Knowledge management and information
Knowledge management and information
Bassins, Saint-Leu, Les Avirons et Étang-Salé. The countries in the region. The version 3 of CoReMo general principle is banning with derogations issued (C3) is today used under the Windows operating by prefectural order. Two main principles provide for system through which simple, effective and standard the delimitation of three levels of protection, namely protocols have been worked out to count the benthic management by geomorphologic unit (or reef unit) populations (fixed fauna such as corals, mobile and an increasing level of protection going from the fauna) and the fish populations. The C3 software periphery of package has today 320 registered users (Wickel et protection (general perimeter), then the perimeter of al. 2013), of whom 64 % are international users and reinforced protection (taking of samples is forbidden, 25% except in certain circumstances) and finally the collected perimeters of complete protection within which no accordance with the GCRMN, Reserve Monitoring and human presence is allowed except for the scientific Reef Check protocols are stored with CoReMo. Within follow-up and the monitoring (Tessier et al. 2007). the framework of the current development of the to the centre. Knowledge The lowest level management and ultramarine. CoReMo on the In Reunion health software of (version Island, the 4), coral the data reefs in interoperability between the various databases is today necessarily information taken into account, particularly in view of the new In parallel with the national data bases (Quadrige, storage tools in use or being developed (BDROI). Systeme d’Information sur la Nature et les Paysages, etc.), the management of data concerning the coastal sea environment is carried out locally through the development of several tools for banking, storing safely and sharing information. BDROI The pilot project for the reef data base in the Indian Ocean (Base de Données Récifs – pilote Océan Indien, BDROI), which is currently on-going, aims to establish a data base for the ultramarine reef CoReMo ecosystems The CoReMo project (Coral Reef Monitoring) is a scalable. The project is funded and coordinated by project developed by the Agency for Marine Research the Initiative Française pour les RÉcifs CORalliens and Valorisation (ARVAM) and funded initially within (IFRECOR), the framework of an agreement between Reunion d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) and the Institut FRançais Region, the Ministere d’Outre-Mer (MOM) and the pour l’Exploitation de la MER (IFREMER). It aims to European Union. The partnership with the World Fish set up an interoperable data base using existing tools Centre in Malaysia enables the CoReMo to ensure a and national portals as well as those currently being good degree of interoperability with the global developed, databases the “interconnect” and “interface” the different tools in GCRMN and Reef Check programs. The result of a order to map, monitor and manage better the successful collaboration at regional level under the ultramarines reef ecosystems. ReefBase and FishBase, through aegis of the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), the project aims to develop a software package for the monitoring of the health of the coral reefs using the methods implemented by (i) the researchers and (ii) by the non-researchers. This programe started in 1998 and enabled the production of a version II to be used and developed under Access 97 by all the that the which is secured, State, the should interoperable Museum allow the and National users to Sextant REMATA Sextant REMATA is an infrastructure of reference data for marine geography for Reunion Island, Mayotte, and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. This secured server, dedicated to the public sector services, should enable the pooling of all the GIS layers concerning the work of the State at 152 sea in the Indian Ocean. This database, which according to their importance with respect to a integrates the marine environment and its coastal certain state of health in a final indicator composed fringe, will cover the Indian Ocean territories that fall of 5 categories of health. under French information jurisdiction. system, implementation of which maritime This is and geographical useful for coastal the public policies In Reunion Island, Mayotte and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, is coordinated by the Prefecture of Reunion Island (DMSOI) and hosted by the SEXTANT server of IFREMER. It is called Sextant REMATA. An agreement, adapted to the Indian Ocean context, has been worked out in consultation with the three Prefectures. It was signed on 28 February 2012 and the secured portal, Sextant REMATA, is operational. Within the framework of the Water Framework Directive, an indicator was set up in 2013 (Ropert et al. 2013) to define the state of the water bodies on the reefs (from very good to bad). For the moment this indicator only applies to the external slopes of the fringing reefs around Reunion Island, but the aim is to adapt it as far as possible for the flats of the fringing reefs. It is calculated by using the surveys of the sessile benthic species carried out by the RNMR as part of its annual monitoring (7 stations on the external slope). Moreover, the results from this monitoring are integrated into the GCRMN. For each of the parameters and metric measures, the approach consisted of defining a relevant set of references (state of the reference defined from bibliographical data and opinions of experts), in order to establish the indices and categories of state of health. Given their ecological importance, some may be considered Battistini R., Bourrouilh F., ChevaLier J.P., Coudray J., Denizot M., Faure G., Fischer J.C., Guilcher A., Harmelin-vivien M., Jaubert J., Laborel J., Montaggioni L., Masse J.P., Mauge L.A., Peyrot C., Laussade M., Pichon M., Plante R., Plaziat J.C., Plessis Y.B., Richard G., Salvat B., Thomassin B.A., Vasseur P., Weydert P., 1975. Eléments de terminologie récifale indopacifique. Téthys, 7 : 1-111. Biais G., Taquet M., 1992. La pêche locale aux abords de La réunion. Repères océan, 2 : 1-78. Bigot L., Quod J. P., Troadec R., Tessier E., Aichelmann C., Dutrieux E., 1998. Etude de suivi du milieu marin de la baie de La Possession et de la Pointe des Galets – Volet 2 & 3. Typologies et diagnostic environnemental intégré. Définition du suivi 1998 – 2000. Rapport technique ARVAM & IARE. 69p + annexes. Bouchon C., 1978. Etude quantitative des peuplements à base de Sclératiniaires des récifs coralliens de l’archipel des Mascareignes (Océan Indien occidental). Thèse de doctorat, Univ. Aix-Marseille 2. Indicator for the External Slopes parameters References as “improving” (vitality of the corals, number of acropora corals, number of stag-horn and table corals, the proportion of calcareous algae with respect to the total algal population), while others are ‘downgrading” (the cover in stiff algae, the cover in soft corals). Finally, these different indices were combined and weighted Bourmaud C., 2003. Inventaire de la biodiversité marine récifale à la Réunion. Rapport Ecomar, Mnhn, Arvam, Iremia/Etic/Wwf Marseille pour le compte de l’Apmr. CAREX, ARVAM, 2002. Parc Marin Réunion - Conservation et réhabilitation des récifs coralliens – Phase 1. Site pilote d’Étang-Salé-les-Bains. Rapport pour le compte de l'APMR. (65 p). CAREX, ARVAM, 2005. Parc Marin de la Réunion - Cartographie des récifs coralliens de la Réunion – Conservation et Réhabilitation, Phase 2. Etude réalisée pour le compte de l'APMR. 60 p + cartes + annexes. Chabanet P., Bigot L., Naïm O., Garnier R., Tessier E., Moyne-Picard M., 2001. Coral reef monitoring at Reunion island (Western indian ocean) using the Gcrmn method. Proc. 9th Intern.Coral Reef Symp., Bali. Clua E., Legendre P., Vigliola L., Magron F., Kulbicki M., Sarramegna S., Labrosse P., Galzin R., 2006. Medium scale approach (MSA) for improved assessment of coral reef fish habitat. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 333 (2006): 219-230. Conand C., Cuet P., Mioche D., Naim O., 2002. Les récifs de la réunion sous surveillance. Pour la Science, 298 : 7481. Cuet P., Naim O., 1989. Les platiers récifaux de l'île de La Réunion. Géomorphologie, contexte hydrodynamique et peuplements benthiques, qualité des eaux et bilan de la dégradation des écosystèmes récifaux. David G., Mirault E., 2003. L’estimation socio-économique d’un patrimoine naturel comme outil du développement durable: l’exemple des récifs coralliens de l’île de la Réunion. Pp. 95-102 In : Patrimoines et développement dans les pays tropicaux. Actes des IXes Journées de Géographie tropicale, 13-15 septembre 2001, la Rochelle. De La Torre Y., 2004. Synthèse morphodynamique des littoraux de La Réunion, état des lieux et tendances d’évolution à l’échelle de l’île. BRGM/RP53307-FR, 118 p., 59 ill., 6 ann. Despinoy M., 2000. Potentiel de la Télédétection haute résolution Spatial et Spectrale en milieu intertropical : Une approche transdisciplinaire à partir d’expériences aéroportées à La Réunion et en Guyane française. Thèse de doctorat, Université de La Réunion, 236 p. 153 Ganier R., Quod J.P., Bigot L., 2001. Sentier sous-marin « Chez Go » - Lagon de l’Ermitage – La Réunion. Diagnostic de l’état initial du site et aide à la décision. Rapport pour le compte de l’APMR, 26 pages + annexes Guennoc P., Villain C., Thinon I., Le Roy M., 2008 - Cartographie morphosédimentologique des fonds marins côtiers de l'île de La Réunion, Rapport BRGM/RP56-579-FR - 43 p. Faure G., 1982. Recherche sur les peuplements de scléractiniaires des récifs coralliens de l’archipel des Mascareignes (océan Indien occidental). Thèse de doctorat, Université aix-Marseille ii. Lesser M. P., Mobley C. D. “Bathymetry, water optical properties, and benthic classification of coral reefs using hyperspectral remote sensing imagery.” Coral Reefs [En ligne]. 11 July 2007. Vol. 26, n°4, p. 819–829. Disponible sur : < > (consulté le 14 June 2011) Mobley C. D., Sundman L. K., Davis C. O., Bowles J. H., Downes T. V., Leathers R. a, Montes M. J., Bissett W. P., Kohler D. D. R., Reid R. P., Louchard E. M., Gleason A., 2005. “Interpretation of hyperspectral remotesensing imagery by spectrum matching and look-up tables.” Appl. Opt. [En ligne]. 10 June 2005. Vol. 44, n°17, p. 3576–92. Disponible sur Montaggioni L., 1978. Recherches géologiques sur les complexes récifaux de l’archipel des Mascareignes (océan Indien occidental). Thèse de doctorat es sciences, Université Aix-Marseille II. Montaggioni, peuplements benthiques. Rapport non publié Laboratoire d’Écologie marine, Université de la Réunion. Nicet J.B., Pothin K., Tessier E., 2010. Plan de gestion de la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion. Synthèse thématique « Biodiversité et habitat ». Rapport PARETO/RNMR, 53 pages. Pennober G., Nicet J.B., Quod J.P., Caminade J.P., 2011. Images processing and coral bleaching : a New Remote Sensing Contribution from Reunion Island for the SWIO. Book of abstracts, 7th WIOMSA scientific Symposium, Mombasa, Kenya, october 2011. Picard J., 1967. Essai de classement des grands types de peuplements benthiques récifaux d’après les observations effectuées dans les parages de Tuléar (SW Madagascar).Rec Trav. Sta. Mar. Endoume. Suppl. 6 : 3-24 Pinault M., 2013. Évaluation de la fonctionnalité de récifs artificiels à vocation non extractive, dans un contexte d’habitats naturels fragmentés – Côte Nord-Ouest de l’île de La Réunion. Thèse doctorale de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes de Perpignan, réalisée à PARETO ecoconsult en convention industrielle de formation par la recherche: 297p + annexes. Ropert M., Bigot L., Chabanet P., Cuet P., Nicet J.B., Maurel L., Scolan P., Cambert H., Cauvin B., Duval M., Le Goff R., Pothin K., Mouquet P., Quod J.P., Talec P., Turquet J., Vermenot C., Zubia M., 2012. Fascicule technique pour la mise en oeuvre du réseau de contrôle de surveillance DCE "Benthos de Substrats Durs" à La Réunion. L.F., Faure G., 1980. Les récifs coralliens des Mascareignes (Océan Indien). Collection des Travaux du Centre Universitaire. Université de La Réunion. 151pp. Tessier E., Bigot L., Chabanet P., Conand C., Cauvin B., Cadet C., Quod J.P., Nicet J.B., 2007. Les récifs coralliens de la Réunion en 2007 : État des lieux et réseaux de suivi. Revue d’Ecologie n°63 : 85-102. Mouquet P., Quod J.P., 2010. Spectrhabent-OI - Acquisition et analyse de la librairie spectrale sous-marine. Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature, 2013. Biodiversité d’Outre-mer. 353 p. Mouquet P., Bajjouk T., Maurel L., Cebeillac A., Le Goff R., Ropert M., 2014. Atlas des résultats du traitement des images hyperspectrales et des données Lidar sur les plateformes récifales de La Réunion. Naïm O., 1989. Les platiers récifaux de l’île de la Réunion. Géomorphologie, contexte hydrodynamique et Troadec R, 2002. Suivi de l’évolution du profil des plages coralliennes de la Réunion 1998 - 2001. rapport Université de la réunion pour le compte de l’Apmr. Wickel J., Quod J.P., Pothin K., Pleignet R., 2013. Suivi de l’état de santé des récifs coralliens à la Réunion. Synthèse nationale France/Réunion des réseaux d’observations en place-projet ISLANDS. Rapport Pareto, 15 pages + annexes 154 CASE STUDY 1 Mapping the Marine Park of Reunion Authors: Remi Garnier, Jean Pascal Quod, Lionel Bigot - ARVAM Contact details: PARETO Ecoconsult, +262 262 283908 In 2001s, the Marine Park of Reunion Island (originally an association that was managing what has become today the Marine Natural Reserve of Reunion Island) wanted to put into place several underwater trails inside the managed area. ARVAM (the Agency for Marine Research and Valorisation) carried out on behalf of the project manager an ecological survey of the marine environment in question for this innovative project of an underwater trail in the pilot sector of the lagoon at la Saline-l’Ermitage. Within the framework of this study, a map of the geomorphology and of the associated marine biocenoses, a map of the ecological sensitivity and finally a map showing the proposed tracks for the trail with the geographical references were drawn up for this sector. The maps were drawn up in accordance with the following method: Positioning ground truth stations after a preliminary analysis of the IGN ortho photographs taken during the 1997 survey and the vertical photographs taken at low altitude (200m) taken during a special survey carried out for this mission (2001); Gathering the ground truth data in order to work out the typology and the information from the polygons under GIS. Parameters taken into account: geomorphology, substrates, dominant population, cover by dominant populations, relief, depth and hydro-dynamism; Visual interpretation of the IGN ortho photos and image-cutting under GIS, information from the polygons based on the ground truth data (geomorphology and dominant populations); Based on the geomorphology and the dominant populations a sensitivity map was drawn up. Based on these maps, the tracks to put an underwater trail into place were proposed to the Marine Park. 155 CASE STUDY 2 Spectrahabent - OI Author: Pascal Mouquet Contact details: Agence des Aires Marines Protégées / Délégation Ifremer océan Indien, Rue Jean Bertho, BP60 - 97822 Le Port Cedex, , +262 262 43 36 84 Over the past few years, we have witnessed a boom in the new techniques for remote sensing based on sensors that are more and more efficient (improvement in image resolution, miniaturisation, and lower costs). These technological advances have allowed hyper-spectral imaging to become more widespread as a form of basic support to the mapping of ecosystems. The Spectrahabent-OI project, which was launched in Reunion Island and the other French islands in the Indian Ocean is fully in line with this innovative trend. This project is the result of a cooperation agreement between the French public authorities, namely the Prefecture of Reunion Island, the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, the Agency for the Protected Marine Areas (AAMP), and IFREMER, with the participation of ARVAM, Pareto Ecoconsult and SHOM. Its objective is to develop a method to analyse hyper-spectral and Lidar data to map the subtidal benthic habitats in the reef zones of the French islands in the Indian Ocean. The first phase of the project consisted of collecting aerial and terrestrial data. In 2009, when launching the Litto3D project in the Indian Ocean, the French government, through the DDE/DIREN (now called the DEAL) and the AAMP, acquired further aerial imagery of the marine environment by adding a hyperspectral sensor to what was initially planned, the LIDAR system. The images thus obtained cover in exhaustive fashion all the French tropical islands in the Indian Ocean, with a resolution at ground level varying from 20cm to 2 metres, in a spectral range between 400 and 1000 mm out of 80 or 160 spectral bands. In parallel with these aerial acquisitions, a phase of ground truths was carried out in Reunion Island, Mayotte and the îles Éparses. It enabled the setting up of a bank of spectral signatures of the main types of reef formation in the coral zones, at depths varying from 0 to 20 metres in diverse habitats (lagoons, external slopes, volcanic flows, etc). The analysis of this spectral library enabled the characterisation of the different types of essential constituents of a coral reef. These results were the subject of a report by RST IFREMER published in August 2010. (Mouquet et Quod, 2010). The work on the ground truths was also aimed at setting up a data base on the nature and variability of the observed seabed, which is essential for the calculation of the algorithms to analyse the images as well as to validate the results obtained. These data had been collected in the form of geo-referenced points or zones and underwater photographs, using a semi-quantitative method derived from the MSA method (Clua et al., 2006). One of the main challenges in using the hyper-spectral data from the reef environment is the correction of the light signal, which was greatly affected by its passage through a column of water (surface effects, indepth attenuation) and so the production of reference images with a reflectance on the sea-bed. Once this necessary stage had been carried out, more “traditional” methods for analysing images could be used: classification and spectral untangling. The principle underpinning this last method is to compare and 156 match the spectra of the image pixels with those of a spectral matching library made up a mixture of a limited number of pure spectra (sand, algae, coral, grasses) in specified proportions (look-up table – LUT; Lesser and Mobley, 2007; Mobley et al., 2005). The aim is to measure how far the pure spectra, representing the broad categories of constituents, contribute to the formation of the spectrum observed in the pixel. By breaking down the respective proportions of the components inside every pixel, it is possible to grasp their percentage of the overall recovery. The work developed within the Spectrhabent project was taken up and enriched by the Bioindication project (Onema /IFREMER), of which one component focused essentially on the use of these data to map the reef flats of Reunion Island by producing an indicator and summary maps that describe the state of the water bodies in the reefs as part of the monitoring carried out by the DCE The results obtained from the hyper-spectral and Lidar data show a real potential for innovation and contribute to characterising and understanding better the spatial heterogeneity that is so typical of these reef zones. The Spectrhabent-OI and Bioindication projects were supported by public funds and as such are fully in line with the perimeter of the INSPIRE Directive. In addition to being presented in map form in an atlas with a scale of 1/5000e, all the mapping data thus produced have been uploaded to the Sextant infrastructure and are directly and freely accessible, viewable and downloadable through the Sextant Océan Indien portal. 157 158 CASE STUDY 3 REEFSAT monitoring of coastal areas by remote sensing Authors Stéphanie Goutorbe, Erwann Lagabrielle, Gwenaëlle Pennober, Christophe Revillion Contacts: UMR 228 ESPACE DEV, Université de La Réunion, IRD, Parc Technologique Universitaire, 2 rue Joseph Wetzell, CS 41095, 97495 Ste-Clotilde Cedex, La Réunion ( ,,, Monitoring changes by remote sensing Satellite imagery has become an indispensable means for monitoring the environment, preventing and monitoring natural disasters and, more generally, assessing the impact of public policy. Since the 1970s, improvements in the spatial resolution of satellite data, their accessibility and their replicability has enabled the widening of the range of applications of remote sensing to include detecting changes in the state of surfaces and more widely the spatio-temporal monitoring of dynamic phenomena. Detecting changes consists, therefore, of identifying the differences in the state of an object or phenomenon in a given lapse of time decided by the user. Remote sensing of changes depends on using multi-temporal data sets that have been collected from satellite or airborne sensors. As from the year 2000, the increasing number of Very High Spatial Resolution (VHSR) sensors has given more opportunities to detect changes in terms of spatial resolution and temporal frequency. Research carried out in Reunion Island over the past twenty years has shown how useful satellite imagery can be in monitoring dynamic phenomena in the coastal areas. In this paper we present some applications of satellite imagery in monitoring (1) coral reefs, (2) urbanisation and (3) the turbidity of coastal waters. Study area Located in the inter-tropical zone of the South-West Indian Ocean, Reunion Island originated from a volcanic hot spot. Given its relative youth, the relief of Reunion Island (maximum altitude being 3060 km) is typical of high islands, with steep slopes and small alluvial plains. Four units of fringing reefs border the leeward south and west coasts (Naim et al., 2009). On these coastal catchment areas urban and agricultural zones have spread out and become denser very quickly in the last two decades, which has caused the quality of the coastal waters to deteriorate. These change factors have caused damage to the coral ecosystem, the extent of which remains variable (Scopelitis et al., 2009). Since 2007 a marine natural reserve regulates water sports and fishing activities on the three reef units on the west of the island. Application 1: monitoring the coral reefs Coral bleaching, which is a process of pigmentation loss in coral colonies, is a phenomenon that signals the deterioration of the reef and is the result of climate change and man-made pressures on the reefs and associated catchment areas. Various approaches using remote sensing exist throughout the world to detect the extent of coral bleaching episodes (Andrefouet et al., 2000). Pennober and Borius (2010) have developed and tested an operational chain of obtaining and processing images aimed at monitoring on a large scale the health of these ecosystems. The method that has been tested in Reunion Island consists of defining the bleaching by the degree of variability that it shows over time: that is, an increase in the nonpermanent shine on the surface of the corals through an object-oriented classification (i.e. OBIA) of multitemporal images coming from airborne and/or satellite Very High Spatial Resolution sensors. The method was validated during a bleaching episode in 2006 on the Ermitage reef on the west coast of Reunion Island. This method complements the monitoring on the ground. 159 Application 2: Monitoring of urbanisation Thanks to their wide spatial cover, high replicability and low cost compared to aerial photographs, images from remote sensing are privileged data for identifying differences in land use at different dates. The maximum temporal range between images coming from satellite sensors is now three decades for SPOT images and forty years for LANDSAT images. For the study on changes in land use In Reunion Island, High Spatial Resolution (HSR) SPOT 1 to SPOT 4 satellite data were used (Lagabrrielle et al., 2007). The results from this study have revealed that the urban area for the whole island has almost tripled in the period 1990-2000, with a growth of more than 450% in the coastal situated between 0 and 150 metres in altitude (Figure 1). Urban growth has been located in preference along the main roads and near the coast, in particular on the west coast of Reunion Island upstream of the coral reefs. This quantitative study of the dynamics of urban spaces has encouraged awareness concerning the magnitude and the speed of the changes to the territory. A second study carried out in Reunion Island showed the contribution of the data obtained through metric resolution remote sensing to the quick and low-cost survey of buildings (Durieux et al., 2008), in particular in those adjacent to the coastal zones (Figure 2). Application 3: Monitoring of the turbidity of coastal waters Remote sensing enabls the characterisation of turbidity and the measurement of the terrigenous load in marine waters, in particular close to coasts and estuaries. For studies at the regional level, low and medium resolution images may be used for this topic, such as the images coming from the MODIS satellite of which the resolution varies between 250 and 500 metres (Katlane et al., 2012). At the local level, the HSR and VHSR are preferred. With this finer scale, the images obtained in the visible spectrum and mainly in the blue, green and yellow wavelengths enable a clearer distinction of the coastal turbid plumes (Doxaran et al., 2002). The latter approach is particularly suited to Reunion Island, because of the relatively small size of the study zone. Monitoring of the turbidity of the coastal waters on the west of the island was carried out within the framework of the CHARC project (on the relation between the sharks and their environment). To do this, the SPOT 4 and SPOT 5 images from the SEAS-OI (satellite assisted monitoring of the environment in the Indian Ocean) were used. The results from this study show that the turbidity of the coastal waters on the west coast of the island is very pronounced around the mouths of the main rivers (Rivière des Galets, Riviere Saint-Étienne) and that it remains confined to a coastal band about ten kilometres long at most (Figure 3). Bilbliography Andrefouet S, Maritorena S, Loubersac L (2000) Un bilan de la télédétection appliquée aux milieux coralliens. Océanis, 26(3), 311 349. Open Access version : Doxaran D, Froidefond JM, Lavender S, Castaing P (2002) Spectral signature of highly turbid waters: Application with SPOT data to quantify suspended particulate matter concentrations. Remote sensing of Environment, 81(1), 149-161. Durieux L, Lagabrielle E, Nelson A (2008) A method for monitoring building construction in urban sprawl areas using object-based analysis of Spot 5 images and existing GIS data. ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens 63:399–408. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2008.01.005 Katlane R, Dupouy C, Zargouni F (2012) Chlorophyll and turbidity concentrations as an index of water quality of the Gulf of Gabes from Modis in 2009. Rev Télédétection 11:265–273. Lagabrielle E, Metzger P, Martignac C, Lortic B, Durieux L (2007) Les dynamiques d'occupation du sol à la Réunion (1989-2002). M@ppemonde 86 (2007.2) : Naim O, Cuet P, Mangar V (2000) The Mascarene Islands. Coral reefs of the Indian Ocean: their Ecology and Conservation, 353 -381. Pennober G, Borius A (2010) Détection à Très Haute Résolution Spatiale du blanchissement corallien sur les récifs de l’île de La Réunion. Télédétection 9:5–17. Accessed 12 Jun 2014 Scopélitis J, Andréfouët S, Phinn S, et al. (2009) Changes of coral communities over 35 years: Integrating in situ and remote-sensing data on Saint-Leu Reef (la Réunion, Indian Ocean). Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 84:342–352. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2009.04.030 160 Figure 1: Evolution (%) of urbanisation between 1989 and 2002 depending on the altitude, produced using SPOT 1 and SPOT 4 images. Figure 2: Mapping of buildings produced from (A) a SPOT 5 image, (B) segmented into sub-objects and (C) in which individual buildings have been extracted. For more details about the method, see the article by Durieux et al., (2008). Figure 3: Extraction of the marine turbidity in the sea facing St. Paul in the south of Reunion Island from (A) a SPOT 5 dated 8 January 2013, and (B) the green channel of the satellite image. 161 Madagascar Authors: Tantely Fanomezana Tianarisoa Contacts: Lot 2ICB Ambohimarina – Ambohimanga Rova, 103- Antananarivo- Madagascar Tél.: +261 33 11 835 23 E-mail: Figure 4-61: Map of the Indian Ocean, showing the Exclusive Economic Zones of Madagascar (yellow). Island Ecosystems Geology Madagascar is a continental island that was formed through a process of plate tectonics and continental drift. Madagascar was a part of the Gondwana and moved south-southeastward relative to the African coast along the Davies Fracture zone and came to rest 400 km off Mozambique, approximately 135-125 Figure 4-62: Map of Madagascar. tectonically passive since movement between the two landmasses ceased in the early Creataceous. The sedimentary zone, mainly confined to the west, south and northern tip of Madagascar, can be broadly divided into recent drift deposits, continental deposits and ocean deposits: - Sandstones (mainly continental facies): mya, before the beginning of the late Cretaceous. These are mainly composed of sand eroded The late phase of Madagascar’s geological history from the Precambrian basement rocks. encompasses its progressive isolation and drift to its present position, from the late Cretaceous. The rifting event between Africa and Madagascar created three large sedimentary basins: Ambilobe, Mahajanga, and Morondava, which have been - Mesozoic Limestones facies): The categorized into plus Marls limestones two distict (marine have been age group, separated by sandstone deposits and often also bands of basalts and lavas. 162 - - Tertiary Limestones plus Marls and Chalks Taolagnaro to near Toamasina and from the (marine facies): Tertiary limestones are less eastern Masoala peninsula to Vohemar, in deeply eroded and occur mainly in Southern the south in the Mandrare river basin, and and Western Madagascar, generally nearer to also along the west and the northwestern the coast than the Mesozoic limestones. lowlands. Unconsolidated Sands (recent and Drift deposits): These form a broad plain around the western and southern of Madagascar and a narrow band along the esat coast. - Alluvial and lake deposits (Recent and Drift deposits): These are finer grained than the unconsolidated sands. - Mangrove swamp: Often linked to alluvial deposits, such as large river estuaries, or to unconsolidated coastal sands. composed of metamorphic and igneous rocks, with some restricted rock types. Volcanic rocks are also widespread throughout the island (Brenon 1972, Storey et al. 1995): Precambrian Basement Rocks (Metamorphic and Igneous quartzites, marbles and ultrabasics): Are a broad category of ancient, mainly metamorphic crystalline rocks rocks, such including as all granites, migmatites, and schists. - Ultrabasics: The most significant being about 15 km north northeast of Moramanga (about 10 km west of the Park National Mantadia). This area is an outcrop of nickel-rich ultrabasics. - - - According to the atlas developed by Moat & Smith et al in 2007, 15 types of terrestrial ecosystems have been identified (cf table below). The Malagasy ecosystem serves as home to approximately 12,000 species of plants, 370 species of reptiles, 244 species of amphibians, 283 species of birds, 154 species of fish and 99 species and subspecies of lemurs. Table 4-24 Terrestrial ecosystems The bulk of the island's center and east coast is - Terrestrial Ecosystems Plateau grassland-wooded grassland mosaic Wooded grassland-bushland mosaic Degraded humide forest Humide forest Western dry forest Cultivation South western dry spiny forest thicket Wetlands South western dry spiny forest Western sub-humid forest Mangroves South western coastal bushland Tapia forest Littoral forest Western humid forest Area in 2005 % terrestrial cover 246687 km² 41.67% 135739 km² 58058 km2 47737 km2 31970 km² 23522 km² 22.93% 9.81% 8.06% 5.40% 3.97% 18355 km² 5539 km² 3.10% 0.94% 5427 km² 4010 km² 2433 km² 0.92% 0.68% 0.41% 1761 km² 1319 km² 274 km² 72 km² 0.30% 0.22% 0.05% 0.01% Quartzites: The main outcrop of quartz is in Freshwater central Madagascar, forming the mountains The island is divided into two large asymmetric of basins, namely the wider, but gentler, western slope, the Itremo massif to the west of Ambositra (and the outlying Ibity massif) and the narrower but steeper eastern slope. Three Marble (Cipolin): The most substantial areas other of characteristics: the slope of the Montagne d'Ambre, marble occur in central Madagascar, small watersheds have their own around area of the Itremo Massif. the slope of Tsaratanana in the North, and the slope Lavas (volcanic and eruptive rocks): The of southern Madagascar. Hydrological regimes vary older group of lavas and basalts occur along dependent on the slope. In northern and eastern the eastern lowland belt from north of Madagascar, watershed runoff is ongoing throughout 163 the year, while in the southern and western Malagasy of the Nil Crocodile Crocodilus niloticus Madagascar the surface flows in some rivers are madagascariensis seasonal. increasingly threatened by overexploitation. It is now The data on the biodiversity of inland waters were is endemic and has become considered by IUCN as vulnerable. collected in lentic environments (lakes, marshes, There are 132 Malagasy waterbird species, of which swamp). These cover 0.3% of the territory and are 16 are threatened according to IUCN classification composed of 3,429 open water bodies covering (2009). 2 65 species are migratory species that 2,000 km in lotic environments (streams and rivers) regularly visit Madagascar, 32 species are essentially that are divided into six major watersheds of varying marine species that rarely visit the country, and two importance d'Ambre, nesting migratory species of Madagascar statutes Tsaratanana eastern side, west side and southern threatened Glareola ocularis and Ardeola idae. These side), then subdivided into 256 ponds covering a two species migrate to the islands of the Indian total length of 3 000 km (Ministry of Water, 2009). Ocean and East Africa, including Mozambique, Kenya Malagasy (Northeast, aquatic flora Montagne belongs to the phylum Pteridophyta in classes Filicopsida, Lycopsyda and sphenopsida, and at the junction of seed plants in the class Liliopsida and Magnoliopsida. In the class Liliopsida, families comprise 92 genera and 284 species. No family of aquatic plants is endemic Malagasy with the exception of the Scholleropsis lutea species, Pontederiaceae, belonging which is to usually the and Tanzania, with a high concentration between April and October at the Wetlands of these countries (Stevenson and Fanshawe 2003). Of relevance to the waterfowl Malagasy, is the rediscovery of the species Aythya species innotata in the (Onjy), wetland a critically endangered Bemanevika, Northern Madagascar. family found in the streams and ponds of western Madagascar. Freshwater fish fauna are characterized by relatively poor species numbers compared to the African continent, their richness in endemic and marine forms, and the abundance of euryhaline species, particularly in the western part of the island (families of Atherinidae, Mugilidae, Gobiidae and Siluridae). 111 of the 154 freshwater species are endemic with 16 families whose Cichlids are most represented with 39 species followed by Bedotidés with 32 species. Half are Teleostei Perciformes while 28% are Atheriniformes and 12% are Ciprinodontiformes. The ranges are limited and inaccessible except in the lower reaches. Among reptiles, there are four species of freshwater turtles in Madagascar. Three are indigenous, while the fourth, which is Erymnochelys madagascariensis, is endemic and critically endangered. Subspecies 164 Fisaka / Mitsio Islands (129 species), Nosy Sakatia / Nosy Be (125 species), Bay Befotaka / Nosy Be (123 species) and Andavakalovo / Archipelago Nosy Hara (122 species). Madagascar has a high level of endemism, an endemic genus (Horastrea) and at least eight species have never been observed elsewhere. For molluscs, 525 species have been identified (including 382 Scaphopode, 2 gastropods, 139 Cephalopods bivalves, and 1 1 Chiton), belonging to 92 families and 193 genres. The Banc de Marie / Mitsio Islands is the richest site with 93 Marine Madagascar’s coral reefs have an estimated total length of 3540km, with the principal concentrations of emergent reefs in the east (Cap d’Ambre to Toamasina, 417 km), southwest (Androka species. South Eastern Nosy Sakatia / Nosy Be, Nosy Kisimany / Bay Ampasindava and Nosy Fanihy / Nosy Be counted in the 89-91 species. to Regarding Fish, 463 identified species belong to 65 Morombe, 458 km), and northwest (Mahajanga to families and 191 genera. Nosy Hao / Nosy Hara Cap d’Ambre, 578 km) (Gabrié et al. 2000). Archipelago, Nosy Tanikely / Nosy Be, Nosy Ankarea A Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) covered 30 sites in the Northwest in 2002, and 130km of coastline in the northeast of Madagascar in 2007, and an environmental assessment in the South western between 2006 and 2009 has provided information on the biodiversity and health of reef and associated biodiversity (Gough et al., 2009). These survey help / Islands Mitsio, Nosy Kivinjy / Nosy Be are among the richest sites with between 152 and 166 species. Eight species belong exclusively to the waters of Madagascar, including two new species of POMACENTRIDEAE collected for the first time. Four other species are known only to Madagascar and the Comoros / St. Brandon's Shoals. to catalyze conservation action and improve marine In the North West: conservation planning. 281 species of corals have been identified (275 The literature review combined with the results of the RAP reveals a total of 788 species of reef fish, similar to the figure Islands neighbors (Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives and Chagos) and 380 of coral species, the highest in the Western Indian Ocean and scleractinian species and six non-scleractinian species) belonging to 61 Genera and 17 Families. Species of particular interest include: Monospecific genera endemic to the regional level: Craterastrea laevis, Anomastrea irregularis, Horastrea indica and Gyrosmilia interrupta; Species Indonesia: Anacropora pillai In the North West: irregularis; Rare The site diversity of coral species is comparable to Psammocora albopicta and species Echinopora sp. Red Sea. near shore reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef of Australia. 318 coral species were identified, including seven new scleractinian species. The richest sites are Nosy Ankarea / Mitsio Islands (143 species), Nosy species observed in and Turbinaria recently described: 296 species of 114 genera of fish are listed. Ambodivahibe AMP and Loky bay with Nosy Ankao site contain echinoderms, the 3 highest species of diversity. crinoïdes, Regarding 18 sea 165 cucumber species, 27 ophiuroids, 10 echinoids and pollution control (sewage, sediment other 10 asteroids are observed. pollutants), that are more likely the key factors. In the South west There are 385 fish species that belong to 182 genera Andavadoaka, the evaluation highlighted: Typical and 57 families; 235 species of molluscs that belong coral reef fronts show a coverage rate of 20% with to 112 genera and 71 families; 164 species of stony high algal cover (35-80 %) dominated by Lobophora, corals that belong to 55 genera and 17 families, Turbinaria and Dictyota species. Coral cover in including 19 not observed elsewhere in Madagascar, shallow sites that are heavily exploited by fishing and at least four genres, probably species, new to remains stable at around 5-10% over the five years science (Harding 2006). of follow-up since 2004. Similarly, algal cover also remains high at around 60-80%. A Salary and Ranobe coral cover (hard corals) shows characteristic variability between sites, exceeding 30% for sites beyond 20m depth, while sites less than 10m deep are usually degraded (WWF, 2006b). South of Toliara (Fanombosa, Ambohibola, Androka, Itampolo, Ambola), the study showed increasing species richness and reef health as one moves away from the south of Toliara (WWF, 2006a), which is attributed to the reducing influence of tourism, fisheries and sedimentation. The coverage rate of hard corals varies, with a maximum 60% at Ambohibola Fanombosa and a minimum 10% at Androka. Seagrasses and algae Seagrass and algal assemblages, despite their importance, are little known in Madagascar. The seagrass species that are common in the South-West Based on a comparison of the status of coral reefs Indian Ocean include: Thalassodendron ciliatum, described Thalassia in the literature in 1978 with new hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, assessments in 2008, the Great Reef of Toliara Cymodocea rotundata and C. serrulata, Halodule suffered a severe degradation. Coverage of hard wrightii and H. uninervis, Halophila ovalis and H. coral on the reef slope significantly decreased with stipulacea, almost total loss of architectural species and their species are found in deep waters. Algal diversity is replacement by algae. This degradation also extends represented by the following three major taxonomic over the reef flat and lagoon. The biomass of target groups: The rhodophyta or red algae, the largest fish from local fishermen has reduced (Harris et al, group with 44 species of 12 families; chlorophyta or 2009). An increase in the average temperature of green about 1°C in the region over the past 40 years may dominated by Rhodomelacea and Hypneacea; the have contributed to this decline. However, it is a phaeophytes or brown algae, with 11 species Zostera algae, with capensis. 32 species Rather of Halophila 10 families substantial increase in the population over the last few decades, coupled with a complete lack of any form of management, strong exploitation, and no 166 Mangroves and Taolagnaro), a total of seven species were Madagascar’s mangroves are of Indo-Pacific origin observed. Marine mammals observed in Madagascar and phytogeographic has eight mangrove species are belonging Rhizophoraceae, classification. The blue whale is critically endangered Avicenniaceae and Sonneratiaceae. The total area of (EN), humpback whales, sperm whales and dugongs mangrove is estimated to be over 320,000ha, of are which 98% are on the west coast, from Antsiranana (bottlenose to south of Toliara. The most important mangroves dolphin, humpback dolphin, Fraser, Risso's dolphin) are associated with major rivers like Mahajamba are classified Data Deficient (DD). The remaining Loza, Bombetoka, Tsiribihina and Mangoky. On the species of marine mammals are at low risk (LR). It is east coast, the total area of mangroves is only about important to note here that some species of dolphins 2500ha, in the DD category, particularly humpback dolphin to the which are families mainly located between listed in four vulnerable categories (VU). dolphin Five of species Indo-Pacific, the IUCN of dolphins large common and the bottlenose dolphin are vulnerable to human Antsiranana and North Mananara. activities including hunting intentional and accidental in the coastal areas of southwestern Madagascar catches. Marine turtle Five species of sea turtles are observed in Malagasy waters, namely; Chelonia mydas (green turtle), Eretmochelys imbricata (hawksbill), Caretta caretta (loggerhead turtle), Dermochelys coriacea (leatherback turtle), Lepidochelys olivacea (olive ridley), and to a lesser degree Dermochelys coriacea (leatherback turtle). Madagascar is an important Species place for the nesting, feeding and migration of these turtles, which are listed endangered or critically Marine mammals Malagasy marine mammals are diverse and represented by 28 species, including 27 cetacean endangered in the Red list of Threatened IUCN species species and one species of the order Sirenia of In terms of relative abundance, the green turtle Dugong dugong. To date, there have been confimed (Chelonia observations of 15 species of cetaceans including followed three dolphins imbricata), including caretta), which is rarely seen. Only four of the five whales and four dolphins, are suspected of using the species recorded in the region breed in Madagascar. Malagasy seas because of their presence in the The nesting season takes place during rains from region of the Indian Ocean. December to March, can be spread throughout the baleen (Odontoceti). whales Other (baleen) cetacean and 12 species, Observations made at west coast study sites (e.g. Anakao, Andavadoaka, Nosy Be) reveal the presence of 14 species of marine mammals. At the other three sites on the east coast (Bay Antongil Sainte Marie mydas) by the and is most hawksbill the frequently turtle loggerhead observed, (Eretmochelys turtle (Caretta year in the Northeast and Northwest, with a low of June to September. Many nesting sites are abandoned by turtles, or show a gradual decrease in frequentation as is the case of Nosy Ve south of 167 Toliara and Barren Islands off the west coast (Rakotonirina, 2011 ). Mapping of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems Seabirds Madagascar hosts a large number of migratory birds, concentrated along its coastal wetlands, including the Sanderling (Calidris ferruginea), the Terek Terek (Xenus cinereus), the Greater Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii) and the Crab Plover Drome (Dromas ardeola). The two most important seabird-breeding sites were recently discovered in the North of the country (Le Corre and Bemanaja, 2009). The first site is Nosy Manampaho, which is on the east coast 60km from Antsiranana, and is home to the largest colony of Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscata to Madagascar with 21,800 pairs. The second site is Nosy Foty, which is on the west coast 30km from Antsiranana in the central area of Nosy Hara Marine Park. It houses the largest colony of terns ridge Thalasseus bergii in Madagascar and all the Western Indian Ocean. Its population has increased from 1,000 pairs in July 1997 to 10 840 in July 2008. 168 Status of Coral Reefs and Associated Shallow 5.15 23.4 8.63 2 55.33 5.5 Ecosystems Deep 2.15 36.51 5.63 2.83 48.17 4.72 Status of Reef Benthos According to McClanahan (2009), all benthic-cover variables, with the exception of sand, were different between regions. Hard-coral cover was around 30% and did not vary between the east and northwest, but was higher than in the southwest region. Erect fleshy algal cover displayed the opposite pattern, with high cover (42%) in the southwest and low cover (3%) in the east and northwest. Calcareous green algae cover was highest in the east and Middle west region The barrier reef of Barren Isles was turf algae dominated (62% cover), while the patch and fringing reefs were hard coral dominated with 56% and 59% hard coral cover respectively (Cripps, G. 2010). The turf algae cover for these sites ranges from 16% to 29%. Macroalgae cover is negligible on the barrier reef; for the other sites it ranged from a minimum of 3% to a maximum of 17%. coralline algae cover was highest in the west. Soft North western region coral and sponge had higher cover in north and were The Marine RAP survey of northwestern Madagascar uncommon in the southwest. (McKenna et al. 2006) assessed 30 sites that are Available benthic cover data were synthetized to show some specificity by regions potential areas for marine conservation. Hard coral cover in shallow and deep reef ranged from 25% to 37% respectively. Mean cover for each benthic category is presented in the following table. Shallow reef Deep reef HC 25.1 6 36.9 35 SC 13.51 52 15.58 75 SP 3.6 08 1.1 85 MA 7.14 48 6.82 75 TA 11.96 72 CA 1.0 62 1.2 15 15.82 RB 10.4 44 6.27 5 SD OT 18.9 8.11 88 08 12.4 3.67 8 5 Hard Coral (HC), Soft Coral (SC), Sponge (SP), Macro Algae (MA), Turf Algae (TA), Calcareous Algae (CA), Rubble (RB), Sand (SD), Other (OT) North eastern and eastern Madagascar A marine RAP survey (Mc Keena, S., & al., 2006) was conducted in 23 sites on the North East coast of Madagascar Coral bleaching of Pocillopora in 2011. Coral reef monitoring was completed for benthic cover at ten sites across three main reef types in Andavadoake (MPA) in 2006 (Harding et al. 2006). Mean values of cover for all benthic categories du Phoque (approximately 11 º 57,905 'S, 49 º 27,568' E) and 4m with a predominance of Acropora and Pocillopora. This increases to 35% on the bottom 6-12m with a predominance of Galaxea. From 12m, corals begin to become scarce. recorded in shallow reef present medium biodiversity levels for hard corals (25%). Soft coral cover is Shallow HC SC TA 31 r e e 16 f around 7.5% (see table). HC Pointe Loky Bay. Mean hard coral cover was around 32% at South west region SD between SC SP All Algae SP MA CA . 8 17 3 4.25 3.75 5.1 . 9.5 5 2.55 4 6.25 RB SD OT 9.4 5 7 8 7 7.66 34 OT 18.7 Deep 9.5 169 Hard Coral (HC), Soft Coral (SC), Sponge (SP), Macro Algae (MA), Turf Algae (TA), Calcareous Algae (CA), Rubble (RB), Sand (SD), Other (OT) Middle west region The mean fish biomass of the reefs surveyed in the Barren Isles is 1636 kg/ha ± 590 (Cripps, G. 2010). According to Maharavo (2006) hard coral cover in The estimated reef fish biomass ranged from 1329 the shallow reef flat in Iles aux Nattes (East) is lower kg/ha (std. err. ±444) for the fringing reef, to 2270 (27.5%) than hard coral cover in the the outer kg/ha (std. err. ±902) for the barrier reef. The outer slopes (40%). barrier, patch and outer fringing reefs had high Hard Coral cover (%) Shallow reef Deep reef Iles aux Nattes Sud ouest 37 40 Iles aux Nattes Sud 18 40 Hard coral Mean cover 27.5 40 proportions of herbivore biomass, ranging from 727 kg/ha to 905 kg/ha. The fringing reef sites had lower herbivore biomasses of 470 and 764 kg/ha respectively. The biomass of carnivorous fish ranged from a maximum 601 kg/ha (outer barrier reef) to a Status of Reef Fish minimum 182 kg/ha (outer fringing reef). North western region North eastern region Conservation International’s RAP Fish survey in According to the RAP survey carried out in 2010, 2002, at 24 survey sites along the northwestern which covered 125km of the Norteastern coastline of coast Madagascar of Madagascar gives a comprehensive (Ambodivahibe to Vohemar), the description of the reef fishes status in this region diversity of reef fish is relatively high in the (McKenna S.A. and G.R Allen, eds. 2003). Table Northeast costline, with a total of 271 species from shows mean counts of target species ranged from 2 19 families. This represents 74% of the 367 species to 36 (mean =13.41 ± 1.54). The estimated biomass reported for Madagascar since 1891 (Allen 2005). of target fi sh ranged from 3.11 ton/km2 to 1720.17 ton/km2 (mean abundance of 182.3 ± individuals, 5.69). the In terms most of important families were Caesionidae, Lutjanidae, Lethrinidae, Scaridae, Haemulidae, and Serranidae. The high abundance of Casionidae and Lutjanidae was due to the proclivity of these families to produce large aggregations. This was especially true for Pterocaesio spp. and Lutjanus lutjanus. In terms of species, Scolopsis bimaculatus, Plectorhinchus Pterocaesio gaterinus, Pterocaesio Mean values of total reef fish biomass in the east coast locations (Masoala Peninsula and Mananara) range from 475 to 634 kg/ha (Harding S., et al 2006). In terms of contributions by individual fish families, highest biomass was recorded for Acanthurids (144 – 441 kg/ha.), which made up more than 30% of total biomass at Cap Masoala. Status of Reef Macroinvertebrates pisang, pisang are South western region ranked as the most abundant reef fish species in the Mean counts for assessed macro-invertebrates at North western Madagascar. Andavadoake site (Harding, S., & al. 2006) are presented in the Table below. In 2006, a few macro- No of survey site Biomass species count (ton/km2) invertebrate targets were more notable by their absence, particularly Crown of Thorns starfish 24 24 24 Min 2 6 3.11 Max 36 894 1720.17 Avg 13.41 189.5 182.3 A high density of large anemones (Heteractis sp.) Std 1.54 5.8 5.69 was recorded at one patch reef site but were either (Acanthaster plancii) and Lobsters (Panulirus spp.), which were not recorded along transects at any site. absent or rarely recorded at other sites. 170 In terms of Echinoderms herbivorous sea urchins grasses in Madagascar is likely to exceed that of (Diadema, Echinometra and Echinothrix), the sea coral reefs, estimated at 3000km2. star Linckia spp. and the sea cucumber Pearsonothuria graeffei were recorded most often. Large gastropod molluscs, such as the giant triton (Charonia tritonis) and horned helmet shell (Cassis cornuta), were not seen at any of the nine sites. However, medium sized gastropods were observed. The conch (Lambis spp.), and two species of large cowrie - the Tiger (Cypraea tigris) and Egg Cowrie (Ovula ovum), were recorded. Barrier Patch Fringing Mean /Ha Mean /Ha Mean/Ha to published literature, 12 seagrass species are known for Madagascar. They are typical of East Africa, namely Thalassodendron ciliatum, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata and C. serrulata, Halodule uninervis, and H. wrightii, Halophila ovalis and H. stipulacea, Zostera capensis. All species are associated with mud, sand, muddy sand, and coarse sand Table 4-25 Densities of selected macro-invertebrates for 3 reef types at Andavadoaka (no. individuals / hectare). Acanthaster plancii According substrates, while only T. hemprichii, S. isoetifolium and Thalassodendron ciliatum colonising rubble substrate where the sediment layer is minimal. At mid depths on the edges of reefs (8-12 m), or among coral patches on sand, Halophila ovalis 0 0 0 Holothuria atra 17.78 0 0 Total Holothurians 44.44 80 30 Lobster 0 0 0 Anemone 0 645.71 25 Status of Mangroves Tridacna 53.33 11.43 25 The lack of a universal definition of mangroves is the Octopus 4.44 0 0 origin of the differences in the estimation of its size. Charonia tritonis 0 0 0 Thus, Lebigre (1990) suggests an area of 370,000 Cassis cornuta 0 0 0 Lambis 13.33 5.71 10 Cypraeidae 57.78 11.43 5 forms extensive patches, often mixed with H. stipulacea. No seagrasses have been found on the deeper reefs. ha, Mayaux et al. (1999) propose an area of 453,000 ha, and Lebigre (2011) estimate the area of mangrove swamps to 421 000 ha. The largest areas (> 25,000 ha) of mangrove are found in the deltas of Madagascar’s major western rivers - Bombetoka Mahajamba, mangrove), Betsiboka (including Mahavavy, the Besalampy, Tsiribihinina and Mangoky - which account for over 75% of all of Madagascar’s mangroves. Rasolofoharinoro et al. (1998) estimate a decrease in mangrove area from 294km² to 110km² between 1986 and 1995. Localised studies also suggest that Status of Seagrass the phenomenon of mangrove degradation The full extent of Madagascar’s seagrass meadows is predominates over reconstruction (Rajerison, Roger unknown, since they have never been mapped and and Jeannoda 2008; Totozafy, Roger and Jeannoda, are difficult to distinguish in aerial photographs or 2008). satellite images. Based on the surface area of clear and protected shallow marine waters the area of sea 171 Mangroves serve as timber, firewood, fence, canoes Key Drivers of Change Influencing the house building for locals. For house construction, Value of Coral Reefs and Associated villagers use the species Avicennia marina for framing and Bruguiera gymnorhiza and Rhizophora mucronata for the construction of pillars and walls. national geographic institute Foibe Taosarintanin’i Madagasikara (FTM) state that the length of Madagascar’s coast is 5,603km, including the coastlines of the larger inhabited islands (Nosy Be, Ile Ste Marie etc.). An imbalance between sediment intake sedimentary and influx, loss, due extreme to terrestrial rainfall, erosion upstream and degradation of coastal mangroves (Be Totozafy 1994) has modified the shape and characteristics of many of Madagascar’s beaches as is well illustrated at Masoarivo, on the west coast of Madagascar. It has been suggested that in region of Masoala such processes may discourage female turtles from nesting or make it impossible for young turtles to dig their way out of the nest (Randriamanantsoa, 2008). cities directly or indirectly receive discharged untreated effluents as well as solid waste from sewage. Coastal water pollution has been demonstrated by various water quality monitoring results (eg Project UNEP / GEF WIO-LaB), and is characterized by a strong presence of chemical contaminants (heavy metals) and bacteria. There are five main pollutants that affect Malagasy coastal waters: Telluric pollution, chemical pollution, oil pollution, Toxic Algea; and, bacterial pollution. Telluric pollution Telluric pollution mainly results from sediments carried in aquatic water bodies enter the marine ecosystem and cover and smother the reef flat and adjacent mangroves (Mong & al. 2008). Mid and south-western regions of the country are particularly from large rivers, like the Betsiboka, Sofia, Onilahy One third of Malagasy industries are located in coastal areas (Mong & al. 2008). The main sources of industrial pollution are from energy industries, such as the oil refinery and shipyard at Toamasina, with chemical effluents like naphthenic origin, sulfides and thiophenol, and from mining (mica, quartz, iron, chrome, graphite), with solid waste and sludge of coastal impacted by telluric pollution as the sediment load Status of Water Quality suspensions Water quality, Run-off and Waste All Status of Beaches The Ecosystems mineral (Anonymous, and Fiherenana, is discharged into the sea (Bemiasa, 2009 and Maharavo, 2004). Chemical Pollution In the Bay of Toliara, traces of contaminants were found in sediments (Mong, 2008) and water quality on reefs was: Magnesium Mg (320 mg/kg), Cuivre Cu (0,3 mg/kg), Manganèse Mn (0,6 mg/kg). 2003). Defecation on beaches in many large coastal cities is In the sediments of the Bay of Taolagnaro (South a pollution eastern), concentrations of heavy metals found far (Rasoamananto et al., 2008) and risks contaminating beyond the limit: Chromium (12 mg / mg), copper the food chain and affecting public health. (15 mg / kg), lead (10 mg / kg), Mercury (0.05 mg / significant factor of bacterial kg), nickel (12 mg / kg), Titanium (79mg/kg), Zinc (21 mg / kg) (Mong & al., 2008). In areas of Mahajanga and Nosy-Be (North western), pollution by heavy metals is obvious. Nosy-Be has highly superior values for particular rates of arsenic, 172 nickel, zinc, chromium, cadmium, and copper. A most strong (RATSIFANDRIAMANANA, 2013). presence of manganese, probably from petroleum products (diesel, gasoline, motor oil and drain) is observed. Some concentrations slightly higher in mercury are found in some points. cases in the hot season Bacterial pollution Beaches and drinking water at the Taolagnaro (Southeastern) have relatively high levels of bacterial The discharge of untreated domestic wastewater pollution (Mong et al. 2008). In the Great Bay of coupled with chemical runoff from agricultural lands, Toliara (Southwestern) is exposed to pollution from has resulted in the critical abiotic condition (high sewage and wastewater (Rasoamananto et al. 2008). turbidity, low salinity, variation of the dissolved The oxygen content) of many of the country’s bays surroundings show a strong bacterial presence, (Mong & al. 2008). which is probably due Madagascar’s coast is also exposed to accidental hydrocarbons spills, caused by poor facilities and equipment or accidents on land or at sea. In 2008, damage to the pipeline from the former refinery in Toamasina and, in 2011, a damaged ship fuel tank were the source of fuel / heavy oil spillages in the vicinity of the port of Toamasina (east coast of Madagascar). In 2009, the stranding of a hull damaged tanker caused pollution of beaches in the port of Mahajanga to (Nortwestern) direct and discharges of untreated municipal wastewater. Pollution affects the quality of artisanal fishing catch, particularly filter feeders (mussels, oysters), and fish at some agglomeration areas, which are often implicated in cases of food contamination poisoning due to bacteriological (RATSIFANDRIAMANANA, 2013). Annual average germ abundance varies with season, with the contamination of seawater increasing in hot and rainy seasons. south of Madagascar and it took over a month, with Coastal Development community support, to remove the worst of the tar In (OLEP, 2009). In addition, oil exploration around estimated to be over 22 million (INSTAT 2012) with Madagascar is increasing and can pose serious approximately a third living within 100km of the pollution risks (OMNIS 2009). coast. There are 13 coastal regions, subdivided into Dinoflagellates, proliferating on algae covering dead coral after natural disturbances (cyclones, heavy etc) or human the population of Madagascar was 43 coastal districts, with a total area of 404,519 km 2. Proliferation of Toxic Algae rain, 2012, disturbances (coastal Much of Madagascar is sparsely populated with an average density of approximately 32 inhabitants/km2 and 22 inhabitants per km2 in coastal areas. development, dumping of materials, etc) are sources Coastal of toxicity for marine fauna and their predators. airports, There are eight types of marine fauna poisoning in reclaimed from the sea and reefs) can detriment the coral reefs and mangroves. Tourism has an impact SW Indian Ocean: carchatoxisme (sharks) roads, development construction fish) infrastructure (construction of hotels, marinas, etc.) swordfish), and tourism activities on reefs (trampling flats, (fish broken coral and collection agencies especially corals ciguatera (reef fish) bonitos, tétrodotoxisme ball) xanthitoxisme (crabs). Sharks, sardines and turtles are most commonly poisoned in Madagascar, with the embankments ichtyoallyenotoxisme (tunas, of of (ports, both scombrotoxisme terms and chélonitoxisme (sea turtle) clupéotoxisme (sardines) (herbivorous in urbanization development of tourist and shells). Coastal erosion, as a result of changes in coastal hydrodynamic conditions, is most serious along the 173 west coast, particularly in Mahajanga Fishing (Middle The small-scale fishery in Madagascar, which covers West), Morondava (Middle West) and Manakara subsistence, artisanal and recreational fishing, is (southeastern) regions. In the Betsiboka estuary largely concentrated on the country’s west coast, (southwest) mangrove constituting 36% and 27% of the workforce in the swamps is attributed to sedimentation due to soil provinces of Toliara (South west) and Mahajanga erosion taking place in the hinterlands, particularly (North west) respectively. Reefs have been raided for during rainy season (eg. Gafilo 2004). a wide range of resources that can be either sold or (Northwestern), as the well as; extensive Maintirano growth of consumed such algae, corals, shellfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, octopus and fish, resulting in the rapid decline of some species. Overfishing of certain fish species groups, such as herbivores fish is a particular concern given their role in controlling the proliferation of algae that compete with corals. Direct use - extractive Mining and oil and gas Growing global energy demands have led to an increase in exploration exploration is taking of oil place in and gas. Active Madagascar and exploration concessions off the coast and onshore sedimentary basins of Small fishing gear is particularly destructive to Madagascar and in parts of the east coast. Currently, marine resources due to their low selectivity and exploration results indicate significant reserves of capture of juvenile shrimp and fish and include: the heavy oil and the possibility of lighter crude oil and ‘vonosaha’, tulle net made of 1-2 mm mesh that is gas. Oil and gas exploration can pose a risk to deployed in channels to capture small juveniles marine the (90%) 2.1 g; the ‘sihitra’, or mosquito, net used by potential impacts of oil spills, chronic losses, noise women and children along the shore; the ‘valakira’ disturbance and collisions with cetaceans and the barrage system, that is used in estuaries. The development of infrastructure that lead to negative extensive use of such gear is evident in Ambaro Bay impacts on local and commercial fisheries. (Northwest) since the 1990s (Razafindrainibe et al., ecosystems cover and the whole fisheries west through Massive corals in lagoons are mined for manufacture 1993, De Rodelec et Caveriviere, 2008). of lime or as building materials (Maharavo 2009). The intensity of exploitation of resources far exceeds This may subsequently cause an imbalance in the the tolerances of many reef sites (Maharavo, 2009). functioning of the reef ecosystem as a whole. To the north and south of Toliara, a large number of 174 fishermen (150,000) have destroyed the corals by nesting in Madagascar has been observed all over trampling during the collection of Eucheuma algae at the country (Rakotonirina 1989, Rakotonirina and low tide. The degradation of the reef could eventually Cooke 1994). result in an imbalance in the functioning of the reef ecosystem as a whole. The combined effects overexploitation, damage of global sedimentation, and due to trampling, could disappearance of many coral warming, physical result in the reef areas in Madagascar (Anon 2009, Maharavo 2009). Direct use – non-extractive Tourism: Massive influxes of tourists, often to a relatively small area, can have a huge impact on the marine ecosystem. They add to the pollution, waste, and water needs of the local population, putting local infrastructure and habitats under enormous pressure. This is evident at the Reef of Foulpointe Sea turtles poaching (East), which is currently threatened by trampling on Illegal catches of sea turtles are common off coastal the reef by tourists and visitors (Maharavo, 2004). regions in Madagascar; they are observed along the remote coastal areas or even in protected areas such as Marine Parks (GE CNGIZC, 2013). Their catches Shipping are between 10 to 38 turtles per week in Mahajanga Madagascar is served by 6 international ports: (North west) and meats are sold around 5000 ariary/ Toamasina, kg (1.5€). The period between the end of February Toliara, and November 2012, 180 to 300 individuals are navigation: Vohémar, captured only in this region. The exploitations are Manakara, Taolagnaro, more extensive in the following regions: Region of Maintirano, Port Louis, Antsohihy, Sambava and SAVA and DIANA (North east, North) : Ambilobe, Antalaha (ASCLME, 2012). Madagascar marine zone Vohémar, Nosy Be, Nosy Iranja kely, North of Iranja is also an important transport corridor for oil from Be, Nosy Hara Marine park; Region of SOFIA, BOENY the Gulf, which increases the potential risk of oil (North west): Moramba Bay, zone of Marovasa Be spillage and damage to the marine ecosystem. For and Anjajavy, Baly Bay; Region of ANDROY, ANOSY example, as recently as April 2014 the oil tanker and ATSIMO-ANDREFANA (South and South west). ‘Tromso’, containing 11,000 m3 of oil, was grounded Besides, turtle nests are systematically poached in on the reef at the entrance to the pass of the Bay of sea turtle zones (Petit 1930, Rakotonirina 1989, Diego Suarez in the North of Madagascar. Rakotonirina and Cooke 1994, Sagar 2001, Metcalf and Grey 2001). The pillage is practiced even in remote or isolated areas where there is no tradition of turtle exploitation, such as the Masoala peninsula (Rakotonirina 1989). The decline of sea turtles and Mahajanga, Ehoala, and Antsiranana, 12 ports Maroantsetra, Morombe, Nosy-be, of coastal Mananjary, Morondava, Outbreaks and Diseases Invasive algae Turbinaria has become invasive on coral reefs in the region of Toliara (south west). Although the effects of this invasion are unstudied, light reduction is likely 175 to have negative effects on the growth of corals, and causing the flooding of low-lying coastal areas and this coastal erosion and the modification of coastal is compounded here by overfishing and bleaching events (McClanahan et al., 2009). ecosystems. This is particularly evident particularly along the west coast of Madagascar, including; Invasive Cnidaria Mahajanga At certain times of the year along the west coast West), Morondava (Middle West) (ASCLME, 2012). jellyfish proliferate. This phenomenon is observed (Northwestern), Maintirano (Middle regularly in the Toliara region during the hot season Management Responses and Protected and has also been observed in 2009 near Anjajavy Areas on the northwest coast (REEM, 2012). Code of Protected Areas Amendment Echinoderms A recent national effort for marine conservation is On the reefs of Southwest, there is a proliferation the amendment of the Code of Protected Areas in spiny sea urchin (Diadema spp.), which is likely due Madagascar. It has been amended in light of the to The principles developed by the International Union for Acanthaster Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which includes new plancii is rare, and has only been identified around categories Cat. III, Cat. V, Cat. VI ( the islands of Nosy Tanikely and Nosy Ve (REEM, The amendment also emphasizes good governance 2012). In the region of Nosy Be, in the late 90s, and the participation of all stakeholders (authorities industrial shrimp fishermen found the proliferation of and sea urchins, Salmaciella erythracis, whose thorns management of protected areas and promotes the contaminate catch (Cooke et al. 2003). sustainable use of natural ressources through the the overfishing proliferation of the of keystone coral predators. predator, local communities, all sectors) in the creation of protected areas. As a result, four new Natural and Environmental Disasters marine protected areas were established; Soariake Cyclones: (Southwest); The North and East coasts of Madagascar are most Ankarea (Northwest), Ankivonjy (Northwest): Cat V. affected by tropical cyclones, mainly between November and May, that result in heavy rain and strong winds and flooding (Heath 2010). In addition to the destructive impact of cyclonic waves, cyclones indirectly impact the marine ecosystem by increasing the sedimentation of terrigenous material at the embouchures and deposition at the reefs Climate Variability and Change Cat VI, Velondriake (Southwest), National strategy for pollution management Finalized in June 2010, the national strategy for pollution management aims to preserve the integrity of environment by ensuring that the nature and scale of socio-economic activities do not exceed the resilience and renewal capacity of the ecosystems. It provides the basis for policy and legal framework for the management of pollution and a framework for Mean annual rainfall is predicted to decrease by 5% the coordination by 2100, but increase by up to 10% in summer in government Atsimo Andrefana, Anosy and Androy. In addition, accompanied while the total annual number of cyclones remains includes among other activities, the creation of unchanged, their intensity is increasing, as is their regional frequency in northeast and southwest of the island. mapping centres. and and activities by a local management and of relevant responsibilities. national pollution action plan, observatories It is which and The sea level is also rising at a rate of between 7.2 and 21.6 mm on all coastal zones of the island and 176 Fishery reserves and Locally managed marine areas An effective strategy in expanding Madagascar’s coastal management efforts is the development of Locally Managed Marine areas (LMMA) and fishery reserves, which are frameworks for managing marine and coastal resources in collaboration with local authorities. The establishment of LMMAs has emerged as a solution to many of the traditional challenges of small-scale fishery management in developing countries. Locally centred approaches have proven to be cost-effective, resilient and more socially acceptable alternatives to resource management. Social convention: DINA DINA is an effective tool in the implementation of community management of natural resources especially in the context of weak or under capacity formal governance. Rakotoson and Tanner (2006) have demonstrated the importance of incorporating DINA in current government legislation to ensure the Figure 4-63 The Marine Protected Areas of Madagascar agreement and support of local communities in the Integrated management of marine and coastal regulation of natural resource use and conservation, zones (ICZM) regulations including marine resource use and conservation The decree 2010-137 covers the regulation of ICZM. (Andriamalala, G. and al. 2010) Article 5 of the Decree defines its objectives as: Marine Protected Areas (1) Serving as a strategic tool ideal for sustainable The development; (2) Improving governance processes (SAPM) supports the categorisation of protected by making them more fair, transparent and dynamic, areas by their periods of establishment and their by and for the benefit of communities and the management types (table). This is primarily: nation; (3) Improving the economy, health and quality of life of the littoral inhabitants; (4) Improving environmental quality, to ensure the maintenance or restoration, promotion of economic, social and ecological diversity and productivity of a given area; (5) Ensuring the ecological integrity conservation of coastal ecosystems in order to be taken into account in all development projects and development. System of Protected Areas of Madagascar The National Network of Protected Areas managed by "Madagascar National Parks" and their extensions; Protected Areas with Temporary Status; New Protected Areas (NAP); The Important Sites for Conservation (priority sites to become Protected Areas); and Potentials Sites for Conservation (sites with high probability to become Protected Areas). Madagascar currently has 16 marine protected areas, which include LMMA and fishery reserves. It 177 represents an area of approximately 849.000 ha. There are four different types of MPAs according to the classification of the IUCN: 7 MPAs are national parks (category II), corresponding to areas managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation. Nosy Hara MPA is the only area for protecting a Mong, 5 MPA are designated for their significant ecological, biological, cultural and scenic value and its associated nature conservation and potential values. McKenna, S.A. & Allen, G.R. (eds). 2005. A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of Northwest Madagascar. Bulletin of the Rapid Assessment Program 31. MEF, 2009. Quatrième Rapport National de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique, Madagascar. Ministère de l’Environnement et des Forêts. Antananarivo. specific natural monument (category III) Maharavo J., 2003: A Basic Stock Assesment of Coral Reef Fishes for the Northwest Coast of Madagascar. In McKenna S.A. & Allen, G.R. (eds). A Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment of Northwest Madagascar. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 31. 2 MPAs are protected managed resource (category VI) areas. These are protected areas managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems. In December 2010, temporary protection status was granted to the 9 MPAs through the publication of inter-ministerial order 52005-2010 to raise awareness about the importance of these MPAs References Ahamada, S., J. 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A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the coral reefs of northeast Madagascar. Rapid Bulletin of Biological Assessment 61. Obura D. & Oliver T. 2011. Coral reef health and status (NE Madagascar). In Obura D., Di Carlo, G., Rabearisoa, A. & Oliver, T. (eds). A Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment of the coral reefs of northeast Madagascar. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 61. Rajerison T., Roger E. & Jeannoda V. 2008. Caractérisation écologique et évolution spatiotemporelle des mangroves du Nord Ouest de Madagascar: cas de Mariarano et de Boanamary (Mahajanga II). Pp. 127-138 in Jeannoda, J. &. Roger, E. (eds). Honko: Recueil d’articles sur les mangroves de Madagascar. Rakotonirina, B.P. 2011. Etude ethno-biologique des tortues marines à Madagascar (Sud Ouest de l’Océan Indien). Thèse de Doctorat en Biologie Marine. Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines. Université de Toliara. Rasoamananto, I., Ralijaona, C. & Bilstad, T. 2008: Microbial Pollution in the Bay of Toliara. University of Toliara, Madagascar. SAPM/REBIOMA. 2009. Atlas numérique du Système des Aires Protégées. Short, F.T., Carruthers, T.J.B., Dennison, W.C. & Waycott, M. 2007. Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model. Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 350: 3-20. Webster, F.J. & McMahon, K. 2002. An assessment of coral reefs in Northwest Madagascar. Pp. 1902-200 in : Linden, O., Souter, D., Wilhelmsson, D. & Obura, D. (eds.). Coral reef degradation in the Indian Ocean. Status reports 2002. CORDIO/ SAREC Marine Science Program. WWF. 2006a. Diagnostic marin et ébauche de schéma global d’aménagement en vue de la création d’une aire protégée marine au sud de Toliara. World Wildlife Fund for Nature. MG0885: Toliara Coral Reef Conservation Project. Toliary, Madagascar. Le Corre, M. & Bemanaja E., 2009. ASCLME 2012. National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis. Madagascar. 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Blue Ventures Conservation Report (2009), for WWF and the "Réseau interdisciplinaire pour une gestion durable de la biodiversité marine: diagnostic environnemental et social autour des tortues marines dans le sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien ". 272 pp 179 Table 4-26: The Marine Protected Areas of Madagascar. Denomination Type Area (Ha) Ambodivahibe MPA 11400 Ankarea MPA 173690 Ankivonjy Extension APMC Kirindy Mitea MPA 196659 National Park 17330 Cat. UICN V V V II Status Temporary protection status Temporary protection status Temporary protection status Date of creation Management 2008 Conservation International 2012 WCS 2012 WCS Effective 2010 Madagascar National Park Lokobe National Park 725 II Effective 1997 Madagascar National Park Masoala MPA 13182 II Effective 1997 Madagascar National Park Nosy Antafana MPA 1000 II Effective 1989 Madagascar National Park Nosy Hara MPA 125515 III 2004 Madagascar National Park Nosy Mangabe MPA 520 II Effective Temporary protection status 1997 Madagascar National Park Nosy Tanikely MPA 179 II 2011 Madagascar National Park Nosy Ve MPA 1964 Ranobe Bay MPA 42401 VI Effective Temporary protection status Temporary protection status 2009 WWF Sahamalaza-Iles Radama National Park 26035 II 2007 Madagascar National Park Soariake MPA 45081 VI 2010 WCS Nosy Ve - Androka MPA 92080 V 2009 Madagascar National Park Velondriake MPA 101176 V Effective Temporary protection status Temporary protection status Temporary protection status 2010 Blueventures SAGE 177 CASE STUDY 1 Mapping of reef habitats in Cap Masoala (Northern Madagascar) by remote sensing using high resolution imagery Authors: Tantely TIANARISOA (WCS Madagascar,, +261331183523) Bemahafaly RANDRIAMANATSOA (WCS Madagascar,, +261321187996) Located in the northeast of Madagascar, on a large peninsula named MASOALA, Vinanivao has considerable reef with exceptional marine diversity. Pleiades Imagery was used to map the area, which is a fusion of panchromatic mode in 70cm resolution, resampled to the ground in 50cm and multispectral mode in 2.8m resolution, resampled to 2m. The fusion of these two types of products therefore provides imagery with 50cm resolution. The definition of the training site and groundtruthing fieldwork were done in collaboration with Mr. Bemahafaly Randriamanantsoa (Marine Biologist of Wildlife Conservation Society Madagascar). The technical process was a multi-spectral classification with ERDAS Imagine 11 Software. To increase the reliability of the mapping, inventory data from groundtruthing work were integrated to conduct a supervised image classification. 91% of pixels were correctly classified, with a kappa 0.85. After analyzing the confusion matrix, percentage of correctly classified pixels and the Kappa index allows us to conclude that the result of the classification is statistically acceptable. The reef complex Vinanivao consists of a fringing reef ranging from 600m to 2300m from the shore. 10 natural units were observed and mapped (Figure) 1. Sedimentary terrace, which extends around the mouth with the river Fampotabe. 2. Channels and lagoons, with a depth ranging from 20 to 70 m which are covered with drooping soft corals, sponges and Antipatharians. 3. Sandy terrace, extending along the coast to a depth of 5-10 m. These are sometimes muddy bottoms colonized by Gobies dishes and fish, and benthic organisms such as fixed sponges and some Alcyonarians. 4. Deep sandy mud terrace, extending from the coast to a depth of 15-40 m to the submerged coral reef. It especially meets the sea urchins (Clipeasteridés, Spatangidés) and sea cucumber (sea cucumber), and molluscs. 5. Rock and detrital lift. Rocks are found along the coast while the detrital lift is located on the reef front. The reef is a conglomerate block small to medium size, welded by calcareous algae. 6. Terrace coral reefs correspond to areas of patch corals, micro-atolls. Algal blooms are found in some area. We note the frequent presence of sea turtles and rays. 7. Seagrass beds, almost mono-specific with a height of 30 to 50cm, which are located between the coral reef and the coastline. 8. Reef flat, of compact reef areas, are populated by coral fish (Dascyllus sp., And Labridae). Tabular and branching Acropora sp. are populated by a high density of commercial fish (Lutjans, Plectorhynchus sp. Parrots). It should be noted that the sandy bottoms, of 5-15 m around the benches, are also a favorable zones for collecting sea cucumbers. 9. Reef front forms the outer edge of the reef. This is a zone where waves are strong. 10. The outer slope is the outermost part of the reef that slopes out strongly seaward. It is colonized mainly by dominant Porites and soft corals. 178 179 CASE STUDY 2 Mapping of marine and coastal habitats in Nosy Hara (North western - Madagascar) by remote sensing using Landsat imagery Authors: Tantely TIANARISOA (WCS Madagascar,, +261331183523) Anjara ANDRIAMANALINA (WWF, +261344984812) Nosy Hara is located in the province of Diana on the west coast of Madagascar, just south of Cap d’Ambre and directly west of the large bay of Diego Garcia. The coastline is highly convoluted with large bays fringed by beach and mangroves and river estuaries draining the flat/rolling hills of the hinterland. The islands that are grouped around the main island of Nosy Hara are karst limestone and the tops of the islands have the typical ‘tsingy’ or eroded sharp limestone pillars typical of northern Madagascar. These are set on a 20km wide shallow flat platform that extends out about 15km from shore. The platform bears a series of small banks capped with coral reefs and an outer edge (about 5-10m deep) fringed by coral with a sharp drop to a sandy bottom. Landsat 7 imagery covering the area was acquired, and the main features of this are a panchromatic band with 15 m spatial resolution, Visible (reflected light) bands in the spectrum of blue, green, red, near-infrared (NIR), and mid-infrared (MIR) with 30 m spatial resolution (bands 1-5, 7). The mapping was supervised multi-spectral classification with ERDAS Imagine 11 Software. Data from groundtruthing work were integrated into the process. Ten units were identified and mapped (figure): 1. Mangroves, which are an open or closed trees or bushes occurring on shores between the limits of high and low tide; 2. Waterbodies, which includes sea, rivers and lake; 3. Forests with a continuous stand of trees up to 10m in height, and interpenetrating crown; 4. Seagrasses, which form extensive beds and meadows. They are in mixed beds with CYMODOCEACEAE and HYDROCHARITACEAE; 5. Deep reef system; 6. Shallow reef system; 7. Tanne, which is a zone periodically submerged and generally hypersaline bare or poorly vegetated, growing at the expense of mangroves; 8. Mud, shallow marine area under the influence of sedimentation 9. Bare soil, land without forest cover 10. Sandbar and beach on the coast or in the open sea 180 181 Island Ecosystems Mauritius The Republic of Mauritius forms part of the Authors: Ranjeet Bhagooli* and Rebecca Klaus Mauritius, Rodrigues, Saint Brandon, Agalega and Contact details*: University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius,, +230-4037916 the disputed British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), Mascarene Islands and is comprises of the islands of the Chagos Archipelago. Mauritius island is predominantly volcanic and composed of basaltic rocks or different types of pyroclastics. The island is 65 km long and 45 km wide, and covers an area of 1,864.8 km2, comprised of coastal plains, undulating uplands, ranging from 300 m to 600 m, and three mountain ranges, ranging up to 800 m above sea level. The highest peak is Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire situated in the south west at 828 m. Almost the entire coastline is surrounded by fringing coral reefs, with shallow lagoons 2-3 m deep and deeper ~6 m in the north. The island of Rodrigues is situated 560 km to the east of Mauritius. The island is 18 km long by 6.5 km wide and covers an area of 108 km2 with a maximum height of 398 m and a 67 km coastline. Although Figure 5-64: Map of the Indian Ocean, showing the Exclusive Economic Zones of Mauritius (green). Rodrigues is a volcanic island it is also the only Mascarene island with carbonate deposits and karst limestone caves. The island is also surrounded by a large carbonate platform encircled by a reef barrier that encloses a shallow <2m depth lagoon covering an area of 240 km2 with several intra-lagoonal islets. The St Brandon Archipelago, located 1,100 km east of the coast of Madagascar and 390 km to the northnortheast of Mauritius, consists of 60 small, low-lying coralline islands and sand cays less than 4.6 m above mean sea level. The archipelago is situated south of the Nazareth Bank on the Mascarene Plateau, a major discontinuous mid-ocean ridge stretching from Reunion to Seychelles (Turner et al. 2000a). The archipelago is orientated north-south extending over 67 km, and is 22 km wide. The islands are sheltered by a bow-shaped reef that Figure 5-65: Map of the island of Mauritius. encloses a series of sand-floored lagoonal shallows 182 covering 280 km2. The shoals also comprise the St Brandon Sea, a shallow area typically less than 30 m depth on its western side covering 1,020 km2 bringing the total area of this shallow bank to 1,300 km2. Agalega consists of two islands, situated 1,000 km north of Mauritius island covering an area of 26 km2. The North island is where the capital is located, and is 12.5 km long and 1.5 km wide and South island 7 km long and 4.5 km wide. Terrestrial Mauritius island is roughly 30% forested (370 km2), but <2% is good quality native forest. Deforestation rates continue to increase from +0.3% per annum between 1990 and 2000, and +0.5% per year between 2000 and 2005 (FAO 2006). The remaining land consists of urban areas, agricultural lands, plantation forestry, deer-ranches or highly degraded vegetation, as a result of invasive alien plants and animals. In the 1990s, approximately 48% of total land area was devoted to agriculture, 90% of which was sugar cane which used significant quantities of fertiliser (600kg yr-1ha-1) and pesticides (7.4kg ha1 yr-1) (Dwivedi and Venkatasamy 1991). Sugar cane fields have been since be sold for residential development, but the crop still covers a significant proportion of the islands. On Rodrigues the land is mostly steeply sloping, and much of the island has been stripped of native vegetation. Terracing introduced in 1966 has been poorly maintained and overgrazing and terrace damage by cattle has caused further loss of soil and the silting of rivers and lagoon channels (Turner and Klaus 2005). Terrestrial biodiversity is characterised by high species diversity and levels of endemism (Table 5-1). There are 267 endemic species out of a total of 685 species of indigenous plants recorded. Eighty-nine Figure 5-66: Map of Rodrigues, St Brandon and Agalega. percent (89%) of Mauritian endemic flora is considered to be under threat, while 61 indigenous species are already extinct. Mauritius previously 183 harboured 52 native species of forest vertebrate, 24 from of which are now extinct. The remaining native Radiocarbon dating of the cored material from the species include bats, land birds, reptiles, butterflies south of the lagoon indicated that the platform and land snails. Of the three native bat species, only interior had filled in by ~2000 cal. (calibrated) yr BP, one remains common in Mauritius, one species is and the reef rim caught up with sea level in the past extinct, and one is found in Rodrigues. Of the 30 bird ~1000 yr. This suggests that there was active reef species, only 12 species have avoided extinction, and growth at the platforms margin prior to present sea of the 17 species of reptiles, only 12 have escaped level being attained. The transport of sediment into extinction, 11 of which are endemic. There are 39 the lagoon therefore only probably become important native species of bufferfly, 5 of which are endemic during the final stages of the platform’s evolution. and 125 known native species of land snails, 43 species are already extinct. the reef rim (O’Leary and Perry 2010). Around St Brandon, the main reef has a very broad reef flat, extending up to several hundred metres Marine wide and characterised by a large algal ridge The coastal and marine environment of Mauritius was (UNEP/IUCN 1988). The marine ecosystem around originally described by Pichon (1971), Salm (1976) St. Brandon is reportedly ecologically intact with and Montaggioni & Faure (1980). abundant The island of Mauritius island is encircled by an almost reef, giving rise fish, corals and a high abundance of sharks. Mauritian waters support some 1,656 known species of lagoons, 1-6 m depth. There is also a of marine flora and fauna. There are 43 genera and portion of barrier reef in the southeast of the island. 160 species of scleractinian corals from 16 families Lagoons support seagrass beds and coral patches have so far been recorded (Pillay 2008). There are and some are backed by mangroves and wetland. 435 seaweeds (Bolton et al. 2012) and five seagrass The coastline of Mauritius, which extends over a species length of 322 km, comprises of different shore types, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Halodule uninervis and namely, sandy shores, rocky shores, muddy shores, Syringodium isoetifolium appear to be the most mixed shores, calcareous limestone shores, cliffs and common species. There are 786 species of fish, at coastal wetlands. least 2 fringing reef to 243 km continuous large The island of Rodrigues has the most substantial and best-developed reef in the Mascarenes. The lagoon- 42 (Paupiah species commercially. et of There al. which are 7 2000), are although commonly species of sold Penaeid shrimps and two species of deepwater shrimp. reef platform around Rodrigues has been described The First International Marine Biodiversity Workshop as a carbonate platform surrounded by a near for Rodrigues (Lynch and Oliver 2001) held in continuous reef barrier which encloses the platform's Rodrigues peripheral margin (O’Leary et al., 2009 and O’Leary Capricorn Programme, provided the opportunity for and during 2001 during the Shoals of 2010). Coring studies showed that taxonomists from Australia, Belgium, Ireland, New platform was formed through the Zealand, South Africa, Tanzania and Wales (UK) to progradation of the reef seawards (O’Leary and Perry work with colleagues from within the western Indian 2010), which is in contrast to the classic “bucket-fill” Ocean region, supported by the Shoals of Capricorn model where staff. The workshop identified over 1000 species and as a inventories were made for algae (Coppejans et al. function of the lagoonward transport of sediment 2004; de Clerck et al. 2004), corals (Fenner et al. Perry Rodrigues of platform carbonate formation platform occurs evolution, predominantly 184 2004), isopods (Bruce 2004); amphipods (Myers habitats (Error! Reference source not found.; 2004), shelled molluscs (Oliver and Holmes 2004a; Error! Reference source not found.). Oliver et al. 2004; Schwabe 2004); echinoderms (Rowe and Richmond 2004) and fish (Heemstra et al. 2004). The results of the workshop were published in a special edition of the Journal of Natural History (Oliver and Holmes 2004b). Other research completed during this time included a study of the biodiversity and biomass of zooplankton (Gallienne et al. 2004) and an investigation of the evolution of the Rodrigues reef system (Rees et al. 2005). The studies to date have revealed Rodrigues hosts 160 coral species, 139 species of macroalgae, 2 species of seagrass, 494 species of fish, 109 species of bivalve mollusc and 74 species of echinoderms. The next comprehensive map of the shallow subtidal habitats of Mauritius was produced using Landsat 4TM satellite image (Klaus 1995) Figure 5-69. Satellite based remote sensing and field surveys were used in collaborations between the University of Wales Bangor, Rodrigues University and the of Mauritius, Mauritius Shoals Institute of Oceanography to map different parts of Mauritius (Daby 1990; Klaus 1995; Dykes 1996; Orme 1997; Eastwood 1998), as described in Turner and Klaus (2005). The Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI) mapped A total of 17 marine mammal species have been recorded in Mauritian waters, mostly as they migrate to and from Antarctica to warm tropical waters for calving. Two species of sea turtles are encountered in the shallow coastal waters of Mauritius, the the habitats of the South Eastern coast of Mauritius during the PRE-COI project by digitistising aerial photography (Bedal et al. 2005). MOI is also currently under taking a major project to map beach erosion and lagoon dynamics. hawksbill, Eretmochelys imbricata and the green Borstad Associates (1999) used high resolution (4 m Chelonia mydas. Although sea turtles reportedly by 4 m pixels) Compact Airborne Spectrographic bred on the beaches of Mauritius, this is no longer Imager (CASI), with an 11-channel spectral bandset the case. St. Brandon is an important seabird site to map the reefs and lagoons of Mauritius. The CASI with numbers was mounted in a Dornier 228 aircraft operated by however appear to be in decline due to poaching and the Mauritius Coast Guard, and flown over the island introduced rats. Nesting sea turtles, though still during April and May 1996. Ground truthing surveys common are in decline (Republic of Mauritius 2006). were carried out at various locations and the data eight breeding species. Seabird Mapping of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems There have used to produce habitats maps. An example of the true colour composite of the CASI data and the resulting habitat map are shown Error! Reference been several initiatives that have source not found.. mapped the coral reefs and associated ecosystems of Mauritius (Table 3-4). The first attempt to map the The University of Mauritius completed a national geomorphology shallow inventory of wetlands and their classifications (Nigel sublittoral habitats around Mauritius and Rodrigues and Rughooputh 2007). The Ministry of Environment was achieved by Montagionni and Faure (1980). The and Sustainable Development produced GIS maps of authors 27 six pressure zones around the coast of Mauritius as transects around Mauritius and 12 transects around part of an effort to develop an Integrated Coastal Rodrigues to determine the dominant habitat types Zone and used aerial photography to delineate the main Republic of Mauritius (Landell Mills 2009) (see Figure and completed distribution spot check of the dives along Management (ICZM) Framework for the 5-73 and Case Study 1). 185 Non-governmental organizations, such as Reef 2004). The map (Error! Reference source not Conservation and the Mauritius Marine Conservation found.) was used as the basis for developing a Society, have also produced GIS maps of some Geographical Information System (GIS) (Turner and coastal areas around Mauirtius. Chapman 2004). The classification scheme was also A feasibility study was done by Mauritius Marine Conservation Society (MMCS) in 2010 for the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) on South West Coast of Mauritius. The study, supported by ReCoMaP and Princess Tuna Ltd, covered the coastline between Le Morne and Albion and identified specific areas in the lagoon for establishment of used to map the reefs around St Brandon using SPOT imagery (Tyack 2002) (Figure 5-72) and Landsat TM imagery (Turner and Klaus 2005). O’Leary et al. (2009) mapped seven geomorphic or physiographic zones within the Rodrigues lagoon, which included the reef crest, sand apron, outer lagoon basin, patch reefs, sand banks, inner lagoon and coastal basin. ‘protection zones’ (see Case Study 2). Reef a local A new biotope map was produced for the South East NGO based in the north east of Mauritius undertook Marine Protected Area (SEMPA) by ground-truthing a habitat mapping work as part of the baseline to new QuickBird satellite image acquired in 2008 (Kaly establsih Voluntary Marine Areas (Case Study 3). et al., 2007; Klaus et al., 2008; Klaus, 2011a; Klaus During the Shoals of Capricorn Project the distribution of the shallow subtidal biotopes were mapped around Rodrigues using a Landsat 7ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus) satellite image et al. in submission). Rapid assessment surveys to characterise the habitats and assess the current status of resources were completed at >150 sites (Klaus et al., 2008 Klaus et al. in submission). (Chapman 2000; Chapman & Turner 2000, 2001, Table 5-27. Number of flowering plant species and faunal species in Mauritius Species Flowering plants Number of native species Total Endemic 691 Mammals 5 Birds 30 Reptiles 17 Butterflies 39 Snails 125 Source: Baider et al., 2010 reported in MEO, 2010 273 2 24 16 5 81 Number of extinct species Total Endemic 61 2 18 5 4 43 29 1 15 5 1 36 Number of existing species Total Endemic 630 3 12 12 33 82 244 1 9 11 4 45 186 Figure 5-67: An example of one of the maps produced by Montagionni & Faure (1980) for Mauritius using the aerial photography. The lagoon transects are indicated by the lines. The different habitats are shown by the different shading patterns. Figure 5-68: The overview maps produced by Montagionni & Faure (1980) for Rodrigues using aerial photography. The lagoon transects are indicated by the lines. The different habitats are shown by the different shading patterns. 187 Figure 5-69: A section of the habitat map prepared for Mauritius using ground-truthed Landsat 4TM satellite data showing the lagoon at Le Morne Brabant (Klaus 1995). 188 Mauritius mosaic 2 Balaclava Figure 5-70: Example of the CASI imagery from 1996 showing (a) the true colour composite image and (b) the classified habitat map (Borstad Associates 1999). (Borstad Associates 1999). 189 Figure 5-71: The biotope map of Rodrigues, prepared using ground-truthed Landsat 7ETM+ satellite image of Rodrigues (Chapman 2000). Figure 5-72: A section of the biotope map of St Brandon, prepared using spectral signatures derived from the ground-truthing surveys from Rodrigues (Tyack 2002). 190 Figure 5-73: The habitat map prepared for the Le Morne ICZM pressure zone (Landell Mills 2009). 191 Status of Coral Reefs and Associated sites (11 stations) in the northern lagoon and 2 sites in the south. Between 2008 and 2012, the 2 Ecosystems southern sites were surveyed by the South East Long term coral reef monitoring programmes have Marine Protected Area (SEMPA) project (Klaus et al. been established around Mauritius and Rodrigues, 2008). Around this same time, a long term coral reef but there are no long term coral reef monitoring monitoring programme was also established for programmes for either St Brandon or Agalega. SEMPA which included sites inside and outside different zones within the MPA. Shoals Rodrigues Around Mauritius island coral reef monitoring is carried out by staff from Albion Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC) at 13 sites and at two depths (reef continues to maintain both these monitoring programmes. flat and reef slope) (AFRC 2010). The surveys, which Status of Reef Benthos commenced in 1998, employ the standard Global The reefs around Mauritius avoided the mass coral Coral (GCRMN) bleaching in 1997/1998 (Turner et al. 2000b; Klaus cover, 2004). Coral cover has however been declining since macroinvertebrate abundances and fish. The surveys then (Error! Reference source not found.a) due are repeated annually and the data compiled into the to multiple factors, including algal blooms and coral COREMO database and results published in the AFRC bleaching, annual reports. Coral‐reef monitoring is also carried impacted (AFRC 2010). The back reef of Ile aux out within the Balaclava MPA, where there are 7 Benitiers for example had coral cover of 1% in 2010 fixed stations and Blue Bay, where there are 5 compared to 61% in 2000, which was as a result of stations. These surveys use the same methods. minior coral bleaching events in 2003/2004 and a Reef methodology Monitoring to Network assess benthic and some sites being very heavily more major event in 2009 (AFRC 2010). At Anse la Around Rodrigues the first coral reef monitoring programme was established in 1999 during the Shoals of Capricorn Programme (Vogt et al. 1999) and these surveys were repeated in 2000 (Lynch et al. 2000). More detailed coral reef surveys were carried out in 2001 at 12 sites around the island using 100 m permanently marked underwater video transects and sea urchin abundance was also Raie and Poudre d’Or, all corals died reportedly due to occurrence of algal blooms in 2009. In contrast, sites like Belle Mare, Bambous Virieux, Baie du Tombeau have shown resilience to coral bleaching and still have about 50% coral cover. At the fore reef stations, the average percentage coral cover is about 20% (AFRC 2010). assessed along 5 m of the transect tape in a 2 m The reefs around Rodrigues have thus far avoided wide belt (Clark 2001). A long term coral reef the mass mortality associated with a widespread monitoring programme was established by Shoals coral bleaching events. Although the reefs have not Rodrigues’ in 2002. Surveys are undertaken annually been devoid of anthropogenic impacts and there at stations on the reef flat (1 m depth) and the reef have been minor bleaching events reported since the slope (6 m – 12 m depth). Initially, 6 sites (9 1997/1998 (Hardman et al. 2004; Hardman et al. stations) were established and these were monitored 2008c; Hardman et al. 2009), coral cover has twice a year. From 2008 onwards, sites were remained relatively stable on both the shallow back surveyed reef once a year between October and February. In 2005, additional sites were added to sites and on the forereef slopes (Error! Reference source not found.b). allow comparisons between areas inside and outside of the 4 northern Marine Reserves, resulting in 7 192 (a) increases in Acanthuridae and Scaridae, and large 80 70 Percent Cover (%) piscivores such as Emperors, Trevally and Snappers MAURITIUS were rare. The lack of predatory species is most 60 likely due to overfishing (Hardman et al. 2009) 50 Declines in the catches of predatory species such as 40 30 Lethrinus harak have been reported (Hardman et al. 20 2006; 10 differences in the fish communities between the 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total hard coral (fore reef) Total hard coral (shore reef) Total hard coral (back reef) 1988). There were significant seasons and over time. Assessment of the length of 12 key fish species indicates that the majority of individuals at both reef slope and reef flat sites of all (b) species were juveniles.At both the reef flat and reef 80 slope sites, the majority of key fish species observed RODRIGUES 70 Percent Cover (%) Pearson were below the published length of maturity (Froese 60 and Pauly 2007), a further indication of overfishing 50 due to intense fishing of adult individuals. 40 30 Status of Reef Macroinvertebrates 20 Routine monitoring of in Rodrigues has revealed that 10 abundances of key macroinvertebrates species are 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2012 Total hard coral (fore reef) generally low with the exception of the sea urchin, Echinometra mathaei. Abundances of E. mathaei Total hard coral (back reef) have been recorded to exceed 450 individual per 100 Figure 5-74 Coral reef cover data for 2002 to 2010 for (a) Mauritius (Source: AFRC, 2010) and (b) Rodrigues (Source: Shoals Rodrigues). m2 Status of Reef Fish and sea cucumbers were typically extremely rare. A Underwater census survey techniques are used by high abundance E. mathaei was reported by Faure AFRC the (1982) from surveys completed during the 1970s. abundance and distribution of fishes at the long term The lack of molluscs and crustaceans does however coral reef monitoring sites around Mauritius and suggest that local consumption may be resulting in Rodrigues respectively. The surveys around Mauritius over harvesting (Hardman et al. 2009). and Shoals Rodrigues to determine have shown that Pomacentrids (Damsel fishes) were consistently abundant and dominanted the communities both on the back reef and fore reef slopes. Acanthurids (Surgeon fishes) were normally encountered, as were Labridae (Wrasses) and Scaridae (Parrotfishes). Balistidae (Triggerfishes) and predators such as Serranidae and Lethrinidae were nearly always absent. at some sites (Hardman et al. 2009). Commercially valuable gastropod molluscs, bivalves Status of Seagrass There is no routine monitoring of seagrass beds around Mauritius island. There is routine monitoring of seagrass beds as part of the coral reef monitoring programme for SEMPA and these have also recently been added to the annual monitoring programme supported by Shoal Rodrigues. These data thus far show that seagrass cover is generally low, but Fish communities in Rodrigues exhibit a similar stable. Athough there are seasonal changes in composition density and biomass. dominated (Hardman by et al. Pomacentridae, 2009) with and are seasonal 193 Status of Mangroves Status of Water Quality Two mangrove species are found in Mauriitus of Contamination of coastal waters with suspended Rhizophora mucronata and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, solids, nutrients and coliform bacteria has been the former of which is the most abundant species reported (Fagoonee 1990) and occurs as pure stands (Poonyth UNEP/IUCN 1988, Hartnoll et al. 1994, Thomassin et 1998). The available habitat for this particular al. 1998; Daby et al. 2002). UNEP/IUCN (1988) species is narrow due to low tidal range and reported extensive siltation and death of coral topographic features (Kathiresan 2010). Bruguiera communities due to suspended solids from sewage gymnorrhiza mangrove is only found in a few outfalls on the west coast of Mauritius at Pointe locations, including Pointe la Fayette, Trou D’eau Moyenne, Pointe aux Sables, and Roche Bois. Daby Douce, Ferney and Mahebourg (Appadoo 2003). et al. (2002) reported the findings of a long term 2 by various authors (Oscore 1983, Mangrove areas decreased from 20 km in 1987 to study of pollution around the island both as a result only 14 km2 in 1994 due to harvesting for firewood, of sewage outfalls and natural seepages of ground- construction purposes and to provide boat passage. water contaminated with domestic and industrial Since 2007 mangroves have been protected, and waste percolating through fissures in the volcanic AFRC have replanted 0.25 km 2 of mangrove. rocks into the lagoons. Lagoon water in proximity to Replanting schemes have also been implemented in existing sewage outfalls were found to have the Rodrigues, even though it is uncertain whether or not highest levels of total coliforms, faecal coliforms and they were originally native to the island. faecal streptococci with the highest contamination as a result of human faecal matter being recorded at Status of Beaches There are 99 beaches that have been declared a public beachs in Mauritius, and 12 in Rodrigues (Beach Authority 2011). Significant changes in coastline morphology have occurred as a result of both natural and anthropogenic events (Figure 5-75). Coastal erosion is a major concern and one of the main causes of coastal degradation in Mauritius (NCC 1998, Gopaul 1989, Baird 2003). Pointe aux Sables and Trou d'Eau Douce (Daby et al. 2002).The AFRC currently monitors water quality at 20 sites around Mauritius Island (AFRC 2010). Parameters monitored include nitrate-nitrogen (NO3N), phosphate (PO4 and PO3) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) and coliform bacteria. Microphytoplankton and chlorophyll content have also been studied in some of the lagoons of Mauritius (Sadally et al. 2012, in press a and b). At Belle Mare and Flic en Flac, Sadally et al. (2012) reported 14 families of diatoms, eight families of dinoflagellates, and one family of cyanobacteria 194 Figure 5-75 Flic en Flac sandy beach patterns on the west side of Mauritius Island in years 2004 (A), 2009(B), 2012(C) and 2014(D). (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5-76 (a) Landsat 5TM satellite image showing plumes from two on shore sewage outtfalls to the south of Port Louis. (b) Sewage works where the water is coloured by dyes from clothing factories. (c) Public advisory notice against bathing in the lagoon at Point aux Sable upgraded from (c) not recommended in 2002 to (d) banned in 2003 (Photo credit a,b Rebecca Klaus and c,d John R. Turner) (Turner et al. 2000a). 195 Key Drivers of Change lagoon, and in embayments (Pearson 1988) where currents are weak, as well as in deeper areas, and Water quality, Run-off and Waste sheltered channels, which can contain material of Coastal water quality is affected by both point and 50% terrigenous origin (Cross and Judge 1990). non-point sources (Daby et al. 2002, Thomassin et al. 1998). Factors contributing to the degradation of coastal water quality include agriculture, animal farming, domestic and industrial effluents. One of the mainstays of the Mauritian economy, sugar-cane farming creates an indirect pressure on coastal water quality from fertilisers and pesticides. Only a quarter of the population is connected to mains sewerage the remainder uses septic tanks, which can overflow due to poor maintenance and leak into ground-water resources. Heavy rain and flash flooding carries sediment, pollutant and nutrient loaded runoff from agricultural lands, and contaminated ground-water via water ways and natural seepages into the nearshore marine environment. In Mauritius issues related to the poor management of domestic waste water are compounded by industrial effluent discharges (Figure 5-76). The release of industrial effluents has been associated with fish kills as a result of thermal pollution or wastes with a high biological oxygen demand. sources has been an ongoing serious problem in Rodrigues (Turner and Klaus 2005). Baissac (1968) commented in 1956 “Except for one or two deep channels, the lagoon is shallow, much silted up and frequently very turbid". Over 95% of the islands land area is affected by soil erosion, which is facilitated by the clay texture of the soil, the sloping terrain and intense rainfall (Gade 1985). Over 50% of the lagoon sediment is of marine origin, periods of heavy rainfall mm Coastal Development The ecological history of the Mascarene islands, and historical changes in land use patterns were described by Cheke (1987) and Turner and Klaus (2005). Rapid deforestation during early colonial era resulted in the destabilisation of top soils and erosion, resulting in wind and rain-borne sediment input onto reefs. Coastal erosion as result of coastal development is a major concern in both Mauritius Soil erosion and and siltation derived from terrestrial (>30 Nutrient indicator macroaglae in proximity to a sewage outfall on Mauritius (Photo credit Rebecca Klaus). per day) bring episodic inputs of terrestrially-derived sediments, and streams and rivers carry up to 412 mg/l of eroded soil into the lagoon (Lynch et al. 2003b). Siltation is particularly and Rodrigues. In Mauritius, coastal development for hotels and private residential homes for the domestic and tourist market has placed significant pressure on coastal and nearshore habitats. Over 90% of hotels in Mauritius have beach frontages and very few are situated inland. Although the larger hotels are required to treat waste-water and recycling it for irrigation (GoM 2007), smaller hotels are not required to do so. Larger coastal hotels also often create swimming beaches by removing seagrass and corals as well as dredging boating channels causing further, albeit localised, damage. evident in the northern and western parts of the 196 In 2002 the Government took the decision to open (e.g. the market to foreign buyers on a restricted basis groupers), using basket traps, large nets, gill nets through establishing an Integrated Resort Scheme and octopus using harpoons. In Mauritius there were (IRS) which permitted the construction and sale of 2,256 registered artisanal fishermen in 2010, and luxury villas to foreigners, and was accompanied by total production amounted to 831 tonnes (AFRC residents permit. Eleven IRS projects have been 2010), 515 tonnes from the lagoon and 316 tonnes completed from off-lagoon areas. In Rodrigues there are about since construction it commenced, activities are and although regulated, lethrinids, siganids, mullets, scarids and the 1,500 registered fishers of whom 36 % are women. intensificatio of development has placed additional An estimated 4000 additional people are engaged in pressure on coastal and marine resources. part-time fishing activities, and the annual production was estimated at 1,600 tonnes per year in 2008 (CSO 2010) (Error! Reference source not found.). The Government is implementing efforts to reduce pressure on the lagoonal fisheries resource and encourage off-lagoon fisheries targeting pelagic resources. In this context, Fish Aggregating Devices (FADS) have been installed around both islands. The scheme has not been considered particularly successful however as some of the FADS are situated too far offshore to be accesible by artisanal fishers. Basket trap fisher in Rodrigues (Photo credit SEMPA). The FADS are however benefiting the sport fishers. Direct use - extractive Sports fishing is an important tourist attraction in Sand for use in constrcution activities was orginally Mauritius and increasingly so in Rodrigues, although mined from the lagoons around both Mauritius and there are fewer operators. The total catch of this Rodrigues. A moratorium was put in place in 2000 in fishery is estimated at 400 tonnes per year and recognition of the damage caused by this activity and consist mainly of bill-fishes and tunas and sharks. it is now banned on both Mauritius and Rodrigues. Building materials are now derived from other land The banks fishery supplies the majority of the frozen based sources and or imported. fish consumed in Mauritius. There are three main types of banks fishery: (i) the banks fishery for Fishery resources are exploited in the lagoon and frozen fish, which involved seven boats and the catch offshore areas around Mauritius, Rodrigues, St. which comprises mainly Lethrinids (92%), amounted Brandon, outer to 1,478 tonnes, (ii) St Brandon inshore fishery, islands. There are four main types of fisheries in which involves 8 motherships and 20 boats fishing Mauritius namely: artisanal fishery, sports fishery, close to the islands, and catches were 366 tonnes; banks fishery, and tuna fisheries. These fisheries (iii) the semi-industrial fishery, which involves 8 target boats and landed 249.7 tonnes from Albatross, Chagos more than Archipelago forty-two and fish other species and contribute 1.3% of the country’s GDP. Artisanal fishing is limited to the lagoon and off lagoon areas and targets multiple species of fin-fish Nazareth, Saya de Malha and Soudan banks and (iv) the drop-off Carbunculus, fishery (Etelis Pristipomoides coruscans, Etelis filamentosus, 197 Pristipomoides auricilla, Polysteganus baissaci and FADs. The total landings from FADs and sport Epinephelus morrhua). fishermen are estimated at around 650 tons annually. Species caught are big eye tuna, skipjack, 25000 yellow fin tuna, dorado, wahoo and sharks. Industrial tuna fishing is carried out by licenced foreign long Total Catch (tonnes) 20000 liners and purse-seiners and the catch about 10000 tons yearly in the EEZ of Mauritius. The species 15000 caught are mainly the skipjack tuna and yellow fin 10000 tunas. Other fisheries resources include the deep water shrimp 5000 Over the last 16 years, the total fish catch (lagoon 0 and off lagoon) has decreased by nearly two-thirds, with a catch of 19,690 tons in 1993 and 6,978 tons Year Figure 5-77. Total lagoon and off lagoon fish catch in for Mauritius (1993–2009) (Source: Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues, Fisheries Division) . in 2009 as shown in Figure 5-77. Analysis of artisanal fisheries statistics in Rodrigues indicated that the total fish catch from the Rodrigues lagoon almost halved between 1999 and 2006, whereas the 2500 catch of octopus declined by two-thirds between 1994 and 2006 (Hardman et al. 2013). Export of Total Catch (tonnes) 2000 octopus has also fallen from 411 tonnes in 1992 to 1500 106 tonnes in 2010 (CSO 2010). 1000 500 Total Octopus Other Fish 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0 Off Lagoon Figure 5-78. Total fish and octopus catch in Rodrigues (1994-2008) (Source: CSO-Digest of Statistics on Rodrigues, 2009) Other fish of commercial interest on the sandy bottom of the banks include small pelagics such as horse mackerel and lizard fish, the potential yield of Crown of thorms starfish in Rodrigues (Photo credit Rebecca Klaus) which is estimated to be in the region of 13,000 to Direct use – non-extractive 26,000 tons per annum. Their exploitation would Coastal tourism is a significant part of the Mauritian necessitate trawling facilities (AFRC 2010). economy, with over 1 million visitors per annum to The tuna fishery in Mauritius is split into the coastal 'artisanal' and offshore industrial tuna fishery (AFRC 2010). Tuna and tuna-like species are caught by local fishermen near the coast and mainly around Mauritius and over 60,000 per annum visitors to Rodrigues (CSO 2010). Tourists are offered a wide range of marine-based activities including SCUBA diving and snorkeling, undersea walks and 198 submarine dives, kite surfing, surfing, wake One of two cyclones pass Mauritius every year, boarding, sailing and water ski-ing. While each of typically resulting in four to five days of intense wind these activities individually consitute a relatively low and rain. Few cyclones have however actually hit impact, the number of tourists and the cumulative Mauritius. Since 1786, there were hits by cyclones in impact of these types of activities is potentially quite 1892, 1960, 1994, and 2002, with wind sped varying substantial. between 216 and 297 km h-1. Flash flooding and heavy downpours result in sediment laden runoff, Outbreaks and Diseases The reefs of Mauritius have been subject to numerous outbreaks of the Crown-of-Thorns starfish (Acanthaster Fagonnee planci) et al. (Fagoonee 1985, & Fagoonee West 1983, 1990). COTs which reduces light levels in the water column and causes siltation smothering filter feeding organisms. 2 densities increased from 30 per 10,000 m in 1971 to 416 per 10,000 m2 in 1980 at Trou aux Biches (Fagoonee 1990). Contributory factors included declines in the predator numbers, in particular the gastropod mollusc (Charonia tritonis) and land-based sources of pollution pesticides, and (agricultural industrial fertilisers chemicals) and and sedimentation (Fagoonee 1990). Interviews with dive operators in 1999 revealed that there was another severe outbreak on the west coast which started in 1983 and continued through until 1987 and dive operators were undertaking 200 dives per annum just to remove COTs from their dive sites (Klaus 2004). Feeding scars and adult COTs were observed at 34% of sites (12 of 35 sites) around Mauritius in Coral disease in Mauritius (Photo credit Ranjeet Bhagooli) Climate Variability and Change Increases in seawater temperature and sea levels, storm frequency and intensity, changes in rainfall patterns, all have potentially significant impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems. April 1999, and were particularly McSweeney et al. (2009) predicted an increase in the abundant in the lagoon at Trou d’Eau Douce (south- average temperature of between 0.7 and 0.9°C by east) (Turner et al., 2000, Klaus 2004). Other sites 2030, between 1.2°C and 1.7°C by 2060, and were distributed around the whole coast e.g. Le between 1.4°C and 2.8°C by 2090. Between 1950- Morne (Ile aux Benitiers) (south west), Trou aux 2010 there has already been an increase in the Biches (north east), and Grand Baie (north west) minimum of 2°C, and the maximum of 1.1°C (Klaus 2004). (Acclimate 2011). Coral diseases have been recorded, including white McSweeney et al. (2009) also predicted an overall plague, coral ‘tumour’ and brown band, in Mauritian reduction of average rainfall, between -7.02% and - reefs have been made (R. Baghooli pers. obs.). 7.88% in 2030, between -11.09% and -13.96% in Natural and Environmental Disasters The most significant natural and environmental risks for Mauritius and Rodrigues are coastal flooding, 2050, and between -20.96% and -22.22% in 2080. The average annual rainfall has decreased by 0.260 mm during the past 70 years, from 2.26 mm storm surges, cyclones and tsunamis. 199 between 1931 and 1960, 2.00 mm between 1971 In Mauritius, although the Fisheries Reserves were and 2000 (Acclimate, 2011). originally established under Presidential Proclamation Sea level rise will range between 7.8 cm and 8.2 cm in 2030, between 14.6 cm and 16.2 cm in 2050, and between 29.2 cm and 34.6 cm in 2080. By 2100, it will range between 41.7 cm and 48.6 cm (McSweeney et al. 2009). Sea levels have already risen by 7.8 cm in Mauritius and 6.7 cm in Rodrigues between 1950 and 2001 representing an average +1.56 mm and +1.34 mm per year of respectively (Acclimate 2011). 2000) to full MPA status, although no substantive change was effected regarding their management and there are no management plans in place for the Fishing Reserves (PMU 2011). In addition there are two officially gazetted Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Mauritius, and a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve at Bel Ombre (Republic of Mauritius 2010a). In Rodrigues there are also four Marine Reserves and one multiple-use Marine Protected Area, the newest Management Responses & Protected Areas South-East Marine Protected Area (SEMPA). There are currently no protected areas designated on Agalega or St Brandon, although access to the area The Government of Mauritius and the Rodrigues Regional (rather than Ministerial), they were upgraded (in Assembly have implemented various is however controlled through a system of permits. measures in reocgnition of the need to protect The two MPAs in Mauritius were gazetted under coastal and marine biodiversity, reduce fishing effort section 7 of the Fisheries & Marine Resources Act and 1998, with MPA regulations defined in the Fisheries improve communities. catches These for fisheries measures have dependent included a combination of seasonal and permanent closures, the creation of different types of marine protected areas and no-take zones, gear restrictions and licence buyback schemes. For example, in recognition of the drastic declines in sea cucumbers, a moratorium was implemented banning sea cucumber fishing between 2009 and 2011, which was then extended. Seasonal closures have been implemented for the mullet fishery and more recently for octopus in Rodrigues. Following is a breif summary of the protected areas within Mauritian waters. and Marine Resources (Marine Protected Areas) (Amendments) Regulations 2007. Blue Bay MPA in south‐east Mauritius was initially gazetted as a National Park in 1997 under the Wildlife and National Parks Act in 1993, before being declared a MPA and designated a Marine Park in June 2000 (under the Fisheries and Marine Resources (FMR) Act 1998). It also achieved RAMSAR (The Convention on Wetlands) status in 2008. Blue Bay covers an area of 3.53 km2 and has two Strict Conservation Zones(~0.38 km2) and a Conservation Zone (1.46 km2), where fishing is not permitted, with the exception rod and line fishing from shore. The Marine Protected Areas management of prohibited, were declared under the Fisheries Act 75 stakeholder Steering of 1984. There were six Fishing Reserves declared in participation, which was established by the Ministry Mauritius (Port Louis, Poudre d’Or, Poste Lafayette, in January 2006. This Committee meets every Trou d’Eau Douce, Grand Port Zone A, Grand Port quarter to discuss issues but the function and Zone B, and Black River) and five in Rodrigues mandate are not fully clear (PMU 2011). Fishing Reserves where seine net fishing is (Pointe Venus to Pointe la Gueule, Pointe la Gueule to Pointe Manioc, Baie Topaze, Anse Quitor, and Grande Passe). Blue Bay includes Committee a multi- with local Balaclava MPA covers an area of 4.85 km2 and has a single Conservation Zone (1.67 km2), and a Multiple 200 Use Zone (3.13 km2) and Ski Lane (0.3 km2). The Voluntary no-take areas was an initiative launched zoning plan for Balaclava has not been implemented by the NGO Reef Conservation on the north/ east due to conflicts with fishers and a number of new coast of the island, with funding from EU/COI hotels that have been constructed since the original ReCoMaP project planned. Initially the plan was to zoning was developed in 2000 (MFR, 2009; Reef establish 10 VNTAs but Reef faced various challenges Conservation, 2011). in implementing these areas as a result of the Both MPAs attract domestic and international tourism. Permits are issued to tour operators for glass‐bottom boats, ski‐boats and other ‘permissible activities’. In 2009, a full assessment of biodiversity was conducted as part of ‘Création du Réseau des Aires Marines Protegées des pays de la COI’ Mauritian fishers’ habit of requesting compensation for lost fishing grounds and limited support from the Fisher Associations and from Government. Since then progress has been made with two areas Anse La Raie and Roche Noire (see Case Study 3). Ramsar Two Ramsar sites Blue Bay and Rivulet Terre Rouge programme. Four Marine Reserves were identified by the local fishing community in the north of Rodrigues with the support of the NGO Shoals Rodrigues. These areas were legally gazetted by the RRA in 2007 under the Fisheries and Marine Resources Act and include Grand Bassin (14.1 km2), Passe Demi (7.2 km2), Passe Cabri (1.5 km2) and Rivière Banane (1.5 km2). Between 2010 and 2012, a joint Management Plan Estuary Bird Sanctuary. The latter is a tidal mudflat located in the north east of the island, near Port Louis Harbour that is used by around 1,000-1,200 migratory migrating shorebirds every year. Sixteen of the 49 offshore islets are protected due to their conservation importance, seven as Nature Reserves, eight as National Parks and one as an Ancient Monument (Republic of Mauritius, 2006; 2010a). was developed for the Marine Reserves by a group of Islets National Parks local stakeholders with the support of GEF SGP and In 2001, the National Parks and Conservation Service ReCoMap. This is one of first management plans in (NPCS) established the Islets National Park Task the region to have been written by local marine Force to drive the creation of the Islets National Park resource users. The final draft Management Plan will (INP). In 2003-2004 and as Phase I of the project, be presented to the RRA in April 2013. the The UNDP-GEF funded programme ‘Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in Mauritius and Rodrigues’ that was implemented jointly by the Government of Mauritius and Rodrigues Regional Assembly established SEMPA, which is the newest MPA in Mauritian waters. SEMPA is a multiple use MPA covering a total area of 43 km2. The area includes Anse Quitor and Grande Passe were already declared fishing reserves and now included within SEMPA. The UNDP-GEF funded programme ‘Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in Mauritius and Rodrigues’ also developed management plans for Balaclava, Blue Bay and SEMPA. NPCS Strategic developed Plan for the sixteen Islets islets, National as well Park as management plans for nine of the islets and a marine area around them of up to 1 km from the shoreline. In 2009, Phase II of the project saw the development of management plans for the five remaining islets of the Islets National Park, as well as Ilot Fourneau and Ile aux Benitiers, which were not part of the INP. World Heritage Aapravasi Ghat and Le Morne were ascribed as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006 and 2008 respectively. Aapravasi Ghat is found in Port Louis and its Buffer Zone of 28.9 ha covers part of Port 201 Louis Harbour. Le Morne peninsula at the extreme Knowledge south-western tip of Mauritius is surrounded by a information lagoon and is a famous tourist attraction. A Planning Policy Guidance was issued related to the management and control development in the Core Zone and Buffer Zone of Le Morne Cultural Landscape in 2007. The Core Zone and Buffer Zone management and Despite the large number of GIS projects, there is currently no regular use of GIS data for informing decision-making. References are protected as a National Heritage Site and World Heritage current AFRC 2003. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report Management Plan is a good framework document AFRC 2004. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report with Site detailed (UNESCO sub-plans 2011). to The address the marine environment of the buffer zone of an area of 2407 hectares. AFRC 2005. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report AFRC 2006. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report AFRC 2007. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report AFRC 2008. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report. AFRC 2009. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report. The Action Plan for the Le Morne pressure zone (1 km inland and 1 km seaward) provides details on recommended actios for the management of the area. The document complements the Area Plan in which the development of the Coastal Resource Inventory, identification of issues and formulation of recommendations is reported. AFRC 2010. Albion Fisheries Research Centre. Annual Report. Alemu I 2008 Spatial variation in reef fish assemblages between protected and non-protected areas in the northern lagoon of Rodrigues. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Wales, Bangor, 96pp. Appadoo C. & Roomaldawo NB 2005. A preliminary study on benthic and arboreal fauna associated with mangrove Rhizopora mucronata on the east coast of Mauritius (Indian Ocean) with special reference to Mollusca. J. Coast.Dev. 8(2): 103 – 116. Appadoo C. 2003. Status of Mangroves in Mauritius. J. Coast. Dev. 7(1): 1 – 4. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) ICZM is legislated for under the Environmental Arakaki Y, Uehara T, Fagoonee I. 1998. Comparative studies of the genus echinometra from Okinawa and Mauritius. Zoolog Sci. 1998 Jan 1; 15(1):159-68. Development (DOED). The 2002 Act makes provision Baird WF and Associates 2003. Study on Coastal Erosion in Mauritius, in association with Reef Watch Consultancy LTD, Mauritius and Dr Michael Risk. Report prepared for the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Mauritius. Pp 5-103. for Baissac JB, Lubet PE & Michel C. 1962. Les biocenoses benthiques littorales de l’île Maurice. 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Belle Mare (BM) (Figure 1) is located on the east coast of Mauritius, extending from Valtur Hotel, in the north, to south of Surcouf Hotel and is surrounded by corals, sandy beaches and fringing reefs. The reef is found about 850 m from the shoreline and has one well-developed pass and two blind passes. The coastal soil is very sandy and it has very poor sediment retention properties. Acquisition of the image Black and white aerial photographs at 1:10000 that had been taken during a flight survey in 1999 were bought from the Ministry of Housing and Land. The images were compared with 2009 Google Earth images and the most reliable ones were selected19. To e n s u r e good resolution of a particular site, different print screens were taken at the same altitude and each print screen had a little overlap. T hese images were edited individually in the software Paint to remove unwanted areas and were then stitched together using the software Photoshop to give a whole view of the entire site. Georeferencing Georeferencing involves assigning rectified values of latitude and longitude to points on a digital image or map. Points are geoferenced to a system of Geographic Coordinates or to a projection system, such as Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). ARC GIS 9.2 was used to georeference the images using the shape file roads, coastline and buildings of Mauritius bought from the Ministry of Housing and Land (MOHL). These maps were based on the Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) projection and it was used to assign coordinates on the stitched image of the sites. The process of georeferencing was done by joining three reference points on the image of Google Earth to the corresponding points on the maps that were bought from the MOHL, which already had coordinates. Before ground-truthing, a number of representative GPS points were selected by drawing transect lines from shore to reef. Along each transect several GPS points were selected and exported in an excel sheet from the Arc GIS. This was done on Google Earth. The distance between the two transects was approximately 15 m. Ground-truthing The field survey involved snorkeling and the use of a GPS and 1 m x 1 m quadrat. At different pre-defined GPS points, the quadrat was deployed, and the observation was recorded on a data sheet. During the survey, 210 GPS coordinates were verified. A l though the main aim of the study was to compare differences between live and dead coral cover at the three sites, the percentage of other marine features, like macroalgae, coral rubble and sand, was also recorded and included in the maps. Processing the maps The maps were prepared using Arc GIS 9.2. Different excel sheets containing GPS points for different marine resources and features were imported and the data was overlaid on the georeferenced images and interpolated. 19 2009 images were selected because the different patterns at sea were reasonably visible. 207 The various marine resources were represented by different c o l o u r polygons and layers ( e . g . roads, buildings and coastline) and added to the map. These layers, in the form of shapefiles, were brought from the MOLH and updated by using the 2009 Google Earth images. From the attribute table, the area of different polygons was noted and, the legend, title and scale were added and the print size adjusted to A4. The same methods were used for the three study sites. Marine Resources Marine resources in Belle Mare are illustrated in Figure 2 and show that live coral over the lagoon was 57%, while dead coral cover was 10%. Near the shoreline, exposed and underwater sand could be found. F u r t h e r f r o m t h e s h o r e l i n e , a large area of macroalgae was observed that extended from the northernmost part of Belle Mare to the end of the study area. Inbetween, s o m e macroalgal patches and areas of sand and live corals could be observed. Macroalgae were much more abundant in the southernmost part of Belle Mare and nearly extended up to the reef area. Live corals covered most of the lagoonal water and dead corals were present in smaller numbers in a r e a s near the reef. Seven hotels were located in the area but built up areas were distant from the shoreline. (a) (b) Figure 1: (a) Map of Mauritius showing the location of the study site and (b) Map of Belle Mare (Source: Google Earth). Belle Mare (Source: 208 Figure 2: GIS map showing marine resources at Belle Mare. Marine resources quantified are live corals, seagrasses, sand, rock and boulders, and turf algae. 209 CASE STUDY 2 Feasibility of establishing a new Marine Protected Area in the SouthWest of Mauritius Authors: Imogen Webster Contact details: Mauritius Marine Conservation Society (MMCS), c/o Mauritius Underwater Group, Railway Road, Phoenix, Mauritius, Email:, Tel: (+230) 483 7781. The Government of Mauritius "National Environmental Policy, 2007", and the "National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan", both recognised the need to create new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and stressed the importance of community participation in their implementation. One of four regions identified by as a priority area for protection by the Government of Mauritius (AFRC 2008) and as a regional priority (RAMP-IOC 2009) was the southwest region of Mauritius. In this context the Mauritius Marine Conservation Society (MMCS) proposed to assess the feasibility of establishing a co-managed MPA on the south-west coast. MMCS has been promoting marine conservation in Mauritius for more than 30 years, and has concentrated their efforts in the south-west region in recent years. MMCS's work helped to highlight the ecological and economic importance of the region and the magnitude of the threat posed by the urban and tourism developments in recent decades. In 2009 MMCS was awarded funding to undertake the feasibility by the Regional Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Coastal Zones of the Countries of the Indian Ocean (ReCoMAP), an initiative supported by the Indian Ocean Commission financed by the European Union. The project allowed MMCS to collect the baseline data necessary to develop a zoning plan along a stretch of coast extending 40km from Flic en Flac to the village of Le Morne, which borders both the Black River Gorges National Park and the UNESCO World Heritage site at Le Morne Brabant. Two main types of survey were completed within the study area: an assessment of the marine biodiversity and a socio-economic study. Photo-interpretation of aerial and satellite images was used to identify and map the main units of the coral reef (ARVAM 2009) (Figure 1). Ground-truthing surveys were completed at 122 sites to validate the mapped polygons and to create thematic layers illustrating the distribution and status of the habitats (ARVAM 2009). MMCS also compiled their observation data on the distribution of focal species groups including cetaceans (Stenella longirostris and Tursiops aduncus) and sea turtles (Cadinouche, 2010). Socio-economic studies were completed in several different phases (Olivier, 2009). Initial consultation meetings were held with village councils and local communities in the region. A series of stakeholder consultation meetings were then organised with fishermen and tourist operators during which participatory mapping techniques were used to capture useage patterns, problems and issues. More in-depth individual interviews were then conducted with fishermen, tourist operators, tourists and Mauritian users to consolidate and confirm the observations. The results of the socio-economic studies revealed that the majority of local stakeholders recognised the importance and were strongly supportive and willing to participate in a co-managed MPA. The results of both the biodiversity and socio-economic surveys were entered into the GIS mapping software and used to create maps illustrating the local biological, social and economic situation and to develop a zoning (Figure 2). The study concluded that the establishment of a co-managed MPA in the south-western region was feasible 210 (Thomassin 2011), with the proviso that co-management implies the coordination of decisions on zoning and regulations. Surveys revealed that the majority of the coral habitats within the south-west region were already severely degraded, emphasising the urgent need for greater protection. This area is still heavily used for fishing and tourist activities. A recent study of food fish biomass and coral cover in the lagoon of Ile aux Benitier and adjacent reef found low coral cover; dominance of herbivorous fishes on the reef and the absence of apex predators such as sharks and large groupers or snappers (Bidet 2014) all characteristics of an over-exploited area in need of conservation management if it is to recover. References ARVAM, 2009. Gestion durable des ressources marines du Sud Ouest de Maurice: Cétacés-Récifs-Volet suivi des récifs coralliens. Rapport pour le compte de la MMCS. 21 p. Cadinouche A, 2010. Etat de la mégafaune marine (Cétacés-Tortues) de la zone côtière du sud-ouest de Maurice. MMCS. 23 p. Ollivier S., 2009. Etude préliminaire des aspects biologiques, écologiques et socio-économiques de la côte Sud-Ouest de Maurice, en vue de futurs plans de conservation du milieu marin. Mémoire de Master. Université de Perpignan, MMCS, 43 p. Thomassin A. 2011. Recommandations finales dans: Etude de faisabilité pour la mise en place d'une ou plusieurs AMP sur la côte sud-ouest de Maurice rédigé pour MMCS/ProGeCo. 54p. RAMP-COI, 2009. Priorisation et stratégie de WIOMER. Compte-rendu de l’atelier. 24-27 Novembre 2009, Antananarivo, Madagascar. 211 Figure 1: Habitat map prepared for the area between Albion and Le Morne SW Mauritius (after ARVAM 2009) 212 Figure 2: Areas proposed for protection between Albion and Le Morne (after Thomassin, 2011) 213 CASE STUDY 3: Using mapping to help set up Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCAs) in Mauritius. Authors: Natalie Summers, Celine Miternique, Kathy Young Contact details: Reef Conservation, Les Flammants Br. Rd., Pereybere, Mauritius. Email: Reef Conservation is a Mauritian Non-Governmental Organisation that works with the local community to protect the marine environment, through advocating good practises that minimise impacts and encourage sustainable resource use. Over the past 5 years, Reef Conservation, have been supporting coastal communities to establish Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCAs) within the lagoons of Roche Noire and Anse La Raie, in the north of Mauritius. Local interest in establishing VMCAs was initially assessed through consulting with communities all around Mauritius. The Roches Noire lagoon was selected as the first pilot site based on the positive response of the local fishing community. The Anse La Raise lagoon was selected as the second pilot site given the presence of healthy remnant coral communities within an otherwise heavily degraded lagoon. The VMCAs to be protected within both lagoons were chosen by local users whose livelihoods depend on the marine resource. In Roche Noire, Reef Conservation held meetings with the local fisher community to explain the concept of VCMAs, and gather information and support. Participatory techniques were used to create a map showing the distribution of key habitats and resource use patterns. The participatory map was verified through field surveys by Reef Conservation staff. This verified map was discussed with the fishers and local community and used to identify a potential high priority site for protection (Figure 1). The main criterion for the selection of the VMCA within Roche Noire was the presence of a rich habitat that would benefit from a reduction in human impacts. The area selected by the local community and fishers is characterised by a large lagoonal seagrass bed with a reef composed of massive corals. The Roches Noires VMCA was officially inaugurated in 2011, and since then local community members have been trained and are actively involved in ongoing programmes to monitor sedimentation rates, coral recruitment and seagrass health. Observations of resource use patterns within the Roches Noires VMCA during 2013 revealed that while the VMCA was generally respected, amateur fishermen were line-fishing and snorkelling for octopus inside the VMCA. Mapping resource use patterns within the lagoon helped identify management needs and the next step will be a communication campaign specifically targeting amateur fishermen. In Anse La Raie lagoon mapping and scientific monitoring surveys were completed before community engagement (Figure 2a). The surveys identified healthy remnant patches of live coral within the lagoon, with between 30% and 60% live coral cover, and degraded areas with less than 2% live coral cover (Figure 2b). The Anse La Raie lagoon has multiple users (fishing, kite-surfing, glass bottom boat and other water sports). A combination of participatory mapping and direct observations was used to generate the map of usage patterns (Figure 2c). Further consultation with the different user groups identified the boundary of the VMCA. The area selected for protection encompasses both the healthy patches of live coral and part of the degraded area where restoration efforts could be established. A management committee is being set up for Anse La Raie. Overall, both VMCAs have a good chance of being successful in Mauritius as local community members supportive and keen to protect areas. The VMCAs approach to protecting marine ecosystems is still new to Mauritius. Success 214 will depend upon the active participation the local communities in monitoring, education, sensitisation and management. The challenge now will be encouraging the local communities to take greater ownership of the management of these areas. (a) (b) Figure 1: Map of Roche Noire lagoon showing (a) the distribution of habitats and other key features and (b) useage patterns in proximity to the Roche Noire VMCA. 215 (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: Maps of the Anse La Raie lagoon showing the distribution (a) of survey points within the lagoon (b) the main habitats mapped from the survey and 7 study sites and; (c) lagoon useage patterns created from a combination of direct field observations and local knowledge. 216 (Stoddart, 1984). The granitic inner islands are Seychelles Authors: Helena E. Sims Contacts: La Misere, Mahe, Seychelles,, +248 2519404 composed of pre-Cambrian rock, about 650 million years old (Braithwaite 1984) and rise from the Seychelles Bank, which form the Northern arc of the Mascarene ridge. The Seychelles Bank is the remant of a former reef which is now encrusted with coralline algae and fine to coarse bioclastic sands with coarser sediments in the shallow waters (Spencer et al. 2009). The larger granitic islands are characterized by steep, rugged mountainous interiors with peaks reaching 914m on Mahe, 867m on Silhouette and 427m on Praslin (Spencer et al. 2009). The landscapes are formed from smooth, bare rock surfaces (glacis) with lower slopes filled with red lateritic soil, surrounded by plateaus and sea level wetlands, although some high altitude wetlands are also present on some islands (Spencer et al. 2009). There are three types of granite, grey, pink and white granite all of which have similar mineralogical Figure 6-79: Map of the Indian Ocean, showing the Exclusive Economic Zones of Seychelles (green). properties (ASCLME 2012). The granite extends into the subtidal and provides a suitable substrate for the growth of corals and other organisms (ASCLME, 2012). All the other islands in the Seychelles archipelago are coralline, and include calcareous sand cays, coralline islands, atolls and raised coral atolls. The majority of the coralline islands are formed from patchy reefs, whilst others are composed of partly fossilized reefs that have emerged from the sea floor (e.g. Aldabra and Assumption). Aldabra is the largest of these coralline islands and the world’s largest atoll, with a land area composed of four main islands covering 130km2 enclosing a large shallow lagoon. Figure 6-80: Map of the islands of the Seychelles. Island Ecosystems The Seychelles is an archipelago of 155 coralline and granitic islands formed during the Cretaceous period, 217 salt tolerant shrubs, low trees, herbs and grasses (Stattersfield et al. 1998). Seychelles hosts some of the largest seabird colonies in the world (Bijoux et al. 2003). The inner islands of Aride, Cousin, Cousine and Bird island host large numbers of brown noddy (Anous stolidus), white tern (Gygis alba), sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) and Audubon’s shearwater (Puffinus iherminieri). The Seychelles black parrot, the country’s national bird, is found in the inner islands. On the outer islands, Aldabra is renowned for the large colonies of nesting seabirds, including the lesser and greater frigatebird and red footed boobies (Skerrett, 1995). The last flightless bird species in the Indian Ocean - the white throated rail (Dryolimnas cuvieri aldabranus) can also be found here. Aldabra also hosts over 150,000 giant tortoises (Geochelone gigantea), the largest population worldwide. There are more than 20 lizard species, of which 14 species and subspecies are endemics (GoS 2012) and a high diversity of arthropods. Figure 6-81: Map showing the Providence and Cerf and Farqhuar atoll in the Seychelles. Terrestrial Seychelles has approximately 1700 taxa of flora, including 376 native and 136 endemic species (Senterre et al. 2013). The diversity of native flora on the outer islands is half that of the inner islands. Forest cover in Seychelles is estimated at 40,600ha (90% of the total land area) (GoS 2012). Important families of trees include Sapindaceae, Moraceae and Tilliacae. There is one endemic family of tree, the critically endangered jellyfish tree, Medusagyne oppositifolia (Gerlach 2008). Vegetation on the outer islands is xertiic, and consists of dense thickets of Aldabra tortoise Geochelone gigantea (Photo credit Rebecca Klaus) Freshwater Wetlands are found primarily on the granitic islands and can be classified into two main groups based on their height above sea level (Bijoux et al. 2008a). High altitude wetlands occur in depressions above 200m and are freshwater whilst coastal wetlands are brackish water wetlands which can be completely or 218 plants and endemic species including the Seychelles moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, 2 subspecies of terrapin, and 7 species of caecilians (Beaver, 1995; GoS, 2012). Healthy marshes support endemic insects from the family Rhagovelia, Nepidae and Notonectidae (Bijoux et al. 2008). The black paradise flycatcher, Terpsiphone corvina, found on La Digue feeds on insects which breed in the marshland of the island. A total of 17 freshwater fish species have been recorded in the Seychelles, two of which are endemic (UNEP, 2004). The golden panchax, Pachypanchax playfairii, is an endemic fish in the ecoregion. The tilapia, Orechromis mossambicus, is introduced and is now considered invasive. Most of the outer islands lack freshwater systems apart from Aldabra, where there are freshwater ponds, ephemeral pools and crevices and subterranean caverns with small reservoirs of water, which are more common during the rainy seasons (Fosberg & Renvoize 1980). Brackish pools are also present on some islands (e.g. Assumption) as a result of mining activities. Permanent freshwater fauna is restricted to invertebrates in the outer islands. Five species of Heteroptera have been recorded (Micronecta praetermissa, Anisops vitrea, Mesovelia vittigera, Limnogonus cereiventris and Microvelia diluta) (Polhemus, 1993). The landlocked pools of these islands also support cyanobacteria and Figure 6-82: Map showing Cosmoledo and Astove, and Aldabra and Assumption. temporarily isolated from the sea (Bijoux et al. algae and other organisms that feed on them (Braithwaite et al. 1989). 2008a). There is an estimated 50 to 60 ha remaining Marine out of approximately 100m of wetlands on Mahe, the Seychelles’s coral reefs occupy an area greater than reduction the total landmass at 1690km2 (Spalding et al. owing to coastal development and reclamation (Bijoux et al. 2008a). 2001). The majority of the reefs are located in the The majority of marsh-edge plants are native species but most of the aquatic plants have been introduced and are invasive such as the water hyacinth, Eichornia crassipes (Beaver, 1995). The Seychelles marshes are described as having a high diversity of outer islands. Reefs around the inner islands can be classified as granitic reefs, which consists of granitebased boulders with coral growth, or carbonate reefs, which include fringing reefs, platform or atolls (Stoddart 1984). The diversity of reef types around the outer islands include true atolls, raised atolls, 219 submerged or partially submerged atolls, platform Kalugina-Gutnik and banks, and are therefore highly varied (Bijoux et include: et al. 1992). Cymodocea Seagrass rotundata, species Cymodocea 2 al. 2008). The Providence-Cerf bank covers 300km , serrulata, Enhalus acocroides, Halodule uninervis, which of Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium, and, most Providence and Cerf, is the single largest reef system commonly, Thalassodendron ciliatum, and Thalassia in the Seychelles (Spencer et al. 2000). hemprichii. stretches 40km between the island Around the inner granitic islands the seagrass beds extend seaward from the beach to a distance of 5 to 300m and to a depth of 15 to 20m (Bijoux et al. 2008). The majority of the outer islands have extensive Astove, seagrass and beds, Cosmoledo. particularly The most Aldabra, extensive seagrass bed is on the Providence-Cerf bank and consists of Thalassia hemprichii and Thalassodendron ciliatum (Bijoux et al. 2008). Mangrove forests and coastal wetlands are found throughout the islands and occupy an estimated Soft coral on the outer reef of Aldabra (Photo credit Rebecca Klaus) Seychelles reefs host an estimated 300 species of coral (Veron & Stafford 2000) and the highest diversity of marine fish and reef associated species in the region (UNEP 2004). A total of 1196 marine fish species belonging to 140 families have been recorded, 749 of which are reef associated (UNEP 2004). The Seychelles clownfish, Amphiprion fuscocaudatus is endemic to the islands (Bijoux et al. 2003). Fish community level diversity is high due to variation in the marine habitats and fishing effort (Bijoux et al. 2008). There are also over 18 species of shark, including the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) that aggregate in the Seychelles during the months of August to October. 29km2 (Bijoux et al. 2008). There are a total of eight species of mangroves in the Seychelles (Rhizophora mucronata, Bruiguiera gymnorhiza, Ceriops tagal, Sonneratia alba, Lumnitzera racemosa, Avecenia marina, Xylocarpus granatum and Xylocarpus mulocuensis). Port Launay Ramsar site on Mahe hosts all the mangrove species found on the granitic islands. The faunal assemblages associated with these mangroves typically have a low species diversity and high abundance (Pulfrich et al. 2006). Species found close to the shore include gastropods Cerithium (Pithocerithium) (Quidnipagus palatam, G.pectinatum, Anadara divergens), and Metapograpsus, crabs morum, Gafrarium antiqyata from Sesarma, the bivalves tumidum, and Ctena genera Scylla, Macrophthalmus, Uca, Soft bottom habitats including seagrass beds are including Scylla serrata and Cardisoma carnifex common in the lagoons of the outer islands and (Pulfrich et al. 2006). inter-tidal habitats of the inner granitics and are important feeding grounds for shore and migrant seabirds and important habitats for demersal fish (ASCLME 2012). A total of eight species of seagrass are found in the Seychelles, six of which are found around Mahe (Spalding et al. 2001; Aleem 1984; Shoreline types include both rocky and sandy shores. Rocky shores are the main intertidal habitat in the inner island group (ASCLME 2012) but can also be found around the raised atolls of the outer islands like Aldabra, Cosmoledo and St. Pierre. The sandy 220 beaches of the inner island are important nesting to the geological base of the inner islands being grounds granitic as well as carbonate (Bijoux et al. for Hawksbill turtles, Eretmochelys 2008). imbricata, while the beaches of the outer islands are Phototrophic sponges are however found only in the important outer islands and not around the inner islands. Chelonia nesting mydas. grounds The for leatherback Green turtles, (Dermochelys coriacea) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtle also forage in the Seychelles’ waters. The Caridean shrimp is the most widely studied order of Crustacea in Seychelles with 165 species recorded (Bijoux et al. 2008). The Brachyuran decapod The remainder of the Seychelles EEZ is >2000m crustacean is also well studied with 22 species of sea depth, and the seafloor at these depths is most likely spiders (Pycnogonida) and the spiny and slipper dominated by fine soft bottom sediments (Bijoux et lobster (Palinuridae & Scyllaridae respectively). To al. 2008). Seagrass beds and stable sands, make up date 50 species of Serpulids and 21 species of over 50% of the Mahe plateau (Bijoux et al. 2008). Tuberllaria have been recorded in Seychelles (Bijoux et al. 2008). The composition of bivalve fauna on the Mascarene Ridge was found to be uniform but taxonomic richness around individual islands is highly variable (Bijoux et al. 2008). Studies on the phylum Mollusca are limited but bivalve fauna is considered under represented (Bijoux et al. 2008). Offshore sampling of Le Constant Bank identified 55 bivalve species dominated by a new species, Limopsis sp. There are 33 species of Echinoidea and one endemic (Echinocyamus grandis) and 32 species of Asteroidea Sea cucumber -Theleonata ananas (Photo credit Rebecca Klaus) Holothuridae are abundant on the Seychelles reef flats, in seagrass beds, and shallow sand flats, with (Bijoux et al. 2008). Population explosions of the crown starfish, Acanthaster planci, are a concern and this is currently being monitored. 2008). Two orders of marine mammals occur in Seychelles. There are some 351 species of sponges in the In the order Sirenia there is one species of Dugong Seychelles from four classes, approximately 18% of (Dugong dugong) observed around Aldabra, while in which are endemic and 10% regionally restricted the order of Cetacea ithere are 7 dolphin species and (Bijoux et al. 19 some 35 species recorded (Bijoux et al. 2008). The inner islands are more whales, including the Sperm (Physester diverse in sponges than the Amirantes with 135 and macrocephalus), Humpback (Megaptera novaengliae) 95 species recorded respectively), which may be due and Right (Eubalanea glacialis) whale. 221 Mapping of Coral Reefs and Associated 84% cover around these islands and encompassing Ecosystems densities from low through to high (Hamylton et al. During the Pre-COI project benthic mapping was carried out in 1997 around Mahe and the islands in the Ste Anne Marine Park (Bigot et al. 1999). A desktop study information. was Different done to existing Thalassodendron ciliatum (Hamylton et al. 2010). Bijoux (2008) mapped shallow benthic communities in five Marine National Parks including Baie Ternay, mapped by digitising orthophotos and a preliminary Port Launay, Ste Anne, Curieuse and Ile Cocos. map was prepared. Ground truthing surveys were Ortho-photos from 1999 were used as the base then carried out by SCUBA and any anomalies were image for the mapping of each park. Google Earth® corrected. were photos were also used as visual guides. Ground identified, their vulnerabilities were assessed based truthing was carried out at each site using a on the magnitude of anthropogenic threats and/or systematic transect method. The mapping was of impacts, before being colour coded and transfered both the biotic and abiotic environment. Mapping by onto the maps. Bijoux (2008) revealed large areas of dense macro- the different categories on the outer islands were Thalassia hemprichii and were Once benthic compile 2010). The two most abundant species of seagrass reef types In 2005, the Golden Shadow Expedition, undertaken by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, the Cambridge Coastal Research Unit of Cambridge University and the Seychelles Centre for Marine Research and Technology - Marine Parks Authority (SCMRT-MPA), conducted mapping on the Amirantes. algae and seagrass in many of the MPAs. Curieuse MNP had the highest cover of macro-algae (64%) and seagrass (37%). This was the only location where Thalassodendron ciliatum was found in dense patches and extensive beds of the rare Enhalus acocroides were also discovered here. Remote sensing data was acquired for 13 Amirantes In 2010 mapping work was also completed as part of islands and a seaplane with a mounted Compact the ‘Modelling Integrated Coastal Zone Management Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI), flying at Scenarios in the Seychelles’ project implemented by 1,000m covered 270km2 across 133 predetermined the Green Islands Foundation as a management tool parallel survey lines (Spencer et al. 2009). For for planning and ICZM funded through ReCoMaP. GIS Desroches, Landsat imagery was used to create mapping was carried out on the Grande Anse Praslin habitat maps while underwater surveys with video bay area and around Denis Island using methods transect were used at other selected islands. Ground similar to those used by Bijoux in 2008. truthing surveys were conducted by snorkelling and diving and terrestrial surveys included beach profiles, A team from Cambridge University mapped the vegetation surveys, sediment samples, soil samples Aldabra lagoon in 2010 (Hamylton et al. and collections of insects and plant and bird life Ground-truthing observations (Spencer et al. 2009). Over 1500 camera and underwater photography. Video footage ground When was recorded at 486 sites and analysed to estimate ground-truthed, the overall accuracy of the maps the percent cover across 4 benthic classes (live coral, ranged from 66-77% (Hamylton et al. 2010). The bare carbonate sand, macroalgae and dead coral). A results showed that seagrass was the most widely total of 287 photographs were taken as additional represented shallow habitat class, ranging from 13- reference points (Hamylton et al. 2012). Regression reference points were recorded. surveys employed a 2012). drop-video analysis of the video survey data results was used to 222 model the predicted benthic cover across the lagoon, areas. The main plan provides information and using QuickBird satellite images acquired in 2001. guidelines on different map types and legends The results were validated using regression between illustrating the main sensitive coastal regions to the modelled benthic habitats and the photographs. erosion or other environmental harzards, such as Depth was also measured using HawkEye single cyclones and tsunamis. beam bathymetric sonar and used to derive the water depth of each image pixel. Other mapping work is ongoing around Ste Anne Marine National Park by MCSS (2014), the outer reef Environmental sensitivity mapping was carried out to of Aldabra, and around North and Denis Island under complement UNDP-GEF-GoS PA project (2013/14). the Seychelles National Oil Spill Contingency Plan. The mapping ranged from sitespecific bays and shores to larger, less accessible Table 6-1 Marine habitat mapping studies in Seychelles ID Year Organisation Image Mapping method Reference 1 2009 Cambridge Coastal Research Unit (CCRU) Quickbird and Landsat Classification Hamylton et al. (2012) Aldabra lagoon habitat map 2 2012 UNDP-SIF Geo-Eye Classification Outer reef (ongoing) 3 2004 CCRU/SNPA/DoE CASI, Landsat Classification Spencer et al. (2009) + various others 4 2004 CCRU/SNPA/DoE CASI, Landsat Classification Spencer et al. (2009) + various others 5 1999 ARVAM and Government of Seychelles Orthophoto Digitisation Bigot et al. (2003) 6 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 7 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 8 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 9 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 10 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 11 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 12 2008 J. Bijoux MSc Orthophoto Digitisation J. Bijoux MSc thesis 13 2011 Green Island Foundation Orthophoto Digitisation 14 2011 Green Island Foundation Orthophoto Digitisation habitat map 223 Figure 5-83: Maps showing the subtidal habitats around Mahe, as prepared during the PRE-COI project 224 Figure 5-84: Maps showing the marine and terrestrial habitat of Alphonse, Bijoutier and St Francois. Produced using Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) (Spencer et al., 2009). 225 concentrations were highest at the Eastern and Status of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems Western margins of the lagoon (Hamylton et al. 2012). Live coral cover inside the lagoon is highly localized and greatest in the northwestern quadrant, where it ranges from 40 to 60% and favours Porites Status of Reef Benthos Before 1998, the Seychelles reefs were described as knoll communities (Hamylton et al. 2012). having a high structural complexity dominated by Status of Reef Fish branching Coral and massive corals, with live cover bleaching significantly changed coral reef ranging from 4 to 60% (Jennings et al. 1995; habitat complexity and diversity. Decline in the Engelhardt, 1998; Pittman 1997). During 1998 a abundance severe coral bleaching event occurred, together with observed just one year after the bleaching event of a crown-of-thorns (Acanthaster planci) outbreak, and 1998 (Spalding & Jarvis 2002). Underwater visual resulted in the mortality of 80% to 95% of corals censuses recorded a decrease in the number of fish around the inner islands (Engelhardt 1998, 2004). found on reefs with an absence of fish from lower Bleaching related mortality was more variable around the outer islands. Coral cover was reduced from 51% to 7% on the west reef of Alphonse and from 64% to 3% on the north of St. Pierre (Spalding and Jarvis, and diversity of corallivores were size classes (Graham et al. 2007), which is thought to be due to the loss of reef structure post-bleaching affecting reef fish recruitment and survival (Bijoux et al. 2008). 2002). Bleaching intensity on Aldabra was lower than Graham et al. (2007) reported localised extinctions, around other outer islands and mostly in branching a significant reduction in species richness, reduced and distinctness in taxonomy and species loss in key tabular corals. Subsequent bleaching was recorded in 2002 and 2003 (Engelhardt, 2004). functional groups of reef fish around sites of the Coral monitoring found that live cover increased from 3% in 2000 to 10.2% by 2004, showing a slow rate of recovery (Engelhardt 2004). Recovery rates on the granitic reefs was generally faster than on carbonate reefs (Payet et al. 2005). Coral cover on the carbonate reefs is generally lower compared to granitic sites (Engelhardt 2004; Payet et al. 2005) due to the stability of the substratum on granitic reefs, higher water quality and flow, and enhanced displacement of sediments, which all contribute to higher rates of coral recruitment (Engelhardt 2004; Payet et al. thought that there is less and growth 2005). It is also grazing by main inner islands. Families Monoaenthidae, Chaetodontidae and Pomacentridae were heavily impacted. Species with possible local extinction included: hardwicke, Chaetodon lineolatus, Labrichthys Thalassoma unilineatus and Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus. Other species with abundance reduced to critically low levels were Chaetodon trifascialis, Oxymonocanthus longirostris, Chaetodon meyeri, Chaetodon melannotus, Chromis ternatensis and Plectroglyphidodon dickii. Research to monitor the recovery of these reefs is ongoing. There are substantial variations of reef fish species urchins and abundance between reef habitats on Aldabra. (Diadema sp. and Echinotrix sp) on granite reefs due Fish surveys on Aldabra have recorded 287 species to the complexity and three-dimensional nature of from 35 families (Teleki et al. 1999). A by Wendling the reefs limiting access (Payet et al. 2005). et al. 2003 as part of the SEYMEMP programme The inner lagoon of the Aldabra World Heritage Site consists largely of macroalgae (64%), and showed that Lutjanidae, Serranidae and Lehtrinidae were the 3 main families, representing 91% of the 226 carnivorous fish around six of the outer islands. The forests, which serve as habitats for multiple species highest densities were observed around Alphonse of sea birds, remain largely unthreatened. and Desroches. Status of Beaches Status of Reef Macroinvertebrates The Seychelles Landscape and Waste Management Approximately 24 species of sea cucumber are Agency oversees beach cleaning on the islands of exploited in the Seychelles and sea cucumber density Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and Cerf Island. On other surveys in the Amirantes and the Mahe plateau in islands private hotels and/or island owners carry out 2004 have shown that shallow water high value beach cleaning, which normally involves the removal species are overexploited (Aumeerudy et al. 2005). of litter, debris, dead organisms and algae, and the stockpiling of seaweed on dunes to decay naturally. Status of Seagrass Seychelles does not currently have a seagrass- In 2004, a national beach-monitoring programme monitoring programme so the status of seagrass was launched to profile key beaches around the main beds has yet to be determined. This is a gap given inner islands and gain a better understanding of the presence of regionally significant seagrass beds shoreline of ecological importance throughout the Seychelles. Unfortunately, with the exception of Mahe, studies of Mangroves once covered most shores of the granitic but and coastal erosion. beach dynamics have been limited. Beach dune Status of Mangroves islands changes their extent has been dramatically rehabilitation programmes have also been carried out to mitigate erosion effects. reduced. The reduction in mangroves on the main The GIS unit of the MLUH has developed sensitivity islands is due to reclaimation works, clearance for maps, which show coastal areas that are sensitive to coastal development and construction and to unclog erosion and natural disasters such as tsunamis, river mouths (Bijoux et al. 2008). Seychelles does storms and flooding events. Several beaches and not currently have a monitoring programme for coastlines have had erosion mitigation measures, mangrove cover or health so the status of has yet to including be determined. rehabilitation On the Western coast of Mahe there is a continuous belt of original mangrove forest ranging from Port Launay to Port Glaud. On the second largest island, Praslin, only small isolated mangrove swamps remain near the river mouths of Grande Anse, Anse Lazio and Anse Takamaka (Bijoux et al. neighbouring island of Curieuse has 2008). The a diverse mangrove forest consisting six species. The most extensive mangrove forests in the outer islands are found in the lagoon of Aldabra and Cosmoledo. Mangrove forests can also be found in St Francois, Farquhar, Poivre, St. Joseph, Cosmoledo and Cerf (Bijoux et al. 2008). As anthropogenic impacts on these outer islands are minimal these sea walls of coastal and breakwaters vegetation in and cleared beachfronts. Nevertheless, the prevalence of coastal erosion is likely to exacerbate in the future as a results of global climate change combined with the local natural monsoonal cycles and increased development on the coasts (ASCLME, 2012). Status of Water Quality Coastal waters are generally low in nutrients and, around the inner islands, are lower than regional guidelines (ASCLME 2012). Waters around the inner islands are subject to pollution, which increases during the rainy season when run-off is greatest. Land based pollution, in the form of sedimentation and nutrients, is one of the largest threats to the marine ecosystems within a radius of 5km of the 4 main inner islands (Payet 2006) due to the fact that 227 over 90% of the Seychelles population inhabit the organic input and pathogenic bacteria loading in the coastal strip of these islands (Shah 1995). marine environment (Bijoux et al. 2008). Pollution from pesticides and fertilizers in Seychelles In 2009 a waste management agency was recreated is minimal as agriculture is relatively small scale and under the Ministry of Environment and Energy, which the use of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) has focused on minimizing waste and recycling. Marine been banned, and analyses have shown that the litter is minimal on the beaches of the Seychelles concentration of POPs in the sediments are very low although companies are contracted out to carry out (ASCLME 2012). With the exception of zinc, copper, regular cleaning of beaches and river outlets around and chromium, the concentration of heavy metals, the main islands of the Seychelles. recorded in Port Victoria, was also found to be quite low (Radegonde, 2008). Within the inner islands, sedimentation by soil erosion is a key pollution source during the rainy seasons and this has been exascerbated by coastal developments and reduced vegetation (Bijoux et al. 2008). Small-scale oil spills and leaks have also occurred in the past around the port area in Victoria, Mahe. However, no major spills have occurred to date and the Seychelles has developed a National Oil Spill Contingency Plan to mitigate potential spills. Coastal Development With limited availability of flat land and protected areas in higher altitudes, there is increasing pressure to develop on the coast. Consequently, reclamation Direct Drivers of Change Influencing work has been carried out on the coast of all three the main populated islands (ASCLME, 2012). In addition Value of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems to siltation and smothering effects, reclamation work alters the coastal and near shore hydrodynamics of Water quality, Run-off and Waste the area and can result in both erosion and accretion Seychelles waters are affected by land-based sources of the coast. of pollution from domestic (septic tanks and soak away pits), agricultural (fertilizers and pesticides) and industrial (tuna canning factory) sources. The Seychelles developed a sewerage system for its capital Victoria and neighbouring suburbs in the early 1990’s. Over 97% of the population use flush toilets and waste water treatment works. However, only highly populated areas are connected to the sewage network and areas outside the sewage network use soakaways. It is estimated that only 60% of these systems are effective (Gonzalves & Mussard, 2009), as they often overflow in heavy rainfall and increase 228 Dredging, reclamation and sedimentation are closely 2005 fisheries generated approximately 30% of GDP associated and identified as a major threat to the and accounted for 97% of visible exports (Strategy reefs of the inner islands. Reclamation work along 2017). Fisheries around the main granitic islands are Mahe’s East coast has resulted in significant loss of believed to be fully and/or locally over-exploited and mangrove and reef habitats and interrupted the declines in sharks, lobsters, sea cucumbers and largest, continuous fringing reef of the granitic marine molluscs are of particular concern. By-catch island, which stretched some 27km from the North from industrial long-lines and purse seine fisheries is East bay to Anse Marie Louise (Lewis, 1963). a major issue and measured in thousands of tonnes (Bijoux et al 2008). Destructive fishing methods (use The first reclamation work began in the late 1960s to of explosives and bottom trawling, spear guns and create the Seychelles International Airport area. This pelagic drift nets) are illegal in Seychelles. was followed by a second project on Mahe’s East coast in 1986, for a new port facility, followed by two more phases in the early 2000s (UNEP, 2008). Although several techniques were used to minimise the effects of silt smothering, such as silt screens and filter cloths, there is little research on the impacts of the reclamation on neighbouring reefs. Small and large-scale reclamation is currently the main threat to mangrove areas in the Seychelles. Important wetlands in the inner islands include Port Launay and Cap Ternay on Mahe, Curieuse and La Plaine Hollandaise. The loss of wetlands to coastal development is most significant around the three main islands of the Seychelles where development pressures have fragmented the wetlands. The largest Mangals are now found on the outer islands like Cosmoledo and Aldabra. The Emperor Red Snapper (Lutjanus sebae) is the most important commercial species in Seychelles (ASCLME, 2012). This species is mainly caught offshore targeted by hook and line. The average catch dramatically increased in recent years due to artisanal fishermen targeting the species (ASCLME, 2012), recent assessments of reveal that the stock is overexploited. Stocks of rabbitfish, Siganus sutor, There is a proliferation of mangroves on Mahe’s East are coast, especially in the lagoons created by ongoing aggregations is significantly reducing the abundance reclamation work. The most dominant species in this of these species. Research to better understand the area are Avicennia marina followed by Rhizophora spatial dynamics of critical species (Epinephelus mucronata. There are signs this area will be able to polyphekadion, support a greater diversity of mangroves in the punctatus and Siganus sutor) in relation to MPAs and future as new mangrove species are now settling on the development of species specific plans is ongoing this coast (Bijoux et al. 2008). (Robinson et al. 2007). Direct use - extractive severely depleted E. fishing fuscoguttatus, on spawning Plectropomus Shark fishery data is lacking, although historical and Fisheries anecdotal information suggests that inshore shark The fisheries sector is one of the two main pillars of are the Seychelles economy, the other being tourism. In artisanal fishermen and caught as bycatch in the severely depleted. Shark are targeted by 229 semi-industrial and industrial fishery. Data is limited, export of wild live fish, the masterplan reinforces this but a severe decline in the abundance of sharks on and facilitates the export of farmed live fish. the plateau has been observed. The use of nets to target sharks was banned in 1998. The number of shark caught as bycatch in longline fisheries has increased, and the high value of shark fins has reduced their release from bycatch. Shark harvest from by-catch has been estimated at some 50%. A national plan of action for the management of shark fisheries is now being implemented (NPOA 2007). Mining Mining activities include mining of granite rock from the land, coral aggregates from the sea floor, and, in the past, gravel from riverbeds, for construction (Bijoux et al. 2008). Sand and rubble mined from the coastal waters and supralittoral zone (mostly on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue) was also used in the construction industry. However, this demand is now The sea cucumber fishery exploits 24 species of sea met using coral materials from reclamation projects cucumber. As a result of increased demand from on Mahe and Praslin. Asian markets studies indicate overexploitation in two of the high value shallow water species, and three species are fully exploited (Aumeerudy et al. 2005). In an attempt to control the fishery the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) introduced limited licenses for this fishery. Studies on the Mahe plateau and Amirantes have also determined the Maximum Sustainable Yield and Total Allowable Catch for these species and this is reflected in a management plan. The Seychelles was once reputed for its black tiger prawn from the Coetivy island prawn farm, which began in the early 1990s. The farm shut down in and aquaculture is generally not well developed. Indeed, the only aquaculture operation is small-scale Ocean Farm Ltd, which produces black pearls from the black lip oyster, and giant clams for the aquarium trade. of Sand and Gravel Act (1982) regulates the extraction of beach and river sand and gravel. Nevertheless, chronic sedimentation of coastal waters that can be associated with mining and reclamation works is still regarded as a key factor limiting the recovery of coral reefs on the East coast of Mahe (Bijoux et al. 2008). Oil exploration recently been developing a National Aquaculture Masterplan that will be finalised this year. The plan takes an Ecosystem's Approach to Aquaculture to ensure that any negative impacts of Aquaculture development are reduced or avoided through proper The plan in 1969. By 1994 there were 23,150km of seismic profiles and 27,911 km calculated (Bijoux et al. research activities of aeromagnetic lines 2008) and exploration are ongoing. Petroleum exploration, development and production is governed by the Petroleum Mining Act of 1976 and a Petroleum Taxation Act is in the process of being enacted. Direct use – non-extractive SFA, in consultation with multiple stakeholders, has planning. Removal Exploration for hydrocarbons in the Seychelles began Aquaculture 2008 The also makes provisions for conservation, such as coral farming licences to prospective commercial or conservation agencies, The tourism industry grew rapidly with the opening of the Seychelles International airport in the 1970s, and by 2005 this sector accounted for approximately 20% of GDP. Although the country promotes ecotourism, as opposed to mass tourism, there are indirect impacts on the environment including anchor damage on reefs, trampling on corals by divers and snorkelers, and general disturbance/stress factors of human presence in biologically sensitive areas. and, although the Seychelles has long banned the 230 Growth in the country’s SCUBA diving industry has The GEF SEYMEMP project (2001-2004) revealed spurred visitor interest in the sighting of key species coral disease presence at between 70-80% of sites in like whale shark and turtles. Whale sharks aggregate the inner granitic islands, with the most significantly in the Seychelles waters in August to October and affected sites being exposed to high nutrient input the value of the species to ecotourism is estimated at from natural and anthropogenic sources. US$4.99m annually (Row at & Engelhardt, 2007). A national whale shark encounter policy has been A study around Alphonse and St Francois identified developed to ensure that ecotourism impacts are three coral diseases, namely the Orange Patch, minimal. Lighting guidelines on turtle encounters and Brown Patch and Black Patch disease (ICS). It was nesting beaches have also been developed. hypothesized that a sponge causes Orange and Brown Patch, and a bacteria causes Black Patch. The Nuisance species & coral diseases The reefs of the Seychelles have been variously affected by outbreaks of the Crown of Thorns (Acanthaster planci), long-spined sea urchins study revealed that these diseases occur in areas of low mixing with relatively high sedimentation, sea surface temperatures and nutrient input. (Diadema sp. And Echinometra sp.), and the mollusc Invasive Alien Species Drupella sp, which are thought to correlate with the In 2005 a survey was carried out by the IUCN to ENSO system (Wendling et al. 2004). detect possible marine invasive species in the vicinity The first reported A. planci outbreaks occured in 1996 and affected fringing reefs in north Mahé (Engelhardt, 2004). Localised outbreaks continued until mid-1998 but thereafter declined following the reduction in hard coral cover as a result of the mass coral bleaching. A recent outbreak was recorded in 2014 off the west coast of Mahe (Engelhardt, 2014). COTS densities were up to 20 times higher than usual, with 60-70% hard coral mortality (Engelhardt, 2014). Some 600 starfish were removed in an attempt to control this outbreak. of the Victoria Harbour and Ste Anne Marine National Park. The results of the survey indicated four nonindigenous species, including two amphipods; Stenothoe valida, which has a global distribution; and, Ertchonius braziliensis, which is native of Brazil. The study also revealed a species of sponge; Mycale cf. Cecilia, documented from the Caribbean; and, the freshwater tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, now found in many of the rivers in Seychelles. Invasive species in wetlands are more prominent and include the water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and Water in Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes). These species are northern Mahe were ten times higher than moderate particularly problematic as they spread rapidly and, densities on healthy reefs. Sites where there were by covering water surfaces, block the penetration of high densities of black spined sea urchins around sunlight and reduce the concentration of dissolved Mahe and Praslin had lower densities of coral recruits oxygen in the wetland (Bijoux et al, 2008). In 2000, black-spined sea urchins densities size classes <2 and 2-5cm (Wendling et al. 2004). Coral recruitment rates were highest in areas where the sea urchins were of medium density and lower urchins showed relatively fewer coral recruits (Engelhardt, 2001). A study by Wendling et al. (2004) examined the effects of sea urchin grazing on reefs at 9 sites around the North of Mahe. Natural and Environmental Disasters The Seychelles islands are located outside the cyclone belt, and being of granitic and carbonate nature are not exposed to as many natural disasters as the Mascarene Islands to the south (Chang-Seng & Guilland, 2008). Nonetheless, the islands often experience the effects of passing cyclones, and 231 tropical depressions and storms, and severe rainfall, lagoon in Victoria. Recorded damage included 22 flooding and landslides are not uncommon. Between boats sunk, 116 houses and all 11 of Victoria’s 1862 and 2008 there have been 89 significant bridges destroyed, and over 70 people killed (Chang- natural disasters recorded, which include two major Seng & Guilland, 2008). Other landslides occurred in tsunamis, 19 cyclone/storm events and 14 floods. 2004 at Vista Do Mar Estate in the North of Mahe The first tsunami recorded in Seychelles occurred in 1883 and was caused by the Krakatoa eruption in Island where 40 houses were affected following sustained heavy rainfall over a two-day period. Java (Chang-Seng & Guilland, 2008). The Seychelles The Seychelles has national emergency response was also impacted by the Indian Ocean tsunami in plans for tsunamis, floods and cyclones, which were 2004 when water levels reached up to four metres designed as an early warning system by the GoS and above mean sea level. Reefs around Praslin were with the UNDP in November 2007 following the particularly badly impacted with close to 100% December 2006 tsunami and flooding events. damage, while there was little damage around Mahe (Obura & Abdulla, 2008). Water elevations were higher on leeward shores, suggesting that the tsunami wave was refracted across the Seychelles bank and converged on the western side of the islands (Spencer et al. 2009). Climate Variability and Change The Seychelles climate has been analysed using both short term (1972-2006) and long term datasets. Results show that overall temperatures are warming between +0.33 to +0.82 degrees with stronger air and SST interaction at the 3-4 year El Nino Cycles Tropical cyclones that have affected the islands (Chang-Seng & Guilland, 2008). Analyses of isotopes include; tropical depression ‘Ikonjo’ in 1990, which extracted from coral cores from Beau-Vallon Bay, affected particularly Mahe, Seychelles and SST have a consistent upward Desroches, and the inner islands, including Mahe; trend, which suggests an increasingly warm and wet tropical depression ‘O1S’ of 2002, which affected the climate (Chang-Seng & Guilland, 2008). both the outer islands, three main granitic islands; and, tropical cyclone ‘Bondo’ which impacted Providence and Farquhar in 2006 (Chang Seng & Guilland, 2008). Studies have shown that the frequency of cyclones between 1960 and 2005 in the Western Indian Ocean has decreased, but that the frequency of tropical The heaviest rainfalls in the Seychelles occur during depressions is increasing (Chang-Seng & Guilland, the NW monsoon (December and March), with 2008). Increased storm frequencies and rainfall will January recording the most floods (Chang-Seng & enhance coastal flooding. In turn, increased flushing Guilland, 2008). However, one of the most dramatic will increase sediment loads on the reefs and flooding events occurred in 1997 during the SE decrease water quality. monsoon period. Other notable rainfall events included the 2004 Aux Cap following the December 2004 tsunami, which caused widespread flooding in the capital of Victoria and the 2012 floods on the East Coast of Mahe (Chang-Seng & Guilland, 2008). It is predicted that the country will experience longer drought periods but increased rainfall in the rainy season. Reduced rainfall due to changes in climate can have drastic effects on the ecology, particularly in the outer drier coralline islands such as Aldabra Severe rainfall events often lead to landslides and where there is a high level of endemism (Bijoux et mudflows, the most severe of which ocurred in 1862 al. and that is referred to as the ‘Avalasse’. The mudflow rainfall on Aldabra has been a factor in the extinction extended 610m and up to 122 metres into the of the land snail Rhachistia aldabrae (Gerlach, 2007). 2008). It has been postulated that declining 232 The annual sea level anomaly is +1.46 +/- 2.11mm There are more than 25 terrestrial Protected Areas in SE per year. The ENSO impacts on tropical cyclone the Seychelles, which encompass over 47% of the activities in the SWIO region shows that El Nino is total land area of the country. These PAs are characterized by SST warming and favours less primarily designated under three Acts; the National intense tropical cyclones while La Nina favours Parks and Nature Conservancy Act (CAP 141); the increased intensity in tropical cyclones (Chang-Seng Fisheries Act (CAP 82); and, the Protected Area Act & Guilland, 2008). Any sea level rise as estimated by (CAP 185). The Wild Animals and Birds Protection Act the IPCC reports will have drastic effects as 85% of targets the conservation and protection of any wild settlements and infrastructure is located on the coast land or sea bird, their eggs and nests. Protection in (Bijoux et al. 2008). Many of the outer islands and certain marine areas can also involve exclusion zones sand cays are low lying and could also disappear. where certain types of fishing gears or fishing vessels Bleaching has been identified as the most significant are prohibited. threat to Seychelles’ coral reefs (Sheppard, 2003). A There are more than 14 MPAs managed by various wide-scale extinction of coral species in the western institutions Indian Ocean is anticipated given the occurrence rate Governmental Organisations which include; 6 Marine of bleaching events (Sheppard, 2003). Due to its National Parks (MNPs) managed by the Seychelles location, the Seychelles is more vulnerable to local National Parks Authority (SNPA); 4 Special Nature extinction Reserves (SNR), managed by individual NGOs; 4 of coral species and reef-associated government and Non- Shell Reserves (SR), managed by the Seychelles organisms with low external sources of larvae. Furthermore, the inner islands of the Seychelles are located on a shallow plateau that accumulate warm water over warmer months but have low cool river water input (Payet et al. including 2005). The reefs around Fishing Authority (SFA); one Protected Area (PA) (African Banks), managed under the mandate of the Ministry of Land Use and Housing; and, multiple Areas of Outstanding Beauty. the outer islands have better mixing of cooler waters The classification of protected areas in Seychelles from localized upwelling and may be at a lower risk. according to the IUCN categories are being updated. Phase shifts from coral to algal dominated reefs have been recorded around the inner islands following the 1998 mass bleaching event (Graham et al. 2006). Reef structure loss due to high coral mortality from bleaching also lead to reduced wave damping and increased coastal erosion (Sheppard et al. 2005). All 6 Marine National Parks (MNPs) and the Praslin National Park are IUCN category II while all the Special Nature Reserves (SNR) are IUCN category Ia. The latter includes Aldabra atoll, Aride and Cousin Island and the Veuve Reserve on La Digue. The African bank is IUCN category Ib while nature reserves (e.g. Vallée de Mai) are IUCN category VI. Management Responses and Protected Four protected areas of Seychelles are also listed Areas under the international list of IUCN, including; At present, respective departments (EIA, Coastal Aldabra Management) at the Ministry of Environment and Convention Energy are responsible for the coastal and marine Importance (Ramsar); the Vallee de Mai Nature environment and there is no overarching plan for the Reserve, listed under the World Heritage Convention; Seychelles, although initiatives to develop a national and Port Launay Coastal Wetlands and Mare Aux ICZM plan are underway. Cochons high altitude wetland, listed under Ramsar. Atoll, listed and under Wetlands the of World Heritage International 233 Aldabra was listed as a Ramsar site in 2010. It The Seychelles endorsed a national Protected Areas comprises of seven wetland types that include; Policy in 2013 under the UNDP-GEF/GoS PA project. shallow marine waters; coastal saline lagoon areas; The updated policy seeks to promote a partnership mangrove swamps ; and, marine subtidal seagrass approach (public-private-NGO) in establishing and beds. These habitats support numerous vulnerable effectively managing a more comprehensive and and endangered species at different stages of their representative protected area system, and identify life cycle, including; the green turtle Chelonia mydas; best practices in Protected Area management and the Aldabra giant tortoise Geochelone gigantean; 40 the classification of Seychelles’ PAs in line with species of endemic flora ; fauna, like the Madagascar International Criteria. The policy will also help ensure sacred ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus abbotti; and, the the country meets its obligations under international only population of the endemic insectivourous bat treaties and conventions it has signed and ratified. species, Chaerephon pusillus and Triaenops pauliani. There are currently a number of legislative reviews The Mare Aux Cochons is a high altitude freshwater that are ongoing in the country. These include the wetland also listed as a Ramsar site in 2010. Species review of all legislation pertaining to protected areas, of global conservation value that are found in this the review of the Town and Country Planning Act wetland include ; the vulnerable Seychelles frog (TCPA) (Soglossus sechellensis) ; the Seychelles tree frog development (Tachycnemis development of Land Use Plans for the main islands. endangered seychellensis) ; Vateriopsis the seychellarum; critically and, the The Port Launay Coastal wetland was the first a new of a Physical Planning BioSecurity Act, Act, the and the These ongoing efforts are funded and developed through Seychelles Scops Owl (Otus insularis). into the UNDP-GEF/GoS projects in the Seychelles ( for more information). wetland listed as a Ramsar site in 2004. The wetland National initiatives consists of large mud flat areas during low tide and There are multiple national and regional policies, freshwater habitats that are fed by rivers from the strategies and action plans, which sometimes include Mare Aux Cochons high altitude Ramsar site. The donor-funded wetland supports all seven species of mangroves in conservation in the Seychelles. These include the: the Seychelles and is an important spawning, nursery and feeding site for several fish species including the Golden Panchax (Pachypanchax playfairii). The site is an important foraging area for the critically endangered Sheath-Tailed Bat (Coleura seychellensis) and also supports the vulnerable Seychelles Swiftlet (Collocalia elaphra). projects to support biodiversity The National Biodiverity Strategy and Action Plan helps ensure that the Seychelles fufils its obligations in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and assists the Seychelles in achieveing the goals of the Seychelles National Sustainable Development Strategy 2012-2020. The first NBSAP was Although wetlands are listed as ecologically sensitive adopted in 1998, followed by the Environment areas (Impact Management Plan of the Seychelles (EMPS 2000- Assessment) Regulation of 1996 and the government 2010), and then the Seychelles Sustainable also endorsed a national wetland policy in 2002, Development Strategy (2012-2020). The NBSAP legislation pertaining to the protection of wetland is being updated to ensure there is an integration and mangrove in the Seychelles is sparse. of these and other plans, programmes and in the Envrionment Protection policies that are called for in article 6(b). 234 The Seychelles Protected Areas Policy (2013) was developed under the GoS/UNDP/GEF (2007): A minimum number of licences (25 in Project ‘Strengthening Seychelles’ Area policy” 2010) are granted with closed and open seasons because although the country has a strong legal defined in the management plan. and policy framework for environmental initiated specific to protected areas was the Conservation conservation for sustainable development by Policy in the Seychelles (1971) derived from providing Seychelles knowledge, and empowering institutions and Tourism Parks Policy and (1969) Nature and the national policy framework for the elaboration of and financial to promote focus on support, good ecosystem generating governance in coastal ecosystem management (WEBSITE). Seychelles National Oil Spill Contingency Plan consists of guidelines and maps for oil spill coordination, guidance and management of PAs. responders showing important coastal resources The National Fisheries Policy (2005) was and environmentally sensitive areas. sustainable exploitation of marine resources, enhanced food security and supply integrated into the economy and maximum value-added from fisheries and other related activities. Other strategies: Biodiversity Management into Production Sector Activities UNDP-GEF Mainstreaming Project (2008-2015) is a six-year project funded by GEF. Activities funded under the project include the identification of Key Biodiversity Areas and the development of co-management systems for artisanal fisheries around Praslin. Spawning aggregation research: The Western Indian Ocean Science Association funded a project in 2006 to design of a management framework for grouper spawning aggregation to protected key areas and species. Other projects on spawning aggregation are ongoing and include the identification of rabitfish spawning aggregation areas at Cousin Island and Praslin. 2008 legislation and guidelines for the establishment, revised in 2005 to include goals such as the in individuals Conservancy Ordinance (1969). The policy seeks to provide a Mangroves For the Future projects were management, the only official national policy National Sea Cucumber fishery Management Plan Large Pelagic Species Fisheries Research: Since 2000, the French Government has funded projects aimed at improving the economic viability of the semi-industrial longline fishery. Data on swordfish and tuna fishing grounds and techniques in decreasing the predation rate by Seychelles National Climate Change Strategy (2009). The National Wetland Conservation and Management Policy (2005) Seychelles National Plan of Action for the Management of Sharks. Monitoring and tagging of whale sharks (ongoing). Monitoring of Sea turtle nesting beaches (ongoing). Action plans for species conservation for most endemic birds and sea turtles and the Sheath tailed bat. Environmental Management Plan of the Seychelles (2000-2010) Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy (2011-2020) National Biodiversity and Strategic Action Plan of the Seychelles (Currently being updated). The Sustainable Land Management Action Plan (2011-2020) The National Policy on Disaster Management (2010) The National Biosafety Framework (2011) The National Strategy for Plant Conservation (2005-2010) Knowledge management and information There have, and continue to be, projects that include analyses to determine priority conservation species and priority areas that are summarised below. false killer whales are being investigated. 235 Biodiversity Report and Conservation (GoS-ED): The Wildlife Management Trade and National and regional database centres have been developed through multiple projects to allow for Conservation Section of the GoS-ED compiles an the annual national report based on information on documents. The main ones are summarised below. biodiversity and conservation management, key species distribution, abundance, and status and trends, supplied by eNGOs and institutions that manage Protected Areas and any other de-facto wildlife conservation areas in the Seychelles. GEF BD Project): are areas characterised by the presence of threatened species and/or habitats, or which have particularly high levels of biodiversity and therefore (2008) KBA important analysis of to the conserve. Gerlach’s Seychelles and storage of important The Seychelles National Bureau of Statistics ( was established in 2010 and collects, compiles, analysis and publishes statistical information. It also coordinates, monitors and supervises the National Statistical System. Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas (UNDP- are organisation islands identifies 48 sites of conservation importance, which includes all the current PAs but also 36 unprotected sites which merit protection. 12 of these unprotected areas are already in zones planned for protection, 3 sites are private property that are managed as reserves (North, Fregate, Bird and Denis islands) and 16 sites need legal protection (Gerlach, 2008). Identification of priority areas for expansion of the PA System is funded under a GoS/UNDP/GEF project in coordination with a Marine Spatial Planning exercise that involves the ‘Debt-for-adaptation’ fund. The Seychelles Bureau of Standards: The SBS is a government regulatory agency responsible for the administration of laboratory testing, product certification, the development and implementation of standards, and the management and dissemination of science and technology information. The Bureau also has a mandate to co-ordinate scientific research carried out in the Seychelles and to issue research permits. Publicly available copies of research reports are then kept at the Centre for Industrial, Scientific and Technical Information Documentation (CISTID) of the SBS, which serves as the national centre for industrial, scientific and technical information. The Seychelles National Oceanographic Centre (NODC) is housed at Seychelles Fishing Authority and accessed at A systematic conservation planning approach is being GIS Centre MLUH/ED ( at the used, along with decision support tools like MARXAN Ministry of Land Use and Housing has a geodatabase software, to identify priority areas for protection. funded by the UNDP-GEF BD project that will support The Seychelles Marine Ecosystem Management Programme (SEYMEMP) focused on assessing the ecological effects of the 1998-bleaching event on the sharing with the central environmental indicators database to be developed in partnership with other government departments. marine and coastal ecosystems of the Seychelles. The Seychelles Clearing House and Information Species management plans were developed for the Sharing coral reefs including whale sharks and turtles and supports the coordination and participation of the key reef fish species. Existing MPAs were reviewed Seychelles in implementing the Convention for the alongside legislation and policies and capacity within protection, management and development of the management institutions. One of the main outputs of marine and coastal environment of Eastern Africa. It the project was the development of an Integrated integrates information held by multiple organisations. System ( Marine Protected Area Systems Plan. 236 Agulhas and Somali Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME/SWIOFP), funded by UNDP-GEF, collected information on the oceanography, climate, biodiversity, and economies of nine countries in the South West Indian Ocean. Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses and Strategic Action Programmes (SAP) Chang-Seng, D., Guillande, R. (2008). Disaster risk profile of the Republic of Seychelles. United Nations Development Programme. Pp 131. Christopher, S. (1970). The endemic flora of the Seychelles Islands and its conservation. Biological Conservation. 2(3) :170-177. 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(1999) "Bulletin of the African Bird Club, Volume 6.1" < ml >(2001) 238 Case Study 1: Benthic habitat mapping of the Seaward reefs of Aldabra Atoll Authors: Philip Haupt and Rebecca Klaus Contacts: Seychelles Islands Foundation, P O Box 853, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, Phone: + 248 4321 735; Fax: +248 4324 884: Email:; Introduction Aldabra Atoll is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) managed by Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF). SIF is in the process of developing a benthic habitat map for the seaward reefs of Aldabra to facilitate MPA planning and management decisions as part of the Government of Seychelles, UNDP-Global Environmental Fund (GEF) project entitled "Strengthening Seychelles' Protected Area System through NGO management modalities". The current MPA extends to 1 km beyond the Mean High Water Mark. Understanding the rich and geomorphological diverse marine habitats and ecosystem of Aldabra, with channels draining more than a million litres of water between the lagoon and sea, the expansive coral reefs, and abundant marine life, is needed to provide evidence based rationale for expanding the MPA offshore. Currently limited knowledge is available to underpin the management of this remarkable marine WHS. Furthermore, benthic habitat maps are critical for long term monitoring of large scale habitat change, and scientific inquiry. Fieldwork In December 2012, a ground truthing survey was completed by SIF and Bangor University. The objective of the survey was to collect data to use to derive meaningful habitat classes, (e.g. >80% live coral cover or 60% seagrass – 40% sand), using statistical analysis. These habitat classes would then be used to inform the processing of the remotely sensed imagery, and to validate the habitat map of the reef map. Aldabra’s isolation, large size (34 km by 17 km), and inhospitable coastline, with a highly dynamic interplay of tides and shallow reef crest, currents and ceaseless wave action, conspire to make any marine survey work on the the outer reef very challenging. To address this challenge the survey team used a combination field survey methods which included detailed SCUBA diver surveys, unmanned towed video camera (Seaviewer Dropcam) surveys, and walked video camera surveys. The Atoll was divided into 83 transects, located 1 km apart, which covered the whole extent of the Atoll. On thirty of the 83 transects detailed dive surveys were conducted, at two depths (5 m and 15 m) to collect high resolution data on the habitat and fish species within the same area. A visual assessment of the site to derive a habitat assessment score, based on rugosity of the landscape, the number of coral growth forms, 239 composition of seafloor, and high level overview of live cover. Underwater photographs were taken of the benthic cover using a camera mounted to PVC frame. The abudance of a select number of fish species representing key functional feeding groups (herbivores, piscivores, coralivores, etc) were recorded at each site. Once divers were back on the boat a description was completed for each site. A Seaviewer Dropcam video data system was used to collect georeferenced data from 315 sites selected to be representative of particular habitat types around the atoll (based on random stratified site selection of an unsupervised classification of the imagery) and the 83 systematic transects. The shallow lagoon reefs (inaccessible to boat on the low tide or under high swells) were recorded using underwater video (GoPro) cameras mounted on PVC poles and time synched with a GPS. Transects were then walked across the shallow lagoon reefs during spring low tides. Field data processing The videos data sets were converted into sequential images for analysis using Coral Point Counts with Excel extensions, to quantify the compositional benthic cover. Statistical analysis was then conducted to derive a habitat classification scheme using systematic ecological habitat classification principles. The data were then grouped using agglomerative cluster analysis and habitat classification descriptions derived using SIMPER analysis in statistical software, R. The classifications were reassigned to video transects using a GIS (Quantum GIS and Idrisi). The processed data were subset into (i) ground truthing, and (ii) accuracy assessment. The first to provide the information needed for creating a supervised habitat classification, the second would be used to test the accuracy of the resulting benthic habitat map, and provide information on where it could be improved. Imagery SIF acquired GeoEye satellite imagery, which has a resolution of 2m and consists of the three visible bands and Near Infra-red. The imagery was selected owing to the particularly calm conditions that prevailed during the day when the single image covering the atoll was recorded. This allowed benthic features that are normally hidden by wave action to be visible. The imagery was geometrically and radiometrically corrected. Atmospheric correction, watercolumn correction, sunglint removal were applied (using Idrisi), which significantly improved image quality. At this point an unsupervised classification is available, and the supervised classification is due over the next few months. 240 Figure 6-85: The initial draft results of the unsupervised habitat classification of the outer reef of Aldrabra Atoll Seychelles. Acknowledgements SIF gratefully acknowledge the support of the GEF, the Seychelles Government, UNDP, School Ocean Sciences, Bangor University (Wales), WIOMSA and all the individuals who made the project possible. The team was led by Philip Haupt (GEF Project Coordinator for SIF) and Dr Rebecca Klaus (School Ocean Sciences, Bangor University Wales) who acknowledge the support received from the SIF CEO, Dr Frauke Fleischer Dogley, and head office staff. The collaboration has facilitated a growing relationship between the partners, who have expanded their involvement in marine research on Aldabra. The GEF project manager, Michelle Etienne, was able to not only to visit the site for project implementation evaluation, but actively participated as a volunteer to help collect survey data. The Island Manger, Joel Souayve, and the Aldabra reef mapping team are thanked for their contribution in the project. The team included two rangers, Michel Malbrook and Shanni Etienne, and three volunteers, Arjan de Groene, Lotte Reiter, and Calum Ferguson, two skippers Jude Brice (senior skipper), and Murvin Green (skipper), and a medical doctor, Dr Naomi Adeline. 241 Case Study 2: Mapping of Mangrove at Baie Laraie, Curieuse Marine National Park Authors: Sylvanna ANTHAa & April J BURTb Contacts: aSeychelles National Parks Authority, P O Box 1240, Laurier Avenue, Mahe, Seychelles,, +248 2726110, b Global Vision International, c/o SNPA, PO Box 1240, Laurier Avenue, Mahe, Seychelles,, +248 575770 Seven species of mangrove are present in the Seychelles, of which six have been seen on Curieuse (SNPA 2012). Mangrove systems play an important role in ensuring a high level of water quality and clarity, essential for corals to thrive in, by trapping sedimentation and land run-off. Mangroves are essential nurseries for fish, sharks and crustaceans and they are important habitats for birds, algae and bryozoans. Mangroves supply essential nutrients for marine creatures such as fish and shrimps. Additionally, they are a crucial buffer zone for protecting inland areas from high wave action – such as tsunamis (Lewis 2005, Yoshihiro et al. 2002). The mangrove forest on Curieuse is of particular interest (Fig. 1). In 1910, a causeway was built at Baie Laraie in a failed endeavour to rear sea turtles. The wall had a lasting, positive impact on the bay as it reduced wave intensity, providing a suitable environment for mangrove seedlings to settle and grow. In December 2004, a tsunami damaged the wall allowing bigger waves to enter the bay more frequently, causing an influx of sediment. This is altering the mangrove population structure by decreasing abundance and species richness (SNPA 2012). Figure 1: Orthophoto map showing mangroves at Baie Laraie, Curieuse 242 A mangrove monitoring project was started at Baie Laraie, in the Curieuse Marine National Park in 2011. The main aim of the project was to provide baseline data that will guide mangrove rehabilitation project in that general area. This will allow selection of optimal site for mangrove planting. The current surveys have been developed to help determine mangrove distribution pattern in relation to hydrology and salinity. At the start of the project, work were undertaken to enable mapping of the area, by assessing the species composition in the mangrove forests around Baie Laraie. Surveys were started from the most Eastern inland point of the mangroves, and survey was done in a westerly direction (270°) by 3 surveyors, spaced 3 metres apart. At every 2 metres, the number and species of mangroves were recorded, to the left and right of transects. This was carried out to the edge of the mangroves on the seaward and landward side. Transects ran parallel, approximately 10 metres apart, and marked by GPS and visual tags, every 25 metres, to ensure they can be followed again, accurately. The data collected only provide information of which species are more abundant, and the distribution of these species. Subsequent studies to assess salinity, soil temperature and inundation will show zonation patterns and indicate specific species niches. The map below (Fig. 2) shows an approximate diagram of transects completed in the mangroves. The map indicates that the species distribution and abundance surveys have recorded a thorough representation of the Curieuse Island mangrove forest. Figure 3 is a map that shows species distribution based on personal observation (April J Burt, 2011). Figure 2: Map showing the mangrove survey progress on Curieuse Island in 2011(GVI, 2011) 243 Figure 3: Map showing basic species distribution of mangroves. Colour denotes the main species found in that area, not the only species. Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Xylocarpus granatum, Xylocarpus molluccensis, Bruguiera gymnorhiza & Lumnitzera racemosa. While preliminary data has been collected and work is being carried out to collect additional data on the mangrove system at Baie Laraie, no ground truthing work has been carried out by GVI or SNPA. References Lewis R R 2005, Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of mangrove forests. Ecological Engineering 24:403-418 Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA) 2012 Curieuse mangroves – a manual for field study. Seychelles. DRAFT Yoshihiro M, Michimasa M, Hitonori Nanao, Motohiko K, Toyohiko M, Nobuyuki K and Daijiro K 2002 Coastal erosion due to long-term human impact on mangrove forests. Wetlands Ecology and Management 10:1-9 244 Zanzibar Authors: Narriman S. Jiddawi & Saleh A.S. Yahya Contacts: Institute of Marine Sciences, P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania ( Island Ecosystems Zanzibar is a part of the United Republic of Tanzania and it consists of two major islands, Unguja (1,666 km2) and Pemba (988km2), as well as numerous smaller islands. The islands are located between 4 and 6.5 degrees south of the equator. Terrestrial The terrestrial vegetation of Unguja includes coral rag forests, mangrove forests, forest plantations, mixed wood vegetation, agroforestry systems, agriculture land, and settled areas. Unguja’s natural vegetation is a mosaic: coral rag soil in the east is associated with coral rag thickets, while the deep fertile soil in the west harbours the plantation forests, mixed wood vegetation and agroforestry systems, higher closed forests. Coastal vegetation varies depending on the local environment and human activities and is categorized into coral rag based vegetation (palm fringes, bush vegetation, and coastal forest) and deep soil based vegetation (crops Figure 7-86: Map of the Indian Ocean, showing the Exclusive Economic Zones of the Tanzania (purple). of various kinds). Coastal thickets cover just over one third of the total land area of Unguja. Agricultural land occupies nearly a third of the total land area of Zanzibar (Macemp 2009). Clove cultivation is the source of the Zanzibar’s traditional agricultural wealth and main export resource, and nearly four million clove trees are grown across the islands (Government of Zanzibar 2013). Cloves and coconuts are the main species grown on Unguja’s more fertile west coast. However, Pemba is the most fertile island and the main crops here include cassava, yams and sweet potates. Arre Jozani, in Unguja, and Ngezi, in Pemba, represent Zanzibar’s two major forests. The forests cover an area of 605km2 and are the source of firewood and charcoal for local communities but remain threatened by the encroachment of unplanned settlements and Figure 7-87: Map of the islands of the Zanzibar. agricultural expansion. Pemba is classified as one of the 218 Endemic Bird Areas of the World (Stattersfield et al. 1998), and 245 the forest of Ngezi alone harbor about 161 bird least 168 coral species (Richmond, 2012). Pemba’s species, including some globally endangered species reefs are the most diverse and important in East like Fischer’s Tura co (Catry et al. 2000). According Africa, with Misali reef having no less than 42 genera to Catry et al. (2000) at least six known endemic (Grimsditch 2009). These reefs have significant birds species of the world are found in Pemba, educational and scientific value, are one of the most including important tourist attractions in Tanzania, and also the; white-eye (Zosterops vaughani); Pemba sunbird (Nectarinia pembae); Pemba scops provide owl (Otus pembaensis); African goshawk (Accipiter artisanal fisheries. achiro pembaensis); Pemba black-bellied starling (Lamprotornis corruscus vaughani; and, Pemba green pigeon (Treron pembaensis). The eastern coast of Unguja is also identified as sheltering endemic, threatened or restricted bird species (Catry et al. 2000). fish habitats that significantly support Seagrass ecosystems often occur in close connection to coral reefs and mangroves but have received limited scientific attention compared to mangroves and coral reefs. There are 12 seagrass species around Zanzibar, which include: Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassia ciliatum Cymodocea serrulata, Freshwater C. Zanzibar has no large rivers or lakes, although there Thalassodendron ciliatum, Syringodium isoetifolium, are large Enhalus acoroides, and Halophila spp (Eklof at al. underground aquifers. Potable water resources are 2005). Seagrasses cover wide areas of near-shore largely derived from these acquifers, which are fed soft bottoms and are found intertidally as well as by seasonal rains filtering through the limestone rock subtidally, sometimes down to about 40m (Gullstrom of the islands (MACEMP, 2009). There are some et al. 2006). Due to their high primary production reported fresh water species, which are also used in and a complex habitat structure, seagrass beds aquaculture such as tilapia species Oreochromis support a variety of benthic, demersal and pelagic niloticus. organisms (Oliveira et al. 2005). Many fish and some streams, and Unguja has Zanzibar is famous for the attractiveness of its and marine environments, high marine biodiversity and rich marine and coastal resources. The Halodule uninervis, shellfish species, including Marine coastal rotundata, coastal and marine environments those H. wrightii, of commercial interest, are attracted to seagrass habitats for foraging and shelter, especially during their juvenile life stages. include Mangrove forests are an essential component of the mangrove forests, coral reefs, sandy beaches, and coastal ecosystem of Zanzibar with 11,214ha in seagrass beds. These coastal ecosystems interact to Pemba and 5,274ha in Unguja (Shunula, 1996). The sustain a tremendous diversity of marine life, which main species of mangroves in Zanzibar are listed in is an important source of sustenance for the coastal Table 1 below. Mangrove stands are important for communities of the islands. protection against coastal erosion and as crucial It is estimated that Zanzibar has a total of 90 km 2 coral reefs. These reef form a continuous wall fringing the east of Zanzibar and patch reefs that fringe small islets; sand banks mostly dominate the western side of the islands. The preliminary species list given for the Islands indicates that there are at breeding grounds for fish, crustaceans and molluscs. However, mangroves have been harvested for charcoal and as the principal source of building materials for houses and traditional fishing crafts. As a result, Unguja’s mangrove stock has declined catastrophically. 246 Several marine mammals (8 dolphins, 3 whales and Bay, Zanzibar has increased in the past few years 1 dugong) are found in Zanzibars waters (Berggren and the area is becoming known for some of the best et al. 2007, Stensland et al.1998, Amir boat-based dolphin watching sites in Zanzibar (Amir Interest in the small resident populations of Indo- et al. 2012, Amir and Jiddawi, 2001). Pacific bottlenose and humpback dolphins in Menai Table 7-28: Mangrove species in Zanzibar (Shunula 1996) Species Local Name Uses R. mycronata mkoko Poles, fuel wood, fixed stake fish traps and tannin R. gymnorrhiza mshinzi Pole, fuel wood and tannin A. marina mchu Dug-out cones, fuel wood, carts, posts, beds, furniture C. tagal mkandaa Pole, fuel wood, furniture and tannin S. alba mlilana Fuel wood, fixed stake fish traps, boat ribs X. granutum mkomafi Dhow buildings, furniture poles, medicine X. moluccensis msikundazi Furniture, hole handles H. littoralis mkandaa dume Dhow masts, bedstead, furniture, mortar and pestles L. racemosa kilalamba dume Fuel wood, medicine, fixed stake fish traps A mangrove stand at Kisakasaka, Zanzibar (Photo credit: Jiddawi.N.S) 247 Mapping of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems Given the availability of satellite data since the 1970’s and the criticality of nearshore resources to the economies of both Zanzibar’s main islands, it is remarkable how little effort has gone into mapping nearshore habitats and tracking any long-term changes in their extent and quality. Indeed, prior to current mapping efforts, no map of Pemba’s nearshore habitats was produced. Mapping of Unguja’s nearshore habitats has typically occurred as a by-product of research projects with a different specific purpose. The first published example is by Gullström et al. (2006), which tracked changes in seagrass-dominated submerged vegetation in Chwaka Bay, using Landsat data from 1986 to 2003. Although this study was limited to Chwaka Bay, it demonstrated the potential to use remote sensing as a tool to monitor seagrass dynamics. A later study by Gullström et al. (2008) used the maps of Chwaka bay to study the effects of nearshore habitat structure on the local fish community, but did not in itself expand mapped coverage of the nearshore environment. Knudby and Nordlund (2011) also conducted mapping of seagrasses around Chumbe Island using IKONOS data. Chumbe Island, and neighbouring Bawe Island, was the focus of another study by Knudby et al. (2010a), which used supervised classification of IKONOS data to develop habitat maps for the two islands, and in turn used environmental attributes derived from those maps to make predictions concerning the spatial distribution of fish biodiversity around the islands. While Knudby et al. (2010b) conducted a study specifically focused on habitat mapping, using supervised classification and visual interpretation to demonstrate the potential of LandSat data for longFigure 7-88 Mangrove at Pemba and Unguja term monitoring of nearshore habitats, the spatial extent of the study area was limited to Chumbe and 248 Bawe Islands. Therefore, to date, the only study that 1999, following the bleaching and mortality event of has produced a map with complete coverage of 1998, the amount of dead coral was 40% and the Unguja’s nearshore environment was by Knudby et amount of ‘substrate’ (rubble, rock or sand) was al. (2014). The study used multiple Landsat images 53% in some places (Muhando 1998; 1999; 2005). and field observations in an ensemble classification In Unguja, Acropora, and some species of Porites, system to depict the spatial distribution of the were affected, while species such as Diploastrea and following classes: Coral, Sparse seagrass (<40% Pachyseris were seemingly unaffected (Muhando and cover), Dense seagrass (>40% cover), Algae, Sand, Mohammed 2002). Pavement, Deep Water, Mangrove, and Land. The resulting map and classification is the same used to produce the map of Pemba included in this publication. The reefs on the southwestern side of Unguja generally have lower live coral cover (12–29%), due to the rampant use of destructive fishing methods. Mnemba (northeast) and the eastern fringing reefs Status of Coral Reefs and Associated had 11% or less coral cover due to their exposure to Ecosystems strong wave action (Horrill et al. 1994). Coral size Tanzania and Zanzibar hold the oldest long term monitoring sites in the WIO Islands region. Coral reef monitoring is conducted by a number of government and non-government institutions on the islands of Unguja and Pemba. Coral reef monitoring in Tanzania started in the late 1980s and the main objective was to assess the damage caused by the use of destructive resource harvesting practices, mainly dynamite and drag nets 2005, 1998, 1999). Coral reef assessments on Zanzibar commenced at Fumba at the SW tip of Unguja island in what is now the Menai Bay Conservation Area (Horrill et al. 1994). Swedish scientists Sida/SAREC programme and students regional focused participating marine at the in science Institute of the support Marine Science (e.g. Nzali et al. 1998, Johnstone et al. 1998, Lindahl 1998). history of coral reef mortality, on Pemba’s reefs shows a lower numbers of corals sized 2.5 to 5 centimetres and 1.6 to 3.2 metres than is usual for a healthy reef ecosystem (Grimadich 2009). Status of Reef Fish Status of Reef Benthos (Muhando, class distributions, which is an indicator of the Coral reef monitoring In Zanzibar, as in the rest of Tanzania, over 90% of the marine fisheries are artisanal (Jiddawi and Öhman 2002) using a variety of traditional vessels, hook-and-line, basket traps and nets, to catch mainly small to medium-sized reef fish of the families; Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Mullidae, Lethrinidae, Scaridae, Siganidae, Labridae, and Acanthuridae (Richmond 2002). Smaller fish, like the Pomacentridae and Chaetodontidae are not directly targetted by fishers as they have low economic value, but if caught as by-catch they are used as bait or taken for home consumption. The most destructive catch methods, including contributed extensive information on the intensity poison, dynamiting, and spear guns, continue to be and trends of damage to reefs, including coral used in some areas but are on the decline. An degradation after the 1998 coral bleaching and effective means of marine fisheries regulation has mortality event (Muhando 1999, Mohammed et al. been the introduction of no-take areas and over 70% 2000) of Zanzibar’s reefs are now under some form of legal This monitoring indicated that while Misali Reef was dominated by live hard coral (74% in 1990), by protection. The highest diversity and biomass of reef fish has been recorded in the Marine Protected Areas 249 of Mnemba and Chumbe Islands, in Unguja, and Status of Beaches Misali Island, in Pemba. Sandy beaches in Unguja cover a distance of 113.5 Spawning aggregations occur in some fish species and areas, notably the Giant Grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus in southern Unguja (Samoilys et al.2013). Reef fish populations in Pemba varied greatly by site, from over 250 individuals per 250 m2 (Misali) to 50 individuals per 250 m2 (Msuka Bay). Small-bodied herbivorous Acanthuridae (surgeonfish) and Scaridae (parrotfish) were most common. Very few commercially valuable Serranidae (groupers), Haemulidae (sweetlips) or Mullidae (goatfish), and no sharks, were seen, indicating overfishing of large bodied predators, herbivores and commercially valuable species (Grimadich 2009). km (Mohamed & Betlem, 1996). The longest beaches are Bwejuu (17km), Pwani Mchangani (11.5km), Nungwi (9km), Bububu (4.5km) and Mazizini (4.5km) (Mohammed, 1996). Beaches are used as boat landing sites; boat building or repairs; sand extraction; rope recreational making; activities. seaweed drying; and, White sandy beaches, especially along the east coast of Unguja attract many tourists (Shaghude and Jiddawi 2012). Most of the beaches are important nesting sites for Green turtles and Hawksbill turtles (Khatib and Jiddawi, 2004) and there is a danger posed to nesting turtles as a consequence of coastal developments, particularly in the context of the widespread violation Status of Reef Macroinvertebrates of the set back distance for building and the Many macro-invertebrate taxa are an important part extraction of sand leaving beaches vulnerable to of the erosion. diet and incomes of Zanzibar’s coastal communities with collection by women, particularly during the spring tides (Jiddawi et al. 2011). This Key Drivers of Change Influencing the activity has intesified recently due to the rising value Value of Coral Reefs and Associated of shellfish as a result of tourism (Jiddawi, 2011, Ecosystems Nordlund In Zanzibar, the species of Despite their importance, Zanzibar’s coral reefs and highest economic importance and greatest food associated security to coastal households, are cockles (Anadara anthropogenic sp.), oysters (Pinctada sp.), mussels (Modiolus sp.), overexploitation; the extraction of sand and gravel sea snails (Chicoreous sp.), tiger shells, (Trapezium for sp). bullmouth or red helmet shell (Cypraea cassis disposal; and, climate change. These directly or rufa), spider conch (Lambis lambis), true harp indirectly contribute to coral degradation, disease (Harpa harpa) (Richmond 2012; Jiddawi, 2011). and bleaching (Jiddawi et al. 2010, Jiddawi, 2012). Status of Seagrass Status of Water Quality ecosystems stresses construction; human are experiencing that and include; domestic fish waste Monitoring of seagrass beds is not carried out on a routine basis although there are a number of recent studies that have mapped these habitats. Water quality, Run-off and Waste Fishing, aquaculture, tourism, and other key socioeconomic activities, are especially sensitive to the Status of Mangroves quality of the aquatic environment. Public health is Monitoring of mangroves is not carried out on a also critically dependent on water quality and the routine basis although there are a number of recent pollution studies that have mapped these habitats. sedimentation or the improper discharge of waste of water bodies from excessive such as sewage, solid waste and industrial and agrochemicals, can seriously impact human health. 250 Although over two-thirds of households in Zanzibar Eutrophication, also from excess nutrients, degrades have access to piped water, much of the population water quality through oxygen depletion and general depends on spring or well water that is often organic over-loading. brackish as a result of the intrusion of saltwater into water supplies at no less than 135 saltwater intrusion sites (Rijaal et al. 2009). Rainfall is lowest in the eastern coasts, which have been classed as ‘water poor’ and rely on water derived from rainwater held in aquifers that float as freshwater lenses on the underlying seawater (Gossling 2001). The Water Policy recognises the role of women as the ones who bear the burden of water collection, scarcity and contamination, particularly in these eastern rural areas. Waste Coastal Development Most major developments in Zanzibar occur in the coastal zone and include hotels, resorts, guesthouses and villas as well as small new towns and emerging new informal settlements. The growth rate in urban areas is around 4%, and an estimated 60% of Zanzibar Town’s settlements are informal and unplanned with settlers coming from rural areas, Pemba island, and, increasingly, mainland Tanzania. Unguja and Pemba Islands have five ports, including Malindi port, which is one of the principal ports in poorly Tanzania and handles around 90% of Zanzibar’s developed in Zanzibar with few hotels having sewage trade. The port was refurbished in 2009 but there treatment facilities and the only general sewerage are plans to build another port at Mpiga duri system (in Zanzibar Stone Town) was constructed in Maruhubi (Unguja) which will facilitate Zanzibar’s the 1920s and serves just 19% of the population economic development and the growth of trade (ZSP, 2000). The discharge of untreated waste into (ZRG, 2010). coastal management infrastructure waters has led to is significant levels of pollution especially in areas with high population centres, which has had a serious impact on reefs and associated flora and fauna as well as human health. Studies indicate that the coastal waters fronting the Zanzibar municipality have high levels of coliforms, Although Zanzibar’s Water Policy (SMZ, 2004) emphasises the need for water conservation tourist accommodation units consume 16 times more water than average household daily use and very few hotels implement water conservation strategies. nutrients and other pollution indicators (Mohammed Direct use - extractive et al. 2009). Fishing accounts for about 6% of GDP and represents Poor land-use practices, including largescale forest and grassland clearance, overgrazing and mining, have resulted in more rapid runoff and greater soil erosion Excessive and sedimentation sediment loads of coastal can waters. reduce light penetration, such that light dependent plants are unable to survive, and can smother corals and other organisms. Similarly, the discharge of agricultural runoff can contaminate coastal waters with excessive a vital source of nutrition, employment, trade and income for Zanzibar’s coastal communities. Most fishing is artisanal and occurs within territorial waters (12 nautical miles) with fish products locally consumed and contributing to about 98% of animal protein in the diet of the low-income population (DFMR, 2006). The number of fishers has increased to 34,000 in 2013 when total annual catch was 28,000 tons (Fish statistics, 2013). nutrients and pesticide residues. Coastal habitats, According such as mangroves and coral reefs, are easily dominated by reef fish, including; spine foot (Tasi), degraded by excess agricultural discharges and parrot fish (Pono), emperors (Changu), groupers sewage (Chewa), goat fish (Mkundaji) and surgeon fish borne nutrients and organic matter. to Jiddawi (2012), finfish catch is 251 (Puju/Kangaja). Small pelagics like mullet fish (Mkizi), anchovy (Dagaa), sardine (Saradini), and Figure 7-89: Number of fishers in the different regions of Unguja and Pemba in 4 different years mackerel (Vibua), constitue about 24% of catch. According to Jiddawi et al. (2010), the open access Large pelagics, like trevally (Kolekole/Karambisi), nature of fisheries poses the biggest threat to tuna (Jodari/sehewa), sustained king fish swordfish (Nduaro/Mbasi), utilization of fish resources. Artisanal (Mzia), fishers complain of declines in fish catches and constitute about 13% of catch. Shellfish and mid change in catch composition, size, and diversity. water fish, like shark (papa), ray (Taa), octopu They report an acute shortage of formerly common (Pweza), squid (Ngisi) and lobster (Kamba koche), fishes (e.g. eagle ray, manta ray, swordfish, sharks, make up approximately 28% of catch. and groupers) and an increase in fishing effort. (Nguru/Kanadi) and baracuda Overexploitation of near shore fish stocks and fishing grounds has also comprised reefs and seagrasses are Lobsters 3% Octopus/Squid 6% now less productive as a result of destructive fishing Others 13% with beach seine, spear gun and dragnets. Reef fish 35% Sharks/Rays 6% Seaweed farming, involving the culture of Eucheuma cotonii and E. Spinosium (De La Torre-Castro and Jiddawi 2005, Jiddawi and Ngazy, 1998), is also an important economic activity, especially among coastal women. Seaweed was traditionally harvested Small pelagic 24% Figure 3 Groups of fish caught in Zanzibar with percent composition through the collection of wild stock in intertidal areas when production was around 260 tons annually. Commercial farming was introduced in Paje and Jambiani villages in 1989 and production is now 13,000 tons annually. During the southern monsoon season farmers may lose a lot of their seaweed as it is washed from their lines, and it is possible to see people attempting to recover bags of seaweed that have been washed ashore (Jiddawi et al. 2010). 31000000 29000000 27000000 Catch (tonnes) Large Pelagic 13% 25000000 23000000 21000000 19000000 17000000 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Year 252 Figure 7-90: Total fish catches in Zanzibar 2000 to 2012 (Statistics Department, 2012) 200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 No of Tourists 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Years Figure 7-91 The number of tourist coming in Zanzibar between 1994 to 2012 Direct use – non-extractive The tourism sector contributes to 80 percent of the foreign earnings and about 26% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The industry supports more than 11,500 employees, and a further 45,000 are indirectly engaged in tourism activities. Tourism has been growing at a rate of 10% per annum for the last ten years. In 2004 there were 3,089 hotel and guesthouse rooms, by 2012 this had increased to 6491 hotel and guesthouse rooms accomodating nearly 200,000 tourists annually (ZCT 2004, ZCT 2012). Figure 7 Tourism Zones in Unguja and Pemba Outbreaks of Nuisace Species and Diseases Crown-of-Thorn Starfish (Acanthaster planci) are coral feeder asteroids commonly found in the Indo- 253 Pacific. They are a normal part of the coral reef A study to explore the mucus bacterial composition ecosystem in low densities, but above a threshold of white syndrome affecting corals in Zanzibar was become very damaging to corals as they consume at first done in 2006 (Piskorska, et al. 2007), and a faster rate than the corals recover. According to bacteria-induced Ussi and Muhando (2007) Zanzibar has experienced Zanzibar in 2002 by Rosenberg and Ben-Haim numerous starfish outbreaks in the last decade. (2002). Black, white and yellow band bacteria have A study was conducted between 2006 and 2008 to assess the impact of these starfish outbreaks at Murogo and Mnemba reefs in Unguja. The results revealed much starfish densities at Murogo (30 to 3125 starfish per hector) at above threshold rates where starfish were observed to consume corals at a bleaching was first found in also been documented in Zanzibar (McClanahan et al. 2004, Harvell et al. 2007). In his countrywide study, Mohammed (in prep.) has discovered White Syndrome in Echinopora, several Acropora coral genera (mostly table including Acropora), Lobophyllia, Merulina and Pachyseris. rate (cm2 day-1) of 114, 232 and 244 for young, sub Climate Variability and Change adults and adult corals respectively (Ussi, 2014). Zanzibar, like many small islands in the developing Ongoing attempts to collect and kill crown of thorns are made by different organisations. In 2008, for example there was an initiative to mobilize groups of students and local institutions to collect crown of thorns on reefs close to Stone Town. Chumbe Island Coral Park have also systematically collected and starfish within the protected reef and park rangers continue to be vigilant, monitoring the reef and arrangingstarfish collections when they note feeding scars on the corals (Muhando et al.2008). world, is vulnerable to a number of natural hazards including flooding, drought, and tropical storms that are influenced by variability to the climate. In particular, Zanzibar is projected to be at increased risk of severe flooding and coastal erosion as a result of climate change (Watkiss et al. 2012, Rijaal et al. 2009). Since the 1997-98 El Niño there has also been concern among MPA managers, tourism operators, and policy-makers, about the impact of coral bleaching as a result of climate change. In this regard, research initiatives have been geared In Tanzania coral diseases do not yet represent a towards monitoring changes in coral reefs and their major threat. However, with increasing seawater functionality (Obura et al. 2002). temperatures and deteriorating water quality, the Zanzibar annual mean temperature time series (1961 - 2005) region is increasing susceptible to coral disease. y = 0.0423x - 57.902 R2 = 0.5755 28.0 Mohammed and Jiddawi (2014) reported that an 27.5 27.0 investigation of coral reef diseases prevalence in that the prevalance of infectious diseases are very low. However, Algae, sponges, corallimorpharians and soft corals overgrowing hard corals (compromised health) is a big concern on some reefs, especially those close to major cities which have high human influence like Chapwani, close to Stone town. The least affected sites are Misali Island Temperature (C) coral reefs of Tanzania and preliminary results show 26.5 26.0 25.5 25.0 24.5 24.0 23.5 23.0 1961 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009 Years Annual mean Linear Trend Figure 8 Temperature Zanzibar 1961-2005 Source: Tanzania Meteorological Agency (+1.9°C). in Pemba and Kizimkazi reefs in Unhuja probably because their location is far from sewage outlets. 254 Management Responses and Protected Areas Zanzibar has established a number of MPAs, including: Chumbe Island Coral Park (CHICOP), which is an award-winning private nature reserve that was developed from 1991 for the conservation and sustainable management of uninhabited Chumbe Island off Zanzibar, one of the last pristine coral islands in the region. PECCA Area extends from North (Ras Kigomasha) to South (Kangani & Panza). It covers an area of ₋ approx. 1000 sq. km and supports the lives of 187,000 coastal inhabitants. Jozani-Chwaka Bay Conservation Area is 35 km southeast of Zanzibar town and includes the Jozani Forest Reserve and Chwaka Bay mangrove. The Jozani Forest Reserve was first declared in 1960 and in 2003 there was a proposal to upgrade the status of the forest to a National Park and expand it to include shallow water areas and the mangrove system at Chwaka Bay (Tobey and Torrell, 2006). The Menai Bay Conservation Area (MBCA) is situated off the southwest coast of Unguja. It was established in 1997 and covers an area of about 470 km2. It has a population of 27,500 people, who mostly depend on fisheries and its related activities. Plans are underway to extend the area. Mnemba Island Conservation area (MIMCA) was established in 2010. It is located northeast to north west of Unguja Island and has an area of 573 km2. It supports the livelihoods of 80,000 people and has a core area, which is fully protected while the remaining area is for multiple use. 255 through ( environmentally sound land management and socioeconomic development. A component of SMOLE is strengthening natural resources management, which is implemented by the Department of Environment and by the Department of Forestry and Non- renewable Natural Resources. In early 2011, the development of the Tanzania’s Sensitivity Atlas (TANSEA) was started with initial support from Statoil Tanzania in order to support the Environmental Figure 9, The different Marine Conservation areas in anzibar Knowledge management and Impact exploration-drilling Assessment for their programme ( The long-term goals of the TanSEA project are to establish a comprehensive and information accurate coastal GIS data system for Tanzania for oil The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa spill contingency planning and research. Statoil is (ODINAFRICA), at the Institute of Marine Sciences, present in southern offshore Tanzania where it has brings related made several gas discoveries. Currently Statoil has institutions from twenty-five countries in Africa to been assiting in mapping the coral reef areas of build and maintain an archive of marine and coastal Zanzibar. together more than 40 marine data. One of its orodusts is the African Marine Atlas, which was officially launched on 23 February 2007. The African Marine Atlas provides substantial maps, images, data and information to coastal resource The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Fisheries Database provides direct access to a suite of parameters related to fisheries in the WIO region, including Zanzibar. The database promotes understanding of biological and socio-economic aspects of fisheries, and provides data from fisheries monitoring and information relating to fisheries management systems, policy, legislation, governance and institutional capacity. 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(CHICOP) is a private company established in 1992 with the aim of protecting and managing Chumbe Island, a coral rag island located 12km off the southwest coast of Unguja (Figure 1). Chumbe Island is considered to be the first privately managed marine protected area (MPA) in the world, gazetted in 1994 under the Zanzibar Fisheries Act of 1988. The Legal Gazettement order of the Government of Zanzibar defines the Chumbe Reef Sanctuary (CRS) as a No-Take-Area where extractive and destructive activities such as fishing, anchorage, and the collection of specimens are not allowed. Permitted uses inside the CRS include recreation (swimming, snorkeling, underwater photography), education and research. Chumbe Island is therefore classified as a Category II protected area under IUCN’s WDPA listings (Spalding et al. Figure 1. Location of Chumbe Island, Unguja/Zanzibar 2001). It also actively protects, manages and monitors the intertidal zone in the CRS, which is a rare phenomenon in the Western Indian Ocean region (Nordlund et al. 2013a). The CRS covers approximately 0.3 km2 of predominantly coral reef habitat on the west side of Chumbe Island. As indicated in the habitat classification map (Figure 2), derived from IKONOS satellite imaginary (Knudby & Nordlund 2011), the unprotected east side of the island faces a large shallow lagoon where sand and seagrass habitats dominate over a fragmented reef that consists of sparse and small coral bommies. The northern section of the CRS represents the densest and most diverse Scleractinian coral cover in the MPA (Figure 3) and is also the shallowest region. Moving south, the reef crest gets deeper and larger Porites colonies become more dominant (Figure 4). Baseline surveys in the CRS identified over 200 coral species from 55 genera and at least 432 reef fish species (Kloiber 2013). A study comparing coral reefs around Zanzibar further confirmed that the CRS has a high number of ‘unique’ and locally rare taxonomic units (Zvuloni 2010). As part of the current management plan (2006-2016) a long-term monitoring program was specifically designed for the CRS (Tyler et al. 2008) and aims at providing evidence of management effectiveness and allows changes in the reef ecosystem to be measured over time. 259 Figure 2. Habitat classification map of Chumbe Island derived from IKONOS satellite imaginary (Knudby & Nordlund, 2011). Although the MPA lost approximately 30% of its Acropora species during the 1998 El Niño coral bleaching event, recovery and new growth became evident within few years and the former coverage of the ‘reef canopy’ has been naturally restored (McClanahan et al. 2009). The CRS also appears amongst the most resilient reefs in the Western Indian Ocean region and is likely to be less affected by environmental stress, temperature changes and other causes of coral mortality linked to climate change (Maina et al. 2008). A related study concludes that the management status of MPA’s in the region needs to be re-prioritized based on areas that are both likely to survive climate change related thermal stress and have a high level of biodiversity. Chumbe Island ranks among the highest performers in both these categories (McClanahan et al. 2007). 260 Figure 3. The Chumbe Reef Sanctuary (CRS) hosts about 90% of East Africa’s hard coral species. Copyright @ Markus Meissl. Management and protection of the island is solely funded by non-consumptive ecotourism, based on an eco-lodge with seven state-of-the-art eco-bungalows (Figure 5). This also supports comprehensive, environmental education programs targeting local school children, fishermen, community members and government representatives (Figure 6). After operating successfully for nearly two decades, CHICOP continues showcasing sustainable private marine conservation funded by ecotourism. (a) (b) Figure 4(a). Large Porites colonies are dominating in the southern part of the Chumbe Reef Sanctuary. (b) The Chumbe Island Ecologde viewed from the historical lighthouse. Copyright @ Markus Meissl. The sustainable management and promotion of key ecosystem services for the region is recognized on many levels, including being mentioned in the UN Secretary General’s report to the General Assembly on protection of coral reefs for sustainable livelihoods and development in 2011, which states that: ‘‘A noted example for PES (Payment for Ecosystem Services) within the context of coral reefs habitat is the private, non-profit Chumbe Island Coral Park Ltd (CHICOP) in Tanzania’’ (Nordlund et al. 2013b). 261 Figure 6. A local student explores the Chumbe Reef Sanctuary guided by an Environmental Educator from CHICOP. Many students don’t know how to swim and have never seen live coral through a snorkelling mask. Copyright @ Markus Meissl. References Kloiber, U. 2013. Chumbe Island Coral Park - Conservation and Education, Status report 2013. 1-43, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Available from:; [accessed 17.06.2014] Knudby A, Nordlund L. Remote sensing of seagrasses in a patchy multi- species environment. Int J Remote Sensing 2011;32(8): 2227–2244. Maina J, Venus V, McClanahan T, Ateweberhan M. Modelling susceptibility of coral reefs to environmental stress using remote sending data and GIS models. Ecol. Modelling 2008;212:180–199. McClanahan TR, Ateweberhan M, Graham NAJ, Wilson SK, Ruiz Sebastian C, Guillaume MMM, et al. Western Indian Ocean coral communities: bleaching responses and susceptibility to extinction. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 2007; 337:1–13. McClanahan, T., Muthiga, NA, Maina, J, Kamukuru, AT, & Yahya, SA. (2009). Changes in northern Tanzania coral reefs during a period of increased fisheries management and climatic disturbance. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19(7), 758-771. Nordlund LM, de la Torre-Castro M, Erlandsson J, Conand C. Muthiga N, Jiddawi N, Gullström M. 2013a. Intertidal management in the Western Indian Ocean – current status and future possibilities. AMBIO. Available online 28 Dec 2013, doi: 10.1007/s13280-013-0465-8. Nordlund, L.M., Kloiber, U., Carter, E., Riedmiller, S., 2013b. Chumbe Island Coral Park—governance analysis. Mar. Policy. 41,110–117. Spalding M, Ravilious C, Green E. World atlas of coral reefs. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2001. Tyler, E.H.M., Nyange, O., Hamad, R., Peters, M. and Lanshammar, F. (2008) Chumbe Island Coral Park Coral Reef Monitoring Programme. Results and Recommendations from the first two years (2006 to 2008). Zvuloni A, van Woesik R, Loya Y. Diversity partitioning of stony corals across multiple spatial scales around Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2010; 5(3): e9941. 262 CASE STUDY 2 Mapping of nearshore habitats for Unguja and Pemba Authors: Anders Knuby1, Saleh A.S. Yahya2, Mohammed Nur Mohammed3, Martin Gullstrom, Gustav Palmqvist, Karolina Wiktrom, Alan Koliji, Rebecca Klaus. Contact details: 1Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University (; 2Institute of Marine Sciences, P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania; 3P.O. Box 1558, Zanzibar, Tanzania The nearshore environment that surrounds Unguja, Pemba and their associated islets includes coral reefs, seagrass beds, tidal flats and mangrove stands, among other habitat types. As illustrated in this chapter, the size and relatively difficult access to these areas, especially those in the subtidal zone, means that remote sensing technology, aerial photography and satellite imagery, is the only cost-effective method for mapping. Interpretation of such data sources by image-processing algorithms relies fundamentally on the relationship between surface type (e.g. mangrove) and surface spectral reflectance (e.g. dark green). However, for areas submerged during image acquisition, the depth and transparency of the water modifies the spectral composition of the reflected sunlight, so the spectral reflectance signature of the substrate is not observed by the remote sensing instrument. As a result, a bright sandy seafloor can be indistinguishable from darker seafloor types such as coral and seagrass when submerged under several tens of meters of water. For production of the maps in this case study, ‘depth-invariant indices’, first developed by Lyzenga (1978) to quantify the broadband reflectance of a surface, were used to partially correct for this effect. In addition, a very significant problem for Unguja and Pemba is the presence of clouds, which completely or partly obscure the view of nearshore habitats from space. In the Landsat TM/ETM+ image archive, which was used for this study and contains regular imagery from the present back to 1984, not a single cloud-free satellite image is available for Unguja or Pemba. To deal with this problem, the approach adopted here relied on the fact that although clouds are present in all images, all areas around the two islands are cloud-free in at least one available image. Coupled with the fact that clouds can be identified with high accuracy and removed from the analysis, this allowed a large set of satellite images to be used in combination to produce a complete map of the nearshore environments around Unguja and Pemba. A supervised classification was produced separately for cloud- and shadow-free areas in each image, and an ‘ensemble’ classification was then produced by combining eligible areas in each single-image classification through a voting system. An additional result of using ensemble classification was that higher classification accuracy was achieved (Knudby et al. 2014). Field calibration data used for the classification of each satellite image were collected from 2007 to 2014 by a range of people including Danish, Swedish, and Zanzibari researchers. All field observations were classified into one of the following categories, which were used as the basis for map production: Land, Mangrove, Deep water, Hard coral, Sparse seagrass (<40% cover), Dense seagrass (>40% cover), Algae, Pavement, Sand, and Soft coral. The overall accuracy of the resulting maps is >70%, with confusion primarily between spectrally similar classes (e.g. sand and sparse seagrass; sparse and dense seagrass; sand and pavement, algae and seagrass). The resulting maps, presented on the next page, constitute the only complete and up-to-date source of spatial information for the nearshore habitats around Unguja and Pemba.. 263 Figure 1: Ground truthing surveys completed by Dr Saleh and Mohammed Nur around Pemba May 2014. 264 Figure 2: New habitat map prepared using the survey data completed around Pemba May 2014. 265 Figure 3: Habitat map of Unguja prepared using the same image processing methods as used for Pemba (Knudby et al. 2014) 266 the reefs in this region and will continue to have the Future Perspectives greatest influence on the long-term outlook. Degradation as result of climate change related Background impacts is unlikely to be linear however, and will The islands within the SWIO region are responsible more likely occur in a series of abrupt steps for >14,000km2 of coral reef ecosystems. The punctuated by intervals of relatively minor change condition of these highly unique, diverse and fragiles and potential recovery if the systems permit. ecosystems compared has to settlement. already their The declined condition prior cumulative significantly to impact European of human resource use pressures has reduced the overall Specific climate change threats that present a high risk to the coral reefs and associated ecosystems are: resilience of the ecosystem, in turn reducing its Increasing sea water temperatures ability to recover from future disturbances. The Predicting a long-term outlook for the reefs and associated ecosystems in this region is complex given the inherent variability in the socio-ecological system given differences in the local situation within each of the island nations within this region. In last Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report predicted that when CO2 levels exceeded 400ppm temperatures would be 1°C higher than pre-industrial levels. Evidence of this degree of change is already being recorded in the SWIO islands. developing this report, consideration has been given The most recent IPCC report has shown that sea to the current state of the environment and common temperatures in the Western Indian Ocean have trends in environmental, economic and social values, increased factors affecting those values, the effectiveness of confidence) (p value< 0.05; (Overall summary existing protection and management measures, the resultant resilience of the ecosystem and, the risks the ecosystem is facing. by 0.60°C over 1950–2009 (high The degree of impact that future climate change will have on coral reefs will be contingent on whether or not the wider global society decides to act Likely trends in key factors collectively to reduce atmospheric CO2. It also The common factors most likely to have a significant depends on how the atmosphere–ocean system role in determining the future outlook and conditions respond on the reefs in SWIO include climate change, coastal warming. Furthermore it depends upon how flora and development, runoff and fisheries. These factors fauna that compose and live in association with coral typically geographic reefs react to a rapidly changing climate. If coral reef biophysically associated organisms can acclimatise or even adapt complex. The cumulative and collective interaction to increasing temperatures then they may be able to between these factors, further complicates the ability persist as long into the future as they have done in to predict the most likely sequence of events. the past. Climate variability and change The Coral reefs are one of the world’s ecosystems that ecosystems in the SWIO islands region is at a are extremely vulnerable to climate change, and the crossroad. Decisions made by the Governments in reefs in the SWIO Islands region are no exception. this region over the next few years will determine its Climate variability has already significantly impacted long-term scales operate and are at both across different socially and on future a of physico-chemical the future. coral Future reefs basis and predictions to such associated of climate 272 change will continue to dominate the outlook over In some countries, efforts are underway to trial and the next few decades. Limiting the extent and implement persistence of the damage will depend to a large remedy the damage done during the last mass degree on the extent to which climate change is bleaching. These projects found that reef restoration addressed worldwide and on the resilience of the costs ecosystem in the immediate future. (median cost), compared to $19,791 USD per meter With atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide between close to 400ppm, key groups of species and habitats of the SWIO region have low or moderate vulnerability to climate change. If the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increases beyond these levels then there will be serious consequences for the SWIO region. Several major management initiatives to further address the key threats to the coral reef ecosystems for significantly building restoration less, artificial $1290 techniques USD per breakwaters, to meter making it build breakwaters in tropical environments. This study supports the role of coral reefs in risk reduction, including shoreline erosion and flooding, and can be used by managers and policy makers to motivate greater reef protection and restoration. Final thoughts • Marine protected areas (MPAs) and fisheries management areas can help increase ecosystem resilience and aide the recovery of scales within the SWIO region. These actions and the coral reefs after climate change impacts such degree to which they are effectively implemented the SWIO region in the future. reef significantly cheaper to restore reefs rather than are already underway at both national and regional could significantly influence the resilience of reefs in coral as mass coral bleaching; • MPAs are unable to protect corals directly from thermal stress suggesting that they For example, many of the countries in the region need to be complemented with additional have and alternative strategies; established Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Committees and have been developing and contemporary implementing framework for a consistent effective • of planning ahead and reefs can recover from major and disturbance, and the benefits of isolation planning. from chronic anthropogenic pressures can Countries in the SWIO region are recognising the importance Isolated starting to outweigh the costs of limited connectivity ; • Networks of highly protected areas nested implement Strategic Environmental Assessments within a broader management integrated and use tools such as Marine Spatial Planning to framework of ocean and coastal management future proof national development strategies and to plans. catch At Partnership the regional (GLISPA) level has the been Global engaging Island with control anthropogenic threats (fishery limits increasing level commitments and on-the-ground action for global scales; resources. Countries are also increasingly gear restrictions) can contribute to preserving coral reefs under governments and local partners to advance highisland conservation and sustainable use of natural and • human pressure at local and Locally, controlling the input of nutrients and sediments from land is an important management strategy recognising the importance of MPAs as means to help complementary anticipate and mitigate for the anticipated impact of because nutrient enrichment can increase the climate change.. susceptibility of corals to bleaching and 272 coastal pollutants enriched with fertilizers can increase acidification. • In the long term, limiting the amount of ocean warming and acidification is central to ensuring the viability of coral reefs and dependent communities. References Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Anthony, K., Berkelmans, R., Davis, S., Fabricius, K., Lough, J., Marshall, P., Van Oppen, M.J.H., Negri, A. & Willis, B. 2007, Vulnerability of reef-building corals on the Great Barrier Reef to climate change. In: Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment, eds J.E. Johnson & P.A. Marshall, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Australian Greenhouse Office, Townsville, Australia, 271-307. De’ath, G., Lough, J.M. & Fabricius, K.E. 2009, Declining coral calcification on the Great Barrier Reef. Science (Washington), 323: (5910) 116-119. Pandolfi, J.M., Bradbury, R.H., Sala, E., Hughes, T.P., Bjorndal, K.A., Cooke, R.G., McArdle, D., McClenachan, L., Newman, M.J.H., Paredes, G., Warner, R.R. & Jackson, J.B.C. 2003, Global trajectories of the longterm decline of coral reef ecosystems. Science, 301: (5635) 955-958. Pandolfi, J.M., Jackson, J.B.C., Baron, N., Bradbury, R.H., Guzman, H.M., Hughes, T.P., Kappel, C.V., Micheli, F., Ogden, J.C., Possingham, H.P. & Sala, E. 2005, Are U.S. coral reefs on the slippery slope to slime? Science, 307: (5716) 1725-1726. Wilkinson, C. 2008, Status of coral reefs of the world: 2008. Global Coral Reef 272 Temperature changes and and increased frequency Table 8-29). Temperatures have increased by 0.672°C in all months, with an increase of 0.846°C in the coolest month and 0.618°C in the warmest months. of bleaching composition is and very likely potentially to the alter species productivity of coastal fisheries (Jury et al., 2010). There may be a significant lag between the loss of coral communities and the subsequent changes in the abundance and Predictions of further warming using the best-case scenario (RCP2.6), indicate that temperatures will increase further by >1°C above present day values by 2050 and will remain at around this level by 2100. Using the worst case scenario model (RCP8.5), temperatures will be >2°C above present day values by 2050 and >3.5°C above present day values by 2100. community structure of fish (Graham et al., 2007). Some of these potential changes can be adverted or reduced by interventions such as the establishment of marine protected areas and changes to fishing management (McClanahan et al., 2008; Cinner et al., 2009; Jury et al., 2010; MacNeil et al., 2010).Niño Elevated temperatures can also have other more Warmer temperatures will lead to an increasing subtle effects frequency of positive thermal anomalies which have processes, such as growth and reproduction. Indeed triggered mass coral bleaching and mortality events it is known that while growth rates may increasing in across the region over the past two decades (Baker parallel et al., 2008; Nakamura et al., 2011). Trends in skeletal material laid down may be weaker. Hence changes in SST and surface salinity show variations the with location, and demonstrate faster rates at higher weakened skeletons may not be as effective as latitudes. providing shoreline protection. These influences will with reef on physiological temperatures, frameworks and the life history density constructed of from the these also likely be further compounded by the process of It is known that periods of heat stress over the past 20 years have triggered mass coral bleaching and ocean acidification which also weakens calcifying organisms. mortality on coral reef ecosystems within this region (McClanahan et al., 2007; McClanahan et al., 2009a; Increasing ocean acidification McClanahan et al., 2009c; McClanahan et al., 2009b; In the last century, the pH of the ocean has already Ateweberhan and McClanahan, 2010; Ateweberhan decreased by 0.1 units (i.e. become more acidic). et al., 2011). Ocean acidification affects the growth of most species that build shells or skeletons, including Steadily increasing sea temperatures have also produced anomalous growth rates in long-lived corals such as Porites (McClanahan et al., 2009b), both in this region and in other seas (e.g. Red Sea Dullo et al, 2009). Differences ocean acidity. This likely to also cause composition shifts in plankton and impacts to calcareous forms of macroalgae such as Halimeda. Coral reefs are expected to be increasingly dominated by fleshy and in the susceptibility of reef-building corals to stress from rising sea temperatures has also resulted in changes to the composition of coral (McClanahan corals. Coral reef habitats may erode with increasing et al., 2007) and benthic turf macroalgae. Acidification is also expected to affect the growth of coralline algae, which consolidates coral rubble into reef limestone. fish communities (Graham et al., 2008; Pratchett et al., 2011a). 270 Rising sea level Catchment runoff Sea-level rise threatens the very existence of low- The nearshore areas around the populated islands lying islands and coastal zones and their inhabitants. within the SWIO region are already being affected by Sea levels in the western Indian Ocean region have land-based sources of pollution, whether from point already risen by about 3mm annually since 1991. sources or diffuse sources. Without advances in Sea level rise is a threat to islands and cays that are agricultural important for nesting seabirds and marine turtles. It programs, there will continue to be increases in is sediment and nutrient inputs into nearshore coastal also important in the context of coastal and additional government systems. Sediment laden nutrient rich run-off can infrastructure and low lying urban centres. impact reefs in many different ways. The end result Cyclones A global meta-analysis revealed that coral reefs reduce wave energy on coastlines by 97% on average, practices with attenuating the 86% of reef crest the energy. responsible The for shoreline protection offered by reefs is particularly crucial to islands that depend on these structures as their first line of defence. of sustained exposure to poor quality is often a reduction of hard coral cover, which may be associated with an increase in nutrient indicator macroalgae, and a phase shift. Run-off has also been associated with an increased prevalence of coral diseases and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks. Where the run-off also include chemicals (e.g. pesticides) these will also find their way into the food Global climate change or climate wierding will result chain, invertebrates, marine turtles and marine in the reduced predictability of weather events, mammals; and a reduced ability for coral reefs to changes in precipitation and increased severity of recover from bleaching or crown-of-thorns starfish storms. Tropical storms and cyclones are generally outbreaks. poorly captured by General Circulation Models (GCMs) potential changes in intensity and tracks of tropical cyclones in the future are very uncertain. Whilst evidence indicates that tropical cyclones are likely to become, on the whole, more intense under a warmer climate is a result of higher sea‐surface temperatures, there is great uncertainty in changes in frequency, and changes to storm tracks and their interactions with other features of climate variability (such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation) which introduces uncertainty at the (Christensen et al. 2007). regional scale The uncertainty in potential changes in tropical cyclones contributes to Coastal development Coastal development, which is primarily driven by population growth, associated with changes in land use, expansion of mining and industry, urban infrastructure and port development. These also present a very real risk in the SWIO islands, as with other islands nations where land is at a premium. The highest risk threats associated with coastal development are clearing or modifying wetlands, mangroves and other coastal habitats and litter, such as plastic bags, washing out to sea and being ingested by species of conservation concern. uncertainties in future wet‐season rainfall. Potential A main factor driving habitat loss is the increasing increases in tropical cyclone activity, which may not human population in the SWIO island catchments. be captured in the GCM projections, may add to the Without projected increases in wet‐season rainfall environmental management, growth could increase region (Christensen et al. 2007). in the adequate planning and careful pollution and sedimentation, decrease water quality and change the natural drainage channels. 271 Direct use - extractive becoming an increasingly popular tool to increase Industrial and semi-industrial fishing in the SWIO landings. While these may increase the catches they targets mainly predators, while the coastal and do not prevent damage to corals, which do not have artisanal fisheries are mostly multi-species. Unless sufficient time to recover between closures. carefully managed at sustainable levels, the overfishing of any feeding-guild has the potential to affect the ecological balance within the food web. The lack of information about some target species, the fate of non-retained catch and the incidental catch of species of conservation concern means that the ecosystem level impacts of fishing are not well understood. Direct use – non-extractive Direct use non-extractive values, such as commercial marine tourism, shipping, some scientific research and recreation (excluding fishing) poses some threats to the but these are not as high or very high compared to many of the other human use pressures. The increased popularity of the region and economic development may increase use, especially Improvements in the management of all fisheries is from recreation and shipping, which would increase. being made, but not rapidly. For example, the International tourism cannot however be relied upon compulsory use of turtle excluder devices in prawn as the panacea for the economic challenges that the trawl nets seems to have helped stop the decline of island nations in the SWIO region face, as was loggerhead turtles. by demonstrated during the global financial crisis when foreign domestic against tourism numbers dropped dramatically. Furthermore, or management Illegal fishing fishers, arrangements pressure, can work to protect the excessive, rapid and poorly planned expansion of the ecosystem. Changes in global fisheries production tourism sector can degrade the quality of the product patterns are likely to increase demand for wild that first attracts many tourist to islands. caught seafood. Overall summary In the SWIO region changes are already driving a The degree of impact that future climate change will diversification in the species targeted and the areas have on coral reefs will be contingent on whether or fished (including remote and deeper water) and not increase the likelihood of illegal fishing. A lack of collectively to reduce atmospheric CO2. It also information about the hunting of highly threatened depends on how the atmosphere–ocean system species like dugongs, dolphins, sharks and rays, and respond sea the warming. Furthermore it depends upon how flora and sustainability of the activity. Even though these fauna that compose and live in association with coral activities are illegal in many countries, quantifying reefs react to a rapidly changing climate. If coral reef the numbers of threatened species which are illegally associated organisms can acclimatise or even adapt hunted is difficult and often concealed. to increasing temperatures then they may be able to turtles creates uncertainty about Lower risk extractive activities, such as the targeting of lower order predators (e.g. coral trout), filter feeders and detritivores cucumbers) and (e.g. prawns octopus. However the and sea the wider on a global society physico-chemical decides basis to to act such persist as long into the future as they have done in the past. The future of the coral reefs and associated physical ecosystems in the SWIO islands region is at a impacts of reef gleaning activities for certain species crossroad. Decisions made by the Governments in continue to pose a major threats to the ecosystem this region over the next few years will determine its due to trampling. Temporary fisheries closures are long-term future. Future predictions of climate 272 change will continue to dominate the outlook over In some countries, efforts are underway to trial and the next few decades. Limiting the extent and implement persistence of the damage will depend to a large remedy the damage done during the last mass degree on the extent to which climate change is bleaching. These projects found that reef restoration addressed worldwide and on the resilience of the costs ecosystem in the immediate future. (median cost), compared to $19,791 USD per meter With atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide between close to 400ppm, key groups of species and habitats of the SWIO region have low or moderate vulnerability to climate change. If the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increases beyond these levels then there will be serious consequences for the SWIO region. Several major management initiatives to further address the key threats to the coral reef ecosystems for significantly building restoration less, artificial $1290 techniques USD per breakwaters, to meter making it build breakwaters in tropical environments. This study supports the role of coral reefs in risk reduction, including shoreline erosion and flooding, and can be used by managers and policy makers to motivate greater reef protection and restoration. Final thoughts • Marine protected areas (MPAs) and fisheries management areas can help increase ecosystem resilience and aide the recovery of scales within the SWIO region. These actions and the coral reefs after climate change impacts such degree to which they are effectively implemented the SWIO region in the future. reef significantly cheaper to restore reefs rather than are already underway at both national and regional could significantly influence the resilience of reefs in coral as mass coral bleaching; • MPAs are unable to protect corals directly from thermal stress suggesting that they For example, many of the countries in the region need to be complemented with additional have and alternative strategies; established Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Committees and have been developing and contemporary implementing framework for a consistent effective • of planning ahead and reefs can recover from major and disturbance, and the benefits of isolation planning. from chronic anthropogenic pressures can Countries in the SWIO region are recognising the importance Isolated starting to outweigh the costs of limited connectivity ; • Networks of highly protected areas nested implement Strategic Environmental Assessments within a broader management integrated and use tools such as Marine Spatial Planning to framework of ocean and coastal management future proof national development strategies and to plans. catch At Partnership the regional (GLISPA) level has the been Global engaging Island with control anthropogenic threats (fishery limits increasing level commitments and on-the-ground action for global scales; resources. Countries are also increasingly gear restrictions) can contribute to preserving coral reefs under governments and local partners to advance highisland conservation and sustainable use of natural and • human pressure at local and Locally, controlling the input of nutrients and sediments from land is an important management strategy recognising the importance of MPAs as means to help complementary anticipate and mitigate for the anticipated impact of because nutrient enrichment can increase the climate change.. susceptibility of corals to bleaching and 273 Park Authority and Australian Greenhouse Office, Townsville, Australia, 271-307. coastal pollutants enriched with fertilizers can increase acidification. • In the long term, limiting the amount of ocean warming and acidification is central to ensuring the viability of coral reefs and dependent communities. References Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Anthony, K., Berkelmans, R., Davis, S., Fabricius, K., Lough, J., Marshall, P., Van Oppen, M.J.H., Negri, A. & Willis, B. 2007, Vulnerability of reef-building corals on the Great Barrier Reef to climate change. In: Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment, eds J.E. Johnson & P.A. Marshall, Great Barrier Reef Marine De’ath, G., Lough, J.M. & Fabricius, K.E. 2009, Declining coral calcification on the Great Barrier Reef. Science (Washington), 323: (5910) 116-119. Pandolfi, J.M., Bradbury, R.H., Sala, E., Hughes, T.P., Bjorndal, K.A., Cooke, R.G., McArdle, D., McClenachan, L., Newman, M.J.H., Paredes, G., Warner, R.R. & Jackson, J.B.C. 2003, Global trajectories of the longterm decline of coral reef ecosystems. Science, 301: (5635) 955-958. Pandolfi, J.M., Jackson, J.B.C., Baron, N., Bradbury, R.H., Guzman, H.M., Hughes, T.P., Kappel, C.V., Micheli, F., Ogden, J.C., Possingham, H.P. & Sala, E. 2005, Are U.S. coral reefs on the slippery slope to slime? Science, 307: (5716) 1725-1726. Wilkinson, C. 2008, Status of coral reefs of the world: 2008. Global Coral Reef Table 8-29: Regional changes in sea surface temperature (SST) over the period 1950–2009 using the Ocean regionalization. A linear regression was fitted to the average of all 1×1 degree monthly SST data extracted from the HadISST1.1 data set [Rayner et al., 2003] for each sub-region over the period 1950–2009. All SST values less than -1.8 C, together with all SST pixels that were flagged as being sea ice, were reset to the freezing point of seawater (-1.8 C) to reflect the sea temperature under the ice. Separate analyses were also done to explore trends in the temperatures extracted from the coldest-ranked and the warmest-ranked month of each year (Table SM30-2). The table includes the slope of the regression (°C decade ), the p-value for the slope being different from zero and the total change over 60 years (i.e., the slope of linear regression multiplied by 6 decades) for each category. The pvalues that exceed 0.05 plus the associated slope and change values have a gray background, denoting the lower statistical confidence in the slope being different from zero (no slope). Note, changes with higher p-values may still describe informative trends although the level of confidence is lower that the slope is different from zero. Rank Coastal Boundary Systems (CBS) E Indian / SE Asia /W Pacific 1 Western Atlantic 2 Eastern Indian Ocean 3 Western Indian Ocean 4 Caribbean / GulfofMexico 5 Sub-Tropical Gyres Indian Ocean 1 South Atlantic 2 North Pacific(west) 3 South Pacific(west) 4 Total South Pacific 5 South Pacific(east) 6 North Atlantic 7 Total North Pacific 8 North Pacific(east) 9 Coral Reef Provinces Regression slope °C/Decade Coolest All Warmest Month Months Month Total change over 60 years Change over 60 years Coolest All Warmest Month Months Month Coolest Month p-value °C/Decade All Warmest Months Month 0.144 0.137 0.099 0.097 0.023 0.134 0.123 0.092 0.100 0.024 0.107 0.127 0.080 0.096 0.019 0.864 0.822 0.594 0.582 0.138 0.804 0.738 0.552 0.600 0.144 0.642 0.762 0.480 0.576 0.114 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.193 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.498 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.281 0.141 0.079 0.065 0.060 0.056 0.055 0.042 0.034 0.008 0.112 0.083 0.071 0.076 0.060 0.056 0.046 0.055 0.042 0.103 0.098 0.059 0.092 0.089 0.088 0.029 0.051 0.051 0.846 0.474 0.390 0.360 0.336 0.330 0.252 0.204 0.048 0.672 0.498 0.426 0.456 0.360 0.336 0.276 0.330 0.252 0.618 0.588 0.354 0.552 0.534 0.528 0.174 0.306 0.306 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.001 0.617 0.000 0.017 0.018 0.000 0.027 0.058 0.276 0.053 0.133 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.038 0.000 0.014 274 Coral Triangle & SEAsia Western Indian Ocean Eastern Indian Ocean Eastern Pacific Ocean Western Pacific Ocean Caribbean / Gulf of Mexico Basin Scale Indian Ocean Basin South Atlantic (combined) Atlantic Ocean Basin Total South Pacific North Atlantic (combined) Pacific Ocean Basin Total North Pacific 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.137 0.091 0.081 0.079 0.072 0.026 0.131 0.100 0.097 0.094 0.073 0.024 0.098 0.102 0.116 0.101 0.073 0.023 0.822 0.546 0.486 0.474 0.432 0.156 0.786 0.600 0.582 0.564 0.438 0.144 0.588 0.612 0.696 0.606 0.438 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.000 0.107 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.382 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.000 0.203 1 3 4 6 2 7 5 0.130 0.076 0.060 0.055 0.045 0.043 0.030 0.108 0.074 0.068 0.048 0.061 0.052 0.052 0.106 0.101 0.091 0.075 0.090 0.046 0.046 0.780 0.456 0.360 0.330 0.270 0.258 0.180 0.648 0.444 0.408 0.288 0.366 0.312 0.312 0.636 0.606 0.546 0.450 0.540 0.276 0.276 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.000 0.115 0.198 0.000 0.248 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.006 275 Figure 8-92: Time series of temperature change relative to 1986–2005 (June to August and December to February) The figures are averaged over land grid points in (a-b) East Africa (11.3°S to 15°N, 25°E to 52°E), (c-d) Southern Africa (35°S to 11.4°S, 10°W to 52°E) and (e-f) for sea grid points in the Western Indian Ocean (25°S to 5°N, 52°E to 75°E . Thin lines denote one ensemble member per model, thick lines the CMIP5 multi-model mean. On the right-hand side the 5th, 25th, 50th (median), 75th and 95th percentiles of the distribution of 20-year mean changes are given for 2081–2100 in the four RCP scenarios. 276 Figure 8-93: Projected aragonite saturation state from 11 CMIP5 Earth System models under RCP8. 5 scenario: (a) time series of surface carbonate ion concentration shown as the mean (solid line) and range of models (filled), given as area weighted averages over the Arctic Ocean (green), the tropical oceans (red), and the Southern Ocean (blue); maps of the median model's surface ΩA in (b) 2010, (d) 2050, and (f) 2100; and zonal mean sections (latitude versus depth) of ΩA in 2100 over (c) the Atlantic Ocean and (e) the Pacific Ocean, while the ASH (Aragonite Saturation Horizon) is shown for 2010 (dotted line) and 2100 (solid line). Panel (a) also includes mean model results from RCP2.6 (dashed lines). As for Figure 30-7, gridded data products of carbonate system variables [Key et al., 2004] are used to correct each model for its present-day bias by subtracting the model-data difference at each grid cell following [Orr et al., 2005]. Where gridded data products are unavailable (Arctic Ocean, all marginal seas and the Ocean near Indonesia), results are shown without bias correction. Reprinted from Figure 6.29 in WGI. 277 Indian Ocean Commission 3th floor, Blue Tower, Rue de l’Institut Ebène, Zanzibar (230) 402 61 00