Sansui AU-517, AU-717 Service
Sansui AU-517, AU-717 Service
~: ""~~:g~..$; - - "-~'"" ~- ~ "--,-- -- -----~- ---- -----"'"-~-- ~--_------------.:.: ~: ~-----:_--------"" ~,,------!_--_-- - "-"-, ~~, """ -"' ~,-, - . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . ';", ,"". :, AU- 517/717 , , , -----_ 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM 0~ 1. SPCIFICA TlaNS AU-717 ;;'1 ~ 7'" Power output Min. RMS, both channels driven , from 20 to 20 000 Hz , with no more than 0. 025% total harmonic distortion 85 watts per channel into 8. ohms Load impedance. . . . . . . . . 8 ohms ,I~ t --------_ :i!!:i!!, - 20 to 20 000 Hz at or below Power bandwidth. rated min. RMS power output and total harmonic distortion Total harmonic distortion ,'j + _';; - r----____n n_____------ (POWER AMP IN) less than 0.025% at or below rated min. RMS power output Intermodulation distortion (70 Hz: 7 kHz = 4:1 SMPTE method) '...........,.... lessthanO. 025% Frequency response (at 1watt) (POWER AMP IN) :r:t: UUII , 'I --' a: I ..................,.. Oto200 OOOHz+OdB-3dB (PHONO) . . . . +0.2 dB - 2 dB RIAA curve daviation (20 to 20 Damping factor. 000 Hz) approximately 60 at 8 ohms 0.. I '" I load (1 kHz , for rated power output) PHONO " " 2. 5mV/47kilohms (Max. input capability; 350 mV at 1 kHz , less than 0.01 % total Input sensitivity and impedance 0.. I Ln_____- _n_______n__- harmonic distortion) AUX , TAPE. . . . . . . . . Output level n__----_n 150mV/47 kilohms (1 , 000 Hz) TAPEREC(pinjack) " 150mV/47kilohms PREOUT 1V/47kilohms Channel separation (1 kHz , at rated power output) PHONO " betterthan60dB AUX.................. betterthan65dB (short-circuit, A-network) PHONO .......... 78dB AUX.............. 100dB Hum and noise Controls BASS. Tone selector TREBLE Toneselector........... FILTER......... HIGHFILTER............ SUBSONIC MUTING LOUDNESS (- 30dB) .,. :!:10dB (50 Hz) 200 400 Hz ttJ~ :!:10dB (15kHz) , 6 kHz 3dB(16Hz), 6dB/oct 3dB (10kHz), 6dB/oct 20dB 9dB at 50Hz 7dBat10kHz "'I Power requirements Powervoltage............. 100 , 120 220 240V (50/60Hzl 120V (Usable 110 - 130V) 60 Hz (for U. A. & Canada only) Power consumption Maximum consumption. . Rated consumption Dimentions................ 735 watts 425 watts 500 VA 430mm (16- 15/16" ) W 168 mm (6-5/8" ) H 389mm (15- 3/8" ) D Waight 8kg (39.2lbs) net ":"1 IIA JlI'- Ii;;; 0.. II, JI'" I:~ I:~ ""I :: I ,21 :51 "(0 L______-- d ..:.. JL______- 19. 8 kg (43. 7 Ibs) packed r--------- --------------------- 1'-' "'I I ~ "" I ~I "gl =1 ..:..' u 0.. L______- - ------------- -- - -- - - ~r----(0 -(0 ------------- i'i~ L__- -- - -- "C0 -(0"- - c0~--- &ii&ii --.,. ... ........ '-' ........ AU- 517/717 3. ADVANTAGE AND OPERATION OF POWER AMPLIFIER CIRCUITRY SECTION DOl ZDOI FETOl" ZDO2 1. Advantage OThere is neccessity not to decrease the phase response till DC range in order to increase the music signal response of extremely low frequency range. Therefore, this amplifier is employing no capacitors except ones for phase compensation , and has an almost perfect transient characteristics. 0 The first stage FET (2SK9?) is a dual FET of even characteristics and has a large Gm and no- leakage current at normal temparature. To avoid the influence by temperature drift , such as center voltage (OV) deviation , this FET is used as differential amplifier and operates at cross point which is the optimum point of drain current (at about 3mA) against the temperature drift. OTransistors , TROS and TRO? , the push- pull pre- driver stage functions as current differential amplifier that the stabilized operation can be obtained. In addition , the collector current of these transistors is enough high to make linearity excellent. OSince this Amplifier employs phas~ advancer circuits (CO6 COB , C1S , R29 , C16 and R30J, which have not been fre- quently used , to compensate the phase characteristics on high frequency range and is also made to have enough current on each stage to increase the through- rate , the performance on high frequency range is conspicuously improved. OTo avoid the voltage deviation , regulated power supply circuit composed of ZDO1 , ZDO2 is employed. 2. Operation The use of differential amplification at first stage dual FET (FETO1 , FETO2) and connection of the FET to the differential amplifier composed of TRO1 , TRO2 , make possible to obtain enough gain and remarkable low distortion. The output signals of TRO1 and TRO2 are untiphase. The output signal of TRO2 adds to TROS , on the other hand the output phase of TRO1 is inverted by TRO3 , then , it becomes input signal of TRO4 and TRO? which are cascoded connection. The output signals at TROS and TRO? are inphase that the operation of this stage is push- pull drive and current differential amplification. The power amplifier of the final stage is composed ofSEPP (Single Ended Push-Pull) symmetry comple mentary in 3- stage darlington connection type. TRO9 and TR10 are composing current limiter circuit to protect power transistor from break- down by overload. 4. ADJUSTMENTS 1. Driver Circuit Board Adjnstments Note: 1. (See the picture of top view on page Minimum Master Volume.... 3. For adjustment , run the unit for RoomTemperature................ STEP I OUTPUT I SUBJECT I EQUIPMENT more than 3 minutes after the power is switched on. ADJUST CONDITION ADJUST FOR I MEASURE DCOV DC Volt Meter Speaker Terminal DCOV F-2721 DC OV:tSmV Same as above Same as above F-2722 0 Then , for the purpose of pro- DC OV:tSmV VRO1 , VRO2 Bias Current Same as above TP Terminal (+) (-) F-2721 of F-2721 VRO3 0 Set VRO1 and VRO2 to center position. VRO1 , VRO2 L-CH ceeding the accurate adjustment , set the voltage to 0 volt by VRO1 first and VRO2 next. DC 20mV:t1mV 0 By turning VRO3 counterclock- wise , the bias current is de- creased gradually. Bias Current Same as above TP Terminal (+) (-) of F-2?~ F-2722 VRO3 DC 20mV:t1mV AU- 517/717 5. OTHER PARTS 1. Top View' (AU- 517) Speaker Terminal 8P Input Terminal 4P Input Terminal Power Cord Ground Terminal CO701- CO703 TR703 TR701 C703 T70J VR02 VR01 VR03 C701 C704 T702 VR01 VR02 VR03 C702 TR702 TR704 R701, R702 Speaker Terminal 8P Input Terminal (AU- 717) 4P Input Terminal round Terminal Power Cord CO701- CO703 TR703 TR701 C703 T701 C701 C704 T702 C702 TR702 TR704 R701, R702 Parts List ~AU-517/717? Parts No. Stock No. Description ClO5 C707-714 0659801 0602109 1.0pF 100V M. R701,7O2 0202221 2200 2W NH. C0701-7O3 2450060 5066280 2290190 3800010 3800190 3800320 2300060 2300090 2410091 2410830 2411240 2230052 OlpF 150V M. AC 0,11., XX AC 0",., EU, Sp.ok., r.,m;"ol Pow., Co,d XX Pow., Co,d EU Pow., COld 85 Pow., F". Hold., Pow., F". Hold., EU. 85 Vollog. S.I.clOt Pl'g XX Vol log. S.I.ctOl Sock.' XX AU-517 OnlY TR701.702 0306450TR703, 704 0300830-2 Parts No. Stock No. Description Parts No. Stock No. Voltage S.I.cto' SW EU. 85 Gm""d r.,ml"ol 2SCI403AR, 2SA745A R, 0, Y r,o","'o, C701-704 0559518 12000pF 63V E. T701.702 4002590 4002594 4002592 Pow., r,o",10,m., XX F7O1 0432270 0432500 0435140 Pow., r,0",10,m., EU. 85 Pow., r,o",10,m., Ul. CSA 5A 125V 7A 125V ow., ". 5A Pow., F". EU, 85 Description AU-717 Only TRlOI, 7O2 0305840-2 TRlO3,704 0300520-2 2SCI116R, 2SA747 R, 0, Y r,o",I,'o' ClOt-704 0559520 15000pF 63V E. T7OI,7O2 4002580 4002584 4002582 Pow., r,o"do,m., XX 0432290 0434060 0435150 5A 125V F70t Pow., r,o",fo,m., EU. 85 Pow., r,o",fo,m., Ul. CSA lOA 250V Pow., F". 15A Pow., F". EU. AU- 517/717 (AU- 717) 2. Front View Parts List ~AU-517/717/ P."s No. Stock No. 1015170. 15318850 Descdpt;on (326620 5286721 L=25 P=5 1131400 2430290 5006670 5336600 0319110 5507070 7 Type Koob 1015230. 15318840 100'0 (C)x2 T,eb". 80", Vol,m, L=25 P=7 7 Type Koob 1101780. 15318840 'Olo,y Switch, Sp,ok", 1190410 15318840 'oto,y Switch. Top' Copy 7 Type Koob 1190410 15318830 'otOty SwiJ,h. 'op" Sel,"ot 1171150 15326611 Le"t Switch Koob L"" Switch,Tooe Del,ot L"" SwitchKoob 1171630 1171120 15326611 11 711 20 15326611 1 090250 15318860 7007580 5058740 La,et Switch. Pow" L"e' SwiJd. P.", No. Stock No. AU- 717 Only !5326611 P"h Switch Koob Koob G,ide P"h Switch. Top, Ploy Haod Phooe Jock 8000ot 11 71130 !532661 I 1171130 So",,, 80dge light Emitt,d Dioda 1090280 15318860 Leg 1171120 15326611 AU-S17 Only 7 Typa Koob 1171610 r326611 De,cdpt;on Stock No. P.", No. 7 Type Koob 250kO (MN)x2 80'00" Vo"me Powat EU. 8S Le,et Switch Koob Le,et Switch, Lo,doe, L"" SwiJd Koob Le", Switch, S,b,ooic Filtet 7 Typa Koob 1171130 15326611 5286721 1131400 r326620 7007570 5058730 0319110 150,OX2Vol,meL=25P=7 FtC" Pooel A"y 80ttom Plote De,c';pt;on Le"t Switch Koob L"" SwiJd. Lo,do" L"" SwiJ,hKoob L"" Switch.S,b,oo', Filt" 7 Type Koob 150l0 x2 5kO x 2VoI,me L=25 P=9 Le'et SwiJd Koob Le", Switch. M,tiog Le"t Switd Koob Le'at SwiJd, High Filtet P"h Switch Koob Koob G,ide P"h SwiJch. T"o 0", Fto" Pooal A"y 80ttom Plote Light Emitt,d Diode . Figures Connectors & Pin Ass Connectors Type A (3-10 pins) Pin Ass Type B (2-6 pins) Slock No. Type A (3-10 pins) TypeB(3-10 pins) Type C (3-10 pins) 2 p,ns 2420450 3 Pins 2420460 3 P'n~ED) 2420650 4 PInS 2420470 5 Pins 2420480 6 PInS 2420490 NOTE: Since stock number of Jamale connectors (type 61 with wires are not shown in each parts list of Complete crrcUit board , please refer to the Type D (2-6 pins) Type E (2- 6 above parts list when ordering the connector. Abbreviations : Carbon Resistor : Solid Resistor Ce. : Cement C. : Bi. Polar Mi. : Ceramic Capacitor : Mica Capacitor Resistor : Metal Film Resistor : Fusing Resistor : Non. lnflammable Resistor : Mylar Capacitor : Electrolytic Capacitor BP. Electrolytic Capacitor : Oil Capacitor : Polystyrene Capacitor : Tantalum Capacitor pins) ) ~ AU-517/717 6. PARTS LOCATION & PARTS LIST Since some of capacitors and resistors are omitted from parts lists in this Service Manual , refer to the common parts list for capacitors & resistors which was appended (AU-517 Stock No. 7595201) (AU-717 Stock No. 7595171) Terminal Circuit Board Conductor Side previously to each Sansui Manual. Parts List Parts No. Stock No. 2200480 2 F-2723 ualizer Description 8P lop"' Te.miool (AU-517 Stock No. 7551171) (AU-717 Stock No. 7551161) Circuit Board Conductor Side Parts List Parts No. TRo"o, TROO. TR05. TROl. TRoo. TRll.'ption Stock No. 2SA906 (G. H) 0300470. 1 2SA726(w) (F. G) 0300900. 1 2SA906 (G. H) 0306290. 1 2SC140011) (E. 0300B90. 2SA750(3) (E. U) 0306290. 2SC14001I) (E. 0300900. TRI3. TR15 0306290. DOI. Doo. 04 0340120 0340120 2SCI4001I)IE. 0300890. 1 2SA750(3) (E. U) T.oo,'sto. Position , B. 2 B 1 A. 2 B 1 B. 2 B 1 B. 2 B 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A VO1212 ) 1 A. 2 B VO1212 Vo"sto. 1 A. 2A Ports No. Description Stock No. COI. COl. 08 CI3. C15. C23. 0602109 0620121 0620151 0625272 0625103 RI7. RI9. 20 R23. R33. R35. 0231561 0231220 0231273 0231153 0231304 1.0pF 100V 120PF 150pF 50V 2700pF 10000pF '"0 nrJ 27krJ 15krJ 300krJ y,W Position 1 C. 18. 2 B 1 A' 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 A. Ports No. Description Stock No. R47. R49. 0193820 0193820 SOl 502 1190420 1190410 2410920 82rJ 82rJ ,W lop", Ro'o.y Switch Tope Copy Ro'o.y Switch 3P Pio A,, y Type E AU-7T7 Only 2410910 2PP'"A,, yTypeE Position 1 A. 2A 1 A. 2A 1 B. C 2 B. C AU- 517/717 3. F- 2673 Tone Control Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7561841) Conductor Side Parts List Pa.ts No. Stock No. TRol.02 TRO3. TR05. TRoUB 4. F-2674 Bass & Treble Volume Circuit Board Dese.'ption E) 0306010. 2SCI222!2) (U. E) f 2SCI222!2)(U. 0300890. I 2SA750(31 (E. U) 0306010. 2SCI222(2) (U. E) Dol. 02 0340120 VD1212 COl.02 C05. 0610361 060233B VROI 1015170. I SOl S02 SO3 1171120 1171150 1171120 2410570 2410920 0306010. I posmon T,o""!o, Vo';"o, lB. I A lB. I A 1 B. I A 1 B. 2 B 360pF 50V 33pF 100V 250kO(MN)x2 BoloooeVR2A lood"" lem SwHoh Toos Deleo! lew SwH,h Sob'o,l, Fllte' l.,a, SwH,h 5P PI, A,, y Typa D 2A. B 2B 2B 3PPI,A,, yTypaE (AU-517 Stock No. 7561861) Parts List Pa.ts No. Stock No. VROI.02 1015230.1 5. F- 2670 Pre- Main Switch Circuit Board Dese"ption IOOkO(C)x2 T,abla. Bo" (AU-517 Stock No. 7595211) (AU-717 Stock No. 7595191) Parts List Parts No. Stock No. SOl 6. F- 2667 Ta e Pla Circuit Board 1110290 2200500 Dese"ption PRE-MAIN Sllda Sw'Ioh 4P I,po' !a,m',ol (AU-517 Stock No. 7595181) (AU-717 Stock No. 7595221) Parts List Pa.ts No. Stock No. SOl 1131400 2410700 2410920 Dese"ption Topa P"h SwHoh 6P PI, A,, y Typa F 3P PI, A,, y Typa E Voloma AU- 517/717 7. F- 2720 (AU-717 Stock No. 7561941) Tone Control Circuit Board Conductor Side , Parts List Pacts No. TRO1, TR03, TRos, 06 TR07, TR09, TRII, TR13, 14 Desc'iption Stock No. 0360370-2 0300470, 0306290, 0300890, 2SA798 (F, G, H) 2SA726M') (F, G) 2SCI400(1) (E, U) 2SA750(3) (E. U) 2SCI400(I) (E, U) 030629D, 03D6290, 1 2SCI4DO(1) (E, U) 0300890, I 2SA750(3) (E. U) 8. F- 2665 Position lB. 1 A 1 C. 1 A I C. l A T,o","'o, 1 C. 1 A 1 C. 1 A 1 C. 1 A 1 C. 1 A Pacts No. DO1, Cor. 02 COS, C09, R37, R39, VRO1 Desc,iption Stock No. 0340120 0620361 0602338 0620121 Dl91820 0191820 1015170. VD1212 Vo""o' 360pF 50V 33pF 100WV 120pF 50V 820 Position 1 C. 1 A 2B lB. 1 A 1 C. 1 B 1 C. l A \!4W 820; 4 Pa"s No. Stock No. SOl S02 S03 S04 505 250kO(MN) X 2 8010ooe VR 1171130 1171130 1171150 1171130 1171130 2410570 2410920 VROr.02 1015230,1 Conductor Side lo,doe" SW 2B Tooe Deleot SW S,b,oolk FII", SW High Fllte, SW 2B 5P Plo A" y Type D 3P Plo A"y Type E Parts List Pa,ts No. Stock No. Turn Over Position (AU-717 Stock No. 7561851) Bass & Treble Volume Circuit Board Conductor Side 9. F- 2666 Desc,iption MO1log SW Switch Circuit Board Desc,iption 100kO(C)X2 T,eble, Bo"Vol,me (AU-717 Stock No. 7561871) Parts List Pa,ts No. Stock No. SO1 1131410 Desc,;ption T010 am P"h """' ~~g AU- 517/717 10. (AU-517 Stock No. 7571721) (AU-717 Stock No. 7571741) 21 Driver Circuit Board Conductor Side Parts List Pa,ts No. Stock No. TRol TR02 TRo3 TR04 TRo5 TR06 TRo7 TRoa TRoo TRIl TR12 TR13 0306290. 1 25CI400111(E. U) 0306290. 1 25C140011l(E. U) 25A750(3) (E. U) 0300690. 0300890. 1 25A750(3) (E. u) 25A899 (6. V) 0300791. 0305951. 2 25C945 (G. p) 0306401. 2 25C1904 (6. V) 0306401. 2 25C1904 (6. V) 0305951. 2 25C945 (G. P) 0300791. 2 25A699 (6. V) 25D362 (M. l. K) 03084410303271. 2 256537 (M. l. K) fTor 0370251. 2 Dol D02 Do3 0311160 0311160 0311160 Do. 11. F- 2722 Driver Circuit Board Conductor Side R-ch (AU-517 Stock No. 7571731) (AU-717 Stock No. 7571751) Dasc"ptlon 0311160 10311160 25K97 Posmon 1 A. 3 D 1 A. 3 D 1 A. 3 D 1 A. 3 D 1 A. 3 D T'o,,;$lo' 16. 1 A. 3 D 26. 1.26. 3.4C 16. 26. 1 B. 3C fET 1 A. 3D 1 52473D 152473D mode 152473D 151566 2A. EG6O1E 601. 2A. 4 D 1 A, 3D 1 B. 3C 2 B. 4C ZDol ZD02 0316170 0316170 Cor CO5 CO7 0620101 0620331 Ro. Ros Ro, Roo RJO R28 R3I R36 R37 R43 R44 R45 R46 R.7 0202222 0231332 0231332 0103392 0202152 0210470 0210470 0103560 0103560 0103479 0103479 0135338 0135338 0202100 0132229 lor 4210290 I.5pH Co;! 2A. 4 D VROI VR02 VRO3 1033570 1035330 1035310 1000(6) Vol,ma 2'0(6) Vol,ma !k0(6) Vol,ma 2A. 0669505 laM' D;oda 100pf\ 330pfl 50V P. 5pf 50V C. 2'0 2 W N. J.'. 3'0\ " 3'01 "W M. 9kO YzW 1.5'0 2W N.J. 470\ " 4701 "W N. J.'. 2A. 2A. 1 B. 3C 2A. 4 D 2A. 4 D 2A. 4 D 1 A. 3D 1 A. 3D 2A. 1 A. 3D 26. 70 "W " CR. 330\ 3301 5 ~ Ca. 100 2W N.J. 20 2 W Ca. 1 B. 3C 2 B. 4 D 1 B. 3C 2 B. 4C 2 B. 4C 2A. 4c.D 2A. 1 A. 3D 1 A. 3D AU-517 Only R03 0107102 R16 0107223 R28 0210560 R31 0210560 "0\ 22'01 " W. 560\ " 5601 "W N. J.'. 1 A. 3D lA. 3C. 2A. 1 A. AU-717 Only RO3 0107122 R16 0107273 R22 0107103 R28 0210470 R31 0210470 1.2'O 2nO y.,W 10'0 470 CR. 470 .2W N. J.'. 1 A. 1 A.B. 3C. 1 A. 2A. 4 D 1 A. 3D Ltlr G-e (j I AU- 517/717 12. (AU-517 Stock No. 7502331) 2675 Power Supply & Protector Circuit Board Conductor Side Parts List P.,ts No."ptlon Stock No. TRoL02 TR03, TR6or TR602 TR603 TR604 TR605 TR606 TR607 2.5D438 (E, F) 25B560 (E, F) 0305951, 2 25C945 (Q. P) 0305951, 2 25C945 (Q, P) 0305951, 2 25C945 (Q, P) 0300.510, 25A733 (P, Q) 0305951, 2 25C945 (Q, p) 0305951, 2 25C945 (Q, P) 0305951, 2 25C945 (Q, P) DOL 02 D03, Des. 06 D07. D09, 0311530 0311530 0311530 DII, DI3, D15, 0311.530 0310350 03103.50 03103.50 0310350 T,a"I"ar 2B 2B 2B 2B I A. 3A 30D2 30D2 30D2 30D2 10D2(152227) 1 OD2 (152227) 1 OD2 (152227) 1 OD2 (152227) Position 1 B. 3 B 1 B. 3 B 2B 2B 0308.521, 2 0303361, 2 1 A. 3 A 1 A. 3A Dlod. 1 B. 3 B 1 B. 3 B 1 B. 3 B 3 B. 3 B P.,ts No. Stock No. D17-18 DINO D6or D602 D603 D604 D605 D606 D607 D6O8 (0311160 0311180 (0311160 0311180 0310350 0310350 0311160 0340120 0311160 0311160 0311160 0310340"ptlon 152473D 151588 152473D 151588 10D2 (152227) Position 2B 2B 10D2(152227) 152473D VD1212 Vari"or 152473D Dlod. 2A 2A 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B C603 ROL 02 R03. Res, 06 R07, RI9. R6or R602 R6I6 Rl601 10Dl (152226) RD33E (B) r ZDor, ZD03. ZD601 ZD602 0316570 0316570 0315760 0316390 RD33E (B) Z, r DI EQAOI. 06R .. 0 RD6.2E (B) COI-02 0655103 10000pF 500V 1 B. 3 B 1 B. 3 B 2B 2B 1 B. 3 B"ptlon Pa"s No. Stock No. FOL 02 0602338 33pF 0202272 0202272 7kO 7kO 0210101 0210101 0202100 0202391 0202222 1000 0210472 r1150370 150250 0435160 0432300 0435160 2310220 2310230 1000t r;,W 2 100 3900 2 W J.R. 1 A. 3A 1 A. 3A J.R. 2 B. 3 B 1 B. 3 B J.R. 2kO 7k0 y,W Position 2B 100WV J.R 2B 2B 2B R.lay R.lay 4A 12.5V Pow., I". Ul, C5A 6A 125V AC f". XX 4AAC I". EU. F". Hold.r F". Hold.,EU. B5 1 B. 3 B AU- 517/717 13. F- 2663 (AU-717 Stock No. 7502321) Power Supply & Protector Circuit Board Conductor Side Parts List Parts No. TROJ. TRo3. TRo'. TRo7. TR09. TR11, TR601 TR602 TR603 TR60. TR60' TR6" TR607 Dol, Do3. Do"06 DOl. os Do,. 10 DI!.12 Description Stock No. 18. 3 B 2B 1 B. 3 B 250356 (0. E) 25B526 (0. E) 0306270. 1 25C1708 (E, U) 030071 O. I 25A847(I)(f. G) 0306270. I 25CI708(f. 0308451. 0303281. 2 0300710, 2SA847 (f, G) 0305951. 2 25C945 (Q, p) 0305951. 2 25C945 (Q. P) 25C945 (Q. P) 0305951, 25A733 (P. 0300510, 0305951. 2 25C945 (Q. P) 25C945 (Q. p) 0305951. 0305951. 2 25C945 (Q, P) 0311290 0311300 0310350 0310350 0310350 0310350 55. 55- Position T,oO$lst.. 1 B. 3 B 2B 2B IB 1B 1 A. 1 A. 1 A. 1002(152227) 1002(152227) 1002(152227) I A. I A. 1002 (IS2227) 1 A. 3A P.rts No. D13-14 DI5-16 D"-18 D6o' D6o2 D.o3 D6o4 D6os D606 D607 D6o' D609 D6IO ZDo!.02 ZD601 ZD60' Description Stock No. (0311160 0311180 0311180 10311160 0311180 10311160 0310350 0310350 0311160 0340120 0311160 , 0311160 0311160 0310340 0340120 0340120 0316310 0315760 0316390 1524730 Diode 151588 1524730 151588 1524730 151588 Po.ltlon 1 B. 1 A lB. 1 1 B. 3 B 1002(152227) 1002(152227) 1524730 VO1212 Vodsto, 1524730 1524730 DIode 1524730 P.rt. No. CO!.02 CO3. C603 0655103 0655103 0602338 RO!.O2 RO3. 0202332 0202332 Ro"" 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B RI5, R37, R60' R602 R603 R6" 1001 (152226) VO1212 RL601 VO1212 Vo",'o' Fo!.02 F01-0' RO-13E (B) EQAOI. 06R RO. 2E (B) 1 B. 3 B Z.n., Diode 1A D..crlptlon Stock No. 0210101 0210101 0202100 0202391 0202272 0202272 0210472 ("50250 1 A. 1 A. 2B 1O000Pf 10000pf 1 500V 33pf 100WV 3k0 3kO 1 2W Po.ltlon N.I. 1000 10001 y,w 2 1 A. 1 A. 1 B. 3 B 2B lOO 3900 7kO 2 W 7kO 7kO y,W I.R. 2B 2B 2B I.R. 1150370 R.loy R.loy 0432290 0432500 0435170 2310220 2310230 5A 125V Pow., fuse UL, C5A 7A 125V AC Ius. XX 5A. AC luso EU, B5 fuse Hold., XX fuse Holde, EU, B5 I A. 1 A. AU- 517/717 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 7. 7-1. AU-517 Power Supply Section xx EU. BS Model Only : La D'esent;an et res sDec;ficat;ans sant suscept;b'es d' e mad;fiees sans p'eav;s Da' su;tes d' amel;a,at;ans eventuelles. And",ungen , d'e dem technoschen Fa'tsch"" d,enen. ble'ben va'behalten . Des;gn and spec;ficat;ans subject to change w;thaut nabce fa' ;mp'avement. AC ;~~:;;g r"_,, 4'T 50/60H, s"" xx Model Only EU. BS Model Only 7-2. AU-717 Power Supply Section xx EU. BS Model Only PC", rWHtTE- F", F", 'OA I-OO-;'OV 5A-220-240V JSA-T is",. FOJ AC FOT-Q4 7A 72SV 50/60Hz xx Model Only AC 220,240f' 50H, F,,_~ 5A-T EU. BS Model Only NOTE: AS to U. , c.S. , B.5., ES and XX marked in the Parts Lists , note the followings: , c.S. A... . Approved parts used in the unit which is applicable to the U.5. and Canada under safety standard. S. ......... . Approved parts used in the unit which is applicable to British under safety reguirement. U. .. . . . . . . . . Approved parts used in the unit which is applicable to Sweeden , Denmark , Norway, Finland , West Germany, and Switzerland under safety reguirement. XX .......... Parts used in the unit which is applicable to other countries excepting mentioned above. * In parts lists , parts with no above mark in of " Description " are all the same as XX marked parts. 5-", Po...r S""b 5"".- F-2870 PRE P- OWER So,"", S".- S"'. SOT"~ S"', S".- s".- Speak"" F-2673 2673 Loudn"s F-2673 2667 Tope pz"y Subsonic Filter 2?23 Tape Copy Tone 2n3 61 iJ:\:6 S"ector PHONO PHONO RIGHT CANNEL rREC TAPELPLAY r-- 2 6691 7-3. AU-517 1. off 2. 3. 8 4. A+B 1. off 2. g:;':;~o ":::::CED .,f", 2. 1. off 2. 1. 2. 1. off 2. 16Hz 1. CONNECTED '.pd 1. 5"""" "pe-7 1. source 50201 50"2 2. off 3. source tuner 1. phonO-2 1. hono3. wn" 4. au' ;:,. SEPARATED *1. METAL FILMRESISTOR TOLERANCE *2. NON FLAMABLERESISTOR *3. FUSING RESiSTOR ALL RES'STORS !Ii WATTS UNLESS OTHERW'SE NOTED SYM80L CERAM'C MYLAR STYROL JAPANMod,IO'IJ AC ,ooV SO/50Hz C", 0. S", i:J RED BROWN RED PT", PURPLE 104 3s. :::1' eRAY PURPLE 3s. Ii" 69,J 087" PURPLE 35.5V 05 eRAY ----- TR" 2SD438(E, I'? J,: ~=--AU- 517/717 AU- 517/717 --- UI 2SA750IE,U) 01! 2SCI2221E, BROWN PT", PURPLE 3S.5V L__- 2~mI F- ~==--.-- -::, 6751 F-ir"ill" - 2SK97 FET" 2?21 ;;-j -;-- '" c!i ~2K R,,22K Sysum A 5",. 2SC9451P, 2SCI9041B, 0 10 1010 TR" 08 TR03. 04 2SA750IE, TR05. 2SA8991B, c!i'" TROo. CO TR" 02 2SCI400lE, +'---" - -'---" + J", IO(2) C" R", 220(2) c,, 2SD382IK, TR" 2SB537IK, TR" LED", 3002 I = 1l3E i62E lAD 1 1801 1824730 VO1212 1001 1002 28K97 28A899 28C1904 B r 258537 280382 28A726 28A847 2SA906 28C1708 FeB 280438 28A733 28A750 230060 28C945 25C1222 25C1400 7-4. AU-717 146 LED", '" ~Cf400 lE. H67D SO" olf A'S F~720' AC7aoVSa/SOH, JAPAN MODEL ONLY) ACI1DVSOH, (UL CSANDOELDNLY) CONNECTED g%U g~~~gjT ;iu;,pE,jJ SEPARATED off 2~i7S0IE. V)23 s"o. 5"'0" 5", WATTS ALL RESISTDRS NOTED. DTHERWISE UNLESS RESISTOR METALFILM TOLERANCE!/% RESISTOR *2. NON FLAMABLE '3. FUSINGRESISTOR Powa S"ako" PRE-POWER LEDT" LED", LED", G) " illfI ~!::'!3 I 112iA906IF, TR", SOk.' dd"t I.ofl 2. I.,yff 2. I. 2. 2SA726 IF, I ~Dr212 F-1723 LEFTCMANNEL TUNER AUX Sd"tor 5",. SOle, 507' 2723 2667 Top, Copy 70" Play 5020, 5",, 5",. 2664 F-2664 504", Moting L"d"" 2664 5"", F-2664 Sobsoni, Filtor 2664 70n2 High Filta OnLy) 5"' C", am PT,O7 '!l TR"." 2SCI400IE, TR"""'3 ,, 2SA750IE, AU- 517/717 ! AU- 517/717 BROWN REO 2SA899IB. 2SC9451P,Q) ~ ~ --TR" TR" TR"" TR" .l. 2SCI904IB 2SC94~ R,d7We) RD6. Z0602 f---"""J3 C"OO47 R" lo(2I R" '-2 5S3 5S3R 2SA733 2SA750 2SC945 2SC1222 2SC1400 FCB 2SA726 2SA847 2SA906 2SC1708 258526 250356 258537 250382 B r c:,u: 2SA747 25Cl16 25A899 2SC1904 u I fCf 2SK97 1001 1002 VO1212 1524730 EQAO1.06R EQBO122 R06.2E ROl3E 11 'f1 vrru If~ '" ~~ ,": '"'" "AU- 517/717 8. OPERATION OF PROTECTOR CIRCUIT This protector circuit contains two functions at abnormal condition; a speaker protector circuit against DC voltage appearing at output , and speaker protector circuit against over- current. POWE R OUTPUT e ?:' R40 r620 CID t 1'6. 0602 4'/A R06. 27K lR6Ob CID '-O f?5 ',i 8; '-c' (3) c::i :~ Ii: ';';5 , ) 0- 0::: '-?B r:s D05, :jj +1 ~ , c, 06. 13. D603. 605, 606, 1i07 1524730 11;:"' ~. cfi LE0701 (5):h OJ a., n ~ V, ~~~2 X2 ~ 0::: a::: (Ji4 ell i;; 0::: -d ~ I SS VOl212 EQAOI 06R 0.04 34137 ZD601 A. Speaker Protection Circuit against DC voltage appearing at output 1. When an abnormal negative voltage appears at output TR601 turns off , TR602 turns on and TR603 turns off so that the relay, RL601 , keeps off in order to protect loudspeakers 1. When control.(bias) voltage is not supplied to the base of TR607 in abnormal condition , TR606 and TR607 , on astable multivibrator repeat turning (switching) on and off alter- nately each other by charging and discharging of capacitors C606 & C607 , from break- down. zero voltage(center voltage) controlling TR607 through D607 will increase , resultly the LED701 as protector indicator , starts flickering. 3. When abnormal positive voltage appears at output ~, the voltage is supplied to TR602 directly, and the operation of the protector circuit is same as above mentioned 1, 2. While the relay, RL601 , C. Operation of astable multivibrator keeps OFF , B. Speaker Protection Circuit against abnormal over- current 1. At the moment when abnormal excessive current flows into power transistors , a transistor (TR09) detecting excessive over- current , on power stage becomes ON. 2. Then , DC voltage at ~ decreases , resulfly TR604 turns on and positive certain voltage appears at ~' 3. As mentioned above , when TR602 turns on , the relay, RL601 keeps OFF; a certain positive voltage at~' turns on TR60S too , resultly collector voltage of TR60S decreases and its collector voltage keeps a certain voltage at ~ simultaneously. 4. By keeping a certain DC voltage at ~. , the LED701 as pro. tector indicator continues flikering, even though all circuits work completely. resultly, the LED701 as protector indicator continues flikering. 2, When the relay, RL601 is turned on , base voltage of TR607 becomes zero volt through D607 and TR606 becomes ON resultly LED701 as power indicator lights up.
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