Summer 2009 - Schacht Spindle Company


Summer 2009 - Schacht Spindle Company
N e ws Yo u C a n E w e s
Schacht Spindle Company | Summer 2009
Niddy Noddy
Hip, hip hooray! The niddy noddy is launched! This
is not your everyday niddy noddy design. It’s sleek—
and about as 21st century as we think a niddy noddy
can be. The arms are finely sanded and oiled in cherry
or maple. The center is anodized gray tubing and
sports a soft, squishy hand hold you won’t be long
in appreciating as you wind skein after skein of yarn.
What we really, really love about our niddy noddy is
that it is so easy to collapse even with loads of tension—
all made possible by our handy-dandy release knob. Just
turn the T-knob and your noddy collapses with ease.
The other details you want in a niddy noddy are also
there: 2 yard and 1 ½ yard adjustments; folds flat for
storage. Check it out at your favorite Schacht dealer.
Maple Niddy Noddy: $69 retail
Cherry Niddy Noddy: $71 retail
Mini Hand Carders
We’ve had requests for these for literally years, so we’re
pleased to be able to offer our sturdy performers in a
petite version. Our Mini Hand Carders are half the
weight (4.8 ounces each) of our regular carders, and
have a 3” square carding cloth pad. They’re curved for
easy comfort,
with our
medium 72 psi
carding cloth.
Great for taking
with you—also
super for pintsized hands—
making it easy
to get your kids
involved in fiber
Mini Hand Carders: $49/pair
Bulky Head Update
The design phase is complete and we are now in the
manufacturing phase. We’re working with our vendors
to make the metal parts. Most of the components are
ordered, and we are developing our manufacturing
processes. It will be several weeks before we are in
production, then we’ll be sure of our costs and thus the
price and when we’ll start shipping. A Bulky Head Fall
would be super, don’t you think?
Just about THREE
weeks until the
deadline. If you’re
not taking that
extended vacation
this summer—
spend time at
home on your own
spinning or weaving getaway creating an entry for
our contest. We’ve got great prizes and all finalists will
be on display in our Schacht showroom during the
month of October. The opening is October 8th when
we’ll announce the winners and celebrate our 40th
anniversary. See the invitation below. Also check our
website for
technician Dave. Let me tell you, chickens never had
it so good—they’ve got interior and exterior lighting
and are fully protected from critters by fully enclosed
fencing—top, sides, and even into the ground. I tease
Barry that amortized for ten years, each egg is
only $10. . . !
You’re Invited!
40th Anniversary Factory Tours.
Barbecue & Opening of our
“I Made It On My Schacht Contest”
October 8, 2009
4 pm - 9pm
Tours: 4:00-5:30 — BBQ: 5:30-7:30 — 7:30 Contest Winners Annouced,
and Special 40th anniversary presentation.
Please RSVP for BBQ by Oct. 4th
to: — Tel. 303-442-3212
future updates.
In the garden….
and now we’ve got
The Schacht Chicken Taj.
We have beautiful gardens
this summer, made possible
by all of the rain we’ve so
much enjoyed (this is a
semi-arid climate, after
all). It’s amazing what
extra moisture can do for
growing things.
Barry has wanted to raise chickens for years, and now
we’ve got them—thanks to our loom builder Mike, and
Summer is a wonderful time to spend with kids
weaving. Whether you’re a young parent or grandparent,
introducing children to weaving could be the beginning
of a life time of enjoyment. If you’ve never taught kids
to weave, you will be amazed at how quickly they catch
on, almost faster than adults. Generally, they won’t be
as concerned at first with the final product—they’ll be
more focused on the process—an attitude that is helpful
when learning to weave. You can’t master everything
at once, and by concentrating on the mechanics, kids
can master the process. Then they’ll be off and running
with their own creative designs. A little direction and
guidance is helpful, but after that, you can leave them
free to innovate—and they will!
This project was woven on our School Loom—which is
a simple frame loom. Two pieces were woven and then
felted in the washing machine to create a dense and
thick fabric. The pieces were then sewn together. A rope
handle was made on the Incredible Rope Machine and
sewn to the edge of the bag. A bright button and yarn
flower add a perky accent.
The Calliope Bag
Woven on the Schacht School Loom
Yarns used
1. Cascade 220 #7803 (Scarlet)
2. Cascade 220 #7828 (Yellow)
3. Brown Sheep Nature spun Sport Weight #207
(Alpine Violet)
4. Brown Sheep Nature Spun Sport Weight # N21
(Mallard Blue)
5. SWTC Yang #829 Truth
Note: you can use any sport worsted weight yarns (not
super wash) in cheerful colors.
Warping Pattern
Warp the full width of the loom as follows:
18 ends #1
4 ends #2
16 ends #3
10 ends #4
26 ends #1
Weaving Pattern
Weave the same number of pick as warp threads in same
order as warp. The weave will be loose in order to leave
room for the yarn to felt.
Weave the entire warping pattern from the very bottom
edge. You will not weave all the way to the top of the
loom. The remaining warp will be used to tie overhand
knots to form the bottom fringe of the bag. You will
weave a second piece using
the same directions.
Remove from the loom
and tie bundles of fringe.
Machine wash pieces in
warm water and throw in
the dryer on medium until
dry to felt the fabric. With
right sides together, sew
side seams. Turn right side
out out and stitch across
the bottom edge just above
the fringe.
Use 2 yards-lenghts of #4
and #5 yarn and Schacht
Incredible rope machine
to make side trim/handle.
Embroider flower using #2 and add button for center.