Chatterbox - Ruston High School
Chatterbox - Ruston High School
Clubs Ruston High School Chatterbox May 20, 2010 FBLA Awards Ceremony Page 17 submitted by Elizabeth Smith FBLA Secretary On Wednesday April 21, 2010 the Future Business Leaders of America had their Awards Ceremony. Members who placed at district were recognized with certificates. Afterward, members who placed in the Top 10 (all 45 of them) at the 2010 State Leadership Conference in Baton Rouge received their certificates and plaques. The three Future Award winners for the Business Achievement Awards received their certificates and pins. National recruiting awards were also given. Thirteen members received the Membership Madness award for recruiting five new members: Spencer Berry, Drew Boyd, Amber Brown, Preyesh Govin, James Hebert, John Herren, DJ Hardison, Daniel McCoy, Elizabeth Smith, Logan Taylor, Allison Tryon, Brittany White, and Carlos Wilson II. For recruiting ten new members, Drew Boyd and Danielle received Membership Mania Awards. Outstanding Membership Awards were presented to members who participated in required fundraisers and community service projects as well as the district conference. Those members were: Jonathan Amy, Drew Boyd, Keigan Duckett, DJ Hardison, Tae Kinsey, Jarod Mardis, Josh McIntire, Logan Taylor, Raymond Walker, Carlos Wilson II, Dylan Windsor, Stephany Arias, Amber Brown, Preyesh Govin, Danielle McCoy, Trimeche Raymond, Asia Rhone, Mellissa Traylor, Brittany White, Latoria Whitehead, Christina Mall, Nick Parks, Octavia Payton, Elizabeth Smith, Natasha Smith, Kori Teague, Savannah Chrisman, John Herren, Sheniqua Moss, Taylor Pipes, Shelby Stinson, Elena Till, and Allison Tryon. FBLA also recognized ten seniors who have been in FBLA their entire career. These were Jacob Bellot, Drew Boyd, Kirsten Dennett, Tiandra Gipson, Megan Huckaby, Josh McIntire, Nick Yarborough, Raymond Walker, Markedra Wheatley, and Carlos Wilson II. In addition, Raymond Walker received the Exceptional Career Award as he was the only senior who participated in every required community service project, every required fundraiser, every district conference, and every state conference. The biggest awards recognized were the Member of the Year Award and the presentation of the 2 nd Annual FBLA Senior Scholarship. Drew Boyd made FBLA history by receiving the Member of the Year Award for the 2nd consecutive year, and then followed this by earning the end Annual Senior Scholarship Award. To close out the awards ceremony, next year‟s officers were inducted into office in front of the whole chapter, accepting their positions and taking their required oaths. FBLA had the best year ever, and the officers were challenged to make next year ever better. Drew Boyd and Logan Taylor 1st place in Partnership With Business. Drew Boyd accepting his awards for Member of the Year and the 2nd Annual FBLA Senior Scholarship. Natasha Alva, Christian Amos, and Kori Teague 1st place for Business Plan. The Arts Chatterbox Ruston High School May 20, 2010 Choir Receives Superior Ratings! Page 18 by Jessica Herren Senior Reporter The Advanced Choir traveled to the State Choir Festival in Lake Charles on Wednesday, April 28 th. The performances were held at the Lake Charles Civic Center where the best choirs in Louisiana were invited to compete for ratings of Superior (I), Excellent (II), and Very Good (III). The RHS choir entered three performing groups at this competition. The Advanced Mixed Choir received straight Superior ratings for their performance as well as an Excellent rating for their sight reading piece. The Men‟s Ensemble and the Ladies‟ Ensemble both received a Superior rating in their sight reading piece. Congratulations Choir for all of your Superior ratings at State! Mrs. Givens would like to thank all the parent chaperones who accompanied her on the trip. Thanks go out to Mrs. Dolly Weir, Mr. Brian King, Mrs. Ammi Schillinger, Mrs. Angie Borden, Mrs. Donna Jordan, Mrs. Sandy Harris, and Mrs. Julie Kyte. Special thanks to Shayla Blake, who accompanied the choir in their performances. State Festival by Sarah Kilpatrick Business Manager On April, 29 2010, the band traveled to Lafayette for the State-wide Festival Competition. After a several hour road trip, they finally made it, and were very successful once there. The band earned a perfect score in earning their Superior rating on stage with their prepared music, and received an excellent rating in sight reading. Congratulations, Band, for your great work at State Festival. Band Director’s Recital by Lloyd R. Bruner Chatterbox Adviser On May 11, 2010, Mr. Walter Moss, RHS Band Director, and Mr. Randall Wood, RHS Assistant Band Director, performed a recital for RHS faculty, students, family, and friends. Mr. Moss performed four percussion pieces on multiple percussion instruments, ending the recital with Gotta Rumble, an arrangement arranged by his mentor, Paul Bissell. Mr. Woods performed his arrangement, Night Song, on the Euphonium. The recital was superior in every aspect. Faculty, staff, and students alike enjoyed each arrangement. Chatterbox thanks both Mr. Moss and Mr. Wood for their commitment to music and Ruston High School. We further salute their leadership of our band students. As evidenced by their performances, the RHS band is in good hands. Mr. Moss “Ritmos de Congas” Mr. Wood “Night Song” Entertainment Chatterbox Ruston High School May 20, 2010 Page 19 Teachers + Media = Celebrity Teachers! (PART II) by Amber Brown Reporter/ Photographer Ruston High School‟s Teachers are their own celebrities! We went around from class to class and allowed the students to vote the celebrity that they thought their teacher looked like. The results (though not scientific) are posted below. Zooey Deschanel Susan Lucci Phylicia Rashad Reese Witherspoon = = = = Mrs. Stephenson Mrs. Givens Diane Keaton = Jennifer Aniston = Jennifer Love Hewitt = Mrs. Bartlett Mrs. Boyd Mrs. Jackson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Reeder P!nk = Miss Beggs Natalie Merchant = Mrs. DeMattos Julia Roberts = Mrs. Roberts Anne Hathaway = Mrs. Howell Brooke Shields = Mrs. Wages Entertainment Ruston High School He Said, She Said Chatterbox May 20, 2010 Page 20 by Patricia Duhart Reporter What do guys pay more attention to- their car or their girlfriend? Some people would say that it depends on the guy. Girls would say the car. What do you think? “If I was a guy, I would pay more attention to my Jeep.-Lol” –Amber Brown “Depends on the guy! If it was my boyfriend he would pay more attention to me.” –Alyssa Moore “I would try to share the love, and pay equal attention.” –Stephany Arias Coming from girls, there are typically many different answers. What about guys? “They are both important. I need my car to get to my girl.” –Reggie Wilson “The car, because if you ridin‟ in a raggedy car you won‟t have to worry about girls.” –Jaren Johnson Well obviously there is not a right or wrong answer, but you better hope it is the one you want to hear. Like Garret Warren said, “Depends, if the girl cost more money or the car cost more money. If the girl cost more money, the car is important. If the car cost more… then the car is still more important.” That‟s what he/she said. Sweep For Your Life by Seth Bentley Reporter Minesweeper Review For my final video game review, I‟ve decided to review a classic: Minesweeper. This little parasite has been leeching productivity from office workers since Microsoft 3.1. Bet you‟ve never even heard of that one, huh? It somehow has an air of mystique despite being included in Windows for years. Have you ever played it? Can you explain the rules? I only learned last year, as a means of whiling away my time in BCA. I remember watching, as a young boy, my dad effortlessly disarming the field. I never quite grasped the concept by watching him, but it isn‟t very difficult. Simply click a box and flag nearby mines. You can tell how many mines are adjacent to a box by the number in its center. If you click a mine, you lose. It is a simple premise, yet somehow fascinating to me. I am not alone in this. It has a cult fan base whom have developed countless different versions of the game and compete tirelessly to determine the fastest and smartest sweeper. So, dear readers, I challenge you to play a game. Don‟t worry. They probably aren‟t real mines. Entertainment Ruston High School Bearcat Box Office by Logan Taylor Senior Editor Chatterbox May 20, 2010 Page 21 Kick-[Expletive Deleted] In case you‟re wondering, no, there is no movie out right now called Kick-[Expletive Deleted], but there is a movie that recently came out that has “kick” in the title, so I‟ll let you do the math. Clever censorship aside, Kick-[Expletive Deleted] is a movie you should definitely give some attention to…only if you have a strong constitution for profanity and violence. The plot focuses on Dave Lizewski, who is an average teen that loves comic books. While pondering the shallowness of his life, he wonders why no one has ever tried to be a super hero despite the fact that everyone loves them. Dave then decides to take it upon himself to uphold justice by donning a green scuba suit and becoming the hero known as Kick-[Expletive Deleted]. The movie is more comedic at the beginning because Lizewski isn‟t a very good fighter, but he has a great inner monologue. As the story progresses he meets other heroes such as the batman-like Big Daddy, the foul-mouthed Hit Girl, and the rich-kid Red Mist. As a side note, Hit Girl is my new favorite movie character of all time, and if you watch the movie you will understand exactly what I mean. It‟s very rare for a movie to balance action and comedy this well. I went into the movie thinking it would be a great comedy with some funny action, but I was surprised that when I walked out I was more impressed by the action. The characters are fun, the story is endearing, and the pacing is amazing. I can‟t say anything bad about this movie, and it is definitely worth watching. Unless of course you like your movies a little more toned down, because this movie is probably not for you if you are younger or squeamish. However, if you have become desensitized to everything Hollywood can throw at you, then this is the movie you have been waiting for my friend! Bearcat Box Office by Drew Boyd News Editor A Nightmare on Elm Street If ever there was a movie that could be called “so bad it‟s good,” this remake of the classic 1984 slasher film is it. It‟s so bad in every possible way that it winds up being an enjoyable experience, if only to make fun of it and point out its several faults. I have not seen the original, so I will judge this movie purely off of its own merits – what little merits it has. This film is not frightening in any way. Oh sure, it has several gruesome death scenes. Some are actually quite good. (I would venture to call them the high point of the film). But as we have seen numerous times in horror films such as Hostel, being grossed out and truly frightened are two entirely different things. Freddy is supposed to be a sinister, foreboding character that strikes fear into the hearts of moviegoers. After all, the very concept of dying in real life through a dream is something I think we can all agree is a terrifying concept. This is where the movie falls flat. Instead of Freddy being a truly scary character, he is made into a mockery here. Clunky, sexual innuendo-laden dialogue and a non-threatening presence cause Freddy to become a walking, talking parody of himself. However, this ironically is what I thought made the film enjoyable: it‟s funny. Yes. The remake of a movie that is known as a horror classic, a genre-definer, is essentially a comedy in disguise. Several moments that were clearly meant to make the audience jump or gasp instead made them laugh. The plot was so ridiculous, the acting so terrible, the characters‟ actions so nonsensical, the dialogue so clunky…that it became an hour-and-a-half laugh riot. The few scenes that do manage to make you jump you are able to see coming a mile away, so any sort of tension that could have otherwise been present is removed. So, should you see it? That depends. I‟d like to stress that if you normally cannot bring yourself to watch horror films, this may be an exception for you because it is not scary. If you‟re looking for a film that will genuinely frighten you, you should definitely look elsewhere. If, on the other hand, you just want a movie you can relentlessly pick apart and make fun of while getting some good laughs out of it in the process, Freddy‟s your guy. If anything, rent it on Halloween. Kick back, relax, and bask in the awfulness of one of the worst horror movies ever made. Just don‟t expect it to give you any nightmares. Senior Wills Chatterbox Ruston High School Daniel Cason wills Hank Cheffin his good looks and amazing chauffer skills. Morgan Hammons wills Katie Hopkins her mad dance skills. Susan Rainer wills Spencer Berry her dove shampoo. May 20, 2010 Page 22 Chasidy Criswell wills Kera Jenkins her track speed and talent, even though she already is great! Devin Easley wills the tennis team her amazing volleying skills. Talia Millage wills La’ Asia Millage her good attitude towards peers and teachers so she will make it through high school. Sarah Kilpatrick wills Becca Bertrand her real name for Idaho!<3 Jessica Herren wills John Herren her love of macaroni day! Taylor Pyles wills Kane Killen his ability to make shots from anywhere in the classroom. Johanna Robinson wills Jannelle Whitley her ability to be on time for school and stop getting tardies. Baraka Murimi wills Mary Glenn Lyons his love deeper than Jupiter's deepest ocean. Shakea Carodine wills Nick Standifer her attitude and goofiness, let them know where you came from. Make me proud little cousin! Melissa Murphy wills Morgan Bell her fire powers(: Terrica Jackson wills Jemel Modest her smart mouth to get on Griffin’s nerves! Lace Ann Edwards wills Crista Hurst her awesomeness. Kimberly Wise wills Jasmine Wise her swagalicious fashionability! Logan Taylor wills Amber Brown his ability to take everything the Bruner can throw at her with a smile. Mary Taylor Carwile wills Parker Carwile her ability to pull allnighters for English papers. Cequette McClain wills Kawaii Murphy her ability to use your real name and keep your head up. Fabion Gipson wills Tez Crowe his TOP DOG status! JoJo Siegmond wills Nick Richardson his 150 pounds of pure steel and man appeal. Jeremy Smith wills Coach Bush his ability to run after basketball practice. Molly Benbrook wills Emma Norton her respectfulness. Devarious Harrison wills Greg Hunt his ability to keep #24 alive, play every game like it’s your last!! Fatima Robinson wills Tati, Oria, Taylor Atlkinson and Kat Chrislum her charm and happiness. Christian Hanna wills Bradlee Martin his ability to grab life by the horns and let it roll! Marquesha Levingston wills Tane Grisby her ability to keep smiling all the time and to stay sweet. Kenneth Smith wills Emmanual Gwanhis ability to use the full power of the force. Devin Briscoe wills Cody Briscoe his ability to stay awake in more than one class out of the day. John Haughton wills Mike Milstead his amazing drum skills. Bionka Howard wills Nick Standifer her car. Kelvisha Reed wills Antreeious Reed her good grades and parking skills! Shalacy Collins wills Shelita Collins her ability of skipping and not getting caught. Amanda Pipes wills Taylor Pipes her sophomore year of fun and easy classes-get those grades tay <3ya Cirena Anderson wills Shelita Collins her ability to wear any kind of jacket and not get caught! Erin Axton wills Hunter Hathorn her amazingness and good looks(: James Herbert wills Xavis Gould his awesomeness and coolness, heck yes! Cecilia Acosta wills Fredie Acosta her extraordinary soccer skills. Chris Popwell wills Bradlee Martin the basilisk. Brittany Buggs wills Chelsea Roger her aggressiveness on the court!! Trey Hadnot wills who ever Coach Anderson says title of fastest in the school. (good luck!) Caleb Wilt wills Gerrett Young for his will to do absolutely nothing. Josh Mclntire wills Jack Woods his title of the hottest man over 6 foot. Katherine Hill wills Rachel Hill her soccer captain armband. Joel Gwan wills Amber Brown his yellow lantern. Chris Smith wills Ben Edmiston his YB skills. Jessicah Standifer wills Kaitlyn McConnell her annoyance and way of getting in on teachers nerves!! Emarea Scott wills Jhafery Clemons her skill to pass English doing the biggest research paper of the year! Matthew Gordon wills DeMarico Mitchell his teachers parking tag, pass it on when you leave. Chelsea Swain wills Lauren Naff her stupid fights with the boyfriend between classes. Adrienne Lennette wills Jasmine Wise her smile and good looks! Jennifer Grace wills Jessica Grace her right to color in English class, especially Mrs. Moss’ class. Kimberly Harris wills Michael Davis her spot in the front of the drumline as they march down the halls for the pre-pep rally. Dance hard!! Kristen Dennett wills Mayisha Nakib her arts and ability to survive English against the fact that 85% of what is heard makes ones head continually seek to combine with a desktop. Brienna Gilbert wills Annabelle Grossman her patience to put up with Milstead saying “I’m just the advisor. That’s not my responsibility” Jamesha Woods wills the class of 2011, 2012 and 2013 her enthusiasm and speedy hall walking skills. Brittney Grimes wills Laura Gearheart her embarrassing moments. Gauge Means wills Chase Millien his gnarly and extremely harsh cross country leadership. Senior News Chatterbox Ruston High School May 20, 2010 Page 23 Senior Poll by Anna Garland and Patricia Duhart Reporters There are so many options for after high school. Recently we took a poll of what the Ruston High School Seniors of 2010 have planned for after graduation. The choices were: attending a 4 or 2 year college, join the military, getting a full time job, and then other mixed plans. 4% did not answer, so we must assume that they plan on doing nothing at all. SENIOR POLL Other Other, 12% Joining Military Joining Military, 8% 4- or 2- Year College 4- or 2- Year College, 72% Full Time Job, 4% Full Time Job Graduation Etiquette by Patrica Duhart Reporter 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% High school graduation is a formal occasion, so dress for the occasion properly. Girls are expected to wear a dress or skirt and blouse. Boys should be dressed in a shirt and tie, and dress slacks. NO BLUE JEANS! If you are not dressed appropriately you will not be able to march. This is not a time for you, or anyone else, to act immature. Remember, there are also other parents watching, so keep it professional and leave the childish behavior at home. For example, while speakers are talking, do not sit and listen to your iPods, talk to your friends, or text. Be respectful. Keep in mind, just because you think you are getting away with it, the people on the stage or in the audience can see everything. Whatever you do, be on time to the ceremony. There is nothing like delaying a graduation because of tardiness. Make sure you are ready to march when the time comes. No bullhorns, balloons, or noise makers. We understand graduation is an exciting time, but please be well behaved. Ask your guest to be as well. Junior Staff Takes Over for Chatterbox Seniors by Lloyd R. Bruner Chatterbox Adviser Like most every other senior at Ruston High School, the senior members of the Chatterbox staff headed out to get a jump on their college plans, to go to their jobs or seek employment, or just to find some early summer fun. However, the underclassman staff did get all they could out of them before they left, and appreciated the seniors who came back to finalize their parts of this paper. Further, the seniors did their part and have already written many of the articles for the special June edition that will be out to celebrate the seniors and the entire year at Ruston High. With the seniors gone, the responsibility has now fallen on the current underclassmen on staff. This edition should be a preview of the quality students can look forward to as improvements continue to be made. Although Chatterbox will not officially announce the new staff for next year until the August edition, many future staff members have helped get this edition of the Chatterbox together. The ones who did contribute to writing this month are easily identified by the word “Future” in front of the planned positions next year. Chatterbox is looking at the maximum students next year on staff – 20 members – and the staff is currently full. However, the Chatterbox reminds everyone that student and faculty articles will be accepted and will be included if they meet the standards of the staff and space permits. If you have any suggestions, let the staff know. Senior News Ruston High School June (Senior) Distribution Plan for Chatterbox Chatterbox May 20, 2010 Page 24 by Lloyd R. Bruner Chatterbox Adviser The final edition of Chatterbox for this school year will be distributed on June 17 th. Distribution of the Chatterbox for the June (Senior) edition will be different as all students and staff will be out of school for the summer. For seniors who purchase ads, copies will be delivered or mailed to the address on the order form. If anyone wants a copy mailed to them, they need to give their address along with $1 per paper requested to Mr. Bruner. Request can also be mailed to the school, attention: Chatterbox, but they must be received by June 15th. For everyone else, copies of the Chatterbox will be left at the front office and students can come by and pick them up. Quantities will be limited, so students will only be allowed to pick up one copy. We want to ensure that every student at RHS has an opportunity to receive a copy. In addition, a limited number of copies will be left at the counter at Pow Wow Texaco and at the Lincoln Parish Library. Once they are gone – they are gone! Regardless, remember that you can still read Chatterbox online on the Ruston High School Website! Seniors - Ads and Articles Deadline Extended for the Senior Edition by Lloyd R. Bruner Chatterbox Adviser Seniors, the Chatterbox is extending the due date for submitted your senior ad until June 1 st. The final edition of the 2009-2010 Chatterbox will be published on June 17th, and any senior ads submitted with payment will be included. Senior ads cost $15 for 1/8 page ads and $25 and 1/4 page ads. See Mr. Bruner for your senior ad applications in Room 318. As reported in previous issues, the senior edition will include complete coverage of graduation, including a list of all graduates, honors, scholarships, and awards presented to all seniors, along with many other special features to close out the 2009-2010 school year. Also highlighted will be the accomplishments of all Ruston High School students who excelled in academic pursuits, similar to our end-of-year Academic Awards presentation. Also featured will be our senior sports section and recognition of sports teams/individuals that earned district/state awards. The staff is looking to include any student, organization, group, or team that excelled at the State level and above this year, so ensure that your sponsor or coach sends us the information in event to make sure that we catch it all. Again, if you want to have your ad published, they must be received and paid for by June 1 st. Our rates are more than reasonable and there are no limits on how many ads you can run until we are out of space. You can even order extra copies of the Chatterbox to send to all those kind family and friends who attend your big day, especially for those who give you those great graduation presents, or better – cash! An example of a Senior Ad we built in one minute is provided on this page. Remember, it‟s your ad, so be creative or simple. You only graduate high school once – so make the news – and order your extra copies to remember it! CONGRATS TO JULIE AND SUSAN! SENIORS 2010! We are proud of you and we love you! Piney Hills Chatterbox Ruston High School May 20, 2010 Page 25 Rock the summer with Piney Hills Music!! 214 N. Trenton Street 232-3002 Student Center Ruston High School Ask Amos by Christian Amos Sports Editor Where’s Carlos? Many of you may be wondering why I am writing this article and not Carlos. Well, number one, like every other senior, once Carlos heard that last bell ring on May 5th, he left and never looked back. Number two, Carlos‟ “swag” got in the way of him writing his monthly article (aka laziness). And last, being the king, emperor, majesty, or whatever he is of Sparta - it gets hectic, I guess, being so legit! On behalf of the Great and Honorable Carlos S. Wilson II, I turn over the supremacy of “Ask Carlos” to next year‟s Student Council President, the Honorable and Great Beau M. Russell, “Ask Russell”. Look for Beau to bring all the answers you‟ll ever need next year in our August 2010 edition. P.S. Carlos if you‟re reading this, the Chatterbox is distributed August through June, buddy! Good luck at the next level and keep checking out Chatterbox online! Chatterbox May 20, 2010 Happy Mother's Day!! Page 26 submitted by Loren Weir RHS Student Verse 1: Every year there is one special day, and there is so much we want to say. You are the best, our number one mom, but most of all you're the Chorus: You raised us from the time we were born to where we are now, when we wanted to learn something new, you showed us how. You were there through our laughs, our cries, and even our hard times. So, we want to take this time to say, Happy Mother's Day. Verse 2: We call you our super mom, your the You open our eyes to see, of what our possibilities could be. You're the best kind of teacher. and you care about every little creature. But, we want to let you know that... (repeat chorus) Dedicated to our mom, from her loving children Loren and Mark Weir WE LOVE YOU MOM!!! HAPPY MOTHER‟S DAY!! Christian Amos and Kori Teague :) We love you! <3 Ask the Staff answered by Kori Teague Guest Staff Writer Q: “How can I avoid boredom over the summer?” A: Well, you could plan to attend a camp with your church, school organization, or one that pertains to an interest/hobby of yours. You could find a job that you enjoy and spend time with that. You could go LARP-ing (Live Action RolePlaying). Go swimming at the Nat. Plan a road trip with friends or family. Go on vacation with your family. Go to the zoo. If your budget is tight, take a trip to the Library to read or watch a movie. Or, you could always get a nice head start on your summer projects! Sponsors/Staff Chatterbox Ruston High School May 20, 2010 Page 27 2009-2010 Chatterbox Sponsors Platinum Level Sponsors: ($200 +) Mark Bartlett, LLC First National Bank RHS PTA (Grant) Alan and Penny Boyd Gold Level Sponsor: ($100 - $199) RHS FBLA, Chapter 617 Lloyd and Christy Bruner Silver Level Sponsor: ($50 - $99) RHS Business Department Bronze Level Sponsor: ($25 - $49) Caleb and Adrian Seney Sharon Bentley 2009-2010 Chatterbox Advertisers Business/Organization Owner/Manager/Contact Agent Page of Advertisement Project Achieve Cathi Cox 2 Driver‟s Education Coach Durrett 3 BESTWAY Michael Kolb 5 Acres & Avenues Corey Martin 14 Pizza Inn Scott Braswell 15 Pow Wow Manuel and Nilda Chinchilla 17 Follette Pottery Libby Follette 18 Piney Hills Music Nick Goff 25 Nora‟s Flowers Carren Craft 31 Rapid Signs Mike Stevens 31 Ruston MMA/ATA Shaun McKay 32 Please thank and support these businesses, organizations, and individuals for making your Ruston High School Chatterbox possible! If interested in sponsoring or advertising in the Chatterbox, email us at 2009-2010 RHS Chatterbox Staff Senior Editor News Editor Graphics/Design Editor Senior Reporter Reporter Reporter Business Manager Sports Editor Reporter Reporter Reporter/Photographer Reporter Reporter Logan Taylor Drew Boyd Devin Easley Jessica Herren Seth Bentley Anna Garland Sarah Kilpatrick Christian Amos Natasha Alva Stephany Arias Amber Brown Alyssa Moore Patricia Duhart Adviser/Sponsor: Mr. Lloyd R. Bruner, Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Sophomore The Chatterbox is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). The purpose of the Chatterbox is to provide information and to promote school pride. We strive to meet the criteria set by the Louisiana Scholastic Press for student journalism. In addition, if a reasonable basis or the belief that a publication would materially disrupt class work, involve substantial disorder, or invade the rights of these, it will not be published in keeping with the guidelines of Hazelwood School District vs. Kulkmeier (1998). Signed editorials may be sent to Ruston High School, 900 Bearcat Dr., Ruston, LA 71270. Access the current edition of the Chatterbox at: Access archived editions of the Chatterbox at: Fun Page Chatterbox Ruston High School Summer time!! May 20, 2010 Page 28 Z G L O O P G T V E BEACH S U N H V N F A T D CAMPING N U Z I I P C J O A B Z M P M A I F H N E L M M T M L L V O FLIP FLOPS HOT LEMONADE A A J I E O I R F M POOL C M O M P R E W L E SNOWCONES H N C S J R N G S L SUMMER S W O R K I N G Z W S E N O C W O N S C SWIMMING VACATIONS WORKING Sports Chatterbox Ruston High School Hadnot is a National Sensation by Christian Amos Sports Editor In 1959, Dr. Edwin Davis held the RHS record for fastest time in 400-meter dash. In 1971, Ruston High‟s very own assistant principal Coach David Crowe set a new record. Now, thirty-nine years later, senior Trey Hadnot is the current top champion in the 400-meter at RHS, with a time off 47.15 seconds. Although Hadnot is number one at RHS, he is second best in the country but he plans to change that in the near future. “To me,” Hadnot says in an interview “47.15 seconds means a lot. I‟ve been after this record since I was a freshman.” As Hadnot‟s eyes focused on the 400meter goal, the previous record holder, Coach Crowe, remembers a young Hadnot craving the title. Crowe, who also set a record at Louisiana Tech in the 600-meter dash, says “If anyone deserves to break the record, it‟s Trey. He came to me as a sophomore and told me he was going to beat my record and I said to him „Hey man, go for it.‟” Hadnot, who also plans to bring high hopes to Louisiana Tech, says he hopes to become freshman of the year and become one of the top athletes. Hadnot recalls being watched by both previous record holders by saying, “I was hoping they were going to be there!” He goes on to say, “Now that I‟m number two, I plan on becoming number very soon.” At the state meet Hadnot finished the 400-meter dash in 48.02 seconds, only one and one-hundredth some odd second slower than his regional time, but who‟s counting. Senior Takes 9th at State Golf Tournament May 20, 2010 Page 29 by Christian Amos Sports Editor Ruston High‟s very own Senior Lady Bearcat, Leann Cardwell, placed ninth at the Golf State tournament. Congratulations Leann on your victory! Girls Tennis Win Regional’s by Christian Amos Sports Editor The Lady Bearcats dominated at their regional Tournament. The ladies of Ruston took first place on the court. Congrats Lady Bearcats. *For more results on the State Track and Field meet see page 32 Enhancement for James Stadium by Christian Amos Sports Editor Many Ruston High athletes have been informed of the meetings being held about RHS getting a new field house and maybe even artificial turf. As noted in my February 11 story, the athletics department is in need of a better field house at James Stadium. At a Tuesday, May 4, school board meeting the topic of the needed field house was brought to light. Coach Laird says about the meeting “I was disappointed, but I still remain positive that this reconstruction will happen.” He adds, “It‟s going to take more time for Mike Walpole, a locate architect, to study the problem and draw up plans.” The architect has to study the soil that will support the new field house and turf before any reconstruction can begin. Some other points brought up at the meeting were that the turf would not only enhance the football team. The RHS soccer team, RHS band, and little league football would also be enhanced. Not only would the turf enhance these programs, but it would also save a considerable amount of money. For the current turf that‟s on the market now, the price for a field is between $600,000 to $900,000. The amount it takes to keep up maintenance on a grass field is $15,000$20,000 a year. But Laird says the enhancement of RHS‟s many organizations means more than the money. The new artificial turf will provide a better playing surface than grass. The turf also offers better traction than the grass in all weather. However the school board plans to go about the situation, there will be a considerable amount of money pending. More importantly, their will be more exposure of Ruston‟s organizations. Sports Ruston High School Ruston Baseball Season Comes To an End by Christian Amos Sports Editor Although the Bearcats did well in district, the games ended for the squad in 1st round playoffs to the St. Louis Saints, 12-6. Before they faced St. Louis, the Bearcats wrapped up the district season with games against Franklin Parish. The team got a 10-0 victory over the Patriots with some impressive hits by the players. Sophomore Pierce Spangler had two home runs and led the offense along side Thomas Simoneax. Other offensive followers were Colby Johnson with a double and Ben Edmiston with a single and RBI. Players with singles were Logan Crume, Jonathan Jones, and Meny Hernandez. Chatterbox May 20, 2010 Page 30 Lady Cats’ Season Ends by Christian Amos Sports Editor The Lady Bearcat Softball team honored their 22-15 winning season with a banquet on Thursday, May 6th. This year the team was lead by their seniors; Katie Johnson, Kelby Smith, Allyson Christian, Mary Michael McGehee, Breanne Currie, and Brittany Buggs. In the first round of the playoffs, Ruston hosted Franklinton and the ladies of Ruston smoked „em! The bi-district action ended with the Lady Cats scoring ten runs. The winning pitcher, Katie Johnson, allowed no hits and no walks. Freshman Kendal Smith went two-for-two. Smith also got a RBI for the team. Sister Kelby Smith stacked a double and two RBIs. Other players to get RBIs were Karley Newsome and Breanne Currie. Going into the regional match against Cabrini, the Lady Cats held a 22-14 record. The game ended with much support from fans and much effort from the team. Ruston 2, Cabrini 0. The Lady Bearcats were Sulfur bound! After taking a four hour drive to south Louisiana, the ladies faced an upset to number one ranked Vanderbilt Catholic, 2-3. GO CATS! Work At it with All Your Heart First team All-district: Jessica Goulart, Kelby Smith, Allyson Christian, Katie Johnson, and Kendal Smith. by Sarah Kilpatrick FCA Senior Member One day. That is all that is left of this year and until the freedom of summer hits you hard. Many of you have a lot planned for the break – trips, camps, jobs, and much more. You will still be busy; it will just be a different kind of busy. Instead of driving through Starbucks for that much needed caffeine and staying up late doing your schoolwork, you may get up go to work or to leave for summer camp. I encourage you to work at whatever you are doing this summer, whether it be stocking shelves for minimum wage or learning to march at Band Camp or dance for the Belles, with all your heart. Though its “just summer” you can glorify God even in the way you have fun or work at your job. Colossians 3:23 tells us: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” Isn‟t that a cool way to think of having fun or working? You can glorify God by having a good attitude while working or by making good choices with your friends. Don‟t do it for you. Don‟t do it for your parents or your employers. But do it for the Lord. He has gifted you with the ability to work hard and have great friends. So, as you start your summer remember who you can glorify and have fun Bearcats! Sports Ruston High School Freshmen Lady Cats Go Undefeated by Christian Amos Sports Editor Undefeated in all games, the Freshmen Softball team ended their season with a 10-0 record. This season and year brought the ladies closer together as a team and Bearcat family. The girls and the school look forward to making some striking marks in RHS athletics. The team consisted of ten girls who all did their part in the winning season. The athletes on the team include Hannah Albritton (second base), Alli Braswell (third base), Caitlin Elliot (outfield), Maddie Huckabee (first base and pitcher), Emori Mathis (catcher), Kendall Smith (short stop), Allison Tryon (Pitcher and first base), and Shelby Webb (outfield). Chatterbox May 20, 2010 Page 31 Sports Chatterbox Ruston High School May 20, 2010 Page 32 Track and Field: State Runner-up by Christian Amos Sports Editor The Bearcats and Lady Bearcats shined as they took second place at the State level. The Bearcats ended the state meet with a total of 57 points and the Lady Bearcats with 63. The Lady Cat 400-meter relay team dominated with a time of 48.51 seconds. The team consisted of Nakera Jenkins, Hannah McIntire, Chasidy Criswell and Brandi Outley. Haven Schroeder placed second in the 1,600-meter run at 4:02.60. At 11-0, Colleen Butler took home the championship in the pole vault. Butler led the Lady Bearcats in the final results. Male pole vaulter Nick Richardson finished third at 14-0. As always, national star Trey Hadnot blazed the 400-meter dash, led the Bearcats‟ results, and was named Most Vaulable Track Performer in the boys‟ division. Chase Millien took a third place victory in the 3,200-meter run and fourth in 1,600-meter run. Congratulations to all of our track members for a job well done! Rule the Cage and the Streets Ruston ATA MMA 205 North Service Road East Ruston , LA 71270 318– 513-9853
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