crime watch newsletter - Fort Worth Police Department


crime watch newsletter - Fort Worth Police Department
January 2016
Crime Information
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Crime Watch Newsletter
is published by the Fort Worth Police Department South Division Crime Prevention Unit
For more information please contact Billy Rudd at 817-392-3405 or by email at
Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
by Officer JR Byford
Many of my crime reports for the Beat have been
blank lately. Everyone is doing a great job on
reporting suspicious activity. During this time of year
there is the possibility of facing inclement weather
conditions. Are you prepared if your electricity, gas or
water service is interrupted?
How about being
stranded in your vehicle for a period of time? Do you
have an emergency kit for your vehicle or home? Visit website for some ideas.
by Officer Randy Horton
Hello Rosemont folks. I hope you had a great and
safe Holiday Season.
I am seeing some calls
concerning Assaults and a couple of Burglaries. I am
not seeing any trends at this
time. Remember, if you see
something that does not look
right, please call it in. That one
call may stop a crime before it
Lock up your valuables and
take them out of your vehicle.
Keep your vehicle and house
doors locked. Don’t forget to
keep your garage doors closed
and locked as well. By doing
this it will help reduce the
opportunity for a crime to occur.
vI hope everyone has a Happy
New Year. Until next time stay
safe and well.
by Officer Nestor Martinez
This month we continued to stay in control of the
crime on the Beat. With the help of specialized units
and details the Part I crimes continue to be located only
within the retail locations. Theft can be traced to the
Fiesta located at La Gran Plaza, along with other
shoplifting offenses. La Gran Plaza Mall and Fiesta
continue to work closely with us. Thieves arrested are
transported to jail instead of being issued a ticket. This
is a common tactic that usually is used around large
malls and grocery stores.
With the new year upon us, make sure to remember
the basics in not becoming a crime victim. Lock all
items in your trunk and be aware of your surroundings.
Remember to place your phone in your pocket and
don’t get to wrapped up in social media or texting that
you become an easy target of a snatch and grab.
Until next time, take care of yourself and others.
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by Officer Michael Kuzenka
Hello everyone. I hope you had great
Christmas and New Year. S-14 has had few
robberies of individuals with the suspect
using a hand gun. The suspect described as
black male with a black handgun with a
light attached. There was also one robbery
of one of a game rooms on East Berry. The
suspects were four black males wearing
bandanas on their faces. We had two
burglary of habitations for the month, both
with no suspect information. So for the
month not too bad but I am really working
on catching the robbery suspects.
I hope our COPs
enjoyed the COP
Christmas party. It
was a really good
time. The Chief came
and spoke to everyone
and several other
Command Staff were
there as well. As you
all know we are
gearing up for the
COP Seminar and
Tournament not far
around the corner. If
you are interested in
seeing what the Code
Blue Golf Tournament is about or would
like to help please contact me.
Well until next time stay safe, alert and
report anything out of the ordinary.
by Officer Eddy Perez
Hello Rolling Hills. We continue to have
a very low crime rate on S-15's Beat. We
have no major crime issues going on. All I
have to say is Thank You for keeping a look
out on your neighbors!
I hope you had a great Christmas and a
Happy New Year!
Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
by Officer Ernesto Saldivar
The holidays are upon us again, I hope everyone
enjoyed their Christmas and New Year. S-21 has
continued to see a reduction in residential burglaries
since a high point in October. However, we have also
seen four different robberies occur this month. There
is no indication that any of these are related but please
be aware of your surroundings when you enter places
of business and are walking in your neighborhoods.
We recently had the residents of Amberwood
Apartments meet for the second time and interim
officers have been elected. We will meet again in
January to make it official. Please be safe out there
and enjoy the holidays.
by Officer Daniel Adoboe
Hello, I hope everyone had a
wonderful holiday season. I am
Officer Daniel Adoboe, Badge
#3884. I am the new NPO for
your area. I took over from
Officer Chromaster last month.
I have been on the department
for 7 years and spent all my
time on patrol between South
and East Divisions. My contact
number is the same as his
number was. (817- 991-8480).
We had a few vehicle
burglaries in our area over the
holiday season, which is the
normal trend around the
holiday seasons.
remember to secure your vehicles when you get home,
most of the burglaries occurred because the vehicles
were not locked. There was one home burglary during
this time, the home owners were at home but did not
hear the intruders. It might be a good practice to turn
on your alarms before going to bed at night also.
I look forward to working with all of you and
continue to build on what you and Travis started.
Page 3
by Officer Rodney Gilbert
During the month of December the
crime on S-23 was as follows; There were
four burglaries of habitations in which the
suspects were unknown, (there was a
suspect description of two black males age
17-25 on one of the offenses), three
burglaries of vehicles all committed
during the nighttime hours and there are
no suspect descriptions at this time, one
auto-theft and the vehicle was later
located and returned to the owner but no
suspects were seen and no arrests made,
and there was a criminal mischief incident
on Ridge Rd. N in which a suspect fired
shots into a residence.
There is no known
working S-23 made
two felony arrests for
narcotics. One of the
arrests was of an
individual in the 6500
block of Brookhaven
Trail and the other was
on Southpark Ln. at
McCart Ave. At the
time of this writing
more narcotics arrests
were made in early
January so stay tuned
for next month’s newsletter.
by Officer Rodney Nobles
Happy New Year!! It is really hard to
believe how fast 2015 passed. We are
starting fresh in 2016 with great optimism
and hope for another good year. The last
month of the year was a little busier in the
Hallmark/Camelot area. We had a slight
increase robberies in the last two weeks of
December. All three robberies involved
the suspect taking a cell phone from the
victim. Although, December was a little
busier crime wise in the Hallmark/
Camelot area, 2015 was another good year
on the Beat. Until next time, be safe.
Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
by Officer Tom Schmidt
I hope everyone had a great Christmas with family and friends.
The weather was mild, to say the least, as was the crime. There
was very little crime last month. I know, there I go again jinxing
myself. The only thing I can say is I've said it before and the
crime on the Beat remained low. I know I'm tempting fate but the
truth is the truth. With that said I have to say, as usual, we can't
let our guard down. Always report suspicious activity in your
area. Don't Stall, Make the Call.
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by Officer Ruben Montelongo
Hello friends, by the time you read this the holidays have come
and gone and now it’s time for the New Year
resolutions. I hope you all had a Merry
Christmas and are enjoying this New Year
despite this weather. I ask that we make a
resolution to continue being vigilant, securing
our belongings and looking out for our
neighbors. If you live in an apartment, be
aware of anyone standing out and watching
what others are doing. I’ve read several
reports where apartment tenant’s leave
momentarily and when they return they find
their front door damaged and property
missing. This may happen in a matter of an
hour or two leading me to believe it was
someone watching what you were doing.
Please call 911 or the non-emergency number
to report any type of suspicious activity no
matter how small you may think it is.
If you want to join the fight against crime look into becoming a
Citizen on Patrol member (COP). As always Thank you for all
you do and Happy New Year.
by Officer Mike Vargas
I hope you had Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!! Be Safe
and I am looking forward to 2016!
by Officer Frank Tenorio
HO HO HO citizens, Hope
everyone had a nice Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Please be safe out there and enjoy
your time with Families. I look
forward in continuing working with
keep your
eyes and
ears open
and report
activity to
the police.
like to say
that there
trends of
or anything
to worry
about for
this month and hope we can
continue this trend. Till next time be
Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
by Officer RJ West
Hello! I hope you all enjoyed a happy and safe holiday season.
However "tis the season there'll be thieving"! So please lock your
doors, remove or hide valuables in your car, and discretely dispose
of packaging and boxes from any electronics or high value presents
that you may have given or received during the holidays.
Crime wise not much change on S-41. Theft and vehicle
burglaries are still the main problems. As always lock your car, set
your alarm, and report any and everything suspicious immediately
to the police.
That's all for now.
by Officer Doyal Gilbert
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a safe New Year. I
took some time off to spend with my family, so I enjoyed my
holiday. The Beat was doing pretty good at the beginning of the
month considering it was the
Christmas season. Our crime stats
were below average for the first
three weeks of the month. The last
week we were way over. It seemed
like the last week things just fell
apart. We had eight thefts, I guess
bad guys were doing some last
minute Christmas shopping all over
the Beat. We had everything from
pistols, furniture and catalytic
convertors stolen. It appeared that
if it wasn’t nailed down, then it was
taken. We only had one robbery,
but we were able to make an arrest
the same night. The only good part
of the high crime week, was that it
wasn’t person on person or random
violence. Sometimes in the middle
of a bad week like that, we have to
look for anything good in it.
As I reflect back over the past year and the goals that I set for the
Beat, we did pretty good. I wanted to add a new COP patroller, we
were able to do that the last month. I also wanted to get an inactive
person back to active, we had a few that said they wanted to get
active again, but we didn’t fare as well there. We are off to a good
start for the new year. I already have an email about a person that is
interested in being a COP member. I am not one to set back and be
disappointed about falling short. This next year I would like to put
two new people in the program and get two people back active
again. It will take some hard work, but I know we can do it. I know
it’s hard to get people interested in doing what they do, but I know
there are some out there. We just need to be more intentional about
asking. That goes for me too. I just want to help relieve some of
the burden off my faithful few that are out there every month. I
really appreciate everyone’s hard work and dedication to their
neighborhoods. The low crime on the Beat is a direct reflection of
their dedication, not mine.
I look forward to working harder this upcoming year with
everyone. Take care and I will see you soon.
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by Officer Brad Neill
The New Year has arrived. I hope everyone
had a wonderful holiday season. Now, it’s
time to start over with what will no doubt be
another busy and interesting year! 2016 is
I have to say that I could not be more
pleased with the crime rate we’ve had on S-43
for the last month or so. It has been extremely
quiet as a whole. Of course, there will always
be some crime no matter where you go or
what you do. But, I have to say that we are
looking great on S-43 as of this writing. That,
in large part, is because of you fine citizens
that have really banded together is many cases
to stand up and say
“Enough is enough!” The
teamwork between the
varying elements of the
FWPD is starting to show
good results on this Beat.
Let’s keep that going
strong coming into the
New Year.
I continue to receive more
and more communications
from citizens voicing
neighborhoods. I’m glad
to see that folks are
reaching out to me for my
assistance. To me, that means that we are
building strong relationships for the
betterment of this community…and, we are
seeing the results in the crime statistics. Until
next time…See you on the street!
by Officer Ross Williamson
Greetings folks. The holidays are here and
with it more crime. Everything from package
thefts from porches to BMV’s. Here are the
numbers: 1 burglary of habitation, 15 BMV’s,
and 5 thefts reported. Thefts along the I-35
business district are high. Academy Sports
has been hit hard. We have had 3 shoplifters
arrested from there. The second trend is
BMV’s at the restaurants on the eastside of I35. They are targeted for Christmas gifts left
in plain sight. We will continue our special
detail along the I-35 corridor to combat
shoplifting and the BMV’s.
Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
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Citizen on Patrol Training:
North Division is hosting a COP Training class Saturday,
February 20, 6 pm to 11 am to 3 pm at FWPD North Division
Patrol, 4651 North Main St.
After classroom training you are required to do a two-hour
session in the Communication Division and a ride in with a Patrol
Officer in the Division where you will be patrolling. Once you have
completed these requirements, you will ride several times with an
experienced patroller in your area. Applications are available at
Captain’s Community Meeting with COPS:
The next Captains Community Meeting with COP members will be Tuesday, January 26th
at 6:30 pm at South Division HQ, 3128 West Bolt St. All COP members are welcome to
South COPs Base Contact Info
New COPs Members:
817-392-3423 Base at NPD 7
In the month of December we trained two new
817-392-3648 Base at NPD 8
COP Members. Please help use welcome. J.
Daiches, and A. Daiches from Wedgwood South.
Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
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Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
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Crime Watch Newsletter
January 2016
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Fort Worth Police Department South Division
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