ELECTRIC LIFT TRUCK SPECIFICATIONS FBT-70 SERIES (1.25 to 2 Ton) Standard Specifications Item Summary Unit Type 1.2 Model Dimensions FBT20 kg 1250 1500 1750 2000 C mm 500 500 500 500 Seated Seated Seated Seated H3+s mm 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stand-on / Seated 2.3 Tilt angle For- / Back-ward <F:Down / Up> H2+s mm 120 120 120 120 α/β deg. <Mast> 5 / 6 <Mast> 5 / 6 <Mast> 5 / 6 <Mast> 5 / 6 Class II A Class II A Class II A Class II A l/b/s mm 1070 / 100 / 35 1070 / 100 / 35 1070 / 100 / 38 1070 / 122 / 40 2.4 Carriage 2.5 Fork Dimensions (L / W / T) 2.6 Spread (Max / Min) B5 mm 900 / 200 900 / 200 900 / 200 1000 / 250 2.7 Overall length L1 mm 2830 2930 2975 3155 2.8 to fork face L2 mm 1760 1860 1905 2085 2.9 Width Overall width B mm 1070 1070 1070 1070 2.10 Mast lowered H1 mm 1960 1960 1960 1970 2.11 Height Mast extended H4 mm 4000 4000 4000 4000 H6 mm 1985 1985 1985 1985 mm 360 360 360 390 Wa mm 1400 1500 1545 1695 1100 x 1100 pallet mm 1770 1800 1815 1880 2.16 Min. 90° stacking aisle *1) 1100 x 1100 pallet mm 2960 3060 3105 3285 Length 2.12 Overhead guard 2.13 Overhang Front overhang 2.14 Minimum turning radius 2.15 Min. 90° turning aisle *1) 3.1 Travel speed Performance NICHIYU FBT18 Q 2.2 Free lift Mass NICHIYU FBT15 1.3 Rated capacity 2.1 Lift height Laden / Unladen km/h 15.0 / 16.5 15.0 / 16.5 14.5 / 16.0 14.0 / 15.5 3.3 Lifting speed Laden / Unladen mm/s 400 / 610 380 / 610 360 / 610 300 / 500 3.4 Lowering speed Laden / Unladen mm/s 500 / 500 500 / 500 500 / 500 500 / 500 3.5 Maximum drawbar pull 3min. rating, 1.5km/h and over N 6320 6320 6320 6320 3.6 Maximum gradeability 3min. rating, 1.5km/h and over % 20 / 20 18 / 20 15 / 20 14 / 17 4.1 Service weight w/o battery (6.3) kg 2240 2260 2470 2850 4.2 Laden (Front / Rear) kg 3450 / 570 3880 / 550 4275 / 615 4850 / 670 4.3 Unladen (Front / Rear) kg 1305 / 1465 1390 / 1540 1365 / 1775 1595 / 1925 5.1 Tyres : number Front / Rear (X=Drive) 2X / 2 2X / 2 2X / 2 2X / 2 5.2 Front mm 18x7-8-14PR 18x7-8-14PR 18x7-8-16PR 18x7-8 (N.P.) *2) Rear mm 15x41/2-8-12PR 15x41/2-8-12PR 15x41/2-8 (N.P.)* 16x6-8-10PR mm 1200 1300 1300 1420 Front mm 895 895 895 895 Rear mm 250 250 250 230 mm 75 75 75 75 mm 95 95 95 95 Hydr. Hydr. Hydr. Hydr. Axle loading Tyres 5.3 5.4 Wheelbase Chassis NICHIYU FBT13 1.4 Load center 1.6 Operator type 5.5 Tread 5.6 5.7 Ground clearance 5.8 y Minimum Middle of wheelbase 5.9 Service brake Mech. / Hydr. / Electr. / Pneum. 5.10 Parking brake Foot / Hand / Deadman Hand Hand Hand Hand BS/JIS <DIN> BS/JIS <DIN> BS/JIS <DIN> V/Ah 48 / 320 48 / 350 48 / 390 48 / 390 Mass (with case) kg 540 610 670 680 60min. rating kW Type 6.2 Battery Volts / Ampere hrs (5HR) 6.4 Drive motor 6.5 F BS/JIS <DIN> 6.1 6.3 Motors NICHIYU control 6.6 Hydraulic motor 6.7 5min. rating kW control 6.8 Power steering motor 60min. rating 6.9 control kW 2 x 4.3 2 x 4.3 2 x 4.3 2 x 4.3 Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.45 Chopper Chopper Chopper Chopper Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary 3/200 3/200 3/200 3/200 6.10 Type (Built-in / Stationary) 6.12 Charger Input 6.13 Capacity kVA 4.7 6.5 6.5 6.5 7.1 Operating pressure for Attachments MPa 13.7 13.7 15.7 15.7 /V Above specifications are based on the standard truck with 3 meters simplex mast. They may vary by mast type & lifting height, tyres, battery capacity and/or warming up condition. *1) No clearance included *2) N.P. : No puncture tyre Rated Capacities and Mast Specifications (without Attachment) Three-stage full-free (Triplex) mast Two-stage full-free (Duplex) mast Two-stage full-visibillity (Simplex) mast Mast specification (mm) Lift Mast lowered Mast type height Free lift <H2+s> height <H1> <H3+s> Capacities (Kg) At LC=500 Tilt angle 13/15/18 20 13/15/18 20 α/β FBT13 FBT15 FBT18 FBT20 Pnuematic No-puncture Cushion Pnuematic No-puncture Cushion Pnuematic No-puncture Cushion No-puncture Cushion 200 2000 120 120 1460 1470 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 230 2300 120 120 1610 1620 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 250 2500 120 120 1710 1720 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 270 2700 120 120 1810 1820 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 300 3000 120 120 1960 1970 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 330 3300 120 120 2110 2120 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 350 3500 120 120 2210 2220 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 370 3700 120 120 2310 2320 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1700 1700 1750 2000 2000 400 4000 120 120 2460 2470 5/6 1170 1170 1250 1400 1400 1500 1600 1600 1700 2000 2000 430 4300 120 120 2710 2720 3/6 1100 1100 1230 1300 1300 1450 1500 1500 1650 1900 1900 450 4500 120 120 2810 2820 3/6 1050 1050 1200 1250 1250 1400 1400 1400 1630 1800 1800 470 4700 120 120 2910 2920 3/6 1000 1000 1170 1150 1150 1350 1300 1300 1600 1700 1700 500 5000 120 120 3060 3070 3/6 900 900 1150 1050 1050 1300 1150 1150 1550 1600 1600 200PFL 2000 460 470 1460 1470 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 230PFL 2300 610 620 1610 1620 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 250PFL 2500 710 720 1710 1720 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 270PFL 2700 810 820 1810 1820 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 300PFL 3000 960 970 1960 1970 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 330PFL 3300 1110 1120 2110 2120 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 350PFL 3500 1210 1220 2210 2220 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 370PFL 3700 1310 1320 2310 2320 5/6 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1700 1700 1750 2000 2000 400PFL 4000 1460 1470 2460 2470 5/6 1170 1170 1250 1400 1400 1500 1600 1600 1700 2000 2000 430PFL 4300 1710 1720 2710 2720 3/6 1100 1100 1230 1300 1300 1450 1500 1500 1650 1900 1900 450PFL 4500 1810 1820 2810 2820 3/6 1050 1050 1200 1250 1250 1400 1400 1400 1630 1800 1800 470PFL 4700 1910 1920 2910 2920 3/6 1000 1000 1170 1150 1150 1350 1300 1300 1600 1700 1700 500PFL 5000 2060 2070 3060 3070 3/6 900 900 1150 1050 1050 1300 1150 1150 1550 1600 1600 330M 3300 610 630 1610 1630 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1750 1750 1750 1950 1950 350M 3500 710 730 1710 1730 5/3 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1670 1750 1750 1950 1950 370M 3700 810 830 1810 1830 5/6 1200 1250 1250 1450 1500 1500 1600 1730 1730 1950 1950 400M 4000 860 880 1860 1880 5/6 1150 1200 1200 1350 1450 1450 1500 1650 1650 1930 1930 430M 4300 960 980 1960 1980 3/6 1100 1150 1150 1250 1400 1400 1400 1600 1600 1850 1850 450M 4500 1010 1030 2060 2080 3/6 1030 1130 1130 1200 1350 1350 1300 1550 1550 1800 1800 470M 4700 1110 1130 2110 2130 3/6 1000 1100 1100 1150 1300 1300 1250 1500 1500 1700 1700 500M 5000 1210 1230 2210 2230 3/6 850 1050 1050 1000 1250 1250 1100 1450 1450 1600 1600 530M 5300 1310 1330 2310 2330 1.5/6 770 1000 1000 850 1150 1150 950 1300 1300 1400 1450 550M 5500 1410 1430 2410 2430 1.5/6 700 950 950 770 1100 1100 850 1150 1200 1160 1300 570M 5700 1460 1480 2460 2480 1.5/6 630 900 900 700 920 1000 750 930 1100 940 1200 600M 6000 1660 1680 2660 2680 1.5/6 500 670 800 550 680 850 600 690 900 700 1000 * Mast Raised Height <H4> : Lift Height <H3+s> + 1000mm * Free Lift without Backrest for PFL Mast: Free Lift with Backrest + 470mm for FBT13/15/18, + 385mm for FBT20 * Free Lift without Backrest for M Mast: Free Lift with Backrest + 470mm for FBT13/15/18, + 470mm for FBT20 Pallet size Front overhang Minimum 90° turning aisle width Minimum 90° stacking aisle width W1100 x L1100 W1100 x L1100 * No clearance included. Mast type FBT13 FBT15 FBT18 FBT20 Two-stage Mast 360 360 360 390 Three-stage Mast 365 365 365 435 Two-stage Mast 1770 1800 1815 1880 Three-stage Mast 1775 1805 1820 1900 Two-stage Mast 2960 3060 3105 3285 Three-stage Mast 2965 3065 3110 3330 Rated Capacities and Mast Specifications (with Sideshifter) Three-stage full-free (Triplex) mast Two-stage full-free (Duplex) mast Two-stage full-visibillity (Simplex) mast Mast specification (mm) Lift Mast lowered Mast type height Free lift <H2+s> height <H1> <H3+s> Capacities (Kg) At LC=500 Tilt angle 13/15/18 20 13/15/18 20 α/β FBT13 FBT15 FBT18 FBT20 Pnuematic No-puncture Cushion Pnuematic No-puncture Cushion Pnuematic No-puncture Cushion No-puncture Cushion 200 2000 120 120 1460 1470 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 230 2300 120 120 1610 1620 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 250 2500 120 120 1710 1720 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 270 2700 120 120 1810 1820 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 300 3000 120 120 1960 1970 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 330 3300 120 120 2110 2120 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 350 3500 120 120 2210 2220 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 370 3700 120 120 2310 2320 5/6 1130 1130 1150 1350 1350 1400 1530 1530 1570 1800 1800 400 4000 120 120 2460 2470 5/6 1050 1050 1150 1250 1250 1400 1450 1450 1530 1800 1800 430 4300 120 120 2710 2720 3/6 1000 1000 1130 1170 1170 1300 1400 1400 1500 1700 1700 450 4500 120 120 2810 2820 3/6 950 950 1070 1130 1130 1250 1250 1250 1470 1600 1600 470 4700 120 120 2910 2920 3/6 870 870 1050 1000 1000 1230 1170 1170 1450 1530 1530 500 5000 120 120 3060 3070 3/6 800 800 1030 950 950 1170 1000 1000 1430 1430 1430 200PFL 2000 460 470 1460 1470 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 230PFL 2300 610 620 1610 1620 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 250PFL 2500 710 720 1710 1720 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 270PFL 2700 810 820 1810 1820 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 300PFL 3000 960 970 1960 1970 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 330PFL 3300 1110 1120 2110 2120 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 350PFL 3500 1210 1220 2210 2220 5/6 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 370PFL 3700 1310 1320 2310 2320 5/6 1130 1130 1150 1350 1350 1400 1530 1530 1570 1800 1800 400PFL 4000 1460 1470 2460 2470 5/6 1050 1050 1150 1250 1250 1400 1450 1450 1530 1800 1800 430PFL 4300 1710 1720 2710 2720 3/6 1000 1000 1130 1170 1170 1300 1400 1400 1500 1700 1700 450PFL 4500 1810 1820 2810 2820 3/6 950 950 1070 1130 1130 1250 1250 1250 1470 1600 1600 470PFL 4700 1910 1920 2910 2920 3/6 870 870 1050 1000 1000 1230 1170 1170 1450 1530 1530 500PFL 5000 2060 2070 3060 3070 3/6 800 800 1030 950 950 1170 1000 1000 1430 1430 1430 330M 3300 610 630 1610 1630 5/3 1150 1150 1150 1400 1400 1400 1570 1570 1570 1750 1750 350M 3500 710 730 1710 1730 5/3 1130 1130 1150 1350 1350 1400 1500 1570 1570 1750 1750 370M 3700 810 830 1810 1830 5/6 1070 1100 1150 1300 1350 1350 1470 1550 1550 1750 1750 400M 4000 860 880 1860 1880 5/6 1030 1070 1070 1200 1300 1300 1350 1470 1500 1730 1730 430M 4300 960 980 1960 1980 3/6 1000 1030 1030 1100 1250 1250 1250 1430 1470 1650 1650 450M 4500 1010 1030 2060 2080 3/6 950 1000 1000 1070 1200 1200 1170 1370 1370 1600 1600 470M 4700 1110 1130 2110 2130 3/6 870 930 950 970 1100 1100 1070 1270 1330 1470 1530 500M 5000 1210 1230 2210 2230 3/6 700 870 900 870 1050 1070 950 1230 1250 1350 1430 530M 5300 1310 1330 2310 2330 1.5/6 650 850 870 700 970 970 800 1100 1100 1170 1230 550M 5500 1410 1430 2410 2430 1.5/6 600 750 800 650 870 930 700 880 1000 900 1100 570M 5700 1460 1480 2460 2480 1.5/6 500 700 700 550 720 800 600 730 870 750 1000 600M 6000 1660 1680 2660 2680 1.5/6 400 520 650 430 530 670 470 540 730 550 800 * Mast Raised Height <H4> : Lift Height <H3+s> + 1000mm * Free Lift without Backrest for PFL Mast: Free Lift with Backrest + 470mm for FBT13/15/18, + 385mm for FBT20 * Free Lift without Backrest for M Mast: Free Lift with Backrest + 470mm for FBT13/15/18, + 470mm for FBT20 Pallet size Front overhang Minimum 90° turning aisle width Minimum 90° stacking aisle width W1100 x L1100 W1100 x L1100 * No clearance included. FBT13 FBT15 FBT18 FBT20 Two-stage Mast 420 420 420 450 Three-stage Mast 425 425 425 495 Two-stage Mast 1800 1825 1840 1905 Three-stage Mast 1800 1830 1845 1920 Two-stage Mast 3020 3120 3165 3340 Three-stage Mast 3025 3125 3170 3385 Mast type ) : with Sideshifter ) : with Sideshifter 100 0 40 R1 β α H4 H3+s 1985 H2+s 200 35 1070 1200 2830(2890) Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 1000 1000 900 5000mm 800 4500mm 5000mm 800 500 500 100 1070 ■FBT15 with 2-stage mast 6000mm ) : with Sideshifter 600 400 5000mm 5500mm 6000mm 200 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) ■FBT15 with 3-stage mast ( 700 300 300 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) 800 500 400 500 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) 900 900 5000mm 800 5500mm 700 600 600 600 1200 3300mm 1100 3500mm 4000mm 1000 4500mm 1200 4000mm 1100 4500mm 1000 4000mm 700 700 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) ) : with Sideshifter 0 0 50 50 R1 R1 α 1070 H3+s 1985 200 Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 1400 3500mm 1100 5000mm 1000 900 1300 4000mm 1200 4500mm 1100 1000 5000mm 900 800 800 700 700 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) 600 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) Standard equipment • Battery discharge indicator • Hour meter • Head lights • Turn signal lamps • Electric power steering Capacity (kg) 4000mm 1300 4500mm 1200 600 Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) 1500 3700mm Capacity (kg) 1400 365 (425) 1070 2935(2995) 1600 1500 H1 H2+s 1300 2930(2990) 35 360 (420) LC=500 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 3500mm 4000mm 4500mm 5000mm 5500mm 6000mm 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) Capacity (kg) 1300 35 200 H2+s 925 H1 LC=500 925 1985 H3+s H4 β α H4 β Capacity (kg) ( 900 Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 3500mm 100 4500mm Capacity (kg) Capacity (kg) 1100 1100 1300 Capacity (kg) 1200 4000mm Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) 3500mm 1070 1200 3700mm 900-200 (875-200) 1300 1070 2835(2895) Capacity (kg) Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) 365 (425) 35 360 (420) H1 H1 H2+s 925 1200 LC=500 925 1985 H3+s H4 β α LC=500 200 900-200 (875-200) with 3-stage mast ( 0 40 R1 1070 ■FBT13 900-200 (875-200) ( 100 with 2-stage mast 900-200 (875-200) 1070 ■FBT13 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 3300mm 3500mm 4000mm 4500mm 5000mm 5500mm 6000mm 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) Available batteries (5 hours rating) • Horn • Back-up alarm • Overhead guard • Load backrest • Tilt steering column • FBT13 : STD320AH, OPT370AH • FBT15 : STD350AH, OPT390AH, 476AH, 510AH, 565AH • FBT18 : STD390AH, OPT476AH, 510AH, 565AH • FBT20 : STD390AH, OPT476AH, 510AH, 565AH, 624AH Battery capacity may vary by battery manufacturer. ) : with Sideshifter ( 100 with 3-stage mast ) : with Sideshifter 5 0 54 50 R1 R1 α H4 β α 1985 360 (420) 1070 1300 2975(3035) 4000mm 1500 4000mm 1400 4500mm 1300 4500mm 1200 1400 Capacity (kg) Capacity (kg) 1500 1300 1200 5000mm 1100 1100 1000 1000 900 900 800 5000mm 700 800 700 600 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) 1070 122 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) ■FBT20 with 2-stage mast ( Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) 3500mm ) : with Sideshifter 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 5500mm 6000mm 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) ■FBT20 with 3-stage mast ( Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 3500mm 4000mm 4500mm 5000mm 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 3300mm 3500mm 4000mm 4500mm 5000mm 5500mm 6000mm 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) 122 1600 1070 1070 1600 Capacity (kg) Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 3500mm 1700 1000-245 1800 365 (425) 2980(3040) Capacity (kg) Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) H1 H2+s 245 35 1300 LC=500 35 H2+s 925 H1 LC=500 925 1985 H3+s H3+s H4 β 245 ) : with Sideshifter 5 69 R1 5 69 R1 α α H4 β H1 1985 H1 1985 H3+s H3+s H4 β LC=500 H2+s 275 1070 1700 1600 1700 4500mm 4700mm 5000mm 1500 1400 1300 1200 1200 1100 1100 1000 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) 4300mm 4500mm 1600 4700mm 1500 5000mm 1400 1300 1000 4000mm 900 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) Capacity (kg) Capacity (kg) 1800 1800 4300mm Capacity (kg) 1900 Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) 1900 4000mm 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 1070 Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 3700mm 4500mm 5000mm 5500mm 6000mm 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) Capacity (kg) Capacity Chart (w/sideshifter) 2100 435 (495) 3200(3260) 3155(3215) Capacity Chart (w.o/attachment) 1420 40 390 (450) 40 1420 925 H2+s LC=500 925 275 2000 900-200 (875-200) 1070 ■FBT18 1000-245 ( 100 with 2-stage mast 900-200 (875-200) 1070 ■FBT18 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 3700mm 4500mm 5000mm 5500mm 6000mm 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Load Center (mm) All specifications have been determined according to Nichiyu's terms and conditions. Specifications are subject to change without notice in the interests of product improvement. 1-1, 2-chome, Higashikotari, Nagaokakyo-shi, Kyoto 617-8585, Japan Phone : 075-956-8622 Fax : 075-955-8993 E-mail : overseas@nichiyunet.co.jp Cat. No. : OSD065(LC500)-1 0507(C)
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