State Vice President), Adam Bryant, Layton Richard, Haley Grey, Will Edmiston, Zach Hannibal, and Travis Morrow. Kneeling: Daniel Kimrey, Dusty Thomas, Robert Gilbert, Chris Calhoun, Jacques Mathews. Advisors/Coaches: Mr. Mark Milstead (left), Mr. James Sandifer (right) ―See You at the Pole‖ is a nationwide gathering in which students from schools across the nation gather at their school‘s flagpole and pray for their school. Many students at Ruston High attended ―See You at the Pole‖ in the front of the school on Wednesday, September 22 at 7 A.M. to pray for the school and the students in it. ―See You at the Pole‖ was lead by FCA and the student leaders of this club. Over thirty students gathered around the flag pole sang Christian songs, prayed as a group, and then broke up into small groups to pray about unsaved students and other things within the school. C lubs/Organizations Ruston High School FBLA Officers Attend 5th Annual Marbury Lecture Series submitted by Jared Spiller FBLA Reporter On September 28, 2010, Cedar Creek School hosted the fifth annual Marbury Lecture Series. Once again, the officers of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) had the privilege of attending. This lecture series was founded in 2006 and takes its name from William Ardis Marbury, Jr. and his wife Virginia. Both Marbury and his wife graduated from Louisiana Tech and went on to start William A. Marbury and Company, Inc.; an insurance agency. At its peak, this company was the largest insurance agency in the state of Louisiana. Commercial Union bought the company in the 1950‘s, and in that same decade, Marbury founded Bankers Life of Louisiana, a credit life insurance writer. Both of these companies are still thriving in Ruston. The purpose of this lecture series is to honor the Marburys‘ significant contributions to the Ruston community and to present an opportunity for citizens to hear a lecture on the business ethics that the Marburys‘ applied to their everyday lives. The speaker for the 5th annual Marbury Lecture was Mr. Bobby J. Conville, Jr. Mr. Conville is the Vice President of Investments at Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. Mr. Conville reminded the audience that you should always be ethical whether the situation is business or life. He also explained how to decide if something was ethical or not, and informed listeners that your conscience was your best moral compass and that you should always follow it. In line with his beliefs, he also warned students that if they decided not to follow their moral compass, karma would eventually catch up with them. Mr. Conville‘s speech was very interesting and informative. Ruston High FBLA officers appreciate and send a special thanks to Cedar Creek for the invitation. October 21, 2010 Chatterbox Page 16 FBLA Chapter 617 Aims for Orlando submitted by Amber Brown FBLA Vice-President Last year, Chapter 617 of Ruston High‘s FBLA captured seven State Championships and qualified twenty-seven members for Nationals, far passing any other chapter in the state. This year, members are already preparing to repeat that success as they aim for Orlando, location of the National Leadership Conference next summer. With the bar set higher every year for RHS, members will have to start early and practice often to repeat as top dog, or should I say, Top Cat! For the first time, RHS will place members into all four of the top individual honors competition. Brittany White will represent RHS for the Richard D. Clanton Memorial Scholarship; Natasha Alva will compete for Who‘s Who in FBLA for Louisiana; Jared Spiller will test and interview for Mr. FBL; and Amber Brown will test and interview for Ms. FBL. Winning any of these events will be tough as RHS tries to break into areas respectively won by more established FBLA chapters in the state with years of experience in these events. However, each of these represents our best chances yet. In addition to competing for Mr. FBL, Jared Spiller will also be running for District Vice-President, hoping to bring RHS a state office for the first time in about six years. This year, Chapter 617 has a record membership of 165. Most of these members are busy trying to decide on the event that they think will lead them to district and state championship, from individual to team events. Chapter officers are putting their teams together for chapter projects and working hard on their Business Achievement Awards (BAA). With the largest group of our members being freshman students, many chapters around the state are probably assuming (and hoping) that this is a rebuilding year for us after last year‘s success. Only time will tell, but the word on the street (well, Room 318), is that this year may be the best year yet. Chapter 617 aims for Orlando this academic year, and after state, hopes to have many members say the same thing that the Super Bowl Champion Saints said last year: ―We‘re going to Disney World‖. This message brought to you by New Tech @ Ruston C Chatterbox lubs/Organizations Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 17 FBLA Prepares for Annual “Hot Halloween Happenings” submitted by Lloyd R. Bruner FBLA Adviser It‘s that time of year again – time for fire safety fun at Hot Halloween Happenings, brought to the public by the Ruston Fire Department with assistance from Ruston High School FBLA, Chapter 617! As has been the case for the past four years, FBLA members from Ruston High School will work with Mr. Eric Brazzel and Ruston‘s finest firemen to promote fire safety while entertaining the public. Last year, attendance was estimated at over 600 kids, and this year‘s numbers are expected to be even more. The event kicks off at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 30, 2010, at the Ruston Fire Department located on 920 E. Georgia Avenue. There will be twelve game booths set up to entertain the kids, where FBLA members will encourage the kids to think fire safety as they play and win candy. Games include coloring, tossing games, an obstacle course, and even a smoke trailer. Fire trucks and equipment will be on display, and there may even be an opportunity for some visitors to ascend to the skies in the ladder truck. Starting around 11:30 a.m., hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be served in the Firehouse Café, prepared by the firemen and served by FBLA members. The games and fun will last until about 1:00 p.m. Best of all – everything is free! The Ruston Fire Department and FBLA encourage everyone to take a few hours Saturday and come enjoy some family fun while learning about fire safety. Bring your cameras - Sparky will be there! (Rumor is that Batman will be there too!) What is PCI? by Shamario Daniel Club Reporter Do you know what PCI is? PCI is a club also known as Pre College Initiative. PCI was started by the Louisiana Tech NSBE Club to equip and encourage students into going to college. The PCI club meets once a week to work on community service activities, fun engineering competitions, and personal growth activities. PCI‘s first meeting was Tuesday, October 5 th, in the girl‘s gym. At the after school meeting, students in PCI participated in a boat building competition. Diamond Melton was one of the members who won the competition with a boat that held eleven bottles of finger nail polish. Congratulations to Diamond Melton. T Chatterbox he Arts Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 18 Muffins and Music by Emily Moore Arts Reporter The Ruston High Bearcat Choir is busy as always preparing for upcoming events. They are getting ready for their annual ―Coffee and Carols‖. They are also practicing for this upcoming year‘s events. The annual ―Bearcats on Broadway‖ is in the making. In addition, the most exciting event coming up is their trip to Europe at the end of the year. But how are they preparing? Besides practicing and organizing and preparing, they can be found every morning in front of the auditorium entrance. Their coffee cart sells coffee, cappuccinos, and hot chocolate. They also have yummy banana nut, blueberry, and chocolate chip muffins. Honey buns, fruit chews, rice crispy treats, and other snacks are available every morning before the first bell. The choir did a beautiful job on their performance at the Homecoming assembly. They gave all people attending just a little taste of what they‘ve got in the making. There‘s no doubt that they have left people excited and ready for upcoming choir performances. Beginning Band by Emily Moore Arts Reporter If you read ―What is Band?‖ in the September edition of the Chatterbox, you were enlightened on what the Ruston High School Band really does. This month, it is the beginning band‘s turn to be in the spotlight. Band members can always be seen practicing in the field, jamming out at the pep-rallies, and making spirit at the games. But where are the beginning band members? This year, Mr. Moss and Mr. Wood have recruited several new people for the beginning band. With three freshmen and a junior baritone, three freshmen tubas, a freshman saxophone, and a sophomore percussionist, the Ruston High Band will be set for next three years. Beginning Band is a great course for any year. Even as beginners, players are accepted into the band family. On home game days, beginners have several jobs to do. ―Manual Labor Friday‖ is the name for game days. Beginners arrive at class, grab the coolers, and head to the ice machine. They fill them up with ice then load them in the truck. Beginning Band members arrive at the school around 5:00 p.m. along with the band. Members have their own uniforms, which is a red polo tucked into blue jeans with a belt. Beginners march in with the band and help unload the instruments that can‘t be carried, then help to load them up afterwards. Beginning Band is a fun class to take. No one is refused and there is plenty of room. Learning an instrument is a good opportunity and can be done as credit! Art Club submitted by Mrs. Strickler Art Teacher Art Club is finally getting kicked off! Sponsors Ms. Ashworth and Mrs. Strickler have planned a school year of rewarding service projects for members to be involved with that will benefit the school as well as the community. Our first activity has already begun; members have been volunteering to face paint at the home football games. Students of all ages have been visiting our booth and leaving with a design and a smile on their faces! Work days are taking place so that the Art Club can create their big fundraising project…our ―paw print‖ ornaments! Last year‘s red and white paws will have a new look for the 2010-11 school year. Be watching for these to be on sale soon. They make great Christmas gifts for teachers, friends, and even one‘s self! There will also be some with Sr. ‘11 on them that would make nice gifts for those deserving graduates. Members are in the process of choosing their officers who will lead, delegate, and keep us all organized. Stay tuned for more news about our awesome club, and remember, ―If you don't create change, change will create you‖. We have all your instrument needs at Piney Hills Music!! 214 N. Trenton Street 232-3002 S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 19 Name: Trimeche ―Meche‖ Raymond Age:17 Family: Breisha, Tori, Alexis, Tevin, Vee, and Ja Favorite... Subject: Prostart 1 and 2 Movie: Life Animal: Lions (I am a Leo) Color: Black Book/Magazine: Tears of a Tiger Most embarrassing moment: Falling down the stairs sophomore year (two times) What do you like best about RHS: Some of the teachers & the school spirit Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FBLA, BUMS, and COE College plans: BPCC for Culinary Arts and then Culinary school Your hero: Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Hammons Name: Matthew Manning Age:17 Family: Mom, Dad, sister Favorites… Subject: 6th hour Movie: Hangover Animal: Don‘t like animals Color: red Book/Magazine: Ruston Daily Leader Quote: ―Grab a root and growl!‖ -Coach Frasier Most embarrassing moment: Ha! Next question. What do you like best about RHS: Sports Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football and Baseball/FBLA :) College plans: LA Tech Your hero: Superman Name: Beau ―The President‖ Russell Age:18 Family: Skip & Carolyn, 3 sisters, 2 brothers (biological) Many more nonbiological Favorites… Subject: Meow Movie: Heavyweights Animal: Seanosorous Color: Red Book/Magazine: Bible...duh oh and Chatterbox :) Quote: ―Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer & petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts & your minds, in Christ Jesus.‖ Philippians 4:1-7 Most embarrassing moment: Anything Garrett Warren does in public. What do you like best about RHS: All 1,111 students Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football, Student Council, FCA, FFA, LYFE College plans: Northwestern State/ SMU; Business Entrepreneurship Your hero: Skip Russell and Diana Humphries Name: Joshua Mayfield (R.I.O.T, Da Truth) Age: ―Age ain‘t nothing‘ but a number‖ Family: Everybody who loves God & Da‘ Truth Favorites… Subject: English Movie: Prince of Persia Animal: Double dragons do exist- I‘ve seen one Color: White/gold Quote: ―Whatever‘s done in the dark comes to the light‖ Most embarrassing moment: ONLY when the truth hurts What do you like best about RHS: School spirit and the whole staff body Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Ruston High counts right?? LOL College plans: LA Tech majoring in Criminal Justice Name: Reghan Lopez Age: 17 Family: Kim (Mom), Paul (Dad), Kendall (sister), Jack, Bella, and Chica (dogs) Favorites… Subject: Algebra Movie: Top Gun Animal: Dog Color: Pink Book/Magazine: All the Twilight books Quote: ―Friends are Angels who lift us to our feet when we have trouble remembering how to fly‖ Most embarrassing moment: Tripping up the stairs What do you like best about RHS: School spirit Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Cheerleading, Key Club, KOM, FCA College plans: LA Tech/ Marketing Your hero: Mama (my Grandma) S enior Spotlights Ruston High School Chatterbox October 21, 2010 Name: Ladarius Maxwell (Dre) Age:19 Family: Shellt Maxwell Favorite… Subject: English Movie: How High Animal: Dog Color: Red Book/Magazine: Holes Quote: ―It‘s not about how hard you can hit; it‘s about how hard you can get hit.‖ Most embarrassing moment: When Isacic was chasing me and I fell down the stairs and rolled down most of the stairs. What do you like best about RHS: Pep rallies Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football & FCA College plans: Southern, major in Business Your hero: God & Mother Name: Demetrius Mays (D-Mays, Flomatic) Age:17 Family: Latana (Mom), Desmond, Joshua, Justus (brothers), Jaszmine, Na, Latanisia (sisters) Favorite… Subject: Band Movie: Love & Basketball Animal: White tiger Color: Blue Book/Magazine: Only read when I have too Quote: ―What‘s good‖ Most embarrassing moment: Throwing up all over Cypress Springs What do you like best about RHS: My black ID Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Band G, and that‘s not for Geek College plans: Army Your hero: God and Mother Name: Amanda Dunn Age:17 1/2 Family: Claudine (Mom), Eric (older brother) Favorites… Subject: German Movie: Final Fantasy 7: Advert Children Animal: Pandas Color: Green Book/Magazine: The Book Thief Quote: ―I will cut you! ...with my brain‖ –Garrett Mills Most embarrassing moment: I don‘t have one What do you like best about RHS: Nothing Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FBLA, German, Art College plans: Art Institute / Graphics Design Your hero: My older brother, Eric Name: Kawaii ―Kiwi‖ Murphy Age: 17 Family: Mary (Mom), Philip (brother), Phylicia (sister) Favorite… Subject: Advanced Math LOL! Movie: SALT Animal: Hamster Color: Purple! Book/Magazine: Seventeen Most embarrassing moment: Being a Freshman What do you like best about RHS: Fridays Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: 4-H, PCI, LYFE, FCA College plans: University of Illinois at Chicago (Forensics) Your hero: My Grandmother Name: Danielle McCoy/ Danibaby Age:17 Family: Lounita McCoy (Mom), Alexandria Osborne, Jade Hardy, Samantha Wilson (sisters) Favorite… Subject: Math Movie: Friday Animal: Dog Color: Red Quote: ―If you always do what you always do, then don‘t be mad when you always get the same results‖ -Bartlett‘s Poster Most embarrassing moment: Falling going up the stairs Frosh year. What do you like best about RHS: Athletics Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: President of FBLA, Track & Field College plans: LSU!!! Geaux Tigers; Accounting Your hero: My Mom Page 20 S enior Spotlights Ruston High School Chatterbox October 21, 2010 Name: Garrett Warren Age:17 years, 302 days, 22 hrs., 54 min., 12 sec. (as of 9/8/2010 @11:49) Family: Everybody knows Favorite… Subject: World History Movie: The Goonies Animal: Head lice or tapeworms Color: The color of the African elephant Quote: ―I play for the team on the front of the jersey not the name on the back.‖ -anonymous Most embarrassing moment: When I took the door off its hinges at school when I tried to open it . What do you like best about RHS: Would definitely say Mrs. Humphries (AKA… Mama), and Mrs. White (BFF) Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Track, FCA, LYFE, FCCLA, FFA, Football College plans: Becoming a Plumber and/or a professional speed knitter Your hero: My Grandma Name: Christian Amos Age: Withheld Family: RHS Band Favorite… Subject: Music Movie: The Core Animal: Horse Color: Orange Book/Magazine: Intune Magazine Quote: ―The best players play hurt, the losers wallow in their own self pity‖ -George N.Parks What do you like best about RHS: I will be leaving it in 7 months!! Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Band, Choir, FBLA, Chatterbox College plans: University of Louisiana at Lafayette or University of North Texas; Music/ Journalism Your hero: George N. Parks Name: Rhuye Gabrielle Primm (left) Age:17 Family: Mom, Dad, 2 half sisters Favorite… Subject: Financial Math - Mrs. Dunbar! Movie: The Hangover Animal: My barrel horse, Mia Color: Tickle Me Pink Quote: ―You did it; You fix it.‖ -RhuyeNess Most embarrassing moment: I walked into a Senior class—I was a Frosh. What do you like best about RHS: The pep rallies Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Soccer, FCA, LYFE College plans: ULM/ Nursing Your hero: John Dison Name: Kaishawn Carter (Lil Doe Boy) Age:17 Favorite… Movie: Friday Animal: White Tiger Color: Red Quote: ―How you wanna do it‖ ―Yea dat‖ ―fasho‖ Most embarrassing moment: In 6th grade I tried to jump over a rail and I didn‘t make it College plans: I want to go to Oregon or Cal. and major in Business Your hero: Obama Name: David Myree (Pun) Age:18 Family: Connie (Mom), Pops (Dad), Ebony, Jackie (sisters), Tite (brother) Favorite… Movie: Friday Animal: Dog Color: Red Quote: ―Keep your head up. Don‘t let anybody bring it down.‖ What do you like best about RHS: Football and Fridays Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football and FCA College plans: BPCC Your hero: God, Dad, Mom Page 21 S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Name: Shelby Griffith, Elba, EL, Elsy Age:17 Family: Kim (Mom), Scott (Dad), Kaysee (sister), Maggie (dog) Favorite… Subject: Spanish with Mrs. Rivera!! Movie: 13 Going on 30 Animal: Hello Kitty Color: Blue Quote: ―If you‘re not first, you‘re last!‖ -Ricky Bobby Most embarrassing moment: I don‘t get embarrassed What do you like best about RHS: I love our tradition! Everyone has their place in the Bearcat Nation Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Varsity cheer, Competition squad, FCA, FCCLA, LYFE, First Priority College plans: University of Georgia-Go Dawgs! (undecided) Your hero: My Daddy Name: Maddie Wiggins Age:18 Family: Ronnie (Dad), Carynn (Mom), Jordan (brother), Brennan (sister) Favorite… Subject: Lunch Movie: Heavyweights Animal: I‘m the animal Color: Green Book/Magazine: Outdoor Life, SI Quote: ―Never take life to serious because nobody makes it out alive anyway.‖ Most embarrassing moment: I once had one to see what it was like What do you like best about RHS: We get out early and none of you young kids will Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football, Juggling, Student Council, Jumping Jack club College plans: either MIT or Princeton, I haven‘t decided Your hero: Coach Aultman, he is the man of all men Name: Jessica Grace Age:18 Family: Dorothy Wilson (Mom), Jimmy Lee (stepdad), Bubba Jon (bro[ duh]), Jennifer (sister) Favorite… Subject: Any science but math... Movie: Ponyo! Animal: Penguins! Color: Green Book/Magazine: Lock and Key Quote: ―No man shall judge me on this earth but God on judgment day, so don‘t judge me!‖ Most embarrassing moment: I had to wear Spiderman underwear in pre-K because I peed in my pants because the teacher wouldn‘t let me go to the bathroom. What do you like best about RHS: The end of the day Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: German club and FBLA College plans: Go to Steven F. Austin/ major in Psychology/ Culinary Arts Your hero: God Name: Jeremy Robertson Age: 18 Family: Karonda (Mom), Angelica and Rachel (sisters), Josh aka chopp (brother) Favorite… Subject: Lunch Movie: Da Block Party Animal: Pit bulls Color: Red Quote: ―One Deep = Less Problems‖ Most embarrassing moment: Don‘t have a clue What do you like best about RHS: Going home early College plans: Grambling/ Business Your hero: Drew Brees Name: Shelita Collins AKA Lee-Lee Age:19 Family: Antoinette (Mom), Alozo (brother), Alonia and Shalacy (sisters), La‘Rocky (dog) Favorite… Subject: Financial Math (thanks to Mrs. Dunbar) Movie: Lottery Ticket Animal: My pet dog Color: Orange Book/Magazine: Sophisticated Black Hair Magazine (SBH) Quote: ―100% real, get wit it or get lost, go hard or go home‖ –The Collins sisters Most embarrassing moment: I asked if buffalo wings come from buffaloes in Coach Aultman‘s class Junior year What do you like best about RHS: Getting out of school earlier College plans: Get my CNA license and work from there Your hero: Jesus Page 22 S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Name: Lizzy Age:17 Family: Regina (Mom), Darrell (Dad), Ebenae, Joy, Rickesha (sisters), Christian, Matthew, Jordan (brothers) Favorite… Subject: Spanish 2 Mrs. Cazenave Movie: Takers Animal: Elephant Color: Pink Quote: ―Whatever you are, be a good one‖ Most embarrassing moment: Falling asleep at least 3 times in all of my 5th hours throughout my high school years What do you like best about RHS: The Faculty and Staff Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Track & Field & Band Your hero: My Mama, Marcie McTyer, Mkenzie Rhodes, Mercie Colvin, God, Jesus, Superman, Spiderman Name: Nakendra ―Ken‖ Foster Age:17 Family: Nikki (Mom), Tye, Kamara, Lou-Lou (sisters), Lekendrick (brother) Favorite… Subject: Lunch Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby Animal: dog Color: red Quote: ―When I started flirting with the hustle, failure became my Ex. Now I‘m engaged to the game and married to success.‖ -Lil Wayne Most embarrassing moment: I don‘t get embarrassed; everything is a joke to me! What do you like best about RHS: Sports College plans: GSU/ Nursing Your hero: Lil Wayne Name: Meagan Hammons (Meg) Age:16 Family: Morgan (sister), Donna (Mommy), David (Daddy) Favorite… Subject: Marine Biology Movie: Breakfast Club Animal: Sea turtle Color: Yellow Quote: ―That‘s what she said…‖ -Katherine Chisolm Most embarrassing moment: When I fell going to the freshman parking lot and got mud on my knees What do you like best about RHS: BEARCAT SPIRIT Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: softball, FCCLA, FCA College plans: Nicholls State/ Marine Biology Your hero: My Daddy Name: DeMarlo Carter Age:17 Family: Earl K. Spencer Sr. (Dad), Tonya (Mom), Chauncey, Earl K. Spencer Jr. Obrian (brothers), Shanta, Alexis (sisters) Favorite… Subject: Basketball Movie: Coach Carter Animal: Dog Color: Black Book/Magazine: Holes Quote: ―The difference between winning and losing is working‖ –Coach Dunbar What do you like best about RHS: You reading this! Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football and Basketball College plans: Grambling State University Your hero: Coach Bush Name: De‘Andrea Roberson Age:17 Family: Janice Middleton (Mom), Naeem, Timyreon, J‘Colby (brothers) Favorite… Subject: Civics Movie: ATL Color: Purple Book/Magazine: Chatterbox Quote: ―Let the choices you make today be the choices you can live with tomorrow‖ Most embarrassing moment: Cujo stole my shoes and I had to walk around barefoot to find him with my shoes. What do you like best about RHS: School spirit; My Senior year Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Pom Squad, Young Lawyers, German club, PCI College plans: National Guard & SSU or GSU/ major either Social Worker or Criminal Justice Your hero: God, my Mother & my Grandmother Page 23 S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 24 Name: Hunter Stafford (Caveman) Age:17 Family: Debbie (Mom), Mark (Step Dad), Chase (brother), Mallorie (sister) Favorite… Movie: The Hangover Animal: Snake Color: Orange Quote: ―Git-R-Done‖ Most embarrassing moment: I don‘t get embarrassed What do you like best about RHS: Seeing my friends Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football College plans: I have to have back surgery after I graduate but I‘m going to try to go to ULM or Tech for Wildlife Management. Your hero: My Grandpa Name: Xavier Bradford (PHAT PAT) Age: 17 Family: Yancy (brother), Bieunkah (sister) Favorite… Subject: All Movie: Scar Face Animal: Dog– name: Kilo Color: All Quote: ―Get it how you want it‖ What do you like best about RHS: Funny students Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FFA College plans: GSU Your hero: God Name: Kiyanah Taylor (Keke & Cinnamon roll) Age: 17 Family: Meshan, Shonda, Melvin, Melvin Jr., Karmen Parker Favorite… Subject: Sports medicine Movie: Blood Line Animal: Cheetah Color: Orange Book/Magazine: Seventeen Most embarrassing moment: LOL, Really.?! What do you like best about RHS: Deundre Davis Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: ROTC (9-11) & FBLA College plans: National Guard Your hero: Shonda Parker (My mom) Name: Ryan Moss (Lil‘ Moss) Age:18 Family: Bryan Moss Favorite… Subject: Math Animal: Pit Bulls Color: Blue Book/Magazine: Joke books Quote: ―I can‘t accept not trying‖ -Michael Jordan Most embarrassing moment: I almost broke my leg Freshman year during Spring training. What do you like best about RHS: All the energy Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: I play Basketball for RHS College plans: play basketball Your hero: God & Dad Name: Josh Phillips Age:17 Family: Gregg (Dad), Andrea (Mom), Sam, Jacob, Caleb (brothers) Favorite… Subject: History/ Civics Movie: Inception Animal: Binturony (it‘s a Bearcat) Color: Ruston red Book/Magazine: To Kill a Mockingbird Quote: ―Mrs. Sutton, they‘re making a sequel to 300. It‘s called 301.‖ Most embarrassing moment: When I was a freshman in a JV soccer game, I went to kick a ball and completely missed it. What do you like best about RHS: It‘s big enough to make it fun but it is still small enough so that you know most everyone. Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: LYFE, FCA, Spanish, Soccer, Debate, Football(9), Baseball(9 & 10), KOM, Water polo, Alpine Skiing College plans: Harvard or Oxford or Grambling (BNFRT) Your hero: Sydni Wilt, Mary-Kyle McDonald, and Sarah Gordon, (The Trinity) and Robbie Davenport, too. S Chatterbox tudent Center Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Ask Russell Ask the Staff submitted by Beau Russell RHS Class President by Kori Teague Guest Reporter What would you be for Halloween and why? Most people want to be something scary or ugly, well, meow that I would wanna be a billionaire so freakin bad! Buy all the things I never had, be on the cover of Forbes Magazine… JK haha. I would be Gerry the fat kid off of Heavy Weights who likes to ride go carts! What’s your favorite part of Beat Neville Week? This year it was after the game when everyone and their pet dog was out on the field. BFRT the highlight of my high school career! Thank all y‘all for coming out! And for people‘s cars who were vandalized… let the haters hate!!! Attempt at Parental Peace submitted by Victoria Wheat RHS Freshman Every normal teenager fights with their parents. It is a part of life! Though it is not admirable to argue, I and many other adolescents find it a routine thing. Whether lexical (vocal) or one of those unheard glare arguments, they leave us, emotion filled teenagers, irate, upset, and/or possibly bewildered. I know my parents confuse me often; never explaining why they say something. More than likely parents do not say, ―Because I said so‖ solely to exasperate you or leave you without an answer. I have found parents say it for one of three reasons. The first is because they know you will not understand why they feel a certain way about a situation. The second possibility is that your parents care about you and know something unsatisfactory may come from the situation being discussed; maybe they know from personal experience. The third and standard reason in my family is because your parents do not want to verbalize inappropriate content that may become a possibility. No matter what the reason you receive from your parents, it is for your own good. Do not argue or rebel, because doing one of those usually makes it worse and you end up grounded if you are me. It is up to you. Allow your parents to be your foes or let them be your friends, but do not ignore them. The outcome is consistently better with them as your friends. If they know something from personal experience, trust their answer. ―Because I said so‖ can be an impeccably logical answer. Accept it, but only because I said so. Page 25 What big events are happening around school? Around this time of the year, Bearcat Friday is always big. Many sports are preparing for their games. The competition cheer squad is preparing for their December competition. The RHS band has two marching competitions by the end of October. The Speech and Debate team has tournaments around the state on some weekends. The fall season has brought competitions for Bearcats of all sorts. So from all the staff to the competitors: good luck Bearcats! We know you can do it! Chatterbox Online: How to Get There by Amber Brown and Natasha Alva Senior Editor and News Editor Already, we are making our way towards being paperless. Some say that when teachers finally stop giving homework and tests, the world will be paperless. That stated, it‘s no surprise that many prefer we get rid of all paper altogether and make everything electronic. With the average Internet user now online around thirteen hours a week, the Internet must a great thing! It allows access to so much information and entertainment at anytime of the day. With newspapers, current information is easy to find because it is all right there on the paper. However, one may have to go back through a million papers to find one paper with the exact information or article needed. Unfortunately, stacks of newspapers do not have a search engine. These reasons are why the Chatterbox cordially provides you the school‘s monthly news on newsprint, and then a few days later, on the Internet. Now, that you know that the Chatterbox is online you also need to know how to get there. For those of you who have problems accessing it at the site listed on page 27,, we planned ahead and have another way for you to find us. Here are step by step instructions so that you can view the past editions of the Chatterbox whenever you want; all you need is Internet access. Step 1: Go to the Ruston High School website Step 2: Select ―Extracurricular Activities‖ on the red sidebar to the left Step 3: On the Extracurricular page, select ―Clubs and Organizations‖ then ―Go‖ Step 4: Select Chatterbox (it is one of the blue words on the fourth column) Step 5: Select which monthly issue of the Chatterbox you want to view If you are simply looking for the current edition of the Chatterbox, select ‗What‘s New‖ on the main page after Step 1 above. Mrs. Garrison keeps this up for us so that everyone can enjoy the Chatterbox. If you have any questions or problems, let us know. The Chatterbox reminds all students that everyone has a right to an opinion on issues. If you have an opinion and wish to write an article, the Chatterbox reminds you that all submissions are subject to staff, editor, and administrative review to ensure that the article provides information or promotes school pride, and does so without materially disrupting work, does not cause substantial disorder, or does not invade the rights of these. If you would like your article considered for submission, please email it to or turn it in in electronic format to one of our staff. Only signed editorials and articles will be considered. F Chatterbox un Page Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 26 WARNING: This fun page has been BEETLEJUICE’D SUDOKU PUZZLE HAPPY HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN WORD SEARCH IT’S SHOWTIME!! SEPTEMBER ANSWERS by Gray Taylor Graphics/Design Editor BLACK BROOM CANDY CARVING CHILDREN COSTUME FRANKENSTEIN GHOST GHOUL MONSTER MOON MUMMY OCTOBER ORANGE PUMPKIN SPIDER SPOOKY TREATS VAMPIRE WITCH S Chatterbox ponsors and Staff Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 27 2010-2011 Chatterbox Sponsors Platinum Level Sponsors: ($200 +) Gold Level Sponsor: ($100 - $199) Silver Level Sponsor: ($50 - $99) Mark Bartlett, LLC First National Bank Ruston High School Alumni Association Garrett Foundation (Grant) RHS FBLA, Chapter 617 Lincoln Parish Sheriff’s Office Lloyd and Christy Bruner RHS Business Department 2010-2011 Chatterbox Advertisers Business/Organization Owner/Manager/Contact Agent Page of Advertisement Lincoln ACHIEVE Cathi Cox 2 BESTWAY Michael Kolb 4 Seeker Springs Tamie Slawson 6 The Strand Christin Cross 11 Driver‘s Ed Ricky Durrett 13 The Strand Jessica Farris 14 Pow Wow Manuel and Nilda Chinchilla 17 Piney Hills Music Nick Goff 18 Geri G. Taylor Geri Taylor 28 Nick Brown Show Nick Brown 29 Ruston Locker Room Yvonne Craft 31 Ruston PTA Melinda McIntire 31 Please thank and support these businesses, organizations, and individuals for making your Ruston High School Chatterbox possible! If interested in sponsoring or advertising in the Chatterbox, email us at 2010-2011 RHS Chatterbox Staff Senior Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Graphics/Design Editor Senior Reporter Sports Editor Business Manager Academics Reporter Arts Reporter Clubs Reporter Clubs Reporter Education Reporter Social Reporter Social Reporter Sports Reporter Sports Reporter Photographer Photographer Guest Reporter Amber Brown Senior Natasha Alva Senior Lauren Townsend Junior Gray Taylor Senior Stephany Arias Senior Christian Amos Senior Elizabeth Smith Junior Polly Michelle Gwan Junior Emily Moore Junior Amy Gibson Junior Shamario Daniel Junior Benicia King Junior Jocria Thompson Junior Patricia Duhart Junior Reed Malek Junior Arquisia Williams Sophomore Savannah Chrisman Sophomore Whitney Durrett Sophomore Kori Teague Junior Adviser/Sponsor: Mr. Lloyd R. Bruner, The Chatterbox is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). The purpose of the Chatterbox is to provide information and to promote school pride. We strive to meet the criteria set by the National Scholastic Press Association for student journalism. In addition, if a reasonable basis or belief that a publication would materially disrupt class work, involve substantial disorder, or invade the rights of these, it will not be published in keeping with the guidelines of Hazelwood School District vs. Kulkmeier (1998). Signed editorials may be sent to Ruston High School, 900 Bearcat Drive, Ruston, Louisiana 71270. Access the current edition of the Chatterbox at: and archived editions at: B Chatterbox earcat Spirit Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 28 What’s Wrong with Showing True RHS Observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month School Spirit? by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter submitted by Mrs. Reeder Cheerleader Sponsor Attending an awesome school like Ruston High provides such a rush of adrenaline and excitement. There are loads of things to do and numerous activities to participate in. The years of high school symbolize the bridge between your early days and approaching years of adulthood. Why not go all out and be all you can be? I think that every high school student should get into the habit of making high school fun and ―repping‖ your class. For example, at every pep rally there are mini-games played against each class for the class competitions. If you‘re feeling proud about being a Bearcat, then you should get down from the stands and join the excitement that taking part in these contests creates. It doesn‘t matter if your friends will think you are such a dork and wonder why you even bother. It doesn‘t matter if you think your boyfriend will be embarrassed and maybe not speak to you for 5 minutes. Just do it! Get out there and have some fun by showing your support for the teams and Ruston High. Promote school spirit by telling others to join you in cheering for the win. Make signs and hang them around the school. Paint your face with that guy‘s football number that you secretly stalk. Just be involved in the exhilarating stimulation of school spirit! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the RHS Cheerleaders, Belles and Pom Squad are honoring those who are fighting breast cancer, who have survived it, and those who have lost their lives to this disease. Breast cancer affects one out of every eight women in America, and many Bearcats know someone affected by this form of cancer. The Pepettes will start observing October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month each year at one or two home football games and then continue to raise awareness during basketball season at one Lady Bearcats‘ home game. RHS Varsity Cheerleaders were joined at the Neville game by the Tiger Varsity Cheerleaders in a pink balloon release and the recognition of four breast cancer survivors on the field during pre-game. The cheerleaders and Belles have sold pink t-shirts sporting a ―Bearcats Wear Pink‖ slogan and are collecting donations for the Susan G. Komen Cure Foundation by going ―Passionately Pink for the Cure‖ with pink ribbons, pink pom pons, and pink hair bows. Their goal is to raise $500 to help fund breast cancer research and education. Join them in helping fight breast cancer by donating $1 at the Bastrop game to reach their goal of $500 and stay tuned for more ways throughout the year you can be involved in the fight against breast cancer. Rusty Continues His Search for Ultimate Bearcat Fans submitted by Mrs. Reeder Cheerleader Sponsor As football season continues, Rusty has found many loyal Bearcat fans that sport their red and white and cheer loudly for the Cats! Rusty has selected three more Fans of the Week since football season began: Ouachita game— Marcie Wright, mom of #53 Austin Wright and Bearcat Belle Baylee Wright; Sulphur game— Brenda Millage, mom of #1, Chris Millage; Neville game—Mary Glenn Lyons, senior. Each fan of the week is recognized during 4th quarter of the game and wins an autographed certificate, t-shirt, and concession coupons. These Fans of the Week will also be featured on Channel 20 and in the Ruston Daily Leader. Rusty presents Fan of the Week Certificate to Mary Glenn Lyons S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Freshmen Football Still Setting the Record Straight by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter With an outstanding record of 5-2, the freshmen football squad are setting even higher standards in the game and representing Ruston High the only way they know how - winning. On Sept. 27, 2010,in a battle against West Monroe, the young ‗Cats fell short of a glory with by a score of 20-0. The next game was also played at home on Oct. 4,2010 against their country opponents, the Farmerville Farmers. The ‗Cats were again out to prove that they owned their own football field and they were dominant in all plays in the game. Jamarion Harris, # 20, arrogantly quoted that ―This game posed no challenge and there wasn‘t a play our team couldn‘t handle‖. Another tough opponent came on Oct. 11,2010 - the Ouachita Lions. This game was switched to the Bearcats‘ home field, where once again the Bearcats prevailed with a score of 24-6. This elite team of young warriors are setting examples for the freshmen of next year, and we salute them on all their hard work and outstanding victories! JV Football Face Tough Opponents by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter The Ruston High Junior Varsity football team has been exerting great effort and skill when it comes to facing the toughest opponents on the gridline. On Sept. 27, 2010, the junior varsity players battled with the West Monroe Rebels in an ultimate face-off game. Unfortunately, the ‗Cats came home with a lost; but they gained mutual respect from their opponent. On Oct. 4, 2010, the challenger for the next game was scheduled to be the Farmers of Farmerville; but the game was canceled. Next up for the ‗Cats were the Ouachita Lion nations. Despite a strong performance by the ‗Cats, the Lions prevailed. Ruston High students and fans continue to cheer, applaud, and support our junior varsity football team as they play hard and bring home the victories and gain experience to prepare them for varsity! Coach Brown: sideline calls. Page 29 Two Students Chosen for Academic Allstate by Christian Amos Sports Editor Seniors Casey Turner and Nick Richardson were selected to be on the 2010 4-A Academic Allstate list Friday, October 8,2010. To make it on to this sacred list, one must have devotion on and off the field; most importantly in the classroom. Both students are active in many organizations at RHS. Turner, an offensive lineman, was broadcasted with a remarkable 3.7 GPA by ―I didn‘t know I got it but I‘m proud of myself.‖ Richardson being surprised by his 3.5 GPA stated, ―It was surprising be- cause I didn‘t know my GPA was that good!‖ He goes on to boastfully add, ―It‘s a reflection of my hard work during the past four years‖ Well done Casey Turner and Nick Richardson for representing Ruston High in a very academic way. Ruston Runs as a Family by Christian Amos Sports Editor Ruston boys and girls Cross Country defeated 17 advanced teams in Clinton, Mississippi, at the St. Andrews Invitational. Among the 17 teams, one was the Mississippi State Champs. Junior Chase Millien ran to first in the boys division along with 3 other teammate finishing within the top ten. Further, Sophomore Anna Hall ranked in at third and again 3 other teammates finished in the top ten behind the leader. The Lady Bearcats defeated St. Andrews by 13 points with a score of 56. Millien had this to say about his outstanding performance, ―I am really honored to run for such a great coach and be the leader of the RHS cross country team‖ At the Hamilton Invitational Chase Millien grazed the trail to fourth. He goes on to say, ―We are more than just a team, we‘re family.‖ Anna Hall finished third overall in the Hamilton Invitational to lead the girls. Hall stated, ―I just enjoy running for this awesome team; they‘re Anna Hall and Chase Millien admire Jay Hilton‘s State Champion picture. my family and inspiration.‖ Player of the Month: Ja’Ren Johnson Ja’Ren received recognition as an Aaron’s Ace on KNOE TV for his performance in the Bastrop game! by Christian Amos Sports Editor Senior Ja‘Ren Johnson proved his ability on the field this month by stacking up 100 + yards per game. Ja‘Ren‘s favorite thing about playing the game of football is just being on the field. He proudly wears the number 21 as well as the title Bearcat student-athlete. The amazing running back has received many fine awards and recognition for his athleticism such as: LHSAA All-state honorable mention in 2009 and first team all-district the same year. Ja‘Ren is undecided in both a choice for college and a major. His favorite thing about Bearcat Fridays is of course his favorite cheerleader, Mrs. Ratcliff, running up and down the hallways screaming. Be on the look out for Johnson on the field as he moves the chains and scores touchdowns for Ruston. S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 30 Cats Lose Homecoming Game to Tors by Reed Malek Sports Reporter On September 24, the Bearcats played their Homecoming game against the Sulphur Golden Tors and lost 25-15, giving Sulphur their first win of the season and Ruston their third loss of the season. The ―Tors‖ struck first blood with a seven yard touchdown pass in the first half. Early in the second quarter, quarterback Chris Millage threw a six yard touchdown pass to sophomore John David Moore. A pair of interceptions by Sulphur in the second half put the Bearcats in a 25-7 hole. Ruston quickly responded with a 65 yard touchdown on a screen pass from Chris Millage to running back Ja‘Ren Johnson. But that would be the end of the scoring from either side. If there was any single factor that caused the Bearcats‘ defeat, it was turnovers. Ruston turned the ball over three times, whereas Sulphur went the entire game without doing so. This loss put the Cats at a 1-3 record on the season. Ruston vs. Sulphur Ruston Routs Richwood 35-0 by Reed Malek Sports Reporter Ruston @ Richwood In a completely one-sided affair, the Ruston Bearcats shut out the Richwood Rams 35-0 on October 1st. The game started slowly, with Ruston having only a 6-0 lead at halftime thanks to a touchdown pass from Pierce Spangler to Matthew Manning. The Bearcats absolutely dominated the second half, scoring three touchdowns through the air and one on the ground. The Bearcat offense attained a season-high 413 offensive yards on the game. Once again, running back Ja‘Ren Johnson had a stellar game, with 177 yards rushing and a touchdown. In the Bearcats‘ opening drive John- son ran the ball ten out of the eleven plays, racking up sixty-two rushing yards in that single drive. Quarterback Pierce Spangler threw three touchdown passes and Chris Millage threw one. Not only did the offense put up tremendous numbers, but the defensive contributed greatly to the outcome of the game, forcing three turnovers. Junior Cyril Noland recovered a fumble, while junior Kentrell Brice and senior Madison Wiggins each intercepted a pass. It seems like every time Ruston wins, it is a blowout victory. The Bearcats‘ two wins this season have been by an average of thirty points. Ruston Holds Off Neville 20-19 in Epic Thriller by Reed Malek Sports Reporter On Friday, October 8th, the second oldest high school football rivalry in Louisiana continued when the Bearcats hosted and defeated their archrival, the Neville Tigers 20-19. In the middle of the third quarter, Neville led 16-7 after a twenty-eight yard touchdown run. On the ensuing kick off, Ruston‘s Kentrell Brice ran through defenders to the end zone for a seventy-eight yard touchdown, making it 16-13, Neville. Later in the quarter, Ruston forced Neville to punt. Ruston quarterback Pierce Spangler promptly threw a thirtyeight yard touchdown pass to Toderick Jackson, giving the Cats a 20-16 lead, sending the Ruston crowd into a frenzy. Neville responded with a thirty-nine yard field goal, putting the score at 2019. Midway through the fourth quarter, Ruston‘s defense forced a turnover on downs. With 1:42 left in the game, Neville took the ball and drove down into Bearcat territory. After a penalty against the Tigers, they attempted a Hail Mary pass on fourth and sixteen, but it fell incomplete. The crowd erupted and students in the Cat Box stormed the field, and the Friday Night Lights shone brighter than ever. Ruston vs. Neville Ruston Loses a Heartbreaker to Bastrop 44-41 by Reed Malek Sports Reporter On October 14, the Bastrop Rams held off a ridiculous Bearcat second half rally to remain undefeated (6-0). This loss puts Ruston at a 3-4 record overall and 1-1 in District 4A play. The Rams took a commanding lead early in the game thanks to several longyardage plays. In the first half, Bastrop scored on a sixty-nine yard touchdown pass, sixty-two yard run, and a seventy-eight yard return touchdown. At the end of the first half the scoreboard read 36-13, and it began to appear like the game was going to be the much expected blowout it was supposed to be. But things didn‘t exactly turn out that way. The Bearcats came out strong after halftime with a 10-play, 69-yard drive that ended with a one yard touchdown run in which running back Ja‘Ren Johnson scaled a wall of defenders and charged into the end zone. In their next drive, Ruston went fifteen plays for seventy yards which ended in another rushing touchdown from Ja‘Ren Johnson. This touchdown was similar to the previous one he scored. On first and goal from Bastrop‘s ten yard line, Johnson again ran into a pile of defenders and the play seemed to be over. He broke free from the pile and scampered into the end zone to make it a 36 -26 game. Blowout? Forget about it. Bastrop took over and was forced to punt, injecting a new optimism into the Ruston crowd. The ‗Cats went nine plays for seventy-seven yards which ended in a touchdown by who else? Ja‘Ren Johnson. He would finish the night with an astounding 185 yards rushing and five touchdowns, all on twenty-nine carries. The game was now 36-33. The Bearcats had scored twenty unanswered points, and they were three points away from tying up a game that was a blowout just an hour earlier! However, Bastrop took the ball and scored a touchdown after a failed onside kick by the Bearcats, dimming hopes of a Ruston comeback victory. With a 44-33 lead, Bastrop kicked the ball off. Ruston drove sixty-five yards down the field and Ja‘Ren Johnson scored with another one yard touchdown run. Quarterback Chris Millage scored the two point conversion, making it 44-41 in favor of Bastrop. Ruston tried another onside kick but it failed. Bastrop took over and let the clock run out to hold on to a lead that they had held the entire game, even though at times it seemed like the Bearcats were the ones who were winning. The bottom line is, it was expected by almost everybody for Bastrop to beat Ruston. Even though the scoreboard indicated otherwise, this game seemed more like a victory for Ruston rather than a loss. The Bearcats never quit, and showed great heart and character. S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School October 21, 2010 I Want To Get Bearcat Excited The Homecoming Queen being escorted by Beau Russell during the homecoming assembly. by Patricia Duhart Social Reporter To kick off Homecoming week, Ruston High experienced their first lockdown. Despite the mishap in the beginning, things got rolling with the Ruston High School Homecoming Assembly and the presentation of the Homecoming Court and Queen. During the assembly, they introduced the court and presented the Homecoming Queen to everyone. The court and their escorts looked their best and gave the Bearcat students and faculty a taste of what to look forward to as Homecoming got closer. Later that night was the pep rally. The Bearcats got loud and rowdy and showed their Bearcat pride! With the acknowledgment of the 10th, 20th, and 30th anniversary of alumni Bearcats, RHS Homecoming showed the tradition our school is always trying to portray. A special thanks goes to Patrick Ramsey as our guest speak- er. During his speech, he reminisced on his past days as a Bearcat in 96‘ and he expressed his passion for the game of football and the love he has for Ruston High. This gave our football boys inspiration for the game the next night. While looking in the stands and witnessing nothing but red, white, and black, the varsity football team knew that they had much support behind them. Although it was a tough loss, the Bearcats stayed in the game and kept fighting! Despite the heartbreaking result of the game, everyone put the loss behind them and danced the night away at the Homecoming dance held on September 25, 2010. Homecoming week had a series of events, including fans showing their spirit and students getting jiggy with it at the dance. In the end, RHS will always live it up! Page 31 Alex Cockerham Beth Ramirez Senior court (left to right): Lauren Prescott, Sydni Wilt, Mary-Kyle McDonald, Markia Patton, Elizabeth Moore, and Mary Cox Courtnei Dunn Alli Brasuell Queen Markia Patton being escorted by her grandfather and Principal Milstead. Miyata Bridges Margarita Hernandez S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School October 21, 2010 Page 32 Seniors Win Beat Neville Week by Christian Amos Sports Editor The Class of 2011 represented well as they defeated the freshmen, sophomore, and junior classes. With an ending score of fifteen points, just one point shy of their winning score from last year, the seniors went on to win the Spirit stick at the ―Game Day‖ Pep Rally. Throughout the week, the senior class was represented by Byroneshia Santiago, Jemario Crowe, Matthew Manning, and Jonathan Jones. Manning ―crushed‖ the competition in the Orange Crush competition. During Beat Neville week, the shirt competitions were a split battle between the juniors and the seniors, but with the help of their creative idea of ―A Walk Through Time‖ the seniors surpassed the rest. On Monday, the competition involved a wheel barrow race. The sophomore class was represented well by Devin Price and Alex West as they were the first to cross the finish line. In the egg toss game the junior class roused some ―eggcitement‖ when Jake Haddox and Nick Letendre held their eggs in hand throughout every toss. RHS Will Get New $3.1 M Field House by Christian Amos Sports Editor At a very important school board meeting on October 5, 2010, members of the Lincoln Parish School Board approved the funding of a $3.1 million field house to grace the campus of RHS. Construction on the building is expected to begin in mid 2011. Experts say the entire facility is expected to be completed by the summer of 2012. If that holds true, two years from now all the athletes of RHS will have a bigger and better facility to call their own. The Lincoln Parish School Board voted 10-0 to approve the $3.1 Million project with two members absent. An architect in Ruston has designed the much needed field house so that, if needed, add-ons can be made to the structure. This artist is Ruston‘s Mike Walpole. Walpole will serve as Noah to Ruston High‘s Ark. Nearly 200 new lockers, a large weight room, and a large training room are just some of the features to be included in the new luxurious field house. Ruston‘s athletic director, Coach Laird, wants to thank the people that ended the drawn out, anticipated wait, the school board. ―I want to thank the entire school board‖, Laird said ―I know we‘re in financial troubles, but they have found the importance of this for the RHS student body‖. Soon, hundreds of RHS athletes will have a modern area to train and build body and character. Accessed at
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