The School Bulletin 2015-01 - St Mary`s Coptic Orthodox College
The School Bulletin 2015-01 - St Mary`s Coptic Orthodox College
St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College 19-35 Thorpdale Ave, Coolaroo Vic 3048 Tel: 03 93022788 Email: Web:www. January 2015 St. Mary’s Coptic Orthoodx College St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College is a Christian Orthodox school operated by The Coptic Diocese of Melboune headed by His Grace Bishop Suriel and directed by Father Tadros Sharobeam. Welcome to 2015 His Grace Bishop Suriel Bishop of Melbourne Chairman of St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College Board of Governors Dear blessed parents and students of St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College, I wish you all a joyful New Year and may 2015 be a year where you all excel and her much fruits. The school was opened on 23rd February 1991 by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III I welcome you to a new academic year and pray that all our students will be successful in their studies. Our students are truly lucky to be at their age studying in this period of time. The reason I say this is because technology has developed so rapidly and in particular in the field of computing and The school is a n communications. This makes information readily available to our students indepaendat school and at their fingertips. One only needs to think of a question and in covering all school seconds can find the answer through a simple google search on their graded from Prep – phone, tablet or computer. When I was at school in the 70’s such Year 12. information was not so easily available. One had to travel to a library and Head of Primary : go through a printed catalogue and search for an appropriate book to find Mrs. Susan Pitsas the required information and perhaps the necessary book was not at that Head of particular library. Secondary: Mr. Trvor Nye Some people think that this technology is not making our children smarter, Tel: 93022788 but I believe it is making our children more focused on the important 0 Main office knowledge that they require and they are able to find it more rapidly and 2 Director easily even in the convenience of their own homes and schools. 3 Head of Secondary 4 Head I pray that our students will be enthusiastic to do their best and be inspired by the success of the righteous Joseph in the Old Testament. The Book of of Primary Genesis says about the righteous Joseph that, "The Lord was with Joseph, 5 Library and he was a successful man.” (Genesis 39:2) Walk with the Lord and you will be successful in all that you do. Balance your weekly activities and give time to God in prayer and in building your relationship with Him and you will bear the fruit of this relationship in your studies also. May God bless you all and I look forward to seeing you all at the College in the near future. Welcome to New School Year 2015 Fr Tadros Sharobeam The new school year 2015 has started. I wish to express my best wishes for a fruitful and successful new year. The new school year 2015 is the 25th year since the school opened by His Holiness of good memory Pope Shenouda III on 23rd February 1991. Since then the school has grown from a small struggling school of about 50 students and three teachers to a medium size school of 770 students and about 60 teachers included in about 110 staff members employed by the school. These are some of the highlights of last year 2014 and what is new in 2015: 1) New classrooms building project has been completed and opened by His Grace Bishop Suriel on June 2014. It added new 7 classrooms. This building is fully utilized on 2015. Three classrooms has been dedicated to the Foundation classes. Three classes are used for year 10 classes and one classroom has been set for our new Drama room. 2) VCE results: We very blessed by our dedicated staff and excellent students. At 2014 three students achieved a score above 90, the highest was 97.8. More than sixty percent of our students achieved a score above 50. It is pleasing to see more students are achieving scores in the 60 – 80 range. 3) School council: New parent representatives at the school council need to be appointed for 2015. Thanks very much for all the effort and hard work undertaken by Mrs Rosemary Nakhla, Mrs Renata Habashy and Mr George Ghobrial whose term has expired at the end of 2014. New members to be appointed soon by H G Bishop Suriel from the list of nominations received by the school. 4) Refurbished school website: The school website has been completely refurbished with beautiful new looks and easy to follow links for various school information and activities. Thanks to Mr George Fam for redesigning our website. You can now easily access Parents Portal, Students Portal and timetables. 5) Parent Portal: This is the main information source for parents and students. Go to the link at the school website and use your login username (surname^account no). If you forgot your username ring the school office to get it or reset it (all passwords currently are set to ‘123’). You can get information about your accounts, student’s details and bus details at the Parents Portal. Please try to access it at least once every week. You can also correct any details. Trevor W Nye Deputy Principal (Secondary) How quickly time goes in a school; it seems like last week that our students were dismissed for the summer break. Firstly I would like to thank last year’s graduating class, staff (both primary and secondary) and our parents for the great results achieved by all of our students. We are all very proud of our graduates from last year and hope that they all achieve their goals and aspirations in their future endeavours. Last year, 2014, saw a major change in our student/teacher ratio in the VCE area and we will be continuing to offer smaller classes as we move forward into 2015. We have found that with the smaller classes many student have not needed to engage outside tutors as some classes have had less than ten students. This year we are moving towards a more ‘open’ VCE with many year 10 students being offered the opportunity to start their VCE in year 10. For those capable students in year 11 we are offering the opportunity to study at the unit 3 & 4 level. This year we will also find blended classes in VCE; blended being students from both year 11 and 12 doing the same subject at the same time in the same classroom. Our new VCE Coordinator Ms Shannon Lane, with the support of other staff, has been putting in a huge amount of time and effort to bring these changes to fruition. Many of our students have opted to undertake these advanced and blended classes but it is only being offered to those who: are interested, are capable, have a proven academic record in their studies across the curriculum, and have a good behavioural record in the previous twelve months. Like any school in today’s competitive market we are being compared, graded as parents are making informed educational decisions about where to place their child to get the best education. To achieve the needs of the community, and our employer, we are tightening the academic standards across the College while at the same time offering greater opportunities for our students. Over the past year we have been moving towards a more organised, cohesive and comprehensive Careers Guidance program; this will continue this year with greater emphasis on helping our senior students with both their study and career options. I would like to acknowledge Mr George Ghobrial for his efforts in ‘restructuring’ our careers program. The Middle School, under the guidance of Mrs Melissinos has continued its growth and is going from strength to strength while Mr Moncrieff has settled in as the Upper School Coordinator. Both of these staff members are at the core of the many changes happening around secondary and I appreciate their effort and dedication. The Coordinators/Head of Departments in Secondary for 2015 are: Upper Secondary Coordinator – Mr Cary Moncrieff. Middle School Coordinator – Mrs Pam Melissinos VCE Coordinator – Ms Shannon Lane Head of Department, English – Mrs Germaine Youssef Head of Department, Mathematics – Mr Steven Venturin Head of Department, Science – Mrs Kate Peach Head of Department, Humanities – Mr Ron Laidlaw Head of Department, Religion – Mr Adel Gawrgyous. Please feel free to contact these staff members if you have an issue; the full list of staff and their emails can be found in the front of the student diary (secondary). I am looking forward to 2015 and I would like to thank all of the secondary staff for their efforts, enthusiasm and support in 2014. Education Maintenance Allowance From 1 January 2015, the government will provide extra financial support directly to Victoria’s neediest schools instead of providing the Education Maintenance Allowance directly to parents. Parents will not be able to apply for the Education Maintenance Allowance in 2015. The money will be allocated to eligible schools through schools’ core operational funding mechanism, with the neediest schools receiving the most funding. Not all schools will be receiving funding in 2015. This change to how the money is distributed was required by the funding agreement with Commonwealth government to make sure Victorian schools receive increased funding that will benefit all students and, in particular, those from schools with concentrated disadvantage. Dear Parents, A warm welcome back, as always we seem to have a busy start to the year. We welcome the following teachers: Miss Miriam Bediako – Year 4 teacher I am Ghanaian born and raised in New Zealand. I love sports and experiencing new cultures. Communication is very important to me as an individual and as a teacher. What makes me smile is when students realise their potential and achieve goals that they have set for themselves. Mrs Sarah McGregor – Year 2 teacher Last year I taught at Carranballac College as a Foundation/year 1 teacher. It is rewarding to watch the students learn and develop as the year progresses. I really enjoy driving, and being with my family. Mrs Kylie Dempster has replaced Mrs Debra while she is on Long Service Leave. A reminder that a meet and greet evening will take place on Thursday March 5th between 3:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. This is an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet together to discuss how your child has settled into the school year and answer any queries. We look forward to meeting with you and discussing the curriculum for the school year. The swimming carnival for years’ 3 - 6 will be conducted on Friday February 20th. Children must wear a school hat outside in terms’ one and four. Yours sincerely, Susan Pitsas Deputy Principal A message from the Career Adviser Mr George Ghobrial The Keys Please program is a vital component of the Victorian Government’s strategy to reduce the number of road crashes involving young Victorians. Road crashes are the number one cause of death and serious injury to young people, which can be devastating to the school community. Therefore the school has organized a session for our year10 students to attend this important program. The session will be on 20th of February 2015 during period 3. Consents forms will be sent to parents early next week. UMAT is developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on behalf of the UMAT Consortium universities. The test is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on the following web site UMAT is designed to measure ability in the following areas: Logical Reasoning and Problem Solving Understanding People Non-verbal Reasoning Registration for the UMAT is now open and closes on the 5th of June 2015 Please see the information at the following link regarding purchasing online materials: The test is scheduled to be on the 29th July 2015 Good luck to all our students The VCE and Career expo 2015 is Australia’s Biggest Career expo where there are 190 exhibitors and 150 seminars are available for our students St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College has organized a visit to the expo on Friday 8th of May for our year 11 students Religion Department Newsletter Dear Parents, Welcome to 2015 school year. Religion is an important subject as it represents our faith and our spiritual lives. For the first time the school is offering VCE religion (Religion and Society) for Years’10 and 11. Due to the increase number of classes, new religion staff have been added. In Primary, we still have Mrs Jarmine Fouad Gawrgyous as Religion teacher and Mr Adel Gawrgyous as Coptic teacher. In Secondary, we have Mrs Sara Asaad, Mrs Mona Nashed, Mrs Haidy Benjamin, Mr Bishoy Hanna and Mr Ayman Awad. We hope that our students will get the maximum benefit from studying Religion. If you have any inquiries, please email us on Adel Gawrgyous - Head of Religion BUS CHANGES Dear Parents, Requests for swapping of buses for students travelling to various destinations have become a source of concern to the College. Please note the following section from the current College Bus Policy. The full Bus Policy is available on the College website. Bus Assignment and Requested Changes The provision of school buses to service the students who attend St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College is part of the school’s ongoing commitment regarding the care and protection of its students: Students will ONLY ride on assigned buses. Bus swapping is not permitted unless it has been authorised by the Transport Manager. Any permanent change to assigned buses will not be allowed during the school year unless it is due to a change in the family’s address. Students will board and get off at only their assigned bus destinations unless a written request by the parent /guardian is sent to the Transport Manager to change or modify the destination. Any requests for a change in designations MUST be requested at least 24 hours prior to the requested change. If the Transport Manager can assist with the change, he will issue the student with a Permission Slip which must be given to the bus driver. A Change of Bus fee may apply. The Transport Manager has the right to refuse any request for reasons such as lack of space on other buses, safety concerns, behaviour, etc. No one is allowed to ride a bus other than the buses assigned to him or her without permission. The parents will assume the responsibility of the child when such a request is made and granted. PRIMARY STAFF 2015 Deputy Principal Primary – Mrs. Susan Pitsas Foundation – Year 3 Coordinator – Mrs. Connie Spina Years’ 4 - 6 Coordinator – Mrs. Mervet Boulos English coordinators – Mrs. Louise Officer – Foundation - 2, Miss Christine Peverett – 3-6 Humanities/Science/Arts/P.E coordinator – Miss Natasha Zurcas Maths consultant – Mrs. Gabrielle Lee Pastoral Care – Tasoni Salwa Naguib/ Mrs. Jarmine Gawrgyous Head of Religion/Coptic – Mr. Adel Gawrgyous Foundation V teacher – Mrs. Vicky Glykokalamos Foundation N teacher – Miss Natasha Zurcas Foundation K teacher – Mrs. Kristen Talya Year 1MS teacher – Mrs. Maria Siderakis Year 1MY teacher – Mrs. Marina Youkhana (nee Maroky) Year 1S teacher – Mrs. Sarah Andrawis Year 2A teacher – Miss Alicia Braakhuis Year 2M teacher – Mrs. Marina Moussa Year 2S teacher – Mrs. Sarah McGregor Year 3J teacher – Mrs. Janine Wanda Year 3C teacher – Mrs. Connie Spina Year 3N teacher – Mrs. Nancy Turner Year 4V teacher – Mrs. Vicki Tsarouhas Year 4K teacher – Miss Kylie Busuttil Year 4M teacher – Miss Miriam Bediako Year 5L teacher – Mrs. Laura Calcagno Year 5C teacher – Miss Christine Peverett Year 6M teacher – Mrs. Mervet Boulos Year 6A teacher – Mrs. Aleksandra Milevska (nee Miloseska) Religion teacher / Pastoral Care – Mrs. Jarmine Gawrgyous Head of Religion/Coptic teacher – Mr. Adel Gawrgyous Arabic teacher - Mrs. Marina Naguib Music teacher – Mrs. Sandra Mlikota French teacher – Years’ Five & Six - Miss Rana Nahas Syriac teacher – Mr. Aziz Mrad Reading Recovery/Literacy Support – Mrs. Louise Officer Reading Recovery/EAL – Mrs. Sophie Georgakopoulos E.A.L. (English as an Additional Language) teacher – Mrs. Maria Amanatidis Literacy Support – Years’ Five & Six – Mrs. Susan Pitsas P.E teacher – Years’ 1 & 2/ Early Numeracy Support Year 2 - Mrs. Kate Tsiolas Integration / Teachers’ Aide – Mrs. Debra Clark School Support – Mrs. Jousslin Molina School Support – Mrs. Tania Verzantvoort Fee Structure 2015 School Fees Primary: Prep To 6: $ 1400.00 + $ 170.00 as Building Levy Secondary 7-10 $ 1850.00 + $ 250 .00 as Building Levy VCE 11-12 $ 2200.00 + $ 250 .00 as Building Levy Multiple Student Discount First Child (Oldest) No discount, pays full 2nd Child 20% discount 3rd child 40% Discount 4th Child onwards 50% Discount (Families who pay the whole year fees before 28 February will receive a 10% special discount) Other Fees (payable before the start of the year) Locker and Diary Years 7-12 $ 20.00 IPad maintenance fee Years 6-11 $ 100.00 (Fees for Swimming, excursions and camps are charged separate, to be paid before the prescribed date of payment for the activity) Transport Fees (including 10% GST) (payable before the start of each term) Primary 0 Foundation – 3 $ 1100.00 (full year), payable in 4 termly instalments of $ 275.00 each Primary Years 4-6 $ 1210.00 (full year), payable in 4 termly instalments of $ 302.50 each Secondary Years 7 – 12 $ 1485.00 (full year), payable in 4 termly instalments of $ 371.25 each Multiple Student Transport fee Discount First Child (Oldest) No Discount, pays full 2 nd Child 10% discount 3Rd child onwards 20% Discount Uniform List and Prices 2015 First Day of School Year 2015 – 29th January 2015 New Foundation students 2015 School Captains – past and present First Secondary school assembly