crime watch newsletter - Fort Worth Police Department


crime watch newsletter - Fort Worth Police Department
February 2016
Welcome our new Captain, Tyson Cheek
Greetings all,
My name is Tyson Cheek and I have the privilege of being the new Captain
for South Division. I have been with the department for nearly 25 years
and have been a Captain now for almost 2 years. I am coming to South from Traffic Division
where I had been since promotion.
I have worked more than half of my career in patrol and I have spent time at every rank
level there. As a Sergeant I had stops in Auto Theft and DWI. As a Lieutenant I worked in
Information Management (crime and intelligence analysis) and as an Incident Commander. I
truly believe that patrol is the place to be because this is where we as officers have the
most frequent interaction with our citizens. I have always been a huge supporter of our
Citizens on Patrol groups and other volunteer citizen groups. While a Captain in Traffic I
worked with the CERT group through my Emergency Management team. It would far more
difficult, if not impossible, to do our jobs without all that you do for us.
South Division is a special place to me for several reasons. It was my first assignment as
a newly promoted Sergeant; it was where I was assigned when I met and married my lovely
wife and later when we had our daughter (who is now 12 going on 20!). I love photography
and generally carry my camera wherever I go so if you see me out and about snapping
photos don’t be surprised. We have a great city and people to take great pictures of. My
wife Elizabeth stays at home and is the taxi for Lexie for all the events she is involved in. I
have a budding pianist, gymnast, flutist and basketball player all wrapped up in that little
The COPS groups and CAPA groups have always been great here and I am excited to get
to meet and work with all of you in the coming time ahead. I and my officers strive to do
our best and keep this part of Fort Worth safe. My goal is to attend as many functions as I
can to support you and hopefully motivate others to join in making South Division the best
place to live and work in the city.
Stay safe and be happy,
Crime Watch Newsletter
is published by the Fort Worth Police Department South Division Crime Prevention Unit
For more information please contact Billy Rudd at 817-392-3405 or by email at
Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
by Officer JR Byford
May stolen cars are taken with the keys while
left running to warm up on cold days or left
running outside business’s while the owner runs
Section 545.404 of the Texas Transportation
Code reads;
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), an
operator may not leave a vehicle unattended
[1] stopping the engine;
[2] locking the ignition;
[3] removing the key from the ignition;
[4] setting the parking brake effectively; and
[5] if standing on a grade,
turning the front
wheels to the curb or
side of the highway.
(b) The requirements of
Subsections (a)(1), (2), and
(3) do not apply to an operator
who starts the engine of a
vehicle by using a remote
starter or other similar device
[1] remotely starts the
without placing the
key in the ignition;
[2] requires the key to be
placed in the ignition or physically
present in the vehicle before the vehicle
can be operated.
by Officer Randy Horton
Hello again Rosemont folks. As we start a new
year lets continue sticking together and reporting
any suspicious activity you observe. Don’t forget
to continue to hide and lock up your valuables.
The crime stats have been looking somewhat
better in the Rosemont area. I have been seeing
zero on the daily crime reports that are sent to
me. I have been seeing a few of these from time
to time, which is a very good thing. Remember
“Don’t Stall Just Call” and continue to watch out
for each other. If any of you have any questions
feel free to contact me at 817-988-1031. Until
next time, stay safe.
Page 2
by Officer Nestor Martinez
We started out the new year with the normal theft
offenses. Most of these are coming from the retail
area of the Beat. We continue to support loss
prevention at the mall with off duty officers.
Security does a great job of observing and
identifying crimes as they occur and we continue to
make arrest. Many of the arrest are misdemeanors,
with merchandise adding up less than $50. We
have not seen any of the big smash and grab type
offenses which is a good thing. The area continues
to expand and new entertainment venues are being
added that will attract more customers. I will
continue to monitor the area, and suggest crime
prevention techniques and suggestions to keep the
area safe for all.
Until next time, take care
of your self and each other.
by Officer
Michael Kuzenka
Hello everyone. I hope
everyone is having a great
new year. S-14’s Beat has
had couple robberies of
businesses with suspect
being a black male in his
20’s, wearing hoodie, and
walks with a limp. So if
you see anyone matching
that description please let
us know. I have had few
burglaries and we have good suspect information,
but we cannot give it out at this time. Other than
that, it has been fairly quiet and I hope it stays that
way. Well stay safe and report anything out of the
by Officer Eddy Perez
The New Year is upon us and so is the cold
weather. Make sure you take steps to inure you
have a warm winter in your home. As always S15's Beats crime stats are doing great. Have a nice
Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
by Officer Ernesto Saldivar
Greetings. I hope everyone has had a great January.
Crime stats on S-21 remain largely unchanged from
December. There were a couple of robberies that
occurred that are associated with a group of serial
The Robbery Detectives are currently
working on finding and arresting these suspects.
On March 19th there will be two events for the
Greenbriar Community Center
at 5200 Hemphill St will be
hosting “Finish Strong”, an
event put on by HIKIDS youth
group, to promote finishing the
school year strongly. They
will have fun and games for
kids and health exhibits as well
It will be from 2 pm to 5 pm.
At Bob Bolen Public Safety
Complex, 505 W. Felix St.
there will be a “Cops and
Rodders” car show and vendor
showcase in the parking lot of
the facility. This event will be
held from 10 am to 4 pm.
by Officer Daniel Adoboe
Well we are already in the second month of the new
year. I hope all is well with you and your families.
Home burglaries and vehicle burglaries are have been
occurring in our area. The numbers have not gone
down from December. We need to make sure we are
locking our vehicle doors and calling in suspicious
people and activities to the police department. If you
see anybody walking in your neighborhood at any
time of the day and you believe the person does not
live in the area and is behaving in a suspicious way
please call and have patrol officers come check the
person out. If it turns out to be nothing, no harm
done, but if it turns out to be a burglar or a criminal
looking for something to steal then that’s one criminal
off the streets. Most of the crime is concentrated
within the apartments and their immediate
neighborhood. With the help of my fellow NPO’s and
some of the specialized units we have been
conducting some details in those areas and we hope to
see some improvements shortly.
The weather is still a little cool out so stay warm
and be safe.
Page 3
by Officer Rodney Gilbert
This month the crime on S-23 was as
follows: There were three aggravated
robberies: one at Cici’s Pizza on Altamesa
(suspects were two black males), one at the
gift shop at 6809 McCart Ave (suspects
were four black males), and one in the 6800
block of South Creek (suspect was one black
male). In each offense
burglaries of residences
descriptions available.
There was one burglary
of a vehicle. There was
an attempted auto theft
in the 6500 block of
McCart when the victim
running with the keys in
it while they went
inside a store. They
saw the suspect attempting to take the car
and was able to stop them from stealing the
vehicle. The suspect, however, managed to
get away. Also, the SWAT unit ran a
warrant on a known dope house in the 6700
block of Glenbrook Ln. The suspected
narcotics dealer was arrested for possession
of marijuana and cocaine.
by Officer Rodney Nobles
The first month of 2016 started out very
busy crime wise in the Hallmark/Camelot
area. We had a spike in Robberies and both
vehicle and residential burglaries all in the
first two weeks of the month. We cooled
down dramatically in the last two weeks and
seem to have our Part I crime back under
control. Patrol has done a great job in our
hot spots around the motels along the South
Freeway. We ask that you, our citizens
continue to report suspicious activity and
harden the target by not leaving valuables in
plan view inside your vehicle.
Until next time, be safe.
Crime Watch Newsletter
by Officer Tom Schmidt
What can I say; actually I’m nervous to say it
so often as I have for the past few months. The
Beat looks great crime-wise. That is to say the
lack of crime. Of the few offenses reported
there is no trend noted, all appear to be crimes
of convenience. With
that said and I know I
sound like I am
because I am, We
can’t let our guard
Spring is
around the corner, it
will be warming up,
not that it’s been that
cold this winter so
far, but with nice
temperature increases
so does the crime rate
remember; if you see
Stall, Make The Call.
by Officer R. Montelongo
Hello friends, I hope everyone is doing well
and having a great 2016 thus far. With the
holidays behind us we can now get back in the
swing of things and on our daily routines. With
that being said let’s make it a routine to lock
our doors and secure our belongings. Even
though we don’t have cars full of presents,
burglars still have to work just like us so they
are constantly on the prowl and looking for that
easy pay day. The majority of the vehicle
burglaries I’ve seen have been vehicles left
unlocked with valuables inside. Also, ladies if
you happen to stop at a business and need to
run in to just get an item; please take your purse
with you. In a manner of seconds your window
can be broken and purse taken from the vehicle.
I’d hate to see that expensive purse that your
love one bought you for Christmas be in the
hands of our local burglar.
As always please call 911 or the nonemergency number to report any type of
suspicious activity no matter how small you
may think it is. If you want to join the fight
against crime look into becoming a Citizen on
Patrol member (COP). Let’s continue making
2016 a great year. It’s been a great one for me
thus far. Thank you for all you do and God
Bless you.
February 2016
Page 4
by Officer Mike Vargas
Hello Everyone. I hope all is well on the home front. Property crime
for January has been low on the Beat, but we still need to do a little better
about not leaving your valuables in your vehicles. In some instances,
vehicles didn’t have any valuables in plain view, but were left unlocked
only to have the owners find their vehicle rummaged through.
There was a homicide of a 17 year old female committed on our
neighboring Beat (S-32) in the early part of
January. It appears to have been young
people of mutual acquaintances that were
involved in an illicit activity, leading to
someone getting shot and killed. FWPD
Detectives vigorously investigated the
offense thoroughly and wrote three capital
murder warrants for the suspects. Good news
is that one of the warrants was executed on
the latter part of January by South Patrol
officers and the Fugitive Unit and they were
able to apprehend one of the suspects without
There was another incident in January
involving a home invasion on yet again
another neighboring Beat (S-34).
residence that appeared to be targeted for a
burglary ended up with a suspect being shot.
The homeowner was home and encountered
an intruder entering his residence and in the
course of protecting his family and property
ultimately used deadly force that resulted in a fatality. An arrest later
followed for other suspects involved.
Everyone please be vigilant in your communities and call in suspicious
activity so our officers can follow up as soon as reasonably possible. Stay
safe and look out for yourself and your neighbors.
by Officer Frank Tenorio
Hello everyone, the month of January we had a total of ten burglaries of
residences, seven burglaries of vehicles, and two robberies. The majority
of the burglaries of residence were committed during the day while the
owners were at work. I would like to add that our Zero Tolerance Team
did make several arrest with individuals who were breaking into homes in
the South Division and especially close to our area. I am hoping this will
help out, but like always, eventually they will be let out and continue to
commit crimes. The burglaries of vehicles were vehicles that were left
unsecured. Please remember to lock your vehicles and remove your
valuables from your vehicle. Please pass the word out to your neighbors.
The two robberies happened because the victim’s agreed to make a
purchase from Facebook and when the met the suspects, they took the
merchandise and the money. A weapon was display during the robberies.
It is important if anyone is willing to buy things from Facebook or
Craigslist, meet at a public place, and if they are not willing to do it, then
it is probably a deal that it’s going to go bad and don’t do it.
For those that live in the area of Miami Springs Dr, I won’t go into
specific details, but it did make the news were an Home Invasion was
committed by a teenager and it cost his life. There were two other arrest
made in the connection with the home invasion. Parents, please speak
with your kids about the choices they make in life because one bad choice
can cost them their life.
Until next time please be safe and lets have a great 2016!
Crime Watch Newsletter
by Officer RJ West
Hello! On S-41’s Beat the new year has started
out as last year ended, no real hotspots, trends, or
crime clusters. The main problems is vehicle
burglaries and too often the items taken are things
that no one should leave in their car: phones,
purses, wallets , tablets, and etc. You get the idea.
Basically nothing of value should be left in your
vehicle. Lock your doors, set your alarm, and
report anything suspicious .
That’s all for now
by Officer Doyal Gilbert
Winter is in full swing, or maybe winter like
weather. As I write this today it will be 64 degrees,
but Saturday it was 40
degrees. I guess we
are getting closer to
resembling winter and
we should be careful
what we wish for.
complaining about the
warm Christmas they
had, but now they are
covered in a snow
storm. January started
average crime
wise. All of our
offenses were property
crimes. We have been
getting more suspect
information. That is
good and I hope it
means more arrests.
It would be good to take a stand this year against
property crime in our area. It is hard to see victim
after victim lose everything that they worked hard
to. We need to get more people involved this year
in both the COP program and Crime Watch. We
need to get the word out that our neighborhood is
not afraid to talk to the police about suspects, so we
can stop being victims.
The COP program had been revamped, so that it
is easier for people to get trained. If anyone wants
to help, please call me at 817-988-1032. Our
numbers are getting smaller every year and
sometimes I feel like we do good just to keep our
heads above water with our current members. I
will be more intentional again this year to get more
help for our faithful patrollers. I would like to see
a couple of more join the ranks this year. I want to
thanks everyone for their hard work to start the
year. Your continuous patrols keep all our
neighborhoods safe. Thanks again for making my
job easier.
Take care and I will see you all soon.
February 2016
Page 5
by Officer Brad Neill
Well, we’re under way for 2016! Now that deer season has
ended, I’m not really sure what to do with myself when I’m not at
work. I suppose I can take care of that never ending list of things
to get done around the house. It won’t be too long before the
really nice fishing weather is upon us!
S-43 is still looking pretty good. However, there has been a
very slight increase in the crime rate on the Beat. Of course, when
you have a crime rate like we did for the last two months, the
crime rate really only has one place to go…. Up. We’re still
looking quite good. There have, of course been several scattered
offense, but no discernable patterns. There has also not been any
one crime that’s happening with more frequency than the rest.
Although there haven’t been many on S-43 lately, we still get a
few cars broken into. For 2015, about 75% of the cars broken into
on S-43 were unlocked. We put the word
out to start locking your doors and to let
your neighbors know to lock theirs. That
appears to be helping to some degree. I
haven’t seen too many reports come across
my desk lately that involved an unlocked
car door. Though, there have still been a
few. Recently, I’ve had two car burglary
reports come across my desk that involved
a broken window and a purse lying in
plain view. Let’s not forget that just
because we lock our doors, doesn’t mean
that you don’t need to remove anything
that looks valuable. Also bags and boxes
that look like they could contain
something valuable will be targeted as
well. At minimum, get those things out of
view. You’re only helping yourself out by
taking the time to be vigilant.
Y’all stay safe out there. Keep an eye out
for your neighbors and ask them to do the same for you.
Remember, if it looks suspicious to you, there’s probably a
reason. Don’t hesitate to call 911 to report suspicious activity.
Until next time…See you on the street!
by Officer Ross Williamson
Greetings folks. The Beat took a hit this month. Here are the
numbers: four assaults, seven burglaries of habitations, seven
BMV’s and six thefts reported. These cases did however have an
good outcome. Our Zero Tolerance team was able to apprehend
two home burglary suspects. One was an adult and the other a
juvenile. Detectives are working to clear the burglaries with these
guys. I have had a decrease in home burglaries since their arrest!
However, BMV’s along the I-35, still continue. Please do not
leave valuables in your vehicle. I continue to have weapons taken
from cars.
This is bad news folks. In the news as of late, we have had two
home invasions in South Fort Worth. In both cases the bad guys
had guns. These guns are stolen in burglaries and used to commit
more crime. Gun ownership is a responsibility that is taken too
lightly by some. Be mindful and secure your weapons.
Keep up the good fight and stay safe.
Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
Page 6
Citizen on Patrol Training:
North Division is hosting a COP Training class Saturday,
February 20, 6 pm to 11 am to 3 pm at FWPD North Division
Patrol, 4651 North Main St.
After classroom training you are required to do a two-hour
session in the Communication Division and a ride in with a
Patrol Officer in the Division where you will be patrolling.
Once you have completed these requirements, you will ride
several times with an experienced patroller in your area.
Applications are available at
Captain’s Community Meeting with COPS:
The next Captains Community Meeting with COP members will be Tuesday, February
23rd at 6:30 pm at South Division HQ, 3128 West Bolt St. All COP members are welcome
to attend.
South COPs Base Contact Info
817-392-3423 Base at NPD 7
817-392-3648 Base at NPD 8
Warner Filley
South Division COP Coordinator
3128 W Bolt St. Fort Worth, Texas 76110
(cell) 817-253-1845
Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
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Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
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Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
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Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
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Fort Worth Police Department
2016 Auto Etching Schedule
JANUARY – Central Division – 817-851-2512
January 26
January 28
9 AM-1 PM
9 AM-1 PM
Masonic Lodge
Andrew “Doc” Sessions Com. Ctr.
1100 Henderson St
201 S. Sylvania Ave
FEBRUARY – East Division – 817-980-8441
February 17
February 24
February 27
11 AM - 3 PM
11 AM - 3 PM
11 Am - 3 PM
FWPD Storefront
1258 Woodhaven Blvd
13900 Trinity Blvd
8550 East Freeway
MARCH – South Division – 817-994-6924
March 12
11 AM-2 PM
FWPD South Division HQ
3128 West Bolt St
APRIL – North Division – 682-225-0517
April 6
April 13
April 20
10 AM -2 PM
10 AM -2 PM
10 AM -2 PM
Carnival Food Store
8520 North Beach St
102 NW 28th St
8520 North Beach St
MAY – West Division – 817-991-8476
May 4
May 18
10 AM-2 PM
10 AM-2 PM
FWPD West Division HQ
FWPD West Division HQ
3525 Marquita Dr
3525 Marquita Dr
JUNE – Central Division – 817-851-2512
June 9
June 11
9 AM-1 PM
9 AM-1 PM
Travis Ave. Baptist Church
Cash America Pawn Parking Lot
800 W. Berry St
604 W. Rosedale St.
JULY – No Auto Etching
AUGUST – East Division – 817-980-8441
August 13
August 17
August 24
11 AM - 3 PM
11 AM - 3 PM
11 AM - 3 PM
Home Depot
1151 Bridgewood
1111 Eastchase Parkway
13900 Trinity Blvd
SEPTEMBER – South Division – 817-994-6924
September 10
11 AM-2 PM
FWPD South Division HQ
3128 West Bolt St
OCTOBER – North Division – 682-225-0517
October 12
October 19
October 26
10 AM -2 PM
10 AM -2 PM
10 AM -2 PM
Carnival Food Store
Carnival Food Store
102 NW 28th St
8520 North Beach St
102 NW 28th St
NOVEMBER – West Division – 817-991-8476
November 2
November 9
10 AM-2 PM
10 AM-2 PM
FWPD West Division HQ
FWPD West Division HQ
DECEMBER – No Auto Etching
3525 Marquita Dr
3525 Marquita Dr
Crime Watch Newsletter
February 2016
Page 11
Fort Worth Police Department South Division
Calendar of Events