News and Views - Pennridge Community Center
News and Views - Pennridge Community Center
News and Views HTTP://WWW.PENNRIDGECENTER.ORG BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR RETIRED AND SENIOR CITIZENS M A RC H / A P RI L 2 0 1 2 Our Center and Our Membership Special points of interest: Normal Hours of Operation: Pennridge Community Center was operational in Perkasie for a number of years prior to the completion of our new building in Silverdale. It was completed some six years ago and in many ways we began anew. For the first few years our Center was managed by Sue Morgan. When she resigned another manager took over for a few short months. With her departure, around 2009, Debbie Scollon (that’s me) was recruited as manager. I then enticed Sara Kelly to come on board as our assistant manager. Our management team, volunteers, instructors and members are open and friendly. It’s great to walk in and find smiling faces along with positive attitudes. Although many of our older members are very active, youth in close proximity helps all of us to remember that being active and involved keeps us lively. To help ensure that this continues, we are looking forward to bringing in members who are closer to the 55 age group. We have a variety of events and activities to keep you involved and they are also open to the We serve citizens ages 55 and public. How about activities older who reside in boroughs of such as Aerobics, Line dancing, Dublin Perkasie, Sellersville, Tai Chi, Zumba, Choral group, Silverdale, and Telford. TownBilliards, Bingo, Chess, Mahships of Hilltown, Bedminster, jong, and a variety of card East Rockhill, West Rockhill and games? Art, Ceramics, Readpeople outside of our geograph- ing/, Writing &Research, and ical area are also members. Sewing are on the current list of classes. As the author of this article, I thought that I might be able to Special events are sprinkled note all of the great things about throughout the year, and memour Center. bers play a big part in keeping them going. In addition, we Along with our beautiful building, participate in fund raisers such the variety of activities and as our infamous Root Beer Float events we have as well as our event. Our volunteers manage wonderful members, we seem this and see to it the Floats are to improve each day. the best and the hot dogs are fantastic. Our Craft Fair is held twice a year and our monthly dinner dances are a favorite for a wide age range. We must be doing something right because our membership is steadily increasing and the smiles keep getting bigger. Thank you for joining and/or renewing your membership. New and old friendships are a staple and when you participate, life can be more fun. - Monday through Friday - 9:00am to 3:00pm - Some evening hours as noted Lunch Served : 11:30am President’s Letter 2 Manager’s Messages 3 Member’s Articles 4 Trips 6-7 Kitchen News 8 Calendar Insert Programs & Activi- 9-10 ties Fit Tips 11 Highlights 12 Members, Memorium 13 Fun Page 14 Closing Information 16 News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Page 2 Who We Are Pennridge Community Center Mission Statement The Pennridge Community Center was founded in 1964 as the Upper Bucks Branch of the Bucks County Association of Retired and Senior Citizens. The mission of the original Center was to provide a facility for retired and senior citizens to meet friends and make new acquaintances. Over the years, the mission has changed to provide for the needs of the senior citizens of the 21st century. The mission has expanded to provide relevant information, services, and activities necessary to assure aging with health, independence, The Pennridge Community Center is one of the five full service senior citizen centers operated by the BUCKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR RETIRED AND SENIOR CITIZENS (BCARSC), a nonprofit corporation. The BCARSC is funded through the PA Department of Aging of Bucks County and through self-supporting projects. BCARSC is an equal opportunity employer. All programs and services provided at the five Centers are offered without regard to race, religion, political affiliation, or personal background. The Pennridge Community Senior Center serves all citizens ages 55 and older who reside in the boroughs of Dublin, Perkasie, Sellersville, Silverdale, and Telford and the townships of Bedminster, East Rockhill, Hilltown, and West Rockhill. The Pennridge Community Senior Center is partially funded through the Bucks County Area on Aging, the Pennsylvania Department on Aging, the federal food pro- From Your President It is again membership time. Have you renewed your membership for 2012? As a member of the Pennridge Community Center, you have many opportunities for enjoyable fellowship as well as participation in activities of your choice. We are always searching for ways to increase our program offerings. Your suggestions are most welcomed. The Center is a busy place! It is our aim for it to be even busier through your participation. We look forward to your continued support. Buster A. Guth Executive Board Buster Guth, President To be announced, 1st Vice President Ethel McGinnis 2nd Vice President Susan Vasquez, Treasurer Vivian McManus, Secretary Elaine Frank Member at Large Alice Brad, Member at Large Important Contact gram, and self-supported projects. The BCARSC is responsible for the salary and benefits of the Manager and Assistant Manager. All other staff members are volunteers. All operational expenses are the responsibility of the Center. The Executive Board, Advisory Board, Center Manager, and Assistant Manager are responsible to pursue all possible sources to generate income. Advisory Board Anthony Anella Patricia A. Guth Durrell Hollenbach Alice Kachline Sara Kelly John Much David R. Nyman Brenda Oelschlager Elizabeth Schirmer Deborah Scollon Patricia Siwert Herman Slozer Dean Souder James Steeley Joel Steinman Frank “Bud” Wenger R. Louisa Wismer Information Social Security Office 7am – 7pm (Mon– Fri) 1-800-772-1213 Social Security Office Allentown 610-433-3237 RSVP 215-340-1210 Bucks County Transport 1-888-795-0740 Area Agency on the Aging 8:30am – 4:30pm (M—F) 215-348-0510 215-536-4680 x-6116 Call to inquire about Meals on Wheels E 0 News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Page 3 Manager’s Messages Enjoy a Special Musical Treat The tropics are moving to Silverdale! At 3:00 PM on Sunday, April 22, the Valley Steel Drums Ensemble from Easton will present a musical extravaganza of steel drum musical selections ranging from gospel and the classics to today’s hit tunes. This will be a lively toetapping concert by a group of energetic musicians from the Caribbean, US Virgin Islands, and Pennsylvania. Light refreshments will be served. Tickets which will cost $10.00 will be available from the receptionist or at the door. The proceeds will be used for the Center’s operational expenses. Enjoy an afternoon in the tropics as you support your Center. Brick Sales—For Patio Shopping for the person who has almost everything? Purchase an engraved brick with the person’s name and a short comment on the next line. We need nine more before we can send the next order to the company that engraves the bricks. You will be able to view completed bricks on the patio outside of the dining area. “Honor your loved ones with a brick” 2012 Dance Schedule March 23-St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance-Kevin Kelton Orchestra April 27-Celebrating Spring Dinner Dance-Gary Dee Mary 25-May Flowers Dinner Dance-Blue Notes June 22-Picnic Dinner Dance-Kevin Kelton Orchestra July 27-Beach Party Dinner Dance-Gary Dee August 24-Luau Dinner Dance-Blue Notes September 28-Autumn Daze Dinner Dance-Gary Dee October 26-Fall Ball Dinner-Blue Notes November 9-Harvest Dinner Dance-Kevin Kelton December 14-Holiday Dinner Dance-Blue Notes Monday, December 31-New Years Eve Party-Blue Notes Delicious Reppert’s Candy Sale As a fund raising project, the Center is again offering an assortment of Reppert’s quality chocolates at reasonable prices ranging from $11.25 to $13.50 per pound. Chocolate Easter eggs are available as both whole eggs and boxes of small eggs. In addition to Easter Candy, other assortments are available. For your convenience, the enclosed order form lists the types and flavors available. All orders and payment must be received at the Center by March 26th with delivery on April 3rd. Support your Center as you enjoy tasty candy. Did We Miss It?? Movie Days Ahhhh. Mid-February and ready to publish the March/April Newsletter. Does that sound familiar? Again, the timing is such that we sometimes miss the reporting and/or the “Thank You” for events that won’t happen for a week or two. Movies, Movies! Movies have moved to the 2nd Thursday of the month at 12:30pm.. If you wish information on an event or activity that you think we missed commenting on, stop in or call the Center and follow up. If you use the computer, A Wii has been donated to the Center and we will be having Wii competitions. March 8th & April12th Wii April 21, 2012-Spring Craft Fair October 6. 2012-Fall Craft Fair We would like to have teams, so come on out and learn to Wii. It is so much fun and VERY addicting. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 12:15pm. Lottery Calendar Choral Group 2012 Events Calendar It is not too late to participate in the Center’s Lottery Calendar for March, April, and May. Calendars which cost $10.00 are currently on sale at the Center. During the three month period, there are 91 chances to win. Each day’s number pays at least $25.00, with many bonus days of $50.00 to $100.00. You can purchase a calendar of your favorite number, if it has not been sold. The Choral Group is to resume practices every Tuesday at 10:45 am PLEASE COME OUT AND JOIN… WE NEED VOICES!! Membership Meeting Come out for a free lunch and meet with your board members. We will address all that is happening within our Center on Wednesday, April 4th. Be a Winner as you support your Center! MEMBER FLEA MARKET The Flea Market will be open and available to members on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 9am until 1pm, throughout the year. News and Views—Pennridge Community Center SPRING WINTER HAS NOW COME TO AN END SPRING A GOOD MESSAGE IT WILL SEND DAYLIGHT SAVINGS COMES INTO PLAY SOUNDS OF BIRDS SINGING EVERY DAY MORNING DEW IS ON THE GROUND MARCH FIRST MONTH TO COME AROUND BUDS ON TREES START TO APPEAR THEY KNOW IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR A SPADE A RAKE IS WHAT WE SEE GARDENER KNEELING ON ONE KNEE SOON IT WILL COME TO PASS MOWER IS OUT HE CUTS THE GRASS APRIL RAINS THEY COME IN SHOWERS GIVING US THOSE BLOOMING FLOWERS SCATTERED CLOUDS UP IN THE SKY WE WATCH AS THEY GO ROLLING BY MONTH OF MAY WITH BRIGHT SUN IS THE TIME FOR LOTS OF FUN SOMETIMES THE DAYS ARE OVERCAST MEMORIAL DAY IS HERE AT LAST THREE MONTHS HAVE BEEN AND GONE WARMER WEATHER FROM HEREON SPRING HAS NOW COME TO AN END SUMMER A WARMER MESSAGE IT WILL SEND BLAIR THOMSON 2011 Page 4 STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL ROADS Blair’s poem about Spring reminded me of photos that I saw of roads that traveled along and thoughts of driving came to mind. It seemed the pictures might fit here. News and Views—Pennridge Community Center HEALTHY STEPS Stop in at Pennridge Community Center and Register at the Receptionist’s Desk March 21st—10:00am to 2:00pm This session is not for Repeat Attendees. Bring A Friend! Page 5 Page 6 News and Views—Pennridge Community Center STEPPIN’ OUT WITH PCSC Trip policies- Trips are on a first come- first deposit basis. PLEASE MAKE DEPOSIT OR FULL PAYMENT AT TIME OF SIGN UP. Please pay by check and make checks out to PENNRIDGE COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER. There are sign up sheets for all trips on the trip table. Please provide name and phone number. Checks can be given to the receptionist at the front desk between the hours of 9 am – 3 pm. Insurance on multi- day trips will be available for purchase. Once final payment has been made there will be no refunds unless trip is cancelled by the center. Please check on the Trip Table for new trips that were planned after the newsletter was sent. We now are doing trips on cooperation with Hagey Tours. We are doing these trips as a convenience to our members and friends. This is the policy when joining a Hagey trip that they sponsor. We will deposit 10 seats at a time for a trip. Please book as soon as possible if you are interested, because they can recall our seats if needed.. As soon as we receive 10 full payments, I will advise them, although we don’t need 10 for the trip to be a go. On the Hagey trips, departure will be at Hagey Tours in Franconia. ALL TRIPS ARE PART OF OUR FUNDRAISING EFFORTS FOR OUR OPERATING FUND CASINO TRIPS We will be having 3 casino trips this year. If we are able to have more people go, we will add more. In the next newsletter we will have the Casino and other details for May. Casino Trip Dates: May 29th, July 31st, and Sept. 25th. Looking Ahead Odyssey Cherry Blossom Cruise in Washington, DC. Monday, April 2, 2012 $115.00 per person (plus tips of $2.00—$8.00 per person) Price includes motor coach, cruise on the Odyssey, lunch and show. Motor Coach leaves from the K-Mart in Quakertown unless they get a full bus, then it will leave from Ottsville. Depart 6:20am …… Return 5:00pm Total price is due at sign-up. This trip is combined with the Eastern Upper Bucks Seniors (Ottsville) Page 7 News and Views—Pennridge Community Center STEPPIN’ OUT WITH PCSC (cont. from Page 6) Looking Ahead NEW…. COMBO TRIPS WITH GENERATIONS AND EASTERN UPPER BUCKS (OTTSVILLE) We are combining trips with Generations (Souderton Senior Center) and Eastern Upper Bucks (Ottsville). For these trips you will meet the transportation where each of the trips will depart from. . Call 215-453-7027 and ask for Sara for information on these trips. I need your input for day trips for this year. Let me know what you would like. CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS September 16-20, 2012 $679.00 per person. Price will be reduced if we have more than 35. Includes 4 nights accommodations on Cape Code, 4 breakfasts, 4 dinners, Hotel taxes, meal gratuities, and visits to Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Hyannis, Provincetown, and Chatham. Deposit of $75.00 per person is due at the time of sign-up. Final payment is due July 31, 2012. ========================================= DINNER SHOW at TOMASELLO WINERY AND HISTORIC SMITHVILLE Monday April 2, 2012 $65.00 per person The Riddleswood Touring Company presents: “Houdini Whodunit” We depart the center at 9am and arrive at the Winery at 11am for a 1/2 hour Wine Tasting and then are seated for the Dinner show. After the show we will depart for Smithville and then depart for home at 4pm. 40 seats are to be sold for this show. Sign up MIKE BRYNES USO STARS AND STRIPES MAY 23, 2012 $82.00 per person New! It’s USO madness with Comedy and the Music of Americana from Broadway to San Franciso. Depart Hageys in Franconia at 9am and arrive Doolans at 11am in Spring Lake, NJ. Dinner is at 11:30am and you have an open bar for 1 hour and a choice of Beef, Turkey or Salmon. Meal choice has to be in 30 days prior to the event. We will depart for Smithville immediately after the show. Departure for home is 4pm. There will be more day trips added in the next newsletter. News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Page 8 Kitchen News Spring is right around the corner, snow should be over. Come in for lunch. But. Don’t forget to sign up a week in advance prior to 1pm on Wednesdays We are offering a Café Meal or a Regular Meal. Choose the one you want. Kindly remember to sign-up for your lunch in advance. 1pm on Wednesday, the week prior to your lunch date. Meal orders are faxed at 10:00 am on Thursday mornings for the following week. Linton’s does not accept additions after our order is faxed. SARA We need your help! Ordering Daily Meals The many luncheon no-shows are problematic. If you have signed up for lunch, PLEASE do your best to be present. Although the county does pay and provide lunches for those that sign up and all monies collected go to pay for these, we are obligated to pay for the no-shows. If you are unable to attend on your scheduled lunch day, please contact us. Our lunch is served at 11:30am except on our Special Lunch days. Lunch will be served at 12 noon on our Fun days. See Calendar for dates. Birthday Celebrations We wish to extend a Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating birthdays in March and April. Come celebrate your life with us! We will share your birthday cake with everyone ! Please sign-up for lunch and specify that it is your birthday. March Birthday Bash Thursday March 22 Always Handy Landis Hoagie Tickets Available 12:00 NOON April Birthday Bash Thursday at the front desk . $4.50 each April 26 12:00 NOON Special Luncheon Events Special Lunches Dates March 2012—April 2012 Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn Estate Planning With Joel Stienman From Grim, Biehn & Thatcher Medicare Fraud First Light Home Care VA Aid Presented by Sam Dan March 15th March 22nd March 27th These special lunches are at 12 noon March 22nd—Covered Dish Free when you bring a dish or $5.00 if you do not bring one. April 26th—Baked Potato Day News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Page 9 Day Programs and Activities Please note that all monies will be collected at the front desk when you arrive prior to each class. All fees for appointments should be paid to the provider. All classes are open to the public (all ages) Aerobics Class Mondays & Thursdays 10:00 am Fran Wieckowski – Instructor $3.00 per class Line (Contemporary) Dancing Mondays 11:00 am Thursdays 11:15am Fran Wieckowski – Instructor $3.00 per class Art Class Tuesdays 9:30 am - 11:30 am Chick Blumberg – Instructor $3.00 per class Mahjong Fridays 10:00 am - 3:00 pm $1.00 per day Billiards Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm $2.00 per day Pinochle Mondays & first Tuesday 1pm $1.50 per day Bingo 1st & 4th Wednesday 12:30 pm Bea Althouse – Bingo Caller $1.00 per card Blood Pressure Screening 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10:00 to 11:30 am By Grand View Hospital Community Nurse Home Care Dept. No charge Ceramic Class Mondays 9:00 am - 12:00 Loretta Belac – Instructor $3.00 per class Hair Cuts 3rd Thursday each month 9:00am—noon By appointment Dawn - $15.00 per Haircut pm Chess Club Tuesdays 9:30 am No Charge Choral Group Tuesdays 10:45 am Kathy Brown—Instructor $2.00 Hand & Foot Card Game Mondays 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm $1.00 per afternoon “Usually played with two to six players, sometimes with partners. This is a version of the old and famous Canasta game. First, Deal two piles of 11 cards (One is your hand & the other is your foot). Each card has a point value. You come out on boards with a start of 50 pts. This amount increases as the game progresses. After the initial coming down on board, you add to the cards. When you play all your cards in your hand, you then go to your foot. In order to complete the first round you must have three canastas, one without wild cards and two with wild cards. A canasta consists of 7 cards. Tai Chi Thursdays 1:00 pm—2:00 pm Fridays 10:00 am – 11:00 am Lisa Raezer – Instructor 8 wk. session-Members $30.00 Walk Ins $5 Non-Members $55 Walk-Ins $10.00 per class - Reading, Writing, & Research (formerly known as Memoirs Class) Wednesdays 9:00am -11:30 am ?? Tom Adams—Instructor $1.00 per morning “No one else can write the story you are about to write. After all, you are the expert on the topic.” Mary Borg, Author WORD GAME Wednesday, March 21st 12:30pm Wednesday, April 18th 12:30pm Blair Thomson—Host $1.00 per game FLEA MARKET 1st Tuesday 9:00am—1:00pm Wednesday, April 18th 12:30pm Computer Help Usually available during the week. Stop in and inquire. News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Evening Programs & Activities Please note: Only checks will be accepted. They will be collected by the instructor or you may mail the amount in advance. A registration form must accompany the check. All checks should be made payable to “The Pennridge Community Senior Center”. All evening classes are open to the public (all ages) Tai Chi Tuesdays 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Ben Caccavale – Instructor 8 week session $30.00 Members Walk-ins $5.00 $55.00 anyone under 55 Walk-ins $10.00 Zumba Thursdays 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Valerie Hawkins – Instructor 6 week session $30.00 Members Walk-ins $5.00 $55.00 anyone under 55 Walk-ins $10.00 Beginner Sewing Class 2012 Mondays—6:30pm-8:00pm $45.00 for a six week session March 5th Vivian McManus—Instructor Topics beginning with Know your Sewing Machine, Sewing Kit essentials and more. You will be creating a tote along with sessions on the proper way to measure the body. Page 10 Special Events Wanna Dance??? St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance – March 23 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM - Buffet 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM - Dance to the music of Kevin Kelton Orchestra Buffet Reservations required by March 19 Celebrating Spring Dinner Dance – April 27 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Buffet 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM – Dance to the music of Gary Dee Buffet Reservations required by April 23 Singles and couples are welcomes at all dances. No need to be a member to attend. Tickets are available at the Center at the cost of $19.00 per person for both the dinner and dance or $10.00 for the dance only. Dinner reservations are required for all dances. Reservations are not required to only attend the dance. Intermediate Sewing Class 2012 Tuesdays—6:30pm-8:00pm Saturdays—9:00am– 10:30am (tentative) $40.00 for four weeks session Starts March 6th or March 10th Vivian McManus—Instructor Whether you are brand new in the sewing world or are returning from a long absence, these classes are designed to give you the solid foundation you will need to pursue this wonderful and fulfilling activity! This class will lay the groundwork for future success! (minimum age – 16 years old) Do you need help either getting a project started or knowing what to do to get it completed? Intermediate Sewing classes (begins March 6th) are geared for individual projects and instruction to help develop your sewing skills. Start from the basics or improve on skills you already have. Page 11 News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Fit Tips Fit Tips will return in our next newsletter, Fran Wieckoski HORSE RACES ARE COMING!!!!! Six race horses will soon be arriving at the Senior Center! No need to worry, they do not need to be fed, and there are no cleaning-up duties. The horses will be ready for their inaugural races in early April. The date of the first race will be posted in the lobby. Join the fun as you wager on your favorite steed. News and Views—Pennridge Community Center Page 12 A FEW PHOTOS FROM OUR TUESDAY BEGINNER SEWING CLASS THE SHOEBOX A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about. For all of these years, he had never thought about the box. But one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife’s bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000. He asked her about the contents. ‘When we were to be married,’ she said, ‘my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you. I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.’ The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only ben angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness. ‘Honey,’ he said, ‘that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?’ ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘that’s the money I made from selling the dolls.’ News and Views—Pennridge Community Center THANK YOU!!! Welcome all new members! Jacqueline A Ahern William C Baldwin Bill V Durso Judith A Durso Sue C Elrath Janet Howells Elissa Kirkegard Robert J Lee Beverly A McCormick Jean Samuels Alred R Walter Gail Walter Hannah Booz Robert H Booz Jean N Clarke Ruth Gehman William R Hagy Peg Hauck Patricia M Jacker Jack R Ambrose Pat J Ambrose Nancy E Kuhn Sally A Lindemuth Joseph McCormick Page 13 Thank you to our Municipal Partners! Bedminster Township Albert J Motz Judith Motz Debra L Papallo Erika Schrock Bonnie J Sterner Dorothy L Stover Helen F Lehman Tony J Weissman Bonnie O Wenhold Nicholas Conte Helen Gaunt David H Higgins Perkasie Borough Sellersville Borough Silverdale Borough West Rockhill Township Your support and your contributions to the operation of the Pennridge Community Center are very much appreciated. Memorium Mary Benner Joyce Hamilton Nancy Hilmer Erma J Oswald Hildegard Stephans ARE YOU READY? OUR SPRING CRAFT FAIR IS ALMOST HERE! Be there on April 21st, starting at 10am. We offer recycling to the entire community for aluminum cans only! It is a large brown container located in the back of the parking lot. Please do not use this for trash! Off Page 14 News and Views—Pennridge Community Center 218 S. Main St. Sellersville Open Sunday 9am-1pm fax 215-453-0633 * Check our prices before using mail order * Senior Citizen discount everyday * $1 off all greeting cards * Diabetic Shoe-Custom Fit. We bill Medicare * Immunizations Including Flu, Pneumonia, and Shingles. We bill Medicare. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY * We match all Generic Prescription Programs * $2 OFF Any Purchase of $10.00 or more with this Coupon $5 OFF Any Purchase of $20.00 or more with this Coupon Not redeemable for cash. Not valid on Lottery, or Prescriptions. Not to be combined with other offers. Not redeemable for cash. Not valid on Lottery, or Prescriptions. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 4/25/12 $10 OFF Any Purchase of $50.00 or more with this Coupon Not redeemable for cash. Not valid on Lottery, or Prescriptions. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 4/25/12 Expires 4/25/12 buy one, get one free Nature’s Bounty and Sundown Vitamins Not redeemable for cash. Not valid on Lottery, or Prescriptions. Not to be combined with other offers. Limit 3 per customer with this coupon Expires 4/25/12 PENNRIDGE COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951 PERMIT #185 146 East Main Street Perkasie, PA 18944-5421 Phone: 215-453-7027 215-453-7028 Fax: 215-453-7029 Email: TO: STORM CLOSING INFORMATION Check Channel 69 WFMZ on your TV -OR Check the internet at Look for “Pennridge Community” Since we have such a wonderful, friendly management team and members at our Center, it was suggested that the current door handles be replaced with some that would emphasize this fact. For some reason this suggestion was ignored. What do you think? Closed 9am-3pm April 6—Good Friday April 24—Primary Election Day Printed by Labelcraft Press Inc.
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